Where Victoria Beckham from. Victoria Adams Beckham: biography, personal life and interesting facts

Where Victoria Beckham from. Victoria Adams Beckham: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Where Victoria Beckham from. Victoria Adams Beckham: biography, personal life and interesting facts

Victoria Beckham is familiar with everyone like a talented singer and stylish model. In addition, she is a fashionable designer, a successful businesswoman and the author of two bestsellers. The rapid career by anyone not known Vika Adams began in 1994. By becoming a member of the SPICE GIRLS music group, she starts his star path. Later, her talent designer manifests itself. By creating your own brand DVB, Victoria begins to release denim clothing, engaged in creating decorations and new models of female bags. Beautiful and stylish Englishwoman becomes a modern style legislator.

All photos 17.


In the spring of 1974, Girl Wiki was born in the wealthy English family of Anthony and Jacqueline Adams. Its childhood passed among the beautiful scenery of Hartfordshire county. While studying at high school, young Victoria has become an object of ridicule. Her relations with classmates did not develop.

Only at home the girl could be himself. She experimented with clothing and hairstyles, sang, danced. After watching the Musical Fame, Vika set itself a task to become famous. At the age of seventeen, she entered the dance branch of the Laine Arts Theater. During their studies, its first solo performances in the musical group began.

The beginning of the spring of 1994 brings Victoria Adams good luck. Easily passing the casting and listening, it becomes a member of the legendary pop group Spice Girls. Five girls-vocalists for two years honed their skills, picking up songs for the repertoire and studying the dance. The first Wannabe song, filled with a new group, instantly gain fame and becomes hit not only in the UK, but also in other countries.

Following vocal compositions are also leading in the charts. Albums Spice, SpiceWorld, Forever appear. All vocalists are popular magazines start calling nicknamed. Vicky Adams becomes POSH SPICE, which means "gorgeous spice". The taste of taste in clothing, the unique style is distinguished from the rest of the team.

After reducing the popularity of the Group in 2000, Posh Spice begins to sing on its own. However, the three released singles in its execution could not take the upper positions in the charts and did not bring the desired result. Years of the solo career became the disclosure of new talents of this amazing girl. After the birth of the firstborn and the gorgeous wedding with David Beckham, a period of successful cooperation with the world of fashion begins.

In subsequent years, Victoria Beckham concludes contracts with D & G and Rock & Republic, becomes a secular lioness, heads the rating of stylish and influential women in the world. At the same time, she begins to unwind the Bekham brand. Her talent and designer style help create their collection under the DVB logo - Denim by Victoria Beckham.

The musical career of a talented vocalist receives an unexpected continuation in 2007. Reconnecting Spice Girls recording new songs and depart on a tour with the Greatest Hits program. Reflecting the hair into a dark shade, Posh Spice appears on the stage. But now she acts not only as a singer, but also as a designer of fashionable clothes. Listening success gives her impetus for further work.

Personal life

Vicky Adams and David Beckham first met each other during the football match in 1997. He and she at that time were already celebrities. David has long watched the performances of Stylish Posh Spice on the TV screen, and now it was introduced to the brilliant opportunity to get acquainted personally. After that, the lovers began to meet constantly.

About the engagement Star Couple announced a year after the first meeting. In the spring of 1999, a boy who gave an unusual name Brooklyn was born. And four months later in the suburbs of Dublin, in the old castle of the XVI century Lattrelstone, a wedding of decades took place, which were invited by more than 300 guests. The rights to the exclusive photographing of the marriage were sold for a record amount.

After the wedding, young spouses continued to engage in their careers. Due to the fact that Victoria Beckham was a stylist of her husband, David became the most fashionable and attractive football player of the world. His photographs often appeared in various magazines. At this time, the second child of the Beckham couple is born. This is a boy with a romantic name Romeo.

Family and children do not interfere with the young mother to implement their design ideas. 2005 It becomes very fruitful: A collection of new models of denim clothing is created. In the same year, the third boy Cruise is born in the family. Having moved after the birth of the Son to live in Hollywood, the star couple begins to conquer America. In 2011, they have a long-awaited daughter.

Victoria Beckham is an amazing woman, loving a spouse and a beautiful mother. Her destiny is a bright proof that, if desired in life, you can succeed and become truly happy.

