When the birthday of Saint Luke. The arrival of the temple of the resurrection of the word in the Maryan Park

When the birthday of Saint Luke. The arrival of the temple of the resurrection of the word in the Maryan Park
When the birthday of Saint Luke. The arrival of the temple of the resurrection of the word in the Maryan Park

April 27, 2017 turned 140 years since the birth of a sacredist and the wonderworker Luke (War-Yasenetsky).

Saint Luka report not only in Russia and the countries of the former union, but also in other countries, for example - in Greece!
In the monastery of Sagmat, which has become famous for recently thanks to a rather large particle of the relics of St. Luke, there is its miraculous icon, hung with gifts from grateful believers who received the help of the Archbishop surgeon. This image is written by Greek icon painters. On him the holy doctor is depicted with surgical instruments in hand.

To thank the saint for healing and his other help, pilgrims from all over Greece come to the monastery, where there is a small Museum of St.. There are collected his photos and personal belongings: the bishops of the miter, parts of the purposes, surgical instruments, scientific works and research, books, paintings, letters. All original certificates about healing, documents, photos, portraits of Lord Luki People are transferred to the Museum of St. Luke. Among the exhibits there are a certificate of healing the little pianist Nazar Stadnichenko.

It all started with the fact that many years ago the Greek monk nectaries bought the book of Protodiacon Vasily Maruschka "Saint-Surgeon in Crimea. Life of Archbishop Luke (Warne-Yasenetsky) "and ordered her translation to Greek.

Then he traveled a lot to the places where the saint once lived. In Siberia, Turukhansk, Yeniseisk and Krasnoyarsk remember the most Greek. Sometimes I had to sleep in schools and other premises, nothing in common with cozy hotels. In Krasnoyarsk, Netary's father visited School No. 10, in the building of which during the Great Patriotic War was evacuitudes No. 1515 (now there was a museum of St. Luke). The city has a monument to the Holy, and the Krasnoyarsk Diocese runs the train "Dr. Waro-Yasenetsky (St. Luka" train.

And we remind you that we have on the site of the temple there are other interesting materials about St. Luke (War-Yasenets).

Luke Constituer (Warne-Yasenetsky), Archbishop Simferopol, confessor.

Memory days: February 5 (January 23) Novomach.), 18 (5) Martha Obtaining the relics of SVT. Luke, June 11 (May 29)

Saint Luka (in the world Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenetsky) was born on April 27, 1877 in Kerch, in the family of Felix Stanislavovich Felix and his wife Mary Dmitrievna War-Yasenets. His father was a zealous Catholic, often walked into the church and prayed for a long time, but he did not force his home to take Catholicism. Maria Dmitrievna was at the birth of Orthodox, although he did not go to church, prayed at home. According to the laws of the Russian Empire, children in such families were to be brought up in the Orthodox faith. Valentine was the third of five children.

His parents soon moved to Kiev, where he in 1896 he simultaneously graduated from the 2nd Kiev gymnasium to Kiev Art School. The young people showed artistic talent, there was also a direction imbued with a religious idea. Valentin walked around the churches and in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, made a lot of sketches of the Bogomolers, for which he received a prize at the exhibition in the school. He was going to enter the Academy of Arts, but the desire to bring direct benefits to the people forced him to change his plans.

Valentin Feliksovich studied a year at the Faculty of Law, then moved to the medical faculty of Kiev University.

He learns brilliantly. "In the third year, he writes in Memoirs," there was an interesting evolution of my abilities: the ability to draw very thin and love for the form went into love for anatomy ... "

In 1903 he graduated with honors from the university. Despite the persuasion of friends to do science, he announced his desire to be "Menitsky", the Zemsky doctor, help poor people.

In January 1904, during the war with Japan, he was sent to the Red Cross hospital to the Far East and worked in the city of Chita the head of the surgical department of the hospital. Here Valentin Feliksovich met the sister of Mercy Anna Lanskaya, which the wounded called the "Holy Sister" and married her.

From 1905 to 1917 He worked as a Zemsky doctor in the hospitals of the Symbir, Kursk, Saratov and Vladimir province and passed the practice in Moscow clinics. In 1908, he comes to Moscow and becomes an external surgical clinic of Professor P. I. Dyakonov.

During World War I, it was awaited by a religious feeling, forgotten was for many scientific work, and he began to constantly go to church.

In 1916, he defended the dissertation on the topic: "Regional anesthesia" in Moscow, received a doctor of medicine. In 1917, he received the main doctor and surgeon and the surgeon of the Tashkent Hospital in the competition, teaches at a medical school, which was then transformed into the medical faculty.

In 1919, his wife died from tuberculosis, leaving four children: Mikhail, Elena, Alexey and Valentina.

Valentin Waro-Yasenetsky was one of the initiators of the organization of the Tashkent University and since 1920 he was elected professor at the topographic anatomy and operational surgery of this university. Surgical art, and with him and fame prof. War-Yasenetsky has ever increased. In various types of complex operations, he sought and the first applied methods that were then widespread recognition.

He himself had ever more consolation in faith. Sucited the local Orthodox religious society, studied theology, came closer with the clergy, took part in church affairs.

On February 7, 1921, he was ordained in Diacon, February 15 - to Ierhea and appointed a junior priest of the Tashkent Cathedral, remaining and professor at the University. In Holy San, he does not cease to operate and lecture. In October 1922, he actively participates in the first scientific congress of the doctors of Turkestan.

The wave of renewability of 1923 comes to Tashkent. Bishop of Innokenty (Pusty) left the city without giving anyone to the department. Then, Valentine's father, together with the Archpriest Mikhail Andreyev, accepted the Diocese Department, united all the remaining faithful priests and church elders and arranged with the permission of the GPU Congress.

In May 1923, she took monasticism named after St. Apostle and evangelist Luke, who, as you know, was not only the apostle, but also a doctor and artist.

On May 12, 1923, Cahrotonisan secretly in the bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan in Penjequente Bishop Bolkhovsky Daniel and Bishop Suzdal Vasily. Svetonnik Valentin Svenzitsky was present on Cahrotonia.

On June 10, 1923, he was arrested as a supporter of Patriarch Tikhon. He was presented with a ridiculous accusation: intercourse with Orenburg counter-revolutionary Cossacks and relations with the British. In the prison of Tashkent GPU, he finished his own, subsequently became the famous, labor "essays of purulent surgery." In August, he was sent to the Moscow GPU.

In Moscow, Vladyka received permission to live in a private apartment. He served with Patriarch Tikhon Liturgy in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the kadasha. His Holiness confirmed the right of the bishop of Turkestan Luke to continue to engage in surgery.

In Moscow EP. Luke was again arrested and placed in Butyrskaya, and then to a Tagansk prison, where heavier influenza suffered. By December, the East Siberian stage was formed, and Bishop Luka, along with Archpriest Mikhail Andreev, were sent to the link on Yenisei. In Yeniseisk, all those who remained open churches belonged to the "Collectors", and the bishop served on the apartment. He was allowed to operate.

In March 1924, he was again arrested and sent under the convoy to the Yenisei region, to the village of Haya on the Chuna River. In June, he returns to Yeniseisk again, but soon the expulsion should be sent to Turukhansk, where he serves, preaches and operates.

In January 1925 he was sent to Flafhino - a deaf place on Yenisei behind the polar circle, in April they translate again to Turukhansk.

All numerous churches of the city of Yeniseisk, where he lived, as well as the Church of the regional city of Krasnoyarsk, were captured by the update. Bishop of Luke with three accompanying priests committed Liturgy in his apartment, in the hall, and even handcapped the priests there, for hundreds of the verso who came to the Orthodox bishine.

From November 1927, he lived in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, then in the city of Krasnoyarsk, where he served in the local temple and worked as a doctor in the city hospital.

On May 6, 1930, he was arrested in the case of the death of Professor of the Medical Faculty at the Department of Physiology Ivan Petrovich Mikhailovsky, shot in an insanitable state. On May 15, 1931, after a year of imprisonment, a sentence was made (without a court): Link for three years in Arkhangelsk.

In 1931-1933 he lives in Arkhangelsk. In November 1933, Vladyka did not accept the proposal of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragor) to take the free Episcopian Department. Having stayed for a short time in the Crimea, Vladyka returned to Arkhangelsk, where he took patients, but did not operate.

In the spring of 1934, Tashkent visits, then moves to Andijan, operates, reads lectures. Here he falls as a fever of Papataji, which threatens the loss of vision, after an unsuccessful operation, it will blind on one eye. He commits church services and leads the branch of the Tashkent Institute of Emergency Aid.

In the same year, finally, it is possible to publish "essays of purulent surgery."

December 13, 1937 - a new arrest. In prison, Vladyka is interrogated with a conveyor (13 days without sleep), demanding the protocols. He declares the hunger strike (18 days), the protocols do not sign. A new expulsion should be sent to Siberia. From 1937 to 1941 lived in the village of Large Murt Krasnoyarsk region.

The Great Patriotic War began. In September 1941, Vladyka was delivered to Krasnoyarsk to work at a local evakopuncture - a health facility from dozens of hospitals intended for the treatment of wounded.

At the end of 1943, he moved to Tambov. Although his eyesight began to deteriorate markedly, he actively work in evacuitudes, acts as reports, reads lectures for doctors, teaches them and word and affair.

In January 1944, he was appointed Archbishop Tambov and Michurinsky. It continues medical work: at its care 150 hospitals.

At the end of 1943, the second edition of the "essays of purulent surgery" was published, recycled and increased almost halfway, and in 1944 - the book "Late resection of infected firearms of the joints."

In addition to works on medical topics, Archpieng. Luke was a lot of sermons and articles of spiritual and moral and patriotic content.

In 1945-1947, they are completed by work on the Essay "Spirit, Soul and Body", started in the early 20s.

In May 1946, he was appointed Archbishop Simferopol and Crimean. In Simferopol, he published three new medical work, but his eyesight became worse. The left eye has not seen him for a long time, and at that time and at the right there was a creek of cataract complicated by glaucoma.

In 1958, Archbishop Luka is completely blind. However, as the Archpriest Evgeny Veshevsky recalls, even such a notch did not interfere with Vladyka to commit worship. Archbishop Luka was part of without helpfulness to the temple, applied to icons, read the litrorship prayers and the gospel by heart, missed the barefoot, pronounced sermons. The blinded archpastyr also continued to manage the Simferopol diocese for three years and sometimes take patients, hitting local doctors with errorless diagnoses. He left practical medical activity back in 1946, but continued to help sick councils. The diocese managed to the very end with the help of proxies. In recent years, he only listened to his life that he was reading, and dictated his work and letters.

Information taken from Pravmir.ru (http://lib.pravmir.ru/library/author/225)

The life of St. Luka (Warne-Yasenetsky) Archbishop of the Crimean

The life and exploits of this great person imprinted in the history of not only our church, but also in the history of our Fatherland. His life is an indicator for us that any person can be a Christian, regardless of his intellectual giving, the place of his birth and the lifestyle of his society. After all, very often looking around, we say ourselves "it is impossible in the present conditions", but the life example of the saint constantly proves to us the opposite and promotes us to a joint way to God, the path of the victim and love. Without this, it is impossible to inherit life with God. And it can only understand this heart that herself for the mercy of God's glory, bringing the most favorable sacrifice to God "For I want mercy, not the victims" (OS.6: 6).

Archbishop Luka, in the world Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenetsky, was born in Kerch on April 27, 1877 in the pharmacy family. His father was Catholic, mother - Orthodox. According to the laws of the Russian Empire, children in such families were to be brought up in the Orthodox faith. He was the third of five children.

In Kiev, where the family moved afterwards, Valentin graduated from the gymnasium and drawing school. I was going to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, but on thinking about the choice of life, I decided that it was obliged to engage only what was "useful for suffering people," and elected medicine instead of painting.

However, at the medical faculty of Kiev University of St. Vladimir all vacancies were occupied, and Valentine enters the Faculty of Law. For some time, the attraction to painting again takes the top, he goes to Munich and enters the private school of Professor of the book, but after three weeks, it is pushing around the house, returns to Kiev, where he continues to draw painting and painting. Finally, Valentine carries out his hot desire to "be useful for peasants, so poorly secured medical help," and enters the medical faculty of Kiev University of St. Vladimir. He learns brilliantly. "In the third year, he writes in Memoirs," there was an interesting evolution of my abilities: the ability to draw very thin and love for the form went into love for anatomy ... "

In 1903, Valentin Feliksovich graduated from the University. Despite the persuasion of friends to do science, he announced his desire to be "Menitsky", the Zemsky doctor, help poor people. Started the Russian-Japanese war. Valentina Felixovich offered a service in a red cross squad in the Far East. There he began the department of surgery in the hospital of the Kiev Red Cross Cheat, where he met with the sister of Mercy Anna Lanskaya and married her. In Chita, young spouses lived for a short time.

