How bugs treated learning. Education and education Oblomov

How bugs treated learning. Education and education Oblomov
How bugs treated learning. Education and education Oblomov

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Oblomov formation, attitude to economic issues, attitudes towards studying, science

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Ilyusha was brought up in the noble family in the birthplace of the village of Oblomovka, where life passed in its special laws. In the crushing reigned the cult of food, sleep, and complete impeccable calm.

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Parents Oblomov gave him an education not for the sake of knowledge. This was done for the view. Parents wanted the Ilyusha somehow got a certificate, but not serious knowledge: all this would like to achieve somehow cheaper, that is, for example, learning slightly, not until the soul and body is repristed, and so that only observe the prescribed form And get somehow certificate, in which it was said that Ilyusha passed all sciences and arts.

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Studying in the boarding house went to study in the boarding school. Pension director was the father of the gallery - German Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz. In this guesthouse, Ilyusha Oblomov learned until 15 years: "... a boy of thirteen or fourteen. He studied in the village of Verkhladyuva, the versts five from the crushing, the local manager, the German gallets, who started a small board for children of the surrounding nobles. . "" ... He studied, like others, like everything, that is, until fifteen years in the guesthouse ... "

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The relationship of Oblomov to school was indifferent and even negative. Ilyusha did not want to learn. Parents with difficulty and tears made him study in the guest house: ... nothing to do, father and mother planted Balovnik Ilyusha for the book. It was worth tears, screams, whims. In the boarding house, she studied somehow. His friend, Andrei Stolz, helped the broom with the lessons: ... The fact is that the son of the galley was bald Oblomov, then suggesting him the lessons, then making translations for him ... "

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Oblomov's parents found pretexts not to let Iylyuha to study to the gallery. Therefore, the formation of Oblomov in the guest house was superficial and frivolous: "... The gentle parents continued to bring the prepositions to keep the son of the house. In winter it seemed coldly, in the summer in the heat, it was also not suitable for going, and sometimes the rain will go, in the fall of sludge ..."

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Study at the university after the boarding house ripped into Moscow. Oblomov studied at the university. The text of the novel does not say exactly, the university it was or a school. But, judging by the subjects studied, Oblomov graduated from Moscow University. At the University of Oblomov also did not like to learn. Oblomov taught only what was supposed. He never taught more than demanded from him. Oblomov did not show curiosity and special interest in the sciences.

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The formation of Oblomov and his knowledge. The formation of Oblomov gave him a lot of knowledge. But all his knowledge is theoretical. In practice, the bugs do not know anything. It can not apply the knowledge in life: "... had a strange effect on Ilya Ilyich apprentice: his life between science and lay the whole gulf, which he did not try to pass his life, he was alone, but science itself ... . "Summary it seems that the bugs studied a lot and received a decent education. But at the same time he speaks French and English: "... Oblomov does not quite freely own French ..."

We all certainly remember the main character of Roman Goncharov Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. This surname itself causes sowing, and the word "Oblomovshchina" became synonymous with a lazy lifestyle. Before talking about what was the formation of Oblomov, it will certainly be necessary to remember the conditions in which he was brought up.

Parental care

Ilusha, definitely, was the son of caring parents who tried to make a precious child to get everything easily, without difficulty, without making any effort. The boy was not allowed to even raise what he dropped, he was not dressed independently. In the parental house, labor was considered a real punishment. For the benefit worshiped meals and

The boy was taught to give orders to the servants. Initially, he, of course, sought to do something he himself, but very quickly realized that it was much easier if others were doing for you.

From nature, this child was moved, but the parents did not let him run, frolic, because they were very afraid that the boy would catch or fall. Harmful parental love, Ilyusha gradually lost those forces that were given to him by nature.

Primary education Oblomov

Although parents of Ilya Ilyich were indifferent to science, they sent him to study in a small guest house in the village Verhleve, located five miles from their home estates. His education began on there, Ivan Stolz. So he studied until fifteen years old.

It was a formality for the parents, they just thought that having a diploma will contribute to the rapid promotion of their precious son. Giving the boy to the guesthouse, the mother and father tried to avoid in every way so that Ilyusha overspend with the teachings. For the most minor reasons, caring parents left him at home, so Ivan Stolz, an energetic teacher, was able to do quite a bit for the development of Ilya.

University of Moscow

After a long random parents gave the Son to learn further. He entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow University. So the formation of Oblomov continued.

