The meaning of Maria. Maria and Masha, Marya, Mariana, Marina, Marusya: Different names or not? What is the difference between the name Mary, Masha, Marya from Marina, Marina, Marusya? Maria or Marya: how to correct name

The meaning of Maria. Maria and Masha, Marya, Mariana, Marina, Marusya: Different names or not? What is the difference between the name Mary, Masha, Marya from Marina, Marina, Marusya? Maria or Marya: how to correct name
The meaning of Maria. Maria and Masha, Marya, Mariana, Marina, Marusya: Different names or not? What is the difference between the name Mary, Masha, Marya from Marina, Marina, Marusya? Maria or Marya: how to correct name

Brief form named Maria. Masha, Mashunya, Marichka, Manya, Mura, Marika, Marisha, Marika, Mara, Marusya, Musya, Masya, Manya, Mia, Ria, Mayan, Manon, Mariett, Marigo, Maraki, Molly, Mei, Minnie.
Synonyms named Maria. Marya, Marie, Mariam, Moora, Mora, Mair, Maryam, Mary, Mary, Miriam, Mariami, Miriam, Meriam, Marion, Mariel, Mariola, Michasen, Marilyn, Merilin, Lamar.
The origin of the name Maria. Mary Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish.

The name of Mary has ancient European origin, the options for meaning - "bitter", "desired", "serene". Mary's name is the most common name in the world, because this is what the mother of Jesus is called. In the Old Testament, this name also bears the Jewish prophet, the older sister of Aaron and Moses - Maria (Mariam, Mariam). Mary was called many royal people in Europe, including the Russian Empire.

Catholics have many "secondary" names of the Virgin Mary, which are given in honor of the most famous miraculous icons, statues and titles of the Virgin (Regina, Montserrat, Consuell, Carmela, Mercedes, Dolores and others). In Islam, Virgin Mary is known under the name Maryam (Mariam, Maryam, Maryam, Miriam). There is a version that the name of Mary is one of the names of Mariam, meaning either "rejected" or "sad". Among the Orthodox name, Maria give the meaning of "Mrs.".

The various pronunciation of the name Maria in European languages \u200b\u200bgave life to this name in various variations. So in England, the name of Mary (Mary) is more often found, which was the name of Mary, less frequently used in the full version. But the form of Mariah (Mariah) became popular only at the end of the 20th century, thanks to the singer Mariah Carey. In the Middle Ages, Maria's name in England acquired the view - Mariot (Maryot), Malkin, Marion (Marion), and at a later time it was also pronounced as Maymi, Mei, Minnie. From all different options for the name of Maria, the dimensional-ladies of Molly were formed, half, which in Europe are often used as independent names.

In many European countries, Maria's name is pronounced Maria, Mary, Maria, but there are also other options that are considered as diminishing and cavements, and sometimes act as independent names. In Germany, Maria will call Marichene, Mitsel, Marica, France - Mariett, Mariel, Marion, Manon, in England - Mary, Marilyn (Mellelin), in Spain - Marita, Maritan, Marianela, in Portugal - Marita, Marilyland, in Italy - Mariolla, Marioran, Mariel, in Romania - Marigoara, Maritsa, in Greece - Marigula, Marietta, in Belarus, Poland - Marusya, in the Czech Republic - Markhenka, Marika, in the Netherlands - Mathieu, T-shirt, in Sweden - Mian, Maya, in Norway - Mia, Marikhen, in Irlania - Moira, Mora, in Georgia - Lamar.

There is an accent version in the name of Maria both on the first and on the second syllable. Mara, Mary, Mary, Mariett, Marion, Maia, Marion, Marion, Maja, Marión, Maia, Maja, Marion. From the combination of Maria and Anna's names, Marianna's name was formed, as well as the name Maria often uses as a constituent name: Anna-Maria, Maria-Antoinette and others.

Maria is kind, affectionate, balanced girl. Her favorite occupation is to be nanny for young children. Maria is very wounded, it is not easy to survive even a small remark into its address. At the same time, in its character there is a hardness, self-esteem, the ability to stand up for itself.

Mary's actions are sometimes impulsive. She responsibly refers to school training and always diligently performs business by home. The peers appreciate her for hard work, the ability to support.

Maria is a mysterious woman, in it the spirit of active, dynamic and enterprising, Maria is the embodiment of the spirit of freedom and adventure. In fact, she is a woman quite restless, herself on the mind, which is concerned about the opinion of himself. Maria may be for those surrounding inconsistent, but this girl knows his action plan and possible variations in the development of events and prefers to act on the intended path.