From 1905 to 1917 V. F. Waro-Yasenetsky works in urban and rural hospitals of the Simbirskaya, Kursk and Saratov province, as well as in Ukraine and in Pereslavl-Zalessky. In 1908, he comes to Moscow and becomes an external surgical clinic of Professor P. I. Dyakonov.

In 1916, V. F. Waro-Yasenetsky defended the doctoral dissertation "Regional anesthesia", about which his opponent, the famous surgeon of Martynov said: "We are accustomed to the fact that doctoral dissertations are usually written on a given topic in order to receive higher appointments in service , and their scientific value is small. But when I read your book, I got the impression of bird singing, which cannot but sing, and highly appreciated it. " Warsaw University awarded Valentina Felixovich the Hoenatsky Prize for the best essay, overlooking new ways in medicine.

From 1917 to 1923, he works as a surgeon in the New-Urban Hospital of Tashkent, teaches at a medical school, then transformed into the medical faculty.

In 1919, Valentina Felixovich's wife dies from tuberculosis, leaving four children: Mikhail, Elena, Alexey and Valentina.

In the fall of 1920, V. F. Waro-Yasenetsky invited to head the department of operational Surgery and topographic anatomy opened in Tashkent of the State Turkestan University. At this time, he actively participates in church life, visits the meetings of the Tashkent church fraternity. In 1920, he was entrusted to make a report on the current situation in the Tashkent diocese in one of the church congresses. The report was highly appreciated by the bishop of Tashkent Innocent. "Doctor, you need to be a priest," he said to the War Yasenetsky. "I did not have thoughts about the priesthood," I recalled the Lord of Luka, "but I took the words of the Holy Innokency as God's call with the bishops, and the minutes did not think:" Good, Vladyko! I will be a priest, if you want to God! " In 1921, Valentin Feliksovich was ordained in Deacon, and a week later, on the day of the reference of the Lord, His ordinance in the rhey. The spiritual leadership requires a shepherd of true pastoral wisdom and full self-denial for the sake of saving their neighbors.

Father Valentine was defined in the Tashkent Cathedral, with the imposition of responsibility for him to preach. In Sacred San, Waro-Yasenetsky does not cease to operate and lecture. In October 1922, he actively participates in the first scientific congress of the doctors of Turkestan. A wave of renewability of 1923 comes to Tashkent, the bishop of Innocent left the city, without having gone to anyone the Department. Then Father Valentine, together with the Archpriest Mikhail Andreyev, accepted the diocese department, united all the remaining faithful priests and church elders and arranged with the permission of the GPU Congress

In 1923, Father Valentine adopts monastic stop. Andrei, the bishop of Ukhtomsky, intended to give Father Valentina when he was touched by the name of the healer of Panteleimon, but having visited the liturgy committed by the victim, and having listened to his sermon, stopped on the name of the apostle, evangelist, doctor and artist St.. Luke. On May 30 of the same year, Jeromona Luke was secretly Charotonisan in the bishop in the Church of St. Nicholas World of the Lycian cities of Penjikent Bishop Bolkhovsky Daniel and Bishop Suzdal Vasily. Svetonnik Valentin Svenzitsky was present on Cahrotonia.

Having reinforced Luke was appointed Bishop Turkestan. On June 10, 1923, Bishop Luka was arrested as a supporter of Patriarch Tikhon. He was presented with a ridiculous accusation: intercourse with Orenburg counter-revolutionary Cossacks and relations with the British. In the prison of Tashkent GPU, Lords Luka finished his, subsequently became the famous, the work of "essays of purulent surgery" in August was sent to the Moscow GPU.

In Moscow, Vladyka received permission to live in a private apartment. He served with Patriarch Tikhon Liturgy in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the kadasha. His Holiness confirmed the right of the bishop of Turkestan Luke to continue to engage in surgery. In Moscow, the Vladyka was arrested again and placed in Butyrskaya, and then to a Tagansk prison, where the lord suffered heavy flu. By December, the East Siberian stage was formed, and Bishop Luka, along with Archpriest Mikhail Andreev, were sent to the link on Yenisei. The path lay through Tyumen, Omsk, Novonikolaevsk (current Novosibirsk), Krasnoyarsk. The arrestants were carried in Stolypinsky cars, and the last part of the way to Yeniseisk - 400 kilometers - they had to overcome the sleigh on the sleigh.

In the links, he was still ready to help everyone who needed medical care and pastoral blessing. He treated and operated it sometimes with reservoir means: with the help of a peer knife, plumbing ticks, stitching wound with female hair ...

In Yeniseisk, all those who remained open churches belonged to the "Collectors", and the bishop served on the apartment. He was allowed to operate. In early 1924, according to the testimony of a resident of Yeniseisk, Lord Luka transplant the kidney of the calf by a dying man, after which the patient became easier. But officially the first such operation is considered to be conducted by Dr. I. I. Voronov in 1934 a pig kidney transplant to a woman, sick Uremya.

In March 1924, Bishop Luka was arrested and sent under the convoy to the Yenisei region, to the village of Haya on the Chuna River.

In June, he again returns to Yeniseisk, but soon the expulsion should be sent to Turukhansk, where the Vladyka serves, preaches and operates in January 1925 he is sent to Fahhino - a deaf place on Yenisei for the polar circle, in April they translate again to Turukhansk. At the end of the link, Vladyka returns to Tashkent, settles in a house on a teacher's street and serves in the Church of Rev. Sergius Radonezh.

On May 6, 1930, the Vladyka is arrested in the case of the death of Professor of the Medical Faculty at the Department of Physiology Ivan Petrovich Mikhailovsky, shot in an insanitable state. On May 15, 1931, after a year of imprisonment, a sentence was made (without a court): Link for three years in Arkhangelsk.

In 1931-1933, Lord Luka lives in Arkhangelsk, there is an outpatient reception of patients. Vera Mikhailovna Valneva, whose he lived, treated patients with homemade ointments from the soil - cataplasms. The Vladyka was interested in a new method of treatment, and he applied him in the hospital, where Vera Mikhailovna gave to work. And in the following years he conducted numerous studies in this area.

In November 1933, Metropolitan Sergius invited the liberty to take the free Episcopal Department. However, the proposal of Vladyka did not accept. Having stayed for a short time in the Crimea, Vladyka returned to Arkhangelsk, where he took patients, but did not operate.

In the spring of 1934, Lord Luka visits Tashkent, then moves to Andijan, operates, reads lectures. Here he falls as a fever of Papataji, which threatens the loss of vision, after an unsuccessful operation, it will blind on one eye. In the same year, finally, it is possible to publish "essays of purulent surgery." He commits church services and leads the branch of the Tashkent Institute of Emergency Aid.

December 13, 1937 - a new arrest. In prison, Vladyka is interrogated with a conveyor (13 days without sleep), demanding the protocols. He declares the hunger strike (18 days), the protocols do not sign. A new expulsion should be sent to Siberia. From 1937 to 1941, Vladyka lived in the village of Big Murt of the Krasnoyarsk region.

The Great Patriotic War began. In September 1941, Vladyka was delivered to Krasnoyarsk to work at a local evakopuncture - a health facility from dozens of hospitals intended for the treatment of wounded.

On September 8, 1943, he was a member of the Local Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, who chosen the His Holiness Patriarch Sergius. In the list of participants in the cathedral - 19 hierarchs, and the name of Archbishop Luke stands there fourth.

In 1943, the Holy Luke becomes Archbishop Krasnoyarsk. A year later, Archbishop Tambov and Michurinsky is translated in Tambov. There he continues medical work: at its care 150 hospitals.

In 1945, the Pastoral and medical activity of the Lord was noted: it honors the rights of carrying a diamond cross on the hood and awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

In February 1946, Archbishop Tambov and Michurinsky Luke became the laureate of the Stalinist premium I degree for the scientific development of new surgical methods for the treatment of purulent diseases and injuries set forth in the scientific works "Essays of purulent surgery" and "Late rescue with infected joints of joints."

In 1945-1947, they are completed by work on the Essay "Spirit, Soul and Body", started in the early 20s. On May 26, 1946, the Holy Luke, despite the protests of Tambov's flock, translated into Simferopol and appointed Archbishop Crimean and Simferopolsky.

1946-1961 were fully dedicated to the Archpastric ministry. The eye disease progressed, and in 1958 the complete blindness came.

However, as the Archpriest Evgeny Veshevsky recalls, even such a notch did not interfere with the Vladyka to commit divine services, Archbishop Luka entered without extreme assistance to the temple, was applied to icons, he read the liturgical prayers and the gospel, missed the sulfur, pronounced penetrating sermons.

The blinded archpastyr also continued to manage the Simferopol diocese for three years and sometimes take patients, hitting local doctors with errorless diagnoses.

For the 38 years of the priesthood of Vladyka Luka uttered a thousand two hundred and fifty sermons, of which at least seven hundred fifty were recorded and amounted to twelve thick volumes of machinery (4500 pages). The Council of the Moscow Spiritual Academy called this meeting a preaching of an exceptional phenomenon in modern church-theological life and elected the author to an honorary member of the Academy. Believers who were attended by worships, remembered, as Lord Luki served, for life. It was the upcoming before the Lord. Every word he uttered clearly to darge deep into. Especially inspired by the Great Removal Canon Andrei Cretan.

Lucked Luke on June 11, 1961 on the day of all saints, in the land of Russian applicants. Lord is buried on the city cemetery of Simferopol

In 1996, the His Holiness Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate decided to receive an assignment of the highly intended archbishop of Luke to face the localities of the saints, such as St. Faith's confessor. On March 18, 1996, the foundation of the Saints of the Archbishop of Archbishop, which were postponed to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol on March 20.

In April 2007, it turned 130 years since the birth of St. Luke (Waro-Yasenetsky), an outstanding surgeon, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimean. On November 22, 1995, the definition of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archbishop, Simferopolsky and Crimean Luke was counted for the facial of the localities of the saints. In March 1996, the relics of the saint were found, and on May 24 - 25 of the same year the celebration of its glorification took place. The Jubilee Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church of 2000 decided to the All-Russian West of St. Luke. The memory is celebrated on the day of the death, May 29, Art.

Tropear Luke (Warne-Yasenetsky), Archbishop of the Crimean, confessor

Valvetler paths of saving
confession and Archpastry Crimean Earth,
true keeper of decens
pillar unshakable, Orthodoxy mentor,
the doctor of God, Saint Luko,
Christ the Savior Insistently Moli
faith unshakable Orthodox giving
and salvation, and knowledge mercy.

Configuration and onion confessor, Archbishop Simferopolsky

Saint Luka (in the world Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenets) was born on April 14, 1877 in Kerch and took place from ancient, but impoverished noble child. His ancestors served at the courtyard of Polish and Lithuanian kings, the grandfather lived in the Mogilev province in Kurknya Vest and walked in the lapties, although he had a mill, and Felix Stanislavovich, who had owned a pharmacy for some time, but she did not bring big income, and he switched to civil service.

"My father was Catholic," Saint Luka wrote, "he always walked into the church and prayed for a long time. The father was a person's surprisingly clean soul, he did not see anything wrong with him, he trusted everyone, although in his position was surrounded by dishonest people. " Felix Stanislavovich, quiet by nature, did not impose his views, and the atmosphere in the house determined mother. Maria Dmitrievna, before Marriage Kudrin, was brought up in Orthodox traditions, and her faith was expressed mainly in good deeds - she regularly sent his homemade baking concluded, made them the opportunity to earn (for example, sending a mattress to the Mattress in prisons), and when the first world began War, the house was constantly boiling milk for the wounded. "Mother prayed at home diligently, but in the church, apparently, never went. The reason for this was its indignation of greed and quarrels of priests that took place in her eyes. " In addition to Valentine, there were two more sons in the family and two daughters.

In the late 1980s, War-Yasenets moved to Kiev. Here Valentin graduated from the gymnasium and in parallel Kiev Art School. At that time, he was influenced by people's ideas. "I had such a strong attraction to painting," Vladyka recalled, "at the end of the gymnasium, I decided to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. But during the entrance examinations, I won a difficult meditation about whether I was elected the right path. Through the fluctuations were over the decision that I would not have the right to do what I like, but it is obliged to do what is useful for suffering people. "

He sent the mother to the telegram about the desire to enter the medical faculty, but all the vacancies there were already occupied there, and he entered the legal. The young man had a pronounced interest in humanitarian sciences, especially theology, philosophy and history. However, after a year, he was again irresistibly led to painting, and he entered the private school of Professor Book in Munich. Having studied there a short time and stuck in his homeland, the young man returned to Kiev, where she worked hard with friends.

