Features of manifestation of an individual picture of the world. Features of various paintings of the world

Features of manifestation of an individual picture of the world. Features of various paintings of the world
Features of manifestation of an individual picture of the world. Features of various paintings of the world

In addition to the national language painting of the world, it is customary to allocate individual (author) Language picture of the world -displaying the surrounding reality in worldview linguistic personalitythe glorification of the linguistic person through the prism of the language.

According to the fair remark D.S. Likhacheva, "and the word, and its meanings, and the concepts of these values \u200b\u200bexist in themselves in some independent weightlessness, but in a certain human" idiosphere ". Each person has its own, individual cultural experience, a stock of knowledge and skills, which determines the wealth of the words of the word and the wealth of the concepts of these values, and sometimes, however, their poverty, unambiguity. In essence, every person has its own circle of associations, shades of meaning and in connection with this features in the potential concepts of the concept. The smaller the cultural experience of a person, the poorest not only its language, but also a "conceptosphere" of its vocabulary, both active and passive. It does not matter not only the wide awareness and wealth of emotional experience, but also the ability to quickly extract associations from the reserve of this experience and awareness. Concepts arise in human consciousness not only as "hints for possible meanings", "algebraic their expression", but also as a response to the preceding language human experience in general - poetic, prosaic, scientific, social, historical, etc. "

According to the German philosopher and the historian of the beginning of the XX century. Oswald Spengler, the world is, what he means for creatures living in him. The world correlated with a certain soul is the world available understandand unique for each individual. And therefore there are the same worlds how much awake creatures, and in the existence of each of them, this Mnimo, the only, autonomous and eternal world is constantly new, one-time, never repeated experience. "

An interesting substantiation of the existence of an individual painting of the world gives the English philosopher Bertrand Russell in his famous treatise "Human knowledge: his sphere and borders": "The team knows more and less than an individual: he knows how the team, all the content of the encyclopedia and all deposits in the works of scientific institutions, but he does not know those lying close to the heart and intimate things that make up the flavor and the most fabric of individual life. When a person says: "I can never pass the horror that I experienced, seeing Buchenwald" or: "No words can not express my joy when I saw the sea again after a long-year imprisonment," he says something that is what is True in the most strict and accurate sense of the word: he has through his experience in cognition who do not have those whose experience was different, and which is not a complete expression in words. If he is a first-class artist of the word, he can create a consciousness of consciousness from a susceptible reader, not different from his own, but if he tries to take advantage of scientific methods, the flow of his experience will be hopelessly lost in the dusty desert. "

The most striking manifestation of the individual painting of the world is the writer creativity: "Each literary work embodies the individual and author's way of perception and organization of the world, i.e. Private version of the conceptualization of the world. Expressed in the literary and artistic form of the author's knowledge about the world is a system of representations sent to the addressee. In this system, along with universal universal knowledge, there are unique, original, sometimes, paradoxical representations of the author. Thus, the conceptualization of the world in the artistic text, on the one hand, reflects the universal laws of the world order, on the other hand, individual, sometimes unique, imaginary ideas "[Babenko 2001: 35].
So, it is a person who is a carrier of the national mentality and language. Man appears in two horses - a man and a woman . This aspect from the point of view of philosophy and linguistics especially intensively began to develop in the science of the end of the XX century. And got the names - tender philosophy and tender linguistics, or just Gender (from Greek. Genus "genus, born, born").

The unique picture of the world of the individual and its display on the text: on the example of the texts of the people who committed

Marina Novikova Grund Social Psychology Absent

This book can be useful for those who work professionally with the word, whether psychologists, philologists, writers, historians. But first of all, it adds to psychotherapists, for whom the analysis of the client's statements is the most important source of information about him, and what they say for themselves is the only working tool.

Strict, deprived of arbitrary interpretations and "reading" of foreign meanings Text Analysis allows you to recreate the individual picture of the author's world of this text - that is, to see the world through the eyes of another.

The book consists of four sections dedicated to different aspects of productive pastime with the baby. The first section of the book introduces the reader with the moral aspects of education, he is full of valuable councils for the development of the personality and the formation of the nature of the child.

In the second, the practical methodology for the development of speech is proposed, such exercises are described in detail as a story in the picture, the theater of shadows, the technique of studying poems. The following two sections are devoted to the health of the child and entertainment, readers will learn about the vitamin diet, vaccinations and challenges of the baby, as well as about an interesting leisure organization and the attachment of the child to their native traditions and culture.

The book will be useful and interesting for young parents, psychologists, teachers and everyone who is interested in raising children.

It can be used for individual and group classes.

Interior Design

Natalia Mitina Job search, career Absent

You decided to professionally engage in interior design as an individual entrepreneur or discover my studio. What do you need to know first of all? If you judge the work of the interior designer on television shows dedicated to the repair of apartments, it seems that the designer simply chooses the color of the walls and sofa pillows or artistically disrespects the paintings.

In fact, his task is to make a reality of the client's dream of a beautiful, harmonious and convenient interior, and for this you need quite prose work: measurements, drawings, technical solutions, coordination, compilation of the estimate, search for the right building materials and furniture items, work with Builders.

In addition, when the designer has a serious business, he has to think about taxes, advertising, searching for new customers and many other things. Natalia Mitina, Architect and Interior Designer, Founder and Head of the Studio Koncepcija, dispels myths around the interior design and tells about all the nuances of the professional work - starting from the choice of educational institution before creating their own design studio.

