Surnames at Dze Nationality. Which means in the Georgian surnames ending -Dze, -Shvili, and others

Surnames at Dze Nationality. Which means in the Georgian surnames ending -Dze, -Shvili, and others
Surnames at Dze Nationality. Which means in the Georgian surnames ending -Dze, -Shvili, and others

Georgian surnames They are easily distinguishable from other Caucasian surnames - they have a special structure and original endings. Traditionally, the Georgian surname is divided into two components - root and ending. If you have a little familiar with Georgia's history and her culture - you can easily determine which part of this country there is a surname and actually a genus. Georgian surnames have about 13 endings that are easy to remember.

Georgian surnames-overall review of Georgian generic names, description and meaning

The most frequent particles-completion of Georgian generic names is -Dze and -shvili. The particle - it is peculiar to the eastern part of the mountainous country, its regions such as Kartlinsky and Kakhetsky. The end of the dress is found throughout the country, but most often - in the Adjara region. Both particles and completions have similar semantic load - "Born" or "Son." According to the scientific data, the most ancient end will be -Dze, and the ending is more modern. The same data suggests that surnames with such particles-completions today wears more than three million representatives of Georgian nationality.

A separate share of national generic nicknames comes from the names of Christian saints, which were given at the rite of baptism. Examples of such surnames can serve national surnames Davitashvili, Isakoshvili, Nichandza, Andronikashvili, Pavliashvili.

There are surnames the basis that the words of Persian, Arab served. The brightest example Such a Georgian surname will be the name Japaridze. But with this surname, it's not so clear: some researchers say that the basis of the generic nickname Japaridze is the men's Muslim Name of Jafar. Others argue that in this case the generic name comes from the Persian designation of the profession "Japan" - the postman.

But back to the study of particles-completion of Georgian family names. To no less, than the above endings in Georgia are common surnames ending with themselves, - Tihi, -Iti, - please. As a sample of such surnames, we give the names of famous delivery - Guryeli, Mhargdzeli, as well as common and well-known family names - Chinate, Hvbbeti.

A separate group of Georgian surnames is generic names ending with on -ani. Similar names of childbirth are considered aristocratic, as they originate from the royal and princely genera of Megrelia. Here are examples - Dadiani, Chikovani, Akhoteliani. Less frequent endings - Ava-, "," You can hear these endings in such names like Deloia, Okudzhava and Beria.

Ossetian surnames that have been transmitted to Georgian

According to historical and sad circumstances in the 90s of the last century, Ossetians living on the territory of the Georgian state were forced to change their national names on the names with the Georgian structure. Confusion in this process made not so many Ossetians and authorities, but officials who, sometimes not knowing how to read and write down ossetian surname Shli Po simple way - recorded the generic Ossetian name to the Georgian manner. So in Georgia, Mardzhanov, Tsizianov, Tserelev, appeared in Georgia.

Among other recognition, Georgian surnames are quite easy. They are distinguished by characteristic structuring and, of course, the famous endings. The surnames form a fusion method of two parts: root and ending (suffix). For example, a person who is well-oriented in this topic will be able to determine with ease, in which areas are common in those or other Georgian surnames.


The history of the country has several millennia. In the time of antiquity, she had no name, and Georgia was divided into 2 regions: Kolkhid (Western) and Iberia (East). The latter interacted more with neighbors - Iran and Syria - and practically did not communicate with Greece. If Georgia adopted Christianity in the V century, then by the XIII they were talking about a powerful country with reliable connections with the European continent and the East.

The history of the country is impregnated by the struggle for sovereignty, but despite difficulties, the people could create their culture and customs.

It is believed that real Georgian surnames should end on "-Dze", and they occur from the parental case. But a person with the surname ending on "-shvili" (translated from the Georgian - "Son"), attributed to the list of those who do not have the Carvetle roots.

If the interlocutor has a generic name ended on "-anny," people knew that in front of them is a representative of a notable kind. By the way, the Armenians have surnames with a similar suffix, only he sounds like "-".

Georgian surnames (male) ending with "-U -U" and "-YA", have Mingrelian roots. There is a lot of this kind of suffixes, but now they are rarely used.

List of regions

No matter how cool, but still in Georgia, the surnames ending with "-shvili" and "-Dze" are considered the most common. And the last suffix is \u200b\u200bmost common. Often, people with the surname ending on "-dze" can be found in Imereti, Guria and Adjara. But in the eastern region there are practically no such.

On the this moment The names on "-dze" are attributed to the old pedigree, respectively, "-shvili" - to modern or young. The latter (suffixes also translated as "born") is widespread in Kakheti and Kartli (Eastern regions of the country).

The meaning of some surnames

A special group of generic names is those that have the following endings:

  • - Oeti;
  • -At;
  • -Iti;
  • -l.

For example, Rustaveli, Tsereteli. Also in the list of the most common surnames in Georgia enter Hwarbet, Chinate and Dzimiti.

The other group consists of surnames ending on "-ani": Dadiani, Chikovani, Akhvelidiani. It is believed that their roots belong to the famous Migrelian rulers.

Smallest prevalence possess the names ending on:

  • -ti;
  • -Huri;
  • -Ava;

By the way, among them there are many famous, starry: Okudzhava, Deltera, etc.

A rare instance is considered to be a suffix "-nti" with Chang or Svan origin. For example, Glondi. These include the names containing the involved prefix "Me-" and the name of the profession.

Translated from the Persian Nodivan - "Council", and Mdivani means "clerk", fabric - "Gorny", and Menabda - "manufacturer of bugs". The last interest is the name of Amilambar. Having Persian origin, it is a confixal education.


Georgian surnames are built by defined rules. During the baptism of a newborn baby, he usually is assigned a name. Most of the surnames begins with it, and the desired suffix is \u200b\u200badded to it subsequently. For example, Nichardze, Tamaridze, Matiashvili or Davitashvili. Such examples can be given a considerable amount.

But there are also surnames formed from Muslim (more often Persian) words. For example, we will study the roots of the name Japaridze. It originated from the common muslim name Jafar. Translated from the Persian dzapar - "Postman".