Paparazzi regularly indulge her fans by photographs, where she is constantly hurrying to business meetings, walks with children, goes shopping either visits beauty salons. Who would have thought that someday the participant of the pop team would not just be the wife of a famous football player, but also an icon of style to which millions of girls from all corners of the planet will be equal.


Victoria Adams was born in 1974 on April 17. The family was pretty rich, because of what the girl was often envy and kneading statements from classmates. In addition, she had skin problems in adolescence, which was an additional reason for bullying.

Victoria Adams Star Way began in 1994 as the singer of the Spice Girls group and immediately received the title of the most stylish participant and the nickname "Posh Spice - a chic spice).

After the collapse of the group, the girl produces his solo album, but unfortunately he does not bring her success. Unsuccessful vocal experience gives the start for Victoria, like a real girl, changes his hairstyle on a stylish bob and begins the path of the famous trendsetter.

Spice Girls: Life after World Glory

In 2007, "Perchinchi" is combined to issue a new album and a world tour. The good singer Victoria Adams did not become, but fascinated all the fans with their appearance and style. By this time, the girl clearly realized that the vocal career was not for her and she was ready to realize himself in another area. Of course, in the fashion industry.

She designed a denim line and became the founder of his own brand "Beckham". The following was the release of collections of sunglasses, jewels, perfumes and bags. In addition, the "peppercot" tried her strength and in the literature. Her first book "I study Fly" not only broke the sales records and became a bestseller, but also strengthened the popularity of the girl.

Football Kiss

Their marriage for a long time is considered a role model, and acquaintance took place on a football field. After the next victory of the Manchester United Club, Victoria Adams ran out of delight to the team and kissed David. After a time, the press appeared information about the start of their relationship. Literally a year later, they officially announced the engagement, and in 1999 they got married. By the time of marriage, the pair was already born firstborn - Brooklyn.

The wedding took place on the outskirts of Dublin in the ancient Irish castle, where about 300 guests were present. If you believe rumors, the ceremony cost a pair of 800 thousand dollars. However, these costs fully paid off, since Hello magazine received exclusive rights to shoot and paid one and a half million dollars. In one of the interviews, David proudly said that his world stands on three whales - wife, football and children.

Buckham children

Brooklyn Joseph was born in 1999 on March 4. The boy received his name in honor of the area where it was conceived. Brooklyn is a real Torvan and loves to copy dad, starting with style and ending with hobbies. In addition to football, it feeds a passion for Surfing and snowboarding. By the way, Brooklyn is not only the gloomy son of Elton John, but also one of the heirs of its multi-million state.

Romeo James was born in 2002 on September 1 and was named after the hero of the famous play. If the eldest son of Beckham - Patenkin Son, then the middle time spends with mom. He disassembled in fashion, and in ordinary life prefers to wear things in the style of Casual.

Cruise David was born in 2005 on February 20 and is named after the Hollywood actor and a close friend of the family of Tom Cruise. The boy is fond of dancing, and for the development of his talent, parents decided to hire a star teacher to him - Raymond Asher. But after some time, Cruz became interested in classical dances and entered the choreographic school. The boy dreams of becoming a ballet artist.

Harper (Ancient English Name) Seven (a room under the David played) - a long-awaited daughter, which was born in 2011 on July 10. Like many women, Victoria always dreamed of her daughter to walk with her shopping, teach making manicure and makeup.

Victoria Beckham (Adams): her style and dresses

Of course, in the middle and late 90s the most popular pop group were "peppercords". It is from here that you need to start the chronicle of the style of Victoria. In the wardrobe of those years there were night-night dresses, mini-length skirts, stiletto shoes and a high platform. Makeup "Gorgeous peppercorn" included black eyeliner and dramatic eyebrows.

Having become Mrs. Beckham, she was repeatedly criticized for his style. The girl could wear a strict trouser suit and causing a deep neckline, flying dress with non-cultural cuts to the middle of the hip (from Roberto Cavalli) or an outfit that completely demonstrating a bra.

The path to the triumphal elegant image that we see now began in 2007. Later in one of the interviews, she will say that he always dreamed of finding himself in the fashion industry, and she did it. In 2011 it becomes known that Victoria Beckham (Adams) won in the nomination "British Fashion Awards).

