Pretty Chopra biography. Sopra's pleasant: "I love to win

Pretty Chopra biography. Sopra's pleasant:
Pretty Chopra biography. Sopra's pleasant: "I love to win

Success Ashok Chopra was born on July 18 1982 Years in the Indian city of Jamshedpur, in the family of military doctors of Ashok Chopra and Madhu Chopra. In addition to the breeding in the family, the younger son Sidhard also grew.

A pleasant studied in several educational institutions, because he often moved along with his parents. So she received education at school for girls in the city of Lucknow, visited College St. Maria Goretti in Burley, and also, after moving at the age of 13 in the United States, studied at Newton's secondary school, and half of the graduation year held in one of the schools of Boston.

Upon returning to India, she continued to study in the Army School in the city of Bareeili. Also a pleasant attended College Gai Hind in Mumbai, but in 2000 Year, a year later, leaving him after the conquest of the second place at the beauty contest "Miss India".

In the same 2000 The year of Ps. Chopra won the title "Miss World", which made it the 5th representative of India who had a particular reward.

IN 2002 The year was held the debut of the breeding on the movie screen, she performed one of the main roles in the movie "Born to win."

IN 2003 The year she appeared in her first Bollywood film, together with Sanny Deol and to visit the Silant actress starring in the militant "from memories." In the same year, she was seen along with Akshai Kumar and Lari Datt in the musical "Love above the clouds".

The following few films with its participation issued in 2004 year - "In search of good luck", "by the will of rock" and "Mission in Zurich" were not justified at the box office and received not the most pleasant reviews. also in 2004 The year for the first time performed a negative character for the first time, she got the role of Mrs. Sony Roy in the triller "confrontation".

IN 2005 The year a pleasant shot in six films. Four of these films are "alone with the Son", "Fate in your hands", "remember everything" and "And the rain will be shed ..." did not receive the recognition of the viewer. But the other two are "chairs with time" and "Bluff Master", have become successful at the box office and brought her new roles.

IN 2006 The year Chopre got the main roles in the two most successful Indian films of the year - "Crish" and "Don. Mafia leader. "

Then followed the role of breeding in the films "Hello, Love" ( 2007 ), "Love 2050 » ( 2008 ), "Oh God, you are great!" ( 2008 ) and "drone" ( 2008 ) who have failed and received negative responses.

In the same 2008 Two successful paintings were published with her participation - "close friends" and "captive at the fashion". For the last Chopra awarded the National Cinema and FilmFare Award as the best actress.

The next successful picture with the participation of the breed was the melodrama "Stranger and Stranger" ( 2010 ), Where, along with her, Ranbir Kapoor.

IN 2011 The year of Chopra again performed the role of Rome in the second part of the Thriller "Don. Mafia leader, "and also appeared in the US-Indian fantastic picture" Random access ".

In the same 2011 By year, she signed a contract with a record company Universal Music Group, which immediately began work on the release of the first studio album. The release of the first single, "In My City", took place in September 2012 year and was commercially successful in India.

IN 2012 The actress, along with Ritika Roshan, performed a major role in the Criminal Drama "Fiery Way", which has become a real hit in Indian and even American rental. The painting "Barfi!" Was the same success, where the pleasant shot along with Ranbir Kapar.

IN 2013 The year, four paintings were published with her participation - "madness of love", "Shooting in Vadale", "Lucky Payback" and "Krrish 3", all of which did not receive proper recognition.

also in 2013 The year of Chopra has released the second single called "Exotic", which was recorded in a duet with Rapper Pitbull.

2014 The year began for the breeding from an unsuccessful picture "Outside the Law", which was held in February 2014 of the year. She completely failed at the box office and received a lot of negative reviews of critics.

Great dose of success welcome after the exit in September 2014 The year of the Biographical Drama "Mary Kom", telling about the daughter of a poor peasant, who decided to professionally engage in boxing against the will of the Father, and eventually became the five-time world champion and the winner of the Olympic Games.

also in 2014 The year, a pleasant released the third solo single called "I CAN" T Make You Love Me ", which per day became the third best-selling track on the iTunes of India.

Pretty Chopra (born July 18, 1982) - Indian film actrix and singer. She has more than 100 films and television series. The favorite of the audience and listeners, Miss World-2000, the patron, model - this list can be continued to infinity. In 2016 President of India noted its achievements in the culture of the High State Prize Padma Sri.

Biography of the breeding of Chopra.