As parents could not "take care" about the Son in Moscow, then he undoubtedly received much more knowledge. His deficiencies with the gallery carry the ideas of humanism expressed by the famous professor hope.

It should be noted that Oblomov initially studied with enthusiasm, he was inspired by the ideas of Goethe and Byron, but then he lost interest in learning.

He stopped to understand why Science needs, often asked himself a question about when he would live. Under life, he understood the rest and pleasure. Ultimately, he abandoned science. After that, the real "life" began - time lying on the sofa and idleness. Here, perhaps, everything that is said in the novel about the formation of Oblomov.

Summing up, it should be noted that the environment in which the passage childhood Ilya Ilyich, did not have a passion for it any serious activity in adult life. Any work was viewed by him as something negative. Almost always, bugs studied for a tick, that is, to get a certificate. Being gifted by nature by man, he could not realize himself in life. So, we see that the formation of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" was formal.

In the product "Oblomov" Goncharov touches themes common vices inherent in the society in any era: laziness, indifference, unwillingness to change the destiny for the better.

The author describes in detail the childhood of Oblom, so that the reader can figure out the reasons that influenced the formation of its dryness. Indecisive did his loser. The writer suggests that such behavior will not lead to a happy and rich life.

Okek relatives

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov conducted a carefree childhood in the village of Oblomovka. In the genital estate, he lived not only with Mother and her father. In addition to servants, many relatives lived there.

"He is pretty, full. Such round cheeks. "

He was the only child in the family. Households drummed the boy with all sorts of sweets.

"All the retinue of the house picked up the Ilyuska in his arms, I began to sink to praise and lacquer. He barely managed to wipe footprints from non-crushed kisses. "

I did not have time to wake up, as a nanny broke to him to help get up and dress. Next to your favorite son from the next room was in a hurry. Woman gave a boy tenderness, overly care.

"She inspiring him with a greedy glance, checked, not muddy eyes, was interested, whether it does not hurt that."

The boy understood that all his whim was instantly performed. He turned into the same lazy, indifferent to every manifestations of a person's life, as well as others. If he tried to do something alone, then loved ones suppressed all his aspirations.

"Just wanting something Ilya, only blinks - three-four Laces are rushed to fulfill his desires."

It was turned into an exotic plant, slowly growing in the greenhouse.

"All the manifestations of activities and strength appealed inside and faded."

Sometimes at the boy found an insurmountable desire to escape from the house, lose the guardianship of each of the households. It cost him to go down the stairs, or run into the courtyard, as a few people were already hurried after him with screams and prohibitions.

Justice and curiosity

Little Ilya grew up a moving child. When he saw that adults were busy, then the VMY was trying to hide from their care.

"He's a passion as I wanted to run up to the gallery around the house, to see from a height of the river."

His catch up and once again he tried to escape in the dovecote, in a ravine, or in birch forest, where they could be driven goblins and werewolves. So told the nannik. It happened that she spent the whole day in the turmoil and running behind her pupil.

Oblomov grew inquisitive.

"Sitiates, sit down near the nanny, looks at everything so intently. Watches all the phenomena in front of it. "

He asks her why there is light and darkness, notes that the shadow is formed from the horses harnessed in the reins on Earth, compares the dimensions, realizing that the barrel is many times more than a lacquer lucky on the cart.

Going out for a walk outside the court, while the governess is hiding in the shade, baby intently watching bugs, catching dragonflies, sits down on their straw. Jump into the ditch, start cleaning the roots, there are them instead of sweet apples.

"No trifle nor a single feature will slip away from the attention of the child. The soul cuts the picture of domestic life, imbues childish mind examples unconsciously puts the fate of the program the child to life, his environment. "

The habits of parents and loved ones that have formed the character of little Ilya.

In the estate of rubber, they believed that the craft was not at all engraving a person.

"The relatives of Ilya demolished the work as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but could not love."

The boy's father preferred only to watch servants and relatives, ask them about their classes, distribute instructions. Mother could talk with clock with a lacquer, houses at home. He loved to be in the garden, consider how fruits were poured.

"The main concern of the family was a kitchen and lunch."

All gathered together, violently discussed cooking dishes. After that, there was a rest. "Silence reserves in the house. It comes an hour of afternoon sleep. " This state mastered each. From all over the houses of the house it was heard of approval and snoring.

