Divination over a month 3 number. Information about Gadania

Divination over a month 3 number. Information about Gadania
Divination over a month 3 number. Information about Gadania

In the ancient century, everything that had any attitude towards critical days was recognized by mystical. It was believed that during the monthly female representative carried a threat, since she was inherent in the otherworldly abilities with a direct attitude towards the unclean.

Monthly - a good method to predict the nearest events

During menstruation, the girl is exacerbated by intuition. Therefore, it does not raise surprise, where there are so many methods to predict the nearest events, among whom fortune-telling on a month to love and the coming future. Monthly divination for the female calendar is one of the most simple, but extremely predictions whose veracity you check on yourself.

How to spend fortune telling on the monthly

There are certain nuances, subject to which the prediction obtained will be accurate and truthful:

  1. During the divination, information is taken into account only on the day, in which bleeding began.
  2. If you guess, using 2 options for divination over a month, divination on menstruation will give you a detailed and true prediction.
  3. The foresight is only before the beginning of the following menstruation.
  4. After divination, it is recommended to write down the prediction in the notebook, in order to remember that fate promises you throughout the time.

If you have received a positive result of divination, then this information should not be distributed among others, because there are many enviousings that are capable of changing not for the better.

It is necessary to give the opportunity to enter your life a favorable event and implement the truthful prediction.

Basic information about such a method of divination

The fortune telling on the female cycle is not included in the list of witchcraft rites, but the critical days arrival is always so unpredictable that a large number of legends begged around them.

This divination is based on the period of parallels, the start time of menstruation with existing predictions, which were compiled for many centuries. Put prediction at any time of the day. The advantage is that it is not necessary to prepare for fortune investment, no additional skills are also required.

To guess for menstruation, do not need to be prepared and possess the skills. This is the main advantage

Despite his simpleness, many women were convinced of the veracity of these prediction methods on their own experience. Not two are described below, but at times more division methods over a month.

There are 5 main ways to divine one month, among them:

  1. Fortune telling by the clock.
  2. Divination by the time of the beginning of the monthly.
  3. Divination by day of the week.
  4. Divination by time of day.
  5. Fortune telling by the number of months.

2 predictions for menstrual cycles are not less popular:

  1. Predictions according to folk signs.
  2. Fortune telling on lunar days.

Fortune telling by the clock

The divination for critical days for women describes only twelve hours, this is due to the fact that the decoding of each, regardless of the time of the day it will be identical:

  1. Rogazy, you can find out what a favorable time will begin. You are waiting for pleasant joys, about which you did not even guess, happiness and a positive news.
  2. It is necessary to be more vigilant and follow your own words. You will find a person who at the beginning of communication will cause you excessive irritation, which at a certain time will change to indifference.
  3. It is recommended to develop a feeling of restraint and analyze the consequences arising from your actions. A conflict situation is to have a different level of materiality, but directly affect the main parties to your life.
  4. This month will become one of the best. You will get what I have long been dreamed of. Happiness is practically worth you on the threshold and will soon knock on the door.
  5. You should expect a pleasant surprise, which will not only find out the surprise, but will make it hurt.
  6. The fortune telling over a month for young women warns you that you are surrounded by people who love to gossip behind their backs. You should not take an example with them, and on the contrary, limit yourself from communicating with them, in order to reduce the risk of adverse effects.
  7. You will be posed so long-awaited recognition in love. This news can be obtained from both a secret fan and from a person who has long been discontinued for a long time.
  8. You will be subject to such a unpleasant manifestation of feelings like jealousy. Before jealous of his soul mate, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze the situation and make sure that it will be in a timely manner and deserved.
  9. In-successors are looking for a suitable moment to bring slander to your personality. Therefore, it is necessary to behave adequately and not give a not the slightest reason.
  10. You are intended for fate to know the feeling of love.
  11. Jealousy will begin without visible reasons. Your sweetheart keeps you loyalty and will be offended by your suspicions.
  12. In love with you, pay attention to men around you, maybe this is your fate.

Divination for love in the time of the beginning of the monthly

Foreign one month 2 option. This method gives prediction regarding the further flow of relationships in a love aspect, marriage, it is necessary to take into account the time during which menstruation began.

