Tuben musical. Tuben - Musical Instrument - History, Photo, Video

Tuben musical. Tuben - Musical Instrument - History, Photo, Video
Tuben musical. Tuben - Musical Instrument - History, Photo, Video

Tuben is one of the most ancient musical instruments. He leads his story from time immemorial when the most respected people in the tribe were mysterious shamans, and without a ritual dancing, no important event was accounted for in a person's life, be it hunting, a wedding or funeral.

The first tambourines had a fairly simple design - a wide round wooden rim (shelter) was covered with a leather membrane leather membrane. Sometimes the rims and bells were inserted into the rim, who rank with each hit. The classic tool has in diameter an average of 40-50 cm, the rim width reached 10 cm.

It is believed that in Asia, the tambourine appeared in the era bronze Age At the turn of the III and II millennia. The tool received the greatest popularity in the countries of the Middle East, and from there, during the first crusades, moved to Europe, up to the English islands and even Northern Ireland.

In the XVIII century, the tambourine appeared "competitor". It was a small cylindrical drum, the height of all modern drums. Tamburin came up with French shepherds, it was used as an accompaniment when playing on the flute. The tambourine tambourine is distinguished by the rim and sound width, Tambourin sounds softer, besides, it was played extremely special chopsticks. Subsequently, the construct of the tambourine had another addition - the leather membrane disappeared, only the hedge with iron linking inserts remained.

The tambourine is a tool that is found in almost all known cultures, from Uzbek and Armenian to the traditions of the Indian tribes of North America. In Russia, the tambourine is known since the reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich (X century), he served as a sign of team rank, such a tambourine was called the root and was a vessel covered with skin. Special beasts were used to extract sound. The role of a tambourine in our culture is not limited to this, in more late period The tool has become an integral attribute maslenic festivitiesThe tambourines used jesters and crumbs, calling out guests to the dance, these were already familiar tools with a wooden rim.

The most common way to use a tambourine is a shaman practice. The tool was used to achieve a hypnotic state. It was achieved by repeating rhythmic blows reproduced with a certain frequency. The rhythmic drawing of the blows was not constant, but changed, then quietly, then increasing, and as it were, the consciousness of Shaman, who, after the dance, could communicate with spirits. Shaman during dance held a tambourine in the face, either above his head, so that in the upper part of the vibration body resonated with a lot of power.

The classic shaman tambourine was covered with cow or leather leather, which was stretched with leather shoelaces. Laces were fixed with a metal ring from the inside of the tool. Shamansky tambourine was a personal tool, no one except the owner was not allowed to take him in hand. Everyone prepared his tambourine independently. Before you begin to create a tambourine, the shaman was to keep a kind of post, clean his thoughts and to refrain from bodily pleasures for a while, only after that, the enlightened shaman proceeded to creating his ritual tool.

It is believed that the first tambourines appeared in Africa and from there through Hindostan spread throughout the world. In different countries, tambourines are called differently. For example, the Irish option is known called Boiran. Unlike the classic version, the boiler has a wider wooden base and more "gentle" sound. Play on booran with a wooden wand, rounded on both sides.

The Central Asian version of the tambourine - DAF, common in the countries of the Middle East, was covered with the skin of sturgeon. Up to 70 metal rings were attached to the size of Dafa, which, when executed, created a ringing sound. The tool assumed a special execution technique, played with her fingers, sometimes slap. Daph performed in the role of accompaniment to vocal execution, played on it usually, performer himself. The material from which the tambourine was made of origin was dependent. Each people, in whose culture there is this tool, made it individual. The membrane of the Indian tambourine of the kanjira, for example, was made of lizard leather and had stunning musical properties.


Today, orchestral tambourines are also known in addition to ethnic tools, widely used in symphony orchestras. The rim of such Bubn iron, and they are covered with plastic membrane. It turns out that than easier tool, it is universal.

As known, new era gives things its filling. This is how it happened to the tambourine, which in the age of IT technologies received a new purpose. Now they are in service with system administrators, which, with the help of magic dances and strikes, the buben drive out glitches from the operatingers and ask for the gracious work of the server.

For this, it is suitable for both the classic version of the tambourine and its advanced model, made for example, from a CD of a disk bonded by ringing bells. At the moment, it is not known for certain whether the server will work better after such a rite, but it will completely definitely help the sysadmin to relax. A cheerful admin is the key to the uninterrupted operation of the system.

