Creative biography. Singer Sergey Zakharov: Biography, for which I was sitting and how, Alexander Zakharov Tenor Biography got on stage

Creative biography. Singer Sergey Zakharov: Biography, for which I was sitting and how, Alexander Zakharov Tenor Biography got on stage
Creative biography. Singer Sergey Zakharov: Biography, for which I was sitting and how, Alexander Zakharov Tenor Biography got on stage

In the program: Passion Spanish songs, Aria from Sarswell. Latin American tango

Art project of the tenor of the XXI century.


Yuri Medyanik (Violin, Bandoneon)

Dmitry Sibirtsev (Piano)



Alexander Svwarco (tenor)

Alexander Bogdanov (tenor)


Spanish songs, Aria from Sarsuel

Latin American tango

Yuri Medyanik is a Russian musician multi-instrumentalist, conductor. One of the few performers, masterly owned by several tools at once - accordion, violin and a bandone. The author of the first Russian project of NTO Project electronic tango, the invited conductor of the Basa XXI century festival, founder and conductor Pluri_art Orchestra, artistic director of the Emotion-Orchestra ensemble, honorary member of the Conservatory of Kaunas (Lithuania). For six concert seasons, Yuri is the artistic director of the subscription "Creativity of the Young" in the Rakhmaninov Hall of the Moscow Conservatory dedicated to the talented youth.

The musician graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky and graduate school of the Moscow Conservatory (Violin Class of Professor A. Bogdanyan), the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesinic (the Bayana class of Professor V. Semenov). Laureate of a number of prestigious contests: the Demidov International Competition of the Scrippers (Grand Prix), the International Competition of the Bayanists "Vogtland Days of Music" (I Prize, Klingenental, Germany), the Third International Competition of Bayanists and Accordionists (I Prize, Moscow), the first All-Russian Bayanist Competition " Yugoria "(I premium) and others.

The concerts of Yu. Medianica were held at the Moscow International House of Music, Olympic SC, the Concert Hall of Russia, the Kremlin Palace, the Big and Small Halls of the Moscow Conservatory, the Concert Hall of P. I. Tchaikovsky, Moscow Theater "New Opera", the State Hall Capellas (St. Petersburg), Victoria Hall (Geneva), the Concert Hall of the University of Boston (USA), the Hall of Oxford University (United Kingdom), the Organ Hall of Yerevan (Armenia) and on other famous sites.

Yuri collaborated with many famous musicians, among which A. Netrebko, E. Schott, D. Matsuev, V. Vartanyan, Yu. Avdeeva, P. Vernikov, A. Baeva, B. Andrianov, D. Shapovalov, A. Gaincline, and . Dervyed, M. Paster, Quartet named after M. I. Glinka and others. He spoke with the Symphony Orchestra of Moscow "Russian Philharmonic", the Symphony Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Big Symphony Orchestra named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, the Orchestra of Russian People's Instruments named after N. P. Osipova, Musica Viva orchestras, Music, "Seasons", "Gnesin virtuosos", "Vivaldi orchestra", the orchestra of the XXI century, the Zhukovy Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra of Pavel Ovsyannikov and others, with such conduirs, like V. Spivakov, V. Ziva, S. Skrypka, V. Ponkin, F. Korovov, P. Ovsyannikov, S. Tararin, S. Kondrashev, A. Feldman, M. Shcherbakov, T. Mynebayev, D. Hendo (USA), P. Matszagatti (USA), L. Arner (USA), Van Den Bosch (Germany).

Yuri Medyanik does not limit his repertoire to classical music. He collaborates with jazz musicians, among which S. Zhilin, I. Butman, O. Kireev, D. Kramer, performs with ballet A. Duhovova "Todes", dancers S. Arce, M. Montes and M. Inno, actrators D. Pevtsovy, I. Apeximova and D. Kharatyan, composers A. Pakhmutova and E. Dog.

In 2007, Yu. Medianic recorded the "Memories of Piazzolle" dial (with the chamber orchestra "Gnesin virtuosos" P / U M. Khokhlov and the Piazzolla Quintet ensemble), which was included in the 100 best-selling discs in the British branch of the online store. Preparing for the release of the Sonata Bach record, made with a cellist B. Andrianov, as well as the Golden Age CD, prepared jointly with the Tenor of the XXI Century Art project.

In 2011, the musician has prepared a new concert program "Latino in White Tones", which successfully passed in the Moscow International House of Music, held the author's cycle of the program "All about Tango" on the radio of Russia, made a co-author of the transmission about Tango "Melodies for Memory" on Channel NTV-World. In 2012, Yuri became the musical producer of the program with the actress I. Apksimova "Love Story. Anna Magdalena and Johann Sebastian Bach ", which was presented in the House of Music in Moscow and in Philharmonic Perm and Tver.