The future star was born in a prosperous and wealthy family. Because of the profession of parents (military doctors), they practically focused on the whole country, lived in Jamshedpur, Lucknow, Mumbai, Bareli. And, although the girl, together with the younger brother Sikhart, had to change the place of study, it did not prevent her from early childhood to implement his creative aspirations. She tried himself in a dramatic studio, she was dancing, wrote stories. When a pleasant reached adolescence, it was decided to continue learning in America. She managed well in school subjects. However, life at that time became a heavy test for the girl due to racial intolerance. The peers often Yazvili about the color of her skin, laughed that he smells of curry and advised to "throw from here." This was the reason for the return of the breeding home after the end of the graduation class in Boston.

The girl has always differed rare beauty. There was a time when the father vigilantly watched her daughter so that no one could offend her. For her, he was always a super-encouraging man, she devoted him a tattoo on the wrist "Daddys Lill Girl" ("Papin Baby"). Mom was proud of an unusual appearance of his daughter and, secretly from her, sent photos to a variety of contests. So, quite unexpected for myself, at 18, a pleasant took part in the Miss India competition and became his finalist, and then won in London, becoming Miss Mira and bypassing more than a hundred competitors. Later, a pleasant confessed: "The winnings gave the opportunity to take a look different for many things," she still believes that this is the story of a nasty duck, which one day turned into a swan. " After all, the new title has changed her life.


For the first time, the actress starred in the Tamil film "Thamizhan", but no one remembers about it. Officially, the cinema of the breeding is considered to be a melodrama "love above the clouds", published in Bollywood film studio in 2003. The plot is built on a classic love triangle, a famous actor Akshai Kumar and Miss Universe Lara Datta also starred in the ribbon. The premiere was successful, for the best debut female role, Chopra is awarded the Filmfare Award. In 2004 She receives the next Award "Best Actress of the Second Plan" for shooting in the picture "From the memories". It was a good start. Directors in vain begin to offer roles, and the star film player is developing rapidly. In the next 4 years, she starred in 24 kinocartines. Most of them had commercial success. But nevertheless, the anti-Films "captive at the fashion" and "close friends" (2008) were brought to the top of popularity in his native India. She entered the first echelon of Bollywood stars.

Each representative of the show business, having achieved success in his country, wants to conquer Hollywood. Success - no exception. In 2012 She signs a contract, and the Los Angeles Agency begins to engage in its promotion in America. As a result, in 2015. She played in the television series "Kuantico Base" Agent FBI suspected of a crime. The series was broadcast on television in Prime-Time, and the wide audience appreciated the game of artists. In 2016 She is recognized as the best dramatic actress, having received the Honorary Award of People's Choise Awards. Now she is popular in the USA. When starting the remake of the film "Malibu Rescuers" in 2017. The breeding is invited to the role of charming villain - Victoria Leeds.

Today, a pleasant of Chopra is involved in all directions of show business - performs in the US National Choir, leads a talk show, a column in the magazine "Elle", is the face of cosmetic brands, has its own production company. She has a singing talent. Three of her singles: "In My City" (2012), "Exotic" (2013) and "I CAN't Make You Love Me" (2014) are gaining millions of views on YouTube.

The actress is engaged in patronage: fighting female illiteracy and stands for electrification villages in India, supports polio prevention programs and leukemia treatment in children, assists drug addicts, solves ecology problems.

Personal life of breeding Chopra

Actress 35 years old, but it is not married yet. Star does not comment on a personal life, explaining that he first wants to make a career, succeed, and then get married. In the first place she has a job. However, the name of beauties is associated with various love stories. Not by chance in 2016. She is recognized as the sexiest woman of the world according to Maxim magazine. But the fact remains: the actress turns novels on the office. Therefore, it is quite explained by the distrust of women whose husband is involved in some projects with it.

So, for example, the wife of the Actor Akshold Kumara, suspecting him in a love connection with this, put him hard ultimatum. Since then, actors have no joint work. And the connection with Shah Rukh Khan causes outrage from the Indian film socialism, which uniquely falls on the side of his spouse. Shahid Kapoor, Harman Baurega, Ranbier Kapur also lists among the boyfriends of the star. A suspicion of all time caused a friendship of antiques with Gerand Batler, Tom Hiddleston.

1. In 2000, she became Miss World

At 17, a pleasant won the honorary title "Miss World", which in many ways helped her to start a further career. After a prestigious competition, the girl decided to try himself in Bollywood, and subsequently left the states.

