The famous caprichos. goya

The famous caprichos.  goya
The famous caprichos. goya

"Caprichos" (Spanish: Los Caprichos - "whims") is a famous series of 80 etchings, which was created by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya in 1799. The announcement of this event appeared in one of the Madrid newspapers almost immediately after the first 300 copies of Caprichos went on sale: “Signor Francisco de Goya made a series of etchings on fantastic subjects. From all the oddities and absurdities inherent in our society, from the numerous prejudices and delusions, the author selected those that seemed to him the most suitable for fantastic and at the same time instructive pictures. Señor de Goya is far from the intention to touch certain persons and events with ridicule or condemnation, his goal is to stigmatize typical traits, vices and perversions inherent in many ... "

Most of the people who came to look at the Caprichos for sale did not learn from them, did not draw knowledge, they just perplexedly leafed through the contents of the folder with etchings. I wonder how our contemporaries will react to the next publication of "Caprichos"?

(26 photos total)

1. Having determined in what order the sheets will be laid, and having numbered the etchings, Goya began to invent names for them. If the name turned out to be too "pale", he added a short interpretation to it. "Tantalum" - this is the name he gave to the picture, in which the lover grieves over the dead, surreptitiously watching his beloved, and ridiculed himself in the explanation: "Be he more courteous and less intrusive, she may have come to life."

2. In this album of bizarre etchings, the artist depicted literally everything that happens to the women of the city of Madrid. They marry the ugly rich, they take advantage of the simpletons in love, they rob everyone they can rob, and they themselves are robbed by the usurers. Etching "They say" yes "and reach out to the first comer" Goya commented: "The ease with which many women agree to marriage is explained by the hope of living in it more freely than before."

3. “What a sacrifice!”: “As usual, the groom is not the most attractive, but he is rich, and at the cost of the unfortunate girl’s freedom, the poor family buys well-being. That is life".

5. “She was kidnapped!”: “A woman who does not know how to keep herself is in the power of the first person she meets, and when nothing can be done about it, she is surprised that she has been kidnapped.”

6. "Here they are plucked": "Since they have already been plucked, let them get out, others will come in their place."

7. "How they pluck her!" No wonder they say: as it comes around, it will respond. "

8. Madrid women love and be kind, proudly walk and ride in magnificent carriages or, cringing pitifully, are brought to trial for debauchery. At the same time, they are invariably surrounded by a swarm of immoral dandies, rude and pimp women. Goya explains the etching entitled “One is worth the other” as follows: “There has been a lot of controversy about who is worse: a man or a woman. The vices of both come from bad upbringing. The debauchery of men entails the debauchery of women. The young lady in this picture is as reckless as the dandy talking to her, and as for the two disgusting old women, they are also worth each other. "

9. “He won't even see her anyway”: “But how can he recognize her? To get to know a woman properly, lorgnette is not enough. It takes common sense and life experience, and this is what our poor thing lacks. "

10. Under the etching, in which the secretary of the sacred tribunal reads the verdict to the priestess of love, Goya signed: “Is it possible to treat so badly an honest woman who has zealously and successfully served the whole world for a piece of bread and butter! Ugliness!"

11. “Nobody knows himself”: “Light is the same masquerade. The face, clothes and voice - everything in him is feigned. Everyone wants to seem different from what they really are. Everyone is deceiving each other, and you don't recognize anyone. "

12. Goya makes remarkably accurate and relevant, even for our time, observations about the most life situations and problems. He also does not ignore the topic of raising children. The description of the etching "Here comes the beech" sounds like this: "A fatal mistake in primary education consists in the fact that the child is afraid of the non-existent and makes him fear the beeches more than the father. "

13. Etching "Careless education": "Indulgence and self-indulgence make children capricious, stubborn, arrogant, greedy, lazy, obnoxious. Growing up, they become undergrowth. This is also this mama's boy. "

14. "After all, he broke the jug!": "Which of them is worse?"

15. Francisco Goya makes fun of human vices: stupidity, stinginess, greed, immorality, betrayal ... Etching "Isn't the student smarter?" the artist accompanies the apt comment: "It is not known whether he is smarter or more stupid, but there is no doubt that it is impossible to find a more important, thoughtful person than this teacher."

