The history of the creation of the novel Dubrovsky brief content. The history of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky" Pushkin

The history of the creation of the novel Dubrovsky brief content. The history of the creation of the novel
The history of the creation of the novel Dubrovsky brief content. The history of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky" Pushkin

"Dubrovsky". In this unfair work, we are talking about two hostile noble family and love between their descendants: Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekherova.

History of creation

The plot is based on the real story, which Pushkin told a friend. One poor nobleman was suused for earth with a neighbor and as a result turned out to be ousted from his own estate. Left without land, but with peasants, organized a gang and began to rob. Pushkin used this material almost entirely, changing only the name of the main character.

The name of the robber novel received in 1841, with the first publication, and gave it not the author, but the publisher. Work on the work was started in 1832, and the last chapter was written in February 1833. Finish the work and prepare it for the press the author no longer has time. Literary critics noted that in this novel Pushkin many moments and situations similar to those that can be found in the works and other Western European works of such a genre written at the time.


A brief description of the plot of Roman Takovo: the father of the main character, the dangerous retired lieutenant Andrei Gavrilovich, lives next door to the former colleague, rich as a rather retired Troceryov. At the beginning of the work, the relationship between neighbors is depicted friendly. Troceurov, however, is shown by a person with cruel and wayward, with whims, Samodur, in front of which the officials and neighbors are embarrassed. Suffice it to say that Troceurov tends to suddenly lock their own guests in the same room with a hungry bear and serves as a joke.

Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky is a nobleman and an independent person, the owner of the estate, but there are no big funds. Once the neighbors quarrel. The beginning of the waveling becomes the bold behavior of the Troekurovsky servant, and all the fact that Troceurov, bribing the court, will take off impunity at the Dubrovsky estate. Directly in the courtroom, Andrei Gavrilovich goes crazy, and his son Vladimir, who serves in the guard in the rank of Cornet and lives at this time in St. Petersburg, is forced to go home now.

At home, the hero finds the father in serious condition. Soon he dies, and a noble hero, putting a thirst for messenger, is set on its own estate, now we have rummaged in the hands of a neighbor. Food officials, who arrived in the former estate of Dubrovsky to make the transfer of ownership. This is the answer to the question why I became the robber Dubrovsky. At the hero after he broke with the law in this way, there is no other choice.

Dubrovsky turns into local, and the surrounding landlords are horrified in front of him. The estate of the villain of Trocery is a hero, however, bypassing. Once the hero appears a French teacher who goes to Troekurov to come to the service. Dubrovsky bribes this man and under his name falls into the house of non-depths, where the Role of the Gutener begins to play. Troshekurov is trying to turn with Dubrovsky's favorite joke with a bear, but the hero kills the beast, firing into the ear.

Dubrovsky is penetrated with Masha's love, seventeen year old daughter Trocery. Father is going against the will to issue a girl married to a certain prince Veresky, an old man of fifty years. The hero is trying to prevent the beloved unwanted marriage, but late. Armed robbers, led by Dubrovsky, catch up with a wedding consignment, when he travels from the church and follows the belief estate, that is, after the marriage is concluded. Masha refuses to consider himself free and accept the assistance of Dubrovsky, because from her point of view it's too late, the wedding took place, the fate is predetermined.

Veresky inflicts the Dubrovsky wound and turns out in the hands of the robbers, but the hero tells not touching that. The gang led by Dubrovsky goes back to the forest and there faces the soldiers who combine the terrain. The robbers come out of this battle by the winners, but the government continues to hunt for them, and the hero dismisses the hayk, and himself runs out abroad.

Pushkin made several sketches to the final, the third of that novel, but this work was not created. Under the assumption of researchers, Dubrovsky was supposed to return to Russia after the death of Masha's husband, Prince Veresky, probably under the larger of the Englishman. However, someone writes on the hero of the Donos, and reunification plans with the beloved are threatened.

Image and nature

Pushkin gives a bright portrait of Dubrovsky. This is a young man of twenty-three years, medium height, befell, carbonous, elongated, with straight nose and pale skin, with a sonorous voice. Able to produce a majestic impression. Hero's mother dies early, and his father is engaged in the education of Vladimir in childhood. Later, the hero goes to St. Petersburg, where he studies in the Cadet Corps, and after the issue he is credited to the guard in the rank of Kornet. He serves in the infantry shelf, housed in St. Petersburg.

Dubrovsky demonstrates such qualities as courage, generosity, kindness, mind, courage, generosity. Living in St. Petersburg, the hero, despite the limited means of the family, thinks little about the future and leads a wasteful lifestyle, plays cards and climbs into debts. Cleverly dancing Waltz, knows how to play the piano and agile on the hunt.

Father the hero knew little, because he lived in St. Petersburg from his youth and communicated little with his parent. Nevertheless, Dubrovsky is cordially tied to it and is hard to experience the tragic disease, and later the death of the father. For the sake of the father, the hero leaves the service. The peasants belong to the young owner with respect and join him when Vladimir decides to become a robber.

I put on the curve of the track, the hero continues to demonstrate the nobility: robs not all in a row, but only known in the district of Bogatev, and no one does not deprive life.


