Essay on the theme “Love in the life of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. Essay on the theme "Love in the life of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky What is love, war and peace

Essay on the theme “Love in the life of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. Essay on the theme "Love in the life of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky What is love, war and peace

The theme of love is popular among writers and poets of all times and peoples. Tolstoy was no exception. The fates of people of different social status, position in society, character, and priorities will sweep before the reader in a whirlwind. The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" is one of the leading ones. In the life of each character, love was or is present, forcing to suffer, hate or completely surrender to the slavery of the gripping feelings, living exclusively with emotions, without thinking about the consequences. The heroes of this work have their own, the only and inimitable, which left a wound in someone's heart, and someone has pleasant memories in their souls.

Love to motherland

Love for the Motherland is clearly traced in the heroes of the novel. Andrei Bolkonsky, through spiritual searches, came to the conclusion that the Russians could not be defeated. For a long time he dreamed of a feat, to do something for the Fatherland and the people. A great desire to become a hero pushed him onto the battlefield. He will be remembered in the Battle of Austerlitz, where he managed to prove himself as a real soldier. During the hostilities, he led the soldiers into battle, holding the banner in his hands, but the feat could not make him happy. His soul was tormented. The love drama again pushes him into the hellish heat of war. Already in the role of a regimental commander, he earned the respect and love of the soldiers. Now he did not dream of a feat, becoming a simple defender of the Motherland. The war took his life. During the battle, Andrei dies, but before his death he clearly understood that he was doing everything for the sake of the people, for the sake of the future of the Motherland.

Peter Rostov was brought up in the spirit of true patriotism. I got to the front as a very young guy. A fifteen-year-old boy died in the name of the Motherland, being remembered for his uncontrollable thirst to accomplish a feat. Life was cut short by an enemy bullet, but he fulfilled his dream of becoming a hero, albeit at such a high price.

Natalya Rostova helped by donating carts for transporting soldiers seriously wounded in battle. The girl believed that victory was not far off and did not in the least doubt the strength of the Russian people, their unity and power.

Pierre Bezukhov managed to become a real man, proving his love for the Motherland by his actions. The war hardened him, turning him from a soft and vulnerable youth into a real hero.

Kutuzov is an example of true patriotism. He loved the soldiers like his own sons. His actions were not a desire to glorify himself in the eyes of others. He fought not for regalia, for the people, for the Motherland, being the bearer of the people's spirit and will.

Love in the life of the heroes of the novel

Andrey Bolkonsky

Andrei had to go through a thorny path before he found himself, his purpose in life. Family life with Lisa did not bring family happiness. The way of life that they led was repugnant to him, as well as the wife herself. Even Lisa's pregnancy could not keep within her own walls. The soul was eager to fight. War, Austerlitz, homecoming. Dying Lisa is at home. Again pain, longing, unbearable feeling of uselessness and worthlessness of life. The death of his wife, disappointment in Napoleon mowed him down. He was lost and pathetic.

Acquaintance with Natalya Rostova turned his life upside down. These were real, sincere feelings. She was not like other women. The time spent with her was the happiest in his life, but Natalya turned out to be unfaithful to him. Upon learning of this, he could not forgive her. Only on his deathbed, dying in her arms, could he understand her act, see in her eyes sincere repentance and regret for what she had done. The last words to her were

"I love you more, better than before."

At that moment, he realized that he forgave her and no longer holds resentment and evil. Bolkonsky died, but his soul was able to find the long-awaited peace, having saved it from tormenting torments. Andrey realized that Natalia is the dearest and most beloved person in his life.

Natalia Rostova

Since childhood, Natalia was surrounded by love, care of family and friends. The girl was thirsty for love. She lived with emotions and feelings. My heart fluttered, my soul was eager to meet new sensations. The first fall in love with Boris Drubetskoy, then there was Denisov, who was serious about her and even offered the girl his hand and heart.

Natalia experienced real feelings when she met Bolkonsky. Dreams of a future with a loved one broke up after Andrei left. Before leaving, he proposed to her. He was gone for a year. During this time, Natalya meets Kuragin, who happened to be nearby in time. Cheating on Bolkonsky in his absence burdened Natalya. She was tormented by remorse and could not forgive herself that she went on about feelings. The relationship with Kuragin ended as quickly as it began.

The last man in her life will be Pierre Bezukhov. At first, the girl did not have special feelings for him. Much later, she will understand that he is her true love. Pierre managed to surround her with love and care, becoming a support and support. With him, she will find and understand what family happiness means.

