The existence of custom. India Castovaya System: origins and remnants

The existence of custom. India Castovaya System: origins and remnants
The existence of custom. India Castovaya System: origins and remnants

The caste system in India shares society to various groups. Many sociologists believe that it is almost impossible to clearly determine the number of caste groups due to the complexity of this phenomenon.

In essence, the caste system is based on religious traditions and is influenced by socio-environmental changes.

The word "caste" comes from Portuguese - Casta, which means "genus, origin, pure breed."

Although the Constitution of India of 1950 proclaimed the equality of caste, the relics of caste public relations Stored in the country to this day.

Two Custom Concepts

The Indians themselves have no term to describe the class system as a whole.
They share it on a social basis (these are customs from an ancient Vedic society, which is called Varna) or by birth (which means the transfer of professional classes inheritance and refer to jati).

Modern species of caste are the result of social changes that began in the mid-nineteenth century and were strengthened during British colonization, which forced many social classes to work in the colonial administration.

Custom system "Varna"

The word "Varna" means color. This system is based on the ancient Hindu literature and is divided into four main categories that have their origins in Vedic society.

  • Priests, scientists (brahmans)
  • Wars, rulers (kshatriya)

  • Craftsmen, Traders (Vaichi)

  • Servants, hired working (shudra)

Those who did not fit into the above categories have rejected the caste group of unsuccessful, which are called Dalitis (depressed) or the Paria.

Representatives of the first three Varna in ancient India were also called "twice born". The second birth of their birth was considered the special rite of dedication and admission to the sacred knowledge of the Vedas.

Custom system "Jati"

The word "jati" means the birth. Many sociologists believe that this caste system appeared from the mixing of Varna. Initially, they resembled European Medieval Guilds: each of them had its own controls (Parappiys) and mutual assistance systems. Currently there are about three thousand jali. The number of one jami can be from several hundred to several million people. For today's days, the emergence of new specialties leads to the formation of new castes Jati.

What is the effect of a caste system?

Custom system is the rules of interaction between members of society that occupy different positions in the hierarchy. Restrictions include:

* Social ties: Upper castes are limited in low caustes * Geographic segregation: the top caste lives in the center, lower castes - on the periphery * the rich higher castes exploit the poor below * India faced violence on a custom basis. In accordance with the report of the UN Report of 2005: There were perfect more than 30,000 acts of violence against Dalitov in 1996. Castes and modern India

The Constitution of the country calls discrimination of lower castes illegal:

* After independence public policy India is aimed at eliminating castear barriers * The emergence of positive discrimination, which includes government quota, with employment and in education for members of the lower caste * For proper application of this policy, local government qualifies thousands of communities and castes * The lowest castes get a special status * on this system than below social status - the more advantages

Caste The term applied primarily to the main division of the Hindu society in the Indian subcontinent. They are also used to designate any social group, which adheres to the rigid norms of group behavior and not allowing strangers in their ranks. The main characteristics of the Indian caste: Endogamia (the conclusion of marriages is exclusively between the members of the caste); hereditary membership (accompanied by the practical inability to move to another Casta); prohibition to share meals with representatives of other castes, and also have physical contact with them; recognition of the firmly fixed place of each caste in the hierarchical structure of society as a whole; restrictions on the election of the profession; Cast autonomy in the regulation of intracasta social relations.


Origin of Varna . From the most early works Sanskrit literature It is known that the peoples who spoke on the Aryan adverbs during the initial settlement of India (approximately 1500 to 1200 BC) were already divided into four main estates, later called "Varna" (SanskR. "Color"): Brahmins (clergymen ), Kshatriev (Warriors), Vaishiyev (merchants, cattle breeders and farmers) and Speudr (servants and handymen).

Hindus believe in reincarnation and believe that one who keeps the rules of his caste in of the future life Racing by birth in a higher Casta, the same who violates these rules will lose social status. See also Mempsichoz.

Custom stability . Throughout Indian history, the custom structure demonstrated amazing stability before change. Even Buddhism flourishing and adopting it as a state religion by Emperor Ashka (269-232 BC) did not affect the system of hereditary groups. Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism as doctrine does not support caste division, but at the same time does not insist on the complete destruction of caste differences.

In the days of the elevation of Hinduism, which followed the declaration of Buddhism, from a simple, uncomplicated system of four Varna increased the most complex multilayer system, which built the strict order of alternation and the ratio of different social groups. Each Varna denoted during this process the frame for many independent endogam castes (jati). Neither the Muslim invasion ended with the formation of the Mughal Empire nor the establishment of British domination did not lay the fundamental foundations of the company's customic organization. See also Buddha and Buddhism; HINDUISM.

Castes in modern India . Indian caustes, literally no number. Since every caste name is divided into many podcasts, it is impossible to even approximately calculate the number of social units with the minimum necessary signs of Jati. The official tendency to be understood as the value of the caste system led to the fact that the corresponding graph disappeared into the decade in the decade in the decade. IN last time Information on the number of castes was published in 1931 (3000 castes). But this figure does not necessarily include all local podcasts that function as independent social groups.

