Business from scratch: Cemetery for animals. Profitable business: how to open a private cemetery

Business from scratch: Cemetery for animals. Profitable business: how to open a private cemetery
Business from scratch: Cemetery for animals. Profitable business: how to open a private cemetery

Despite the increase in the number of cremation, the number of burials of the coffin remains prevalent in the total volume of burials. Regardless of the type of burial, its design implies receipt of certain documents. First of all, the relatives of the deceased receive a medical certificate of death, which is issued in the morgue, where the body of the deceased came. Then contact the registry office or IFC at the place of registration of the deceased or at the place of his death, for the design of the coat of arms of death, as well as for obtaining a certificate of death, compiled in form No. 33 - this certificate gives relatives of the late right to receive a merry cash benefit .

Methods of burial

Body burial can be carried out in the following ways:

1. Cremation in the crematorium. After cremation, the urn with dust is placed in the Wall of Columbaria (open or closed), sarcophagus, or borrow urn in the ground.

2. The burial of the coffin with the body of the deceased in the ground:

  • in related graves in cemeteries, closed and open to new burials;
  • in the graves located on the newly allocated sections of cemeteries open to new burials;
  • in the graves located at the service sections of cemeteries, open or closed for burials.

In accordance with the existing sanitary standards, repeated disposal of coffins at related sites are permitted to conduct at least 15 years since the last burial (sanitary period). Currently, on all cemeteries, burials are made only in related graves (subject to the expiration of the imposed sanitary period). An exception to this rule is a reheeze cemetery, where there are free areas for burials. The burial of the urn with the rush (in the Wall of Columbia or to the Earth at the related plot) is carried out without restrictions.

Registration of the burial site

The purchase and design of a new area for burial in Moscow is carried out using the services of ritual services, or by independent contact of loved ones to the cemetery administration. For registration of the site, it is necessary to provide the coat of arms of death and the applicant's passport. If the burial is drawn up on a related site (where relatives of the deceased were previously buried), then it is also necessary to provide a passport on the grave and documents confirming the presence of deceased related links with the buried earlier on the site. As such documents, a marriage certificate can be submitted. On the day of the funeral in the cemetery administration, you should provide the following package of documents:

  • death certificate;
  • customer's passport funerals,
  • account-order for the provision of ritual services;
  • receipt of burial payment;
  • certificate of grave.

Certificate of grave

The certificate for the grave (dumping passport) is a document issued when ordering a plot on the cemetery. He confirms the consent of the Cemetery Administration for the provision of a burial site, as well as the rights responsible for burial to the indefinite rental of the site, on the implementation of other burials on this section, to the installation of tombstones (fences, monument, base). The grave certificate contains the following data:

  • FIO of the responsible for the burial - the person on which the certificate is issued;
  • Fullie of the deceased (his date of birth and death, as well as the burial date);
  • address of the cemetery, site and number of the grave, the size of the plot;
  • date of issuing a certificate of grave.

Traditions of burial

The burial of the body of the departed can be produced in accordance with the ritual traditions of Christian or Muslim rites, etc. So, according to the Christian rite, the coffin with the body of the deceased is located in the grave horizontally, while the head of the deceased should be addressed to the West, and the legs are east. Over the grave, the cross is installed, which according to the Orthodox tradition should be over the legs of the deceased, and along the Catholic and Protestant - above his head. According to the Muslim rite of the deceased, bother without a coffin, wrapped in Savan. At the same time, the face of the deceased must be addressed towards Mecca - the main Islamic sanctuary.

Pominal trapes

The memorial meal (compensation) can be organized by the preliminary application of closely deceased. Funeral institutions are engaged in the organization and confirmation in stationary halls.

Family burials

To create family (generic) burials in Moscow, on a fee basis, land plots are offered on the territory of public cemeteries. Such areas have an area sufficient for several burials, and are implemented among the open electronic auction (trading). The Bid Organizer is the Moscow Department of Competitive Policy. The starting cost of a plot of 3.6 square meters. The meter varies from 226,000 rubles to 3.8 million rubles. The price is formed taking into account the base rate of 1 square meters approved by the Government of Moscow. The meter of the Earth in the burial places, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, its location relative to the input group of cemeteries, funeral infrastructure facilities, asphalt roads. The plot acquired at auction is prohibited to resell, and it is also forbidden to bury people who are not among the relatives of the owner of the site. With the rules of participation in the auction, you can find on the official website of the GBU "Ritual".