Then the religiosity of the future of the saint was manifested: "I went to Kiev-Pechersk Lavra twice a day, I often visited the Kiev temples and, returning from there, I made sketches that I saw in the Lavra and temples ... I went Would you like Vasnetsov and Nesterov, because the main religious direction in my classes in painting was already clearly defined. " At the same time, Valentin Feliksovich thoughtfully reflected "about very difficult theological and philosophical matters" and passionately carried away the ethical teachings of Leo Tolstoy. He slept on the floor, and in the summer, leaving for the cottage, mowed the grass along with the peasants. He even wrote a thick letter, in which he asked to influence his harsh mother, opposed his desire to become a hoodie. However, soon in the hands of the young man got the book of Lion Tolstoy "What is my faith?", Sharply pushing him with mockery of Orthodoxy. "I immediately understood that Tolstoy - heretic, very far from genuine Christianity. The correct idea of \u200b\u200bChrist's teaching was immediately before that, I made a diligent reading of the entire New Testament, who, for good old custom, I received from the director of the gymnasium while presenting me a certificate of maturity as a farewell to life. "

Many places of the Gospel then made a deep impression on him, but they especially struck his words of the Savior: a lot of harvesters, and there are few doors. "I literally fluttered the heart, I silently exclaimed:" Oh my God! Do you really have little making?! " Later, after many years, when the Lord urged me to the Niva for Niva, I was sure that this gospel text was the first call to God for serving Him. "

So a year passed, which Lord himself called rather strange: "It would be possible to go to the medical faculty, but again it took me a meditation of a populist order, and I decided on the youthful hotness that it would be necessary to take a job as soon as possible for the useful practical work for a simple people. Thoughts were wandering about becoming a paramedic or rural teacher, and in this mood I once went to the director of people's schools of the Kiev academic district with a request to arrange me in one of the schools. The director turned out to be a smart and insightful person: he appreciated my people's aspirations well, but I was very vigoring me from the fact that I was climbed, and convinced to enter the medical faculty. It corresponded to my aspirations to be useful for the peasants, so poorly secured medical care, but across the road stood my almost disgust to natural sciences. I still overcame this disgust and entered the medical faculty of Kiev University. " Was 1898.

The teaching was given with great difficulty: "I had an almost physical feeling that I forcefully forcing the brain to work on what he was alien to him, and nevertheless he studied on some five and unexpectedly became interested in anatomy. In the third year, he was unanimously elected an old-age. It happened after he came up for an offended fellow worker, whom the other fellow students hit the cheek. "At the end of the lecture, I got up and asked for attention. All pricked. I uttered a passionate speech, implanted the ugly act of a student - Pole. "

State exams The future surgeon passed brilliantly. He received the only three on biochemistry because he handed the professor the result of his own study, which was a small mistake, "although in advance the laboratory knew the correct answer. Obtaining the University in the fall of 1903, he stated that he intended to be a Zemsky doctor, which was very surprised by his comrades. "I was offended by the fact that they do not understand me at all, for I studied medicine with an exceptional goal of being a rustic, Menietic doctor, help poor people." Preparing for this activity, he began to visit the Eye Clinic in Kiev, where she operated and led an outpatient reception. In addition, he led patients home, and, according to the memoirs of the sister, their apartment turned into the eye chari. The patients lay in rooms as in the wards, Valentin Feliksovich treated them, and Maria Dmitrievna Kormila.

With the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war, a young doctor in the medical detachment of the Red Cross left for the Far East. He was instructed to establish one of the surgical offices, and he, without having special training, immediately began to make a lot of complex operations.

In Chita, he married the sister of Mercy Anne Vasilyevna Lanskaya, the daughter of the manor manager in Ukraine. "She conquered me not so much with her beauty, how much is exceptional kindness and meekness of character." Anna Vasilyevna gave vowiness of virles, and on the night before the wedding, when she prayed in the church before the icon of the Savior, it seemed to her that Christ turned his face from her. "It was, apparently, a reminder of her vow, and for violation of his Lord heardly punished with her unbearable, pathological jealousy."

Soon after the wedding, the young moved into a small county town of Ardates of the Symbirian province, where Valentina Felixovich was instructed to head the hospital. A young surgeon in difficult conditions began to operate widely and after a few months I felt that I was knocked out of the forces. He switched to a small village of Verkhnaya Luzhuzh Kursk province. However, the glory about a wonderful doctor was so spread that patients not only from nearby places were taken to him, but even from the neighboring province. One beggar, to which, after the operation, returned vision, gathered blinds from all over the districts, and they lined up long with a long strip in anticipation of medical care.

Taking in a variety of outpatient patients, operating from morning to evening, driving around a rather large plot, a selfless doctor managed to still engage in scientific work, at night, examining under a microscope carved during operations and making sketches. In Lyubage, he wrote his first two articles.

In 1907, Leno-Yalenets was born firstborn Mikhail, and in the 1908th daughter Elena. Birth had to take the Father.

Zemskaya Godbarov translated him into the county Fategory, but soon he was fired from service, because he refused to stop accepting and immediately appear to the sick fee: all patients were always equal to him, and the situation in society did not give them any advantages. It was invariably strictly treated only to the militant to the boots, whose disease considered the punishment of God.

After the dismissal of the beloved doctor, the confusion began, and Valentin Feliksovich was forced to leave back from there. In 1909, he settled in Moscow and about a year was the external surgical clinic of Professor P. I. Dyakonov. Here he began to take his work on the dissertation about local anesthesia. In those years, an extremely imperfect common anesthesia was "incomparably more dangerous than the operation itself." After several months of research work at the Moscow Institute of Topographic Anatomy, the scientist made a number of discoveries in the field of regional anesthesia.

However, to live in Moscow with his wife and two children was not for that, and Waro-Yasenets had to go to the village of Romanovka Saratov province. Valentin Feliksovich returned to practical surgery and worked at a local hospital a year and a half. The doctor often accounted for up to 200 outpatient patients per day, not counting the departures, and 70% of patients live more than 8 miles from his house. Receptions were carried out in a close and stuffy room, and there was no less than three hundred per year.

Here they had a third child, Alexey Son. From the Romanovka, they moved to Pereslavl-Zalessky, where Valentin Feliksovich received the place of the chief physician in the hospital, there was little differed from Romanovskaya.

The work on the dissertation of the surgeon continued during annual monthly vacations, coming to Moscow and working from morning to evening at the Institute of Topographic Anatomy. He wrote: "I don't want to leave Moscow before I don't take it from it that I need: Knowledge and skills to work scientifically. I do not know the measure in work as usual and has already been strongly overwhelmed. And the work is to be large: for the dissertation it is necessary to learn French and read about five hundred works in French and German. In addition, it will have to work a lot over doctoral exams. "

In 1915, a brilliant illustrated book "Regional anesthesia" was released in Petrograd. It covered the results of research and the richest surgical experience of the author. For this work, Warsaw University has awarded Valentina Felixovich the Hoenatsky Prize, which scientists usually received new paths in medicine. However, he did not receive any money (900 rubles in gold), because he could not imagine the right number of copies in Warsaw: a small circulation of the book was excavated instantly.

In 1916, Valentin Feliksovich defended his monograph as a dissertation and received a doctorate of medicine. His opponent wrote: "We are accustomed to the fact that the doctoral dissertations are usually written on a given topic in order to receive higher appointments in the service and the scientific value of them is small. But when I read your book, I got the impression of bird singing, which cannot but sing, and highly appreciated it. "

He was engaged in a scientist and another section of medicine: "From the very beginning of its surgical activity ... I clearly understood how enormous importance of purulent surgery and how little knowledge about it I made from the university. I set my task a deep independent study of the diagnosis and therapy of purulent diseases ... I compiled a plan for this book and wrote a preface to her. And then, to my surprise, I had an extremely strange unwilling thought: "When this book is written, the name of the bishop will stand on it."

At that time, Valentina Felixovich and in thoughts did not have a clergy, and even more than a bishop, although in Pereslavl, he increasingly began to visit the local church, where he had even his place - and this is despite the fact that Sundays and holidays The Zemstvo doctor was especially loaded.

In Pereslavl, the family lived six and a half years. There was a younger son, Valentine. "With children," the maid said, "Barin and a lady were very affectionate. Never punished them, even the words rude did not speak. Only Misha for the balobiness mother in the chungy sometimes put, but soon and released. " Mikhail Valentinovich recalled: "Father works in the afternoon, in the evening, at night. In the morning we do not see it, he goes to the hospital early. I dine together, but my father and here remains silent, most often reading a book at the table. Mother tries not to distract him. It is also not too many-way. Furniture in the Pereslavl house was to the last degree of non-commodity. Savings neither then nor then father had no ". War-Yasenets lived quietly, nor into theaters nor the guests did not go, and they rarely walked to them.

In early 1917, Anna Vasilyevna fell ill with Tuberculosis, and the family moved to Tashkent, where Valentina Felixovich offered the position of chief doctor of the city hospital. There he organized a surgical department. "The time was alarming," recalled the doctor L. V. Oshanin. - In 1917 - 1920, the city was dark. On the streets at night they were constantly shot ... wounded brought to the hospital. I am not a surgeon and, with the exception of light cases, always called War Yarenetsky ... At any time, he immediately dressed and walked in my challenge. Sometimes wounded received one by one. Often immediately operated on, so the night went without sleep. It happened that War-Yasenetsky at night caused home to the patient, or to another hospital for consultation, or for an emergency operation. He immediately went to such night, far from safe journey ... never was on his face an expression of annoyance, discontent that he was worried about trifles (from the point of view of an experienced surgeon). On the contrary, it felt complete readiness to help. I have never seen him angry, loose or just irritated. He always said calmly, quietly, leisurely, deaf voice, never raising him. It does not mean that he was indifferent - he was indignant, but he never went out of himself, and expressed his indignation by the same calm voice. "

Anna Vasilyevna's health has deteriorated. She did something around the house, but it could not be preparing either to clean. Children remember the father in the evenings soap floors, winding old bandages to the sex brush. Soon it became very bad with the products. From hospital cuisine began to bring lunch - a rotten sauer cabbage in muddy water. Sick the best doctor of the city was treated, supporting it not only with medicines, but also with reinforced food, but the products brought by secretly from Valentina, she distributed to children, and herself was satisfied with cabbage chowder. Finally undermined her health to the arrest of her husband on a slanderous denunciation. The chief physician with another surgeon was led to the railway workshops, where the "Emergency Troika" met. For the analysis of each case, "the judges" spent no more than three minutes, almost everyone speaks to the shooting. The convicts were removed through the other door and immediately killed.

Arrested doctors sat in workshops all day. All this time, Valentin Feliksovich remained completely imperturbable. On the alarming questions colleagues: "Why don't they cause us? What can it mean? " - answered: "Call when the time comes, sit quietly." Late in the evening of the famous surgeon recognized the prominent partian, and they were released. Returning to the office, the chief physician ordered to prepare a patient for the next operation and in an ordinary hour I got up to the operating table, as if nothing had happened.

After that, Anna Vasilyevna no longer stood out of bed. "She burned in a fever, completely lost sleep and was very tormented. For the past twelve nights, I sat at her mortal tri, and I worked in the hospital in the afternoon. " She died at the end of October 1919, thirty-eight years. "Two nights I myself read over the coffin of the Psalrty, standing at the feet of the deceased in full solitude. I read an hour in three second night I read the 112nd Psalm ... And the last words of Psalm were struck and shocked me, for I admitted them with a perfect undoubtedness as the words of God, addressed to me: a loyal instig on the mother's house, I am pleasing about the children. The Lord God was led, what a heavy, thorny path awaits me, and immediately after the death of my children, he himself took care of them and my hard situation eased. For some reason, there was no longest doubt that I trembled with my words as an indication of God on my operating sister Sofia Sergeyevna Roetskova, about which I knew only that she recently buried her husband and was childless, and all my acquaintance with her was limited only to business conversations relating to surgery. And however, the words: the mother inspires the mother's house, I am pleasing about the children, "I undoubtedly accepted as God's instructions to impose concerns about my children and their upbringing."

Sofia Sergeyevna was the "real sister of mercy of the old sweating." In the operating room, it was valued for skill and modesty: neither word of superfluous, she guess to guess which tool would require a surgeon in the next moment. With a deep excitement, after listening to Valentina Felixovich, she gladly agreed to replace the children a deceased mother. She has long wanted to help War-Yasenetsky, but she did not decide to offer his help. "Troy younger children loved her very much, and especially the youngest, Valya, did not get out of her knees. And Misha had to re-educate her. " Sofia Sergeyevna died in Valentina Valentinovich Valentina Valentine's house, surviving to deep old age.

