Love Voropaeva Personal Life. Love Voropaeva: "The main reason for our gap with Zhenya Belousov was his addiction to alcohol

Love Voropaeva Personal Life. Love Voropaeva:
Love Voropaeva Personal Life. Love Voropaeva: "The main reason for our gap with Zhenya Belousov was his addiction to alcohol

Tomorrow, the love of Voropaeva will noted tomorrow - one of the most popular songwriters of the USSR and Russia. Together with her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin, they once became the first in the Union with musical producers.

Taking the basis of Western methods of teaching and promoting artists, Love Voropaeva and her spouse helped in the late eighties to burn the stars of Kati Semenova and Belousov's Zhenya. It was their tandem that created such hits like Golden Dome, "" My Sineglasia Girl "," Night Taxi "," For a minute "," Last Tango ".

Over the next three dozen years, Love Voropaeva wrote more three hundred songs for Valery Leontyev, Igor Nadzhiyev, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Irina Ponarovsk, Arkady Ukupnik, Willie Tokarev and many other artists.

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Zhenya Belousov

After the English special school, Love Voropaeva graduated from the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bnamed after Moris Toroza. Its graduation work was the translations of Kit's's sonnets. A translator's profession would be a logical continuation, but fate ordered otherwise.

Starting writing poems, Love Voropaeva did not think about songs. She was published in the magazines "New World", "Youth" and was far from pop lights. But one day, the son of Nikita Theological Andrei told any that the poems to write simply, and songs are difficult. The fleeting conversation was in memory of the poets and gave rich shoots.

Nikolay Agutin became the "godfather" of love. He introduced her to the head of VIA "Singing Hearts" by Viktor Vikthein. It is with this team that Voropaeva made his debut as a poet songwriter.

Several hundred songs, more than a thousand publications in periodicals, three collection of poems - many modern Russian poets may envy this track record. Creative and family tandem with Viktor Dorokhin allowed to reveal to other talents of poetess - she became a producer, a PR, a teacher of young tagging.

Love Voropaeva hardly experienced the death of Viktor Dorokhin, but I found the strength and desire to move on. At one time, her husband introduced her with a young composer and an arranger Nikolai Arkhipov (DJ Arhipoff).

Not everyone is given twice to pull the happy ticket twice, but the Voropayeva it succeeded: the creative union conversation in romantic, and then family relationships. For more than 13 years, spouses create new hits together and implement production projects. Among the performers for whom wrote Voropaeva songs and archups, Kirill Andreev, Zlata Bozhen, Sergey Smoke, Andrei Vertuzaev, Alexander Quarta and other artists.

Fulled by Alice Monts Their joint song "Rose Glasses" allowed the singer not only to return this year to the stage after a long break, but also to take the top lines of the charts.

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Love Voropaeva and Alice Mont

Recently, the poetess and producer showed themselves in the new role: her book "Virtual" came to the world, in which poems occupy far from the main place. Under the original cover assess notes, reflections, aphorisms, everyday sketches. Love Voropaeva in the book is extremely frank and indicates what is usually silent:

"I wonder if the pilots are afraid before the next takeoff? Do they have a feeling of fear? I personally, before each "takeoff" I am afraid, I have a cold in my stomach before writing every new lyrics. It would seem, mastered all the top pilot figures, more than 200 successful songs with my back, the sea of \u200b\u200bhits, but no, I'm afraid I'm always afraid. "

A sharp eye, humor and the labeling formulations of the love of Voropayeva - its "branded" secrets, who provided a fascinating reading.

This modest woman works so much in the Russian show business, which became something like a national brand. The graduate of the English special school and the Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bnamed after Moris Toroza, Lyubov Voropayeva defended the Institutional Diploma to its translations of Kit's sonnets, but did not become the translator, but became the author of three poetic books and more than a thousand publications of poems in periodicals.

In co-authorship with her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin, Love Voropaeva created many hits on the Russian stage, and already like a producer - a few bright stars, the light of which does not go out so far. The most loud of their project - Zhenya Belousov with his business card - the song "My Sinegylazaya Girl". No one guessed that the Love Voropaeva love called her husband, to which he was very jealous ...

