Read online The best fantastic stories. Read online book "Fantastic stories

Read online The best fantastic stories. Read online book
Read online The best fantastic stories. Read online book "Fantastic stories

It was many centuries ago. A huge rounded ship flew to a different galaxy to study it. She like a magnet attracted a different civilization. The technique of that time was not as developed, what it is currently. Therefore, the ship had to fly for a long time to fly into the galaxy where the land is. But it is unexpectedly somewhere in the middle of the road (just after the connection of the starship with his planet, where it was said that the flight goes well), in constantly included ...

New apocalypse.


Have you ever had to listen to silence? Yes, it is, silence! How can you listen to silence, tell me. After all, silence is the absence of any sounds. It's when there is nothing that could be placed.

And where are you in modern city Actually met silence? The noise of the flow of cars on the street, shampecling of steps in the left and right ... The knock of female heels, apparently, on the most sleeken legs in this city, and shut down the old man nowhere ...

On the eve of the evening, the sunset was bloody-red, and therefore Colonel John Divoll spent a precomply night. The atmosphere of the planet Markin does not contribute to red rods, but occasionally, if the light of the blue sun dispersed better than usual, they still happened.

And the inhabitants of the planet consider the red sunset by the foresight of the trouble. Colonel Distivall headed on Markina, the scientific and educational and military representation of the Earth and, most likely a man of science than a military man, was inclined to agree with the Markins that Red Sunset ...

Carmaikla have always been a rather reused family: all four would not hurt all four pounds to samply. And here in one of the shops "Mile Miracles", owned by the company for the sale of robo-com, just staged a sale: a discount of forty percent for a 2061 model with a block of tracking the number of calorie consumed.

Sam Karmaiklu immediately accounted for the idea that the food would cook and serve a robot on the table, not descending, so to speak, solenoid eyes with volume ...

On the front Overview screen of the earth Starship "Pecken" appeared the twin planets Faisolt and Fafenir - uninhabited facet, purple disk size in a quarter of a credit card, right at the rate and scenario, inhabited by trimmed, bright red dot on the right side, over the bend of the powerful wing of the stellar -This.

An unnamed little blue star around which both planet addressed, stood high above them, exactly thirty-six degrees over the plane of the ecliptic. And the royal magnificence of Antaresa ...

Today you destroyed in the sector and thousand fifty dates, and now you can not sleep. With Ru-Light, Herndon and you flew to the east, the green-golden sun boom at your back, and scattered the nerve-non-penetrating granules almost over a thousand hectares along the branched river.

Then they landed in Prairie beyond the river, where the dates were already exterminated, lay on soft grass, in the territory where the first village will be snacking. Herndon ripped a few darish flowers, and you from half an hour we borrowed. BUT...

Here is a treasure, and here is his keeper. But the white bones of those who tried in vain to assign this treasure. But even the bones scattered at the warehouse gate under the bright arch of heavens seem to be beautiful, because the treasure gives beauty all around: and scattered bones and a gloomy keeper.

The treasure was on a small planet at the dark red star Wolnzar. The planet itself is a little big moon, about the atmosphere and speak. Silent, dead world, rotating in the dark in Milli-Arda Miles ...

It happened suddenly when the Grand Duke Moscow, and, also, Ryazan, Kaluga and other and other - Vladimir, irreplaceable, from the kind of duck, in his Kremlin office, during the break between work on documents, saved a cup of excellent Chinese tea.

Prince Vladimir was an elderly, almost bald, a small sprout with a sports figure and a daily face. This time, Prince Vladimir asked his secretary Dima to prepare tea from the Puera collectible pellet, which he was presented ...

And where are you in a modern city actually met silence? The noise of the flow of cars on the street, the shame of steps in the left and right ... The knock of female heels, apparently, on the most sleek legs in this city, and the screaming steps have not been in a hurry old man ... Sound slapped door in the store The sidewalk, and - the tearing music and the tharahydrate sound from the motorcycle motor - from the side of the roadway.

But when you come home, you fall into your favorite sofa, you still find it in the long-awaited silence. Silence. Freedom from all sorts of sounds. Or, one can say, the unfailing is them. And freedom from all this hellish noise and gomon, from all this urban fuss comes to you. Cases are retreating, and calm reaches your soul. Calm and grace ...

Finally, I ran out of this urban carousel, I sit for my cozy desk and finally I can write something else. For example, anything about eagles and snakes. Yes! About these predatory birds and these very dangerous reptiles. Philosophical etudes. I love to spiltily! Noisy and restless city released me out of his arms, the urban bustle left me, and now I can travel in my thoughts and on the pages dressed as text, and I will be glad if it is a real, high flight of thought, and etudes really pull on philosophical. Pages are so twenty. Not. Pages so for thirty. And if more precisely - on the sixty! If you read to the end - you can check.

But for now I have empty. Not yet a single page. And not a single thought. Empty. So you need to start with emptiness. Clean sheets of paper. Or not. Empty, with a flashing cursor, - monitor screen. I still do not even know: I will solve whether to quickly sketch the draft on paper or start writing etudes on the computer.

But now I have nothing yet. Emptiness. Empty place. Nothing. Is it worth talking about this much about this void? But always at the beginning to put something - need emptiness. Unlumped place. Free space. To write something - you need a clean, unfilled list. To sound magic music - you need silence. So that something began to exist at the very beginning - I need emptiness. At first she is just necessary. Therefore, I have to start with emptiness.

As one of my friend said that in the old schools of painting of this master, it was distinguished by this - could a painter reflect the presence of air on its web, could it create an air mass presence effect in the picture.

Emptiness ... No, I certainly would not try to do it ... for is it Is it possible to convey what is not? Yes. Exactly. What is not ... what's wrong? But, if the items can be placed in emptiness, and - if these items are, you should not be explicitly, that even the emptiness then, after these items, is there?

But now I have nothing yet. Even emptiness. That is, the image of emptiness. Void, where to start posting something else. Only clean sheets of paper. Or not. Empty, with flashing cursor - monitor screen ...

Emptiness ... free space. Excess volume. Space. It is even difficult to say what kind of emptiness it is. Is it completely transparent, without color, and is invisible, so that the rays of the light can peel it ... or - black, as a non-beast night, to easily swallow everything that it falls into it ... And it is impossible to immediately say that she carries people: feeling of delight, joy and freedom, or - boredom, anxiety, burden and fear? And it is impossible to immediately say when people are insanely good, and when - so that it is not worse: when her too much, emptiness, or - when is it catastrophically lacking?

But in our life it is something that is sometimes in prosperity, sometimes too much, and sometimes it does not take it catastrophically. Noise, rushing - on the street; Cabinets, chairs, books, crying a child, eternal reproaches of the mother-in-houses; And in the kitchen - thunder plates; The neighbors on the right - music plays loudly; And the neighbors on the left - someone loudly knocks something. And, in general, the world is becoming more complicated and more difficult, and unnecessary things in the house every year becomes more and more.

Therefore, perhaps somehow very, for a long time, some good wizard took care of all. About everyone at once. He created a lot of emptiness. He created so much a lot of emptiness that she lightningly scattered in all directions and in the entire inconspicuous wider. And it became so much that the dimensions of it are still not yet subject to even the daring imagination of any of the beings, ever existed and nominated in this unrefined universe.

And then, so that it was not boring, this huge mythical magician scattered his powerful stars. Stars, which were crumbled by intricate placers of dazzling diamonds, from very meager to unimaginably huge, from white and white and white - to brightly red. The planets also scattered, which immediately pulled to the largest stars and started round dance around them. And for the picture to be even more interesting, the same nobody is known to the magician, fooled fantastic enheaic nebulae, gone and penetrating cosmos here and there ... Now it remains to add some living beings to this world, which could fly among all these numerous and dazzling Beautiful stars and nebulae, could fly so high ... More precisely, it is so far as soon as it allows you to fly in all sides, the endless emptiness ...

The topic of the universe was beloved for fantastic flights of his thoughts. He was from another galaxy. It can be said that he was generally from the opposite side of the universe. He was from the distant Tairs system. Thershea - so called his homeland.

The smoke ribbon crossed the review by an unknown nebula, which opened for the eyes in this corner of the universe panorama. Yes, ... It was a piece of the universe in a completely different end of her end.

In a completely different end. And therefore it was a unique piece of her. Unique from the point of view of Tairsian scientists. Because he was the opposite piece of space, a place from the other edge, from another pole. And so he could have all possible anomalies at once. Anomalies again from the point of view of Tearsians, but which could pass for the ordinary phenomena of space for local edges ...

And now he is here. Completely uninhabited at first glance, the wild sector of the distant cosmos. But now he was transformed. Whole Armada starry ships, lined in combat orders, stamped this sector. Squadre Arakua. "Snake Skadre" - a joke called her Taersians. Great many of the most incredible ships! Here it is the majestic, legendary and invincible Armada. Put their ships here and there for several light years.

Lined them in combat order at a distance of several dozen light minutes to the light hour between individual ships ... and somewhere here, among these mysterious overflows and folds of this emission nebula, a few tens of local stars, several parties of their world were lost. The world, which includes many planets-metropolis in different corners of this galaxy and more large quantity The planets are their colonies ... Somewhere in these fantastic luminous patterns of local nebula, their two major world were lost - two neighboring stars stars and dechatrics - precisely from here and began to build their empire, and now - became the full lords of the whole galaxy . And their ships flooded all the local living worlds. They just bicked all the local space intersections.

Uh-uh! Yes, they have their own "snake" corporation! - joked den.

It is here - the heart of the empire of Arakua, here - where in the center of the constellation there are systems of decorations and decartes, and there is still a whole garland from their sisters: Denia, Decks, Devons and Kiney. And it was here that the global corporation rushed here. It was here that she sent her research ships.

No, Tearsians were not going to change the order existing in this sector ... no. But they needed this piece of space world. Too many secrets he contained. Secrets and secrets of the space device. Here, as anywhere in the Universe, in this galaxy, various space anomalies were concentrated. And it is here, according to the assumptions of scientists of Tairsian minds, and hid the universe all their most important, but not yet revealed and still missing complete knowledge Secrets. And they lacked a few pieces of this amazing mosaic ... a few small fragments to create new world. The world that will be more graceful than the one that has already been created by the previous magician. Which will contain in itself, finally, the most bold dreams of all beings ever inhabited the world. The new world, but on the knowledge of the world of existing. The world, which, despite its grandiositia, will be obedient, and will perform the slightest attitude of his inhabitants. And where everything impossible will finally become their reality.

That is why the Universe of the Universe of the Universe appeared in this sector. They investigated this galaxy at the other end of the universe to draw up, finally, the full picture of the universe.

Galaxy Arakua. "Snake Squades."

It was a very interesting galaxy. She was huge. Her limits extended to good million light years. And with each afternoon she became even more. For some inexplicable pattern, it grew in its sizes, capturing all the large and large spaces of the universe. And the stars located on its outskirts, more and more flew apart from each other in different directions. In addition, it should be added that it was isolated from other sectors of the universe even more enormous distance. And moreover, this galaxy also moved! She was farther and further was removed, according to the same inexplicable pattern, rushing away from the center of the Universe, everything was further for all its conscious borders. It was countless stars and other objects. And it was impossible to flesh on ordinary engines. And there, there and there - all over this sector of the Universe - the Aracian worlds and their colonies were scattered. And hundreds of five of their metropolis managed to all the local chunks of the Universe - the entire local galaxy.

And now - here it is, in the very center of the Galaxy, the squadron of Arakua. "Snake Squades." And the name of the "snake" as it is impossible to fit the Aracian squadron: their ships could distort the space in front of themselves. Because of such a distortion, the ship was actually not there, wherever he had to be - such a kind and unexpected zigzag in space. This is especially impressive as they looked when they built their starships in combat order. Immediately several lines of ships began to squirm suddenly - quickly and unpredictably change their location. Arachana could show the location of their ship here - then there, and each of their ship has changed his position, all this happened rather quickly and unexpectedly, so that the enemy could somehow navigate and apply his weapon. They seemed to be near, but, on the other hand, they were not really there, because they were visible to be illusion, and they themselves could be anywhere nearby. And they constantly continued to change their location. It turned out just fantastic zigzags! But their ships, despite their fantastic zigzags, remained somehow connected in their combat orders, so that at any moment to engage their fighting power in joint impact. Yes, they perfectly changed the location, and the usual tactical weapons are laser blarsters, plasma guns, gravitational bombs - were against them powerless. But Tairsians had a weapon of a different kind. Weapons of a fundamentally different nature ...

