Sh. Guno Opera "Faust

Sh. Guno Opera
Sh. Guno Opera "Faust

Tragedy I. V. Goethe "Faust" was written in 1774 - 1831 and belongs to literary direction romanticism. The work is the main labor of the writer, over which he worked throughout the whole of his life. The scene of the tragedy is the German legend of Faust, the famous Warlock of the XVI century. Special attention is attracted by the composition of the tragedy. The two parts of the "Faust" are opposed: the first depicts of the relationship of the doctor with a spiritually pure girl Margarita, in the second - the activities of Faust with the court and marriage with the ancient heroine of Elena.

main characters

Heinrich Faust - Doctor, disappointed in life and science scientist. He concluded a deal with Mephistofel.

Mephistopheles"An evil spirit, the devil, argued with the Lord that he could get the soul of Faust.

Gretchen (Margarita) -beloved Faust. An innocent girl who, because of love for Henrich, accidentally killed her mother, and after, having flown off his mind, drowned her daughter. Died in prison.

Other characters

Wagner -pupil of Faust, creating a homuncule.

Elena - Ancient Greek heroine, the beloved Faust, from which her son Eufory was born. Their marriage is the symbol of the combination of ancient and romantic started.

Euforye -the son of Faust and Elena, endowed with the features of a romantic, a bayronic hero.

Martha - Neighbor Margarita, widow.

Valentine"Soldier, Brother Gretchen, who killed Faust.

Director Theater, Poet



Theater accession

The director of theater asks for the poet to create an entertainment work, which will be interested in absolutely everyone and will attract more viewers in their theater. However, the poet believes that "Croplan Vulgaria is a great evil", "urgent passing craft".

The director of the theater advises him to move away from the usual style and more decisively proceeding to the case - "in-sable to straighten" with poetry, then his works will be really interesting to people. The director provides the poet and the actor all the possibilities of the theater to:

"In the male of this - Balagan
You can, as in the universe,
Passing all tiers in a row
Get away from heaven through the earth in hell. "

Prologue in heaven

Mephistofel is at the reception to the Lord. The devil argues that the "ill-marked Iskra" people continue to live like animals. The Lord asks if he knows Faust. Mephistofel recalls that Faust is a scientist who "rushes into battle, and loves to take obstacles," serving God. The devil proposes to argue that he "will select" by the Lord Faust, exposing it to all sorts of temptations, to which he gets consent. God is sure that the scholar flair will bring him out of a dead end.

Part one


Close gothic room. Faust sits without sleep for a book. Doctor reflects:

"I wondered by the theologian
Over the philosophy of Corpel,
Jurisprudence Dolbil
And he studied medicine.
However, with all
Was and remained a fool. "

"And I turned to magic,
So that the Spirit of call me appeared
And the secret of Genesis opened. "

Reflections of the doctor interrupts unexpectedly entered the room of his student Wagner. During a conversation with a student, Faust explains: people actually know nothing about antiquity. Doctors are outraged by arrogant, stupid thoughts Wagner that a person is already Doros before you know all the secrets of the Mirozdanya.

When Wagner left, the doctor reflects that he considered himself to be equal to God, but it is not: "I am a cool worm, I am a member of nature." Faust understands that his life "takes place in a praha" and is going to endorse the life of suicide, drinking poison. However, at the moment when he brings a glass with poison to her lips, he was heard bell ringing And choral singing - Angels sing about the resurrection of Christ. Faust refuses his intention.

At the gate

Crowds walking, among whom Wagner and Faust. The older peasant thanks the doctor and his late father for helping the city "to free the plague". However, the Foust is ashamed for his father, who during his medical practice for the sake of experiments gave people to the poison - the patron of one, he killed others. A black poodle runs to the doctor and wagneru. The thast seems to be that the flame on the ground of Pollas "sniffs.

Faust Working Room

Faust took the poodle to himself. The doctor sits for the transfer to german New Testament. Flowing over the first phrase of Scripture, Faust comes to the conclusion that it translates not as "in the beginning there was a word," and "there was a case at the beginning." Poodle begins to indulge and, distracting from work, the doctor sees how the dog turns into Mephistople. The devil is to the faast in the clothes of the wandering student. The doctor asks who he, to which Mephistofel answers:

"Part of the strength of the one that no
Create good, wishing evil everything. "

Mephistopheles laughs at human weaknesses, as if knowing what thoughts are tormented by Faust. Soon the devil is going to leave, but he is not allowed by Faust Pentagram. The devil with the help of the spirits shifts the doctor and, while he sleeps, disappears.

The second time Mephistophel came to the Future in rich clothes: in Kamcole from Karamzin, with a cape on his shoulders and a roasting feather on a hat. The devil persuades the doctor to leave the walls of the Cabinet and go with him:

"You will be comfortable here with me,
I will perform any fag. "

Faust agrees and signs the contract by blood. They go on a journey, flying directly through the air on the magic cloak of the devil.

Cellar of Auerbach in Leipzig

Mephistofel and Faust join the company of the funny walk. The devil is treated wine drinning. One of the walk sheds the drink to the ground and the wine lights up. A man exclaims that this is a hell of a flame. Those present rushed to the devil with knives, however, he brings to them "Duram" - people begin to seem like they are in a beautiful region. At this time, Mephistofel with Faust disappear.