I am a radical Muscovite, from an intelligent family, with traditions, with roots, "says Love Voropaeva. "My dad is a professor, doctor of science, linguist, and mom is a nuclear physicist." In my kind of creative people, I was alone; And so - both doctors and teachers. My grandmother, my father, graduated from the Institute of Noble Maiden. I was born and lived on Gogol Boulevard, and grandparents - on Tverskaya, in the famous home Nirense in a large Nestovsky Lane, so I grew up between Arbat and Tverskaya. The center of the center, grew up on the boulevards and even a little on the roof, because in the house Nirensoe all the children walked on the roof, there were wonderful playgrounds.

My neighbors around the house were many famous artists, writers and other famous people. Poems began to write in three years, and do it how much I remember. I am a poet not by profession, but by nationality. There is such a nationality - the poet, and I belong to her since childhood. Never threw this occupation, although there were breaks. The history of the house Nirensoe is a separate story: In the search engine on the Internet, you can find photos of his unusual interiors, and stories about those people who inhabited this house. There, once they received an apartment of my mom's parents, and she lived there before her marriage. I knew everything in the house since childhood, I also knew many, and it was a stunning world, which is now falling apart literally in front of ...

And so, when in the summer of 1979, I was in this house, calls me somehow Fain Ranevskaya. The wonderful start of the story, if it were not for the fact that she did not call at all, but I was mistaken by the number of only one digit, calling someone from the famous residents of our at least the famous house. So, the call. I take the phone, I hear the voice of Ranevskaya: "Baby, it is Ranevskaya, give mom!" In the tube, the voice of the Ranenevskaya, I am obsessed, but I immediately take myself in my hands and wipe: "Oh, Faina Georgievna, you know, you made a mistake number, but I am so happy that I need to say something! I love you, Faina Georgievna! I love you so much! " "And who are you, the baby?", "Ranevskaya asks me ..." I ... I'm just ... I am a young poetess, and I love you! " - I answer. "You know what, baby, if you are a poetess, then read my poems to me," Ranevskaya requires ...

And I read Ranevskaya my poems on the phone! From time to time it requires: "Above!", And I read something else. Finally, Ranevskaya Grozno says: "Never say anyone else that you are a poetess!" I intercepted my breath, and a heart almost stops - I keep silent! And Ranevskaya after the theatrical pause gloatingly adds: "Do not dare to say that you are a poetess, hear?! Because, you, baby, not a poetess, but a big poet! " Something I then poverty into her tube, we said goodbye ... And that's all!

You go and squeeze the blue in your hand.
Think you are going ... And myself - tired of showering ...
And I'm lying and I think the stars - on the ceiling,
And one of them - until the morning - the cheek of my rods ...

I will not tell you in the morning: "Here is the mark of the stars ..."
You will not see him - do not even strain your eyesight ...
But I can save you from trouble
And I will give you a new poem.

- did you help you in your female fate what you poet?

No, it did not help, of course. Rather prevented. Because the poet is a man without skin, very wounded. And this state of cutoff from the ground interferes in earthly relations. Especially in a relationship with men. I was lucky: my deceased husband Viktor Dorokhin knew well, felt, appreciated and loved poetry, but my states of go there still did not understand and did not accept her husband. Although my poems read with pleasure, even the songs wrote to some ready-made my poems, in particular, the song "Two Women", which became very popular in the performance of Roxana Babayan, was written on my poem dedicated to Rimma Cossack.

But in general, if you trace not only my destiny, but also the fate of most women poets, it can be noted that poetry is such an occupation that prevents his personal life. The poet to make it very difficult, it is a constant reflection, this is a big child. The Lord gave me such a soul that is torn and terzate. On the one hand, this gift - feel very deep, and on the other - it is an exorbitantly heavy burden. Especially when you write and your soul is broken, and you feel some vibrations. Poems are not composed, poems are heard. Suddenly some hook appears, connect somewhere - I do not know where ... I live like a poet, I feel like a poet ...

- Tell me about Viktor Dorokhina, your husband?

He was my second husband. The first time I jumped married at eighteen. I studied in the first year of the institute, and my husband, my son's father, the institute ended. We met in the library, in the reading room, and after me he, by the way, that is funny, married the librarian! .. (laughs). I was shortly married, because my marriage was associated with the desire to escape from under the parent wing and live independently. After the birth of the Son, my husband and I went away ... My son is an adult independent person, he has his own family, his name is Dmitry. Manages projects in a major American construction company, as well as I finished the Institute of Foreign Languages.

- How did you raise the Son?