The story of the love of Masha and Dubrovsky is simple. The young heroine that has grown in French novels, lives with dreams about the "beautiful" love. There are no suitable candidate among people in the house of Troceurov, there is no suitable candidate for the role of a fervent beloved, with whom Masha would like to associate life. The people around the heroine are interested in the mainly hunting, money, drinking - things landed and irritable. Young governor-Frenchman, under the distortion of which Dubrovsky is hidden, does not look like those whom the girl had to know before.

Masha falls in love with him after episode with a bear. Dubrovsky looks in the eyes of the heroine brave and proud hero, which "does not intend to endure offense," is an atypical behavior for the tutor, that is, the man of that kind, to which in the Trocery family it is common to treat disregard.

Dubrovsky himself for love for Masha refuses revenge plans, which cherished before, entering Troekurov to serve under someone else's larger. Later, Dubrovsky reveals before Masha and reports who he is actually so. This discovery scares the girl. Masha is known about the hatred of Dubrovsky to Troshekurov, the father of the heroine. Dubrovsky, despite the hostility towards Masha, nourishes tender feelings to her and convinces the girl in his own sincerity. The hero is going to escape with the beloved when he learns about the planes of Trocerys about the wedding, but the case breaks their plans.


The first shielding of the novel "Dubrovsky" was the black and white American film called "Eagle". This is a silent film of 1925 with a strongly converted relative to the book by the plot. The role of Dubrovsky is performed by the famous actor and sex symbol of the era of a silent movie Rudolf Valentino. In the film Kornet Dubrovsky, handsome officer of the Imperial Guard, rejects love claims of the Empress itself, who is trying to seduce a proud young man.

After that, the hero becomes an outcast, leaves the army and returns home, where he finds his father at death, and the family property and land - in the hands of a villain of Cyril Trocery. The father of the hero dies in his arms, and Vladimir himself, calming his thirst for revenge, collects the pike of horse gangsters and under the name Black Eagle is accepted to defend the oppressed and poor people, as if Robin Hood. In the final, the hero from the connivance of a loving empress escapes abroad along with Masha, avoiding a death sentence.

The next film was published in 1936 in the USSR. This is still a black and white film, but this time the screenwriter strictly follows the plot of the novel. The role of Dubrovsky performed.

In 1946, Italian film was released with Rossano Bratzzi as Dubrovsky ("Black Eagle", or "Aquila Nera"). The plot is changed again. In this version, Dubrovsky, together with the piling robbers, ride into the estate of Trocerys right before the wedding, when Masha had to marry her will against her will. Dubrovsky kills the groom-competitor, which in the film is called "Prince Sergey". The carriage of Trocery, in which he tries to flush from Dubrovsky together with her daughter, breaks down in the ravine, Troceurians dies, and Masha and Dubrovsky are happy to reunite.

The first color screening of the novel was published in 1988, called "Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky". This is a four-steric romance of Russian production, where in the role of Dubrovsky spoke. There are no fortuners with the plot here, the action is developing in accordance with Pushkin Canon.

Not so long ago, in 2014, a full-length film was released and its five-particle version for television called "Dubrovsky" with in the lead role. The action unfolds in modern Russia. Dubrovsky turns into a Moscow lawyer who freezes on fashion clubs. The father of the hero is the retired colonel, and Masha Troekharova is a graduate of an English college and a businessman's daughter.


"We must live in the right of the people."
"Calm, Masha. I am Dubrovsky. You can not be afraid. "

Chapter I.

