Surname Dze. Which means in the Georgian surnames ending -Dze, -Shvili, and others

Surname Dze. Which means in the Georgian surnames ending -Dze, -Shvili, and others
Surname Dze. Which means in the Georgian surnames ending -Dze, -Shvili, and others

Georgian surnamesAs a rule, differ depending on a particular part of the country.

Part of the surnames are formed from baptismal names, i.e. given at birth: Nichradze, Tamaridze, Georgadze, Davitashvili, Matiashvili, Ninoshvili, and others. There are surnames formed from Muslim names of various origins: Japaridze ("Jafar", if only this surname is not formed From the Persian Dzapar - "Postman"), Narimanidze, etc. Most of the names (especially on "-Dze") are formed from other less clear foundations: Vachnadze, Kavtaradze, Chkhaidze, Yenukidze, Ordzhonikidze, Chavchavadze, Svanidze (from "Svan") , Lominadze (Lomi- "Lion"), Gaprindashvili, Khananashvili, Kalandarishvili (from Persian. Kalantar - "First man in the city"), Jugashvili ("Dzug" - "Otara", "Flock" / Ost.) In addition to these two main Types (patronized by origin), there are other, less common, but also very fully presented types of surnames pointing to a place or family from which their carrier come. One of these types are the names on "-li" (rarely "-a"): Rustaveli, Tsereteli, etc. A number of localities ends on "-i". "-At", "-": Dzimiti, Osseti, Hvbetet, Chinate, etc.

In Western and Central Georgia, many surnames end up on the suffix "-dze" (cargo. ძე), literally meaning the "Son" (Standard). This end is the most common, meets almost everywhere, less often in the east. Basically, such names are distributed in Imereti, in the regions of Ordzhonikidze, the terroly names of the surname to -Dze cover more than 70% of all residents, as well as in Guria, Adjara, are also found in Kartli and Racha-Lechumi. Examples: Gongadze (Imeretius), Dumbadze (Guri), Silagadze (Herchumi), Archuadze (Racha). Because of the widespread dissemination of this end, it is difficult to determine the origin, in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the root of the name.

Surnames in East Georgia (as well as Georgian Jews) erected more often on "-shvili" (cargo. შვილი), which means "child, child" (in fact, both of these endings (-ძე and -შვილი) are synonymous). In Kakheti, most surnames have the ending -შვილი. There are also many such surnames in Kartli. Less often meets in Western Georgia.

Surnames from the Eastern Mountain Provinces often in Georgia can end with suffix "-Us" (cargo. ური), or "-uli" (cargo. ული) if the letter "P" is present (example: Gigauri, Cyclauri, Guruli, Chkareuli ). This ending occurs mainly in the Eastern Highlanders, such as Hessuras, Pshava, Tschi, Mthiuma, Hevens, and so on.


According to the 2012 report of the Civil Registry of Georgia, the most common Georgian surnames registered in the country are:

Mideloshvili Tvtiso Avondilovich


Among Georgian names, there are many beautiful well-known names and such that testify to the bonds of Georgians with neighboring peoples at various stages of history.

Women's names

9 The most common names in Georgia (for 2012, on the database).

# Georgian name In Russian Frequency
1 ნინო Nino 246 879
2 მარიამ Mariam 100 982
3 თამარ Tamara 97 531
4 ნანა Nana 69 653
5 ნათია Natia 66 947
6 ანა

Georgian surnames, as a rule, differ depending on a particular part of the country. So, many surnames from Western Georgia will end to the suffix "-Dze" (cargo. ძე), literally meaning the "son", in the time of time to the surname from East Georgia ends to "-shvili" (cargo. შვილი), which means "child " Surnames from the mountainous areas of East Georgia can end with the suffix "-" (cargo. ური), or "-uli" (cargo. ული). Most of the surnames of the Swan are usually ends on "-anny" (cargo. ანი), Megrelov - on "-IA" (load. ია), "- UA" (cargo უა), or "-Ava" (load. ავა) And Lazz - on "-shi" (cargo. ში).