Pierre Bezukhov

Pierre walked for a long time to his happiness. The relationship with Helen was fake and did not cause anything but disgust in him. He was sympathetic to Natalya Rostova, but the girl was carried away at that time by Bolkonsky, and he did not dare to stand in the way of a friend. Seeing that her relationship with Kuragin was beginning in Andrei's absence, he made an attempt to reason with her, sincerely believing that Natalya was not one of those. His love will pass many obstacles before he finds true happiness. Happiness with the woman you love. Only in marriage with Natalia, he realized that he was not mistaken, having opted for her.

Helen Kuragina

Helen is like a girl on the cover of a fashion magazine. A beauty from high society. Men easily fell under the influence of her charm, but soon realized that there was nothing more to hide behind an attractive appearance. Empty and stupid. For her, money, position in society, social events come first. It was her way of life. That was all she was.

Marriage to Pierre did not affect Helene. Flirtation and coquetry were in her blood. Pierre was too naive and inexperienced in matters of love to bring his wife to clean water. The marriage to Pierre will be terminated. He will understand that they have different paths. It is unlikely that Helen will be happy with someone until she changes her life position and truly loves.

According to Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, love is the meaning of life and the highest destiny of a person. The same attitude to love accompanies his epic novel War and Peace. The whole life of his heroes is based on love - love for relatives, love for neighbors, love for the people and their homeland. Tolstoy, as a writer, is highly respected and respected in the world precisely because he created his own philosophical school and a new view of the world and people. In a person, he considers the beauty of the soul to be the main thing, which is reflected in his novel.

The main character Natasha Rostova is the embodiment of all the best moral traits. It is precisely the inner beauty and the feeling of all-embracing love for others that gives it away. There is so much happiness in it that it would be enough for a whole regiment. With her spiritual warmth, she is able to warm all relatives and friends.No less perfect in the physical, moral and psychological sense Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. She lives in an unconscious expectation of love and family happiness. Both the author endows his heroines with spiritual beauty. What is love in the work of Leo Tolstoy?

This is, first of all, a feeling, having reached which, the main characters are noticeably transformed. On the one hand, this is a very simple concept, and on the other, it is mysterious and incomprehensible. We see how the author clearly distinguishes in his work several types of love: love for the family, light love like self-hypnosis, love of convenience, and, finally, true love.

The latter lit up the path of Natasha and Andrei Bolkonsky, but they could not keep her, did not pass the test of distance and time. The wedding of the couple, at the insistence of Andrei's father, was postponed for a year to test feelings. Old Bolkonsky doubted Natasha's ability to become a worthy wife for Andrei and a mother for the orphaned Nicholas. In one thing, he was right, Natasha's freedom and love of life could not be hammered into the framework of conventions. But he was cruelly mistaken about something else. From this heroine subsequently turned out to be a wonderful wife and mother of four children.

In the novel "War and Peace", the theme of love occupies a fundamental place. Despite the fact that there is a war with Napoleon outside the windows, the characters experience the most sincere feelings, gain love through suffering, and build their personal lives. Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky undoubtedly occupy a key place in the novel's heroes' grid. Their love story outshines everyone else. Perhaps this is due to the originality of the characters of the main characters.

Andrey has a complex type, which not every person is given to understand. Natasha manages to catch his sadness and despair. She skillfully brings him back to life, instills hope for the best in her soul, but Andrei remains a mystery to her until the end. Before his death, he forgives Natasha for her fleeting love for Anatol Kuragin. He understands that everyone also loves Natasha, and she loves him. The main character carried her love for Andrey through her whole life. Pierre understood everything and did not blame her for it.

The path to happiness was also thorny for Marya Bolkonskaya, who sacrificed her youth to take care of her sick father. At the end of the novel, she finds her happiness in the person of Natasha's brother, Nikolai Rostov, who becomes her husband. According to the writer, only people who are absolutely whole in moral and spiritual terms deserve love. Characters like

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" tells about many things that we have to meet in real life. This is friendship, and betrayal, and the search for the meaning of life, and death, and war, and, of course, love. Everyone chooses for himself what the writer wanted to say in the first place. But personally, it seems to me that love is one of the main themes of the novel.

This is also supported by the fact that Natasha Rostova, the living embodiment of this feeling, is rightfully considered Tolstoy's favorite heroine. For the first time in the novel, we meet with her at her own birthday. We see a young, energetic, cheerful, with charming eyes and at the same time an ugly thirteen-year-old girl. Here her behavior is simple and understandable, and this simplicity attracts other people to itself. All the magnificence of Natasha can be seen at her first ball. We notice that all her actions come from herself, and she does not worry about how others will think of her. Natasha is a child. She is a lively girl with her own merits and demerits. Natasha lives a busy life, rejoices and grieves, laughs and cries. "She was at that sweet age when a girl is no longer a child, and a child is not a girl."