Quite often, Georgian surnames are tied to a certain locality. Indeed, often the first carriers became at the origins of the princely kind. It is in their number that the Tsereteli is. This surname comes from the name of the village and the same fortress of the Court located in the northern region of Zemot.

Libration of some Georgian surnames

Despite the length and unusual combination of letters and sounds, Georgian surnames that penetrated Russian linguistics (in particular, onomastics), not distorted. But, as practice shows, sometimes, albeit very rarely, there are cases when the division occurred: Mushelishvili turned into Musheli.

Some surnames appeared uncharacteristic suffixes for Georgia: -Ev, -s, and -in. For example, Panuldzev or Suulacadze.

Also, when Russificates some surnames on "Shvili" very often reduced. Thus, Avalishvili turns into Avalov, Baratti - Baratashvili, Sumbatashvili - Sumbatov, etc. It can be called many other options that we used to accept for Russians.

Declination of Georgian surnames

The inclinability or inclusion depends on what form it is borrowed. For example, the surname ending on-α is inclined, and on-and - no.

But today the hard framework is not there. Although it is possible to highlight 3 rules, according to which the declination is impossible:

  1. Men's form is similar to female.
  2. The surname ends on unstressed vowels (-A-,y).
  3. It has suffixes, and, si.

Only in these three cases neither male nor women's surname not subject to declination. Examples: Garcia, Element.

It should also be noted that it is undesirable to adopt surnames with the end. Suppose, there is a man George Gurdskaya, who received the document, where it is written: "Has a citizen Georgia Gurtsky". Thus, it turns out, the surname in humans is Gurzka, which is not entirely characteristic of Georgia, and the name loses its flavor.

Thus, linguists do not advise to inclust Georgian family names and recommend correctly writing endings. There are no cases when when completing the documents, letters change occurred. For example, Gulia wrote instead of Gulia, and this surname had no relation to Georgia.

Popular name in numbers

Below is a table where the most common endings of Georgian surnames are demonstrated. Consider them in more detail and find out in which regions they are most often found.

Ending Number of people with similar names (statistics for 1997) Region of prevalence
Dze1649222 Adjara, Imereti, Gurius, Kartli, Racha Leahumi
-Shvili1303723 Kakheti, Kartli
-and I494224 Eastern Georgia
--Ava200642 Eastern Georgia
-Iani.129204 Western Georgia (Lechumi, Rachi, Imereti)
"Yury76044 Areas: Tsagen, Mesali, Chkhetyani
-Au74817 Occurs in the Eastern Highland
-l55017 Imereti, Guriy
-Huli23763 Meets the Eastern Highlanders (Hevsurs, Hevens, Mthiuma, Tschi and Pshava)
-Sho7263 Adjara, Guriy
-Kuri2375 Eastern Georgia
-Chocher1831 Eastern Georgia
-Kawa1023 Eastern Georgia

End of Studies and -Dze in the names (Georgian)

At the moment, linguists allocate 13 major suffixes. In many areas, the names with -dze are greater prevalence, which means "Son". For example, Kebadze, Gogitidze, Shevardnadze. According to statistics, for 1997, the surname with such an end was 1,649,222 in Georgia.

The second place in prevalence occupies suffix -shvili (Kululashvili, Peikrishvili, Eledashvili), which is translated as a "child", "child" or "descendant". According to 1997, there were approximately 1,303,723 surnames with this end. They received a greater prevalence in the regions of Kartli and Kakheti.

Georgian surnames, as a rule, differ depending on a particular part of the country. So, many surnames from Western Georgia will end to the suffix "-Dze" (cargo. ძე), literally meaning the "son", in the time of time to the surname from East Georgia ends to "-shvili" (cargo. შვილი), which means "child " Surnames from the mountainous areas of East Georgia can end with the suffix "-" (cargo. ური), or "-uli" (cargo. ული). Most of the surnames of the Swan are usually ends on "-anny" (cargo. ანი), Megrelov - on "-IA" (load. ია), "- UA" (cargo უა), or "-Ava" (load. ავა) And Lazz - on "-shi" (cargo. ში).

The first mention of Georgian surnames belongs to the VII -VIII centuries. For the most part, they were connected with locality names (for example, Pavnels, Sumelles, Orbeli), with patronymic or received from professions, social status or title, which traditionally wore genus (for example: Amilambar, Amirezhby, Eristavi, Deanosischvili). Starting from the XIII century, the surnames often began to be based on locality names. This tradition spread almost everywhere in the XVII -XVIII centuries. Some Georgian surnames indicate the ethnic or regional origin of the family, however, they are formed on the principle of patience. For example: Carvelaishvili ("Son of the CartVella", that is, Georgian), Megrelishvili ("Son Megrela", that is, Megrell), Cherkezishvili (Cherkez), Abkhazishvili (Abhaz), Commishvili (Armenian).

  1. Beridze (ბერიძე) - 19,765,
  2. Kapanadze (კაპანაძე) - 13 914,
  3. Gelashvili (გელაშვილი) - 13 505,
  4. Maysuradze (მაისურაძე) - 12,542,
  5. Giorgadze (გიორგაძე) - 10 710,
  6. Lomidze (ლომიძე) - 9581,
  7. Cyclauri (წიკლაური) - 9499,
  8. Kwaraceliya (კვარაცხელია) - 8815.

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The origin of Georgian surnames.

History of Georgian surnamesmuch older than, for example, Russians. The first mention of hereditary birth naming among Georgians belong to the VII-VIII centuries. Until xii century meaning of Georgian surnames Most often connected with personal names, both male and female. Because Georgia accepted Christianity early, the names, the families, the foundation, were baptized - Nichandza, Tamarashvili, Ninoshvili, Georgadze. Later, the name began to be formed from the profession of man and from his nickname - Mchdenishvili (from the word "blacksmith"), Datunashvili (from the word "bear").

