King Koschey Immortal. Why blazes immortal

King Koschey Immortal. Why blazes immortal
King Koschey Immortal. Why blazes immortal

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Why blasphemy immortal. This is a very mysterious character of East Slavic magic fairy tales. Why is it so terrible and so negative? Is it really because he kidnapped a beloved woman (and other atrocities behind him not a fairy tale)? What kind of name is - wrap? Why a stingy, why thin? Who was "during life" - where did you get to the fairy tale? Why is the immortal, and why death is stubcised in an egg?

There should be answers, because in folk magic fairy tales there is nothing casual.

Let's start with the "dossier". Koschey Immortal, he Kashchi, king, porridge, bones, koskos, bones, koshuuti soulless, Koszchun, Korcun, Karachun, queen-prosprosishche, blaze trypetov, etc., etc.

Place of residence - Thied kingdom, underground kingdom, glass mountains.

Palace, for example, from carbunkl-stone, indoor gold.

The occupation is the king.

The owner in the palace is usually not causing: he is busy war, hunting or just flying in Russia.

Relatives are unknown. Love Koshiya - Heroine Fairy Tale, kidnapped in Russia; Love is sincere, but usually unrequited.

There are no friends.

Enemies: the main character Fairy tales (husband, brother, groom stolen) and Baba Yaga.

Personal qualities: Huddoba, physical power, sometimes - witchcraft, the ability to fly. And most importantly - immortality. (As for the misfortune, it is not mentioned in fairy tales, but it follows logically from thin, with a tsarist richness.) It's almost everything.

Excerpture of information is explained: the fairy tale is devoted to the not life of Koschey, but his death.

Since the wins in fairy tales are a bit different, and their sad fate is somewhat different, we will highlight two types of wagon.

1. Koschey steppe. In the fairy tale appears as a prisoner, chained in Chulana, from where he is freed by a hero or heroine. Koschey is worn to their kingdom, taking a heroine with him. The hero, reaching the monastery of Koschery, tries three times to cross the woman, twice the blasphemes they overtake them, for the third time Koschey dies from the hooves of the magic horse. (Hero Hero Dan Yaga Steppe, Lady Kony.)

2. Koschey North-Forest. The whirlwind flies, carries out a woman, only then it turns out that swirl and was a wicker. The death of his, concluded in the egg, he hid in a duck, duck - matree - still in several animals, all this - in the chest, to the top of an oak, which is somewhere on the sea island and is worshled by a blazing enemy's forest. Baba Yaga here is respectively forest, hidden. According to her pressing, the main character is valid. At the time of breaking the hero of the eggs of blasphemes.

The second, "Northern" type of blaspheme is presented wider. But in the fairy tales of blasting, the purity of the type does not necessarily observe. It happens and "Northern" hang on chains; It happens, and "steppe" dies from the egg.

A mansion from fairy tales is challenged about Ivan Godinovich. In it, firstly, the heroine gives his love to blade (for which Ivan then executes), secondly, the death of the wagon from his own arrows, and thirdly, the patronymic of Koshchey - Tripetovich is named.

We logically go to questions about the name and origin.

Many epic characters have prototypes historical persons. Such epic villains, like Shark-Giant, Kopshik, inherited the names of Polovtsy Khan Khanukan and Konchak, famous for the annals and "Word about the regiment of Igor".

In the same "Word" three times mentioned a certain warehouse. In the following contexts:

1. Taking Igor Polovtsy: "Tu Igor-Prince is high from the saddle of Zlata and in the saddle of the cocho."

Just like that - with large lettersas a name is own - written by Koschey in the Musion Pushkin edition "Words about the regiment of Igor".

According to the first translators - commentators, it is this wagon that they will be mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle: "And the Polovtsians watered from Koshiya from Gavrilkova from Islavic that the Russian princes go on them, and Polovtsy ran." It happened 20 years before Igor Shelf. Why would this time be a blaze from a modest Polovtsian intelligence khankoe approximate?

But then it turned out that both in the "Word", and in the chronicles of "Koschei" - the noun nominal, means: slave, servant, prisoner.

Tryurki "Cousch".

And Polovtsian "Resident" was a servant from a certain gavrilka, and the Saddle of the prince of Igor got the Kolaopskoe or captive, and it is renowned - this is a challenge price for a slave, and Khan Konchaka is called "Spear Public" (in order of wishes).

Our fabulous shrug is also sometimes a prisoner. But not this role gave him a name.

Rather, on the contrary. The word "cat" penetrated on Russia from the steppes not earlier than the VI century n. e. And Koschey was already a wicked.

Slavs took a new word, crossed it with old, similar. (It seems that now the e-mail is crossed in "Emel", etc.).

The slave in South Rus began to be called wagon, and the "steppe" wagon became also a prisoner. And therefore, it is for the "steppe" proscience characteristic.

