Is it possible to sanctify the house itself. Independent Lighting Apartments: Rules and Features of the Ritual

Is it possible to sanctify the house itself. Independent Lighting Apartments: Rules and Features of the Ritual
Is it possible to sanctify the house itself. Independent Lighting Apartments: Rules and Features of the Ritual

About how to consecrate the apartment, people think for various reasons. There are some domestic quarrels with others, family members are seriously ill, and others simply feel negative energy. To clear the walls of the housing from the negative, you can invite to rite a priest, or try to do it yourself.

When is the consecration ritual needed?

If you have a housewarming, it will not be necessary to pre-protect housing from unclean forces, and also resume, fill the power of the room. This applies to both new buildings and those in which someone already lived.

Sometimes there is a need to consecrate their own apartment in which you stay for many years. These are cases when:

  • began to break the dishes often, household appliances break;
  • room plants are dying, which were not sick before;
  • it is impossible to concentrate even alone, complete silence;
  • family members are sick, homemade pets are sick;
  • ants appeared, cockroaches;
  • constant quarrels, fights;
  • any paranormal phenomena occur: incomprehensible sounds are heard, objects are moving

Also worth listening to their own feelings. Do you comfortably at home? Want to come back? If the answer to these questions is negative, you need to urgently take action.

If the apartment is created in the apartment in the literal sense (inexplicable phenomena), only the priest can be expelled. He does not just know how to consecrate the apartment with holy water, candles, prayers, but also gives God's blessing.

In the absence of any serious signs of the stay of unclean strength, you can do on your own. The ritual of consecration should be thoroughly prepared.

Preparation for consecration of the apartment

One of the most important stages. Before consecrated by the apartment itself, it will take careful preparation. This is a responsible thing, treat him seriously.

  • The first thing to be done is general cleaning. Before visiting the church for spiritual cleansing, the parishioner should be physically cleaned. And not only externally, but also from the inside, observing the post. Therefore, cleaning the apartment implies both washing floors, rubbing dust and getting rid of old, broken, unnecessary things.
  • Special attention should be paid to the iconostasis. If you do not have it, be sure to install. In the "red corner" there must be an order, the absence of foreign objects. Some put decorative candles next to icons, replace live flowers on artificial. It is impossible to do this!
  • It is necessary to be cleaned by the residents of the sanctified apartment: visit the temple, regularly read prayers (even if not often, but sincerely). And, of course, you need to avoid abuse of alcohol, smoking, foul language.

About the ways of sanctification

To clean the negative energy of the room, several options for rituals are used. First, find out how to consecrate the apartment with holy water itself, as it is a more effective method. Learn what are the methods of consecration of the apartment or at home yourself:

Holy water

Light in all rooms of church candles (near the iconostasis more). Reading the prayer "Our Father", or just repeating "in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen ", sprink off the holy water all the walls. Special attention is paid to the corners, as they accumulate the greatest amount of negative, evil spirits. If there is a bad energy in some place, weirdness occur, also paint it with holy water.


The holy water is flushed out of the room a negative, and it can be burned with church candles. Start this ritual outside: Spend a lit candle around the perimeter of door jambs (naturally, at a safe distance). Next, cross the flame with the flame, the keyhole, the handle. Enter the apartment and slowly "walk" the candle along the walls clockwise. Hand make smooth waveforms. Then clean the furniture, household items.

Attention! Be careful near flammable items.


How to consecrate the apartment yourself without candles and holy water? An alternative option will serve the Thursday salt, which can be made independently, or purchase in the church bench. As is known, salt has absorbent properties, which means that the negative is capable of imagining.

Put a dry frying pan on the stove, pour salt into it. Still clockwise to strong crackling and darkening, recalling everything is bad, which happened in your home.

Carefully remove the pan from the stove, go around with it all the rooms of the apartment, including a bath, toilet. Bypassing from left to right.

Salt absorbed the negative that should be burned. To do this, put a frying pan again on fire. Having stirring with cruciform movements, say the phrase "Let everything bad go back."
Pour salt into the toilet, thoroughly rinse the frying pan. Make a wet apartment cleaning.

If there is an urgent need, it is possible to sanctify the house and independently: buy a candle in the church, burn it, take into the right hand and right left, reading ours "Father", go with her all the house, peering in all the corners. Where the candle will smoke harder, you need to stay longer, without ceasing to read prayer.

Consecration of dwellings - rite, designed to decline God's blessing on all living things in it. The apartment itself, in contrast to the water or the icon, does not become holy, and everything that happens in it only depends on the will and faith of its temporary inhabitants.

