Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "By whining cordless". Study of the fairy tale "By whining ignition to conclusion of a fairy tale on a whitewash

Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "By whining cordless". Study of the fairy tale "By whining ignition to conclusion of a fairy tale on a whitewash

Research by the Magic Theater

Together with Evgeny found

Disclosure of the meaning of Russian folk fairy tales

with the help of the magic theater.

Russian magic fairy tales and magic theater .

Tale, tale, tale, story, show, it seems ... the words of one root. To tell, tell me - means to show an image or a prototype with or with the word. C - the word, causing - to show. An image from life, from the life, from the space where the soul lives, where the spirit lives, where there is no unconscious, there is no prohibition, where everything is possible where the gods live,

Heroes and fabulous, as we call them, creatures.

In the old, very recent times, the custom was spread in the working artels: contained artificers of a special person - a storyteller, paid him for living with them, and every day did not work for him, but told them in the evenings and on holiday fairy tales and epics , Different stories. So there were those people their souls with impressions and images of the world, they lived together with the fate of the fate of the characters of the narratives, learned their lives, learned it and entered into those worlds and conditions where all this happened.

Then the scene took the newspaper first, then the radio, then television and stories and fairy tales became completely different ...

And before that - in the old epic times - the old young fairy tales were dedicated in the state of life and spent all sorts of worlds, and formed, and the wisdom of life was transferred. Fairy tales and small and adults are easily remembered, and all children love them, they have a mysterious charming, exciting, attracting the soul of some kind of pristine purity and integrity of magic.

The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hid - a good young lesson; Neither in the fairy tale, nor the pen describe; And, on the contrary, - do not think about, not to spend - only in the fairy tale ... how often we all heard these words and, honestly, especially did not think that they mean, and even mean something. Somehow, we had it that we mean the meaning of the word Tale we mean as an unprecedented, beautiful and, perhaps, meaningless fiction, probably the might be somewhere there, in the past (who knows how even it was there, because it was all But it was ...), but for us, as if completely unrealistic, with an incomprehensible goal, leaving from generation into generation people.

The word storyteller is often compared with the inventor and hand. Maybe this is such a folk trick, humor - cover with bright incomprehensibility of my own poverty and simpleness, pretend to be something for it, to protect at least so your culture and the right to a distinctive life, and there, in fairy tales, and there is nothing - just beautiful Noby. But why are people from generation to generation, despite all the efforts of teachers and scientists and psychologists who still try to come up with a scientific reading substitute for children like: "Mom Soap Frame, we are not slaves - we are not slaves," retells and rewrite fairy tales? And why are the very famous adults who were engaged in this case: A. Tolstoy, for example, and N.Afanasyev? What power is so in them? And why, for example, the laws of physics or spelling rules, persistently memorable, somehow quickly forgotten and, despite the painful swells, do not remember or remember the boredom, and fairy tales are remembered by almost everyone and come out of memory easily and bright, fun , and bring with you a wave of optimism, lively and bright joy? Questions and questions ... and, perhaps, allow them is impossible otherwise than through their soul and his heart. Unfortunately, science here is powerless. Many generations of scientists have achieved only the decomposition of fairy tales into components, comparisons and statistical analysis. Defended dissertations that find out how many times, and which letter is found in such texts ... I wonder of course ... informative. But ... Science has not yet proven itself that the soul exists, so I don't understand the tale of science without soul.

The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint there is ... I wonder how and what a lesson in lies can be, and what is this lie, in which there is a lesson, and also good young? We will pay attention - under the incomprehensible allegory, one always lies, or even several layers of meaning. Or - "Do not think, not to pay out, only in the fairy tale say" ... We think: do not think about it - in modern one - do not invent, do not take up - do not guess, respectively, not to guess, only in the fairy tale. It turns out - do not come up with, do not guess, but only retell. And you can only retell what was! What existed and was seen. And it is said. C - in the sense of being taken, and - causing, that is, shown as an image. Said. Better and not tell.

It is non-understanding in texts, illogy, and direct misfortunes forced attention to them and think about them, which is why these texts that do not have explicit, slim logic are transmitted from generation to generation. And the people who are located in such conditions that, in addition to the very necessary for living, no strength, nor the time. And what internal impressive invisible force hold these absurdities and the incident, for which they serve, and why no one elapses them, does not correct the text to the right and beautiful, life? What kind of incident? About this a little later ...

That is, the process of our knowledge of the meaning of fairy tales began with the fact that finally, all these from childhood feeling, but not realized nonsense and inconsistencies, the semantic twists and stupns of fairy tales became visible and hooked the attention, realized, it became very interesting - what lies behind them. Feeling - lies. And, at different times, from different sources, literally several phrases concerned about the meaning of fairy tales were read and heard. It was a spark, at least small, but exactly those who have fallen into the soul, and already flashed and deposited, caught fire inside, and the movement went, the rest was the matter of time and technology.

You read a fairy tale, and immediately arises a lot of questions. Why or why in a fairy tale "Ryaba chicken The old man and the old woman beat the egg and did not smash? This is a question that was interested in many. Indeed, why beat him? It is easier to sell much money and make out money. Why a mouse lightly crashed him or crushed him? Why did the old man cry from this cry, they also wanted to break it too? Why did the chicken promise to be demolished to comfort a simple egg? Why in different versions of the fairy tale, wolf and cried together with my grandfather and grandmother, and I even touched the Bear to myself? Or, in another version, the deacon bell church interrupted, and the pop books ripped when they learned that the golden egg broke?

Why did Yemel lay on the oven? Who are daughter-in-law, and what kind of pussy in the winter in the hole, are they on the pits? Why for firewood in the forest through the city was to go? Why did the king in his daughter and his daughter planted and put on the sea? Why did Emelya always opposed when you need to do something, and how Tsarevna offered him a handsome to become, so agreed at once? This is only part of the questions arising from reading all the famous fairy tales.

Why was the soldier stood at the tower lonely on the clock? It is from the fairy tale "Elena Revision." Why thirty years? Why did he release the hell? And in general, a complete nonsense, it would seem when the damn says to him a hungry soldier: "Go to me to the palace in me, I have three daughters of beauty, you will look after them, and they will feed you for it." What a normal father, - even damn, - calmly leave the beauties of the daughters on a young soldier and still feed him for it! What is this soldier, and what kind of beauty? And what kind of career is? And so on and so forth…

And the most mystical alchemical and saturated with meaning, perhaps the fairy tale "Go there - I do not know where, I bring it - I do not know what." Also, since childhood, thought was in a dead end: how can I go there - I don't know where to go, and that - I do not know what to bring?

And so, if you look at, in every fairy tale. Questions, questions and questions ...

It was possible to dismiss and skip it all under the brand - "artistic fiction", but something inside did not give rest.

And now, finally, one day, it happened. There was awareness, insights that can be tried in the magical theater, for not quite classical scheme for him, under a slightly different angle of vision to lose, put a fairy tale and see what happens. In MT, the executives of roles perceive the states of the displayed images and personalities, and respond to questions about their essence, so it was thought that it would be possible to ask - these are the very questions above and many others. And once decided, and put a fairy tale and pretended ... But we did not expect such power and grace ...

It turned out that every famous Russian folk fairy tale has its clear semantic life and sensual space. There are several levels of semantic scenes, several levels or layers of information about the device of peace, humans, human society and the basics of life processes, deeply hidden and unfolding layers, are the key or entry into a special state, the state of insight and integrity. There is not a single random empty word or image in the fairy tale, and each image has several levels of meaning and several semal interrelations with other images, and participates in the mapping and formation of many meanings. And they can be disclosed for a very long time; We had a job, until the strength had enough and the overall sense of understanding was preserved. Moreover, the strength and desire ended in approximately simultaneously - just by the end of the passage of several of the most prominent and explicit layers of meaning. We finished when a sense of completion of the process came, but it was clear to everyone that there is still a lot of things. After completing the process of disclosing a fairy tale, on all participants, a very benevolent bright and joyful state descended, the fairy tale lived in us and shone us with their light.