Her style today is dresses with a clear silhouette, a fitted style, high quality fabric quality, discreet shades and harmonious accessories. In his book on the style of "Gorgeon Peppercorn" gives this advice to all girls: "The classic - canvas, on which it is allowed to draw any picture."

Victoria Beckham (Adams's marriage) is considered the most stylish and recognizable woman in the world, while remaining the mother of four children, a successful businesswoman, a model, designer. Her homeland is Harlow (04/17/1975), and childhood passed in a small village in Hartfordshire county.


Father was a popular electronics engineer, family income is very decent, which caused envy in classmates. Therefore, the girls did not have school friends, her best friends: Pope Anthony, Mom Jacqueline, Sister Louise and Brother Christian. Whenever the Father brought his wiki to school on his Rolls Royce, she embarrassedly asked to land her away from school so that schoolchildren were not seen.

Victoria Beckham as a child:

She always felt like an outsider. Favorite passion of Victoria was family concerts, suitable by children, where she was the starting place: changed out, changed hairstyles. Parents gave the opportunity to reveal their talents and sent first to the ballet class, and then to the college on the separation of dances and modeling.

Musical career

After college, ambitious wiki searched for any opportunity to find exactly their way in life. And suddenly a happy case: Casting in Maiden Vocal Group (1994). And she falls into the top five talented and promising girls "Touch", soon renamed in now the legendary "Spice Girls". First, 2 years of tramplers in place, but after replacing producers and the release of the debut single "Wannabe", Fortuna gently smiled at the young singers.

Here is the first album "Spice". He simply swirl over the world with 20 millionth edition. Victoria was always so elegant and exquisite that in the Wednesday of the fans they called "POSH" (Peppercorn). The megapopularity of girls did not subside until the end of the 90s, and in 2001 they decided to put a point on collective work. SPICE GIRLS went to the history of music, leaving behind an unforgettable and beautiful trail.

Victoria Beckham in the Spice Girls group:

After leaving the group, Victoria Beckham tried to continue his career. But, in her opinion, her expectations were deceived, although, honestly, some of her compositions often became the leaders of charts. But it wakes up a purposeful and vigorous businesswoman in it.

Marriage. A family. New image

In 1999, the Vika Adams is turned into Victoria Beckham: she marries the famous midfielder then "MJ" and the team of England David Beckham and takes his last name. The ceremony and festivities took place in the magnificent Lattrelstone castle. It was worth it a fabulous money, but an enterprising couple sold the right to photographing the event magazine "OK!" For $ 1.6 million and paid out costs. She gave birth to three sons: Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruise David, daughter - Harper Semen.

Victoria with her husband David Beckham on a photo shoot:

A new stage begins in Victoria's life - secular: it becomes the standard of style, the most photographed woman of the world. And the main case of life is the promotion of the Bekham brand. David's husband is a talented football player, but the wife makes it a "star" magazines, with an inimitable style, he quickly becomes a mud of women and a sample of charm.

Victoria Beckham with family:

She also reminds of the world about himself, releasing the music album "Victoria Beckham". Her songs were taken warm, but without hysteria: the singer itself and her fans understood - this is a sunset. Therefore, Victoria makes a beautiful move: it records the single "This Groove / Let Your Head Go" and says goodbye to the scene.

Victoria Beckham and daughter Harper Seven:


At this field, Victoria Beckham turned out to be much more successful. After painful searching for their style, it creates its own brand of fashionable clothing and perfumery "DVB" (the aroma of "Signature" enjoys great popularity.

Victoria Beckham presents his clothing collection:

Victoria also visited the role of the writer, publishing the first book - autobiography (2001) and the second - stylistic guide (2006) - in essence, the Bible of Fashion.

Since 2007, the Bekham family has moved to Los Angeles, where they still live. Vicky has already shown its collection of evening dresses in the United States.

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Victoria Bekham (Victoria Caroline Beckham) - British singer and fashion designer. The participant of the pop group "Spice Girls" in the 90s, and now the successful businesswoman. She is the wife of a football player David Beckham, twice received the title of "Player of the Year" according to FIFA.


