The reason for the occurrence of sound in the termenvox. Termenvox scheme "Model designer

The reason for the occurrence of sound in the termenvox. Termenvox scheme
The reason for the occurrence of sound in the termenvox. Termenvox scheme "Model designer


The first electronic musical instrument in history.
Invented in Russia in 1919/1920.
Named by the name of the inventor of Lev Sergeyevich Termen.
The last decade around the world there is an unprecedented splash of interest in this amazing tool.

The sound on this tool arises not from touch, but only from the movements of the hand of the artist in space before special antennas. At the same time, it seems that the sound arises from nowhere.

The tool is intended for the execution of any (classic, pop, jazz) musical works in professional and amateur musical practice, as well as to create various sound effects (birds singing, whistle, etc.), which can be used when visiting movies, in theatrical productions, Circus programs, etc.

There are several varieties of termenvox differing in design.

Classic Termenvelox

In the first, classic models created by the term itself, sound control occurs as a result of the free movement of the hands of the artist in the electromagnetic field near two metal antennas.
The artist plays standing.

Changing the height of the sound is achieved by approaching the hand to the right antenna, while the sound volume is controlled by approaching the other hand to the left antenna.

The technique of the game on this type of termenvox virtuoso owned Clara Rockmor. It was this model that got the widespread distribution in the world. There are a number of firms producing tools of this type. The expert recognized in the world is the Virtuoso Lidia Cavina.

Termenvox of the Kovalsky system

In the termenvox of the Kovalsky Kovalsky system (first performer and assistant lion of the thermamen), the height of the sound is still regulated by the right hand, while the left hand controls the common sound characteristics using a push-button manipulator, the sound volume is regulated by the pedal. The artist plays sitting.

Konstantin Kovalsky himself (1890-1976) virtuosofully owned the technique of playing this type of termanvox.

This model did not receive such a wide distribution as the classic termanvox, however, tradition continues through students and colleagues K. Kovalsky L. Korolev and Z.V.Rurevskaya Dugina, who created his school in Moscow.

Constructor Lion Korolev for many years developed and improved the termenvoxes of this system. It was also created tool-type of termenvox - "Tershumbra", the sound of which was a narrowband noise, with a pronounced soundness.

The set includes a set of radio components, from which you can collect two devices: a simple musical electronic tool "Termenvox", the control of the sound of which is the approach or removal of the hand to the antenna and the "metal detector", which is obtained as a result of a small change in the design scheme. At first, we collect "Termenvox": the scheme consists of two independent generators on K561L9 chips, each of which contains three logical elements "3 liters-not". The frequency of generators is somewhat hundreds of hertz. The frequency of the generator on DD2 (lower on the diagram) is set by the position of the variable resistor R2, the generator frequency on the DD1 (upper) fixed. Signals from the outputs of both generators (10 output) through C4 capacitors, C5 mix and go to the input of the diode detector VD1, VD2 and then on the headphones. The human ear perceives the sounds in the frequency range of 20 - 20.000 hertz, so the signals generated by the generators are not heard in the headphones. When the second generator frequency approaches the first to the first kilohertz, the detector begins to highlight the sound range of total or difference frequency. Heard in the headphones is the beats of the generators (headphones there is a high sound, decreasing in frequency to zero and rising before disappearance). The frequency of the first generator is fixed, but it affects the container of the antenna connected to the generator input through the C1 condenser. Approximation / removal of the hand to the antenna changes its capacity and, accordingly, a small amount of the generator frequency, which is reflected in the sounds in the headphones. The optimal position of the variable resistor is chosen by listening to sound in headphones and simultaneously moving the palm to the antenna and from it. A small alteration will turn the thermovelox into a metal detector - from the scheme removed: antenna, C1, C2 condensers, and resistor R1. Instead of C1, a jumper is installed (conclusions1,2,8 from 6.11,12,13 are connected), and instead of R1, the L1 coil is installed and parallel to it C8 condenser. The setup of the metal detector consists in selecting the position of the variable resistor R2 by those frequency beats,
in which the approximation and removal of the metal object to the search coil will change the tone of the signal listened in the headphones. Black and non-ferrous metals in the coil area sound differently. In the nest and fork of headphones, the overall (earth) wire is not used, i.e. Capsuli phones are connected sequentially to increase load resistance.