"Ilyusha observed everything.

Few will raise his head would look meaningless, was surprised to turn over to the other side, spits awake, pochavkav lips fall asleep again. " At this time, adults absolutely did not care what little Ilya could remain completely unattended.

The relatives always stayed in a carefree mood, they did not strive to improve life, and rejoiced that they were sent. Their life sailed a quietly rope. If something faced in the house, it was crushing, it was rare when the breakdown was eliminated. It was easier for people to talk about christening, weddings, belief related to them. They discussed all sorts of recipes, went to visit, played cards. Such a lifestyle of loved ones left an indelible mark on the formation of the character and habits of the young Oblomov. Gradually, as the boy grows, the universal laziness took possession and them.


Parents believed that literacy learning was a very extentant and unnecessary occupation. They wanted their son to receive a certificate as quickly as possible, without applying special efforts. In the thirteen years, "Father and Mother put up a downtown for books." It cost them tears, whims and screams. He was sent to Verkhlovo, to the guesthouse.

Son did not have a special zeal to study. When I came home, I tried under any pretext to stay in the estate as much as possible.

"He came to his mother. She knew why. Thai sighed about separation with him for a whole week. "

Parents encouraged every request. They were looking for an excuse to their inappropriate behavior. Causes due to which the guy remained in the estate was diverse. The problem for them could be the heat or cold, the parent Saturday, a holiday, the upcoming preparation of pancakes. Mother and father did not think about the negative features of such education. Adult Ilya Oblomov will still have to face the consequence of excessive parental love.

Deals with the status characteristic of a Russian person. He describes the hero in the personal stagnation and apathy. The work presented the world the term "broom" is derived from the name of the story character. Goncharov created a bright sample of the literature of the XIX century. The book was the top of the writer's creativity. Roman enters the school program of Russian literature and does not lose relevance, although two centuries have passed since the creation.

History of creation

"Oblomov" is a landmark product for Russian literature of the XIX century. Its meaning is not always available to schoolchildren who are familiar with the book at a young age. Adults are more deeply considering the thought that the author wanted to convey.

The main hero of the work is the landowner Ilya Oblomov, the lifestyle of which is incomprehensible to others. Some consider him a philosopher, others - thinker, third - lazy. The author allows the reader to draw up his own opinion, without exploring the character categorically.

It is impossible to appreciate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel separately from the history of the creation of the work. The basis of the book was the story "Lyhaya Horses", written by Goncharov a few years earlier. Inspiration overtook the writer at the moment when the public and political situation in Russia was increasing.

At that time, the image of an apathetic traded, which is not able to be responsible for their actions and decisions, was typical for the country. On the idea of \u200b\u200bthe book influenced reasoning. The critic wrote about the appearance of the image of an "excess person" in the literary works of that time. He described the hero as a libelodum, incapable of serious actions, a dreamer, useless for society. The appearance of Oblomov is a visual embodiment of the nobility of those years. The novel describes the changes occurring in the hero. The characteristic of Ilya Ilyich is finely outlined in each of the four chapters.


The main character was born in the landowner family living on the traditional Barsky defendant. Childhood Ilya Oblomov passed in the labor estate, where life did not differ in diversity. Parents loved the boy. Affectionate nanny was bald by fairy tales and booms. Sleep and long-lasting sacrifices for meals were familiar to home, and Ilya easily adopted their inclinations. He was opened from all sorts of misfortunes, not allowing arising from emerging difficulties.

According to Goncharov, the child grew apathetic and closed, until he turned into a thirty-one-year-old idle-like man with an attractive appearance. It has no interest in anything and concentration on a specific subject. The income of the hero provided serfs, so he did not need anything. The clerk robbed him, the place of residence was gradually accounted for unusable, and his permanent location was a sofa.

The descriptive image of Oblomov includes bright features of a lazy landowner and is collective. Contemporaries Goncharov tried not to call the sons with the name Ilya, if they were the names of fathers. The nominality, which the name of Oblomov gained diligently avoided.

A satirical description of the appearance of the actual person becomes a continuation of the string of "extra people", which he began and continued. Oblons are not old, but already frozen. His face is defiative. Gray eyes do not bear the shadow of thought. An old bathrobe serves as an outfit. Goncharov pays attention to the appearance of the character, noting its lotion and passivity. The dreamer of bugs is not ready for action and indulges the laziness. The tragedy of the hero is that it has great prospects, but it is not capable of implementing them.