I was a son-in-law khrushchev

Alexey Ajubay Biographies and memoirs The legacy of the Kremlin leaders

- ... I did not write a political biography of Khrushchev - this is a lesson for historians. It is good that such a biography in the life of Nikita Sergeevich in our country did not appear - it would hardly be true. I do not enter into a dispute with anyone, for everyone has the right to his own point of view.

Measure decency and responsibility is also purely individual. When I thought about how to build a story about now already distant years, it seemed important to me not so much to follow the chronological steps or try to draw the exact scheme of events, in all their volume and diversity, - yes, I am not at least such work - how much is the picture From the strokes and actual sketches about people, events, about joyful and sore, not only Khrushchev ... Alexey Ajubey, Her husband is Rada Nikitichna Khrushcheva, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and "Izvestia".

Memoirs about their test and his hard time Ajubey decided to publish only at the height of restructuring.

Speech portrait strokes Kama: Tutorial on Special Course

T. I. Erofeev Linguistics Absent

The Tutorial on Special Course presents the results of the study of the speech of citizens in an aid, determined by social dialectology issues. The norms of oral city literary speech, lexicon city sociocts, the methodology of their research, individual speech products are demonstrated - thereby the strokes of the language painting of the world of citizens are created.

Designed for students of the Philological Faculty, teachers of schools and those who are interested in the problems of the integrated study of man, - writers, sociologists, psychologists, etc.

How to get rid of stress

Anatoly Yakovlevich Antsupov General psychology No data

In the work in a popular form, the role of stress in the life of a modern person, its essence and dependence on the evolutionary structure of the psyche is revealed. The objective factors of stress occurrence are characterized, its relationship with individual and social vices.

Practical recommendations to eliminate the socio-psychological and personal causes of stress are given. The influence on the stress of the borders of the picture of the world existing in humans is justified: spatial, temporary, meaningful and probabilistic. Reveals a close connection of stress and conflict.

The dependence of stress from the quality of management is shown primarily strategic. Provides tests to estimate the different characteristics of stress in a particular person.


Z. I. Aigumov Other educational literature Absent

The monograph is expressed by a developed copyright position that considers the features of bi-personnel family relations through various aspects: psychological problems of family relationships, marriage satisfaction, models of cultural adaptation, the role of interpsychiatric and intrapsychic factors in the motivation of the spouse's choice, features of adaptation of spouses to an inhanitical environment, psychological features of role-playing expectations in biotheroom Family relations and the degree of their consistency.

Also discussed personal features of spouses and their children from bi-earthen marriages - the personal features of spouses from bi-personnel families, psychosocyuctural factors determining the identity of the personality from bi-ethnic families, the ethnic identity of the spouses.

Extremely important is the moment that spouses from bieticaries to one degree or another face difficulties in cooperation. This clash of often contradictory paintings of the world, various systems of values, previously not in contact with or little, led to the need for their conjugation at the level of individual consciousness, psychological adaptation to a different system of meanings and values.

For students specializing in psychology, family psychology, ethnopsychology.

Eric and Revenge Valtu

Alexey Sosnina Combat Fantasy Absent

Opening this book, as if the magic casket, we can not even imagine that from the very first lines of this unusual work, in addition to our will, we will be involved in the fabulous and romantic in the form, but a very real and life in the content of the human cycle.

The unusualness of the new story of Alexei Sosnina "Eric and Revenge Valtu" is that the classic scheme "form corresponds to the content" here retreats before the power of our imagination. That inexplicable force, which unrestrained us in the magical world of fantasy.

The action of the Tale is developing without any obscenities. From the very first pages of the book, fabulous, but really outlined visions are revealed, and in spite of our rationalism we are transferred to the romantic playing field. Immediately imagine medieval knights, we feel surrounded by magicians and wizards.

In order not to tire the reader, the author uses a minimum set of artistic agents. All plot lines are decorated with only conceptual sketches. Otherwise, he trusts the reader entirely. Any stage concept is defined by an individual life reality, so the reader will have its own game, its picture of the world, which meets its ideas and sensations.

The author gives the opportunity to supplement the picture with his images, actions and thoughts. Thereby inviting us to the co-authors of an extraordinary story. And, as if passionate gamers, we will draw this game to the very victorious end, to the most recent line.

Together with the heroes of the story, we will pass all the stages of acquiring maturity and wisdom. We indignant in the fights with thefts, in battles with evil wizards. We will undaluate the happiness of love and lower the passion of hatred. We will be trusting, believing in the truth and cheating in the insidious lies.

As the meaning of the life of the Son Duty will take up for us for one level with the Great Mission of Salvation of Humanity. Behind will remain a thorny life path, consecrated by the spirit of the struggle of good and evil. And on this path we will always follow the very earthly father's covenant in all matters to follow your heart, because it is it that helps to make the right decision in a difficult moment.

By missed through yourself the whole cycle of character in the social nature, as well as the heroes of the book, we will inevitably come up for the feature behind which it is worth summing up. Let them intermediate, but just as necessary that in the new level to follow in their life path further.

And the main thing is that with pride to enter these results in your biography, as it happens in the open job: "Despite the sadness of the gone, the two kingdoms celebrated the victory, which will be inscribed in the history of elves and people."

Labor disputes. Training and practical manual for undergraduate and graduate

Nikolai Georgievich Gladkov Tutorial Bachelor and Master. Academic course

The manual comprehensively covers the procedure for the consideration and permission of individual labor disputes in the courts, taking into account the simultaneous applications by the courts that resolve individual labor disputes, labor and civil procedural norms. The problems arising from the resolution of collective labor disputes, and the ways of their permission, the procedure for resolving individual labor disputes by jurisdictional authorities.