Observe the bond when installing chips in panels and polarity when connecting the battery
to the scheme. Violation of these rules will lead to exit

Content content 034:
1. Microcircuits K561L10 (2 pcs.),
2. Microcircuit panels (2 pcs.),
3. Mounting fee,
4. D9 detector diodes (2 pcs.),
5. Capacitors:
C1 - 390 PF,
C2, C3 - 15 PF (2 pcs.),
C4, C5, C7, C8 - 1H (4 pcs.),
C6 - 47 μF,
6. Variable resistor R2 - 10K,
7. Plastic handle for variable resistor,
8. Permanent resistors:
R1 - 27K (cr / f / op)
R3 - 22K (cr / cr / op)
9. Headphones (headphones),
10. Headphone nest,
11. Coil for metal detector (50 turns),
12. Power Battery 9B,
13. Battery connector (red - plus),
14. Wire for antenna,
15. Mounting wires,
16. Scheme and Description.

Created in 1919 by the Russian inventor Lvir Sergeyevich the Termen.

Playing on Termenvox It consists in changing the musician of the distance from his hands to the antennas of the instrument, due to which the capacity of the oscillating circuit changes, and, as a result, the frequency of sound. The vertical direct antenna is responsible for the sound tone, horizontal horseshoe-shaped - for its volume.

For the game on the termena, you need to have almost perfect hearing, because during the game the musician does not concern the tool and, therefore, it can fix the position of the hands relative to it, relying only on your hearing.

Termenvox is designed to perform any musical works in professional and amateur musical practice, as well as to create various sound effects (bird singing, whistle, etc.), which can be used when moving movies, in theatrical productions, circus programs.

The Lev Terman himself believed that the most successful work for demonstrating the possibilities of Termenvelox - "Vocaliz" S. Rakhmaninov.

There are several varieties of termenvox differing in design.

Currently, there are both serial and master termenvoxes, as well as there are schools games on it.

Classic Termenvelox

In the first, classic models created by the Lvom Termen himself, sound control occurs as a result of the free movement of the hand of the artist in the electromagnetic field near two metal antennas. The artist plays standing.

Changing the height of the sound is achieved by approaching the hand to the right antenna, while the sound volume is controlled by approaching the other hand to the left antenna.

The technique of playing on this type of termenvox virtuoso owned one of the first students of Lion Termen - American Clara Rockmore. It is this model of the Termenvelox that received the widespread distribution in the world. There are a number of firms producing tools of this type. An expert recognized in the world is the Virtuosi Lidia Cavina (relative of Lev Termen).

Lydia Kavin and Berlin Artist Barbara Buchcholz jointly created an international project Touch! DON'T TOUCH!, In which four Russian and five German composers composed modern music for Termenvelox (Wergo, 2006).

Other types of Termenvox

Termenvox Classic

Termenvelox Classic, developed by Andrei Smirnov, was built according to the classic scheme of the Termenvelox. Through the use of a modern element base, the tool is characterized by low weight, high stability and linearity of the working range, reliability and endurance. The use of original circuitry allowed, remaining within the framework of classic design, solve the problem of staccate and fast dynamics. Effective working tool range - 6 octave. Smooth tone adjustment.

Termenvox Etherwave

Termenvelox Etherwave, developed by Robert Mug, is the most popular termented constructor in the world. You can easily build your own Etherwave from a special set of details. It does not require any special knowledge from the field of electronics. In addition, Moog Music supplies the collected tools of the Etherwave series of various modifications.

