Anime TV series about fantasy. Best Anime Series: Fantasy and Mystic

Anime TV series about fantasy. Best Anime Series: Fantasy and Mystic
Anime TV series about fantasy. Best Anime Series: Fantasy and Mystic

Anime is one of the few high fantasy shelters about other worlds that Western cinema and TV are rarely indispensable. There are enough fantasy of low - urban, mystical and even superhero. But most importantly, unlike Western animators, the Creators of Anime do not consider fantasy with children's fairy tales and do not bend to show intricate plots, cruel battles and erotica. Not all, but many of these serials are designed for adults.


Manga Kentaro Miura in the genre of gloomy military fantasy was shielded three times, but the first series of 1997 is considered to be a classic. This is a story about the ruined wars of the medieval world, about Gats's romance, who hesitated with a sword with a sleeper with a sleeper, and the sophisticated Knight of Griffiths, who accepted Gats in his army.

Ahead of these and other heroes are not only waiting for exploits, but also deprivation. Endless war boils around, the characters cripple, go crazy and betray friends, and terrible monsters and scary people. "Berserk" is the most cruel and bloody series in our selection, and this is what something says.

Death note

A high school student Light found a notebook of death: whose name is doing there, he will soon die. A suitable brief for horror, but "Death Notebook" is a detective thriller. Light with the help of a notebook is trying to clear the world from criminals, the investigators headed by the inclined genius of L. is sitting on the tail - and the mind of the minds and the magical rules of the notebook and the mystery play a huge role.

"Death Notebook" is based on a manga of condoms of the form, on which a lot of anime and gaming films were shot, on the approach and the American version. But we advise the first animated series Tatsuro Araki, perhaps the most famous mystical anime.

Fullmetal Alchemist

One of the main anime in the style of fantasy width. Although steam gadgets in " Steel alchemist"Almost no, the style is withstanding perfectly. The action takes place in the fantasy world, reminiscent of Europe of the beginning of the 20th century. The Alphonse brothers and Edward Elriki broke the main taboo alchemy - they tried to resurrect the dead man. As a result, one lost his hand and leg, and the second lost the whole body and is forced to move in the enchanted armor. Together they travel around the country, trying to find a recipe philosophical stonewho will help them fix everything.

"Steel Alchemist" is a story about friendship, love and losses. The basis of Alchemy is the principle of equivalent exchange, but the heroes have to understand and accept that life often violates the rules, and the price for some benefits is too high.


Perhaps the most famous anime about vampires. Lady Integra, the harsh blonde and far descendant of Professor Van Helsing, heads in Britain the secret special services to combat bloodsuckers. The struggle is not in prime and garlic, but in contemporary - bullets and bombs.

Bright characters are enough in the organization, and among her opponents. But business card The series is, of course, Alucard, a sarcastic ancient vampire, who sticks onto the side of people, frankly their despise. When his red hat appears in the frame, wait for stylish plans, games with light, a philosophical monologue, and then a bloody slaughter using pistols and black magic.

Attack of the Titans

Human civilization in decline. People live in cities for high walls, hiding from the bloodthirsty giants. The monsters are also ruins the barricades, and only soldiers armed with sharp swords and cunning mechanisms can stop them that allow you to rush into the air.

Heroes authors do not regret the psyche of the audience: the blood on the screen turns fountains. And let the logic remain a lot of questions, and the final of the story is not even in the manga, watch the series is worth at least for the sake of gorgeous combat scenes and unprecedented pathos. Especially since the graphics and music are here at the height, which you can not say about many other modern contemporaries by the genre.


In the world of "Kleimor", the Witcher Heralt would not keep the competition - the whole Order of the damned Amazons hunt the monsters. In battle, they use a particle of the same dark power, which feeds their opponents-demons, and there is always a risk that the darkness takes the top. And the fallen grade becomes a demon and target for yesterday's sisters - great way Always keep a profession relevant!

Bloody, like "Berserk", and ambiguous, like "Madoka", "Clamor" consists of battles with monsters, dismemberment, tragic deaths and pathetic exceeding.

Wolf rain

Exquisite mixture of postpocalypsis and fantasy. Land dies slowly because of the impending glacial periodThe population hides in the shelters and the remaining ruins. Everything modern technologies Captured the dominance of the aristocrats who hope to stop the catastrophe. According to the legend, only wolves can save the world. It is believed that they have long died out, but in fact wolves are hiding among people.

"Wolf rain" is a beautiful and very sad story about eternal searches with environmental subtext. In addition, the creators were put on one season and four additional series with the second ending.

Spice and Wolf

Cozy, unhurried, almost deprived of the battle and adventures of Road Movy about the medieval wandering merchant and his companion. The series is fully held on the charm of the holo, the redhead of the Wolf and the retired goddess of the harvest. She is a capricious, funny, voracious and completely devoid of human concepts about shame, but constantly turns out to be smarter than its partner. The goddess helps the satellite to unravel the complex intrigues of the merchant guilds and deftly avoids the bonfire of the Inquisition, which she relies for the tail and ears. And this damn is very good. Holo - Uslada for male eyes and sample image for many girls.

