Proverbs and sayings of Dagestan peoples. Dagestan Proverbs and sayings

Proverbs and sayings of Dagestan peoples. Dagestan Proverbs and sayings

According to tradition in Dagestan, the inscriptions were made on weapons, walls of houses, stones, trees, household items were a kind of "library". Here are some of these records.

"Who does not protect his honor, he will die." The inscription on the gravestone in the village of Ashort.

"I prefer the fire - a shame, death - humiliation" on the blade Kinzhal Khadzhalova from Aula Igali.

"Glory and honor-- on the backs of the horses." The inscription on the decoration of the horse breaks belonging to the resident with. Rim 3. Gamzatov.

"Coward - Death Weapons." The inscription on the sword of a resident of the village of Muni S. Gadzhiev.

"Before shooting, Quiver filled with arrows." The inscription on the Kolchahn Maila Shamil Busylov from Tinda.

"Paradise is under the shadow of the saber." The inscription on the blade D. Mur-Tazaliyev from the village of Ginichutl.

"Whoever does not protect his reserve with their weapons, he is forced to put up with humiliation." The inscription on the saber of the village of Seryin Ginichutl I. Chunk.

"Who does not seek to glorify, the glory will pass by him," then the saber's tip will not be glorified, he will never be noble. " The inscription on a satell's saber from the village of Ginich M. Dailyova.

"Deliver to the forest and do not be afraid of Lviv if a terrible test is coming, safely go ahead." The inscription on the ceiling House Hongzakhz Hasana - Son Saifula.

"Do not look for justice from the oppressor or traitor." The inscription on the ceiling of the pool in the village of Asshtal.

"Mougly - in battle, having a big tucheum - in Aul.

"Between friends sword of war - from felt."

"A friend looks into the eyes, the enemy is in his feet."

"Bravery is the ability to rule not only a horse, but also"

"Mother brave - not crying."

"The one who tells about the troops - let it be very burned

"Weapons of the mountains are worn throughout life, and the need for it is one day."

"Protect a stick or peak." The inscription at the peak of the signs of the Mother Mama Rustamova from the village of Ginichutl.

"The courage that lightning is it is instant."

"The life of the braveman is a quarter of a century."

"Jigit will die - the word lives." "The brave retains Aul."

"Yes, panties will die! Honor Batyram! "

"Bogatyr finds out when time comes."

"The courage of a removal and do not reach and not saddown."

"How to live without honor," Highlanders say, - Better to take death

"Yes, it will come to the brave well done."

"The hero is dying once, and a coward is a thousand times"

"It is better to be a widow hero than the wife of a coward" - they say Gorianka.

"Lena will not give birth to a hero."

The one who has lost the battle of the battle rifle, dagger and runs

A man must own a sharp dagger and a quick horse

"The gorgeous hero from the rock will achieve water." "Let the one who is fair" will be glorified.

"Better Bogatyr heart than a gilded sword."

Proverbs and sayings

Arcan is good long, and speech-- short.

The poor man lives, as can, and the rich - as he wants. Poor and corn bread - sugar.

The rich and grandfather of the funeral copes, and the poor cannot bury the Father.

Rich for conscience is not worried.

There is no peace without difficulty.

Without a child in the family there is no happiness.

Without dignity, there is no one merila what is happening.

Fear of trouble, and comes - be courageous.

Being worn, for it is worse than all the vices.

There are no violent century for a rapist.

Wine reveals rust in man.

Wherever the clouds gathered, they are discharged with rain, lightning and thunder on Gunib.

The hero will die once, cowardly times.

May there be a crop on bread so that you can make more bucks.

Yes, it will come to the brave well done.

Yes, we first chain on the enemy with a sword, and above the other - bread.

May wealth increase so that people love us.

Do for a friend, learn for yourself.

Money makes Hana slave, and Slave Khan.

Walked and honesty decorate a person.

House where do not go to visit - an unfortunate house.

Good name is better than treasures.

Good word and dagger will take.

If talking stupid, at least a listener should be smart!

If even the mouth of the curve, rich in the gathering gather. If you could do something with a scream, I would have built seven homes every day.

If the neighbors are good, then the blind girl married will come out. If you do not listen, it is better to sit silently.

Life is always the road.

Life is easily - this is not life,

Earth needs a world.

Winter is a dragon.

Owat thief Let them be on his wife's parents. What is the root - those and shoots.