To make a rite, it is not necessary to know how to consecrate the apartment yourself, it is enough to contact the nearest temple or arrival. It should be pre-prepared: carefully remove the candles, the icon with the Savior of our Savior, if there is no in the house there is no, and possibly stickers with the image of the cross. The latter is needed rather for aesthetic (drawing a cross from hand, it is not possible to withdraw it as beautiful, as printed in the printing house) than for the sacred side of the rite. All these items are quite accessible in any church store.

It is not necessary to think that the richer the image will be, the more grace, the dependence is traced here only on the degree of churching of the living and fortresses of their faith, hopes and love - three main Christian benefactors. Reflecting on how to consecrate the apartment, you should donate thoughts about the prestigidity and other bayiments. However, not sin if the icon is beautiful.

Some people have in the soul fear that the invitation of the clergy will be worthwhile. It is false, since some established rates in the Russian Orthodox Church does not exist. The amounts called, as a rule, are appreciated, this information is intended rather in order not to introduce parishioners into unnecessary spending. More often there is another problem: people think about how to consecrate the apartment to the coacter to make an impression on invited guests.

If, the wrath of the aspirations, there is a priest who will insist on a particular amount, then the information about this will probably become interested in the patriarchy, not in the most favorable light for him.

So, the Orthodox Christian must think, rather, how to consecrate the apartment, and not at all about the monetary side of the issue.

Public amulets, Dikar masks, and other attributes of our people alien to our people are completely unacceptable in the sanctified dwelling.

It is also necessary to prepare the clergyman "workplace", it is simply - only a table is needed.

Discussing close to how to consecrate the apartment, it should be tailed to the upcoming celebration, to rejoice in him and not allow angry thoughts, and even more than any actions.

It will be just great if the dwellings of the dwelling will be familiar with the order of the ceremony in order for her during its course there are awkward situations. So, you need to know that the Blessing is scored at the father, as well as how it is done, and that after it is received, you need to kiss his desk, and after the completion of the prayer - a cross.

Of course, there is no need to learn all the prayers, but "our Father", the "Symbol of Faith" and "Virgin" everyone, who considers itself Orthodox, is obliged to know, as well as what words should be an absentee cross.

Stickers or man-made images of the cross are applied to the walls above the entrance and in the corners of each of the rooms, after which they are enacted.

The whole situation is sprinkling that one should not hurry right away. Therefore, if there are objects who have been afraid of the direct impact of moisture, it is better to remove them so that the thoughts are not distracted by the sacred meaning of the prayer.

In open print there are many tips on how to consecrate the apartment with a candle, putting a lot of icons in it. Also, such actions are not sinful, but can not replace the dwellings.

God bless you!

    Of course, it is more correct to invite the Orthodox Priest to fully consecrate its dwelling. But the owners themselves for this purpose can take advantage of the baptismic water and church candle. Corners of the house bypass with a lit candle from left to right, ranging from the entrance door and ending with it. At the same time, they read a prayer God will resurrect a or Psalm 90 ( live in assistance;), or a short in the name of the father and son and the saint spirit, the sprinkling of the water Say of the sacred to flight will contact any deordic demonic action. AMEN. After reading prayer words, turn the corner of holy water and go to another. If you do not know by heart prayers, you can use reading ours from our. E usually know everything. In the everyday bustle, do not forget about the main Jesus prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinful (s) . Daily prayers of a believer person also sanctify the house, wrapped the walls. According to the faith of you, you will be rewarded.

    In order to consecrate their own home or apartment, it is not necessary to invite the father!

    You will need holy water and church candle that can be purchased in the church. Starting from the entrance, all the rooms around the perimeter should be bypassed, while reading the prayer our

    When you read prayer, you need to sprinkle all the corners of the apartment with holy water, after which it does not air the room at least a couple of hours.

    The sanctification of its home will contribute to the graceful mood of all the inhabitants of the apartment, as well as the growth of family well-being.

    Consecrated housing is taken from believers. And I believe that this is a very necessary and important ritual. To consecrate housing, you should invite a priest in your home. If the network of the reasons why you do not have the opportunity to invite a father, then it is possible to do this and independently, it is only initially to go to the temple and get a blessing from the father.

    consecration with holy water (need fresh holy water from the church):

    consecration of the candle (this is an old way):

    I believe that it is necessary to illumine housing. If you bought housing, it is just necessary. No one knows what people there lived there how much anger or misfortune was in the walls of this house. It is best to invite a priest better, but if you have no such opportunity, lighten yourself. You can use the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. This holy you will help you.

    I believe that it is correct to invite a priest. It is believed that the housing lighting is done once. Then after a while, you can call the priest again and it already holds the rite of purification from everything bad. If you all decided to consecrate the home yourself, it is easiest to use holy water. To do this, you will try to go to church. The main thing to remember to illuminate with faith and humility.

    It is desirable to wash the floors before cleaning, first hot, then cold water. It is necessary to cover your head and dress up clothes, which can be thrown.

