Chechen men's names: a list of modern beautiful names for boys and their meanings. What do Chechen names mean: interpretation and history of originality of Chechen names

Chechen men's names: a list of modern beautiful names for boys and their meanings. What do Chechen names mean: interpretation and history of originality of Chechen names
Chechen men's names: a list of modern beautiful names for boys and their meanings. What do Chechen names mean: interpretation and history of originality of Chechen names

Male and women's Chechen names.

The name is the first, the main event in the life of a newborn baby. Many people believed and believe that the name plays an unimportant role in the fate of a person. Therefore, Chechens, like many representatives of other nationalities, belonged to this event with great seriousness and attention. But the times pass, and the legacy is lost, as well as many traditions of Islam's concept. Nowadays, the name is sometimes the only sign that we can assume what confession and sometimes the nationality is one or another person.
Names are the historical heritage of the people. Unfortunately, many original Chechen names are not forgotten, go into the past. Names carry part of the history, culture, faith of their people.
Some traditional Chechen names that arose on the basis of his original lexical fund, reflect the attitude towards the surrounding life. There are also specific names associated with plant and animal worlds or being attributed by the names. There are still names borrowed from other languages.
The next part of the names today is the most common, these are the names of Eastern Origin. They were rooted on the territory of the Chechen people for the most part during the spread of Islam. These are mainly the names of the prophets and envoys, the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.), his associates, students, followers. Also, on the basis of many Hadiths, we learn that the best names are "ADB" consisting of the prefix - a slave and one of the epithets of Allah. For example, Abdullah - Slave Allah, Abdurrahman - slave of merciful, etc.
Below are the most common names.
Men's Chechen names

Abdurrahman (Arabic) slave of gracious
Abdurahim (Arabic) slave of merciful
Abdulmalik (Arabic) Slave Lord
Abdusallas (Arabic) Slave perfect
Abdulaziziz (Arabic) belt powerful
Abdulkhalik (Arabic) Slave Creator
Abdulgaaffar (Arabic) slave for goodbye
Abdulwahhab (Arabic) slave
Abdurrazak (Arabic) slave giving food
Abdulalim (Arabic) Slave of the omniscient
Abdulbacit (Arabic) Slave generous
Abdullalatif (Arabic) Slave Good
Abdulhalim (Arabic) slave patient
Abdulazim (Arabic) Slave Great
Abduljaleil (Arabic) slave of glorious
Abdulkarim (Arabic) Slave generous
Abdulkhaim (Arabic) slave
Abdulhamid (Arabic) Slave praised
Abulwahid (Arabic) Slave Single
Abdussamad (Arabic) Slave of Eternal
Abdulkadir (Arabic) Slave of Almighty
Abduurrakd (Arabic) Better prudent
Abbas (Arabic) stern, gloomy. Name of uncle Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Abu (Arabic) The register means father, isp. At the beginning of the name Ave. Abual
Abulheir (Arabic) creative good
Adam (Arabic) created from the dust of the earth
Adl (Arabic) fair
Akram (Arabic) generous
Ali (Arabic) sublime, the name of the fourth righteous caliph Ali (R.A.)
Alvi (Chechen) sublime
Alchazore (Chechen) Eagle
Alauddin (Arabic) nobility of faith
Amir (Arabic) ruler
Arza (Chechen) Eagle
Askhab (Arabic) is the most friendly
Ahmat (from Arabic) glorified
Anzor (Arabic) is the most caring
Ahmad (Arabic) One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Ayub (Arabic) repentable, the name of the Prophet Ayuba (peace to him)
Bagauddin (Arabic) Height of Religion
Bashir (Arabic) carrier joy
Beckhan (Arabic) Main Prince, Chapter
Bishr (Arabic) joy
Borz (Chechen) Wolf
Bula (Chechen) bison
Bulat (Arabic) Steel
Vadud (Arabic) Loving, one of the names of Allah al-Vadud
Walid (Arabic) Father
Waha (Chechen) live
Worked (Russian) on behalf of Marshal of the Soviet Union of Clement Voroshilov.
Gazi (Arabic) Warrior
Gazimagomed (Arabic) Warrior Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Daud (Arabic) Favorite, dear
Dionys (Greek) from Dionys is the God of the Life Forces of Nature, the God of Wine. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Dical (Russian) comes on behalf of the party leader Nicholas Gicalo. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Jabrail (Arabic) Name of one of the archangels
Jamal (Arabic) beautiful
Jamaldine (Arabic) beauty faith
Dick (Chechen) good
Dobrice (Russian) from the surname of the head of the Vedensky Dobrovolsky district, who killed Abrek Zelimkhan.
Dukweha (Chechen) Live Long
Zaid (Arabic) abundance
Caucasian (Arabic) clean
Zaman (Arabic) time, era
Zahid (Arabic) abstinal
Zelimzan (Chechen) healthy, living long, real
Ziyad (Arabic) greatness
Zyauddin (Arabic) Lights of Faith
Zukhair (Arabic) bright, light
Ibrahim (Dr. Ev-Arabic) Father of the peoples, the name of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace to him) in the biblical tradition of Abraham
Idris (Arabic) name of the prophet Idris (peace to him)
Juddine (Arabic) greatness faith
Icram (Arabic) Honor, respect, respect
Inal - Lord
'Isa (Arabic) Help God, the name of the Prophet' Isa (peace to him)
Isam (Arabic) submission
Ismail (Arabic) Name of the Prophet Ismail (peace to him)
ISHAK (Arabic) Name of the Prophet Ishak (peace to him)
Incen (Arabic) sincerity
Kais (Arabic) solid
Cura (Chechen) Falcon
Kuyra (Chechen) hawk
Lem (Chechen) lion
Bream (Chechen) Eagle
Lu (Chechen) roe
Magomed (Arabic) on behalf of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Majid (Arabic) Nice
MAYSOLT (Chechen) brave
McChal (Chechen) Korean
Malik (Arabic) own, ruling, king
Mansur (Arabic) is protected, victorious
Mahdi (Arabic) guide
Murad (Arabic) who wants
Musa (Arabic) The name of the prophet is literally translated as pulled out of water
Mustafa (Arabic) elected selected
Muslim (Arabic) Muslim
Muhammad (Arabic) glorified, nice, the name of the last Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Mukhsin (Arabic) creative good
Mukhtar (Arabic) elected
Nazir (Arabic) warning
Cash (Chechen) boar
Napzhamuddin (Arabic) Star of Faith
Schurddin (Arabic) religion assistance
Nohcho (Chechen) Chechen
Ovwur (Chechen) lamb
Olkhazar (Chechen) Bird
Osman (Arabic) Name of the Third Righteous Caliph Usman (R.A.)
Pasha (Turkic) Host
Piel (Chechen) elephant
Rajab (Arabic) seventh month of the Islamic calendar
Ramazan (Arabic) name of the sacred month
Rahman (Arabic) gracious
Rahim (Arabic) gracious, compassionate
Rashid (Arabic) conscious, prudent
Ruslan (Turkic) lion
Said (Arabic) Blessed, happy
Sai (Chechen) deer
Said (Arabic) Mr.
Simipuddin (Arabic) sword of faith
Saifulla (Arabic) Sword of Allah
Salah (Arabic) Justice
Salih (Arabic) Name of the Prophet Salikha (peace to him)
Salman (Arabic) friend
Suleiman (Arabic) living in health and well-being, the name of the prophet Suleiman (peace to him)
Suli (Chechen) Dagestan
Sultan (Arabic) authority
Satarbe (Chechen) greedy
Tagir (Arabic) Clean, Frequently
Turpal (Chechen) Bogatyr
Umar (Arabic) Name of the Second Righteous Caliph Umar (R.A.)
Osama (Arabic) lion
Fazle (Arabic) Room
Hamid (Arabic) commendable, worthy praise, praising god
Haris (Arabic) PAKAR
Hose (Chechen) Sparrow
Tskhogal (Chechen) fox
Cha (Chechen) Bear
Chalves (Chechen) Bear and Wolf
Shamsuddin (Arabic) Sun faith
Sharif (Arabic) noble
Shahid (Arabic) testifying about the monotheism in the face of death
Emin (Arabic) faithful
Yunus (from the Hebrew) stream, the name of the prophet Yunus (peace to him)
Yakub (Arabic) Name of the Prophet Yakuba (peace to him)
Women's Chechen names

