Custom system in India. Castes in modern India

Custom system in India. Castes in modern India
Custom system in India. Castes in modern India

The caste system in India is a social hierarchy that divides the entire population of the country into separate groups of both low and high origin. Such a system presents various rules and prohibitions.

Main types Cast.

Types of caste originate from 4 Varn (which means genus, kind), according to which all the population shared. The division of society on Varna was based on the fact that people cannot be the same, there is a certain hierarchy, since each person has its own life path.

Higher Varna was Varna brahmanov, that is, priests, teachers, scientists, mentors. The second in rank is Varna Kshatriiv, and therefore rulers, nobility, warriors. Next Varna vaishyevThey treated their cattlemen, farmers, merchants. Last Varna shudr consisted of servants and dependent people.

The first three Varna and Speuds had a clear, even sharp boundary between themselves. The highest Varna is also called "Dvija", which means twice-degenerate. Ancient Indians believed that people are born a second time when the rite of initiation occurs, and they impose a sacred cord.

The main goal of Brahmanov was that they had to teach others and learn, bring gifts to the gods, to carry out sacrifices. The main color is white.


The task of Kshatriyev is to protect the people, and also to learn. Their color is red.


The main responsibility of Vaishiyev is the cultivation of land, breeding livestock and the other respected job in society. Yellow color.


Purpose of SHUDR - serving three of the highest varnarm, the occupation of severe physical work. They did not have their own look and could not pray to the gods. Their color is black.

These people were outside the caste. Most often lived in the villages and could only perform the hardest work.

Over the centuries, the public device and India itself changed significantly. As a result, the number of social groups increased from four to several thousand. The lower caste was the most numerous. Of the total population, it included approximately 40 percent of residents. The highest caste is small, it consisted about 8 percent of the population. The average Casta was about 22 percent, and non-notable - 17 percent.

Members from some caste can be scattered throughout the country, and others, for example, live in one area. But in any case, representatives of each caste live separately and isolated from each other.

Castes in India can be easily determined by numerous features. People have the type, the style of its wearing, the presence or absence of certain relationships, signs on the forehead, hairstyle, the type of housing, food consumed, dishes and their names. Picture a member of another caste is almost impossible.

What helps to maintain the invariance of the principles of the caste hierarchy and isolation throughout the number of centuries? Of course, its own system of prohibitions and rules. This system monitors public, household and religious relations. Some rules are unchanged and eternal, while others are volatile, secondary. For example, each Hindu from birth to death will belong to his caste. The exception can only be his expulsion from the caste due to violation of laws. No one has the right to choose Casta at your own request or go to another Casta. It is forbidden to marry a person not from his caste, only if the husband belongs to a higher Varna than his wife. The opposite is categorically unacceptable.

In addition to untouchables, Indian hermits, which are called sannyasins are also called. Custom rules do not affect them. Each caste has its own classes, that is, some are engaged only by agriculture, other trade, third weaving, etc. Customs caste must strictly observe and executed. For example, the highest caste has no right to take food or drink from the lower caste, otherwise it will be considered a ritual desecration.

The whole system of the hierarchy of social segments of the population is based on a powerful foundation of ancient establishments. In accordance with them it is believed that a person belongs to a particular caste due to the fact that he is bad or well performed all the casteners in his past life. As a result, the Hindu needs to take place and death affects the previously obtained karma. Previously, movements rejected these divisions were created.

Custom system of modern India

Every year, in modern India, caste restrictions and strictness of their observance gradually weaken. Not all prohibitions and rules require clear and zealous compliance. In appearance it is already difficult to determine which caste is a person, with the exception, perhaps, the brahmans you can see in the temples or if you go on. Only here the caste rules regarding the marriage's conclusion are completely unchanged and will not be injured. Also today in India there is a fight against the custom system. For this, special benefits are established for those officially registered as a lowest caste. Caste discrimination is prohibited by Indian law and can trigger as a criminal offense. But still the old system is firmly rooted in the country, and the struggle with it is not so successful, as many would like to.

Hello, dear readers - Knowledge Finder and Truth!

Many of us heard about the caste in India. This is not an exotic system of society, which is a remnant of the past. This is a reality in which residents of India live even in our time. If you want to learn about Indian castes as much as possible - today's article for you.

She will tell how the concepts of "Caste", "Varna" and "Jati" relate, why the caste division of society arose, as they appeared as they were in antiquity, and which now. You will also learn how many castes and Varn numbers today, and more - how to determine the affiliation of the Indian to the caste.

Casta and Varna

In world history, the concept of "caste" originally belonged to the Latin American colonies that were divided into groups. But now in the minds of people, the caste is firmly associated with Indian society.

Scientists - Indologists, Orientalists - many years studying this unique phenomenon that does not lose their strength after a thousand years, scientific works are written about it. The first thing they say are: there is a caste, and there is Varna, and this is not synonymous concepts.

Varna is only four, and castes are thousands. Each varna is divided into many castes, or, differently, "jati".

The last census, which took place in the first half of the last century, in 1931, counted more than three thousand castes throughout India. Experts say that every year their number is growing, but cannot call the exact number.

The concept of "Varna" is rooted in Sanskrit and translates as "quality" or "color" - on a certain color of clothing, which representatives of each Varna are worn. Varna is a more extensive term that determines the situation in society, and the caste or "jami" is a subgroup of Varna, which indicates belonging to a religious community, inheritance classes.