Menstruation from midnight up to 8 am foreshadows love covered by a secret. Girls will have a secret love, but they will not be able to confess their feelings for a significant reason.

Monthly from 8 am to 12 days. If the beginning of female bleeding fell in such a clock range, then the girl expects that unforgettable candy-bakery period. Such a prediction is relevant not only for single hearts, but also for couples, which consist in relations for quite a long time and which lack new impressions.

Monthly started from 8 am to 12 days? You are waiting for an unforgettable candidate bakery period!

With critical days, in the afternoon, from 3 to 6 pm, a beautiful sex representative must be ready for unexpected and pleasant gifts. Beloved girls whose month olds were pleased with their daily arrival, should show all their positive qualities and please you with a romantic act.

Monthly from 6 pm to midnight designate that in love relationships is not so good as I would like. All difficulties arose due to lies, jealousy, change, inexpensive. It may be provoked in relationships each of the partners.

Fortune telling

This physiological divination will allow you to prepare for certain events. Your future can also be predicted depending on the day of the week when menstruation began.


The occurrence of menstruation on the first day of the week is a harbinger of changes that will not make himself wait. Changes can be both in good direction and bad. Will serve as the beginning of something new.


Within a month you will meet a person who will bring you further benefit. It may be a second half, comrade or an employee.


At your rhythm of life, certain changes will be made to entail a negative incident.


You will visit a new place. Probably, you will be brought to visit or at the meeting. For you, this will serve as a surprise. During the meeting, it should happen that you will feel a feeling of shame for a long time. But this does not mean that you need to reject the received proposal, you just should be more careful.


The divination by day of the week advises you to give you more time to your well-being.

High risks of development of any violations in the functioning of the body. In your life there should be a decisive event.


Promises the beginning of a new love story, full romance, tenderness and emotions that cannot be forgotten.

If the monthly started on Saturday, then the beginning of a new love story awaits you.


You are destined to spend a lot of free time in a pleasant company of friends, beloved and relatives. In most cases, meetings will not be planned


If the start of menstruation fell in the morning, then you will soon visit the feeling of love. This love can manifest itself not only to the opposite sex, but to the closest people around you. This month will be filled with pleasant emotions.

Monthly, which began in the afternoon, foreshadow that luck will be accompanied and happiness for the entire time. You will be held in all spheres of life: in love, in family and friendly relationships, at work and study.

Critical days that begin in the evening promise you trouble. A high probability of a whole series of negative incidents: conflict situations, disassembly, failures and troubles. But thanks to them, you will begin to appreciate the pleasant moments that your life is full.

It often happens that menstruation starts and at all, when they are not waiting for them at night. This suggests that in the coming month you will have to hide a lot from others. Be prepared for the study of your skeletons in the closet.

Divination by the number of months

There was a widespread fortune telling by the number of months. About the impact of numbers on the fate of a person knows quite a lot of information. Also, the fortune telling over a month for women by the number of month bears certain information.

First week 1-7 number

  1. Good luck in all endeavors of ovula. Feeling satisfaction for all aspects of life.
  2. Purely subjective position in relation to someone. Feeling disgust and neglect.
  3. Your lover will show their negative qualities. Conflict situation without visible reasons.
  4. Satisfaction with your life way.
  5. A pleasant, unforgettable and unexpected gift of fate awaits gadgets.
  6. Around your personality dismisses gossip, from whom you did not expect it.
  7. You are confessed in love that was held for a long time in secret.

Second week 8-14 number

  1. Female fortune telling predicts you the emergence of jealousy about and without.
  2. You should not promise to close people what you can't do if you do not want you to stop trusting.
  3. Ideal relationship with lover.
  4. You will have to experience a feeling of payback.
  5. Your heart craves to conquer the secret rejoice.
  6. The fortune telling on the month recommends watching the words you say, so that they did not turn against you.
  7. Some of your loved ones telling a lie, rub with the reasons for such a act.

Third week 15-21 numbers

If menstruation began in the period from 12 to 21, the girl awaits improving the financial situation

  1. Promises improving the financial situation.
  2. A high probability of guests, the arrival of which you have long dreamed of.
  3. Your dream will soon be embodied in reality.
  4. If the day of the beginning falls on the 18th number, then you are waiting for an unpleasant situation, allowing you can not soon.
  5. You will be able to get into what was convinced for a long time, but in the future it will play your hand.
  6. You betray the person who you trusted the most.
  7. It will makes your life with legs on your head. This incident can carry both positive and negative.