Aziza (Arabic) respected, dear
'Aida (Arabic) visiting
Aisha (Arabic) prosperous, name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Aina (Arabic) source
'Alia (Arabic) majestic
Amina (Arabic) true
Amani (Arabic) desire
Amir (Arabic) leader
Anisa (Arabic) Friendly
'Asama (Arabic) Clean
Asil (Arabic) noble
Asia (Arabic) guarding the weak, name of the Orthodox wife of Pharaoh
Asma (Arabic) Name of Daughter Abubakra (R.A.)
Bashir (Arabic) Rady
Bayanat (Arabic) accuracy
Bilkis (Arabic) Name Queen Sava
Biglant (Chechen) diamond
Jamil (Arabic) beautiful
Janan (Arabic) heart of the soul
Children (Chechen) silver
Deshi (Chechen) Gold
Zhovhar (Chechen) pearls
Zainab (Arabic) Name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Zaina (Arabic) beautiful
Ways (Arabic) net
Zahir (Arabic) luminous
ZAZ (Chechen) bloom
Zezag (Chechen) flower
Zulechi (Arabic) Name of the wife of the Prophet Yusuf (peace to him)
Zumud (Arabic) Emerald
Zuhra (Arabic) flower, star
Yisa (Chechen) remain
Iman (Arabic) Vera
Camila (Arabic) Perfection
Casira (Arabic) a lot
Khokha (Chechen) dove
Lyle (Arabic) Night
Lina (Arabic) tenderness, meekness
Madina (Arabic) city of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Maimuna (Arabic) Blessed
Makka (Arabic) city of Mecca
Maliak (Arabic) Angel
Maryam (Arabic) Mother's name Prophet Isa (World them)
Muffy (Arabic)
Nabil (Arabic) famous
Nappa (Arabic) is unharmed
Nazyia (Arabic) Security
Nazira (Arabic) equal
Naila (Arabic) acquire
Nasira (Arabic) Winner
Nafis (Arabic) precious
Nidaa (Arabic) Call
Nur (Arabic) light
Polla (Chechen) butterfly
Raisa (Arabic) leader
Razja, breast (Arabic) satisfied
Rashida (Arabic) prudent
Ruemaida (Arabic) smoothly walking
Handy (Arabic) Name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Rumani (Arabic) grain grain
SAVDA (Arabic) Name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Seda (Chechen) Star
Sa'ida (Arabic) happy
Sakina (Arabic) Divine World in the shower
Salima (Arabic) Healthy
Sana (Arabic) magnificence
Safa (Arabic) clarity, cleanliness
Safiya (Arabic) carefree, clean
Sahla (Arabic) smooth
Sumyia (Arabic) name of the first female shahid
Sukhail (Arabic) smooth, easy
Suheima (Arabic) Little Arrow
Tabarak (Arabic) grace
Taus (Arabic) Peacock
Ummukulsum (Arabic)
Favziya (Arabic) lucky
Fazil (Arabic) Virtue
Fatima (Arabic) Name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Farida (Arabic) unique
Farich (Arabic) happy, joyful
Firdov (Arabic) Name of one of the levels of paradise
Hawa (Arabic) Pramatery people
Hadija (Arabic) Name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Hadia (Arabic) righteous
Hadzhar (Arabic) name of the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace to him)
Khalima (Arabic) gentle, the name of the crumbles of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.)
Khalisa (Arabic) Frequently
Khalifa (Arabic) Caliphate
Hanifa (Arabic) True believing
Hasna (Arabic) beautiful
Hayat (Arabic) life
Huria (Arabic) Paradise Virgo
Chovka (Chechen) daw
Sharif (Arabic) noble
Yasira (Arabic) meek
Yasmin (Arabic) jasmine
Yakha (Chechen) live
Yahute (Chechen) let live