- shock musical instrument; Wooden or metal hoop, tightened on one side with a membrane (skin or bubble). Some types of tambourines are equipped with stale metal rings, plates, plates or bubrels and bells. * See also Tamburins\u003e

An example of a tambourine sound in wORLD MUSIC. Gafarova / Toke-Cha: Boutique Compositions

Known from ancient times in many countries, especially in the East. National varieties of tambourines: dEF, Dyaf or Gabal (Azerbaijani), dAF or HALV (Armenian), dyra (Georgian), Doyra (Uzbek and Tajik), daire or dEF. (Iranian), bendira(Arab), pondero (Spanish), Bayran(Irish), pow Wow.drum (the drum of American Indians made in the style of Sioux Drums). From the 20th year. 19th century It is used in the symphonic and spirit of the orchestras, mainly in the music of oriental nature, in Spanish, Gypsy and Italian dances. In ancient Russia, the tambourine also called drumand military Litavra.

Shamansky Buben.

One of the most significant shamanic tools. It has oval or round shape and consists of a wooden rim - shell covered with skin. From the inside there is a vertical handle for which the shaman holds a tambourine. On the inside there are also horizontal crossbars or bars to which all sorts of metal suspensions are attached. On the outside of the leather tightness, some peoples were made to apply drawings - the shaman's picture of the world.

All important Kamlany were certainly conducted with the participation of the Bubne. In the Shaman beliefs, the tambourine had a lot of values. First of all, the tambourine was seemed by the shaman's ride animals - a horse or a deer. He personified exactly the animal whose skin was used for the manufacture of leather coating. During Kamlany, the shaman could travel on the tambourine as a horse or deer in the Upper (Heavenly) world, where good spirits live.

For shamans traveling to Nizhny (underground) world to evil spirits The tambourine turned into a boat capable of carrying shaman along the underground river.

If Shaman accounted for in his journey to join evil forces, Tuben could turn into an impenetrable shield or onions, and defended his master. On the Evenki Bubnes, in addition, there were special sword suspensions, which in a minute of danger turned into a formidable tool.

But the most important thing - the tambourine helps Shaman enter the trance to communicate with spirits. Camlania begins with a hearing of a tambourine on fire - revival or cleansing a tambourine. Then the shaman begins to beat the tambourine. Strokes in the tambourine and singing shaman are convened by perfumes, which, according to ancient beliefs, fly and searge on the pendants of the tambourine.

Nowadays, the development of a tambourine continues. So multi-instrumentist Bulat Gafarov, whom they call "Urban Shaman", created a tambourine with a pickup and colorful illumination reacting to strikes:

Doyra, Gaval

Doyra, Gawal (Doira, Gaval) - Uzbek, Tajik and Uygur Impact tool, Bubne. Consists of a wooden frame with stretched skin. On the inside of the frame hung brying metal rings.

Master of the game on Doir is able to fulfill the most complex rhythmic patterns, often the tool is the only dance accompaniment.

Video example of playing on the Eastern Daph Bubne in Ethno drum show TKE-CHA:

Tuben is one of the most ancient musical instruments. The story of the tambourine begins with time immemorial when the most respected people in the tribe - mysterious shamans performed their ritual dancing on any an important event, taking place in a person's life (it could be a wedding, hunting or funeral).

The design of the first tambourines was quite simple - one side of a wide (10 cm) of a round wooden rim, the diameter of which could be 40-50 cm (shelter) was covered with a leather membrane. And inside the rim itself, bells and bubrels were sometimes inserted, the ringing of which was heard at each blow. It is believed that the appearance of a tambourine in Asia should be attributed to the era of the Bronze Age (II - III century).

The popularity of the tool has increased much after he hit the Middle East, and then to Europe, thus reaching the English islands and reaching Northern Ireland. In the XVIII century, a drum becomes a cylindrical shape, which will be a cylindrical shape, which will be in the future, the future of all modern drums. Tambourin was invented by French shepherds, to use it like a accompaniment while playing on the flute. Tamburin was different from the tambourine tambourine and softer sound, and special sticks were required for the game.

In the future, the tambourine has occurred in its design: there was no leather membrane, only iron linking inserts and rim remained. The tambourine is a unique musical instrument, it can be found among the peoples of all famous cultures, whether Uzbeks, or Armenians, or Indian North American tribes.

The story of the tambourine in Russia begins with the times of the Principality of Svyatoslav Igorevich, he was called (in the 10th century), as a military-musical instrument, he was included in all hiking and was considered a sign of command dignity. Looks a tambourine as a vessel, covered with a membrane of leather. And to extract the sound from it used special beasts. Already later, the tambourine becomes an integral attribute during carnival festivals. The jesters and crumbs used it to call guests to the dance. Now it was a more familiar musical instrument for us having a wooden rim.

Most often, tambourine is used in shaman practice, where with the help of the tool it is possible to bring a person to a hypnotic state. It was possible to achieve this when repetition of shocks that were performed with a certain frequency. It is very optional that the rhythmic picture of the blows is constant. He may change, then sink, then increase, as if swaying the Consciousness of Shaman, who, fulfilling his dance, is able to communicate with spirits.