Most Georgian surnames appeared when Georgia was fragmented on numerous feudal possessions. It affected not only political, economic and cultural processes, the language also developed unequal. It gave rise to heterogeneity Georgian surnames. However, all of them combines the presence of two components - root and suffix. Dictionary of Georgian surnames Indicates that generic naming in Georgia is formed using 13 suffixes. By paying attention to the end georgian surnames, you can add them interpretation The name of the locality where the roots of their carriers are going.

Local features of surnames.

IN list of Georgian surnames by alphabet Surnames are dominated with - Dzez and -shvili. Surnames on -dze are found in the western part of Georgia, and a particle -shvili indicates that the roots of the owner of this surname in East Georgia. Both of these suffix are close by meaning and denote "Son, daughter, descendant, a child born from such something."

Menlel surnames are easily distinguishes at the end of -Ya or -Ava (Changturia, Zarandia, Lyzhava, Eliava). Megrelov has surnames and other endings - Gegechkin, Ingorokva, Chokua. For the Svans are characteristic of the surname with the end of-Jiang (Mushkadiani, Gelovani, Chikovani). Eastern Highlanders (Hevsurov, Mthultsev, Pshavov, Tushinsev and others) can be distinguished by the names of the surname, "Ketylauri, Middleauri, Chincharauli. His "bindings" have the names of Pervie, Machabeli, Halwashi, Tugushi. Everything in Georgia is well aware of which names are princely, for example, Dadiani, Eristavi, Bagration, Melikishvili. This gives their carriers an excess reason to be proud of their last name.

As you can see, Georgian hereditary naming can tell a lot about the pedigree, its roots and terrain, where his ancestors come from. It is worth adding that Georgian surnames are the same for men and women. Despite the complex combination of sounds and substantial length, in Russian, Georgian surnames are rarely distorted. Declining Same georgian surnames Also, it does not cause special difficulties - the absolute tilty of them does not inclined in neither men, nor in the female version.

Top Georgian surnames Shows which of them are most common and popular.

V. A. Nikonov among colleagues from
Azerbaijan (Frunze, September

About the author: Nikonov, Vladimir Andreevich (1904-1988). Famous scientist, one of the largest specialists in the onomastics. The author of numerous works in the most diverse directions and problems of this science: toponymics, anthroponymics, cosmonimics, zonimics, etc. For more than 20 years, he was led by a group of onomastics at the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He was the initiator and organizers of several conferences on the fog of the Volga region (the first one took place in 1967).

Work shows multifaceted scientific interests V. A. Nikonova and is devoted to Georgian surnames, the geography of their distribution. Famous narrow circle of Onomasts, this work is almost unknown in a wide circle People interested in Georgian last names.

A red-colored digit in square brackets labels the beginning of the page in the print version of the article. Weekend see after the text of the article.

[p. 150] Although Georgian surnames for several centuries older than the Russians, the first of them arose in the XIII century. or even earlier. The bulk of the surnames appeared, probably when Georgia was fragmented by disobeds and warring feudal possessions. Political, economic, cultural processes in them proceeded differently, developed in different ways and language. These differences gave rise to the variety of forms of surnames. But nevertheless, language relationships and similar historical traits united all the carvelastic ethnographic groups into certain family groups: they are formed by the connection of the second component, gradually turning into the suffix (i.e., losing independent lexical meaning). A total of 7-8 such formants form surnames 3.5 million. Georgians, repeating the graceful number [p. 151] Wah, each on a certain territory. Their statistical and geographical ratios show the historical formation of the Georgian nation. All clarified calculations are made by the author and are published for the first time *.

* Valuable assistance was provided by G. S. Reader, Sh. V. Dzizguri, A. V. Glondi, I. N. Bakradze, S. A. Harutyunov, V. T. T. Tutsuria, A. K. Chkaduya, G. V. Tsuada, P. A. Tshadi, as well as Sh. T. apritony, M. Chabashvili, N. G. Volkova, R. Topchishvili, R. M. Shamedashvili, M. S. Mikadze, L. M. Chchenkeli and Republican team Archive of the registry office.

Sources: 1) Complete population census of 1886, the documents of which are stored in the Central Historical Archive of Georgia 1 (located in Tbilisi); 2) acts of registers; 3) voter lists; 4) telephone and other directories; 5) Lists of surnames in studies 2, articles 3, dissertations 4. It is clear that in a single statistical table they are not all reduced. Halfmillion is calculated by half a million Georgians in all districts (the eastern part of Georgia is completely, except for cities; in the Western areas of materials less - the census fund died in the Kutaisky branch of the archive) in the amount sufficient for statistically reliable indicators.

Absolutely predominate in the number of media, and in terms of territorial coverage, two forms of surnames: with components -Dze in the western part of the republic and -Shvili - Eastern. The initial meaning of both formants is similar: -Dze - "Son, descendant"; -Shvili - "Child", "born." They are typologically identical to the names of other nations: in germanic languages sen. (syn, sleep, zones) - "son"; In Turkic -One - "son", -Kyz - "Daughter, Girl"; All formants joined to the base, meaning father, indicate whose son. "

Names from the names of canonical - Giorgadze, Leonidze, Nikolaiishvili, etc. - cover only a minority, more often the names come from non-church names: Milube, Mchedlishvili, etc. However, it is impossible to directly bind these surnames with nominal magheli. - "Wolf"; mitchley - "Kuznets". The first Milladze name, as well as his Russian "single-fampots" of wolves, was a son not a wolf, and the wolf is a carrier of the personal name of Molhela.

Another necessary warning. The surnames with an ethnonym at the heart (Swanidze, Javakhidze, Jawahishvili) especially attract the historian and ethnographer, but it is dangerous to forget the principle of relative negative names of their own: these surnames could not arise in the medium of Ca [p. 152] Mich Sobans or Javakhov (where everyone was a savan or javakh), but only outside it. Their foundation could not even be denoted by the Svahan or Javakha, but only a person, something similar to them (in clothes or other signs) who had visited them or who traded them.