Alexander Zakharov - Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia Alexander Zakharov (tenor)

The soloist of the National Academic Orchestra of the People's Instruments of Russia named after N. P. Osipova, the invited soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, the leading soloist of the art project "Tenor of the XXI century".

In 2002 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Music the name of Gnesins (the class of People's Artist of Russia K. Lisovsky). From 1994 to 1999 he was a soloist of a red-known song ensemble and dance named after A. V. Alexandrova.

In 1999, he became the soloist of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Music Theater under the leadership of B. Pokrovsky. The theater troupes toured abroad, including in Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and Japan.

Alexander Zakharov constantly cooperates with the best symphony and folk orchestras of Moscow and Russia, leads active touring activities.

Maxim Paster was born in 1975 in Kharkov, where he graduated from the conductor-choir department of the music school and the Vocal Faculty of the State Institute of Arts. The singer was also engaged in Pavel Kudryavchenko and Marina Meshcheryakova.

Winner of international competitions of vocalists named after A. Dvarakik (2000), "Amber Solovy" (2002), named after A. Solovyanenko "Solovyna Fair" (2002), name B. GMERI (2004), as well as the XII and XIII BD contests and . Tchaikovsky (2002, 2007). Laureate of the Irina Arkhip Foundation Prize (2005).

In 2002-2003 Maxim Paster was the soloist of the Kharkiv State Opera and Ballet Theater. In 2003, he made his debut in the national opera of Ukraine (Kiev) in Requiem Verdi, as well as in the Bolshoi Russian Theater in Bayan's party at the premiere of Opera Ruslan and Lyudmila M. Glinka. Since the beginning of the season 2004-2005 He entered the opera troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. Already in the early years, Maxim Paster participated in the signs for the theater performances: "Future Dutchman" (steering, Russian premiere of the first edition), "Rosental children" (Tchaikovsky's party, the world premiere of the opera, written in order to the Bolshoi Theater L. Declayers).

In the Bolshoi Theater M. Paster performs the parties of Pincherton and Rudolf in Madame Batterfly Opera and "Bohemia" Puccini, Andrei in Mazepa Tchaikovsky, Mephistople in the "Fire Angela" Prokofiev, Captain in the "Mczec" Berg and other leading roles. In the concert repertoire of the singer - the tenor party in the Requiem and the "coronation messen" of Mozart, the Mesis of Schubert, the "Little Solemn Messe" and Stabat Mater of Rossini, Stabat Mater Noborik, Requiem, Verdi and Lloyd Webber and other writings. In addition to the "big" genres, the musician has an extensive chamber repertoire. The singer constantly acts in the concert projects of the State Cupils of Russia under the control of V. Polyansky.

In October 2014, M. Paster took part in the concert execution of the Oleansan Virgo's opera Tchaikovsky (King) - the first premiere of the Big Theater season. It was the debut work of the new musical leader and the chief conductor of the Bolshoi Theater Tugana Sokhiyev, which had gained positive reviews of musical critics.

Maxim Paster performed in the Naples Theater of San Carlo, Theater Comunale in Bologna, Verdi Theater in Trieste, Lyrical Theater Cagliari, Capitol Toulouse, in the Dresden Zemper Opere, Leipzig Gewandhause, as well as in Weimar Theaters, Gothenburg, Santiago. As part of the opera troupe of the Bolshoi Theater toured in the UK, Germany, Greece, Slovenia, Finland, Latvia, China. Collaborated with V. Fedoseev, Yu. Bashmet, A. Verdnikov, F. Korobov, V. Minin, V. Polyansky, G. Christmas, P. Sokino, I. Beloglazek, Ya. Latam Königom, F. Liasi, D . Gatti, G. Herbig, J. Jadd, H. Henx, M. Pani, Z. Peshko, directed by E. Nyakroshus, R. Sturua, T. Chkheidze, F. Zamblelo, P. Convician, R. Wilson, D. Chernyakov, T. Servilo, A. Sokurov, D. Pounty. The participant of the project "Parade of tenors" ("tenor of the XXI century"), in which toured in Russia and abroad, participated in the highest level activities. Also, M. Paster performed at the solemn ceremonies within the framework of various festivals and sports events, participated in the festivals "Irina Arkhipov represents ...", "Slavic Bazaar", the festivals of Yuri Bashmet in Sochi and in Minsk.

The singer took part in the records of the Bolshoi Theater's performances, concerts of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Choir, in the records of the Foundation Disc, Irina Arkhipova.

Maxim Paster was nominated for the Golden Mask Award - for the role of Shuisky in Boris Godunov, Mussorgsky (director A. Sokurov) and Captain in the "Mczec" Berg (director D. Chernyakov). The singer was awarded the Gold Medal "National Treasure" (2007), it has a gratitude to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation "For merit in the field of culture" (2011), is the winner of the city of Moscow in the field of literature and art (2013).


about personal data privacy policy

autonomous Institution of Culture of the Udmurt Republic

"Concert Association" Udmurt State Philharmonic "

Izhevsk, 2017.