Kitchen witches

Faust and Mephistofel are waiting for a witch. Faust complains Mephistophel on the fact that sad thoughts are tormented. The devil replies that it will be able to distract him from any reflection, the maintenance of ordinary economy. However, Faust is not ready to "live without a swing." At the request of the devil, the witch prepares the faust in the potion, after which the body of the doctor "is gaining heat", and the lost youth is returned to him.


Faust, seeing Margarita on Street (Gretchen), is amazed by her beauty. The doctor asks Mefistofel to bring it to her. The devil replies that the confession was just overheard - she is innocent, like small child, so U. unclean power No power over it. Faust puts condition: either Mephistofel arranges their date today, or he will terminate their contract.


Margarita reflects that he would give a lot to know who the man meets her who meets her. While the girl leaves his room, Faust and Mephistopheles leave her a gift - a jewelry box.

On a walk

Mother Margarita attributed presented jewels to the priest, as I realized that this is a gift of unclean strength. Faust manages to give Gretchen something else.

House neighbors

Margarita tells the neighbor Marta, which discovered the second casket with jewels. Neighbor advises nothing to talk about the mother's find, starting to wear jewelry gradually.

Mephistofel comes to March and reports her husband's fictional death, who left nothing to his wife. Martha asks whether it is possible to get paper confirming the death of her husband. Mephistofel replies that he will soon return with a friend to testify about death, and asks Margarita too to stay, as his friend is "excellent small".


Walking with Faust, Margarita says that she lives with her mother, her father and sister died, and brother serves in the army. The girl goes on the chamomile and gets the answer "loves." Faust confesses Margarita in love.

Forest cave

Faust is hidden from everyone. Mephistophel tells the doctor that Margarita is very strongly for him and is afraid that Heinrich cooled to her. The devil surprises that Faust so just decided to retreat the girl.

Garden Martha

Margarita is divided with Faust that she really does not like Mephistofel. The girl seems to be to betray them. Faust, notes the innocence of Margarita, in front of which the devil is powerless: "Oh, the sensitivity of angelic guess!" .

Faust gives Margarita bubble with sleeping pills so that she can put his mother to sleep, and they managed to stay alone next time.

Night. Street in front of the house Gretchen

Valentine, Brother Gretchen, decides to deal with the beloved girls. The young man is upset that she brought shame without marriage. Seeing Faust, Valentine causes him to a duel. The doctor kills the young man. While they were not noticed, Mephistofel and Faust are hidden, leaving the city. Before his death, Valentin instructs Margarita, saying that the girl should take his honor.


Gretchen is present on church service. Behind the girl, an evil spirit whispeters her thoughts that Gretchen was guilty of the death of a mother (who did not wake up from sleeping potions) and brother. In addition, everyone knows that the girl bears under the heart of the child. Without withstanding obsessive doom, Gretchen falls into fainting.

Walpurgis Night

Faust and Mephistofel are watching the sabing of witches and sorcerers. Walking along the fires, they meet General, Minister, Radish Deltsy, Writer, Witter-Old Eugene, Lilith, Medusa and others. Suddenly, one of the shadows resembles Faust Margarita, the doctor was harmful that the girl is beheaded.

It's a nasty day. Field

Mephistophelle tells the Futus that Gretchen has long been impassing and now went to jail. Doctor in despair, he reproaches in the happening of the devil and demands that the girl saved. Mephistofel notes that it is not him, and Faust himself ruined Margarita. However, thinking, agreed to help - the devil whips the caretaker, and after will take them away. To take possession of the same keys and withdraw Margarita from the dungeon will have to the Faust itself.


Faust enters the dungeon, where Margarita sits, singing strange songs. She lost his mind. Having accepted the doctor for the executioner, the girl asks to overthrow the kara until the morning. Faust explains that in front of her his beloved and they need to hurry. Girl is glad, but the time speaking him that he cooled to her arms. Margarita tells how the mother whipped to death and drowned her daughter in the pond. The girl is delirious, asks Faust to dig up the graves for her, her mother and brother. Before the death of Margarita asks salvation from God. Mephistofel says that she is convicted of flour, but there is a voice over: "Saved!" . The girl dies.

Part two

The first act

Imperial palace. Masquerade

Mephistofel in the image of the jester appears before the emperor. In the throne room begins the State Council. The Chancellor reports that the country is in decline, the state has enough money.

Garden for Guliana

The devil helped the state to solve the problem of lack of money, taking the scaffold. Mephistofel put into circulation securities, the deposit of which was in the bowels of the earth. The treasure will once be found and will cover all expenses, but so far foolish people pay shares.

Dark gallery

Faust, who appeared at the court in the role of Cudesman, informs Mephistophely, which promised the emperor to show the ancient heroes of Paris and Elena. Doctor asks the devil to help him. Mephistophele gives a key-award key, which will help the doctor to penetrate the world pagan gov And heroes.


Courtnie expect the appearance of Paris and Elena. When an ancient Greek heroine appears, the ladies begin to discuss its flaws, but Faust is fascinated by the girl. Before the audience, the Scene of the "Abduction of Elena" Paris is played. Having lost their composure, Faust is trying to save and hold the girl, but the spirits of the heroes suddenly evaporate.