Soon Natasha will grow up, and now her engagement to Andrei Bolkonsky is taking place. It seems that she is about to find her happiness in marriage to Andrei, but his departure from St. Petersburg destroys all these hopes. "The essence of her life is love" - ​​said Tolstoy. And Natasha cannot live a year without a loved one, without constant and necessary nourishment with love. Therefore, it becomes clear why she, carried away by Anatol Kuragin, decides to flee with him. The desire to love and be loved guides all her actions. But this only leads to a break with Andrei, to deep emotional experiences of the heroine.

And yet Natasha remained herself, she did not lose her individuality. It is she who is able to support the mother, who was distraught with grief after the death of Petya. "She did not sleep and did not leave her mother. Natasha's love, persistent, patient, not as an explanation, not as a consolation, but as a call to life every second, as if she was hugging the countess from all sides." Natasha is a person, she loves people and is ready to make any sacrifices for their sake. Let us recall the scene when she removes things from the carts because of the wounded, whom she does not want to leave to their fate. Her seemingly insane act is understandable to people who know her better.

The dying Andrei also rode in his carriage in the Rostovs' wagon train. The meeting with him, the deep grief that Natasha experienced because of the state of terrible guilt before her beloved, the sleepless nights she spent at the patient's bedside showed how much courage and firmness in misery and suffering lurked in the soul of this fragile girl. The death of Andrei, all the hardships that befell the Rostov family during the war of 1812, had a very strong effect on Natasha.

In her years she became a mature woman, courageous, independent, but still sensitive and loving. Returned from captivity, Pierre Bezukhov does not even recognize her. But then, seeing in her all those qualities that he himself, through long searches, brought up in himself, Pierre decides to marry Natasha. This marriage of two spiritually close people became for both the goal to which they had been going for so long and for which, in Tolstoy's opinion, they were born.

After marriage, the family becomes the only meaning of life for Natasha. The energy of liberation from everything false and false emanates from Natasha. A false secular society is alien to Natasha (after marriage, she practically ceases to be in the world). Only through love for Pierre and finding the family does Rostov finally find peace. Tolstoy emphasizes that happiness is not given by nature; it must be earned by the spiritual work that is so valued in people. That is why Natasha deserved happiness, because happiness, true beauty and love are three inseparable things.

"To love your neighbors, to love your enemies. To love everything - to love God in all his manifestations" - this is the truly Christian thesis to which the author brings his favorite heroes. Natasha Rostova is the most striking female image of the novel - she follows this statement all her life. Love for people, for the world around them is its integral part. Therefore, Leo Tolstoy, rather, does not bring her to this thesis, but with her help leads readers to it.

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Love is an amazing feeling that can heal or hurt a person's soul. In the works of L.N. Tolstoy's problem of love occupies a central place on the palette of moral problems. The author reveals both a bright feeling between a woman and a man, and love for parents, for the Motherland. The images of Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky, Helen Kuragina, Pierre Bezukhov, Maria Bolkonskaya are most closely related to this problem. All of them experienced a spiritual fall because of love and its purification. This affected the fate of the heroes.

- the main heroine of the novel and one of the most beloved heroines of L. N. Tolstoy. Natasha's heart is filled with love for her family and those around her, thanks to which she knows how to feel empathy. Soon, a flame of love for a man, Andrei Bolkonsky, begins to flare up in the girl's soul. Unfortunately, this feeling was not destined to end with a happy ending. Nevertheless, it showed the heroine what suffering is and that it is impossible to play with the hearts of other people.

Love helped restore the soul after the defeat at Austerlitz. He realized that even in the midst of deception and intrigue, there is a place for sincere feelings. Prince Andrew begins to value not feats and glory, but what is really important in human life. Love for Natasha later made him suffer, but not the light kindled by her did not go out to the end.

Using an example, Lev Nikolaevich also shows how the human soul is destroyed under the pressure of marriage without love. Helene married Pierre for money, but you can't deceive your heart. A woman is quickly bored with an unloved and ugly husband. Pierre suffers, guessing about betrayal and deception.

Nevertheless, this pseudo-love of Pierre does not tarnish his soul. A man goes to serve, helps others. Finally, he finds true love, and with it he acquires the meaning of life. Helen Kuragina does not know how to love, which becomes one of the reasons for her death.

Maria Bolkonskaya is the sister of Andrei Bolkonsky, an ugly girl, but very bright. Suffering from unrequited love. But this does not make her angry with the world, on the contrary, she cares about those around her, treats them with warmth and respect. Spiritual beauty, illuminated by love, does not go unnoticed, and fate gives the girl a second half.

Love for relatives is shown by the examples of the Bolkonsky, Rostov and Kuragin families. In the Kuragin family, children do not know how not only to love, but also to respect their relatives, from which the atmosphere in the house is cold and so there is not enough family happiness. Restrained love for relatives in the Bolkonsky family and open in the Rostovs makes their life happier.