This publication discloses a picture of judicial practice to resolve labor disputes in accordance with the Developed Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, guidelines for the courts. The structure of the benefit includes issues that will help students carry out knowledge control.

The image of the world in the mirror of the language

Digest of articles Culturology Conceptual and lingual worlds

Collection of scientific articles (the first issue of the new series "Conceptual and Lingual Worlds") is devoted to the consideration of such issues relevant to modern linguistics, as mentality and mentality of the people, conceptual, language and individually-copyright paintings of the world, the history of the people and the language consciousness, mental The space of artistic text, etc.

The collection is intended for linguists, literary critics, cultural scientists, psychologists and a wide range of readers interested in problems of language, psychology, culture.

General and inorganic chemistry. 2 h. Part 1. Theoretical foundations 2nd ed., Per. and add. Tutorial and P.

Nina Georgievna Nikitin Tutorial Professional education

The textbook will help students form an adequate modern level of knowledge by the scientific picture of the world on the basis of knowledge of the laws of chemistry, composition and structure of the substance, chemical and physicochemical properties of elements and compounds. In the first part, the foundations of chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, properties of solutions, the theory of the structure of the atom and chemical bond, the redox reactions and electrochemical processes, the properties of complex compounds are considered.

The second part of the textbook is devoted to the chemistry of S-, R-, D-elements. Each chapter contains the characteristics of the subgroup, the physical and chemical properties of the simple substances and their compounds, information about their preparation, use, toxicity and environmental hazards. The textbook contains samples of solving problems, control questions and tests.

Applications contain all the necessary auxiliary information. For better assimilation of the material in the textbook included extensive laboratory workshops. Laboratory works contain individual tasks with elements of scientific research, quantitative calculations and evaluation of the error of definitions.

Hide behind flowers (collection)

Lyudmila Temnova-Zimin Essay Absent

In the book of the filmmature and director of the documentary author's cinema, Lyudmila Darkova-Zimina included filmcenery, poems, essays, reflections on movies and life. The world has many films, different in the genre and quality. Each of them is an individual view of the scriptwriter and director.

Ultimately, the story told starts to live on the screen independently in the form that the creators of the paintings gave her, and they themselves remain behind the scenes, as if the wizards elves hiding behind the flowers.

Art. Modern. Notebook eleventh

Vita Khan-Magomedova No data

In China's art, there was a connection with the ancient traditions, the artists learned well the lessons of old masters. The painter in the 1800th wrote pictures as they did in the 1300th. Today, referring to the tradition, artists are ingeniously introduced elements of the language of the creators of the West, the originally transform them, use new technologies, creating bright, individual works; Find symbols to tie the past and the present as Mao, the Hush Century Government House (the background for the works of Wan Guangja, Aya Weavei).

Caution - people. From the works of 1957-2017

Ilya Krupnik Modern Russian literature Absent

Prose Ilya Krupodnik was almost not printed in the second half of the 20th century: the writer fell into the so-called "black list". "Almost realistic" chief compositions internally affected by fellini neorealism and parallel spaces of Picks Stegal, where visiting (surveillance) reality exposes timeless, eternal themes of life: the confrontation of kindness and cruelty, the collapse of the usual order, the mystery of creativity, the collapse of the individual world, the great power of sincere feelings - That is, what worries readers of the new XXI century.

With all the abundance of dedicated to P. M. Tretyakov literature It seems that an unknown artist sketched his light strokes, he took up his paints - but did not finish the paintings, did not bloom her bright colors of individuality, did not breathe in her God's spark of the soul ... Of course, Speaking of Tretyakov, it is impossible to go around the attention of life for him - the creation of a collection of paintings in Lavrushinsky Lane.

In this book, the Tretyakov Gallery will be given a lot of space. However, the author's main task is the author of this book in the fact that with a support for documentary evidence to show the reader a multifaceted person, which Paul Mikhailovich Tretyakov was.

Grid. Decision Tools

Matt Watkinson Foreign business literature Absent

The innovative book of Matt Watkinson, the premium laureate for the best book on 2014 management, represents a slim and simple system of adopting unmistakable decisions in business. The author is considering an enterprise or company as a holistic organism in which all elements are closely interrelated, so that any changes in one of them will inevitably entail serious consequences for the entire system.

He managed to develop a simple to use, but a very effective analytical model - a grid that allows us to correctly assess the picture as a whole, look at the situation in the dynamics, to predict the results of the changes, to organize both team and individual work.

"The grid, which I will tell, is a tool for making more thoughtful and reasonable solutions. With it, you can identify problems and find promising areas in the already existing business, as well as run through new ideas. I wrote her so that the life of every reader became easier and better.

From this will benefit everything. " (Matt Watkinson).

Valentin Serov. Favorite son, Father and friend: Memories of contemporaries about the life and creativity of an outstanding

Collection Biographies and memoirs Portrait of an era

At the mention of Valentina Serov, the picture "Girl with Peaches" immediately appears before his eyes, familiar to everyone since childhood. In the early paintings of the artist, the style of impressionists is guessed, which over time will turn into a special individual letterpress.

This great worker, a man of unique dating, rich spiritual life, a rare inner beauty, from nature very silent and persistent once and for those who are elected principles, was a wonderful landscape and schedule, but he glorified him by the work of a portrait genre.

In the skill on the canvas, show a person alive and accurately transmitting his inner essence of equal sulfur. We love and read it today, which brightly showed the exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the artist, - on it was about half a million visitors. This book has absorbed memories of Valentina Serov's contemporaries: mother, daughters, colleagues and writers.