The first mention of Georgian surnames belongs to the VII -VIII centuries. For the most part, they were connected with locality names (for example, Pavnels, Sumelles, Orbeli), with patronymic or received from professions, social status or title, which traditionally wore genus (for example: Amilambar, Amirezhby, Eristavi, Deanosischvili). Starting from the XIII century, the surnames often began to be based on locality names. This tradition spread almost everywhere in the XVII -XVIII centuries. Some Georgian surnames indicate the ethnic or regional origin of the family, however, they are formed on the principle of patience. For example: Carvelaishvili ("Son of the CartVella", that is, Georgian), Megrelishvili ("Son Megrela", that is, Megrell), Cherkezishvili (Cherkez), Abkhazishvili (Abhaz), Commishvili (Armenian).

  1. Beridze (ბერიძე) - 19,765,
  2. Kapanadze (კაპანაძე) - 13 914,
  3. Gelashvili (გელაშვილი) - 13 505,
  4. Maysuradze (მაისურაძე) - 12,542,
  5. Giorgadze (გიორგაძე) - 10 710,
  6. Lomidze (ლომიძე) - 9581,
  7. Cyclauri (წიკლაური) - 9499,
  8. Kwaraceliya (კვარაცხელია) - 8815.

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Among the many generic names of the world are Georgian - one of the most recognizable. In any case, they are rarely confused with others. In the USSR, when all the name was received, nothing was changed in Georgia. Georgian family names older than Russians for several centuries and no one occurred to them to change them or redo them by analogy with Russians, as it happened in the autonomous regions. But if you dig deeper, then not everything is so unequivocal.

People who do not have ideas about the ethnogenesis of the Georgian people represent it with something monolithic. In fact, it became one in politically after the adoption of Christianity, but division into three groups inside the Carvela language family There is still so far, especially in countrysideAnd on the composition of anthroponyms it is reflected.

Linguistic information

Writing in Georgia appeared in the V century, in any case, no earlier sources of Georgian writing were found. Prior to this, Greek, Aramaic, Persian documents were known on the territory, but they did not reflect local languages. Therefore, all the information about the ancestors of modern cartswies can be drawn either from foreign sources (which, by the way, a lot), or on the basis of these GLOT chronology.

So, according to linguists, the Svawa stood out from the general-party community in the II thousand to n. er, and the Iberian and Megrelskaya branches made a thousand years later. The first surnames that were recorded in the VIII century reflect this difference. Initially, the names of occupations were used in their quality, but XIII century Toponymy and middle name began to prevail.

Foreign influence on the root

It so happened that the ancestors of the kartvenov lived several away from the migration paths, although the Hurrites and Caucasian Albanians, and the Greeks took part in their ethnogenesis. At a later time, the territory of Georgia was under Persian and Turkish influence, which was strongly reflected in the culture of the people. Near Georgia, Abkhaza, Ossetians, Nakh, and dagestan peoples. Suites from these territories at one time acquired by Georgian surnames for convenience, but the root of foreign origin remained.

Thus, the surname of Sturua in its structure of Megrelskaya, but she has a root of Abkhaz; The ancestors of Jugashvili came out of Ossetia; The surname Khananashvili is based on the Persian root, and Bagration is Armenian. Lekiashvili have ancestor in Dagestan, and cystauri - in Chechnya or Ingushetia. But such anthroponyms are a bit of such anthroponyms, most often the root has a carnier origin.

Classification of generic names

The first thing that rushes into the eyes when they talk about the generic names Georgians - these are their suffixes. So, -Hvili and -Dze in the names of Georgian celebrities are considered something like a marker of nationality (although these suffixes are also inherent in local Jews). Someone can remember other characteristic fame endings In Georgia, but what they mean, few people understand.

Nevertheless, by suffix and the root can be found about the origin of man. First, in each region they gave preference specific types Family, and secondly, the Georgian is high, the proportion of toponymic generic names.

All surnames in Georgia can be divided into several groups:

  • actually Georgian;
  • megrelie;
  • laz and Adjara;
  • svan.