You can spend a simple and understandable analogy. For example, take a rather rich layer of the population. People growing in such families do not become the same by the nature of classes and interests, but occupy approximately the same status in the material plan.

They can become successful businessmen, representatives of the cultural elite, benefactors, travelers or people of art - this is the so-called caste, missed through the prism of Western sociology.

From the very beginning to today, the Indians shared only four Varna:

  • brahmans - priests, clergymen; highest layer;
  • kshatriya - Warriors who guarded the state participated in battles, battles;
  • vyachya - farmers, cattle breeders and merchants;
  • studras - workers, servants; lower layer.

Each Varna, in turn, shared on countless castes. For example, among Kshatriys there could be rulers, razhi, commander, warriors, policemen and then on the list.

There are members of society, which cannot be included in any of Varn - this is the so-called caste untouchable. At the same time, they can also be divided into subgroups. So, a resident of India may not belong to any Varna, but to the caste - necessarily.

Varna and Caste combine people to belong to religion, the nature of the activity, professions that are inherited - a certain strictly regulated division of labor. These groups are closed to representatives of lower castes. An unequal marriage in Indian is a marriage between representatives of different castes.

One of the reasons why customsystem So strong is the faith of Indians in rebirth. They are convinced that, strictly observing all the prescriptions inside their caste, in the next birth they can come to the representative of a higher caste. The brahmanas have already passed the entire life cycle and will certainly be realized on one of the divine planets.

Custom characteristics

All castes comply with certain rules:

  • one religious affiliation;
  • one profession;
  • certain property with which they may possess;
  • regulated list of rights;
  • endogamia - marriages can only be performed inside the caste;
  • heredity - belonging to the caste is determined from birth and is inherited from parents, you can not go to a higher Casta;
  • the impossibility of physical contact, co-erected with representatives of lower castes;
  • permitted food: meat or vegetarian, raw or heat treatment;
  • clothes color;
  • bindi and Tilak color - points on the forehead.

Historical excursion

The Basnovy System entrenched still in the laws of Manu. Hinduses believe that we all happened from Manu, because it is he who escaped from flooding thanks to God Vishnu, while the rest of people died. Believers argue that this happened about thirty thousand years ago, but skeptotic scientists call another date - century II BC.

In the laws of Manu with amazing accuracy and calculation, all rules of life are painted to the smallest detail: starting to swaded newborns, ending with how to handle rice fields. It also refers to the division of people by 4 versions already known to us.

Vedic literature, including Rigveda, also says that all residents in the ancient India were divided back in the XV-XII century BC to our era on 4 groups that appeared from the Body of Brahma's Body:

  • brahmans - from the lips;
  • kshatriya - from the palms;
  • vyashya - from the hips;
  • studras - out of the legs.

Clothes of ancient Indians

There were several reasons for this division. One of them is called the fact that the Arias who came to the Indian land ranked themselves to the highest race and wanted to be in the environment of people, their own, abstracting from ignorant poor people who performed "dirty", in their opinion, work.

Even married arias solely on the women of the Brahmansky kind. The rest they divided the hierarchical on the color of the skin, profession, class - so the name "Varna" appeared.

In the Middle Ages, when the Buddhism was wearing the Indian expanses and the Hinduism everywhere, there was even more crushing inside each Varna, and the castes were born, they were jali.

So the rigid public structure has fixed in India even more. She could not interfere with any historical peripeties, nor the Muslims and the Mogul Empire arising from them, nor English expansion.

How to distinguish people of different varn


This is the highest varna, priests, priests. With the development of spirituality, the spread of religion, their role has just increased.

Rules in society prescribed brahmanov to honor them generous gifts. The rulers chose themselves to their nearest advisers and judges, appropriate high ranks. At this time, Brahmans are servants in the temples, teachers, spiritual mentors.

Todaybrahmans occupy about three quarters of all state posts. For the murder of the representative of the brahmancy and then, and now the terrible death penalty has always followed.

Brahmins are prohibited:

  • engaged in agriculture and household (but Brahman women can do the house);
  • to take representatives of other estates;
  • trapes to the fact that a person from another group prepared;
  • there are products of animal origin.


Translated this Varna means "people of power, nobility." They are engaged in military affairs, manage the state, guard the brahmans standing above in the hierarchy, and subjects: children, women, old people, cows - the country as a whole.

Today, the estate of Kshatriiv consists of warriors, soldiers, protection, police, as well as senior positions. Modern kshatriyam can also be attributed to Casta Jatov, which includes famous - these long-working men with a turban on their heads are found not only in the native state of Punjab, but also throughout India.

Kshatriy can marry a woman from the lower Varna, but girls cannot choose her husband with rank below.


Vaishi is a group of landowners, cattle breeders, merchants. They also produced the craft and everything related to profit - for this Vaishi earned respect for the whole society.

Now they are also engaged in analytics, business, banking and financial side of life, trade. It is also the main layer of the population, which works in offices.

Vaishi never loved hard physical work and dirty work - for this they have a shudra. In addition, they are very challenging about the issues of cooking and cooking dishes.


In other words, these are people who performed the lowest work and often were beyond poverty. They are serviced by other estates, work in the ground, sometimes performing the function of almost the slaves.

Speuds did not have the right to accumulate property, so they had no own housing and putors. They could not pray and all the more becoming "twggling", that is, "movement", like brahmans, kshatriya and Vaishi. But the shudras can take even a girl in a divorce.

Motagge - Men who were still in childhood were the dedication rite dropped. After him, a person can perform religious rituals, so dropped is considered to be the second birth. Women and shudras are not allowed to it.