What is the first sense of the name? IN AND. Dal rightly made the name of the blaspheme from the word "caustic", meaning harm, damage, patchtle, swearing.

The root of this word ancient and a branches: caste - bone - Kaz - goats - every side - Kosch. Already in the old Slavonic manuscripts, "Casiti" is found - harming; "Crazy" - destroy, rally; "Dressing adolescence" - expel the fruit.

Modern Polish "Kazhich", Czech "Kazit", Russian dialects "crack" and "Kall", "to Kostyt" - means one and the same: spoil, dump, harm, scold-induce.

Noun from "Kostyt" - "Skipping".

And the child who does in the pants - "Koshchenok", "Kostenok". "Pares", "Pakota" - from the same root, but with the prefix "PA-".

In the ancient Russian chronicles "Conduct the pakosity" meant - to make massive murders. "Clasp" - Rue. "B.", "Friend" - crippled, obsessed; spoken by a slogony or other damage; eunuch. (I draw attention that the same word "caustment" is indicated by the crouch, and the atrocity; the physical and damage is equalized.

So, the word "Branj" means both the battle, and Rugan, and the word "fly" - to scold, the child name of Baba-Yaga, comes from an ancient root with the meaning of "evil", "harm".)
So, the meaning of the name of Koschery quite consistent with the idea of \u200b\u200bits maliciousness, "astute".

As for his bias, thin, then this question can be found out from dictionaries. In the manuscripts of the XI century, the words "coherent", "Skilled" are found in the meaning of "skinny", "thin"; In the XVII century - "Kosha" - in the same meaning. Whether these adjectives are taking place from the word "bone", or Khudoba was understood as a consequence of damage, "Blasty" - to unambiguously not to say, but that the name itself suggests on the thoughts of Herbury - obviously.

It should also be noted that although the prototype is not a fabulous blasting in Russian history, but there were no stale blasts in Russia. Even the autograph of the Novgorod keysticker was found on the name of Koschey - church gram XV century. Take a look at the telephone directory - how many of us are wicked. And the ancestors were visible to blasphemes. But these wins, if they had a relation to a fabulous disease, then only secondary.

Let's go back to blasphemy immortal. His name makes sense, the corresponding role, which means it is not just a name, but a pseudonym. Genuine nameIf anyone knew, not called out loud: taboo. Because its owner must be sought in mythology.

The address of Koschery, as remember, is a three-way kingdom, where a living person can only enter through the hut Baba Yaga. And this is the kingdom, and Yagu studied in detail the philologist V.Ya. Proppage

This is the kingdom of death. Yaga is a border creature, no wonder she has one leg bone, and the hut turns, like the turnstile on the passage.

IN Trident kingdom The Russian spirit is as unpleasant as in the Russian kingdom - dead spirit. (No wonder to shut down, taking into account Ivan.) For this kingdom and are characterized by dairy rivers with ferrous shores, palaces of precious materials. And Koschey - the lord of that kingdom! That is - ... who?

The plot of the abduction of the bride is ancient, like humanity itself. Only at first it was a personal death of a particular bride, it appeared in the form of a snake or bird.

Blasty - death in general - kill harder. For the difficulty of blazes, hid his death.

Not so good original reception, these are examples. The life of the ancient Greek Melagra was headed; He head burned, and he died in flour.

Ancient Egyptian Bata hid his heart into a flower of acacia; The flower was broken - Bata died; Heart found - Bata risen.

Persian prince wore soul in the dagger on the neck. Guess what happened to the prince when the dagger was kidnapped, and that - when the dagger managed to return.

But why is the death of Koschey in the egg? It seems obvious - after all, life has been imprisoned. But everything is more complicated.

There is our wicked "Brothers in the egg" Abroad - also villain, also the kidnappers of women and, too, who also stared their death (heart, soul, life).

You can meet them in the fairy tales of the Scandinavian, Celtic, Bulgarian, Polish, Albanian under the pseudonyms, a giant without a heart, a magician body-without soul, snakes, Cherven Vyatr, Shaitan, and even just a witch. But everyone has an almost hidden cherished egg, usually duck. (But, let's say, in the Italian fairy tale, the egg hides the eagle in himself.)

Now let's turn to the "dossier" and attract another pseudonym Koshiya - Karachun. This word actually death and denotes, but not only. And the winter sun, the shortest day, patent holiday. What reminds of ancient combination of death and winter concepts.

The word "death" itself leads to the leaders and frost's words.

Lopards had a Winter and Death of Mouth, the ruler underground kingdom - Rotayl.

Back in the XIX century, the blades coped the holiday in honor of the company - December 24, that is, exactly in our Karachun.

And the egg here is. The end of winter, according to the northern myths, heralds a duck (or goose, swan), driving an egg on the sea - the sun. With the retreat of glaciers, the myth lost the relevance for the Europeans, and the egg mocked in a fairy tale.