Some presented names may differ in writing from their original forms in the original language. Taking into account the peculiarities of the Chechen language in some names there are modified letters. In brackets indicated, from which language there is a given name. If you have not found a name you are interested in, look at other names or search engine on our website. You can send information, we will be grateful for the completion of the list of Chechen names and their values.

In this article I would like to tell about female names. There are a huge amount of them, but you can always choose what you need.

All parents who appear daughter face the problem of choosing a name. And often this choice is delayed, because the female names there is a lot. Well, let's try to facilitate your task.

Top 10 of the most beautiful names for girls

  • Anastasia - Translation from the Greek language "Resurrection" itself is quite beautiful. In addition, soft sound makes the name ideal for the future lady. Tenderness and beauty of the Nabs were reflected in many fairy tales
  • Vera - Such a girl will not only be called in honor of a strong feeling, but will become a real family faith! Diligent student and hostess, nice charming interlocutor - In this true female beauty
  • Darina - The duplicate child with a soft character will become a real gift for his loved ones. In addition, Darins are distinguished by real beauty, acute mind and amazing sense of humor.
  • Eve - The name of the first biblical woman is striking with its simplicity and, at the same time, femininity. It translates as "live", which is not by chance, because such a girl is distinguished by mobility and charm
Eve - Name for Active Girl
  • Camill - infrequently used, but at the same time no less beautiful name. The beauty of such girls lies in their charisma, for the spell of which everyone surrounding. Translated as "keeper" that for a woman is very suitable

Important: however, when the selection of such a name should be accurate. Despite the names of the name separately, it is not suitable for all surnames and patientities.

  • Milena - "Cute", "gentle." The girl who is so calling will always be able to become a peacemaker for others and show true wisdom. But such quality for women sometimes means more than physical beauty
  • Sofia - And this name is translated as "wise." In addition, it sounds gently and perfectly combined with almost any patience
  • Ustinia - "Fair". An unusual name for pronunciation name and its owner makes charismatic, strong in character. Ustinya sees people through, which is reflected in psychological deposits
  • Emilia - "diligent". The type of women who are beautiful both externally and internally. The girl's character will also be attractive and open
  • Yaroslav - "sunny". The name is beautiful not only on the interpretation, but also sound. Children's sunshine will continue in adulthood

Name Yaroslav awards his mistress in a sunny character

The most beautiful Russian name for the girl

One of the most beautiful and frantic Russian names is Anna. Translated, it means "grace", "grace", which also affects the child. Modesty, kindness, selflessness, benevolence - the qualities that adorn the girl.

It is important: however, parents need to keep in mind that the firmness of the name will affect the character - Ani in childhood is often capricious, offended. But with age, this quality can be smoothed.

Anna - the name that brings the kindness of her owner

Beautiful vintage names for girls

  • Agrya - "shine." This name shines since ancient times, shrouded with a halo of romanticism. Charming girls who were so called, have leadership qualities and possess genuine charm
  • Glycheria - "Sweet". It used to sound like Lucher, but now you can cut as a face. The radiant name has always attracted the fact that girls are good and reliable with him
  • Taisiya - attracted our ancestors with their melodiousness. The ancient Greeks loved this name also because it was devoted to the goddess of femininity Isis. Girls who are so called, possess good creative maps
  • Ulyana - Although it is considered an old Russian name, but in reality it goes back to the Romans. Julian's name was quite common in those times, because it awarded his support to benevolence, openness

Girls with ancient name Ulyana friendly

Beautiful older names for girls

  • Agnia - "Fire". This name is readable with us from the IV century, when the girl with him refused to marry the heralds, for which the flour has undergone. Since then, it is believed that Agniya is stubborn, firm in their decisions, but at the same time open
  • Olga - According to one of the versions, this old-circuit name was borrowed from Scandinavian. Helga denoted the "holy", "wise." This is a short one, but the sonorous name is awarded its hostess developed intelligence, strong will

Important: However, it is worth it in mind that Olga is extremely difficult to apologize, even if she is wrong.

  • Bozhan - "Divine". Such a good interpretation contributed to the fact that our ancestors were often called girls in this way. In addition, these girls, growing, have the woman with a golden middle: when you need - weak and defenseless, but when you need another - able to stand up for yourself

Girls with the older name of the Bozhanta are pretty observant and wise

Slavic names for girls rare and beautiful

  • Bela. - This is a name that is translated as "white", "bright", meets from the South Slavs since 870-911. This girl is soft, the stack, does not lose in difficult situations

Important: however, patience is not always enough. It is very emotional, although the external coldness is also present.