Classic Shaman Tuben is necessarily covered with lamb or cow's skin, leather laces were used to pull it, which then fastened with a metal ring on the inside of the tool. He was considered a personal owner's instrument, and no one was allowed to touch him. Each shaman himself made his tambourine. Before you start doing a tambourine, the shaman was supposed to withstand a kind of post. It was necessary to put their thoughts (clean) and for a while, to abandon bodily pleasures. And only by fulfilling all these obligations, the shaman could start creating a ritual tool.

Tambourine Central Asia It is called DAF, it is distributed in the countries of the Middle East. For its tightness, used the skin of the sturgeon, and for the creation of ringing sound (during execution), metal rings were fed to the rod of Dafa, the number of which reached 70 pieces. On a tool requiring special execution techniques, it was possible to play with your fingers, and sometimes slap. For the membrane of the Indian tambourine - the kanjira, used the skin of the lizard, which is why the tool had amazing musical properties.

Oddly enough, but the story of the tambourine is not only ethnic tools. Nowadays, tambourines are widely used in symphony orchestras. They have an iron rim and plastic membrane. It turns out that a simple tool can be very universal.

They were used in the deep antiquity, the peoples of the Middle East and the African continent for accompanying militant and religious dances and dances. Impact tools, the names of which are numerous, like their species, in our days are very common, no ensemble does not do without them. These include those whose sound is retrieved by hitting.


According to its musical qualities, it is, if possible, extracting sounds of one or another height, can be divided into 2 groups all types of percussion instruments, the names of which are presented in this article: with an indefinite height of sound (plates, drums, etc.) and with a certain height ( Xilophone, Litavra). They are also divided depending on the type of vibrator (sounding body) on self-refined (casstags, triangles, plates, etc.), lamellar (bells, vibrofones, xylophones, etc.) and webbed (tambourine, drums, litwords, etc.).

Now you know what kind of drum tools exist. Let's say a few words and what the timbre and the volume of their sound is determined.

What does the volume and the timbre depend on

The volume of the sound is determined by the amplitude of the oscillations of the sounding body, that is, the power of the blow, as well as the sizes of the sounding body. Strengthening sound in some tools is achieved by adding resonators. The timbre, which have certain types of drum tools depends on the set of factors. The main of them is a way of impact, the material from which the tool is made and the form of the sounding body.

Effective impact tools

The sounding body in them is a membrane or a stretched membrane. These include percussion instruments, whose names are: tambourine, drums, Litavra, etc.


Litavra is a tool with a certain sound height, which has a metal housing in the form of a boiler. The membrane made of the selected skin is stretched at the top of this boiler. As a membrane, a special membrane made from polymeric materials is currently used. It is fixed on the housing using stretch screws and hoop. Located around the circle, the screws are released or stretch it. The shock tool of the Litavra is configured as follows: if you pull the membrane, the system becomes higher, and if it is lowered, it will be lower. In order not to interfere with the membrane to vibrate freely, there is a hole for the air movement below. The housing of this tool is made of brass, copper or aluminum. Litales are installed on a tripod - a special stand.

This tool is used in the orchestra in a set of 2, 3, 4 and more boilers of different values. From 550 to 700 mm is the diameter of modern Litavr. The following types are distinguished: pedal, mechanical and screw. Pedal are the most common, since it is possible to rebuild the instrument on the necessary tonality, without interrupting the games by pressing the pedal. Litavr has sound volume approximately equal to Kwint. Below all the rest is tuned by a large licitation.


Tulumbas is an old impact tool (genus Litavr). He served in the XVII-XVIII century in the army, where it was used to serve anxiety signals. In shape, this is a potted resonator. This antique shock tool (genus Litavr) can be made of metal, clay or wood. From above, it is covered with skin. There are wooden bits on this design. Removed a deaf sound, resembling something shot of guns.


We continue to describe the shock tools whose names were listed at the beginning of the article. Drums have an indefinite height of sound. These include various percussion instruments. Names, the list of which is presented below, all denotes the drums (different types of their varieties). Large and small orchestral drums, large and small pop, as well as Bongs, Tom Bas and Tom Tenor.

A large orchestral drum has a cylindrical body, from two sides covered with plastic or skin. It is characterized by a deaf, low, powerful sound, extracting a wooden beater with a tip in the form of a ball from a filler or felt. For the membranes of the drums, today began to apply a polymer film instead of parchment leather. It has better musical and acoustic properties and higher strength. The drums of the membrane are fixed with tension screws and two rims. The housing of this tool is made of or sheet steel and is facing the artistic celluloid. It has a size of 680x365 mm. A large pop drum has a design and shape similar to the orchestral. Its dimensions are 580x350 mm.