There are such options for a fairy tale, where blazing is quite just to see the egg to lose force. In the XIX century, american scientist J.D. Kurtin seriously studied slavic myths And fairy tales. Kurtin knew Russian, visited Russia, where he was called Eremem Davidovich Kurtin.

Having learned a fairy tale about the blasphemy of the Immortal, Kurtin shared the myth recorded by him from the Indians of North America.

The character of myth, whose name means winter, brings frost and snow. Winter invulnerable, for his heart is somewhere hidden. However, the enemy of winter finds a heart, burns it, and winter dies. Here you can please - Winter Ipostasya Koschey in pure form.

Even if the similarity of the myths of Indian and European is not a trail of a single culture, but simply incredible coincidence, then it is no coincidence (in scientific it is called "convergence").

Conclusions. Why blasphemy immortal.

1. The name of the blaspheme is Slavic, means "villain", "malware", "destroyer", "Paktozhnik". In essence, the alias, replacing true namewhich cannot be called.

2. Consonance with the Turkic word "Cats" (slave) introduced in the southern version of the fairy tale episode of imprisonment of Koschey.

3. Consonal with the words "bone", "coherent" (thin) contributed to the ideas about the bony appearance of Koschey.

4. In the fairy tale of Koschey, came from mythology, where he was the Death Degen, and earlier - and winter.

5. Egg, bearing the death of Koschey, before was an egg - the sun, winning the winter - death.

6. That's why Koschey is terrible, majestic, incomprehensible.

7. If you recreate the Slavic pagan calendar, the shortest day of the year should be dedicated to Kosheyu - Karachun. (And not at all February 29, as some offer.)

Mokienko V.M. In the deputies. K., 1989.
Nazirov R.G. The origins of the plot " Koshcheev death In the egg "// Folklore of the Peoples of the RSFSR: Sat. Ufa, 1989.
Novikov N.V. Images of Eastos Slavic magic fairy tales. L., 1974.
Propp V.Ya. Historical roots Magic fairy tale. L., 1986. Word about the regiment of Igor.

The immortal - one of the most odious and mysterious villains of Russian fairy tales. Only the epithet "Immortal" makes the fear of this character. The absence of fear of immortal can mean that you have long been prescribed in his wicked kingdom.

1. Mystery name

We still do not know the exact origin of the name "Koschey". The most common version is the name of the "Koschei" comes from the word "bone" and means a slender person - today is not in fashion in the linguist environment. Modern researchers Russian folklore is more inclined to see the roots of the villain or the Nizhneelzhitsky Kostlar (caster), or in the ancient Russian "caustic" (abomination, nastiness, etc.). Other scientists believe that the word "wagon" in other Slavic languages \u200b\u200btranslates as leather, neck, bone. So, in Serbian "Koschey" - "bone and leather" or "neck", Slovenian and Polish - "neck" (Sloven. Kitami, Polish. Chudzielec).

2. Who is such a blast?

Oddly enough, so far, scientists have not come to an unequivocal conclusion. Some seen in the wicked interpretation slavic God death from Khachun's cold, others - the Russian version of the German God of Odin, the third - just a few frostbitten hassles with big magical abilities. Many modern folklorists are generally urged to rehab to blast, stating that he is no villain, but some role-playing model Member of the Mystery Dedication to the young girl who performs the father of the dedicated.

3. Crimes of Koshiya

In Russian tales of blasting appears very capable sorcerer. And very sophisticated in his magical solutions. So, Ivan Tsarevich in the fairy tale "Elena beautiful" he turns into walnut, the princess from the "Tsarevna Frog", he "dresses" in the skin of the amphibian, and in the fairy tale "Ivan Sosnovich" he spreads with the whole kingdom, turning it into stone. Himself, the villain prefers to turn around the raven.

4. unsuccessful ladies

As a rule, all the activity of blasphemes are built around young girls. Koshchey uses the same failed tact in the conquest: at first he quickly kidnaps the girl, then it's unsuccessfully trying to achieve intimacy, and without achieving, turns fabulous beauties In frogs or snakes.

5. Koschey gallant

True, there was a case when the definition of the lady answered reciprocity. In the eponymous "about Ivan Godinovich", the immortal with the exotic patronyadium Tripetovich appears to be a gallant, courtcanian cavalier, Mary Dmitrievich Marya Dmitrievich. His rival is the treacherous Ivan Godinovic, who abducts the bride to blaspheme and takes into a purely field. The nasquinny of the kidnapper, Koshiy Tripetovich again asks for a wonderful Marjo to become his legitimate wife. And she agrees. Happy couple Binds the treacherous Ivan to the oak, and they themselves go out love Utyuham In the tent. Then the raven arrives and begins to kark in love that being Marie Dmitrievich is not a wicked wife, but Ivan Godinovich's wife. In the rustling of the righteous anger, the immortal Romeo shoots in the crow, but the arrow changes the trajectory and kills the stronger. The unfortunate Marya is beautiful decides to donate with Ivan, but that dexterity pulls her saber and the fourth girl. So tragic ended the only one love story Koscheya.

