Mingrels. Megrel's surnames (baflandze)

Mingrels. Megrel's surnames (baflandze)

Some ethnographers rank them to Georgians, others - to ethnic relatives of the Abkhazians, the third see the descendants of the ancient Khazar in them. These mysterious people live in the west of Georgia, they speak their tongue and retain a unique cultural heritage. Who are such mines? The ethnogenesis of this people is full of riddles that have yet to be revealed. For example, many inhabitants of the Caucasus consider Mingrels with Jews.

Who are they?

Mingrels (Megrellas - depending on the pronunciation) - the ethnic group as part of the Georgian people, as the majority of specialists believes. According to Caucasian standards, their number is not so small. About a million people live in Georgia, mainly in the north-west of the country, where the historical region of Megrelia is located. In the neighboring regions of Abkhazia, in Russia and some other countries there are approximately 300 thousand mines.

The two recent censuses that have passed in Georgia in 2002 and 2014 did not allocate these people as a separate people. However, their language is so different from the speech of the title nation, that they do not understand each other. Therefore, linguists belong to Mingrelsky in a separate, the Zana group of the Carteware Language Family, which also includes Lazi, common in the territory of modern Turkey.

According to its origin, MINGELES belong to the East Mediterranean subtype of the European -ide race. As a rule, they have blue, green or light brown eyes, dark hair, expressive features of the face.

Favoriving next to Georgians and Abkhaza for many centuries, these people have adopted many details of life from the neighbors. Their national clothing, traditional cuisine and lifestyle are almost different. Mingrelies are preparing a hachapuri, saziva, baths, cornpashes, Suluguni cheese, Adzhika, and their favorite dish on holidays, among other things, are fried piglets.

Local men still in the XIX century wore Burki, walked with daggers, perfectly jumping on horseback. Women preferred long dresses expanding a book embroidered by national patterns.

The religion of the Miningles has long been the Orthodox Christianity, about the VI century, part of the inhabitants adhered to the ancient Zoroastrianism and Mitratism.

That these people are superbly singing and dancing, many say. At the same time, local musicians accompany the artists on instruments such as Chonguri, Duduk, Ganun (Eve) and Zurna. It is distinctive art that distinguishes mines. Their national dance is called "Jansulo", and songs are surprisingly melodious. This people have and a unique heritage, centuries transmitted from generation to generation in the form of fairy tales and legends.

The names of Mingrelov most often end on -y (-i), as well as on-school, -ua, -Av, -Iiri (-i, as well as many other inhabitants of the West of Georgia.

What do they have in common with the Jews?

Khazar version

Ethnographers are not the first century beating over the mystery of the origin of the Mingrels. Noting their cultural and linguistic difference from neighboring peoples, some experts believe that these people are descendants of the legendary Khazar.

In the VII-X centuries, extensive territories, staging from Kazakhstan's steppes in the East and to the Dnieper River in the West, controlled the disappeared state disappeared - Khazar Kaganat. The Lower Volga region, the Pre-Bukiscosier and the Northern Black Sea region were part of this powerful country. The ruling elite of Kaganat confessed to Judaism, despite the fact that Khazars did not have semitsky origin, but were originally a nomadic Turkic-speaking people.

Where did these people disappear after the fall of their state? Separate historians believe that they fled in the Transcaucasus, and their descendants and are mines. Say, the neighbors considered them with Jews, because at first they adhered to the Jewish religion, and later Christianity accepted, being influenced by Georgians.

Error came out

According to another version, rumors about the semitic origin of Mingrelov arose due to a banal confusion, because the other ethnic group lived in one with them the country - Georgian Jews, which themselves call themselves "ebareli".

These people fled to the Caucasus after the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II seized the ancient capital Jerusalem back in 586 to our era. The Jews settled in Georgia and peacefully lived in this country more than 26 centuries. They were always relatively small, and in recent decades most emigrated to Israel, the United States and other countries. Currently, representatives of this ethnic group have about 200 thousand people, of which less than 2 thousand remained in Georgia.