Surnames formed with -Dze (Connected with the basis of vowels or or depending on the vowel bases) suggest those that have arisen in the XIII century. They are absolutely dominated in Imereti. In the regions of Ordzhonikidze, Truzhol names on -Dze Covers more than 70% of all residents as they remove from this core their frequency decreases. On the south-western turn of the Imereti, in the Vani area, more than 2/3 of the population belongs to them (1961), west, in Guria (Maharadze, Lunchchi regions), more than half. On the opposite northeast flank, in Lechumi, they are almost half of the population, as further - in Racha (now they are the district). Only in the northwest, in the Upper Megrelia, Formant -Dzenegast: in the area of \u200b\u200bGegechkin - only 7%; In the minority he and the North-West coast. In Svaneti Surname with Formant -Dze Make up less than 1/10. Where the trait ran, the west of which prevails -Dzeeast - -Shvili? The boundary between Western and Eastern Georgia is considered to be a Surasky (Likhsky) ridge, the transverse ridges of the Greater and Small Caucasus, he crosses Georgia in a narrow place. But dialectologists had to make amend, finding that the PA southern Eastern talks sound significantly west of Borjomi. And the surnames collected by me have shown that the predominance of Western -Dze The north of the chickens are advanced "towards", east of the suras. In the south, the data of 1886. Scubli, in Borjomi, Bakuriani Georgian was then little. In Chukishevi, there are only 573 Georgians, of which 435 - with the "Western" surnames on -Dze. Another south-west, in Akhalkalaksky district, according to documents 1970-1971. (in Baraleti, Vachaiani, Gahesky, Dilisk, Chongchch), surnames on -Dze Even the Georgian population is covered. In the strip stretched along the middle course of the chicken (in the past part of the Kartli), Formant -Dze It prevails only in the West - in the Hashursk district, it cuts into a deep pointed wedge into the east through the Kareli district (they and in 1886 they prevailed in the villages of Abisi, Arabulani, Oreheti, etc.) to the Gori district (village of Churchli and Arashend ) where the surname with this formant breaks down (in p. Arashevi lived 93 carriers of the names -Dze and 91 - on -Shvili).

[p. 153] Embosses on the map according to modern administrative division, the data of 1886, we get a strikingly clear profile of this band from the west to the East (in brackets are given countdowns on the documents of the regulations 1970-1971), in%:

Acts of registers, in contrast to the census, cover only a part of the population, but a clearly uniform trend with a sufficiently large amount of counting suggests that the quantitative expression of "rivalry" -Dze and -Shvili It is mostly difficult: the border of Eastern and Western Georgia in the forms of surnames is east of the Surrass Range.

Thus, about the zone of statistical vibration -Dze / --Shvili You can speak the language of numbers, but a diachronic will have to be compared.

Eastern Sururant Range -Dze It is much less likely: in Kakheti - only 3-7%. Somewhat more often they are between Tianeti and Telavi. In northeastern Georgia, the name on -Dze there were only separate nests; Several such nests for the military-Georgian road, between Kazbegi and Mtskheta.

But two large "islands" surnames with Formant -Dze It is necessary to consider especially. In the extreme-east of Georgia, in the gorges of the main Caucasian ridge At the boundaries with Chechen-Ingushetia and Dagestan, on the territory, completely cut off the prevalence of the prevalence of formant -Dze (Former. Rn Omalo, later included in Akhmetsky), live tushy. Almost 2/3 of them (1886) had names with Formant-Dze, only 23% - -Shvili and 10% - -ti, uri. The centuries-old cutoff of trees, all connections with which were interrupted annually for 6 months 5, affected everything, and the withdrawal is clear. Penetration of Formant -Shvili From neighboring Kakheti [p. 154] Naturally: Tushy, the basis of the life of which was sheepship, could not exist without a summer chip of sheep in the Valley of Alazan and her tributaries, delivering to the King of Kakheti annually 500 warriors and 600 sheep. But where as and when could be the predominant West German Formant -Dze? Came tools from the West. Model names on -Dze Not kartvaya, and Imeretinskaya, however, such a remote focus of Tushin researchers do not know. Some pre-revolutionary researchers even expressed their guess that the carcasses arose outside of Georgia, but there are no grounds for this from science 6. Dating is difficult: the emergence of the names can not be attributed to the depths of the centuries, and therefore the far resettlement of the whole people was difficult to slip away from historians. Tushes on their modern territory could have brought with them since the surnames, but their future foundation -Dze.

It remained not only not explained, but also unnoticed by the characteristic detail: as opposed to different frequencies of coupling vowels ( -I, A.) In the names of Tushin appeared only and. For example, in p. Gogrults are all eight surnames (81 people - Bukuridze, Joharidze, etc.), in p. Given - 82 people with Sidze (Tataridze, Chapeidze, etc.) and not a single name with -pzea. In 1886, 2660 Tushin was named after Sidze And only 162 - with -pzea. Such a relationship, excluding the accident, requires the attention of researchers - it is essential for the history of Tushin and their language. Is it not connected with the Megrel-Imereti law of appearance and after the foundation with the final -but (Tushinsky surnames Bardidze, Caidze, Gochilladze, etc.). Or cause other? Maybe this feature will help researchers in search of an old focus of Tushin. But still most Tushinsky surnames - without connecting -but-: Bahhoridze, Hutidze, etc. And one more detail on which no one pointed out: a combination --- (often recorded -: Omaidze, Idijdze, Tsijdze, etc. - the correspondence sheets are written in Russian) - Tushinsky surnames retained an ancient Gruzin form. It was noticed by L. M. Chchenkeli, which the author is grateful.

Another "island" names on -Dze - Tbilisi. Although the city is located on the territory of the predominance of the names on -ShviliFor each capital absorbs the features of all parts of the country. Curious Paradox: In Tbilisi, surnames on -Dze less than on -Shvili, and the number of their carriers is the opposite: -Dze about 45% at 30% -Shvili. The most frequent names of the capital: Japaridze (their [p. 155] there are more than 4 thousand), dalia, kalandadze, Lordkipanidze.