And at one fine moment, the ships of the Global Corporation simply appeared in this sector of the Universe. As if broke out from another dimension. Yes, they simply fell out in a gaspile nebula, somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200btwo decoction systems and decartes ... they simply fell right from the opposite end of the universe. For Tairsians came up with how to travel through the light. How to travel without crossing the endless space, but simply create your terminals in the place that it would be necessary for them. Therefore, Tairsian ships could easily appear in this galaxy. They could unexpectedly, just like ghosts, appear here and also suddenly disappear from here, could turn into dust, in the mirage, in the ghostly glow, to the illusory image, which only hesitated when it came into this place in this place. Their ships were invulnerable to Arakuans. No, they could not distort the space as Aracians. Operators at the other end just pulled out the ship back, and - all: he was already at the other end of the world, and there he could not get his Aracians there ... the ship was already at the other end of the world, in another dimension, and at this end instead of him The ghost remained, who gradually dissolved and finally turned into a black emptiness ... But after some time, this emptiness could again shine, nagged and - to turn into a Tairsian ship again - this is how the Tairsian ships were falling out of another space.

Yes, and they had a weapon of a completely different kind. Not some tactical blarsters or gravitational bombs ... They could dissemble all their numerous snake Armad into this weapon. All their Armadad with their two systems, as well as along with all their "serpentine" galaxy. Yes, the power of their weapons was to become the gods themselves. But to disseminate anything in the shreds is usually much easier than the same to recreate ... In addition, global weapons always have one problem. Question of control. In such ambitious scales, the weapon happens, refuses to be monitored. That here, then there, it strives to grab even more destruction than it was planned by its parameters and was required by the situation. And every time it seeks to escape from under control and live independently, in addition to the will of their creators, not wanting and not going to pacify their destructive appetite. And the past tests of the Tairsian hellish car were successful. Yes, they were successful in terms of destruction. But they were held in much smaller volumes compared to the fact that the situation required now ... and the consequences of the even small use of this weapon were still not controlled by even the tests themselves. On the outskirts of their galaxy, where they spent these tests, now there was an abnormal zone, the growth of which now hardly managed to restrain. This zone now very much resembled a hole in the universe ... a hole from the Universe - directly to hell ... A whole system with a class of class B fifth star magnitude and with three gas giants disappeared forever in this hole ... The experiment was code name - 2251- 3. But now there gaped the hole, which tormented to suck into one another neighboring system ... Real Gate to hell. And in order not to give this monstrous hole to grow up - the tearsians were forced to create all new and new terminals there, building all new and new bases there and constantly keep their research vessels there.

Global Corporation.

Corporation. Global. Global it means - everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. We wake up with her, together with her and we fall asleep, we live with it. It penetrated all corners, even in the most remote and most intimate corners of our existence. The day starts with the news from the corporation and ends with a click of the light switch with its logo on the back of the cover that goes on the team of your voice in the evening lamp with the corporation logo on its stand. It penetrated all corners in this universe. In all worlds. In all civilizations. And even there in space, where there are no civilizations - there are objects of a global corporation. And where there is a corporation, on these objects - new colonies appear. And where it is not necessary - these objects remain just technical objects. But, in any case, along with these objects, she has eyes, ears in all places in the universe, ears and there is power. It is much easier for business with alien civilizations. Initially, they need to give all sorts of things with a brand global corporation. Many things. Many robots. Many mechanisms. Many new pleasures and entertainment. A lot of everything. Lots of. In sufficient quantity. In full abundance. And after a while they will not live without a global corporation. And, in any case, her in all places in the universe there are eyes, ears, there are subjects, and there is power! In general, this is a corporation that has everything except borders. But in each phenomenon there is a major secret. The most real main secret, which, if it becomes known to someone who is known to be known to be, can turn into his own - this phenomenon - Achilles heel. And the corporation had its main secret. The secret of her globality. He really was.

Well, and what do you think it is - this global corporation? What it is? This is not an organization, and not a huge such commercial firm, no. This is neither a united government. And this is neither a group of people there. Not at all. It's nothing. How it is nothing, tell me? How can something be anything, if it is called and if it has almost global power in the universe? Yes indeed?

Well, let's say, it can be something that is simply assembled by the idea - to be something global. Just: to be global, understand? But to be more accurate, then this is something that is assembled - it is still not the corporation itself. This is what was assembled, then appeared. So it turns out that the corporation is just nothing, some idea. In real understanding is nothing. Well, however, in fact, the idea is not at all as some people think there is not nothing. And with such a supplement can already be corrected, it can be said that the Global Corporation is just something like the idea - to become global. To manage and move everything, even if some of this all thinks that they move themselves. The idea is to become the Absolute, something like the Divine, to become something so global, fill the rest of the world, even despite the fact that there is still someone else who wants to continue to remain. Well, now - the final part of the secret, because without her, she would not have been told to the end and continued to remain. This corporation is to ensure its prosperity, united all scientists of the Universe minds, the whole world mind, all scientific potential !!! And she organized his work and sent it in the right direction and in the right direction. For if you can flourish in a modern vast world, then how, if not at the expense of science? Therefore, the global corporation broke into our lives. She spread her possessions everywhere in the world. In every house, and everywhere in the universe.

And of course, it is impossible not to say about the machines. A car. Friend of human. The work of scientific progress, technical genius and ... human stupidity. Perfect inability to do anything on your own ... well, oh well, sorry, burst. Let's return to the topic. Cars. Cars. Cars. There is no limits of a field of technical thought. What kind of them can be different, cars! And what only they can not do, these kissing. And how are they hardworking! As accurate. And how are consistent. Yes, you can rely on them. So, continue ...

Global Corporation. Harmony. Everything is subordinate to the strict need. Nothing extra. People and cars. Everything is very simple. Everything is very effective. Everything is very rational. No effort. Everything is easy. No complications. No intermediate links. Machines are needed to make their work, and people need cars to make someone used this work. And the global corporation is needed to make these cars and control the order between these people, as well as between people and machines. Everything else should remain outside the colonies, on the same blue planet, which burned in the flame of the exploded yellow star, or in open space, for example.

And what about the advice, you ask, and - you will be right. Yes, it has its own advice. Council of Global Corporation. And there are the most worthy, the most intelligent, the most fair and wisdom of people! But the Corporation is not a firm, not a group of people and not the government. This is nothing. In the material plan it is nothing. If you say more precisely, in the material plan is nothing, because it is just an idea. The idea and all of this Mahina, with all its numerous planets, space objects, various races and civilizations and their countless stars, which were collected by this idea. And maybe some advice to move such Mahine and manage such an idea that gathered all this, move at least a little? Or will this idea can move the rest of the world with the help of your advice?


He was from the distant Tairs system. Thershea - so called his homeland. The entire system of mighty taders with its 40 planets, 35 of which (natural and artificially created objects) were in the middle zone and were colonized. And he, of course, was from the first colonists who stepped at the first object of Terse. Colonists who flew from Finobia. Yes, he was born on Finobia. His parents ... His parents ... And then the story is repeated again. His parents were the first settlers who arrived at Finobia and Fiore. There they arrived in the first expedition, they found each other there, and they met there. And then their son grew up and conquered TERS. And they say that his great-grandfather ... that the great-grandfather was with the Ordaus. Yes, from the very orders, which hid in the vicinity of Altair. And that his relative line begins, with ... One very distant his relative, so far that Ben has not been able to establish the degree of his relationship, so this relative was with the very blue planet, in the system of yellow star, that very Even further than Altair, and with which the very first wave of colonization of the distant space began. And now the Rasa Zesimeols was scattered in the most different parts Universe. Now the corporation was Thershesa, aellika, an Empire of Ordaus and, of course, the Fire Arphenius. Now the corporation covered 30 galaxies of the local Milky Way group!

He was a cosmetter of grade 12 of the Third Expeditionary Corps and was the pride of the Tairsian Fleet. And it was he who led this expedition ... And as a soldier he understood that if he was needed, he should not think of performing this monstrous order. Yes, the local edges are quite removed from his native galaxy ... and they were not just removed. They were almost in the opposite end of the universe. Further just can not be ... But he was very knowledgeable about the results of the experiment 2251-3. And the alarming doubt threaded his soul. Will this expedition become a new era in the history of Tersei or turn into its end?

He stood on the site of the commander of the expeditionary building. At the site of the captain of the flagship ship. Ben. High slender chatenec, with classic correct features - big blue eyes, flawless shape straight nose, slim figure - It seemed that everything was right in it: the features of the face, posture, every his movement and any of his thought. And all this is how it is impossible to be successfully combined in one person. As if he tried to keep harmony in everything: to be wise and fair, to hold honest principles and the right goals. Soft and smooth in their movements, he as if all consisted of harmony.

And now he led ten Tairsian ships. And they accompanied their ten military cruisers of the Star Fleet. Because it was unusual ships. On board each of them - in the devilish thing. According to the devilish thing, which there were no eternal ever existed, because it could come up with only the devilish sick imagination. Yes-a. Integrate this could only fucking devilish imagination. And you can only assume how these cars appeared on the light of God. One can only guess that the poor fellow who came up with all this, was a devilish sickly sick person ... or not. Perhaps he was healthy, but simply in that poor fellow the devilish imagination was established ... imagination or devilish fantasy. Yes. This small one sort of was a good man, but the devilish fantasy simply settled in him, according to which such a thing could be discarded in some remote sector of the universe, and she could "roll out", and more precisely, "devour" space within one- Two stars with all its contents, i.e. With these systems themselves. Or - a whole galaxy, if you type such things, say, with a dozen and arrange them in a certain way, in proportion to the mass concentration in this galaxy and according to any other such scientific damnity ... He thought for a moment, looking straight in front of him.

Ten Tairsian ships. And now they will all appear right in the Arakuan zone. They seem to break out of another dimension. They will appear simultaneously somewhere at the distance of the light hour from each other. From the part, it may seem to see that they seem to arise from nowhere, from another dimension. The space zadrocks, worshius, as if it starts to melt, and ships will begin to manifest, directly from the void. And as soon as this happens, this mysterious nebula will again be broken on the panoramic review. The nebula, which one day, at the time of his first appearance here, so shocked his imagination and since then attracted to himself and called.

But on the panoramic review, she broke out again, this mysterious nebula. And in her center, holograms depicting Arachan ships appeared ... "As if already waited," he thought.

Commanderm, Aracians began fighting rebuildings!

His assistant was his full opposite. Deniel. Dan. Iron Dan. Once upon a time - commander of a military cruiser, later - director of the secretary research facility closed from simple eyes, and now his assistant. The angular, little impetuous in movements, coarse in manners and sharp in his judgments, he was distinguished by complete uncompromising and inconvenient will. In addition, he was very hard. He as if all consisted of stone muscles, zhwals and tendons. And as soon as he appeared in the expeditionary building - the Knuckle "Iron Dan" firmly rushed towards him. He never reasoned, did not hesitate, and did not give to hesitate to others. And - was a very direct person. The philosophical surveys were not his lot and left him indifferent.

Commander, Aracians started fighting rebuildings! It seemed that his assistant in his thoughts had already separated the anigisors.

Holograms depicting Abaran ships began to jump in space, drawing zigzags in chains of their constructions. And this sinister picture could fascinate any uninitiated viewer, but for the dedicated she did not promise anything good ...

Navigator, check availability through the channel of reverse teleportation in the Galaxy "Milky Way"!

Colonel of Kanok, activate space annigilants by 0.5%!

Lieutenant Sky, send intergalactic call sign!

Yes, the events inevitably developed in more and more unfavorable direction. Arakuan ships began fighting rebuildings. This means that they noticed us. This means that they meet us as enemies. And at any time they can attack us with their volley. This means that less and less opportunity remains for negotiations. And this means that less and less time remains to launch these hellish cars.

And we just need to pick up the logbook and the container with "Memory" and with the database with Aphrodite. The database in the hands of Aracuans.

The theme of the universe was his beloved for fantastic flights ... But Ironically, it was he who was, without thinking, to give an order about the launch of this black hellish car ... He thought for a moment, looking right in front of him: "Lord Well, why am I ? And why these creatures were the same as we, Humanoids? Where are they from here? Why in their place, on this edge of the universe, not to be any reptiles as on Antaltsis, or insecting creatures as on Aldezon. Why humanoids? And why are they so similar to us? General ancestors? Perhaps? Is it possible to have common ancestors and live at different ends of the universe? And why, with similar appearance, are they so different from us in their manners and in behavior? Why are so insidious in your behavior? Yes, they of course in this great from us are different, but killing them - do we not kill ourselves? "

And here he is a cosmic apocalypse. The theme of many historical scriptures and religious beliefs. The trump end of many predictors. Does it affect one of the extreme galaxy or with time "shut" the whole universe? Yes, he was very knowledgeable about the results of the experiment 2251-3. And to whom, as it was not for him very well, it was clear that the phenomenon of annihilation of the space is still not subject to the will of the Humanoids .. and the result of this - "hole in the hell", which has already gaped on the place of Antarcis. Ben understood that they could start the process of annihilation of space and then did not finish it when necessary.