Several years ago, in one of his places, ancient Russian Barin lived in one of his places, Kirila Petrovich Troceurov. His wealth, noblence and communications gave him a big weight in the provinces where his estate was. The neighbors were glad to please the slightest pleasures; provincial officials trembled at his behalf; Kirila Petrovich took the signs of subrange as a proper tribute; His house was always full of guests, ready to teach his boric idleness, separating noisy, and sometimes the violent envelope. No one daring to give up his invitation or in well-known days not to be with due respect to the village of Pokrovskoye. In home, Kirila Petrovich showed all the vices of a man uneducated. I am spoiled to all that only surrounded him, he was accustomed to to give a complete will to all the impulse of a fervently inquiries and all the arrogance of a rather limited mind. Despite the extraordinary power of physical abilities, he suffered two times a week from the increment and every night was visiting. In one of the fliges, sixteen maids lived at home, engaged in needlework peculiar to their floor. Windows in the fatel were fenced by a wooden lattice; The doors were locked with castles, from which Kirila Petrovich was kept from Kirila Petrovich. Young closers in the laid clock went into the garden and walked under the supervision of the two old women. From time to time, Kirila Petrovich issued some of them to marry, and the new ones came to their place. He managed with peasants and yard, it was strictly and wayward; Despite the fact, they were committed to him: they vained the wealth and glorus of their Mr. and in turn allowed themselves much in relation to their neighbors, hoping for his strong patronage. The everlasting classes of Trookeecarov consisted of roads around his extensive possessions, in long peaks and leprosy, every day, more than a new acquaintance, who was invented and the victim of which was commonly acquainted; Although the old people did not always have always avoided them with the exception of one Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. This Dubrovsky, retired guards Guard, was his nearest neighbor and owned the semestend souls. Troceurov, who was made in intercourse with people of the highest title, respected Dubrovsky despite his humble state. Once they were comrades in service, and Troekurov knew the impatience and determination of his character from experience. Circumstances separated them for a long time. Dubrovsky with a frustrated state was forced to resign and settle in the rest of his village. Kirila Petrovich, having learned about whether he offered him his patronage, but Dubrovsky thanked him and remained poor and independent. A few years later, Troceurov, the retired General-Annef, came to his place, they deprived and delighted each other. Since then, they have ever been together every day, and Kirila Petrovich, who did not honor anyone with his visit, who came easier in Domishko his old comrade. Being the same age, born in one class, educated the same, they were inevitable in part and in characters and in the inclination. In some respects, their fate was the same: both married love, both soon widdled, both remained a child. Dubrovsky's son was brought up in St. Petersburg, the daughter of Kirila Petrovich grew in the eyes of the parent, and Troekurov often used to the Dubrovsky: "Listen, Brother, Andrei Gavrilovich: if you will be a way in your Volodya, so I will give Masha for him; For nothing that he goes like falcon. " Andrei Gavrilovich smoked his head and answered usually: "No, Kirila Petrovich: My Volodya is not the fiance of Maria Kirilovna. Poor nobleman, what is it, it is better to marry a poor nobility, yes to be glad in the house than to deal with the clerk of the spoiled woman. " Everyone envied the consent to the reigning between the arrogant Trocery and poor neighbor, and the courage of this last was surprised when he at the table in Kirila Petrovich directly expressed his opinion, without worrying about whether it was contrary to the owner's opinions. Some tried to imitate him and get out of the limits of proper obedience, but Kirila Petrovich was soaming them that he was hit by their hunt for those attempts, and Dubrovsky one remained out of the general law. An unexpected case was upset and changed. Once at the beginning of the fall, Kirila Petrovich was going to depart the field. The day before, an order was given to Psaryam and the strive to be ready for five o'clock in the morning. The tent and the kitchen were sent forward to the place where Kirila Petrovich had to dare. The owner and guests went to the Crashyard, where more than five hundred hounds and greasy lived in contentment and warmth, glorifying the generosity of Kirila Petrovich on her dog. Immediately there was a lazareret for sick dogs, under the supervision of the headquarters of Timoshki, and a branch where noble bitchs were silent and fed their puppies. Kirila Petrovich was proud of sim with a wonderful institution and never missed the case to boast of them in front of his guests, from which everyone looked at him at least twenties. He packed in Crane, surrounded by his guests and accompanied by the Timoshka and the main copies; Stayed before some coneers, asking for the health of the patients, then making comments more or less strict and fair, then looking for familiar dogs and gently talking to them. Guests honored the duty to admire Cyrian Petrovich. One Dubrovsky was silent and frown. He was a hot hunter. His condition allowed him to keep only two hounds and one of the greyhounds; He could not resist some envy at the sight of this magnificent institution. "What are you frowning, brother," Kirila Petrovich asked him, - or do you not like my dog? " "No," he answered severely, "a wonderful dog, hard to live, such as your dogs." One of the psares was offended. "We are on our lives," he said, "thanks to God and Barina do not complain, and that truth is, the truth is, a different and nobleman would not hotherly exchange the estate on any local cape. He was b and date and warmer. " Kirila Petrovich laughed loudly at the bold remarks of his hull, and the guests were walked for him, although they felt that the joke of Psary could take them to them. Dubrovsky turned pale and did not say a word. In this time, it was brought in Lukovka Kiril Petrovich newborns puppies; He took up them, chose himself two, others ordered to drown. Meanwhile, Andrei Gavrilovich disappeared, and no one noticed. Returning to the guests from the psar yard, Kirila Petrovich sat down to dinner and then only, without seeing Dubrovsky, had enough about him. People responded that Andrei Gavrilovich went home. Troshekurov ordered immediately catch it up and turn it away. He did not go to the hunt for hunting without Dubrovsky, an experienced and subtle connoisseur of the dignity and an errorless determiner of all sorts of hunting disputes. The servant, rushed after him, did, as she was sitting at the table, and he reported to his Mr. that, they say, Andrei Gavrilovich did not obey and did not want to grind. Kirila Petrovich, as usual, his heated with liquor, was worn out and the second time he sent the same servant to Andrei Gavrilovich that if he would immediately come to spend the night in Pokrovskoe, then he, Troceurov, would fall back with him. The servant pockered again, Kirila Petrovich rose from the table, let go of the guests and went to sleep. The next day, his first question was: Is Andrei Gavrilovich? Instead of the answer, he filed a letter folded with a triangle; Kirila Petrovich ordered his writer to read it out loud and heard the following:

"My premium sovereign, I still do not intend to go to Pokrovskoye until you send me a Psary Parampoch with Meal; And there will be my will punish him or pardon, and I endure jokes from your Khopiev does not intend, and they do not squeeze them from you, because I am not a jelly, but an ancient nobleman. For the sim remain submissive

Andrei Dubrovsky. "

