Peter 2 external. Boy in the imperial crown

Peter 2 external. Boy in the imperial crown
Peter 2 external. Boy in the imperial crown

Emperor Peter II lived a short and rebellious life. From birth, an entitled network of palace intrigues, he practically did not affect the destiny of the country and at the age of fourteen died of smallpox.

Web intrigue from birth

Lained parental caress, Peter Alekseevich grew up like grass in the meadow: they taught him "something and somehow," the upbringing was practically engaged. In the meantime, Peter I died, the throne took his widow, Empress Ekaterina I, and the real power was in the hands of the bright prince Alexander Menshikov. The tricky intrigue observed with anxiety, as melting the health and strength of Catherine I, immersed in a mad whirlwind of pleasures and entertainment. He needed to take care of the future. And Menshikov begins to enhance the heir to the throne - young Peter Alekseevich. The child whoes in caressing reached out to the "light sheer", he even began to call the "father" of a man who signed the death sentence to his real father! And the "Batyushka" in the meantime, he hurried to get the "Little Prince" with his daughter Maria. With the help of this "rose" Menshikov hoped to strengthen his influence on Peter.

Little Prince

Ekaterina I dies, and the 11-year-old boy becomes the emperor. "He is one of the most beautiful princes, which you can meet; He has an extraordinary presence, an extraordinary liveliness, "writes about Peter French diplomat Lava. The young sovereign promised to imitate the Roman emperor with the title to act so that no one left him with a sad face. Unfortunately, the promise of this Peter did not restrain ...


Menshikov was in a hurry to "navigate the iron so far": he translated the vendency in his own home, the sovereigns of the bride Maria received the title of Imperial Highness. Some unfriendly "Llesty" sent a link, others - bribed high positions.

The juvenile sovereign, fully trusted by the "Batyushka", signed by the decree with them badly. But with the tutor of the king Menshikov was greatly stuck. He pressed to Peter the Deck of German Osterman, pretended by a loyal supporter of the "light". In fact, Osterman hated an all-powerful temporary time and, together with the princely clan of Dolgoruky prepared his fall. Cleaver German was a good psychologist. Osterman's lessons were so fascinated by Peter, that the boy, barely waking up early in the morning, almost rushed to the classes. And the teacher gradually tuned the young king against Menshikov.

Imperial anger

Once the subjects presented a person a fair amount. Petr ordered to send money to his lady heart - Elizabeth. Having learned about this, Menshikov intercepted the messenger and unceremoniously attaching the royal gift. Peter was in rabies, he called Prince "on the carpet" and arranged a shaped spread. "I'll show you, who is the emperor!", "The young king was raging, in which the brown temper of his grandfather, Peter the Great. Stunned Menshikov had to return the money Elizabeth.

Changing Favorita

In September, the prince arranged a lush festival in his estate. Petr promised to be, but did not come. And here, the anniversary of Menshikov made a fatal mistake: during worship in the chapel, he defentively became a royal place. "The goodwires" prince, of course, reported Peter. This entrance put the end of Menshikov's dizzying: "The semi-entertaining lord" was arrested and referred to the birch seeds. The new favorite of the Tsar was Ivan Dolgoruky - the ILO and Ferkoikov known to St. Petersburg.

With the fall of Menshikov, Peter felt completely independent. He stopped learning, threw public affairs. According to the memories of the contemporary, "the emperor is engaged only by the fact that all day and nights digs on the streets with the princess Elizabeth, visits the chamber of Ivan Dolgoruky, Faji, cooks and the God of more than anyone else." Dolgoruky taught the minor sovereign to rampant and debauchery, distracting from any serious occupations.

He changed to the worst and character of Peter: "Little Prince" became hot-tempered, capricious and irritable. Most of all he fell in love with the hunt, with a magnificent retinue went to the forest and the week chasing the prey. And the state "toured" the Clan of Dolgoruki, and under their "sensitive leadership" the case in the country was worse and worse.