Victoria Beckham (Victoria Caroline Adams - before marriage) was born in the electron-made engineer family, the income of which made it possible to keep his wife and three children in prosperity.

Despite the fact that the wiki did not need anything, her childhood was far from calm: over the girl was constantly mocked at school. The Victoria only at the same time was revealed: she constantly satisfied the ideas, changed costumes, experimented with hairstyles, sang, photographed.

After the end of the ballet class at school, Victoria Adams went to study at the Laines Arts Theater College on the dance and modeling department. Studying was easy, but the teachers did not reveal special talents from the girl. After college, Vicky had a lot of listening and casting, model shows and even shooting in advertising, but the girl dreamed of something more.

Musical career

In 1994, Victoria accidentally saw an announcement in the newspaper "The Stage" about listening to the female pop group. The girl easily passed the castings and got into the team, which first got the name "Touch", and then was renamed "Spice Girls". Together with her, Melani Brown, Emma Banton, Melanie Chiffer and Jeri Holliuel turned out to be.

Two years of girls were preparing to conquer the world, they were engaged in their vocals, dances and chose a repertoire. The producers put future celebrities in fairly tough conditions, causing a lot to work and not allowing the opportunity to act that forced the participants to terminate the contract and go to free swimming.

In 1996, four girls found producers and released their first single "Wannabe", later the light saw the Debut Album "Spice". The group immediately became popular, and the record was separated by the world with a circulation of 20 million copies and until 1998 the world was in the arms of "Spice Mania".

Victoria received the nickname Posh Spice nickname, which means "gorgeous spice". All because the girl dressed with an excellent taste, she had his own unique style, but she only wore the outfits of famous brands.

However, the success of "Spice Girls" was just the first step in the career of Victoria Adams. In 2001, the group ceased to exist, but wiki at this point had already begun their solo career.

Victoria Beckham - A Mind Of Its Own

In 2000, Beckham has released a solo single "Out of Your Mind" in collaboration with Dane Bowers, and a year later introduced his solo album "Victoria Beckham".

Victoria Beckham - Designer

Parallel, the wiki began to engage in the promotion of his own brand.

Thanks to her participation as a stylist and promoter, Her husband David became increasingly appearing on the covers of magazines, act as a trendsetter of men's hairstyles, as well as the face of advertising campaigns.

Music creativity went to the background, and the wiki began developing their own brand. At the beginning of the 21st century, she made his debut as a model at Fashion Week in London at Maria GrachVogel, later became the face of Dolce and Gabbana and Rocawear.

In 2004, Beckham concluded a contract with the label "Rock & Republic", which was engaged in jeans by creating a limited collection for them. The debut of the designer turned out to be successful and Victoria began to prepare a new collection, which came out under the logo of its own brand - "DVB", which is deciphered as David Beckham.

Fashion Tips Victoria Beckham

Under this brand, she also released female and male flavors and cosmetics for the body.

Two years later, Victoria Beckham wrote a book called "still half a flawless style. From hairstyles to heels, "where talks about how to squeeze out of own natural data maximum. The publication received the status of Bestseller and he was called the "New Bible of Fashion".

In 2007, David began playing for the American football club, so the family moved to Hollywood. In America, Victoria has released a realistic show called "Beckham in America", and then again collected "Spice Girls" and the group recorded the single "Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)". After a farewell speeches, the girl stated that it was a final point in her career singer.

For the year of residence in America, Victoria appeared eminent friends - Tom Cruise, Gwen Stephanie, Katie Holmes, Heidi Klum. The girl became the face of Marc Jacobs and distributed its products on shopping Los Angeles.

In 2008, Vicky demonstrated the first collection of evening dresses in New York in New York, the year ended with the release of Signature fragrance. Every year, the podium saw new collections from Beckham, and in 2011, the wiki began producing their own bags.

Personal life Victoria Beckham

In 1999, the girl met his future husband, football player David Beckham. Vicky girlfriend took her with him to the Match "Manchester United", where after the game under the podium she met David and they no longer parted. For 4 months before their wedding, the pair was born firstborn - son Brooklyn Joseph.

In marriage with David Victoria gave birth to three more children: Sons Romeo James (2002) and Cruise David (2005) and daughter Harper Seven (2011).