At the same time, some suffixes are generallyland, therefore it will be necessary to judge the origin on the root. If you do not take into account the megrelskiy, Svan and Laz surnames, that Georgian themselves can be divided into more detail on:

  • west German;
  • easternogrusinsky;
  • pich;
  • rachinsky;
  • pSHAV.

Family suffixes

Georgian generic names include about 28 different suffixes. Their meaning and examples of beautiful Georgian surnames with them can be submitted in the following table:

Family ending Approximate lexical meaning Origin Example of the Georgian surname with the end
-Dze "Son" (statute) western Georgia; Now meets everywhere Beridze, Dumbadze, Gongadze, Burjanadze; But Japaridze - Svan root in the last name
-Shvili "Descendant", "Child" eastern Georgia Maharashvili, Basilashvili, Gomiashvili, Margvelashvili, Saakashvili (Armenian root), Glyigvashvili (disseminated in the descendants of Chechens)
-Ya, -Aya. reductive form Megrelia Beria, Gamsakhurdia, Zviritskia, Zhvania, Gogohi, Beria
--Ava complies with Slavyansky -sky Megrelia Sotkilava, Girgolava, Papava, Gunava; Megrellas themselves suffix can omit
-Ini, -oni. pretty princely surnames Svanety ubyspete Gordesyani, Mushkadiani, Ioseliani, Georgesoliani Dadiani, Bagrationi, Orbeliani
"Yury pukhov names Aphazuri, Nagalauri, Bekauri
-Au Megrelia and Abkhazia Gogua, Sturoa (Abkhaz root), Rourua, Georgian, Chkadua
-l forms valid communion Racha Mkidveli, Rustaveli, Pshaweli, Mindels
-Huli option - Duchi. Turmanauli, Hutsuraul, Chorhaululi, Burduli
-Sho plural Adjara, Lazov Halwashi, Tugushi, Jasha
-ba corresponds to -sky laz ends Lazba, Ahuba; not to be confused with Abkhaz Achba, Matsab, Lacoba, etc. - their more
-Skiri (-skinia) Megrelia Tsuleistkiri, Panaskiri
-Chocher "servant" Megrelia Gegechkin
-Kawa "a rock" Megrelia Ingorokva
-Terty, - " Adjara, Laz Suffix Glondi, Zgenti.
- Square megrelskaya variety -shvili Megrelia Kuraskaya, papasku
-arya does not have a clear binding Amilaxar
-Iti, --at, - locality names without binding Dzimiti, Hvbeta, Osseti, Chinate

Bessfix Building Family

Georgian generic names are built by specified rule - they consist of root and suffix. But not all of them correspond to him, although sometimes it may seem that there is compliance. For example, the surname of the GverDziteli is not formed by a suffix, and the addition of the foundations: "GDD" - side and "Citel" - "Red".

An interesting group is anthroponyms greek originwho do not have typical Georgian endings. The Greeks lived in Western Georgia since ancient times, in any case, the ports of Collichide were Greek. This connection did not stop and later, since Georgian orthodox Church It was closely connected with Byzantium. After the entry of Georgia, in Russia in seaside cities Greek migrants were settled with Turkish territories.

From that period, such names as Kandelakov, Kazanzaki, Romanis, Homeriki, Savvidi remained in Georgia, but their carriers can be both Greeks and Georgians, since no one canceled the assimilation process.

Distribution and some facts

As statistics show, the overwhelming majority of Georgians are surnames ending on -dze. For 2011, the number of their carriers was 16,49222 people. In second place, the end of the end - 1303723. Over 700 thousand people carry Megrelian generic names, the remaining endings are much less common. The most common names in Georgia today are:

Only the names of the citizens of the country are taken into account. If you consider the entire population, then Mamedov will stand in second place - Azerbaijani or Dagestan surname. Men's labor migration from the eastern borders existed earlier, and some migrants settle in Georgia constantly. A variety of family roots on the eastern Caucasus is less, therefore specific gravity Aliyev, Mamed and Huseynovov turns high.

