The most famous museums in the world. History of the creation of museums A story about a museum with a name

The most famous museums in the world. History of the creation of museums A story about a museum with a name

The collection of merchant Pavel Tretyakov began in 1856. The space of 62 rooms contains the best examples of Russian art of the 10th-20th centuries - icons, painting, decorative and applied art. In the "fabulous" building in Lavrushinsky Lane, built at the beginning of the last century according to Vasnetsov's drawings, a collection of graphic works and sculptures of the 18th-20th centuries is exhibited.

per. Lavrushinsky, 10

New Tretyakov Gallery 0+

The building on Krymsky Val contains the creative heritage of Russian masters who worked from 1920 to 1960. The complex hosts exhibitions of works by contemporary artists, master classes, lectures and meetings with cultural workers. Chagall, Kandinsky, Williams, Gerasimov - 20th century art lives here.

st. Krymsky Val, 10

Multimedia Art Museum 0+

On seven floors of the art and educational complex, one after another, photo exhibitions of Russian and foreign photographers, meetings with people of art, performances, film screenings and installations are held. The famous school of multimedia and photography named after V.I. Rodchenko. The museum has long become a large-scale art and educational complex, where the masters of world photography prefer to exhibit.

st. Ostozhenka, 16

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 0+

Impressionist paintings and works of contemporary American and European artists, Schliemann's gold and artifacts from archaeological excavations of ancient civilizations, world-class works of art from Holland, Germany, Italy and Greece - only 1.5% of 670 thousand copies of rarities stored in museum.

st. Volkhonka, 12

Museum of Moscow 0+

The history of the capital of the Russian state is presented in the main museum building and its seven branches. The Museum of Archeology, Estate Culture, History of Lefortovo, the English Compound, the Russian Harmonica, the Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki Estate and the House on the Embankment have collected over one million exhibits, the scientific library has a fund of more than 60 thousand volumes and 50 thousand subscription periodicals.

blvd. Zubovsky, 2

Museum of Iconic Cars M.O.S.T. 0+

Guests of the Museum of Iconic Cars M.O.S.T. will be able to see thematic expositions, get acquainted with the technical device of custom cars, attend lectures and film screenings on automotive topics and admire the iconic De Lorean dmc-12, decorated in the style of "Back to the Future".

st. Krymsky Val, 10, entrance opposite Gorky Park and the Central House of Artists

Art space "Bunker 703" 6+

Bunker 703 is a museum of modern fortification located 43 meters underground. Previously, there was a protected special archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where documents of special state importance were kept. Today, the site combines a unique museum and creative theater space and is open to the public.

per. 2nd Novokuznetskiy, 14, building 1

House of Burganov 0+

The museum space is filled with works of authorship, works of ancient classics, African and Western European masters, Russian medieval sculpture and folk art, unique books and engravings - everything that made up the unusual worlds of the Russian artist. "New romanticism" - this is how Alexander Nikolaevich designated the direction in which he worked; "Surrealism" - we say, considering many of his works.

per. Bolshoi Afanasyevsky, 15, bldg. 9

Moscow Museum of Modern Art (main building on Petrovka) 6+

The first state museum in Russia that specializes exclusively in the art of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

st. Petrovka, 25

Cold War Museum "Bunker-42 on Taganka" 16+

You are not afraid of enemy nuclear strikes and aviation bombings - if you are at the Bunker-42 on Taganka. The facility was built for in 1956, but it was never used for its intended purpose. Now it is a popular tourist place where excursions are held around the clock - many tickle their nerves, sinking at a depth of 65 meters at night.

per. 5th Kotelnichesky, 11

Historical Museum 0+

Five million exhibits, over fifteen million historical documents - the museum, founded by decree of Alexander II, contains a rich collection of national rarities. The Intercession Cathedral, the Museum of the War of 1812, the Romanov Chambers - this is the geography of the museum space. Each museum exhibition is an event in the cultural life of the country, which arouses increased public interest.