16. Etching "Bravissimo!" Francisco Goya explains: “If it is enough for understanding to have long ears, then you will not find a better connoisseur; but no matter how he starts clapping at something that sounds really bad. "

17. “Up to the third generation”: “This poor animal was driven mad by connoisseurs of heraldry and pedigrees. It is not alone. "

18. “From what disease will he die?”: “The doctor is excellent, capable of thinking, concentrated, unhurried, serious. What more could you want? "

19. “Exactly”: “He ordered his portrait - and did it well. Those who are not familiar with him and have not seen him will recognize everything from the portrait. "

20. "Scammers": "Of all kinds of evil spirits, scammers are the most disgusting and at the same time the most ignorant in the art of witchcraft."

21. “What the tailor won't do!”: “It is not uncommon to see how a funny freak transforms into an inflated insignificance, empty, but very representative in appearance! Truly great is the power of a clever tailor, and just as great is the folly of those who judge by their appearance. "

22. “And his house is on fire”: “Until the fire pumps have refreshed him, he will never be able to take off his pants and interrupt the conversation with the lamp. Such is the power of wine! "

23. “Why hide them?”: “The answer is very simple: because he does not want to spend them, and does not spend them because, although he is already 80, he is still afraid that he will not have enough money to live on. The calculations of parsimony are so deceiving. "

24. "Until the very death" - an etching that presents us with a vile, sad picture, hundreds of times sung in every way - the ridicule of an aging coquette. “She is smartening up - and very handy. Today is her birthday, she is 75 years old, and her friends will come to her. " But, no matter how poor the idea of ​​a drawing, in itself it is good. In this old woman, eagerly looking in the mirror, there is no intrusive morality, there is no empty mockery, but there is a dispassionate, sad, simple and naked truth.

25. The second edition of "Caprichos" was published by the Royal Art Printing House large circulation, a set of etchings could be bought in all major Spanish cities. Caprichos sold out smartly, despite the fact that most of them were still incomprehensible. People only paid 288 reais for a set of etchings because a lot of hype and chatter arose around them. Goya left an explanation for the etching “Everyone will die”: “Amazing! The experience of the dead is not useful to those who are on the brink of death. Nothing can be done about it, everyone will die. "

26. The material was prepared with the support of the Center for the Promotion and Development of Creativity of People Suffering mental disorders, Daria Evseeva

Information about lectures and events of the Daria Evseeva Center -

Francisco Goya lived in a difficult 19th century. A gifted artist and printmaker, he became a legend of his time. Having lived a long and interesting life, he managed to capture the most difficult moments in art. His series of etchings reflects the injustice of the old Spanish order, the dire consequences of the war and the first Spanish revolution.

Francisco Goya

Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes was born in Spain in 1746 into a poor family. He spent his childhood in the village. Having moved to the city of Zaragoza in 1760, Francisco entered the apprenticeship of a local artist. Stormy youth and bright temperament force the young man to leave the city and go to Madrid.

In the capital of Spain young artist twice tries to enter the Academy of Art of San Fernando, but, unfortunately, in both cases fails. Then he decides to go on a trip to Italy. All this time, Goya painstakingly paints pictures and sends them to Madrid, which ultimately bears fruit. They notice him. At 31, he returns to Zaragoza, where he begins an active artistic activity... He paints churches, many of his frescoes are praised, which prompts young man go to the capital again.

Francisco becomes a student of the court artist Francisco Bayeu, marries his sister and is actively consolidated at the court. When Bayeu died, Goya became the full owner of his workshop.

After he became a court painter, his career took off. He paints portraits of famous nobles first, and then royal family making him one of the most famous Italian portrait painters.

In 1799, at the age of 53, Francisco Goya reaches the peak of his career, he receives the dignity of the first court painter to King Charles IV. At the same time, he began a series of his famous etchings, which were associated with the politics of that time and with the life of the country's population.

In 1824, the power in the country changes, and new king Ferdinand doesn't like the artist too much. Goya was forced to leave for France, where he died at the age of 82.