He was one of the twenty scientists who stood at the origins of a new project ... a project, which can not be a grand. Project to create a new universe. "Project of the Gods". And that is why he was one of the first to appear in this sector of the Universe. And is it really possible to fulfill the prophecy of the ancestors in the brutal irony of fate? The prophecy, which was so popular in the period when he was still a child, the prophecy, which he knew in those years: and young and old. Which was started in a thousand novels, and was rolling in a thousand fantastic militants: "And will conquer the universe one who will turn her and recognize her true sizes. And yes, he will master it, it is undisputed and hurts her power over it ... And let it be capable of creating a new universe one who will master the old ... but will destroy her anyone who learns to destroy the emptiness to create it !!! "

He, of course, had a relation to the experiment 2251-3. Yes, the antaltsis system with its three gas giants disappeared in a space hole. Yes, they rolled the space in the area of \u200b\u200bone light hour. And together with this space, Antaltsis has disappeared with its satellites - three gas giants. And the process of annihilation at the end of the experiment was not until the end stopped - everything seemed to be more than convincing ... and, despite this, he now, according to the Council's plan, was to personally give a team of activation and the separation of 10 such Hell Machines. Thersians were to throw off annihilants and disappear from this horror on the channels of reverse teleportation ...

"Project of the Gods".

It all started with the discovery that made it possible to create densities. Five parts of the guys learned to create dense masses to create different directed emissions. It was a prototype of matter. Studies aroused great interest, and soon their author's team rose to ten people. They began to explore - how the density obtained is located in space and in time, and how all this is the density itself, space and time - it turns out to be interrelated with each other, and how it could be learned to manage better. And they swung not on small - they decided to learn how to create a lot of matter and space. And after this, one of them, whose name was not as otherwise as Ben, suddenly suggested some plan how to create a new universe. The rest, though, could not understand what he meant. And, moreover, they could not talk to him with him, comprehending what he had suggested quite recently ... But then they worked a lot again, and they had another breakthrough - they learned to send any objects in any Other point in space! The project was immediately taken under custody with a global corporation and a whole system of objects in open space with several bases, observatories, polygons, a whole scientific flotillary of cosmolets, and a numerous army of employees were allocated. Now in the project there were as many twenty directions, which were headed by twenty supergenial scientists. And now they began to reach the meaning of the ingenious proposal of Ben. And they finally began to study his plan and believed in the possibility of this. And they called their project - "Project of the Gods". But now they were certainly not so free to engage in free surveys as before. Now there was a hard order and order of the corporation. Now it was necessary to make new starships and special terminals for them. Fundamentally new cars that would allow their compatriots to be at any point of the universe. In anyone, which only was possible to calculate or calculate, in any, which was amenable to mathematical description. And this project was implemented. It was a revolution in cosmia navigation. It was a breakthrough in science. And the ships flew into different ends of the world, flew, returning with new victories, for now the humanoids conquered space and now they could have everything that was in the universe and even, perhaps - and the most universe. The most universe ... But not by other humanoids. And they now received the masses of new discoveries, because the situation was right from the corporation - starships. ..

And ships flew into different ends of the world, and scientists returned again to the project itself and to their task - to create a new universe! The next goal was the next goal - to create space. And they turned their bright eyes into the universe itself, where there were many strange places. Scientists wanted to find places where space was created.

After all, many remote areas of the universe and whole galaxies flew apart from each other with large, sometimes fantastic speeds. And for many millennia, scientists broke the head to explain because of what all this happens. But, finally, one of them, of course, no one, like all the same Ben, did not slapped himself on his forehead and did not say: but they are all scattered with cosmic rates simply because in those places between them Let a lot of space be created! And there were those places where the space disappeared. It disappeared or retracted into these areas as in the vacuum cleaner ... and was absorbed, disappeared along with everything, of course, that in itself and contained.

And ships flew into different ends of the world, flew, returning with new victories, for now the humanoids conquered space and now they could possess all the secrets that they were in the universe ... and Ben was one of the first astronauts, and there was no equal in art Navigation, in the search and detection of objects necessary for research ...

But they could not find places where this space in the Universe was created. There were these places at all were not determined in the universe, none of the scientists knew where it was exactly what was happening, and it was not easy to find them. But they found a lot of anomalies ... After all, they could achieve any of them with such ships ... And it was much easier, because they were accurately defined in the universe in their position ... Black holes ...

Black holes. Poles of the Universe. Maybe this is what she keeps? The same elephants standing on a huge turtle, these energy monsters. Energy inside. Gate to hell. Guardian death. And the angels of rebirth. If you say that the world begins at the star, then it is definitely ends here ...

And then he had an assistant. Deniel. Iron Deniel. Former military cosmetter ... Also a navigation master and ... Protege on the part of the global corporation ... And then he said: "To learn how to create space, we need to learn at least to destroy it! Guys, especially with our hands! "

Then followed more work, and they again had a breakthrough. Although they did not learn how to create space, they learned to destroy it. Destroy and cause its disappearance. And the curiosity of course, of course, first of all, touched upon the most abnormal and most mysterious galaxy at the other end of the world - the galaxy of Arakua. Therefore, Corporation ships appeared in this galaxy. And Taersians now began to visit here regularly. Then when they needed it, without bothering themselves long journey. Their ships could appear here unexpectedly, simply as ghosts, and also suddenly disappear from here, could turn into dust, in a mirage, in a ghostly glow, into an illusory image, which only hesitated when hitting this scene of the Terrible Arakuan Slopa.


Tairsian ships were invulnerable to Arakuans. No, they could not distort the space as acaruances. Operators at the other end simply pulled the ship back, and - all: he was already at the other end of the world, and there he could not get his acaruances ... The ship was already at the other end of the world, in another dimension, and at this end instead of him The ghost remained, which gradually dissolved and finally turned into a black emptiness ... But after a while, this emptiness could again shine, he bare and - to turn into a Tairsian ships again: this is how the Tairsian ships were falling out of another space.

Yes, Tairsian ships could easily appear here. And they were practically not vulnerable. But were invulnerable until the end of the tunnel remained. Tearsians might keep open ten or two tunnels. These were "passages" in space, if so this can be called, starting with some "starting" places near their scientific base in their galaxy and ending in some places of the Arakuan zone, for which calculations were performed. Starship "Jumping" in such a place to Aracians and then went to the desired object on ordinary engines. Therefore, their ships were really not vulnerable, but not vulnerable - only remaining in these places of exit. But as soon as they shifted relative to them, they turned into ordinary ships vulnerable to weapons.

With its first appearance, Tairsians offered the Aracians to enter into contact with them. And what was their surprise when the Aracians were evolved from him. And moreover, - when they found that Aracians avoid meetings with them in every way. It was an unexplained phenomenon for a reasonable race. But soon everything became apparent ... Nothing foreshadowed the tragedy. Tairsians, and without having achieved hospitality of their brothers, but also without having a direct reproot of their part, decided to act. It was their first mistake ... Research work began.

It happened ten days ago. Aphrodite. Pearl of Iberia Research Fleet. She was simply stupid by scientific devices. And every time she delivered all a bunch of research material from their flights, which brought scientists to a fanatical trepidation. But her crew / commander was a gullible humanoid / man. Instead of being a good predictor. And Aphrodite went to the Arakuan zone, made regular raids on the same corridor. And the Aracuans seemed to continue to avoid contacts and did not show any interest to the appearances of Tersian ships. But, as it turned out, Aphrodite attracted them more than other ships. And they quickly calculated the place in which Aphrodite appeared. And they most likely became clear that the same ship could not leave so quickly and come from some surrounding surroundings. Especially since the ship disappeared in emptiness and appeared from nowhere, ignoring all the nearby surroundings, it was clear that he runs in some truly remote zone somehow an unusual way. And it became interesting, and they also decided to explore. And the best for them it turned out to be done ... a volley ... Once, not far from the site of the appearance of Aphrodites, there were several Arachan ships. Somehow they calculated the place and the frequency of its occurrence in their zone and hit their volley on Aphrodite immediately after her next appearance, in one moment the collapse of it into pieces. And after another period of days, one of the transmission stations installed at the end of one of the corridors of the communication relayed a fragment of an attempt to penetrate the onboard computer data from a destroyed ship. Aracians also started their research work ... Of course it is clear that they were at the other end of the world, and they did not have such space management technologies, and they could not create such corridors. But now they knew that such technologies exist with the torsians, and they knew that they had any other people's corridors right under his nose and, if they opened the Aphrodite data bank - they now knew where we were and where our home was native!

They had a huge galaxy ... an abnormally huge galaxy ... and this galaxy was, as no other is saturated with all sorts of objects and filled with any energy and substance. The universe was generous to Aracians. But they have not yet been able to achieve other Galaxies of the Universe. Because their galaxy was removed from the nearest even for a more abnormal distance than its size. And now ... Now, following Aphrodite to visit them, other ships followed in their galaxy, but already with other names: Cyclops, Cerber, Lucifer, Gorgon, Elephant, Aida, Vesuvius and Anaconda. A led them - Zeus and Admiral. And the commander at Zeus was, of course, Ben. And on the admiral ... Nowhere else is there, there was an observer of the Corporation Council, in the past the commander of the 5 intergalactic corps of the star fleet. And one of his former subordinates, commander of the Star Cruiser of Athena, was, toli by random coincidence, Toli deliberately - at the neighboring Zeus. And there was this man anyone else like Deniel. Yes! The same "Iron Dan" - Assistant Commander of Ben! The same Deniel, who was a commander of a combat starship in the past, and - Director of the secret laboratory, even recently ...

Yes, the card is now set large rate. Such a large thing that there was no bigger game ... a whole civilization. And a whole galaxy. Ben felt that circumstances were already moving his forward, and he was not able to resist them. Such awareness sometimes suddenly comes to mind when you suddenly realize that you no longer control them, and they are. And as happens at such moments, Ben first felt a lot of panic, but then I coped with her and began to look for a way out of the whole situation: "Yes, Iron Dan nearby. All these ships, who came here with him, are also relatively nearby, they are somewhere here, are crushed in the vicinity of the local galaxy within several light years. Another half of the world is now far away, but will meet us when we reiterate in our native galaxy.

Yes, the pilots of Zeus - Finobians, maybe supported Ben, but the engineering building ... and the entire weapon service is coming from Ordaus, in the case of Ben's disagreements with an adviser on the admiral, they will rather stand on the side of Iron Dan. And among them there are several pilots, in the past flying on the starry fleet ships. All against Aracuans. However, no one forced them to attack Aphrodite! Should they answer for their actions in the end! We are obliged to reset the annihilators if they once again refuse negotiations and will not give us the fragments of Aphrodites along with its onboard magazine and the entire data bank from its on-board computer. With the data bank, locked, as well as compressed and mixed protection in a terrible abrakadabra, which, judging by the level of development of the Akuan informatics, will remain not hacked by some more weeks.

"The second half of the world in the person of the Council believes that it will be safe if he destroys the first, refused to issue data from Aphrodites. Supposedly destroying so dangerous enemy, We will really be safe, because the Aracians are still isolated in their Black Snake Galaxy, because they have not yet learned to overcome intergalactic distances on their screak stars, which are so abnormally great to neighboring galaxies, as anomalous and all of their Chestov Galaxy! "

"And in fact, this is their trouble that they refuse to communicate. And they are not very lucky that they live in their own, albeit a big, but isolated world. And that their world is so removed from other worlds. And therefore it is quite acceptable if any demigods from another dimension can reset their terrible divine pieces that devour the emptiness, and that there will be no Aracian in the whole universe. Such a merciless fee for the security of demigods ... "

"After all, he may consider the demigods that the Aracians are so removed from other worlds and isolated in their galaxy with a huge distance - together with all their galaxies can be moved with one time to hell through all these annihilants so that they do not create more for them, these demigods , problems ... "

"And maybe all this world went crazy?"

And, whenever Ben thought that now he must give the order about the launch of all these hellish cars, everyone, since the one that he is on Zeus ... Whenever he tried to open his mouth to extract from This fateful team - the deck of the captain's bridge went out of his feet, and he felt that it seems like he hangs right in the air, that it seems he is not at all he, and it covered the tetanus and the sound of his throat was not removed ...

And you in one moment suddenly you can suddenly find that you have already made a lot of strength and no longer drives the course of events, and they, these forces, drive everything around through you. Once he thought he would change the life that ships would fly, and that he would conquer the world, and in one day he would put the universe to the legs of mankind. Yes, once he thought he would change his life, but one morning suddenly discovered that life changed him. And he was one of the first in the team of military Korshuns of all the masters, crazy scientists - adherents of annihilators and members of the Council.

The central video appeared an image of an observer from the board who was on the admiral, and his voice rang out of the speakers:

What are you slow, captain! Aracians are preparing for attack! Do you want to risk another our ship, captain? Want to break our mission? - His diverse voice in rage was growling and rumbled throughout the captain's logging. It seemed that he proceeds directly from the holographic image. All those present frozen and slightly strained their muscles, leaving and occupying subsequent poses.

We must lose these damn things, if we want to get back home, captain! You know that only then the reverse channels of teleportation will again open and miss our ships back!

Or you do not want to get back home, Ben?