The main board is collected and configured in the factory. Nickel-plated antennas, wooden housing and external power supply are also included.

Termenvox of the Kovalsky system

In the termenvox of the Kovalsky Kovalsky system (first performer and assistant lion of the thermamen), the height of the sound is still regulated by the right hand, while the left hand controls the common sound characteristics using a push-button manipulator, the sound volume is regulated by the pedal. The artist plays sitting.

Konstantin Kovalsky himself is masterfully owned the game technique on this type of termanvox.

This model did not receive such widespread as classic termanvox, however, tradition continues thanks to the students and colleagues K. Kovalsky - L. Korolev and Z. V. Ranenskaya, who created his school in Moscow.

Constructor Lion Korolev for many years developed and improved the termenvoxes of this system. It was also created tool-type of termenvox - "Tershumbra", the sound of which was a narrowband noise, with pronounced sound.

Video: Termenvelox on video + sound

Thanks to this video, you can familiarize yourself with the tool, watch the real game on it, listen to his sound, feel the specifics of the technique:

Tools for sale: where to buy / order?

In Encyclopedia, there is still no information about where you can buy or order this tool. You can change it!

Termenvox (Lat. Theremin or ThereminVox) - an electrical instrument created in 1918 by the Russian inventor Lvir Sergeevich Termen. After the October Revolution, a young technical specialist Lion Thermman went to work in one of the Moscow radioabilities. There he was engaged in the development of industrial electronics. One of the inventions of the Termen is non-contact alarm. It turned out that if a little improve this device, it turns into an unusually sound musical instrument.

Both engineering developments received Lenin personally. Inspired by the musical instrument and throwing the famous phrase: "It's good that we even have electrified music," Lenin demanded to organize the All-Russian educational tour. A couple of years, engineer traveled around the country with lectures and concerts. In parallel, developing several adjacent technologies, such as automatic doors and the current concept of the television system.

The game on the Termenvelox is to change the musician distances from their hands to the tool antennas, due to which the capacity of the oscillating circuit changes and, as a result, the sound frequency. The vertical direct antenna is responsible for the sound tone, horizontal horseshoe-shaped - for its volume. To play on the termena, you need to have a well-developed musical hearing: during the game the musician does not touch the tool and therefore it can fix the position of the hands relative to it, just relying on your ear. The tool is designed to perform any musical works, as well as to create various sound effects (bird singing, whistle, etc.), which can be used when moving movies, in theatrical productions, concert programs. The Lev Terman himself believed that the most successful work for demonstrating the capabilities of Termenvelox - "Vocaliz" S. Rakhmaninova.

The Soviet government sent the Lion Termen to a long-term business trip to America. Electronics Manufacturer, RCA Concern, bought a Patent for Termenvox from an engineer. For the reversed money, the terman founded his musical studio. Formally remaining a citizen of the USSR, the Termen became an American millionaire. Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein were friendly with him. He dined with John Rockefeller and Dwight Eisenhower - the future president of the United States. In the wave of popularity, the Termen divorced the Russian wife and married the famous ballerina Avania Williams.

In 1938, the engineer was summoned to Moscow. A year later I planted. Rehabilitated terman after World War II. Almost before the death itself, he worked in research laboratories in modest positions and died in 1993, a little without having survived to his 100-year-old anniversary.

Well, before the Termenvelox, then this tool is now, after almost an eyelid, it looks revolutionary. Box with electronics and pair of antennas. The sound is essentially born in an electromagnetic field that forms the device. Playing on the termanwok is difficult. There are only a few dozen acting musicians who know how to manage with the instrument.

There are several varieties of termenvox differing in design. Currently, there are both serial and master termenvoxes, as well as there are school games on it. Further development The idea of \u200b\u200bTermenvelox received in a tool called Terratyton, where the frequency and amplitude of sound are determined by changing the position of the entire body of the performer.