Fourth week 22-28 number

  1. For this date, you can predict a collision with insignificant problems in your environment.
  2. The surrounding will give tribute to your actions and actions.
  3. High risks of betrayal. Change can like your second half and you yourself.
  4. Your scenario of life, which was built for a long month instantly collapsed.
  5. Your job will begin to bring the desired benefit.
  6. Every business started with you success. Improve the material state of ovula.
  7. You can circle around your finger in deeds associated with money.

Fifth nonleutied 29-31 numbers

  1. Introduction to your life inexplicable phenomena and otherworldly forces.
  2. You will have to visit a loud holiday.
  3. You will stop worrying about the past and wake watch only forward.

Folk Signals for Critical Days

Throughout the time, the monthly was shrouded in mysteriousness, from here there were folk signs that have their place even in the modern world. This is a proven method of predicting the nearest future.

  1. If you did not expect the start of menstruation, then your rhythm of life will gain new revolutions. In your way there will be many new things that you could not predict.
  2. If you have a monthly delay, then folk signs promise you stability, the absence of any changes.
  3. The timely beginning of the menstruation means that your life will leak according to the plan. Your desires will be embodied in reality.

Moonful Day Prediction

Each person knows that the lunar days have a certain impact on life, health, physical, spiritual and emotional state of a woman. This prediction method is included in the list of fortunenesses from ancient times, which used our ancestors of the twenty-centuries and who did not lose their relevance to this day, at the moment there are only two of them.

Critical days in the phase of the growing moon. All plans that were kept in the head in women are close to the exercise. It is worth expecting only good news.

The beginning of the menstruation cycle in the full moon is promulite the execution of a cherished dream, which was covered with a wax mystery. Life will be filled with happy moments for 21 days.

Monthly during a decreasing moon. You are a series of unwanted incidents. But after you expect a white strip.

In this article we will tell about the way of divination, with whom any girl will cope - about fortune-money on menstruation.

In ancient times, people more closely looked closely to the world around the world, and to what was happening in the very organism. "Everything from the gods!" - So they reasoned. For a monthly representative of a beautiful sex, too, looking after, carefully comparing the time of their appearance with the events that took place in life. Maybe you should take advantage of their experiences?

Divination one month in time

The first thing that is worth paying attention is at what time of day the period began:

Early morning - during until 11.00. Such menstruation will be the most good precursor - harbinger of love, resolution of conflicts. At the same time, it is absolutely necessary. romantic relationship - Maybe you will find Harmony with relatives or friends.

Energy beating and successful solutions There will be satellites for the near future.

Important: There are cases when several drops of blood appear first, and then there are full-fledged periods. In this case, pay attention is exactly the first "signals".

Day - during from 11.00 to 13.00. Another time that predicts exceptionally good events. Especially often they will occur in work sphere. Successes, pleasant surprises, inspiration - expect all this.

Noon - from 13.00 to 17.00. Perhaps you it is worth the caution. It is necessary to rely exclusively on yourself, and cases that can turn into troubles, it is better to avoid. The likelihood of failures Especially high.

Evening - from 17.00 to 21.00. This option is more favorable than the previous one, but still you will not have to rejoice at all. And here toss - Yes. Not excluded feeling of unnecessary and loneliness.

Night - from 21.00 to dawn. This period has always been particularly unloved by our ancestors. Maybe because he foreshadows separation. Perhaps your friends either beloved will be overly busy or go somewhere.

IMPORTANT: Perhaps you are waiting for cheating or even betrayal. Try to be alert.

Fortune telling over monthly by day, on weeks, on the first day of the beginning of menstruation for love

Monday - The day is heavy, what we all remember. And in the case of this desperation, this statement justified itself - bottles and strong unrest will be faithful satellites of a woman. Probably, they will be shown when an attempt to settle troubles.

But despair not worth it - it is quite possible get an extremely valuable gift from a loved one.

Tuesday - Life Changes. Perhaps fate prepared meet with a kind of personwhich time later becomes very important. And perhaps, a meeting with a good acquaintance or even with a friend with which you have not seen quite a long time.