A separate caste that cannot be counted for any of the four varnas - untouchables. For a long time, they experienced all sorts of persecution and even hatred from other Indians. And all because in the representation of Hinduism untouchables in the past life was the wrong, sinful way of life, for which they were punished.

They are somewhere outside this world and are not even considered people in the full sense of the word. These are mainly the beggars who live on the streets, in slums and separate ghetto, turn on the lumps. At best, they are engaged in the most dirty difficulty: remove toilets, sewage, the corpses of animals, work the gravers, tumors, burn dead animals.

At the same time, the number of untouchables reaches 15-17 percent of the entire population of the country, that is, approximately every sixth Indian is untouchable.

Caste "outside society" was forbidden to appear in public places: in schools, hospitals, in transport, temples, stores. They could not be easy to approach others, but also to step on their shadows. And Brahmans offended the presence of unacted in sight alone.

The term "Dalit" is applied to the untouchable, which means "oppression".

Fortunately, in modern India, everything changes - at the legislative level, discrimination against unacceptable, now they can appear everywhere, receive education and medical care.

Worse than born untouchable, can only be born to Pariya - another subgroup of people who are crossed out of public life. They become children of Pariyev and interframe spouses, but there were times when the touch of Paris made a person just the same.


Some representatives of the Western world may seem to be that the custom system in India remained in the past, but it is far from the truth. The number of castes increases, and this is the cornerstone among the representatives of the authorities and the usual people.

A variety of castes can sometimes amaze, for example:

  • ginbar - wear water;
  • bhatra - Brahmans who earn by the alignment;
  • bhang - remove garbage on the streets;
  • darzi - sew clothes.

Many are inclined to the fact that the caste is evil, because they discriminate against the whole groups of people, infringe on their rights. In the election campaign, many politicians enjoy this cunning - declare the fight against caste inequality as the main direction of their activities.

Of course, the division into castes gradually loses its importance for people as citizens of the state, but still plays a significant role in interpersonal and religious relations, for example, in matters of marriage or business cooperation.

India's government makes a lot for equality of all castes: legally equal, and completely all citizens are endowed with election law. Now the Career Indian, especially in major cities, may depend not only on its origin, but also from personal merit, knowledge, experience.

Even Dalitov has the opportunity to build a brilliant career, including in the state apparatus. The president of Kocheril Raman Narayanan from the family of untouchables, elected in 1997, can serve as an excellent example of that. Another confirmation is the confirmation - the untouchable BHIM RAO Ambedkar, who received a lawyer's diploma in England, and later created the 1950 Constitution.

It contains a special caste table, and every citizen will optionally receive a certificate if desired, indicating its caste in accordance with this table. The Constitution prescribes that government agencies are not allowed to be interested in which caste a person belongs if he himself does not want to talk about it.


Many thanks for your attention, dear readers! I would like to believe that the answers to your questions about Indian caustes were exhaustive, and the article told you a lot of new things.

See you soon!

Hello dear readers of my blog! In this article I decided to tell about who these are such brahmans, the features of their lives and responsibilities, as well as about the caustics and Varna of India. Hope It will give you a chance to plunge into a rich past and a wonderful future. This country where I often go and sometimes write my travel notes or reports. One of the last -, if it is interesting to see India my eyes, then watch the video in the specified publication.

Are they brahmans?

Some words of stories

In Ancient India, there was a distribution for the estate of society . Earlier, I already wrote about this in the article - . Brahman served the temple kshatriy dedicated All the life of the army and military the case and most often it was the rulers of the country, and Vyachya traded and engaged in a variety of crafts. At the last step of this staircase, there was a sudra - a servant or a hired worker, which served as the highest classes of society, and those in turn took care of him.

Varna Brahmanov

Varna is a social situation, determined by the qualities of a person, but most often it was also determined by birth. The Varna system existed from the very beginning of creation and you can read about it in Bhagavad Gita as it is:

BG 4.13.

pupur-Varnaim Maya Srstam


tasya Kartaram Api Mom

viddhay Akartaram Aviayam

In accordance with the three Gunns of material nature and related activities, I divided the human society for four estates. But know that, although I am the creator of this system, I myself, being unchanged, is not invalid to any activity.

Caste Brahmanov

At a later time, a specific system of separation of society on the caste was originated. Caste This was the reborn system of Varna. And shedetermined the human classes, explained who is her every member Only on the basis of birth and did not take into account the quality of a person. Born in a certain caste, a person was forced to be all his life in this social environment.

Separately from all there were untouchables, their number included tumors and Dogs (Chandala),which even their presence could be discussed by others.

Women were exclusively economy and children. It is worth noting that the cow also occupied a special place in society, because she was a family feed.

Gradual revolution concept

In the modern world, Brahmans are called members of the highest Varna of the Indian Social Segregation system, something on the likeness of our clergy, acting in churches and monasteries.

But initially the brahmanas were religious priests responsible for conducting rituals in the temples. They owned Sanskrit, studied the vouchers and passed these invaluable knowledge from generation to generation completely unchanged. In Ancient India, they were considered the personification of the highest spiritual power in human appearance.

What are the main responsibilities of Brahman

High position in society required relevant behavior and following many rules. Brahmanam or braminam, as sometimes they call them, It was necessary to strictly adhere to its destination and execute 6 duties, which we can from the scriptures, where exactly spelled out than these wise men did.