I. General provisions

This Privacy Policy Privacy Policy, further - the Privacy Policy, is a local document of the autonomous cultural institution of the Udmurt Republic "Concert Association" Udmurt State Philharmonic ", further - the operator located at: 426008, Izhevsk, ul. Pushkinskaya, 245, and determines the procedure for processing personal data and protecting information about individuals (hereinafter - users), using services, information, services, programs (including.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is:

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date of Birth;

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phone number;

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Other faces

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VII. User handling

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The current legislation of the Russian Federation applies to this privacy policy and the relationship between the user and the site administration.

IX. Additional conditions

The site administration has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without the consent of the user.

The privacy policy in the new edition enters into force from the date of its placement on the website of the online store, unless otherwise provided by the privacy policy in the new edition.

All offers or questions on this Privacy Policy should be reported to specify the section of the website of the online store.

The current privacy policy is posted on the page at www.udmfil .ru

Born in Orel. He graduated from the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini (Class of People's Artist of Russia K. Lisovsky, 2002). From 1994 to 1999 he was a soloist of the red-known ensemble of the song and dance. A.V. Alexandrova.

In 1999, he was adopted at the Taroupe of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Music Theater under the leadership of B. Pokrovsky, where he solen the following parties: Gritziko ("Sorochinskaya Fair" M. Mussorgsky), - For four years, he was the only performer, the performance received the Golden Prize Mask"; Luigi ("Cloak" J. Pucchini), Don Ottavio ("Don Juan" V.-A. Mozart), Ferrando ("All" V.-A. Mozart), Sext ("Julius Caesar in Egypt" -F. Handel) - The performance received the Golden Mask Prize, Lyuccio ("Taming of the Shrew" V. Shebalin).

As part of the theater troupes, a lot toured abroad, including in Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and Japan.

Alexander Zakharov constantly cooperates with the best orchestras of Moscow - the Symphony Orchestra of Moscow "Russian Philharmonic", "Musica Viva", Gask under the leadership of V. Polyansky, a state spiritual orchestra, participates in concert performances rarely executed operas. In his repertoire: Karl IV ("Orleansk Virgo" P. Tchaikovsky "), Bayan (" Ruslan and Lyudmila "M. Glinka), Kashing (" Kashing the Immortal "N. Rimsky-Korsakov), Damn (" Night before Merry Christmas " . Rimsky-Korsakov), Benedictov ("last days" A. Nikolaev), and others, as well as the party of the tenor in the symphony works of L.-V. Beethoven, B. Britten and J. Verdie. The only modern executor of the Alesh Popovich party in Opere A. Grechaninova "Dobryny Nikitich".

From 2003 to 2012, he regularly performed in concerts under the auspices of the Union of Composers of Russia and the New Movement Academy in Moscow and other cities of Russia. In 2003, the singer was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia".

From 2004 to 2010, he was a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, on the stage of which more than 20 parties were performed, among which: the Yuro-Friend and Huddy ("Boris Godunov" and "Khovanshchyna" M. Mussorgsky), a surround peasant ("Lady McBet Mtsensky County" D. Shostakovich), Plato Karataev ("War and Peace" of S. Prokofiev), Guidon ("Tale of the Golden Cockerel" N. Rimsky-Korsakov) and others toured with the Covent Garden Trupper (London), participated in the Opera Festival in Savonlinna (Finland), 55th Summer Festival in Ljubljana (Slovenia), as well as in the tour of the theater in Latvia and Greece.

In the Art Project "Tenor of the XXI Century" - since 2007. Over the years, the artist took part in all the concert programs of the art project: "Such great love", "Dedication to Pavarotti", "No Songs without You" (Memory of Arno Babajanyan and Muslim Magomayeva), "Serenads of Love", "Tango of Love", "Under the sun of Naples", "Passion", "from the heroes of the old days" (songs of war years and songs about the war), "Great Jokes of the Great Musicians", "Tatiana Day", "Golden Sns of Love", "Songs of War and Peace "," Children's "," Golden Age of Soviet Tango "," I see a wonderful attribution "," Cosa Nostra "," The Guest Songs of All Times "," Music Movie Movie "," Men's Men's Music "," Legends VIA "and Dr.

In November 2007, together with other soloists, the Art-Project "Tenor of the XXI Century" was awarded the "National Town of Russia" award.

In 2011, the Motherland's Disc was released in the world with the recording of Russian folk songs performed by Alexander Zakharov.

