Fire pony from my little. My Little Pony Complete Character List

Fire pony from my little.  My Little Pony Complete Character List
Fire pony from my little. My Little Pony Complete Character List

Twilight caviar, or simply Sparkle, is the main character. Twilight is an alicorn, but was originally a unicorn. Is the embodiment of magic. Her distinctive sign- a purple asterisk surrounded by white asterisks. Twilight has a light purple coat, and there are stripes of lilac on the tail and mane. Sparkle is inquisitive and intelligent. She is so obsessed with reading that she turned her home in Ponyville into a library. The sparkle is closed in itself due to the fact that he devotes a lot of time to study. Sometimes she is skeptical and insecure.

All the main characters in My Little Pony.
Applejack is an earthy orange pony, the embodiment of honesty. Its distinguishing mark is three apples. Applejack has a gorgeous yellow mane. She has big green eyes. A cowboy hat can often be seen on her head. Applejack is kind and honest. She is very attentive, she can be trusted with everything and you can always rely on her. She lives on the Apple Alley farm, where she and her family grow apples. Applejack bakes well and sells sweet baked goods. Like a real cowboy, Applejack can handle the lasso and speak with a Texas accent.
Rainbow Dash- Pegasus, the embodiment of loyalty. Its distinguishing mark is rainbow lightning under the cloud. Rainbow has a sky blue color and bright pink eyes, as well as a rainbow mane and tail. Rainbow is very bold and brave. Her job is to disperse the clouds, which she easily copes with. Flies fast and often performs tricks. She often saved friends and showed such uncharacteristic compassion. At first glance, Rainbow is very proud, but in fact she is very sympathetic and kind.
Frattershy is a pegasus, the embodiment of kindness. Its distinguishing mark is butterflies. Frattershy has a yellow color and pink mane... Despite being a Pegasus, Frattershy is afraid of heights. She is generally very shy and fearful, but she has a special gift - a "look" that can frighten anyone. She lives near the forest in her own home.
Rarity is a white unicorn, the embodiment of generosity. Its distinguishing mark is three blue crystals. URarity has a great sense of style, her purple mane is always beautifully styled. She is a fashion designer and owns her own boutique. Speaks with a slight French accent. Rarity observes cleanliness and order in everything. He lives in the same place where he works - on the second floor of the Karusel boutique.
Pinkie Pie is a pink pony, the embodiment of laughter. Her full name- Pinkamina Diana Pai. She has a gorgeous curly pink mane. Pinky is cheerful and cheerful. She cannot live without sweets. She is the only pony that moves with jumps. Its peculiarity is that it sometimes "breaks the fourth wall" and communicates with the viewer.

Pinkie Pie ( Pinkie Pie) - translated as Pinkie Pie. But I used to think: what if it's just “pink”? Then it turns out Pink Pie (or Pink Pie).

Apple Jack

Apple Jack - Apple Vodka or Apple Cider. And if you just write her name separately, you get "Apple" and "Jack".

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash - Rainbow Dash. Or Rainbow Dash.


Rarity ( Rarity) -Rarity, Curiosity, Rarity. Carousel translated as Rarity. The word rarity means something like the word "rarity". And it's true, Rarity is very fashionable and makes pretty dresses.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle ( Twilight Sparkle) - Twilight Sparkle. Twilight is Twilight, Twilight is Sparkle. So, it should be called Twilight. The name in translation is very suitable for Twilight, her label fits "Twilight", "Twilight" is already known: it looks like the night and the opposite side of Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset shimmer

Sunset shimmer( Sunset Shimmer) -Sunset Shimmer. Sunset goes to her hair, Shimmer to her mark. Or Shimmer Sunset.


Fluttershy - in dictionaries, if you write this word in English, it will be just Fluttershy. But if you look at the word more closely, it can be translated as "Timid Awe".

WITH oil

Celestia (Celestia) - translated as "divine" -Celestial or "Heavenly".

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Among the children's premieres of autumn.

