Mighty Kingdom of Chopin was away from the homeland presentation. Mighty kingdom of Chopin

Mighty Kingdom of Chopin was away from the homeland presentation. Mighty kingdom of Chopin
Mighty Kingdom of Chopin was away from the homeland presentation. Mighty kingdom of Chopin

Plan aspect of music lesson in grade 6

Theme lesson:"Mighty kingdom of F. Chopin."

During the classes:

    Organizing time: Attach the attention of students to the lesson. Sounds a fragment "Balladesg.moll." Greeting!

    Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think, do you entered the music of the composer?

Pupils: To the music of the Polish composer F. Chopin.

Teacher:Today at the lesson we will continue to get acquainted with the musical creativity of this composer. The topic of our lesson is called: "The Mighty Kingdom of F. Chopin." His goal is to penetrate the poetic musical language, the content of works of this ingenious Polish composer.

    Biographical data message.

Teacher: Peer in the portrait of this person. What do you think he was in life?

Pupils: Good, he has a pensive look. I think it was a smart, thin soul man.

Teacher: It is impossible not to be surprised by the depth and softness, which is imbued with the face of the composer, its aristocratic hands. He came out of the wonderful noble family, was educated in Warsaw. Knowing

the culture and customs of the People's Poland, deeply felt the intonation of Mazurov and Kuyvyakov, Workers and Polonaesov, so often rejoiced his heart in Mila Shafarne - the suburb of Warsaw.

Teacher:Guys, let's and we now remember the Polish folk song "Lark", her character of sound, sound studies, or content. Listen to whom this song?

Listening songs - "Lark" (Polish folk song).

Pupils: This song about the native nature. It comes around on the lark, the birds of meadows, the fields, about the pahar, Niva.

Teacher:How is the song doing?

Pupils: At a slow pace, broken, smoothly, lyrically, a little sad.

Teacher:Words words! But how to express the charm of the poetic Waltz Chopin, full of amazing dreaminess, the finest expressiveness of those sweet dreams and gentle feelings, characteristic of Schopin - romance, which is amazing the ability to see only the best in a person's life.

Hearing - Waltz La Minor and Waltz Mi Barol Major Chopin. Two waltz sound.

Teacher:Tell me, what is more, aristocratic sophistication or fiery animation?

Pupils: Here are different feelings and you can imagine different experiences and pictures of nature.

Thin and poetic first waltz, and the second is very very brilliant. It can be imagined that the music of one Waltz dance in the cabin, and Waltz, written in Minor, is very lyric.

Teacher:Yes, Chopin has always been different. No wonder Svyatoslav Richter wrote: "Conglely, feminine, mysterious, devil, incomprehensible, tragic chopin."

Does all composers quickly come fame?

Pupils:No, I know that the Bach's life was very difficult and this recognition came to him after death.

Teacher: But F. Chopin was hotly loved during his lifetime. Already its first writings were perceived enthusiasm. The great contemporary, Romantic Schumann said: "If in our time there was a contemporary, similar to Mozart, he would have written Schopin's concerts than Mozartovsky."

    Hearing - "Waltz to Diez Minor" and "Waltz M major" F. Chopin.

Teacher:What does it mean to write in Schopenovski, what is the originality of this genius, who, in the words of Baratynsky, "in eager and its own greatness"?

Pupils:Writing dreamily, thin, poetic. Writing as if everything is fine in life, around a lot of beautiful, which you need to be able to see and hear.

Teacher: I always thought that the most amazing property of music is to poetize the reality, thoughts, feelings, experiences of a person, his noble motivations. But there is another facet of Frianc Chopin's creativity: he introduced the Beethoven Spirit to the concert hall.

Music Chopin - These are guns covered with flowers. Inside angry, full of life tensions and emotional saturation of the page, his ballads and sonata can be viewed as a living and reverent response to the events of the Polish reality of the 30s. He was deeply shocked by the slavery of his homeland. In this sense, its "Ballad of Sal Minor" is highly characteristic.

    Hearing - Code "Ballads g. moll. ».

Teacher:Guys, tell me what music is it? What did you hear in her?

Pupils: This is the music courageous, angry, full of vitality, struggle. The music is revolutionary, rapid, calling for the fight.