Some resourceful entrepreneurs may be interested in the question of how to open a cemetery for people and how to make a business plan with calculations. After all, the demand for a place for the burial of relatives always exists. And the acute problem with the lack and high cost of such services in government agencies gives rise to thoughts on the implementation of the private sector of this focus.

And if in more developed countries there has been such a practice for many years, then we are still only in government plans. It is quite possible in a short time it will be possible to implement this project, but now the situation is quite intense and confusing.


The problem with the search room for the burial of people becomes every year more acute. It is partly solved by the crematorium, without occupying a lot of space and observing certain environmental rules for the conservation of nature. Nevertheless, the need for cemeteries, especially in large cities and megalopolis, remains.

To date, find the grave for the deceased relative can only after long-term search and expensive bribes. A little easier is the case with those families who were disturbed in advance about the presence of their own family fenced plot, where the disposal of several generations in a row is supposed.

Bans and laws

In modern conditions, there are regulations in our country, assumed only municipal sites for the arrangement of the graves. And in most cases they are already crowded. Only in some regions this issue is solved with the help of semi-legal methods, when a private person rents land under the cemetery from the city administration and helps to bury people for a reasonable fee on an affordable territory.

To open a private cemetery by law, we will not work yet. At the official level, such activities outside the state institution is prohibited. Although in the Duma, this topic is already actively discussed and individual supporters are trying to promote the law on the implementation of private practice on the opening of cemeteries.

Services for animals

A little different things are in terms of burial household pets. In the laws of the Russian Federation, it does not have a word about this that for most entrepreneurs means that such activities are not prohibited.

And according to regulatory documents of sanitary and epidemiological control, the corpse of an animal of any kind refers to other biological waste that is subject to disposal. Similar activities are available for the fulfillment and private entrepreneur.

It is only important to do this according to the same standards - to make burial in the graves to a depth of at least 2 meters, and each of the cells should be protected from all sides by concrete floors. At the same time, it is necessary to act in close contact with the veterinary service and carry out disinfection of everything that only concerned the corpse.

The ritual domestic burial services are considered rather popular, as only in Moscow there are about 200 thousand dogs living in apartments or in private territories, as well as at least 2.5 million other pets (from cats to reptiles).

Binding to them, like family members, people wish to arrange them a funeral either almost worse than for a person. Therefore, they are ready to pay any money, just to pay tribute to a pet after his death.

Required documents

In Russia, the system for organizing a cemetery as a business has not yet been established. But such private sectors, at least for animals, are increasingly close to megacities. It should be immediately noted that this process is quite complex and long-term, requiring approach to representatives of authorities, excerpts, major financial investments and patience.

Paper red tier begins with the design of IP or LLC, which in general takes the least time. Even an individual entrepreneur may well organize a private animal cemetery within Russian legislation. The following OKVED codes are indicated:

  • 93.03 - provision of ritual services, etc.;
  • 52.48.34 - Implementation of various accessories for rituals;
  • 91.31 - refers to the religious side of the case;
  • 93.05 - includes other personal services;
  • 71.34 - Rent a catatal or other vehicles.

The tax system in this case may be simplified. But that's not all. To equip the plot, you will have to not just find a suitable territory, but also to issue a contract for long-term operation (49 years) with the possibility of renewal of the lease. After all, such a plot will not work out in the property.

You should also create a cadastral plan of the square, the passport to the Earth and specify its purpose. Get a permit from the state authorities to build various premises - crematorium, burial ground, etc.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the coordination of activities with sanitary and epidemiological control, because it will have to constantly cooperate and receive various references. With the burial of animals, permits and from the veterinary service, from which contact should be initially established.

Here you can download as a sample.