Knowing that there is a Jewish diaspora in this country, some experts mistakenly counted the Mingrels to it.

Similarity of national characters

Some Georgian specialists noted the similarity between the representatives of the two ethnic groups. So, a well-known journalist and teacher Iakob Gogebashvili (1840-1912) wrote that Mingrals exceed Georgians with their resourcefulness and enterprise. They are engaged in the resort business, arrange agricultural fairs, organize the supply of foreign goods.

"It is difficult to find such talented, diligent, enterprising and resourceful people like megrelas," this conclusion was made by Jacob Gogebashvili after a trip to the north-west of Georgia.

The fact that Armenian entrepreneurs, usually buying agricultural products in Georgians, never led their business with the Mingrels, also regarded as an indicator of their Jewish origin. Say, what other people in the sale can surpass even Armenians?

That is why Megrelia residents were accepted for the Jews.

Famous Mingrels

About any other people are usually judged by famous personalities, it represents. True, there is one complexity: most of the mines on the documents are recorded as Georgians. Many of them themselves consider themselves to the title nation of the country. And yet, on the basis of a number of alternative sources, you can make an alphabetical list of Mingrels, who left a noticeable trace in history, science, culture and art of the USSR, modern Georgia and Russia.

Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria (1899-1953) - the Soviet politician, with the personality of which the horrors of the repressions of the 30s of the twentieth century are associated. He was born in Abkhazia, in his passport was written "Georgians", individual historians claim that the mother of this man belonged to the Gorsky Jews. Allegedly, therefore, during the Great Patriotic War, Beria organized the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, whose work was completely supervised.

Leo Antonovich Steria - famous cardiac surgery, academician. Head of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakuleva was born on December 22, 1939 in the city of Ochliaschir Abkhaz ASSR, where many mines live. For this reason, as well as due to the characteristic surname, Professor of Medicine is counted for them.

Zviad Konstantinovich Gamsakhurdia (1939-1993) - First President of Independent Georgia, doctor of philological sciences, writer.

Diana Gudaevna Gurtskaya is a popular pop singer, a well-deserved artist of Russia. The Chairman of the Commission for Family Support, Children and Motherhood of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation was born on July 2, 1978 in the city of Sukhumi.

Georgy Nikolaevich Delelia is a famous film director, screenwriter and publicist. The People's Artist of the USSR was born on August 25, 1930 in Tbilisi. He took a lot of wonderful comedies, favorite viewers.

Zurab Vissarionovich Zhvania (1963-2005) - Georgian politician who held the post of Prime Minister of the country in the last two years of his life. The circumstances of his death are still not clear to the end.

Meliton Varlamovich Kantaria (1920-1993) is one of the fighters of the Soviet Army, a winning the banner of victory over Reichstag in 1945. The junior sergeant became a member of this historical event with another soldier - Mikhail Alekseevich Egorov. Cantaria was born in the Megrelo village of Jvari.

In addition, different reasons The famous Bard and the poet of Bulat Chalvovich Ocudzhava (1924-1997) and the famous Opera singer Zurab Lavrentievich Skyklav (1937-2017), although there are no obvious evidence of their relationship to this people.

I will, as far as possible, publish the works of the Georgian political figure of the 19th century Iacob Gogebashvili.
Today, a fragment from his book "Treasury" of the late 19th century.
Megrella belong to one of the branches of Georgians. They are not much different from other Georgians, for example, the Kakhetian does not differ from Guriyan or Imeretin. And the language is different from Georgian, although the service in the church goes to Georgian. 2 years ago, the spiritual rulers (apparently the Russian-my prospect In the church on Megrelsky and even transferred to the prayer of John of Zlatoust, however, all the estates of Megrelia were massively opposed. It should be noted that the Georgian language well-known among megreals is more than in other corners of Georgia.
About the quality of megrelov.

