Plushkin in the poem "Dead Souls": Hero analysis, image and characteristic. Plushin characteristic in the poem "Dead Souls": Description of appearance and character Biography Plushina from the dead shower

Plushkin in the poem
Plushkin in the poem "Dead Souls": Hero analysis, image and characteristic. Plushin characteristic in the poem "Dead Souls": Description of appearance and character Biography Plushina from the dead shower

In the face of the hero of the Dead Souls, Plushkin brought the Gogol of the Church of Psychopath. He pointed out in this pitiful ancient the terrible consequences of the passion "acquire" without a goal - when the acquisition itself is going on when the meaning of life is lost. In the "Dead Souls", it is shown how from a reasonable practical person necessary for the state and family, Plushkin appeals to the "thief" in humanity, in some negative value, in the "Spread" ... For this, he only needed to lose meaning Life. Before he worked for the family. His ideal of life was the same as Chichikov - and Plushkin was happy when a noisy, joyful family met him, returning to relax home. Then his life was deceived, - he remained lonely, an evil an old man, for whom all people seemed like thieves, liards, robber. Some inclination to worried about the years increased, the heart was tougher, tucking before a clear economic eye, - and Plushkin lost the ability to distinguish between a small one in the farm, right from unnecessary, - all the attention, all his vigilance was directed at a household, to storehouses, Glaciers ... Large bread in economy, he stopped engaged, and bread, the main foundation of his wealth, revenge in the barn. But Plushkin was collected by all the rhylad in his office, even with his own men stole buckets and other things ... He lost hundreds, thousands, because he did not want to give up a penny, Ruble. Plushkin completely survived from the mind, and his soul, never distinguished magnitude, completely crushed and soaked. Plushkin became a slave of his passion, a pathetic embedder, walking in rags, living the injignment. An unlike one, sullen, lived his unnecessary life, pulling out of the heart even parental feelings for children. (Cm. , .)

Plushkin. Drawing Kukryniks

Plushin can be compared with the "stingy knight", with only the difference that Pushkin "stale" is represented in tragic lighting, - Gogol in comic. Pushkin showed that she made gold with a good man, a man is large, - Gogol in the "dead souls" showed how a penny of ordinary, "middle man" was distinguished ...

Plushkin Stepan. - The fifth, and the last, from the "series" of the landowners, to whom Chichikov addresses proposal to sell him dead souls. In a peculiar negative hierarchy of landlord types, bred in the poem, this stingy old man (to him the seventh tent) occupies at the same time the lowest, and the highest level. His image personifies the full death of the human soul, the almost complete destruction of a strong and bright personality, without the rest of the misfortunes absorbed by the passion - but that is why they can resurrect and transformed. (Below P. from the characters of the poem "Pal" only the chikhikov himself, but for him the copyright is the possibility of even more grandiose "correction".)

On this dual, "negative-positive" nature of the image P. in advance indicates the final of the 5th chapter; Having learned from Co-Bakivich, that next door lives a screed landowner, who has the peasants "mruh, like flies," Chichikov is trying to bring the road to him at the passerby peasant; He does not know any P., but guesses, about whom is a question: "A, paid!" The nickname this is humiliating, - but the author (in accordance with the through-receiving "dead souls") from satire instantly proceeds to lyrical pathos; Having admired the accuracy of the folk word, puts praise the Russian mind and, as it were, moves from the space of the moralopsychiatory novel into the space of the epic poem "Like" Iliad ".

But the closer the chichotes to the house P., the alarming the author's intonation; Suddenly - and as if neither from this - the author compares himself a child with his current, his then enthusiasm - with the current "coolness" of the gaze. "Oh my youth! Oh my freshness! " It is clear that this passage equally refers to the author - and to the "dead" hero, the meeting with which to the reader will have. And this involuntary rapprochement of the "unpleasant" character with the author displays the image of P. from that series of "literary and theater" buyers, with the loan on which it is written, distinguishes from the characters of Plutovsky Romanov, and from the greedy landowners of the Mravo-West Epos, and from Garpagon From the Moliere Comedy "Surround" (the Garpagon is the same as P., to break down the back of the back), briefly, on the contrary, with a baron from the "Supil Knight" Pushkin and Balzakovsky Gobsek.

