Competitive game program for elementary school students on Cosmonautics Day. Competitive Gaming Program for Junior Schoolchildren dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics "Call of Friends Space Dali

Competitive game program for elementary school students on Cosmonautics Day. Competitive Gaming Program for Junior Schoolchildren dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics
Competitive game program for elementary school students on Cosmonautics Day. Competitive Gaming Program for Junior Schoolchildren dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics "Call of Friends Space Dali

Game - Quiz for students of primary school "Space Journey".

Svetlana Svetlana Aleksandrovna Pedagogue of additional education.
Purpose: This quiz will be useful for work teachers of primary classes and teachers of additional education; The material of the quiz is intended for children 9 - 11 years.
Subject: The game-quiz \u003c\u003c Space Journey \u003e\u003e.
Purpose: Introduce children on the day of cosmonautics; Activation of cognitive activity of students.
1. Wash the presentation of children about cosmonautics.
2. Form the feelings of patriotism and citizenship.
3. Clean the creative abilities of students, attention, memory, dexterity, mixtalk by using game elements.
4. Organize competitive activities between teams, create an active interaction of students in the team, to contribute to the cohesion of the class team.
Equipment: Computer, projector, screen, balloons, knobs, sheets of paper, cards with tasks, designer, asterisks, medals for awarding.
The form: Competition game, competition.

Event flow

Teacher's introductory word.
- Hello guys! We're glad to welcome you! Today is a significant spring day on April 12. Do you know what holiday does our country notes on April 12? That's right, \u003c\u003c Cosmonautics Day \u003e\u003e.
- Now we will talk about how people began to master the outer space.
With deep antiquity, mysterious, mysterious world of planets and stars manifes the attention of people. Nowadays, they know that the Earth rotates around the Sun and around its axis, but earlier people believed that she was stationary. When our ancestors began to recognize the land, they represented it with an inverted bowl resting on giant elephants, the huge turtle standing on the shell. This turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world covers the crystal dome of the sky with a multitude of sparkling stars. (Image Demonstration)
Since then, thousands of years have passed. People began to build ships and, take round-the-world travel, gradually began to accumulate evidence that the land is not flat, but a spherical. The famous ancient Greek scientist Aristotle Aristotle (IV century BC. Er) was the first to use for the evidence of the shag-formation of the earth observation of lunar eclipses: a shadow from the ground falling on the full moon, always round. But only the ball discarded the round shadow. Astronomers proved that the Earth flies in space, rotating around the sun, making one turn around him for the year. Then people began to build aircraft, balloons, airships, airplanes and began to fly in the Earth's air shell (atmosphere). But people did not stop on the achieved, they were maniling space.
- Guys, what is cosmonautics? (children's responses)
Cosmonautics - a set of branches of science and technology that ensure the development of outer space and extraterrestrial objects.
- Tell me who was the first person who flew into space? (children's responses)
Right Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, a citizen of the USSR - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (portrait) flew to space. The name of this person is known all over the world. Since childhood, Yura was fond of airplanes. He was very curious and grabbed everything on the fly. At the age of 15 he entered the craft school. But the passion for aviation pulled, and he enters the military aviation school. Man he was brave, resourceful, cheerful. It was rarely angry and did not like the quarrel, on the contrary, the joke and the laugh of all Miril. Carefully treated comrades, helped them in everything. It was perfectly prepared physically. On April 12, 1961, on the East Rocket, she flew around our planet in 108 minutes (1 hour 68 minutes). The world hid his breath. The world listened to the voice of a man who flown over the oceans and countries, and people in these countries repeat: "Gagarin", "Yuri", "Russia". The land found out a simple, charming man who broke the road to the stars.
Therefore, it was 12 April that we celebrate \u003c\u003c Cosmonautics Day \u003e\u003e. Our event is devoted to this holiday.
- Now you are divided into two teams will compete in courage, dexterity, skill and smelting. For victories in competitive tasks, you will receive stars, at the end of the event we will summarize and reward the team prizes. (team education)
Task number 1. Workout.
The task is to come up with the name and motto of the team.
- Guys, and you know what \u003c\u003c Space \u003e\u003e? (children's responses)
In general, space- The space that extends endlessly in all directions, including the galaxies and stars, black holes and planets, cosmic dust and other objects.
- Today we will travel to outer space. But for this we need a rocket.
Task number 2. The structure of the rocket.
The commands are given a designer. The task is to assemble the rocket and give it the name ("Appolon", "Vostok", "Union", "Peace", ...).
- Our missiles are ready, we need a captain. Choosing a captain.
-And now I will tell you interesting facts.
VenusThis is the only planet of the solar system, which is counterclockwise.
Satellite They call a small body, which makes rotational movements around the planet under the influence of attraction force. Distinguish artificial and natural satellites.
Comet- This is the heavenly body of small (according to cosmic standards) of the sizes, it is assumed that this is an array of ice, dust and metal plugs.
Well, now you can go. Good luck!
Stop №1. Mars.
Planet Mars is one of the smallest planets of our galaxy. Mars is the fourth of the sun. According to scientists, this is the only heavenly body on which life could exist. After all, in the past on the surface of the planet there was water. Such a conclusion can be done on the basis that large ice caps exist on the poles, and the surface is covered with a set of grooves, which could be dried rivers.
- Look at us left a letter on this planet! Only it is encrypted.
Task number 3. Decipher a letter.
Team task to decrypt the letter.
Teams are issued letters. The sheet writes a cipher and an encrypted letter itself.