    Candles are bought in the church in the number of all rooms in the house or apartment. You need to start from the entrance: we light the candle, outline the door of the cross, go, go around the room around the perimeter, while reading Father our. Then you need to outline the cross in front of the door, slide the candle and take the next room.

    The remnants of candles and wax do not throw out, belong to the church.

    After cleaning it is good to wash, it is desirable to throw clothes.

    In general, it is possible to invite a priest to clean the housing.

    If the conversation of the IDT about Orthodox traditions, then there is a complete and independent sanctification of the dwelling.

    Full consecration is available exclusively by attracting an Orthodox priest.

    Partial (independent) consecration we can produce yourself.

    You can safely consecrate the dwelling, using the baptized consecrated water. This water can be saved in the baptismal night, for the whole year. As a rule, believers do it, based on 10 to 30 liters per person. However, mathematics and physics here are not at the World Cup.

    Praying the dwelling with water, you should read prayers Our Tresvety, God will resurrect ... , 90th Psalm from Psaltiri, as well as in the name of the father and son and the saint breath of water Say of the sacred to flight will contact any dusty demonic act, Amen.

    These actions will be enough. superfluous; Water after sprinkling in no case cannot be disposed of anywhere, that is, to send to some sewage. She, if undesirable for drinking, is printed by essentially beneficial when painting home plants. This is much more pious than empty pouring, where it fell.

    The tenants of the houses or apartments themselves can sprinkle their housing with holy water. Usually, this is done in the baptisma evening.

    As for the sanctification of the house, he only holds the priest if it comes to Orthodoxy. To do this, you need to go to the temple or church in advance and discuss all the questions of the rank of sanctification. In some temples need to be recorded in advance for a certain number, because they are trying to take into account the baptism of babies, weddings, confession to the house and other issues.

    Special preparation house or apartment does not require. However, cleaning, of course, needs to be performed. When choosing the date of sanctification of the house, it is desirable that all households (or at the maximum who have such an opportunity) at this time were at home. This is a pious tradition, which in the temple can not say, believing that everything is so understandable.

    To consecrate their housing, you need to follow certain requirements.

    Candles for this need church, they will need 6 pieces. Half of them on the same day should be put in the church itself near the Mother of God, Christ and St. Nicholas, pray. The rest of the candles are needed for home. In the sanctified housing, you must first read our father 5 times, and only then get around the perimeter with a burning candle, clockwise. Candles can smoke - it means there is a negative in the room. Then you should sprinkle at the corners of the holy water, and the fact that from will not remain is to resist.

    I do not know how correct it is. I do so I put 3 cross over the doors and windows.

    I light a candle and clockwise I wonder all the corners at the same time I read, our father, and first the candle in the corners we are baptized, then I spray with holy water and so everywhere, start from the door.


Before sprinkling house saint water, you need to take all things, wash the windows, floors, wipe the dust, wipe the mirrors, wash the curtains. There should be no extra objects and mess in the rooms. Cleaning can be held on any day, except Sunday.

Before starting the process, you need to wash your hands. The loan must be pouring holy water into a clean bowl. Keep in mind that under any circumstances is not allowed to use a bowl to which they touched. Best new bowl. Starting a sprinkle housea, you need to read a prayer for blessed affairs.

Begin the sprinkling from the red corner. The red angle is located in the central room diagonally from the entrance. In the red corner there should be an iconostasis or. Need to get up in front of the angle, throw a little right hand saint Waters, crucifably spray angle and say the following: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then you need to get around the room clockwise and the remaining corners, walls, ceiling and floor. Be careful and do not step on a drop of water that fell to the floor. Holy water should not fall under shoes. It is best to remove shoes before the start of sprinkling and carry out the procedure for barefoot. After the sprinkling of the room, read the prayer "Life-giving Cross".

After the sprinkling of the central room, sprinkle the same other rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and an entrance hall. In need to sprink only the angles. Restroom saint water Do not sprinkle. Sprocking the whole, read the prayer "Sacred Martyr Vladia, Bishop Sevastia."

After you sprinkled all the dwelling, draw on each wall and over the entrance door. Use chalk or pencil. They should also be covered by the rank of lighting things.

If you moved to a new house, it is necessary to sprinkle saint water and clean. Hang in the red corner of the icon of the Mother of God or Savior. Light a candle and read prayer for blessed things. Then sprouple all house. Purpose of housing saint water It happens as well as the sprinkling of the home in which you live.


  • how to light the house

Holy water - truly magic fluid. It has the ability to cure diseases, purify from an evil eye and relieve a person from bad thoughts. The sprinkling of holy water in the Orthodox Church is given a special atmosphere of purity and holiness, as if laving everything around and making grace with grace. You can sprinkled with holy water or office yourself and yourself, just to do this is necessary for all the rules.