In the first, classic models created by the Lvom Termen himself, sound control occurs as a result of the free movement of the hand of the artist in the electromagnetic field near two metal antennas. The artist plays standing. Changing the height of the sound is achieved by approaching the hand to the right antenna, while the sound volume is controlled due to the approximation of another hand to the left antenna. It is this model of the Termenvelox that received the widespread distribution in the world. There are a number of firms producing tools of this type. The technique of the game on this type of termenvox virtuoso owned one of the first students of Lion Termen - American Clara Rockmore and the daughter of Leo Termen Natalia Termen.

Termenvelox Etherwave, developed by Robert Mug, is the most popular termented constructor in the world. You can easily build your own Etherwave from a special set of details. It does not require any special knowledge from the field of electronics. In addition, Moog Music supplies the collected tools of the Etherwave series of various modifications. The main board is collected and configured in the factory. Nickel-plated antennas, wooden housing and external power supply are also included.

Termenvelox Classic, developed by Andrei Smirnov, was built according to the classic scheme of the Termenvelox. Through the use of the modern element base, the tool is characterized by a low weight, high stability and linearity of the working range, reliability and endurance. The use of original circuitry allowed, remaining within the framework of classic design, solve the problem of staccate and fast dynamics. Effective working tool range - 6 octave. Smooth tone adjustment.

Termenvox "T-VOX TOUR" was developed by George Pavlov, was released limited edition. The tool features the original timbre, the range of 8 octave.

In the termenvox of the Kovalsky Kovalsky system (first performer and assistant lion of the thermamen), the height of the sound is still regulated by the right hand, while the left hand controls the common sound characteristics using a push-button manipulator, the sound volume is regulated by the pedal. The artist plays sitting. Konstantin Kovalsky himself (1890-1976) virtuosofully owned the technique of playing this type of termanvox. This model did not receive such widespread as classic termanvox, however, tradition continues through students and colleagues K. Kovalsky - L. Korolev and Z. V. Ranevskaya, who created his school in Moscow. Designer Leo Korolev (1930-2012) for many years developed and improved the termenvoxes of this system. It was also created tool-type of termenvox - "Tershumbra", the sound of which was a narrowband noise, with pronounced sound. L. Korolev created an optical indicator of the current notch of the Termenvelox - a visualizer.

There are also virtual analogs of termenvox, in the form of applications that are found mainly on smartphones and PDAs equipped with sensory displays. The program of the Russian programmer Alexander Golden SunVox has this function as an additional for a quick check (convenient to set several, for example, five to eight, octave on the screen) of filters and other frequency-dependent elements of the tools created. Use this tool in the composition itself created in Sunvox, unfortunately, it is impossible. Virtual Termenvelox is a similarity of the coordinate schedule by moving the style or finger along which can be removed. Similarly to the use of this thermal service, moving horizontally screen changes the height of the sound, and the vertical movement changes its volume. However, using this mode on the PDA with a sufficiently high screen resolution (640x480), it is possible, in case of splitting the screen to 1 or 2 octaves, play and not only for fun. Practice shows that you can play vocal parties. Used amplitude and frequency vibrato. Which, by the way, gives the expressiveness of the sound of real termenvox. Two types of vibrato are conveniently inserted, making continuous movements in the circumference or ellip.

In Petrograd.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 3

    ✪ Termenvox - Music from the air. Lev Sergeevich Termen.

    ✪ Our all. Lion Termen.

    ✪ Amya Ensemble Vyacheslav Meshcherina


History of creation

At first, the measuring installation of the Termen was an electrical oscillation generator on a cathode lamp. The tested gas was placed in the cavity between the metal plates and became an element of the oscillating circuit - the capacitor, affected the frequency of electrical oscillations. In the process of working on an increase in the sensitivity of the installation, an idea of \u200b\u200bcombining two generators arose, one of which gave oscillations of the variable frequency, and the other is the oscillation of a certain unchanged frequency. Signals from both generators were fed to a cathode relay; At the output of the relay, a signal with a difference frequency was formed. The relative change in the difference frequency on the parameters of the test gas was much more [ what?]. In this case, if the difference frequency fell into the sound range, the signal could be perceived on the hearing. The device turned out to be very sensitive: reacted to the slightest changes in the capacity of the oscillatory circuit, caused, for example, by changing the position of the human hand in space. With the change in the tank changed the frequency of sound. That is, the sound occurred when a man's hand move.