(Help! We have an accident! Our ship crashed on the planet Mercury.)
"We need to help people whose ship failed in Venus." And to get to Mercury and help the team, we need to answer questions.
Task number 4. Questions.
Task - answer the question faster than the opponent.
The teacher reads questions, children respond.

1. Duty land? (Moon)

2. How was the name of a man who made the first flight into space and returned safely? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)
3. The most small and most remote planet from the sun? (Pluto)
4. How much planets in the solar system? (9 planets)
5. Transfer the planet solar system? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
6. How was the ship called, in which Yuri Gagarin made the first flight into space? ("East - 1")
7. What is the planet named after the goddess of love? (Venus)
8. Name Catching Dogs flying to people to people and who are safely returned? (Husky, squirrel and arrow)
9. How was the name of the first woman of the cosmonaut, flying into space? (Valentina Tereshkova)
10. How do cosmonauts take food? (using tubes)
- Well done! We continue the way!
Stop №2. Jupiter.
Jupiter The fifth planet is the biggest. The volume of Jupiter would fit 1300 lands, and its mass is 317 times more earthly. Basically, this planet consists of gas, the only solid part is a stone core.
- Guys, so that we will go from Jupiter to another planet, we will have to find lost words.
Task number 5. Find words hidden in letters.
Problem team find 6 words in the table, plus ball for two additional words.
The commands are distributed to the cards on which the following table is depicted.

(Space, Sun, Planet, Earth, Rocket, Spa Tander, Orbit, Moon)
- Trip a trip.
Stop №3. Saturn.
This is the second largest gas giant, named after the ancient God. It consists of hydrogen and helium, but on its surface traces of methane, ammonia and water were discovered. The most important feature of Saturn is the presence of bright rings. Four Rings Saturn is the most amazing phenomenon in the solar system. Unusually the fact that the inner rings move faster than the outer.
- Guys, our next task guess the riddles.
Task number 6. Puzzles.
The task of the team as much as possible to guess the mysteries.
The teacher reads riddles, children guess.


1.The Cosmos Three years old
Icelike facility.
The tail of it is a light strip,
And the name is the object ... (Comet)
2. SELLS Sits in Rocket.
Boldly in the sky he flies,
And on us in your safeandra
He looks from space. (Cosmonaut)
3. Singles
Golden nails are pinned. (Stars on the sky)
4. The first first in space
Flew at a huge speed
Brave Russian guy
Our cosmonaut ... (Gagarin)
5. Blue Blue,
Favorite, native,
She is yours, she is mine
And called ... (Land)
6. I was past, I saw a miracle -
Hanging in the sky round dish. (Moon)
7. Another forest, the carpet is spread above the mountains.
He will be drawn over you and me,
That is gray, he is blue, he is bright blue. (Sky)
8. The lights are light,
Fully burning planets. (Space)
- We are next!
Stop №4. Uranus.
The seventh of the sun planet is uranium. It is the coldest of all - the temperature drops to -224 ° C. Uranus refer to a separate category of ice giants. The amazing feature of this celestial body is that it rotates, lying on the side. As with all the planets giants, uranium has rings and many satellites. As many as 13 rings rotates around it, but they are not as bright as Saturn, the planet holds 27 satellites.
- See all the letters of confused. Probably aliens do not know the Russian language. You need to put consonants and vowels like this. To get words.
Task number 7. Swear.
Team task to draw up words.
The teams are distributed cards with words.