6 Duties Brahmanov


Pathhana-Pathhana, Yahajan-Yaajna Dana-Poratigrah

  1. The study of the Vedas is the basis of the employment of Brahman and the first rule.
  2. The following type of activity is the transfer of received and developed knowledge to followers and everyone who needed them.
  3. Also Brahman is obliged worship and hold yagi (rituals) From myself personally to God.
  4. Teach to worship and conduct Yagi (sacrifice) God from others, since only he is trained with all the sacraments and the intricacies of this ritual.
  5. Moreover, another main occupation was that he needed to take gifts from others.
  6. And it is over to hand out donations to all those who need with his blessing.

From the earliest years, the boys from the Bhmanov families went to the school of the spiritual teacher, Gurukulu. There, under the leadership of the Guru, they studied all the subtleties of Vedic philosophy and comprehended the spiritual science of serving God, Bhagavata Dharma.

A unique term, which best determines the meaning of the service of Brahman is Dharma. It implies the set of all the rules that provide life in serving God.

Indian philosophy explains it as the only way to achieve Higher Perfection.They strictly - set up their religious debt, supporting moral and spiritual High levels.

Enviable rights I. privileges Brahmanov

Brahmin's authority was limitless and unqualified. For example, in Vedic society for some serious crimes could assign a death penalty. But Brahmans never appointed the death penalty, even if they committed such actions.

They were expelled from society and the country and for them it was the hardest punishment. Laws quite differently acted on them, unlike harsh punishments, designed For other varnas. Members of this Varna had many privileges specified in legislative Acts.

Brahmins had a direct impact on the ruler, as they had a deep wisdom and impersonal.With the king, a separate Brachmian Court was going,who gave advice to the king, and the king followed them unquestion.

One of the bright examples is Brahman Chanakya Pandit. He was an adviser at the king and at the same time did not receive any complain. Argumenting by the fact that if he receives money from the king, then falls into dependence on it and will not be able to give fair tips.

Proven millennia invaluable knowledge

Indians with special reverence belong to Vedic Scriptures, trying to follow their letter. Of course, it is currently everything is gradually lost and forgotten.

Vedas, in particular, the Upanishads are The source from which the beginning of the teachings of Brahmins originates. It is from the Vedas that they draw knowledge about the spiritual essence of a person, which is called, Jiva or Atman.

Also in the word Brahman called Immune aspect of the Lord, Absolute. Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna Source of this impersonal brahmana,he dreamed of all things, eternal and unchanged, which was at the beginning and remain forever. This is an impersonal aspect of the absolutecall nirgun, that is, who does not have any qualities . It should be understood that Nirgun Brahman does not have material qualities, and not at all. Since the absolute truth is the Supreme Brahman, God, Krishna, and he is the source of all qualities that are in it.

The only one The way to comprehend the absolute truth is Shabda - the process of knowledge, hearing From the authoritative source.

Studying Vedas throughout their life and by fulfilling all the prescriptions of these sacred books, Brahmins want to achieve God, aware of him and serve him. The impersonalists want impersonal liberation, Moksha or Nirvana.

Why the highest Varna is so revered

Adherents of the lower caste especially read the priests for the wisdom, which they distributed the world. Since Brahmans, according to the texts, the Shastra, was forbidden to earn a living by hired labor, then people brought them everything necessary, fully providing both the provincial and clothing.

By definition, the brahmanas led a fairly simple and ascetic lifestyle. The main food for them is vegetarian food, grain, beans, fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Brahman's clothing color depended on what spiritual way they consisted. Sanyasi, the monks, who renounced the world wore orange clothes (saffron), family - white.

All people visited The temple to get Darshan - the opportunity to turn to the Divine, a reverently to contemplate it. But only Brahmans could perform rituals in the temples it was their exceptional right.

Also ordinary people could learn about the texts of the Vedas and all knowledge accumulated in them only from Brahmanov. They told about the spiritual and material world, they knew how to interpret the process of evolution, showed a person a path that would lead him to perfection.

Is it possible to become a brahman Nowadays ?

In our period, in India, the section on the caste is prohibited by the Constitution, but the system itself has been so strongly established in the consciousness of the population that it is impossible to eradicate. Now the value of the varnarous distribution has changed a bit, strict rules disappeared, only traditions remained.

If initially brahman was determined by qualities, and anyone who corresponds to them, for example which For many years, sacred prescriptions were diligently, meditated and engaged spiritual development, now these rules somewhat changed.

The Varna system was degenerated into the caste system, and Brahmins were determined only by birth, which wrote above.

But in our time you can also get a Brahman title, if you meet all the signatures of the Scriptures, which are prescribed by the head of the Brahman rules. Of course, in India, these prejudices are still fully reigning, about caste and birth. Such caste brahmans claim their exceptional superiority and they never recognize the immigrants from other classes for equal to themselves. But these are just prejudices who do not find a response in the scriptures.

Nothing Does not mean a birth nor appearance or wealth. The main thing is the spiritual advantages of a person and its quality.

One of the great saints and reformers of Indian spirituality, Bhaktisidhantha Sarasvati Thakur, very zealously fought and won the disputes with the so-called castelast brahmanas, breaking in the fluff and the dust of their arguments that they have the right to claim their position only by birth.