The opinion is widespread that in the modern Indian state, the caste has lost their former importance. However, the development of events showed that this is not right. The position, occupied by the Inc and the Government of India after the death of Gandhi, is inconsistent with inconsistency. Moreover, the universal eligibility and the need for political figures in the support of the electorate attached a new significance to the corporate spirit and inner cohesion of CAST. As a result, the caste interests became an important factor During the election campaigns.

Nature Cast.

Brahmans . In typical countryside The highest layer of the caste hierarchy form members of one or more brahmanical castes, which make up from 5 to 10% of the population. Among these brahmans there are some number of landowners, several village painters and accountants or accountants, a small group of employees of the cult, performing ritual functions in local sanctors and temples. Members of every Brahmansky caste concludes marriage only in their circle, although it is possible to marry the bride from the family belonging to a similar podcast from the neighboring area. Brahmins do not assume to go for a plow or carry out certain types of work related to manual labor; Women from their environments can be serving in the house, and landowners to handle outwards, but not to plow. Brahmins also allowed to work with cooks or domestic servants.

Brahman is not entitled to eat the eats, cooked outside his caste, but from the hands of Brahmans can eat members of all other castes. In the choice of food, Brahman observes many prohibitions. The members of the Vaishnava caste (worshiping God Vishnu) adhere to vegetarianism already with 4 c., When it becomes massive; some other brahmans caste who worshiping Shiva (Brahmans Shaiva) are in principle not refusing to meat dishesBut refrain from the meat of animals included in the diet of the lower castes.

Brahmins serve spiritual mentors in the families of most castes of the highest or medium status, with the exception of those considered "unclean." Brahmin-clergymen, as well as members of a number of religious orders often recognize on "caste signs" - painted on the forehead white, yellow or red paint patterns. But such notes indicate only to belong to the main sect and characterize this person as a worshiping, for example, Vishnu or Shiva, and not as a subject of a certain caste or podcasts.

Brahmins are more than the rest, adhere to classes and professions, which were envisaged by their varna. Out of their environments, writs, pisari, clergy, scientists, teachers and officials left their environments. Even in the first half of the 20th century. In some areas, Brahmans occupied up to 75% of all more or less important state posts.

In communication with other parts of the population, Brahmins do not allow reciprocity; So, they take money or gifts from members of other castes, but they themselves never make gifts of a ritual or ceremonial nature. Among the Brahmansky caster there is no complete equality, but even the lowest of them stands over the rest of the highest castes.

Kshatriya . Following the brahmanas, the most prominent hierarchical place is occupied by Kshatriya caste. In rural areas, they include, for example, landlords, possibly related former ruling homes (for example, with Rajput princes in Northern India). Traditional in such customs classes are the work of managers in the estates and the service in various administrative positions and in the troops, but now these caste do not use the same power and authority. In a ritual attitude, Kshatrii stand immediately behind the brahmins and also observe strict caste endogamy, although they allow marriage with a girl from lower podcasts (a union called hypergamy), but a woman in no way can marry a man's podcasts below her own. Most of the kshatriy use meat; They have the right to eat from Brahmins, but not from representatives of any other castes.

Vaishi . The third category of "twice-birthday" caste includes merchants, shopkeepers and rospeurs. These caste recognize the superiority of Brahmins, but do not necessarily show such an attitude to the Kshatri Casteam; As a rule, Vaishi more strictly complies with the rules relating to food, and even more carefully try to avoid ritual desecration. Traditional occupation Vaishiyev served trade and banking, they seek to stay away from physical labor, but sometimes included in the management of landowners and village entrepreneurs, directly not participating in the processing of the Earth.

"Clean" shudras . The members of the above "twice-birthday" caste constitute only the minority of residents of any countryside, most of the agrarian population consists of one or more castes, called "clean" Casteches of the shudr. Although such castes enter the fourth Varna, this does not mean that they occupy a lower stage in social hierarchy: There are many districts where the peasant caste, due to their number and possession of a significant part of local land, plays crucial role The role in solving social and political issues. In ancient times, the peasant caste shudr recognized the political domination of the Kshatriev, the rules in this area, but today these relationships were moved into the past, and the superiority of the Kshatriyev landowners is recognized only in a ritual plan, and not always. The peasants hire brahmans as family clergymen and sell their products through members of the trading caste. Separate individuals from the "clean" shudr can act tenants from Brahmins, landowners, merchants.

All the peasant castes of endogamans, and even with approximately equal status, as it is observed in many areas, the extrakast marriages are not allowed. Rules concerning food intake, caste landpashers are less strict than that of "twice-birth", they eat meat. Their prescriptions also leave a much greater space for social acts, allowing, for example, marriage of widows and divorced women, which is strictly prohibited in the "twice-birthday" medium.