At the end of 1729, the root princes, according to the expression of the Spanish diplomat de Laria, "opened the second volume of Menshikov's stupidity." Repeating the mistake of the "light", they decided to present Peter their own "rose" - to marry in Catherine Dolgoruk. Prince Ivan convinced Peter to declare the upcoming marriage. The king with reluctantly gave way to the favorite, but the courts noticed that Peter had a displeased point in honor of the engagement and almost did not pay attention to the bride.

Fallen life

In December 1729, the king was seriously ill, Elizabeth came to visit the nephew. A 14-year-old boy sadly, said that his life was filled, and he would soon die. Words were prophetic: On January 19, 1730, Peter II died of smallpox.

In the Fairy Tale of St. Exupery, a small prince falls on the planet, full of wonderful roses. But their beauty seems to him cold and empty. "You are not at all look like my rose," he said to them. - You're still nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. " The prince from the fairy tale was lucky - he had a rose. And the Russian "Little Prince" of its roses among many bright and lush colors did not find.

The death of Catherine the first again raised the question of the prestigestifs in the country. This time, the applicants were only three. This is the daughters of Peter Great Anna and Elizabeth, as well as the grandson of Peter the Great Peter 2. Anna was not considered as a contender for the throne, since it was married to Duke Carl Friedrich. Under the terms of the composed marriage agreement, Anna not only refused the Russian throne, but also her children had the right to claim him. Choosing between Peter and Elizabeth, the choice fell in favor of the representative of the genus Romanov over the male line. Emperor Peter 2 began to rule the country.

Once in the life of Catherine, Menshikov, seeing the complexity of the situation in the country, decided to do everything possible in order to issue his daughter Maria for Peter 2. It could allow Menshikov to actually fully focus power in her hands. Catherine Great, which extremely depended on Menshikov, gave his consent to this marriage. Guardianship over the young heir to the throne took over the Supreme Council led by Menshikov. It would seem that Menshikov focused all the control levers in their hands, but the death of Catherine and the beginning of the board of Peter 2 confused him all the cards.

Passing to power, Emperor Peter 2 first of all returned his grandmother to Evdokia Lopukhin from the monastery, which in the nun was being touched by violently, with direct participation in this Menshikov. The arrival of Evdokia strengthened its influence on the young Peter. Menshikov's position began to weaken. The advantage has passed to the families of loops, doubtors and golitsyn. Menshikov was actually suspended from the emperor, seeing him extremely rarely. Understanding that his days at the imperial throne are considered, Menshikov gives a resignation. The calculation was that the young Emperor Peter 2 would ask Menshikov to stay and again erect him in the rank of favorite. Instead, Peter, under the influence of Dolgoruki, makes a decree on the appointment of the Commission to verify the Finance of Menshikov. Violations were found. Menshikov deprived all the property and together with his family were sent to the link. Marriage with Maria Menshikova was canceled.

Dolgoruky, taking advantage of the favorable moment, sucks the emperor of her daughter Catherine. The young emperor was offered to spend more time on the hunt, the true lesson of the nobleman. As a result, the emperor Peter 2 actually predated to rule the country, and all the power passed into his hands to the Dolgoruk. In 1730, a wedding should take place between Peter and Catherine, but, being on the hunt, Peter picked up OPU and died in the youth. With his death, the male line of the Romanov kind was broken.

Or a representative of a noble and rich kind? Here, they say, they have power, richly. But not always, the power and wealth brings a man happiness.

In Russian history there are many examples of unfortunate law of monarchs, various officials, people.

A mansion, in the list of these examples, you can allocate the identity of the emperor Peter II, about it and will be discussed.

Peter II was the grandson of Peter I, the son of Tsarevich Alexey and Princess of Blankenburg Sophia Charlotte, who received the name of Natalia Alekseevna during baptism.

Peter Alekseevich was born on October 12, 1715. Natalia Alekseevna died ten days after childbirth. And after three years, Father - Tsarevich Alexey.