Sailor Mun.

On the "Moon in a sailor", a whole generation of anime fans has grown. And the series produced Furore not only in the West, but also in native Japan. Najo Taketo, the first risked to combine the typical "boy" story about superheroes, protecting the world from the power of evil, with the images of pretty girls-wizards, creating a genre of Macho-Sydzo.

And on the reasons, her manga was removed simultaneously a solitary and romantic anime. The guys were viewed on his heroin, and the girls found among them role model to your taste. After all, "Sailor Moon" showed that someone could be the faithful to her friend and brave warrior: and a windy fool, and a quiet nerd, and terrible in appearance, but Karatysta is good in the soul.

Magician girl
Madoka Magica

The authors "Madoki" disseminated the foundations of the genre of Maho-Syudzo with special cynicism. At first, everything is as if in Sailor Moon: a cute animal will recruit young sorcerers, promising to them the glory and the fulfillment of desires if they will die with evil witch ... But the pairs of the series do not pass, as promises turn a lie, and the face between witches and Magicians erased. And for all this, gradually grows brutal, but required plan By reducing the entropy of the Universe.

This is not the first attempt to look at the vanilla genre under a serious angle, but perhaps the most gloomy, cruel and stylish. The contrast is deliberately cute Heroine design with terrible psychedelic backgrounds, and even served with modern special effects, just fascinates.


The most popular direction of Anime - Soynen, history for and about boys who grow up passing through the tests. Well, the most famous hero of the Soynen is Naruto, a cheeky gold-haired Ninja, who is on the way to the goal (become the most cool!) It's without end and performs dangerous tasks. Well, at the same time, gradually turns from Junc to a man. All this - against the background of the feudal world with elements of magic. Some monotony of adventures in the style "came, I saw and broke" pull out the worked setting, the abundance of humor and the gallery of living characters led by Naruto himself.


Elegant road muvi, paroding fantasy stamps. Magician Tasting Lina Inversa, a charming alkalo, and an innocent-unlucky Knight Gauri walked around the magical world, full of most incredible hazards. Gradually, the party "Adventures" is being formed around them, which, naturally, will be saved the world ...

"Shubaki" is one of the brightest, truly funny and witty fantasy anime comedies. But it is worth limlenly by the series of the 1990s. "Shubaki" of the 2000s is already a frank trash.

One Piece. Big Kush.

One Piece - not just anime. This is a phenomenon that is not coming from television screens for almost 20 years. Therefore, probably, few people can boast that I watched it completely, is a joke of whether more than 800 episodes (not counting the full-length)! However, the beauty of this senthen about the adventures of the teenager Luffy and his friends-pirates, who fester the world in search of treasures and just so, not at all in a slim plot. Cute heroes with a variety of abilities, colorful world, the mass of funny situations, exciting battles and ingenious opponents - what else is needed for happiness?

Master Musi.

Mystical anime for those who want to imbued japanese culture, philosophy and mentality. Hero named Ginko - Musi master caster, peculiarities of the surrounding world. Series - Collection different storiesrelated to the wanders of GIINCO according to conditional Japan. The deep Japanese version of the "supernatural", only very measured and meditative, without general plot, action, insidious villains and salvation of the world. A leisurely philosophical anime about life and human fate is beautiful and penetrated on the verge of genius.

Monsters history

The most religious anime last decade both in Japan and abroad. At first glance, a typical story about unusual schoolchildren, but filed in an innovative manner. Hero, high school student Araragi, constantly sticks to strange situations related to strange people (Usually the opposite sex), saving even those who, at first glance, does not want salvation at all.

Unusual graphics, absurdist humor, abundance of abundance conversations, a special contemplative atmosphere, bloody naturalism, vulgar jokes, a derama-based drama - based on Ranobe Nisio Isina "History" for nothing more like.

Release year:2019

Genre:adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Drama

A type:TV

Number of series:12+ (25 min.)

Description:Dark forces attack parallel dimension Millmark. Attacks last for a long time. The balance of forces is broken and the dark side leads. Save Melmarke with their own efforts, its inhabitants cannot. They have to look for heroes outside of their dimension. And their request is coming to brave from the world, providing protection from the dark forces. Naofami of Ivatani and three of the soldiers like him are designed to the suffer Melmarck. Defenders carry out transfer. During the transfer, each of them receives protective equipment, and naofs receive a shield that has become a legend. It seems that organizational issues are solved.

Naofami faces from the very beginning with some problems. The guy initially did not become a hero. He was one of the weakest candidates for heroism. In addition, he is not so charismatic. Comraders preferred to leave the naofs of one. And when it happened, new trials hit the guy. At first it was robbed, with this somehow you can accept, and then accused of committing a crime. Prove that he is not a rapist guy could not. From him began to be avoined the surrounding. Naofami completely lost benevolence towards people and was full of desire to avenge.