Love for the Motherland is illustrated by the example of soldiers and officers. In the war of 1805-1807, it is practically invisible, since the participants in the battles do not understand what they are suffering for. But in the army there is a warm attitude towards colleagues. For example, A. Kutuzov treats his soldiers like a father treats children, trying with all his might to protect them. Officers Tushin and Timokhin risk their lives for the Motherland. In the war of 1812 .. Love for the native land gives ordinary officers, soldiers and generals the strength to win.

Thus, love in the novel "War and Peace" is shown as the best feeling that transforms a person.

In the novel "War and Peace" L.-N. Tolstoy reveals the most important life problems - the problem of morality. and friendship, honor and nobility ... Tolstoy's heroes dream and doubt, think and solve important problems for themselves. Some of them are deeply moral people, for others the concept of nobility is alien. To the modern reader, Tolstoy's characters are close and understandable, the author's solution to moral problems helps today's reader to understand a lot, this makes Leo Tolstoy's novel a completely relevant work to this day.

Love ... Perhaps, one of the most exciting problems of human life. Many pages have been devoted to this wonderful feeling in the novel War and Peace. Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhoye, Anatole are walking in front of us ... They all love, but they love in different ways, and the author helps the reader to see, correctly understand and evaluate a person's feelings.

True love does not come to Prince Andrey immediately. From the very beginning of the novel, we see how far he is from secular society, and his wife Lisa is a typical representative of the world. Although Prince Andrey loves his wife in his own way (such a person could not marry without love), spiritually they are separated and cannot be happy together. His love for Natasha is a completely different feeling. He found in her a person close, understandable, sincere, natural, loving and understanding what Prince Andrew knows and appreciates. His feeling is very pure, gentle, caring. He believes Natasha to the end and does not hide his love to anyone. Love makes him younger and stronger, ennobles him, helps him. ("Such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes arose in his soul ...") Prince Andrey decides to marry Natasha, because he loves her with all his heart.

Quite different. love for Natasha at Anatol Kuragin. Anatole is handsome, rich, used to worship. Everything in life is easy for him. Moreover, he is stupid and superficial. He never even thought about his love. Everything is simple with him, just a thirst for pleasure. And Natasha, with shaking hands, holds a "passionate" love letter, composed for Anatol Dolokhov. “To love and die. I have no other choice, ”reads this letter. It's corny. Ana-tol does not at all think about the future fate of Natasha, about her happiness. Personal pleasure is above all for him. This feeling cannot be called high. And is it love?

Friendship ... Leo Tolstoy's novel helps the reader understand what true friendship is. Extreme frankness and honesty between two people, when neither one can even have thoughts of betrayal or apostasy - just such a relationship develops between Prince Andrew and Pierre. They deeply respect and understand each other, in the most difficult moments of doubt and failure they come for advice. It is no coincidence that Prince Andrei, leaving abroad, tells Natasha to turn for help only to Pierre. Pierre has been in love with Natasha for a long time, but he does not even have the idea of ​​taking advantage of Prince Andrey's departure to look after her. Against. Although Pierre is very difficult and difficult, he helps Natasha in the story with Anatol Kuragin, he considers it an honor and duty to protect and preserve his friend's bride.

Completely different relations are established between Anatol and Dolokhov, although they are also considered friends in the world. “Anatol sincerely loved Dolokhov for his intelligence and daring; , who needed strength, nobility, Anatol's connections to lure rich young people into his gambling society, not letting him feel this, used and amused Kuragin. " What kind of pure and honest love and friendship can we talk about here? Dolokhov indulges Anatol in his affair with Natasha, writes a love letter for him and watches with interest what is happening. True, he tried to warn Anatole when he was going to take Natasha away, but only for fear that this would affect his interests.

Love and friendship, honor and nobility. L.N. Tolstoy gives a solution to these problems not only through the main, but also through the secondary images of the novel, although in the answer to the question posed about morality, L.N. Tolstoy has no secondary heroes: the philistine ideology of Berg, the "unwritten subordination" of Boris Drubetsky, “Love for the estates of Julie Karagina” and so on - this is the second half of the solution to the problem - through negative examples.

Even to the solution of the problem of whether a person is beautiful or not, the great writer approaches from a very peculiar moral standpoint. An immoral person cannot be really beautiful, he believes, and therefore portrays the beautiful Bezukho-wu as a "beautiful animal." On the contrary, Marya Volkonskaya, who can in no way be called a beauty, is transformed when she looks at those around her with a “radiant” gaze.

LN Tolstoy's solution to all the problems in the novel "War and Peace" from the standpoint of morality makes this work relevant, and Lev Nikolaevich - an actual writer, author of works, highly moral and deeply psychological.

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