After the death of his wife, Valentin Feliksovich became the "active layman", visited the meeting of the Tashkent church fraternity and theological meetings, often acted with conversations on the topics of the Holy Scriptures. At the end of 1920, the diocesan meeting discussed the activities of the Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan Innocent (Pustone). Valentin Feliksovich spoke with a long, hot speech, and after the meeting of Vladyka suddenly told him: "Doctor, you need to be a priest!" "I have never had a thought about the priesthood, but I accepted the words of Holy Innokentia as God's call to the mouth of the bishop and, not reflecting a minute, answered:" Good, Vladyko! I will be a priest, if you want to God! "

The question of ordination was solved so quickly that he did not even have time to sew a contrast. In the next Sunday, he was dedicated to San Diacon, and a week later, on the feast of the statement of the Lord of 1921, ordained to Ierhea. The ministry in the church had to be combined with the head of the Topographic Anatomy and Operational Surgery at the Medical Faculty of Faculty of Medical Faculty (the University of Tashkent had just opened in Tashkent (the famous surgeon was one of the initiators of its discovery). Lectures about. Valentin read in Ryasa and with a cross on his chest (in the same form he went through the streets than the urban bosses was very nervous). He came to listen to him from other faculties.

The adoption by Professor Sana made a sensation in the city and was taken in the bayonets by all his employees. Some of them demonstratively continued to call him by the name - patronymic. The student was daring to "expose" a priest's surgeon, and he only condescendingly in response. "Of course, they could not understand and appreciate my act, for themselves were far from religion. What would they understand if I had said that at the sight of blasphemous carnavals and bullying over the Lord, my Jesus my heart screamed loudly: "I can not silent!" And I felt that my duty was to defend the sermon offended by the Savior of our and praise his immense mercy to the human race. "

On Sundays about. Valentine served in the city cathedral. Bishop Innocent instructed him all the case to sermons, saying by the words of the Apostle Paul: "Your business is not baptized, but incense." "He deeply understood what he said, and his word was almost prophetic ... I my vocation from God was the preaching and confession of the name of Christ. For a long time of his priesthood, I almost did not commit almost no, did not even be baptized with complete ranks. " In addition to sermons for worship, about. Valentin every Sunday day after the evening spent conversations for the theologies, attracted many listeners to the cathedral. A whole cycle of conversations was devoted to criticism of materialism. Without a spiritual education, the young priest hastily studied theology of the books and very soon made a decent library.

He had to conduct public disputes with the Archpriest Lomakin renounced by the god, headed by anti-religious propaganda in Central Asia. They collected many people and, as a rule, ended up the apostate (believers did not give him a passage, asking: "Tell us when you were aimed: Then, when was Pop, or now?"), And soon he asked the organizers of the disputes to save him from "this philosopher". The end of Lomakin was terrible: he fell ill with the rectum cancer, and in his pelvis area, a silent cavity was formed, siding with worms. Because of the extreme chimney, the patient nurse refused to take care of him.

His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon, learning that Professor of War-Yasenets became a priest, blessed him to continue to engage in surgery, and he was still "widely operated on every day and even at night in the hospital and could not not handle his observations scientific." To do this, he had to do research on the corpses, which he himself was cleared of lice and sewage, as a result of which he was infected with returning typhoid in very severe form. Many of his research formed the basis of the book "Essays of purulent surgery", which he continued to write during his priesthood. In October 1922, the priest-surgeon made four big reports at the first scientific congress of Turkestan's doctors and actively participated in the debate, very surprising those who considered him dead for science. In addition to all this, about. Valentine found time to write icons for the temple. He remained for the post of chief physician of the city hospital.

In the summer of 1921, Tashkent CC decided to arrange a demonstration court over the doctors, allegedly engaged in hydration. As an expert, Professor War-Yasenetsky was called. His answers led security officers to rabies, and he began to ask questions that were no longer associated with the "Doctors":

Tell me, Pop and Professor Yasenetsky War, how do you pray at night, and you cut people during the day?

I cut people for their salvation, and in the name of what people do you cut people, a citizen of the public prosecutor?

How do you believe in God? Did you see him, your god?

I really did not see God, but I operated a lot on the brain and, opening the cranial box, never saw there too. And there was no conscience there either.

The conceived spectacle failed with a crackle, and the doctors released soon said that only the performance of the famous surgeon was saved from execution.

After a few months, the authorities demanded to remove the icon in the operating room, and about. Valentine stated that he would not go to work until the icon would be hurt in place. Two years ago, a similar attempt was already made, but since the wife of a large parties was required an urgent operation, and the chief physician refused to work, the icon was returned. Now, the priest threatened arrest for sabotage, who was considered a political crime. Father Valentine remained at home for several days, and only the intervention of the bishop enclosed him to start work. However, at the next meeting of the scientific society, he apologize for the failed report, said: "It happened due to the fault of our Health Commissioner, in which the demon was united. He learned the blasphemy over the icon. " The Commissioner present at the meeting pretended to have heard anything.

Even unbeliever colleagues respected professors of the priest for its moral qualities. The Nurse of the Tashkent Hospital recalled: "In cases, demanding moral decisions, Valentin Felixovich behaved like that there was no one. He always stood before his conscience alone. And the court he judged herself was stricter of any tribunal. "

In the spring of 1923, at the diocesan congress of the clergy, he was chosen by a bishop candidate in the bishopan. Shortly, after that, various clergymen were actively operating in the city and many clergymen were crossed. After the arrest of the newly ordained bishop of Vissarion, the hurry-free Innokenty secretly left Tashkent. Management of diocesan affairs took over. Valentin and Archpriest Mikhail Andreev. "For this mostly I got my first link."

Soon about. Valentina was prescribed by the abbot of the cathedral and built in San Archpriest. After that, the Bishop of Ufa Andrei (Prince Ukhtomsky) secretly tonsured him into monasticism. "He ... wanted to give me the name of the healer of Panteleimon, but when he visited the liturgy, performed by me, and heard my sermon, I found that I was much more suitable for the name of the Apostle-Evangelist, a doctor and icon painter Luke." Sofia Sergeevna with tears begged about. Valentine for the sake of children does not become a monk, but he remained adamant. Andrei was sent to Pendzhikent, where the exile bishops of Volkhovsky Daniel (Troitsky) and Suzdal Vasily lived (Troitsky). "My departure ... I had to be secret, and therefore I appointed the next day four operations, and I myself left the train at SAMARKAND, accompanied by one Hieromonach, Diacon and his older son, sixteen years old Mikhail. In the morning they came to Samarkand, but it turned out to be a parokonic drive for further path to Penjikent almost impossible: no one agreed to go, because everyone was afraid of the attacks of Basmachi. Finally, there was one brand, who agreed to carry us ... High-alleged Daniel and Vasily met with love. After reading the letter of the bishop Andrei Ukhtomsky, decided to appoint a liturgy for tomorrow to commit Charotonia and immediately serve the evening and morning in the small church of St. Nicholas Mirlijsky, without a stall and when closed doors. With the bishop, the exile Moscow priest of Archpriest Svencitsky, a well-known church writer, who also attended with my dedication ... In the chrotonia, the dedicated leaning over the throne, and the bishop holds over his head revealed by the gospel. In this important moment of Charotonia, when they read the perfractive prayer of the sacrament of the priesthood, I came to such a deep excitement that I trembled with all the body, and then the bishops said that there was never such an excitement ... I never seen ... I became the bishop on May 18/31, 1923. In Tashkent, we returned the next day quite safely. When the His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon reported this chariani, then he, without a minute, not thinking, approved and recognized her legitimate. "

The first bishop service of the bishop Luke took place on Sunday, on the day of the memory of the saints of equal to the Apostles Constantine and Elena. A week later, the lord arrested. The arrest was accompanied by harassment in newspapers - knowing his popularity, was afraid, no matter how it happens. Anticipating the possibility of arrest, the saint amounted to the will of the Flaw, which forbade any communication with the collectors:

"To a solid and steady execution, I will write to you: it is not free to stand on the path to which I set you.

To obey strength, if the temples will be selected from you and give them at the disposal of Wildly Vepry, the relaxation of God who is ascended on the mountain location of our Cathedral Temple. The appearance of worship is not to be seduced and the crowning of worship, creatible Vepérem, not to be worship. To go to the temples, where worthy of the hyrey serve, the weping is not submitted. If all the temples will win the bolery, consider themselves to be overwhelmed by God from the temples and plunged into hunger hearing the words of God. With the Vepérem and his servants do not have any communication and not to humiliate before compilation with them.

Against the power supplied to us by our sins of our sins, did not rebel anyone in any way and in all her hurt it.

The power of the succession of the apostolic, given to me by the Lord by our Jesus Christ, commanding all the Chadam of the Turkestan Church strictly and steadily obstructing my will. Returning from him and incoming with the Veprem to prayer communication threatening anger and condemnation of God. Smart Luke. "

Already the next day, after arrest, the testament has spread to the typewriter among believers. By the middle of August, all city temples switched to collectively, but the people did not go to them, remember the word of their bishop, and GPU decided to send it outside of Turkestan as soon as possible. The Lord was accused of participating in the Cossack plot and bonds with the British. "Chekists claimed that in the Caucasus, and in the Urals I acted at the same time. All my attempts to explain to them that for one person it is physically impossible, did not lead to anything. "

In prison, the saint finished the first issue of his "essays of purulent surgery" - the head of the prison department allowed him to work in his office in the evenings. On the title sheet, the manuscript was written: "Bishop Luka. Professor Waro-Yasenetsky. Essays of purulent surgery "- so came true a long-standing premonition about this book.

At the end of the investigation, Vladyka was released so that he would drive to Moscow. All night before leaving to him, the parishioners of the cathedral went to the apartment to say goodbye and get a blessing. The train with which he left, twenty could not move for about twenty minutes, because people lay down on the rails, without giving the beloved bishop. In Moscow, he lived in a private apartment for a week, twice met with Patriarch Tikhon, once served with him the Divine Liturgy.

With the secondary appearance in the GPU, he was arrested. In the prison library, Vladyka managed to get the gospel in German, and he diligently read it. From E. P. Peshkova, Maxim Gorky's wife, the prisoners received Tulupps, and the saint gave his half-dressed rogue. It made a huge impression on criminals, and their leader, a motley thief, every time the Bishop of Luke passed by their cameras, kindly welcomed him and called the father. "Later in other prisons, I have repeatedly been convinced of how the thieves and gangsters are deeply appreciated to them." However, this did not interfere with criminals several times chalit the lord.

In prison, the saint first noticed signs of myocarditis, who later caused him a lot of suffering. In Lazarut, he was given a certificate about the impossibility of walking on the stage. At the beginning of the winter of 1923, he, together with the Archpriest Mikhail Andreev, was sent to the link to Yeniseisk. On the way to them, Archpriest Illarion Dovenikov joined them. At one of the nights, Vladyka laster tongs made an operation to the peasant who had suffered severe purulent inflammation of the bone substance.

Relevant managed to accommodate in the house of the wealthy citizen. Here on Sundays and holidays, they committed worship, since all the temples of Yeniseisk were engaged in columns. Once the old monk from Krasnoyarsk came to Vladyka about. Christopher. The local residents did not want to have communication with the priests who went into the split and sent him to ordain to the Orthodox bike in Minusinsk, but the unknown force led about. Christopher in Yeniseisk. Seeing St. Luka, he was dumbfounded - ten years ago he dreamed that some kind of bishop had his own in Hieromonach, and now he recognized this bishop. "Ten years ago, when he saw me, I was a Zemsky surgeon in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky and never thought about the priesthood or about the bishop. And God at that time I was already a bishop. So non-defined paths of the Lord. "

At the request of the head of the local hospital, Vladyka operated a lot, and also led a great reception at home. A special sensation was made by the extraction of congenital cataract three blind boys-brothers who became in vain. Local residents remembered the bishop surgeon for a long time: "A big shaman with a white beard came to our river, pop-shaman. Will a pop shaman say the word - the blind immediately moored. Then I left Pop Shaman, again my eyes hurt everyone. " Those who wish to get to the reception soon became so much that the list of patients was drawn up for three months ahead. Each operation with the participation of Lord Luke was supposed to receive permission, which was reluctant - the growing popularity of the exile bishop was very annoyed by the local authorities. Feldshera, catastrophically lost earnings, began to complain to the authorities on the "Pop", which produces "irresponsible" operations. Once he was called in the GPU. Always, as always, in Ryas, and with a cross, crossed the threshold, the Chekist shouted:

Who allowed you to engage in practice?

I do not practice practice in the sense that you invest in this word. I do not take money in patients. And refuse to patients, sorry, I have no right.

The "scouts" were sent several times to the Lord, but soon they were convinced that he treated it really free. He usually said grateful patients: "This God healed you with my hands. Pray to him. " Soon on the medical activity of the bishop of Luke began to look more condescending.