According to the current concepts of etiquette, this letter would be very indecent, but it became angry Kirila Petrovich not a strange syllable and location, but only his essence: "How, - Troceurov stuck up, jumped up with Bosa's bed, - to send my people with the obey, he Waves to prevent them, punish! What he really conceived; Does he know who is binding to? Well, I'm his ... He will say with me, finds out what to go to Trocerys! " Kirila Petrovich dressed and drove to her hunt with an ordinary breath, but the hunt failed. During the whole day they saw one of the hare and whether they were spent. Lunch in the Pattoid field was also failed, or at least was not to taste Kirila Petrovich, who nailed the cook, crushed guests and on the return path with everything with his hunt for his hunt for the first to go to the fields of Dubrovsky. Several days have passed, and the female between the two neighbor was not thrown. Andrei Gavrilovich did not return to Pokrovskoye - Kirila Petrovich missed him without him, and his annular expressions were loud in the most offensive expressions, which, thanks to the diligence of the local nobles, reached Dubrovsky fixed and supplemented. A new circumstance destroyed the last hope for reconciliation. Dubrovsky clogged once a small ownership; Approaching the birch grove, he heard the blows of the ax and a minute of a crash of the treasured tree. He hurried to the grove and hit the Pokrovsky men who calm the forest fear. Seeing him, they rushed to run. Dubrovsky, with his Kucher, caught two of them and led them to his courtyard. Three enemy horses got immediately in the prey to the winner. Dubrovsky was completely angry, first of course, people of Trocery, famous robbers, did not dare to stitch within his possessions, knowing his friend's friend with their Mother. Dubrovsky saw that they had now used the rupture, "and decided, contrary to all the concepts of the right of war, to teach their prisoners to the twigs, they stored in his own grove, and horses to go to work, asking for the Barskaya cattle. Rumor about seven incidents came to Kiril Petrovich. He walked out of himself and in the first minute of anger wanted to teach the attack on the kyscente with all his yard (the village of His neighbor was called), to ruin her soot and deposit the landowner himself in his estate. Such feats were not in the dickey. But his thoughts soon adopted another direction. Having touched with heavy steps back and forth along the hall, he looked inadvertently in the window and saw the top three at the gate; The little man in the leather Kartuze and Frisova Schinel came out of the cart and went to the outgun to the crate; Troceurov recognized the meeting of Shabashkin and ordered him to call him. A minute later, Shabashkin was already standing in front of Kiril Petrovich, having a bow for a bow and with a reverence awaiting his orders. "It's great, like you, you call," Trookeurov told him, "why did you complain?" "I went to the city, Your Excellency," Shabashkin replied, "and I went to Ivan Demyanov to find out if there would be any order from your Excellency. - very by the way I drove, like, you call you; I have a need for you. Drink vodka yes listen. Such affectionate reception is pleasantly amazing the assessor. He refused vodka and began to listen to Kirila Petrovich with all sorts of attention. - I have a neighbor, - Trojeurov said, - Small Publubyan; I want to take his estate, - how do you think about something? - Your Excellency, if there are any documents or ... - Do you need a brother, what documents do you. That's decrees. That's the power to take away the estate without any right. Wait however This estate belonged once to us, was purchased from some kind of spikes and was sold by the father of Dubrovsky. Is it possible to complain about this? - wise, your high movement; Probably, this sale is done by lawful order. - Think, brother, look good. - If, for example, your Excellency could neither have a record from your neighbor or bumping, because of which he owns his estate, then of course ... - I understand, yes, I have trouble - he has burned all the papers during a fire. - How, your excellency, paper burned out! Why are you better? - In this case, if you should act according to the laws, and without any doubt, get your perfect pleasure. - Do you think? Well, look. I rely on your diligence, and in gratitude my you can be sure. Shabashkin bowed to almost the land, came out, from the same days it began to bother on a plump case, and, thanks to his progress, exactly two weeks later, Dubrovsky received an invitation from the city to deliver immediately appropriate explanations about his ownership of the village Kistyevko. Andrei Gavrilovich, amazed by an unexpected request, on the same day he wrote a rather rough attitude in response, in which he declared that the village of Kistyevka got him in the death of his parents, that he owns them on the right of the inheritance that Troekurov did not have anything to do it and that every extraneous claim on this property is a Jabed and fraud. The letter of this was made a very pleasant impression in the soul of the meeting of Shabashkin. He saw, firstly, that Dubrovsky knows little a sense in affairs, secondly, that a person is so hot and inconsistent will not be easily delivered at the most disadvantageous position. Andrei Gavrilovich, having considered the consistency requests, saw the need to respond more. He wrote a fairly petty paper, but afterwards the time that was insufficient. The case began to reach. Andrei Gavrilovich worried about him, Andrei Gavrilovich little about him worried, did not have a hunt, neither the opportunity to pour money about himself, and even though he had ever had the first to drive over the selling conscience of the ink tribe, but the idea to file the victim of the Yabeda did not come to his mind. On his part, Troceurov cared so little about the winning case to them, "Shabashkin had troubled for him, acting on his behalf, a meager and bribing the judges and intense the cut and indeed all sorts of decrees. Be that as it may, 18 ... years, February 9 days, Dubrovsky received an invitation through the city police to appear to ** Zemskoy judge to listen to the decision of this in the case of a controversial estate between them, the lawyer Dubrovsky, and General-Annef Troekurov, and for Subscriptions of your pleasure or displeasure. On the same day, Dubrovsky went to the city; On the road overtook him Troceurov. They proudly looked at each other, and Dubrovsky noticed a malicious smile on his opponent's face. Original language: Year of writing:

Dubrovsky - unfinished (at least untreated) and not published in the story of A. S. Pushkin (1833), which is a romantic story about Love Vladimir Dubrovsky and Maria Trocery - offspring of two hostile landlords. Many phrases from this novel lived and to our time. Such as "calmly, Masha, I am Dubrovsky." The word "Troceurovna" is often used, which means the rules and orders of which were in Trocerys. (Cruel appeal to the yard, disrespect of important ranks, etc.)