The description of Plushinsky estate allegorically depicts the launch - and at the same time "litter" of his soul, which "is not rich in God". Entry is dilapidated - the logs are pressed as piano keys; everywhere special windiness, roofs as a sieve; Windows shut up rag. Sobeshevich, they were skipped at least in order to save, and here - solely because of the "destruction". Because of the lords are visible huge beds of a layer bread, similar to the screaming brick. As in the dark, the "lubricant" world, here everything is lifeless - even two churches that should form a semantic center of the landscape. One of them, wooden, empty; Other, stone, all cracked. A little later, the image of the empty temple will be metaphorically responded in the words of P., sorry that the priest will not say "words" against universal soberness: "Against the words of God will not hold!" (Traditional for Gogol Motive "Dead" Relationship to the Word of Life.) Lord, "This Strange Castle" is located in the middle of the cabbage. "Plushkin" space is impossible to embrace with a single eye, it seems to fall into details and fragments - then one part will open the look of Chichikov, then another; Even the house - in places in one floor, in some places in two. Symmetry, integrity, the balance began to disappear already in the description of the estate of the Sobevich; Here this "process" is stitching and deep into. In all this, the "segmentality" of the owner's consciousness, which forgot about the main thing and focused on a third suspended one. He no longer knows how much where and what is produced in its extensive and ruined farm, - but it monitors the level of old emphasis in the ramp: if anyone drank.
The desolation "went to benefit" one by only the Plushkin Garden, which, starting near the Lord's house, disappears in the field. Everything else died, dead, as in the Gothic novel, which is reminiscent of a comparison of a Plushkin house with a castle. This, as it were, the ark, within which the flood occurred (not by chance almost all the details of the description, as in the ark, have their own "pair" - there are two churches, two Belvedere, two windows, one of which, however, is stuck with a triangle of blue sugar paper ; U P. had two blonde daughters, etc.). The dilapidation of his world is akin to the windiness of the "dough" world who died from passions. And P. himself is a failed "forefather" Noah, from the maternity owner degenerated in Skopidomes and lost whatever certainty of the appearance and position.

Having met P. on the way to home, Chichikov can not understand who in front of him is a woman or a man, the keysticker or a key, "rarely shaving beard"? Having learned that this "keystitch" is a rich landowner, the owner of 1000 souls ("Eva! And the owner of the owner is!"), Chichots twenty minutes can not get out of a stupor. Portrait of P. (long chin, which has to close the scarf, so as not to heal; small, not yet extinct eyes run from under high eyebrows, like mice; Sawdan bathrobe turned into a yuft; rag on the neck instead of a handkerchief) also indicates a complete "loss" »Hero from the image of a rich landowner. But all this is not for the sake of "exposure", but only in order to recall the norm of "wise miserness", with which P. tragically separated and to which he could still return.

Before, to the "fall", view of P., as a hardworking spider, "ran sickly, but stopped, at all ends of his economic cobweb"; Now the spider flies the pendulum of the stopped clock. Even the silver pocket watch, which P. is going to give - yes it does not give - Chikchiku in gratitude for the "deliverance" from the dead souls, and those "asked." About the past time (and not just about the tackle) resembles a toothpick that the owner, perhaps, picked up in the teeth before the invasion of the French.

It seems that, describing the circle, the story returned to the point, from which it began, - the first of the "Chikchikov" landowners, manifs, the same lives, as the last of them, P. But there is no time in the world of Manilov and never It was; He did not lose anything - he has nothing to return. P. possessed everyone. This is the only one, except for Chichikov himself, the hero of the poem who has a biography, there is a past; Without the past, the present can do, but without the past there is no way to the future. Before the death of his wife P. was an excellent, experienced landlord; The daughters and son had a French teacher and Madam; However, after that, P. developed a "complex" of the widow, he became suspicious and stingy. The next step to the side of the life road defined by him, he made after the secret escape of the eldest daughter, Alexandra Stepanovna, with the headquarters of the Rothmistrome and the unauthorized definition of the Son in military service. (He and before the "escape" considered the Military Games and Drabs, now and is hostile to military service at all.) The youngest daughter died; The son was played in the card; Soul P. Even fiercely; "Wolf hunger of misfortune" mastered them. Even the bidders refused to have a business with him - because it is "demon, and not a person.

The return of the "prodigal daughter", whose life with the headquarters-Rothmistrome turned out to be not particularly satisfying (an explicit plot parody of the final of the Pushkinsky "stationander"), reconciles P. with her, but does not eliminate deceased greed. Having played with the grandson, P. Nothing Alexander Stepanovna did not give, and Kulich donated it in the second arrival, he kept and now he is trying to treat Chichikov's cracker. (The item is also not accidental; Kulich - Easter "Trapeza"; Easter is the celebration of the Sunday; dries Kulich, P. as it were symbolically confirmed that his soul was dead; but in itself, what a piece of slices, let and moldy, always stored with him , Associatively connected with the theme of the possible "Easter" revival of his soul.)