In Yeniseisk, at that time, the Komsomol members, the closure and destruction of churches and monasteries were accompanied by unprecedented blasphemes. The saint several times pronounced the preliminary sermons, shaped the organizers of the blasphemous carnavals and participated in a crowded public dispute with a young physician-atheist. After two months of stay in Yeniseisk, Vladyka was sent further to the hangar, separating from about. Illarion and about. Mikhail. Sundays were settled with two nuns rose to them in the village of Haya, consisting of eight yards. In March there was still deep winter, the house often to the roof linked. We had to wait until the deer protorted the path so that you could bring twigs to the extract. In the Russian woman in the Seine frozen water. Vladyka stopped in the house of a pious peasant, the evil mother of whom he had oppressed him and straightened himself from home.

And on the way, and in Hai, Bishop Luka continued to make operations and make worship. He was Bodr in Spirit and wrote to children to do not worry about him - he is glad, calm and does not have any needs. After two months, he was again lucky in Yeniseisk. The road was very hard: riding a horse, on which the Vladyka had never sat down before, swimming on the hangar on boats through dangerous thresholds ... "In the evening on the shore of the Yenisei, against the mouth of the hangars, we served an unforgettable evening in the open sky."

The bishop concluded in a single chamber, the walls of which were almost completely covered with clouds. "I lit a candle and began to wait for the bugs, which began to fall on the floor from the walls and bed. The effect of this ignition was amazing. An hour later ... there was not a single cloud in the chamber. "

After the liberation of the Vladyka served in the Preobrazhensky temple the Divine Liturgy by the bishopan. For one of the temples near the Yeniseisk, he at the request of the believers did the priest's guide. And the authorities again removed the "recalcitable" bishop - sent down on Yenisei, to Turukhansk. Frosts came here to forty degrees and more, at night under the windows, wolves were torn. When the saint came off the barge, who encountered his crowd of the people fell on his knees, asking the blessings. He was offered to head the local hospital. With two assistants, paramedic and young sister, he began to make major operations. The equipment in the hospital was the most primitive, the tools before the operation were boiled in samovar.

As in Tashkent, in the operating room at the bishop, Luke stood an icon with a lamp chopped in front of it. They said that before the operation he always put the cross on the patient's body. Patients asked him a blessing, and he did not refuse to anyone.

The church life of Tourukhansk with the arrival of the bishop was revived. In the city there was a closed male monastery, where he continued to serve an elderly priest about. Martin Rimsha. He submitted to the Krasnoyarsk Cathedral Book, but, having learned from St. Saint Luke, in which political goal was noticed by the "live" church, returned to Lono Orthodoxy (afterwards about. Martin twenty years later in refers and camps, and the Lord sent him money transfers every month.

"The priest brought repentance to the people, and I could be in church services and almost always preached at them. Touruchan peasants were deeply grateful to me and brought me to the monastery and home on the sleigh sleeves. " Daughter about. Martina recalled that before the arrival of Lords Luke "the church visited completely few people, and with his arrival the flow of parishioners in the church increased significantly." Of course, the authorities could not calmly look at it. The bishop caused the authorized GPU and announced the ban bless the patients in the hospital, to preach in the monastery and ride on a carpet covered sleigh. Vladyka replied that according to the bishop duty could not refuse to people in blessing, and suggested him to hang on the door of the hospital for the ban on the ban to ask for blessings, as well as forbid peasants to serve Sanya-releasing peasants to the hospital.

After some time, the saint announced that he was immediately sent out of Turukhansk further north, which was equivalent to the deliberate murder: at the height of winter, which this year (1924/25) was extremely cruel, send to the open sleigh for one and a half thousand people, not having warm clothes, meant to obrace it on the inevitable death. The police accompanying the saint said: "I feel in the position of Maluratov Skuratov, lucky Metropolitan Philip in the midst of the monastery."

At the first stop, the referential Social Revolutionaries, which had long been talking to the bishop, provided it with money and a fur blanket, which he was very useful. "The way to frozen Yenisei into severe frosts was very hard for me. However, it is precisely at this difficult time that I almost really felt that the Lord God Jesus Christ, supporting and firming me, next to me.

We settled the Vladyka in the Plafhino Machine, far beyond the polar circle, where they fell on the ground in the corners of the bird frost on the ground and stone. Residents (there were only five of them). Having recently accepted exile and promised to take care of him. He was taken away half of the hollows with two windows, in which flat ice floes were frozen instead of the second frames. Through the slots in the windows snowed snow, and a snowdrift never melted in the corner, and the second snowdrift was near the entrance door. By morning, there was such a frost in the house that the water in the bucket was covered with a thick layer of ice.

In Plafhino, Vladyka baptized two babies. From the towel, he made a similarity of Epitrohili and composed prayer himself. In the hill, where the sacrament was made, it was possible to stand only furcing, and near the font, which was served by a wooden shred, all the time spinning calf.

Here he had the first time in his life to prepare himself. Soon he was visited by the Commissioner on the billet of the Ferry (through him, the head of the Turukhan post office, from which the bishop surgeon saved a sick child, conveyed a reference correspondence, violating the strict ban of the authorities). The ruler, by the way, told him: "The Lord God gave me to know: in a month I will be in Tourukhansk," and, by shaking my head, I noticed: "I see, I see, you are unbelieving. My words seek you incredible. But it will be that way. " Soon the peasant died in the Turukhan hospital - he was needed an urgent operation, which could not be done without a bishop of Luke. The outrageous inhabitants wanted to arrange the village council and GPU. Frightened, the authorities immediately sent over the lord. He again began to work in the hospital, continued to bless the people (once even in the presence of an authorized one, who pretended to notice anything) and ride the service in the monastery on the sleigh coated with the carpet.

In the middle of the summer, the Christ's confessor received the notice of God about the soon return from the link, but everything remained still. "I fell into a despondency and once in the Altar of the Winter Church ... With tears, the Lord Jesus Christ prayed with tears. In this prayer, it was obviously a ropot against the Lord Jesus for a long non-fulfillment of a promise of release. And suddenly I saw that Jesus Christ depicted on the icon sharply turned his prechy face from me. I came to horror and despair and did not dare to look more on the icon. As a broken dog, I went from the altar in the summer church, where I saw the book of the Apostle on the closer. I automatically opened it and began to read the first thing I got on my eyes. To my big grief, I did not remember the text, which I read, but this text made a wonderful action on me. They were doused my nerazuma and the keenness of Ropot on God and at the same time confirmed the promise of liberation, which I was impatiently expected. I returned to the altar of the Winter Church and I gladly saw, looking at the Purbitol, that the Lord Jesus looks at me with a gracious and bright eyes. "

The link term of the saint ended. One after another, steamers left, leaving his numerous comrades, simultaneously received a term. At the end of August, the latter was left, but the lord did not call - there was a prescription to hold it for another year. When the steamer went away, the bishop, as usual, served as morning. "The last words of the 31st Psalm strike me as thunder ... I perceive them with all the mercy as the voice of God, addressed to me. He says: I will write out and mention the way to the path of this, I will go on the way, I will approve on my eyes. Do not buoy the horse and Mesk, right to bear the mind: Brozdes and the His Jaws are harmonious, not approaching you. And suddenly the deep peace in my tormentive soul comes ... the steamer gives the third beep and slowly sails. I follow him with a quiet, joyful smile while he does not hide from my eyes. "Go, go, I don't need you ... The Lord made me another way, not the way in a dirty barge, which you lead, and a bright, bishop path!"

Three months later, the lord of the disease was forced to let go to Krasnoyarsk. He was walking along the frozen Yenisei, which represented a chaotic journey of huge ice floes. The peasants did for the beloved bishop indoor shell. When he drove past the monastic church, he was met by a priest with a big crowd of the people and told about an extraordinary event: on the day of the departure of the saint in the temple itself, the candle caught fire, with a minute she was dead and extinced. "So I spent my favorite church me, in which the relics of the Holy Martyr Vasily Mangazei were underway." The grave path of Yenisei was truly a bishop: at all stops where there were churches, the bishop was greeted by a bell ringing, he served prayers and preached. They came to thank and healed patients.

In the Krasnoyarsk GPU, the saint began to interrogate on its stocking with Turukhansky authorized. "I answered so that I was not justified, and I myself accused the authorized and chairman of the district executive committee. Chekist confused and was in obvious confusion. After reading the protocol, the assistant chief of the GPU showed the window to the update Cathedral and said:

These are we despise, and such as you, very respect. - And asked where Vladyka intends to go.

But tomorrow the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ, and I will certainly have to be in the church.

The boss with difficulty agreed to this, but he asked after the liturgy immediately leave. Vladyka was allowed to live in Tashkent. On the way to the train station, his crew unexpectedly stopped the young policeman, jumped into the footboard and began to hug and kiss the lord. "It was the very policeman who came from Turukhansk to the Machine Flohino, for 230 miles north of the polar circle."

The reference ended in January 1926. From Krasnoyarsk, Bishop Luka drove into Cherkasy to see the elderly parents and his brother, but they stayed for them for a long time - she hurried to children. The heart of the bishop hurt. He wrote to the eldest son from the link: "I'm not for you. At this age, when you only need my constant educational influence, you have long been cut off and almost granted yourself. Never, the environment has never been so scary, as now, never still weak young souls have been subjected to such temptations. And I, unfortunately, I must tell you that from all my children I consider you the least loving good, most able to give in by corrupting temptations. I do not know, maybe, what I experienced and worry, I made a deep impression on you and inspired awe to the truth. Give God so that it was so. But in one of the letters of grandmothers, I read a very painful word for me: "However, Misha is little sensitive." This is what I know so, I always tormented me. Do you understand the horror of this short phrase? After all, this means that it does not pierce your heart, which does not cool it when you hear morally scary, it does not light up with holy indignation against evil, does not flame with delight, when you hear about beautiful, good, elevated. Are you still absorbed by egoism? Many vanity in your letters, and vanity so kind of egoism. There is no deep seriousness in you, which will inevitably be born in a man in essential, is not busy, and deeply feeling the suffering, the severity and hopeless horror of human life ... For a minute, do not forget that you are the son of the bishop, the saint-confessor of Christ, and know that it imposes on you terrible responsibility before God. "

However, the love of God the Lord has always put the love of his own children above. He said to younger son: "The servant of God can not stop in his high service, even before leaving his children."

Returning to Tashkent, he saw that thanks to the efforts of Sofia Sergeyevna, children were prosperous. Vladyka settled on the teacher's street in a small house in two rooms with an entrance hall near the Sergiev Church. At his university, as ungalled, deprived the teaching site. In church life, also occurred in trouble: between the bishop Luka and about. Mikhail Andreev, dividing the Siberian links with him, differences arose. Father Mikhail came out of the submission of Lord and began to serve at home. Forbidden by the Saint in the ministry, he began to write complaints by the Patriarchy location of Metropolitan Sergia and managed to set it up against his bishop. (Subsequently, when about. Mikhail returned from the second link with undermined health, he turned to Lord Luke for his medical assistance, and he did not refuse him. His parishioners a confessor of God always called for no case to condemn the clergy.)

From Moscow followed one by one three declarations about the transfer of the saint in the street, then in Elets and Izhevsk. He was ready to obey me badly, but the Metropolitan of Arseny (Stadnitsky), who lived in Tashkent, with whom Vladyka met still in a Butyrsa prison, he insistently advised not to go anywhere, and submit to the dismissal on peace. The petition was signed, and since 1927, Professor-Bishop, devoid of two departments - church and university, lived in Tashkent as a private person. On Sundays and holidays, he served in the Sergiev Church, and at home he took patients - their number reached four hundred per month. At the same time, the Vladyka not only treated, but also provided material assistance to poor patients. Once he sheltered his brother and sister, the father of which died, and the mother fell into the hospital. Soon the girl began to help him in medical techniques. Vladyka constantly sent her around the city to search for patients of poor people. Another girl he helped, recalled conversations with the Bishop Luke: "Any conversation once turned out to be so worked out that we began to understand the value of a person, the importance of moral life." "Why do you go to me? - asked her lord somehow. - Obviously, do you come to me for your caress? There was probably little caress in your life ... "

Residents of Tashkent, including Uzbeks, very honored the saint of Christ and often appealed to him for the resolution of family and household conflicts. After the liturgy, he usually accompanied a large crowd. On the day of the name of Lord, on October 31, believers did not fit even in the church yard, and the road from his house to the temple was completely covered with flowers.