By the way, if you have long been going with the Spirit in order to take some important decision - Boldly Make Step in this direction. And perhaps the meeting will be able to help.

Wednesday -an adverse time. Troubles over which you have to worry a lot, let yourself know. Check Less trust To others.

But it is not necessary to worry much: the monthly, which began on this day of the week, as it were, they say that you must continue to fight. Only in the case of the application effort the result will be favorable.

Important: Keep in mind that everything predictable will be relevant within a month exactly before the next critical days. This means that you should not expect a long troubleshirt.

Thursday - predicts guests. Perhaps guests will come to you. And perhaps, it is you will receive an invitation to any celebration or just on friendly sites. If they are new people, look They are possible, these are your future good friends.

Note that such an event can bring both a lot of joy and trouble. Just try to show a little more accuracy than usual.

Friday - Mostly this is a favorable time. Probably, you will suddenly get such news that will change something for the better. However, for such changes will have to attach a lot of effort.

Important: But do not rush to relax - probabilities and trouble. Friday can be controversial day.

Saturday is an extremely good day. He foreshadows harmony, a variety of benefits. What is customary called "Manna from Heaven" will be quite real! Maybe, a secret desire comes true, but the trouble will be eliminated As if by themselves.

Great probability get Recognition in love, Start new relationships. Our ancestors considered the beginning of menstruation on Saturday write to the coming engagement or wedding.

Sunday - not in vain is considered time fun and joy. Even if some troubles on the personal front will appear, they will disappear very quickly and without consequences. Nothing will be able to spoil your mood. Or maybe it turns out to go to the long-awaited vacation!

Excellent mood - this is what predicted on Sunday menstruation

Fortune telling in a month by numbers for girls and adolescents on a guy, a loved one, for marriage

Now let's look at the options that depend on the number:

1 - Good luck and feeling of happinesswho will give some euphoria.. It is worth noting that such an euphoria will not blind, but will give an incentive for future accomplishments.

Important: Get ready to take positive changes in life. Do not neglect meetings - they are useful.

2 - probably someone from well known to you people will disappoint or even start calling contempt. Just like probably negative attitude around you. However, it may well happen and so that the rejection will not cause a person, but some event.

3 - It is recommended to hold onto the side of various kinds of conflicts. Quarrelwhich you are easily inserted in the next month, may be forgotten, but maybe become protracted. It all depends on your actions. Recommended worry about your health.

4 - Happinessassociated with the embodiment of the cherished wish. Discard this time from the experiences on trifles - enjoy the joy of full!

5 - A loved one can present you pleasant gift. If you have no favorite yet, you foreden on this day successful shopping trip or other favorable investment.

6 - intrigue behind the back, slander or quite tangible Obstacles from enemies. Be alert and try not to gossip yourself.

7 - Prechange mutual love. Watch out for those men who surround you - Maybe your destiny is among them? If your favorite person already exists, Relationships are strengthened either you will make it up.

Important: But do not rely exclusively for providence - you will have to make efforts and yourself.

8 - perhaps, it is worth stocking agent, as it is getting reliability period. Try yourself not to give a reason so that your man worried. If you are prone to this feeling, try not to make thoughtless actions.

Jealousy - what predicts the monthly, which began eighth

9 - still keep the calming nearby, but this time it will have to treat their nerves thanks to enemies. Gossip, sloe, attempts to destroy your plans - Here without confidence and clear head can not cope. Probably try make troubles to your personal life.

10 - foreshadow yours love in someone. If the lucky is already available, expect strengthening relationships. But if you broke up with a man, it may well happen and renaissance relationships.

11 - Try to keep in your head that you should trust your favorite person. The fact is that flares of jealousy In the next month, it is very likely, and this will lead to serious consequences.

12 - It is quite likely to appear on the horizon new fan. but refer to it waryFor anything serious from your relationship will not grow up.

Important: It is possible that this person uses not the best means to attract your sympathy ..

13 - No wonder this number is considered unhappy. Luck in the coming month will be not frequent for you.

14 - happy news Already on the threshold! They will certainly become.

15 favorite man or girlfriend Presented to you problems. Or, as an option, problems will experience themselves. However, this is all temporary.