Act two

Gothic room

Faust lies in his old room without movement. Famulus's student tells Mephistophely that who now became a famous scientist Wagner still expects the return of his Faust teacher, and now is on the threshold of a great discovery.

Laboratory in the medieval spirit

To the wagger, which is near the sloping devices is Mephistophelle. The scientist tells the guest that he wants to create a person, because, in his opinion, "the former children of the adhesion for us - the absurdity, put in the archive." Wagner creates a homuncule.

Gomunkul advises Mephistofel to attribute Faust to the festival of Valpurgiy Night, and then flies together with the doctor and the devil, leaving Wagner.

Classical Valpurgiyev night

Mephistofel lowers Faust to Earth, and he finally comes to himself. The doctor goes to search for Elena.

Act Third

In front of the Palace of Meal in Sparta

Sparta Elena leaned ashore learns from the keysticker of the Forkiad, that Tsar Menelia (Elena's husband) sent her here as a victim for sacrifice. The keystitch helps to escape the heroine from death, helping to escape in the next castle.

Castle's courtyard

Elena lead in the castle of Faust. He reports that the queen now belongs to his castle. Faust sends his troops against him with a war, who wants to take revenge Menal, and himself with Elena is hidden in the underground world.

Soon, Faust and Elena born the son of Eufory. The boy dreams of jumping like that "so that the nonsense of heaven is to achieve one back." Faust is trying to extinguish the Son from the trouble, but he asks him to leave him alone. Walking on a high cliff, Euforion jumps from her and falls dead by her parents. The flammable Elena says Foust: "The river is coming true for me, that happiness does not get along with beauty" and, with the words "Take me, about Persephone, with a boy!" hugs Faust. The body of a woman disappears, and in the hands of a man only her dress and covered. Elena's clothing turn into the clouds and carry the faust away.

Act fourth

Mountain landscape

To the rocky ridge, which was previously the bottom of the underworld, Faust floats on the cloud. A man is thinking about the fact that with the memories of love, his whole cleanliness and the "essence of the best" takes. Soon, Mephistofel arrives at seven-mile boots. Faust says Mephistofel that his greatest desire is to build a dam on the sea and

"Any time at the puchin
A piece of land to win. "

Faust asks for help from Mephistopel. Suddenly sounds of war. The devil explains that the emperor, to whom they previously helped, got into a difficult position after disclosing deception with securities. Mephistofel advises the Foust to help the monarch return to the throne, for which as a reward he will be able to get the seashore. The doctor and the devil helps the emperor to win a brilliant victory.

Act Fifth

Open area

To old men loving married couple Bavda and the Filemone visits a wanderer. Once the old people have already helped him, for which he is very grateful. Bavda and the Phileon live by the sea, there is a bell tower nearby and a lime grove spread.


Aged Faust is outraged - Bavda and the Philemon do not agree to leave the seashore, so that he can embody his idea. Their house is located on the place that the doctor now belongs. Mephistofel promises to deal with the old men.

Deep night

House Bavda and Phileton, and with him a lime grove and a bell tower were burned. Mephistofel told the Fatus that they tried to drive out old people from the house, but they died from frightened, and the guest, resisting, was killed by servants. The house caught fire randomly from the spark. Faust curses Mephistofel and servants for the deafness to his words, as he wanted a fair exchange, not Nasille and a Ublie.

Big courtyard in front of the palace

Mephistofel orders Lemraram (Zamchic Ghosts) to dig a grave for Faust. The blinded Faust hears the knock of the shovel and decides that these workers embody his dream:

"We put the border with the rabies of the surf
And, as if the land reconciles with him,
Earl, shaft and mound attach. "

Faust orders Mephistofel to "recruit workers without a bill", constantly reporting to him about promoting work. Doctor reflects that I would like to see the days when free people Works on free land, then he could exclaim: "Moment! Oh, how beautiful you, having time! " . With the words: "And this is the triumph of anticipatory, I am going to the highest moment now, Faust dies.

Position in the coffin

Mephistofel expects when the Spirit of Faust leaves the body, and he will be able to present him to the contract, supported by blood. However, Angels appear and, withdrawing demons from the grave of the Doctor, carry the immortal essence of Faust to the sky.


Tragedy I. In Goethe "Faust" is philosophical workin which the author reflects on eternal theme Confrontation in the world and man of good and evil, reveals the issues of knowledge of the man of secrets of the world, self-knowledge, affects the issues of power, love, honor, justice and many others important at any time. Nowadays, Faust is considered one of the peaks of German classical poetry. The tragedy is included in the repertoire of the leading theaters of the world, was filled many times.

Test on the work

After reading a brief version of the tragedy - try to take a test:

Rating Repeatchair

Average rating: 4.8. Total ratings obtained: 1375.