Mary is a fairly skeptical girl, a critic, having an independent, innovative look at things, so sometimes it does not understand her, and she does not feel very comfortable among the rest of the people. In any case, the owner named after Maria is such women who have the need for movement and actions, and which, without hesitation, will question any answer to the question that is obvious to others.

Major's mood is changing depending on its ability to actions. Freedom for it is one of the main values, as well as important to it to live without restrictions. The owner named Maria is not afraid of loneliness.

The child of Maria may well seem underscipline, restless. But at the same time very sociable. She has an infinite number of questions that you have to answer everyone who she will meet, and parents, and teachers, and teachers, and unfamiliar people.

Maria attracts everything that is original or avant-garde. Her interests stretch both on rational things, and on the complete opposite of them - something mystical, incomprehensible, unknown. She highly appreciates silence, calm, dreams of a place where you can live away, but with all the advantages of our civilization.

For Mary, it is important to succeed. Creativity - Element Mary. The owner named after Maria choose their professions, radically different from each other. The first option or the chosen profession will be associated with a calm environment where research is needed, painting, accuracy, thoughtfulness and attentiveness. This is a job in holiday homes, in libraries, in scientific laboratories or one of the financial or technical professions. The second type will be active, the choice of mobile professions is preferable, where a non-standard approach to the problem is needed. For example, in the sphere of sales, advertising, transport or sports and, possibly, activities related to irrational or religion and psychology.

Magked Mary radiates warm, kindness, attention. She is always ready to help a person who got into trouble. Married is true, but that the relationship with a man has more warm and sincere, it is necessary to have children in the family. Maria either becomes an ideal housewife and flourishes during the motherhood or becomes a woman who will always prove to everyone that it does not seem.

Name Day Mary

Maria celebrates name day January 8, January 12, January 31, February 8, February 19, February 25, March 2, April 2, April 14, April 17, June 5, June 17, June 17, June 17 June 20, June 22, June 24, June 25, July 17, August 4, August 18, August 22, September 28, October 11, October 21, December 15.