Famous representatives of the people

People are little interested in the origin of the names in general, but the specific person can interest. Celebrities are often asked where their roots come from and what does record mean in the passport. You can try to help those who are interested in and present some known generic names of the immigrants from Georgia:

  1. Georgian director Georgy. Dansel wears megrelo name. It is based on male name Dalla (in Russian - Daniel).
  2. Basilashvili Contains the bassilius bassilius (Vasily).
  3. War hero 1812 Bagration He had the original name Bagrationi. The end of it is typically princely because it belonged to the royal dynasty. But the roots go to Armenia, and in times BC.
  4. Vakhtang. Kikabidze The Father comes from the Imereti princes, but here's information about the root of the surname, it fails, and the number of its carriers is small.

The roots of certain generic names from the first time is not always possible. The first reason for this is the antiquity of the name: the language in the century has changed, and the root remained. The second reason is the presence of foreign roots adapted by the phonetics of the Cartewelle languages. This is especially brightly manifested in Abkhazia and Megrelov. Abkhaz anthroponyms may have a Megrelian model due to the lengthy neighborhood of two peoples, and on the contrary, Megrelskaya may not differ from Abkhaz.

Lots of noble childbirth, including prince, has a foreign origin - Armenian, Ossetian, Abkhaz, Nahska. In view of this, the literal translation of the surname root is difficult, especially if there is no information about ethnic composition Population of this or that region in the Middle Ages. There are many similar names - for example, Chavchavadze, Cheidze, Ordzhonikidze.

Georgian anthroponymics in Russian

There are still disputes, whether Georgian anthroponyms can be inclined. In the Georgian language of declination no, so the question is not worth it. But some insist that the Meregrel ending-and, which is written to Russian documents as -i, should not be inclined.

Of course, the carrier of the Russian language itself is able to figure out, to decline him someone else's name or not. It all depends solely on how much its ending fit into the paradigm of Russian decline. As a rule, the generic names are inclined by the sample of an adjective decline, but it is worth writing "a" instead of "me", the number of people who want to deal with the word is reduced. Some cases are complex, especially if at the end is worth it.

So, the singer Diana Gurtskaya has a megrelior surname that does not change in male Rode: Her father wore the same, and not Gurzka. Nevertheless, it is possible to decline, but according to the sample of nouns. It sounds not very familiar to the Russian ear, but the possibility is. And the names on -Dze and -shvili pronounced and written in the same way in all cases.

ATTENTION, only today!

Georgian surnames

Georgian surnames all formed one by one general rule: accession to the basis of the second component, gradually lost independent lexical importance and transforming into a subfix. And there are about a dozen such suffixes.

Surnames on "-shvili" often, but not always, belong to people with not quite carpense roots. This suffix comes from the Georgian word "son."

Surnames on "-ani", "-oni" belong to people of very noble origin. This is very ancient by the origin of the surname, and the Armenians are similar (on "-").

Surnames on "-IA", "-ua" - Mingral origin.
There are some more family suffixes, but they are used much less often.

All Georgian surnames consist of 2 parts - root and end. At the end of 70% of cases, you can understand which part of Georgia is a native person. There are 13 varieties of endings:

1. Dze - only 1649222 people (data taken from the book of "Georgia's names" for 1997).
This end is the most common, meets almost everywhere, less often in the East. Basically, such surnames are common in Imereti, Guria, Adjara, are also found in Kartli and Racha-Lechumi. Translated the ending means - Son.
Examples: Gongadze (Imeretius), Dumbadze (Guri), Silagadze (Herchumi), Archuadze (Racha). Because of the widespread dissemination of this end, it is difficult to determine the origin, in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the root of the name.