  • Fun - "Usland", "funny". This name is familiar to us from the Slavic fairy tales, and it rewards its carrier activity, sincerity, the ability to give useful tips. Our ancestors were confident that fun Nelicomerne and do not know how to bring
  • Peahen - Another familiar with fairy tales name, which is associated with the importance, femininity, pride. Oddly enough, but it is translated as "modest", "small"

Girls with a rare Slavic name Pava grow feminine

Girls for girls rare and beautiful Orthodox

  • Agaphia - Related to semi-precious stone Agatu. Translated as "kind", "caring". Holy Agaphia is revered by Orthodox people. And now this name brings goodwill, the ability to reconcile others, courage
  • Efrosinia - Reverend with the same name secret under the guise of the boy went to the men's monastery, dedicating himself to serving God. And now such girls are targeted, devotees, serious, distinguished by high spirituality
  • Melania - Release in connection with Rev. Melania Roman. Characteristic features - determination, striking power, excerpt, courage, the ability to overcome complex situations

IMPORTANT: however, Melania the girl should be called only when you want it to be a strong personality. But you need to be prepared and to the fact that these girls are all their life against the rules, public opinion.

Girls with the name Melania often argue with others

Beautiful church names for girls

  • Anfisa - Suitable for those born in August and September, and denotes "blooming". In Orthodoxy, Reverend Anfisa-Igumeni and the Holy Martyr Anfisa are revered. Anfisa is extremely witty, movable, emotional. Attract attention and stand up for yourself - those important things that such girls are trained since childhood
  • Catherine - Even Russian tsaritsa baptized in such a name. Name Day is celebrated in December. Girls grow up proud, well-learning, successful
  • Elizabeth - Recently, Schraist, Good, sincere. Name Day celebrates in May, September, November and December. Lisa is always friendly with everyone, stocking, unusually appreciated the family, which makes them ideal femininity

Girls with the name Elizabeth sincere

Beautiful Kalmyt names for girls

  • Ice. - "Melody". In addition to the beautiful sound and translation, this name pays back to the Arab Prophet Isa. Parents of babies should call her so if they want to grow a daughter god-fearing, moral and pious
  • Baira - "Joy". These girls are excellent interlocities with a good sense of humor, gifting. Parents know that by calling a daughter in this way, they will help to become her socially adapted
  • Ilya - "Open", "Clear". Extremely charming personals that become good friends and exemplary wives

Important: The danger of such a name is that such girls often see the ideal where it is not. They are excessively demanding to others, which brings a lot of difficulties.

Ilyaran Kochneva - an example of a charming winner of a beauty contest with Kalmyk name

Beautiful Names for Girls Modern Tatar

  • Asel - translated as "honey". Of course, parents want such a gentle characteristic for their daughter, as well as the awarding of its responsiveness, softness, talentedness. Asel is ready to come to revenue both people and animals
  • Idelia. - Mobility, freedom-loving, attractive. Such girls are very moving - just from those who are called "Hydia"
  • Alsu - "Robbing". The name is now popular thanks to the famous singer, however, before the parents loved to call so daughters. And it is not surprising, because the girls are obtained inquisitive, able to prove their point of view, but at the same time patient to others
Alsu is a wonderful representative of one of the most beautiful Tatar names

Bashkir names for girls rare and beautiful

  • Amna - translated quite interesting as "security". Not the most popular name, but in vain, because such girls are very hardworking, reliable

Important: Unfortunately, such people are rather harsh and cold.

  • Banat. - Perhaps thanks to solid sound and not the most popular name, but this is no less interesting, because literally translates as a "girl." Banat is always sincere, departing, knows how to listen to her heart
  • Habiba - translates as "friend", "Favorite". Such girls are talented, bright seeking to make everyone around. They will easily forgive and fascinate

Girls with the name of Habiba are extremely charming

Beautiful Tuvinian Names for Girls

  • Aman - The name is not only expressive, but also has an excellent translation. "Prosperous", "healthy" - just what any parent wants to her child. So favorite option of the baby's adoption, which is used for both girls and boys
  • Sendy - Charging, responsible, decisive people. Such girls possess nobility from birth, excellent taste and ability to support the conversation. It is not surprising that many parents prefer such name

Girls with Tuvinian name Sendy - this is a little lady

Kabardian beautiful names for girls

  • Aishat - "Full of life." Of course, a positive and beautiful name that was also the third spouse of the Prophet. Aishat is educated, smart. No wonder the name is considered to be faithful

Important: Aishat is pretty militant, so it's not easy to sing with such a girl.

  • Muslim - "Saved". Such girls since childhood learn to take care of their honor, realizing that it is more important than ambition. Perhaps due to this they achieve success
  • Naphisat - "Elegant", so it is not surprising that it is common. Such good girls, sincere, fragile. If you are capricious, then do it so that all whims that surrounding the MiG are forgiven

Girls named Naphisat is elegant since childhood

Beautiful Buryat names for girls

  • Dari. - So called the child, who became a real gift. Girls and grow hospitable, generous
  • Nom - Always finds something spiritual in everything that surrounds. This simple name rewards girls with the same simple, but important characteristics, as a sensitive heart, a sharp mind.
  • Erzhen - Translated as "Pearl", which in itself is very beautiful. Erzhen will always find a compromise, gently approaching the solution of any problem, tactfully will take away towards the dispute

IMPORTANT: however, Erzhene is definitely not enough perpetuity.