If your voice is there too, or the child has already put you in front of the need to go to the cinema, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with short list facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle", and you do not need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but a movie franchise with a rich history, the following will come in handy. Briefly, to the point and with one hundred percent effect on the part of the child - “Mom, do you know who this is ?!”.

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each one unique, amazing and diverse in its own way. As you may have noticed, everyone here is nicknamed "ponies", but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasus and alicorns. Yes, these are the ones with horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are recognized elite and always-always princesses. No, no one has ever seen the alicorn boys.

Now you have to sprinkle with names (and even in two translations!), But memorizing them is not required - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own pet. And this great way learn about the inner world a little more child.

The pony also has special signs the differences - that is, the pictures on the rump - they get in the process of growing up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The main character is diligent and kind, loves study, order and clear planning. Suffers from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, at times skeptical and cynical. The insignia of Sparkle with a star, because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magic land called Equestria (you may not remember the name). Her "element of harmony" (a mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season - an alicorn, which automatically elevates her to the host of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most important pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), And this is an exceptional case, in fact, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings put on them.


In a word, a fashionista. A fashion unicorn whose business is as beautiful as it is amazing (after all, ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The insignia is crystals, she just adores them, this is best friends girls ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, magnificent and unceremonious, the Pegasus who made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she's still sassy), loves adventure books, stupid pranks and dreams of flying in big sports, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just "cute", a timid, shy animal lover. Pegasus, who is afraid to fly, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, on the inside, Fluttershy has that core. With all the external introversion and naivety, she is sometimes very surprising.

The insignia - butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Sorry, pony.

Pinkie pie

A pony whose vocation is parties, fun and all the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, more precisely, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her impenetrable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party planner, embodies joy and laughter, the insignia - air balloons... Wow!


No, this is not the name of alcohol, but real name pony. There must be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we will just say that it is unrealistically cool. And strong.

You can breathe out, the main characters are over. Just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special "friendship magic" with the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also lonely hard-working girls in their 20s. No, male characters in the series also occur. Sometimes.

The pony is much older than you think

These big-eyed bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that worked out (a rare occasion).


This is what ponies from the 80s look like. Those are still plump. Nevertheless, many external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Armors" exist

This is what the fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is "fandom". And yes, there are a lot of grown men among them. They will come to cinemas with the children and you. Do not be afraid - the "armor" are extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

And if more globally: "fandom" ponyash is able to compete with similar communities in "Star Wars" or "Harry Potter". Yes, dear ones, we have a real cult before us.

Ponies make the world a better place

Follows from the previous point. "My little pony" steadily pulls people out of depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and further down the list. In general, they change lives drastically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very good in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of the child's personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposite opinions that they kill children. It's up to you, of course, who to listen to. But we are in solidarity with psychologists and we think the series is very good. All in the name of friendship!

They are very poorly localized here.

Here they speak like flat cardboard boxes. It's just that “My little pony” was extremely unlucky for us with localization, especially with the translation of names - you yourself might have noticed this. Disputes about whether Sparkle or Twilight is called the main character will rage for decades to come.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more fortunate - at least the dubbing did not cause nausea in the early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there too

Do not pony alone this universe is alive. Various dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every step, and in the film there will be even more of this good. At the same time, some of the animals are intelligent, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder what kind of relationship the erectus is talking cat from the movie with the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

It is especially good here with mythological creatures, both from our legends, such as griffins and manticores, as well as invented ones. Yes, Discord, we are about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. We will see mermaid ponies in the film - a great addition, do you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But this is already completely, do not boggle your head.

The show is much more dramatic than you think

And you may well like it. At least story series, these are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, influencing the plot only insofar as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very mature things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deception and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself, and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is impressive too. At the same time, in the plots, everything always does not go according to plan and not according to templates, there are cross-cutting secrets, carefully carried over from season to season, "chips", twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really interesting to watch for adults.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that a lot of tasty things are hidden in “My little pony”. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all kinds of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you may not remember this point: full-length film focused on the children's audience. But there is a chance that some of the same joy will be left to parents.