You will need

  • holy Water, Capacity for Pumping


Pour holy water into a special container. It is best to use a new bowl, but one of the bowls or plates you use in everyday life. It is important that the bowl is not used for animals. The day before the sprinkling of your home, it is necessary to take and wash everything. Spree - a kind of sacrament, so it is simply necessary that the cleanliness of the premises and your soul fit. It is best to spend this procedure on Sunday, but any other day, of course, will also fit. Immediately before starting the sprinkling, once again go around the apartment and check that all things are in our places and there's nothing too much anywhere.

On the day of the sprinkling or on the eve of going to the church to the church for the service, after which to talk to the father and ask for his blessings to the sprinkling of the housing with holy water. Without such a blessing, the procedure, of course, can be done, just after talking with the priest, you will have peace and necessary grace. And for sprinkling, the attitude is very important. It is necessary to start the fringe of the room from a red corner - this is the central part of the house, which is diagonally from the entrance door. It is usually in the red corner there is an iconostasis or one icon. Immediately before the krophyse, it is necessary to read a prayer for the blessing of the case or "Father Our".

Mind a little water with hand and with the words "in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" sprinkle a red angle with water with cruciform movement. In the same way, sprinkle all the corners in the room, the floor and the ceiling. You need to move clockwise, trying not to step on the drops of holy water. After you finish the sprinkling of the room, you need to read the prayer of the life-giving cross or, if you do not know her, "Our Father". In the same way, all other apartments, kitchen and hallway should be sprinkled.


The toilet with holy water does not sprinkle. When sprinkling the bathroom, it is necessary to sprinkle only the angles, leaving the floor and the ceiling intact.

Helpful advice

In order not to desecrate the procedure of dirty shoes you need to take up. Cut the sprinkling in the socks, and best of all barefoot.

Holy Water is a great Christian shrine, so the attitude towards her Christian should be very thrill and pious. Water can be consecrated in the temples and on the springs. At the request of people, the priest can consecrate the water almost at any time, as there is a certain rank for this. The Christian needs to know how to use the holy water in their needs.

Scientists scientific method proved that consecrated water somewhat changes their qualities. After the gracious consecration, it has healing properties that was noticed

There is a practice of adding holy water to food. This is done for the gracious consecration of food. True, it is necessary to add so much so that it does not hurt the same dish.

In addition to the fact that holy water can be drunk in diseases, it is recommended to observe sick places, and sometimes even wash. In case of joint diseases, you can make a bandage in holy water and impose a bandage (such recommendations may give priests).

Holy Water can not only drink for healing and general gracious consecration, use when adding to food. There is a tradition of the sprinkling of holy water of houses and apartments. It is this that is used by a priest for or other items. Church practice does not prohibit the sprinkle of his holy water at home and, so some believers sometimes do it.

The Christian needs to be carefully referring to this unique divine gift and keep holy water in an appropriate place, for example, near.

How to consecrate apartment

Orthodox Christians and righteously living believe in the evil intent of their ill-wishers.
As practice shows, not everyone understands that negative information is able to concentrate inside the closed space of its own apartment.
If you felt ailment and a birth, then try to independently consecrate the dwelling with holy water and candles.
Of course, you can invite a father, who for the appropriate fee will conduct an act of consecration of the apartment, consistently reading the necessary prayers.
But for it will have to pay, and the clergymen now ... very busy.

In order to independently consecrate your apartment, you will have to accurately execute the following instructions:

one). Go to church bench and buy candles. I recommend to start to put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, exactly the same amount to the image of the Virgin and the Blessed Starridge Matron. Three more candles take home.
2). Type the holy water into a pre-prepared container.
3). Come home and throw off your clothes.
four). If you are a woman, do not remove the headdress.
five). It is not possible to start an independent consecration of the apartment, but after repeated reading the following prayers from Scripture:
but). Prayer of the Lord "Father Our",
b). Psalm 90.
6). With the help of matches, burn the candle and walk with it over all corners of a cozy apartment.
7). Watch how intensely burns the bright flame and how much church candles crack. In places of special accumulation of negative energy of the candle will be "resent."
eight). Consecrating the apartment, keep a candle in one hand, and in another narrow vessel with holy water, which you need to spray the hidden angles.
nine). Lifting a candle to apartment corners, baptize their hot flame.
10). After all the corners of the apartment are consecrated, again read the prayers proposed above, by drinking holy water with small sips.
eleven). Repeated a burning candle in the corners to make sure that the intensity of the evil energy was noticeably doused. In the event that after a single consecration of the apartment, the candles will be "outraged", in the coming days again repeat the procedure.
12). The rest of the holy water remained after consecration, let you eat the rest of the family members.

Now you know how to independently consecrate the apartment with candles and holy water.
The world and grace your home!

The material was prepared by Ya Eyrivsky.