16 - refrain from gossip In the coming month. The likelihood of what you can suffer from them and suffer is noticeable. However, will have to retain from comments and commentswho are sure to hurt others.

17 - separation with a loved one. It can be both long and short. Refrain from quarrels And then the reunification is not waiting for a long time.

18 - New serious phase in personal relationships. For unmarried young lady she will bring the long-awaited hands and heart offersand married get new coil family relationships.

19 beware of a man who will charm. It may seem that he is sincere and in love, but in fact only dry calculation takes place.

Important: Do not allow passion towards this person.

20 - and again Unrequited loveb for unmarried young ladies. Or belling With a man who is far indifferent. It is also possible lies from loved ones. It is possible that it will be "false for good."

21 - Show alertness in everything. Watch out for your own things and for the surrounding people who can deceive. Do not conclude transactions. More time to the family, because it can collapse.

22 - Financial Welfare You are provided! It may be anything - an unexpected premium, a large winning lottery, tangible earnings. By the way, if you are looking for work or part-time, In the coming month there is a huge chance to find the desired one.

23 - The month will pass under the sign of happiness. Series of happy eventsthat will be important and will give a lot of joy. Perhaps they have every chance of becoming rotary in life.

24 - Begin to prepare for reception of guests. Guests will be pleasant and numerous, and the reason is joyful. Most likely, some holiday is getting.

25 - The circle of your communication will expand. maybe the emergence of a person with whom the novel will be tuned. It is not excluded that it will happen during some travels.

Important: Pay attention to dating in this period - they can become fateful.

26 - gain a reliable friend. Or old friends and relatives will submit a shoulder. Month will pass under the sign stability.

27 - will be a desire. And the assistance relating to its incarnation will come unexpectedly. It is possible that with a sudden person who has arisen.

28 - personal life will remain at the same level, but in terms of work, you can expect a tangible breakthrough. Including the improvement is touched and the material component.

29 - Unfortunately, Tears and chagrins Will be frequent during this period. Expect reliable shoulder from loved ones - They will certainly help cope with the grief.

30 - Relations with a previously unfamiliar man. Free young ladies will receive a partner for long bright relationships, and married is temptation. In the latter case, flirting is not excluded, but without negative consequences.

31 - You can safely anticipate adventures! And the surprises are not reading - new acquaintance, travel, the appearance of hobbies.

Important: There is a chance of committing a certain non-resident actions in the impulse of feelings. Be careful!

Divination one month old for women in the lunar days

The girl should pay attention to the lunar day, in which periods began. There are certain lunar days in which contact the interpretation of fate is useless - It will not give truthful answers. it 1, 12-14, 19, 23, 26, 29 days.

Divination on a monthly Feng Shui

Even the ancient fans of Feng Shui treated monthly as a process that cleans the body. It was believed that it was thanks to this process of renewing a woman and live on average longer than men.

In ancient times, it was noticed that those women who long and tightly communicate with each other, and monthly synchronized. This made it possible to conclude that critical days are a very subtle process, which is influenced by various changes from the outside.

IMPORTANT: On how this process can be interpreted, we wrote above - surprisingly, the followers of Feng Shui brought the same interpretations as other observers.

Representatives of Feng Shui have long noticed that periods can predict success, for example, in love

It was believed that phases of the state of the female organism similar to the elements of nature - tree, fire, earth, metal, water. Wherein:

  • water - Bloodwhich cleans
  • earth - ovulation, during which the conception occurs and the new life is born
  • metal - barren phase. In the body after ovulation, as on metal, nothing comes

The fortune telling over a month, as well as anything else, should not be perceived as truth in the last instance. Take the received information received, analyze, look attentively on the world - perhaps this approach will help you. However, remember that much depends on ourselves.

Video: Monthly - Women's Topic

Since ancient times, menstruation has been closely associated with superstitions, despite the fact that different peoples had their own attitude towards critical days.

The divination on the month is a simple method for each fair sex representative, thanks to which they can find out that they are waiting for them in the near future. If you listen to predictions, you can avoid most problems or, on the contrary, to pay your attention to any little things that will continue to bring good luck.

With a regular cycle, it is possible to obtain a forecast for a month ahead. Before the onset of the next monthly, women will already have the necessary information, which will be able to prevent failures and errors. It is only necessary to remember the day of the beginning of the monthly and see his interpretation.