Smart Chichiki, guessing the substitution that occurred in P., respectively, "reasons" his usual introductory speech; As in P. "Virtue" rested "savings", and the "rare properties of the soul" - "order", so they are replaced in the Chichikovsky "attack" to the theme of the dead souls. But the fact of the matter is that greed not until the last limit was able to master the heart of P. Making a bunching (Chichikov convinces the owner that she is ready to take on the right costs on the dead "for the pleasure of yours"; the list of the dead for the economic P. is ready, is unknown for What kind of need), P. reflects, who could, from his behalf, assure it in the city, and recalls that the chairman was his school comrade. And this is a memory (there is a completely repeated course of copyright reflections at the beginning of the chapter) suddenly revives the hero: "... on this wooden face<...> It was expressed<...> Pale reflection feelings. " Naturally, this is a random and instant glimmer of life.

Therefore, when chikhikov, not only purchasing 120 dead souls, but also buying fluorescent to 27 kopecks. For the soul, leaves P., the author describes the twilight landscape, in which the shadow with the light "was mixed perfectly" - as in the unfortunate soul P.

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    ✪ Plushkin. In Plushkin's house

    ✪ Chichikov in Plushina

    ✪ Plushkin. Deal


Plushina biography:

In his youth was married, was the father of two daughters and her son. He was the owner of the richest estate. Heard with a lean owner:

The neighbor came to have lunch to him, listen and learn from his farm and wise miserness. Everything flowed alive and was accomplished by measured: Mills were moving, valves, dried faces, joinery, strainers; Everywhere, everything was part of a keen look of the owner and, as a hardworking spider, ran his thoroughly, but stopped, at all ends of his economic cobweb. Too strong feelings were not reflected in the features of him, but the mind was visible in the eyes; The spelling and knowledge of the world was penetrated by his speech, and the guest was pleased to listen to him; Friendly and the speaking mistress was famous for herbs; There were two pretty daughters, both blond and fresh, like roses; The son ran away, a broken boy, and kissed everyone, a little paying attention to that, glad, or was not happy to be this guest. All windows were opened in the house, the mezzanine was occupied by the Frenchman's apartment teacher, who was shaving nicely and was a big shooter: he always brought to the dinner of aunt or ducks, and sometimes one sparrow eggs, of which I ordered my scrambled eggs, because more in the whole house Nobody ate her. On the mezzanine, his complision, the mentor of two girls lived. The owner himself was to the table in a surtuk, although somewhat worn, but neat, the elbows were in order: nowhere is there any patch. But the kind mistress died; Part of the keys, and with them small concerns, moved to it. Plushkin became restless and, like all the widows, suspicious and stingy. He could not rely on senior daughter Alexander Stepanovna, and he was right, because Alexander Stepanovna soon ran with the headquarters of the Rothmistrome, the god of the cavalry regiment, and he happened to him somewhere back in the village church, knowing that his father Does not love officers on strange prejudice, as if all military gamblers and mothers. Father sent her a curse on the road, and she did not care. The house has become even empty. In the owner, it became more noticeable to be revealed to be discovered, which flashed his gray hair in his hard hair, her faithful girlfriend helped her even more to develop; The French teacher was released because his son had time to serve; Madame was driven, because it was not sinless in the abduction of Alexandra Stepanovna; Son, being sent to the provincial city in order to find out in the chamber, according to Father, the service was essential, determined instead of the regiment and wrote to his father in his definition, asking for money for an outfit; It is very natural that he got on this what is called in Proshodia Shish. Finally, the last daughter, remaining with him in the house, died, and the old man found one watchman, the keeper and the dominates of his wealth. Lonely life gave heartable food of misappropriation, which, as you know, has wolf hungry and the more devouring, it becomes insceptible; Human feelings that have not been deep in him, chamoils every day, and every day something was lost in this worn ruin. Having happened under this minute as if it was noticeable to confirm his opinion about the war, that his son was played in the card; He sent him his father's curse from his heart and was never interested in knowing whether he had in the world, or not. Every year the windows were pretended in his house, finally left only two.<…> Every year it left the type of more and more main parts of the farm, and a small glance turned to his papers and pieces, which he collected in his room; It became unsselporated to the biders who came to take economic works from him; The biders were traded, they traded themselves and finally threw it at all, having said that it was a demon, not a man; The hay and bread were rotten, the clashes and the stogs turned into clean manure, even thumping a cabbage on them, flour in the basements turned into a stone, and it was necessary to cut her, to the clutches, canvas and homemade matters it was terribly touched upon: they turned into dust. He already forgot himself how much he had something, and remembered only, in what place he was standing in the closet the charter with the rest of some tincture, on which he made the mark himself, so that no one would drink it to it, but he lay a feather or Surgicchik. Meanwhile, in the farm, the income was going to be as before: the same number was supposed to bring a man, the same brought nuts was covered by every baba, the same amount of the canvas had to push the tank, - all this was falling into the storerooms, and everything became rotting and riding , and he himself turned finally in some kind of bandaged in humanity. Alexandra Stepanovna somehow came two times with a small son, trying whether it was impossible to get something; It can be seen, a hiking life with the headquarters did not be so attractive, what seemed before the wedding. Plushkin, however, I forgave it and even gave a little granddaughter to play some button, lying on the table, but did not give anything to anything. Another time Alexandra Stepanovna arrived with two babes and brought him a cake to tea and a new robe, because the father had such a bathrobe, which was not only asked, but even ashamed. Plushkin climbed both grandchildren and, planted them with one on his right knee, and the other on the left, shook them at all as if they were driving on horseback, Kulich and bathrobe took, but the daughter did not give anything decisively; With theme and left Alexander Stepanovna.