Description:People will not doubt that there is such a thing as fate, it's not going anywhere. The world managed by the storytellers, created the illusion that people power over fate, but in fact, it is no more than the script. Everything is simple, the heroes of the most popular fairy tales live in the world, for everyone already ready its action plan. The script was painted to the smallest details. No one objected to this order. Cinderella, Alice from the country of Miracles, Alladin and the rest famous characters. They all satisfied. But later, the very storyteors appeared, they decided to get everything to their hands. In fact, they are fraudsters. Everything came out of control. Now no one knows what to do next. In this chaos, loved all characters also take the risk that they may die. Let's look at what the whole story will lead, how the main characters will behave and that it will be generally done in this situation, because you never know what can happen in fact, it is possible that there will be a frantic end.

Description:Does the world remember one of the greatest geniuses evil Dio Brando, would know about him the world if he once was not adopted by George Jostar? Or maybe fate ordered so that DEO was to become the span of darkness in any case, it could be the thirst for naughty pushed him to this path and he began to commit a crime. But what happened is impossible to cancel. It is the Jostar family that must correct the error of ancestor and deal with Dio, whose mind has long been clouded with anger. Jotaro Cujo was finally able to put a point in this story, he began through the planet's floor for the most evil person In the world, in order to deal with him once and forever. He managed to win, the body of the criminal with a knife, it is impossible to restore it. Now the words about the family of Jodgo burned around the world now they are those who can stop any criminal, they are afraid of absolutely everything. Jostairs were very strongly poured the eyes of crime, it means that they need to understand.

Description:A smile may arise on the face without a significant cause. Even the space affects it. On one planet, for billions of light years from us, the kingdom was formed, which was inhabited by people who were always smiling. But it must be back side Medals, a kind of dark side. Even two people can begin the struggle for their opposites. One was crowded, and the other soldier. But their paths crossed very close. Yuki was already at twelve aged and was ready to begin to fulfill their direct duties. The girl very often went to herself, was angry with people and hysteria. The princess was always surrounded by people: be it subject, or someone else. They all have attached strength to prepare a girl to an important mission. The princess had a friend Joshua, who always came to the rescue. But it was precisely seventeent-year-old Stella with his smile gave the joy of the princesses days.

Description:The world is not only what we see it is much wider and multifaceted, it is filled with amazing and incredible things. There in dark, behind you, in your dark room there are things that you can't see, but this does not mean that they are not. And our world everything is rapidly rushing, at great speed, and now we are no longer believe in anything, but every second resident we have a video block manager. As charotomi, from the Channel "Charotomi", which decided to check what will be if he ignoring the traffic light will remain in the middle of the road. And it seems obvious things known even to the kids from infancy, but the guy with the camera is needed confirmation. Our unlucky, but an inventive guy is anger of car enthusiasts, but it did not stop him. He adding itself the main character and proclaiming the rest of people in secondary and not important stists, Charotomi brought the dark forces that the jokes for or in punishment turned bloated by the impact of the little man into a huge spreading tree, right along the middle of the lively crossroads in Shibui. Naturally, all those present began to post this event in social networks, with various

Description:Mal Marck was attacked from a dark dimension. Attacks are already a lot of time. The balance of forces was broken, darkness and darkness take the top. Forces, residents cannot save measurement. The request of the inhabitants reached the world, in which the very defenders of the universe from the forces lived. Naofami Ivatani and still the Trinity of Warriors were invited to the world, which was on the verge of destruction. During the transfer, characters received a unique equipment, and Naofami received a shield that became a legend. He immediately collided with some problems. After all, he did not want to be a hero. Since it was the weakest candidate for heroism. Especially he was not charismatic. Especially families decided to leave him. The way it was robbed, but if it could be put up with it, then how to accept the fact that he was accused of a crime. He could not prove that he was not a rapist. The surrounding began to keep away him. He was filled with rage and thirst for revenge people.

Description:In the anime, the TV series "Black Clover" Demons always consisted of danger. Human soul - The delicacy for demons, according to this, they create different amulets and are afraid of them. But the inevitable happened, the demons began to act, they almost destroyed in their acts. But the wizard appeared unexpectedly. The strongest magician began to play people, he could put an end to the evil acts of hellish creatures. In the world he got a nickname - the king of magicians. Aster and Youth since childhood alone, the church sheltered them. They have long understood what fate awaits them, because one of them should again become the king of magicians, they are forever in the dispute. Only they were very different, Aster did not have the skills of magic, but Youth has long been able to live a lot. On the day of his fifteen years, the magician received a grimoire, with which you can enhance my magic, but Aster probably won't get anything. Aster was not hoping for anything, but unexpectedly the abilities wake up! And now he can get Grimoire, it happened so that he received a rare copy, with clover. Probably began white stripe!