pl. Krasnaya, d. 1

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art 0+

The activities of this museum of contemporary art are developing in three directions - exhibition, educational and research. Today Garage is a respected international expert in the field of contemporary art.

st. Krymsky Val, 9, bldg. 32

Polytechnic Museum at VDNKh 0+

The history of the famous Polytech began in 1863, when the first publicly accessible Moscow museum, promoting the dissemination of technical and natural science knowledge, opened its doors to the residents of the capital. At the beginning of 2015, the Polytechnic Museum is one of the largest museums in the country. Its funds have collected over 190 thousand exhibits, formed more than 150 collections in various fields of science and technology, the technical library of the museum has over three million volumes.

Mira Ave., 119, pavilion 26, VDNKh, Volgogradskiy Ave., 42, bldg. 5

Space Museum 0+

The gem of the museum is the layout of the base compartment of the Mir space station, the original of which was flooded in the Pacific Ocean. Of the rare exhibits that attract the attention of guests - the first space suit of an astronaut - E. Leonov went into open space in it, stuffed Belka and Strelka, the museum's MCC - on its screen in on-line mode you can watch the life and work of astronauts in orbit, an interactive monitor with information about distant galaxies and planets.

ave. Mira, 111

Russian Submarine Museum

The location of Moscow at a distance of thousands of kilometers from the sea did not prevent the opening of a museum of the Navy in the capital. It was placed on board the diesel submarine "Novosibirsk Komsomolets" - the ship went on trips across two oceans, and then ended up at the dock of the Khimki reservoir. The exhibits include military relics, equipment, documents, uniforms, military devices, etc.

st. Freedom, Vlad. 50-56, park "North Tushino"

Museum of Creativity and Life in the Gulag 16+

The history of our country has many pages, unfortunately, not all of them are bright. As a reminder to the living - so that something like this does not happen again - this museum was created. People, even in the most inhuman conditions, strove for beauty, evidence of this are numerous examples of camp creativity. The museum exposition includes works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

per. Maly Karetny, 12

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center 0+

One of the most high-tech museums in Europe opened in 2012. Its creation cost $ 50 million - donations came from all over the world. The exposition is built in such a way that it shows the entire history of the country through the prism of one nationality. The museum houses the Center for Tolerance and Avant-garde, the Children's Center and the Schneerson Library.

st. Obraztsova, 11, str. 1A

Museum "Underground Printing House 1905-1906"

What tricks people do not go to in order to convey their thoughts to others. A classic example is the arrangement of an underground printing house in a fruit shop, directly opposite the gendarme office. Events took place in 1905. The guys went down in the history of Moscow. Glory to adventurers and daredevils. If they only knew how it would end ...

st. Lesnaya, 55

Museum of the history of vodka 18+

It will be about the national product - vodka. Foreigners strongly associate it with Russia. There are many tales and stories about her inside the country. The museum staff will tell you new facts about the intoxicating drink, remember the history of its creation and dispel the most common misconceptions. After the excursion, guests will have a tasting of the product in one of the halls of the museum. The aperitif is accompanied by a traditional Russian appetizer.

NS. Izmailovskoe, ow. 73 g

If you want to know how your parents were having fun forty years ago, you are welcome to this museum. If you are tormented by nostalgia for childhood - here you are. Sea battle and "Safari", "Magistral" and "Basketball" - all exhibits are in working order. Want some water? Soviet soda machines pour water at 1 kopeck per glass (no syrup).

Prospect Mira, house 119, bldg. 57, first floor

Museum of Russian Costume and Life

Clothes are the first thing that speaks about our belonging to a particular nationality. It tells about the history of the people, their traditions, indicates the place of their residence, reflects the character of its creators. The unique collection inspires guests to create their own original wardrobe sets, and designers from all over the world have long used folkloric elements of costumes in the formation of their annual collections.