The most beautiful Islamic names for girls

  • Achelia - Since this is the name of the flower, such a name is extremely beautiful. It awards those who wears him, smile and good nature
  • Salsabil - It sounds and the truth is quite attractive and feminine. Especially if you consider the fact that the source in paradise
  • Yasmin - Literally means "one flower of jasmine". Just look at this flower in order to understand what parents want their daughters calling them in this way

Islamic name Yasmin symbolizes beauty

Modern beautiful Muslim names for girls

  • Aisha - Incredibly common name due to its simplicity, beauty and history. Aisha called the favorite wife of the prophet, as well as eight ways. The root name indicates the living "
  • Maryam - Popular since ancient times due to its beauty. Despite antiquity, it never arrived. Tenderness, seriousness and softness are surprisingly combined in this word
  • Nur - Brief and sonor. Recently, girls are called so especially often, and not only in eastern countries. It is believed that it gives girls generosity

Nur - a sonorous and beautiful Muslim name

Beautiful Caucasian Names for Girls

  • Leila - "Chernovolamaya", "night" especially attractively sounds for Caucasian girls. And the romantic story about the lovers of Majnun and Leyla and does not give rest to many
  • Aliya - "High", "sublime." Such girls are brought up, obedient, merry, feminine. At the same time, they possess a rather sharp analytical mind

Beautiful Chechen Names for Girls

  • Info - "morning sunrise". The girl with this name should be not only as beautiful as the dawn, but also independent, responsive, assembled. She is inventive, which helps a lot in life
  • Alice - This name sounds very gently, female. Such girls are soft, responsive, contact

Important: However, in everything, as for the purity and quality of surrounding things, Eliza is extremely picky.

The girl named Alice is very feminine

Beautiful Dagestan names for girls

  • Dinara - The name in which the ringing of gold coins sounds. However, "Dean" is also "religion", so if you want to achieve a combination of beauty and religiosity in a child, it is worth paying attention to this option
  • Sim. - "He heard by God." Such a person will always be devotees, hardworking. Sima does not like to complain and there will be no, but he is always glad to listen to intuition
  • Yakunt - translated as "yahont", although it sounds like. The girl will shine sincerity, kindness, optimism and creative start

Beautiful Ossetian names for girls

  • Rimma - The girl with such a sonorous name will always find a way to tie a friendship with anyone. She intuitively feeling how to behave. Mind, trick, observation - this is what is also characteristic of it
  • Feruza - Many parents prefer to call the girls because of the beauty of the name. Not surprising, because it means a semi-precious stone. Preciously also the ability of the girl will always retain calm, and still with the pellery
  • Dzerate - It is unlikely that any other name will symbolize the beauty than that that literally means the "beauty of the Earth", "shining like the sun and the moon." In addition, the name was the heroine of the Ossetian epic

Girl with the name of Dzherassa obliged to grow beautiful

Beautiful Crimean-Tatar Names for Girls

  • Maille - translated as "blue-eyed". Walked and responsiveness will accompany the girl all his life. Just as thoughtfulness, prudence
  • Emilia - "diligent", "strong". A girl who can always escape is quite capable of solving his problems. This is solid and, at the same time, the feminine name is often selected by the Crimean Tatars.

Beautiful names for girls Ukrainian

  • Oksana - Of course, it is difficult to forget about this name, familiar to us from fairy tales. The name is translated as "hospitable", which in general and characterizes Ukrainian women. The girl is outwardly calm, but behind this calm is hiding their special world
  • Miroslav - "The glorifying world." Such a girl will always be cute, pleasant in communication, reliable, ready to always give advice. Her intuition works fine, which helps to act as a peacemaker

Important: The main problem of Miroslava is the difficulty of concentration at today's day due to excessive looping in the future.

  • Zhdan - Desired "," long-awaited ". Of course, the girl with this name is simply destined to positive features - love for animals and people, responsiveness, delicacy

Girl with the name Zhdana is always good and responsive

Beautiful Gypsy Names for Girls

  • Raji. - "Hope." The carrier of this sonorous name will always believe in love, strive for harmony. However, hardness can even manifest itself - for example, in the question of religion or other beliefs
  • Gili - This ringing name is translated as a "song" and how it is not better suitable for the girl. Movable Gili always responds quickly to what is happening around, but she does not occupy a time humanity. The independence of the girl leads to the fact that it tries to surround themselves as strong people
  • Shukar. - What other name will emphasize the beauty, like "Beauty"? This girl will be a sacrificial, appreciating love capable of listening to others.

The name of the girl named Shukar symbolizes beauty

Names for girls twins beautiful

Twins are children who can be similar, but not identical. And this means that the names are best pick up, Based on the principle of contrast. For example, Alla and Bella, that is, allay and white.

However, you can do otherwise by choosing similar in meaning names - Faith and love, hope and faith.

Beautiful names for girls twins

As for identical twins, it will be interesting to sound similar pronunciation names - Alice and Vasilisa, Olesya and Alice, Karina and Arina.

Can, relying on the characteristic, pick up options with similar energy - Victoria and Ekaterina, Alexander and Antonina, Eva and Zlata.

Beautiful short names for girls

  • Yana. - Despite the brevity of the very name, the interpretation is quite extensive. Translated as "God's mercy". Such girls have a well-developed mind, the ability to linguistics, independence, hardness

IMPORTANT: Little Janu is better not to pamper much, otherwise she can grow in egoist.