Yes, I did not raise. I was a very young mother, full of fool, student. I was very hard. My parents helped. Mom used to retire to help me finish the institute and grow Dima. And soon after the end of the institute, I began to ride the tour, starting writing songs and work on the stage - I was leading concerts, and my son completely moved to my parents. They raised him. If they were not, I do not know what it would be. I entirely owe my creative career with my creative career. The son returned to me when he has already studied in the sixth grade. By that time I stopped dangling around the country.

- How did you meet your second husband?

On the road. Before that, we were familiar to the year. And the romance broke out in Talda-Kurgan. We held for a long time, and then we could not stand it. He then said that our relationships have no prospects, as he has long been married for a long time, but after three days he changed his decision. As a result, we lived in marriage a quarter of a century and were happy. After the wedding, we left Moskoncert "To Nowhere", because the head of the team, in which we worked, was against our relationship. Even before meeting with Victor, I had experience in writing songs with a large number of composer co-authors and even was the author of one of the first Soviet rock operas "Robinson Cruzo".

We and Victor had only one opportunity to work together, this is a song creativity. I told him: "Let's write songs together." Moreover, he was jealous - various composers came to me. So we started writing songs with Dorokhin. What happened further - everyone knows. Songs have become popular, and we have become a popular creative duet. Large love, joint creativity. We, though, often quarreled, boiled Italian passions. He offended me strongly, shouted: "Drink your poars somewhere far away!". I wrote for forty options, and he said that all this is not that. I went to a big school with Dorokhin ...

In the song "Last Tango", which Katya Semenov sang and with which we became laureates of the "Song of the Year", Chorus I wrote for several months. The desired lines did not go. Victor led the text, I sobbed. And suddenly it dawned on me and - the song turned out! He said: "Yes, this is that! Goosebumps, goosebumps! " Victor was the leader in the family. His character was very difficult. Believe or not, but he is "Scorpio"! A person who is engaged in self-named and ultimately destroys itself. He constantly jammed me, and it served as one of the reasons for what at some point, without having all this, I left him to another person, and each of us had their own personal life. The period has come, our marriage, what is called, "tired", and we decided to let go of each other. And after, when I learned that Victor was seriously ill, I returned to care for him, and he died in my hand in my arms.

It happened in 2009. I am pretty heavy now in this apartment, and my civil husband and the composer and musical producer Nikolai Arkhipov come here for the winter, and the rest of the time is spent outside the city. Our family lives a very chamber life. For the summer, we transport our musical studio into a country house, and then - back. This is the only thing we carry, because everything else is in the country house there, including all sorts of my outfits, dishes and so on. So, we have moving exclusively with computers, guitars, microphones, amplifiers and columns. For a while we lived after the city constantly, occasionally driving to Moscow, and then all artists came there to us. All really like it, because in summer and kebabs, and the forest, and the river, and inspiration everywhere in the air.

Memory about me -
long road.
Memory about me -
tenderness little.
Memory about me -
Quiet ringing tram.
Memory about me -
Other woman.
Memory about me -
All your sadness.
Memory about you - me.

- Have you been born strong or still have become such under the influence of circumstances?

I became such, having done a lot of work on myself. And in my childhood, my poetic nature began to manifest itself very early. I brought a lot of disturbances to my parents. I was expelled from school, and my mother was constantly called to school. Always I fought something, but once even ran out of the house. Nobody missed me. Parents often remember how they walked with me on Gogol Boulevard - I was two years old, "and I cried and asked:" I want the moon from the sky! ". And I want it all my life! On the other hand, I'm not so iron, as you already understood, being in my apartment.

I am a very woman, I adore all the "girl", as it is customary to speak - and beautiful interiors, and outfits, and good cosmetics, and cooking. And the "iron lady" is me already journalists called, they need to come up with something. I live today's day, today's verses, what I am, here and now. I have more than two hundred songs. And I don't want to publish your new poems, to do this hoop, because life is so short that you want to run on. Now very hard time. And while I am alive, I want to give a sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles and positive people. It seems to me that every person must with full return, to live on the whole coil, and that is why I continue to engage in creativity.

- Do you need a strong shoulder, or do you feel self-sufficient?