Novikova-Grund M.V.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Ass.Caf. Projecting psychology Institute of Psychology. L.S.Vigotsky RGGU

Displays the individual picture of the human world on his texts. Individual painting map of the world


The individual picture of the human world can be extracted from its texts, is formalized and presented in the form of "cards" as a unique combination of text parameters. This allows us to strictly and uniformly compare the paintings of the world of various people, groups of people united by the overall strategy of coping with existential alarms, as well as register changes in the individual picture of the human world that occurred as a result of injury, psychotherapeutic impact and other fundamental changes.

Keywords:painting of the world, formalization, existential alarms, injury.

Novikova-Grund MW



The Personal Picture of the World Could Be Extracted and Repretesented As A Kind of a "Map" - As A Unique Combination of Text Characteristics - As Its Parameters. This affords to compare in a strict and uniformed manner world pictures of different persons and of different groups characterized by common strategies of coping with existential anxieties and to note changes which have taken place in the personal picture of the world in the consequence of trauma, psychotherapy And other fundamental changes.

Keywords: Picture of the World, Formalization, Existential Anxieties, Trauma.

The proposed work is based on empirical observations over 3000 text techniques (TM) texts, representing a pair of short spontaneous stories that are written within 15 minutes. On a specially selected topic, one - from his own face, and the second - on behalf of another person. Confirmed by clinical conversation, anamnestic data, as well as a number of experiments, they indicate that a person returns to an unresolved problem in his stories until it decides and will not survive.

The consequence of this is a refinement: existential alarms and fears are objects of permanent return and repeated in human speech repeatedly, since they cannot be finally allowed and experienced.

Within the framework of this concept, based on observation of regularly repeated elements, TM texts was created, correlated with existential alarms. It includes text elements of three levels - deep-syntactic, semantic and plot. At each of the levels in the process of generating text, there are simultaneously many free elections from a number of theoretically permissible options, and only the choice of plot (but not its structure) is relatively conscious, so that the systemicity of the election options is not the result of the targeted intentions of the author of the text.

The standard list consists of 16 positions presented in the form of binary variables, and 12 of them include the mandatory option "Formal marker". The parameters included in the list possess an important property - they are interconnected, so that may be present in the text in any set. The individual picture of the human world can be extracted from its texts, is formalized and presented in the form of "cards" as a unique combination of text parameters. This allows us to strictly and uniformly compare the paintings of the world of various people, groups of people united by the overall strategy of coping with existential alarms, as well as register changes in the individual picture of the human world that occurred as a result of injury, psychotherapeutic impact and other fundamental changes. Below is given Standard List of Text Parameters used to create a card.

Standard List of Text Parameters

1. Agens structures (AG.). The correction parameter with the act of freedom semantics of the parameter: someone makes an action in its will. Formal indicators: The presence of an animated noun or replacing his personal pronouns in the nomination (except for the verb "to" and "must"). Examples: he goes, writes, thinks.

2. Neangenic structures (Nag). The correction parameter with the act of non-free and lack of force. Semantics of the parameter: Someone makes an action not according to his will, or: Someone or something is performed with him. Formal indicators: the absence of an animated noun or replacement of his personal pronoun in the nomination at the verb, or their presence at the verb "be" and "should". Examples: he occurred to him, the discovery was committed, computers will capture the world.

3. External predicates (EX). Correction parameter with external space and movement. Semantics: Event happens in the external space, i.e. It can be seen and / or hear. Formal indicators, because we are talking about the semantic opposition, no; But diagnosing indicators are: descriptions of acts of physical movement from one place to another, descriptions of mimic and pantomimic movements, acts of speaking and other sound (i.e., movement of voice ligaments and sound waves); acts of changes in physical properties and characteristics; acts of categorization in physical signs. Examples: he ran, blushed, was thick, is an alcoholic.

4. Internal predicates (IN). The correction parameter with the internal space and inaccessibility to observe. Semantics: an event occurs in the inner space, spiritual or bodily. It is unbelievable from the outside. Formal indicators, because we are talking about the semantic opposition, no; But the diagnostic indicators serve: the presence of inaccessible vision and hearing of the internal space, as well as - and due to this - the presence of events that are not comprehended as a physical movement. Examples: he remembers, wants, afraid, he has changed the course of thought (In the latter case, there is a metaphor of motion, but not it itself).

5. Last time (P). The parameter relates to the statement of the speaker that the event began and ended - happened. Semantics: The event ceased to be observed directly, and no one and nothing has forces to change it. Accordingly, the event that speaks independently of the nature and evaluation, represents itself in relation to it in the framework of oppositions "to be strong / weak" and "be active / passive" as "weak" and "passive" (at the time of speaking). Formal indicators: grammatical formants of the past time.

6. Present (PR). The parameter relates to the statement of the speaker that the event lasts now. Semantics: In the last event now, the events saying is present and directly experiencing it or observes it from the side, but also directly, and, accordingly, it has the power to influence its further running and completion, but it is not known how this event is unknown. Accordingly, the spelling waven represent himself in any way within the oppositions "to be strong / weak" and "be active / passive" (at the time of speaking). Formal indicators: grammatical formants of the present time.

7 FUTURE TIME (F). The parameter correlates with the statement of the speaker that the events are not yet, but some or something may affect that it begins or does not begin, as well as it is completed. Semantics: Talking evaluates whether he has, or anyone else, or something else, to influence the course and completion of the event. Accordingly, the spelling waven represent himself in any way within the oppositions "to be strong / weak" and "be active / passive" (at the time of speaking). Formal indicators: grammatical formants of the future time.