A small orchestral drum is a low cylinder, from two sides covered with plastic or skin. The membrane (membranes) to the housing is fastened with tie screws and two rims. To give the tool of a specific sound, special strings or strokes (spirals) are tensioned above the lower membrane. They are powered by a discharging mechanism. The use of synthetic membranes in the drums made it possible to significantly improve the reliability of operation, musical and acoustic characteristics, the freight and duration of the service. A small orchestral drum has a size of 340x170 mm. It is included in the symphony and military brass orchestras. A small pop drum has a device similar to the orchestral. Its sizes are 356x118 mm.

Tom-Tom Bas and Tom Tom Tenor are not different. They are used in shock pop installations. Tom Tenor is attached to a large drum using a bracket. Tom Tom Bas is installed on a special stand on the floor.

Bongs are drums that have small sizes, on one side of which plastic strain or leather. They are included in the shock pop installation. Bongs are connected by adapters.

As you can see, many percussion instruments belong to the drums. Names, the list of which was presented above can be supplemented by including some less popular varieties.


The tambourine is a shelter (hoop), on one side of which plastic or leather stretched. Special slots are made in the hoop housing. Brass plates are strengthened in them, it looks like small orchestral plates. Inside the hoop sometimes on spirals or on stretched twins, small rings are rolled up, puments. All this fits from the slightest touch to the tambourine, creating a special sound. On the membrane, the strikes produce palm right hand (its base) or fingertips.

The tambourines are used to accompany songs, dance. In the east of the virtuoso skill reached the art of the game on this tool. A solo game on the tambourine is also common here. Dyaf, DEF or GAVAL is Azerbaijani tambourine, Hawa or Dafa - Armenian, Dyra - Georgian, Doyra - Tajik and Uzbek.

Plate shock tools

We will continue to describe the shock musical instruments. Photos and names of lamellar shock are presented below. To such tools with a certain height of sound, can be attributed to xylophone, marimba (marimbaf), metallophone, bells, bells, vibro.


Xylophone is a set of wooden pars of various sizes that correspond to sounds, different in height. Lands made from rosewood, spruce, nut, maple. They are placed in parallel in 4 rows, following the order of chromatic gamma. These pars are mounted on durable laces, and also separated by springs. Through the holes made in the brooms, the cord passes. The xylophone for the game is laid out on a table on rubber equity gaskets, which are located along the cords of this tool. It is played by two wooden chopsticks having thickening at the end. This tool is used to play the orchestra or for solo game.

Metallophone and Marimba

Metallophone and Marimba are also shock musical instruments. Photos and names are they talking about something? We offer to get acquainted with them.

Metallophone is a musical instrument similar to xylophone, but the sound plates are made of metal (bronze or brass). Photo is presented below.

Marimba (Marimbafon) is a tool that sound elements are wooden plates. It also installed metal tubular resonators to enhance sound.

Marimba has a juicy, soft tempo. The range of its sound is 4 octaves. Gaming plates of this tool are made of rosewood. It provides good musical and acoustic characteristics of this tool. In 2 rows on the frame are plates. In the first row - the plates of the main tones, and in the second - halftone. The resonators installed in 2 rows on the frame are adjusted to the sound frequency of the corresponding plates. Photos of this tool are presented below.

On the supporting trolley, the main nodes of Marimba are fixed. The frame of this cart is made of aluminum. This provides sufficient strength and minimal mass. Marimuba is used both for learning purposes and for professional game.


This tool is a set of aluminum plates, chromatically configured, which are located in 2 rows by analogy with the piano keyboard. On a high table (bed) plates are installed and attached on laces. In the center under each of them there are cylindrical resonators of a certain value. Through them are held in the upper part of the axis, on which fan uerens (impeller) are fixed. So the vibration is achieved. The damper device has this tool. It is connected under a bed with a pedal in order to mute the sound of the foot. On the vibraphon play with 2, 3, 4, and sometimes large quantity Long sticks having rubber balls at the ends. This tool is applied in symphony orchestra, however, more often - in pop or as a solo instrument. Photo is presented below.


With which percussion instruments can be played in the orchestra bell ringing? The correct answer is the bell. This is a set of shock tools used in symphonic and opera orchestras for this purpose. The bells consist of a set (from 12 to 18 pieces) of cylindrical pipes that are tuned chromatically. Usually steel chromed or brass nickel plated tubes. The diameter of them ranges from 25 to 38 mm. They are suspended on a special rack frame, the height of which is about 2 m. The sound of the pipes of a wooden hammer is removed. The bells are equipped with a special device (pedal damper) to join the sound.


This is a shock tool consisting of 23-25 \u200b\u200bmetal plates configured chromatically. They are placed steps in 2 rows on a flat drawer. The black piano keys correspond to the top row, and the white is lower.

Immediate impact tools

Talking about what percussion instruments (titles and species) are, it is impossible not to mention the self-refined drums. This type includes the following tools: plates, thamas, triangles, rattles, maracas, casstans, etc.