History of creation

A. S. Pushkin did not have the name of the name. Instead of the name it was written "October 21, 1832." The last chapter was written on October 21, 1833. The story is written by a pencil

Plot story

Rich and Honoraous Russian Barin Kirila Petrovich Troshekurov, whose pleasures please treat the neighbors and, with whose behalf of provincial officials, supports friendly relations with their closest neighbor and former companion in the service, poor and independent nobleman Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. Troshekurov is distinguished by a cruel and oppressive character, often exposing their guests with cruel jokes, without warning to lock them in a room with a hungry bear.

Due to the audacity of Dubrovsky, there is a quarrel between him and Troekurov, turning into hostility between their neighbors. Troyekurov bribes the provincial court and, using his impunity, is noting his estate in the Dubrovsky. Senior Dubrovsky goes crazy in the courtroom. Junior Dubrovsky, Vladimir, Guards Cornet in St. Petersburg, is forced to leave the service and return to a seriously sick father, who will soon die. The servant of Dubrovsky set fires to a kystermet; Detacherous estate burns along with judicial officials who came to design property. Dubrovsky becomes a robber like Robin Hood, which is terrified on local landlords, who do not touch, however, the estates of Trocery. Dubrovsky bribes the detention of the Frenchman of the Frenchman of the Defforta, assumed to enter the service in the Trocera region's family and under his appearance becomes a governer in the Trookeki family. It is being tested with a bear and shoots his ear. A mutual attachment-love arises between Dubrovsky and the daughter of Trocerys.

Troekurov gives seventeen-year-old Masha married to the old prince Virusky against her will. Vladimir Dubrovsky is trying in vain to prevent this unequal marriage. Having received a conventional sign from Masha, he arrives to save her, however, too late. While following the wedding cortex from the Church to the estate of the Veresky Armed People, Dubrovsky surrounds the Kareti Prince, Dubrovsky speaks Masha, that it is free, but he refuses his help, explaining his refusal by what has already gave an oath. After some time, the provincial authorities are trying to surround Dubrovsky detachment, after which he dismisses the "gang" and hides abroad. Pushkin in drafts preserved the end of the story. Veresky dies, Dubrovsky arrives in Russia under the guise of the Englishman and, with Masha, again connected.


  • Dubrovsky (film) - film director Alexander Ivanovsky, 1935.
  • The noble robber Vladimir Dubrovsky is the film of the director of the Vysomillava Hykifoch and its 4 serial extended televisia called "Dubrovsky", 1989.

see also

  • Novels A. S. Pushkin


  • Online Viscosity Veligova
  • Alexander White "On Pushkin, Claysthe and Dubrovsky Dubrovsky". "New World", № 11, 2009. P.160.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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The writer and poet A. S. Pushkin made an invaluable contribution to Russian literature. His creative heritage is truly invaluable. The eclipse of the genius turned out to be unable to be alone, both during the creation of the classics and to the present day. His words: "I am an unpretentious monument to myself" turned out to be truly prophetic. People's trail never touches him.

One of the many greatest works of the Great Writer is Dubrovsky Roman. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

The history of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky"

The idea to write this novel arose from Pushkin after he heard from one of his friends a story about the life of the nobleman Ostrovsky. This character has become the prototype of the main character. His life adversity and history of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky" - closely intertwined with each other. In 1830, the Ostrovsky took his generic estate, and he remained homeless. Brought to poverty, the nobleman of Belarusian origin began to revenue officials. He took his own peasants in the allies. Together with them, Ostrovsky began to rob rich. This story ended tragically. Ostrovsky, in the end, was caught and sent to prison.

There is also information that the story of the creation of the "Dubrovsky" novel takes its beginning after one sad business. As a result of a long litigation, Lieutenant Muratov lost estate, rightly belonging to him. According to the unfair decision of officials, it was given to the influential Mr. Kryukov.

These stories to the depths of the soul shook Pushkin, who himself was an uncompromising fighter for the right of every person to think freely. For these qualities, the poet and the writer were repeatedly persecuted. History The creation of the "Dubrovsky" novel began at the time of hostility between the social layers of the country. The work displays the mutual hostility of various classes, as well as all the dramatic events taking place at that time.

The history of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky". Summary

Rich Russian Barin K. P. Troceurov, characterized by a cruel temper, supports friendly relations with its neighbor - a poor nobleman A. G. Dubrovsky. Favorite entertainment Troceryov is locking its guests in a room with a hungry bear. Brutal jokes characterize the landowner as an unprincipled and immoral person.

One day, a large quarrel occurs between buddies, which develops over time to frank hostility. The landowner bribes the court, and, using his influence - he does not have his own estate from the neighbor. Dubrovsky is deprived of the reason in the courtroom and are seriously ill. His son Vladimir, leaving the service in St. Petersburg, comes to a sick father, who soon gives God the soul. Out of heaven, Vladimir sets up the estate so that it does not get a cruel landlord.