And here's Aria Cadence, a dramatic moment from the season 2 finale, with a werewolf villain pretending to be a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy the sort of "kiddie" show.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic(abbreviated as MLP: FiM) is a 2010 animated series about little ponies living in the fabulous fantasy land of Equestria, as well as their various adventures. Corresponds to the fourth generation (G4) of pony toys (made by Hasbro), before there were a couple of franchise animated series filmed in the 80s. Formally, all the series are a kind of addition to the main products (that is, toys for children), but only MLP: FiM has become interesting for adults as it is, largely thanks to the cute (albeit uncomplicated) animation, bright, memorable characters, original productions of the series as well as vinrar voice acting. We can say that this is a very successful remake of the old series.

The series was created by animator Lauren Faust based on her own drawings - redesigned and stylized old characters from the first generation of Pony. Faust posted her drawings on DeviantArt, where Hasbro noticed her. Also involved in the project is Rob Renzetti, creator of the animated series "My Life as a Teenage Robot". The technology of the cartoon is two-dimensional Flash animation. On this moment there are 26 episodes in the network for English language, constituting the first season, as well as Russian-language subtitles. In the fall of 2011, the second season began showing.


Main characters

From left to right:
Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy.
Top: Rainbow Dash

  • Pinkie Pie- eccentric, eccentric (sometimes to the point of insanity), but super-cheerful, cheerful and very energetic earth pony. She knows how to bake muffins and other confectionery products, which she does (however, most of the sweets are immediately eaten by her right on the spot). Likes to have parties and compose songs.
  • Rainbow Dash- pony pegasus, one of the least feminine ponies among the six. In fact, it is a local incarnation of Sonic. Flies very fast, (knows how to switch to supersonic), loves speed, loves to flaunt his talents in front of an audience or challenge someone, does not tolerate something boring. Likes to snore while the others work. Like most pegasus, it controls the weather: i.e. clears the sky from clouds, or on the contrary, drives them together.
  • Rarity- a unicorn fashion designer, owns a boutique and sews clothes. Fashion, glamor, grace, a sense of style and the ability to be beautiful - it's all about her. In such matters, she is scrupulous to the point of boring, which is expressed in most cases by the fear of getting dirty (and, as a result, the rejection of hard work), to allow the slightest mess in her boutique, or even the fear of getting caught in the rain, which will ruin her hair.
  • Twilight Sparkle- the main character of the series, the unicorn magician. Detailed, reasonable, punctual. She leads a rather reclusive lifestyle, studying books on magic and in general, she lacks only glasses to become a nerd. As a result, a normal, full-fledged life with all its attributes, which her friends offer her, often turns out to be a wonder for her. Lives with his henchman - a little dragon (baby dragon), Spike, is studying the Magic of Friendship, for which, apparently, he receives a scholarship or something like that.
  • AppleJack- earth pony, farmer and cowgirl (if given word generally applicable to ponies). The most down-to-earth pony of all six, thinks the most pragmatically and in most cases, sane. She has almost no cockroaches in her head - as a result, she is hardworking, reliable and knows what she is doing. A bit boorish. Together with the vast Apple family, he owns farmland where apples are grown. In addition to working on the farm itself, he sells apples and is not afraid of dirty work. The only one of the six who wears a headdress is a cowboy hat, which is almost never parted. Oh yes, he speaks with a Texas accent.
  • Fluttershy- very quiet, shy and timid pony pegasus. He is engaged in caring for wild animals. V ordinary life- extremely soft and shy. He rarely speaks, and if he does speak, it is very quiet, barely audible. However, to her, like to no one else, the saying about a quiet pool is applicable. And this is no accident.
  • Spike- as already noted, the dragon, Twilight's assistant, to whom he treats as an older sister. By nature, he is straightforward, ironic (sometimes to the point of sarcasm), a little foppish. Likes to sleep, although he always tries to fulfill his duties conscientiously, which includes cleaning the house, searching for the necessary books in the library, sending correspondence, and so on. He has deep sympathy for Rarity, for the sake of which he is ready to go even to the ends of the world. In the event of any trouble, he almost always manages to get out of the water, it is not known, whether due to his natural resourcefulness, or damn luck.