Rural workers of Megrelia, there is one good quality that the inhabitants of Eastern Georgia are completely deprived of their hands (Armenians, Jews). In the collection of the crop of Torgashi go around the villages and for the shipments they buy all the harvest, that then Schridoroga to sell. This is the population of Kartli and Kakheti, and this disease is completely deprived of megrelia. Large bazers are held in every village on Fridays. , in the cities, large fairs are held several times a year. I carry our good to the fair and the bazaar and there they sell or exchange at a profitable price. Glitter, tobacco, bread, fruit, all dishes, honey, wine, pets, and buy salt, wool, weapons, yarn and other. The people here are everywhere megrela, so other people here do not appear. The first competition they are trying to provide Uriya (Jews), but they cannot dictate prices in the market like this Jews in Kakheti eat, because Megreles are not weaker than them in the sale. This is good quality will bring megrelam a lot of benefit in the future. The inconsistency is superior to all Georgians: go to Kakheti and there a row in the share of the garden, open Dukhan overlooking the sea, To bring smuggling through customs - it is easily given to Megrelev. It is hard to find such talented, diligent, enterprising and resourceful people like megrelas.
With all of the foregoing, Megrelov has a lot of flaws.
Moral disease and the beginning of many misfortunes for Megrelia is theft. Increase all domestic cattle, horses and the most offensive, that this is impregnated by most of society. The situation in Megrelia is such a massive nature that the courts do not have time to take claims from numerous deals. Imeretin is even The sulfur of Megrelov: "Megrell got into Paradise, and there he saw the beautiful hoping of St. George. He looked away, jumped at the neck and rode from Paradise to hell." Headliness must be said that with the opening of schools, theft decreases on the happiness of Megrelia.
In Megrelia, two cities, Zugdidi and Redu-Kale (Coolevi). Also in Megrelia there are beautiful villages: Akhali Senaki, Muri, Jvari, Markwili and others.
One of the most beautiful is the Marville Monastery, where the chief bishop of Megrelia is located, which is called ChCondi.

Who are such megrellas, Kakhetintsy, Rachvelets, Imeretinians? We are all Georgians, just live in different geographic areas of Georgia. Megrellas, however, are somewhat apart, because they retained their ancient language (which once in ancient times lay down the basis of Georgian literary). And all Georgian ethnobroups have their own "family" features - then the name of the names, at their end, we can understand which group one or another its carrier belongs. And about Megrel's names.