Margarita (margarete) - the heroine of the tragedy I.-V.Get Faust (the first part - 1806) and the tragedy "Pra-Faust" (1775). In the text Gretchen. M. - Beloved Faust, the first temptation proposed by him by Mephistofel. This image is created by the fantasy Goethe: in folk legends M. is missing. Faust, who returned youth in the "Witch Kitchen", meets on the street beautiful girl And at first glance in love with her. M. - Young, inexperienced Girl Strict Rules, Living with Mother and younger sister. She loved for the first time in his life and cannot oppose the feeling, ready for self-sacrifice for love. Charming, the poetic image is revealed in her famous monologue "for spicy". An inexperienced girl is trusted by the faast; Mephistofel she "not like". Having learned about this, he ironically notices that M. - "Fi-Zonomist and prompted him." M. Religivo, she worries her the absence of faust faith in her form, with the departure of religious rites, with the veneration of the Holy Gifts. She painfully worries that he sinned that in the eyes of all the criminal. Having learned that it is waiting for a child, M. passionately and sacrifically praying, asking for help from the sky. The fate of M. Tragichna is doubly: she is a victim not only the devilish goats, but also the sore prejudices of the world in which she lives. Love brought her a high mental takeoff, and as a result she turned out to be rejected by all the sinner. M. becomes an involuntary Mother's killer: that the mother does not interfere with a love diction, Mephistofel gives Foust instead of a sleeping pill poison. After the birth of the illegal child, M. flows into madness and becomes a detect. She is sentenced to death. According to Mephistofel, M. condemned to eternal flour, but in the final of the first part, in the last moments of the life of M., there is a voice over: "Saved!" - Heaven is forgiving the one that is recognized as a sinner with earthly laws.

In history german Theater The performer was entered by the role of M. Elena Timig, the wife of M. Steinhardt, who played this role in the "Pra-F-F-F-F-Krest" (1920) and in Fauste (1927). The poetic image of M. gained an embodiment in Opera W. Buno "Faust" (1859), which, initial design, I had to be called "Margarita."

    The legend of Faust has developed as an expression of a passionate protest against the disbelief of a person in his own strength. This legend reflected faith in man, by virtue of the greatness of his mind. She confirmed that neither torture on the duck, no ruling, no fires broke this ...

    "Poetry is a gift, which is typical of the whole world and all nations, and not the private hereditary possession of individual subtle and educated people." I.-V. Goethe August 29, 1749, Johann Wolfgang Guete was born in Frankfurt am Main. This is the child ...

    The philosophical depth of the great creation Goethe, as we know, appreciated such outstanding thinkers of the Goethe era, like Shelling and Hegel. But they were limited to the brief judgments of a general nature. Meaning wide circles Readers felt that Faust demands ...

    Those who read the "Faust" in the completed form know that after conversation, Faust returned to sorrowful thoughts, almost committed suicide, but then decided to live; He goes for a walk for the city and meets the cheerful people. At the end of the walk to the faast sticks ...

    Mephistofel is one of the central characters of the tragedy - in the sense of the relationship is very multi-rival. M., on the one hand, embodies the world of the unclean, "devilish" power with which Faust enters into the contract, hoping to quench his thirst for immense knowledge and pleasures ....

The main theme of the tragedy "Faust" Goethe - Spiritual Searches of the main character - Volnoduumtsa and the Warlock of Dr. Faust who sold the soul to the devil for gaining eternal life In human court. The purpose of this terrible treaty is a rafting of reality not only with the help of spiritual feats, but also a worldly good deeds and valuable discoveries for humanity.

History of creation

The philosophical drama for reading "Faust" wrote the author throughout his creative Life. It is based on the most famous version of the legend about Dr. Faust. The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting is an embodiment in the form of a doctor of higher spiritual gusts human soul. The first part was completed in 1806, the author wrote it about 20 years, the first edition took place in 1808, after that it has undergone several copyright improvements when reproducing. The second part was written by Goethe in old years, and was published approximately a year after his death.

Description of the work

Open the work three entry:

  • Dedication. Lyrical text dedicated to friends Youth, which constituted the circle of communication of the author during his work on the poem.
  • Prologue in the theater. The lively dispute director of the theater, comic actor and poet on the subject of art in society.
  • Prologue in heaven. After reasoning about the mind, given by the Lord, Mofistofel concludes with God betting whether Dr. Faust will overcome all the difficulties of the use of his mind solely for the benefit of knowledge.

Part one

Dr. Faust, realizing the limitations of the human mind in the knowledge of the secretions of the Universe, is trying to commit suicide, and only the sudden blows of Easter Blagoves prevent him from carrying out this idea. Next, Faust with his student Wagner leads to the house of the Black Poodle, which turns into Mephistople in the image of a wandering student. The evil spirit is striking the doctor with his strength and sharpness of the mind and tempts the pious hermit again to notice the joy of life. Thanks to the concluded Agreement with the devil, Faust again acquires youth, strength and health. The first temptation of Faust becomes his love for Margarita - an innocent girl, subsequently paid life for his love. In this tragic history Margarita is not the only sacrifice - also by the overdose of sleeping potions, her mother dies, and Brother Valentin, who has entered the honor of the sister, will be killed by Faust for duels.