Famous people named Maria

  • Virgo Mary, Most Highway, Virgin, Miriam (in Christianity, the mother of Jesus Christ, one of the most revered personalities and the greatest of the saints. In Orthodoxy, Catholicism and other traditional churches are revered by the Virgin (Mother of God), Queen Heaven (Lat. Regina Coeli) . In Islam is known as Seid Mariam (Mrs. Mariam) and revered as one of the most righteous women.)
  • Rev. Maria Egypt ((Um.522) in old-supplied writing - Maria Egyptian; Christian Holy, is considered patroness of women.)
  • Maria Romanova ((1907 - 1951) from birth was the title of the bright princess Kirillovskaya; the title of the blood of the blood of the imperial was recognized for her on July 28, 1907, from 1925 - the hereditary Princess Leningen, since 1939 - Princess Leningenskaya. Senior daughter of the Grand Prince Kirill Vladimirovich and Great Princess Victoria Fedorovna (Born Princess Saxen-Coburg-Gothskaya and British). Born in January 1907 and, in accordance with Decree of Nicholas II, was counted for the Russian Imperial House. In 1924, the princess of Imperial blood Maria Kirillovna received from his father, The title of Emperor of the All-Russian Cyril I, the title of Great Princess. In the 1930s, the Russian-Serbian Charitable Society was operating in the Novi-Garden for the Society of Queen Maria, the Russian-Serbian Charitable Society for the Great Princess Mary Kirillovna, provided to help in need of Russian refugees.)
  • Maria Medici ((1575 - 1642) Queen of France, daughter of the Great Duke Francesco I Tuscan and John Austrian. Queen-Consort of France, Henry's wife IV, Mother Louis XIII.)
  • Marlene Dietrich ((1901 - 1992) nee - Maria Magdalena Dietrich; German and American actress and singer, who created one of the perfect cinematic women's images. Her "sultry woman with a steel spine" was distinguished both from the "mysterious woman" Greach Garbo and from The naturalness embodied in the female images of Ingrid Bergman, did not resemble the intellectual sophistication, which Klodett Kolber. Cinematic Fate Dietrich is largely determined by Joseph von Sternberg. It is Sternberg ascribe to the creation of the image of Dietrich that for many years does not lose its attractive force for many years . The Union of Dietrich Sternberg is also notable for its uniqueness, like a later no less significant Union de Niro-Scorsese. Dietrich remained in history and as a popular singer. Her harsh contraito with an expressive timbre attracted fans at all times.)
  • Maria Yermolova ((1853 - 1928) One of the talented actresses in the history of the Small Theater, according to Stanislavsky - the greatest of the actors seen to them. It became famous for the roles of freedom-loving personalities, devoted to their ideals and opposing the environment. Honored artist of imperial theaters (1902). The first folk Artist of the Republic (1920). Labor Hero (1924). Since 1935, her name is the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after M.Nermolova.)
  • Maria Krivopolenova ((1843 - 1924) Skazitress, performer of epic, folk songs)
  • Maria Sklodovskaya-Curi ((1867 - 1934) Born - Maria Salome Sklodovskaya; Polish-French Scientist Experimentator (physicist, chemist), teacher, public figure. Double laureate of the Nobel Prize: Physics (1903) and Chemistry (1911), The first twice Nobel laureate in history. Founded Curie's institutions in Paris and in Warsaw. The wife of Pierre Curie, and with him was studying radioactivity. Together with her husband, the elements of radium (from Latin Radiāre "radiate") and polonium (from the Latin name of Poland, Polōnia - tribute to the motherland Mary Sklodovskaya).)
  • Maria Stewart, Maria I ((1542 - 1587) Queen of Scotland since infancy, in fact, the rules from 1561 to deployment in 1567, as well as the Queen of France in 1559-1560 (as a wife of King Francis II) and the applicant to the English throne. Her The tragic fate, full of full "literary" on the drama of turns and events, attracted writers of the romantic and subsequent epoch.)
  • Maria Bochkarev ((1889 - 1920) Need-Frolkova; One of the first Russian women officers (produced during the 1917 revolution), Lieutenant. The first cavalid girl is considered the Nadezhda of Durov, who participated in Wars with Napoleon in 1806-1814 . Bochkareva created a female battalion in the history of the Russian army. Kavaler of St. George Cross.)
  • Maria Callas ((1923 - 1977) Name in the birth certificate - Sofia Sessia Kalos, Bescheny as Maria Anna Sofia Cecilia Kalogieropulu; Greek and American singer (soprano), one of the greatest opera singers of the 20th century. Maria Callas was not limited to virtuoso coluratures in operations Bellini, Rossini and Donizetti, and turned their voice to the mainly expressive agent. She became a universal singer with a repertoire from the classic operas of the type "Vestniki" Spontini to the last operas Verdi, Verist Opera Pucchini and Music Vagner's Music Drum. Bearing Caullas Career in the middle of XX The century has accompanied the emergence of the long-playing records and friendship with a prominent record of the EMI record company EMI Walter Legiga. The arrival on the stage of the opera theaters of the new generation of conduits, such as Herbert Von Karaians and Leonard Bernsontine and film director, such as Lukino Visconti and Franco Dziscount, made every performance with participation of Mary Callas event. She turned the opera into a real dramatic Cue Theater, forcing even "Trelli and Gamma to express joy, anxiety or longing.")