Many Megrelian surnames end up on "UA", "Ava", "Ia" or "IA". Examples of Megrelian surnames that have the end of the "UA" are Sturua (Sturua), Matua, Vekua. Examples of Megrelian surnames, having the end of Ava, are Okudzhava, Berulava, Piercehalava. Examples of the surnames ending on "ia" or "IA" are Zhvania, Janashia, Kobalya. Some Megrelian surnames have the omnipotent endings "Shvili", "Dze". Examples of the surnames ending on "Shvili" are Gogušvili, Nadareishvili, Kikalishvili. Examples of the surnames ending on "Dze" are Alakidze, Mikadze, Mekhaidze. Rare Megrel's surnames include surnames with the endings "Iri" or "Ori". For example, Papackari, Gegechkin, Quekwesskiri, Tsuleistkiri. The descendants from Abkhazia have the surnames with the endings of "Baia" or "Baia". For example, Cetsby, Agirsbay, Troops. The descendants of the leavings from Leahumi, Svaneti have surnames with the end of Ani. For example, Gasviani, Chikovani, Asatiani.
To the category of "original megrelior names" refer to the names of Hoshtaria, Kwaracelia, HamiSonia. These surnames were able to assimilate into the Abkhaz ethnos. That is, many Abkhaza wear Megrelian surnames. There are Abkhaz surnames that changed to the MEGRELLE LAD. These include marchings, vorait, margings, emlower. In Abkhazski, these surnames sound like this: Amarchean, Avard, Maan, Ehmaa. That is, the end of the "ia" to the Abkhaz surnames was added. There are people with the surname Tsushbay and Zuchai. These names were noted as a change in the Abkhaz names of Tsushba and Zuhba.
In the seventeenth - nineteenth centuries, Megrelian surnames were widespread among the Abkhaz population. At first, Megreli was assimilated in Abkhazia Galli district. The following surnames appeared: Ashbaya, Kilbaya, Emumbar, Dzyapshius, Marsh, Tarbai, Zubai, Shakirbay. Megrel's surname Ashbai was formed from the Abkhaz surname of Ashba. Kilbaya Megrel's surname was formed from the Abkhaz surname Kilba. Megrel's surname Emumbar formed from Aimhaa and Emhaa. Megrelly surname of Dzyapshius occurred from Dzyapsh-IPA. Megrelskaya surname of marching was formed from Abkhaz family of Amarkhan. Megrel's surname Tarbai formed from the Abkhaz surname Tarba. Megrel's surname Zubai was formed from the Abkhaz surname Zuhba. Megrel's surname Shakirbay occurred from the Abkhaz surname Shakryl. The Abkhaz people began to appear Megrel's names during the admission of Abkhaz to Russia. Megrelian priests, rewriting the flock, gave comfortable names to them. Most of the Abkhazov who received Megrel's surnames remember their original Abkhaz family names. For example, the Abkhaz population having the surname of Dzizaria has the original name of Luzhv-IPA. Luzhv-Ipa is translated as "Children of Males." One of the most common megrelochy surnames is the name Zurtzumia. In antiquity, people who bear this name were engaged in breeding cows. The best was considered cows from the flock of quartzhelia. A megrel's surname Japaridze is common among the Svans. Megrel's names that have the end of "Ava" intertwined closely with Japanese surnames. Before the revolution, the Megrelian surnames ending with "Shvili" belonged to the mainly ordinary peasants. More honorable megrel family surnames ended on "Dze". Surnames ending with "They" or "Ani" belonged to people having a noble origin. For example, Bagration, Orbeliani. Same names that contain the sound of "J" often have a megrel origin. Among the Megrelsky surnames there are descendants of the Abkhaz surnames. For example, the surname of Asslava occurred from the ethnonym "Apsil". From the first century they were denoted by the ancient andabhaz tribes. Megrel's surname Ardia, Ardablava occurred from the ancestors of Abkhaz, who were called Ardba. The Megrel's surname of Ascurava occurred from the ancestors of Abkhaz from the ancient kind of Ashkursa. The Mergel surname of Buliskery occurred from an ancient and respected surname in the people of Abraskil. Mergel names of Albai, Tschukhobay, Zakugby, Ezugbai also occurred from the ancestors of Abkhaz. Almost all the megrelo names of the inhabitants of the Gelsky district have an Abkhaz origin. We give the following examples. The terrain of Atarba is edible is the source of the genus Tarba from the village of Chhuartal. The peasant surname of the Abkhaz residents was formed from the name of the Ahiba terrain in the village of Gumurish. From the name of the hill near the river Ingur Gudzba there was a name of the majority of Hudsba, which is now known under the Megrel's surname of Guadzabia. The village of Gumurish translated from the abkhaz language "The Sanctuary Place of the famous genus Gumba. The terrain of the Kaps-Kyt comes from the name of the surname kind of kapsh. The name of the area near the city of Gall Side occurred from the name name of the princely sort of abkhaz sidoves. The name of the village of the village of Okum Chabalhua comes from the name of the Prince of Abkhaz residents of Charabal.
The names of Zhvania and Alasania have a megrel's origin. There is an opinion that this is not Megrelian surnames. This opinion is considered unreasonable. The population, who has a native language of Megrelsky, call themselves margal. In Georgian, it sounds megrelli. The prefix "M" along with the suffix "ate" is used for education from the nominal and verb basics of communion and adjectives. Let us give an example: m-shrofo-worker, comes from shrome, which means labor. Megrel's surnames are inherent in the suffix "Ava". For example, Antella, Jobaba, Lyzhava. This is distinguished by Megrelian surnames from the names of other nations. The population of Megrelov has a megrel's surname Panchulya. It points to place, as well as on the family, of which are carriers of the surname. During Mahajihood, Georgian priests, when they saved Abkhaz, baptized and recorded the last names. Therefore, we hear Megrelian surnames in Georgian transcription. Translated surnames were quite a lot. Often recorded Megrel's analogues. (http://vsefamilii.ru/)