If there is a sincere faith in prophecy, it will certainly come true.

Methods of fortune telling in a month

There are many techniques that allow you to obtain a prediction on the menstrual cycle. It can be a certain time, the number of month or day of the week. When you fortunate Fengshui to obtain accurate predictions also use links with zodiac signs and elements.

Long ago, everything that is connected with menstruation was considered some otherworked. In critical days, women were considered dangerous, endowed with a special, otherwise powerful. Therefore, it is not surprised that the signs of monthly are considered to be the right way to predict fate.

Intuition is an accurate barometer. During monthly female feelings are becoming sharper and more sensitive.

Still long women knew how to predict the future for a month on menstruation. You can burn in a monthly one by three options that are popular to date (by the hour (time of day), days and date).

Believe the signs on a month or not - to solve you, but still, if a woman decided to pay out at the beginning of the menstruation, some rules should be held.

Also importantly comply with some rules:

  • make prediction can only be done for the coming month;
  • that the result was more accurate recommended to use several ways at once;
  • you can guess only once a month, on the first day of the start of the selection;
  • if a woman predicted to himself something well, it is definiciently impossible to tell anyone, bad thoughts and the forces will help this prevent this.

Observing such simple rules, a woman can get an accurate result.

The time when menstruation starts, is also very important in order to draw up so to speak "horoscope in a month." A woman can find out that it is waiting for a monthly cycle before menstruation.

Signals over a month are also deciphered, based on the time of day.

Consider signs over a month, depending on which menstruation began at what time of day:

  • Start of bleeding fell earlier morning, means love and light. Love can be completely different to her husband, child, parents or just to close friends. But strong, understanding relationships with the family this month you are provided.
  • The beginning of the monthly fell at the lunchtime of the day from 10-13 hours. Such a sign suggests that a month is joying and engraving. This reports that the woman will not be sad all month.
  • Menstruation began in the evening from 17-21 hours - It promises boredom, despondency and tears. Remember the women, the later will begin allocations, the sadly the current month will be given.
  • Night bleeding carry separation. Woman should be ready for what time she will be alone.

Signals over a month: what day of the week

You can also confront fate to finding out what day menstruation will begin. Such divination will be effective and accurate if you combine it with the above method.

Each number has its magical properties and you can determine the future.

Depending on how the number began, the entire next cycle of a woman can expect good or bad events. What awaits you?

We will try to interpret the value of the week from the beginning of the bleeding:

  • Monday - day heavy. Always indicates trouble and anxiety. What exactly will be the days depends not from bleeding. Monday is a day of the week who can bring an expensive present from a dear person for you. Decide that the conviction of the celebration should do with it.
  • Tuesday - Beginning on this day of the week, says that a woman is waiting for an unexpected meeting with a man, whom she did not see for a long time and did not communicate with him. It is also possible to meet with this man cool will change life. Life changes are possible.
  • Wednesday - An unpleasant day. Rely only on yourself, be aleaching and do not trust unfamiliar people.
  • Thursday It indicates that the woman can prepare for the guest meeting. But what character and mood will be from these gatherings, depends only on the woman.
  • Friday. The beginning of menstruation on Friday is news. What will the news are not to know. Main patience.
  • Saturday - The most suitable day for the start of menstruation. All dreams and desires will definitely come true to believe it.
  • Sunday.The beginning of menstruation on Sunday is promoting joy and fun. It suggests that a woman will spend a month joyfully with a smile on his lips.

What will tell the number of months?

The number is magic, so wherever without their help. They are also considered an important indicator during menstruation.

We will reveal all the secrets about which the number can tell:

    1. good event, euphoria, stimulus, joy;
    2. disappointment, neglect;
    3. conflict, Sora, Enmity;
    4. desires to execute, joy and fun;
    5. dear, romantic and nice gift from the narrowed;
    6. slander, gossip and nasty;
    7. clean, sincere and true love;
    8. jealousy;

  1. people will appear who will want to spoil you a love relationship;
  2. love;
  3. a woman can be sure of his beloved man;
  4. probably, you can find love;
  5. difficulties;
  6. good news;
  7. wait for a "knife in the back" from your beloved or girlfriend;
  8. on this day, the female language is her enemy, keep it for your teeth;
  9. short-lived separation from a close man;
  10. true love will come to you;
  11. seventh sky from happiness;
  12. unrequited love;
  13. deception;
  14. financial well-being;
  15. happiness, joyful events;
  16. big holiday with guests;
  17. fateful acquaintance;
  18. meeting a reliable friend;
  19. the number bears the desires to which a person will affect;
  20. silence on the love front, but finance and careers will go into growth;
  21. tears, chagrins;
  22. the number of promises love relationships that will have a long time;
  23. a trip, a journey that will be spontaneous.