Probably still need. At some moments I am very defenseless. I even hard to open the door to the key. All the time confused with these keys. With papers, I can not deal with the papers. For me, all these accounts, receipts, references, some kind of documentation - the Dark Forest. Kohl, my civil husband and co-author, in this matter is also not particularly understandable, so we have managers. But all the things on the house of Kolya takes over himself, although he is a creative person, all in music. In addition to cooking, cleaning and shocking linen in a washing machine, I do not do anything else. In the country house, I can not do anything without help. Of course, the male shoulder is needed, in the sense of purely male care.

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Voropheyeva began writing poems at a three-year-old. He studied in the English special school and then her poems published periodicals. Then he graduated. Since the early 1990s, Lyubov Voropayeva began to engage in producing activities together with her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin. Voropayeva and Dorokhin are obliged to their creative taking off Zhenya Belousov, Barbie and other performers.

In 1994, together with her husband, the Russian Association of Music Producers (RAMP) was organized. Today, the love of Grigorievna continues to engage in production in pop music, it is the author of more than 500 shows and presentations in the largest entertainment complexes of Moscow, the author of the scenario and the producer of numerous television and radio shows.

In addition, Love Voropaeva is a famous poetess, a writer of three poetic books and more than 1,000 publications in periodicals, poetic almanacs and collections, the author of more than 200 hits in pop and rock music. Her name entered books on the popular music of Russia and the "Music Encyclopedia". As a poet songwriter collaborated with many composers - Viktor Dorokhin, Vladimir Semenov, Laura Quint, Edward Artemyev, Tatiana Ostrovskaya, George Garanyan, Sergey Uknalev and others.
Among the performers on her poems - Zhenya Belousov ("My Sinegylazaya Girl", "Alushta", "Night Taxi"), Ksenia Georgiadi ("Be what happens", "Monday - a heavy day"), Ekaterina Semenova ("Man, Which is in a hurry "," Last Tango "," an extra ticket "), Alexander Abdulov (" New Year's Gifts "), Lolita Milyavskaya (" Body Music "), Valery Leontyev (" Women's Portrait "),

, Producer, laureate of the television festival "Song of the Year".





Famous songs

  • "New Year's Gifts" (Music Victor Dorokhina) - Performed by Alexander Abdulov
  • "Excess ticket" - executes Ekaterina Semenova
  • "My Sineglazaya Girl" (Music Victor Dorokhina) - Performed by Zhenya Belousov
  • "For a moment" - executes Catherine Semenova
  • "Alushta" (music of Viktor Dorokhina) - executes Zhenya Belousov
  • "Last Tango" (music of Viktor Dorokhina) - Performed by Catherine Semenova
  • "Night Taxi" (music of Viktor Dorokhina) - Perfects Zhenya Belousov
  • "A man who is in a hurry" (music of Viktor Dorokhina) - Performed by Ekaterina Semenova
  • "Be what will be" (Music Viktor Dorokhina) - Performed by Ksenia Georgiadi
  • Golden Dome (Music Victor Dorokhina) - Performed by Zhenya Belousov
  • "Polite" (music of Laura Quint) - Performed by Mikhail Shufutinsky
  • "Learn to Laugh" (Music Vladimir Yermolina) - Performed by Mikhail Boyarsky and the group "Zair"
  • "Love your eyes"

Write a review about Article "Voropaeva, Love Grigorievna"


"Two women sat at the fire" - a wonderful song, performed Roxan Babayan.