Words overvolt:
Soma - Space
Anafxdre - Squadder
Idonamug - Humanoid
Atorb - Orbit
ONAVTKOSM - Cosmonaut
Colesn - Sun.
- Molders, brought order in the letters. Let's fly further.
Stop number 5. Neptune.
Neptune is surrounded by bright blue clouds. It is distinguished by a violence of the strongest hurricanes, the speed of which often reaches an hour of magnitude a couple of thousand kilometers. All winds blow the planet along the equator, towards its movement.
- On this planet we will solve the crossword. Guys Here you will need to think a little, but who was attentive to cope with it.
And only after that we can fly to Earth, home.
Task number 8. Crossword.
Team task to solve crossword.
The teacher distributes crossword puzzles, children solve.

Questions (horizontal):
Keyword - universe.
1. Implens the stone or metal block moving around the sun? (Asteroid)
2. Are there a large planet solar system? (Jupiter)
3. Puntern land? (Moon)
4.Instricted planet solar system, which rotates counterclockwise? (Venus)
5. Is it an artificial and natural? (Satellite)
6.And a cold planet? (Uranus)
7. Employed body of small (according to cosmic standards) of size, consisting of ice, dust and metal plugs? (Comet)
8. Play on which we live? (Land)

Starting the planning of the event and the script of the Day of Cosmonautics, the main attention should be paid to the diversity of its elements - children should be interesting. This holiday is carried out taking into account the characteristics of each age category of schoolchildren.

Junior classes

Little children should not overload information about the development of outer space. Events must contain more mobile and logical games. You can invite children to create your own hands design for the holiday: toys, drawings, crafts dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics.

Pupils of 1-4 classes should be supplied in a game form. Only in this case the holiday will remember them for a long time and will cause many positive emotions.

You can choose several children from the class and distribute roles for them, give to learn small poems. This will help engage the kids into the course of the event, increase the degree of their participation in the holiday.

High school

Older schoolchildren will be more interesting to perceive information using media presentations, slideshows. Competitions should also be present in the scenario describing the Cosmonautics Day. Cool hour will be active and interesting.

High school students are preferable to present more serious, in-depth information on the topic of the event. You can pay attention to the biographies of legendary astronauts, major events on the way of developing space, etc.

High school students should also take an active part in the events for the Day of Cosmonautics. It may be such a form of work as the distribution of roles between children, preparation of information on a given topic. The main thing is to be original and dynamically. Do not stand too tightening the event.

Motivation of children

Planning the day of cosmonautics, the scenario should begin with the entry and motivation of this event. This can be done independently or with the participation of children leading.

Be sure to pay attention to the issue, why it is April 12 a nationwide holiday is celebrated. You should talk about the feat of Yuri Gagarin, who opened the way to mankind to the stars, to convey information to children in the form available to them.

You can talk about the events that preceded the first flight into space, after which people began to celebrate Cosmonautics Day. The year 1957 laid the beginning of the era of the development of humanity outside our planet.

Contests and games for Cosmonautics Day for younger students

There are many contests that are held on this day. Little children will be very fun, presenting themselves with astronauts of the super-modern interplanetary ship, learn the life of astronauts. To do this, it is recommended to hold a cosmonaut breakfast contest. There are several apples on the thread and offer children to eat fruit without touching them with their hands. Almost both in conditions of weightlessness. Wins the one who will eat his "breakfast" faster than all.

The contest "This Cosmonaut" will take part in the game to everyone. To hold it on the floor there is a rope or ribbon. Each contestant before starting its route 5 times turns around at itself (representing overcoming overloads when entering orbit), and after it is trying to go through a straight line, without going down the path.

Very well, if the system of awards and promotions for participants was thought out before holding the holiday.

Thematic creative works

The competition "Space artists" will also make a variety of cosmonautics on the school day. Crafts made by children should talk about comets, astronauts, starships. It will contribute to the development of creativity and bring a lot of positive to the class hour dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics.

You can also suggest to build a rocket on which children will all go to the imaginary flight to the stars. Before holding an event, it will be interesting to offer children to prepare a music number on the space theme. Such a speech becomes a bright memory of both participants and viewers.

Thematic techniques in high school

By composing the scenario of the day of cosmonautics for more adult students, you can pay attention to such forms of active participation of children in the event, like quiz, slideshows and pre-prepared speeches.