Plates are metal discs made of nezilber or brass. A somewhat spherical shape is drawged by disk plates. Leather straps are attached to the center. Long ringing sound is published when they hit them about each other. Sometimes use one plate. Then the sound is removed by the blow of a metal brush or wand. Orchestral plates are produced, plates "Gong" and "Charleston". They are ringing, sharply.

Let's tell about what other shock instruments are. Photo with titles and descriptions will help you get to know them closer.

Triangle orchestrum

The orchestral triangle (it is presented below) - this is a steel rod of an open triangular shape. This tool when playing is hanging freely and then hit it with a metal wand, while performing various rhythmic patterns. Ringing, bright sound has a triangle. It is used in various ensembles and orchestras. Triangles are produced with two chopsticks made of steel.

Gong or there - there is a bronze disk with bent edges. The beater having a felt tip is hit by its center. It turns out gloomy, thick and deep sound, the full strength reaches gradually, not immediately after impact.

Kastagnes and Maracasy

Castanets (photos are presented below) - this is Spain. In the form, this vintage shock tool is a cord-related shell. One of them is facing a spherical (concave) side to another. They are made of plastic or solid wood. Castanets produce single or double.

Maracas are plastic or timber balls filled with fraction ( small quantity Metal pieces) and decorated colorfully outside. They are equipped with a handle so that during the game they were comfortable to keep. Various rhythmic drawings can be reproduced, shaking maracas. They are used mainly in pop ensembles, but sometimes in orchestras.

Rattles are sets of small plates fortified on the plate.

These are the main names of the shock musical instruments. Of course, there are much more. We talked about the most famous and popular.

Impactor, which has a pop ensemble

In order to have a complete picture of this tool group, it is also necessary to know the composition of shock kits (installations). The most common is the following composition: a large and small drum, a large and small single plate, a paired Hay-Het plate ("Charleston"), Bongi, Tom Tom, Tom Tomor and Tom Tom Bas.

On the floor in front of the artist is installed a large drum, which has stubborn legs. On the drum from above can be fixed using the drum brackets by Tom-Tom Alto and Tom Tomor. It also provides for an additional stand on which an orchestral plate is fixed. Fastening on the Big Drum Tom Tom Alto and Tom Tenor Brackets regulate their height.

Mechanical pedal - an integral part of a large drum. The performer with the help of it extracts the sound from this musical instrument. It is necessarily included in the percussion installation of a small pop drum. It is attached three grabs on a special stand: one retractable and two folding. Installed stand on the floor. This is a stand, which is equipped for fixing in a certain position, as well as changes in the slope of a small drum by a locking device.

A small drum has a silencer and a dropping device that are used to adjust the tone. Also in the drum set, sometimes there are several volumes of tenors, volumes of alto and volume drums, different in size.

Also (it is presented below) includes orchestral plates with a stand, a chair and a mechanical stand for Charleston. Maracas, Triangles, Kastagnes and others noise tools are accompanying tools for this installation.

Spare parts and accessories

Spare accessories and parts of the drum tools can be attributed: stands for orchestral plates, for small drum, for charleston plates, Litaful sticks, mechanical beaker for drum (large), sticks to a small drum, pop drum sticks, orchestral brushes, beasts and Skin for large drum, belts, cases.


Shock and keyboard and shock tools should be distinguished. The shock-keys belongs to the piano and piano. The strings of the piano are arranged horizontally, it hits the hammer from the bottom up. The piano is characterized by the fact that the hammer hit in the direction from the musician in string. The strings are tensioned in the vertical plane. The piano and piano thanks to the richness of sounds on the strength of sound and height, as well as the best possible features of these tools received a common name. And the other tool can be called in one word - "Piano". Piano is a string percussion tool according to a method for extracting sound.

The keyboard mechanism that is used in it is a system of levers interconnected, which serves to transmit pianist finger strings. It consists of mechanics and is a set of keys whose number can be different depending on the sound range of a tool. The keys are usually plastic overlays. Then they are mounted on the keyboard frame with the help of pins. Each of the keys has a pilot, capsule and lining. It transmits as the first-kind lever of the pianist's effort on the figure of mechanics. Mechanics are hammer mechanisms that transform the effort of a musician when pressed on the strings of the hammers. The hammers are made of a graph or maple, felt tighten their head.

The tambourine is a shock musical instrument of an indefinite height of sound, consisting of a leather membrane stretched on a wooden rim. Metal bells are suspended for some varieties of tambourines, which are starting to ring when the performer strikes the tambourine membrane, rubs it or shakes the entire tool.

To begin with, we will analyze the question first: were there a tambourine at the Slavs? To answer on this issue Look at the original sources, namely in the chronicle. Here I will give an example most expense historical documents.