It was not possible to choose a melody for the thermal work, since he from childhood was fond of music. In November 1920, at a meeting of the Circle of Mechanics named after Professor Brick, the physicist Termen gave his first concert. The electronic musical instrument invented them was originally named with ETEROTON (sound out of the air, ether), was soon renamed the author and became known as Termenvelox.

When creating a tool (in addition to electrical sound generation), the Terman paid special attention to "the ability to be very finely controlled without any mechanical energy costs required to press strings or keys. Music performance on the electric tool should be made, for example, free movements of the fingers in the air, similar to the conductor gestures, at a distance from the tool. "

In March 1922, Lev Sergeevich Termen and a member of the team of the drug addict Chairman of the Radiocovet A. M. Nikolaev came to the Kremlin to V. I. Lenin to show the tool. Thermman after the sample execution of Etude Scriabin, "Swan" Saint-Sansa and "Lark" Glinka, began to help Lenin playing the Termenvelox. However, it was soon that Lenin can play independently. Lenin completed the execution of the "Lark" Glinka without the help of the inventor. In addition, alarm system was demonstrated on a capacitive relay, the principle of the action of which was similar to the principle of action of the Termenvelox.

Highly appreciating the prospects of the invention, Lenin wrote a note addictiveness of Lion Trotsky:

As a result, despite all the difficulties of that time, a decree was signed on the creation of where the inventor continued its research.

Use in performing art

The termenvox game is to change the distance by a musician between their own hands and the tool antennas. This changes the capacity of the oscillating circuit and, as a result, the sound frequency. The vertical direct antenna is responsible for changing the tone of the sound, and the horizontal horseshoe - for changing the sound volume.

The tool is intended for the execution of any (classic, pop, jazz) musical works in professional and amateur musical practice, as well as to create various sound effects (birds singing, whistle, etc.), which can be used when moving movies, in theatrical productions, circus programs.

There are several varieties of termenvox differing in design. Produced both serial and piece models.

Over time, various Schools of the game on the Termenvox have developed.

The varieties of Termenvox

Classic Termenvelox

The classic is considered to be termenvox, designed like the first termenoxoks created by the lion thermhedral itself. When playing such tools, sound management occurs as a result of the free movement of the hand of the artist in the electromagnetic field near two metal antennas. The artist plays standing. Changing the height of the sound is achieved by approaching the hand to the right antenna; The sound volume is controlled by the approach of another hand to the left antenna.

Lvom the term was created by several concert models of termenvox:

  • termenvox for Clara Rockmore - one of the first students of the Lion Termen;
  • termenvelox for Lucy Rosen (eng.);
  • termenvox for Natalia Termen - the daughter of the inventor;
  • two termenvox for museums: polytechnic (where the tool is kept) and the central museum of musical culture located in Moscow.

The classic model of Termenvelox was widespread in different countries of the world. The most common variety of classical termenvox is the tool of the American firm "Moog", which began the production of termenvox from the moment of its foundation - since 1954.

Termenvox of the Kovalsky system

The TermenVox of the Kovalsky - Termenvelox system, designed by Konstantin Iolevich Kovalsky - the first performer and the student of the Lion Termen. When playing on a similar tool, the height of the sound is regulated with the right hand, the left hand controls the common sound characteristics using a push-button manipulator, the sound volume is regulated by the pedal. The artist plays sitting.