Lower Studs . Below those shudr who are busy agriculture, there are numerous castes, whose profession is purely specialized, but in general it is considered less respectable. This is a caste of gonchars, blacksmiths, carpenters, carpets, weales, maslodes, vinokurov, masonry, mercenaries, musicians, leather goods, butchers, garbers and many others. Members of these castes should be engaged in their hereditary profession or craft; However, if the sudra is able to acquire land, any of them can do agriculture. Members of many handicraft and other professional castes invoking traditional relationship With representatives of higher castes, which are to provide services for which the cash content is not paid, and the fee is issued annually. This payment is made by each courtyard in the village, the requests of which are satisfied with this representative of the professional caste. For example, the Blacksmith has its own circle of clients for which it year-rounds and repair the inventory and other metal products, for which he, in turn, is issued a certain amount of grains.

Unprofitable . Those whose profession requires physical touch to the client (for example, hairdressers or people who specialize in laundry laundry) serve Cast members higher than their own, but potters or blacksmiths work on the whole village, regardless of which customer belongs to which caste. Such classes, like the release of leather or bottom of animals, are clearly defiled, and, although this work is very important for the community, those who do it are considered untouchables. In many ways, they are outside the Hindu society, they were called "rejected", "low", "registered" castles, and Gandhi offered the Eufemism "Harijans" ("God's Children"), which was widely walking. Members of these castes are forbidden to attend the houses of "clean" castes and take water from their wells. Most Hindu temples until recently were closed for untouchables, there were even a ban approach people from higher castes closer than the set number of steps. The character of castear barriers is that it is believed that Harijans continue to define the members of the "clean" castes, even if they have long left their caste lessons and are engaged in ritually neutral activities, for example farming. Although in other social conditions and situations, for example, being in an industrial city or in a train, the untouchable may have physical contact with members of higher castes and not to desecrate them in their native village Non-rehabilitation of it from him, no matter how he does.

Economic interdependence . Various professional caste is economically interdependent, and their functions are rather complementary than competitive. Each caste has the right to perform certain works, which are prohibited by another caustes. Its members in any given area usually form a closely paled group of relatives who do not compete in the struggle for the provision of services to other caustes, and by mutual agreement they share the clientele. For this reason, they are in a favorable position in relation to members of the caster standing on the upper stages of the caste hierarchy, which is forbidden to change the blacksmith, hairdresser or a man who erases them underwear.

The lack of competition does not relate to land treatments. Although there are traditional peasant castes, followers of which will never become potters or weaver, the landpad is not exclusively inherited occupation and the representative of any caste can practice the processing of the Earth. Everywhere, where the group of artisans becomes too numerous and there is not enough clientele, or where the appearance of machine production goods generates unemployment, those who can no longer live at the expense of the traditional profession, as a rule turn to peasant labor and become agricultural workers or tenants.

Special relationships on the lines of the cartridge - the client between the highest, the castes and professional castes of artisans and email workers are called the Jadzmani system. Jadjman, which in Hindi means a landed cartridge, people from other castes provide services in exchange for a certain amount of grain obtained annually.

Hierarchy . The rigid hierarchy and the economic interdependence of the caster have the closest attitude towards the fact that the castes and subcasts of endogamans are hereditary groups. However, in practice, a person from a high caste can be accepted into a lower Casta; So, in the case of receding from the rule unequal marriage Between the members of two different castes, the person who is higher in the status has no choice, how to ask on Wednesday of his (or her) satellite life. Such mobility is always single and directed from top to bottom.

At the heart of the idea of \u200b\u200bcompliance with the social distance between the Castle, the concept of desecration and ritual purity is underway. Many activities, from the shipment of religious rites and the ascension of prayers before cooking, is allowed to engage only in a state of ritual purity. Thus, a person belonging to high caste can be desecrated not only by deliberate action, such as sexual relationship with untouchable, but also unintentionally, in particular, eating food, cooked with a lower ritual status, or even delivering a meal with the face of another higher caste Invalent, however, their ritual purity. Determination is contagious, and the family or custom group must not lose constant vigilance in relation to any contact with the potential carrier of the bad. Caste members B. high degree Non-mempima to deviate from the norm by behavior from the conjunction of the Caste and take anyone who does not follow the rules accepted. Most castes have their own regional advice, which are engaged in issues affecting well-being and especially the prestige of the caste. These tips also function as judicial authorities and have the right to investigate and punish the offense, if necessary, if necessary, an inviorability of a caste. Return to it is possible in all cases, except for especially blatants, subject to payment by the violator of the fine and passing the clarification of them. Being extremely strict about compliance with the rules and prohibitions within its own caste, the Indians usually tolerate the behavior standards adopted in other caustics.