Organizational moments

It is important to find a convenient and spacious place in the relative distance from the city. At the same time, customers must be comfortable to reach it on their own or city transport. To instill a desire to take advantage of the services of burial in this area, it is desirable to enjoy it - to plant trees, bushes, to equip various buildings for service personnel.

In order for the selected place to meet all the requirements of the controlling bodies, it is desirable to carefully examine such documents as the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" No. 52 of 30.03.99 and the Federal Law "On the burial and funeral business" No. 263 of December 29, 2006. Among the main parameters are distinguished:

  1. Certain remoteness from residential buildings.
  2. Lack of landfills and industrial zones nearby.
  3. The land is also prepared accordingly, and in some cases a fresh soil layer will be taken.
  4. It is necessary to preserve the fences of the general territory so that wild or homeless animals cannot get to it.
  5. Protection of the site is envisaged.

Pay attention to the desired size of the free area. Since the Earth is rented for 49 years and in the future it is desirable to prolong it, then the income must do this entire period. After all, if the place is over much earlier, the success of the business will be in doubt. The recommended area size is at least 10 hectares of land.

Also, the entrepreneur needs to take care of the acquisition of the following specialized equipment:

  • freezer for a cataphney;
  • surgical instruments for opening an animal for examination;
  • creaming furnace;
  • refrigeration equipment for corpses;
  • lighting devices with the possibility of their transfer to any place.

At the site will have to build some buildings - crematorium, administrative building, a hall for ritual services, mausoleums, a religious institution. Conveniently, if the veterinary clinic will be located on the same territory. So, you will not have to transport an animal on special transport and carry out additional disinfection of all surfaces.

Although the cemetery business does not imply a mass advertising, especially with the help of the media, still inform the population about the services provided by some way it is necessary. To do this, it is recommended to use the following channels:

  1. Create a site and on certain resources to make unobtrusive advertising of funeral services in private.
  2. Print printing promotional products (leaflets, business cards) and leave them in places where they can be relevant, for example, in veterinary clinics, pet stores, etc.
  3. It is appropriate to order an informational post in specialized publishing houses about animals, where the editor will assign a place for it in the right heading.

As soon as the local home pet owners know about you, the news will quickly spread through the "Sarafan Radio". It is it that will work for you for free and without too much effort. The owner of a private cemetery will only need compliance with established rates for various segments of the population (economy class, VIP-sites) and providing a wide range of services at a qualitative level.

Video: Ritual business.

Financial part

With estimates in the organization of cemetery business, almost no one can help. Existing entrepreneurs in this segment do not want to share such information, as they try to protect themselves from competition. In addition, the amount of investments strongly depends on the region of the country, rates for land leased area and the list of buildings on which the business owner is focused. In general, the indicators can be as follows.

Investments Price, in rubles
1 Erect crematorium and other structures 100 000
2 General arrangement of the territory 100 000
3 Acquisition of equipment 200 000
TOTAL: 400 000

This will have to add a significant amount for the payment of rent for land, which fluctuates in the range of 30-50 thousand per square meter. And also do not forget about monthly expenses.

Depending on the services provided and the availability of related additional institutions, the income also fluctuates. Moreover, next to the metropolis, the demand for such a cemetery is significantly higher than in a remote area, which will also affect the number of customers and the level of their solvency.

With a competent approach in large cities, you can quite count on the annual profit of about 1 million rubles. Due to this, it will be possible to cover the initial investment for 6-18 months.

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Will not depend on the bosses. Anyone, becoming an entrepreneur, is responsible for himself. It is worth only to think about what is best to do.

Private cemeteries in world practice

On the one hand, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a business to ensure the last refuge is very logical. However, global practice shows that the solution of this issue is ambiguous.

Even in the new world and in Europe, another hundred years ago, the existence of private cemeteries was a common phenomenon.

Currently, such an idea is clearly not welcomed by the authorities. Why is this happening? The fact is that many years of experience of doing this business showed that privatization inevitably entails many problems related to the improvement, as well as the right of ownership of the grave in this territory.