A small pause hung in the air. It seemed that the tension increases even more. Ben understood that he was unable to confront this powerful voice, distributed from the speakers. I wonder how it turns out, he thought that a person was within a few light hours from here and exerted on all such pressure here? How does he cause such a strong desire to obey? The cautious voice of Iron Dan continued to attack:

Captain, we will create another new galaxy here, the same as this. And it will even be even better than this, because it will not be flooded with such frozen and cunning humanoids. And we destroy this. It will be just before we create a new universe! It will be ours thesis! After all, before creating something - you need to destroy anything, captain!

Like this! You wake up once and discover that you are already just an ordinary gear in this huge mechanism. And already connected to you already many strength and you are in the very center of effort. And for these last years You never noticed how I turned into an ordinary gear of this large mechanism. And he already rotates you to overlapping the rest of the world. And you no longer decide. Decide through you ... with you. Once your dream was to change the whole world. But at one point you suddenly realize that this world has long changed you.

And your former ideas: I am strong, I am a powerful, I am fair, I will change the whole world - already an illusion created by you in the past. Seen once, you're great devoted from your way. And then everything turned into such an illusion. And now you don't already give this button. These are others put on her finger, writing your name in history. And they don't care what the descendants will say, and with what letters your name will be recorded - black or gold ... They will give you back, and you will need to answer ... and how it turned out that you didn't see how it was in this harness, and I did not see who at her end. They put on the button they are, but you will need to answer you ... I'll have to answer you ... you ... to you!

Yes, now Ben has no longer doubted - the world accurately went crazy ...

Ancient manuscript.

He looked at the casket ... an impeccable surface. Sparkling varnish. Expensive tree. Inlaid inlays. Scene of ancient battle. Fight. Some bizarre, ancient, but very militant creatures. Rarity. Rare rarity. And by some miracle she is now. It got from some long-range relative ... and this despite the fact that in modern society no one for a long time does not attach importance to all kinds of relationships, and they quickly dissolve. The main thing is to have a means of movement to "kerosene" in the galaxy. And yet - the means to buy fuzzles, equipment, and then find some kind of mine somewhere on an abandoned outskirts, you know? Relatives here are not at all. You take some murderous ultra-speed "sharpened" with all possible alterations from the best private professionals. Such a interceptor who moves against all the rules of official science and contrary to all licenses and corporate controlposts. Well, not to relatives on the same fly to visit? Of course not. You take such a "sharpened", buy the most detailed star cards, score the ship to all necessary for the next coming years, you collect all your own, like you, harsh friends and "burn" throughout the galaxy here and there. Alsight - until they stop the planet, rich in some very rare stone rock, absolutely necessary for high technology corporation and fuck, blast, drill it, until finally, in a few years you do not have the need Hire a dozen huge trucks. And - the thing is in the hat! And you wait until these calories are accomplished to the destination. Yes, of course, these trucks with your cargo should now have to fly, and all together, it is exactly the place you need and which you indicated. Of course, they should not be confused or dissolve somewhere in the depths of this endless space. In this bottomless void ... But this is a question of your personal presence on one of them or immediately on several, you and your faithful friends, or the question of your personal connections in the intergalactic police, where one of your childhood friends took some responsible post. And your relatives are not at all. If only the case does not concern relatives who have a cargo shipping company in their property. Moreover, all this you need to have time to do before serving in the Star Fleet! BEFORE! Because the service can definitely delay indefinitely! And if you already have such a minor, it is already quite another thing! And the service can now be no longer on the star fleet, and you will not serve you, but they will serve you on these of your caloes, where you transport your ore and jewelry ... And suddenly you have a distant one in the midst of this Relatives living in one of the colonies of the neighboring system, which someday wanted you! Such a squabble uncle. You see, in pursuit of his luck, he completely lost his roots. Yes, of course, this casket is clearly not from the world of this. There are no such materials in the interior items, very long ago. Voice of distant ancestors or even - a gift of the gods! Casket of centuries. Message from ancient ancestors. More those who still lived in the old world. On the blue planet of the yellow star. But this relative was clearly not in themselves. He squandered, which of the colonizers appeared here first, and who flew later. And who from whose relatives were. And then, here it was nothing to do, he found the distant descendants of these relatives. And on the death of one of them, in view of the fact that he also had breakdowns with all related ties, and there was not a single heir, at the end of this descendant, found him some property that had some value. The property it was value, since it was still since those ancient times and with the very planet with which all these adventures began, and all these colonies began, and then disappeared into the flame scattered to the size of supergiant, before such a gentle and so warm - Yellow star. So, this property has already been put up for sale in one of the antique shops. And, perhaps, it had some value, but it was clearly not a starship, at which it was possible to "burn" until the mine lost in the depths of the cosmos ... Therefore, of course he was very ecked, this uncle. Nostalgic experiences in their lost roots, constant melancholy and all that. And now he turned out to be this box that it cost him a lot of money, and one of relatives Now it was restored at least thus. Of course, the life of Homo Sapiens does not last forever, and perhaps the less it becomes, the greater the value of all relatives and related roots, but it simply does not apply to me. Just does not apply to everything. Therefore, I patiently listened that he had no one already, and that only I was now the latest offense from the most ancient dynasty of the colonists. And also: how little it remains, and what a big value is this box, and no matter how I wanted me to give it together with all the contents of my future descendants, so that the tradition, and to be, and the genus is not interrupted.

Yes, there was a content. And all this should have been transferred precisely with all its contents, and it was very important, because the descendant, from which she was in an antique store, dying, he was also visible, he was also a little abnormal with his relative roots, very worried that the contents were not separated from this box. I remember my disappointment when I revealed this box and found some old manuscript there. Maybe she certainly also presented the value for linguists who study the languages \u200b\u200bof ancient civilizations, or historians, or ethnographers who studied their life. But I, of course, I was not interested, this manuscript. It was then studied for a long time and translated, and there was a lot of ancient philosophy, descriptions of some kind of predatory wonderful creatures, exterminating each other, and there even it was written about those times when people struggle with each other. Fought with each other or prepared to fight with someone, studying some very exotic types of martial arts. I was preparing to fight with someone, not even knowing with whom. And they had some martial arts, and they fought among themselves, often bare hands, without robots and without weapons, with each other, own initiative, and not even by the will of the Global Corporation! And how now it was not real. After all, on the colonies, everything has long been subordinate to strict discipline and strict order. There has been complete agreement for a long time ago and complete harmony, everyone is satisfied with everyone and no one is fighting with anyone. And there are no wonderful living beings. No one except people. Only people and robots. Well, though there are still different cars. Only people, robots and cars. People robots and cars. Machines and space ships. And no animals there. Therefore, all this was not clear, snakes, birds, martial arts and battle and all this is very unrealistic. But the very first section is interested. He remembered the moment when he read a piece of his translation:

"But, sometimes, some of these reckless people who know how to run very quickly, sits down, scratches their maquet, something he wants to study what it thinks about something, and then some wings or parachute appear, and Then he rises up and flies ... flies through the air! And those people who prefer to crawl (because so reliable) and not walk, all the more prefer to crawl before, God forbid, run (because you can crash) say: "Here is his, the infused, the devil! Forgive him, the Lord of the kingdom of heaven "...

And this piece of antique text - well, just hooked it. And he read the whole manuscript, and he returned to this piece again and again, and re-read it again, and the most courageous and unexpected thoughts about the meaning of life came to him. And at one point he unexpectedly decided to become a researcher. Become a researcher and serve in scientific flotilla. "Burn" beyond the galaxy! Out of its limits !!! Defend your life to space and the universe. And help people become complete rulers ...

The book of Vladimir Snow "Essays on Martial Arts of Eagle and Snake" - for the most inquired among the most inquisitive, ancient secrets from the very basics! Find a book - come to the secret!

I am generally a big fantastic fiction and scientific, including. At one time, I read a lot, now significantly less due to the invention of the Internet and lack of time. When preparing the next post I was caught here this rating. Well, I think, now goes away, I probably know everything here! Yeah! No matter how. Half the books did not read, but it is still okay. Some authors I hear almost the first time! Won it like! And they are cult! And how are you doing with this list?

Check ...

1. Time Machine

Roman Herbert Wells, his first major science fiction work. Recycled from the story of 1888 "Argonauts of Time" and published in 1895. "Time Machine" introduced into fiction the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling in time and the time used for this machine, which was used later than the many writers and created the direction of chronopantascular. Moreover, according to Yu. I. Kagarlitsky, both in the scientific and universal relations of Wells "... in a certain sense anticipated Einstein," which formulated a special theory of relativity thus after the reversion of the novel

The book describes the journey of the inventor of the time machine to the future. The basis of the plot is the fascinating adventures of the main character in the world in 800 thousand years, describing who, the author proceeded from the negative trends in the development of the modern capitalist society, which allowed many critics to call the book by Roman-warning. In addition, the novel was first described by many ideas related to time travel, which for a long time will not lose their attractiveness for readers and authors of new works.

2. stranger in someone else's country

Fantastic philosophical romance Robert Hainline, in 1962 awarded Hugo Prize. In the West has a "cult" status, considering the most famous of fantastic novels ever written. One of the few fantastic worksincluded in the Congress library to the list of books formed America.

The first expedition to Mars disappeared without a trace. Third World War He pushed the second, successful expedition for long twenty-five years. New researchers have established contact with original Martians and found out that the first expedition was not died. And "Mowgli of the Space Age" is brought to Earth, Michael Valentyan Smith, brought up by local intelligent beings. Man by origin and Marcianin on education, Michael bursts a bright star into the familiar weekdays of the earth. Endowed by the knowledge and skills of the ancient civilization Smith becomes a Messiah, the founder new religion And the first martyr for his faith ...

3. Saga about Lensmen

Saga about Lensmans is the story of a magnifiance confrontation between two ancient and powerful races: the evil and cruel Eddoian who are trying to create a giant empire in space, and the inhabitants of Arrisia, the wise patrons of young civilizations, emerging in the galaxy. Over time, the Earth with its Mighty Space Fleet and the Galactic Patrol of Lensmans will take place in this fight.

The novel instantly became invisitedly popular among fiction lovers - he was one of the first major works whose authors risked to take action beyond Solar system, and since then, Smith, along with Edmond Hamilton, is considered the founder of the "Space Opera" genre.

4. Space Odyssey 2001

"Space Odyssey 2001" - recycled to the novel literary scenario The movie of the same name (which, in turn, is based on the early story of Clark "Watch"), who became the classics of film fantasics and dedicated to the contact of mankind with extraterrestrial civilization.
The 2001 Cosmic Odyssey film regularly includes the list of "the greatest films in the history of the movie". He and his continuation "2010: Odyssey two" received Hugo Prizes in 1969 and 1985 as the best fantastic films.
Influence of the film and books on modern culture Hugely, like the number of their fans. And although 2001 has already arrived, "Space Odyssey" is unlikely to forget. She continues to remain our future.

5. 451 degrees Fahrenheit

The novel-anti-nightopia of the famous American science fiction Ray Bradbury "451 degrees Fahrenheit" became, in a sense, an icon and a guide star of the genre. He was created on a typewriter, which the writer took rent in the Public Library and was printed for the first time in the first releases of Playboy magazine.

The novel epigraph says that paper ignition temperature is 451 ° F. The novel describes a society that relies on mass culture and consumer thinking in which all the books forcing to think about life are subject to burning; Storage of books is a crime; And people who are able to think critically appear out of law. The main hero of the novel, Guy Montag, works "Firemen" (which in the book implies the burning of books), being confident that he performs his work "for the benefit of mankind." But soon he is disappointed in the ideals of society, part of which he is, becomes a bandwidth and joins a small underground group of marginals, who are supporting the texts of books to save them for descendants.

6. "Foundation" (other names - Academy, Foundation, Foundation, Foundation)

The classic of science fiction, tells about the collapse of the Great Galactic Empire and its revival with the help of the Seldon Plan.

In the late novels of Azimov, the world of the foundation with other products of the Empire and positron robots associated. The combined cycle, which is also called the "Foundation", covers the history of mankind for more than 20,000 years and includes 14 novels and several dozen stories.

According to rumors, Roman Azimova made a huge impression on Usama Bin Laden and even influenced his decision to create a terrorist organization Al-Qaida. Ben Laden ordered himself Gary Seldon, who manages the society of the future in advance of the planned crises. Moreover, the name of the novel translated into Arabic sounds like Al Qaida and, thus, could cause the name of the Bin Laden organization.

7. Loaf number five, or crusade children (1969)

Avtobiographical Roman Kurt Vonneguta about Dresden bombardment during World War II.