Minor heroes

  • Princess Luna- The younger sister of Celestia, also an alicorn. As the myth tells, she once did not like the fact that during her reign, all her subjects were resting in deep sleep, while her sister was in the spotlight every day. Her evil alter ego, Nightmare Moon, emerged here. Nightmare Moon tried to overthrow Celestia, but to no avail, for which she was exiled to the moon for 1000 years forever. In the first season, he appears only in the pilot episode, in the second - in the Luna Eclipsed episode. I must say that the image of the quiet nerd, created and cherished (during all her absence) by many of the armor, in this episode was thoroughly destroyed, partly by the eccentric behavior of the princess, and partly by her CANTERLOTS ROYAL CPSE VOICE.
  • Trixie- a pony unicorn, who also learns magic, like Twilight, but at a very casual level. Came to Ponyville to show everyone her magical abilities(or rather, the ability of a magician), as well as to boast of their coolness. Appears in only one episode of the first season.
  • Cutie Mark Crusaders- a trinity of funny young ponies - Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle - who, unlike their peers, still have no marks of fate, which is very frustrating for them. Having united, they called themselves Marksseekers and began to look for their calling wherever possible, sometimes giving others (and sometimes themselves) non-illusory problems. They often quarrel and argue among themselves.
  • Big Macintosh- Applejack's older brother, a large and strong pony. His catchphrase "E-eyup" (ie "A-agams"), pronounced slowly, with a broach on the first syllable, perfectly underlines his equanimity.
  • Zecora- a zebra living in Ponyville - or rather, not in itself, but in the nearby part of the Everfree Forest. Speaks allegories, brews potions and other witchcraft, which is clearly opposed to Twilight with her scientific approach to the study of magic. Initially, it was considered in Ponyville almost a universal evil, because of its mystical mystery, but in fact it turned out to be friendly and loyal. Speaks with an African accent.
  • The Wonderbolts- a group of pegasus performing all kinds of stunts in the air, similar to those at an air show. Wonderbolts are present at many celebrations and are also idols for Rainbow Dash.
  • Discord- the intelligent generation of chaotic chromosome replication, local adaptation of the Joker. The main villain of the two introductory episodes of the second season. It is a creature with the head of a pony, the limbs of a horse, dragon, griffin and lion, and the tail of a dragon; locally - "dragonakvis". According to the plot, he ruled Equestria before the appearance of Celestia and the Moon, keeping the country in constant chaos and unrest. Subsequently, it was overthrown and turned into a concrete statue. Discord is not stupid and rather prudent, despite its apparent frivolity. He has a passion for eccentric antics and mocking speeches, as well as for all sorts of jokes that seem funny to him.

Some interesting facts

  • The form of government in Equestria is an absolute monarchy. All power belongs to one pony, more precisely, the alicorn - Princess Celestia (although everything here is much more interesting than it seems at first glance). In the fan community, there are many theories regarding this very power in general, and Celestia in particular. Not all of them agree with universal love and Understanding.
  • Discord openly denounces Celestia regarding her attitude towards her enemies and, possibly, methods of holding power: "After all, I don't turn ponies to stone!"
  • In addition to, in fact, the reign, Celestia is in charge of the change of day (after the expulsion of Nightmare Moon to the moon - and the night too) and it is to her that Twilight is accountable for the execution of his work - the study of Friendship Magic.
  • Celestia is the sole owner of the adult proportions of the body, as well as the "ethereal" mane and tail. Luna, although similar to her sister, is somewhat smaller than Celestia and differs from her in "normal" tail and mane. Nightmare Moon, in turn, is much more like Celestia in body proportions and besides, her tail and mane are also "ethereal".
  • The Palace in Canterlot is the second residence of the princesses. The first, for unknown reasons, was abandoned. Its ruins are located in the depths of the Everfree Forest.
  • The ending of the introductory episode of the second season is very similar to the final scene from the movie "Star Wars" (Episode IV - A New Hope).
  • Ponies are zoomorphic, that is, they walk on four legs, but they live in an anthropomorphic environment. Some of the things that require hands are done with the mouth, for example (writing), or with the tail (for example, unwinding the lasso), some with hooves. They sometimes take anthropomorphic bipedal poses, but do not walk that way. Unicorns also have telekinesis.
  • The vast majority of the characters in the series are female.
  • In the series itself, there are a lot of references to various films, cartoons or games.