  • Mary Poppins (the heroine of the fabulous age of children's writer Pamela Travers, a nanny-wizard, raising children in one of London families. Books about Mary Poppins, the first of which came out in 1934, gained enormous popularity, both in English-speaking countries and the rest of the world . In the Soviet Union, they used and now enjoy universal love of the story of Mary Poppins in Boris Nodoka. For the books, Travers were shot by several films, including the USSR.)
  • Maria Sharapova ((Row.1987) Russian tennis player, honored master of sports, one of the richest and most popular athletes in the world. Four-time winner of the Grand Slam tournaments in a single category. Sixth tennis player in an open era, which gathered a career Helmet in a female single discharge. The only Among Russians (both women and men), who played 7 times in the final of the Grand Helmet tournaments in a single category. Silver medalist of the 2012 Olympic Games. Finalist 2 Junior Tournaments of the Grand Slam (Australian Open, Wimbledon-2002) in a single discharge.)
  • Maria Mironova (1911 - 1997) Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1991))
  • Maria Beshu (1935 - 2012) Outstanding Moldovan Soviet opera singer, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1970). Hero of Socialist Labor (1990). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1982) and the USSR State Prize (1974).)
  • Maria Skobtsova, Mary's nun, is known as Mother Maria (1891 - 1945) in the world - Elizaveta Skobtsova, in Maiden - Pilenko, on the first husband - Kuzmina Karavaeva; Constantinople Patriarchate nun (Western European Exarchate Russian tradition) of Russian origin. Peppeysse, memoistka , Participant of French resistance. Konstantinople Patriarchate was canonized as a pretextress in 2004.)
  • Maria Orsk ((1896 - 1930) actress theater and cinema. Freely owned Polish, German and Russian languages.)
  • Maria Fesca ((1875 - no earlier 1943) Need - Maria Fullenbaum; Artist Operetta and Silent Cinema Actress)
  • Maria Gaetan Anzi ((1718 - 1799) Italian mathematician and philanthrop. In 1748, she published its work "Basics of Analysis." Vermier's curve was named after Maria Gaetan, who examined this curve. She also had achievements in differential calculus. In 1748 Dad Roman Benedict XIV awarded her the title of Professor of the University of Bologna. However, she never taught at the university. One of the sisters of Maria Gaetan - Maria Teresa was a famous musician and composer. She was familiar with Mozart, Haydn and Salieri.)
  • Maria Montessori ((1870 - 1952) Italian doctor, teacher, scientist, philosopher, humanist, Catholic. One of the evidence of international recognition Mary Montessori was the well-known decision of UNESCO (1988), concerning all four teachers who have determined the method of pedagogical thinking in the twentieth century. This is American John Dewey, German Georg Kershensteiner, Maria Montessori and Russian teacher Anton Makarenko. World famous Mary Montessori acquired in connection with the pedagogical system developed by it. The first "School Montessori" was opened on January 6, 1907 in Rome. Methods based on experience In this school, they were subsequently developed successfully and, despite criticism in the following years, remain popular in many countries of the world. The international montessori organization (AMI) was founded in the Netherlands in 1929 (valid to this day).)
  • Maria Smith-Falcner ((1878 - 1968) Russian economist and statistics)
  • Maria Sergeyenko ((1891 - 1987) Soviet philologist, historian of antiquity. Scientific heritage M.E. Sergeenko is more than 100 works, many of which exist only in the form of manuscripts.)
  • Maria Klenova ((1898 - 1976) Russian geologist, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, one of the founders of marine geology in the USSR. Maria Vasilyevna Klena since 1925 was a senior researcher at the Institute of Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1937 she defended his doctoral dissertation. Member of many Marine expeditions: on the Caspian, in the Arctic (New Earth, Svalbard, Land Franz Joseph). She took part in the first Antarctic Expedition. She conducted research of sedimentary rocks. In 1948 he released the first guide "Geology of the Sea". It is considered the founder of the Russian Sea Geology. Winner of the I.M. Gubkin award as a leading author for the monograph "Geological structure of the underwater slope of the Caspian Sea" (in collaboration with Solovyuvoy V.F. and Skyrovakov N.S.) (1962). In her memory, the ocean vadina is named, Opened hydrographic expedition of the Northern Fleet in 1981-1983.)
  • Maria Göppert-Mayer ((1906 - 1972) outstanding physicist, one of two women laureates of the Nobel Prize in Physics (half of the award in 1963, together with Hans Jensen) - "For the opening concerning the shell structure of the nucleus"; the second half of the prize received Eugene Wigner "For the contribution to the theory of atomic nucleus and elementary particles, especially with the help of the opening and application of the fundamental principles of symmetry.")
  • Maria Teresa Anzya (1720 - 1795) Italian pianist and composer. Younger sister of the famous woman-mathematics Mary Gaetan Anise.)
  • Maria Malibran ((1808 - 1836) Own name - Span. María Felicia García Sitches, took the surname of her husband; Spanish singer (Coloratur Metzo-soprano), the legend of world opera art)
  • Maria Sheriffovich ((Ry.1984) Serbian singer of mixed Turkish-Gypsy origin, the winner of the Eurovision contest 2007 with the song "Prayer" in Serbian)
  • Maria Semenova ((Row.1958) Russian writer, literary translator. The most famous as the author of the Roman "Wolf Drawing". The author of many historical works and historical encyclopedia "We are Slavs!", One of the founders of the Slavic Fantasy, also writes detective novels. )