  • And I - translated as "violet". It is believed that in this name huge energy is hidden - perhaps the secret is that it does not contain consonant letters. Jia is always experiencing a storm of emotions that do not always know how to control
  • Zoya - literally translates as "life." Naturally, such a child will be extracted from the whole lessons, knows how to give importance to just worth it. Her calm can only be envied

Girls with the name Zoya grow by the incarnation of calm

Beautiful Double Names for Girls

It is believed that people with a double name live longer and happier around. However, sometimes parents tribal can not give preference to some one option.

However, if you still decided to call the girl so Try to achieve consonance - For example, Vera Nika, Maria Magdalena, Eva-Eugene, Lydia Lilia, Larisa Anfisa.

New Beautiful Names for Girls

  • Inessa - translated as "rapid". The ancient name cannot be called it, the form of Agnes was previously used. Now the "chaste" Agnes rose to replace a decisive, purposeful other form of the name, which gives its owner leadership qualities
  • Stella - It is impossible to better meet the requirements that society puts forward a modern woman. This is an independency, the ability to achieve goals, fight for yourself. However, such a coldness does not always benefit
  • Justina - Pretty courageous energy name, although, unlike the same stella, it is impossible to call the Justine. She with ease makes acquaintance, has a cheerful temper. However, learn because of non-unhealthy

Girl with the name of Justina is an energetic child

Of course, choosing the name of the future daughter - the task is not from the lungs. According to the characteristic, the sound, the semantic fullness they are all different. However, there is always the opportunity to find something your.

Women's Ingush names belong to the nuclear name group And have a lot in common with Chechen and Ossetian due to the geographic proximity of cultures. The phonetic basis for the names of their own is taken:

  1. defined verb form;
  2. independent communion;
  3. the form of a qualitative adjective.

A female prefix is \u200b\u200badded in the form of "y-" sound, in some cases a solid end is added to the name.

Important! Prefix "Ai" - the main distinguishing feature of female names inherent in the Ingush nationality.

Ingush names for girls most often have Arabic and Persian rootsBut a certain influence on them was provided by Russian, Jewish, Tatar, Georgian, Armenian culture.

In the meaning of names prevail:

  1. qualitative characteristics;
  2. traits;
  3. description of actions;
  4. natural phenomena;
  5. names of animals and plants;
  6. the name of the jewelry.

How do you choose and give adoption?

Parents rarely participate in the process of choosing a name for a newborn daughter. The right name of the child is granted by senior family members. - Grandparents, grandparents, uncle from the father. Relatives from the mother of this right do not have.

If the girl initially was given to the non-Misulm name, imam in his choice or insistence of relatives can give the girl another name according to religion. It is believed that under this name the child will appear in the future before Allah.

Name Selection Rules for Ingush Girl:

  • undesirable to use the names of the prophet's associates for adoption;
  • the name should not be strange and cause ridicule of others;
  • the meaning of the name should not too praise their support;
  • the sound of a female name should not cause lust of the opposite sex;
  • girls should be avoided by the names of Angels.

List of contemporary beautiful female options in Russian and their meaning

Parents who strictly adhere to the national traditions of the Ingush, try to use the original Caucasian name for his daughter. The choice is most often made in favor of congent and memorable names.reflecting charm, chascodes, happy fate of their owner.

  • Ad. Decoration. It is popular with the opposite sex, but with marriage is not in a hurry, it is not very interested in the economy, preferring to pay attention to spiritual development.
  • Aza. Comfort. The girl in love and sensitive, often turns influential ties, economic, and is not inclined to the mercy and unreasonable financial spending, it can become a good accountant, engineer or doctor.
  • Azman. Time. For carrier name, reliability, practicality and ability to achieve success, it seeks to perform any work qualitatively, but does not tolerate monotonous and events.
  • Aibric. Moon mistress. The owner of the name can achieve tremendous success in life if he comes to the main drawback - laziness, it is very active, hardworking and sociable girl.
  • Aset. Lioness. Depending on the external circumstances and is able to rush out of extremes to extreme, it has good adaptive abilities, energetic, tend to adhere to common sense.
  • Baisari.. The most important. Attractive, cheerful, bold and initiative girl, but despite a strong character, needs care, support and intimate communication.
  • Banati.. Girl. The charming person, which uses all his spells to like men, relies on their chosen one, but not deprived of independence and willpower.
  • Dogmara. Brave. Thanks to the perfection and attentiveness, it seeks success in studies and professional activities, is not inclined to confrontations, trying to find a compromise in disputes, is always surrounded by friends.
  • Yesarya / Yasira. Easy. Pronounced to loneliness, but it is not so good, it persistently achieves the desired, sometimes chatty and self-confident, the owner of a subtle mental organization, high intuition and insight.
  • Zhansari. Living is notable. Creates the impression of a fragile and helpless person, but behind the outer shell is hidden a strong personality with an internal rod, tend to show selfishness, temperament and scandalivity.
  • Jovzan. Lily. Experience for this girl is much more important than emotions and fantasies, she loves order, accuracy, believes in love and does not lose idealism.
  • ZAZ. Inflorescence. People with this name changed and do not tolerate boredom, demonstrate a developed intuition, in search of material satisfaction seek power and glory.
  • Zamira. Smart, honest. The volitional and sociability, grows by a talented leader and easily achieves success, appreciates family, so tries to build strong relationships with a man.
  • Info. Morning sunrise. An eccentric girl who hovers in the clouds seeks to continuously improve his knowledge and skills, appreciates family and loved ones, ready to devote himself to her husband and children.
  • Zuhra. Brilliant, bright. Capripant, hysterical, but consistent in actions, if sets a certain goal; Enjoying an authority among colleagues, listens to the opinion of others, there is an excessive proud and egocentric.
  • Kaila. Heaven. For Kayila, an inner concern is characterized, which leads to self-esteem and increased anxiety, it is moderately communicated, not talking, good and hardworking.
  • Kesira / Kasira. Generous. The incorrigible optimist is endowed with a rich imagination, so prefers to dream, and not act, loves and knows how to communicate.
  • Laila. Dark night. Distinctive features of the name - self-development, readiness, charm and a subtle mind, it is always surrounded by friends who are looking for a wise adviser in her face, comforter and assistant.
  • Madina. Purchase. The active and energetic person, purposeful and confident in their own, since childhood, seeks leadership, grows with a wonderful mistress and mother.
  • Mysa.. Proud. It takes an active life position, well oriented in extreme situations, is considered a reliable friend and soul of the company.
  • Maryam / Maryam. Careful girl preferring to pacify his feelings and emotions, in the work of hardworking and is responsible, it is capable of successfully combining career growth and care for the family.
  • Nurbika. Radiant. It has extraordinary thinking, inclined to introversion and self-pressing, pays a lot of attention to its appearance, shows romanticism, honesty, kindness and peacefulness.
  • Divide. Pleasant. She strives for spiritual and physical equilibrium, this is a responsible girl who can rely on, she knows the price, but does not like to protrude and boasting.
  • RUSSAN. Flower garden. It has amazing rationality and systemism of approach, a magnificent wife and mother, possesses inner mystery, which attracts others.
  • Selima. Peace-loving. Mysterious, but the constant feature, prone to self-analysis and internal search, is distinguished by internal force and power.
  • Girls in Ingush families are often called TamaraFor different versions, this name has Jewish, Georgian, Armenian, Orthodox origin.
  • Fariza. Favorites. Pronounced to analyzes and research, pleasant in communication, since childhood is distinguished by stealing and accuracy, sometimes too rational and hidden.
  • Khalo. Aware. A creative person with leadership qualities can attract attention, sometimes inconsistency and aggressiveness.