In the spring of 1930, the Sergiev Temple wanted to destroy, and Bishop Luka firmly decided in the day appointed for this, locked the door of the temple, set fire to him and burn himself. "Stay to live and endure the horrors of the desecration and destruction of the temples of God, it was completely unbearable for me. I thought that my self-immolation would eat and empty the enemies of God. " However, the closure of the Sergiev Church was postponed, and the lord arrested the lord on the same day. "On April 23 / May 6, according to a new style / 1930, I was the last time on liturgy in the Sergievsky temple and when reading the gospel suddenly confidently established himself in the thought that on the same day I would be arrested in the evening."

By this time, the case of the murder of Professor I. P. Mikhailovsky, who committed suicide in a state of mental illness was fabricated. His widow was accused of killing a husband for religious reasons: allegedly prominent Soviet scientist conducted stunning experiences, as a result of which a person can find immortality, and this "undermined the foundations of religion," and "church obscurants" were killed by Professor. The bishop of Luke has been incriminated to the issuance of false certificate of suicide in order to mislead a consequence. At interrogations, he was convinced that he wants to renunciate from the sacred san, and declared a hunger strike of a protest, from which because of a weak heart very quickly. Native and friends petitioned for the patient, but in vain. A year later, the prisoner was sent to Arkhangelsk. An eyeline was told: "His ... he jerked over his beard, they spoiled him in his face. I somehow involuntarily remembered that it was also the same on Jesus Christ, as over him. "

In Arkhangelsk, at first, he felt great difficulties: there was no housing, hospital doctors and even the Archangel bishop met him unfriendly. He worked in an ambulatory where the operations did. The premises for the reception of patients was very close, vigorous; In the corridor, women were constantly swaming, children cried. There were lacking wool, bandages, paper - recipes wrote on blocks, and disease history - on newspapers. But Vladyka considered his second link easy. Over time, he settled in an elderly woman, faith Mikhailovna Valneuy. Little room with tiny window, table, chair, iron bed, in the corner of icon. The saint Cemely prayed - all the temples of Arkhangelsk at that time were closed. The owner of the apartment made Mazi, which he treated the wounds. Leading more than a dozen cases of their beneficial action, he became a hot supporter of this method, thanks to which he developed a new method of treating purulent wounds.

Soon the Lord was sent to Leningrad, where the operation was made to him. The carved tumor was benign. Having discharged from the clinic, he went to the Novodevichy Monastery on Sunday Vigil. "When the reading time of the Gospel approached, I suddenly felt some kind of incomprehensible, very quickly the growing excitement that had achieved great strength, when I heard reading ... The words of Lord Jesus Christ, addressed to the apostle Peter: Simone Ionin, Do you like me ? .. Pasi Sheep is mine ... - I perceived with an unspecified trembling and excitement, as an appeal not to Peter, but straight to me. I trembled with a whole body ... For another two or three months, every time I remembered the experienced ... I trembled again, and hail flowed from the eyes. "

Soon the temptations began. He was called to Moscow, and the Commissioner of the GPU College within three weeks a daily conversation with the Lord. "It was clear that he was instructed to thoroughly study me. In his words, there was a lot of flattery, he in every way extolled me. He promised me a surgical department in Moscow, and it was quite clear that they want to dismiss the priesthood from me ... It was imperceptible to me the honey speech particularly illuminated by the poison of my heart, and with me the greatest misfortune and great sin happened, for I wrote such a statement: "I am not with cases as a bishop and considerable to rest. With current conditions, I do not consider it possible to continue the ministry, and therefore, if my sacred San does not impede it, I would like to be able to work on surgery. However, Sana Bishop I will never take off. " I do not understand, I do not understand at all, as I could so soon to forget so deeply shook me ... The command of the very gentleman of Jesus Christ: My Pasi Sheep. Only in that I can find an explanation that I was extremely difficult to break away from surgery. "

It was a difficult period in the life of the bishop surgeon. Until now, two people of ministry coexist peacefully coexisted: Physical and Physical Healthcare. And the example of the evangelist Luke, the Apostle and the doctor, and the blessing of the Patriarch Tikhon were that confirmation. But the professor wanted to establish the institute of purulent surgery to convey a huge medical experience gained in a serious difficulty in the exile. And the time went, the health was weaker ... "I was in a letter or in words through the nun Sofia (Muravyov) turned to Schiarhihipskopa Anthony (Abashidze) with a request to express my opinion about the remrections of conscience due to the restoration of church ministry and return to surgery. He answered me in a letter to the priest Sergius Alexandrova - Soothing. " However, subsequently, reflecting on his life, the confessor of Christ called the way for which he went at the time, sinful, and the beginning of this path and the God's punishment for him considered his petition about dismissal on peace in 1927.

The term of the Arkhangelsk link ended in May 1933, but the Vladyka lasted until November. Arriving to Moscow, he immediately appeared in the stationery of Metropolitan Sergius. "His secretary asked me, I don't want to take one of the free bishops. Loved by God and deprived of mind, I deepened my grave sin of disobedience to Christ: Pasi Sheep is my - a terrible answer "no".

Provide the bishop of the institution with a research institute in the Ministry of Health refused. From the letter of the Metropolitan Arsenia it was clear that he did not want the arrival of the Lord in Tashkent. "I had nowhere to go, but at lunch at Metropolitan Sergius one of the bishops advised me to go to the Crimea. Without any reasonable goal, I followed this advice and went to Feodosia. There, I felt the way with my way and left God, he fed in a dirty Kharchevna, spent the night in the house of the peasant and finally accepted a new stupid decision - to return to Arkhangelsk. There, two months again took the patients in the ambulance ... I sank to such an extent that I put on civilian clothes ... "

He managed to get a small hospital in Andijan. "There I also felt that the grace of God left me. My operations were unsuccessful. I performed in the role of a lecturer about malignant formations for the bishop and was seriously punished by God. " Vladyka fell ill with a rare tropical disease, accompanied by a retinal retinal detachment. Operated it in Moscow, twice, since the first operation was unsuccessful. Without finishing the treatment, he hurried to Leningrad - the train, which his son Mikhail was driving, suffered, and the son was in the hospital. The trouble-free eye died finally.

In subsequent years, the saint lived in Tashkent, where he was heading the branch of purulent surgery at the city hospital and conducted research on the corpses. "More than once it came to me about the inadmissibility of such work for the bishop. For more than two years, I also continued this work and could not break away from her, because she gave me very important scientific discoveries one after another, and the observation was collected in the purulent branch consisted of the most important foundation for writing my book "Essays of purulent surgery." In his repentance prayers, I diligently asked God forgiveness for this two-year continuation of work on surgery, but once my prayer was stopped by a voice from an unearthly world: "Do not see it!" And I realized that my "essays of purulent surgery" were pleasing to God, for a great extent increased the strength and importance of my confession of the name of Christ in the midst of antireligious propaganda. "

The monograph of the saint became the desktop book of doctors. Before the era of antibiotics, when there was no other opportunity to deal with Geek, except for surgical, any young surgeon, having this book, could carry out operations in difficult conditions of the provincial hospital. Not even knowing that the book is written by the bishop, it is impossible not to notice that she wrote her, with great love relating to the patient. It has such lines: "Getting started to surgery, it is necessary to keep in mind not only the abdominal cavity, and the entire patient, who, unfortunately, is so often the doctors are called" case ". A man in a deadly longing and fear, his heart trembles not only in direct, but also in a figurative sense. Therefore, not only perform a very important task to back up the heart of camphor or Digal, but take care to save it from a severe mental injury: the type of operating table, laid out tools, people in white coats, masks, rubber gloves - sleep it outside the operating room. Take care of warming it during surgery, for it is extremely important. "

Attitude towards patients, on the memoirs of colleagues, the episcopa surgeon was perfect. From doctors (since 1935 he read lectures in the Tashkent Institute of Doctors Improvement), he demanded that they always do everything possible to save the patient, said that they were not allowed to even think about failure. Vladyka has always indignant cases of non-professionalism, ignorance in medical work, he did not tolerate indifference to medical duty.

On July 24, 1937, he was again arrested. Archbishop Tashkent and Central Asian Boris (Sipulin), Archimandrite Valentin (Lyakhootsky), a few priests of the cemetery church of Tashkent, including Archpriest Mikhail Andreev and Prododiakon Ivan Sereda, including the priests of the Cemetery Church of Tashkent, and Prododiakon Ivan Seresov. All of them were accused of creating a "counter-revolutionary monastic organization", which intends to actively fight with the Soviet power, the overthrow of the existing system and return to capitalism, as well as in espionage in favor of foreign intelligence. This was not ashamed to add and accusing the Vladyka in the "hydration" - the murder of patients on the operating table.

It was a terrible time of "Drain", when torture was actively used and the conveyor interrogated was invented by a conveyor, who went continuously many days and nights, and the investigators replaced each other, and the questioned did not sleep for a minute. The conveyor was accompanied by beati and triggered to the breathtaking. Usually in this state and the necessary readings subscribed.

Vladyka began a hunger strike protest. "Despite this, I was forced to stand in the corner, but I soon fell out of exhaustion. I started pronounced visual and tactile hallucinations, replaced by one another ... I steadily demanded recognition in espionage, but in response, I just asked to indicate, in favor of which state I spied. To answer this, of course, could not. Interrogation by the conveyor lasted thirteen days, and more than once they drove me under a plumbing crane, from which we poured my head with cold water. " The torment were so great that Bishop Luka decided to cut the temple artery. "I would have to be taken to the hospital or surgery clinic. It would cause a big scandal in Tashkent. " However, he failed to do this. The conveyor stopped, and without having achieved, so that the Vladyka calls his accomplices, whereas almost all the priests arrested with him perplexed against him. Saint the wolf dragged into the chamber.

As a state of health, the Vladyka was placed in a prison hospital. Here he managed to save his life seriously sick to the criminal. "I saw that a young prison doctor does not understand his illness at all. I myself explored it and found the abscess of the spleen. I managed to achieve the consent of the prison physician to send this patient to the clinic. " The prisoner was operated on, and everything turned out to be exactly how the saint said.

At interrogations, the Lord categorically denied his guilt. He wrote in a statement: "I can recognize myself with a counter-revolutionary to the extent that it follows from the fact of the preaching of the Gospel, the active counter-revolutionary and the participant of the fool's popovskoye counterrevolution, I have never been ... All twenty years of Soviet power I was fully absorbed by the scientific work on surgery and pure ministry of the church, very far from any anti-Soviet agitation. It is completely unacceptable for me only the attitude of Soviet power to religion and church, but here I am far from active hostility. "

His again (perhaps more than once) subjected to the conveyor. During interrogations in the investigative room, a chekist was breaking several times, who pulled the disgusting curses, mad at faith and predicted a terrible end to the bishop. But the second consequence turned out to be unsuccessful.

It was written in the case that the saint, being himself on the verge of poverty, regularly sent money to exile bishops and priests.

A special meeting awarded him to reference for three years in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the sacred delinted false accusations were sentenced to execution, and one of them is to ten years of camps). This time the saint was settled in the district center of Big Murta in one hundred and ten kilometers from Krasnoyarsk. The chief doctor of the district hospital with difficulty was able to achieve for the famous surgeon permission to work "for underwear and nutrition." A salary was discharged at the expense of the empty rate of whether the sanitarians, or straighten. Vladyka barely walked from weakness, and the inhabitants of Murte considered him a stray old man. He lived very poorly, in a tiny room near the kitchen, he had fallen. Like other exiles, he was oppressed, but the staff, especially the junior medical staff, loved the lord. He, as always, openly spoke about his faith: "Wherever I will send me - God everywhere." Praying Vladyka walked in a grove located on the outskirts of the village.

More from prison, he sent a letter to Voroshilov with a request to give him the opportunity to finish work on purulent surgery. Suddenly, having received permission to go to Tomsk to work in the library, the saint in two months managed to re-read all the latest literature in German, French and English. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Bishop Luca sent a telegram Kalinin with a request to interrupt the link and send it to work in the hospital at the front or in the rear. "At the end of the war, he wrote," ready to return to the link. " The answer came immediately - it was ordered to translate it to Krasnoyarsk. Vladyka was appointed consultant of all the regions of the region and the main surgeon of the EvicoPost, but left on the position of reference - twice a week he was obliged to be celebrated in the police. He lived in a raw cold room and constantly hungry - on the hospital kitchen, the professors did not believed, and there was no time to refuse the cards. Sanitarks secretly left porridge for him. In one of the letters of that time, he wrote that "loved suffering, so amazingly cleansing the soul."