The Prologue of the XV century talks about the pagan rites of Rusali: ".. Burn in Bubny, Druys, in Koziti and in the snot, are stuck, they laid the Skurats (masks), go to the mock of man and moment, leaving the church, to disgrace (Spectacle) Tchachu Inrerequosa those games of Rusali. "

Public rites in the 12th century, the igumen of the Elyazar monastery of Pethov, in his message to the governor of the city of Pskov, describes the holiday of Klapala: "Fair comes the day of the Nativity of Baptolev, and before that lights, men and wives of Charov in the meadows, and in the wins and in the desert and in the desert Dubravy, seeking a mortal poison on a woman and cattle; The tight and the division of the porch dig up on their husband's indulgence. This whole creation by the action of the diabulibs on the day of the Bureau of Christmas, with Satanic sentences. Always it will take a holiday, in the holy, in the holy, not all degrees will be reimbursed, and it will begin in the village, in the tambourine and snatch and the buzz of string, dancing and dance; Wives and girls and heads of nominations, and the creek are disliked, all the sang songs, and the ridge of their wincing, and their feet of their jumping and tramplement; That there is a great fall, men, female and maiden whispering, a wanderland and wives with a grown tooling, and making plants.

Stalling 1551 (Question 17): "Yes, in our Orthodoxy, the Neznya is most displetely, the cross or the images of the saints are kissing or the fields and the blood is shedding and the blood is shed, and in those posses of the Maghery Creative: Kudesa beat and in the Aristotelian gates, and in Rafli look at the stars and they look at the plates and look at the days and hours. And the same devilish works of the world also seduce from God ... "

Packaging about pagan folk rites Nutritional Popov in the name of the path of Johasaf, walking in the floor. The XVII century: "... And on their faces, the larvae of Cosmodia and the star-shaped and clothes are such a ... ... and announcing the Syda will decorately, and others are bybno and splashing, and there is an incomplete one ...".

MEMORY Tiun Manunov and Popovsky Staroste, Nikolsky's ass Pankhydrate, about termination in Moscow churches of different sizes and abuses, 1636: "... Medvedents with bears and dance psyche, and sponquisites and players with casuals ... With all sorts of Satanian blocks, and the evils of the PEPELECTS BEELSKY WHOBE, drunkenly, dye and in bybno bybye and in the Sypnaya, and in the deer, Hudyasche, and withdrawn in the pyacks are wearen, and there is nothing in the Pyacks ... "

Famous ethnographer of the late 19th century Mantsikka V.I. in his book "Religion eastern Slavs."Noted:" And when someone has a wedding, it is coped with tambourines, with duffers and with other demonic wonders "

One of the descriptions of the tambourine along with the pipes as a military-musical instrument refers to the X B. (960s) and included in the description of the campaign of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich.

Unfortunately, such a product like a tambourine made of wood and skin can not keep long in the ground in our climatic conditions, and echoes the even for a hundred years. But archaeologists at Novgorod found a beater for a tambourine. "In addition, from musical instruments: Metallic dish (Gong), shortcutuhi, guarding beaters, bells, bells, bubrels, noisy-making-amulets, botalled and tin, warganes, clay rattles, wooden blades ratchets, people of several species." Kolchin B. A. "Novgorod antiquity" 1968, G.

The same can be said about the drums. If the drum was made, for example, from a fir shop, and the skin was stretched by rods from a lycon, after a hundred years of staying in crude land, there will be no trace from such a drum. But even if the jacket was from the sea oak, then I really identify it, most likely, just like a tub, because both the skin, and the stretch is still extinguished. The same applies to the drum made of ceramics or metal boiler. Therefore, to identify the former shock tool to archaeologists is very difficult.

There is a memory of People's Slavic Bubnes, recorded in the sayings:

"Calls of tambourine around the mountains, and we will come to us like Lukoshko"
"He has a tambourine head"
"Well ring tambourine yes bad feed"
"Flu truth is afraid of a bubne hare"
"Call tambourine, yes, Igumen is terrible," this proverb is especially interesting. She would go there, where in the tambourine beaten, yes fearlessly punishment from the priest.

But the Czech plot:
"Hastman, Dej Kuzi Na Buben, Budem Ti Bubnovati, AZ Polezes Z Vody Ven!" - "Water, give skin to the tambourine, we will knock on it until you climb out of the water!". Veelmisova E.V. "Czech conspiracies. Research and texts ", pp. 552) There are generally direct text, why the Slavs used tambourines. To communicate with the spirits of nature, elements. But we will come back to this.

So, with the presence of a tambourine in the lands of Slavs figured out. Bubnes were! The next question is: whether he was prior to the lands of Slavs, or was borrowed from asian peoples? To answer this question, turn to the science of the origin of words - etymology.