Altufevskoe sh., 2, bldg. 1

State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva 0+

The museum exposition of one of the oldest museums in Moscow reflects various natural science objects, sections of the main disciplines of biological sciences and various types of functioning of the environment and humans. Herbaria and minerals, invertebrate skeletons and artistic and graphic images of the living world, animal sculptures and collections of stuffed animals, anthropological reconstructions and the results of organ transplants in animals and birds - the museum funds contain over 81 thousand items that belong to 23 storage groups.

st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15

Darwin Museum 0+

A museum promoting the foundations of evolutionary doctrine appeared in the capital thanks to the brilliant idea and enthusiasm of its founder, Alexander Fedorovich Kots. Until the end of his life, he collected his collection, an experienced patriarch lit up with boyish fervor when he saw a new successful acquisition. Today the Darwin Museum is one of the best scientific and educational institutions in Moscow. According to independent experts, the museum is in the first place in popularity among the places to visit for families.

st. Vavilova, 57

Bakhrushin Theater Museum

The craving for the theater was the meaning of the life of the famous Moscow philanthropist and industrialist Alexei Alexandrovich Bakhrushin. With his savings, he founded and for many years supported the museum, which became the world's first full-fledged repository of the history of theater. Within its walls are collected unique props, costumes of famous actors, sets of great theatrical artists, publications on theatrical art, programs and posters. At the beginning of 2015, the museum has ten Moscow branches and one regional - Sochi.

Today there are more than 100 thousand museums in the world, and each of them is unique in its own way. However, there are museums that every person interested in history and culture dreams of visiting. These are the most famous museums in the world.

Experts give the first place in terms of fame and uniqueness Louvre... This museum opened in France, in Paris in 1793. Prior to this, the fortress where the exposition is located was the residence of the French kings. The museum displays a huge collection of art, as well as various historical and scientific exhibits.

Paris Louvre

British museum is located in the capital of Great Britain, London. The institution first opened its doors to visitors in 1753. The area of ​​this museum is equal to 9 football fields, the collection of exhibits presented here is one of the largest on the planet.

British museum

Metropolitan Museum(The Metropolitan Museum of Art) is located in New York, USA. It was opened in 1872 by a group of progressive Americans, and was originally located at 5th Avenue, building 681. The museum later moved twice, but from 1880 to this day, its location has remained unchanged - it is Central Park, Fifth Avenue. The collection of the Metropolitan Museum has about 3 million exhibits. These are works of art from all over the world.

Metropolitan Museum

Uffizi Gallery located in Florence, Italy. It is one of the most famous art museums in the world. It got its name from the Uffizi square, on which it is located. The museum has a wide range of paintings and sculptures by Italian masters, as well as works of great artists from all over the world.

Uffizi Gallery

State Hermitage- the property of Russia. The institution is located in St. Petersburg and is world famous. The collection of the museum began to be collected by Russian emperors, and free access to the Hermitage was opened only in 1863. The Hermitage exhibits number over 3 million exhibits. Among them are not only works of art, but also archaeological finds, numismatic material, and jewelry. Today the museum occupies five buildings: the Winter Palace, the Small Hermitage, the Old Hermitage, the Court Theater and the New Hermitage.

State Hermitage. Winter Palace

Prado Museum- National Museum of Spain, located in the capital - Madrid. This museum contains a huge collection of works of art from European schools.

Prado Museum

Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the legacy of a great civilization. The first exhibition of exhibits was held here in 1835. Today it is the largest museum of ancient Egyptian art. There are over 120 thousand unique exhibits dating back to prehistoric times.

Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Madame Tussauds museum in London - an exposition known for its uniqueness. More than 400 wax figures are collected here - including not only historical figures, but also modern stars.

Louvre Paris

It is probably no secret to anyone that the most famous museum in the world is the Louvre. In this museum you can find collections of the oldest works of art, thanks to which you can learn a lot of interesting things from the life of medieval peoples, as well as many existing civilizations and eras. The museum houses more than 300 thousand exhibits, and only 10% of all museum treasures are shown to tourists every day. It is here that the well-known painting by Leonardo da Vinci - "Mona Lisa" is located. The museum building itself is a unique architectural structure of the 18th century. Also, this museum is considered the most visited in the world, every year it is visited by about 10 million people. The cost of a ticket to the Louvre is 10 euros.