8. Absolute time (A). The parameter correlates with the statement of the speaker that the event is not defined as potentially variable or potentially inaccessible to influences. Semantics: Talking silent his degree of inclusion in the event is eliminated from determining itself as a strong / weak or active / passive towards an event. Formal markers: all predicates that are not verbs, but by other parts of speech, as well as all predicates (including verbs) used to describe an act of categorization. Examples: love, death, description, categorization.

9. The number of figures (NF). The parameter is correlated with a more or less "egocentric universe" of the author of the text. Semantics: the presence of only one figure in the text (nf \u003d 1) means the limit degree of egocentrism and loneliness, usually unconscious, the author of the text, which, creating its plot, is concentrated solely on itself and does not need to be needed to enter other people's figures; The presence of several unnecessary figures (NF\u003e 1) means that the "world of other people" the author of the text is not empty. Examples: I managed to lose weight by 20 kg. It cost great efforts. Harmful products were excluded from the diet, I had to do in the pool and on the simulators. Now I am happy (Nf \u003d 1). I dropped overweight. That was hard. Mom reacted to my weight loss and irritation. But my husband supported me, even preparing me salad. Now he and the children are proud of me(NF\u003e 1).

10-14. Self-defining levels (ZON A-E). The parameter is correlated with the degrees of identifying the speaker with those, which he says. Semantics: Depending on the placement of the figure on one or another level of identity to the speaking itself, as well as on which levels remain empty, the speaker reports on the permeability of the inner world of other people and the comparability of their inner world with his own, and Also about relevance / irrelevant for it to carry out acts of penetration and comparison. Formal markers.

Zon. BUT: In the description of the figure there are internal predicates, withdrawing the chronotop borders "here and / or now." Examples: he remembered how he had been in this place last summer;

Zon. IN: In the description of the figure there are internal predicates, which indicate the presence of another chronotope than "here and now", but do not introduce his description. Examples: he remembered something; I'm dreaming.

Zon. FROM:in the description of the figure (and more often - the generalized set of figures) there are internal predicates that do not indicate the presence of another chronotope than "here and now", and directed only and exclusively per character. Examples: he admires me; they all condemn me.

Zon. D.: in the description of the figure (or generalized set of figures) there are only external predicates in the absence of external parts. Examples: he stood at the wall.

Zon. E.: In the description of the figure there are only external predicates, as well as more than 2 external parts. Examples: he stood motionless by the wall, his hair was dispersed, and the shoulders were tense.

15-16. Scene (SJ). The parameter relates to the author's identity message, as well as its life and text strategies. Semantics: All the plots of TM texts were reduced to two plot macros: "external" and "internal", as well as their combinations. "External" macrosshem (SJ1) organized events occurring in the space of objects available to third-party observation; The "internal" macrossham (SJ2) organized events occurring in the mental or bodily space of a projective figure from ZONA, inaccessible to third-party observation. Formal markers (SJ1): the action description ends with the result that is estimated as a positive, negative or ambivalent. Formal markers (SJ2): Description of perceptions and emotions not aimed at achieving the result. Examples (SJ1): We walked with dad, I ate ice cream. It melted and fell. I cried. Dad bought me a new ice cream. Examples (SJ2): Ice cream was tasty and beautiful. Chocolate shades were dark in depth and cast the milk gloss where they were tattered. In the mouth was cold and sweet. Rough waffle horn groin groin vanilla. (For examples, two fragments of one text are used).

It is easy to see that any short connected text can be represented as a cortem (ordered set) of the 16 parameters given, and on each of the 16 seats it may be 1 if the parameter is present in the text, and 0, if it is missing (for NF parameter, which In a more detailed version, it is not presented as binary, but as n-arous, the presence of a single figure in the text was encoded as 0, but the presence of more than one figure - as 1). This 16-seater tuple from zeros and units was called a "card of an individual picture of the human world", since each of the parameters, as shown above, is correlated with existential problems, and their specific combination is an image of an individual strategy of consolation with them.

Table 1 - Map of an individual picture of the world of man.

N parameters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Names of parameters AG nag. EX. IN. P. Pr. F. AB zA. zB. zc. zD. ze. Nf. SJ1 SJ2.
1 (Availability)\\ 0 (absence) 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0

The number of theoretically possible combinations is 2 ^ 16, respectively, the probability of a random coincidence of n cards is 1: [(2 ^ 16) ^ n-1]. Thus, the method opens up the possibility to compare the small (in the limit of all two) texts.

As an illustration, we give a fragment of the experimental study of TM texts obtained from 7 patients of the crisis center hospitalized after repeated suicide attempts. As a control group, 100 texts of TM received from students and teachers of the RSU, who have never committed suicidal attempts were used.

Table 2 - Cards of individual paintings of the world of suicidents coincided in all 16 parameters as follows:

N parameters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Names of parameters AG nag. EX. IN. P. Pr. F. AB zA. zB. zc. zD. ze. Nf. SJ1 SJ2.
1 (Availability)\\ 0 (absence) 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

The probability of accidental coincidence is 1: [(2 ^ 16) ^ 7-1], that is, insignificant.

In the control group of coincidences, 16 parameters was not detected.