Spain 18-19 centuries

The artist's whole life was spent in his native Spain, he painted portraits of her high society and engravings about her life. For his long life Goya witnessed the horrific events of that time. The artist lived in times Spanish Inquisition then the church had a huge impact in the state and, as a consequence, greatly hampered social progress. The Inquisition was officially canceled only 10 years after the artist passed away; over 6 centuries of its existence, it killed thousands of innocent people.

During the period Napoleonic Wars Spain was drowning in blood. The occupation of Spain greatly affected its economy, the country was starving, but continued active resistance. For six years the Spaniards fought fiercely against the Napoleonic invaders and in the end they won a victory, albeit at the cost of millions of lives.

Flared up after civil revolution will lead to protracted guerrilla war... All these terrible events will be reflected in the artist's engravings and etchings.

Goya's etchings "The Calamities of War" are imbued with hatred of war and deep compassion for its victims.

Etching - what is it?

Etching is a metal engraving. In the manufacture of such an engraving, a metal plate is used, which is coated with an acid-resistant varnish. After that, a drawing is "scratched" on this plate with special tools. Then everything is placed in acid (in translation "etching" is translated as "strong water"), which removes the metal in places free from varnish. Then, after the acid, the remaining varnish is removed, and paint is applied to the cleaned plate. This technique began to be used in the 16th century.

This technique has worked a lot famous artists: Ivan Shishkin, Albrecht Durer, Rembrandt, Salvador Dali and F. Goya.

Goya's series of etchings will take pride of place in world art. These etchings were created to somehow change society.


Francisco Goya created the etchings "Caprichos", which means "Fads" in Spanish. It's 80 fantastic paintings on social, political and religious topics. Goya's etchings "Caprichos" ridicule and at the same time make you think about everyday things.

Young girls who marry so easily, and then expect ease in family life, in the etching "They say" Yes "and reach out to the first comer". Small children, who are spoiled by their parents, as a result of which they become capricious and intolerable - "Mama's son". Vices and debauchery of men and women - etching "One is worth the other." Arrogant secular society where "Nobody knows anyone", everyone tries to seem like they are not who they really are. The artist makes fun of mysticism in the mouth "and drunkenness in the plot" His house burns down. "Several etchings, where people are depicted with donkey heads, speak of the stupidity of social norms.

But the most famous etching in the "Caprichos" series by Francisco Goya is "A dream of reason gives birth to monsters." It was "Dream" that the artist originally wanted to call this series.

When the mind sleeps, fantasy in sleepy dreams gives rise to monsters, but when combined with the mind, fantasy becomes the mother of art and all its wonderful creations.

Goya's series of etchings "Caprichos" was completed in 1799. She was very brave and displeased the king. This was an "inconvenient" truth about society, church, and politics at the time. It was not for nothing that the artist paid such attention to Spanish women who were eager to marry a rich groom as soon as possible, and then led a dissolute lifestyle.

Goya also devoted a lot of engravings to the theme of the "Holy Inquisition", or rather, the absurdity of its power.

But more he ridiculed the most common human vices: greed, laziness, debauchery, deception, vanity.


Like any Spaniard, Goya loved bullfighting all his life. She charmed and delighted him. It is not surprising that the artist dedicated 33 miniatures to her. Already in adulthood, Goya creates etchings "Tavromachia" (translated from Spanish "Fighting the Bulls"), where he depicts the brave Moors in the arena with violent animals.

The etchings were not commercially successful, but they certainly became another confirmation of the artist's talent.

"Disasters of War"

The most difficult series of etchings, consisting of 82 pieces, was originally named by the artist "Fatal consequences of the bloody war between Spain and Bonaparte and other expressive caprichos". Goya with all his heart worried and sympathized with his people. Weakened and exhausted after the war with Napoleon, Spain suffered, but did not give up. It is impossible to describe what the Spaniards had to endure during these terrible years of occupation.

Goya creates etchings in which he tries to portray the depth of his suffering home country... His century was the revolution of 1789, the brutal inquisition, the war and two more revolutions of the 19th century.

A series of etchings "The Disaster of War" by Francisco Goya will reflect the pain that the artist experienced during those years. Horror and fear, pain and despair are read on the faces of the people he depicts.