So, the word "tambourine" - genus. p. Tubne, Ukr. Tuben, Bubon is the same, Serbovory. Bubaњ, Rod. P. Bubњa is the same as described. Bobn, Cesh. Buben, Polish. Beben, V.-Luzh., N.-Luzh. Bubon, Polands. Boban is the same.
It turns out that this word is distributed to all Slavic peoples and phonetically sounds almost the same! This speaks of his deep antiquity. The emergence of this word (tool titles), and according to the tool itself, goes back to the very archaic times of the history of Praslavyansky people, when the language was still unity. If the tool was borrowed, then his name would be different from different Slavic peoples.

What does this word mean? We are talking about a man deeply, monotonously speaking that he is a tag. Lithuanian Bambu, Bambeti - Means "Grill", Latvian Bambals, Bambuls - Means "Beetle", in Lithuanian Bimbilas - "Heavy, Blind", on the Greek βμβς - "Low, Deaf Sound", βομβω - "Low, Diffucuate" , βομβλη - "Breed bees", on ancient-Indian Bambharas - "Bee". That is, the ancient root of "Bub-", "Boomb-" Pyranceo-European language meant low, buzzing, vibrating sound and those who published it. And the invented tool in the form of stretched skin on the rim is just this sound and imitated. So I was called a tambourine.

Moreover, if we turn to the history of music and musical instruments, we find out that the tambourines were almost all the peoples of the Earth. So-called shock membrane instruments are the most ancient in the history of mankind. The tambourines and the drums appeared as soon as a person learned how to produce and handle the skins, make dishes from clay and tree. Bubnes and drums in different types were in all tribes and in all territories globewhere there were relevant conditions. The prototype of the drum was once served by a vessel with food, to preserve the contents of a covered slicer. And the prototype of the tambourine served as an animal skins stretched for drying and further processing on a frame from branches. In the Rus, the invarius was engaged in both agriculture and hunting and animal husbandry and ceramics. So the Slavs in this case cannot stand a mansion in the history of civilizations.

Let us summarize: the tambourines from the Slavs were! And they were in the Slavs invoko and from time immemorial! We go further. And here the next question is being brewing: they were, but how were they used? Opponents of "Slavic Bubnov" also like to argue that allegedly in Russia, the tambourines were used only as musical instruments. Oh, but only? Let's go back to the same chronicles. In them, the tambourines are mentioned exclusively and specifically in connection with the pagan rites, Koi Church and condemned. And not in connection with the worldly evening entertainment of the village community.

And it could not then be otherwise! The fact is that in antiquity, music and musical instruments were not separable from rituals and rituals. Music and dances are among the earliest religious and magical actions. The use of sound and music for healing, for entry into trance states, to change consciousness and perception, to communicate with the world of other originated at the very beginning of the history of mankind!

It was documented that the priests, shamans and healers of the aboriginal peoples that use such tools such as drums, tambourines and other drums are capable of changing the state of the brain (that is, changing the neurological activity of the brain). Experiments have shown, for example, that some rhythms of tambourines and drums reinforce the theta activity of the brain associated with hypnotic and close to the dreams of consciousness states, as well as with inspiration and an increased level of creative activity.

If we speak scientific language, the sound of a tambourine or drum change the electric rhythm of the brain, completely definitely adjusting it to theta waves (altered states of consciousness) or even delta waves in extreme cases corresponding to a deep sleep or to get out of consciousness, that is, when consciousness takes Shaman to other areas of reality.

So the sound of the drums helps participants of the rite. Enter the state of light trance, to achieve the changed state of consciousness, in other words, ecstasy, reveal its subconscious and unconscious, for unity with other worlds, with gods, spirits, ancestors and perceive and comprehend the incomprehensible secrets of the universe.

Impact tools All ancient peoples were used to "perform" energy and then directions for it, for example, land to improve fertility or for a patient for cleaning and strengthening it.

If even the most primitive peoples of the land have knowledge about the magical power of rhythms, who live at the primitive level of life, then they really have our ancestors, in centuries using the tambourines (which we have already proven), did not possess them? And according to our opponents used, such a powerful gun, just like a toy for musical accompaniment His funny? Do not underestimate our ancestors!

In addition, remember the story. If this tool, along with other, would simply be folk instrument, in no way associated with the ancient rites and beliefs, would the king and churching be fighting them? Send decrees to the total destruction in Russia? What was their danger? If they were simply sometimes used by the people to sing and pay? Yes, only songs and dances in Russia in those days were deeply sacred. Directed on all the same disclosure of consciousness, the achievement of divine awareness, for unity with their native gods and ancestors.

Therefore, unfortunately worried churchings: "Where Domra will appear, Surna, Gusli," says the royal decree of the XV century. "They all told them to be withdrawn and, breaking those demonic games, told burn, and which people from this gig member will not retain - told Beatogi."