Teacher: It reflected the feelings of the Pole - Aristocrat and Revolutionar - Romance. Frederic Chopin himself was forced to leave and live abroad away from the hot homeland, Poland, after the people's liberation uprising, in which he participated, was defeated.

    The outcome of the lesson.

Teacher:Guys, tell me, what kind of composer's music sounded today at our lesson? What "eternal" problems affects the music of F. Chopin?

Evaluation of the work of the class and individual students.

The musical work of F. Chopin sounds.

(Spring Waltz)

6th grade. Lesson 20. "Mighty Kingdom F. Chopin."

The purpose of the lesson:awareness of the stylistic features of Music F. Chopin.

Tasks lesson:

1) Training: help the learning to feel an amazing peculiarity, the finest poetry of Music F. Chopin, its connection with the national characteristics of Polish music, the historical situation of that time; introduce students with works by F. Chopin, to find out the musical content of musical works;

2) developing: Develop clearly - figurative, logical thinking, ability to analyze and synthesize, argument, musical memory, lado - harmonic hearing, singing skills;

3) educational: Education of a sense of citizenship, love for the Motherland.

During the classes:

1. Organizing time.

Sounds a fragment "Balladesg.moll.».

2. Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think whose music sounded at the beginning of the lesson?

Pupils: Music of the Polish composer F. Chopin.

Teacher:Today at the lesson we will continue to get acquainted with the musical creativity of this composer. The topic of our lesson is called: "The Mighty Kingdom of F. Chopin."

3. Biographical data message.

Teacher: Peer in the portrait of this person. What do you think he was in life?

Pupils: Good, he has a pensive look. I think it was a smart, thin soul man.

Teacher: It is impossible not to be surprised by the depth and softness, which is imbued with the face of the composer, its aristocratic hands. He came out of the wonderful noble family, was educated in Warsaw. Knowing

the culture and customs of the People's Poland, deeply felt the intonation of Mazurov and Kuyvyakov, Workers and Polonaesov, so often rejoiced his heart in Mila Shafarne - the suburb of Warsaw.

Hearing - "Waltz a. moll. "And" Waltz Es dur »Chopin.

Teacher:Words words! But how to express the charm of the poetic Waltz Chopin, full of amazing dreaminess, the finest expressiveness of those sweet dreams and gentle feelings, characteristic of Schopin - romance, which is amazing the ability to see only the best in a person's life.

Two waltz sound.

Teacher:Tell me, what is more, aristocratic sophistication or fiery animation?

Pupils: Here are different feelings and you can imagine different experiences and pictures of nature.

Thin and poetic first waltz, and the second is very very brilliant. It can be imagined that the music of one Waltz dance in the cabin, and Waltz, written in Minor, is very lyric.

Teacher:Yes, Chopin has always been different. No wonder Svyatoslav Richter wrote: "Conglely, feminine, mysterious, devil, incomprehensible, tragic chopin."

Does all composers quickly come fame?

Pupils:No, I know that the Bach's life was very difficult and this recognition came to him after death.

Teacher: But F. Chopin was hotly loved during his lifetime. Already its first writings were perceived enthusiasm. The great contemporary, Romantic Schumann said: "If in our time there was a contemporary, similar to Mozart, he would have written Schopin's concerts than Mozartovsky."

4. Hearing - "Waltz with iS. moll. "And" Waltz Es dur "F. Chopin.

Teacher:What does it mean to write in Schopenovski, what is the originality of this genius, who, in the words of Baratynsky, "in eager and its own greatness"?

Pupils:Writing dreamily, thin, poetic. Writing as if everything is fine in life, around a lot of beautiful, which you need to be able to see and hear.

Teacher: I always thought that the most amazing property of music is to poetize the reality, thoughts, feelings, experiences of a person, his noble motivations. But there is another facet of Frianc Chopin's creativity: he introduced the Beethoven Spirit to the concert hall.

Music Chopin - These are guns covered with flowers. Inside angry, full of life tensions and emotional saturation of the page, his ballads and sonata can be viewed as a living and reverent response to the events of the Polish reality of the 30s. He was deeply shocked by the slavery of his homeland. In this sense, its "Ballad of Sal Minor" is highly characteristic.