Indian Castovaya System outside of India . This system is distributed throughout the country, with the exception of several outskirts of tribal areas, such as Nagaland. It also prevails for most of the territory of Nepal, where immigrants from India brought with them a social order, in principle repeating what existed in medieval India. On a custom basis is largely organized and indigenous population The main Nepalese cities where Nevars live, but the idea of \u200b\u200bCasta did not spread on the nationalities of mountainous regions and adherents of Tibetan Buddhism.

In Bangladesh, the caste system continues to function in the environment survived there, and even in the Muslim community of the country there are similar stratification.

In Sri Lanka, Buddhist Singles and Hindus-Tamils \u200b\u200bare also splitting on the caste. Although there are no brahmans on the island or other "twggled", here, as in India, the division of labor on the caste and mutual commitments of the ritual and economic property are preserved.

Outside India, ideas and practices laid in a custom system dominate, often in a modified and weakened form, everywhere, where there is a significant number of Indians, for example in Malaysia, East Africa And on Fiji.

Four Indian Varna

Varna and caste in our time

One and a half thousand years BC. Indian society was divided into 4 estates. They were called Varna. From Sankrite it is translated as "color", "quality" or "category". According to the "Rigveda", Varna or the caste appeared from the body of the Brahma Body.

In ancient India, such castes (Varna) were originally:

  • Brahmans;
  • Kshatriya;
  • Vyachya;
  • Shudras.

According to the legend of Brahma, created 4 castes from the parts of their body

The emergence of caste in ancient India

The causes of VARN or the so-called indian caste Call a lot. For example, arias (not to be confused with false scientific "Aryans"), won the Indian Earth, they decided to divide the local people in the color of the skin, origin and master Regulations. It simplified social relationships and created winning conditions for the Board. The Aryans raised themselves, obviously in the top caste, and they took the wives of Bhmanov's girls.

More detailed table of Indian castes with rights and obligations

Caste, Varna and Jati - What is the difference?

Most people confuse the concept of "caste" and "Varna", many consider them synonyms. But this is not the case, and this should be understood.

Each Indian, without the right to choose, was born in a closed group - in Varna. Sometimes they are called Indian Castow. However, the caste in India is a subgroup, bundle in each Varna, so the caster today exists current number. Only in 1931, according to the population census, data on 3000 Indian caustes were published. And Varna is always 4.

In fact, the caste in India is more than 3000, and Varna is always four

Jati is the second name of the caste and podcasts, and the jati has every resident of India. Jati - belonging to a particular profession, to the religious community, it is also closed and endogan. Each Varna has his jali.

You can conduct a primitive analogue with our society. For example, there are children of rich parents. It is Varna. They learn in separate kindergartens, schools and universities, communicate mainly among themselves. These children growing in adolescents are divided into subcultures. Someone becomes a hipster, someone - "elite" entrepreneur, others - creative intelligentsia, and someone is a free traveler. This is jati or caste.

Castes in India can be divided by religion, profession and even interests

They can share software, in interest, by selected professions. However, oddly enough, the people of this Varna rarely "mix" with other, lower varnars and even as castes, and always seek to communicate with those who are above them.

Four Indian Varna

Brahmans - Higher Varna or Casta in India. It treated the priests, clergymen, wise men, teachers, spiritual mentors and those people who associated other people with God. Brahmans were vegetarians and could eat only those foods that their castes prepared.

Brahmans - the highest and most respected castle in India

Kshatriya - This is an Indian caste or Varna Warriors, defenders of their country, warriors, soldiers and, no matter how surprising, kings and rulers. Ksatriya were defenders of brahmans, women, old people, children and cows. They were allowed to kill those who did not observe the Dharma.

Most bright representatives Castes of Kshatriyev-Warriors are Sikhi

Vaishi - These are free communities, merchants, artisans, farmers, working class. They did not like to engage in severe physical labor and extremely scrupulously belonged to food. Among them could be very prosperous and rich people - owners, enterprises and lands.

Caste Vaishi often these are rich merchants and landowners who do not like heavy draft work

Shudry. - Lost Varna or Casta India. It included servants, handymen and black worker. All those who did not have any home or land, and performed the most severe physical work. Speuds did not have the right to pray to the gods and become "twggled".

Studras - lower caste in India. They live poorly and very hard work

The religious rite, which passed three upper vena or caste india was called "dropped". In the process of dedication to the neck of the boy, a sanctified cord was put on, corresponding to his Varna, and since then he became "movement" or "twice-innocent." He received a new name and believed Brahmachari - a student.

Each caste has their own rites and initiations

Hindus believe that righteous life allows you to be born in a higher caste in next life. And vice versa. And Brahmanov, who have already passed a large cycle of rebirth on Earth, is waiting for an embodiment on other, divine planets.

Casta unsuccessful - myth and reality

Separate attention should be paid to untouchable. The existence of 5 Indian castes is a myth. In fact, untouchables are those people who did not hit 4 Varna for some reasons. According to Hinduism, they laughed in the laborer in the past rebirth. "Caste" untouchables in India is most often homeless, poor people who carry out the most humiliating and dirty work. They begging and stealing. With its presence, the Indian Cast of Brahmanov is defiled.