Subsequently, Dubrovsky junior becomes a robber, which robbed rich local landowners. But he does not touch the estate of Trocery. Bribeling a carriage teacher, he under his appearance turns out to gover in the family of his enemy. Between Vladimir and the daughter of Trocery Masha, love flashes over time.

Troceurov gives her daughter against her will marry old prince. Dubrovsky is trying to prevent this, but does not have time to do this - Masha has already given an oath, therefore refuses to help Vladimir. The provincial authorities, after a while, try to neutralize the detachment of a young man. However, they can not succeed. Vladimir dissolves his people, and himself hides abroad.

The image of the main hero

The history of the creation of the "Dubrovsky" novel and the main characters were inspired by the author heavy for the peasants by time, in which power and money decided everything. Pushkin displays with great accuracy in its work the life of the Russian village, and in contrast it shows the way of life of the landowners, which is filled with excess and cruel fun.

The personality of the main character in the course of the novel undergoes significant changes. If at the beginning of the work it is shown as a frivolous and carefree young man, spending father's money, and not thinking about the life of ordinary mortals - then in the future, who collided with the loss of a loved one and injustice of life - he is radically changing. The carelessness of Vladimir is replaced by concern and responsibility for the fate of the peasants who are subject to him.

Dubrovsky begins to revenge, and not so much for himself, but in order to somehow restore justice in this cruel world. The image of Vladimir acquires romantic traits, as it remains noble, despite his robber lifestyle. He robbed only the rich and did not kill anyone.

Love for Masha transforms Dubrovsky. As a result, he refuses his revenge. However, the fate of the chief hero is sad. He failed in love, remains lonely and no one needs.

Possible continuation

The story of the creation of the novel A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" was never completed by the author. She was left unfinished. The Great Writer did not have time to complete his work. There is a version that Pushkin planned to continue his novel as follows. After the death of Masha, Dubrovsky returns to his homeland to reunite with the beloved. However, the Vladimir comes a denunciation, which is associated with his robbing past. Politsmester intervenes in the case.

The conclusions about the possible continuation of the novel were made after the study of the Chernivikov of the Great Writer.


Not everyone, the history of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky" took place. Anna Akhmatova briefly expressed his criticism of this work.

In her opinion, the novel failed. She even expressed joy about the fact that the work was not completed. Ahmatova believed that the story of the establishment of the novel "Dubrovsky" was an attempt to earn money by the author, and the work itself was attributed to "boulevard". This novel Russian poetess set below all the other writings of the great writer.


In 1936, the Soviet director A. Ivanovsky was shot by the Movie on the novel "Dubrovsky". In 1989, as well as in 2014, the novel was made by Roman by the director V. Nikiforov and A. Vartanov.

Work on the novel "Dubrovsky" was started by A.S. Pushkin October 21, 1832. The scene was based on an episode, reported by Pushkin his friend P.V. Nastokine, who told about one "Belarusian poor nobleman, by the surname Ostrovsky." So the novel was called first. This nobleman had a process with a neighbor for the land, was supplanted from the estate and, remaining with the alone peasants, began to rob the attains first, then others. Naschokin saw this island in Ostrog.

Pushkin at that time thought about the plot of the historical novel about a delay, nobleman, who entered into the service to Pugachev, and he found a story in the story of Nachichkin's story about the hero of the same type, suggested by life itself.

N.G. Chernyshevsky wrote about this novel: "It's hard to find a more accurate picture in Russian literature, as a description of the life and habits of a large Barina of old times at the beginning of the story" Dubrovsky ".

This lesson is about the novel "Dubrovsky".

Today at the center of our attention Roman Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Dubrovsky".

It has already been said that for the winsted poems Pushkin was sent to the link first in Chisinau, then in Odessa, and then in the village of Mikhailovskaya Pskov province. In 1826, Alexander Sergeevich was called by Nikolai II to Moscow. The field of the conversation with the poet, the king stated that he was talking to the clever man of Russia. A.S. Pushkin was allowed to live in Moscow and even work in the archive.

At the beginning of the thirties, the poet begins to write prosaic works. Over the novel "Dubrovsky" he works from October 1832 to February 1833. But the novel was not finished so, and during the life of the writer he was not printed.

The basis of the novel was a message of friend A.S. Pushkin P.V. Nachichoke (Fig. 1) On a poor nobleman by the surname Ostrovsky, who had a process with a neighbor for the land. Ostrovsky was supplanted from the estate and, remaining with the alone peasants, began to rob.

Fig. 1. K.P. Maser. P. V. Nastokin.1839 ()

It is also known that before starting work on Roman A.S. Pushkin visited Pskov, in Boldino, where such cases of Muratov landowners, Dubrovsky, Kryukov were considered. Thus, the novel was based on real life circumstances, which were creatively reworked by A.S. Pushkin.

What is a novel?

Roman is a large narrative product, which is distinguished by the variety of actors and the branchedness of the plot. That is, a lot of events occur in the novel, in which there are a large number of heroes.

The plot is the sequence and connection of events in the artistic work.

In the nineteenth century, the genre became very popular adventure adventure The novel, the works appeared, where honesty was opposed to adhesion, generosity of greed, love hatred.