In the cartoons "My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic!" and "Equestria Girls" there are a lot of secondary and even background characters, who practically do not lag behind the main characters in their popularity.

The ruling elite of the country of Equestria is very beloved by many fans of the series, because these alicorn ponies are real princesses with their own royal attributes and unique duties. Main Princess Celestia is portrayed as a tall alicorn white, with large wings and a horn, and her long mane shimmers with delicate shades of pastel colors. Celestia has a younger sister - Princess Luna, who at the beginning of the story about little ponies is the main negative character. Princess Luna, in her angry incarnation, turns into Nightmare Moon (Moon Pony) - her body turns black, and her head is crowned with an ominous helmet. In her normal, kind incarnation, the body of the Princess of the Moon is dark blue, and her mane shimmers with many stars. Since peace reigned between the sisters again, Celestia is responsible for the movement of the sun across the sky, and Princess Luna rules the night. Another Princess of Equestria who owns the Crystal Empire is Princess Cadance. In the story, she marries Shining Armor, the brother of the main character, Twilight Sparkle. Before the wedding, a great misfortune happens to her - the dark and terrible Queen Chrysalis infiltrates the body of Cadance, who almost succeeds in seizing power over Equestria.

Among the mages of Equestria, the witch Zecora stands out - this is an unusual pony-zebra who lives in the Evergreen Forest. Zecora is very wise, always ready to help with a spell, potion or advice. Another sorceress named Trixie lost in a magical confrontation with Twilight Sparkle: it turned out that Trixie is just a braggart, and her magic is more like magic tricks.

In the cartoon "Equestria Girls", another negative heroine appears - Sunset Shimmer, who knows how to turn into an evil demon. To stop Sunset's cunning plan, Twilight Sparkle travels to the human world and there he meets all the little ponies in human form.

No less popular than princesses are baby ponies, schoolgirls primary school... An earth pony named Apple Bloom (Apple Jack's sister), along with the unicorn Sweetie Belle (Rarity's sister) and the pegasus pony Scootaloo, organize the Mark Seekers team. Together, these ponies are trying to find their destiny and get the coveted insignia. The "Mark Seekers" have a couple of ill-wishers - the arrogant and arrogant ponies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Not all of the characters in the My Little Ponies world are horses, pegasus, or unicorns. The most famous of these characters is the dragon Spike. He plays the role of Twilight Sparkles' assistant and dreams of winning Rarity's heart. But while he is still a small and not at all scary dragon, which Twilight and others perceive as a little brother. Other non-pony heroes worth mentioning negative character Discord, the lord of chaos, who looks like a mixture of several animals. Thanks to the efforts of Flatershy and all the other ponies, he goes to the bright side. Among popular heroes There are some “My Little Ponies” that are almost invisible in cartoons, but they still enjoy the love of millions of fans. This, in particular, is a gray pony-pegasus named Derpy, which is easy to distinguish by its eyes looking in different directions. Also very popular are DJ Pon-3 (Vinyl Scratch), Octavia Melody, Lyra Heartstrings and many other ponies.

List of characters

Main characters. From left to right: Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Flatershy.