This is how the caste is not accepted in India today

The Government of India protects untouchables to some extent. Criminally punishable to call such people untouchables or even extrakast. Discrimination for social trait is prohibited.

Varna and caste in India today

What are the castes in India in our time? - you ask. And caste in India thousands. Some of them are few, but there are also famous caste on the whole country. For example, Hijra. This is an Indian caste untouchable, in India, they include transgender, transgender, bisexuals, hermaphrodites, intersexuals and homosexuals. Their processions can be found on the streets of large and small towns, where they make a belonging to the Mother Goddess. Thanks to multiple protests, Indian Caste Hijr achieved recognition of the "third floors" officially.

People with unconventional sexual orientation (hijra) in India also belong to the caste of untouchables

Varna and the caste in India in our time are considered to be some remnant of the past, but in vain - the system remains. In big cities, the border is somewhat erased, but in the villages the old way is still saved. According to the Constitution of India, discrimination against people in Varna or Caste is prohibited. There is even a constitutional table of caste, in which, by the way, instead of the "Indian Caste", the term "community" is used. It indicates that every citizen of India has the right to receive an appropriate document, which indicates a caste belonging.

In India, anyone can receive a document on caste affiliation

So, the caste system in India is not just preserved and reached our days, it works to this day. Moreover, other nations are also divided into varna and caste, simply do not give this social division of the name.

"India is a modern state in which there is no place for discrimination and inequality," Indian politicians from the tribune are proactive. "Custom system? We live in the 21st century! Any form of discrimination on the casteat has long remained in the past "- broadcasting in a talk-show public faces. Even local village residents, to the question, whether the caste system is alive, they are inexpensively: "everything is not so."

After watching it with a brief, I set myself a task to watch and make my own opinion: whether the Caste System of India was left only in textbooks or on paper, or lives himself, disguised and hawking himself.

Rustic children from different casters play together.

As a result, living in India 5 months, I can confidently say:

  1. Custom system exists in Indian state and today. People are issued by official relevant documents, which reflect the caste affiliation.
  2. To eradicate discrimination by caste, a lot of efforts of politicians, PR-flaps, television are directed.
  3. In society, the caste system has survived and lives for himself. Elements of discrimination are still present as. Of course, not in the form, as before, but nevertheless. "Caste today is not important," Indians declare, widely opening their naive eyes. And on their own daily actions confirm the opposite.

A bit of theory. What is a custom system.

In India, there are 4 main castes depicting the human body. Russians love to argue about Tom - Caste Lee, Varna, what is that. I do not pretend to scientific treatise and will use the terminology that the "ordinary" Indians use with whom I communicated on the issue. Castes and podcasts they use in an English version. Jati - in the lively used Hindi. If a person wants to know the Casta, they ask only what is his Jati. And if they say, from where it, it is usually called the surname. By the last name, everyone is clear. When the question is what Varna is, simple Indians could not answer me, they did not even understand the words. For them it is ancient and not used.

1st Caste - Head. Brahmans. Priests (priests), thinkers, scientists, doctors.

Married couple from the brahmans caste.

2nd caste - shoulders and hands. Kshatriya. Warriors, police, rulers, organizers, administrators, landowners.

3rd caste - torso or belly. Vaishi. Farmers, artisans, merchants.

Foreign furnaces. 3rd caste.

4th caste - legs. Shudras. Servants, cleaners. Their Indians are called Untouchable - untouchables. They can both perform the lowest work and occupy high posts - thanks to the efforts of the government.

Inside the caste is divided into a large number of Podcast, which are located in a hierarchical order relative to each other. Podcast in India several thousand.

No one in Khajuraho could really tell me what the difference between podcasts inside the 1st and 2nd caste, in which, more specifically, their purpose. Today, only the level is obvious - who is higher, who are below relative to each other.

With the 3rd and 4th caster more transparent. Directly by last name, the people determines the purpose of the caste. Stream, sew, cook, cook sweets, catch fish, manufacture furniture, grazing goats - examples of podcast 3rd. Delivery of leather, removal of dead animals, creaming bodies, sewing cleaning - examples of podcast 4th caste.

A child from the caste cleaners - the 4th.

So, in our time, it has been preserved from custom systems, and what has sunk in the fly?

I share my observations of the life of people of Madhya Pradesh. Residents of advanced cities - I know that you are not like this :) You are already much closer to the West. But in our wilderness, as I write :)

Manifestations of the caste system, which today disappeared or changed.

  1. Previously, settlements were built on the principle of separation of castes. Each of the 4 castes had their own streets, square, temples, etc. Today there are somewhere communities, but somewhere in the afternoon. This is not confused by anyone. Only some villages have retained their original organization, with a clear division of the territory. For example, in .

Old village Khajuraho. Preserved the organization of the streets in accordance with the Castle.

  1. All children have equal opportunities upon receipt of education. The question may be in the money, but not in the caste.