Many writers to make an enjoyment used to receive "disguise", and also changed the chronology of events. The main character of such a work was invariably beautiful, honest, noble, dare, and an adventurous romance ended the victory of the main character.

A.S. Pushkin made an attempt to write a similar work, but the depth shouted in his novel of life problems did not allow him to finish this work. A.S. Pushkin could not accommodate living heroes in hard diagrams of this genre.

The action of the novel "Dubrovsky" occurs in the twenties of the nineteenth century and develops for one and a half years.

What was the society of those times?

Autocracy, serfdom. At the head of the state - the king. The main estates are nobles, officials, peasants, serfs and warriors. The nobleman owned the estate that consisted of land and the fortress peasants. The nobility was heterogeneous. Some nobles owned extensive lands, estates and a large number of peasants, the ownership of others were small. Nobles could marry and marry only people from their estate.

Most of the nobles considered the serfdom normal and managed their peasants as property. Most people who do not belong to the nobility name, they did not consider worthy of respect and attention.

Nobles lived in their estate, they were engaged in the economy, went to visit each other. The peasants called their master "Barin", the hostess - "Baryna", and children - Barchuki or Barchatams.

The main characters of the novel, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, are Kirila Petrovich Troshekurov, his daughter of Mary Kirillovna, his neighbor and friend Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and his son Vladimir.

Let's talk about Troekurov.

What does Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin talk about him:

His wealth, noblence and communications gave him a big weight in the provinces ...

That is, Troshekurov had power over people and could do how he would be pleased:

The neighbors were glad to please the slightest pleasures; provincial officials trembled at his behalf; Kirila Petrovich took the signs of subrange as a proper tribute ...

The rudeness and pretreativity of Kiril Petrovich Troceryov can be explained by a large wealth and unlimited power over people. It can be said that he treated her guests just like the fortress peasants, he believed that he could buy everything, and humiliated the dignity of people.

About seven o'clock in the evening, some guests, wanted to go, but the owner, overwhelmed by the punch, ordered the gate to locate and announced that, until next morning, no one would release anyone from the courtyard. So he was "in home everyday."

In home, Kirila Petrovich showed all the vices of a man uneducated. I am spoiled to all that only surrounded him, he was accustomed to to give a complete will to all the impulse of the ardor of his innocence and all the arrogance of a rather limited mind. ...

Two times a week suffered from increment ... (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2. Postcard-illustration to the story A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Artist D.A. Shmarinov ()

The everlasting classes of Trocerys consisted of traveling about its extensive possessions, in long pears and leprosy, daily by the inventive

Troceurov, assigned to the people of the highest title, respected Dubrovsky, despite his humble state. Once they were comrades in service, and Troekurov knew the impatience and determination of his character from experience.

Dubrovsky, the only one from the people around him, held proudly, was independent and refused the patronage of his former colleague.

Troceurov and Dubrovsky were similar in part with the characters and inclinations, this similarity was shown in pride, but Troyekurov supported this feeling of the consciousness of his wealth and power, and Dubrovsky is awareness of antiquity of a kind and noble honor. Both landowners had a hot, hot-tempered character, both loved the pins hunt and kept dogs.

Challenged them in friendship case at Crane Throekharov (Fig. 3):

Fig. 3. Postcard-illustration to the story of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Artist D.A. Shmarinov ()

Got orders to the psary and the strive to be ready for five o'clock in the morning. The tent and the kitchen were sent forward to the place where Kirila Petrovich had to dare. The owner and guests went to the Crashyard, where more than five hundred hounds and greasy lived in contentment and warmth, glorifying the generosity of Kirila Petrovich on her dog. Immediately there was a lazareret for sick dogs, under the supervision of the headquarters of Timoshki, and a branch where noble bitchs were silent and fed their puppies. Kirila Petrovich was proud of sim with a wonderful institution and never missed the case to boast of them in front of his guests, from which everyone looked at him at least twenties. He packed in Crane, surrounded by his guests and accompanied by the Timoshka and the main copies; Stayed before some coneers, asking for the health of the patients, then making comments more or less strict and fair, then looking for familiar dogs and gently talking to them. Guests honored the duty to admire Cyrian Petrovich. One Dubrovsky was silent and frown. He was a hot hunter. His condition allowed him to keep only two hounds and one of the greyhounds; He could not resist some envy at the sight of this magnificent institution. "What are you frowning, brother," Kirila Petrovich asked him, - or do you not like my dog? " "No," he answered severely, "a wonderful dog, hard to live, such as your dogs." One of the psares was offended. "We are on our lives," he said, "thanks to God and Barina do not complain, and that truth is, the truth is, a different and nobleman would not hotherly exchange the estate on any local cape. He was b and date and warmer. " Kirila Petrovich laughed loudly at the bold remarks of his hull, and the guests were walked for him, although they felt that the joke of Psary could take them to them. Dubrovsky turned pale and did not say a word. In this time, it was brought in Lukovka Kiril Petrovich newborns puppies; He took up, chose himself two, others ordered to drown (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Postcard-illustration to the story of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Artist D.A. Shmarinov ()

The case on Psarn characterizes Dubrovsky as a proud person who does not want to turn into a jester with a sense of self-esteem, and therefore the remark of Psar Dubrovsky assessed as an insult to the Halop of Noble Honor.