I did not make such a philological excursion from the idleness. I got acquainted with representatives of the megrelo name Baslandze - amazing people who were passionate about the history of Georgia, who love their families and relatives. They say that: a person should love his family - otherwise how can he love his homeland?. United, finding close and distant relatives who wear this surname, as well as the same name, they decided to meet annually, on the same day, at Mariamoba (the day of the Assumption of Our Lady) - because it all began with the conversation of Kako Basantze with the priest of the church of the samber, And with the desire to learn more about their roots. The priest blessed the parishionan, suggested that it would be nice to order an icon of the Assumption of Our Lady and, when she was ready, the confessor consecrated her in the temple and instructed the surname of Baslandze to the patron of God's mother. It was a few years ago, and now the number of "found" basshouse has about 200 people (not very much), and every year everything is trying to collect everything, they even come from abroad, meets their oldest surname, 85-year-old Indico, Dressed in Georgian chole, and next to him, when everyone is cleared at the same table, certainly - the family coat of arms, the special pride of the family! When it washed, they decided to make it very concise and clear, and write "Hamarjoba, Abkhazeto Che!" What is very approximately possible to translate as "Long live our Abkhazia!" - Because the word "Gaymjoba" is actually "victory". And at the table everything goes a traditional one, even sit in an old-fashioned - women and men separately, toasts are pronounced in a certain order, and men get up to drink a glass of wine, and women at this time can be sitting. And, of course, - Music, Trio: Accordion, Duduki and Shares, this is quite in Tbilisi, in Georgian, - as you want to name!
This is the story about the surname Baslandze, from the mysterious Greek Basla, who settled in Megrelia is unknown when, and marked the beginning of the Basault (archives found the documents that lead in the 17th century, but what was there before, do not know, the search is painstaking !)

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The meaning of the word megrela

megrella in the Crosswordist Dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


megrelov, un. Megrel, Megrela, or Mingrals, Mingrals, units. Mingrelets, Mingrelz, m. South Caucasian nationality, living in Naz.-Zap. parts of the Georgian USSR.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Ate and -sov, un. - I, -a, m. And Mingrels, - Little -elov, units. -He, m. The ethnic group of Georgians, which make up the indigenous population of one of the territories of Western Georgia - Megrelia (Mingrelia) (in 16-19 centuries. Megrelo Principality).

g. Megreka, - and and Mingreke, and.

arr. Megrelsky, and, and Mingrelsky, and ,y.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Ethnographic group of Georgians living in Western Georgia.

    Representatives of this group.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Megrella (Mingrels) in Art. Georgians.


mingrels, Georgians, who held the central and foothill areas of the ancient Colchis in the past; Now they live in the right bank areas of the Rioni River, the funds of the Khobi rivers, inguri and others, as well as compact groups in Abkhazia and a number of other areas of the Georgian SSR. Megrelskaya Georgian tribes in antiquity together with the tribes of the cards, Sobanov and others were the basis for the formation of the Georgian people. M. Speak in Georgian language, in everyday life ≈ and in Megrelski (see Cartvelean languages), until the recent past, they have preserved some features of culture and life.