Private cemeteries in Russia

Currently, the locations where the last refuge are located in the municipality department. How to open a private cemetery? Today in Russia such business contradicts the current legislation. However, the antimonopoly federal service has already made a proposal for changing regulatory acts.

There is a possibility that in a number of legislative acts will still be amended, and in the territory of the Russian Federation there will be private grades. It is assumed that land plots surveyed for forty-nine years will be released for them. According to experts, it will reduce the cost of funeral procedures. Upon expiration of the lease term, the cemetery will not be demolished. The authorities will conclude a new agreement on the use of the land plot for another forty-nine years.

Domestic burial

How to open a private cemetery until the amendments are taken to existing legislative acts? Currently, the business idea of \u200b\u200bdomestic pets is being implemented in Russia. This problem is relevant not only for residents of cities. She worries and population of countryside.

Today, an increasing number of people contains in the city apartments of animals. Domestic pets often become almost family members. However, their life expectancy is much less than those of people. The death of the animal turns out to be a tragic event for the owner. In addition, the burial of the animal becomes a big problem. In the city, it is impossible to make it impossible, but to throw a deceased pet to the garbage hardly anyone will decide.

Idea for business

Currently, private cemeteries for pets exist near the capital. However, in the regions for such activities there are still many free niches. It will not be much difficult to use this idea. In this case, you can get good dividends.

The first steps

In order to organize your own business on the burial of domestic animals, it will be needed to make a business plan of the cemetery. This document should develop basic provisions for such services. First of all, the Cemetery Business Plan is a document in which it is necessary to reflect the criterion for choosing a land plot.

It should be a territory that is either within the city or on its outskirts, but away from residential buildings. This stage is the most difficult, because it is necessary to choose a plot that does not represent a special value for the city authorities. After that, it will be necessary to conclude a lease agreement.

Improvement of the territory

The Cemetery Business Plan should include bringing the plot for rent. Improvement of the territory will be in the markup of the terrain for buildings. For promotional purposes, you will need to equip four or five graves.
The cemetery, on which domestic animals will be made, must have the following:

The wall for cremated pets, which will be a brick structure with splitting per square meters;
- "Alley of Glory" for the particularly distinguished animals, which in life were rescuers, circus artists, etc.;
- sections of the economy and VIP class for customers with various financial capabilities;
- Service center for those owners who want to order for their deceased pets coffin, photomenonalon, monuments in the cemetery and other ritual accessories.

Initial investments

How to open a cemetery? It will take a certain amount of initial capital. Cash investments are needed to pay for a rented land plot. The magnitude of this amount directly depends on the region, in whose territory there is private polishes. There will be the costs associated with the improvement of the territory. Their size can be from one hundred fifty to three hundred thousand rubles. For business promotion, you will need an advertisement (prepare about ten thousand rubles).

What documents do you need?

Business Plan of Pet Cemeteries should provide for all preparatory paper work. The license to keep this activity is not required. Nevertheless, before starting work, it is necessary to conclude a number of contracts with environmental services, with a SanEpidnadzor, as well as with a station to combat animal diseases.

The deceased pet is subject to the mandatory inspection of the veterinarian. In addition, all services should be provided in compliance with existing anti-episotic measures. A special certificate number three requires even transportation carried out in special transport.

A prerequisite for this business is the daily disinfection of cars that provide zooritual services. Once a month, a veton specialist should be invited. He will hold a complete disinfection of vehicles.

List of services provided

Foreign experience shows that good income can be obtained by opening a zoorital business. Pet Cemetery should bring good profits. Specific sizes will be dependent on the list of services provided. The main incomes of such cemeteries are formed at the expense of the amount paid for the leased cemetery place. A considerable share will be paid for the ritual services provided.

Prices in the cemetery in Moscow for one grave begins from five thousand rubles a year. The hosts, the dust of the pet that is placed in the wall, contribute a little less. The annual fee for place is three thousand rubles. The grave located on Alee Glory is much more expensive. Here in one place you will need to give fifteen thousand rubles a year.