2. Shvili - only 1303723 people. The translation denotes - a descendant (in Russian there is no direct analogue of this word, this is the combined concept of the son and daughter, although in the 19th century this word was just a son, but later the meaning of the word was expanded). This ending occurs mainly in Eastern Georgia. In Kakheti, most surnames wear exactly that this is the end. There are also many such surnames in Kartli. Less often meets in Western Georgia.
Examples: Aslanikashvili (Aslan root), Glyigvashvili (this is the name of cysts - Ingush living in Kakheti), Peikrishvili, Kululashvili, Eledashvili (Kakheti), etc.

3. Ia - as you noticed, this is a MEGREL end. Total 494224 people. Apparently, it is a megrelsky equivalent of Dze or Shvili.
Examples: Changturia, Zarandia, Kwaracelia and so on.

4. Ava - 200642 of a person. Also the megrel ending.
For example: Eliava, Cuprav, lying and so on.

5. Jaani -129204 person. This is the Svan ending, but now it is also found in other regions of Western Georgia. Mostly in Lechumi, less often in Racchi and Imereti. In eastern Georgia do not meet.
Examples: Gazdeliani (Svanetia), Dadshkeliani (Svanetia, princely surname), Moskadiani (Leahumi), Ahvlotiani (Herhumi), Gelovani (Herhumi, Prince Last Name), Ioseliani (Imereti), Georgesoliani (Imereti), Chikovani (Megrelia), Dadiani (Megrelia - Prince Last Name, they were the owner of all Megrelia). This surname, in principle, is a former title later become the last name (I will tell about such names later).

There are also surnames that are simultaneously occurring from different regions.
For example: Chhetyani - this surname is both Svan and Herchum. The root at the surname Svan "Chkhty" means "pebbles" (in Georgian "Kenchi"), but in the middle eyelids part of the clan (Svana lived with clans) left in Lechumi. And the genus was divided. Now the halo of the natural spread of Chkhetyani (except for major cities - Tbilisi, Kutaisi) covers in the Svan Chchetyani - the Mesal district (Upper Svanetia) and our Kodor's gorge, and Herechumsky Chkhetyani live in the Tsagen district. Similarly, chikovani is also divided - there are megrelskiy chikovani, and there is a Herechumsky. There are a lot of such examples.

6. Uri - 76044 people. This ending occurs mainly in the Eastern Highlanders, such as Hessuras, Pshava, Tschi, Mthiuma, Hevens, and so on.
For example: Middlehauri, Keetueluri, Patashuri (Erzo).

7. UA - 74817 people, MEGRELL END.
Examples: Chkadua, Tokaou, Gogua.

8. Fir - 55017 people. This ending occurs in Raccho - Harevy, Inskirvel. In Svanetia, only one surname with such an end - Pyrrhily (transformed means "first"). It is also found in Imereti and Guria. Also in Kartli, but in the form of an exception, already mentioned by me by the princely surname of Machabeli.

9. Uli - 23763 people. This ending occurs mainly in the Eastern Highlanders, such as Hessuras, Pshava, Tschi, Mthiuma, Hevens, and so on.
For example: Chincharauli, Jarajuli, etc.

10. Shea is only 7263 people. Basically meets in Adjara and Guria.
For example: Halwashi (Adjara), Tugushi (Adjara-Guria).

11. Skiri - only 2375, MEGRELL END. I only know one such surname Zuuleiskiri, maybe there is still, but I do not remember.

12. Chkori - only 1831, MEGREL END.
For example: Hegechkin.

13. KVA - only 1023, MEGRELL END.
For example: Ingorokva.

1,649,222 people
The end corresponds to the Russian ending. The most common in Western Georgia (Guria, Imeretius, Adjara). As a result of migration, their carriers appeared in Racha Leahumi and Cardlia. Gongadze (Imeretius), Dumbadze (Guri), Silagadze (Herhumi), Archuadze (Racha). If you pay attention to the root of the surname, then some signs can determine its exact origin. Spl.: Japaridze, mainly Svana. Beridze's surname is most often Georgian Jews.