In most easient Georgia, the names formed by Formant prevail -Shvili. He is also ancient, known from the XIV century. (Burdasshenshvili in the "Monument of Erybyov", but unknown, the surname is or a sliding duty). In the names of Kakheti, according to the census of 1886, he is monopoly: in the former Telava. Formant -Shvili covered more than 9/10 of all residents. In the northeastern Georgia (former Cottage and Tienetsky counties), except the slopes of the Chief Caucasus Range, to the surnames CO -Shvili belonged to 2/3 of the population, as well as west at the Kartalinia (Mtskhetsky and Gori district) in the western part of Georgia name -Shvili either not one, in rach and harm, they are only a little less often than with -Dze. Even in the very center of predominance -Dze Surname S. -Shvili Today it is covered by almost ¼ of the population, and in the southwest (Guri) - about 1/5. But in the north-west, they are rare: in Megrelia - about 5%, and 1% is not reached in Svanetia.

Formant -Shvili Formed several surnames from female names: Tamarashvili, Shushanashvili, Zhuzhanashvili, Daredzhanishvili, Sulikashvili. It is impossible to bind all these surnames with the extramarital children; Perhaps they arose when the widow on his shoulders suffered the upbringing of children and the farm 7. Apparently, the regional elevation of the frequency of the surnames from the women's foundations is obliged to the historical and household features of the region (in the French, according to A. Dose, characteristic of Normandy).

In the west of Georgia, a noticeable magnitude is the names on -Ya, -ua: Tschakai, ready (a host of vowels, avoidable by the Russian language, in Russian pronunciation of Yothenian, spelling Cucca, reading). Formant comes from the Mekrelian language, near the relatives of Georgian. Researchers see in this form earlier -Iani. followed by truncation of the final part. Initially, such naming, apparently, served as definitions, by the meaning of the 8th adjective 8. In the basics of surnames a lot of words, actually Megrelskiy (Chkonya from Megrel. chclony - "Oak", or streamed from Megrel. topuri. - "Honey").

On the territory between the Black Sea, Abkhazia, Svanetia and the lower currents of the rion rivers and her right influx of Tskhenis-Tskali names on -Ya, -ua The majority of the population are covered: in the Gegechkin region, according to documents 1970-1971, they cover 61%, in the area of \u200b\u200bHo [p. 156] bi - 52%; Among them are surnames on -Ia (Zhvania, Chada) meet several times more often than on -Au (Dondua, Sturua). They are in Svanetia (Chkadua) and in the neighboring Abkhazia. And to the south of Rioni, the frequency of them sharply falls: in Guria they do not exceed 1/10, east, in Imereti, even less - 3%, then they are only one (except for Tbilisi, where they rank third after -Dze and -Shvili - about 9%, i.e. more than 100 thousand people). Significantly less (and quantitatively and geographically) common names on --Ava, also Megrelian origin: Papava, Lyzhava, Chicobava, etc. Etymology of many surnames with --Ava Unclear. The words from which they arose are lost and restored only by historical reconstruction (In particular, with the help of the dictionary A. S. Chikobava) 9. On the Black Sea coast, the north of the mouth of Rioni, surnames with --Ava occupy second place, yielding only names on -Ya, -ua; For example, in the Khobi area, they cover about 1/5 of the entire Georgian population (especially their many in the village. Patars-Poti on Rioni, but the range is small). Even near, in Guria, it belongs only about 3%, east, throughout Imeretin, they do not even reach 1% everywhere, and then represented only by single families, with the exception of Tbilisi, where they are 3-4%.

Formant --Ava It seemed N. Ya. Marru changed Abkhaz -ba. But such a connection (apparently inspired by territorial proximity), illusory. Her convincingly rejected S. Janashia, he suggested the origin --Ava From Megrelsky -wolly With the truncation of the final -N.. This supported G. V. Rogava 10. However, later, another explanation is put forward: Megrelo --Ava Comes from Georgian-Svan eL-A., transition l. in half-circuing sound in - result of labialization (cuddling) l. eleven . For the scarce arguments, the dispute is early to recognize solved.

In the live speech of megrelov intervocal in often falls I. --Ava pronounced as long but 12, but this is not reflected in the letter.

In Svanetia, more than 4/5 people are surnames formed by Georgian and Svan Formants Yani, -Iani.. ON developed various shades values \u200b\u200bfrom "belonging to someone to" possessing than ", as well as a collection of leliani - "Kamyshi". This formant formed many Georgian words ( mariliani - "Salted" from marili - "Salt"; tsoliani. of cOLO - "wife", etc.). In the inversion ("reverse") the Georgian dictionary [p. 157] Language is given 4197 words on -an., of them 3272 - on -Iani.. The initial values \u200b\u200bof the surnames formed by them: Zurabiani - "belonging to Zurab" (i.e., the descendant of Zurab); Orbeliani - "belonging to the family of orbel"; Oniani - "Arriving from them" (they are the center of related to the Svanetia district).

Map 1. Distribution zones of Georgian surnames with endings on:

1 ---dzea; 2 - -shvili; 3 - -Ah, -ua; 4 - -ani (-Iani); 5. - -Ava; 6. - -Ali, - Huri; 7. - - (n)
Solid lines mean the predominant form, intermittent - the form is less frequent

SAMI frequent last name Svanov - Lithelnavani. It is widespread in the lower Svanet (village of Lentech, Heledy, Hopuri, Chaluri, etc.). Her basis - liparians (loss of medium and naturally due to reduction in the Svan speech) in which -l - "suffix of origin" (cf. Familia Cutters from a nominal cuttians - "Kuutais", i.e. who arrived from Kutaisi). But the values \u200b\u200bof the suffix are not limited to an indication of the place, and significantly wider, it joins personal names, and to the nominal one. Holding it, we find the foundation liparite. Georgian has long known male personal name Liparite and patronize from him - Liparitet. The oldest example is the liparity at the court of Tamar Tamara (1036). In 1615, Lipartian is known - the ruler of Megrelia. For the first time about naming -et He wrote in 1849 by Georgovyded Choice: "The form will give, the surname, very archaic and no more than two or three times in Georgian memories [p. 158] kakh: liparity, son of liparite "14. This observation slipped unnoticed. After a hundred years, S. Janashia, Casually mentioned: "The form of liparity is one of the forms of Georgian surnames" 15. But only later V. Dondua dedicated her meaningful note, having collected numerous examples from documents, mainly XIII century. (Kononette, Ionoset, Pavleets, etc.), rightly indicating that they are "not noticed or interpreted incorrectly" 16. He sees in Formante -et multiplicity indicator (with what is connected and formant -yti, the usual in the Georgian names of the countries - Osseta, the "country country", i.e. Ossetians). But doubtfully recognize these examples by last names: perhaps, this is also generic names, so to speak, "Prafamilia", in best case "Protofamilia". But most likely, the appearance of the name on the soil of the Svan language in which the prefix ly- Extremely frequent, forming nouns and adjectives.