Description:Since childhood, May Ayadzuki dreamed of being part magic world and magic. She was looking for evidence that magic exists. Having matured, she got the same chance to find an answer to the question. The girl succumbed to inner voice and did not go home, as usual, she fell to a party under the moon. Where was Charlie. He said that the most real wizard. May did not doubt it. Charlie proved his words by sending a girl to the Maji era. May in Tokyo 1868. The epoch was filled with personalities that was the desire to meet. A person could not do this because he studied dead biography. And Mei became not ordinary, because she fell out the opportunity to communicate with the legends of that time. That's just communication was hard to start, because appearance The girls called suspicions, they still said that she trades opium. Ohhy decided to save the guest. It was at that moment that Charlie disappeared, and he decided that he would also move with the girl. Mei begins to like Ogi.

Description:Despite the fact that civilization is very strong, still there are from time from time to break, then the world begins to collapse and humanity is doomed to death. They are forced to live and survive in terrible conditions. Without a single hope for the future, they celebrated the day after day. Chaos changed the civilized world, which was immersed in the fog of red. In a short period, people disappeared from the face of the earth. But there was a small group of girls. No one knew how they managed to escape, because everyone was busy with survival in rather terrible conditions. The girls built a clear plan of staying on any terrain, but another terrible attack was found in the world. Robotized insects now filled the streets of the usual cities. Insects were poisonous. Those more was very difficult to defend. But nevertheless, the girls did the enemy. Smoky grass. The substance that was in some trees. By the way, it was healing and did not tell a person, on the contrary, he treated. And the robots of grass ruined. The girls were protected by the insect grass with all their forces in the hope of freeing the land.

Description:Finally, the release of the new season is all your favorite anime! The exit to continue promised to autumn! "Fair's tail" - the so-called guild strongest magicians In the whole fiore, although for such a level they are very young. Lucy lived with dreams about the tail of the fairies, and now the long-awaited moment has come ... by chance, she met the boyfriend's boyfriend to Natsu Dragyl, he spent her in the guild! Lucy is very happy to start new adventures. What a pity that everything is good for a long time ever end. There is no longer the tail of the Fairy ... All the members of the Guild were dissolved after the war with Tartar. All went B. different corners World. Lucy became the author and editor of one famous newspaper, Natsu went to search for greater strength. But one day, a year later, they met, there was no limit joy, now they intend to return former Slav Guilds and again connect all former members together! So the moment came, whom we all waited, because there are many fans of this beautiful animein which we can see real friendship and confidence in comrades. A saturated plot, a lot of funny scenes and sometimes very sad, all this you will see in this work.

In the world of Naruto, two years have imperceptibly flew. Former newcomers replenished the ranks of experienced Syncs in the rank of Tyunin and Zenin. The main characters were not sitting on the spot - everyone became a student of one of the legendary Sunnin - three great ninja konhi. The guy in Orange continued his studied training, but eccentric jiray, gradually going aside on a new step of combat skill. Sakura advanced to the helpers and trusted faces of the healer of the Tsunadney - the new leader of the village of Listi. Well, Saske, whose pride led to the exile from Konoha, joined the temporary union with the sinister orotimar, and everyone believes that only uses the other until time.

A brief passage ended, and the events once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoch, the seeds of oldest discords sowned by the first hokaga will again germinate. The mysterious leader of Akatsuki led to the plan of gaining world domination. Restlessly in the village of Sand and neighboring countries, old secrets emerge everywhere, and it is clear that it will ever have to pay on accounts. The long-awaited continuation of manga inhaled new life In the series and new hope in the heart of countless fans!

© Hollow, World Art

  • (51333)

    Messenik Tatsumi, a simple guy from countryside Going to the capital to make money for your starving village.
    And coming there soon learns that the Great and beautiful capital is just visibility. The city is mired in corruption, cruelty and lawlessness who go from the Prime Minister that rules the country due to the Kulis.
    But as everyone knows - "one in the field is not a warrior" and nothing can be done here, especially when your enemy is the head of state or rather the one who covers them.
    Will Tatsuchi like-minded themselves and can change something? See and find out yourself.

  • (51745)

    Fairy Tail is the world's famous guild hiring guild on the whole world. Lucy's young wizard was confident that, becoming one of her members, got into the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until he met his camrades - explosive firewood and sweeping everything on his way to Natsu flying talking cat HEPPI, an exhibitionist with warmth, boring-Berrick Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki ... Together they will defend many enemies and survive many unforgettable adventures!