A boy at sunset makes buffaloes and teaches a notebook lesson.

  1. All people have the opportunity to go to work in state institutions Or large companies. People belonging to the bottom caustes are allocated quotas, jobs, etc. God forbid, talk about discrimination. When entering the university or to work, the bottom caste in general in chocolate. For example, the passing score for kshatriya can be 75, and at the same place for the shudra - 40.
  2. In contrast to the old days, the profession is often selected not in accordance with the car, but as it turns out. Take at least employees of our restaurant. The one who needs to sew clothes and fisherman is working in cooks, one waiter is from the laundry caste, and the second - from Kshatriyev - Caste Warriors. Cleaner and is designed to be a cleaner - he is from the 4th caste - shudr, but his younger brother Already washes only the floor, but not toilet, and goes to school. The family hopes for his bright future. In our family (Kshatriya) there are several teachers, although traditionally this is the patrimony of Brahmanov. And one aunt is professionally sews (this is done by one of the podcast 3rd castes). Brother husband learns to engineer. Grandfather dreams - when someone goes to work in the police or army. But no one has gathered.
  3. Some things were forbidden for castes. For example, the use of meat and alcohol with the first pallet - brahmins. Now many brahmins have forgotten the covenants of ancestors and use everything they want. At the same time, the society fits it, very much, but they still drink and eat meat.
  4. Today people are friends in independence from Cast. Can sit together, communicate, play. Previously, it was impossible.
  5. State organizations - such as schools, universities, hospitals - mixed. There has the right to come anyone, no matter how some of them wrinkle their noses.

Evidence of the existence of a caste system.

  1. Non-suited - shudras. In cities and state, they are protected, but in the outback and are considered untouchables. In the village of Sheuds will not go to the house of representatives of higher castes, or only certain items will be touched. If it serves a glass with water, then he throws out. If someone touched Spear, he will take a shower. As an example, our uncle has a gym. It is located in a rented room. 3 representatives of the 4th caste came to uncle. He said - of course, do. But Brahman, the owner of the house, said - no, I do not allow being in my house untouchables. I had to refuse them.
  2. Very bright proof of the viability of the caste system is marriages. Most weddings in India and today are organized by their parents. These are the so-called arranged-marriage. Parents are looking for their daughter Groom. So, the first thing I look at his choice is on Casta. IN major cities There are exceptions when young people from modern families find each other in love and marries sighing parents (or simply runs away). But if the parents themselves are looking for the groom, then only in accordance with the cloth.
  3. We have 20,000 in Khajuraho. At the same time, about whom I will ask, from which caste, I will definitely answer. If a person knows a little, then his castle too. At a minimum, the upper - 1,2,3 or 4, and very often know and podcast - where he inside. People can easily say who is higher than whom and how many steps as the castes relate to each other.
  4. The arrogance of people from the highest caste - the 1st and 2nd - very striking. Brahmins are calm, but periodically express light contempt and squeamishness. If a representative of the bottom caste or Dalit works by a cashier on a railway station - no one will ask the question to which caste it applies. But if he lives in one village with Brahmin, and everyone knows what he is caste, Brahmin will not touch him and take something. Kshatriya, candid gabbs and boasts. Representatives of caste lower, they command them, they will command them, and they only giggle stupidly, but they say nothing.

Representative 2nd Caste - Kshatriys.

  1. Many representatives of the 3rd and 4th caste show the demonstrative respect for people from the 1st and 2nd. Brahminov they master Maraj, and Kshatriev - Raja or Dau (patron, defender, elder brother in Bhundelkhandski). There are hands in the namaste to the head of the head, when they greet, and those in response only to nourish their heads. Often jump from the chair when the highest caste is suitable. And, the most terrible, - periodically try to touch the legs. I already wrote that in India, when they greet or during important holidays, there may be feet. Basically, this is done in the circle of your family. Still with Brahmin touch legs in the temple or during the ceremony. So some individuals tormented to touch the feet in people caste above. Previously, it was common, but now, in my opinion, it looks embarrasing. It is especially unpleasant when an elderly man runs to touch the legs of the young to express him respect. By the way, the 4th caste, as oppressed earlier, and now actively protected, behaves more bold. Representatives of the 3rd caste behave respectfully and they ourselves are pleased, and the cleaner can snap. To look very funny, again, on the example of a restaurant, like workers, do not be embarrassed, sing each other. At the same time, make a remark cleaner is given to everyone with great effort, and they are trying to shift this mission to me. He always listens to me, with delight looking widely open eyes. If the rest have the opportunity to communicate with white - the place is tourist, then the shudras is rarely managed, and they kept the reverent trepidation.
  2. Despite the fact that representatives of different castes spend time together, as I wrote before (paragraph 6 of the last block), after all, the inequality is felt. Representatives of the 1st and 2nd caste communicate with each other. And in relation to others, they allow themselves more impudence. If you need to do something, the one who canso below immediately. Even between friends, these maraja and Dow are constantly sounding. It happens, parents can prohibit children friendship with lower castes. Much, over, depends on education. What is more pronounced on the street, at the institute, for example, is no longer noticeable - here we usually communicate with equal and respectfully.