Excerpt that characterizes Voropaeva, love Grigorievna

He brought, wanting to bypass, but the aunt was served tobackerka right through helen, behind it. Helen bent forward to give a place, and, smiling, looked around. She was, as always at the evenings, in a very open on the then fashion in front and behind the dress. Her bust, which seemed always a marble pierre, was in such a close distance from his eye, that he involuntarily distinguished the living charm and neck, and so close to his lips, that he was worth it to get into touch to her. He heard the warmth of her body, the smell of spirits and hiding her corset when driving. He saw not her marble beauty, which made one of the whole with her dress, he saw and felt all the charm of her body, which was closed only by clothes. And, since she saw this, he could not see otherwise how we cannot return to the explained to the deception.
"So you still have not noticed, how is I beautiful? - As if Helen said. - You did not notice that I am a woman? Yes, I am a woman who can belong to anyone and you too, "her eyes said. And at the same moment Pierre felt that Helen could not only, but should have been his wife that it could not be otherwise.
He knew this at that moment just as true, no matter how he knew it, standing under the crown with her. As it will be? and when? he did not know; I didn't even know whether it would be well (he even felt that it was not good for some reason), but he knew that it would be.
Pierre lowered his eyes, again raised them and again wanted to see her with a long way, someone else for his beauty, what he saw her every day before; But he could not do this. He could not, as the man could not, who had previously looked in the fog on the holes of Bianana and saw the tree in her, seeing the epics, to see a tree again. She was terribly close to him. She had already power over him. And between him and she had no obstacles, except for the obstacles of his own will.
- Bon, Je Vous Laisse Dans Votre Petit Coin. Je Vois, Que Vous Y Etes Tres Bien, [Well, I will leave you in your corner. I see you there well,] - said the voice of Anna Pavlovna.
And Pierre, recalling with fear, did he make something reprehensible, blushing, looked around himself. It seemed to him that everyone knew, as well as he, about what happened to him.
A few times, when he approached the big circle, Anna Pavlovna told him:
- On Dit Que Vous Embellissez Votre Maison de Petersbourg. [They say you finish your Petersburg house.]
(It was true: the architect said that it was necessary for him, and Pierre, he himself is not knowing why, he finished his huge house in St. Petersburg.)
- C "EST BIEN, MAIS NE DeMenagez Pas de Chez Le Prince Vasile. Il Est Bon D" Avoir Un Ami Comme Le Prince, "she said, smiling by Prince Vasily. - j "en Sais Quelque Chose. N" Est CE PAS? [This is good, but do not move from Prince Vasily. Good to have such a friend. I know something about it. Isn't it?] And you still have so young. You need advice. You are not angry with me that I use the rights of the old woman. - She silent, as women are always silent, something expecting something after they say about their years. - If you marry, another thing. - And she connected them in one view. Pierre did not look at Helen, and she is on him. But she was still terribly close to him. He was stuck something and blushed.
Returning home, Pierre could not fall asleep for a long time, thinking that he had happened to him. What happened to him? Nothing. He just realized that the woman he knew the child about which he absently said: "Yes, good," when he was told that Helen Beauty, he realized that this woman could belong to him.
"But she is stupid, I myself said that she was stupid, he thought. - Something nasty is in that feeling that she opened in me, something forbidden. I was told that her brother Anatole was in love with her, and she was in love with him that there was a whole story, and that Anatol was satisfied. Her brother - Ippolit ... Father her - Prince Vasily ... It's not good, "he thought; And at the same time, as he argued so (still these arguments remained unfinished), he found himself smiling and aware that another number of reasoning emerged from the first ones that he was thinking about her insignificance at the same time and dreamed of As she will be his wife, how she can love him, as she can be completely another, and how everything he thought about her and heard, maybe it is not true. And he again saw her, she was not some kind of daughter of Prince Vasilla, but saw her body, only covered with a gray dress. "But no, why didn't this thought before me?" And again he told himself that it was impossible; What is something nasty, unnatural, as it seemed to him, it would be dishonest in this marriage. He recalled her former words, glances, and words and the views of those who saw them together. He remembered the words and views of Anna Pavlovna, when she told him about the house, remembered thousands of such hints from Prince Vasilla and others, and horror was found on him, if he did not have anything in the fulfillment of such a case, which, obviously, is not good And which he should not do. But at the same time, as he himself expressed this decision, on the other hand the soul popped up her image with all his feminine beauty.

- Love, as you think, if Zhenya Belousov lived in our days, was a novice singer and would have come, say, to the "Star Factory", could he become a cumier of the current youth?

I do not know ... Maybe I could ... But the heart of the Zhenya Belousov project was then our union. So, if we produced a "factory" with his participation, I could certainly be able to!

- What book do you write? Will she be completely devoted to his wife Belousov? When are you planning to finish and publish?

I am writing a book about how I got into the show business and what I did there. About Belousov's wife in this book will be several chapters, naturally ... The book is very hard speakers. She planned to finish it in December of this year, but it did not work ... all year I was in some other business and projects: it remained little time and emotional forces on the book. So now I can not say when I finish the book ... I will try to finish the work on the manuscript as soon as possible.

- What good poems differ from bad? In addition to obvious, extreme examples. What criteria can you assess your creativity?

No one. Creativity is subjective. I evaluate this: if my goosebumps run from poems, then they are real ...

- Is there a book or film that made you cry?

I cry only from the poems Joseph Brodsky ... And the film that broke through me on tears - "Once in America" \u200b\u200b...