This can be interpreted as a general strategy of consolation with existential alarms in a group of people, fearlessly resorting in fruistrating circumstances to demonstrative suicidal attempts. The combination of parameters in the maps of their paintings of the world indicates that the studied suicidetes perceive themselves with powerless and dependent on invincible circumstances (Ag \u003d 0), which is why the act of suicidal attempt for them is subjectively safe and insignificant - after all, any of their action is insignificant and has no strength; The events of their inner world of intolerances and therefore are impaired and silent (in \u003d 0); The past is also impauced and "crossed out" with the experience of errors and victories (p \u003d 0), and the real life and the achievement of goals will be held in the ultra-subject future (F \u003d 1), which will happen by the will of the circumstances and out of connection with the experience of past and the efforts of the authors of texts . The presence of only one figure located in Zone A, and the generalized figures in the zone C (za \u003d 1; zc \u003d 1; nf \u003d 0) can be regarded as a representative of total "egocentric loneliness" in the texts of suicidents, protagonists written by suicidents are surrounded by the world. Where, instead of concrete people with names, persons, thoughts and feelings, there are only pale projections of the author himself, uniformly hated in the "space of this" or they admired in the "space of the future".

Standard List of Text Parameters , on the one hand, is psychologically meaningful (correlated with the elements of the existential picture of the world), and on the other, how it is easy to see, allows, thanks to the "Formal Markers" option, to unambiguously allocate 16 points in any text TM, for which it can be compared with anyone Another text TM. In other words, any text of TM, as well as any other spontaneous coherent text, to whose writing no more than 15-20 minutes was spent., It can be represented as a set of parameters from list.


1. May R.Existerial foundations of psychotherapy. In KN.: Existential Psychology, M., 2001

2. Novikov-GRANT MVText techniques in the group. In Sat.: Proceedings of the Institute of Psychology. L.S.S.Vugotsky, Issue.1; M., 2001.

3. Novikova-Grund M.V.The Complete understanding of \\ misunderstandings: from positivism to hermeneutics. In Sat.: Proceedings of the Institute of Psychology. L.S.Vugotsky, state 2; M.2002)

4. Pienez D. unconscious use of his body woman, B.S.K., Eastern European Institute of Psychoanalysis, St. Petersburg, 1997

5. Piaget Zh. Speech and thinking of a child., M., Pedagogy-press 1994

6. Yal I. Existential psychotherapy. M., Class, 1999

Considering the concept of "worldview" in a scientific and psychological context, we can consider the concepts that are related, childbirth, to more accurately and definitely understand the meaning of the first. So yes. Leontyev believes that the concept of "image of the world", the "picture of the world" are close to the meaning of the worldview.

The concept of "image of the world" is more traditional for science and is actively used by various psychologists, linguists, philosophers. Specifically, in psychological science, the introduction of the term "image of the world" was associated with the dissemination of the general psychological theory of activity A.N. Leontiev, in the context of which the process of building the image was considered, the main one was determined by non-individual perceived characteristics of objects, but with the features of building the image of the world as a whole.

A.N. Leontyev considers the "image of the world" as "a methodological plant that prescribes the study of the cognitive processes of the individual in the context of its subjective picture of the world, as it consists of this individual throughout the development of cognitive activity." His situation that "the formation of the image of the world in humans has its transition beyond the" direct sensual picture "" that the image of the world is not a finite, decorated pattern, and dynamic education, depending directly from the perceiving object, served to the further study of the phenomenon worldview.

So, considering the problem of perception of the image within the framework of cognitive processes, S.D. Smirnov, V.V. Petukhov, other importance attached by us the term in their works.

S.D. Smirnov in their work makes distinction between the "world of images" treating both individual sensual impressions, and the "way of the world", which is distinguished by integrity and completeness, which is amodal, having a multi-level structure of knowledge, acquiring an emotional personal meaning. Petukhov, considering the concept of "the image of the world" in its article proposes to use ways and techniques for solving mental problems as a structural unit in studying the ideas about the world, and also indicates the need to further study the perception of images.

Also, an understanding of the external and inner world is considered by Vasilyuk in the book "Psychology of Experience". The author identifies the typology of life worlds, based on the characteristics of the simplicity or complexity of the internal and external worlds, considering them not as a gradation, but as some kind of integrity. "Life Worlds" are considered not as separately taken, opposed sections of the actual world, but as the components of the unified psychological inner world of the individual.

Also, a different understanding of the terms "image of the world", "picture of the world" can be found in the works of V.V. Zinchenko, Yu.A. Aksenova, N.N. Queen, E.E. Sappogova, E.V. Smilina, A.P. Stephenko.

However, for our study, the most interesting interpretation of DA is the most interesting. Leontiev. In the article "Worldview as a myth and worldview as an activity", he gives the following definition of the term "world picture": "This is an individual system of ideas about how the world is arranged in various details."

Stressing the subjective connectivity of the picture of the world, the author speaks of the ability of the psyche to hold his own ideas and beliefs to a certain completed, complete sample, as if by removing all unknown components, erasing their importance for itself. Thus, the picture of the world can be filled with both objective knowledge, the facts of the surrounding world, and their own fantasies, speculation, but in any case the individual has the need to feel the exact and solid system of "life orientation".

And the worldview, in turn, being the central component of the picture of the world (see Fig. 3), carries some kind of generalization - generalized judgments and beliefs about any objects that can be understood as a structural unit, and as a detection criterion. So, for example, judgment about a certain unit object "Alina - stupid" is not yet an ideological unit, but only reflects the attitude towards this object or dismisses the fact of the world, and the conviction in the position that "all women are stupas" A generalized generalized conclusion is already an ideological unit.

Fig. 3.