Roman was devoted to Mary O'Hair (and Dresden Taksist Gerhard Muller) and written in the "telegraph-schizophrenic style," as it is expressed by Svoingut. In the book, realism, grotesque, fantasy, elements of madness, cruel satire and bitter irony are closely intertwined.
The main character is American soldier Billy Pilgrim, ridiculous, timid, apathetic man. The book describes his adventures in the war and the bombardment of Dresden, which imposed an implanial imprint on the mental state of the pilgrim, since childhood is not very sustainable. Wonnegut introduced into the story a fantastic element: the events of the life of the main character are considered through the prism of the post-traumatic stress disorder - the syndrome characteristic of veterans of the war, which crossed the perception of the character of reality. As a result, the comic "story about aliens" grows into some slim philosophical system.
Aliens from the planet Tradlephamador take away Billy Pilgrim on his planet and tell him that time does not actually "flow", there is no gradual accidental transition from one event to another - the world and time and forever are given, everything that happened and happens . About someone's death, the sneakers simply say: "Such cases." It is impossible to say why something happened - that was the "moment structure".

8. Hitchhiker for the Galaxy

Guide "Hitchhiker's Galaxy". The legendary ironic scientific fiction saga Douglas Adams.
Roman tells about the adventures of the uncomfortable Englishman Arthur Dent, who with his friend Ford the prefect (a native of a small planet somewhere near Bethelgeuse, who works in the editorial office of the guide for motorways) avoids death in the destruction of the Earth of the Bourdes-Vogon bureaucrats. Biblbrox Zaphod, Ford's relative and president of the Galaxy, accidentally saves the Denta and Ford from death in open space. On board the ship stolen by the Zaphod on an incredible Tract "Golden Heart" are also depressed robot Marvin, and Trillian, she is Tricha McMilllan, which Arthur once met at the party. She, as Arthur soon understands, the only surviving earthland, besides himself. Heroes are looking for the legendary planet Magrata and try to find a question suitable for the final answer.

9. Dune (1965)

The first Roman Frank Herbert from the Saga "Chronicles of Dune" about the sandy planet Arrakis. This book made it famous. "Dune" was awarded the Hugo and Neule premiums. "Dune" is one of the most famous science fiction novels of the 20th century.
This book climbs many political, environmental and other important problems. The writer managed to create a full fantastic world and cross him with a philosophical novel. In this world, the most important substance is a spice that is needed for interstellar flights and on which the existence of civilization depends. This substance is only on the same planet called Arrakis. Arrakis is a desert inhabited by huge sandy worms. On this planet live the tribes of Forms, in the lives of which water is the main and unconditional value.

10. Neuromancer (1984)

William Gibson's novel, a canonical work in the "Cyberpank" genre, awarded awards "Neuly" (1984), Hugo (1985) and the prize Philip Dick. This is the first Roman Gibson, which opens the trilogy "cyberspace". Published in 1984.
In this work, concepts as artificial intelligence, a virtual reality, genetic engineering, transnational corporations, cyberspace (computer network, matrix) long before these concepts have become popular in mass culture.

11. Do the Androids dream of electricians dream? (1968)

Sci-fi novel Philip Dick, written in 1968. He tells the story of the "hunter for heads" Rick Decard, who pursues androids - creatures almost indistinguishable from the person declared out of law on Earth. The action takes place in poisoned radiation and partially abandoned San Francisco of the future.
Along with the "man in a high castle" this novel is the most famous work Dick. This is one of the classical fantastic works in which the ethical problems of creating androids are being investigated - artificial people.
In 1982, Ridley Scott took off the film "Running on the blade" with Harrison Ford. The scenario, which was created by Hampton Fancher and David Piples, is quite different from the book.

12. Gate (1977)

The scientific fantastic novel of the American Writer Frederic Paul, published in 1977 and received all three main American awards of the genre - "Inconsive" (1977), "Hugo" (1978) and Locus (1978). The novel opens the Cycle Hichi.
Near Venus, people found an artificial asteroid, built by an alien race, called Hichi. Space ships were found on the asteroid. People figured out how to manage ships, but they could not change destination. Many volunteers experienced them. Some returned with discoveries, thanks to which they became rich. But the majority returned with anything. And some were not returned at all. The flight on the ship was reminded Russian roulette - might be lucky, but it was possible to die.
The main character is a researcher who was lucky. He is tormented by the remorse of conscience - from the crew to whom luck fell out, only he returned. And he is trying to figure out his life, confessing the psychoanalyst robot.

13. The game of Ender (1985)

"The game of Ender" received award "Neule" and "Hugo" for the best novel in 1985 and 1986 - one of the most prestigious literary premiums in the field of science fiction.
The action of the novel occurs in 2135. Humanity survived two invasions of the alien race "Zhugers" (English. Buggers), only a miraculous of the survivors, and is preparing for the next invasion. To search for pilots and military leaders who can bring the Earth victory, a military school is created, in which the most talented children from an early age are being sent. Among these children and the title hero of the book - Andrew (Ender) Wiggin, the future commander of the International Fleet of the Earth and the only hope of humanity to salvation.

14. 1984 (1949)

In 2009, the newspaper The Times included the "1984" novel on the list of the top 60 books published in the last 60 years, and Newsweek magazine put the romance to the second place in the list of the best books of all times and peoples.
The name of the novel, its terminology and even the name of the author subsequently became nominalized and used to designate a social structure resembling the totalitarian regime described in "1984". Repeatedly became like a victim of censorship in socialist countries and the object of criticism from the left circles in the West.
The fantastic Roman George Orwell "1984" tells about Winston, who is engaged in rewriting history, based on party interests during the reign of Totalitarian junta. Smith rebellion leads to terrible consequences. As the author prevents, nothing can be worse than the total non-free ...

This is a work that was banned in our country until 1991, called the XX-centuries. (Hate, fears, hunger and blood), warning about totalitarianism. The novel boycotted in the West due to the similarity of the ruler of the country of the Big Brother and the real heads of state.

15. On the wonderful new world (1932)

One of the most famous novels-anti-nightopy. A kind of antipode "1984" Orwell. There are no torture styles - everyone is happy and satisfied. The pages of the novel describes the world of a distant future (the action takes place in London), in which people are grown at special embryonic plants and in advance (impact on the embryo at various stages of development) are divided into five different in the mental and physical abilities of castes that perform different work. From "ALP" - strong and beautiful workers of mental labor to "Epsilons" - hedresses, which are only available to the most simple physical labor. Depending on the caste, babies are brought up in different ways. So, with the help of the hypoptee, each caste is raised in front of a higher caste and contempt for the castes of the lower. Suits for each caste of a certain color. For example, Alphas go in gray, gamma - in green, delta - in Khaki, Epsilons - in black.
There is no place in this society, and it is considered indecent not to have regular sex contacts with different partners (the main slogan "Everyone belongs to everyone else"), but pregnancy is considered a scary shame. People in this "world state" are not aging, although the average life expectancy is 60 years. Regularly to always have good moodThey use the Drug of "Toy", which has no negative actions ("Soma Gram - and there is no dram"). Henry Ford is God in this world - "Lord Our Ford" is called, and the Soulstee comes from the creation of the Ford T car, that is, from 1908. e. (In the novel, the action takes place in 632 "Era of Stability", that is, in 2540, N. E.).
The writer shows the lives of people in this world. The main characters are people who cannot fit into society - Bernard Marx (representative of the top class, alpha-advantage), his friend Successful dissenting Helmholts and savage John from the Indian reservation, which all his life dreamed of getting into the beautiful world, where everyone is happy.


And according to the literary topic, let me remind you that I imagined and what was The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

History lesson in the sixth "b" was the last. Inna Ivanovna took the guys to the hall, from where they had to move to the whole class to ninety million years ago at the Mesozoic Era, during the time, when dinosaurs were raised along the planet like ordinary animals.

In the hallway, the disciples were instructed and planted under a protective transparent cap, which even midge could not penetrate from the past. But the boys have long known how to get out of the cap. Whatever does not fall under the power field, it was necessary only to cover the portfolio as an umbrella and jump out. That is exactly what was going to do one of the students - Petka Seretsov.

Petka studied badly, if not to say worse, but man was very proud and adored to boast his loose before classmates. True, there were no predators in the school, nor the robbers, and here he had the opportunity to turn around to the entire coil and become the hero of the week, and then the month.

Barely class moved to the distant past of the Earth, as a half-meter dinosaur was formed next to the protective hemisphere. The mouth of the lizard was littered with sharp teeth, her eyes looked at the aliens not blinking, and the front paws with long claws all the time greedily enough air.

This is a bicycologist, "Inna Ivanovna calmly said and poked a pointer to the dinosaur. - Write down, and then you will call it a bicycle or bicycage. Pay attention to its claws. With such a weapon, the predator is easily straightening with his herbivore victims.

And the bicycologist knew himself rumpled around the protective cap, clicked his jaws and pumped up a terrible muzzle into a power field.

Probably he thinks that this is a feeder, and we are the cutlets, "Tanya Zueva said and got a notebook.

Nobody will be crushed by anyone, - hearing Petka, said Inna Ivanovna. - It is impossible to offend animals, even if it is tyrannosaurs.

Inna Ivanovna continued his lesson, and the Gears pushed in the side of his neighbor on Pavlick's desk, wiped her nose with a fist and showed a stone that lay in ten meters from the cap under a huge tree fern.

We argue, three clicks, what do I get out and brought the stone?

We argue, "Pavlik caught fire, but immediately frightened and said: - What if this car supper will grab you?

We saw such Motoadapters, "Petka said brakefully. He moved to the transparent wall, covered his portfolio and jumped out.

Outside the hemisphere, the sentsov had a little scary. Creepy sounds came from the thick mesozoic forest: then a hungry roar of some dinosaurs, then the death screams of others. Because of this, Petka seemed that predators were just waiting for it when he would go away from the protective cap to rush on him. He already wanted to return, but saw a mocking smirk Pavlik and decided. Throwing a portfolio, he striking rushed to the stone, grabbed him and at that moment he heard the battle cry of the dinosaur. He noticed the student, carnatively clicked his jaws and rushed to his victim. In one second, the lecturer cut off the senzov from the cap. There was no time to think about Petka, and with a plaintive cry, he signed into the Mesozoic bushes.

Seretsov was lucky. For thick thickets, he discovered someone to Noura. Her hole was wide enough, whatever he climb there on all fours. Dinosaur was late for some moment. He clicked the mouth in front of the entrance and offendedly roaring.

Meanwhile, a real panic climbed under the cap. Inna Ivanovna even looked from horror, and two students had to pose her under his arms. Girls deafeningly squeezed and showed his fingers on a vocileptor, the boys embarrassedly shifted from her legs to the leg. And the culprit himself is filmed in Noura, but soon he stopped, because he saw someone's round burning eyes ahead.

Mommy! - Potted Petka intensively and pulled back. On the trembling knees, he smoked out of the hole and turned around. The predator with his briefcase in the teeth was already rushed to Senzov on all pairs.

Petka and did not understand how he soared to the tree fern. He barely had time to pull his legs, and the unlucky dinosaur was missing again. Huge jaws were closed only in a millimeter from the heel.

Daddy! - convulsively clinging for the branches, cried out the sents. But here it was waiting for an unpleasant surprise. Looking up, in the thick dark crown of Petka saw burning round eyes and from horror almost fell down straight into the mouth of a vocational panel.

Inna Ivanovna quickly came to himself and immediately began to act. The miniteure teacher of history was covered with a daddy and jumped out of the cap. She bravely rushed to the edge, it ran out from the Earth's Earth with a thickness in his hand and and the entire Mesozoic Forest was crying:

Hold on, hats! I'm going to hell!

The dinosaur from such arrogance was heard. He confusedly looked at his little Innu Ivanovna and again roared, but his roar immediately sank in a multi-chart of the figure of the sixth "b" class.

Give a dinosaur! Zueva shouted Tanya and jumped out.

Ur-Rr! - She picked up the girls and, everything was followed by their girlfriend.

Forward on the assault velodrycinopope! - Garked Pavlik and together with the boys rushed forward.

This turnover of the events of the Vocyerputor clearly did not expect. Having received several times from a fragile teacher several times in the face, he frightened and shook his head. But when the whole painting of yeasting students ran to him, the dinosaur was saved. A huge predator ran from the battlefield as a hare, and the class has pursued him for some time with Gican. They swung at their briefcases, and the girls squeezed so shrill that all living on a lot of kilometers was dumbfounded.

Petka descended from the tree pale as a wall. Initially, he could not even speak, but only something was so. Immediately it turned out that the predator scored a portfolio of Senzov somewhere, but did not search for it in such dense thickets.

All march under the hood! - By adjusting the glasses, I was commanded Inna Ivanov. - The lesson continues.

Since then, Petka began to behave quieter and more modest. And a month later, even began to learn better. It happened after the class was reduced on an excursion to the Paleontological Museum. The lecture was very interesting, and at the end the guide brought the guys to the shop window, showed to the petrified portfolio and said:

And this is the last sensational find of paleontologists. She changed our idea of \u200b\u200bdinosaurs. The portfolio was found in the cave next to the bones of the vocationally. This means that these dinosaurs were reasonable and visited the school. Scientists saw the petrified portfolio and discovered several notebooks and a school diary there, which are about a hundred million years. Now we even know the name of this leaky. His name was Peter. But I must say that the Dinosaur of the Peace was not quite reasonable. In his petrified diary and notebooks, we found some two. Thanks to this, scientists concluded that dinosaurs because they became extinct that they did not want to learn.

