How much does it cost to unlearn a fitness trainer. About the professional bodybuilding and fitness school

How much does it cost to unlearn a fitness trainer. About the professional bodybuilding and fitness school

Fitness instructor training Is a whole range of activities aimed at ensuring that the graduating trainer has all necessary knowledge and skills for teaching science healthy and beautiful body... It is not easy and involves the creation of a training system.

So what is the system for training fitness trainers and instructors?

The basic course is the foundation for any beginner fitness instructor. It is with him that the path begins to become a professional in the field of fitness training. This course consists of two parts: theoretical and practical.

Theory is the study of the foundations of human anatomy, biomechanics, biochemistry, physiology, and psychology. After all, it is very important to begin with finding the only correct approach to the person who came to you to train.

Practice is, first of all, working out and again working out: the basic principles of aerobics, basic standards and requirements for exercises, aerobic choreography (modern techniques), step aerobics, classical aerobics, flexibility training, muscle strength and endurance training.

After you have completed the basic course in one of the directions ("Basic course instructor of group programs", "Basic course instructor of the gym"), You are waiting for two theoretical and practical tests. After successful delivery credits You go to the exam, which also consists of two parts - practical and theoretical. Course participants who have passed two tests consisting of practice (basic aerobics and basic step), as well as a theory test, receive a record book (not an established sample) of the Varvara Medvedeva School of Aerobics Instructors.

Advantages of the ITS Basic Course:

ITS Is a leading company in the fitness training market that has been providing high-quality training for gym specialists and fitness instructors for group programs for over 13 years.
More than 13,000 people have found their new vocation with us!

- ITS (Fitness school of Varvara Medvedeva) Is a company that has been professionally training instructors for over 13 years. This is our main line of business.
- ITS (Fitness school of Varvara Medvedeva) is an independent company and does not belong to any club or network of clubs. Therefore, we present all that really is the best on this moment in fitness, and not engaged in the promotion of something to order.
the record book of the Fitness School of Varvara Medvedeva recognized in most clubs in Russia, so it is easy for our graduates to find work. best graduates we help in finding a job and give recommendations.
- ITS (Fitness school of Varvara Medvedeva) offers courses for beginners as well as the most experienced instructors across the board. Our directions are implemented in many clubs, so it is easy to grow with us and plan a fitness career for a long period of time.

- ITS (Fitness school of Varvara Medvedeva) conducts courses every semester in all large cities Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, so it's easy to be young and mobile with us.
- The cost of the courses is quite adequate, therefore, by investing money in your training, you create yourself confidence in the future.
we are very friendly and funny team and we are always glad to newbies!

The basis of this course are the methods and knowledge used by AFAA - American Association for Aerobics and Fitness, DFAV - German Federation of Aerobics, as well as 12 years of experience of the ITS company.

As part of the course, presentations of all relevant fitness areas will be made. that exist in the clubs so that it is possible to determine the further paths of your career development.
Fitness programs such as B.E.S.T. fit, Athletic Stretch, Total Body Shock, FREE2DANCE, FREE2STEP, CardioStrike, HOT IRON, POWER YOGA, PILATES Art, etc.

Become the master of your own body and career today!

Professional international school fitness exists on the basis of the Institute of Psychology at the Department physical education... Today she is a leader in the field of specialized education. During her work, over a thousand students have graduated, most of them work in the best clubs in Russia.

Objectives and training programs

The main task of the school is to provide professional training for gym instructors and professional development.

    • Teaching is carried out by leading experts in Moscow. Their many years of experience allows them to organize training so that students can reveal all their talents.
    • The basis of the program is the international standard for individual and group teaching in various fields of sports.
    • Students with different levels initial training.
    • The curricula of our courses are designed so that even a personal trainer with experience can pick up new knowledge for themselves.

The trainer-methodologist of our School Viktor Ilyasov was invited to the show of the channel "Russia 1" "On the most important thing"

Course documents

Our school of gym instructors issues a certificate of completion to students with established certificates, a diploma of vocational training or a certificate of advanced training of the state sample. This will be required for work in Moscow, as well as for opening your own sports center.