1 303,723 people
Translated as a child, baby. It is usually found in Eastern Georgia (Cardia, Kakheti, Meskhetia, Javachetia). The last name Maharashvili is found mainly in Kakhetintsev. In frequent cases, the names of the names on -shvili (especially on-Ashvili) have a non-primary (including Jewish) origin: Aslanikashvili (Aslan root), Glyigvashvili (this surname is found among the Chechens living in Kakheti), Saakashvili (from armenian name Saak), Jugashvili (from ossetian surname Jugight).

IA (-I)
-Aya (
494 224 people
The decreasing end of nouns. Distributed in Megrelia and Abkhazia. Often found in Abkhazia. Example: Beria, Gulia, Gurtzaya, Zviritskaya.

Ava (-A)
200,642 people
Also, the MEGRELL ending corresponds to, probably Slavician, but it is usually not pronounced by Megrelami. Example: Girgolava, Girgola.

Ani (-oni)
129 204 people
Svan End (analogue -skaya), common in Svaneti, Lechumi, in Imereti and Racques.

In eastern Georgia there is a consonant georgian ending -Ani, indicating a very noble origin. The difference can only be determined by knowing equally Svan and georgian language Based on the name of the root of the name.
Armenian surnames On -yan in Georgian transcriptions are read with the end of -Iani. Petrosyani.

Examples: Gordesyani (Svanetia), Dadeschkeliani (Svanetia, Prince Last Name), Mushkadiani (Herhumi), Ahvlotiani (Herhumi), Gelovani (Leahumi, Prince Last Name), Ioseliani (Imereti), Georgesoliani (Imereti), Chikovany (Megrelia), Dadiani ( Megrelia, princely surname, they were the rulers of the whole area), Orbeliani (Princely surname), Kitovani.

76,044 people
This end is common in mountain Georgia in the peoples of the Pukhov Group (Hessurov, Mohves, Tushinsev). For example: Dzizguri, Aphazuri.

UA (-Hu)
74 817 people
The Megrelian ending, which is most common in Abkhazia and, less likely, in Georgia. For example: Chkaduya, Gogua.

Ate (s)
55 017 people
Endings are usually found in Racter, only Parrils (Svanetia) and Macabeli (Cardia) are known abroad. Present an uniform used to form communities, for example, MKIDVEL (from Kidw - to buy). Pr: Pshavel, Rustaveli.

23,763 people
The phonetic version of the people, common among the peoples of the Mttium-Psava Group (Mthiumlov, Gudamakar, Pshavov) in Mountain Georgia.

Shi (-Sh)
7,63 people
Lazus end. Meets in Adjara and Guria. View MN. numbers.
For example: Halwashi, Tugushi.

Number of unknown
Lazi analogue of megrelo-person. Very rare ending. Not to be confused with abkhaz

Skiri (-skir)
2,375 people
Rare Megrel's ending. For example: Tsuleistkiri.

1,831 people
Rare Megrel's ending. For example: Hegechkin.

1,023 people
Rare Megrel's ending. For example: Ingorokva. Kwa - Kamen.

Enti (-dti)
Number of unknown
Laz and Adjar suffix. For example: Glondi, Mgents.

Skua (-ska)
Number of unknown
Megrelo variant -shvili. Meets in Megrelia.

Number of unknown
Rare ending. Example: amilaxar.

Often Georgian consider surnames pontic Greeks on -yi, - and -a
(Savvidi, Kelielidi, Romanidi, Kandelaki, Andriadi, Kazanzaki).

In Georgia, there is a surname Marr, the carriers of which also live in Europe.

Chechen origin They have the following childbirth: Chopikashvili, Kazbegi, Cyclauri, Cyzkashvili.

Megrelskie endings: -Ia, -iy, -Aya, -Ah,, -Yu, -U, - I, -Kori, -Koriya, -Chkore, -Kawa, -Sca, -ska.
Laz and Adjar Endings: -th, -Fonti, -B, -h, -sh.
West German ending: -dze.
Without terr. Bindings: -Arie.
Easternogrusinsky ending: -shvili.
Svan endings: -ani, -oni.
Raczynskie endings: "I did,"
Pukhovo ending: -Huri.
Mthioo-Pshavsky ending: -the.