The brutal suppression of the popular revolt will be reflected in the engraving "The Shooting of the Insurgents on the Night of May 3rd". The whole series is connected with the heroic struggle of the people of Spain for their freedom. Goya depicts a soldier who is trying to rape a girl and is stabbed in the back by an old woman, in the engraving They Don't Want. He paints a lot of corpses shouting "I saw it!". His work is shocking and does not allow you to forget the nightmare that every Spaniard went through during those terrible years.

The engraving "Truth is dead" ends the series of etchings. In the center of the picture lies a naked girl, personifying Spain, and men are praying over her. A very symbolic conclusion.

Goya's etchings are expressive, the types of people depicted are impressive with their emotionality. Dynamic plots excite the imagination. In the form of a fable, a story, the artist exposes the true court, noble nobles, the clergy and all the vices of society that he daily observes among people.


Another series of engravings of 22 sheets. These are illustrations of parables and proverbs. Goya's etchings portrayed eerie, gloomy and frightening. These prints were created in the period 1816-1820, when the artist was already practically deaf. At this time he lived alone, and more and more often his works were overshadowed by the events of the years he had gone through. Someone sees in these works madness, and someone - the nightmares of a lonely deaf person.

This mysterious series of etchings was the last in the works of the great artist.

Memory of Goya

Surely so talented and extraordinary artist could not leave life without a trace. For its long creative way he created many plot pictures, such as "Uprising", "Giants", "Crockery". Having become a court painter, he painted many portraits of the most famous personalities that time.

His portrait works - "The Families of the Duke and Duchess of Osuna", "The Maha Nude Family" - are now kept in the most famous museums the world.

Seven films have been made about Goya, the most famous of which is "The Ghosts of Goya".

In 1930 in Spain was released Postage Stamp dedicated to Francisco Goya.

In 1986, an asteroid was named after the artist.


During his lifetime, the artist Francisco Goya was very famous, he became a famous portrait painter and a fairly wealthy citizen of his country. However, Francisco Goya's etchings did not become so widely known in his time. They will be published only 35 years after the death of the author.

But no matter how many years have passed, the themes that the artist raises in his engravings are relevant to this day. Human vices They have not gone anywhere, and the horrors of war have not changed at all: the same blood, violence and corpses. V different times those who were not indifferent fought in different ways against the injustice and impunity of their era. Francisco Goya had a multifaceted talent that allowed him to express his indifference to what was happening around him in engravings. His etchings are now on display at the Prado Museum and at the Palais de Liria in Madrid.

Goya's mental crisis in the late 1790s was aggravated by hearing loss as a result of a serious illness. The incriminating power of his work is embodied in the famous graphic series "Caprichos" (1798), which included Goya among the greatest masters of the world graphic art. In the forms of tragic grotesque, he opposes the world of evil and obscurantism, fanaticism and ignorance of the masses, moral vices of society. The echoes of political caricature are woven into the multilayered string "Caprichos" French revolution, folk Spanish popular prints, demonology of the Middle Ages and satirical traditions of Spanish literature of the "golden age".


The fate of the Caprichos series is tragic, as is the fate of Goya himself.

The artist created the first sketches for this series in 1793. At this time, due to an illness, it is assumed that meningitis, Goya begins to lose his hearing. But it is hearing loss that enhances his visual perception. He begins to feel the world around him more sharply and suddenly realizes that the people around him are not at all who they claim to be.

Initially, Goya wanted to call his series "dreams" by the name of one of the drawings, and it was assumed that it would be dedicated to witchcraft and the coven of witches - dreams. But as he works, he abandons this option, takes the name "Caprichos", and the series takes on a completely different character - satirical and socially oriented, let's say. In 1799, a series of 80 sheets was completed. According to the researchers, in the last two years of working on it, Goya practically broke himself, the disease progressed very much - he was constantly tormented by severe headaches. Physical and mental trauma made me tense up. But on February 19, 1799, the series was released. And four days later (during this time, only 27 copies out of 240 were sold), by the decision of the Inquisition, it was withdrawn from sale. We know about the Inquisition from books and films. Goya lived at this time. And, of course, he could not frankly show what he wanted. We can only guess about this from some strokes.