By origin, classify names as follows:

  • Traditional, expressing attitude towards the surrounding life. For example, children are called in honor of birds, animals or trees or flowers.
  • Having east origin. Appeared on the territory of Chechnya during the penetration of Islam. For the most part, these are the names of the prophets and spiritual envoys, as well as the Turkic names that are still named 70% of Chechnya residents.
  • Reflective verb shape or formed from adjectives or communities. They reflect the attitude of people to the world around the world, however, today are not popular with the Chechen people.
  • Borrowed from Persian and Arabic languages, as well as from Russian.

Attention! Pronunciation and writing may vary depending on what dialects there are residents of a particular territory.

More Ancient noticed that the girls with the same name were similar, they made the same mistakes or, on the contrary, good deeds. If the carrier of the name committed an unforgivable act like treason, her name, no matter how beautiful it was, for a long time or even forever indulged in oblivion. No one else wanted to call them her daughter. In modern Chechnya, 90% of children are admed to Arabic names. This shows a significant influence of Islam to the republic.

How do you choose?

Parents always gave serious importance to the adherence of the baby, especially the girls appeared on the light. From a long time, there was belief that through the name you can convey a specific character or even identify the fate of a person. However, the choice of a name for a newborn girl depends not only on the wishes of parents and close relatives, but also from the traditions and beliefs of the Chechen family. In addition, it should be well combined with the surname and patronymic, and also be harder and easy to pronounce.

Another serious motive for choosing is a desire to provide just that has just appeared to the daughter of favorable starting conditions. During the time of colonization of the Chechen Republic of the Girls, they called the names of the women and mothers of the famous commander of the people of the conqueror. Over time, these names have become familiar to the Chechen people and entered use. So the people firmly secured the Turkic and Arabic names.

List of options in Russian and their meaning

Let us give a list of modern and beautiful female names at Chechens alphabetically in Russian and their meaning.

The most rare and frantic

Names - the historical heritage of the people. Unfortunately, today many beautiful Muslim women's names are forgotten and go into the past. However, among Chechen girls and women you can find many rare and sonorous names.

  • Aishat - Bringing the joy of the moon or shining the joy of the moon.
  • Viziaita - The name-spell meaning "let it remain", which was given to girls in families where children rarely lived to adult life.
  • Janbika - In Tatar language, meaning "such a soul".
  • Jamal - One of the transfer options is "Slave Allah", the other is "beautiful" or "perfect".
  • Irsana - Girls were called such a name for happiness.
  • Savgat - Very rare, having a translation of the Turtle Pency Shield.
  • Sostitat - It was given in large families and translated as "let him stop" or "sufficient."
  • Sumyia - This is the name of the first female shahid.
  • Tabarak - Translated from Arabic as "exaltable" or "blessed", the name of the 67th Sura of the Quran is named.


Ordinal Chechen names for women are simple and have no more than two syllables. They reflect the connection of the people with nature. Borrowed names are more melodious and conclude women's virtue.

The name is not just a combination of sounds to which a person speaks. From a long time, people have noticed that the name determines the fate of its owner, gives him strengths and abilities, and also gives the weaknesses and disadvantages. Each nationality has their own popular and favorite names for boys and girls who have a secret meaning. Amazing in the power of the sound of Chechen names, beautiful, but unusual for European hearing.