  • (46153)

    18-year-old Sora and 11-year-old Siro - summary brother And sister, finished recluses and gaming. When two loneliness met, a disruptive union "empty place" was born, a horror of all oriental gamers. Although the public is shaking and korets not in childish, in the network, the baby is a sir-genius of logic, and Sora is a monster of psychology, which cannot be held. Alas, worthy opponents ended soon, because Siro was delighted by a chess party, where the master's handwriting was visible from the first moves. Winning at the limit of forces, the heroes have received an interesting offer - move to another world, where their talents will understand and appreciate!

    Why not? In our world, Saro and Siro does not hold nothing, but merry Mir Discord to rule the Ten Commandments, the essence of which comes down to one: no violence and cruelty, all disagreements are solved in honest game. In the game world, 16 races live, of which human is considered the weakest and inflated. But after all, the wonderful guys are already here, in their hands of Crown Elkius - the only country of people, and we believe that these successes are littering and the Siro will not limit. Messengers of the Earth must only combine all the races of the discord - and then they will be able to challenge God aunt - to their own way, by the Old Familiar. Only, if you think about, is it worth doing this?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46216)

    Fairy Tail is the world's famous guild hiring guild on the whole world. Lucy's young wizard was confident that, becoming one of her members, got into the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until he met his camrades - explosive firewood and sweeping everything on his way to Natsu, flying speaking Cherepi Cat, exhibitionist hearer , boring-Berrick Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki ... Together they will defend many enemies and survive many unforgettable adventures!

  • (62530)

    A student of the University of Kenet Ken as a result of an accident enters the hospital, where he mistakenly transplanted the organs of one of the gulles - monsters that eat human flesh. Now he himself becomes one of them, and for people turns into a burden to be destroyed. But can he become his own for other hums? Or now in the world there is no more space for him? This anime will tell about the fate of Kanes and what influence it will have for the future of Tokyo, where there is a continuous war between two species.

  • (34895)

    The continent is in the center of the Ocean of Ignola, this is a big central and four more - the southern, northern, eastern and western and the gods themselves look at him, and he is called Enthe Isla.
    And there is a name that he imperts on the horror of anyone on Entha Isla - the Lord of Darkness Mao.
    He is the host of the otherworldly world where all the dark creatures live.
    He is the embodiment of fear and horror.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao announced the war to the genus of human and sowed death and destruction throughout the continent of Enthe Isla.
    Lord of Darkness served 4 powerful generals.
    Adramelheh, Lucifer, Alsiel and Malacoda.
    Four of the demons generals headed the attack on 4 parts of the continent. However, the hero appeared against the army of the underworld. The hero and his comrades defeated the troops of the Lord of Darkness in the West, then Adramaleha in the north and Malacoda in the south. The hero was headed by the United Army of the Republic of Human and went to the central continent where the castle of the Lord of Darkness was stood ...

  • (33383)

    Yato - a stray Japanese God in the image of a thin blue-eyed young man in a sports suit. In Sintoism, the power of the deity is determined by the number of believers, and our hero has no temple, nor priests, all donations fit in a bottle from under Sake. The guy in the cervical scarf is working as a master for all hands, the small ads on the walls, but things go very bad. Even tongue-friendly May, for many years working synthesk - the sacred weapon of Yato - left the owner. And without a weapon, the younger God is not stronger than the usual mortal mage, it is necessary (here shame!) From evil spirits to hide. And who needs such a celever at all?

    Once a pretty high school student, Hiiri Iki rushed under the truck to save some guy in black. It ended this bad - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to "leave" from the body and walk on the "the side". Having met that Yato and learning the culprit of his troubles, Hyuri convinced her homeless God to heal her, because he himself admitted that no one could live between the worlds. That's just, having acquainted closer, Iki realized that the current Yato lacks his strength to solve her problem. Well, it is necessary to take things into your hands and personally direct the strollers on the path true: first find a non-clear weapon, then help earn, and there, you look, what will happen. Not in vain say: what a woman wants - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33279)

    In the senior school of arts at the University of Sumay, there are many hostels, and there profitable house "Sakura". If there are strict rules in the hostels, then in "Sakura" you can do everything, no wonder its local nickname is the "crazy house." Since in the art of genius and madness is always somewhere nearby, the inhabitants of the "Cherry Garden" are talented and interesting guys, too knocking out of the "swamps". Take at least noisy Misaki, which sells Major-Studios's own anime, her friend and Scenarist of the Dzin's playboy or RyshnoCe Programmer, which communicates with the world only on the net and telephone. Compared to them, the protagonist of Kanda is the Prostak, which fell into the "mental hospital" only for ... Love for cats!