Surnames formed with Yani, -Iani., very frequent in lechimi - in the mountain valleys of the southern slopes of the Chief Caucasus Range at the borders of Svanetia. There surnames with -ani cover 38% of the total population (yielding only surnames with -Dze). Of course, this is not the way of the shots from the valleys in the mountains, on the contrary, they came from Collitch. But the Svants did not bring surnames with themselves from the south-west, but they acquired them already on their modern homeland, the south-east flank of which was the territory of Herhumi.

Formant -an. - Common for Georgians. He is often in the names outside the Svanetia (abastiani, mibchuani, etc.), but only in Tbilisi and in Racter (neighboring with Herhi and Svanetia) reaches 4%; Over all western Georgia, such surnames are 1-3%, and in Eastern Georgia - less than 0.1%.

Other surnames sound in the mountains and foothills in the north of East Georgia. In the inhabitants of her hevsurov, Pshavov, Methiumov dominated by the names formed by Formant -ti (-Huri), Ancientgrusin, but alive and soynet ( rusuli - "Russian"). Basics of the names of Aludauri, Ciscarium, Chincharauli, etc. - Vintage Hevsur noncumber male names, Some values \u200b\u200bare lost, some are clear: Hevsur. chinchara - "nettle". Perhaps the surname is inspired by the formula, who has recently pronounced the pronounced priest at the Mthiol wedding: "So that the offspring has multiplied as nettle" 17. Among the basics of all surnames with -ti, -churi There is not a single church name, although Christianity has the Highlanders of the Central Caucasus for several centuries older than the names. This is substantial [p. 159] The contradiction is not observed by the researchers. Of course, the church name received each, but in everyday life The usual, native, in the same way as customs or clothing resistant remained steadily.

The time of the occurrence of gorsky surnames is unknown, but there is a relative date "no later": the hero folk tales Apciauri raised the people to fight feudal beginning of XVII in. Choice r / L. In these surnames, phonetically dissimed with respect to the base: if there is l.then in the suffix appears r (Cyclauri), and if at the heart rthen in the suffix - on the contrary l. (Arabuli).

Hevsur has this form of the names of almost Monopolna. In the northernmost mountain villages of Gudani, Guli, she covered 95%: out of 2600 people only 130 wore other names. In the Zone of the Justic Center of Barisakh, seven villages (800 people) were only carriers of the names on - Heri (-Hli), and in three smaller villages, 202 carriers of the surname of Licocheli lived. On black Aragve (Gudamakari Gorge) surnames with "Yury accounted for 85% (all data 1886).

Map 2. Migration of the parts of the PSHAV and hevsur
surnames (according to 1886)

1 - Arabuli; 2 - apuiauri; 3 - cyclauries; 4 - Chincharauli

South, at the pshavov associated with Kakhetians is more close than the isolated high ridges of Hevsurs, the name of the names with -ti, -churi less than travel than in hevsuretia; She covered the third of Pshav, as well as mthiumlov on r. White Aragvi. Along the Military Georgian Road from Dusheti to Kazbegi Same Names on -Shvili and even -Dze, but also in the dysubskih low-level Arags names on -Huli nevertheless confused 20%. They applied and south-west - on Kuru: in p. Shubati (now in the southern part of the Kaspi region), the census of 1886 registered Bekauri, Cyclauri, Apcianuri, quite like on black Aragve, i.e. names [p. 160] directly indicate, from where and where the migration of the mountaineers was.

The return of the mountaineers in the valleys from the highland gorges, where their former invasions were pushed out, began long ago. Documents report repeated resettlements in the second half of last century. They were accomplished and gradually, close to distances, but there were long transitions. A considerable material about them collected R. A. Topchishvili in its dissertation, indicating the literature of the issue 18. But not even be a single document, it is enough to put the name of the names on the map to get a picture of migration in the lower reaches of Aragva, Iori, Alazaia, and in some places and further - up and down in Kura. Tens of pages would take a story about all this stream, but you have to confine ourselves to the example of two surnames, the lowering name of the villages and the number of carriers. Surname Cyclauri was recorded in 35 villages - from Kazbek along the Aragva and Iori south almost to Mtskheta, to the southeast almost to Telavi; Surname Chincharaululi - in 17 villages - from Shaul (at the boundaries with Chechen-Ingushetia) south to Dusheti and Tianty. In Tianetsky y. and the northwestern part of Telovsky. Media carriers with Formant -ti, -churi In 1886, he was from 20 to 30% of the population, televi and on, they barely reached 2%. Some sedied and in Tbilisi.

In contrast to the plain Georgia, where the villages are multiphamal, in the northeast is characterized by extremely high concentration: sometimes not only whole villages, but also groups are populated by one-fampots. According to the census of 1886 in the villages of Goveleti, Datvishi, Osaehyevi, chirdili all 73 courtyards with 314 inhabitants were surname Arabuli, in s. Guro All 220 inhabitants were Gogoids, in p. Bloom all 192 inhabitants - Gigauri. This is no exception. It is not surprising that the name of the village was often identical with the last name of the inhabitants. In the mountains, the mixture of the population is difficult, the influx from outside there is weaker. A similar phenomenon in the upper megrelia noted P. A. Tshadaiy 19. But probably, another factor was even more accepted: the pressure of community mistake, due to which they settled and moved not by individual families, but by whole groups of them - patronyms. The surnames form huge arrays: Arabuli is met in 20 villages - 1158 people, Chinchelli - in 17 villages - 885 people (1886), etc.