Who will take care of their mouth, that head will be the mustache. Nettle to rip it better by strangers. Who is not in the field - the grief.

When Shukhntinets straightens the bed, in the barn of Akushinza cow might, thinks that the hay is carried. Who knows how to breed on the sea. Who is advised, he is not mistaken.

When an adult dies - in the house is empty, the small dies - in the heart is empty.

When poverty comes, lights light.

When you are angry, the mind runs away.

When the power comes, runs away with mercy,

Laziness will not give birth to the hero.

Better paint on face than a stain in the sun.

Love honor - love and work.

Mother brave does not cry.

The courage of a removal and do not reach and not sad.

A man should own a sharp dagger and a quick horse.

Her husband you can kill, but do not disgrace. .

Do not be oil in water - it means not to be indifferent!

contemplator spectacle.

In the language of honey, under the Language Ice.

At the bottom of the patience there is gold. ^

Not always to live in the offense, not always Khan in Gunib.

Do not approach the official when you get rich, he will come. Nookal Wherever I would go, I will find a feast, poor man, at least where it goes, finds work.

Unclean conscience, worse than snake poison. Ovechy tongue eat, and the human besh. Near gold and iron glitters.

I am bad to joke in winter with a mountain, in the summer with the river, - in winter, the collapsies, in the summer.

Let it be glorified by that, that is fair. The submissive sheep is driving three times. The field is seeded not in words, but seeds.

The best one who follows the covenants of the ancestors.

The power of life is in friendship.

Ask not a shame.

Fussing, for happiness do not grab.

You do not be soy (this means - do not chat a lot, but fulfill the order).

The curve stick does not have a direct shadow.

At lying the tail is short.

The smart is a fool when silent.

A good stone from Aul does not endure.

Though the wedding will hit the poor man, his work, and rich fun.

What in childhood you bring up, then get in old age.

What is stored in the heart, then it is reflected on the face.

The richer man, the more greater,

Than to live without honor, it is better to die with honor.

What to be born to the poor, it is better not to be born.

Honor can only be lost once.

Honesty is the best cure for the soul.

Whose wife died - so at night crying; Whose shoes Rvana - That afternoon crying

Without a father - the son of the owner, without mother - daughter

Without sand river does not happen

In the mouth of a bad person and fat seems incredible

Released Arrow Back Not Returns

Where Otara passed, there and the shepherd trail is left

It is said that from a bad person at least in war

Competent person - like the sun, illiterate - that black night

Gusu Mil His Guslinok, a man Mil his child

Homemade Duma on the road is not suitable

Friendly Life - Long, Cheapest Life - Prog

If it is impossible to add unclean - everything pollutes

Snake changes the skin annually, but poisonous teeth leaves with him

Know a lot, but speak little

How to cry, so echo and respond

How cattle feed and get milk

What are parents, such and children

What meat, such and soup, what parents are, those and children

Stone there, where thrown; Girl there, where is issued

Who chases many, he will lose and small

Who owes it, he steals

Lazy sitting sleeping and lying works

Lazy - a long day, hardworking - the day is missing

Lies a lot, and the truth is one

Better than a person nothing happens

Between husband and wife do not marry

Do not capture a lot - it will be hard to raise

On the friendly word friendly and answer

On the hole boat will not leave

On his land and bull strong


Senior will obey - see more in life

Without having been in the mountain, you will not value good

Don't make work, and happing

Not sat down on the horse, they do not stop the whip

One head does not burn, man alone can not live

One blow of the tree will not choke

The horse separated from herd the wolf eats; descended from the people of Chort goes

A bad person in debt will not remain: the good house will burn the house

Will be dawn - the sun will rise, the cuckoo snacks - the grass sees

When hunger is rich in fat, with diseases, the shaman is fat

With the fall of cattle, the dog is fed, with diseases - the shaman is fed

His land and herd knows

Seven sons and mouse is not afraid, and two brothers and the bear are afraid

Cattle, retaining from herd, the wolf eats; Man separated from the people dies

Senior Location, younger help

Raw Tree Gni, until he dried, the child learn at one time

What is dirty inside, do not make clean outside

Flowing fly in milk falls

The slacker has an evil language

The lazy man's lips dry, and in the hardworking - in fat

A good thing praises itself

A good horse is seen by the foal, a good person - by a child

The wrongness to speak, it is better to be silent

See also:

Without evil there is no good, no good evil, evil keeps good, good keeps evil protecting, like a creamy oil disease enters batmans, but comes out by Miscoles you will be a satellite of the blind - Satellite one eye was a satellite brothers; died, died - the seven in familiar places respect the person, in

Batyr without wounds does not happen without wind the trees do not swing to be afraid to offend a friend and give the secret to the enemy the disease comes in puddles, goes on the spool there would be a head's head - the hat there will be a quick horse no need to customize, a skillful person no need to help in one heart you will not fit two love Joy knew

You will move forward - the mountains will overcome, and Sydnas are looking for anything, except for his pit, you will not see in manybies there is no truth, there are no lies in the proverbs in the absence of a goat and the lousy goat - the conductor in the saying makes sense, there is a sense in the proverb in a conclusion of heat firewood , people who gathered together

The wrong enemy would be a head, and the hat will not hide the fire on the day of the campaign that they did not want to take it on time on time, all the dogs were strong in the courtyard in the courtyard and give him a lot where more on the arba is pressed, there she creaks where

No fire and smoke loaf worse stuffed: the scarecrow at least the beast scares a big dog climbs behind her and it happens that the egg smarter chickens in his hole and the mouse is strong in the family of a child older and fly walked the war on each other's wolf

What pop, such and coming. What is the arrival, this is the pop. What a shepherd, such and sheep. One sore belly (or: peeling, lousy) sheep all herd spoil. From one torn apple, the whole WHO is loading. Near the holy devils are found.

*** The history of Russia is moving not on the helix. The whole world is on the helix, and we will be your way. We - in a circle. Dawn, lunch, sunset - and midnight, black, like a grave. Severated executed - and again dawn. It is important that our children knew. And the filing form is not so important here. *** True, life is real

*** The fact that they were good, did not doubt it. It was the same love that he personally did not understand. Stupid, cow. They were going to grow peacefully on a juicy green meadow, give milk and give birth to calves, which will be alive only then, so that later, when parents make up, those in their

*** To understand an ordinary life, you need to add something to it ... They are dinner and novice about you, and you notice them only at that moment when they leave forever ... *** Each person has a lot of reasons. so as not to live. In the soul will not get out of this room. *** Hidden nature are all so. They are

*** As if he left, where it is unknown and did not come back. As if I run along the edge of the abyss, with my hands closing my eyes.

*** The sultry summer, the road, died the snake. Suddenly in the dust someone's legs, past the girl went, "Girl, help me" - Snake, "" Girl, help me, do not scream that snake. " The girl ran away, but returned later, and the snake was dying and asked about one thing, - "You are a snake and what, you will be kind like me, you

The breed is stronger than pastures. George Eliot Parents - at the same time heredity and environment. Nn in heredity is harder than all fathers who have beautiful children. NN has smart parents. Yuzef Bulatovich was all good from his parents, everything is bad - from his father with his mother. Mikhail Genin All

Lazy: a person who does not look like that works. Alfons Alla We are more willingly admitting tannies than in our other shortcomings; We inspired themselves that she, without having a big damage to other merits, only the manifestation of their manifestation. Francois Larochefucco each of us is lazy - or hopes to become them.

The tree is aware of his fruits. Do not build seven churches, the expansion of seven children (i.e. orphans). From one furnace, yes of the ease of Kalachi. Beautiful flowers at the road do not bloom for a long time. And from the good father, the sheep is beamed. Bird in the nest until autumn, and children in the house until age. Do not break the immature fruits: they will take -

If the donkey is adjusted, people will be judged yes to rode: not Han Lee donkey, and if he is Han, then where in donkey. (but)