Conducting the Cosmonautics Day at school, you can offer children to divide into 2 groups, choose names for them and take part in the game "Hello from space". Pupils should write a message of astronauts from the depths of the Universe, using words on the letter "P". The letter must be informative and original. Whose message will be longer, the team and won.

Let all those present in advance prepared musical performance of one or more participants. The room is rehearsed in advance, you can make the appropriate suits.

Games for senior schoolchildren for the Day of Cosmonautics

Another interesting contest is called "Meteor Rain". Space ships fell under the attack of asteroids. Each participant of the team should show collected and mutual assistance to avoid collisions with destructive objects.
It is necessary to give the correct answer "yes" or "no" to the questioned question to protect the crew of the ship from the accident.

The presenter sets questions about space topics. For example:

  • Yu. A. Gagarin flew around the earth in 1 hour 48 minutes? (Yes)
  • Sun less ground? (Not)

Each "Tag" response adds a team 1 point and helps its spacecraft avoid a collision with a meteorite.

It is allowed to use more active competitions. Conducting the day of cosmonautics, the activities of this type should be put next to the passive forms of work.

Will make a big revival in the class hour game "Rocket". For this, two pairs are invited to participate in the construction of an interplanetary ship. It is desirable if it is a tandem "Boy and Girl". The student raises his hands and folds his palms together, depicting the rocket. A student begins to wrap it with a paper towel without closing faces (leaving the porthole for astronaut). The couple that will quickly cope with the task receives the award and the title of the chief designer.

Material for the event

Cosmonautics Day at school should be appropriately decorated, so it is necessary to prepare theoretical material.

The portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin should be brought, materials for contests, choose the appropriate musical accompaniment and slides. It is possible to make a container, for example, stars, posters with drawings prepared by students, etc.

If you plan to display the theory, you can use a visual material using a projector or special slides. Interesting facts about the space industry, the space of the Universe and other information will also be interested in listening to children.

An example for the younger generation will be the biographies of the legendary cosmonauts Yu. A. Gagarin, G. S. Titova, V. V. Tereshkova. They achieved their goal due to the strength of character, perseverance, devotion to the Motherland.

A competently planned Cosmonautics Day at school will be a real event for all participants. Such an event will be remembered for a long time. Given the age-related features of children, holding the day of cosmonautics every year will develop the team spirit in schoolchildren, a sense of respect, patriotism, as well as creative thinking, fantasy, the ability to express their thoughts. The holiday will bring a lot of bright impressions and positive emotions.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school S. Lukov Cordon

Alexandrovo Gay district of Saratov region

Game program

« Become astronauts want

in the sky to the stars fly! " ,

dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the flight of a person in space

(District methodological association of primary school teachers)

Prepared and spent

primary teacher

MBOU SOSH S. Lukov Cordon

Salimova Balkia Raskalievna


Goals and objectives: increase interest in Russian cosmonautics, stimulate students to expand the horizons, develop curiosity, memory, creative abilities; bring up the spirit of healthy rivalry and friendly competition; Easify pride in Russia.

Equipment: Screen, computer, projector, emblems with team names, crossword, details for contests, layout -pasl rocket, colored coins.

Game program move:

Hello guys! I am a teacher of primary school schools S. Lukov Cordon. Today I will spend an event with you, whose name you will learn a little later. First I need to meet you. My name is Balkia Raskalievna. And you?(ask two). Yes, so we will get acquainted for a very long time. I suggest you what ...(Crunching). Well, I got acquainted!

What does our events are dedicated to you to guess. To do this, you need to answer very simple questions. The letters of words-fuels and numbers you must find on this sheet and take it. If letters and numbers are somewhat, we put everything.

What is the time of year now? (Spring)

Day of the week? (Tuesday)

What did we do? (number 55)

Now open the word that is hidden (Gagarin). Guys, what binds this word and number 55? (children's responses).

Correct guys! This year, our country, and the whole world, celebrates the 55th anniversary of a person's flight into space.(Slide 1)

For more than fifty years, annually, April 12, residents of the whole world are celebrated. (hereinafter textSlide 2)

In 1960 (when he was 26 years old), Gagarin begins "path to astronauts." He was enrolled in the cosmonaut detachment to the number of pilots who had excellent control skills of aircraft. Requirements for candidates (there were 20 people) were high and tough.