2. Successful considers his father the main person in life

Father actress was a surgeon and "very creative", according to the actress. Unfortunately, he died five years ago, but she still calls him the main "infoenser" in his life. Success even made a tattoo in his honor at the forearm: "Daddy's Little Girl", written by his handwriting.

3. Her wedding ring costs $ 200,000.

Her bridegroom Nick Jonas, with whom they recently stopped at the win-win version - Tiffany & Co. It is said that for the sake of such a responsible choice, he even asked to close the whole store in London.

4. Successful writes

And not only posts in Instagram. On account of the actress articles for world-famous publications: New York Times, The Times Of India and The Guardian.. Themes it affects very serious, for example, children's marriages, women's health and adolescence. Also now, a pleasant is working on Memoir.

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10. Related calls it with and pisi

Family and loved ones called the priy actress (when) and PC (PIS).

PRAVNY COPRA (r. 1982) - Indian actress of cinema, singer, model. In 2000, she became the winner of the International Competition "Miss World". It has multiple awards in the field of Indian cinema. In 2016, for its creative achievements, one of the four of the highest civilian state awards of India is Padma Sri. From 2015 is removed in American TV shows. Today, she is not only a new star Hollywood, but also one of the influential women of the planet. A simple Indian girl thanks to its beauty, sex, incredible assertiveness and talent brought crazy polim.


The pleasant was born in the city of Jamshedpur Indian state of Jarchand on July 18, 1982. In the family of military doctors, Mathu and Ashoka Chopra was the first child, after eight years later the boy Sidharp was born.

Due to his profession, parents had to move often from place to place, so a small pleasant from childhood traveled throughout the Industan Peninsula. From Ladakh, located between mining systems and a small Tibet, moved to the south-west of India to the state of Kerala, from there on the coast of the Arabian Sea to the city of Mumbai, then again in Jamshedpur.

The profession of a military doctor in India was paid very well, so the parents of the Priest were wealthy. At the same time, their small inquisitive daughter did not hurt to communicate with children from poor families at all and spent a lot of time in slums. At an early age, she wanted to become a physician, like parents, and often helped her mother in care for sick.


Because of the permanent movements, the priest had to change several studies of study. The girl began to study in a women's school in the city of Lucknow (the capital of Uttar Pradesh), continued in the college of St. Mary Goretti in the town of Bareli. Despite moving, Chopra was engaged in vocals, he was fond of dancing, attended the drama theater studio and even writing stories.

At twelve, she first came to America, I was living in Iowa in relatives on the mother's line. I liked this country, and she decided to stay in the US, continuing to study here. At first everything was fine, while the girl did not change the school before the graduation class. From the last educational institution in Boston, Chopra remained not the best memories. There were several girls who in the literal sense of the word got a cross. They called "Chernomaz", said: "Vali in their India" or "Curry stinks from you."

Listening to all this was hard and insulting, the girl began problems with self-esteem. At some point, she even told his mother that he wanted to go home. But the parents who do not care in the daughter of the soul, convinced the breeding that she was the most beautiful and should learn to be strong. They always supported their little girl in everything.

After school, Chopra was going to continue their studies and get a profession of a psychologist or programmer engineer, but everything changed the case.

Beauty contests

Mom and the younger brother of the Priest secretly sent her photos to various beauty contests. So, at eighteen, Chopra was selected for the Miss India-2000 contest, which turned out to be the most complete surprise for it. She, of course, took part and won the title "Vice-Miss India".

In the same year, the pleasant received an invitation to come to London to the beauty contest "Miss World". She became the winner, despite the fact that the model standards is not too high growth. This victory coolly changed the life of the girl and opened such prospects before her, which had never even dreamed of a pleasant.


In the movie Chopra fell by chance. Being still on the wave of success after the Miss World Competition, she received many different proposals. In 2002, she was invited to play in the cinema, and the pleasant thought: "Why not try?" The first acting experience was hard for her, there were moments when I wanted to quit everything, run away from the shooting platform, go to college and calmly teach science.

Once again, the wise farewell gave mom, she asked for a breed: "Daughter, I know you hard. But please transfer to the end of the work started, finished this picture. After all, not in your rules give up. " Mom managed to find the right arguments. She reminded her daughter, as after the victory at the Miss World Competition, a pleasant gave himself a promise that no one would ever call her unfortunate, always and in everything she would be the best. With mother support, a beginner actress retained to the last shooting day. And then throwing the actor to her moved.