Describing the manic greed of his hero, Gogol reports: ... he walked every day through the streets of his village, looked at his bridges, under the crossbars and everything that came across to him: the old sole, the Babius rag, the iron nail, the clay shard, - everything dragged to himself and folded into that bunch, which chikhiki I noticed in the corner of the room ... after him there was no need to revenge the street: it happened to lose the officer to lose the spur, the spur of this moment went to the famous heap: if Baba ... forgotten the bucket - he dragged the bucket.

The writer gives a description of the following appearance of his unusual hero: his face did not imagine anything special and looked like other thin old men. Only the chin performed very far forward, but they attracted the attention of small eyes, running like mice from under high raised eyebrows. It was much more wonderful to the outfit: it could not be done with any means and stales, from which it was compressed by his bathrobe: the sleeves and the upper floors were planted and raised that they were like a yuffy, which goes on his boots; Behind instead of two, four floors dangled, of which the cotton paper climbed. On the neck, it was also tied something that that was not possible to disassemble: whether stockulock, whether the garter, or a lane, just not tie.

The meeting of Chichikova Hero with Plushkin in it is preceded by a description of a ruined village and a dilapidated surname estate Plushkin: some special impact noticed he (that is, chikhikov) on all wooden buildings: the log on the outbreak was dark and old; Many roofs were drove as a sieve: Only a horse left at the top yes, the windows on the sides in the form of a Röbember ... The windows on the spots were without a glass, others were shut-up with a cloth or zipoon ... Parties began to turn out to be discussed by the Lord ... Something a strange disabled one strange castle Long, long exorbitant ... The walls of the house were put together by a naked plaster grille ... From the windows only two were open, others were forced by shutters or even clogged with boards ... Green mold was already covered with a fence and gate. Some revival brought the "funny garden" in this sad picture - the old, overgrown and stirred, went somewhere in the field.

With the appearance of the owner of all this, the first decay of the seams of chichikov initially takes him for the old woman - the keystone - so wonderfully, dirty and poorly dressed: Listen, Mother, "he said, leaving her bright - that Barin? ...


According to some researchers of Creativity N. V. Gogol, the image of this semi-mounted landowner-Skopidoma is the most bright and successful in the description of the "Business Partners" Chichikov in the "Dead Soul" poem and represented the greatest interest for the writer himself. In the literary criticism there was a perception of this unusual character N. V. Gogol as a standard of scopidomism, greed and crumbling. The writer itself is undoubtedly interested in the history of the transformation of this, in the youth of the educated and unfortunate man in a walking, even for his own peasants and in a sick, a malicious person, refused to support and participate in the fate of his own daughters, a son and grandchildren.