Health should be excellent, endurance and discipline, excellent knowledge and high level skills. Yuri Alekseevich brilliantly finishes the training course. And on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin from the Baikonur cosmodrome makes his fateful flight.(Slides 3, 4 )

At 9 hours 6 minutes from the starting platform of the Baikonur cosmodrome the East Rocket was launched under the control of YuriGagarina (slides 5,6) When the rocket began the rise, Gagarin said the historical phrase: "We went!". His flight lasted 108 minutes and ended with a successful landing at the village of Breelovka Saratov region (Slide 7). After such a breakthrough in the development of space, Yuri Gagarin received the early title of Major and at the same time the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Yuri Alekseevich dreamed of new flights. However, fate ordered in its own way(Slide 8. ) March 27, 1968 Yu.A. Gagarin tragically died in an aviation catastrophe during training flight(Slides 9-12)

Soon, in 1968, this holiday was given the status of international (Slide 13). Thanks to the feat of Yuri Gagarin, the Day of Cosmonautics today is celebrated with respect and honor of those who contributed to the development of modern space technologies.

Yuri Gagarin's name will live while mankind lives. His name is named streets, squares and educational institutions. In many cities there is a monument to the Grand Cosmonaut, there are Museums of Gagarin. On the day of astronautics in all settlements, various activities are held.

And today I want to spend an event with you, which is called (Slide 14) "Want to become astronauts, in the sky to the stars fly!"

Emotional mood. The crurch "Hedgehogs."

The class is divided into 2 crew teams "Rocket", "Planet". Crews are formed from students for 6 people.

Now you will witness the space travel two crews. Our astronauts passed strict selection. Throughout the flight for their work will be observedFlight Management Center (jury) And give an assessment of the willingness of the crews to perform various tasks. Creasters to report on readiness. (Captains: "The crew" Rocket "to fulfill the tasks is ready!" etc.)

Dear crew members, now we will take a fascinating journey. A lot will depend on your organization, attention and speed of the reaction.

You, like real astronauts, are waiting for surprises. Be prepared for them. Before we start, I suggest everyone to read the name of our event, it will be our motto(Children read the choir)

« Pre-flight preparation "

Check physical training

2 members of the crew are spinning 5 times, looking at the right elongated hand, then go along straight (go all on the other side). This check is all crew members.

Well done, checking passed!

And now, guys, you must guess what we fly.

1 contest "Crossword"

The team that responded to the question receives1 point .


1. The aircraft on which heroes flew in fairy tales. (carpet plane)

2. The bird flies - noby, and inside the people sits. (plane)

3. The aircraft on which the aliens fly. (plate)

4. Zavorka, litter, in heaven. (helicopter)

5. The first spacecraft derived from the Earth orbit in 1957. (satellite)

6. The aircraft on which Baba flew - Yaga. (mortar)

See how many aircraft we have, but we only choose one. It's ... (vertically it turns out the wordrocket .)

Well done boys! Before you fly, you need to check the health of the rocket.

2 Competition is called "Prepare a rocket to fly"

Each team is given rocket layouts cut into several parts. The team that will quickly collect puzzle - wins.

Everything is ready for flight. Crews occupy their places. It remains only to bring ships to orbit.(along the track from newspapers)

    competition "Remove the ship in orbit"

So, Task: One person ties eyes and sum up to the place of start. The captain will give him the team where to rotate how many steps to do to get up on the "orbit". Teams are ready? Start countdown: 5,4,3,21. Start!

4 contest " Quick rockets. " So, everything is ready for the flight! It's time to check the speed of your missiles.

Between two chairs, a rope is stretched at a distance of 6 to 8 meters, on which two paper rocket caps are missing towards each other.Competition participants compete in turn. Representatives of the teams blow on their missiles - caps, and they slide on the rope, in the middle of which there is a mark. It wins the one whose rocket is the first one to mark.

Our quick rockets flew to an unknown planet. Here they live aliens, they always go with the plates on the head. Why I do not know, but I suggest you to try out their movement method, suddenly we guess why they do it.

5 Competition "Aliens"

Teams are built in two ranks. The first players are issued a plastic plate.A task: Run to the chair with a plate on the head, without dropping it to the floor. If the plate fell -team minus.

Well, you understand why the inhabitants of this planet go with dishs on the head?(To have fun)

6 Competition "Flying Plate" Teams are given a plate. Whose plate will fly on all, the team and won.

    competition "In Outdoor Space"

Tell me, guys, what is the name of the cosmonaut costume? How are our cosmonauts to reach outdoor space without a skatera? Let's help our captains to make a suit. Production of a spafer from newspapers with felt-tippers and scotch.