  • Maria Kirilenko ((Row.1987) Russian tennis player, honored master of sports)
  • Mary Clark ((1809 - 1898) Need - Novello; English writer, wife Charles Cocrena Clark, one of the major Shakespearers and Philologists of the United Kingdom. She wrote, alone in collaboration with her husband, many stories, poems and critical articles, mainly on history Theater and Shakespeareology.)
  • Mary Paleley Marshall (1850 - 1944) English economist)
  • Mary Picford ((1892- 1979) Need - Gladis Louise Smith; the famous film and theatrical actress of Canadian origin, rejuvenator of the "United Artists" film company. The legend of a silent movie. Oscar winner (1930). He was famous in the amplus of the girls-Trevants and Poor orphans and only in the past few years a career moved to "adults" roles. Removed about 250 films.)
  • Mary Stewart ((Row.1916) English novelist, known primarily by his trilogy about Merlin, in which she could combine the features of the historical novel and fantasy history)
  • Mary Filbin ((1903 - 1993) American Single Cinema Actress. Her Most Famous Works are the films "Ghost Opera" (1925) and "A man who laughs" (1928), in which beautiful beauty performed for the monster.)
  • Mary-Ellis Baryn ((1946 - 2004) American television producer and one of the creators of the TV show MTV "Almer Extreme" ("Real World" and "Road Rules"))
  • Mary Walstonkraft ((1759 - 1797) British writer, philosopher and feminist XVIII century. Author of novels, treatises, collection of letters, books about the history of the Great French Revolution, books about education and children's book. Walstonkraft is known for its essay "Women's Rights Protection" (1792 ) in which she argues that women are not creatures standing at a lower level of development in relation to men, but seem to be due to insufficient education. She proposes to consider both men and women as reasonable creatures and represents a public system based on Mind. After the death of the writer, Godwin in 1798 issued memoirs about his wife, a woman without prejudice, than involuntarily damaged her reputation. However, with the strengthening of the feminist movement at the beginning of the 20th century, Walstonkraft views on women's rights and criticism of a typical idea of \u200b\u200bfemininity became more and more important. Today, Walstonkraft is considered one of the first feminist philosophers, and her life and work provided Olsky influence on many feminists.)
  • Mary Lambert ((Row.1951) American woman-director, mainly, creating horror films)
  • Mary McCormack ((Row.1969) American actress)
  • Mary Shirley ((Row.1945) American economist, representative of modern destination - New institutional theory)
  • Mary Chabb ((1903 - 2003) English archaeologist, journalist, science promoter, author of a number of books on the history and culture of the ancient Middle East. In 1932, together with her husband, Ralph Leavers, participated in the excavations of the city of Eshnunna in Mesopotamia; her book is dedicated to this; City in the sands ". During World War I, returned to England, where he fell into a car accident and lost his leg. After an accident, M. Schabb no longer participated in the excavations, dedicated himself to journalism and working on radio; wrote several books about the ancient world for Children.)
  • Mary Ellen Trainor ((Row.1950) American actress)
  • Her Royal Highness of the Kronprintssessa Mary Danish, Countess Monpes ((Row.1972) Need - Mary Elizabert Donaldson; Wife of the Heir to the Danish throne of Frederick's Kronprint, the daughter-in-law of the Queen of Denmark Margrete II)
  • Mary Vigman ((1886 - 1973) Original - Marie Wigmann; German dancer, choreographer. She was called the "greatest artist of Germany." He studied at the pioneers of free dance - Dalcross, Labana. Created its own style - expressive dance, not like a ballet, nor On the neogreic lyrical dance of A.Dunkan, nor oriental exotic, popular among the dancers of the beginning of the 20th century.)
  • Mary Badem ((Row.1952) American actress played several children's roles in American films of the 1960s. Fame received on the first role - the eye in the film on the book Harper Lee "kill the casting". For this role in 1963 was nominated for Oscar in the category Best Actress of the Second Plan. At that time, she was the most young nomineer (10 years). Currently works by the artistic restorer and testing coordinator in college.)
  • Mary Harris Jones, better known as Mamasha Jones ((1837 - 1930) outstanding trade union and public figure, activist of association industrial working world)
  • Mary May Bushhar, also known under the scenic name Mary May (Marie-Mai) ((Row.1984) Canadian singer)
  • Mary Elizabeth Maips Dodge (1838 - 1905) American writer and book publisher for children)
  • Mary Reed ((OK.1685 - 1721) Woman Pirate. In 1961, the Italian-French film "Adventures Mary Reed" was filmed about her.)
  • Mary Beth Marley ((Row.1995) American figure skater, speaking in a double roking with Rockni Bruboreker. This couple is silver winners of the US Championship 2012 and bronze medalists of the Championship of the Four Continents 2012. Completed the amateur sports career in 2012.)
  • Mary Burns ((1821/1823 - 1863) English Socialist of Irish Origin. First wife Friedrich Engels.)
  • Mary-Joe Fernandez-Homissik ((Row.1971) former American professional tennis player. Bronze medalist of the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba three-time finalist of the Grand Slot Tournaments; Two Olympic Champion (1992, 1996), Winner of the Australian Open Championship (1991 ), The Open Championship of France (1996), the WTA-tour champion (1996) in the steam female discharge; the winner of the Federation Cup in the national team (1996).)