The work happened like this: a group of people familiar with work in the magical theater gathered. They agreed to put or disclose a fairy tale chosen by general voting, chose a fairy tale and distributed roles on the sensation - to whom it wanted, who would respond to. Along the way, it depends on what a fairy tale was, the therapeutic tasks were solved, a person with a personal request was becoming the opposite roles, which was worked out through them through the accommodation of the main hero.

The very first fairy tale was the disclosed in this way was "Ryabina", in other versions, simply "egg". We do not bring it here, firstly, because there is already a good printed interpretation and, secondly, because this fairy tale is so brilliantly simple that its interpretation can be reduced either to two or three stricmes or write a whole book. Two or three sties These are: in the tale "Ryabina" tale tells how in the world of people they originated - a method of thinking appeared - not direct, but through samples, imprints of the previously meaningful. And the perception of the world, thus distorted, people lost a vision.

And one of the first fairy tales seems to be the third, disclosed in this way "By magic". The classical, known to everyone, who stamped, can be said to be set aside with his usual "generally accepted" and, nevertheless, not quite understandable "meaning" and regular commemoration of Emelie. The point, besides, happened in the May Forest. One of the participants in the group had a request, briefly formulated so - "Purpose, the path of man on earth."

He became Enel. At first, they read the fairy tale loud, listened to her carefully.

Then the remaining participants disassembled roles. We had a pike, river with a hole, oven. Hiswa and the same man played the same man. There were still Sani, daughter-in-law, officer, scoring noble, King, Marya-Tsarevna and Emely.

They distributed the mirrors ... the state, unlike the usual, had to hand out the leading.

And gradually, the work went. Everyone turned into a researcher, a kind of hunter for meaning. It was somewhat different from the cut and the direction of work in the "ordinary" MT, but it was no less vividly and interesting. At first, they switched and swinging with difficulty, but gradually, after several successful questions of the lead, which were interesting to everyone, work gradually went, and went deep. The meaning was realized by all in turn, depending on whether the focus was on whom. Sometimes the meaning was discovered by everyone at the same time, sometimes leading. And it was clear that the fairy tale was alive, and she manites into himself and wishes to be revealed. She was created for this ...

The study of the fairy tale "By whining kettling".

In one village there was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya.

The older brothers work, and Emelya all day on the stove lies and does nothing.

Who is Emely, why the fool and why it is on the stove, and not on a shop, for example. And so almost all the fairy tale ... And why does nothing? Here is the first question that arose. And what's the brothers for work do?

I once left the brothers at the bazaar, and women, daughter-in-law, let's send it:

- "Go, Emel, for water." And he from the stoves: - "reluctance" ...

- "Go, Emelya, and then the brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you."

- "Okay".

What is this daughter-in-law? Why do they scare the emely by the deprivation of hotels? And what is it for the brothers? Why are Emale reluctance to go for water? Is it a regular laziness or something else?

Tears of Emel from the stove, shoved, dressed, took the buckets and the ax and went to the river.

I burned the ice, burned the buckets and put them, and he himself looks into the hole. And he saw Emelya in the corruption pike. I was illuminated and grabbed the pike in my hand: - "Here the ear will be sweet"!

Why exactly in winter there is an action? Why not in the forest of Emel went, and did not speak with the leisher or tree? Why exactly with fish dealt? Where did the pussy from the winter in the hole, are known that pikes, like every fish for the winter in the pit on the bottom hiding? Why did Yemele looked into the hole, after he scored water? It was possible to go home, most likely to the oven ... Further: as it is so - obvious, like, a fool - a duplicate - Liegehogok, Emelya not only saw a pike, but also turned out to be so agile and cleft, which managed to grab the pike from the water that in real The world is probably possible for read masters? What kind of pike is such that you can snatch out of the hole, and what is it for a hole where such pikes are found? Maybe these are symbols of something? What? Why does the pike tell a human voice? Is it possible? In the fairy tale, each ridiculous, or somehow different from the generally accepted, smooth, simple sense, serves as an indication of the entrance to the deeper layers of the essence. There are fairy tales consisting of almost some of the misfortunes and, nevertheless, living in the eyelids, for example, the same "Ryaba chicken". And what does the desire of the sweet ears of Emete? After all, it is clear that the hole and pike symbolize something. Maybe the ear is also a symbol?

Emelya - Fool - In order for the mind to prevent him from seeing peace and learn. Smart thinks that he already knows what he needs and, therefore, he does not study and does not see the world, and for ease he drives him under his ideas and sees what he wants to see or what he decided to see.

The brothers it is such - smart - and they work in society and for society so that it is appreciated and approved; And these "benefits" of the daughter-in-law are seduced by Emel. He learns himself, lying on the stove.

Winter - free time from harvesting suffering, the right time for teaching, and it, teaching, begins when there is a soul desire for him. Emelya was attentive to the world, he listened and felt the world, and therefore saw a pike in the hole - here the pike, among other things, is marked, a rather rare, but real, chance to realize himself or spirit, soul in herself. And a vigilant Emel took advantage of them - grasped attention (here with hand) something in his consciousness and in its inner world.

Suddenly, Pike tells him a human voice: - "Emelya, let me go to the water, I get to you." And Emelya laughs: - "What can I use me? No, I will carry you home, I drove into the daughter-in-mind of the ear to cook. There will be a sweet ear. " Pike prayed again:

"Emelya, Emelya, let me go to the water, I will do you all that you wish."

Why didn't Emelya surprised that Pike says? Again, the question is - what is this pike such that performs wishes? And what kind of intention and state shows Emely, when concludes an agreement and checks its observance?

He was ready, because he was not surprised. He knew or felt the spirit of the Spirit, the language of intention, and therefore impassively checked what it is for the power, threatening to cook pike. And the power showed itself.

"Okay, just show first that you don't cheat me, then I will let go." Pike asks him: - "Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

It is - not that "you need" and then "what you want now," the pike asks and it can be seen that it is connected with the desires of the soul, with wants, with hunting and not with duties, that is, the strength of the buyer belongs to the inner world of man To his mental states and gust. Simply put, the pike fish reflects the soul of a person - Emelie in this case, floating in the global soul, and alert - attentive Emel acts as a symbol of a student of the student of themselves in this world. And he learns to listen to and aware, see their desires, their strength, is the simplest, saints, natural desires. And not the image that is needed in order to become strong or smart. Those simple wishes and feelings that we, in the modern world, on the contrary, hide deeper, trying to be someone as the best, but not. Pike-soul taught Emel to be just herself.

And why, after all, he let go of a pike, although he could cook it? And the answer was found on this question: it turned out that the manufacture of the ears would mean a stop in knowledge at the level of mastering by some craft, allowing to be fed, live. Emelya was not a fool, and went further, overcoming the call of primary needs. And learning to take them and satisfy them.

- "I want the buckets to go home, and the water would not have spacing" ...

Shchuk himself says: - "Mine words remember: when you want - tell me only:" By whining the vein, in my opinion. " Emelya and says: - "By whining the vein, in my opinion, go, go, buckets, home" ... just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went beams himself. Buckets are held on the village, the people are divided, and Emel goes from behind, laughing ...