Other Menstruation Signals

There will be a large number of the most relevant we reviewed. But there are still other signs over a month and various skills that are not related to their start.

The time of day and the specific day of the week will not only help predict the future, but also affect health, vital aspects, hygiene, etc.

So, what else can not be done during menstruation, which tones are:

  • You can not swim in the river and go to church.
  • With menstruation, women cannot be prepared and do household.
  • It is forbidden to squeeze herbs, plants and more.
  • If bleeding went on an important event - weddings, then it meant that the children of spouses are waiting for a hard life, while you need to read a special conspiracy.
  • If the monthly went to the full moon - this suggests that the wondering woman. She was forbidden to look at the cattle and people.
  • Women whose periods were considered to be a faith home from fire. She had to break up 3 times around the flaming home.
  • Menstrual blood Kropyi house to protect.

On lunar days, experienced women are guess who know what days the result will be accurate. In the 29th, 26th, 23rd, 19th, 14th, 13th, 12th and 1st are those days in which fortune-telling is meaningless. If you solder on other days then you can be confident in their accuracy.

Deciding to believe in signs on a month or not the woman itself. No matter how every of us is the Creator of His fate, you need to always think and believe only in good, then all the troubles will bypass you.

Divorcing in a month at first glance is funny. But if the nature "rewarded" with a month old woman, one cannot exclude the option that their day is unusual. After all, starting from time immemorial time to this day, the trigger of men on menstruation is considered one of the strongest. Modern girls spend divination in monthly different ways:

  • fortune telling on menstruation at a specific day of their start (Monday, Tuesday, etc.);
  • fortune telling at the time of the day when menstruation began (morning, day, night);
  • divination online online, with the help of the World Wide Web.

Women always wanted to know that they were waiting for them in the future, when they would marry or mutually feeling for a partner. On the Internet you can always go through any fortune-telling online. Big plus, if a woman leads a monthly calendar.

Feng Shui will tell

The most interesting thing is that fortune telling on the month in online mode is a technique of Feng Shui. She will help anyone who wants to bring harmony into various aspects of life. Thus, fortune-telling in a month can help women learn in advance about the upcoming changes. Feng Shui will tell you what days to wait for surprises. On the forums you can find user reviews and ask a question online about fortune telling, monthly, etc.

The funniest version, issued by Google - Feng Shui invented the thieves of China ... to faster oriented in homes. In fact, this is a whole science, the foundations of which were laid in the 9th century the Grand Guru Lillian Tue. In the modern world, this technique was updated, finalized, and here it turned out, the monthly women whose women are like the main component component.

What day is such and cycle

Full up for menstruation on a hair dryer Shui with the help of the days of the week - the option to predict the near future.

  1. Monday, as they say, the day is heavy. The beginning of the monthly on this day promises a month saturated and problems. However, in the end, a woman can get a modest gift from his second half.
  2. If the monthly began on Tuesday, it means a pleasant meeting with old friends. The meeting will take place unexpectedly, but will bring a lot of positive and pleasant memories.
  3. Wednesday will prepare a woman to trouble. If there are any plans for changing the place of residence or vacation, it is worth it to stand. Do not get upset !!! The monthly cycle lasts only 28 days.
  4. The beginning of menstruation on Thursday speaks about the upcoming bachelorette party or corporate. On this day, a woman can get an invitation to a merry feast. You can not refuse !!! How will the guiding depends on the invited one.
  5. Friday - the end of the week speaks for himself. Adventures on this day no one will avoid. At the beginning of the cycle, a woman is waiting for a good joy, but soon it can come unpleasant news.
  6. Saturday, on the contrary - the first day of the long-awaited rest. He means calm and peace. At this time, nothing bad should be expected. Rather, on the contrary, the execution of desires or a love letter from the fan.
  7. Sunday is a day in which many church holidays (Easter, forgiveness Sunday) will promise joy and good luck in affairs throughout the menstrual cycle.