Groups by origin

Depending on the origin, Chechen names can be divided into three groups:

  • Folk, original options. The most ancient, which are genuine pride of the Chechen people. The distinctive features are brevity, they consist of one, maximum of two syllables. By their appearance, they are obliged to mother nature: animals, plants, minerals. Examples are numerous: Borz (from the word "wolf"), a baby ("Eagle"), Lu ("Kosil"), Zhovkhan ("Pearls").
  • Borrowed. They came to Chechensky from Persian, Turkic and Arabic languages, constitute the main name of the names. Among them are a lot of Muslim options with a religious tint: Osman, Suleiman and, of course, Mohammed, Magomed. From the Turkic came such names as Hasbulat, Mansur, Albek. Numerous female names are taken back by Chechens from Arabic sources: Yasmin, Zuhra, as well as from the Quran (Madina, Zeynab, Aisha).
  • Modern. Most of the representatives of the nationality use traditional names to this day, but the effect of modern West is still felt, therefore such options appear: Louise, Tamara, Rosa, Sasha. Often, the source of such borrowing is Russian.

These are the main groups of Chechen names, many of them sound very unusual for a modern person, poetically and penetrating, and their secret value adds to them.

Manifold male names

One of the main sources from which Chechen names appeared were borrowing from Arabic, which presented a huge number of options with religious background. The most popular male names include such options:

These are Chechen men's names and their meaning. Of course, a far from a complete list is presented, but only the most frequently used options that have come to the Chechen people from Arabic primary sources. These names are popular and now, although often facing competition more modern options.

Found from the world of nature

Among Chechen Names there are those who endow their owner qualities of the most worthy of wildlife world representatives. Examples are numerous:

Now a rare Chechen boy receives such an ancient beautiful name with a rich history, but their value does not cancel this fact. Sometimes a family, adhering to traditional views, gives his son just such a noble name that will have an impact on his subsequent fate.

Popular female names

Chechen names of girls are very numerous, but researchers note that more than 70% of them are borrowing from Arab sources. However, there are also original Chechen options, for example, Bigland, this name means "diamond", children - with the meaning of Silver, Deshi - "Gold", Zhovhar - "Pearls". More examples: ZAZ means "blooming", Zezag is translated as a "flower", polla - in Chechen "butterfly". The poetic name of the seda is translated as a "star".

Names are helping to understand the culture of the Chechen people. If men compared with representatives of the animal world, noble beasts and predatory predatory birds, then the girls were associated primarily with jewels, flowers.

The most beautiful

The list of Chechen names of girls, beautiful and modern, quite extensive, while each of them gives its owner certain traits, strengths and weaknesses, mystical abilities, talismans and happy numbers.

Aziza is a beautiful, sonorous name for Karyoja Beauty, who endowed her mistress endless creative potential. This girl is talented in everything, perfectly plays on musical instruments, draws, composes poems or prose. Often Aziz become fashionable designers or tattoo masters. The appearance of them is bright and memorable, character - volitional and strong, so such girls are doomed to success.

Aina - Thanks to the combination of sounds, this name for girls sounds gentle and poetically. Its owner it entered the wounded nature, as well as independence and courage. Girls Aina since childhood have a leader's deposit, but so thinly try to affect their surroundings, which almost do not face negative and resistance. The meaning of the name is "Mirror", indeed, these girls see the interlocutor through.

Gently sounds the name of Asia, whose value is "able to treat."

Bayanat is a very sonorous Chechen female name, his owner has a strong character formed under the influence of Mercury and Uranus, she looks forward with confidence, is not afraid of life tests. Despite the fact that Bayanat - the name is not very popular, it does not lose its beauty.

Jamil - the name is mysterious, it contains a mystery, its carrier certainly has a talent that will be revealed literally from the first years of her life. At the same time, Jamil is a very good spouse, a wonderful mother, an exemplary household. The meaning of the name is "beautiful."

The name of Crubian is very beautiful, that in translation from Arabic means "proud", "reliable", this is a very ancient name, which is used by the Chechen people to this day.

Lilate is gently and touching, meaning "night", Lina - "modesty".

Modern variations

Women's Chechen names and their meanings are very diverse, some of them have a long history, a beautiful poetic sound, but there are also those who are quite modern and can be used to call the girl, and even Eastern:

Alia is one of these names, it came to the Chechen people from Arabic sources, put her owner with piercing beauty and talent. Girls with such an unusual name are distinguished by the power of the Spirit, they proudly look at their offenders, but hate, someone trying to penetrate their inner world. They are sincere, but often their deep-natures turn out to be incomprehensible simple people. Only in the company "their", close to spirit, the owners of the rare name Aliya are completely disclosed.

Amir is another beautiful Chechen name, it means "Lady". These are very active, living girls, purposeful and persistent, clearer and efficient. It can be used by parents that dream to endow their daughter with an unusual name.

Despite some unacceptivity to European hearing, Zeynab is a very modern female name, giving up its support for talent, beauty and wisdom. It was the girls of Zeynab become the perfect oriental wives - quiet and submissive at first glance, they are able to subordinate to themselves the will of the spouse so that he will not even guess his dependent position.

Beautifully and modernly sounds the name of Camila, which is precisely in this version, with one "L", occurs among the Chechen women. Translated from Arabic means "perfection". Often used and the name of the Madin, sonorous and unusual.

Maryam is a name that will be a real decoration of the girl of our time, despite the fact that it has a very long history. Its owners are distinguished by a living temper, a cheerful good-natured character, they are initiative and sociable.

Chechen names are not just beautiful and nontrivial options to call the child. This is a whole culture and history, each of them is of particular importance, gives its carrier some of the most important features of the person.

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