What does the desire mean - so that the shoulder go to go home, and what does it mean, "at a prominent class in my desire"? What does the pike symbolize here and what is my want? Why people are divided into what is happening, it seems to be clear - a miracle, but then there is a sense - people are surprised by the simple and easy to satisfy the internal desires, Lada in themselves, apparently, not everyone has it. Emelya released a pike into a hole, that is, he complies with the agreement, he is honest and the topics shows an animation world that you can cooperate with him. The next layer of meaning - he, faced with the power of the soul, realized her essence and realized that it was impossible to own it, it is impossible to keep it in the ultrasound, but you can only touch and skip, spend through yourself, and therefore has become a contempor, he understood that there is always He always has a river and can always go to the corruption ...

"By whining omen, in my desire" means the unity of the soul and spirit, that is, the soul tells to want, and the Spirit spends this will. Do not want to be completely impossible and it's better to want to be right, in harmony with a pure - mental rally, which also displays the world soul, its essence, desire and device. And the awareness of his soul makers was also awareness of the animation of the world.

Buckets have entered the hut and themselves became a shop, and Emelya climb on the oven.

Was a lot of time, it's not time - the daughter-in-law say to him: - "Emelya, what are you lying? Would go to the firewood. " "Lack of reluctance" ... "" Do not disturb firewood, brothers from the bazaar arrive, they will not bring the hotels. "

And yet - who are these bubbles? Why did everything happen without a father, who would be remembered why then at the beginning? What hotel brothers should bring? What do firewood mean?

Baba daughter-in-law turned out to be natural natural body needs for life without the satisfaction of which, hunting is to do or reluctance - no matter, no one can live normally, even the great Ascetic Buddha one fine day has become food and confessing moderation in everything. Father, of course, means Creator and therefore is clearly not present, but it is at the beginning of a fairy tale marked. The brothers are both other people who are busy in society (they have no time to study themselves) and, at the same time, the society itself, which represents the unwillingness to agree with him, the danger. But if Emel cooperates, that is, walks behind water, firewood, etc., he cares about himself, then he albeit "fool", but not crazy, and you can not touch him, let him live. Gifts are promised, it is here for the approval of other people.

Sacred meaning of Russian fairy tales

Ever reluctance to sink from the furnace. He remembered about Pike and Slowly says:

- "By whining vein, in my opinion - I look, the ax, the shaking of firewood, and the firewood - go in the hut and put in the oven ...

Emelya on the furnace and forgot about the pike and about its possibilities, and was obviously not tied to the possession of the force that this place the fairy tale is underlined for the second time. Lyzhka on the stove, he was busy. Namely, the consciousness of himself, a wanderland in the world of their consciousness ...

The oven here means the self, God's spark, the inner fire, the light and the space of their consciousness, in which Emelya sought to be all the time and went out from there with the visible reluctance, especially at first, and only to commit the most necessary actions. That is, he was busy with almost constant self-pressing.

The ax jumped out from under the shop - and on the courtyard, and let's do the firewood, and the firewood themselves go to the hut and climb the oven. Many, whether the time has passed - the daughter-in-law says again: - "Emel, we no longer have firewood. Come to the forest, violaby. And he from the stoves:

- "Yes, then what?" - "How are we on what? .. Is our business in the forest for firewood ride?" - "I'm reluctant" ... - "Well, there will be no gifts."

But, nevertheless, the world regularly reminds of itself, and it comes to no longer water - is a symbol soulful depth and power of the Soul and the Spirit as the current one. It concerns firewood, which here also mean the experiences of the world's events to maintain the inner divine fire - a living interest in the world, and knowledge about the external world, which also have to minimize, like firewood, peculiar attention. But now it is much easier, since a new way of reflection and accomplishment has been mastered - not chaotic and instinctive as before, but the unity of conscious desire and intention. Here daughter-in-law needs just taught him how to satisfy them. Emelya, it was, I tried this thing to blame on them, but it was not there, the laws of nature could not disrupt anyone, and it is not necessary, naturally naturally. Here the fairy tale teaches and this is obvious - no need to fight with your nature, it is better to follow it.

Nothing to do. Tears of Emel from the furnace, shoved, dressed. I took the rope and ax, went to the courtyard and sat down in Sani: - "Baba, revole the gate!" The daughter-in-law says to him: - "What are you, foolish, sat down in Sani, and the horse is not ground?" - "I do not need a horse."

The daughters opened the gate, and Emelya speaks slowly: - "By whining the vein, in my opinion - go, Sani, in the woods themselves" ...

The ride behind the gate means the beginning of the necessary, though forced work on the awareness of the outside world. By this point, Emel has already learned to manage himself - the gate was discovered by the daughter-in-law, the horse, that is, the usual attention is not needed, it means that some internal forces have already been obedient to his will. Sunny journey here means the journey of consciousness at the same time and in the external and in the inner world, which displays external.

Sani themselves and went to the gate, yes so quickly - do not catch up with the horse.

And in the forest it was necessary to go through the city, and then he remembered a lot of people, suppressed. The people scream: "Keep it! Catch it! ", And he knows Sani chasing. I arrived in the forest: - "By whining veliny, in my opinion - an ax - an anti-therapel of the firewood, and you, the firewood, ride themselves in Sani, knit yourself" ... The ax began to chop, prick a dry tree, and the firewood themselves are lying in the rope Knit. Then Emelya ordered the topor to cut off his battlefield - such a raise to raise. Having sat on WHO: - "By whining the velinist, in my opinion - go, Sani, home" ...

Why go to the forest through the city? Why do people put people in it? What is this city, what kind of people? The city is the world of ordinary people, which Emelya, being a man himself, can not be able to bear consciousness in his journey. People in the city are the guys of human, the larvae created for the deception, which essentially put it is not a pity, even though they are worried and threaten with disgrupters. A baton is the strength and means of the transformation of a larva, which is only power, effort is done.

Sanya rushed home. Again, he drives Emelya for the city, where the divecha remembered, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are waiting for him. Calculated Emel and drags with WHO, scold and beat. He sees that it is bad, and slowly: - "By whining the vein, in my opinion - well, a club, a broken boc". Dubinka jumped up - let's bang. The people rushed away, and Emel came home and climbed into the oven.

Why exactly the sides are broken and not to drive, for example? And simply the sides - the edges - the most obvious symbol of the form, and you should not kill very larva, they for some reason are needed. And not a simple thing is a thing, working with licensions and images, it is necessary to repeat it, break through the effort, with a fight - so great the binding strength of images.

How long, briefly - he heard the king about the emesteen tries and sends an officer after him: to find it and bring him to the palace.

The king is the owner, the real lord. Something he was interested in Emelin Trading. For some reason, he does not make it sharpened by Emel in Ostrog, for example, but send an officer to bring Emel to him. Here, the officer is a symbol of the simple strength of the hierarchical social management and management and, at the same time, his appearance is the first test, since the king does not intend to destroy Emel, and the king's Emelya is needed for some reason. What for? The king is needed a decent successor.

An officer arrives in that village, enters that hut, where Emel lives, and asks: - "Are you a fool of Emel?" And he from the stove: - "What do you want for?" - "Dress Rather Rather, I'll take you to the king." "" And I reluctance "... an officer got angry and hit him on his cheek." And Emelya speaks slowly: - "By whining the vein, in my Wannu - a double, breaking his sides," ... Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother the officer, he was abandoned.

"The fool" is already here something like a title or status, and by the way, the Emel did not call here - "I am a fool", he immediately began to look at the root. Baton as a force of transformation masks, which, in turn, created public - use hierarchical, and here has helped to overcome the pressure now forces of society in the officer's face. That is, Emelya has proven its independence and independence from the opinion of society, independence from public thinking. He showed the king his self, is that it is worth learning on.

The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emel, and sends a very great noble: - "Bring me to the palace fool Emelya, and then take off his head from his shoulders." Bucked up the wideline Izyumu, prune, gingerbread, came to that village, entered the hut and began to ask the daughter of the daughter, which loves Emel.