    Therefore, Tikhiro-Sensei, the head of the hostel, instructed the sauce, as the only samented guest, meet his cousin Masiro, which is translated into their school from a distant Britain. Fragile blonde seemed Kanda with a real bright angel. True, at a party with new neighbors, Guest kept fillingly and spoke little, but the freshly baked fan wrote down everything on clear stress and fatigue from the road. Only the present stress was waiting for a sap in the morning when he went to wake Masiro. Hero with horror realized that his new acquaintance - great artist Absolutely not from the world of this, that is, it's not even capable of getting dressed! And the insidious chiropiro is here as here - from now on Canda will be forever to care for her sister, because on cats the guy has already been trapped!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33562)

    in the XXI world community, finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it on new level. Capable to use magic after graduating from nine classes in Japan is now waiting in the schools of magic - but only if applicants will pass the exam. Quota for admission to the first school (Khatodi, Tokyo) - 200 students, the best of the best is credited to the first branch, the rest - to the reserve, for the second, and the teacher is only the first hundred, "flowers". The remaining, "weeds", learn independently. At the same time, the atmosphere of discrimination constantly hovers at school, because even the forms in both branches are different.
    Siby Tatsuya and Miyuki were born with a difference of 11 months, which allowed them to study in the same year. When entering the first school, the sister turns out among flowers, and brother - among weeds: despite the excellent theoretical knowledgeThe practical part is not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an approximate sister, as well as their new friends - Tibi Erika, Sydsey Leonhart (you can simply leo) and Mizuki's satellite - at school magic, quantum physics, the tournament of nine schools and much more ...

    © sa4ko aka kiyoso

  • (29549)

    "Seven mortal sins", once great warriors, revered by the British. But once, they are accused of trying to overthrow the monarchs and the murder of a warrior from the Holy Knights. In the future, the Holy Knights arrange a coup, and capture power into their hands. A "seven mortal sins", now otgoy, dispersed all over the kingdom, who is where. Princess Elizabeth, was able to escape from the castle. She decides to go in search of Meliodas, the leader of the seven of sins. Now the whole seven must unite again, to prove their innocence and revenge for exile.

  • (28370)

    2021 year. An unknown virus "Gastreya" was hit by an unknown virus which in the days destroyed almost all of humanity. But this is not just a virus as any ebol or plague. He does not kill a person. Gastrea is a reasonable infection that rebuilds the DNA by turning the carrier in a terrible monster.
    The war began and in the end took 10 years. People found a way to burn out from infection. The only thing that does not tolerate the gastrea is a special metal - Varano. It was from him that people built huge monoliths and pretended to Kokyo. It seemed that now few survivors can live for monoliths in the world, but alas, the threat is not doing anywhere. Gastrea is still waiting for a convenient moment to penetrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. No hope. Extermination of people is only a matter of time. But W. scary virus It turned out to be another effect. There are those who are already born with this blood virus. These children, "damned children" (exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus goes many times slower than in the body ordinary person. Only they can withstand the generations of "Gastrey" and no longer count on humanity. Will our heroes be able to save the remnants of living people and find a medicine from a terrifying virus? See and find out yourself.

  • (27481)

    History in "Steins, Gate" unfolds a year after the events of "Chaos, Head".
    The busy plot of the game is part of the realistic area of \u200b\u200bthe Akakhibar region, in the famous place of shopping Otaku in Tokyo. The plot tying is: a group of friends Mounting in akihibar a certain device for sending text messages into the past. The experiments of the heroes of the game are interested in a mysterious organization under the name of SERN, which is also engaged in its own research in time. And now, friends have to make gigantic efforts to not be captured by Serne.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added a series 23β, which is an alternative ending and summing up in SG0.
  • (26756)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and much more from all over the world, they suddenly be locked in a multiplayer role-playing online game "The Legend of Ancients". On the one hand, gamers were transferred to new world Physically, the illusion of reality turned out to be almost flawless. On the other hand, "Popants" retained the former avatars and acquired skills, the user interface and the pumping system, and death in the game was carried out only to the resurrection in the Cathedral of the nearest major city. Understanding what great goal No, no one called the price for the exit, the players began to come down together - alone to live and edit according to the jungle law, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Syroe and Nazugu, in the world, student and clerk, in the game - a cunning magician and a mighty warrior, a long time knew each other by the legendary guild "Mad tea drinking". Alas, those times went forever, but also in new reality You can find old friends and just good guys with whom will not be bored. And most importantly - in the world of "legends" appeared indigenous population, considering aliens great and immortal heroes. Insecurity wants to become such a knight Round Table., Breaking dragons and saving girls. Well, there are enough girls around, monsters and robbers, too, and there are cities like a hospitable akiba. The main thing is to die in the game still not worth it, it is much more correct to live in human!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27825)

    Race Guli exists from time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mostly in the raw form. Lovers of human faiths are externally indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and lively - but there are few of them, because Guli has developed strict rules of hunting and disguise, and the violators are punished by themselves or in quietly renting fighters with evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about Guli, but as they say, used to. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat, moreover, consider them as the perfect foundation To create a supersoldat. Experiments have long been ...

    The main hero of Ken Kaneki is to be a tortimate search for the new path, for he realized that people and hums look like: just some friend crouch in the literal sense, others are in portable. True lives of cruel, it is impossible to redo it, and the one who does not turn away. And then somehow!