Children of farmers - the 3rd caste.

  1. Above, I wrote about equal and even the best conditions for low castes when receiving public work or in large companies. However, B. small cities And the villages do not work. I asked the question to my husband - whether he could take a job as a chef Speud. He thought for a long time, and said, nevertheless, no. Whatever a beautiful cook is not possible. People will not come, the restaurant will have a bad reputation. The same applies to hairdressers, sewing, etc. Therefore, for those who want to break up the top, the only way - Leave from native places. There, where there are no friends.

In conclusion, I want to say about the new caste, which rules the world. And in India too. This is a caste of money. About the poor Kshatriya everyone will remember that he is Kshatri, but will never express so many respects as the rich Kshatia. It is sad to see how sometimes they are driving and humiliated formed, but poor brahmins before those who have money. The rich sudra will rotate in the "higher", if you can say so, society. But the same respect as Brahmins, he will never get. To him will run to touch the legs, and for the eyes remember that he. What is happening now in India is probably very similar to the slow dying of the European Supreme Society, when rich Americans and local merchants penetrate into it. The lords first resisted, then they were secretly silent, and in the end, they turned into history at all.

Since childhood, we were taught that there is nothing worse than the caste society. But oddly enough, the caste lived to the present day than evidence, for example, India. And what, in fact, do we know how the caster system functions?

Each society consists of some basic units, which form it. So, as applied to antiquity - such a unit can be considered a policy, modern West - Capital (or owning a social individual), for Islamic civilization - a tribe, Japanese - clan, etc. For India from ancient times to this day, a caste remains with such a base element.

The caste system for India is not at all a dormant archaic or "Middle Ages" for a long time we were taught. Indian system Casta is part of the complex organization of society, historically established versatile and multidimensional phenomenon.

Castes can be tried to describe through a number of signs. However, exceptions will still be. Indian Custom Differentiation - Social Stratification System of Separate Public Groups related to Unified General origins and legal position His members. They are built on principles:

1) general religion;
2) general professional specialization (usually hereditary);
3) marriages only between "their";
4) Power features.

In India, there is not 4 at all (as many of us still think), and about 3 thousand castes and they may be called in different parts There are different countries in different ways, and the people of one profession can in different states refers to different caustes. The fact that by mistake is sometimes considered to be Indian "Castes" - this is not a caste, but Varna ("chantoravarnia" in Sanskrit) is the social strata of the ancient public system.

Varna Brahmanov (Bramins) is priests, doctors, teachers. Kshatriya (Rajan) - warriors and civilian leaders. Vyachya is farmers and merchants. Studs - servants and landless leasuras bathers.

Each Varna had its own color: Brahmins - White, Kshatriya - Red, Vaishai - Yellow, Shudras - Black (once every Hindu wore a special cord of the color of his Varna).

Varna, in turn, are theoretically crushed into the caste. But a very difficult and intricate way. An explicit direct connection is visible to a person with a European mentality not always. The word "Casta" itself comes from Portuguese Casta: Birthday, Rod, estate. In Hindi, this term is identical to "Jati".

The notorious "unaccompanied" is not some single separate caste. In the ancient India, everyone who did not enter four Varna, they were automatically related to "marginal", they were avoided in every way, they were not allowed to settle in villages and cities, etc. As a result of this position, "untouchable" had to take on the most "non-", dirty and low-paid work and they had formed their separate social and professional groups - essentially their own castes.

Such castes "untouchables" are somewhat and, as a rule, they are associated either with dirty work, or with the murder of living beings or death (so all the butchers, hunters, fishermen, lecherns, garbered, associates, bars, workers cemeteries and morgues, etc. Must be "untouchable").

At the same time, it would be wrong to believe that each "untouchable" is necessarily someone like a homeless or "lowered". In India, even before the independence of independence and the adoption of a number of legislative measures to protect the lower castes from discrimination were "untouchables", which have achieved very high social status and deserved universal respect. As, for example, an outstanding Indian politician, a public figure, a fighter for human rights and the author of the Constitution of India - Dr. Bhimaro Rodji Ambedkar, who received legal education in England.

One of the numerous monuments of Bhimaro Ambedkar in India

In the "untouchable" there are several items: Mlechchha - "Alien", "Alien" (that is, all non-odons can be attributed to them, including foreign tourists), Harjan - "Children of God" (the term specially introduced by Mahatma Gandhi), the Paria - "rejected", "expelled". And the most frequently used modern name "Unreasonable" - Dalita.

The legally caste in India was recorded in the laws of Manu, compiled in the period from the II century to our era in our era. The Varna system has traditionally developed in a much more ancient period (there is no accurate dating).