If your company will carry out the delivery of animal corpses in the cemetery, it will be necessary for special transport, equipped with a refrigeration chamber. The transportation rate will vary depending on the kilometer.

On the territory of the cemetery you can build a building, equipping it with a stove for cremation. In the absence of a financial opportunity, a veterinary clinic can occur with which the relevant contract must be concluded. The cost of services rendered by the crematorium will be about eight thousand rubles. Such a tariff is established for the individual burning of the dust.

The yield of your business will depend on the spectrum of service center services, which can make monuments and portraits of favorite pets by ordering owners.

Not far from the cemetery, it is advisable to open the shelter for animals. In it, the owners will be able to find a new friend. The cemetery can also be built and a veterinary service, which will provide services for the elimination of old and sick animals.

Now you can calculate the yooritual business yield. Through the lease of burial sites from every hundred clients, the amount from three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles will be received per year. The provision of ritual services will bring an income from 0.5 to 1.5 million rubles. Service Center services will allow you to take from customers from two hundred to seven hundred fifty thousand rubles. Thus, annual income will be from 1 to 2.75 million rubles.

Free land plots

In Moscow, it is possible to issue a plot of land for free:

  • - Alabushevsky, Khovansky (Western), Khovansky (Central) and Scherbinsky (all of them are located for the Moscow Ring Road);
  • - Only for the burial of those who had Veterans and disabled of the Great Patriotic War, military service veterans, veterans and disabled people, people who have ranks, awards and other merits in front of the Russian Federation and Moscow. "\u003e Special merits Before society and the state.

In both cases, land plots are provided only on the fact of death (that is, after receiving).

Paid plots of land

You can acquire the right to place the family (generic) burial - the land plot on an open or closed cemetery, where you can bury Family members: parents, spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandfathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, adoptive parents and adopted, full and excavation brothers and sisters.

"\u003e Members of one family. This is not the acquisition of land in the property, but a kind of permanent rental, as the land alled under the cemetery, state.

You can arrange a contract:

  • (if there is a death certificate) - without auction;
  • - According to the results of the open auction in electronic form.

It is possible to purchase the right to accommodate the family (generic) burial in the Department of Trade and Services.


The burial of the body of the deceased can also be carried out by cremation in the crematorium with the subsequent room of the urn with ashes in an open or closed or sarcophage. The storage place of the urn is provided on a paid basis.

2. How to arrange a free plot on an open cemetery?

Choose a specific place to accommodate the grave.

3. How to make a place for free on the cemetery for someone who had special merits to society and the state?

Step 1.Get permission for the burial of a person who had special merit to society and the state. You will need:

  • statement (application form is issued by an employee of the Department in place);
  • identification document;
  • , The certificate of death issued by the Moscow registry office of Moscow, the applicant has the right to not submit, data can be obtained during interdepartmental interaction. "\u003e Issued by the registry office;
  • These are the following documents: A certificate of the disabled of the Great Patriotic War, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a veteran of military service, disabled hostilities and a veteran of hostilities or other document certifying the deceased ranks, awards and other merit to the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. " \u003e Documentsconfirming the right to grave the cemetery closed for free disposal;
  • creation certificate (in the case of appealing for issuing permission to burial urn with ashes).

The package of documents must be provided to the Department of Service of one window of the Department of Commerce and Services of the city of Moscow at the address: 1st Krasnogvardeysky Travel, House 21, Building 1.

Step 2.Talk to . The permission of the Department must be presented by the Cemetery Administration along with its identity document and death certificate.

Confirmation of the placement of the place in the cemetery is the dumping passport, which you must give the administration of the cemetery.

4. How to get a place in a cemetery on the fact of death?

Step 1. Select a plot and reserve it. Information about all areas intended to accommodate family (generic) burials are made to the appropriate. You need to choose a cemetery and plot on the registry website (it should be marked with the "based on death certificate (without trading)"), click the button "Go to applying for the purchase of a plot" and fill out the application. After the email address you specified will receive a notification of reservation, as well as electronic The procedure for entering into an agreement on the placement of family (generic) burial without trading; payment order; Reservation Information; Typical treaty; Application for concluding a contract.