When the guide finished, the whole sixth "b" was pushed from laughter. Not only one boy laughed. Holding his head, red from embarrassment, he slowly left the museum and on the way home gave himself solid word, go and first time in your life really make lessons.


Andrei Salomatov

Fantastic stories

History lesson

History lesson in the sixth "b" was the last. Inna Ivanovna took the guys to the hall, from where they had to move to the whole class to ninety million years ago at the Mesozoic Era, during the time, when dinosaurs were raised along the planet like ordinary animals.

In the hallway, the disciples were instructed and planted under a protective transparent cap, which even midge could not penetrate from the past. But the boys have long known how to get out of the cap. Whatever does not fall under the power field, it was necessary only to cover the portfolio as an umbrella and jump out. That is exactly what was going to do one of the students - Petka Seretsov.

Petka studied badly, if not to say worse, but man was very proud and adored to boast his loose before classmates. True, there were no predators in the school, nor the robbers, and here he had the opportunity to turn around to the entire coil and become the hero of the week, and then the month.

Barely class moved to the distant past of the Earth, as a half-meter dinosaur was formed next to the protective hemisphere. The mouth of the lizard was littered with sharp teeth, her eyes looked at the aliens not blinking, and the front paws with long claws all the time greedily enough air.

This is a bicycologist, "Inna Ivanovna calmly said and poked a pointer to the dinosaur. - Write down, and then you will call it a bicycle or bicycage. Pay attention to its claws. With such a weapon, the predator is easily straightening with his herbivore victims.

And the bicycologist knew himself rumpled around the protective cap, clicked his jaws and pumped up a terrible muzzle into a power field.

Probably he thinks that this is a feeder, and we are the cutlets, "Tanya Zueva said and got a notebook.

Nobody will be crushed by anyone, - hearing Petka, said Inna Ivanovna. - It is impossible to offend animals, even if it is tyrannosaurs.

Inna Ivanovna continued his lesson, and the Gears pushed in the side of his neighbor on Pavlick's desk, wiped her nose with a fist and showed a stone that lay in ten meters from the cap under a huge tree fern.

We argue, three clicks, what do I get out and brought the stone?

We argue, "Pavlik caught fire, but immediately frightened and said: - What if this car supper will grab you?

We saw such Motoadapters, "Petka said brakefully. He moved to the transparent wall, covered his portfolio and jumped out.

Outside the hemisphere, the sentsov had a little scary. Creepy sounds came from the thick mesozoic forest: then a hungry roar of some dinosaurs, then the death screams of others. Because of this, Petka seemed that predators were just waiting for it when he would go away from the protective cap to rush on him. He already wanted to return, but saw a mocking smirk Pavlik and decided. Throwing a portfolio, he striking rushed to the stone, grabbed him and at that moment he heard the battle cry of the dinosaur. He noticed the student, carnatively clicked his jaws and rushed to his victim. In one second, the lecturer cut off the senzov from the cap. There was no time to think about Petka, and with a plaintive cry, he signed into the Mesozoic bushes.

Seretsov was lucky. For thick thickets, he discovered someone to Noura. Her hole was wide enough, whatever he climb there on all fours. Dinosaur was late for some moment. He clicked the mouth in front of the entrance and offendedly roaring.

Meanwhile, a real panic climbed under the cap. Inna Ivanovna even looked from horror, and two students had to pose her under his arms. Girls deafeningly squeezed and showed his fingers on a vocileptor, the boys embarrassedly shifted from her legs to the leg. And the culprit himself is filmed in Noura, but soon he stopped, because he saw someone's round burning eyes ahead.

Mommy! - Potted Petka intensively and pulled back. On the trembling knees, he smoked out of the hole and turned around. The predator with his briefcase in the teeth was already rushed to Senzov on all pairs.

Petka and did not understand how he soared to the tree fern. He barely had time to pull his legs, and the unlucky dinosaur was missing again. Huge jaws were closed only in a millimeter from the heel.

Inna Ivanovna quickly came to himself and immediately began to act. The miniteure teacher of history was covered with a daddy and jumped out of the cap. She bravely rushed to the edge, it ran out from the Earth's Earth with a thickness in his hand and and the entire Mesozoic Forest was crying:

Hold on, hats! I'm going to hell!

The dinosaur from such arrogance was heard. He confusedly looked at his little Innu Ivanovna and again roared, but his roar immediately sank in a multi-chart of the figure of the sixth "b" class.

Give a dinosaur! Zueva shouted Tanya and jumped out.

Ur-Rr! - She picked up the girls and, everything was followed by their girlfriend.

Forward on the assault velodrycinopope! - Garked Pavlik and together with the boys rushed forward.

This turnover of the events of the Vocyerputor clearly did not expect. Having received several times from a fragile teacher several times in the face, he frightened and shook his head. But when the whole painting of yeasting students ran to him, the dinosaur was saved. A huge predator ran from the battlefield as a hare, and the class has pursued him for some time with Gican. They swung at their briefcases, and the girls squeezed so shrill that all living on a lot of kilometers was dumbfounded.

Petka descended from the tree pale as a wall. Initially, he could not even speak, but only something was so. Immediately it turned out that the predator scored a portfolio of Senzov somewhere, but did not search for it in such dense thickets.

All march under the hood! - By adjusting the glasses, I was commanded Inna Ivanov. - The lesson continues.

Since then, Petka began to behave quieter and more modest. And a month later, even began to learn better. It happened after the class was reduced on an excursion to the Paleontological Museum. The lecture was very interesting, and at the end the guide brought the guys to the shop window, showed to the petrified portfolio and said:

And this is the last sensational find of paleontologists. She changed our idea of \u200b\u200bdinosaurs. The portfolio was found in the cave next to the bones of the vocationally. This means that these dinosaurs were reasonable and visited the school. Scientists saw the petrified portfolio and discovered several notebooks and a school diary there, which are about a hundred million years. Now we even know the name of this leaky. His name was Peter. But I must say that the Dinosaur of the Peace was not quite reasonable. In his petrified diary and notebooks, we found some two. Thanks to this, scientists concluded that dinosaurs because they became extinct that they did not want to learn.

When the guide finished, the whole sixth "b" was pushed from laughter. Not only one boy laughed. Having lowered the head, red from embarrassment, he slowly left the museum and on the way home gave himself a firm word, go and first in life truly to do lessons.


For the birthday of Pope presented Ilya the computer-adviser in an elegant blue building. Handing a gift, dad said:

Congratulations, Son! We apply this thing, it is smart. And always listen to her tips. Of all angry it will choose the smaller. If I had such an aggregation in my childhood, I would probably become academician. This leader has a light head. Well, in the sense, the balls work perfectly. As - in no way an experienced sample of our institute.

The little computer was so beautiful and pleasant to the touch, that Ilya, how fastened him to her hand, did not part with him even in bed. It was not very convenient to sleep, but the adviser responded to all the Ilyoshin thoughts and soaked with advice. I was worth it to think about how to fix the two geography, the adviser immediately worked:

In order to fix a two, you need to learn lesson.

Ilya decided to ask the advice to work more though. He thought: "And how to learn to fly?" And the computer began to explain long and tediously how to build a light aircraft.

When Ilya is tired of listening to the apparatus, he thought: "How would you do so that you fell silent?" - And the adviser replied:

We must relax and do not think about anything.

After that, the Council Ilya fell asleep.

The next day, Ilya took the adviser with him to school. None in the classroom had such a typewriter, and Ilya, all changes showed the guys with the ability of a computer. What was not asked by the countertilers: and how to get from the school porch to the origins of the brahmaputra river, and how to catch a snow man, and what to do if there are hooligans with grenade launchers. The adviser answered all these questions equally tediously and very long. And then, maybe Ilya appeared, and maybe it's true, but by the end of the lessons in the voice of the counselor there appeared a little marked irritation. On the thought of Ilya: "How would it wash off with the control in mathematics?" The adviser replied:

Lessons need to be taught, do not have to wash off.

After Ilya's lessons, as usual, went home a longer expensive through the park. He loved to walk here, because the park is not a street: it breathes the stronger, it is better fantasized, but in the ravine, according to rumors, there were the most real viper. True, Ilya has never seen them, but he also never seen a snow man, but he believed that she lives somewhere such a person and maybe even one.

Stepping along the track, Ilya suddenly heard the real cry. He spread the bushes, I slept there my head and saw the girl. The girl was the most ordinary: in school uniformBut without a portfolio. The portfolio was somewhere between the sky and the Earth - an unfamiliar boy was trying to throw him on a tree all the time.

Seeing how the boy hurls a foreign portfolio, Ilya thought: "Now I am! .."

No need - the adviser quickly said. - I already figured: his biceps is twice as much more. There will be trouble. - And the adviser began to list: - The first is a broken nose, the second - torn buttons, the third - a conversation with mom, fourth ...

Yes, you are silent, "Ilya interrupted him and climbed through the bushes.

Well, where are you, where are you climbing? - muttered the adviser. And Ilya, wounded on the clearing, shouted the offender:

Hey you, give her a briefcase!

The boy looked at the defender in surprise and answered:

Right now as a lady, so ears will be dismiss.

After these words, Ilya realized that the boy was tuned seriously, which means not to avoid the scuffle. As soon as this thought flashed herself in his head, as the adviser was frightened:

What are you doing? Why do you need that? - But Ilya as Matador has already resolutely went to the offender.

The scuffle lasted not long. The fist boys had more, but the courage of Ilya did his job, and the forces were almost equal. The battle ended with a score of 2: 2. Ilya was broken down and cut off the collar, his opponent was swollen a lip and lacking one pocket. The portfolio returned to his hostess, and the Soviechik all the rest of the way spoke Ilya:

Still, you behave very imprudently! You could easily break me up - these are fourthly, and fifthly, look at whom you have become like.

The next three days of Ilya with the advice lived a soul in the soul. All this time, in punishment for the fight, Mom did not let Ilya walk. But on the fourth day, on Sunday, Ilya came immediately all week. As in the morning left the house, so until the evening and did not return. He was all waiting for hemet. The fact is that Ilya came up again. But he did not grow up because he loved to fight, but simply from a sense of justice. When his two friends went to dinner, Ilya also headed home, but on the road, on the shore of the park lake, saw two boys. They climbed along the reeds, were looking for duck nests. At first Ilya and was not going to quarrel with them. He told the boys to do not touch these nests.

And then look!

Well, I look, "said Ilya and thought:" Again, for three days, my mother does not let go. " At this time, the adviser and spoke:

Do not dare, "he said. - There are two of them! Assole, and even in the mud.

Loose, "Ilya said softly, but the adviser was not thrown.

What does leave behind?! I am the adviser. You can't wrap any trouble. If you do not think about yourself, at least think about me. In the end, I want to live. You have already lived Won for ten years, but I just have a few weeks.

But Ilya has already approached the very reeds.

I said, do not touch the nests, "he turned back to the boys.

The adviser was right. Ilya not only poured in coastal clay, but also broke the shirt. And his nose is whid, and the whole cheek was scratched. True, the boys also got. One had to swim in clothes, and with another Ilya long to hugged the clay. That boys Ilya saddles, then Ilya boy. So this shake, you can say, ended in a draw. But Ilya from this was not easier. And then the adviser annoyed his advice: what to attach with a swollen nose, how to clean the clothes from clay, what to say mom, so that not very frightened, and even how to live on.

No, Ilya, - Bubnil the adviser, - I, of course, respect you, but you behave very intensely. I really do not know what to advise you. You still do not listen to me. Maybe you will leave me at home? I, honestly, tired of your feats. You haven't fixed a little bit of me now. It's good that the clay is soft, and what happens all this on the asphalt? I do not live! ..

Whether these words of the counselor influenced Ilya, and maybe the fear of punishment. In any case, Ilya promised to the computer that she would never fight anymore.

In the evening, Ilya flew greatly. Mom undeservedly called Ilya Bandit and Hooligan. But dad was silent all the time. He just sometimes peeking out due to the newspaper and Khmykal. In the end, it went to him. Mom said that there are such fathers who do not care how their sons behave. After this phrase, because of the newspaper heard: "MMDA". This "MMDA" was even more painful mom, and she said:

These fathers for some reason give their hooligans-sons expensive electronic toys. Probably, they think that these toys will be replaced by sons of fathers.

Because of the newspaper he was heard: "Hmmm", and Mom could not stand and burst out.

Thought Mom all together. Dad stroked her on the head, swore that now he will be in his eyes watching Ilya. As well as own hands Selrows torn shirts and in general, from now on seriously take care of the son. And Ilya also promised so much that almost immediately forgot all his promises.

To dinner, everything was finally carried away. It was decided not to remember this unpleasant case, but for some reason the punishment remained in force. Ilya whole three days had to sit at home.