Suit reliability Check by making several steps in weightlessness (children in the "Skafandra" make several steps).

Flight program Our cosmonauts have fulfilled completely. Well done!

With a safe return of you!

Flight Management Center will sum up the flight results, will call the winners (the jury meets)

Presentation of sweet prizes.

I hope you liked everything. In the meantime, the jury summarizes, I suggest you omit in"Mood Piggy Bank" Coin:

red - If you like everything;

yellow - The mood has not changed;

blue - I did not like it, the mood has deteriorated.

(children put coins)

The word jury.

Thank you guys for participation! Bye!

  • Introduce children with games and contests;
  • Development of thinking, dexterity, intelligence;
  • Relieve a sense of patriotism.

Humanity will never forget the wonderful April Day of 1961, when the Russian guy Yuri Gagarin first in the world opened the road to space. And, made his first in history, flying around the earth on the ship "East". The centuries-old dream of people about flight to the stars was carried out. The whole planet admired his feat. The name Gagarina immediately became the world famous world. He said: "Let's go!" And, indeed, now satellites of rockets are furious space, many space technology visited Moon and Mars. It's only the beginning? And this day, day on April 12 traditionally celebrate as the day of cosmonautics. Others flew to Gagarin into space. The first cosmonaut was rejoiced to the success of his friends, dreamed of new flights, was preparing, flew. However, the tragic death broke his short, but bright life. He lived only 34 years old! The trace of this life remained forever - and on earth, and in space. Many of us even 45 minutes of lesson work "sit down" - so I want to feel the guys to feel freedom. To withstand all this, the cosmonaut is needed perfect health and huge physical endurance. Future astronauts are preparing for flights for many years. They are constantly engaged in different sports, jump on parachutes from airplanes, etc. Imagine that we are on the cosmodrome. In order to become an astronaut, not enough to be just a healthy person and have the necessary special knowledge. You need to be still hardy, dexterous, intelligent, easy to solve problems arising in cosmic flight. And we will check with you with the help of games, is there such guys in our school?

Game 1: "Go through Luke"

Two teams are parallel to each other. Opposite each lies the hoop. The participant of each team should crawl into the hoop and take its former place. Wins the command that previously performs the task.

2: "Fun Aviator"

In the 3rd from each team, they put a chair with the front legs on the line, drawn by chalk on the floor. According to the signal of the lead team members, one after another run to the chair, sit on it and turn on 360 ° together with the chair, trying to put the chair to the previous place.

Game 3: "Cosmonaut's Armchair"

Competition participants are in turn sit in a chair and without leaving him, there must be 10 items located around it. The distance from them is about half a meter.

And now guess the riddles:

Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Flowers in winter and summer,

And there are no seeds. (The sun)

What is this ceiling?

Then it is low, then high

Then he is gray, then whitish,

Then a little bluish.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue blue. (Sky)

Only one night in the sky

Big silver

Hanging orange. (Moon)

Passed two weeks

Orange we did not eat

But remained in the sky only

Orange slot. (Month)

Whole blue track

Ssed me peas. (Stars)

Over the tangle shuttle flies,

On the tuning turns winds. (Satellite)

Game 4: "50 turns"

Participate 4 people from each team. Each player has a ball. To the wall at an altitude of 1.5 m attached threads by the number of players. Everyone takes the free end of the thread and begins to wrap her ball. Wins the one who will make 50 turns.

Game 5: "Space Dictionary"

The guys in turn call the words belonging to the subject of space. This team wins, which called more words, (satellite, rocket, leaf, galaxy, star, moon, constellation, etc.)

Game 6. "The door is open to space, well, read yourself!"

The game with the audience:

  1. What year and what date the first person visited space? Who is he? (Yu.A. Gagarin in 1961 on April 12)
  2. What was his ship called? (Ship "East")
  3. What is the name of the cosmodrome, from which Russian missiles rose into space? Where is he located? (Baikonur, Kazakhstan)
  4. What is the planet in the solar system the biggest? (Jupiter, more than 13 times) What small? (Pluto)
  5. Name Russian astronauts. (Valentina Tereshkova, Svetlana Savitskaya)
  6. Who was the first to enter outdoor space? (Alexey Leonov)
  7. What animals, insects visited space? (mice, rats, cockroaches, dogs, monkeys, frogs, bees, etc.)
  8. What was the name of the dogs who were the first to return from space? (Squirrel, arrow)
  9. What is the name of American astronauts? (Astronauts)
  10. Who was the second, after Gagarin, Soviet astronaut? (German Titov)
  11. List the planet solar system. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto)
  12. Can a star fall? (Not)
  13. What Falling Body We call "Falling Stars" (meteorites)
  14. What is the name of the optical device for the study of cosmic bodies? (Telescope)
  15. What is the name of the science studying the heavenly bodies? (Astronomy)

Game 7: "Artist"

From each team in the game participated in 3 people. They agree, which part of the rocket draws (lower, middle, upper). The drawing should be ready for 1 min.