The saint with his head plunged into the work. Colleagues remembered: "We looked at the war-asholensky with awe. He taught us a lot. Ostomyelitis, no one, besides him, could not operate, and it was darkness - darkness! He taught on operations, and on his excellent lectures. " Driving around hospitals, he advised surgeons, examined the wounded and the most severe translated into his hospital. He managed to save many patients whom the doctors considered hopeless. He remembered each wounded in his face, knew his last name, kept in his memory all the details of the operation and the postoperative period. "For the surgeon there should be no" case, "he said," but only a living person suffering. " The saint worried the death of his patients very much. If there was no other possibility to save the patient, he walked to risky operations despite the fact that it was aggravated in huge responsibility. He prayed for the dead and considered it necessary not to hide from their dying position so that they could die in Christian. The wounded soldiers and officers were very loved by professors. When he did the morning bypass, he all happily welcomed him.

The saint remained bright and joyful memories about the time, despite the most difficult working conditions. With such unrest, he did not have to face either the Russian-Japanese, nor in the first world war: the staff of the hospital was inept and rude, the doctors did not know the basics of surgery, the sanitary condition was completely unsatisfactory. Nobody listened to the protests of Vladyka for a whole year, although it was literally about crimes. He wrote to his son: "I reached very much irritability and the other day I suffered such a serious attack of anger that I had to take a dose of bromine, to bother the camphor, a convulsive sword arose." It happened, the professor traveled unrelated helpers from the operating room, complained to him, the proceedings arose, the hospital was visited by numerous verification commissions. All this is extremely poorly reflected on the health of the saint. During the operation, he had ever more often descended to the chair - did not hold the legs. It was difficult to climb the hospital stairs. Purchased nerves. A particularly gravily sorrow was the inability to be in the temple - the last church in Krasnoyarsk was closed before war.

Since the spring of 1942, the attitude towards the Lord improved noticeably. He began to feed in the common kitchen, take care of the conditions of his work. The professor of Privorov, who came to the hospital with the inspection check, noted that he had seen such brilliant results of the treatment of infectious wounds of the joints. The activities of the Saint was noted by a diploma and gratitude of the Military Council of the Siberian Military District. "Honor to me is big," he wrote at the time, - when I enter the big collections of employees or commanders, everyone gets up. " At the end of the war, the Bishop Luka was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

The term link ended in mid-1942, but Vladyka continued to work in the Krasnoyarsk Hospital. "The Holy Synod at the Patriarcharic Throne's Location Metropolitan of Sergia equated my treatment with the wounded to the valiant bishop ministry and built me \u200b\u200bin the San Archbishop." In the fall, the saint was appointed to the Krasnoyarsk Department. The state of the diocese was terrible. By 1940, only one church in Novosibirsk remained unclosed. In March 1943, after the strengthened trouble, Vladyka achieved the opening of a small cemetery temple in Slobod Nikolaevka near Krasnoyarsk. In it could fit only forty-fifty people, and two hundred and three hundred came to worship. "In the altar, it is also difficult to pass, as for Easter," Archbishop Luka wrote. From the city to the Church there were five to seven kilometers with a large lift to the mountain. For almost a year, the saint went there on foot and so worried that on Monday could not even work in the hospital. One day halfway, he was stronger in the mud and fell, so I had to go home. But despite the difficulties, he was very happy to open the church: "First worship ... Immediately improved my nervous state, and neurotic was so hard that neuropathologists have appointed me a full holiday for two weeks. I did not start him and I am sure that I will do without him. "

At first there were no bishops, and Vladyka could not serve, but only preached. The only thing in the city of the priest soon had to ban in the ministry, and he, together with accomplices, cleaned church funds, began to seek the opening of the Pokrovsky Cathedral located in the center of Krasnoyarsk, hoping to invite an updated bishop. Bishop Luka managed to stop their split activity. It was possible to saint and change the composition of the Church Council of the Cemetery Church. With constant pressure of the authorities, when authorized on the affairs of religion and the NKVD, at the head of the church councils of their agents, it was a bold act from the ruling bishop.

Of many villages, district centers and cities addressed the bishop to the opening of churches. Vladyka directed them to the relevant authorities, but from there came the same answer: "Possesses sent to Moscow, and upon receipt of the answers you will be reported." During these years, there was an extensive correspondence on the main issues of modern church life between the Metropolitan and Patriarchal Logo Lukoy and the Patriarch. Archbishop Luka took part in the activities of the Local Cathedral on September 8, 1943, at which Metropolitan Sergius was elected Patriarch, and he himself was elected by a permanent member of the Holy Synod. However, by employment and unhealthy, he was exempted from the obligatory visit to his monthly meetings.

In the letters of this time, the saint with sadness reported overwork and neurosis. Work in the hospital was already given with incredible efforts, but he could not leave it: "They demand that I don't go to church if I won't work in the hospital." "I am genuine and deep down by the world," he wrote to the son of Mikhail, - and from medical glory, which, of course, could be very great that now nothing is worth it for me. And in serving God all my joy, my whole life, for my deep faith. However, both medical, and scientific work I do not intend to leave. "

At the end of 1943, the second edition of the "essays of purulent surgery" was published, revised and significantly addressed, and in 1944 the book "Late resection of infected gunshot wounds of the joints was published. Academician I. A. Kassirsky wrote that these works will be reread and fifty years later. The Saint received for them the Stalin Prize I degree, from two hundred thousand rubles to which one hundred and thirty thousand listed to the assistance to the victims of the children to the war.

Immediately after the end of the link, Vladyka began to bother about translating from Siberia. It was decided to translate it to Tambov, where, due to the onset of our troops, they moved evacuity supportal. The Patriarch Decree of Vladyka was appointed Archbishop Tambov and Michurinsky. Church ministry, he still combined with the activities of a surgeon-consultant, in whose care was one hundred and fifty hospitals, from five hundred and a thousand beds in each. The sixtiethi-alert saint worked at eight or nine hours a day and made four or five operations daily. However, due to the deterioration of vision, the most difficult operations had to be left.

Church life in the Tambov diocese was a little better than in Krasnoyarsk. The Pokrovsky Temple, where the archbishop began to serve, was in launch. For many years, there was a hostel for workers who split the icons, broke the iconostasis, wrote the walls by curses. After his first divine service on February 26, 1944, Vladyka turned to believers: "Please accept my consolations, my poor, hungry people. You are hungry for the lack of preaching of the Word of God. Our temples are destroyed, they are in ashes, corner and ruins. You are happy that you have at least a small, but still the temple. He is dirty, cried, dark, but in our hearts of our light of Christ. Let's here with painters, artists. Let them write icons, we need your work to restore the destroyed, and faith will shine a new flame. "

Tambov fell in love with their archpastor. His sermons were recorded, reprinted on a typewriter and then handed out believers. Listen to him walked a lot of people educated. The Vladyka outlined a plan for the revival of spiritual life in the Diocese: Religious Enlightenment of the Intelligentsia, Church Education of Children, the opening of Sunday schools for adults. He himself in 1945-1947 he worked on the wrist "Spirit, Soul, Body", which, according to the author's plan, was to serve as a religious education of those who disappeared from faith, and also amounted to the rank of repentance for those who joined the update. In February 1945, Patriarch Alexy I awarded Vladyka Luka with the right to wearing the hood of the diamond cross. By 1946, twenty-four arrival were opened in the diocese. The grateful inhabitants of Tambov subsequently called the name of the beloved archpastor to the second city hospital, staged a museum with her and in 1994 installed a monument to Archbishop Luke.

In May 1946 he was transferred to the Crimean and Simferopol Department. "No matter how I cried, my Tambov's flock as I asked the Patriarchate to leave me, I had to go to Simferopol. It was undoubtedly by the will of God, for here I really need. I have to arrange a ruined diocese. " Upon arrival, the saint did not go to the place of its new ministry, and sent the secretary to the Secretary with a message about his accession to the department. The Commissioner was born, and he demanded the personal appearance of the bishop. Vladyka came, and a difficult conversation took place between them; Nevertheless, the Archpastry insisted, in particular, to be called not by name and patronymic, but as it should be: "Vladyka" or "Your Eminence".

Archbishop settled on the second floor of the old, long-not repaired home. There was also a diocesan office and several families lived. There were bugs in the house, the only water tap was built the queue. Lord helped many: the bishop was preparing lunch for fifteen-twenty people. "There have been a lot of hungry children, lonely old women, the poor, devoid of livelihoods, - recalled the nephew of the saint. - I booked a big boiler every day, and he was burned to the bottom. In the evening, Uncle asked: "How many was at the table today? Did you feed everyone? All enough? " He himself eats very simple. Dressed either more than modestly - always walked in rank rows with groceshed elbows. Whenever the niece offered to sew new clothes, he said: "Latay, Latay, faith, poor many." The Diocese Secretary led the lists of needy, and at the end of each month on these lists were sent thirty-forty postal transfers.

When the saint began to travel around the recently open fifty-eight Crimean parishes, he was complained everywhere on the lack of the most necessary: \u200b\u200bclosures, liturgical books, incense, candles, lamp oil. Especially grieved the lord of the lack of decent shepherds. Not once, he spoke to Ieries: "What is the answer to the ladies before God for all of you?" The saint categorically demanded that the priests bewear everywhere with their clothes, and punished those who shave the beard and short hair string. "Incorrect in small will be incorrect and in large," he said. Strictly followed the worst and demands to be accomplished on the canons, did not allow abbreviations in the service.

In one of his messages, the Jeriemes of the Diocese he wrote: "The Great Sadness for me and the ultimate torment to my heart: I would wish to be excommunicated from Christ (Rome 9, 2nd - 3) than to see how some of you take away from Christ, From the faith in him and the love of the weak faith of the sheep of the herd of Christ, with her borestip. Is there no priesthood in general, and in our time especially, a difficult feat of serving people, languishing and suffering from the glad and thirst for hearing the words of the Lord (Am. 8, 11)? And how many priests are their goal of such a feat? Do not look at the service of God as a means of food, how to craft requirement? "

The saint calledped to constantly announce the Word of God: "If the priest's main business of his life put saturate the mind and the heart of his teaching of Christ, then from an excess of heart will conspire mouth. And not necessarily the sermon must be suitable. The Holy Spirit, living in the heart of the priest, as in his temple, preaches him with humble mouth. " Archbishop insisted that the teenagers and adults must be held public conversations. He himself preached not only on Sundays and holidays, but also on weekdays and openly and occasionally spoke on topical issues of modern life. The Council on the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church, at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, began to come denunciations from the Crimean officials - they demanded to prohibit the archbishop to preach and even expose its isolation. Archbishopa Luke had to promise His Holiness to gradually cancel his sermons on weekdays, and on Sundays and holidays to limit the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.

For the 38 years of his priestly and bishop ministry, the Lord said about 1250 sermons, of which 750 recorded and constitute 12 thick typewritten volumes. The Council of the Moscow Spiritual Academy called them "exceptional phenomenon in the modern church-theological life" and the "Treasury of the Image of the Sacred Scripture", and St. Luka elected an honorary member of the Academy.

Vladyka belonged very carefully to the needs of the Diocese clerics. At the congress of adolescent, he raised the question of decent remuneration of deaconov, psalm workers and regents; Regularly sent the questionnaires in which he requested to indicate which housing is members of a clearing, how much do they pay for it and whether to raise the issue of improving housing conditions. He was also interested, did not undergo any of the priests of infringement by the financial bodies in case of income tax. The saint always came to help in need, despite even their unnecessary. So, it was in the Crimean diocese of the Breath of Hierery Grigory Aleinikov, who in his youth was in renewed in his youth, and in 1942 he was ordained in the Orthodox Church. He was repeatedly dismissed for the state with a decrease in position to the Psalmman and for some time they were banned in serving for drunkenness. But when at old age, he turned out to be completely lonely and without livelihood, St. Luka began to bother to the Holy Pensions appointment.

At the end of the forties, the temples began to close again, and the Lord tried with all their forces to resist this, many years led to the exhaust fight against the authorized. He wrote to Patriarch with sorrow: "On Sunday and even the festive days of temples and prayer houses are almost empty. The people of the cancellation from worship and somehow remained only to the ruin. About the wedding of marriages, about the funeral of the dead people almost forgot. There are a lot of unresolved children. Meanwhile, according to the general opinion of the priests, it is impossible to talk about the loss of faith in the people. The reason for the alienation of people from the church, from the services and sermons is that believers are deprived of the opportunity to attend worship services, because on Sundays and even in the great holidays in the watches of worships, they are forced to perform collective farm work or distract from the Church by order to bring livestocks for veterinary inspection, by the device So-called "Sundays". Having received the blessing from the Holy Blessing on the spot to solve this problem, Lord of Luka ordered to collect specific data, which of the local authorities deliberately prevents the believers to attend the church, to then put this question to the authorized.

At this time, the sacter began to practice less medical activities. He wrote to his son: "Surgery is incompatible with the bishop ministry, as it also requires the whole person, all the energy, the whole time, and the Patriarch writes that I need to leave surgery."