"Our Emelya loves when he is affectionately asked yes red caftan ascend," then he will do everything that will not ask. "

The king, as the ruler, immediately felt the successor (so immediately reported the figures - performers of roles), but the order there is order - from simple to complex and from small to the big one, because the officer was first, - we note that without troops, that is, a peculiar symbol Dedications.

Diffeline noble means the strength of a completely different order. This mind is a manager who plans and ponders actions, organizes events, comprehensiles and understands the causes and investigations and is able to deal with them. For him, the result is important, not a way, and there is a wide variety of ways to achieve a goal.

Diffory Weljab gave Emeyle Iisha, prune, gingerbread and says: - "Emelya, Emelya, what are you lying on the furnaces? We will go to the king. " - "I am warm here" ... - "Emelya, Emelya, the king will be good to feed you," Please will go. " - "And I am reluctant" ... - "Emelya, Emelya, the king you will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots." Emelya thought, thought: - "Well, okay, you go ahead, and I will fall for you."

The scoring noble understands that I will not take a force, and promises food, caftan cap and boots, that is, bodily and sensual satisfaction and satisfaction of vanity. This attracted Emel on the natural tendency of people to pleasure and because of his novelty and unknown, and was another test test. In addition, Emelya understood well what the matter goes.

Sacred meaning of Russian fairy tales

Left nobleman and Emelya lay still and said: - "According to Pike, I Wish - Come on, the oven, go to the king," ... Here in the house corners cracked, the roof staggered wall flew, and the oven will go down the street, On the way, straight to the king.

Why on the furnace, not on the sleigh, for example, and not with an avoiding together? Here, complex mixing of the meaning turned out. The oven here acts as a symbol of the internal force of the dust - the inner space, which is mastered, is conscious to which the owner is. And why not the whole hitch? But because you can get to meet with the king with what the king himself. Izba, in this case, there is not only an internal space that is subject to check, but the whole world of Emelie, and at that time he was not yet the owner. So I decided to go not to the stove and show the power, because I already understood and anticipate that he was waiting for him. And it is waiting for his dedication to the king.

The king looks out the window, is divided: - "What is the miracle?" The scaldable one is responsible for him: - "And this is an emelya to the furnace goes to you."

The king, though the king, and also not ready for such a manifestation of self Emeli, he needs to understand what is happening, which he does by means of reason - great noble.

The king came out on the porch: - "Something, Emelya, for you a lot of complaints! You suppressed a lot of people. " - "Why did they climb under Sani?"

Very indicative dialogue: it is said that a lot of people are depressed somehow, as if not about people. The actual violator would have been punished and without the king. And then the king personally checks the strength and ability of Emeli to realize, destroy and create images, including social. Emelya clearly shows strength, but not quite a skill: why did they climb under Sani? Which allegorically means - I have power, and I can direct it to achieve my goal, albeit straight and hard, inesently, but I can. The king is here and in general in a fairy tale - a teacher, a mentor who owns knowledge, a spiritual father. And not the head of the state as a community. Although of course there were different emes ...

It is also traced here, firstly, the recognition of the current king, and secondly, the lesson for managing force.

At this time, the royal daughter was glared on him the window - Marya-Tsarevna. Emelya saw her in the window and says slowly: - "By whining the vein, in my wain - let the royal daughter love me" ... And I said again: - "Stay, oven, home" ... The stove turned and went home, went to the hut and became For the same place. Emelya again lying-lie down.

To fall in love with Mariu-Tsarevna Emely could not if she did not love him. Here in the royal court, in dedication, and the Emeley took a date with his inner female part - Anima. Only above it is really dominated, to give it to manifest. And he understood it. It was time to gain not only strength, but also internal integrity. He realized that it was not necessary for love for love, it was necessary. In this: "Let the royal daughter love me" and there is permission to love himself - the word "let". And here there is another layer of meaning - the beginning of aware of himself to the king.

Note that the king completely without objections released the Emel and did not oppose his departure on the stove, as it was performed that it was done - Emel was checking and communicated with the king not at the social level, but in the language of forces, because so unceremoniously and short.

And the king in the palace cry and tears. Marya-Tsarevna is bored by Ever, can't live without him, asks her father, so that he gave her for the Emel to marry. Then the king worn, shouting and says again as many nobles. - "Stay, bring me a living or dead Emel, and then I will take off my shoulders."

It turned out to be encrypted here: comes such a time when the teacher also needs to learn. Living or dead means emel in feelings, or under the contract. Because the ability at the king himself lacks here, and he does not know about it. And the king, teaching the student, the exam for ownership of art himself.

Bucked scalid wedlan's wines of sweet and different snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to sweat emeel. Emelya got drunk, ate, Zahmel, and went to bed. And the nobleman put it in the wagon and brought to the king. The king immediately ordered to order a big barrel with iron hoops. It was planted by Emel and Mariu-Tsarevna, scratched and the barrel was thrown into the sea.

Why did the king go, in fact, to kill her daughter, and Emeley, although before it did not attempt on it? Why in a barrel in the sea, not in the fire, for example, or cave or river? The king across the random item arranged Emely another check - on the temptations of the body and feelings. Worked troublelessly. Here is the condition of man from the body and its needs. As well as show periods in the development of consciousness and self-awareness and rebirth after traveling in a state of integrity - in the sea of \u200b\u200bfeelings. The sea here is a collective unconscious or the world of Previews, Emelya - the Spirit forgot himself. And the teacher simultaneously gives Emele a lesson to remember himself. Marya Tsarevna is a soul that felt and remembering himself and knowing life. She can't live without the Spirit. The king - the teacher, knew that would be the result of a trip. It also shows a slice of real life - as real kings for the sake of power or whims do not spare at times and their children. The tale teaches to see life and several meanings immediately and, taking everything as it is, not to confuse one with another.

How long is it briefly - Yemel woke up; Sees - dark, closely. - "Where is me?"

And he is responsible: - "boring and nausea, Emeyelushka! We scrambled us in the barrel, threw in the blue sea. " - "And who are you?" - "I am Marya-Tsarevna." Emelya says: - "By whining vein, in my opinion - the winds of the violent, roll off the barrel on the dry coast, on the yellow sand" ...

Warm winds poured. The sea was excited, barrel thrown into a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of it.

The soul helped the spirit to remember himself in the side of the sobrase and gave the power to wake up, wish and reborn, gain independence.

- "Emeyelushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut. "

"And I'm reluctant" ... Here she began to ask him to ask him, he says, he says: "By whining the wenst, in my opinion, a stone palace with a golden roof" ... Only he said, a stone palace appeared with a golden roof. Circle - Green Garden: Flowers flower and birds sing.

Which is a hut, not a palace, - for some reason asks Tsarevna, it seems to be accustomed to the palaces. It doesn't need a lot in a holistic heart with the heart to start. She is so good. But it was here a kind of checking on a misery, suddenly, the Emel will not be afraid not to remember what force and the ability to own and build no matter what the hut is not a palace. Emel passed and this exam.

How can you build so and where? No other way as thought in his mind.

Marya-Tsarevna from Emers entered the palace, got from the window. - "Emelyushka, and you can not become a handsome to you?" Here Emel thought it for a short time: - "By whining the vein, in my opinion, it's a kind of good young, writing with a handsome man" ... and became Emely, that in a fairy tale, not to describe in a fairy tale.

When we are talking about self and inner transformation, Emelja immediately agreed, that is, he saw, to recognize and accept the divine beauty of the world and of itself, of which he reminded the soul saw God in himself. He transformed internally. Obviously, this is a special action, maybe even its goal, and it completes the entire chain of transfigations of Emetel.

And at that time the king went to hunt and sees - it is worth the palace, where there was nothing before.

- "What is this unfortunate without my permitting on my land built the palace?"