Taking divination, monthly should already go. It is impossible to take the beginning of menstruation, the days are precursors of menstruation. Divination on menstruation can be made online. Just enter the onset of "red days" to the calendar and the screen will issue complete information about the coming changes.

In the morning or evening?

The second version of the Feng Shui technique is a divination for monthly days. It is quite common, but in the modern world with difficulty believe in his truthfulness. No one claims that it is necessary to believe in it, but if you know the value of online, the divination (monthly or something else) will not harm. Warned - armed. All predictions depend only on time and day when menstruation began.

  • Morning monthly is good luck. If menstruation began early in the morning, this is a harmonious harmony in relations, good luck, mutual respect and understanding in the family. It is possible to establish contacts with long-range relatives, friends, change in relationships for the better. On the entire cycle of the monthly woman is waiting for only a good attitude from the outside.
  • The day until 13.30 is considered to be a good time for menstruation. The divination on menstruation interprets it as a pleasant change in work and personal life. The next cycle will be full of love and pleasant surprises.
  • Monthly period of 13.30 - 19.00 do not foresee anything good. The next month will bring failures and minor troubles. Changes are possible on the "Personal Front". Relationships can bring sadness and disappointment.
  • The beginning of menstruation at night will bring separation and parting with loved ones.

One two Three…

Feng Shui offers another option - fortune-telling over the monthly with the help of the day to which menstruation fell. The methodology is mentioned that the value is not only time of day, but a specific day. Divination on menstruation multifaceted and you can use all components.

  • 1 - The period promises unprecedented joy, funny days, some frowning and progress in work, and possibly increased.
  • 2 - This day foreshadows disappointment and maybe the feeling of contempt for any person will not pass soon.
  • 3 - harbinger quarrel, love triangle. As and when trouble is run out, it depends only from the gadget woman.
  • 4 - divination by month says that the "sunny, light" period begins. Throughout the menstrual cycle, a woman will feel excellent.
  • 5 - This is a good digit in life. For example, in childhood, we just wanted the rating "5". So the divination of which is a tip, say that everything is fine !!! You can wait for a nice gift.
  • 6 - divination on menstruation foreshadows gossip.
  • 7 is a signal that there is a secret fan.
  • 8 - divination by menstruation foreshadows quickly clarification of relations, jealousy.
  • 9 - forerunner of empty quarrels, gossip. Do not betray this value.
  • 10 is love. Divination on menstruation speaks about emergency in love.
  • 11 - a signal about the dedication of the partner, the entire monthly cycle exactly, well, and then guess again !!!
  • 12 - Magic Day. Someone will charm and wipe away.
  • 13 - Chestov dozen, but do not dipress, the cycle is not infinite.
  • 14 - unexpected news, very pleasant.
  • 15 - Divination on the monthly talks about bad Westi.
  • 16 - keep the tongue behind the teeth. The divination on menstruation speaks of a possible quarrel and because of the "incontinence" of speech.
  • 17 - parting with your beloved. Perhaps this is a business trip or a forced trip.
  • 18 - warns of prudence. As the fortune telling on the period is a sharp in love, affection.
  • 19 - foreshadows great and clean love.
  • 20 - Unrequited love. The fortune telling warns: do not spin on the sides, it is better to take care of or work.
  • 21 - Caution Cheating !!!
  • 22 - a good date for the game of the lottery. Fortune telling for monthly promises money remuneration, prize.
  • 23 - the day is good, and the divination by month foreshadows great happiness.
  • 24 - an unexpected arrival of guests, the arrival of relatives. Get ready!
  • 25 - divination for menstruation foreshadows new friendship.
  • 26 - There will be sympathy and sadness.
  • 27 - All dreams will be fulfilled.
  • 28 - a prosperous period.
  • 29 - There is bad days.
  • 30 - This date is attributed to the value of mutual love.
  • 31 - short-lived by someone. Foreign, monthly whose flirt is definitely predicted.

Do not forget that the world network is infinite. There are many interpretations, values \u200b\u200band gadas online.