Drunk wine driven, drunk casnaya - never. (A)
- It goes in boots, and a trace of barefoot. (A)
- A man dreams, and fate laughs. (A)
- Who does not calm down the winner, he calms down defeated. (A)
- The herd died in the snowy collapse of Allah, but also the slightest guilt of the shepherd! (A)
- Cattle hijacked with pasture grazing. (K)
- In milk, the hair does not cover. (E)
- Chromza- and shadow chrome. (A)
- did not hug the winter until it goes, Khanahan does not die. (A)
- From the back of the donkey and ahead of Prince, do not go. (Lz)
- Wherever Donkey went, work everywhere; And Khan and in the donkey hlev, everywhere is a feast. (a)
- The blacksmith will not freeze, Mullah will not be hungry. (A)
- Mullah will always justify himself. (K)
- If you pash the lot of dreams, only donkey manure will grow. (A)
- And the bad field is better even good relatives. (H)
- when the shepherds have a lot of sheep die (e)
- The farmers can be trapped, revenge - not ends. (A)
- with a single tree make a shovel for manure, and a spoon for honey. (L)
- The flight treats from fear, working, from poverty. (A)
- Made of ten blows, spoil one. (E)
- "I don't know" - the mouth is easier, "I can not" - the hands are easier. (A)
- If two heads agree, and four hands work, a house rich. (A)
- Work teaches work, and property language. (A)
- The dog deceased on his feet is better than died lying lion. (A)
- The ash will not flame, the past will not return. (A)
- Drive off the Song Duma, finish a person - dreams. (A)
- looking up, falling down, looking down stands firmly. (A)
- The proud rooster is agitated. (A)
- Curice to fly - only from the roof on the roof. (A)
"The donkey to the paradise of the drains was pulled out, it was tearing off to pull off." (A)
- It is not wines in that sun, that bat blinds. (Lz)
- His young crow white, and his hedgehog is called. (K)
- Even different doasta dogs are combined, freezing the wolf. (H)
- Poor and God bored. (E)
- Hunger from home drives, nudity - to the house. (TB)
- The day of the poor begins grief, ends with a moan. (Lz)
- Hunger does not have a shame, wealthfully cut. (A)
- Do not approach the official: when you get rich, he will suit himself. (H)
- managed by the service of the owner, failed the servants. (LC)
- for notable gossip, for rich-dirt. (K)
- Make a useful for the rich, which is lubricated with oil a stone. (A)
- Who has a long beard, do not wait. (E)
- Money makes Khan Slave, and Rab Khan. (A)
- Wealth is nothing - and leave nowhere. (A)
- Driving a drink - twice drunk. (E)
- Blash- do not promote, generously not to get rich. (H)
- The goat of the neighbor and interferes on the road. (TB)
- eaten and drank, others, alone. (A)
- Better, if a beautiful daughter and roadside field - others. (A)
- What is the whole together, it is better to have half to have. (LZ)
- You will be sweet, boil, bitter- spit. (E)
- Borrowing will be embarrassed, quietly - flood. (K)
- Warmer is stolen a penny seems to be the owner of the ruble. (A)
- things like their own, wives - strangers (a)
- In his house, every Han itself. (A)
- Who made you mouse, make a feline; Who will make you wolf, then you do a dog; Who made you a sonym, that you make your father's. (a)
- Good does not rot, the enemy is not forgotten. (A)
- If everyone helps, then the felt number will enter the land. (K)
- Saber people rubit, even if it is from felt. (E)
- The hero dies once, cowardly a hundred times. (A)
- The army that does not have a leader will not fall victory in the war. (A)
- On a confused eagle, Vorona flies. (A)
- One hundred friends - a little, one enemy - a lot. (A)
- An old enemy will not become a friend. (LZ)
- enemy enemy - friend. (H)
- Want to know a person, look at his friend. (A)
- The enemy is punished, and the friend will be a friend. (A)
- On whose Arbe you are going, that songs sing. (K)
- life - that salted water; The more you drink, the more thirst. (LC)
- bull temper the yarm, man- time. (A)
- There are few horses a lot of horses, there are few people a lot of people. (A)
- they said that Mountain visited the mountain, believe; Do not believe that a person has changed in character. (a)
- Acquired in the cradle is left in the coffin. (A)
- A good flower is not growing on a crazy barrier. (A)
- Near gold and iron glitters. (E)
- Pestro animal outside, man - from the inside. (A)
- Prissual eyes - Blinds. (E)
- If you want truth, ask the child. (A)
- I know a lot of not much lived, but I saw a lot. (A)
- A deep river flows without noise, a knowledgeable person floats against the current. (H)
- And the cowardly clever is better than a stupid brave. (A)
- Science - the best treasury: do not steal, does not burn, it does not reduce, it does not put it, - always with yourself. (A)
- The mind is smart - on the mind, stupid language. (A)
- Smart hint, silly- explanation. (A)
- I do not know anyone who does not ask the other, who knows that I am also stupid. (A)
- We are lost not looking for legs, but look for brains. (A)
- A hurry river to the sea will not achieve. (A)
- I sit down, get into the descent. (A)
- Everyone seems great. (Lz)
- In the frightened eye and Sorinka aims. (TB)
- Knowledge obtained in the children's time - an image carved on the stone. (A)
- Who is small exaggeration, it will have to carry a big one. (A)
- no one who said "Jump" broke the leg, and the one who jumped. (E)
- The curve stick does not happen direct shadows. (A)
- The roaring bull harms the herd, rude to the word, - Jamaatu. (A)
- Beautiful wife is good in the neighborhood. (A)
- A horse tack of caress, wife, praise. (A)
- If a miser husband starts to check, the wife is stealing to start. (K)
- Husband woven his wife will not stand. (K)
- between two women's wife (e)
- who did not give birth to children, he does not know love; Who they did not die, he does not know the grief. (a)
- Father dies - half sirosta, mother dies - round orphan. (K)
- and honey is bitten if it is a lot (a)
- Most well-language, most of all- language (a)
- saying "Owl", - Do not throw bread; Having said "dry," - do not throw a burku. (LC)
"When Molla Nasredin fell from a donkey, said:" I would tear myself. "(E)
- The builder of the bridge - himself will pass, the corned pit will fall. (K)
- The feet of the traveler cannot be avoided. (E)
- Mother's beatings do not hurt. (K)
- One palm does not make noise. (Lz)
- Food eaten today, leave for tomorrow; Work done tomorrow, do today. (a)
- From old age, the price of land and scientist person is not enough. (A)