Almost every name has its own diminutive or abbreviated form. Most often it is it used in everyday life with relatives and close people. This article will tell about the name Marusya, the full form of which is Maria.


Marusya (full name - Maria) has ancient European roots. It translates as "Favorite", "stubborn", "bitter" or "serene". Slavic peoples, it has the meaning of "Mrs.".

The most famous owner was the mother of Jesus. It was popular at all times, and now young parents quite often give it to their newborn daughters.

Answering "Yes" to the question: "Maria and Marusya are one name?", I would like to note that sometimes it is also called those girls who name Marina, but this is a mistake.


Marusya and Masha's name belongs to a very active and cheerful girl. It may seem that it never gets tired, ready to play games and entertainment at any time. She is always in the spotlight, very sociable and cheerful. Easy to find with people of any age.

Marusya loves pets, for them the girl cares already from an early age herself. She is responsible, she can trust the younger family members.

Masha grows her mother's assistant, loves to be in the kitchen. But also a lot of time spends with his father, but the "men's" entertainment does not recognize. With him she reads a lot, walks, riding a bike.

The girl prefers rolling games, often engaged in dancing.

The school learns well, often becomes an excellent. It is disciplined, ready to fulfill any instructions of the teacher.

With classmates, the relationship is always good, but the leader among them Marusya (the full name of Maria) never becomes. In school, girlfriends has a little, but with them, when entering the university, communication stops.

She was not used to retreat or surrender, if there are problems with studying, then the girl will ask the parents to hire a tutor. Most often, such situations happen due to passes, as Masha is often sick. To raise immunity, she stands and hardened.


When communicating with Marus, it can be noticed by her features that sometimes contradict each other. She is executive, but at the same time capricious. Ready for self-sacrifice, but personal interests puts in first place. Conflicts often come with others because of the lack of a girl

Marusya, the full name of which - Maria, very stubborn. She will defend its point of view to the last. At the same time, any failures perceives very painfully, but for a long time it does not experience it. Quickly quickly starts all over again.

Masha has a good taste, is always elegant, men constantly pay attention to it.

The owner of this name is very impressionable, even other people's failures take to heart.

She is not angry, the offender forgives quickly, even can go to reconciliation, if the person is very expensive.

Maria does not know how to deceive, honest even with unfamiliar people. She has a well-developed intuition that helps her during decision-making.

Marriage and family

Satellite of life Marusya (the full name of Mary) chooses very carefully, so it is not inclined to early marriage. If the girl feel that he met her man, then will make the first step itself.

She is an ideal wife and hostess. In her house, it is always clean, she often indulges his new dishes, which often comes up with itself.

Marusya is true to her husband, he will be waiting for him the same. She is much ready to forgive the spouse, only treason is exception.

Maria is a good mother. To the emergence of a child in the family is preparing very carefully. Her children are always well maintained and raised. However, sometimes it is not able to properly distribute their personal time and pays a lot of time to everyday life. First of all, children suffer from employment, who can feel the lack of attention. But the husband, on the contrary, is pleased with the fact that his spouse part of his duties took over.

At the same time, the family for Mary in the first place, for her for her, she is ready to even refuse career.

Happy in Union with Andrei, Alexander, Anatoly, Vasily, Danila, Ivan, Makar, Svyatoslav, Fedor. There may be a marriage with Valery, Efim, Lavra, Lvom, Rostislav.


"This girl has what a full name?" - Marusya often can hear this question from colleagues who are used to calling it that way. The answer is simple: Maria. How does this name affect his owner's career?

The choice often causes great difficulties. Her calling is to help people, so often she becomes a doctor, the girl is hardworking, at work I was used to laid out completely. The leader is rare. Maria is a good artist.

Business is rarely engaged, it does not like to risk, there will be no money for the wind. If she has its own business, then only profitable, for the sake of "kopecks" it will not work.

Due to smooth transitions, the name Maria seems very gentle, calm. Nevertheless, the presence of the sound "P", hints at some hardness in the character of man. The girl called the parents of Mary, predetermined to be the most affectionate and responsive.

Maria means "sad", "bitter", in Christianity - "Mrs.".