Part two

The action of the second part transfers the reader to the Imperial Palace of one of the ancient states. In five acts permeated with a mass of mystico-symbolic associations, the worlds of antiquity and the Middle Ages are intertwined with a complex pattern. Red thread passes love line Faust and beautiful Elena, the heroine of an ancient Greek epic. Faust and Mephistopheles through various tricks quickly become close to the Emperor's courtyard and offer him a rather non-standard output from the current financial crisis. Under the end of his earthly life, practically the blind Faust takes the construction of the dam. The knock blade evil spirits, the grave on the orders of Mephistople, he perceives for active construction worksHaving experienced the moments of the greatest happiness associated with the great case implemented for the benefit of their people. It is in this place that he asks to stop the moment of his life, having it right under the terms of the contract with the Devil. Now he is predetermined by hellish flour, but the Lord, appreciating the merit of the doctor before mankind, takes a different decision and the soul of Faust goes to heaven.

main characters


This is not just a typical collective image of a progressive scientist - it symbolically represents the whole genus of human. His sophisticated fate and life Path Not just allegorically reflected in all humanity, they indicate the moral aspect of the existence of each person - life, work and creativity for the benefit of their people.

(In the image of F. Shalyapin as Mephistopel)

At the same time the spirit of destruction and power opposing stagnation. Skeptic, despising human nature, confident in a densence and weakness of people who are not able to cope with their sinful passions. As a person, Mephistofel is opposed by the Future of the unbelief in the good and humanistic essence of man. He appears in a few bleas - then the joker and Balaguar, the servants, then the philosopher-intellectual.


Simple girl, the embodiment of innocence and kindness. Modesty, openness and spiritual warmth attract a living mind to her and the peasant soul of the Faust. Margarita - the image of a woman capable of comprehensive and sacrificial love. It is thanks to these qualities that she receives forgiveness from the Lord, despite the crimes committed by it.

Analysis of the work

The tragedy has a challenge composite construction - It consists of two volume parts, the first has a 25 scene, and the second is 5 actions. The work binds into a single integer end-to-end motive of the wanders of Faust and Mephistofel. Bright I. an interesting feature It is a three-part entry, which is the violence of the future plot of the play.

(Images of Johann Goethe in the work on the "Faust")

Goethe is thoroughly recycled folk legendFollowing the tragedy. He filled the play with spiritual and philosophical problematics, in which the response of close Goethe is the idea of \u200b\u200benlightenment. The main character Transformed from the sorcerer and alchemist in a progressive scientist experimentator that revives against scholastic thinking, a very inherent era of the Middle Ages. The circle of problems raised in the tragedy is very extensive. It includes reflections on the secrets of the universe, categories of good and evil, life and death, knowledge and morality.

Final output

Faust is a unique work affecting eternal philosophical issues along with scientific and social problems of their time. Criticizing the nearby society, living with carnal pleasures, Goethe with the help of Mephistople parallel to the system of German education, which is a mass of useless formalities. The unsurpassed game of poetic rhythms and melodics makes Faust one of the greatest masterpieces of German poetry.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 2

    ✪ Jung (and not only) about "Faust" Goethe (9)

    ✪ Faust screening (15)


History of performances

National House Operas refused to set "Faust" under the pretext that the opera is not "spectacular", and the theater Théatre-Lyrique postponed it for a year due to the fact that at that moment the Drama Dannery "Faust" was just followed in the port of St. Martin. Leon Carvalio's director (whose wife, Maria Caroline, performed the Margarita party) insisted on a number of changes with some abbreviations. At first, the opera did not have big Success. She passed in Germany, Belgium, Italy, but popularity appeared in Paris in 1862. Later, in 1869, in the Royal Opera Theater (Théâtre de L'Académie Royale de Musique, ballet scenes were added - "Valpurgiyeva Night". Since then, the opera has become most often performed for decades.

The popularity began to subsoine from about 1950. Full setting Operas with a powerful choir, rich scenery and costumes, and especially with the inclusion of ballet scenes in the last act, is an expensive enterprise. Nevertheless, according to some estimates, the Faust Opera is located at an eighteenth place among the twenty most popular operas in North America.

History of creation

Opera on the plot of the Hetevian "Faust" was conceived by Guno in 1839, but he began to implement his plan only seventeen years later. Librettists J. Barbier (1825-1901) and M. Carre (1819-1872) enthusiastically took up work. In the midst of the composition of music, it became known that the "Faust" melodrama appeared on the stage of one of Paris theaters. The director of the lyrical theater, which Guno proposed his opera, fearing the competition, refused its production. Instead, the composer was ordered new Opera At the plot of the Molieresky "Lekary Poevol" (1858). Still, working on his opera did not stop Guno. The premiere of "Faust" took place in Paris on March 19, 1859. The first ideas of success did not have, but gradually the popularity of the opera grew: by the end of the season of 1859, she sustained 57 performances. Initially, Faust was written with conversational dialogues. In 1869, a large opera Guno replaced the dialogues with a melodic speech on the stage of the Paris Theater ballet scene "Walpurgis Night". In this edition, Opera took a solid place in the world theater repertoire.

The plot of the opera is borrowed from the first part of the Site of the eponymous tragedy (1773-1808), the basis of which was distributed in Germany medieval legend. However, in contrast to Goethe, this plot is interpreted in the opera in the lyrical household, and not in the philosophical plan. In Fausta Gunovs prevail not so much reflections on life, the inquisitive searches of truth, how much to die of love feelings. Significantly simplified and the image of Mephistopheles: Full of Goethe deep meaning, He appeared in the opera in mockingly or ironic plan. Closest to K. literary prototype Margarita, in the outcome of which are emphasized by humane, sincere features.