The TermenVox of the Kovalsky system did not receive such widespread as classic termanvox, however, continues to be used thanks to the disciples and colleagues of Kovalsky - Lero Dmitrievich Korolev and Zoe Alexandrovna Dugina-Ranevskaya, who created his School of Games on the Termenvox in Moscow. Designer Lion Korolev (1930-2012) for many years developed and improved the termvoxes of this system: created the tool "TERSHUMONON" (a variety of termanvox, the sound of which is a narrow-band noise with a pronounced sound), created an optical indicator of the current notic of the thermoversion - a visualizer.

Performers - Olga Milanich, Peter Termen (Lion's greatness of the Termen, Inventor of Termenvelox).


Matresin is a musical instrument created in Japan Masamy Takeuchi - Head of the School of Games on the Termenvox. It is a termanvox with automatic tuning [ what?], hidden in the Matrius Corps. When playing a tool, the sound frequency changes when the hand is removed and the matryshka approximation. Artists at the matresin are going to large ensembles - up to 270 people.

Virtual Termenvelox

Virtual Termenvelox is a virtual analogue of the termenusx in the form of a program for a smartphone or a PDA equipped with a touch screen. The program draws a rectangular coordinate system on the screen with a sound frequency on one axis and sound volume to another; When the screen is touching the screen or finger, the program defines the coordinates of the touch point, converts the coordinates to the frequency and volume in accordance with the coordinate system of coordinate and reproduces the sound of certain frequencies and volume; So, for example, when the stylus or finger is moving, the height of the sound can change horizontally, and when the vertical is moving, the sound volume. For example, the program "Sunvox" of the Russian programmer Alexander GOLDOVA implements a virtual thermal service as an additional feature for a quick check of filters and other frequency-dependent elements of the tools created (it is convenient to set several, for example five to eight, octave on the screen; but it is impossible to use this tool in the composition being created) .


The only in the post-Soviet and European space is a school training game in the Termenvox, called "Russian Theremin School" and works in Moscow and St. Petersburg under the guidance of Peter Termen (the great-time of the first termenox of the Lion Termen).

Also, a school, a training game on the Termenvelox, exists in Japan and works under the leadership of Masama Tayti.

  • Albert Einstein and Charlie Chaplin tried on the Termenvelox.
  • For the first time, the Tereme Lion's daughter, Natalia Termen, was used for the first time. Now this method is used by many termenvoxists throughout the world. With this setting between the "closed" and "open" position of the hand, an octave is located.
  • Some of the first in rock music, termenvox as a leading tool used the American group "Lothar and The Hand People (eng.)russian", I released two albums in the style of Space Psychelia in 1968-1969. And the word "Lothar" in the name of the group is the name of the own, the name of the Termenvelox, and the musicians of the group were positioned as "the world's first group, the frontman is not a musician, but a musical instrument."
  • Termenvelox is used in the songs of the Rock Group "Children Picasso".
  • The LED Zeppelin group used the Termenvelox, in particular, in the "Whole Lotta Love" composition.
  • In 2001, the concert on the Termenvelox was performed as part of the interstellar radio collection "Baby Message" to other Meti Civilizations.
  • In October 2010, the first Russian-speaking portal about Termenvox was opened.
  • At the end of August 2011, the first musical festival of modern termencox culture was held in Moscow, called "Termenology \\ TheReminology".
  • The introductory video to the British television series "Doctor Who" is executed on the Termenvelox.
  • From October 2011, the project has been operating in Moscow. Every two weeks there are free master classes and lectures dedicated to Termenvelox and Lerl to the Termen.
  • In the novel of Thomas Harris "Hannibal", the main character is mastering the game on the Termenvelox.
  • In the television series "Theory of the Big Explosion" Sheldon Cooper plays on the Termenvelox, including performs a fragment of the song "Nobody Knows The Trouble I'Ve Seen".
  • In the TV series "Murder in Midsel" during the titers, a melody is sounded, performed on the termenvox.
  • In the film "Angels of Revolution", the heroes play on the Termenvox.
  • In the series "