The series has six main ponies and a large number of minor characters... As ponies grow up, they receive "tags" (eng. cutie mark) on the rump, showing their purpose in life. There are three races of ponies:

  • Earth ponies are ordinary ponies. They are very hardworking and much closer to nature than the rest.
  • Pegasus are ponies that have wings to fly. They can walk on clouds. Their main profession is weather management.
  • Unicorns are ponies endowed with a magical horn that can work wonders. Their main skill is telekinesis, but they can learn other types of magic as well. Most often, these ponies are employed in professions that require delicate handling.

The exceptions are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna who have both wings and a horn. These are the only ponies that can control the weather and wield magic at the same time. According to Faust, in fact, all types of ponies have magic, just unicorns can control it. It is with the help of magic that earth ponies communicate with nature, and pegasus walk on the clouds.

main characters

  • Twilight Sparkle: Unicorn which has a light purple body color and an indigo mane and tail has purple and pink stripes. Twilight is the loyal student of Princess Celestia. She adores science, magic, and constantly reads books to learn something new. Sometimes he shows skepticism and insecurity. Her spirit is element of Magic... The mark is a red six-pointed star with five white asterisks around it.
  • Applejack / Applejack: A pony with an orange body and a light mane with a tail. She is faithful, and therefore can always come to the aid of friends, even despite her some stubbornness. Her family grows apples, sells them and bakes delicious apple cakes, so Applejack bakes pretty well. She never leaves a cowboy hat and speaks with a characteristic Texan accent, and is also fluent in the lasso. Her spirit represents element of Honesty... The label is three red apples.
  • Rainbow Dash: Pegasus, which has a heavenly body color and an iridescent mane with a tail. Very brave and daring, but can sometimes be cocky and overly boastful, often speaks without thinking. She is sometimes lazy, but nevertheless conscientiously does her job - disperses the clouds. Dreams of joining Equestria's famous team of top flyers, the Wonderbolts. She flies at high speed and clears clouds easily. Rainbow also has a signature trick in the air: "Rainbow Strike" (eng. "Sonic Rainboom"), during which she breaks the sound barrier. Her spirit represents element of fidelity, personal tag - lightning rainbow under a small cloud.
  • Pinkie Pie / Pinkamina Diane Pie: Cheerful pink pony with curly mane and tail that can't sit still. She is constantly jumping, loves pranks and parties. Can't live without sweets, constantly eating tons of it. In one of the episodes, it turned out that she has the gift of unwittingly predicting events. Works at the Sugar Corner bakery. Her spirit represents element of Laughter... Personal label - three balloons. Pinky has her own "dark" depressive and the evil side, which manifested itself when the pony felt that her friends no longer loved her. Dark Pinky differs from the usual straightened mane with a tail, as well as a faded color.
  • Rarity: A unicorn fashion designer who works in her own Carousel boutique. She has a purple styled mane and a white body. She loves to sew, does not like to do hard and dirty work, she likes cleanliness and order. She is always happy to give her friends something pleasant. Sewed costumes for the girlfriends for the Grand Galloping Gala. Her spirit represents element of Bounty... Personal tag - three blue crystals.
  • Fluttershy: Pegasus who is afraid of heights. She has a pale pink mane and yellow color. She has an innate talent for communicating with animals, also owning the "Look" (eng. "The Stare"), humbling them. She is very shy and lives in the forest, in a separate house. Fluttershy tries to be more assertive and bolder, as her friends ask her, but so far she's not doing very well. Her spirit represents element of Kindness... Personal tag - three pink butterflies.
  • Spike / Spike: Assistant Twilight Sparkle, the dragon she awakened from her egg during the Magic Exam. He is very small by dragon standards, but no longer a child. He is sarcastic and is good at commenting on a variety of events. Spike is very jealous, and this sometimes forces him to do rash acts. He can eat regular food, but prefers gems more. His favorite food is turquoise.
  • Princess Celestia: A princess whose duty is to raise the sun (and earlier the moon) in Equestria. She is a tall white horse with a long horn and lush wings. Her multi-colored hair always flutters, even when there is no wind at all, and personifies the northern lights. Celestia's mark is the sun. She is kind and wise, however, she always does not mind joking or having fun. For this, fans nicknamed her "Trollestia". Always calm and confident. Refers to Twilight as "the best student."