Already going to bed, Ilya went into the room of the parents wish them good night. At this time, Mom stood back to him, and Ilya heard the voice of the counselor:

Yes, do I really need? I need a machine gun. He fuss in all his nose. So I advise you to take me away from him. Use yourself. You really hope you do not climb.

No, "said Dad because of the newspaper. - We will perfectly bypass without your advice, but Ilya they can come in handy.

Yes? - asked the adviser. - So I do not live.

Everything ever ends. Passed these three days. Ilya again was allowed to go outside. And he is normal, without any adventure, walked. Well, there, his shoes flew out from hitting the ball, he received a two-kitty for the kitten in the house, which he found in a pile of scrap metal, is all everyday little things.

The main thing is that he came home without bruises and almost as clean as to the festivities. Partly the adviser helped him in this. As soon as Ilya appeared some not such a thought, as the adviser immediately reminded:

Ilya, remember that you promised mom. If you have again, then first - you can lose me forever, the second - you will bring myself and myself and dad, and the third ... well, you will know about the third after you have fun. Look, I answer you my head. That is, microcircuits.

Clearly, "answered Ilya, and everything went around as it is impossible.

But one day, or on the fifth day after the last fight, and maybe on the sixth, Ilya walked past the neighboring yard and saw the three boys selected a bike from first grades and began to move on it from a wooden slide. After the second such descent, the bike began to wag the front wheel and creak, like a non-shy cart. The first grade was crying, and the boys just cheated.

Quietly, "the adviser Ilya said," only calmly. They are three, nothing can be done. Roll and give away. All after all, you still do not protect.

So will break the same, "said Ilya.

Having dropped his head, he passed by, and the counselor looked as far as:

That'd well done, so the clever! And then they would have hired now. These are not those two and not that one. Look what healthy!

Ilya looked, stopped and resolutely headed for the boys.

Where to?! - exclaimed the adviser. - Their three! Crazy! Oh, how much trouble you have! You promised mom with dad! What are you doing?! No, I can't so much.

But Ilya could not stop anything. He knew that the right, and the rest had no meaning for him.

Ay-ah, - muttered the computer, - all, goodbye, I am self-shifting.

Be healthy, "said Ilya, and then something extraordinary happened to the advice. He suddenly screamed:

Okay! Was not! Seven troubles, one answer! So, so, you can not be afraid of the left in the cap. Weak. Self will run away. Right bedding, but awkward. Medium see, chain, can tear collar. Oh, how many bruises you have!

Home Ilya returned with a heavy heart. The face is burning. The adviser rang and grune. Sometimes through the crash heard:

I am the Goroporye Tefe? I am the Goroporye Tefe?

And Ilya walked and thought: "What will be at home now!"

Nothing, - he heard through wheezing and crackling, - not drifting. Mom I take to the sefia.

Kelie from the constellation of twins

When Seryozha returned from school, the whole family was in the living room. But, except for parents and grandfathers, someone completely unusual was sitting in the room. The stranger was warm and somehow dressed. It seemed that his clothes consist of some sleeves, trousers and straps with buckles. And from each such sleeves, something gray and scaly was turned out of each trousers.

From the surprise of Seryozha stopped at the door, and dad got up from the sofa and said:

Here, Seryozha, Meet. This is a keel. He is around us until the evening, until his dad returns from the city.

Kelhem - from the constellation of twins, "Mom explained. - Well, what are you standing? Come closer and get acquainted. Kel your peer.

Seryozha put the briefcase and uncertainly approached the guest.

Hello, - stuffing, he said, and stretched his keeper, and the guest spoiled from the sofa and was on his head below Serezha.

Kelm says through the roadbreaker, "said Dad," therefore he has such a voice. You show the keeper our home and garden. They with dad for the first time on our planet. He is probably everything interesting.

Seryozha was confused at alien and did not know how to behave confused him unusual species. That's just his head was the usual, like people.

For lunch, I call you a call, - Mom said, and Pope patted Kelem on his shoulder and podded:

You do not hesitate. If that, serenitions will help. He has a guy what you need! Only a little lied ...

In the garden of Seryozha and Kelem, silently came out. Sereza Sereza looked at an extraordinary guest and thought: "What will I do with him? So imposed on my head! "

On the porch Kel shook from the butterfly. Seryozha laughed, but immediately she unwound.

We do not have such animals, "explained Kel.

This is a butterfly, she does not bite, "said Seryozha and after asked:" Why are you so warmly dressed? " Today it's hot.

Yes, yes, we are warmly dressed, - agreed by Kel. - We have such a temperature only in winter.

Yes? - Serezha was surprised and silent. He did not know what else would say. He really wanted to ask the Kelema about the planet on which he lives, but nothing climbed into his head. All the questions he had prepared somewhere disappeared. Then Seryozha asked the first things:

Do you know how to play salts?

Kelm paused for a while, and then replied:

My auto-producer does not know this word.

Well, this is when everyone runs away, and one should catch someone, explained Serezha.

Kelm thought again and asked:

And what is the meaning of this game?

Well, - was confused by Seryozha. - We must catch someone.

It seems to me that it is not interesting, "said Kel.

Sergee was hurt, and he fell silent. They silently descended from the porch, silently sat on the bench under the apple tree. Finally Kelm said:

Well, let's play in the salting.

Yes, well, - the seaside answered indifferently. - That's me. I haven't played five years old for five years, he selected.

Seryozha was embarrassed - he did not know this word, but quickly found:

Sure! We are always multiplied on the school currency.

Then let's play, "Kelem revived. He suddenly slipped from the bench, and Seryozha saw a whole dance of kemes. They rushed in a circle, wriggled snakes and everyone looked at Serezhu.

Blimey! - I broke out from Serezhe, but he quickly took himself in his hands and sowed fake. - I no longer want today. In school tired.

Kelem's dance of the Kemes developed like a harmonica, and the guest again took its place on the bench. And Seryozha sat and hardly thought: what can surprise alien. Yes, so as not to hit the dirt face. But in his head, he was driving all some kind of trifle: hide and aquarium fish, homemade crossbow. Seryozha remembered about football, but thought: "Yes, well, say, so many fools one ball chase! .."

Soulino desire to surprise the guest was so strong that he still could not resist and asked:

And how is it done? - surprised by Kel.

And then I'll show you, "Seryozha's hand waved," I left the proofreader in the desk. "

The goal was achieved. I did not know how to adjust the box, and Serge immediately rose mood. He offered the guest to go to the lake, and he agreed, but after a few steps Kelhem said:

My roadbreaker knows this word - the corrector, adjust, but I can not understand the principle of the game.

Well, I said later, then, then, - Serezha replied and ran.

Catch up, he shouted, - let's see who is faster.

Seryozha did not agree, because Kelhem suddenly turned out far ahead. Serge immediately disappeared in the run. With a sad face, he was stuck to the waiting for the Kelem and, without stopping, said:

The foot at the school turned out. Hurts.

And you still run? - asked Kel, and Serezha felt surprise in the metal voice in the metallic voice.

Yes, if it were not hurt, you would just not catch up with me.

Yes, yes, - nodded Keliem. He paused a little, and then politely said: - You do not be offended, please, on what I tell you.

Seres sucked under the spoon from these words. "Well," he thought, now he would say that I was lied. " And Kelém continued:

It is not clear to me how you are, having only two legs, go and do not fall, and even run so fast? As I saw today your dad, I was very surprised. - From these words from Serezhekheh himself fell on the soul. He caught a bit and proudly replied:

Well, we are easily. We can on two, we can on one. - He squeezed one leg and jumped along the path. "I can even in my arms," \u200b\u200bSerezha shouted, I got up on my arms and immediately fell. And when he rose, he saw that the Kel was quickly running down his head.

I can also in my arms! - shouted aliens.

To Lake Seryaja approached slightly upset. Satisfaction from "adjustment" and their two-bodies is somewhat dull. He did not want to invent anything, he just suggested:

Let's swim away. Before November, the water in the lake is warm.

No, thanks, - answered Kel, - we do not swim in unfamiliar reservoirs.

And we are easily, - laughed Seryozha. He introduced another opportunity to take the top over the guest, and he threw off the shorts and shirt. In another time, Seryozha would stand for a long time on the shore, sucking the water, and now it was ruined and the swallow jumped from the high shore. "Know ours!" - Serezha thought in the flight. He looked loudly into the water, quickly snapped and saw the Kel, almost without touching the water's legs, ran on the other side of the lake.

"Blimey!" - I thought Seryozha. Kelm has already jumped to the opposite shore, waved him with his hand and for some moments returned back.

The remainder of Seryozha's Day showed the Keloma Garden, then his room and collection of brands, coins and badges. Kelm with genuine interest everyone admired. He especially liked the books in which there were many bright illustrations. Proud for his wealth, Seryozha gave the guest of two books, and the Kelm did not let the gift from the hands all evening.

After dinner, Mama sent Seryos to cook lessons, and he went to his room, leaving a new friend at the table with adults. Sergey really did not want to leave. He never asked Kelema about his planet. But my mother was inexorable, and I had to leave. True, in half an hour he returned to the living room and said gloomily:

My task does not come out.

Well, "said Dad," you need to learn how it follows, and not bumps to beat all day. Well, come here to the board and chalk. We will decide together.

After a minute, how Sergei brought the board, Dad began to scratch the head. Then he wrote a very complicated formula, but the grandfather intervened:

What are you writing? - he was indignant. - What is your alpha equals?! - He took chalk and finished a few digits on the board. Following him, my mother was intervened, and when the argument broke out and Seriously stopped noticing, he quietly slammed the Kelema on his back and showed on the door. Kelm immediately understood everything. Quietly quietly guys left the living room.

Seryozha managed to ask the Kelema much. They began to talk to each other "you" and even a little concern. For the first time I won the Kel, but in the second - Seryozha. True, it seemed to him that the Kel was succumbed, but this thought seemed to be sellers offensive, and he did not develop it.

The guys returned to the living room in the midst of the dispute. Grandfather, forgetting about his radiculitis, waved his hands and demanded to give him chalk.

If you really do not know, - he argued with his mother loudly, he would have to write this. Just think, and this is my daughter!

Grandfather erased the sleeve of the pajamas what she wrote, but Mom did not give up. She again took up chalk.

Probably, the souls of relatives would argue for a long time if it were not for Kel. He apologized to everyone, asked Mom's chalk and quickly wrote a solution to the problem on the board. For a while, the whole family silently studied written, and then everything was embarrassed.

Well, "said Dad, - take an example from Kelema.

You also would not hurt, - Grandfather grazed, and dad answered:

Actually I am a biologist ... although, of course, you are right.

And Seryozha, with admiration, shook the first hand, took the arm under the mouse and went to rewrite the solution.

When Sergey appeared again in the living room, there was already a papa Kelema. Seryozha was even frightened from surprise. The aliens were much more than Kelem, but the same multi-legged. He's a terrestrial handed one of her hands, another hand stroked him on his head and said to the sampling dad:

Potted you!

Everyone agreed, although they knew that Seryozha accurate copy Moms. And dad on the rights of an old friend said:

Yes, we are all for you one face, so it seems like that.

So, because we are all for you, too, one person - answered Pope Kelema, and everyone laughed.

While adults talked, Seryozha and Kelhem came out on the porch.

Fly, then? - said Seryozha, sighing.

Yes, - regretfully replied Kel.

Sorry, - confirmed by Kel. He ineptly patted Serezhu on his shoulder and said: - I will not forget you. You know, I have never met people who think so frankly.

Like this? - I did not understand Seryozha.

Well, do not hide your thoughts. Think as they want.

And how do you know how I think? - Serezha was surprised.

No, "Serezha replied. And then he understood everything. "So you ..." he began and was horrified. - You knew all this time, what I think about?!

Yes, "answered Kel.

"And I lied him!" - blushing from shame, Serezha thought.

Did not lie, but composed, - corrected him by Kel.

Seryozha was upset by a completely. Holding his head, he sighed and said:

Yes No, did not compose, but the blinker.

Sorry, - confused by Kelem. - I did not know that you do not know what I can read thoughts.

And you know, "suddenly said Kel and lowered his head," I can't run away, I can't walk in my hands, and you can not go on my hands.

K-like? - I did not understand Seryozha.

That's how it was immediately with Kel's hands. "Everything seemed to you, and I just stood next to and inspired."

Hypnosis? - Serezha asked.

Yes, - Sad answered Kel. - I really wanted to defeat you.

Well, you and ... - Serezha's admiration with admiration. He wanted to say "lied", but changed his mind, and instead admitted:

Yes, I also pets you, I can adjust. I myself do not know what it is.

Yes, I know that you can not, - answered Kel.

The guests were accompanied by the whole family. On the street it has long been so hot, and the seaside in the dark long waved his hand. The lights of the car were dissolved away, and Sergey suddenly became unbearably sad. But he will overcome this feeling effort of will and said only:

I don't know how about hypnosis, "Pope replied," and runs wonderfully by Kel. My mother and I have seen from the window.