8 relay game: "Centrifuge"

The first numbers are made by 3 turns on the chairs, then squatted 5 times, counted from 1 to 30 and run to their place, passing the relay to another participant. And so until all the team members are finished. The team wins the team that will graduate faster.

Everything happened, landed! From the flight groved! Let our flight were not real, but maybe someday, one of you will become a cosmonaut. And in the conclusion of our event, listen to the poem.

When cosmonaut flies over the earth,

Millions of the guys look in the plows.

Evening sometimes look into heaven

Shine, shine guys eyes.

And reflecting them, they burn brightly.

Those stars to which they fly!

Cognitive game "Star Hour", dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics for Junior Schoolchildren 3 Class

Objectives of the event

1. Expand the ideas of younger schoolchildren about space, cosmonautics, astronomy.

2. Contribute to raising respect for people who dedicated their lives to the development of space.

3. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.


1. The class teacher is preparing the necessary equipment for the game.

2. Trekch graders are learning poems.

3. Two weeks before the game, third graduates get acquainted with the recommended literature.

4. Prepare drawings and signs with competitive tasks.

Tech-graders are involved, class teacher.

Trekch grader

Both hemispheres of astronauts

My science gives spleens.

Today is glory to them! Moon has been reached,

New triumphs we will see tomorrow.

The limit is not science! In this essence,

The fact that the lunar feat is legendary ...

Becomes wide, bold way

Which in space wrapped Gagarin.

(A. Zharov)

Classroom teacher. On April 12, 1961, the world was shocked by the report that for the first time in the history of mankind, a spaceship ship with a man on board was launched in the history of mankind. Who was this man?

Pupils respond.

True, it was a citizen of our country Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. (Shows his portrait.) Only 108 minutes launched a flight, but Gagarin was the first one who proved that a person can work in space. Since then, April 12 has become a day of astronautics. And who is such an astronaut?

Pupils respond.

Today we will visit the role of astronauts - researchers of cosmic spaces. I suggest you play "Star Hour". To do this, it is necessary to divide into pairs. Ten people (one of each pair) will take place on the playground. Ten people will be their assistants and take place behind the tables, each near their player. Cosmonauts also work in pairs. The result of the flight depends on their coordinate actions. And your victory and your starry hour depend on your friendly game. So, start!

1 tour

Classroom teacher. Before you, a number of objects: constellations and the names of the planets (Fig. 1). Each of them has its own serial number. Listen to my question carefully and choose the number of the correct answer. If there is no correct answer here, then lift the sign with the "zero" digit. For the correct answer is a star-toe.

1. In this constellation there is a star-compass. (No. 2: Constellation Small Males. Polar Star.)

According to the legend, a powerful and very evil wizard turned a beautiful girl named Callisto to a big naughty, and in the small Maurus - the maid of the girl. Since they say in legend, the maid is all the time accompanies his Mrs. That is why the Sky Small Males is located near the Big Malar.

2. In this constellation there is a bright star obligated by its name a wonderful goat. (No. 6: Constellation Call, Capella Star.)

Fig. one.

Capella Greek thought! "! Wonderful goat. They said that this goat with his milk focused Zeus himself, when he was still very small ... When Zeus grew up and became a powerful God, he remembered his feeder and took her to the sky forever.

3. This planet is very difficult to find on Keba. And for a long time they did not know anything about it. She is closest to the sun. (No. 11: Mercury.)

4. Scientists believe that the surface of this planet consists of gas, but not only hot, but cold. This planet has many satellites. One of them is Callisto. (№ 12: Jupiter.)

5. One of the bright stars of this constellation enters the "Winter Triangle". It is located on the shoulder of the heavenly warrior. (No. 4: Constellation Orion. Star Bethelgeuse.)

6. People always considered this planet with a wonderful luminary. It appears in the sky or evenings after sunset, or in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen. On this planet there is an atmosphere. (No. 7: Venus.)