Oblomov kind and intense. He does not have to make any effort, and if such a prospect arises, he fears it and demonstrates uncertainty. The situation of the native estate often dreams to him, athleting sweet longing in native places. Periodically, beautiful dreams dispel other heroes of the novel.

It is an antagonist Ilya Oblomov. Friendship between men began in childhood. Antipode of the dreamer, having German Roots gallets avoids idleness and get used to work. He criticizes the lifestyle preferred by broom. Stolz knows that the first attempts of a friend to be realized in the career ended in failure.

Having moved to St. Petersburg the young men, Ilya tried to serve in the office, but things did not go to the way, and he preferred inaction. Stolz is a tary opponent of passivity and tries to be active, though, understands that his work is designed not for high purposes.

Became a woman who managed to awaken the Oblom from the idleness. Love, settled in the hero's heart, helped leave the usual sofa, forget about drowsiness and apathy. Golden heart, sincerity and latitude of the soul attracted the attention of Olga Ilinskaya.

She appreciated the imagination and fantasy Ilya and at the same time tried to assert themselves through the concern for a person who offended from the world. The girl was inspired by the ability to influence Oblomov and understood that their relationships would not have any continuation. The indecision of Ilya Ilyich was the cause of the collapse of this union.

The fleeting obstacles are perceived by broaching as uncomplicated obstacles. He is not able to adapt and adjust the social framework. Inventing the own cozy world, removes the reality, where he has no place.

The closure became the way to the appearance of simple happiness in life, and a woman was brought, constantly nearby. I handed the apartment where he lived the hero. After breaking with Olga Ilinskaya, he found consolation in the attention of Agafia. The thirty-year-old woman fell in love with the apartment, and the feelings did not require changes in the nature or a lifefriend.

By combining farms, we gradually began to show trust in each other and healed the soul into the soul. Pshetitsyn did not require anything from the spouse. She was content with the merits and did not pay attention to the shortcomings. The son of Andryusha was born in marriage, the only reflection of Agafia after the death of Oblomov.

  • In the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" describes how the hero dreams thunderstorms. For popular belief in Ilyin, it is impossible to work in the day not to accept the death of thunder. Ilya Ilyich does not work all his life. The author justifies the idleness of the character faithfully.
  • The leaving of the village whose life is cyclical, Oblomov builds love relationships on this principle. Getting acquainted with Ilinskaya in the spring, he confesses the feelings in the summer, gradually falls into Apathy in the fall and tries to avoid meetings in winter. Relations between heroes lasted a year. This was enough to experience the bright palette of feelings and their cooling.

  • The author mentions that Oblomov served as a college astronor and managed to stay by the provincial secretary. Both posts did not correspond to the class to which the landowner belonged, and they could be worn hard. Comparing the facts, it is easy to assume that the hero was lazy and during training at the university received a position in a different way. Classes of Wheat and Oblomov corresponded than the author emphasizes the kinship of souls.
  • Life with Agafie arranged Oblomov. It is curious that even the name of a woman is consonant with the village nature, according to the hero.


Despite the taciousness, obcomments manifests themselves educated and subtly sensitive person, a deep man with a pure heart and good thoughts. Inaction, he justifies the words:

"... Some of all there is nothing more and do as soon as we say. There is such a vocation. "

Internally brooms are strong to make a deed. The main step to changes in his life is love for Ilinskaya. For her, he is capable of feats, one of which is fareweed with a favorite bathrobe and a sofa. It is possible that the subject that is as much as much to interest the hero, simply not found. And since there is no interest, why forget about amenities? Therefore, he criticizes the light:

"... there is no matter what our own, they scattered on all parties, did not go to anything. Under this all-hardness, emptiness lies, no sympathy for everything! .. "

Oblomov in Roman Goncharov appears simultaneously lazy with a negative color and an elevated character with poetic gift. In his words, thin turnover and expressions, which are alien to the baking gallery. His elegant phrases are sitting in Ilyinskaya and circle Agafier's head. The world of Oblomov, woven from dreams and dreams, is built on the melody of poetry, love for cozu and harmony, peace of mind and goodness:

"... memories - or the greatest poetry, when they are memories of living happiness, or - burning pain when they concern the dried wounds."