Dear readers! I hope that this article a little opened the veil amazing and me by the beloved culture of Vedic Indiaand you can Extract something valuable and interesting for yourself.Subscribe and do not forget

Annotation of a series of articles

"In Parvat, to your Bout, go to the great post. Here they are Jerusalem; What for the Rememman Mecca, for Russians - Jerusalem, then for the Parvat Hindus. And all the naked, only the bandage on the hips, and women are all naked, only the veil on the hips, and the others are all in Fata, and there is a lot of pearls, yes yakhontov, yes on the hands of bracelets and golden gold. (To her God!) And inward, to Buthan, ride on the bulls, the horns of each bull are cooked with copper, and on the neck three hundred bells and hoofs with copper hobbied. And the bulls they call Achche. " So wrote in the year 6983th (1475th) Tverskaya merchant Athanasius Nikitin. Did something changed there, for three seas, during the past five hundred thirty years?

Representatives of the Brahman Varna Nehru in Indian society were respected and revered, but when the only daughter of the famous policy of Javaharlal Nehru, Indira, married Ferosa Gandhi, there was no limit to the indignation of society. The point is not that the Ferosis was a journalist (also, by the way, very well-known and respected) - it took place from the fireproken Zoroastrians. For such a Mesallians, the indirm could freely throw stones in any Indian traditional village.

We all come from childhood, and Indians are from the childhood of civilization. Much preserved by this time in almost unchanged. Custom system of the company's device, for example. By the way, "Varna" ("Caste") translates from Sanskrit as "color". Representatives of the lower caste Shudra - descendants of blacks. Brahma, the highest god, from the mouths of his brahmanov, from the hands of Kshatriiv (warriors and the highest in the state hierarchy of officials), from Berid - Vaishiyev (landpashtsev), and the "lower" shudrs came out of the feasts-plaque. The feet according to this time are considered to be a very "dirty" place of the body, from here - the gesture of the maximum respect from the Hindus: in a low bow to touch the feet. Like, I respect you so much, so I read that I even have dirt from your sandals for happiness. The fact that we are familiar with school bench can be referred to as the caustes (4 main estates), canonically is varnar ("color differentiation" of parts of the body of the creator of the creator).

However, in addition to Varna in Indian society, there are jami, that is, the divisions established by professional sign. They exist as if within four major varnas. There are jamy thieves and robbers (Callar, Korava, Maravar), clergy (Dzhangam, Kruchkal, Pandaram, Pujari), carpenters, pots, wasraners (laundry men). Indian jati is very close in meaning to medieval European workshops. In India, Jati is also inherited, and the transition from one jati to another is extremely difficult, which are based on the plots of Indian fiction and Bollywood tear film sedavirov.

I must say, quite typically this for such a strongly overcoolved country. However, no matter how classifying, but you will not keep track of everyone - it is definitely someone forbidden to use anything forbidden in food or with the marriage of Nakosyachit. If the food harness can be reduced by the prescribed case with a cleansing rite, then everything is much more important with the inappropriate marriage. In the Indian National Epos, Mahabharat was put forward by an employee theory of origin of such a quantity. Men should marry only women of their Varna, well, or immediately following her, otherwise troubles began. Marriage Anuloma - When the mother is below the Father into two Varna - sent off the siblos no longer in Varna Father, but in Varna Mother. If a man married a woman with a higher Varna - Pratiloma's marriage - children were generally eliminated from the varnarous system.Thus, the notorious untouchables occurred, which also inside themselves have significant gradations, since there is a reverse cause-effect relationship: the higher the origin of the mother - the lower the status of a untouchable child.

Jati's system is carefully guarded by caste councils (Khap Pacc], Mixing Varna is a crime from the point of view of customs and often leads to real crimes - the killings of those young people who got married or just loved each other, despite the fact that belong to different jati. Representatives of the Brahman Varna Nehru in Indian society were respected and revered, but when the only daughter of the famous policy of Javaharlal Nehru, Indira, married Ferosa Gandhi, there was no limit to the indignation of society.

The point is not that the Feros was a journalist (also, by the way, very well-known and respected) - he took place from Zoroastrians-Fireplates. For such a Mesallians, the indirm could freely throw stones in any Indian traditional village.

So with caste and jamy realities in India, you have to be considered seriously. My friend, an officer with a very difficult fate, disappeared from the field of view for two years and quite recently manifested itself. He lived himself, his homeland served, the household WHO was pulling - yes he took a sudden and leaned to Sathu-Skutal. Buddhism lived seriously - hence such an extraordinary solution. I visited Tibet, wandered down the Industan and Indochka. Talked about the realities and peripetias with his own humor. On any fresh tourist (it is distinguished by the absence of a specific Indian tan), the crowds of aborigines are immediately attacked (and in strict accordance with Jati affiliation, the separation of spheres of influence). Half of the attackers will drag you to the nearest "tourist office". The owner of the institution will try to sell you rail, bus or air tickets at a price of three - five times more expensive than they really stand. Then it will be to offer souvenirs, then drugs, a girl, themselves, the course of the Indian head massage, sing, dust, and in conclusion will ask you for money on poverty. That's where the beggars, women with children, children without women, cripples, as well as completely workable men and gestures to explain that they are hungry. Serve at least one friend - the rest will become even annoying. So you should not pay attention to them. If you begin to grab your hands - the palm and phrase "bass is put up forward. Chilo! ("Tired. Go!") "Help. It is impossible to be angry in any way. The strong emotions of the beggar react as piranhas on blood. Send of uninfected guides and numerous petitioners easily - resolutely said "NO!" grabs. English does not help - go to Hindi: "Chil Oh!" ("Go you!" - neutral), but for "Chil about Pakistan!" You can and stiff. So Pakistan is better not to mention, even in extreme irritation. And at all should not be said to "Jab (B) A!", "Abu Jab (c) A!" ("Wound!") - It is terrible to indulge in insults. There will not be remembered, the lower it is not completely untouchables - we have time to carry your legs.