  • (26930)

    In the world of Hunter X Hunter, there is a class of people called hunters, who, using mental strength and trained in various types of struggle, explore wild corners in the main civilized world. The main character, Youth named Gon (Gong), the son of the great hunter. His father mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and now, Moldoval, Gong (Gong) decides to go on his footsteps. On the way, he finds several companions: Leorio, an ambitious doctor of medical sciences, whose goal is to enrich. Curapica is the only surviving from his clan whose goal is to revenge. Killoa - the heir of the family of hired killers, whose goal is training. Together they achieve goals and become hunters, but it is only the first step on their long journey ... And ahead of the story of Killo and his family, the story of revenge Curapika and of course training, new tasks and adventures! The series was stopped at revenge Curapic ... What awaits us further after so many years?

  • (26528)

    The action occurs in an alternative reality, where the existence of demons has long been recognized; in pacific Ocean There is even an island - "ITogamyjima", where the demons are full-fledged citizens and have equal rights with people. However, there are people-magicians who lead to them, in particular, on vampires. Ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Codse incomprehensible reason turned into a "purebred vampire", fourth in terms of number. Himself begins to follow the young girl Himeraka Yukina, or "Shaman Blade", which should follow Akatsuki and kill him in case it comes out of control.

  • (24815)

    History tells about the young man named Saitam, who lives in the world, ironically similar to ours. He is 25, he is Lys and beautiful, besides, Silen is so much that with one blow annihilates all the dangers for humanity. He is looking for himself on a difficult life path, passing the monsters and villains along the way.

  • (22673)

    Now you have to play the game. What it will be for the game - Roulette will solve. The bid in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time fall into Queen Dec, where they have to play the game. But in fact, what happens to them here is the court of heaven.

  • Description:People will not doubt that there is such a thing as fate, it's not going anywhere. The world managed by the storytellers, created the illusion that people power over fate, but in fact, it is no more than the script. Everything is simple, the heroes of the most popular fairy tales live in the world, for everyone already ready its action plan. The script was painted to the smallest details. No one objected to this order. Cinderella, Alice from Wonderland, Alladin and other famous characters. They all satisfied. But later, the very storyteors appeared, they decided to get everything to their hands. In fact, they are fraudsters. Everything came out of control. Now no one knows what to do next. In this chaos, loved all characters also take the risk that they may die. Let's look at what the whole story will lead, how the main characters will behave and that it will be generally done in this situation, because you never know what can happen in fact, it is possible that there will be a frantic end.

    Incredible Adventures of Gejo (Season 5) / Jojo No Kimyou Na Bouken: OUGON NO KAZE

    Description:Does the world remember one of the greatest geniuses evil Dio Brando, would know about him the world if he once was not adopted by George Jostar? Or maybe fate ordered so that DEO was to become the span of darkness in any case, it could be the thirst for naughty pushed him to this path and he began to commit a crime. But what happened is impossible to cancel. It is the Jostar family that must correct the error of ancestor and deal with Dio, whose mind has long been clouded with anger. Jotaro Cujo was finally able to put a point in this story, he began through the floor of the planet for the most evil man in the world in order to deal with him once and for all. He managed to win, the body of the criminal with a knife, it is impossible to restore it. Now the words about the family of Jodgo burned around the world now they are those who can stop any criminal, they are afraid of absolutely everything. Jostairs were very strongly poured the eyes of crime, it means that they need to understand.

    Smile Price (Season 1) / EGAO No Daika

    Description:A smile may arise on the face without a significant cause. Even the space affects it. On one planet, for billions of light years from us, the kingdom was formed, which was inhabited by people who were always smiling. But there should be a reverse side of the medal, a kind of dark side. Even two people can begin the struggle for their opposites. One was crowded, and the other soldier. But their paths crossed very close. Yuki was already at twelve aged and was ready to begin to fulfill their direct duties. The girl very often went to herself, was angry with people and hysteria. The princess was always surrounded by people: be it subject, or someone else. They all have attached strength to prepare a girl to an important mission. The princess had a friend Joshua, who always came to the rescue. But it was precisely seventeent-year-old Stella with his smile gave the joy of the princesses days.