At the end of 1726 began to root. This circumstance forced the empress and the Russian public to think about the heir to the throne.

A few descendants were claimed to Russian throne. It was his daughter - Elizabeth (future empress), Anna, and grandson Peter II Alekseevich.

For a small Peter on the Russian throne, representatives of old boyars have performed. The less informants of the noblemen appeared for the "party" of Tsareven.

Osterman, having a big influence at the courtyard, offered a compromise in solving this, the question that would arrange all the opposing parties.

This, of course, is that one of the princes has become his wife Peter. But this was not destined to be. The party won Menshikov who made a bet on Peter. Catherine signed the testament, and after her death, Peter II became the new Russian monarch.

Becoming a monarch, Peter II became a tool, with the help of which adults and influential units solved their personal, often mercenary issues. From the first day of his reign, the emperor fell under Menshikov's rigoric custody.

Alexander Danilovich forced a young monarch to learn a lot and did not allow unnecessary entertainment. Everything would be nothing, but Menshikov, he decided to marry Peter Alekseevich on his daughter, who was not Mila's emperor.

The relationship between the emperor with Menshikov was acciled. Time went, the little boy was increasingly matured and, having a great insult on Alexander Danilovich, more and more copied her in himself.

Once again, his outwards broke out. The reason for the conflict with Menshikov served as a case. Peter sent a cash gift to his native sister, which was supposed to transfer one of the precarious. Soon it was united that a gift to Natalia Petrovna did not reach, but Menshikov seized.

Until now, the boy suddenly poured on Alexander Danilovich all the resentment accumulated in his heart. Immediately Alexander Danilovich led his health. I wandered for a while of the capital, Peter fell under the influence of Osterman, the sisters of Natalia and the aunt Elizabeth, who knew that the old Menshikov is malicious to his position.

Soon the bags returned to St. Petersburg, but during the court struggle and various intrigues, he was removed from the capital, exiled to the link. Fate was also cruel to Menshikov, but this is another story ...

Coming out from under the guardianship of Menshikova Peter II fell under the influence of dolval. Vasily Lukich and Alexey Grigorievich Dolgorukhov occupied prominent state posts. Son Alexei Grigorievich - Ivan Dolgoruky, generally borrowed friendship with the emperor.

Young Ivan has adversely affected the young Peter. Dolgoruky added him to the guilt, gambling, often seen them in campaigns with various young lady. The main passion of Peter II acquired from Ivan Dolgoruk, has become hunting. Sovereign most of the time gave this hobby.

The boy loved the hounds of the dogs, for him specially written out from abroad. From taking with them, he received a tremendous pleasure. He liked him and quick horses. Peter II lived his life.

Before the "overthrow" Menshikov, he was close to his sister Natalia, but then he forgot about her. Although Natalia was true to him and support. Soon the sister died and, for him, her death became a real blow.

The young emperor suffered from unrelated love for his aunt Elizabeth Petrovna. No, she, of course, loved him, but only like a nephew. Peter saw her only with his wife.

To increase its influence, Dolgoruky decided to marry Alexey Grigorievich daughter - Catherine on Peter. In the course of ingenious intrigue, Ekaterina Alekseevna became engaged with Peter II. Both were not a mile. But he was under great influence of a noble kind, so he could not refuse a new bride.

Ekaterina Alekseevna was a girlfriend decent, however, decided to behave selfishly, in order to further, already being an empress, take revenge on his father for this wedding. The wedding did not take place. Peter II caught up and sick. He died at the age of 14. The male line was stopped with the death of a young emperor. Again there was a question about the throne ...

Peter II Fate is tragic. I will be a small boy, without having a proper education, being among the court liar, liars and scoundrels, he could not cope with the temptations that were around him. After all, everything is allowed to emperor. And delicious tears, and drinking, the attention of girls and friends.

Curbed the rapid baby consciousness of the emperor was no one. Dolgoruky, who won the confidence of the monarch, were occupied by their mercenary affairs. Others, it seems to be faithful people, like Osterman, were afraid to say their word.