In Venus, our automatic stations flew many times. They reported land on the radio that it is impossible to live on Venus: it is too hot and the air consists of gases that cannot be breathing.

7. A kind and fair wizard that helps people grow good yields, once lived among people, but then moved to heaven. A bright star in her constellation is the name of the spice, which means "Kolos". (No. 3: Virgo Constellation.)

8. The Egyptians noticed that shortly after the first morning appearance of this star begins the spill of Nila - the Great Egyptian River. Without this water and fertile floors, the fields could not bring good yields to the Egyptians. Therefore, the appearance of this star turned into a real holiday. (No. 5: Constellation Big Dog. Star Sirius.)

9. Winds are blowing on this planet, many huge mountains, huge deserts, there are polar hats. It has planet two satellites whose names are fear and horror. (No. 8: Mars.)

10. This is a planet giant, invisible with the ground with the naked eye. She is dedicated to God of the Seas and Oceans. (No. 9: Neptune.)

The results of the tour are summed up. Two players leave, receiving incentive prizes.


Classroom teacher. Before you logical chains. Read carefully if you find an extra object, lift the card with its sequence number. If everything is right - lift the card with the "zero" digit. For the correct answer is a star-toe.

♦ 1. Vascha. 2. Sirius. 3. PERSONS.4. Betelgeuse. (N2 1- Volfas. The remaining stars make up a winter triangle.)

♦ 1. Capricorn. 2. Cancer. 3. Aquarius. 4. Eagle. (N ° 4 Eagle Other - Zodiacal constellations.)

♦ 1. Mars. 2. Venus. 3. Phobos. 4. Dimimos. (№2 - Venus Phobos and Demimos- satellites of Mars.)

♦ 1. Jupiter. 2. Earth. 3. Sun. 4. Neptune. (№3 - Sun is a star, other objects - planets.)

♦ 1. Rigel. 2. Capella. 3. Betelgeuse. (No. 3 - Capella. Rigel and Bethelgeuse - Stars from the constellation Orion.)

(№ 0 is the signs of zodiac constellations of cancer, Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn.)

♦ 1. Helios. 2. Yarilo. 3. Ra. 4. Sun, (No. 0- All this names of the Sun.)

III tour

Classroom teacher. You need to make a word from letters recorded in cubes. Whose Word will be longer, he will come out in the next round.

For the longest word, they give the star, also the star receives a participant, whose word coincides with the word of his assistant. Two participants leave the game, receiving incentive prizes.

IV tour

Classy leaderb Look carefully on the cards. Are there order they set up? Perhaps two cards should be swapped. You must raise two signs with card numbers that need to be swapped. If the order is correct, raise the plate 0.

Is the sequence of events true?

1. Run the first artificial satellite of the Earth.

2. Flight of a person in space.

3. Exit to open space.

In this order went to the flight these space ships?

1. "Apollo". 2. "Union". 3. "East".

(1 and 3 must be swapped.)

The development of space occurred in this order.

1. Human landing on the moon.

2. Exit to open space.

3. Flight of women in space.

(1 and 3 must be swapped. 1963 - Flight V. Tereshkova in space, 1965.- Exit to open space made A. Leonov, 1969 - Americans landed on the moon.)

It seems to me that astronauts went to the flight in the next sequence.

1. Y. Gagarin. 2. A. Leonov. 3. Titov.

(2 and 3 must be swapped.)

Two participants are dropped out of the game, receiving incentive prizes.

Classroom teacher. You need to make as many words as possible from the word "cosmonautics".

(Options for answers: "Vaksa", "Kanva", "Mac", "us", "OSA", "Sani", "Tank", "Wat", "Kant", "Mask", "Nose", "Osina "," Sanki "," Tik "," batting "," helmet "," mine "," sock "," Single "," Swat "," Tina "," Wine "," Kvass "," Bridge ", "Nose", "Sweet", "Tosca", "Screw", "Cinema", "Sito", "Kit", "Owl", "Kon", "Sovko", "Kom", "Juice", "Cat "," Som "," Cat "," Smak "," Spit "," Stan "," Cosmonaut "," Glass "," Ston ", etc.)

The results are summed up, the winner is awarded. He is given a word.

List of used literature

Levitan E.P. Like alka with friends, the planet is read. M., 1999.

Levitan E.P. Toddles about stars and planets. M., 1999.

Levitan E.P. Streams of alki and dwarves on the Milky Way. M., 1999.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Young Astronomer / Sost. N.P. Yerpilev. M. 1986.