    Nutcracker Kitaro (Season 1) / Gegege No Kitarou

    Description:The world is not only what we see it is much wider and multifaceted, it is filled with amazing and incredible things. There in dark, behind you, in your dark room there are things that you can't see, but this does not mean that they are not. And our world everything is rapidly rushing, at great speed, and now we are no longer believe in anything, but every second resident we have a video block manager. As charotomi, from the Channel "Charotomi", which decided to check what will be if he ignoring the traffic light will remain in the middle of the road. And it seems obvious things known even to the kids from infancy, but the guy with the camera is needed confirmation. Our unlucky, but an inventive guy is anger of car enthusiasts, but it did not stop him. He adding itself the main character and proclaiming the rest of people in secondary and not important stists, Charotomi brought the dark forces that the jokes for or in punishment turned bloated by the impact of the little man into a huge spreading tree, right along the middle of the lively crossroads in Shibui. Naturally, all those present began to post this event in social networks, with various

    Climbing Hero Shield (Season 1) / Tate No Yuusha No Nariagari

    Description:Mal Marck was attacked from a dark dimension. Attacks are already a lot of time. The balance of forces was broken, darkness and darkness take the top. Forces, residents cannot save measurement. The request of the inhabitants reached the world, in which the very defenders of the universe from the forces lived. Naofami Ivatani and still the Trinity of Warriors were invited to the world, which was on the verge of destruction. During the transfer, characters received a unique equipment, and Naofami received a shield that became a legend. He immediately collided with some problems. After all, he did not want to be a hero. Since it was the weakest candidate for heroism. Especially he was not charismatic. Especially families decided to leave him. The way it was robbed, but if it could be put up with it, then how to accept the fact that he was accused of a crime. He could not prove that he was not a rapist. The surrounding began to keep away him. He was filled with rage and thirst for revenge people.

    Black Clover (Season 1) / Black Clover

    Description:In the anime, the TV series "Black Clover" Demons always consisted of danger. The human soul is a treat for demons, according to this, they create different amugs and fear them. But the inevitable happened, the demons began to act, they almost destroyed in their acts. But the wizard appeared unexpectedly. The strongest magician began to play people, he could put an end to the evil acts of hellish creatures. In the world he got a nickname - the king of magicians. Aster and Youth since childhood alone, the church sheltered them. They have long understood what fate awaits them, because one of them should again become the king of magicians, they are forever in the dispute. Only they were very different, Aster did not have the skills of magic, but Youth has long been able to live a lot. On the day of his fifteen years, the magician received a grimoire, with which you can enhance my magic, but Aster probably won't get anything. Aster was not hoping for anything, but unexpectedly the abilities wake up! And now he can get Grimoire, it happened so that he received a rare copy, with clover. Probably began a white band!

    Love Maidji (Season 1) / Meiji Tokyo Renka

    Description:Since childhood, Mei Ayadzuki dreamed of being part of the magical world and magic. She was looking for evidence that magic exists. Having matured, she got the same chance to find an answer to the question. The girl succumbed to inner voice and did not go home, as usual, she fell to a party under the moon. Where was Charlie. He said that the most real wizard. May did not doubt it. Charlie proved his words by sending a girl to the Maji era. May in Tokyo 1868. The epoch was filled with personalities that was the desire to meet. A person could not do this, as she studied the biography of the dead. And Mei became not ordinary, because she fell out the opportunity to communicate with the legends of that time. That's just communication was hard to start, as the appearance of the girl called suspicions, they still said that she trades opium. Ohhy decided to save the guest. It was at that moment that Charlie disappeared, and he decided that he would also move with the girl. Mei begins to like Ogi.

    Smoky grass (Season 1) / Kemurikusa

    Description:Despite the fact that civilization is very strong, still there are from time from time to break, then the world begins to collapse and humanity is doomed to death. They are forced to live and survive in terrible conditions. Without a single hope for the future, they celebrated the day after day. Chaos changed the civilized world, which was immersed in the fog of red. In a short period, people disappeared from the face of the earth. But there was a small group of girls. No one knew how they managed to escape, because everyone was busy with survival in rather terrible conditions. The girls built a clear plan of staying on any terrain, but another terrible attack was found in the world. Robotized insects now filled the streets of the usual cities. Insects were poisonous. Those more was very difficult to defend. But nevertheless, the girls did the enemy. Smoky grass. The substance that was in some trees. By the way, it was healing and did not tell a person, on the contrary, he treated. And the robots of grass ruined. The girls were protected by the insect grass with all their forces in the hope of freeing the land.

    Fairy Tail (Season 3) / Fairy Tail TV-3

    Description:Finally, the release of the new season is all your favorite anime! The exit to continue promised to autumn! "The tail of the Fairy" is the so-called guild of the strongest magicians in the whole fiore, although for such a level they are very young. Lucy lived with dreams about the tail of the fairies, and now the long-awaited moment has come ... by chance, she met the boyfriend's boyfriend to Natsu Dragnil, he spent her In the guild! Lucy is very happy to start new adventures. What a pity that everything is good for a long time ever end. Fair's tail is no longer ... All members of the guild have been dissolved after the war with Tartar. Everyone went to different corners of the world. Lucy became the author and editor of one The famous newspaper, Natsu went to search for more power. But once, a year later, they met, the joy was not the limit, now they intend to return the former glory of the guild and again connect all the former members together! So I came to the moment that we all waited, because There are many fans of this beautiful anime, in which we can see a real friendship and confidence in the comrades. A saturated plot, a lot of funny scenes and sometimes very sad, all this you will see in this work.