On the body of Victoria 5 tattoos, three of which are packed in honor of her husband: the inscription in Hebrew "I belong to my beloved, and my beloved is me; He grabs between lilies "(Song of Songs 6: 3), David's initials and the date of the 7th anniversary of the wedding. All these tattoos are pair. Also at Victoria on the lower back of 5 eight-pointed stars, symbolizing the Chet Beckham and four children, and the inscription on the wrist de Integro (Lat. "First").

Victoria Beckham now

In the summer of 2018, Victoria Beckham refused to participate in the new round of the group "Spice Girls", as it began to prepare for the launch of a reality show about the design of clothes.

Who is Victoria Adams? It is unlikely that anyone today can remember who she is such Victoria Adams. Most likely some kind of Englishwoman. And Victoria Beckham? This name will remember everything as the owner itself. Perhaps not immediately remember, the same it is known, but the fact that she is a spouse famous football player David Beckham will remember everything.

Victoria, in those days, Adams was also born in Hartfordshire County (England) in the vicinity of the village of Goffs Oak on April 17, 1974. According to the zodiac sign - Aries. Her father had its own business, and the Victoria family was rich enough. But it did not bring her happiness. In school, Victoria did not love, and teased for acne, which is difficult to avoid in adolescence, and just so, without reason. As a child, she tried to make friends, well, it didn't have it badly. Nobody wants to be friends with the outcast, and Victoria in his school became an outcast. At that time, she was very shy of the riches of her family, which brought her solid misfortunes. But when the hell called the school ended Victoria, a complete determination to become famous, enters the Laines Arts Theater College (separation of dances and modeling). Victoria was a diligent student, although she had no special talents. In one of his interviews, she would notice that it was not a good singer from her, but she always knew what he wanted, and was striving for it.

In 1994, Victoria saw an announcement in the newspaper about the set of girls in the music group and immediately called him. In the music group, Victoria got, the group was called "Touch". In addition to Victoria, this group included four more girls: Melanie Brown (chalk bi), melanie numbers (chalk si), Emma Banton and Jeri Holliuel. Soon the group was renamed "Spice Girls". One of the most popular groups of the 1990s. Success to them came in 1996. This year, their debut album "SPICE" came out, whose sales exceeded 20 million copies around the world. Victoria At that time, the press and fans gave the nickname "Posh Spice" (gorgeous spice), for her stunning sense of style. In the 2000s, the group ceased to exist.

Victoria tried to start the solo career. In 2000, she produces a rather successful single "Out of Your Mind", and in 2001 its solo album "Victoria Beckham" comes out. But, nevertheless, the Solna Career Victoria failed.

However, Victoria itself did not disappear from the covers anywhere. By that time, Victoria Beckham had remained one of the most discussed women in the world. For the footballer David Beckham Victoria is married in 1999. They met on one of the matches. And at that time, Victoria was a popular participant in the group "Spice Girls", and David was not so popular as today. Their wedding was expensive and luxurious, but quite paid off the sale of rights to shoot a single glossy magazine and a photo session of Victoria in a wedding dress.

Since then, Victoria has become engaged in his family. How else to do! Bekham family today among the most famous and discussed families of the world. So Victoria, for example, participated in the reality show "Beckham in America", the main heroine of which she herself was.

And in 2007, Bekham family moves to a permanent place of residence from England to America, Los Angeles. Victoria and David have four children: three sons and daughter.

Besides family, Victoria is also engaged in design. Initially, she created collections from his own name for famous brands. And then it took and for its DVB (its initials with the name of the husband, as well as - Denim by Victoria Beckham). Today she releases, for example, jeans and sunglasses ,. I must say that Victoria is very passionate about the design, and it is from those not numerous stars that really develop design for their collections. In 2008, Victoria Beckham introduced his first collection of evening dresses within the framework of the fashion week in New York. The DVB brand is especially popular in Japan. Victoria and more than once was the model itself. So, for example, she demonstrated a bride dress at the show of Roberto Cavalli

Victoria Beckham is the author of several books: his autobiography and books - a guide around the world called "These extra half ': hair, heels and everything else between them." And this book is not accidental, because Victoria was recognized as one of the most stylish women of the modern world.

And Victoria has Twitter, and about events from her life can now find out almost first hand: https: //twitter.com/victoriabeckham