For its first role in the film "Love above the clouds", the "Filmfare Award" awards in the nomination "Best Debut" was awarded. Bollywood immediately drew attention to the young, beautiful and promising actress. Proposals were sprinkled on filming, for the year it came out five paintings with the participation of Chopra, but there were no sensational works among them. Nevertheless, the audience was very loved by the crossing for its sincerity, optimism and an excellent sense of humor.

Films became a breakthrough in her film.

  • "Krrish";
  • "Don. Mafia leader ";
  • "In captivity of fashion";
  • "Close friends".

After their successful film distribution, the pleasant settled firmly at the position of the main star of Bollywood. And starring in the picture "Who are you on the sign of the zodiac?", Chopra got into the Guinness Book of Records as an actress, who was playing at once twelve roles, which was not previously in the history of cinema.

American cinema

To thirty years in Chopru, all India was in love with, her account has many awards (including the Indian analogue of Oscar), she had his own elite house in Mumbai suburb. The pleasant felt that he was ready to conquer Hollywood.

In 2015, Chopra was approved by Alex Parish to the Rating Television Project "Base Kuantico". Her heroine, promising Agent FBI, at some point becomes the main suspect in the organization of the terrorist attack. Because of such accusations, the girl had to go underground to find real criminals and return their honest name. The series was broadcast in 220 countries of the world, and a pleasant became the first actress from Bollywood, who performed a major role in the American project leaving Prime-Time. Her debut in America was successful, Chopra was even nominated for receiving the "People" S Choice Awards award as "the best dramatic actress on television."

Another girl pleasant adored the film "Malibu Rescuers", the whole family was going to have a TV to watch the next series. According to Chopra, she grew up on this series and loved the moments most, where Pamela Anderson runs along the beach. Did she then think that twenty years later would be filmed in the remake of this film.

In the new "Lifeguards of Malibu", which started on American screens in 2017, the heroine of the Anti-Egoist Victoria Leeds loves only himself and spoils life to others. But actress, such experience came to the soul. After a positive character from the Kuantico base, she wanted to play a bad girl.

All who worked with her on the same platform are amazed to endurance actresses, it takes off 12-16 hours a day. Chopra did not study a single day at the acting courses, she has no higher education, but there is a photographic memory, thanks to which she does not need to sharpen the texts of the roles.

Many films where a pleasant shot was very successful. However, the actress is not relaxing and always remembers that the film industry is a very unpredictable business, not only takeoffs, but also falls. At the same time, Chopra is an optimist, its motto in work: "Be ready for everything. Before failure. Use any opportunity given to fate. "


In 2012, Chopra became the first actress from India, which made a contract with the Los Angeles agency for promotion in Hollywood. True, it started to conquer America with a movie, but from music. A pleasant recorded the single, "in my city", which was not particularly successful. The premiere of the composition took place in the night television program about football. But because of the eastern type and dark-colored skin, Chopru began to call the Arab terrorist, and in public places poke the finger in her direction. In addition, letters began to come with insults and threats.

But the passions were silent after in a duet with a fashionable American rapper PitBull she recorded the clip "Exotic". This video viewing on YouTube broke all records. In addition, the producers came up with an interesting move in order to support the brand "Greeting Chopra". In one of the Hollywood restaurants, a party was arranged, on which the singer tried herself as a bartender - having sought guests to establish a cocktail "Exotic" from bananas and almond milk.

Queen of male hearts

Enjoy popular with the opposite sex, the pleasant began in adolescence. After one guy climbed to a balcony from the roof of the terrace, dad installed on all windows in the house forged grids, and the daughters forbade wearing tightly t-shirts and pants to attract attention to themselves.

To date, the pleasant is considered not only the Bollywood queen, but also the conqueror of male hearts. Chopra does not hide that all its romantic ties were only with actors. She simply does not have time and get acquainted with someone else. The omnipresent journalists attributed to her novels with the American actor by Gerard Butler and with a whole cohort bollywood sex symbol.

Starting from 2003, a pleasant shot in a row in several films with a handsome Achsham Kumar ("Love above the clouds", "Angry Over time", "confrontation", "marry me"). They played the love so believable that rumors about the novel immediately crawled. Akshai at that time was happily married to twinkles Khanna. There was no evidence of treason, but still the Actor's spouse demanded that he stopped being filmed together with the cross. Since then, Kumar and Chopra not only stopped working with each other, but do not even greet and try not to intersect in secular events.

The new romance was tightened by the anti-actor Harman Baureji, with whom she was filmed in two paintings. But their relationship was soon over, as well as with a crash, both films failed.