In brackets:
(a) - Avar
(e) - Dargin
(K) - Kumyk
(LC) - Lakskie
(Lz) - Lezghin
(TB) - Tabasaran
(H) - Nogai

It is only a small proverbian proverbs and sayings of Dagestanis.

Recently was in the mountains, engaged in the repair of the old father's house, went for construction materials (boards, beams, cement, metal). Exchange was located near Botlich. The metal rolling was 12 meter, and the gazelle is 4 meters, and here is the local worker not in a hurry, then one pipe cut down, will move away from other affairs, then the second pipe, and so takes about twenty minutes. I tell him if it is impossible to hurry. He meets the saying on Avaruschi: "There will be no hurry river to the sea." And at that moment electricity is turned off, Bulgarian stops working. I am, - well, how did you run to the sea? Go look for a manual hacksaw for metal. True, ten minutes later, Bulgarian earned.
So, each saying your place and time.

He knows his land and herd.

There are a lot of lies, and the truth is one.

Know a lot, but speak a little.

Who owes, he steals.

The slacker has an evil language.

Without sand, the river does not happen.

On his land and bull Silen.

Dagestan Proverbs

Dagestan Proverbs

Without a father - the son of the owner, without mother - daughter

Without sand, the river does not happen.

The dub storm is young only bends, oak with a gray rotten storm breaks

To be too soft? Soft bend. To be too hard? Solid broke.

In the garden, where the bees are mined honey, and poisonous grass grows

In the mouth of a bad person and fat seems incredible

All the wise men, as long as there is no dispute

Released Arrow Back Not Returns.

Where Otara passed, there and the shepherd trail is left

It is said that from a bad person at least in the war of use.

Competent person - like the sun, illiterate - that black night

Gusey Mil Husierz, a man of his child.

For sparrow and fluff - catch during the battle of two eagles

For a friend you will regret ripe fruit - will not give your garden of fruits for the next year

Homemade Duma on the road is not suitable

Friendly Life - Long, Cheap Life - Prog.

If it is impossible to add unclean - everything pollutes

Snake changes the skin annually, but poisonous teeth leaves with him.

And the wolf who fell into the binding, the lamb of Uncle will call

And nettle beautiful when she blooms

And a little brave mouse when nearby Nora

And insignificant people free to see heroic dreams

To a stupid sum finding an approach, and the smart to you will find a trail

How to cry, so echo and respond

As cattle feed, you will get my milk.

What are parents, such and children

What meat, such and soup, what parents are, those and children

Stone there, where thrown; Girl there, where is issued

Who chases many, he will lose and small

Who owes it, he steals

Lazy sitting sleeping and lying works

Lazy - a long day, hardworking - the day is missing

Lies a lot, and the truth is one

Better than a person nothing happens

Between her husband and wife are not becoming.

Do not capture a lot - it will be hard to raise

On the friendly word friendly and you need to answer.

On the hole boat will not leave

On his land and bull Silen.

Senior will obey - see more in life

Without having been in the mountain, you will not appreciate the good.

Not sat down on the horse, you do not stop the whip.