5. Hearing - Code "Ballads g. moll. ».

Teacher:Guys, tell me what music is it? What did you hear in her?

Pupils: This is the music courageous, angry, full of vitality, struggle. The music is revolutionary, rapid, calling for the fight.

Teacher: It reflected the feelings of the Pole - Aristocrat and Revolutionar - Romance. Frederic Chopin himself was forced to leave and live abroad away from the hot homeland, Poland, after the people's liberation uprising, in which he participated, was defeated.

6. The outcome of the lesson.

Teacher:Guys, tell me, what kind of composer's music sounded today at our lesson? What "eternal" problems affects the music of F. Chopin?

Music Lesson Grade 6 program G.P. Sergeeva, E.D. Cretan

Section "The world of chamber and symphonic music images."

Theme lesson "Mighty Kingdom of Chopin"

purpose: Acquaintance with chamber music genres instrumental music miniatures F.Sopen.

Tasks: Educational: instill love for the native land, homeland on the example of life and the work of F. Sopen.

Educational: To acquaint with the era of romanticism and images of chamber music.

Developing: Learning to reflect on music to be able to express your own position regarding listening music, work on sensual performance of songs,

Know: Highlights of creativity F.Shopen; Various genres of piano miniatures.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Listen to the music and define the style of the composer, to which composer it can be attributed.

C Lite number 2 and No. 3 Waltz listening and polonaise.


Learn on the description, about music of which composer, pianist - virtuoso we will talk today .

- He chas the soul of his people, created beautiful melodies and dancing

- He limited his creativity by the framework of piano music.

- He is a classic of Polish music. His name is in a row with the names of ingenious composers as Slide number 4. (On the board portraits of composers) Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky.

Slide number 5.- Creativity F. Chopin is a huge world of extraordinary beauty. His wonderful, wonderful music written by a great composer, and a musician. Sincerity of feelings - that's the main thing! What can you tell about the work of Frederick Chopin?

Read on page 98 of the textbook 1 paragraph. What can be supplemented? Slide number 6.

Fragment of the documentary encyclopedia "F.Sopen", work with cards.

Frederic Chopin did not write large works, nor symphony, nor the opera, but can it be the main one? Each person is capable of freedom of thought, words, feelings. Express the way he wants. The closer to him were close to the genres of miniatures

Slide number 7.(Small plays): Preludes, Nocturns, Walts, Polona, \u200b\u200bMazurki, Sonata. Each play, the dance is the state of the soul, even living in Paris, he wrote Polish music. Almost all the dances written by F. Chopin were Polish, and Mazurka was loved.

Of course, in the modern world, the listeners of classical music becomes, the musical language of F. Shopen is understood. In the sign of love and respect for the work of F. Chopin, St. Petersburg composer Sergey Savenkov uses a knockturny melody and writes an amazing song to Poems Tatyana Tarasova. The song is popular among children's teams, often sounds on the radio. Slide number 8.

Execution "Nocturne Chopin" Music S. Savenkova, Words Tarasova.

Slide number 9.
Chopin's music permeates, on the one hand, lyricism, the subtlety of the transfer of various mood, on the other - tragedy and heroic. (p. 98, 2 paragraph)

Chopin revived on a romantic basis the prelude, which is a semantic center reflecting a certain "movement and life of the soul". Slide number 10.

Listening to Prelude No. 7 and Prelude No. 20. Discussion of music.

What image create a prelude? What do we want to tell, tell F. Shopen? What depicts music, what feelings transmits?

Slide number 13. Living away from homeland, he always thought about her, all my thoughts, feelings, experiences - this is his music. Pain, and suffering, and glowing, and bitterness, and love, and faith, and deep sadness are heard in it. The tragedy of the Polish people became my personal tragedy. There are circumstances in the life when it is not possible to change anything. In someone else's country, he knew the glory, respect, recognition, success, surrounded by creative people, found love - Isn't that you tell me happiness?! For the exile there is no happiness higher than to be from homeland and live for it!

let's listen to B.execution of an outstanding pianist Svyatoslav Richter

Slide №14, 15 - etude number 12 I. Prelude number 24,what unites these two different genres, that the composer wants to convey to us, what can be said about music? Slide number 16.