In Russian spoken language and in the literary tradition, the name "Plushkin" became a numerous designation for petty, stingy people covered by passion for the accumulation of unnecessary to them, and sometimes completely useless things. His behavior described in the poem N. V. Gogol is a typical manifestation of such a mental illness (mental disorder), as a pathological storage. In foreign medical literature, a special term is even introduced - "

One of the brightest characters of Gogol, a literary hero, whose name has long been a numerous, a character who remembered to everyone who read the "dead souls" - the landowner Stepan Plushkin. His memorable figure closes the gallery of the landowners represented by Gogol in the poem. Plushkin, who gave his name, even an official disease (Plushin syndrome, or pathological storage), is essentially a very rich man who led an extensive farm to a complete decline, and a huge amount of serfs - to poverty and a pity to existence.

This fifth and last companion Chichikov is a vivid example of how much the human soul can die. Therefore, the name of the poem is very symbolic: not only directly indicates that we are talking about "dead souls" - as they called the dead serfs, but also about miserable, deprived of human qualities, devastated sneakers of landowners and officials.

Characteristic of the hero

(Plushkin, artist Alexander Agin, 1846-47)

Acquaintance of the reader with a landowner Plushkin Gogol begins with the description of the surroundings of the estate. Everything indicates the launch, insufficient financing and the absence of a master's solid hand: dilapidated houses with holes and windows without glasses. The sad landscape is reviving the Master Garden, although launched, but described by much more positive paints: clean, tidy, filled with air, with a "right marble sparkling column." However, the dwelling of Plushkina again clarifies melancholy, around the launch, despondency and the mountains of the useless, but the extremely necessary old man of the rubble.

Being the richest landowner of the province (the number of serfs reached 1000), Plushkin lived in extreme poverty, eating offside and dried crops that he did not give him the slightest discomfort. He was extremely suspicious, all around seemed to him insidious and unreliable, even native children. Only passion for the accumulation was important for Plushina, he collected everything that came across at her arm, and dragged into the house.

("Plushkin Chichikin", artist Alexander Agin, 1846-47)

Unlike other characters, the history of the life of Plushin is completely presented. The author introduces the reader with a young landowner, talking about a good family, his beloved wife and three children. Neighbors even came to the maternity owner in order to learn from him. But the wife died, the eldest daughter escaped with the military, the son went to the army, which the father did not approve, and the youngest daughter also died. And gradually the respected landowner turned into a person, his whole life is subordinated to the accumulation for the process itself. All other human feelings, not distinguished and previously brightness, fugged in it at all.

Interestingly, some professors of psychiatry mentioned that Gogol is very clear and at the same time artistically described the typical case of senile dementia. Others, for example, Psychiatrist Ya.F. Kaplan, deny this opportunity, saying that psychopathological features do not appear sufficiently in Plushkin, and Gogol simply illuminated the state of old age that met everywhere.

The image of the hero in the work

Stepan Plushkin himself is described as a creature, dressed in untidy rags, from afar of a similar woman, but bristles on the face still made it clear that in front of the main character - a representative of a strong gender. With the general amorphy of this figure, the writer sharpens attention on certain features: outstanding the chin, hooked nose, lack of teeth, eyes expressing suspicion.

Gogol is a great master of the word - bright smears show us a gradual, but irreversible change in the human person. The man, in the eyes of which the mind was glowing in the previous years, gradually turns into a pitiful eye, which lost all the best feelings and emotions. The main goal of the writer is to show how terrible old age can be, as small human weaknesses can turn into pathological features in certain life circumstances.

If the writer just wanted to portray a pathological eye, he would not go into the details of his youth, a description of the circumstances that led to the current state. The author himself tells us that Stepan Plushkin is the future of the fiery young man in old age, the unsightly portrait, seeing who, young man would bother in horror.

("Plushin peasants", artist Alexander Agin, 1846-47)

However, Gogol leaves a small chance of this hero: when the writer thought about the third volume of the work, he planned to leave Plushkin - the only one of all the landowners met the chicter - in an updated, morally regenerated form. Describing the appearance of the landowner, Nikolai Vasilyevich separately stands the eyes of the old man: "Little eyes have not yet been nervous and ran out of high-grown eyebrows like mice ...". And the eyes, as you know, the mirror of the human soul. In addition, Plushkin, it would seem, lost all human feelings, suddenly decides to give the chikchiki golden clock. True, this rush immediately goes out, and the old man decides to enter the watches in the gift, so that after death, someone remembered his good word.

Thus, not losing Stepan Plushkin to his wife, his life could be quite safe, and the old age would not turn into such a deplorable existence. The image of Plushkina completes the gallery of portraits of degraded landowners and very accurately describes a lower stage to which a person can ride in his lonely old age.