Since 2012, Alexander Zakharov - the soloist of the National Academic Orchestra of Russian folk instruments. Osipova (Moscow), with whom toured in many cities of Russia and Europe, as well as in the United States, South Africa. In addition, the singer performs with solo concerts, accompanied by other popular teams: "Metelitsa" (St. Petersburg), "Virtuosi Kuban" (Krasnodar), "Golden Melody" (Izhevsk), "Russian Rhapsody" ensemble (Moscow), state Russian Orchestra "Malachite" (Chelyabinsk), Lipetsky, Rostov, Smolensky, Maikopsky, Magadan, Belgorod, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo, Kostromsky, and others. Alexander Zakharov regularly takes part in the television cycle of the Culture Channel "Romance". Soler's solo concerts in the chamber hall of the Moscow International House of Music are regularly held with the anchelas.

In 2013, for the promotion of classical music, the popularization of opera art among the younger generation, the creation of a number of new concert programs in the art project "Tenor of the XXI Century" Alexander Zakharov was awarded the city award in the field of literature and art.

The Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini (Class of People's Artist of Russia K. Lisovsky, 2002) in 2002. From 1994 to 1999 he was a soloist of a red-known song ensemble and dance. A.V. Alexandrova.

In 1999, he was adopted at the Tarpep of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Music Theater under the leadership of B. Pokrovsky, where he soles the following parties: Gritsyko ("Sorochinskaya Fair" Mussorgsky), - For four years he was the only performer, the performance received the Golden Mask Prize ; Luigi ("Cloak" Puccini), Don Ottavio ("Don Juan" Mozart), Ferrando ("All" so do "Mozart), Sext (" Julius Caesar in Egypt "Handel) - The performance received the Golden Mask Prize, Luciato (" Taming the plus "Shebalina).

As part of the theater troupes, a lot toured abroad, including in Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and Japan.

Alexander Zakharov constantly collaborates with the best orchestras of Moscow - the Symphony Orchestra of Moscow "Russian Philharmonic", "Musica Viva", the 21st century orchestra under the control of Paul Ovsyannikova, Gas under the leadership of V. Polyansky, the state spiritual orchestra, participates in concert performances rarely executed operas. In his repertoire: Karl IV ("Orleansian Virgo" Tchaikovsky "), Bayan (" Ruslan and Lyudmila "Glinka), Kashing (" Kashing immortal "Roman-Korsakov), Benedictov (" Recent Days "Nikolaev), Damn (" Night before Merry Christmas "Rimsky-Korsakov) and others, as well as the party of the tenor in the symphony works of Beethoven, Britten and Verdi. The only modern executor of the Alesh Popovich Party in Opera Grechaninova "Dobryny Nikitich".

Since 2006, in concerts under the auspices of the Union of Composers of Russia and the Academy "New Movement" in Moscow and other cities of Russia. In the same year, the singer was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia".

Since 2004, the invited soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, on the stage of which he performed more than 20 parties, including: Yuro-Friend and Huddy (Boris Godunov and Khovanchinsky), a ripped peasant ("Lady McBet Mtsensky County" Shostakovich), Plato Karataev ("War and Peace" Prokofiev), Guidon ("Tale of the Golden Cockerel" of the Roman Corsakov) and others toured with the theater's troupe at Covent Garden (London), took part in the Opera Festival in Savonlinna (Finland), 55th Summer Festival in Ljubljana (Slovenia), as well as in the tour of the theater in Latvia and Greece.

Over the years, the artist took part in many concert programs of the art project "Tenor 21st Century": "Such a big love", "Dedication to Pavarotti", "no song without you" (Memo Babajanyan and Muslim Magomayev's memory), "Serenads of Love", "Tango of love", "under the sun of Naples", "Passion", "from the heroes of the old days" (songs of the war years and songs about the war), "Great jokes of great musicians", "Tatiana Day" "Golden Sns of Love", " Songs of war and peace, "" Children's "," Golden Age of Soviet Tango "," I see a wonderful attribution "," Cosa Nostra "and others.

In November 2007, the state is awarded the state-"National heritage of Russia".

Since 2012, Alexander Zakharov - the soloist of the National Academic Orchestra of Russian folk instruments. Osipova (Moscow), with whom toured in many cities of Russia and Europe, as well as in the United States, in addition, the singer performs with solo concerts, accompanied by other popular teams: "Metelitsa" (St. Petersburg), "Virtuosi Kuban" (Krasnodar ), The State Russian Orchestra "Malachite" (Chelyabinsk), Lipetsky, Rostov, Smolensk, Maikopsky, Magadan, Belgorod, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo, Kostromsky, and others. Alexander Zakharov regularly takes part in the television cycle of the Culture Channel "Romance".

In 2011, the Motherland's Disc was released in the world with the recording of Russian folk songs performed by Alexander Zakharov.

In 2013, for the promotion of classical music, the popularization of opera art among the younger generation, the creation of a number of new concert programs, Alexander Zakharov, was awarded the Moscow City Award in the field of literature and art.