Therefore, the Slavic musical instruments of the clergymen were declared demonic attributes. For example, in Zhiuti Isaacia talks about the temptation of his demons, which mocked him, playing on different tools - "Hoots in snacks and in the tambourine."

It will also be appropriate to remember how in the times of communist materialism, in Siberia fought with the pagan beliefs of indigenous peoples. First of all, Shaman Bubnes were destroyed, then shamans.

Resolutions of the 100-eyed Cathedral of 1551 prohibit all kinds of playing "... in the huslies, and in the bow, and sniffing, and all the game, spectacles and dances ...". In the XVII century The church achieved prohibition already in the legislative order of all musical instruments.

In September 1654 Bells hit, calling for everyone to the procession. The procession moved down to the Moscow River. Cears accompanied five to the top of the loaded approach. Finally, the procession stopped, and the monks began to unload the veil. Domra, husli, horns, swirls, tambourines flew to Earth. Then all this set fire to it.

So Patriarch Nikon decided to free Moscow from the badge. "Devyskie" tools were selected on the streets, in homes, kabaks, and burned. Unique musical instruments burned by centuries. Russian national music suffered sensitive damage. Peasants under the threat of fine were forbidden to keep the folk instruments.

It is known to reliably that the tambourines were widely used by medieval chomoricals. But medieval chomoroids, these are representatives of the so-called stray pride, storing ancient Volkhov knowledge. The crumbs not only entertained the people, giving square views, the crumbs necessarily participated in weddings and in memorial acts. They were also narratives, and the signs, they also wondered, predicted, and of course, they necessarily accompanied the pagan rites and playing.

Bapshchevsky I. In his work "Heaven words from the welfare of the claims of the Skomookhov", 1914., writes: "Slavic, the Slavs, Slavs, who are unmetained by fusion, singing and dances, and indeed, the MyZika used the Y of Slavs with love, and the MySikant Honor and Yu. As for the commercial, it is synonymous with "Sign", "Magnia", "Kydestnik", "Coldna", etc. " "These were long-standing pagan kylotov: they made it in progress, not only the digestion, fun and laughter, but as the experts of the dreamed kylts, who remained since the pagan, their o'clock endoons, their songs under the izky and their symbolic igp had the meaning of the onset mentors" .

Therefore, the struggle with the scomers took place throughout the Russian Middle Ages. It affected many literary monuments Starting from the XI and up to the middle of the XVII century.

AutoP "Typing about the executions of God" 1068 mournful: "We see iputant, with such crowds of people on them that they are put on DPYY DPYY ... and there are pysts." Here in this - "and there are pysties" and the main thing is argued. He would like them, they would have slapped them, I would have been following them, i.e., in the cings.

"Okzelnik or a dancer or who in from the courteshnyh on the player will call degrees," there is another medieval jealousness of piety, "with the care of DSI flow and grace the titles will reward him and the days of all the half hundredstifies are hidden, one tokmo is attentive." "... The people of the tech to the scomeros," according to his expression, "Aki Cold", and in "Monster gathered there, where he had Husles and dance and Songs and Swirls."

Protopop Avvakum in his life way in the XVII century. Mentioned: "Prihaza in the village of my dance bears with tambourines and the houses, and I, a sinner, jealously, drove them out, and Hari, and Bubnes broke."

In the "teaching about the executions of God", in the materials of the precision cathedral, in the Middle of the XVII century. And in other similar documents, the chomoroids are mentioned where it comes to the remains or liasns of paganism. Folk players where the ancient Russian crumbs were opposed - were related to pagan worship. The players were an integral part of the ritual acts following the options directly. The crumbs were an integral part of playing.

The crude tambourine was an unintelligible wooden shell of a round shape with a leather membrane stretched on one side and suspended with an inner side with bubrels and bells. Often in the hands of the squigches instead of the tambourine there was a bilateral drum of a similar design. The image of a scomer with such a drum is available on the miniature "Game Slavs of Nodnichi", located in the Radzivilovsky chronicle of the XVI century.

How did scrums play on the tambourines? We do not know how it was in the Middle Ages, especially in Rus Doharistian. But judging by what high this art was at the end of the 19th century, despite all the persecution and prohibitions, it remains only to guess.

The ethnographer of the privalov at the end of the 19th century. Described the game of Russian tambourists. The bubices at that time played both in the ensemble, so sometimes without support by any tool, simply accompanying the singing of dashing songs. In addition, the tambourine was used as a solo instrument: "Folk virtuosos when playing on the tambourine, throwing different tricks, throwing it up and grabbing on the fly, they beat the bubble on their knees, then hitting the head, chin, even on the nose, drums on the bubble brush , elbow, fingers, make tremolo and howl.