Origin of the name Maria:

The name Mary is known since ancient times. Must with its origin to Hebrew Mariam. Interestingly, scientists, so far, did not agree in the opinion of how much it is to translate it correctly. Some believe that the name was formed from the root, meaning "rejected", others, the source of origin is called the word Mirim (מירים), translated from Hebrew - "bitterness".

Characteristic and interpretation of the name Mary

Masha is always growing independent, responsible and calm child. He loves to communicate with other children, especially with those who shame. In adulthood, this love for kids persists - Maria, usually, a beautiful mother, who sees the meaning of life a device for the well-being of his children. Walked and tenderness - the qualities inherent in a woman with the same name. Despite the fact that Masha can show hardness, and, sometimes, and rigidity, in defending their interests and beliefs, in the soul she is very raw. Does not like when it is criticized or makes her comments, is very worried about this. Sometimes it can act thoughtlessly. This impulsiveness, says that, even matured, Masha remains a child. What is interesting, along with impulsiveness, Maria can be greater responsible and thoughtful in school and work. Girl with such a name of hardworking and diligent in all affairs entrusted to her. Most Mari - Altruists. A person who has fallen into a difficult situation, Maria always tries to help.

Organizational abilities from Mary are very well developed, so it, quite, will be able to achieve high results in administrative work. Most often, chooses that sphere of activity, where there is no hard control, it loves to work on projects yourself. Colleagues appreciate her for responsiveness, guide - for high ventilation. The girl named Maria is likely to be successful in professions related to medicine, business analytics, pedagogy.

In marriage Maria sincerely cares about the spouse and children. She is a very faithful and loyal wife, the infidelity of her husband, deception in a relationship can hardly hurt her. However, Masha does not make it from this tragedy, does not focus on failures. In addition, she, quite capable of standing for himself, and for his loved ones.

According to Orthodox teachings, Maria's name is translated as "Mrs.". Most likely, because the Mother of God had this name.

Maria is one of the most common names in several countries, such as Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Poland and the Republic of Belarus.

In the Russian Empire, this name was found in both a privileged society, including among the imperial family, and among the simple peasantry.

Origin: The name Maria has ancient European roots. According to one version, it comes from the word ?????, which means "sad mistress", according to another version, this name is translated as "rejected". This name is international - it is distributed on both hemispheres. Maria is one of the key names of Orthodox culture (Mary, the wife of Joseph - the Virgin, the mother of Jesus Christ) and one of the most popular names in the CIS for the last 20 years.

Brief form of name Maria: Masha, derivatives - man, Marusya, Masha, Maruska, Marya.

Foreign forms named Maria: Mary (United Kingdom, USA), Marie (France), Marika (Czech Republic), Marya (Belarus).

Name day Maria celebrates 8,12,31 January, 8.19 and 25 of the Ferval, March 1 and 20, 1,214,17,25,29, May 10, and 17, 5,11,15,17,20,22 and June 24, 2.17 and July 25, 4,18,22,24 and 28 August, 8.21 and September 28, 2.11 and 21 October, November 11 and December 15.

Characteristic named after Maria

Positive features name: Responsiveness, sincerity, humanity, responsibility for their actions. Maria seeks to help everyone and always, awareness that her actions benefit to someone make it really happy. The owner named Maria is not malicious, they tend to quickly forgive insults, often the first to take a step towards. But with all this, Maria is not a non-infractive person, in certain situations it can insist on its own. Maria will not enter the conflict first, but it is able to protect his dignity. Also, the carrier of this soul does not have tea in children.

Negative features name: Habit take all comments close to heart, excessive sentimentality. Many Mary are idealists, they tend to see this world romantic and correct, and, facing the life problems, can fall into depression. The owner named after Maria is difficult to get out of difficult life situations without any assistance.

Choice of profession by name: Mary eats that activity that requires personality deformation, the need to please someone. On the contrary, if the profession involves the flight of fantasy, the opportunity to show his creative abilities, Maria is glad to break into it. In terms of psychological comfort, Mary's labor activity largely depends on the team. At work, she will never be a lonely wolf, tries to establish friendly relations with all colleagues, regardless of the hierarchy. Maria can be a successful art historian, theatrical figure, designer, stylist, teacher.

Impact name on business:the carrier of this name is not inclined to throw money into the wind, they are very reasonable in everything that concerns finance. Maria will not take any actions if there is a risk of a negative result, they prefer well-calculated, crystal clear transactions. Maria's business refers as seriously and requires the same partners.

Impact name on health: Many owners named Maria - Allergy from childhood. Their weaknesses are the organs of the excretory system, the liver, stomach. Also, Maryam should pay special attention to the prevention of "female" ailments: the erosion of the cervix, the polycystic ovarian, mastopathy.