6. How to kill Koschery

In one of the fairy tales of Koschey, it was discounted: "My death is a distance: there is an island on the ocean on the ocean, on the island of Oak standing, under the oak, the cheese is buried, in the cheeter - a hare, in a hare - a duck, in a duck - an egg, and in the egg - death my". Many scientists saw in this "Matreshka" interpretation of the model of the Universe: water (sea ocean), land (island), plants (oak), animals (hare), birds (duck), and oak - "world tree". In other words, it is possible to finish with a wagon, destroying the world order.

7. Where does Koschey live and has him relatives.

The daughter of Koschey appears to be Vasilisa (from Greek. Basilissa - Queen) Whether (she is a princess frog), in another version, Father Vasilisa Wastoo the sea king. Image " sea kings"Goes back to the image of sea-king - German leaders of marine campaigns of the era Dark Centuries (from ready to Vikings), which came from Scandinavia. It is noteworthy that the kingdom of wrap is localized in the north. Koschey went to the war on Russia, in order to take revenge on betrayal. By the way, in many fairy tales, he is mentioned primarily as King. Koshchei Immortal: King, slave, sorcerer, does not have the opportunity to die, loves to kidnap the maiden, loves gold. Spend a parallel between him and the Scandinavian troll, and you will get a one hundred percent coincidence, up to the name that is translated as "slave", and in both cases was originally a betrayal, and then immortality.

8. Christian interpretation Koschery

Some elders of Northern Russia interpreted Koscheya as fallen Adam, and Ivan Tsarevich as a "New Testament man." In other interpretations of "People's Orthodoxy" of Koschey symbolized the sinful body, kidnapped by a girl - human soul, and Ivan Tsarevich - Spirit. The death of Koschery was interpreted by these devotees, as cleansing the soul from sins. True, modern folklorists consider these interpretations with anti-scientific.

Koschei the Deathless - popular character slavic fairy tales, epics I. folk tales. Correct him correctly.

By tradition, it is most often depicted as an evil magician, negative characterWho asks to people problems. He appeared an old man, and very skinny, sometimes even a living skeleton.

Image of Koschery.

IN folk fairy tales Koschey Immortal appears either as the king and an evil sorcerer - sometimes riding a magic horse that could speak in the human language, and sometimes go.

This is a skinny old man, almost skeleton. Koschey appears as the Lord of Total Underground world, very stingy - he loves all his gold and does not want to share him with someone.

Koshi abilities

Most fairy tales argue that Koshchei is a very powerful sorcerer, which has a big arsenal of superpowers. For example, blasphemes can take the appearance of wild animals, and most often turns into a black crow. However, despite the ability to reincarnation, blasting does not like to contact animals - most of all he likes to remain in his own appearance: a bad elder, but very powerful.

Killing wagon is simply so impossible, because the life of the sorcerer is hidden at the end of the game, and that is in the egg, an egg in a duck, duck in a hare, but the hare is sitting in a locked chest. And only the flap to the needle can be destroyed by blazes - otherwise it is completely invulnerable.

Initially, in the first fairy tales about the blazes, it could not be able to defeat him at all, as it just did not know about the existence magic Eggs and needles. In the last fairy tales of the needle, they also died even several times.

Demonstrations of the strength of blasphemes in fairy tales are quite a lot and all of them perfectly demonstrate his capabilities. For example, he was without any problems to turn the Ivan Tsarevich to the ordinary nut, and the whole kingdom was in stone. Conditions Koschey, like most characters of Russian fairy tales, fight on swords. His favorite weapon is a semi-third sword and no one owns them better than the evil sorcerer

Where else lives

Hading lives in a castle or palace, the kingdom is located for the thirty lands - on the edge of the world. To get there, wear not one pair of iron boots. Koschey Immortal - King of Gold and Silver, Pearls.

Having immortal in fairy tales

In Russian folk tales this character always acts as the main opponent good character. Koschey kidnaps beautiful princesses, dismissed turns into animals. For example, the princess frog.

One of the main enemies of the Koschery immortal is another fairly strong witch - Baga-Yaga. Of course, her strength does not reach the level of blaspheme, but it often takes part in the overthrow of the immortal. For example, it was Buga-Yaga who told Ivan Tsarevich's secret to death. In rare cases of Koschey and Baga Yaga are on one side of the barricades. The swung enemies have always been warriors, however, in most fairy tales, they always become victims of the dark sorcerer, as they do not know the way to kill Koschey, unlike Ivan Tsarevich.