British Museum London

The museum was created from the private collections of three prominent figures in Britain in the 18th century. All exhibits are located in several thematic halls. Among them there is the hall of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the hall of prehistoric antiquities of Britain, the hall of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, as well as the hall of eastern monuments of art and architecture. In total, the museum has about seven million exhibits. Here you can find a lot of unique exhibits, including the "Book of the Dead" popular in ancient Egypt and numerous sculptures of the heroes of Ancient Greece. A nice feature of the museum is that the entrance to it is completely free, and it works seven days a week. About 6 million people visit this museum every year.

Vatican Museum Rome

The Vatican Museum is a complex of museums of different trends and times. It includes the Etruscan Museum, the Egyptian and Ethnological Missionary Museum, the Vatican Library, the Historical Museum, as well as the world-famous Sistine Chapel, the Museum of Modern Art and the Pius IX Christian Museum. Each of these museums contains a huge number of unique exhibits related to different eras and stages of human development, including sarcophagi and tombs of great personalities. Every year this museum is visited by about 5 million people, and if you decide to visit this museum, then it is best to order a ticket via the Internet, since every day there are huge queues at the ticket offices of the museum.

National Science Museum Japan

This museum is the most popular in Asia; here you can admire a huge number of exhibits, among which there are even the remains of ancient creatures. In addition, there is a botanical garden with a wide variety of plants from all over the world. The museum has many exhibits representing the development of technology from the earliest times to the present. In one of the halls one can get acquainted with the structure of the solar system and conduct experiments in the field of physical phenomena.

Metropolitan Museum of Art New York

In fifth place in the ranking of the most famous museums in the world is the Metropolitan Museum. Surely many have heard of the so-called Museum Mile. This place contains the best museums in the United States. Among them, the largest and most famous is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It houses an incredible number of exhibits, ranging from Paleolithic artifacts to pop art objects. Also here you can see ancient exhibits from Africa, the Middle East, Egypt and many other parts of our world. However, most of all attention is paid here to American art.

State Hermitage Saint Petersburg

The Hermitage is one of the largest art museums in the world. A large number of exhibits are collected here, which are private collections of the richest families in Russia, including the house of the Romanovs. In this museum you can trace the entire course of the history of Russia, for the entire period of the reign of the Romanov dynasty. It also displays works by famous European artists of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Prado Museum Madrid

The museum is based on a collection of paintings by the most famous kings of Spain. Initially, the paintings were intended to decorate church and palace chapels, but at the beginning of the 19th century it was decided to open the museum to people. Here you can find one of the most famous paintings of "John the Evangelist" by Don Cesaro Cabanes. Currently, most of the paintings are taken from the monasteries and El Escorial.

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

The museum is not only a meeting place for exhibits of contemporary art in Spain, but also hosts exhibitions of famous foreign artists. The building of the museum, made in the style of deconstructivism, is in itself a unique sight of the whole world. The shape of the museum resembles an alien ship from distant galaxies, near which there is a huge metal sculpture of a spider.

State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow

The gallery contains collections of paintings related to a variety of trends and eras, including numerous icons. The Tretyakov Gallery is one of the educational centers of the country. The basis for the creation of the gallery was the acquisition by the merchant Tretyakov in 1856 of a number of paintings by famous artists. Every year his collection was replenished with a number of paintings, from which the gallery was subsequently created.

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

The Rijksmuseum closes the list of the most famous museums in the world. Despite the unattractive building of the museum, the collection of paintings makes it possible to refer it to one of the largest art museums in the world. Here you can find works of the most famous Dutch painters. Thanks to the numerous sculptures, paintings, jewelry and household items of local residents, you can get a fairly complete picture of the life of the people of the Netherlands since the 15th century. There is no other museum in the world where such a huge collection of exhibits telling about the life of the country would be collected.

Each of the listed museums is unique in its own way, has its own history, purpose and deserves to be the first in the list of popular museums in the world.