Slide number 17. Dreamer ardent, noble,
Scene piano scene
Poet melody folk -
All this is Frederick Chopin.

Curly music attentive
I hear the waves of a raging splash,
And splashes of sunny May
And October glass shine,

And the call of the fatherland is harsh
And the revolution is space.
Here the pianist came off her eyebrows,
Entering the SI-BIMOL-MINOR.

Ringing chord piano,
Plays a foam wave.
In the influx of witch and strange
She picks up the hall she.

Rapid, like wings, shoulders,
As an angel, weightless and clean,
Pains the whole piano evening
Above the hall is fragile pianist. Vladimir Efremovich Shostak

Summing up the lesson you need to answer a number of questions

    Why the piano chose F. Sopen for creativity.

    Do you think that Chopin was a romantic, why.

    Is F. Shopen left from the country when he learned about the Polish uprising?

    What miniatures genres were close to F. Shopen. (Preludes, Nocturnines, Walts, Polonais, Mazurki)

    Music, what character occupied the leading place in the work of F. Chopin? (dance)

    What distinguishes the music of Frederic Chopin, what is his music about?

What distinguishes music F. Chopin? Of course, the Motherland, to which Shopin was very attached, and his fate was closely intertwined with the fate of the Motherland. Slide number 18.

What is home to the morning!

What meadows and forests,

Sparkles dew perlamutr.

Native Earth ... Eh! Beauty!

It smells like a wormwood, grass,

Young green foliage

Ah, homeland, only with you

I'm connected forever destiny!

Motherland, that's what a citizen should think about. Think about, and what is your homeland for you ...

Slide №19.

Performance of the song "Spring of Russia" music A. Yermolov, the words of Gulevskaya.

Slide number 20, №21, №22, №23, №24, №25, №26, №27

Crossword: "Chopin" - vertically. (Issues for fixing the material).

    Composer-romantic XIX century, writing music to the song "Evening Star".

    What title got Chopin thanks to his music?

    Favorite tool Chopin.

    What dance are we talking about: "Solemn Ball Dance - Procession"?

    Music, what character occupied the leading place in the work of F. Chopin?

Slide №28. Here in the hall of Chopin himself,

And sweet songs captivity

And sensitively catches hearing

Music long sound.

Piano like a white spirit

Melody floats

Then joy pours in the heart,

That shines sad.

Melody floats ...

And light waltz blooms -

Then crying, then laughs

Then the sky will be ascended

It will be echoed -

Love memories

And the genius of the breath.

Mighty kingdom of chopin harmony thoughtful poet, he sang sang noble light, high love in human hearts. A. Graši 1810-1849 was one of the greatest pianists of the world, an inspired improviser, writing music during the game ... Etudes of Preludes Sonatas Mazuriki Polonesa Skzo ... Svyatoslav Richter. Etude No. 4 F. Chopin - the creator of ingenious preludes - small instrumental writings that reveal one image. ... The heart worries him, trembles, suffers, is indifferent, terrified, languishing, it is not enough, languishes, moaning, rejoices, freezes, ears ... The fate of Chopin worked closely with the fate of the Motherland. Decisible to the best Pianist Poland, the composer had to go with concerts to Europe. He wrote: "... I have no strength to appoint a day of departure; It seems to me that I am leaving to die, and how, it should be bitterly to die on a foreign land, not where I lived. " Nocturne, Prelude No. 20 in 1830 - 1831 In Poland, the national-liberating uprising against the authorities of the Russian Empire, Chopin wrote ... "I curse the hour of my departure ... I can't act, I want to ... I pretend calm in the living rooms, and returned, Bush on the piano ... "His grief, anger, indignation F.Sopen poured in music. There were such works as the famous Etude No. 12, called "revolutionary", and Prelude No. 24. Chopin died on October 17, 1849 standing in Warsaw Church. There is a wall. Hides mankind shrine. Chopin heart. The silence is full of hearts of this dynam ....... Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw, where the heart of Chopin's deep spirits are kept about themselves and its non-existent more fatherland, their joys and despair, their enthusiasm and dreams, the moments of happiness and the oppressive sore, sunny scenes of love, only occasionally interrupted by the quiet and calm pictures of nature, - This is where the area and the mighty kingdom of Chopin, which is where the great mysteries of art are performed under the name of Sonat, Preludes, Mazurok, Polonais, Scherzo, etudes ... ", - wrote V. Stasov. Chopin - Sonata № 2, SI-BIMOL MINOR Recommended links: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polskaya_Wan_1831 http://geraldika.ru/files/100410054549710.jpg http://podolsk.org/i/polish -Rebellion.jpg http://www.by-time.ru/upload/iblock/571/53a4fbfb7b2b.jpg http://www.indostan.ru/biblioteka/knigi/2399/2655_1.jpg http: // Culture. natm.ru/images/autouuploads/full/6229896.jpg http://www.res.com.pl/grafika_d/portret/obrazki/br_0221_c.jpg http://www.intoclassics.net/_nw/153/63579403. jpg http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/0/40/351/40351533_shopen.jpg http://www.smart-kit.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/music Training.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003d7vbczyim-ei http://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003deqh8codrtk4&feature\u003drelated http://josef-gipetsky.narod.ru/knigi /List_shopen/images/glava07_clip_image002.jpg http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1/49/206/49206899_1254069622_48216810_1 208880.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003d8Hokcdzjjfu