Families were extremely large. In the census materials of 1886, a family of 20-30 people are not uncommon. At the gests [p. 161] Gudamkar Gorge In the 20s of our century, families were preserved in 30-40 people 20. Decay process big families Packed already in the XIX century. - In the correspondence sheets of 1886, the markings are constant: "Seven years we have been giving separately without a sentence of society" (in the village of Middelauri, where 49 people were signed by Middelauri), i.e. the family stood out unrest The community for many years refused to legalize the section.

The ratio of the components of the names is historically changeable. So, at Pshavov for the last century, new names, arising in crushing large families, formed by Formant -Shvili, but not -Eur or -ul (told G. Jawahishvili and R. Topchishvili). By the lucky coincidence from the ethnographic expedition from the Black Aragvi Ethnographer of the Academy of Sciences of the GSSR T. Sh. Tsagareshvili brought material about modern names On black Aragve and we were able to put our data next to each village. For 100 years there have been considerable changes in the life of the Highlanders to eliminate the exploitative classes, the shift of the population from the high mountain gorges in the valleys, the disappearance of small high-mountainous settlements. But the ratios of the following names are still close: in kitokhi and surrounding points today the same names (Bekauri, Cyclauri), as well as a hundred years ago, however, they left the names on -Shviliwhich and 100 years ago were apparent.

In general, the closure of the names is noticeably declining everywhere. For comparison, consider the ratio of media names on -ti, -churi In these areas and in adjacent territories (in bringing to modern administrative division) in relation to the entire population, in%:

1886 (census)1970-1971 (registry office)
Kazbegy district42 26
North of the dush district95 85

That is, in these areas to the indigenous population, arriving visitors from different ends of Georgia. The local population also does not stay still - throughout Georgia you can find surnames with Formant -ti, -churi. The total number of their carriers - several dozen you [p. 162] Xian, of which approximately 15 thousand - in Tbilisi (1% of the inhabitants of the city).

Non-numerous media formed by Formant -l (Meteners, Tsereteli), which was already discussed, and these surnames themselves are only a few dozen. They are scattered with nests in many places in Georgia. At the heart of these surnames - toponyms (Mtatsmindel from Mtatsminda - "Holy Mountain" above Tbilisi), ethnonyms (pshaveli), anthroponym (baratres) or nominal. The biggest nest of surnames on -l We meet on far North Eastern Georgia, in the center of Hevsuretia. There in the middle of the solid mass of the names with Formant -Huli The census of 1886 recorded 202 people by the surname of the Licocheli (in the villages of Chan, Karta and others, where there was not a single person with another name). Other Formant sockets -l We find in areas they, Mtskheta, Tianeti, Telavi; In Tbilisi, media names on -l Make up more than 2% - Tsereteli, Amasukeli, messenger, gamrells, etc. It is notable to warn that they are not one-names in which the end -l Not a suffix forming them. For example, the surname Amaglowdres of Otglang - the communion "elevator", and the Guardstels from citel - "Red". Many surnames with this format are provided by another Formant (Gogeliani, Kwarazhelia et al.).

Very few surnames on - (n) teBut they are very often repeatable: Zhenti, Glondi. The focus of their strictly outlined territorially - Guria in the south-west of Georgia (Districts of Lanchhuti, Maharadze, Choshaturi). But here they make up about 1%, except for individual villages as Akety in the Lanchhuti area, where there is particularly much glonde. This formant - Zansky (Laz) language origin, in it -N. - connecting component. Estimated communication - (n) te with Obruzinsky -t. 21 does not clarify its occurrence and initial value.

Laz language dominated the colchide of the ancient era. Back in the XIX century. Lases there were numerous; Most of them turned out to be in Turkey, some of the beginning of our century lived in north - in Imereti and Abkhazia. I. R. Megrelidze led 23 lazium surnames published in the Laz newspaper "Murchy Murzhuli", which was published in 1929 in Sukhumi 22 - all with the end -Sho. Basically, the Lases merged with nearby megreals. From their language and reached Formant -Showhich in Guria formed the name Tugushi, Halwashi, Tsulushi, [p. 163] Kutushi, Naughty, etc. (if the base ended the sonorous consonants p, l, n, m, instead -Sho sounds -Com). Megrel, these surnames end on - Naia (Surname Janashia). In Laz language, this formant formed adjectives with the value of the accessories. Half a century ago, these endings were no longer perceived as a suffix, completely drained with the basis. The names of these are much more than with - (n) te But by the number of carriers, the ratio is back. Today they are often frequent in Lanchhut and Makharadzevsky districts.

Some Georgians borrowed surnames with -ba (Abhaz. ba. - "Child"), the only one - with the ancient Adygei -Kawa (Rare surname of Ingorokva, she is a pseudonym famous writer I. Ingorokva), Armenian with - man (of - Dents).

In Western Georgia, women's naming forms were characteristic. In his work, "Women's family naming in the South Caucasian languages \u200b\u200band folklore" I. V. Megrelidze led valuable, but, alas, very fragmentary information about them 23. In the 30s of our century, the old men of Guri still remembered that married women were previously called their maiden name; When contacting relatives or mentioning them in absentia replaced the end -Dze, -Shvili, -Ya, -U et al. on -Phe. In the distant past, there were prominent Laz giving values \u200b\u200bby Zubdniphech, the consiphe, etc. 24. i.e. -Phe served once a sign of non-sex, but anger, followed by the IP -hech (Lolauh from the Lolaua surname, Katsirikhe from Katsarava), and the value was torn and even turned into the opposite. The researcher noted that in the 30s of our century -Phe There has already been a little dismissive shade. Married women Usually called the surname of her husband, using ahead maiden Familia, i.e. the name of the Father in parental case - with an indicator -: Oblisis Asul Beridze - "Dolidze's daughter, Beridze's husband" ( asauli or kali. - "Daughter"). There are bright social and linguistic processes that have yet escaped from scientific studies. Their significance is clear from wide parallels: the brightest heroine of Old Russian poetry is named only by patronymic - Yaroslavna; After centuries, the naming of wives on her husband - Pavlich, Ivanich (similar to the South Slavs) are recorded in Novgorod. Historically, the position of the woman was changing, her name was changed.