Thus, under the worldview of Leontiev D.A. It understands the "component, more precisely, the core of an individual image of the world, containing both ideas about the most common properties, links and patterns inherent in subjects and phenomena of reality, their relationship, as well as human activity and the relationship between people and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics of the perfect, perfect world. , societies and man. "

Formation of an individual painting of the world
Child through research activities
L. Yu. Pasderin,
tyumen, Gaow then "Gymnasium of Russian Culture"
"The world must be comprehended and thought, and heart"
In order to learn how to live and successfully act in
the modern world, a person, it is necessary to realize the
universe, as something whole, in relation to which he will
self-determination, self-affirmation, look for its place in it,
put your way.
In modern society, not only acquires greater value.
political, social, scientific, but also aesthetic, moral and
religious aspects of worldview.
In the most general form, the worldview is defined as a system
views, concepts and ideas about the world around. Worldview
in the broad sense of the word includes all the views of a person on
the world surrounding: philosophical, community-polytic, naturally
Scientific, ethical, aesthetic, etc.
Considering the system of formation of views and relationships to
the world around the world, we are sure, it should not be formed
Each new generation is inherited certain
model of the Universe,
which serves as a support for building
individual picture of the world of each individual and
at the same time, it combines these people as a cultural community.
Such a model of the world is a child, on the one hand, gets from
adults, actively absorbs from the subject-focused and natural
media, on the other hand, is actively building himself at a certain point,
combining in this work with other children.
You can distinguish three factors that make up the formation of the model
the world of the child:
the first is the influence of "adult" culture, active conductors
which are primarily parents and then educators and
the second is the personal efforts of the child himself, manifested in different
the types of its intellectual growing activities;
the third is the influence of a children's subculture, the tradition of which is transmitted
from generation to generation of children and extremely significant at the age of

five and twelve years to understand how to master
the world.
The model of the world of any person, even the smallest, is available
for perception only with the condition that it is solid
embodied, materialized, "COMPLETED". Consequently, the teacher with
a certain degree of reliability should simulate this or that
internal and mental content transmitting features of paintings
If we want to attach a child to a specific system
ideological principles and a certain model of the world order,
we must embody it in the form of an object or model,
verbal, fine text (stories, songs, paintings) or
behavioral text (theatrical action),
maximum easily and can be fully learned by the child.
We believe that the solution of these tasks should be carried out by
creating a special educational environment in which the child would find
incentives for self-study, self-knowledge and development. Hence the mains
requirements acting as landmarks:
 Repeat on your own child's experience;
 Training in action;
 encourage observation and experimentation;
 alternate
We consider the research method as one of
the main ways of knowledge, most fully appropriate
child and modern learning tasks. The basis of the method of working with
pupils are their own research search, and not
the assimilation of the children of ready-made knowledge, presented teachers.

Research - this activity related to
solving students creative, research task with in advance
unknown decision.
Essence of research
due to its functions:
 Determination of the scope of knowledge and provision of "launch"
creative search mechanisms;
 Formation of cognitive interest and creative abilities
 promoting the mastery of scientific knowledge.
The objectives of the work in this direction are defined as follows:
 Development of cognitive need for students and their needs
creative activity;
 "Armament" of schoolchildren in the methods and receptions of the research

 Increasing the level of independence of schoolchildren during the search and
learning new knowledge;
 Activation of creative abilities.
Participants of this work are students of 14x classes
gymnasiums, teachers, psychologists, heads of circles and sections,
administration and parents.
Work is conducted as within the framework of individual lessons of the basic study
the plan and within the block of additional education. For
conducting learning-reading work
next tasks:
 familiarity with the method of finding facts (evidence) for
confirmation of the hypothesis extended;
 Development of skills for analyzing literary and scientific material and
own observations, ability to adequately choose methods
research, ability to draw conclusions;
 Training methods for presenting their own position, point of view
oral and written speech;
 Ensuring the possibility of the practical application of the received
knowledge, skills, skills, research and creative experience
Lead research of junior schoolchildren several
more complicated than research work of senior schoolchildren, students
or graduate students.
On the independence of the younger schoolboy during
we can count far research far from always. It,
of course, a researcher from nature, but learning research is different
from the spontaneously manifest search activity of the child. therefore
toddler at first it is necessary to learn everything: how to identify problems like
develop hypotheses, how to observe how to conduct an experiment, etc.
We propose to consider the following
Work methods,
promoting the formation of research activities.
Collective games
Block method
Using "Minikours" - one of the view of the model
enrichment of education. The idea of \u200b\u200bminikours is active
"Mini courses"

used in schools for gifted children around the world. The essence of mini
course is simple: a guest specialist for one two classes
(for 2025 minutes) reads children a short course on a specially designed
The course content is usually a circle of it.
professional interests and responsibilities, the subject of his scientific
research. It expands the horizons of children and creates a base for them.
own surveys. In the future, some children under the guidance
the author of this minibars begins its own research.
The minibars are held in the second half of the school day, in
framework of extracurricular work. Children come to classes at will,
therefore, groups are multisput. As authors of mini
speakers are not invited specialists, but usually parents, sometimes
grandparents and grandmothers, teachers, librarian. In the future, some children
wishes are fulfilling their own research projects under
the leadership of the authors of the Minikors. The topics of the mini curses
diverse ("Secrets of the Russian Language", "Miracles of the Ancient World",
"Hunting and service dog breeding", "A look at the world from space",
"Signs and symbols", "Planet of Wonders and Mysteries", "Space Medicine",
"Chemistry and food", etc.).
As practice has shown, when using this form of work, it goes
gradual evolution of educational activities from employment to
educationSemines and, finally, to independent research
practice. In other words, the monologue of the teacher is gradually inferior
the place first dialogue with students and then their practical,
research work.
Classes, as already noted, are carried out only on voluntary
based. Therefore, attendance of the first classes is usually very
high, and only those who showed elevated
Thus, the method of mini bore assumes that, mastering
him, the child gradually turns from the "listener" in the "Interlocutor", and
then in the "Researcher". As a result, the child at the level accessible to him
turns on to the teaching and creative work, gets
information about the universe, relationships in the world and the possibility
comprehend, evaluate the information received.
In a number of effective ways to enhance research,
the search activity of schoolchildren is traditionally special place
excursion. Advantages excursions as it is impossible to emphasize
somewhat "losing" from frequent use, but not ceased to be
true statement that "it's better to see once than a hundred times