And sent to learn-ask: "Who are these?"

Why did the king rode on the hunt, and not for fishing or the embassy somewhere? The usual life of the Earth Kings is also displayed here, but also shows the space of O-hot, in which other kings live - the kings of themselves. They live in O-hot, that is, they do what they want. And here, in this world of hunting one king ring (probably because it is a symbol of the teacher) saw another hunt - now also transfigured inwardly full of the king, passed all the tests Emeli, and decided to see if he is ignorant. That is, it is fully knowledgeable by Emelie. Nevezhi is something different: not knowing some rules. That is, here is the final exam and the final recognition of the right of Emeli to the kingdom. This right must be witnessed to another king.

The ambassadors ran, steel under the window, asked. Emelya answers them:

"Sistay the king to visit me, I will tell him." The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, planting at the table. Start they to appear. The king eats, drinks and not put pressure: - "Who are you, kind well done?" - "And remember the fool of Emel - as I came to your ovens, and you told him with my daughter in a barrel to scramble, throw in the sea? I am the same Emel. I want - all your kingdom of fire and ruin. "

Emelya invites teachers personally to his world so that he looked and appreciated everything as it is. He comes and evaluates. Both first pretend that they do not recognize a friend, and maybe they really do not recognize the king by Emel. This shows the completeness of the changes that occurred from the rates and their depth.

And here the last time Emel passes the exam and shows his strength and that now he can cope with all the kingdom. Previously, I could not, and there was no speech about it.

The king was frightened, she began to ask for forgiveness - "Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, but do not ruin me!" They arranged a feast to the whole world. Emelya married Marya-Tsarevne and began to manage the kingdom.

Ask forgiveness - too sacred inner act - old king, who trained a full successor - the student realizes that he can go, and it purifies the soul permission and repentance, conveys the kingdom young Emel and goes into the fiery trip, the famous and mysterious fire a transition that he will help make a student. Therefore, Emelya says that the fire is smeared, shows that he owns fire, and not water threatens, for example.

There is just "destroy the king" (the image of the king's owner - the creator as the stage of personal evolution) could just not taking the kingdom Emel, and here clearly shows the life with its laws of transition and continuity, Vel everyone to grow and develop, multiply knowledge and skills. Be the king on earth and owner.

Here and the fairy tale is the end.

So inener, simple seemingly a fairy tale, turned out to be an exact guidebook and pointer on the path of man to myself, to God, to the meaning of life.

The study of the fairy tale "Elena Revadya".

But another fairy tale, and we will analyze it a little different.

"Elena Revision"

In the oldest times in a certain kingdom, not in our state, it happened to one soldier at the Stone Tower standing on the clock; The tower was on the lock locked and the seal is sealed, and it was night.

Here the soldier is a man, and the person is social and, at the same time, he is the spirit of human with his qualities. The tower is the repository of his inner strength. Castle and printing - Bans.

Exactly at twelve hours hears a soldier that someone shouts from this tower: - "Hey, serviced!" The soldier asks: - "Who caresses me?" "This is the hell," the voice speaks due to the iron lattice, "" Thirty years as I sit here, do not drink, not the Justice. "

Damn - the inner force, which is without the attention of a person, sat in it to the pore. Thirty years old - sacred age, age of growing up. It is more denoted by the damn way, the unbridled power is tempted by temptations and danger.

- "What do you need?" - "Release me to the will. How will you need, I myself come in oring to you; Only remember me - and I'm on the same moment I will go to the revenue. "

The soldier immediately torn the seal, broke the castle and challenged the doors - the hell jumped out of the tower, swayed up and killed faster than zipper. "Well," the soldiers thinks, "I made things; My whole service is missing. Now they will put me on arrest, give up to a military court and, which is good, will make a walk through the system; It's better to lose weight while there is time. " Threw a gun and a wretcher to the ground and went where the eyes look.

The act of it is a natural realization of the internal need for freedom.

He walked day, and the other, and the third; disassembled his hunger, and there is nothing to drink; Having sat on the road, I cried with bitter tears and blew up: "Well, if I'm not stupid? He served the Tsar for ten years, every day three pounds got bread. So here is not! I ran away to the will to die starving the hungry death. Eh, Damn, everything you see! "

The understanding of what is happening from old habits.

Suddenly, from where it took, it became unclean and asked: - "Hello, serve! What are you burning about? " "How I don't grieve, if the third day with hunger disappear." - "Not the tales, this is the right thing!" - said the hell. There, it rushed here, I dragged all sorts of wines and supplies, I fed a soldier and call him with him:

The first use of force.

- "In my house there will be an enjoyable life; Pey, eat and walk, how much the soul wants, just look after my daughters - nothing is needed anything else. "

The soldier agreed. Heck I grabbed him under the arms, lifted high up into the air and brought to distant lands, tridesyatom state - white stone chamber.

The thirtieth state is the center of ourselves. Journey to yourself - with its strength.

The trait was three daughters beauties. He ordered them to obey the soldier and feed and drink him pleading, and he himself flew to do the dirtyness: it is known - damn! There is never sitting on the spot, and everything in the light redden and people confuse people.

Three daughters are three perceptions. Vision hearing and touch.

The soldiers remained with the Red Maiden, and such a living happened to him, which is not necessary to remember. One twisted it: the red girls from home leave every night, and where they leave - unknown.

Unconscious while dreams of dreams.

He began to ask them about it, do not affect, shut down. "Well," the soldiers thinks, "I will watch a whole night, and I see where you are dragging."

Where we will not penetrate the word, but only feeling.

In the evening, the soldiers went to bed, pretended, as if she was sleeping hard, and he would not wait wait - something would be? This is how it came time-time, he crept slowly to the maiden bedroom, became at the door, bent and looking into the key well. The red girls brought a magic carpet, dismissed on the floor, hit the carpet and became doves; They were fixed and flew into the window. "What Divo! - Soldier thinks. - Let me try. " Jumped into the bedroom, hit the carpet and turned around with Malinovka, flew out the window and after them.

Mastering a change in the state of consciousness through the deep contemplation of its own rhythms and processes. Merge with him by consciousness.

Doves dropped onto the green meadow, and the raspberry sat down under the curor of the bush, shelled behind the leaves and looks out from there.

Traveling in a dream around the space of the world soul and learning in a dream.

The place was apparently invisible, the whole meadow covered; In the middle there was a golden throne. Some weather also mastered the sky and the earth - the golden chariot flies through the air, in the harness six fire snakes; On the chariot sits the Kingper Elena. Wheel - such an abrasion is indescribed, which is neither thinking, neither to take away or say in a fairy tale!

Elena Revinde - World Soul and at the same time reflected in each woman.

She descended from the chariot, sat on the golden throne; Began to call doves in turn and teach them different wisdoms. I committed the study, jumped into the chariot - and was as follows! Here everything to a single dove starred from a green meadow and each in their way. The Malinovka bird felt after three sisters and with them found himself in the bedroom. Doves hit the carpet - they became red girls, and the Malinovka hit - turned around with a soldier. - "Where are you from?" - Ask His girls.

"" And I am with you on a green meadow, I saw a wonderful Royal on the Golden throne and heard you taught you a queen of different tricks. " - "Well, your happiness that survived! After all, this Kingana - Elena is led by, our powerful lady. If with her, yes there was her magic book, she would immediately recognize you - and then not to avail you evil death. Beware, serve! Do not fly more on a green meadow, do not make a divine on Elena, you will not fold a buoy. "

The danger from the mercenary use of their strength.

The soldier does not lose, those speeches past the ears pass. I waited for another night, hit the carpet and became a bird-Malinovka. Malinovka flew on a green meadow, hidden under the curor of the bush, looks at Elena who wisely, admires her with a little beauty and thinks: "If you have to get such a wife - nothing else to wish in the world! I will fly a challenge for her, I find out where she lives. "

The inner call for integrity, to the combination of spirit with the soul.