Goya was forced to come to King Charles IV to apologize for allowing himself to release such a series. And as a gesture of reconciliation, he gives him a collection of 499 reproductions of his works, including 80 printing plates, as well as all unsold copies, along with handwritten pages. From that moment, during the life of Goya, none of his series, created later, saw the light of day.

The word Capriccio has two meanings. In the first version, it is "flighty goat", the other translation sounds like "disheveled hair." As a result, if you put everything together and say in Russian, you get something like the following: from what you see, your hair will stand on end.

"They say" yes "and reach out to the first person they meet
The ease with which many women agree to marriage,
due to the hope of living in it more freely than before. "

"Buka is coming!"
A pernicious mistake in primary education: they cause a fear of the non-existent in the child and make him fear the beech more than the father.

Careless parenting, indulgence and self-indulgence make children capricious, stubborn, arrogant, greedy, lazy and obnoxious. Growing up, they become undergrowth. This is also this mama's boy.

"One is worth the other"
There was a lot of controversy about who is worse: men or women. The vices of both come from bad upbringing. The debauchery of men entails the debauchery of women. The young lady in this picture is as reckless as the dandy talking to her, and as for the two vile old women, they are standing each other.

"Nobody knows anyone"
Light is the same masquerade. The face, clothes and voice - everything in him is feigned. Everyone wants to seem different from what they really are. Everyone is deceiving each other, and you don't recognize anyone.

"He won't even see her anyway."
How can he recognize her? To get to know her properly, lorgnette is not enough. We need common sense and life experience, and this is what our poor thing lacks.

"She's been kidnapped!"
A woman who does not know how to keep herself is at the mercy of the first comer. And when there’s nothing to be done, she’s surprised that she was kidnapped.

If he had been more courteous and less intrusive, she might have come to life.

"Love and death"
Here is a lover in the spirit of Calderon: unable to laugh at his rival, he dies in the arms of his beloved and loses her due to his own recklessness. You should not draw your sword too often.

"For the cause, guys"
Their faces and clothes speak for themselves.

"Hunt for Teeth"
The hanging man's teeth are a miracle cure for all sorcery. You can't do anything sensible without them. It is a pity that the common people believe this nonsense.

They are in such a hurry to swallow that they swallow the boiling water. In pleasures, too, moderation and abstinence are required.

"What a sacrifice!"
As usual, the groom is not the most attractive, but he is rich, and at the cost of the unhappy girl's freedom, the poor family buys well-being. That is life.

"Good advice"
Advice is worthy of the one who gives it. Worst of all, the senorita will follow them literally. Woe to the one who approaches her!

"God will forgive. It was her mother."
The young lady left the house as a child. She studied her craft in Cadiz and came to Madrid, where she was lucky. She goes to the Prado, and there a dirty and decrepit old woman begs her for alms. She chases her away, the old woman pesters. The dandy turns around and sees - just think! - that a beggar is her mother.

"It's taut well."
Oh, Aunt Kurra is not stupid. She knows very well how important it is to have well-tied stockings.

"And his house is on fire"
Until the fire pumps have refreshed him, he can’t take off his pants and interrupt his conversation with the lamp. This is the power of wine.

"Everyone will die"
Marvelous! The experience of the dead is not useful to those who are on the brink of death. There is nothing you can do about it. Everyone will die.

"Here they are plucked"

Since they have already been plucked, let them be removed, others will come in their place.

"How they pluck her!"

And on tiptoe there are kites that will strip them to a feather

No wonder they say: as it comes around, it will respond.

"Poor things!"

"From that dust ..."

Ugliness! With such a decent woman who rendered services to everyone for a pittance,

So diligent, so helpful - and so do it! Ugliness!

"There was nothing to be done about this."

This saint señora is being cruelly persecuted. Having announced the story of her life, she is given honor.
But if they do this to shame her, then they waste time. It is impossible to shame one who knows no shame.

"After all, he broke the jug. Which one is worse?"

"They already have something to sit on"
To reason with frivolous girls, there is nothing more useful than putting chairs on their heads.