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The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with biographical information, with musical works of the Great Polish composer Frederic Chopin.

Tasks lesson:


  • Appeal to the well-known works of chamber genres F.Sopen in order to repetition;
  • Continuation of acquaintance with the work of F. Chopin, the creator of the brilliant works of chamber genres;


  • Acquisition of children to treasures of world musical classics;
  • Creating an emotionally positive, creative atmosphere in a lesson promoting more fully implementing the creative potential of students.


  • Formation of musical taste, the ability to listen and analyze the musical image created by the composer with means of musical expressiveness;
  • Develop vocal choir skills;
  • Expand the horizon of students through acquaintance with the new repertoire.

Type of lesson: Combined.


  • The repetition of the oral survey passed by the method;
  • Teacher's story using visual and auditory tests (viewing slides, listening to music);
  • Analysis of musical works, formulation of conclusions during the conversation;
  • Choir performance of the song "Come to the grandfather friends" Music N. Nikiforova, the words V. Savelyev;


  • a computer;
  • projector;
  • soundless equipment (columns);
  • synthesizer.


  • slide presentation;
  • music works F. Chopin: Popourry on the work passed in different classes, made in the Audacity program, etude 12 "revolutionary", "Prelude 24";
  • musical material;
  • lyrics "come to the grandfather friends" music, words - application ;
  • music phonograms.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Slide 1.

Sounds "Polonaise La Major" F. Chopin. Children are included in the class. Musical greeting.

Slide 2 (lesson topic)

II. Work on the lesson

1. Conversation on the subject of lesson

Teacher:Today we are awaiting an amazing immersion into the world of musical images of chamber music. But first I would like to ask you, and what is chamber music?

Pupils:Chamber music is a music that sounds in a small room. Chamber music is composed for a soling tool or a small team of performers. Chamber music includes small works.

Teacher: Or maybe someone from you will call genres that relate to chamber music?

Pupils: Barcarol, Serenade, Piece, Romance, Song, Prelude, Waltz ...

Teacher: Well done! Your answers practically exhaustively prepared the appearance on the slide definition of chamber music.

Slide 3.

Teacher:Chamber music - (Italian Camera, literally - room). Music written for small vocal and instrumental ensembles, or soling tools, also for singing intended for performance in a small room. Many of the composers known to us, both Russian and foreign ones composed the works of chamber genres. Maybe someone will help me remember their names? Just let's treat that, calling the composer, you cite an example of musical works of the chamber genre.

Pupils:Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky - a cycle for the piano "Children's album"; Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky - cycle for piano "Seasons"; Ludwig van Beethoven "Summer"; Nikolo Paganini "Capris 24"; Franz Schubert "Barcarol" ...

Teacher: All the answers are absolutely correct, but today we have a meeting, with no less beautiful works of chamber genres. But what composer today will be speaking, answer me, after the music illustration.