Megrellasometimes mingrels (, margallep, units. h. "Margal"; : megrelebi, ABC. : agyrәә) - the nationality of the Megrelo-Zanskaya group of the Carvela Language Family; It is often seen as a sub-ethnic group of the Georgian people. They speak in the Megrelian language, which is part of the Megrelo-Zanskaya language group of the Carteware Language Family from the Georgian language. Until the 30s of the 20th century, it was highlighted by a separate nationality (before the 1926 census), the subsequent censuses (also and 2002 and 2014) rank them towards Georgians. Almost all the megrels other than the native language also own the modern Georgian language.

Examples of consuming the words of Megrella in the literature.

Beria was Megrel, and megrella did not get along with Guriov who trusted Stalin most.

But, for example, numerous, smart, and somewhere terrible, megrellaSometimes they do not count themselves to the Georgians.

Clita knew that surname I had megrelskaya, often megrella, Long living in Abkhazia, begin to consider themselves with Abkhaza.


Megrella (Russian transmission is also common mingrelsPreviously also mingReltsy, self-breaking margal.) - Sub Eethnic Group of Georgian people, which is mainly in Western plain areas of Georgia and in the east of Abkhazia. They speak in the Megrelo language own, as a rule, both Georgian languages; And some who have previously lived in the Ochamchyr district of Abkhazia, and Abkhaz. Typical Megrelian surnames end on -Ia (Russian is often transmitted as -and I: Zhvania / Zhvania), -Aya. (as follows: Shengeli), --Ava (Eliava), -Au (Chkadua). Surnames with the megrelsk endings are not uncommon from Abkhaz, which is the result of long assimilation.

In the late Middle Ages, Megrella enjoyed relative independence from the Georgian kings (Principality of Megrelia) and had their own dynasty of the dominated princes (Dadiani). The Megrelo Principality was part of the Russian Empire (Kutaisa province), Megrella brought oath to Alexander I. The princes of Dadiani (the bright princes of Mingrelskii) subsequently became part of the Russian nobility (after the liquidation of the principality B).

Megrellas are an ethnographic group of Georgians (nationality), that is, by Georgians. Megrellas constitute the indigenous population of the region of Samegrelo. And Christianity is supported (Georgian Orthodox Church).

In the Krasnodar Territory there are Stanitsa Mingrelskaya.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "MINILES" in other dictionaries:

    Megrella, ate and elow, units. El, a, m. And Mingrels, ate and elow, units. El, a, m. Ethnic group of Georgians, which make up the indigenous population of one of the territories of Western Georgia h Megrelia (Mingrelia) (in 16th19 centuries. Megrelsky principality). Dictionary… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    MN. The same as Megrellas Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    mingrels - Mingr Elag, rvel either, units. h. Rh, a and Mingr Yeltsi, ev, units. h. Ling, Lica, creative. P. Ling (the same as Megrellas) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    S; MingReltsy, ev; MN. \u003d Mengrels. ◁ Mingrel, and; Mingrelets, Lia; m. Mingreka, and; MN. Rod. Lock, dates. raks; g. Mingral, Aya, Oe. M. Language. In Mingrelsk, Narach. Talking on Mingrelsk ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    mingrels - Mingre / Ls; cm see. Mingrel, Mingrelets, Mingrell, Mingral, in Mingrelski \u003d Mengrels ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Mingrels, Georgians, who held the central and foothill areas of the ancient Colchis in the past; Now they live in the right-bank areas of the Rioni River, the pools of the Khobi rivers, inguri and others, as well as compact groups in Abkhazia and a number of other areas ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - სამეგრელო card ... Wikipedia

    S; MN. Ethnic group of Georgians living in Western Georgia; Representatives of this group. ◁ Megrel, A; m. Megreka, and; MN. Rod. Lock, dates. raks; g. Megrelsky, Aya, Oe. M. Language. * * * Megrella (Miningles), see Georgians. * * * Megrella Megrella ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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