The consignment Vote Performer at the premiere
March 19, 1859.
(Conductor Adolf Faloff)
Artist at the premiere of final edition,
March 3, 1869.
Faust tenor Joseph Babo
Mephistopheles bass Emil Balanck
Margarita soprano Marie Miolean Carvalo
Valentine baritone Reino
Wagner bass M. Sibo
Ziebel mezzo-soprano Fevr.
Martha contralto Dukelo
Students, soldiers, citizens, children, common



As the last chance, Faust calls to evil spirit - And in front of him, Mephistofel appears. Confused, fright Faust, trying to drive the spirit - that to him: "It's not worth the hell to call from hell, so that it will be immediately driven!" To the question: "What can I give me?" Mephistophelle offers him Zlatto, glory, power, but the Faust does not attract it - he needs youth. The Massa Agacus agrees - Faust will again gain youth, but provided: "I am always here to your services, but then you will be mine! Write, here here! " Faust fluctuates, then Mephistopheles in the form of an advertisement demonstrates him the image of beautiful Margarita ( "Youth is so charm, you look here, my doctor!") Faust agrees, signs the contract, drinks his cup ( "There is no poison here, here life and weakness!") And leaves with Mephistofel.

First action

Mephistofel appears in the midst of the fun. He performs evil and urgent couplets about the power of Almighty Gold, which can be called the main " business card»Operas ( Listen Poster Posters. Petrov):

On Earth, the whole genus of human
Honor one idol sacred
He reigns over the whole universe,
That idol - Taurus Chista!

In mild heart
Glorifying incense
People of different castes and countries
Dance in the circle endless
Surrounding pedestal,
Surrounding pedestal!

Satan there rules the ball
There rules the ball!
Satan there rules the ball
There rules the ball!

This Idol Golden
The will of the sky despises,
Mocking changes
He is heaven the law of Holy!

In the deposit of God Zlata
The edge on the edge stands war;
And human blood river
On the blade flows Bulat!
People are dying for metal,
People die for metal!

Satan there rules the ball
There rules the ball!
Satan there rules the ball
There rules the ball!

Mephistofel behaves defiantly. He offers all the magnificent wine, then predicts the death of Wagner in the first battle, assures that Ziebel will not be able to disrupt any flower so that he immediately did not plant, and accordingly, to present them to Margarita ... Raising a glass, he offers "toast completely innocent: for Margarita! " The angry Valentine is trying to get the sword, but it is reheated. Then everyone is guessing who In front of them. They raise cruciform handles of swords - to expel the devil. He is removed, throwing them on the site: "We will see soon, gentlemen, forgive!"

Returning to the Future, Mephistofel offers him to start entertainment. Faust reminds him of Margarita. He, while trying: "But the cleanliness of it interferes with us!" Faust threatens to leave him. Mephistofel assures Faust: "I would not want, my doctor is my dear, parting with you, I will rush you! She will come to us - I promise you! .. "

Area. Faust is waiting for a meeting with Margarita. Mehistofel, meanwhile, distracts Ziebel. Seeing the girl, Faust comes to her and speaks: "I dare to offer a handsome hand to you, you always protect you, to serve you .." Margarita, as it should be a decent girl, rejects him: "Oh no, no, I will be too much in that honor, I don't blindly, I am Krasov and the right I do not stand the knightly hand" - And leaves, leaving a shocked and fascinated Faust.

Second action

Ziebel is trying to collect flowers for Margarita, but they immediately fade. Here it is, curse! Ziebel is guessed to wash his hands with holy water - and it helps. Ziebel leaves the bouquet at the door and leaves. In the garden - Faust and Mephistofel. They hear the hearts of Siebel, see a bouquet intended Margarita. The heart of the Faust is mastered jealousy. Mephistofel is ironic about the colors and says that he has something more accurate. Leaving the casket with jewels near the door, Faust and Mephistofel are removed.

Margarita comes out. Notes a bouquet - guessed that it is from Ziebel. But here she comes across the mysterious box of Mephistofel. Amented by temptation, she approxes jewelry. "And the mirror was found, as if everything was deliberate, for me! How not to take care of it? How not to take a look? " At the same time, the intonation of Margarita change: innocence is supplanted by some greed. Here it comes to her neighbor, March. She does not doubt that the decorations are left in love with the knight and complains that her husband never gave her such a husband. Faust and Mephistofel appear. The latter takes March to herself to leave Faust and Margarita alone. He starts with the fact that the husband of Martha died. Hints frustrated March, which must be replaced by someone else, hinting over. Ta pecks for it. It comes to the point that Mephistofel exclaims: "This old carga willingly be under the crown went with all sorts, even with Satano!" In parallel, Faust is explained in love Margarita. In the meantime, Mephistofel taught Marta away, to her deep disappointment, disappears, noticing in finally: "This old beauty is even not like a trait ..." He returns to the in love and commands the nights of putting loved by his mysterious cover, and in flowers: "... with a fragrant thin poison of the air to poison and put a sleep with a sweet conscience ..." Margarita says goodbye to Faust and goes to his house. Then the calls of Faust comes out. He rushes to her. Mephistopheles triumphantly smiles after.

Action third

Picture first. Love for the faast brought Margarita serious suffering. She spent many days alone, waiting for his beloved, but in vain: Faust left her. But Ziebel is still faithful to her, comforts unhappy.

Picture of the third.