A quarrel of Dubrovsky and Trocerys cannot be called an unexpected case, it was natural, because Troceurov applied to everyone. Dubrovsky was deeply offended and could not serve this humiliation.

Offend Dubrovsky Troshekurov did not want and wished to return the friendship of proud neighbor, but when Dubrovsky punished the forest of the men of Trocery, famous robbers, then Trocerov " i went out of myself and in the first minute of anger I wanted to teach the attack on the kyscente with all my yard, to ruin her dotley and settle the landlord itself in his estate. "Such feats were not in the Dickey .

The thirst for revenge arises in Troshekurov, and he chooses the most serious way of revenge - to take away the estate among his former comrade.

That's the power to take away the estate without any right.

And do it under the guise of legality and other people's hands.

To fulfill this guilty plan, he chooses the meeting of Shabashkin, who is ready for money with a huge zeal to perform illegal plans of Trocerys, that is, to break the law, the representative of which he is.

Shabashkin had troubled for him, acting on his behalf, stealing and bribing the judges and intense the cut and indeed all sorts of decrees.

Dubrovsky was amazed. He did not allow the thought that someone could encroacitate his legal property.

Shabashkin understands that Dubrovsky knows little a sense in matters and that man is so hot and the inappropriate will not be difficult to put in the most disadvantage.

The first chapter ends disappointing:

February 9 days, Dubrovsky received an invitation through the city police to appear to ** Zemskoy judge to listen to the decision of this in the case of a controversial estate between them, the lawyer Dubrovsky, and General-Annef Troekurov, and to subscribe his pleasure or displeasure. On the same day, Dubrovsky went to the city; On the road overtook him Troceurov. They proudly looked at each other, and Dubrovsky noticed a malicious smile on his opponent's face.

Former comrades became enemies.

Officials of the county court met Dubrovsky and Trocerys in different ways. On Dubrovsky "Nobody drew attention when Kirilla Petrovich arrived Pisari got up and laid feathers for the ear, members met him with the expression of deep-resignation moved him a chair from respect to his ranks and sorry."

The picture of the court causes a feeling of annoyance and pity for Dubrovsky, indignation against the Celebration of Troshekrov and protest against low-flapping and subdist of judges.

A.S. Pushkin emphasizes the unnaturalness of this court with such details: the assessment is drawn to Troekurov, and it simply makes paper to Dubrovsky. Troceurov sits in a chair, and Dubrovsky stands, leaning against the wall.

The judge was calculated on the gratitude of Trocery. Troceurov signed under the decision of the court "perfect his own pleasure."

Dubrovsky became fixed, bulging his head.

The unfair criminal decision of the court led Dubrovsky to sudden annexation.

The judges did not receive the desired award from the Trocera region, since the sudden madness of Dubrovsky strongly worked on his imagination and poisoned his celebration. Troekurov understood that he went too far, conscience spoke in it. The whole court of the court turned into a real misfortune for Dubrovsky, and his mind closed.

Fig. 5. Postcard-illustration to Tale A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Artist D.A. Shmarinov ()

Troekurov wanted to punish his recalcitrant neighbor. Kysterevka was not needed, he had enough of his own estates, his own wealth, he wanted to break the pride and independence of Dubrovsky, hurt his dignity, but he didn't want to bring his opponent to madness.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wanted to show that unlimited power cries the soul of her owner, and also leads to the tragedy of many other people.


  1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin performed by Masters of the Art Word / Collection / MP3-CD. - M.: Ardis Consult, 2009.
  2. V. Voevodin. Tale of Pushkin. - M.: Children's literature, 1955.
  3. Pushkin A.S. Dubrovsky. - M.: Children's literature. 1983.
  4. Literature. 6th grade. 2 h. / [V.P. Polukhina, V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin]; Ed. V.Ya. Korhina. - M., 2013.
  1. Libruck. A lot of books. "Our all". What to read about Pushkin A.S. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().
  2. "Encyclopedia of Russian Painting" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().
  3. Electronic publications of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) RAS. Pushkin Cabinet [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().


Test for choice (1 or 2).

  1. Prepare a compressed retelling of one chapter on its own drawn up plan.
  2. Prepare an oral story on one of themes (a or b).

    BUT. Subject:"Why did Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber?"


    1. Brief History History Hero.
    2. Changes in the fate of the hero after the death of the Father.
    3. The characteristics of the character of the hero: ambition, love for father (3 chapter), nobility (4 chapter, stands for Shabashkin); courage, courage, resourcefulness, determination, composure.
    4. Dubrovsky robber.
    5. Love for Masha Trocery.
    6. Author's sympathy for the main hero.
    7. My attitude to Vladimir Dubrovsky.

    B. Subject: "Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekharov".


    1. The history of the life of the heroes and their families (the friendship of fathers, wrecked her mother, lonely and impressionable).
    2. Dubrovsky - Deforge (love for Masha).
    3. Car non-equations to Dubrovsky.
    4. Masters and Vladimir meetings.
    5. Watching Prince Veresky.
    6. Waiting for help from Dubrovsky.
    7. Masha wedding.
    8. Honor and loyalty to this word are the main values \u200b\u200bof the heroes.
    9. My attitude to the heroes.