Here Elena has gone away from the golden throne, sat on his chariot and rushed through the air to his wonderful palace; Following her and the raspberry flew. Kingana arrived in the palace; They ran toward her to meet the nannies and mothers, picked her under his arms and took into painted chambers. And the bird-Malinovka flashed into the garden, chose a beautiful tree that just stood under the window of the king bedroom, sat down on the branch and began to sing so well, and there was no plaintive that the whole night and the eye did not wash the eye - she listened to everything. Just climbed the red sun, Elena screamed with a loud voice:

- "Nanniki, Mammy, Run more in the garden; Casting me a bunch of raspberry! "

Nanniki and mothers rushed into the garden, began to catch a singing ptashchi ... yes where to them, old women! Malinovka with Kustyk Kustyk pecks, does not fly far and is not given in the handle.

Did not squeeze the queen, ran into the green garden, she wants to catch a bird-rain bunch; Suitable for a bush - the bird from the branch does not touch, sitting after the wings, as if she was waiting for her. Golden the queen, took a bird in his hands, brought to the palace, put in a golden cage and hung in his bedroom.

The whole process of catching and golden cell - the proprietary feelings inherent in female nature. And also here shows the need of the Spirit to experience yourself and risk.

The day passed, the sun rolled out, Elena dislude fleece on the green meadow, grown, began to remove the journey, undressed and went to bed. As soon as the queen fell asleep, the Malinovka bird turned into a fly, flew out of the golden cage, hit the floor and made a kind well done.

The possibility of soaring freely in the feelings and for the soul and for the Spirit.

Good well done came to the king bed, looked, looked at the beauty, could not stand and kissed her in the mouth of sugar. She sees - the queen wakes up, wrapped as quickly with Mukho, flew into the cage and became a bird-rain. Elena revealed revealed her eyes, looked around - no one. "I can see," thinks, "I got it in a dream!" Turned on the other side and fell asleep again. And the soldier does not lose touch; I tried to another and for the third time, he sleeps the queen, after any kisses awakens. For the third time she got up from bed and says: - "There is something for something yes, I'll look at the magic book." I looked at my magic book and immediately found out that it was sitting in a golden cage, not a simple painter-Malinovka, but a young soldier.

The magic book is awareness of its nature and the ability to realize. Deep self-consciousness.

Elena Promudura

- "Oh you! - Elena screamed. - Come out of the cell. For your wrong, you will answer my life. " There is nothing to do - the bird-crown of the golden cage flew out, hit the floor and turned around good well done. - "No Forgiveness!" - Elena said and shouted the executioner to chop the soldier's head. From where it took - he became a giant of her with an ax and Flagla, he pushed the soldier to the ground, pressed his violent head to the plate and raised the ax. Here will wax the Kingpick, and the youthful head will ride ...

Acquisition of sincerity and humility both.

- "Smoom, beautiful Kingana," said soldiers with tears, - let the song be singing. " - "Sing, yes soon!" The soldier dragged the song, such a sad, such a complaint that Elena dislude herself melted itself; It sorry for her, she became good, she says to a soldier: - "I give you a term ten hours; If you are able to be able to hide that I will not find you, I will marry you; And you can not do this business, Vella chop your head. "

The first test for sincerity and purity was completed, the second begins - on the ability to create a new one - unprecedented.

A soldier came out of the palace, wandered into the dense forest, sat down under the bus, thought, twisted. - "Ah, the Spirit is unclean! All because of you disappear. In the one minute, the features came to him: - "What do you, serviced, is needed?" - "Eh," says, my death comes! Where am I from Elena Wrong to hide? "

The dense forest is the state of Drema - a creative state in which, as a rule, all questions are solved.

Damn hit the raw ground and turned around with a sophisticated eagle: - "Sit down, serviced, to me on my back, I will drive you in the bellish." Soldier sat on the eagle; The eagle squeezed up and flew over clouds-clouds black. Five hours passed. Elena who took the magic book, looked - and everything seemed to be at the palm; She headed with a loud voice:

- "Fully, an eagle, fly in the snowmobile; Go to the bottom - they do not cover me from me. "

Everything happens in a well-known and accessible both world, while nothing new is created and not comprehended.

Eagle dropped to the ground. The soldier will twist the former: - "What to do now? Where to hide? " "Wait," says damn, "I will help you." He jumped to the soldier, hit him on the cheek and touched the pin, and the mouse itself was made, grabbed the pin in his teeth, he scratched into the palace, found a magic book and stuck the pin into her.

Passed the last five hours. Elena Revinda launched his magic book, looked, looked - the book does not show anything; Kinguned himself firmly and threw it into the oven. "

Plug - Thin sharp thought, mouse - thinking, stick the pin in the magic book means so much to merge the thought with the real life that it is not distinguished and this is the highest degree of purity and skill. Clean vision. The book thrown into the oven is the destruction of the old idea of \u200b\u200bthe world of Elena Wrought.

The pin fell out of the book, hit the floor and turned around with good young.

Elena reminded his hand. - "I, - says, - Cherry, and you and me fucking!"

They did not think for a long time, turned out and healed for their own.

As it was the goal of the entire enterprise. To combine the spirit and soul of the male and female in full-fledged harmonious unity and respect and live Naughty, that is, with a song.

There is still a very very much point and the opportunity to reveal it we provide the reader yourself.

Studying the fairy tales "Look there - I do not know where, I do not know what."

There was a king. He was a single, not married. And he had in the service of the arrows by name Andrei.

The king here personifies the ego - personality, and her behavior. Andrei Shooter - the Spirit of Man and, at the same time, a male student.

I went to Andrei-arrows to hunt. I went, I went for a whole day in the forest - it was not lucky, I could not attack on the game. Time was in the evening, he goes back - twisted. She sees - sits on the tree of the throat. "Give," thinks, "at least this". Stretch and wounded her - the throat was filled with a tree on raw ground. Raised her Andrei, wanted to turn her head, put in a bag.

And the gorgeon tells him by a human voice: "" Not a ruck of me, Andrei-arrows, not Ruby my head, take me alive, bring home, put on the window. Yes, look, how I will find a nap - at that time I will like me with your right hand note: you will add great happiness. "

The soul asks the Spirit to take care of her and awaken from sleep-journey to Navi and return to the world of Javi, show, inspired. The teaching began.

Surprised Andrei-arrows: what is? I look at a completely bird, but tells the human voice. She brought the gorgee home, put on the window, and himself stands waiting.

It passed a little time, the throat laid his head under the ward and trisped. Andrei remembered that she punished him, hit her with his right hand. The gore fell to the ground and turned around the girl, Maria-Tsarevna, and so beautiful that he was thinking, not to pay, only in the fairy tale.

Meeting of the Soul and Spirit in full awareness in the world of Javi and their connection. And in man and between a man and a woman.

Says Marya-Tsarevna Arrow: - "I managed to take me, I will be able to keep me - a little pitch and yes for the wedding. I will be an honest and fun wife. " Tom and wept. He married Andrei-arrows on Marya-Tsarevna and lives with a young wife, sweats. And the service does not forget: every morning neither light goes into the forest, shooting game and carries the royal cuisine. They lived so long, Marya-Tsarevna says:

Treaty on teaching. And while old life in the service of personality.

- "You live poorly, Andrei!" - "Yes, as you see." - "Acdo rubles, buy different silks for this money, I will make it all about it." He listened to Andrei, went to his comrades, who had a ruble, who had two, bought a different silk and brought his wife. Marya-Tsarevna took silk and says: - "Go to bed, the morning of the evening is wiser." Andrei lay down, and Marya-Tsarevna sat weave. All night of a fabric and crawled carpet, which in general, the light did not have: on it, all the kingdom is painted, with cities and villages, with forests and funds, and birds in the sky, and beasts in the mountains, and fish in the seas; The circle of the moon and the sun walk ...