By the way, in connection with this, a curious fragment of Lion Gumileva "Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of the Earth" remembered me.

The fact is that when in our XX century, large shopping cities rose, such as Bombay, and this is a city with several millions of inhabitants, then unacpended, which only could have been cleaning the streets, to be janitors (no other Hindu, under The threat of exclusion from the caste will not take the broom in the hands), raised the price of their work. And the British and the British lives there could not even wipe the dust at home, otherwise all the Hindus would have to despise them, could and rebel. Therefore, I had to hire some kind of lowest caste, which came, wiped the dust and took half of the salaries of her husband for it. Subsequently, these unacceptable arranged a strike of the Melteliers and cleaners in all the bombing, and not a single stragbreaker! .. Yes, and how did they not win a strike? The best lawyers were with them. They chose talented boys from their castes, sent to England, Oxford and Cambridge. Those ended the law faculties became lawyers, returned and very little defended the interests of their castes in the courts. As it is neither paradoxically sounds, but to be a member of the lower caste turned out to be even profitable in some sense. And income, and the work of urgent, and with no competition. So the new stereotype of behavior was extremely residence permit - from the VII-VIII centuries. (When it was installed) lived until the 20th century.

However, the attitude towards representatives of the rootier from the shudr - untouchable turned out to be equally vitial. One of particularly large caste groups in India forms many different endogamine casteners, called the total name "Chamara" (Jati Dhor, Chamar, Chamber, Mahar and MN. Dr.) Chambers are skidding with animals to the skin and clean the skeleton, dubbing the skin, make shoes , leather utensils, belts and other crafts. Live cattle for Hindus Custoes is the most sacred animals, dead cattle - the most defaulting. Therefore, to the number of prestigious caste lessons, the cleaning of the remains of fallen livestock belongs. For Chamber, the reputation of subsidiary dietary died, although they usually argue that recently left this practice for obtaining higher status. Like, they broke up with the same errors, do not judge strictly.

Garbage cleaners, peeling and feces (Bhang, Chondal, Chjhai, etc.) - the most "defiled" group of caste, located at the very bottom of the Hindu hierarchy. The garbers will also sing anyone ready to listen to the "fecal zhalis" song about what is happening from very high castes, but at some point they were randomly defiled, such as, neva glanced glanced. Or even intentionally, they say, some ill-wishers sent untouchable, disguised as a brahman, and I, they say, according to the simplicity of spiritual inappropriate reverence, it was rendered than irrevocably blocked and damaged his own karma. Iveneously suffer, they say, for its sincerely. (Purely as domestic homeless people, in the past "Large bosses, talented unrecognized poets, artists, actors", koi the fate of the villain asleep on the bottom). In addition to untouchables, there are still incomputes and inconsistent - this division is generally outside the good and evil.

It is believed that even the wind, which picked up from the side of the wrong, desemines the representative of the hip Varna. Inappropriate prescribed to appear on the street only at night, or, literally short, moving, without tearing off the eye from the ground, because these poor people, allegedly, have an outer look. In short, humanity is pretty succeeded only in one - in bullying over the neighbor. And the neighbor, moved to the backyard of being, is ready to repay adequately to the first thing.

In general, tourists in India should not slap ears. How not to wander at night, pumped by alcohol so that from the ears of the shoulder. Local thieves-fraudulent jali caught whatever the reckless walks very quickly and fruitfully (for themselves, loved ones, of course). Not without Divine supervision, with them, of course, the point of view. Zalonopotama Indian "Gentlemen of Good luck" is honored with their patron, the God of Vorivsky Fart, and they will not go to work, not by ascending the Ganesh of prayers and not scratching the divine belly. Especially criminalized marginals in the territory of Goa. If in the vicinity of Delhi, tourists can count on police officers, then in the state of Goa, the local "jungle laws" outweigh the declared legislation. In order for the crime committed against a foreigner, it was properly recorded in police reporting, it is necessary to go through the tantalums of flour:

tourist "do not understand", the testimony is recorded on local adverbs, and the translator will come somewhere, "this is about to come" (but or wait for the warranty, or the guarantees do not get that they transferred to you exactly that in your readings is contained on paper) . What is surprised - tourists for beggar aborigines (and the police are not an exception here) seem rich careless loafers, literally walking bags of bucks. If even a criminal case is formally accepted for production, it does not have to count on its actual disclosure. In this life, at least.

About India, her past and present, can speak infinitely. For India is a book without end and start, everyone opens it to his page and reads how it can. Someone finds her dream, someone - happiness, others change the worldview, other - citizenship. But for someone, it is preferable that India remains an eternal fairy tale, a ribrant vessel of the universal wisdom, dormant over the mountains of treasures Ginn. For me, for example, let my precious pearl in unrecognizance and inviolability, where there are no tourists, a false-sadh and caste-oriented police officers.