Peter II Alekseevich Romanov (1715-1730) - Russian Emperor, reigning in 1727-1730. The grandson of Peter I and the son of Tsarevich Alexey (1690-1718). Mother of the boy - German Princess Sofia-Charlotte Braunschweig-Tolfenbuttle (1694-1715). Peter Alekseevich was the last direct representative of the genus Romanov on the male line.

Portrait of Peter II.
(artist I. Vekhind, 1730)

After the death of the father was under the supervision of the main royal favorite of Menshikov, who picked up the teacher's boy. But those none deep knowledge did the child gave. His grandson Peter I never considered as a direct heir to the throne. The Emperor's family grew another Peter, born from love with Catherine.

The situation aggravated the attitude of the sovereign to the son of Alexei. He, according to the will of the emperor, was moving away from the throne, was accused of treason and strangled in prison. The renunciation of the father automatically deprived the right of inheritance of the crown and his son.

However, in 1719, the heir from the marriage of the king and Catherine died. In the genus from men, only the sovereign itself and its one-sacrous grandson, devoid of crown remained. Rooded boyars moved from public affairs to Petrovsky reformers near the latter. The main opposition responds the family of dolvoye. They started a boy in every way.

In 1725, the Russian emperor-reformer suddenly died. He did not have time to appoint the heir, and the power took his wife Ekaterina I in their hands, leaning on the bright prince Menshikov and the Guard. During its reign, the Supreme Secret Council was created, which focused in his hands all the real power in the state.

The Mother Empress has a weak health. Menshikov, seeing this, decided to progress and began to decline on his side of the young Grand Prince Peter Alekseevich. When the sovereign was seriously signed, Menshikov convinced her to sign the will, in which after her death the throne was supposed to move to the young Great Prince, who was at that time it was 11 years old. However, the condition was set that the young Emperor marries Mary - Menshikov's daughter.

Petra II Board (1727-1730)

Ekaterina I died on May 6, 1727 at the age of 43 years. Petr II Alekseevich Romanov joined the throne. It was the third Russian emperor from the Romanov dynasty. But with taking into account the young age, his up to 16 years had to follow the Supreme Secret Council. However, the young sovereign immediately commanded to rescue his grandmother from the Suzdal monastery. Evdokia Lopukhin. TU was transported to the Novodevichy Monastery in Moscow and gave her worthy content.

In the meantime, the actual ruler of the Russian Empire Menshikov translating the sovereign to his home. And at the end of May 1727 he was engaged with Maria. The girl at that time was 16 years old, and the boy is only 11. Everything was evolving, as the bright prince and the former favorite of the emperor-reformer was conceived.

Portrait of Maria Menshikova

However, in the summer of Menshikov fell ill and lay in bed for a month and a half. This time was enough opposition to set up a young sovereign against him. Already in early September, the emperor left the house of the brilliant prince. Literally after 2 days, a very recently mighty ruler accused of state treasure, plundering the treasury and referred to the distant Tobolsky region together with the whole family, including Maria.

There is a bright prince and died in the city of Berezovsk in November 1729 at the age of 56. And on December 26 of the same year, the failed Empress Maria in the 18th age died.

Meanwhile, the young emperor is growing rapidly and man. Contemporaries noted that his character had a heavy and capricious. The boy did not want to learn and abandoned study. Unto the hunt, which was in every way encouraged by the environment, consisting of people empty and inconsistent.

In the imperial courtyard, the family of princes of Dolgoruki was strengthened. They began to persuade the sovereign to move from St. Petersburg to Moscow. By this they wanted to return the good old days and again make the first-hearth capital.

The sovereign was responsible, and the arrival of Moscow began with coronation. She took place on February 25, 1728 in the Kremlin in the Assumption Cathedral. It was the very first coronation of the Russian emperor. She served as a sample for subsequent coronation.

At the end of November 1728, the 14-year-old sister of the sovereign Natalia Alekseevna died. The young man loved her very much and was very worried about the death of a person dear to him.