"Who is more loyal?"
Neither one nor the other. He is a helper in love affairs, who says the same thing to all women, and she is busy thinking about how to get rid of five dates, which she appointed from eight to nine, and now it's already half past seven.

"Not a word to anyone"
The perfect mother for a delicate assignment.

"Why hide them?"
The answer is very simple: because he does not want to spend them, and does not spend them because, although he is already 80 years old and has no more than a month left to live, he is still afraid that he will not have enough money to live on. The calculations of parsimony are so deceiving.

"She prays for her"
And she does well: may God grant her good luck and deliver her from evil, from healers - bloodletters and from alguasils, and may she become as dexterous, agile and ready to please everyone as her late mother, the Kingdom of Heaven is hers.

"For being too sensitive"
On life path there are ups and downs

"Count Palatinsky"

In all sciences there are charlatans who know everything without learning anything

"They are overcome by sleep"

Don't wake them up. Perhaps this is the only consolation of the unfortunate

"She shaves him smoothly"
He is shaved clean and skinned. It is his own fault that he entrusts himself to such a barber.

"Bad Night"
This is how badly it is for the walking girls who do not sit at home.

"Isn't the student smarter?"
It is not known whether he is smarter or more stupid, but there is no doubt that it is impossible to find a more important, thoughtful person than this teacher

If it is enough to have long ears for understanding, then you will not find a better connoisseur; but no matter how he starts clapping to something that sounds really bad.

"Up to the third generation"
This poor animal was driven mad by connoisseurs of heraldry and pedigrees. It is not alone.

"What disease will he die from?"

The doctor is excellent, capable of thinking, focused, unhurried, serious. What more could you want?

"Exactly the same"
He commissioned his portrait - and did it well. Those who are not familiar with him and have not seen him will recognize everything from the portrait.

"You who can't bear it"

Is it not clear that these mounts are mounts?
* The name of the etching is part of the saying: "You, who can't bear it, take me on your back."

"The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters"

Imagination abandoned by reason gives rise to inconceivable monsters;
but in union with reason, it is the mother of the arts and the source of the miracles they perform.

"Finely Spinning"

They spin finely and the devil himself will not untangle the threads that they prepare for these babies

"Much can be sucked"

It is as if a person is born for this and lives in the world, so that juices can be drawn from him

"Harsh reprimand"
Without reprimands and moralizing, one cannot succeed in any science, and witchcraft requires special talent, diligence, maturity, obedience and obedience to the Great Witcher, who is in charge of the Barahona witchcraft seminary.

"Tribute to the teacher"
They do it right: they would be ungrateful students if they did not entertain their mentor, to whom they owe all their devilish training.

Of all kinds of evil spirits, headphones are the most disgusting and at the same time the most ignorant of the art of witchcraft.

"Little brownies"
But a completely different people. Cheerful, playful and helpful; a little bit gourmets and hunters for pranks; but nevertheless they are nice little people.

He who hears nothing and knows nothing and does nothing,
belongs to the huge family of marmots, which are not good for anything.


To have long claws is so reprehensible that even evil spirits are forbidden.

"What the tailor won't do!"

It is not uncommon to see how a funny freak suddenly transforms into an inflated insignificance, empty, but very representative in appearance! Truly great is the power of the clever tailor, and just as great is the folly of those who judge by their appearance.

"What Chrysostom!"

When he speaks, he is a real Chrysostom, and when he writes out prescriptions, he is a real Herod.


There are people who have the most obscene part of the body - this face, and it would not be bad,
if the owners of such funny unfortunate faces would hide them in their pants

"Until death"

She is smartening up - and very handy. Today is her birthday.
She turns seventy-five years old. Girlfriends will come to her.

"Up and down"

Fortune is very hard on those who are obsequious to her.
To the one who climbs upward with such difficulty, she gives smoke, and then throws it down as punishment.


Here they try to seduce the groom, showing him by genealogy who her parents, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers are. And who is she herself? This he will find out later.

"Blast it all!"

Whoever begins to live among people cannot avoid klystyra.
And if he does not want this, he will have to retire to the forests and mountains.
And there he still makes sure that life is a continuous klystyr.

"And they all do not leave!"