To be continued

Dravidians - Sanskrit's name of a large group of Indian tribes, representing the physical structure and language completely different from the Aryans-Hindu Ras. The descendants of the primary inhabitants of India, pushed to the south who came about 4,000 years ago from the North-West by the Aryans, Dravida kept mainly in the Dean and in the mountains of Northern India. The population of Ceylon belongs to the Dravidian race. Related to Dravidam and Living in Beloohistan of Bragui. The most clean preserved Dravidian type in the shepherd tribe Toda: Dark, Almost Black Leather Color, Roman Nose, Large Black Eyes, Thick Black Curly Hair, Strong Build. In ethnologically, Dravida is divided into 3 groups: the Mundar tribes, or the Mundari, to which the Kohl tribes, or the Kolayians, the semi-dog population of Chota-Nagpur, then actually the Dravidian tribes and Singaleza. The total number of Dravids about 50 million

Ganesh ("Chief of Sweets") - Siva and Parvati's son, God of good luck and entrepreneurship, the head of the Sweets of his Father (a retinue consists of the lowest discharge gods). Ganesh is depicted at the age of a teenager with four hands and with a head, like an elephant's head. This is the only God in Hinduism, who has a trunk instead of the nose. Hindus seek to have at home sculptural image of Ganesh. No matter they start without prayer Ganesh. And in order to especially please Ganesh, they scratch the stomach in the morning.


  1. Kutsenkov A.A., Evolution of Indian Cast. M., 1983.
  2. Bongard-Levin GM, Ilyin G.F. India in antiquity. M., 1985.

Additional information on the cycle of articles

Kuchipuddi: Dance, who became the quintessence of the cultural heritage of India

The cycle of articles on India on the pages of the World Encyclopedia of Travels is sponsored by the Moscow Center Kuchipudi, whose leaders are Padma Puttu and Alexey Fedorov. Together with the Encyclopedia, the center of Kuchipudi begins a new project -. We begin the project with ancient India, culture and the magic of attraction of which always found a response in Russia. Children's psychologists, neurologists, speech therapists and simply advanced teachers have long noticed that the performance of a hust and wise, - the techniques of the classical Indian dance, has a colossal psychophysical effect.

The so-called "finger games" contribute to the development of speech and children's intelligence. Doctors use hasters and wise to stimulate acupuncture points located on the fingers of the hands - and successfully treat vascular diseases, restore patients even after heavy strokes. And the Hinduses are sacred confident that the hasters and wise people activate "Ajna-Chakra" - "the third eye of Shiva". Solid ladies believe that Indian dance classes will be returned to them almost lost elegance and attractiveness. Young Femin attracts exotic. Movable and cheerful optimists scares the ascetic labor of yoga, but the dance, on the contrary, is irrepressable. And gives the body and spirit no less than the practice of yoga. Perhaps even more.

Kuchipuddi - the ancient sacred art of the temple dance, significantly enriched and modified thanks to the Guru of Welpati Chinna Satyama.

Werpatti Chinna Satyam was born in the village of Kuchaletpuram in 1929. Nine generations of his Bramins dedicated their lives of Kuchipudi. He became a student of the legendary Vedantama Lakshmi Narayan Shastra and accepted the ideas of innovation from him. At the age of 18, Werpatti went to the Cultural Center of South India - Madras. The path to recognition was a crimson and not easy, but in 1963 the Guru founded Kuchipudi Art Academy and raised more than 1000 students. Among them are such legendary dancers like Vijantimala, Yaminti Krishnamurti, Manju Bagavi, Shobha Naida, Chemma Malini, Kamenwev, etc.

Wuppatti Chinna Satyam gave about 3,000 concerts in India and abroad, composed about 180 solo dances and put 17 dance drams. In addition, he systematized Kuchipudi, gave him a more advanced form without prejudice to the pristine purity of dance.

The goal of yogic practices is a personal change and improvement. The task of the performer Kuchipuddi is not easy to merge with the highest forces and the energies of the Universe, but also to introduce their audience to this divine act.

The psychotherapeutic effect of Kuchipudi is not a myth. Becoming once the audience of priesthood, a person is experiencing an extraordinary spiritual rise and a significant improvement in health. Therefore, there are no free places on the speeches of the dancer Padma in the auditorium. And every action is completed by the appearance of new kuchipudi fans who want to gain harmony in the shower, family, loved ones, so at the same time to comprehend the art of being a woman worthy of divine attention. Skeptics can lazily shine through the lip - they say, tell your fairy tales with gullible fools!

He came running to the class, turning the hips - and on you life success in golden crispy packaging. Kaba is so simple. And there will be a skeptics are absolutely right - with such an approach, success is not guaranteed, because our hypothetical skeptic has seen a pop dance and did, no matter how paradoxically, almost the right conclusion. Indian stage and a cinema, as its option - is the echo of the rule of the great Mughal, when the deepest religious and ethical dance philosophy was not needed in the luxurious Palaces of the Muslims, the main thing (just like new Russians, "so that beautifully"). Say now the top ten I will give the word "yoga" - a minimum half sneakly wrinkles the nozzles - Fuuu, Tantra-Mantra, Nudatina ... But I say "Kuchipudi" - the same, at a minimum, half interested will say "from that moment more, pliz". So that it is at all in detail - it's to the guru. And to understand the essence of the process, it can be said like this: Kuchipudi is not just an elegant fascinating spectacle, which is striking the stage, Kuchipudi is yoga, history, theater, philosophy and bodily health in one bottle.

None of the countries of the Ancient East had such a clearly defined public division as in ancient India. Social origin determined not only the range of rights and duties of a person, but also its character. According to the "Laws of Manu", the population of India was divided into castes, or Varna (that is, fate predetermined by the gods). Castes are large groups of people with certain rights and obligations transmitted by inheritance. In today's lesson, we will consider the rights and obligations of representatives of various castes, get acquainted with the oldest Indian religions.