The surname of the hero became nominal on the century. Even who did not read the poems represents a miser person.

The image and characteristic of Plushin in the poem "Dead Souls" is a character deprived by human features, who lost the meaning of his light.

Character appearance

The landowner is over 60 years old. He is old, but it can not be called a weaker and sick. How does the author of Plushkin describe? Skupor, like he himself:

  • The incomprehensible floor hidden under the strange rag. Chichikov is a long time, who is before him: a man or a woman.
  • Rigid gray hair sticking like a brush.
  • Insensible and vulgar face.
  • The clothes of the hero causes squeaming, to look at it, ashamed of a man dressed in the likeness of a bathrobe.

Relationships with people

Stepan Plushkin reproaches its peasants in theft. There are no reasons for this. They know their owner and understand that there is nothing to take in the estate. Everything is caught in Plushkin, rot and grove. Reserves are spilled, but no one is going to use them. Many things: wood, dishes, rags. Gradually, stocks turn into a pile of mud, scrap. A bunch can be compared with a garbage gathered by the owner of the Lord. The truth in the words of the landlord is not. The people do not have time to steal, become a fraudster. Due to the unbearable living conditions, miserism and hunger, men run away or die.

In relations with people Plushkin, evils and obese:

Loves to quarrel. Sports with men, argue, never immediately does not perceive the words expressed him. He is scolding for a long time, speaks about the vote behavior of the interlocutor, the hotness is silent in response.

Plushkin believes in God. He blesses in the path of leaving him, God's court is afraid.

Hypocrisy. Plushkin is trying to portray care. In fact, everything ends with hypocritical actions. Mr enters the kitchen, he wants to check whether his courtiers eating him, but instead eats most of the cooked one. Whether people are enough with porridge, it is not interested in him, the main thing is that he is fed.

Plushkin does not like communication. He keep away guests. Cleaning how much it loses when taking his farm, he begins to beglong, refuses the custom of riding guests and take away. He himself explains that his acquaintances were acquainted or moved or blocked, but the most correct thing that no one wanted to call for such a greedy person.

Character of Hero

Plushkin - a character who is difficult to find positive features. He is all permeated with false, misfortune and scary.

What features can be allocated in the character's character:

Wrong self-esteem. Behind the external goodness is the greed and constant desire of the profit.

Desire to hide from others your state. Plushkin is privileged. He says he has no food when the full barn grain is rotting for years. Complaints the guest that he has little land and there is no shine hay for horses, but it's all a lie.

Cruelty and indifference. Nothing changes the mood of a stingy landowner. He does not feel joys, despair. Only cruelty and an empty stale look - everything that the character is capable of.

Suspiciousness and anxiety. These feelings develop in it with a mad speed. He begins to suspect themselves in theft, loses a sense of composure. Measurement occupies his whole essence.

The main distinguishing feature is a misfortune. Scroll Stepan Plushkin is such that it is difficult to imagine if not to meet in reality. Measurement manifests itself in everything: clothes, food, feelings, emotions. Nothing in Plushin is completely manifested. Everything is hidden and hidden. The landowner saves money, but for what? Just for their collection. He does not spend for himself nor for his relatives or the farm. The author says that the money was bold in the boxes. Such an attitude to the enrichment means is amazing. Live the injignment on grain bags, having thousands of fortress shower, huge land squares, can only squeak from the poem. It is terrible that, in Russia there are many such plush.

Attitude to relatives

The landowner does not change towards his relatives. He has a son and daughter. The author says that in the future he will gladly betray the earth and daughter. Hero's indifference scares. The son asks the Father to give him money for the purchase of uniforms, but as the author says, he gives him "Shish". Even the poorest parents do not throw their children.

Son, played in the card and turned back to him again. Instead, he received a curse. Father never even mentally, did not remember his son. He is not interested in his life, fate. Plushkin does not think whether his offspring is.

A rich landowner lives as a beggar. The daughter who came to the Father for help regrets him and gives a new robe. 800 shower estates are surprised by the author. The existence is comparable to the life of a begging shepherd.

Stepan has in-depth human feelings. As the author says, feelings, even if they had a routine, "chamoils every minute."

A landowner who lives among garbage, trash, does not become an exception to a fictional character. He reflects the reality of Russian reality. Greedy squeaks Morious their peasants, turned into a floor of animals, lost human traits, caused pity and fear for the future.