In the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov, for the first time in Russian literature, described such a destroying social phenomenon as the "Oblomovshchina", depicting it on the example of the life of the main character of the work - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. The author not only showed the negative impact of the "Oblomeness" on the fate of Oblomov and the people around him, but also identified the origins of the phenomena lying in outdated, based on feudal norms and the values \u200b\u200bof the upbringing and education of Oblomov.

Childhood Oblomov

With the children's and adolescent years, Oblomov, the author introduces us in the ninth chapter of the first part - "Sing Oblomov". The hero was born in the classic Staroometer family living in a distant picturesque corner - the village of Oblomovka. Little Ilya grew up in an atmosphere of love and excessive guardianship, any whimsage performed it was symphaged, any desire was equivalent to the law. And if the child is trying to explore the world on their own, took up some business, the parents immediately tried to dissuade him from any manifestation of labor, arguing that there is a servant to work. Walking inhabitants of the crushing were also not very loved - they were alone any activity, except for concern for food, the love of which in the estate was a special cult. In general, the crushing lived in the atmosphere of tape, idleness, half a lot of boredom and silence, they are not accustomed to work here, and any work considered the punishment and tried to avoid her every way. The measured life of the Oblomovtsev was interrupted only by shifts of the year and rites - weddings, funerals, birthdays.

The peaceful, quiet nature, the dream of which did not break the greatness of the high mountains, or the riot of noisy sea, nor violent wind turks or shoes, contributed to the perception of the little Ilya that is exactly the measured, calm, passive lifestyle, where it always makes anyone for him Another, without breaking the calm of continuous laziness.

A special place in the upbringing of Oblomov played fairy tales and legends, which a little Ilya told the nanny. Inspirational, fantastic stories about almighty heroes ignited the imagination of the boy who began to present himself as one of these fabulous, always defeating heroes. And already adult bugs, realizing that Nianny stories were just a fiction, sometimes unknown sadly that "why not a fairy tale, and life is not a fairy tale," he dreamed of beautiful princes and tom of the distant world, where you can lie on the furnace You will do everything good wizard.

Education Oblomov

Living in Oblomovka, Ilya Ilyich adopted from his relatives the main science of life - books and education he does not need, as unnecessary was his father and grandfather. A repeating, based on rituals The life of the Oblomovtsev did not require special knowledge, everything that was needed from the most diapers was transmitted from parents to children. It is in such an atmosphere of complete indifference to new knowledge, visions of them as an optional and unnecessary aspect of human life, and the relationship of Oblomov for education was formed. In large holidays or in bad weather, the parents themselves left the boy at home, believing that the school could always wait.

School lessons were for Ilya with a terrain and he only continued to sit there exactly, carefully following the teacher's speech, - in fact, he did not understand what he needed a whole luggage knowledge, nor when he needed him in life . And the main question that was asked by the bugs still in adolescence was that if a person is obliged to learn a long time, and then work a lot - when is he destined to live a full life? Ilya seemed unnatural reading a lot of books and find out a lot of new things, for him it was hard and incomprehensible.

However, the collections of poetry became the only intense for Oblomov. From early childhood, a sensitive nature of nature, poetic, reflective Ilya found in poetry ideas close to him and worldview - only a poetry time awakened in his heart activity and activities inherent in his close friend Andrei gallery. However, even the most interesting books did not capture Ilya Ilyich completely, he was in no hurry to read them alone in one, enriching his mind with new knowledge and discoveries, sometimes licking even to read even the first thing, interrupting reading the need to go sleep or eat. Even the fact that the obcomments still graduated from school, and then listened to the course of sciences in Moscow speaks soon about obedience and dryness of the hero, in all the parents listening and not wishing to manage their own fate. For Ilya Ilyich was easier when someone decided everything for him, and he was enough to obey someone else's will.


In the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov portrayed a tragic fate of a person, the drama of the life of which originates in the wrong, who has learned to upbringing. The active, reflexing nature of Oblomov is placed in the swamp of "Oblomovsky" traditions and norms, in the literal sense of the sternutication of the active beginning of the personality of the hero.

The problem of the education of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" does not end with the death of the main character, while remaining an acute stumbling block for the 19th century Russian meshness, which does not want to change the usual, the old standards of raising children. Moreover, the question of "Oblomovsky" upbringing remains open and in our time, exposing the destructive influence of over-guarding parents for the lives of their children.

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