Window to Louvre Video

Word museum comes from the Greek - museum, which means “ house of muses". In the modern sense, museums are institutions that study and preserve cultural monuments, as well as educational purposes.

Initially, the word museum meant any collection, but over time, this concept began to denote the houses and buildings in which the exhibits were located.

The first prototype of a modern museum was founded under the name in 290 BC. This building had a huge number of rooms, and one of them contained the famous Library of Alexandria, which has not survived to our time. There were also reading rooms, a dining room and other rooms. Gradually, the building was expanded and new exhibits were added there, such as stuffed animals, which were used as visual aids for teaching.

Museums in ancient times

Ancient Greece also had rooms that housed art and cultural objects seized from other peoples during wars, such as sculptures, statues, and other works of art.

In the Middle Ages, works of art were presented in temples and monasteries (jewelry, manuscripts). At this time, the exhibits captured during the war served, one might say, payment for ransoms or other expenses.

In the 15th century (of the world famous family) he gave instructions to create the so-called Sculpture Garden... It was during these centuries that it became fashionable to build buildings with long corridors, and to place paintings and statues in them. Over time, the fashion took its toll, and so-called "offices" began to be created - premises specially designed to accommodate works of art. This spread very quickly in Italy, then in Germany and then throughout Europe. Along with the offices, collections of unusual things (Wunderkammer) were created in Germany.

Creation of modern museums

Any modern museum was created on the basis of a private collection. Many celebrities donated their collections to expand it, make it richer and put it on display. Such patrons often sponsored art collecting, thereby helping to create museums.

Many small collections were combined into larger ones, and modern museums were created. The most the first modern museum is an

Museum! How much sense there is in this word! And the number of rarities contained there is amazing, as well as their cost. Some exhibits have no price at all, because they have been preserved in a single copy for all mankind! What is a Museum? From a scientific point of view, this is a socio-cultural institute where they collect, study, store all kinds of monuments of art, science and technology, as well as history and other spheres of human activity. As a rule, many museums are also engaged in education, exposing their precious exhibits to the public.

Where did museums come from?

It all started once with private collections (they still exist). What is a Museum? In the antique period, the subject of "collection" was mainly works of art. In the Middle Ages, icons, church ammunition, and the relics of saints were collected. And the first science museums appear in Europe (Renaissance). They are dominated by minerals, research tools, ethnographic objects. The first public museum in Russia is, of course, the Kunstkamera! Her collection is based on the collection of Peter the Great: weapons, engravings, paintings, sculptures of various peoples, as well as devices, machine tools, tools that the ruler was so interested in.

Classification and functions

2. Metro. To understand that the museum is real, magnificent, it is necessary to visit this museum located in New York. It is located in a park on Fifth Avenue. It was founded by a group of enthusiasts in 1870. Among the greatest known exhibits exhibited there are artifacts from Egypt, figurines from Africa and the East, paintings by Monet and Leonardo.

3. Hermitage. Located in Russia and has a huge collection of exhibits, numbering up to three million works, cultural monuments. This includes sculpture, painting, applied art, and a gallery of jewelry (Gold and Diamond storerooms). In general, in order to understand what a museum is, it is imperative, at least once in your life, to visit the Hermitage!

Of the so-called "museums for adults" the most famous are the Egyptian, British, National Gallery and some others.

What is a museum for children?

And among the most interesting children's institutions of this kind, the first place, perhaps, is occupied by the Steiger Toy Museum, which is located in the Czech Republic. It contains a unique collection for children that has been collected over the years. Here you can find old tree decorations, tin soldiers, and more modern toys. This institution is fully consistent with its task - to educate the younger generation through the study of history.

Also on a children's theme: the Charles Perrault Museum in France, where children are greeted by figures of fairy-tale characters made of wax; the Astrid Lindgren Museum in Sweden; and the Moomin Museum and the Magic Museum in England. They are all beautiful in their own way, but there is one thing in common: children do not want to leave there!