Minor characters

  • Princess Luna / Nightmare Moon: Horse Princess, the younger sister of Celestia. Her job is to raise the moon over Equestria, but one day she didn't like the ponies hiding and sleeping at night. Then, out of anger and envy, she turned into Nightmare Moon, a nightmare horse, and tried to plunge Equestria into an eternal night, but Celestia imprisoned her on the moon with the help of the Elements of Harmony. A thousand years later, she returned, but Twilight Sparkle and her friends stopped Nightmare Moon using the same Elements, turning her back into Princess Luna. While Nightmare represents anger, deceit and hatred, the true moon appears to be very humble and kind. She looks embarrassed when she is warmly welcomed in Ponyville. The label is a crescent moon against the background of the night sky.
  • Big Macintosh: Strong stallion, brother Applejack. He has orange hair and a red body. He is always very calm and calm, creating a contrast to the energetic and stubborn Applejack. Known for the phrase "Eeyup!" ("Shit!"). The label is half a green apple.
  • Gilda: Griffin, old friend Rainbow since flight school... In front of Rainbow's eyes, she is kind, cheerful and friendly. When Rainbow leaves, Gilda becomes angry and disgusting, loving cruel pranks (although she herself gets upset when they play her), thinking only of herself and her coolness. Having learned the true nature of Gilda, Rainbow ceases to be friends with her.
  • Zekora: Zebra living in the Everfree Forest. The Ponyville people initially mistook her for a witch due to her strange appearance and accent, but in fact she has a very kind and generous nature. He has a talent for brewing various potions from herbs and always speaks in rhyme. Her label is african symbol sun.
  • Great and Powerful Trixie: The braggart unicorn who put on a colorful show in Ponyville, beating Twilight's friends in her own duel. Twilight refuses to fight her, as she did not want to seem the same braggart. Trixie said that she defeated the Big Dipper, but, as it turned out, she could not defeat even the Little Dipper. After his failure, he runs away from the city in disgrace. Trixie is painted in light blue color, with an almost white mane and tail. The mark is a blue magic wand and a crescent moon.
  • Cheerilee: Kind and cheerful teacher Apple Bloom. She studied with Rarity in the past. Calm and friendly, she takes care of her students. The label is three smiling flowers.

Cutiemarks Crusaders

Left to right: Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell

  • Apple Bloom: Younger sister An Applejack that hasn't received the tag yet. She is teased in class by two girls, calling her "dummy" and hinting at the lack of a tag. At one party, she finds two foals who also missed their marks, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell. They instantly become friends and unite in the self-proclaimed command "Metkonostsy". She has a red mane and yellow color and always wears a bow on her head. Has a talent for design skills.
  • Scootaloo: Pegasus who admires Rainbow Dash. She has a somewhat boyish character. She rides a scooter and dances well. He loves extreme entertainment, but cannot fly yet. She has an orange color and a purple mane.
  • Sweetie Belle: Rarity's younger sister, a unicorn. He sings well, but does not want to perform on stage because of his shyness. Her mane is striped - consists of pink and light purple stripes, and her body is white.


The Vanderbolts are a group of popular Pegasus Flyers in Equestria that the Rainbow Dash admires and dreams of joining them. Their uniforms are blue skin-tight suits with a pattern of zippers and flight goggles. Details of the Vanderbolts' personalities began to be revealed only in last episode season, and so far only two of them are known

Among the children's premieres of autumn.

If your voice is there too, or the child has already put you in front of the need to go to the movies, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a short list of facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle", and you do not need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but a movie franchise with a rich history, the following will come in handy. Briefly, to the point and with one hundred percent effect on the part of the child - “Mom, do you know who this is ?!”.