[p. 164] In the frequency ratio of forms of surnames in Georgia, you can allocate 12 territories:

1. Houri. Southwestern Georgia between the Azhar ASSR, the Black Sea and the Lower Riony. Advertigate Areas: Lanchhuti, Maharadze, Chokhatauri. Formant prevails -Dze (more than half of the inhabitants; 20% - -Shvili), the names on -Ia (more than 12%), --Ava (3%), the only focus in the world - (n) te (Zhgeiti, bumps), although they make up only 1%; there is -Sho.

2. Megrelia. North-West Georgia, between the Abkhaz ASSR, the Black Sea and the lower flow of Rioni. Areas: Hobi, Mijah, Tshakaya, Poti, Zugdidi, Gegechkin, Chhoroq, Tsallendzhiha. Absolutely dominate surnames on -Ya, -ua, covering from 50 to 60%; on the --Ava – 24%, -Dze - from 10 to 16%; Less - on -Shvili (4-6%), noticeable -an. (2%).

3. Svanetia. Areas: Means and Lenteha. Absolutely dominate surnames on Yani, -Iani. - over 80%; is on -Dze (9%), -Ya, -ua (up to 5%).

4. Lechumi and Lower Racha. South of Svaneti, mainly the districts of Zagary and Ambrolauri. Surnames with Formant prevail -Dze (46%), so much with -an. (38%), is -Shvili (8%), -Ya, -ua (3%), -Ava, -eli (2%).

5. Racha. The area they. Flang "Vibration Zones" Family on -Dze (48%) and on -Shvili (42%), often with -l (6%) and -an. (4%).

6. Imeretiy. The remaining areas of Western Georgia from Samtredia to Ordzhonikidze inclusive. Absolutely dominate the names with Formant -Dze (over 70%); SO -Shvili covered about 1/4 of the population; from --Ava (west) and -an. (north) - 1%.

7. Cardia. The strip of the South South Ossetian AO in the share of the average course of the chickens. Areas: Khashuri, Kareli, Gori, Kaspi, Mtskheta. "Vibration Zone" Formants -Dze (in the West covers 3/4 of all residents, in the East - 1/10) and -Shvili (from 1/4 in the West to 2/3 in the East).

8. Northeast. Areas: Duchi and Tianeti. In the northern part, populated from Pshawami and Hebusura, the names with Formant prevail -ti, -churi; In the southern part, they covered 20-30% of residents; on the contrary -Shvili With a small amount, they are in the north amount to 2/3 in the south.

[p. 165] 9. Havi. Kazbega district bordering the North Ossetian ASSR and South Ossetian JSC. More than 40% surnames with -Shvili, more than 25% - with -ti, -churi; In 1886 a lot with -Dze.

10. Tushetia. At the borders from Chechen-Ingush and Dagestan ASSR, the former Area area, now the northern part of the Akhmetsky district. Absolutely prevailed Sidze (almost 2/3), the rest of the si -shvili, -Uli, -.

11. Kakheti. All southeastern Georgia. Areas of Telavi, Signals, Svari, Gurdjaani, etc. Almost monopoly surname with -Shvili: For most part, they exceed 90%, in places inserted surnames from -Dze (3–4%), -ti, -churi (1–2%).

12. Tbilisi. As in each capital, the features of all parts of Georgia are presented. The surnames are dominated by -Dze (more than 40%) and -Shvili (about 30%) as well -Ya, -ua (less than 10%) -an. (4%), -Huli, "Yury even less often a large number of on the -The

72 24 1 1 1 – – 1 Racha49 41 4 – – – – 6 Mtskheta16 72 – – – 7 7 5 Dusheti and Tianeti14 43 – – – 37 – 6 Kazbegi.15 57 – – – 26 – 2 Tushetia76 11 – – – 13 – – Kakheti8 90 – – – 1 – 1 Tbilisi45 30 4 9 4 2 . 6 * Dash means the absence of a surname, the point is less than 0.5%.

Outside the consideration, the entire southern strip of Georgia was left. In the XVII century She was completely devastated by the shaft and sultan hordes. Georgians there began to return to [p. 166] le joining Russia, but even in late XIX. in. There were few them. Later they moved there from different parts Georgia, and surnames them are a deadline picture, for the analysis of which too large material is needed, which author does not yet have. Another minus material is the lack of data on the height of the localities. In such a mountainous country as Transcaucasia, vertical zonality In any respect, plays the same role as horizontal. In my work, this is shown on the example of toponymy 25. Sure, most of The surnames said in relation to the spread belongs to the outgoing past. With the former disunity and hostility is finished forever. In modern Soviet Georgia, Svana, Pzhava, Megreles work, learn, rest hand in hand in the shops of Rustavi and the audiences of the University of Tbilisi, at the Shakhty Tkibuli and the beaches of Collchides. There are no old borders between them. Today, common families in which piles are married to Kakhetinta or Megreka are married to Hevsur. Their child is growing with a member of the Unified Georgian Socialist Nation. How and from what ethnic community And it developed ethnographic groups, they tell the names reflecting the history of the people and his language.

19 Tshadai P. A. Toponymy Mountain Megrelia.'tbinisi, 1975; Tshadai N. A. On the function of the prefix on the anthroponyms of Mountain Megrelia // Mashenna. Tbilisi, 1974. No. 1. On the load. Yaz.

20 Panke L. Mthium. P. 11.

21 Megrelidze I. R. Laz and Megrelsky layers in Guriy. L., 1938. P. 141.

22 ibid. Pp. 140.

23 memory Acad. N. Ya. Marra. M.; L., 1938. P. 152-181.

24 there. P. 176.

25 Nikonov V. A. Introduction to Toponymy. M., 1964. P. 103-104.