As mentioned above, the caste in modern India Until now, it is not possible to consider just an anachronism. On the contrary, they are now carefully recalculated there and are listed in a special appendix to the current current Indian Constitution (CAST table).

In addition, after each census of the population, changes are made in this table (as a rule, additions). The point is not that some new castes appear, and in the fact that they are fixed in accordance with the data specified about themselves by the census participants. Only discrimination on the basis of the caste is prohibited. What is written in Article No. 15 of the Indian Constitution.

Indian society is very pedestrous and heterogeneous in its structure; In addition to dividing on the caste, there are several other differentiations. There are both caste and non-pecked Indians. For example, Adivasi (the descendants of the main indigenous black population of India before its conquest of the Aryans) with rare exceptions do not have their own castes. In addition, for some misconduct and human crimes can be expelled from his caste. And there are quite a lot of non-market Indians - what the results of the census are evidenced by the results of the population.

Castes exist not only in India. Like public Institute There is a place in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bali and Tibet. By the way, Tibetan castes with Indian do not relate in general - the structures of these societies was formed quite apart from each other. It is curious that Northern India (Himochal, Uttar Pradesh and Kashmir) Custom system has not Indian, namely Tibetan origin.

Historically, when the overwhelming part of the population of India professed Hinduism - all the Indians belonged to any caste, the exception was only expelled from Cast Paria and the indigenous Nariological nations of India. Then other religions (Buddhism, Jainism) began to spread in India. As the country was exposed to the invasions of various conquerors, representatives of other religions and nations began to adopt their system of Varna and professional caste jali. Jain, Sikhi, Buddhists and Christians in India also have their own castes, but they are somehow different from Hindus castes.

But what about Indian Muslims? After all, the Koran initially proclaimed the equality of all Muslims. Lategorous question. Despite the fact that the British India in 1947 was divided into two parts: "Islamic" (Pakistan) and "Hindu" (India itself), at the moment Muslims (approximately 14% of all Indian citizens) in absolute terms in India lives More than in Pakistan, where Islam is a state religion.

Nevertheless, the caste system is inherent in India and Muslim society. However, the caste differences among Indian Muslims are not as strong as the Hindus. They have practically no "untouchables". There are no such impenetrable barriers between Muslim castes as the Hindu - allowed to transition from one caste to another or marriages between their representatives.

The caste system was established in Indian Muslims relatively late - during the time of the Delia Sultanate in the XIII-XVI centuries. Muslim caste is usually referred to as Biradari ("Brotherhood") or Bijahdari. Often, their emergence is attributed to Muslim theologians influence of Hindus with their custom system (supporters of "Pure Islam" see this, of course, the insanis of pagans).

In India, as in many Islamic countries, among Muslims also have their own felt and common. The first are called balls or Ashraf ("noble"), the second is Adzhf ("low"). The Ashraf currently belongs to about 10% of Muslims living in the Republic of India. They usually take their pedigrees to those external conquerors (Arabs, Turks, Pashtunam, Persham, etc.), who invaded Industan and settled over the centuries.

In most of the same, Indian Muslims are the descendants of all the same Hindus, which for one or another reasons went into new faith. The violent appeal to Islam in medieval India was rather an exception than the rule. Typically, the local population was influenced by slow Islamization, during which elements of someone else's faith unobtrusively included in local cosmology and ritual practice, gradually pusing and replacing Hinduism. It was an implicit and sluggish social process. People during it retained and protected the closure of their circles. This explains the preservation of custom psychology and customs among the wide layers of the Indian Muslim society. Thus, even after the final appeal, Islam marriages continued to be only with representatives of their caste.

It is even more curious that even many Europeans turned out to be included in the Indian Cast system. So, those Christian missionaries preachers who preached to high-bremins, with time, were in the "Christian Brahmin" Caste, and those who, for example, the Word of God "untouchable" - became Christian "untouchables".

Often it is impossible to determine exactly what kind of caste is one or another Indian only in its appearance, behavior and occupation. It happens that Kshatriya works as a waiter, and Brahmin trades and removes the garbage in the shop - and are not particularly complexed on these reasons, and the shudder behaves like a born aristocrat. And even if the Indian will definitely tell what kind of caste he is (although this question is considered to be tactless), it is not enough for an alien to understand how society is arranged in such a wonderful and peculiar country as India.

The Republic of India declares itself a "democratic" state and in addition to the ban of custom discrimination introduced certain benefits for representatives of the lower castes. For example, there are adopted special quotas for their receipt to higher educational establishments, as well as in posts in state and municipal authorities.

The problem of discrimination against people from the lower castes and dalitov, however, it is quite serious. The caste structure is still the fundamental basis of the life of hundreds of millions of Indians. Outside of large cities in India, custom psychology is firmly maintained and all conventional convention and taboo.

uPD: For a reason for me, some readers have staged a swearing and mutual insults in the comments. I do not like this. Therefore, comments to this record decided to block.