Best days

- Love, you are friends with many women, including those with famous (Maria Arbatov). Do you believe in female friendship, free from envy, gossip, rivalry? What do you think real friendship is possible only between "equal" (people of one social status with about the same financial position)?

In fact, I do not really believe in women's friendship. I almost all betrayed me in my youth ... as they say, "Women's Friendship, she is up to the first man" ... but we have 30 years of our acquaintance with Masha. And the strong we are both women ... and it happened that we both do not envious and do not love to gossip. Therefore, never quarreled, probably ... well, social status, education and all that are very important, I think ... because it is better to be friends without envy, on equal.

- Comparing himself with Maria, in his LJ you wrote that I would never go to politics. Why?

Because I personally, this occupation is not interested.

- There is an opinion that a man always stands for a successful woman who helps her supports. There is also another, better known, wisdom: a great woman is behind each great man. At the same time, in one of his interviews, you are talking about the fact that loneliness is a satellite of a successful person. What is still closer to the truth?

How many people, so many opinions. In any way in life, it happens ... But most of the great men were exactly the great wives, yes ... For some reason, the husbands of the great women were rarely supported. Paradox.

- Love, if you had the opportunity to choose where to be born in the next life, what country would you choose? Have you lived in the States in the past, why have you come back?

I will not live for a long time in the States. I wanted to stay there, but the former husband squeezed in Russia ... about the next life ... Yes, again in Russia it would be born, probably ... we are interested in living.

- Why did the "Iron Lady Show Business" suddenly decided to make contact with a huge number of unfamiliar people? I mean LJ (

I generally are interesting. Communication is energy exchange, mutual enrichment. A year and a half ago I left Moscow for the city. I live in the forest, rarely communicate with people in real life now ... because, probably, very much about communication with people in LJ ...

- Love, you are a famous cook, the creator of the culinary show "Cold Ten" ... Does your family have any culinary traditions related to the new year meeting, christmas? What will necessarily be present in the upcoming holidays on your desk?

Fried bird, pies, two or three of my favorite salad, homemade buoy ... Here is a New Year's recipe from my LiveJournal:

Personally, I adore cabbage pie. From any test. From yeast or from a layer. Recently, I, by the way, used the purchase of a bubble dough several times, rolled out by a thin layer. I am preparing this cake in deep counterpart. Fully turns out! Because the whole thing is in filling. I do it like this: a chopped cabbage to pour boiling water and boil 10 minutes on a strong fire, then throw it back on a colander, add a lot of roasted in vegetable oil to the pink color of the onion onion, greens (dill or parsley or then, and that), 3- 4 fine steep eggs, crack oil 100 - until the cabbage is hot, salt. From above the pie flooded with a layer of coarse cheese, and then pour the mixture of 2 whipped eggs and 2-table spoons of sour cream. Well, in the oven, and that's it!

- Please tell me about the most memorable new year meeting in your life. And how do you plan to celebrate the new 2008?

Once we celebrated the new year at the composer Yura Antonov in his country house ... Yura bought such a number of Petard and fireworks that we swam up all the districts ... The Christmas tree grew right in the yard, and we drove away around this Christmas tree ... And all the laws of dog died with us And cats ... cool was the new year! And this year we will celebrate the holiday in our country house. Guests will come, and all that ... I will cook, of course, I ... in our gazebo in the yard already hangs the illumination. Soon I will begin to decorate the house ... As for the tree, we have a round forest here - choose anyone ... True, I planted in our yard a little blue fir tree, but she will not grow soon ...

- Love, and let's finish this interview with your verses? What would you like to devote to our readers?

New Year's Eve (from the "Childhood" cycle)

Adjusting on tiptoe, pulling

To the riches of the Christmas tree of the New Year:

Now, immediately, today

Try! And tomorrow, let it be

Scold and fun liste

And in the corridor in the dark angle

Put, and rag dolls

In the closet, the oblivion of the execution -

That will be tomorrow!

I tilt a timid branch

And from delight to get silence,

And in the dark whites the door ...

Behind this door mommy laughter

Crusting the father's newspaper,

There is a tart tea, there is a holiday of light

And the tablecloth is new, like snow ...

And heart - protein in the wheel -

To the top of the tree bruises!

And here the hand is already removing

All "Bears" and all ...

All - In Chocolate: Hands, Roth ...

And I fall asleep in bliss

And somehow I know firmly,

That Santa Claus is about to enter.

1983, from my second book poems "Dictionary of Love".