"\u003e Document samples. The letter will be specified, no later than which you need to contact the Department of Service of the Department of Trade and Services for Registration of the Treaty on the placement of family (generic) disposal.

Step 2.Case an agreement on the placement of family (generic) burial. To do this, you will need:

  • statement;
  • a document confirming the identity (original and copy);
  • Persons for the disposal of which the site is provided, The certificate of death issued by the Moscow registry office of Moscow, the applicant has the right to not submit, data can be obtained during interdepartmental interaction. "\u003e Issued by the registry office (original and copy);
  • the original payment document confirming the introduction of a one-time fee.

Documents must be submitted to the Department of Service of one window of the Department of Trade and Services in Moscow. It works at: 1st Krasnogvardeysky travel, house 21, structure 1.

On the day of the appeal, you will be issued an extract from the electronic log log. The signing of the contract and issuing it to the applicant's hands is happening no later than the working day following the day of registration of the application.

Step 3. Contact to which the right to place the family (generic) burial is granted. When you need to have:

  • a copy and the original of the signed agreement on the placement of family (generic) burial;
  • copy and original document certifying personality;
  • a copy and original certificate of death issued by the registry office;
  • account-order for ritual services (when contacting specialized services) or certificates from the crematorium (in case of burial urn with rush).

After payment of the sales of the cemetery, the cemetery is burned and responsible for the burial place with the issuance of the grave passport.

5. How to buy a family (generic) burial during life?

Step 1. Choose a plot of land. All plots available for the placement of family (generic) burials are made in. You need to choose those sites that are marked with the "Following an open auction". Each site can be viewed on the map and photos. The database also contains information on the size of the plots, possible methods of burial on them, the trading platform and the initial price of the auction for the right to create on the site of family disposal.

Step 2.Take part in the auction. Bidding is carried out on two electronic trading platforms - RoselTorg (VO or PO) and Sberbank (accreditation of software). You need to receive accreditation on the site that conducts auction for the right to create a family burial on your chosen by you, and apply for participation in the auction.

You will also need a deposit - 20% of the initial price of the auction. This amount should be in your bank account, it is blocked before trading, and subsequently counted in favor of the total price of the contract, which the auction winner must list, or returns to all the auction participants, except those who refused to enter into an agreement.

After you give an application, the electronic platform operator will inform you According to the regulations, trading is held on the 32nd calendar day from the date of placing the auction notice or, if this day is a day off, on the first working day following it.

"\u003e about the day and time of the auction.

Auction step - 5% of the initial auction price. The winner is the participant who will offer the maximum amount. If he subsequently refuses to enter into an Agreement on the placement of family (generic) burial, the appropriate opportunity will be offered a member of the auction that made the penultimate proposal for the price of the auction.

In case one person filed an application for participation in the auction, the auction is considered to be failed, but the participant still concludes an agreement on the placement of family (generic) burial. The price in this case is set in the size of the initial value of the auction.

The winner of the auction must list the price of the contract minus the amount of the deposit on the account of the trading initiator within 10 days from the date of placement on the electronic platform of the protocol on the results of the auction. In the case of incompitement of the price of the contract within the deadline for details, it will be recognized as a balanced from the conclusion of the contract, and the amount of the deposit will not be returned.

Step 3. Case an agreement on the placement of family (generic) burial. It can be concluded no earlier than 10 days and no later than 20 days from the date of placement on the electronic platform of the protocol on the results of the auction.

You need to contact the department of the service department of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow at the address: 1st Krasnogvardeysky Travel, House 21, Building 1.

When you need to have:

  • document certifying personality (copy and original);
  • a document confirming the payment of the fee (original) for the right to conclude a contract.

Then, when the need to be responsible for the burial will need to refer to. She is obliged to provide a plot of land on the first request. After the funeral is made responsibility for the burial place with the issuance of the grave passport.

6. How to make a place in Columbia?

Columbarium is a wall with niches in which urns are stored with ashes. Niche is closed by marble plates, which are indicated names, surnames, patronymic, date of birth and death buried.