The next novel with Shahid Kaparom turned out to be short. Sweet couple long drove the paparazzi for his nose, and when they had already practically caught, a pleasant threw a shahid for the sake of oath with the "King of Bollywood", producer, actor and television leading Shahruh Khan.

From her next novel, the fans have already been waiting for the wedding, because Ranbir Kapoor and a pleasant of Chopra were considered the most enviable fiance and bride of Bollywood. But these relationships of wedding did not end. The actress claims that today it is not found with anyone, although very much dreams of a bunch of kids.

Hobbies, Hobbies, Beauty Secrets

The actress has a practically perfect figure, with 175 cm height, it weighs 53 kg, and the volumes of the chest, the waist and hinders are literally 1 cm differ from the notorious 90-60-90. But to maintain such a form of a crossing almost nothing have to do, it has excellent metabolism.

She lives in Mumbai, but constantly runs between America and India, even jokingly calls the plane by his second home. But the long-term flights are not tightened, the main thing is that there are comfortable clothing, charger, headphones and a laptop. For the actress, this is the only opportunity to widen the films, suits myself during the flight a real film frame, can watch five paintings in a row. When you get tired of movies, listening to music or reads books.

Despite the fact that the actress is already far in thirty, in life it is much easier for it to communicate with children than with adults. There are breeding and their phobias, most of all it is afraid of falling on some important event.

To the question of journalists, as she managed so much to do so much, says that he represents himself a multiple octopus. In all interviews, it does not forget to mention that the success is obliged to parents who have been taught from childhood to never doubt it.

In the interruptions between the filming of Chopra is engaged in charity. It sponsors to prevent children's poliomyelitis, as well as programs for the development of women's education in India.

At the request briefly describe myself a pleasant answer: "I love to win. And I always defeat. "

Greeting Golden Globe Prize at the Golden Globe Award Ceremony in 2017

Such as a pleasant, in America they love to call Force of Nature - "The Power of Nature". She has a rare combination of mind, sexuality and incredible pressure. It is no coincidence last year, a 34-year-old actress entered the list of 100 most influential people of the planet according to Time magazine. Right from the town of Bareli in the north of India, she grew up in the family of military doctors and dreamed of being a designer engineer as a child. At 12 years old, a pleasant persuaded the parents to send it to study to America - to the staff of Iowa, to relatives. There she was not a star - on the contrary: she was poisoned, called "Chumaza" and "Curry", and at the age of 16 she returned home. True, by the time the pleasant has already turned into a beauty, at the form of which the hot Indian guys stopped controlling themselves. To protect the girl from too active boyfriends, the father had to urgently install the lattice in the windows.

At 18, she won the Miss India contest, and then "Miss World". And after a few years the queen of Bollywood became. In India, she starred more than 50 different films and was awarded 24 kinonagrad, including the Indian analogue of Oscar. But this is not a complete list of its regalia. Chopra from an early age is actively engaged in charity: she is the ambassador of UNICEF Goodwill and the founder of the Foundation in India, which helps girls from poor families to get an education. She also owns a major production company in Mumbai, and also participated in Advertising Pantene, Tag Heuer, Pepsi, Nokia, Garnier and Guess (Paul Marchiano called her "New Sophie Loren"). In addition, Chopra recorded several singles in the electro-Dance genre (in her friends - Bruce Springstin and Bono), and also regularly writes articles on Social-political (!) Themes for The Guardian and The New York Times. "I have a lot of hands," Chopra says with a smile in an interview with Marie Claire.

Poster for the film "Malibu Rescuers" 2017.

Frame from the film "Malibu Rescuers"

"I meet only with actors," does not hide a pleasant. "I have no opportunity to get acquainted with someone else." She is attributed to a novel with American actor Gerard Butler, as well as with a whole cohort sex symbol of Bollywood. But at the moment Chopra says that he is not found with anyone, although he passionately dreams of "about a bunch of children." It is not known when she will have at this time - she actively conquers Hollywood, starring in the title "Base Kuantico" rating series. She has 15.5 million subscribers in Instagram, and The Huffington Post news portal recently called it one of the 100 most influential women in Twitter. Everyone who has been able to work with it is affected by her endurance (it takes off 12-16 hours a day). Chopra, who has not studied at the acting courses and does not have higher education at all, has photographic memory, so she does not need to jazby the texts of roles. With each convenient case, she says that the successes are obliged to parents who taught her not to doubt themselves.