Slide 4 (during the illustration of music fragments, Popourry sounds from the works of F. Chopin, made in the Audacity program: Polonaise La Major, Waltz 2 Si-Minor, Prelude 7 La Major, Mazurka 1 Si-B Flat Major).


Dreamer ardent, noble,
Scene piano scene
Poet melody folk -
All this …

Pupils: Frederic Chopin.

Teacher:And someone learned, fragments from which works sounded?

Pupils:Waltz, Mazurka, Polonaise, Prelude.

Teacher:(often children do not recognize works and then ...)

Poet Vladimir Efremovich Shostak said Chopin's Friederik: "... Poet of People's Melody ...". What genres of Polish folk music have now sounded?

Pupils:Mazurka, polona.

Teacher: In childhood, Chopin showed extraordinary musical abilities. He was surrounded by special attention and care. Like Mozart, he attacked the surrounding musical "obsession", inexhaustible fantasy in improvisations, inborn pianism.

Young Chopin taught music, laying great hopes for him, which, as time showed, he justified. His teachers always respond enthusiastically. So, Pianist Woolesh Live, who began to study with a 9-year-old boy noted that the executive talent of the boy developed so quickly that Chopin was not inferior to the best Polish pianists. As a result, his living refused to occupy with a young virtuoso, stating that nothing else could teach him.

At 16, Chopin was adopted in the Warsaw Conservatory, at the end of which, in 1829, director of the Conservatory and the teacher of Chopin, Yuzef Elsner made the following entry: "Amazing abilities. Musical genius. "

Slide 5.

In an effort to acquaint with your art of publishers and the public, Chopin gave two concerts in Vienna, where critics highly appreciated his works. In 1830, Chopin played three concerts in Warsaw, and then began to gather on a trip to Western Europe.

It would seem that everything in the creative career of a young composer and a pianist develops as it is impossible, but that we read in its so-called "Stuttgart diary"?

Slide 6.

"... I have no strength to appoint a day of departure; It seems to me that I am leaving to die, - and how should be, bitterly die on a foreign land, not where I lived. "

What do you think Chopin is overwhelming such dark thoughts?

Pupils:Maybe he does not want to part with his relatives A, perhaps his intuition suggested him that something tragic awaits him in this journey.

Teacher: Each of you in your own way. What decision takes Chopin?

Pupils: For a young and talented musician, the audience is more important than the audience, and not, only at home in Poland, but also abroad. I think Chopin still went to Western Europe.

Teacher: The departure date was appointed. A farewell evening with friends took place. Comrades give the FRIDERIC Silver Cup filled with Polish Earth.

Slide 7.

This event wrote a poet Ashot Grasta in his verses (translation from Armenian V. Zvyagintseva in his verses). In grade 5, we met this poem and it seems to me that it's time to remember him. (Some of the children read by heart).

Handful of land
When Chopin leaves the depression,
Friends lovingly brought
In the old Cup, a handful of native land,
So that the dear gift accompanied him.

In non-accustomed sadness, the days flowed.
Mediums of different countries, cold, alien hall
He holy Cup has worn his
In it seeing the edge left away away.

Harmony thoughtful poet
He sang sober noble light,
High love in human hearts.

When he died, on earth, someone else,
That cute taste of the land of the native
Under the gloomy sky was crowned as dust.

Teacher: While in Stuttgart, Chopin learned about the suppression of the Russian royal government of the Polish uprising and the capture of Warsaw. Then in Stuttgart, Chopin knew nothing about the fate of his relatives.

Slide 8.

Only in Paris, Chopin became aware that his family and friends were not injured when taking Warsaw. But Poland ... Frederick decided to return to his homeland, but Father Chopin insisted that the Son remains abroad and did not return to Warsaw. By patriotic cause, he will serve as his art. Chopin in despair. And again turn to the records in his diary.

Slide 9.

"I curse his departure hour. I can't do, I want to ... I pretend calmly in the living rooms, and returning home, busy on the piano. "

2. Hearing and discussion

Slide 10.

Sounds Etude 12 "revolutionary" without any comments.

Teacher:What is the name of you only, what did you spend the work?

Pupils: "Indignation"; "Poland, I'm with you"; "Pryv"; "The truth is born in the fight" ...