One misses - dances, the other misses - plows

One blow of the tree will not choke

The horse separated from herd the wolf eats; descended from the people of Chort goes

A bad person in debt will not remain: the good house will burn the house

Will be dawn - the sun will rise, the cuckoo snacks - the grass sees

When hunger is rich in fat, with diseases, the shaman is fat

With the fall of cattle, the dog is fed, with diseases - the shaman is fed

Let you be a fool of a fool, but there is no fool for which the sage would not find words

With the same lips stalk once poison, one day honey

His land and herd knows

Seven sons and mouse is not afraid, and two brothers and the bear are afraid

Cattle, retaining from herd, the wolf eats; Man separated from the people dies

Senior Location, younger help

Raw Tree Gni, until he dried, the child learn at one time

What is dirty inside, do not make clean outside

Flowing fly in milk falls

The slacker has an evil language

Beautiful flower life is usually short

The lazy man's lips dry, and in the hardworking - in fat

A good thing praises itself

The wrongness to speak, it is better to be silent

The stronger the rain happens, the faster it runs out

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Dagestan sayings | Sayings

Without a father - the son of the owner, without mother - daughter

Without sand river does not happen

In the mouth of a bad person and fat seems incredible

Released Arrow Back Not Returns

Where Otara passed, there and the shepherd trail is left

It is said that from a bad person at least in war

Competent person - like the sun, illiterate - that black night

Gusu Mil His Guslinok, a man Mil his child

Homemade Duma on the road is not suitable

Friendly Life - Long, Cheapest Life - Prog

If it is impossible to add unclean - everything pollutes

Snake changes the skin annually, but poisonous teeth leaves with him

Know a lot, but speak little

How to cry, so echo and respond

How cattle feed and get milk

What are parents, such and children

What meat, such and soup, what parents are, those and children

Stone there, where thrown; Girl there, where is issued

Who chases many, he will lose and small

Who owes it, he steals

Lazy sitting sleeping and lying works

Lazy - a long day, hardworking - the day is missing

Lies a lot, and the truth is one

Better than a person nothing happens

Between husband and wife do not marry

Do not capture a lot - it will be hard to raise

On the friendly word friendly and answer

On the hole boat will not leave

On his land and bull strong

Senior will obey - see more in life

Without having been in the mountain, you will not value good

Don't make work, and happing

Not sat down on the horse, they do not stop the whip

One head does not burn, man alone can not live

One blow of the tree will not choke

The horse separated from herd the wolf eats; descended from the people of Chort goes

A bad person in debt will not remain: the good house will burn the house

Will be dawn - the sun will rise, the cuckoo snacks - the grass sees

When hunger is rich in fat, with diseases, the shaman is fat

With the fall of cattle, the dog is fed, with diseases - the shaman is fed

His land and herd knows

Seven sons and mouse is not afraid, and two brothers and the bear are afraid

Cattle, retaining from herd, the wolf eats; Man separated from the people dies

Senior Location, younger help

Raw Tree Gni, until he dried, the child learn at one time

What is dirty inside, do not make clean outside

Flowing fly in milk falls

The slacker has an evil language

The lazy man's lips dry, and in the hardworking - in fat

A good thing praises itself

A good horse is seen by the foal, a good person - by a child

The wrongness to speak, it is better to be silent

Dagestan Proverbs and sayings

Themes of this assembly - Dagestan Proverbs and sayings

  • The slacker has an evil language.
  • Without sand, the river does not happen.
  • A good deal praises himself.
  • Snake changes the skin annually, but poisonous teeth leaves with him.
  • It is said that from a bad person at least in the war of use.
  • Dagestan Proverb about irreversibility - the released arrow back does not return.
  • Gusey Mil Husierz, a man of his child.
  • Friendly Life - Long, Cheap Life - Prog.
  • One head does not burn, a person alone can not live.
  • Who owes, he steals.
  • Do not attach labor, and the caps do not have a chap.
  • On the friendly word friendly and you need to answer.
  • Between her husband and wife are not becoming.
  • On his land and bull Silen.
  • There are a lot of lies, and the truth is one.
  • Without having been in the mountain, you will not appreciate the good.
  • Not sat down on the horse, you do not stop the whip.
  • As cattle feed, you will get my milk.
  • Know a lot, but speak a little.
  • He knows his land and herd.
  • Dagestan Proverb about a hurry - a hurrying fly in milk falls.
  • A good horse is to see the foobion, a good person - by a child.

The main topic of the selection is Dagestan Proverbs and sayings.