Open Columbia are located on the street, closed - in special premises.

You can rent a place to store urno, where there is Columbaria. It usually goes much cheaper than burial to the ground. To do this, you will need a document certifying the person responsible for the burial, and death certificate.

Also cemeteries offer a niche content service. Most often, the appropriate agreement is one year.

Please note, after payment of the Cemetery of the Cemetery, the responsibility for the burial place with the issuance of the disposal passport should be issued.

7. And if I already have a birth burial?

In the generic burial (regardless of which cemetery it is located) you can bury only members of one family - parents, spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandfathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, adoptive parents and adopted, full and non-fertile Brothers and sisters.

Also, only he can turn against the claim or a petition to the cemetery administration: get permission to landscap in the grave, installation of the monument, cross or fence and the like.

You can contact personally either on a notarized power of attorney.

The responsible for the burial is not only the right: it is obliged to keep the grave hill, the fence, the base, monument and flower garden in properly fixed behind it.

Responsibility for burial can be re-registered on another person with the consent of the responsible person or in the case of his death.

In addition, the legislation provides for the possibility of dividing responsibility for the graves within the relative disposal (the presence of two responsible, each with a certificate of one of two graves on the burial site).

You can find more about this on the site under the sequence number. If for these five years, relatives did not appear, then exhumation and cremation is carried out. Then the ashes are placed in the overall grave at the Nikolo Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Up until the moment of cremation and burial, the pox, relatives can bury the body of the deceased, pre-passing the identification procedure.

Start-up is a complex economic problem that only an experienced entrepreneur is capable of solving. Its specifics are such that to evaluate all possible risks and calculate the competent business plan for nothing.

Especially for those who have a standing idea or think about the opening of the company in a fundamentally new, poorly studied area of \u200b\u200bactivity - this article is written. It will help not only launch the case, but also soberly assess their strength on the real level of profit.

This type of service does not use particularly popular among the simple population. This is primarily due to the lack of advertising on television and in other media. On the Internet you can find mainly sites of already existing organizations with explanatory information on the main page.

Market analysis

Despite this, many pet owners are thinking about what will happen to their pets after death. This trend is associated not only with the desire to bury the animal "Human", but also in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

According to preliminary static data, only in Moscow officially registered:

  • more than 200 thousand dogs, whose natural decline is at least 10% per year;
  • cats and other domestic animals - more than 2.5 million.

While the total cost of services (exportation, cremation or burial) is at least $ 400 by modest local tariffs, it can be said that the organization of business on the burial of animals is quite profitable.

In other cities, these numbers are no less. Only the problem is not in the number of animals, but in competently built advertising, which can convince the easiest people to contact a special funeral service in order to ensure hygiene and environmental protection. Those who could do this have a permanent income.

Well enlist the support of the municipality and other sanitary and epidemiological services of the city, which will help to receive compensation from the state for the export and cremation of homeless animals.

Registration and business organization

In order to organize this type of business, first you need to register as an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as an individual entrepreneur. To do this, contact the federal tax authorities with a statement about the desire to obtain a legal status.

The statement should indicate:

Necessary documentation

The main list of documents for the registration of pets cemeteries is no different from the design of a conventional grave. To do this, you will need to collect the following package of necessary papers:

  • approved statement of registration as an IP;
  • documents for land: certificate of ownership, cadastral plan of the plot, cadastral passport and cadastral appointment of land;
  • permit for the construction of a crematorium and the burial ground;
  • sanitary compliance - is issued in the city sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • certificate of paid taxes (on land, on regional needs, salary by hired workers);
  • documents about buying or renting vehicles.

Search for a suitable area

According to state standards, any cemetery area must be organized accordingly. The rules of choice and content are reflected in the federal law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" No. 52-ФЗ dated 30.03.99 and the Federal Law "On the burial and funeral business" dated December 29, 2006 N 263-ФЗ, from 26.06.2007 N 118- FZ. Consider the main of them:

Thus, the most acceptable option will be purchasing or renting a plot in the city area with the private sector. For residential buildings, most often, there is a huge amount of wasterees that have not implemented under construction or utilities.