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each one unique, amazing and diverse in its own way. As you may have noticed, everyone here is nicknamed "ponies", but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasus and alicorns. Yes, these are the ones with horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are recognized elite and always-always princesses. No, no one has ever seen the alicorn boys.

Now you have to sprinkle with names (and even in two translations!), But memorizing them is not required - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own pet. And this is a great way to learn a little more about the inner world of the child.

And ponies also have special insignia - that is, pictures on the rump - they are received in the process of growing up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The main character is diligent and kind, loves study, order and clear planning. Suffers from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, at times skeptical and cynical. The insignia of Sparkle with a star, because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magical land called Equestria (you may not remember the name). Her "element of harmony" (a mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season - an alicorn, which automatically elevates her to the host of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most important pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), And this is an exceptional case, in fact, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings put on them.


In a word, a fashionista. A fashion unicorn whose business is as beautiful as it is amazing (after all, ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The insignia - crystals, she simply adores them, these are the girls' best friends ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, magnificent and unceremonious, the Pegasus who made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she's still sassy), loves adventure books, stupid pranks and dreams of flying in big sports, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just "cute", a timid, shy animal lover. Pegasus, who is afraid to fly, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, on the inside, Fluttershy has that core. With all the external introversion and naivety, she is sometimes very surprising.

The insignia - butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Sorry, pony.

Pinkie pie

A pony whose vocation is parties, fun and all the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, more precisely, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her impenetrable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party planner, embodies joy and laughter, the insignia is balloons. Wow!


No, this is not the name of the alcohol, but the real name of the pony. There must be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we will just say that it is unrealistically cool. And strong.

You can breathe out, the main characters are over. Just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special "friendship magic" with the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also lonely hard-working girls in their 20s. No, male characters in the series also occur. Sometimes.

The pony is much older than you think

These big-eyed bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that worked out (a rare occasion).


This is what ponies from the 80s look like. Those are still plump. Nevertheless, many external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Armors" exist

This is what the fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is "fandom". And yes, there are a lot of grown men among them. They will come to cinemas with the children and you. Do not be afraid - the "armor" are extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

And if more globally: "fandom" ponyash is able to compete with similar communities in "Star Wars" or "Harry Potter". Yes, dear ones, we have a real cult before us.

Ponies make the world a better place

Follows from the previous point. "My little pony" steadily pulls people out of depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and further down the list. In general, they change lives drastically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very good in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of the child's personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposite opinions that they kill children. It's up to you, of course, who to listen to. But we are in solidarity with psychologists and we think the series is very good. All in the name of friendship!

They are very poorly localized here.

Here they speak like flat cardboard boxes. It's just that “My little pony” was extremely unlucky for us with localization, especially with the translation of names - you yourself might have noticed this. The debate about whether Sparkle or Twilight is the name of the main character will continue to rage for decades.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more fortunate - at least the dubbing did not cause nausea in the early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there too

Do not pony alone this universe is alive. Various dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every step, and in the film there will be even more of this good. At the same time, some of the animals are intelligent, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder what kind of relationship is the upright talking cat from the movie with the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

It is especially good here with mythological creatures, both from our legends, such as griffins and manticores, as well as invented ones. Yes, Discord, we are about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. We will see mermaid ponies in the film - a great addition, do you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But this is already completely, do not boggle your head.

The show is much more dramatic than you think

And you may well like it. At least the story series are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, influencing the plot only insofar as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very mature things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deception and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself, and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is impressive too. At the same time, in the plots, everything always does not go according to plan and not according to templates, there are cross-cutting secrets, carefully carried over from season to season, "chips", twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really interesting to watch for adults.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that a lot of tasty things are hidden in “My little pony”. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all kinds of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you don't have to remember this point: the full-length film was aimed at a children's audience. But there is a chance that some of the same joy will be left to parents.

And here's Aria Cadence, a dramatic moment from the season 2 finale, with a werewolf villain pretending to be a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy the sort of "kiddie" show.