Joint Soul and Spirit, awareness of the wealth of the spiritual and spiritual world. And in a dream.

The next morning Marya-Tsarevna gives the carpet to her husband: - "Loni to the living yard, sell the merchants, but look - do not ask your price, and what will give, then take."

Awareness - prices have no price.

Andrei took the carpet, hung on his hand and went through the living room.

One merchant runs up to him: - "Listen, respectable, how much do you ask?" - "You are a shopping man, you and the price come." That merchant thought, thought - can't evaluate the carpet. Jumped another, behind him - more. The merchants of the crowd are gathered, they look at the carpet, they can not evaluate. At that time, I drove past the series of the royal adviser, and I wanted to know what mercy was interpreted. He came out of the carriage, Nasil was crushed through the great crowd and asked: - "Hello, merchants, overseas guests! What are you talking about? " - "So, we can't evaluate the carpet." The royal adviser looked at the carpet and the Divo himself was:

Tsarist advisor - human thinking, in this case, in the service of the personality.

- "Say, shooter, tell me the truth true: where did the glorious carpet get from?" "So, so, my wife embroidered." - "How much do you give for him?" - "And I myself do not know. The wife punished not to bargain: how much will they give, then ours. " "Well, here's the shooter, ten thousand." Andrei took the money, gave the carpet and went home. And the royal adviser went to the king, and shows him the carpet. The king looked at the carpet all his kingdom as a palm. He so painted: - "Well, what do you want, and I will not give you a carpet!"

Ego personality - the owner, the sly, the conqueror and the rapist by nature.

Announced the king of twenty thousand rubles and gives adviser from hand to hand. Advisor money took and thinks. "Nothing, I am another, even better, I will order." I sat down again in the carriage and picked up in the settlement. I found the hut, where Andrei-arrows lives, and knocks on the door. Marya-Tsarevna reaches him. The royal adviser to one leg through the threshold, and did not tolerate the other, she was silent and forgot about his own business: it stands in front of him such a beauty, the eyelid would not blame her eyes, everyone watched it. Marya-Tsarevna waited, waiting for an answer and turned the royal adviser by the shoulders and the door closed. He came to the nails, reluctantly shoved home. And since then and eats - does not learn and drinks - does not heat: everything is presented by the Rodkov wife. I noticed this king and began to ask for what he had such a turn. The adviser tells the king: - "Ah, I saw my wife's arrow, I think everything about her! And do not drink it, not to get up, no potion is notged. "

The beauty of the soul conquers and thoughts and ego.

I came to the king hunt to see the rifle wife himself. He dressed in a simple dress, went to the settlement, found an election, where Andrei-arrows lives, and he knocks on the door. Marya-Tsarevna took him. The king one leg through the threshold listed, the other and cannot, completely numb: there is an unspecified beauty in front of him. Marya-Tsarevna waited, waited for an answer, turned the king by the shoulders and the door closed. He grabbed the king cardiac gap. "What," thinks, "I go to a single, not married?" To marry this beauty! It's not a row to be, on the family she is written to be a queen. " The king was crushed into the palace and thought the Duma is bad - to beat off his wife from the living husband. He encourages the adviser and says: - "Think about how to lime Andrei-arrow. I want to marry his wife. You will come up with - reward with cities and villages and golden treasury, you will not come up with - rent a head from the shoulders. "

The manifestation of the predatory nature of the ego, instructions to solve the task.

The royal adviser twisted, and the nose hung. How the lime arrow will not come up with. Yes, with grief and wrapped in Vintsy's Cabac. Kabatskaya Terecil runs up to him (Terebel - a permanent Kabaki visitor) in Rvan Kathanishke:

Kabatskaya Terecher - Here is the manifestation of the shadow, the shadow side of the unconscious. Shadow knows all the needs and opportunities of a person, so to speak, from the inside and below ...

- "What, the royal adviser, hurt, why did the nose hung?" - "Looks away, Kabatskaya Terecher!" "" And you do not drive me, better cup of Vints to bring, I'll give you to mind. "

Thinking with old samples did not give results, the immersion in the unexplored depth was required. Shadow initiates the knowledge of the spirit of man itself (!!!). Using the ego

(!). First task: Mastering travel consciousness and transition to other worlds.

She brought him the royal advisor cup of Vints and told about his grief.

Kabatskaya Terecil and tells him: - "Lime Andrei-Arrow is a simple thing - he himself is simple, and his wife hurts his sick. Well, yes, we will make a riddle such that she cannot cope. Turning to the king and tell me: let him send Andrei-arrow to learn how to find the deceased king-father. Andrei will leave and back will not return. " The royal adviser thanked Kabatskaya Terecil - and run to the king: - "So, you can lime arrow." And told you where to send him and why. The king was delighted, ordered to call Andrei-arrow. "Well, Andrei, you served to me faith-truth, sorry still service: go to the next world, find out how my father is doing." Not that my sword is your head from the shoulders. "

Andrei has grown home, sat on the shop and hung his head. Marya-Tsarevna asks him: - "What did you like it? Or what's the nebud? " He told her Andrei, which king asked him a service. Marya-Tsarevna says: - "There is something to grieve! This is not a service, but the service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, morning in the evening wisen. "

In the morning, early, just woke up Andrew, Marya-Tsarevna gives him a bag of crackers and the golden ring. - "Saw to the king and ask yourself to comrades of the royal adviser, and then, tell me, you will not believe that you were on that light. And how to get out with a comrade in the road, throw a ring in front of you, it will bring you. Andrei took the bag of superstars and the ring, said goodbye to his wife and went to the king to ask himself a road comrade. There is nothing to do, the king agreed, told the advisor to go with Andrey to the world.

Here they are together and went out in the road. Andrey threw the ring - it rolls, Andrei goes behind him with clean, moss-swamps, lake rivers, and for Andrei, the royal advisor is dragging. They will be tired of going, we will go crayons - and again on the road. Is it close, whether it is soon, it is short, they came in a thick, dense forest, descended into a deep ravine, and then the ring stopped.

Dundy Forest Again the condition of Dremoty Drema is a key to penetration by thought, for illivation.

Andrei and the royal adviser sat down with superstar. Look, past them on the old-pretar king, two features of the firewood are carrying - a great WHO - and drive the king of the batons, one from the right side, the other from the left. Andrei says: - "Look: in no way, is this our late tsar-father?" - "Your truth, it is the most firewood lucky." Andrei and shouted the hell: - "Hey, gentlemen devils! Loose me that late at least for a little time, I need to ask him about something. Devils answer: - "There is time to wait for us! Has themselves, Wheel is lucky? " - "And you take from my fresh person to shift." Well, the devils diverged the old king, the royal adviser was injured in His place and let's drive it on both sides, he grunas, and lucky. Andrei began to ask the old king about his living - to be. "Ah, Andrei-arrows," the king answers, "my life is bad on that light! Bowlings from me. Yes, I say that I finish ordering people not to offend, but it will be the same with him.

Just managed to talk, devils are going back with empty cart. Andrei said goodbye to the old king, took from the devils of the royal adviser, and they went back to the way back. Come to their kingdom, are to the palace. The king saw the arrow and thrown on him in the hearts: - "How did you bold back?" Andrei-shooter answers:

- "So, I was on the light of your late parent. He lives badly, told you to bow so firmly punished people not to offend. " - "And what will you prove that I saw on that light and my parent saw?" "And the way I will prove that your adviser on the back and now more signs are visible, as his devils drove with batons."