He who does not ponder the vicissitudes of fate sleeps peacefully in the midst of dangers;
he does not know how to protect himself from the troubles that threaten him, and any misfortune takes him by surprise.

"First Experiments"
Little by little, he is moving forward and is already taking the first steps, and over time he will know as much as his mentor.

"They took off"
This tangle of witches, which serves as a foothold for the dandy, she does not need at all, except for beauty. Others have so much flammable gas in their heads that they can fly into the air without the help of witches and without a balloon.

The two witches had a hard fight, which of them is stronger in demonic work. It's hard to believe that Shaggy and Kudlataya are capable of such a brawl. Friendship is the daughter of virtue: villains can only be accomplices, not friends.

"What important persons!"
In the picture there are two venerable and dignified witchers. They rode out on horseback to stretch their legs.

"Have a good trip"
Where is this hellish gang, howling in the darkness of the night, heading? In the light, it would be easy to shoot all this evil. However, they are not visible in the dark.

"Where is mamma going?"
Mother has dropsy, and she is prescribed exercise. God forbid that she felt better.

"Come on, take it easy! Here is a witch riding a Lame Imp."

"Wait, they'll grease you"
They send him on an important assignment, and he hurries off, although they have not yet had time to grease him properly. Among the witchers there are also windbills, hurry-ups, impatient follies without a drop of common sense. Anything happens everywhere.

"That's a mentor"
For a witch, a broom is one of the most important tools: in addition to the fact that witches are glorious sweepers, they, as you know, sometimes turn a broom into a riding mule, and then the devil himself will not catch up with them.

"Blows *
There must have been a lot of babies last night. A noble feast is being prepared. Bon Appetit!
* Literally - to blow, blow, figuratively - to inform.

"Pious profession"
- Do you swear to obey and honor your mentors and bosses, sweep attics, spin tow, beat a tambourine, screech, howl, fly, boil, grease, suck, blow, fry - whenever you are ordered? - I swear! - in that case, honey, you are already a witch. Good hour!

"When dawn we will leave"

And even if they did not come at all: no one needs you.

"You can't get away!"
Of course, the one who wants to be caught herself will not leave.

"Better to mess around"
If those who work harder get less benefits, then, really, it is better to sit back.

"Don't shout, you fool!"

Poor Paquilla! She went to call a footman - and met the brownie. Do not be afraid: Martiniko is in good spirits and will not harm her.

"Will no one untie us?"
What is it? A man and a woman tied with ropes struggling to free themselves and shouting to be untied as soon as possible? If I'm not mistaken, these are victims of forced marriage.

"Understood? So that everything was in my opinion, do you hear? Otherwise ..."
This fool imagines that since he wears a cockade and a rod, he is by nature superior to others, and abuses the power entrusted to him in order to annoy everyone who has business with him. Vain, arrogant, arrogant with those who are below him in position, he bends his back and grovels in front of those who are stronger than him.

"Friend to friend"

That is life. People mock one another and torture each other, as if playing a bullfight.
The one who yesterday was in the place of the bull is today a bullfighter.
Fortune rules the fiesta and assigns roles to her whim.

"Quit soon, they are already waking up"

Little brownies are the most helpful and homely people. If the maid knows how to respect them, then they skim the olm, cook vegetables, do the dishwasher, sweep and lull the child. They argued a lot about whether they were devils. Let's dispel misconceptions. Devils are those who do evil or prevent others from doing good, or who do nothing at all.

"Nobody saw us"
What's the trouble if these little Martinikos go down to the cellar and have a drink, since they worked all night and polished the barrel faucet to a shine?

"The time has come"

At dawn, witches, brownies, ghosts and ghosts scatter in different directions. It is good that this tribe is shown only at night and in the dark. Until now, no one has been able to find out where they hide during the day. Anyone who could take over the lair of brownies, put it in a cage and show it at ten o'clock in the morning on Puerta del Sol would not need any inheritance.