The advantages of our school

The advantages of our school are that:

  • Only in our courses, each fitness trainer receives a diploma of the established sample, which will become the basis for a further successful career.
  • Instructor, passed the course, will receive a full range of knowledge in disciplines such as physiology, dietetics, anatomy, biomechanics.
  • We help to find a job in the gym and popular clubs capital Cities.

Our international school of trainers is open to both beginners from scratch and advanced training. In the classroom, comprehensive theoretical knowledge is given and practical skills are taught that will help to achieve high results in professional activity... Since we issue official documentation confirming the completion of the courses, excellent job opportunities open up in front of you! Moreover, we will help you find a job and achieve success in your work!

Would you like to receive a high-quality and comprehensive education? - Contact us in Moscow! All nuances can be agreed upon by phone! We will be glad to see you among our students! With us you have great job opportunities!

Our details:

  • LLC "Professional School of Bodybuilding and Fitness"
  • OGRN 1157746937480
  • INN / KPP 7728316073/772801001
  • Yur. address: 117321 Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, 26, building 2
  • Fact. address: 117279 Moscow, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 55
  • R / s 40702810802870001270 in OJSC "Alfa-Bank"
  • K / s 30101810200000000593
  • BIK 044525593

Fitness instructor is a popular sports destination in Moscow, the demand for which is growing every year. A personal trainer in a gym is a person who organizes classes and helps any student achieve their goals and excellence in performing exercises. The specialist will always note the client's mistakes and help fix them.

The training of a personal bodybuilding trainer is a whole set of knowledge that will determine future success in the profession and subsequent self-improvement. Training program:

Includes a range of different disciplines covering issues physical activity, anatomy, dietetics.

Aimed at developing effective strength loads and exercises that allow you to achieve your goals in the shortest possible time.

Professional courses cover both theoretical and practical foundations. Great attention paid attention to choosing the right equipment for exercising in the gym. During the lessons, it will be possible to use kettlebells, resistance bands, step platforms.

Prices for training under the program "Personal trainer"

Achievement of goals and excellent results

Personal trainer training is built on the development of effective individual programs taking into account the goals that the client wants to achieve. will become the basis for the further development of the teacher and will help him in the future to independently create teaching exercises. After completing specialized bodybuilding and fitness courses, the trainer will be able to:

  • The specialist's definition of the training goal and the identification of the client's needs in order to form suitable ways to achieve them.
  • The experience gained at the school will help to correctly assess the health and physical capabilities of the client.
  • Development of an individual program.

The training of a personal trainer is focused on ensuring that he can independently create a training program, including effective motivation techniques and ways to build muscle mass.

The advantages of our school

Our bodybuilding school in Moscow prepares specialists high level, which allows them to achieve great success in their careers. After completing the training, the student takes the exam and receives a certificate confirming his qualifications. Our fitness and bodybuilding school is your pass to high-paying jobs in the best clubs and GYM's capital Cities!

With us, you will receive basic knowledge and professional skills, which will become the basis for your self-improvement. Become a demanded specialist! Sign up to our school in Moscow and start studying right now!

Course sheet

Theoretical disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
  • Fundamentals of Biochemistry
  • Fitness training theory
  • Biomechanics Fundamentals
  • Power training
  • Dietetics
  • Aerobic workout
  • Flexibility training (stretching)
  • Organization of personal training
  • Professional activity of a personal trainer

Practical lessons:

  • Initial briefing of the client
  • Exercises using machines and free weights
  • Exercise technique, injury prevention
  • Stretch exercises

Detailed analysis of exercises for all muscle groups:

  • Arm muscles
  • Muscles of the chest
  • Back muscles
  • Deltas
  • Press
  • Muscles of the legs and buttocks
  • Aerobic workout

Self-compilation of a training plan and nutrition plan for the client.