About me and about the car

All these miracles began immediately after the dad finally completed his car. He called her MVBD-1, which means "Machine Middle Time". This unit occupied most of the room, and inside there was a cabin size with a box from the refrigerator.

Dad immediately suggested mom, grandfather and me test my invention. He climbed into the cabin, flew in the day before yesterday's day at Mother's birthday and returned in five minutes with the wonderful cake, which we just dapel. I even had goosebumps on my back, and I said:


And mom and grandfather did not believe. Grandfather told Pope, that in the father's age, such nonsense is ashamed. And Mom said that, probably, the dad in this car was hidden a few more cakes and that for the sake of the demonstration of this focus it was not worth spending. Then the dad was offended, climbed into the cabin and returned a few minutes later with a fried bay foot, which we ate a week ago. Dad, apparently, took it right out of the oven, because the apartment immediately smelled with fried lamb.

I immediately called the grandfather so that he would make sure that her grandfather was again unhappy.

You would perform in the circus, "he said and went to read the newspaper.

But Mom seems to believe. In any case, she truly surprised and said:

But it is impossible.

And Dad proudly answered her:

If it works, it means that it is possible.

Only I immediately believed my dad. First, because he helped him make a car.

Secondly, I know how many details left for her from old TVs and vacuum cleaners. And thirdly, to whom still believing, how not to dad?

All the remaining evening dad finished his invention: soldered, screwed, fastened. My mother and I looked at him in the office and asked:

And he told us:

Do not interfere. Finish, let's see.

And grandfather at that time did the view that he reads the newspaper, and grumbled:

Loaded! Time car has invented the son. Only we lack it.

The next day, Dad and Mom went to work, and my grandfather left alone. As soon as the door slammed the door, the grandfather winks to me and nodded toward the father's office.

So you do not believe, "I said.

I do not believe, but I doubt. - answered grandfather. "You feel good, you have seen so little for ten years that you can believe anything." And I already live for 61 years old and I can not just take all sorts of time cars there and flying plates.

We went with my grandfather into the father's office. Grandfather from all sides examined the car time and gently climbed into the cab.

And what, maybe try? He asked me.

Come on, - I was delighted, - click here on these buttons with numbers.

I covered the cabin door and put your ear to her. Inside something he was lit. Grandpa was not so long that I was scared. What if he stayed there and could not return? But finally the door opened, and from there, the stirmeal of the back, the grandfather came out. I wanted to ask why he was not so long, but suddenly saw another grandfather in the cockpit. This second also came out and stood next to the first.

Here, a friend brought himself, smiling slyly, said the first grandfather.

So it does not happen, "I said and climbed.

But it happens, "answered Grandfather. "You just saw so little for ten years that you could not imagine what miracles are in the world."

Forbidding me to approach the car, the grandfathers went to her room to play chess. I heard that something about the protection of Petrakova said each other. And I disappeared every desire to go for a walk. Yes, and no one was with. Vovka went to the village to Grandma, Sasha with parents south, and both bears in the pioneer camp. But here I had a wonderful idea. I hover into the room, I quietly climbed into the car time and pressed two buttons: "Yesterday" and "9.00". After waiting, when the cars stop buddling, I opened the door. Papin Cabinet has not changed.

Hey, - I shouted, - is there anyone?

The steps were heard in the corridor, and he entered the office ... I don't even know how to say. I entered myself. Well, I had a physiognomy. Rather, he has. Having worse than in the mirror, when I roar softer. He opened his mouth, and even his hair was raised. I tell him:

Go here rather, and then the grandfather will come.

And the grandfathers do not. He disappeared somewhere. Just he was and disappeared.

He did not miss anywhere, - I say, - he and my grandfather ... that is, with our grandfather in chess plays us in tomorrow. Tonight, my dad, he and your dad, too, will finish his car, and tomorrow you will arrive in yesterday, like me. And then everyone will understand. And now let's quick!

I jumped out of the cockpit, grabbed myself, or rather, his sleeve and pulled back. And he can see, so frightened, which did not resist, but only muttered:

Where yesterday? Which one tomorrow? But still, it can be seen, the grandfather was right.

And where do we fly? - Khokhach, he asked.

I told him about my plan, and we walked together. After that, I pressed the same buttons again and after some time opened the door. I told my second myself so that he would sit in the cockpit, and himself quietly snuck into the room. The daily grandfather at this time had breakfast in the kitchen, and I, that is, the day before yesterday, I also slept. Today I squandered him and immediately covered his mouth with his hand, because he woke up and almost shouted. Explaining to him what was the matter, I grabbed his clothes, and we got together to the car. There I introduced myself for a day before yesterday, and after that we went to a friend. When we were in the cockpit like Herring in a barrel, we returned on that day, where our two grandfathers played chess.

We slowly went out of the apartment and went to walk to the street. That was great! We met the neighbor faith Pavlovna, and she almost fell from the stairs.

I imagine how she was surprised to see the six me. And by the way, she didn't love me one of them since I accidentally got into her ball.

And on the street, all the passers-by looked at us in all eyes. We walked a bit, and when we were tired of amazing passersby, went to play football. There was no one at the school stadium. We divided into two teams and began to play, but we did not work. I immediately confused. Who is playing for whom - it is not clear. The physiognomy has the same, clothing too. You take away the ball, and he shouts: "I play for you!" - And himself beats in my gate.

Then someone offered Troim to remove the shirts. After that, it was immediately clear who for whom.

We finished playing only in the evening, at six hours. There are all wanted scary. Let's go home and somehow forgot that I am alone in today, and everyone else came to visit me.

Dad was embarrassed and took another hand.

And what day are you from?

And I'm from today, "I replied.

Do not! - Mom shouted. - It was not enough. You will bring here a whole company of men, they are all confused, and I have all the food dinner.

What are men? - Dad was indignant. - These are your husbands, only from past days.

I do not need so many husbands, "Mom replied. - I have enough. And then I will go and bring myself for a whole week.

Give, - Dad shouted, - at least these children will have a mother.

In general, we broke up for a long time, whom to send. The last grandfather left. And when dad went back, in the car something rang, it was overwhelmed, the cabin smelled of Gari. My mother and my grandfather frightened scary. If the car broke, we would never again see your dad. And this damn aggregate began to walk the walker and shoot as a machine gun. Then I shouted: "Dad!", Quickly opened the door, and from there on all fours, our dear papule crawl. He bounced off the burning machine of time, and then from the cabin to the floor began to jump over one other neighboring cats Murki.

It she ran into us yesterday. Remember? "Paired, dad said." - But how did they get into the car and why are there so many?

Nine pieces, "I said.

Cats ran out all over the apartment, and we began to water the car with water. The fire was repaid, but the car could not be saved. And most importantly, dad does not know how to fix it. The whole block burned down, and from which TV or vacuum cleaner, no one remembers. So I had to throw this car. And we still attach cats on acquaintances. Six have already given, and three people live with us. Neighbor, when he sees them, shakes his head and says:

Well, my Murka poured.

Long-awaited summer vacation Just started, and many schoolchildren have already disappeared on the cottages and sports camps. Those who in the village were grandparents, they picked up for the summer to them and, if not counting the baby, in our old Moscow courtyard there were only two guys of the five-graders: the earrings of the Bubarenitsa and Oleg Morkovnikov. Both were terribly smoking and if they loved to colorfully impartitively. Both were looking forwarded when the parents start their vacation and already ten times told each other, who would go to rest. The earrings was high and thin, with big ears and major Canpushki on her face. Oleg inferior to him in growth, but it was strong, like a mushroom Borovac, and very energetic. However, there were enough stubbornness from both, and the boys often stood with small quarrels.

In that rue Sunny Day, the earrings with Oleg jumped out of his entrances almost simultaneously. Both was thoroughly spoiled by the mood. Mom's earrings drew back for the fact that he substituted the home robot of Urphine's leg, and he from all over Mahu, stretched out with a crash in the hallway. And Oleg got hitting from her grandmother. He caught the Osu, put her robot in his head, and the electronic assistant by the name of the battle was buried in his head in his head and he had badly heard the grandmother's orders.

The guys met in the middle of the courtyard and almost immediately began to quarrel. They could not agree, who would be the first to spin on the yard centrifuge simulator for beginner cosmonauts. The boys repel each other, as the roosters fucked the chest and went to a circle for a long time.

I came out much the first of you, "said the earrings, not letting Oleg climb on the seat of the centrifuge.

And I have not seen! - Oleg answered indignantly and tried to push the opponent's breast. - I was standing on the porch, and you only appeared from the entrance.

Yes, I went out when you were not yet, - the stomach squeezing Oleg from the simulator, said the earrings. "Then I entered the entrance again and came out again."

And I generally started walking two hours ago, "Oleg lied. - That I went home to breakfast.

The earrings wanted to compose a story as he spent in the yard all night, but it was a clear lies, and he answered with a challenge:

And I wanted to twist again last night.

And yesterday is not considered! - Oleg was delighted and clutched his hand in the simulator seat. - You never know what was yesterday. I can yesterday in line for ice cream stood. Do you think I will miss forward today? You would remember a week ago.

Having found that to answer this fair remark, the earrings was angry and threatened:

You will not go away, you will get along the neck!

You?! To me?! - Oleg grinned undelapped and, in turn, promised: "You will not give you to twist, you will get in your ear!"

In fact, I didn't want to fight any other. The day was wonderful, both knew the power of the enemy and both were afraid in the fight to lose. Therefore, the guys tried more to scare each other and do it.

Yes, I am one left, - said the earrings and showed for persistence left.

And I'm with one throw over your shoulder, "Oleg praasted knowledge of the fighting techniques.

You probably did not see my cousin, - Sergeka shook his head so that Oleg immediately became clear - his cousin is terrible and only a very stupid person can contact him. - Does he know what strong? He will put you in one finger, you do not have time torture.

Yes? - Oleg was not very frightened. - That you did not see my rosulid brother. Here it is really healthy. He is your brother with one mother's little finger. My brother from the first class is engaged in boxing.

And I ... - I started the earrings, but did not have time to come up with something else to hit the enemy and remembered the dad: - And my dad is engaged in karate. He will give your brother once, and he will fly away.

Haha! - Oleg laughed in his face. "And my dad is doing karate now, and even judo and Jiu-Jitsu." He will move to your dad, and it is overweed in the air.

In fact, the boys knew perfectly well than their dads. The earring dad worked as a mechanic in the next car and was very quiet, good man. And Oleg Dad all the time drove around the country with puppet Theater And in all his life, not a single living being offended. And all the same, the boys lied godlessly and so carried away that in the end switched to their home robots.

And my robot raises three hundred kilograms, "said Sergeka. - He is only a blow on your dad, and from that wet space will remain.

Surveiled! - Oleg laughed snapped. - My robot can lift as many as half a ton. He will give your urochina to you, and it will fall apart. And, by the way, robots do not blow. They have no lungs.

Yes? - Having poured, said Sergeka. - Well, let's see whose robot is stronger. Come on, come on!

Come on, "Oleg immediately agreed. - I even feel sorry for your Urphine. You have to pass it into scrap metal.

This we will see, no one has ever defeated my robot, answered the earrings and was absolutely right. His urchin really did not lose in battles, because he never fought with anyone. "Run for your battle," said Sergey. - We meet here.

The boys diverged home and a few minutes later returned with their home assistants. Robots Urphin and battle were like two drops like each other, because they bought them in one store. Only urofin on the chest was pasted a translace with an airplane, and a fight with the ocean liner.

The boys led robots to the simulator, and the earrings said Urphine:

Well, trying to deal with the battle. Let's see which of you is stronger. Let's come on, do not be afraid. In the case of anything, I will help you.

Robots in an embrace continued their way and suddenly the Urphin dragged the old Russian song to the metal bass:

According to the wild steppes of Transbaikalia, where gold is digging in the mountains ...

The tramp, the fate of the sick, - the battle picked up the battle, - dragged with a sum on the shoulders.


A homely robot named Feofan all summer lived with his masters at the cottage, and he liked it. Every night he was looking forward to the sunrise, and when he began to light, went out on the porch and stood there until the huge golden ball was rolled out due to the forest. Having met the dawn, Feophan took a small basket and went to the nearest fishing line, to gain mushrooms for his owners to breakfast. It happened this time.

To get to the edges to fill the Faofan's basket for one hour. He had very dormant photocells and good sense of smell. Therefore, he saw the mushrooms and felt from afar.

Having gained almost a complete basket, Feofan unexpectedly noticed ahead of the neighbor's robot named Chapek. The owners called him so in honor of the Czech writer Karel Chapeca, who came up with the word "robot". In the manipulator Chapek also kept the basket, and Feofan called him:

Good morning, chapek! How many fungi scored?

Hi! - a neighbor robot was delighted. - full box. Some white and boosts.

They settled up on two hemp and began to chat.

How are the hinges, do not rust? - Food politely asked.

Thanks, ok, - answered Chapek. - Here is just the elbow screw on the left manipulator all the time is unscrewed. Togo and loose. You have to wear a screwdriver with you.