Teacher: Already in the names that you suggested, the image that the composer sought to convey to the means of musical expressiveness. And what features of the musical language would you like to emphasize especially?

Pupils:Fast, rapid pace, as eats everything on its path. Avalanche sounds from top to bottom, as if the heart was cut off. Correspondence intonations in the upper case, like a combat cry: "Do not give up" ...

Teacher: Well done! And, despite the fact that the music itself speaks for herself, Chopin found it necessary to explain his intentions with expressive remarks: "Quickly, with fire," and then "passionately", "with force", "compressed" or suddenly after the hands-up phrase Repetition, as if to hear from afar "in a low voice" and again "with passion." Well, and now it's time to tell you how this work is called: (Slide 10 Animation Etude 12 "Revolutionary")

Slide 11.

One of the well-known musicologists, Asafyev Boris Vladimirovich, characterizing the shaped system of Prelude Chopin said the following: "... his heart worries him, trembles, suffer, indifferent, is terrified, languishing, it is not enough, languishing, moaning. It is illuminated by hope, it rejoices with caresses, hesitates, again sadness, rushes and suffer again, freezes and cold himself from fear, ears among the fractures of autumn vortices, so that after a few mages again believe the sun's rays and flourish in the sounds of the spring pastoral. "
B. Aasafiev

How do you think we can find the epithets in this statement corresponding to the figurative etude?

Pupils:Of course we can!

3. Creative work

Slide 12.

Teacher:I ask you to unite in groups and make creative work, namely write synkievins - ( a five-storey poems that arose in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of Japanese poetry),displays the essence of the musical image. I think that the saying of B. Aasafieva will help you.

  • To formulate the theme of Sinwaway with one noun.
  • Two verbs supplement the characteristics of the music.
  • Describe the work with the help of three adjectives.
  • One offer of 4 words to express your own attitude to music.
  • The word is a resume characterizing the essence.

Teacher:And now in each group, choose the reader, who will present the fruits of your creativity.

Pupils: Read the compositions of synquins.

4. Conclusion

Teacher: I want to thank you for creativity and ask one more question: what is the etude? What is this chamber music genre?

Pupils: This is a product in which the composer puts technical tasks.

Teacher: I can not disagree with you, but the technical skills of the performer are honored, thanks to the repeated repetition of the same reception, but what about the chopin etude?

Pupils: But in this work, the same technical reception repeats repeatedly, namely the descending sequence of sounds in the fast pace?

Teacher: It is completely true, and this technique, let's call it "Rocking passage", is executed by his left hand, which makes it a product one of the most complex in piano literature. So, Chopin virtuoso connected ...? Maybe in the classroom there are wishes to summarize everything said?

Pupils: He connected technical tasks with the embodiment of the musical image.

Slide 13.(Etude definition)

Teacher:In continuation of the conversation about chamber genres in the works of Friederik Chopin, listen to the Prelude 24 and answer the question: what reminds you of Prelude 24 Chopin:

  • epic narration;
  • agitated story;
  • dramatic declamation?

Can we say that the musical image created by the composer in the foreplay is consistent with the musical image of the etude?

Slide 14-16 (the hearing of Preludes 24)

Pupils:Responses of children.

III. Work on the song.

In the history of each country there were tragic pages that were reflected in the musical chronicle. To the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, I wrote a song on the words V. Savelyev "come to the grandfather friends." I suggest you listen and start learning. Show song. Thought 1 bill.

Words of gratitude for work in the lesson. Farewell to class.


  1. Sergeeva G.P., Cretskaya E.D. Music Grade 6: Textbook for general education institutions - 6th Edition M.: Enlightenment, 2010, p. 98-101.
  2. Voronov Yu., Blocade. - Lenizdat, 1986.

List of sites

  1. Poem A. Grazi "Handful of Earth" www.muz-urok.ru/shopen.htm
  2. www.musicschool2.ru/shopen/page/6/
  3. muz-strana.narod.ru/index.files/page864.htm.
  4. www.maykapar.ru/articles/revolut.shtml.
  5. Night Library F. Chopin www.royalpiano.ru/notes/chopin.html
  6. Information about Sinwaine ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sincweight
  7. Music files classic.chubrik.ru/chopin/