When Archbishop Luke just moved to the Crimea, the director and scientist of the Council of the Simferopol Medical Institute so much for the best not to notice his arrival. Students - doctors who encountered the lord with flowers were punished. The permission for medical activities, the saint received only after a month and a half after arrival. Since 1946, he was a hospital consultant in Simferopol, helped the hospital of disabled Great Patriotic War. Until the end of 1947, he read reports, lectures to doctors, operated patients and wounded. But soon he was forbidden to speak in front of the audience in the bishop robe, and the Lord completely left the surgical society. He continued medical practice at home. On the doors it was posted an announcement that the owner of this apartment, professor of medicine, conducts free reception daily, except holidays and pre-holiday days. A large number of patients were glaked to it, who doctors were recognized by hopeless, and many of them were gratefully recalled their healer.

Once an exhausted woman came to him. She caught up, and her throat is very sick. Despite active treatment, the disease progressed: high temperature, terrible throat pain. It was impossible to swallow, and for a long time she drank only water. Consilium doctors reported that they could not help anything. Parents, people believers, led her to Lord. He was kindly accepted the patient, examined, then prayed, crossed her and said: "Now you will be healthy. Discoupled the dressings from the throat, we eat everything, more acidic and salty food. And before meals and after eating, weeding the throat with a solution - on a glass of water a teaspoon of salt and two or three drops of iodine. " The woman came out of the saint, feeling the cheerfulness and ease in the body, and for the second day I forgot about my illness.

The saint infrequently diagnosed the disease - his experience in many cases bordered by turning. Once during the evening worship, the Secretary of the Diocese about. John Miloslavov told him that with his wife, Mother's hope, an attack was happened, but ambulance did not find anything serious with her. Not recognized anything dangerous and children about. John who had medical education. However, the Vladyka was very excited, urgently demanded the car. Mother met Archbishop in a big embarrassment: "Save you, Lord, Lord, but your works are in vain: the attack passed, and I feel good." Carefully examining her, the saint said that if during two hours she would not be done, she would die. It was urgently brought to the hospital, gathered a concilium of doctors, but they were not needed that the operation was not needed. Mother, who believed the word of the saint, began to ask for it to be operated on. When the doctors opened the abdominal cavity, they found a huge scope, which is about to be driving away.

The hospital employee recalled: "To us ... I did a patient for fogging with complaints of pain in the right hip and the inability to move. In battles, he received contusion, there was no injury. When examining a patient with all the leading hospital experts, no pathology was found nor in pictures or in analyzes. Need to be written, and it cannot walk. Our lead surgeon, the person sharp and decisive, spoken by around: "He is a simulant, write out." I was very sorry for me, and I asked Professor War-Yasenetsky to see this young man. Vladyka examined him carefully, looked into his eyes for a long time. He was shot by pictures, analyzes, but he did not take them: "Nothing, take away the patient."

When the young man was taken away, Professor said: "In a patient with a prostate cancer with metastases in the thigh." It sounded like a thunder among the clear sky. "Do not believe? Let's go to the operating room. " In the operating room, after a sedative conversation, a section was made under local anesthesia along the outer surface of the thigh, and the tumor conglomerate 5 -6 centimeters fell out of it, resembling a red caviar, which was sent to urgent histology. After 30 minutes in the preoperative, where all doctors led by the professor, the histologist ran away and said: "You sent me a metastase from the cancer tumor of the prostate gland." Lord Luka said: "If you can, call the patient's mom." Two weeks later, the young man died. "

Tempends of the elder archbishop were sealed to the limit. The day began at seven in the morning. With eight to eleven Vladyka served Liturgy, at breakfast the secretary read two chapters from the Old and New Testament. Then the diocesan affairs began: the post office, the admission of the clergy, appointment and movement, the claims of the authorities. Archbishop always demanded clear and clear answers, decisions took immediate and firmly. The dinner continued to read the press and books, after lunch - a brief rest. From four to five Vladyka took patients, and then a little walked around the boulevard, he told the grandchildren of the heads from the sacred history. Before bedtime, work - sermons, letters, surgical atlases - up to 11 hours. On holidays, he was busy even more.

When, with Khrushchev, a new wave of persecution of the church began, St. Luka turned with the sermon to the confused and frightened flock: "Everywhere and everywhere, despite the success of the propaganda of atheism, a small herd of Christ has been preserved, it is preserved. You, you, all of you listening to me, is a small herd. And know and believe that a small herd of Christ is invincible, nothing can be done with him, it is not afraid of anything, because he knows and always keeps the great words of Christ: Cold Church of My and the Gate of Adov will not overcome her. So, even if the gates of hell will not overcome his church, a small herd of him, then what should we embarrass what to worry about what to grieve?! There is no need, there is no need! A small herd of Christ, a genuine herd of Christ is invulnerable to any propaganda. "

"Church cases are becoming gravily harder and harder," he wrote to his son, "the churches closed one after another, the priests are missing, and the number is all decreasing." "Church affairs is painful. Our authorized, the evil enemy of the Christ Church, more and more assigns my bishops and interferes with intracerer business. He wondered me at all. "

In recent years, the Lord has become strongly tired of services, sermons, diocesan affairs. A new ailment was added to his diseases: the only eye began to see everything worse and worse, and in 1955 the saint completely blind. "I took like God's will to be blind to death, and took it calmly, even with gratitude to God."

Vladyka continued his ministry to death, with thoroughness delivered to all diocesses, served without any assistance, reading the prayers and the gospel for memory. Contemporaries remembered that, seeing him, it was impossible to think that he was blind. In the apartment, he also moved himself, took the right things, looking for books. They even led patients, and he definitely diagnosed. There are numerous cases of healing on his prayer.

The latter Liturgy, the Saint served for Christmas, the last sermon said to forgiveness Sunday. "I didn't rope, did not complain," he recalled his secretary. - orders did not give. I left us in the morning, a quarter to seven. I breathed a little intensely, then sighed twice and still almost noticeably - and everything. "

Saint Luka was pressed on June 11, 1961, for the holiday of all saints, in the land of the Russians. "Panhides followed one after another, the house was filled with the people to the fatal, people filled the entire courtyard, there was a huge line at the bottom. The first night of Vladyka lay at home, the second - in the Blagoveshchensk Church at the diocese, and the third - in the cathedral. All the time the gospel sounded, the priests interrupted by a man. The flow was addressed only at four nights, and then resumed: some people were replaced by others, silent tears were blown about that there was now a prayer room that "our saint left."

Archbishop Tambovsky Mikhail (Chub) arrived at the burial (Chub), who made the funeral at a huge crossing of the people and in the presence of almost the entire Crimean clergy. Shortly before the death of Vladyka said the niece: "Did I sing" Holy God "?" And indeed the authorities of the city categorically forbidden to arrange any solemn processions, but people rushed under the wheels of cars who tried to block the road of the funeral procession. Eyewitnesses testify: "We had to turn to a central street, but the authorities did not want us to go, wanted ... Take the body around the city, so that there were no honors to have already improper. There are no women here - no one has given any team - they themselves rushed to the ground before the wheels of the car and said: "Only on our heads will drive there, where you want" ... And we went through the central street of the city ... There was a lot of streets everywhere. Borrowed, absolutely all movement stopped. On this street, you can go through twenty minutes, but we walked three and a half hours; And people were on the trees, on the balconies, on the roofs of the houses. It was something that was never in Simferopol ... there were no such funerals, such honors! " "The street filled out women in white handkerchiefs. Slowly step by step, they walked ahead of the car with the body of the Lord ... Three rows of outstretched hands were wondering this car. And to the very cemetery sprinkled with roses. And to the cemetery itself, tirelessly sounded over the crowd of white handkerchiefs: "Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us." Nor told this crowd, no matter how they tried to make her silence, the answer was one: "We are Honing our archbishop."

On his grave in many wonders and healing of sicks took place. On November 22, 1995, the definition of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archbishop, Simferopolsky and Crimean Luke was counted for the facial of the localities of the saints. In March 1996, the relics of the saint were acquired and installed in the Holy Trinity Council of Simferopol, and the celebration of its glorification took place on January 24-12.

The 2000 Jubilee Cathedral decided to decide on the All-Russian reverence of St. Luke. The memory is celebrated on the day of death, June 11 for a new style.


Archbishop Luka (war-malls). "I loved the suffering ..." Autobiography. M. "Russian Chronograph". 1995.

Prododiankon Vasily Marushchak. Saint surgeon. Life of Archbishop Luke (War-Yasenetsky). M. "Danilovsky Blagovetnik." 1997.

From the preaching of the saint bows

You ask: "Lord, Lord! Is it easy to be gone? Is it easy to go through close gates a narrow and stony path? " You ask with a bewilderment, in your heart, maybe I'm stupid, is it easy for Igo Christ?

And I will tell you: "Yes, yes! Easy, and extremely easy. " Why easily? Why is it easy to go behind him on a thorny path? Because you will go not alone, knocking out of the forces, and you will be accompanied by Christ himself; Because his immeasurable grace strengthens the strength when we are wearing him under the yoke, under his burden; Because he himself will support you, help carry this burden, this cross.

I'm not talking not from reason only, but I speak on my own experience, because I should testify to you that when I was on a very heavy way, when I was hard for the burden of Christ, it was not at all hard, and this way was joyful because I felt It is quite realistic, quite noticeable that the Lord Jesus Christ himself goes next to me and supports my burden, my cross. It was a heavy burden, but I remember him as a bright joy, as about the great grace of God. For the grace of God is poured preistently on anyone who carries the burden of Christ. It is precisely because the burden of Christ is inseparably with the grace of Christ, precisely because Christ who took the cross and went after him, will not leave one, will not leave without her help, but goes next to him, supports his cross, strengthens his grace.

Remember His holy words, for the Great Truth is contained in them. I want my good, and my burden is easy. All of you, all those who believed in him calls Christ to follow him, taking the burden of him, I want him.

Do not be afraid, go, go boldly. Do not be afraid of those fears that devils you, which prevents you from going through this path. On the devil spit, the devil is chopped by the Cross of Christ, the name of it. Early the eyes of your grief - and see the most love of Jesus Christ, who goes with you and makes you easier for your and your burden. Amen.

Thirty-first October, the Orthodox world honors the memory of the Holy Apostle and the evangelist Luke. In the people, this holiday received a nickname "Bows Day". The celebration was always accompanied by compliance with the original traditions - many of them reached our time.

Memorial Day of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke

According to legend, the Holy Apostle Luke was a skillful healer, the founder of icon painting, the author of the four Gospels and the acts of the Holy Apostles. It is believed that it is his Peru who belongs to the first icon of Our Lady, and later on the authorship of Luke began to attribute many well-known icons: Vladimir Mother of God, Tikhvin and Iversk icons. In Orthodoxy, Luke is revered as a patron of all who are connected with painting and medical work.

Luke is one of the seventy apostles who attended the first sermon about the kingdom of heaven and did not listen to the words of Christ. After the wonderful resurrection of the Savior of Luca, took part in the apostolic mission of St. Paul, sharing with him all the paths. When Paul died, Luca did not stop the missionary journey and continued to read the sermons. His earthly path ended in the city of Fiva: the apostle accepted the martyrdom.

Traditions of Lukov Day.

Those whose craft was associated with painting and medicine who patronize Luke, honorable honors honored by honor. Doctors and artists asked for an apostle about help in affairs, and farmers - that the saint protects winter plantings from jubilate frosts. In addition, the prayers of the healing and the establishment of family well-being were raised: the legend says that Luka is perfectly owned by therapeutic skills.

Because of the consonance with the name of the saint in the bows, a lot of attention was paid to Luka and its healing properties. No wonder to this day, we hear the sayings about the ability of Luka to protect a person from diseases: "Onions from seven ailment", "Onion yes the bath will fix everything." Despite the fact that the trade of this plant rarely brought good profits, and even arranged onion bazaars in the villages.

Each person in this holiday necessarily eaten a little onion to strengthen his health and protect himself from winter diseases. It was believed that onions eaten in the onions day could be heal even from chronic diseases. The plant was also used for the treatment of skin diseases and damage: the onions of the broke in the stups, and then they were applied to the wounds, and soon they were delayed.

Women used onion juice in order to preserve youth and beauty. He was rubbed into her hair so that they were healthy and thick, and in the skin so that old age does not touch the face.

On the weather in the onions, the day was wondering how quickly winter would come. It was believed that if the holiday does not fall on the holiday, and the leaves on oaks and cherries will not fall completely, then winter wait long.

From Lukov, the day began to fishing the fish, so the fishermen turned the apostle onion prayers with a request to send a good catch and protect against the dangers associated with the water elements.

Many traditions of the Lukov Day are complied with and in our time. Prayer facing the Holy Luke on this day will definitely be heard. Take the best from the past, remember the customs of our ancestors and do not forget to press the buttons and