Using the youth of the ruler, the Dolgoruky settled tightly in the Supreme Secret Council. Ivan Dolgoruky became the most closest to the emperor. He unclessly accompanied the sovereign on the hunt, organized the couments and various dubious adventures.

The family decided to strengthen his position, the marrying of Peter II on the sister of Ivan Princess Catherine Dolgoruki (1712-1747). It was a cute and beautiful girl. Young people have gained on November 30, 1729. The wedding was appointed on January 19, 1730.

Portrait of Catherine Dolgoruky

Death of Peter II.

As they say, a person suggests, and God has. The sovereign took the parade on January 6, 1730. Stayed a strong frost, and the young man was cold. Immediately after the parade, he rose the temperature and there began. And on January 19, 1730, Peter II Alekseevich Romanov died at the age of 14. With his death was interrupted by the genus of Romanovs on the men's line. I buried the sovereign in the Kremlin in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral. On the gravestone plane placed epitaph.

The Dolgoruky family tried to deceive everyone and presented a false testament of the king in the name of the Catherine's engaged with him. But the boyars led by Prince D. M. Golitsyn rejected the origin of the family and called for the throne of Kurlyandskaya Duchess Anna John (1693-1740). She accounted for a daughter of the king Ivan Alekseevich - the co-associate of Peter I.

A woman lived in the capital of Kurlendia Mitava, and an embassy with the condition (conditions) left to her urgently left. They said that the power of the Empress will be limited in favor of the Supreme Secret Council. Anna signed the Condition and arrived in Moscow. A new stage began in the history of the Russian Empire.

Alexey Starikov

Peter II (brief biography)

Peter Second Alekseevich, the future All-Russian Emperor was born in the twelfth of October 1715. Peter's mother died twenty days after childbirth, and after three years his father passed away. Peter the Great, who had no attention to him did not particularly pay attention to his grandson. His youth passes rather careless among young people of noble childbirth. The most close to the future Russian ruler was Ivan Dolgorukov.

After the death of his grandfather Peter the Great First, it was his grandson who was obliged to head the state. However, the king violates the current system of inheritance of power and publishes in 1722 a decree on its own right in the appointment of the heir. Prince Menshikov, who at that time is a great influence of the proclamation by the Empress of the wife of Peter of the First Catherine.

At the same time, throughout its entire board, it was very favorable to Peter Alekseevich and even made a will in his favor.

The Board of Peter the second begins eighteenth of May 1727. Menshikov becomes regent for the young Emperor, and Peter himself publishes manifestos, which were compiled by regent. Thanks to the first of them, the popularity of the emperor among the masses was significantly increased. The second manifesto, Feldmarsh rods receive princes of doubtors and Trubetsk. And the minih receives not only a rod, and the county title. At the same time, Menshikov himself becomes generalissimus during this period.

On the twenty-fourth of May 1727, Peter is engaged with the eldest daughter Menshikova - Maria. Large, Academician Goldbach, Feofan Prokopovich, as well as A. I. Osterman, are engaged in the education of the young ruler. Despite the fact that at the part of the royal life flowed exactly, the king was not tested to Mary of the senses, which also did not shine with the mind.

Very soon after the engagement, Menshikov leaves Peter because of the ailment. During this period, the king varies his views on the Councils of Menshikov, and the engagement with Maria bursts. On the eighth of September 1727, it is announced about the beginning of the independent rule of Peter second. After that, he moved to Peterhof, and Menshikov (deprived of posts and ranks) in the link to the Ryazan province.

On February twenty-fourth, February 1728, the young ruler is crowned at the kingdom. For influence on the young king, a serious struggle is underway at the court. The imperial sister, Natalia Alekseevna expressed support for Osterman, and aunt King Elizabeth was on the side of the Golitsyn family.

In 1729, the date of the wedding of the king was appointed, but it was not destined to happen, because by the eighteenth of February 1730, the king died.