Mephistofel is trying to lead it: "Well, why attend those places where it is unpleasant?" We will spend time - we are waiting for fun, we are waiting for a fun feast? " But Faust cannot throw margarita from the head. Then Mephistopheles, mocking the feelings of Faust, fulfills the sarcastic, mocking serenade. Runs with sword Valentine. Mephistopheles mocks him, saying that the serenade was not for him. He wants to punish the one who secured their family. Before the fight with Faust Valentin curses God and refuses his help. Mephistofel notices in a low voice: "You repent of you" And instructs Faust: "You are colite bold! About the protection of yours I will take care of me! " Three times makes Valentine's lunge and flushes three times. Finally, Faust inflicts Valentina the fatal blow and, who is fascinated by Mephistophele, is hidden. Around the dying is going a crowd. Margarita is trying to alleviate the suffering of his brother, but he displays it with indignation and, despite the prayers of Zibel and the crowd of mercy, curses his sister before death and predicts her shameful death.

Fourth action

Picture first. Margarita lost his mind and killed her own child. Now she expects execution. Faust steals the keys to the departed guard, and comes to her to the Margarita chamber to save it. Margarita with tenderness remembers how they met. Concerned Faust persuades her to run with him. They are interrupted by the emerged Mephistophele: Soon the morning, they are waiting for quick horses! Saving steps, Mephistofel and Faust are hidden. It enters the guards with the priest to lead it to the execution. Margarita comes out towards them.

Picture of the second. Walpurgis Night. To distract Faust, Mephistofel led him to the Shabash Witch. Faust consoles the witches in society and drinks wine. But, having heard the voice of Margarita, and seeing her vision, breaks away from the captivity of Mephistoral, and goes after her.

Audio recordings

  • - Conductor Vasily Golzin, Choir and Bolshoi Theater Orchestra, USSR
Artists: Faust - Ivan Kozlovsky, Mephistopheles - Alexander Pirogov, Margarita - Elizabeth Shuman, Valentine - Pavel Lisitsian, Ziebel - Elena Gribova, Martha - Nina Ostrumova, Wagner - Ivan Skobsov
  • - Conductor Vasily Golzin, Choir and Bolshoi Theater Orchestra, USSR
Artists: Faust - Ivan Kozlovsky, Mephistopheles - Mark Raisen, Margarita - Elizabeth Shuman, Valentine - Ivan Burlak, Ziebel - Elena Gribova, Martha - Nina Ostrumova, Wagner - Ivan Skobsov
  • - Conductor Wilfred Pelette, Choir and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera Theater, Arkadia, USA
Artists: Faust - Giuseppe di Stefano, Mephistopheles - Italy Tahoe, Margarita - Dorothea Kirsten, Valentine - Leonard Warren
  • - Conductor Richard Bonindzh, Amvrosian Opera Choir, London Symphony Orchestra, Decca Records, United Kingdom
Artists: Faust -

The story of Dr. Faust was one of the favorite topics in the work of composers-romantics. The magic of the Gothev tragedy literally enveloped the minds of the creators of that time - Schubert, Berlioz, Sheet And many others inspired by the immortal tragedy created their musical version of Faust. Sch. Gunno offered his version, and he managed to write truly romantic work - A real mystical drama, which has not been coming out of world opera scenes for more than fifty years.



Faust tenor ph.D
Mephistopheles bass devil-tempter
Margarita soprano beloved Faust.
Valentine baritone soldier, Brother Margarita
Ziebel mezzo-soprano young Ran Margarita
Maria mezzo-soprano margarita neighbor
Wagner baritone student
citizens, students, girls, witch, demons, perfume


Germany, XVI century. In the Middle Ages Wittenberg lives a scientist. Faust torments painful experiences about meaningless time spent on science. He wants to return his youth and sells his soul to the devil, which appears in the form of Mephistofel. Being in doubt about the choice, Faust succumb to Mephistopel persuasion, seeing the image of beautiful margaritas. Triumph human weakness, Satan goes on a spring festival.

During the Easter holiday, Mofistofel citizens gave trouble with his predictions. At the end of the holiday, Faust meets Margarita. A scientist enchanted by a girl invites her on a date, but he refuses Margarita. After some time, the desired meeting of the Faust and Margarita takes place, during which they are recognized in suddenly broken love to each other, but this passion scares them and they lack courage to stay alone. In this, Mephistofel helps them, pursuing their mercenary devilish goals. Satan pushes the Faust in the arms of Margarita. Under the influence of uncount of passion, young are given to feelings. Mephistopheles triumph.

After the night spent, Faust leaves the girl and she does not appear anymore. Margarita torments a feeling of shame. To somehow sorce your sin, she goes to church. At the entrance she meets Mephistofel and reminds her of lost innocence. The girl does not withstand the mockery of the devil and faints. Soon the brother of Margarita is returning from the war. Valentine learns about what happened. Protecting her honor, he causes Faust for a duel, in which he dies, as Mephistofel predicted. Valentine Before latest sigh Curses sister and wishes her death.

Mephistofel, to somehow distract the Faust from heart experiences concerning Margarita, leaves with exhausted scientists to the warming of the devilish forces, which took place in Valpurgiyev night. Mephistofel wants to cheer Faust, but a young man thinks about Margarita and wants to see her. And in the meantime, she finally losing reason, languishing in prison because of the murder of his child and waiting for executions. Mephistofel helps the Future to see his beloved. Lovers talk about their feelings, remember their rare dates. Faust offers Margarita to escape with him. But it does not manage to do it, because the girl will lead to the execution.