One of the most important points in the organization of business is the choice of suitable equipment. In the case of a cemetery for animals, you need to pick up and buy:

  • freezing chamber for a cataphney;
  • veterinary surgical equipment (since the animal must be opened after death, in order to establish the cause of death);
  • creaming furnace;
  • separate freezing blocks for corpses and refrigerators for body parts;
  • portable lighting devices for crematorium, cataphney, plot.

In the list of additional purchases, be sure to include:

  • special clothes for cremation and autopsy;
  • disinfecting solutions (for machine, chambers and rooms).

Office and its equipment

Since the office belongs to a ritual company, it is necessary to arrange it in calm bright colors.

It is better if the office space will be located near the burial site.

This will help to visually show the company's work (in the case of VIP clients). For visitors, a separate waiting area should be provided, a wall catalog with samples: monuments, crosses, tombstones and other products. Must be understood and posted price list for services. Indoors necessarily need to install a separate toilet and a cooler with drinking water.

Spectrum of services

The standard set of ritual services during the boron of the animal is no different from the identical list when the dead person is buried:

To additional (individual) services, can be attributed:

  • individual cremation;
  • production of urns on special order;
  • personal territory - the choice of not only the cells for the disposal, but also the redemption of the solid part of the territory for one animal. Followed by installing benches, table and other things for personal convenience;
  • accommodation in the VIP zone.


Not everyone will be suitable for such a specific work. Therefore, choosing staff to work, it is worth limking to the smallest list of necessary people. No administrators or sellers of consultants.

The main list of vacancies for work includes:

  1. Watchman
  2. Moormer.
  3. The seller (for which, at least first, is better to work the owner).
  4. Veterinarian.
  5. Driver.


Place this kind of advertising on television and in other media - it is difficult due to the large number of requirements for the release of information on the air. Many people will be against such a PR shares due to the fact that the TV is watching small children.

Therefore, it is best to place posters in private clinics for animals, in the sanitary services of the city and other municipal environmental, epidemiological and other organizations. This will attract the initial stream of clients with a subsequent increase in the number of people who want from the work of the "sarafined radio".

Financial component of business

The business idea to create a cemetery for animals in Russia is relatively young. In European countries, this type of service is very popular and the cost of opening the case is quite small. In our country, to resolve initial difficulties it is necessary to prepare a substantial material base.

Opening and maintenance cost

The overall initial amount of opening and the first month of maintenance is about 475,000 rubles. Consider in more detail where this figure came from.

Initially, you need to collect a sufficient amount of funds for the purchase of a land plot. In the city, the cost of one square meter (even on the wasteland) ranges from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. After the cemetery, it is necessary to carry out the following training:

  • build crematorium, it is not less than 100,000 rubles;
  • equip the territory - the same amount;
  • buy refrigeration and other equipment from 200 000 rubles.

In addition, you need to consider:

  1. Salary of Storam and other employees - at least 100,000 rubles.
  2. Payment of utilities - 5000 rubles.
  3. Advertising - 20 000 rubles.

The amount of monthly expenses is calculated by the formula: equipment depreciation + salary + taxes + rental of premises + utility payments.

The size of future income

The total cost of income of any business depends on the competently built marketing line. Advertising and services are the basis for promotion. If you do not overestimate the rates and attract customers from different social layers, you can receive up to 1 million rubles per year. As for net profit (excluding deferred to the business) - it turns out 700 - 800 thousand.

These data are given at the calculation of open materials of the ready-made business project launched in Moscow. More accurate information can be obtained only by conducting a social survey of the population, or ordering a global marketing research.

Payback period

Based on the materials of the ready-made business project, launched in Moscow - the total payback period ranges from 6 months to 1.5 years. The rate of cost recovery depends on the range of services offered and the main category of clients (VIP, standard, economy).

Open your own business is a huge risk. Even with the support of the state and veterinary services of the city, you can quickly open and quickly close. The success of the enterprise, as in any other areas of activity, depends on competently organized work, individual labor attachments from the authorities and a constant search for new and new customers.