Excursion allows you to study a variety of objects in their real
environment, in action, gives an infinitely large material for
own observations, analysis and reflection.
In the course of their work, we actively use this form.
organizations. During the work, our students visited:
in Kungur caves (Kungur), in the Yalutorovsky Museum Complex
(Yalutorovsk), in Planetarium (Yekaterinburg), visiting Santa Claus
(Great Ustyug), in the Museum "Russian Izba" (with. Assumption, Tyumen
region), in museums and temples of Tyumen and the Tyumen region,
Tobolsk, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, etc.
Excursions served as a starting platform for children
research, gave a powerful impulse to children's thinking, allowed
see many interesting topics for your own research,
production a large number of various hypotheses. Infinitely
a large number of sources for new information created
excellent base for analytical work of thought, development of judgments,
conclusions and conclusions and how interesting work appeared
students for the annual interregional conference "Theory and
practice of productive education. "
Collective games
As already noted, an important and very difficult task in
research learning is the task of forming a high
motivation of research activities. In particular, work is important
in the direction of the intensification of thinking of the student to identify problems.
It is from the level of the problem under study, from its scale mainly
didactic value of children's research depends.
multi-level problems
In the formation of sustainable interests in students,
giving start
research Practice, special role can play special
game techniques built on a variety of gaming plots.
Methods of this kind are intensively used in modern
practical psychology.
We spend the game according to the methodology proposed by A. I. Savenkov,
doctor of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department
psychology of development of the Moscow Pedagogical State
university. The organization of games for this technique contributes
stimulating student research activity, and the plots of these
able to wake interest in research, independent
study of multi-level problems.
The educational process should be socially and personally
oriented. Consequently, the content of education should be
Information block

Project activity
Special attention deserves converter activities.
Here it is important that the personality cannot evolve
only within the consumption that its development implies creation and
transformation that do not know borders. Just what is constructed
himself, his own hands, thought and heart,
represents interest to him, which, of course, is associated with others
people, because in the act of creativity a general result was concluded,

significant to all, and not only for its creator, converter. BUT
it means that project activities are an integral part of the development,
knowledge of the world and manifestations of creative abilities of students. FROM
first class, our students participate in projects. At the initial stage
this is a collective type of activity. From second class design
research activity is micro-group or
individual character going beyond program and training
Execution of projects allows us to carry schoolchildren
creativity, develop creative abilities and skills, give
useful "Life" experience and experience
creative activity
to educate the need and habit to act non-sabria, understood,
original and at a higher level.
Accumulated students experience independent creative
activities are actively used at various stages of execution.
creative tasks of collective, individual and group forms
work. An individual form allows you to activate personal experience.
student develops the ability to independently allocate a specific task
for solutions. Group form develops the ability to coordinate its
point of view with the opinion of comrades, the ability to listen and analyze
offered by participants of the search direction group. Collective
the form expands the possibilities of students to analyze the current
the situation in wider interaction with peers, parents,
teachers, gives the opportunity to find out various
points of view on solving the creative task.
During the year, our disciples are developing and defended two
collective project. Theme is the most diverse, for example: "Peace
magic fairy tales "," old lengths of length "," plants are treated "," from
Nativity of Christ to the baptism of the Lord, "Rare Birds and Animals
of our region, "" symbol of Russia "," class coat of arms "," Birth of Russian
aBC "," A. S. Pushkin and his fairy tales "," How did the bread come from "and others.
Protection of projects is in shape: presentations, reports,
theatrical performances, minims, oral journals, release
albums or collections, etc.
Every year with individual projects of elementary school students.
take part and occupy prizes in urban and
interregional conferences:
 Interregional Conference "Theory and Practice of Productive
education ";
 Environmental Conference of the Tyumen State University
"Ecology of life space", section "First steps in
ecology ";
 City Scientific Program "Progress 2010".

Themes for individual projects students choose as
alone and under the guidance of adults, for example: "Names in
my family, "" Magic numbers "," My pedigree "," Caution: Harmful
food "," Flying Orchids "," Influence of cars for pollution
cities "," Mold: True and fiction "," my tender and gentle friend ",
"The role and importance of consoles" and others.
Based on the methods of work and examples of their
implementation can be said that research activities are not
just one of the forms of learning is the path of formation of a special style.
children's life and training activities. In his foundation
research behavior. It allows you to transform learning
in self-study, really launches the mechanism of self-development and
self-knowledge. The value of this activity is also that
students get the opportunity to look at various problems with
positions of scientists, feel the whole range of science requirements
research even before admission to the university. Real scientific work results
presented in the form of messages, graphs, descriptions, technological
cards, creative works and p. t. The set of all these materials and
makes student scientific work. For this work, you can judge
the level of children's development, about their creative growth, world weights,
life positions, relationships.
Thus, despite the fact that everyone has its own individual
painting of the world, it should not be formed spontaneously. Challenge school
education is seen to us to create conditions - a wide field
individually meaningful for each child built with his
interests, inclinations. And help get the necessary information and
separate the problematic methods of surrounding