Interesting Facts

  • The entire plot of the opera is built on the first part of the hetev tragedy. But the philosophical plot of the German author Guno interprets in a lyrical key - most of all in this history of the composer inspired fate and love experiences of Margarita. The composer completely changes the main character of Faust, who reincarnated in lyrical character. The changes were as much as Ziebel's walk, which became a meek and loyal worker Margarita, and the Wagner's assistant, embodied in a friend of Faust.
  • The drama Goethe attracted many romantics, and they turned to her in their work. It is noteworthy that at first all these composers, and there were a lot of them - J. Verdie, J. Rossini, R. Schuman., F. Sheet, and even opera reformer R. Wagner, I wanted to create opera work about this theme. However, it was possible to do this only Guno, others had to abandon this idea, because they did not decide to reproduce the universal philosophy on the opera stage.
  • The opera was very popular in the United States, as in his novel "The Epoch of Innocence" tells American writer Edith Worton. Actually, the action of the novel and begins to the music of Guno - in the New York Academy of Music, where Christina Nilson performs one of the Aria Margarita.
  • The Argentine Poet of Estanislao Del Campo in 1866 wrote a satirical poem called "Faust", in which the local cowboy, or Gaucho, shared his impressions from the opera Guno opera in the metropolitan theater.
  • The popularity of the performances "Faust" was noticeably decreased since 1950. From the production refused many theaters, since it was considered very expensive - the leadership was not affordable to pay big Khor., as well as scenery and costumes.
  • The "Fausta" Guno is mentioned in the Gothic novel of Gaston Lero "Ghost Opera", as well as in its screenings 1924, 1934 and 1936.
  • In one of the most famous European comics of the 20th century, the "Adventures of Tintin" sounds small passages from Aria Margarita (with pearls). According to the plot Tintin and his partner often face pompous opera singer Bianke Castaforore, which externally looks very similar to the French opera Diva Emma Calve, glorified by his execution of the role of Margarita. Its visiting card is just an excerpt of the "pearl aria", which she always sings so loudly that everyone surrounds has to hardly bother her ears.
  • Ballet music from the scene of the Valpurgian Night is often lowered in the formulation of opera performances, but sometimes it appears on stage as an independent ballet program. It was under the music of Guno put his ballet "Valpurgiyeva Night" famous choreographer George Balacin.
  • Aria Ziebel Isper III action twice quoted Dorn in the second act of play A.P. Chekhov "Seagull". It is used as the basis for piano play M. Ravel "In the manner of Shabrie."
  • In the novel of Thomas Mann "Magic Mountain" Hans Kastorp plays Kavatina Valentina in the chapter "Very dubious."
  • In the film Train Dulak 1923 "Smiling Madame Beta" spouse main heroine Together with friends, the local formulation of Faust is often visited.

Popular rooms

Poslets Mefistofil "Le Veau D" Or Est Toujours Debout "(Listen)

Cavatina Faust "Salute! Demeure Chaste Et Pure" (Listen)

Aria Margarita (with pearls) "Les Grands Seigneurs" (Listen)

History of creation and placements

The premiere of "Fausta" Guno took place in mid-March 1859 on the stage of the Paris lyric theater. But from the thought of creating a opera before its first show passed long seventeen years.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the opera in the young composer originated in Italy. Having the talent of the artist, who he inherited from his father, Charles, was fascinated by Italian landscapes, painted small paintings. These creations were devoted to Valpurgiy night. Guno was already convinced that the sketches would use him in writing the "Faust" opera.

In 1856, a fateful meeting of Charles Guno with famous librettists J. Barbier and M. Carre, on which french composer Share his idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a "Faust". Barbie and Carre supported the initiative of Guno and enthusiastically began work. At the same time, Charles suggested his opera of the administration of the lyrical theater, which gave a positive response to the creation of a work on Gohevsky creation. Began painstaking and time-consuming work. But during the writing of the opera, an unthinkable event occurred, which undermined the enthusiasm of the authors. One dramatic theaters Paris was the first to presented a melodrama premiere, written in the plot of the "Faust". The director of the Lyrian Theater refused to operate in further work on the opera, realizing that the premiere of the premiere would not bring any profit. But in order to sort out his guilt to somehow, the head of the theater suggested that Charlery writing another opera performance based on the comedy work of the Moliere "Lebel to Injury". But the disappointment was short-lived, and good luck returned to the composer again - the melodrama was not successful. The director of the lyrical theater again returned Gunno to work, and soon the composer presented the first results. The performance was delivered, but he did not produce any furore. Interest in the production began to grow with time.

In 1862, a premiere was held on the stage of the theater Great Opera in Paris. But that it happened, Charleu Huno had to remake the original version of the work that was built on dialogues. The composer finished the ballet part "Valpurgiyeva Night" and replaced the entire speech on the vocal numbers. It is in such an interpretation of the plot of the famous tragedy opera became the most famous among existing ones. In 1883, "Faust" in the Metropolitan Opera in New York was held with great success. It was this version that became often executed not only in the United States, but also around the world.