Psychology named: By nature, Maria is a very sociable person, but it rarely makes dating first. It has an excellent sense of humor, but does not let go of jokes and Hochma with each convenient case, preferring to admire sparkiness. If a dilemma is getting up before Maria - to pay the time to the family or spend it in the company of friends or colleagues, she does not think, chooses the first. Family priorities for Mary always in the first place.

Name compatibility:Maria is not prone to fleeting connections, satellites of life chooses the call of the heart, and not a cold calculation. Alexander, Daniel, Ivan, Anatoly, Roman, Vyacheslav, Vasily, can be the perfect spouse for Mary. But with Valery, Rostislav or Vsevolod, family life may not work out.

Famous carriers named Maria

  • Virgo Maria (Virgin, Mother of Jesus);
  • Maria Magdalene (Biblical Holy);
  • Maria Tudor (English Queen XVI century);
  • Maria Medici (French Queen of the XVII century);
  • Maria Antoinette (French Queen, Wife Louis XVI);
  • Maria Callas (Opera Diva);
  • Maria Curie (a woman-physicist who opened radioactivity);
  • Maria Golubanka (actress);
  • Maria Sharapova (tennis player);

Maria is the female name of biblical origin. That was the name of Jesus's mother. It was formed from the Hebrew name to Miriam (Miriam) and means "desired", "bitter", "serene". It is also sometimes translated as "rejected", "sad", "Mrs.". The name is very popular all over the world, including in Russia - not only among adult women, but also newborn girls.

Astrology named

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Planet Patron: Proserpina
  • Stone Talisman: Diamond
  • Color classification: SIZY
  • Tree: Bereza
  • Plant: Vasilek
  • Animal: Golubka
  • Favorable day: Wednesday


The name of the name opens when meeting Maria.In childhood, this is an obedient, tender and smart girl. It roughly copes with school lessons. It helps in all its parents, especially looking at their younger brothers and sisters. Never deceive and will not re-read the eldest. Respect regards the people around. It can be safely called an ideal child.

An adult owner named after Maria is a multifaceted personality, which produces the impression of a quiet, reliable, vulnerable and hardworking woman. She loves justice and concreteness in everything. These qualities are complemented by waybirth and stubbornness, especially in those moments that matter for its principles and life priorities. Maria is inherent organizational abilities, and it easily copes with them.

By nature it is a modest, kind and heart rate. It is characterized by a different kind of help to need people. But at the same time, Masha can show perseverance and will power. In communication, she does not reveal his feelings, and trying to hide them as much as possible and hide.

Positive qualities: responsiveness, sincerity, humanity, responsibility for their actions. Maria is unlockable and quickly forgives resentment. It has excellent intuition and often listens to it. She has a congenital sense of decency. This is a man of extraordinary spiritual warmth.

Negative features: Excessive sentimentality and perception of comments to his address close to heart.

Hobbies and hobby

Maria adores sports and fitness. He is passionate about reading books. Free time prefers to carry out in nature, in the forest, in the country. He likes to travel in different countries and discover something new.

Profession and business

Maria is interested only in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity where it is necessary to work with people and help them. Often successful in medicine and pedagogy. She is able to show organizational abilities, to achieve large career heights and become a leader. Among the girls with this name, you can often find sanitairs, teachers, social workers and officials.


Maria is endowed with strong and good health. Weak places - nervous system, stomach, vision. It is worth paying special attention to the genital organs, as well as monitor pressure. Often susceptible to allergic diseases. In adulthood, prone to completeness, so it is necessary to comply with the diet and lead an active lifestyle.

Sex and love

Maria in sexual relationships - in love and non-permanent nature. Sex considers as pleasure and pleasure. In close communication with men, there is some aggressiveness. With age, it is not amenable to sensual relationships with representatives of strong sex and behaves restrained and carefully. Fully relax can only in the usual and home setting. In other conditions, it feels uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Family and marriage

The owner of this name considers the seven most important in life. She tries to build harmonious relationships based on trust and respect with his spouse. Maria is a wonderful mistress, faithful and devoted wife. She devotes all their lives to children and loves them very much. The second half becomes a calm and non-conflict man. Sometimes such a girl exhibits jealousy to him, which is accompanied by unpredictability, sharpness and incontinence. With the appearance of suspicion of treason, the husband makes an intimate life as stormy that the spouse does not have the strength and time of entertainment on the side.