Indians believed in the resettlement of the souls (see Lesson) and the practice of karmic reward for actions (in the fact that the nature of the new birth and the peculiarities of existence depends on the actions). According to the beliefs of the ancient Indians, the principle of karmic reward (karma) determines not only who you will be born in the future life (a person or any animal), but also a place in the public hierarchy.

Events / Participants

In India, there were four Varna (estates):
  • brahmans (priests),
  • kshatriya (warriors and kings),
  • vaishi (farmers),
  • studras (servants).

Brahmins, according to the representation of Indians, appeared from the mouth of Brahma, Ksatriya - from the hands of Brahma, Vaishi - from the hips, and the shudra - from the feet. Ksatriya was considered their ancestors of the ancient kings and heroes, for example, Rama - Hero of the Indian epic "Ramayana".

Three Periods of Life Brahman:
  • discipleship,
  • creating a family
  • help.


In India, there was a rigid hierarchical system, communication between representatives of different castes was limited to strict rules. New ideas appeared in the framework of the new religion - Buddhism. Despite the destructiveness of the caste system in India, the Buddha taught the person's personal advantages more important than the origin.

The position of a person in the Indian society has a religious explanation. In the holy books of deep antiquity (ve-Dah), the division of people on the caste was considered initial and established over. It was alleged that the first brahmans (Fig. 1) came out of the mouth of the Supreme God of Brahma, and only they can recognize His will and influence it into the direction necessary for the people. The murder of Brahman was considered a great pre-step than the murder of any other person.

Fig. 1. Brahmins ()

Kshatriya (warriors and kings), in turn, arose from the hands of Brahma's God, so they are characterized by power and fortress. Tsari Indian states belonged to this caste, Ksatriya stood at the head of state administration, they controlled the army, they owned a majority of military production. People from the caste warriors believed that their ancestors were the ancient kings and heroes, such as the frame.

Vaishi (Fig. 2) were formed from the thighs of Brahma, therefore, they got the benefits and wealth. It was the most numerous caste. The position of Indians-Vaisiyev was very different: the rich merchants and artisans, the entire city tip is undoubted, but were related to the dominant layers of society. Some Vaisia \u200b\u200beven occupied a place in the public service. But the bulk of Wai-Sishe was pushed from public affairs and was engaged in agriculture and craft, turned into major tax payers. Actually, the thieves, spiritual and secular kneeling looked at the people of this caste.

Caste Shudra was replenished from the number of obedient land, as well as from immigrants, who ran away from a kind and tribe. They were considered the people of the lowest order that came out of the feet of Brah's feet and therefore doomed to creepy in dust. Therefore, they are intended for help and to obedience. They were not allowed into communities, removed from the classes of any posts. Even some religious rituals did not suit them. They also forbidden the study of the Vedas. The punishment for crimes against SMDR was usually lower than for the same acts committed against Brahmanov, Kshatriyiv \u200b\u200band Vaisiyev. At the same time, Studras still retained the position of free people and were not slaves.

At the lowest stage of the ancient Indian society, there are unacpended (paria) and slaves. The Farians were given out classes of fish, hunting, trade in meat and murder of animals, processing of leather, etc. Non-sufficient did not even let the wells, for they could have been clarified with clean water. They say that when two noble women went outside and accidentally saw untouchable, they immediately returned back to, flushing their eyes, cleanse from the square. However, unacpended still remained free, while slaves did not even have the right to their identity.

The creators of these legal norms were brahmanas - priests. They were in a special position. None in any country of the Ancient East, priesthood reached such a privileged position as in In-Dia. They were servants of the cult of gods led by the Supreme Borest-in Brahma, and the state religion was called Brahmanism . Brahmin's life was divided into three periods: teaching, getting a family, hermit. The priests needed to know with what words to turn to the gods than to feed them and how to glorify. This brahmans studied diligently and long. From the age of the years began the period of study. When the boy was fulfilled sixteen years old, the parents presented as a gift to the Cow to the teacher, and the son was found in the bride. After Brahman learned and got a family, he himself could take into the house of students, bring victims to the gods for himself and for others. In old age, Brahman could become a hermit. He refused the life of life and communicating with people for the achievement of spiritual peace. They believed that flour and deprivation would help gain liberation from an endless chain of reborn.

About 500 g. BC e. In the northeast of India, the Kingdom of Chagadha arose in the Ganga Valley. There lived the sage Siddhartha Gautama on the pro-sly of the Buddha (awaken) (Fig. 3). He taught that a person is related to all living beings, therefore it is impossible to harm any of them: "If you don't even kill flies, then after death you will become a more perfect person, and who comes out otherwise, that after death becomes animals." Acts of a person affect the circumstances at which it will be revived in the next life. A decent person passing through a number of reincarnations, achieves perfection.

Fig. 3. Siddhartha Gautama ()

Many Indians believe that, dies, the Buddha became the main one from Bo-gov. His teaching (Buddhism) has spread widely in India. This religion does not recognize unreal boundaries between the castes and believes that all people are brothers, even if they believe in different gods.


  1. A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Svencitsky. Ancient world history. Grade 5 - M.: Enlightenment, 2006.
  2. Nemirovsky A.I. A book for reading on the history of the ancient world. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.
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  1. What are the responsibilities and rights of Brahmans in the ancient Indian society?
  2. What fate waited for a boy born in the brahman family?
  3. Who are the Paria, what caste do they belong to?
  4. Representatives of which caste could achieve liberation from the endless circuit of rebirth?
  5. How did the origin of a person influenced his destiny for the teachings of the Buddha?