The name of the series goes back to the Italian word "Capricci" - an art that opens up new ways of perceiving the world. Goya created "Caprichos", as they say, in one breath, in just a year and a half, and at the very first publication made him talk about himself. Contemporaries, if they did not always understand the artist, could not fail to note the novelty, the dissimilarity of Goya's creation to everything that happened to them to see before. Goya himself called the series "Suite of etchings on bizarre plots", drawing analogies with musical form... The leading theme, the leitmotif of the suite, he chose the story of his happy and tragic love to Duchess Caetana Alba. Never before has the artist's personal drama become the content of his art. The artist was a craftsman, his work was determined by the tastes of the customer, and only romantics turned creativity into an expression of the author's emotional and spiritual experiences. In music, L. Beethoven did this for the first time, in fine arts- Goya.

The second thing that strikes in Caprichos is the artist's desperate courage. Goya evilly and sarcastically ridiculed Spain: vices ordinary people, hypocrisy of the nobility, court circles, the ruling couple, the church, the Inquisition. Goya's courage would border on insanity if he did not understand that his artistic techniques too new to be understood correctly by all. And most importantly, having told about his unhappy love and his unhappy homeland, Goya rose to more high level perception of the world. In "Caprichos", for the first time in European art, it was said about the defenselessness of man in his attitude to fate. The artist has never been so pessimistic, never felt so keenly a helpless toy of the dark forces of the universe, as Goya in Caprichos.

Noun., Number of synonyms: 1 absurdity (42) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Goya- and Lusientes, Francisco Jose (Goya y Lusientes, Francisco) 1746, Fuendetodos, province of Zaragoza 1828, Bordeaux, France. Spanish painter, printmaker, draftsman. Descended from the family of a gilder craftsman. In 1760 he studied in Zaragoza under J. Luzan ... ... European Art: Painting. Sculpture. Graphics: Encyclopedia

Goya, Goya and Lucientes (Goya y Lucientes) Francisco José de (30.3.1746, Fuendetodos, near Zaragoza, 16.4.1828, Bordeaux), Spanish painter, engraver, draftsman. The son of a master gilder and the daughter of an impoverished nobleman. From 1760 he studied in Zaragoza with H. ... ...

- (from French gravure) 1) a printed print on paper (or on a similar material) from the plate ("board") on which the drawing is cut; 2) a form of graphic art (see Graphics), including various methods of manual processing of boards (see ... ... Big Soviet encyclopedia

Goya and Lucientes (Goya y Lucientes) Francisco José de (03.30.1746, Fuendetodos, near Zaragoza, 04.16.1828, Bordeaux), Spanish painter, printmaker, draftsman. The son of a master gilder and the daughter of an impoverished nobleman. From 1760 he studied in Zaragoza with X ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose) FRANCISCO GOYA. SELF-PORTRAIT (1746 1828), also Goya and Lucientes, great Spanish painter and printmaker, innovator. Born March 30, 1746, in the mountain village of Fuendetodos in Aragon, in the family of a master gilder. When… … Collier's Encyclopedia

GOYA (Goya) Francisco José de (1746 1828), Spanish painter, printmaker. Goya's freedom-loving art is distinguished by bold innovation, passionate emotionality, fantasy, sharpness of characterization, socially oriented grotesque: cardboard for ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

This term has other meanings, see Goya (disambiguation). Francisco Goya Self-portrait ... Wikipedia

Masterpieces by Francisco Goya. Abduction history- The world's most complete collection of works by the great Spanish artist Francisco Jose de Goya and Lucientes (1746 1828) kept in the artist's homeland in Spain in Madrid Museum Prado. Most of him famous canvases"Maha dressed", "Maha ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

- (Italian acquatinta, from acquaforte etching and tinto painted, tinted) type of engraving (See Engraving), based on etching a metal board with acid through asphalt or rosin dust adhered to it. A. creates an effect, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Caprichos. Goya. Dali, Stepina Alexandra Georgievna. Caprichos. Goya. Dali. Dialogue of the great Spaniards. The book is dedicated to the two series "Caprichos" created by Francisco Goya and Salvador Dali with a gap of almost two centuries, but closely related ...
  • Caprichos: Goya / Dali, Stepina A. Caprichos. Goya. Dali. Dialogue of the great Spaniards. The book is dedicated to two series "Caprichos", created by Francisco Goya and Salvador Dali with a gap of almost two centuries, but closely related ...