Then the king was assured, nothing to do - let's let go of Andrei home. And himself tells the adviser:

- "Understand how to lime arrow, not my sword is your head with shoulders."

The first task is made. Shadow continues to use the ego and spirit to know yourself.

The royal adviser went, even below the nose hung. It comes to the Kabak, sat down at the table, asked wines. Speaking towards him Kabatskaya Terecil: - "What has been happressed? Brother me a cup, I'll hope you. " The adviser brought him a cup of Vints and told about his grief. Kabatskaya Terecher himself says: - "Throwing back and tell the king to ask him an arrow which service - it is not what to do, it would be difficult and focusing: I would send him for the thirty lands, in the thirtieth kingdom to get a cat Bayun" ... Tsarist Advisor Coming to the king and told what service to ask an arrow to back next to back. The king sends to Andrey. "Well, Andrei, I served me by service, sorry another: go to the thirty kingdom and all the cat Bayuna." Not that my sword is your head from the shoulders. " I went Andrei home, I hung my head lower my shoulders and tells my wife, what kind of king asked him a service.

The second task is a student - awareness of itself, and its inner strength presented in the image of Kota Bayun.

- "There is something to twist!" - Marya-Tsarevna says. - "This is not a service, but the service, the service will be ahead. Go to bed, morning in the evening wisen. " Andrei went to sleep, and Marya-Tsarevna went to the forge and told the blacksmiths to sow three caps of iron, iron mites and three rods: one iron, another copper, the third tin. In the morning, Maria Tsarevna woke Andrei: - "Here are three caps and tweet and three rods, go for the thirty lands, in the thirtieth state. Three miles will not reach, it will turn you a strong dream - the cat Baun will dormant on you. You will not sleep, throw your hand to the hand, the leg behind the leg of the Voloch, and where and the roller rolling. And if you perch, the cat Baun will kill you. " And then Marya-Tsarevna taught him how and what to do, and let go on the road.

The soul again indicates the spirit of knowledge.

Soon the fairy tale affects, it does not soon be done - Andrei-Sagittarius came to the thirty kingdom. For three versts, he began to overcome his sleep. He puts on Andrey on the head three caps of the iron, throws his hand over his hand, dragging his leg - goes, and where and the roller rolls. Something as he set aside and found himself at a high pillar.

Cat Baun saw Andrei, blocked, cut and jumped off his head on his head - one cap broke and the other broke, took, it was, for the third. Here Andrei-arrows grabbed a cat with ticks, the bastards of the ground and let's anewly. In advance, the seconds of the iron rod; I broke the iron, began to treat the copper - and this broke and began to beat the tin. Tin rod snacks, not break, get wrapped around the ridge. Andrei beats, and Bayun's cat began to tell a fairy tale: about Popov, about the devices, about the pubic daughters. Andrei does not listen to him, knowing his rod. The cat became a cat, he sees that it is impossible to speak, he cheated: - "Leave me, a kind person! What you need, I will do everything. " - "Will you go with me?" - "Where do you want to go." Andrei went to the opposite way and the cat led to her kingdom. It comes to his kingdom, comes with a cat to the palace and tells the king: - "So the service has fulfilled, I got a cat Bayuna." The king was surprised and says:

- "Well, the cat Baun, show a big passion." Then the cat sharpened his claws, in the king they get along, he wants to teashed a white breast, from the living heart to remove. The king was frightened:

- "Andrei-Arrows, Uy Kota Bayun!"

The ego for the first time is aware of the power of the Spirit and the threat to himself, scares, but so far it does not lose positions.

Andrei Kota hurt and locked in the cage, and he himself went home, to Marya-Tsarevna. It lives, - Misching with a young wife. And the king is still wildly shutter. Again, the adviser called: - "What do you want to come up with, Lying Andrei-Arrow, not my sword - your head from the shoulders." The royal adviser goes right in the Kabak, found there Kabatskaya Terecher in Ripped Kattanishka and asks him to help out, to bring to the mind. Kabatskaya Terecher Glass wine drank, mustache wiped. "Stay," says, to the king and tell me: let him send Andrei-arrow there - I do not know where, I don't know what. Andrei will not fulfill this task Andrei and will not return back. "

The third task is to find and realize their instincts and mind, brilliantly shown as "go - I do not know where and bring something - I don't know what."

The adviser ran to the king and all reported to him. The king sends to Andrey.

- "You served me two faithful services, sorrified the third: go there - I do not know where, I bring something - I do not know what. Let's serve - a reward of a royal, and not my sword is your head from the shoulders. " Andrei came home, sat on the shop and cried. Marya Tsarevna asks him:

- "What, cute, unexplored? Or what's the nespod, what? - "Eh," says, "through your beauty, I carry all the babies! I told me the king to go there - I do not know where to bring it - I do not know what. "

- "This is the service so the service! Well, nothing goes to bed, the morning of the evening is wiser. "

Marya-Tsarevna waited for the night, unfolded the magic book, read, read, threw the book and grabbed his head: nothing was said about the prince in the book. Marya-Tsarevna came out on the porch, took out the handkerchiefs and waved. All sorts of birds flew out, they ran all sorts of beasts. The Marya-Tsarevna asks them: - "Forest beasts, birds are breeding, you, animals, everywhere I dig, you, birds, fly everywhere, - did not hear how to walk there - I do not know where, I do not know what?" Beasts and birds replied: - "No, Marya-Tsarevna, we did not hear about that." Marya-Tsarevna waved the handkerchief - the beasts and birds disappeared, as they were not. Waved another time - two giants appeared in front of her: - "anything? What is needed? - "My servants are faithful, take me to the middle of the ocean seas."

They picked up the giants of Marju-Tsarevna, attributed to the ocean-sea and became in the middle on the Pochin himself, - they themselves stand like pillars, and hold it on their hands. Marya-Tsarevna waved the handkerchief and sailed all the reptiles and fish to her. - "You, reptiles and fish, you are swimming everywhere, you are on all islands, we didn't hear how to walk there - I do not know where, I do not know what?" - "No, Marya-Tsarevna, we did not hear about that."

Marya-Tsarevna twisted and told himself to take himself home. The giants picked it up, brought the courtyard to Andreev, put at the porch.

The task even for the soul is unbearable, obviously, due to the difference in its nature and reason. But the path is still indicated here.

In the morning, Maria-Tsarevna gathered Andrei to the road and gave him a tangle of threads and embroidered shirinka (a shine - towel). - "Throw the tangle in front of yourself - where it will ride, go there. Yes, see wherever you come, you will wash off, do not wash someone else's shirinka, but wander mine. "

To go behind the ball, the scooter means to unwind the thread of thoughts, which in the end leads to their source - reason.

Andrei said goodbye to Marya-Tsarevna, bowed to all four sides and went on a stamping. Throwing a tangle in front of him, the tangle rolled - she rolls yes rolls, Andrei goes behind him. Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done. Many kingdoms and land passed Andrei. The tangle rolls, the thread stretches from it. Became a ball small, with a chicken head; That's what it became small, not visible on the road.

Andrei reached the forest, he sees the hut on the chicken legs. - "Hut, hut, turn to me before, to the forest back!" The hut turned, Andrei entered and sees - a gray-haired old woman is sitting on the shop, he is hungy. - "Fu, Fu, the Russian spirit of the layer does not dislike, the view is not seen, and now the Russian spirit himself came! Here I squeeze you in the furnace and ride and ride on the bone. " Andrei answers the old woman: - "What are you, old Baba Yaga, will be a road person! Road man Kostyat and Silen, you will foresee the Banke of Easty, I am a survey, evaporated, then eat. " Baba Yaga has frown Balcu. Andrei was evaporated, washed away, pulled out the groom shirinka and began to flip her. Baba Yaga asks: - Where did you get the width? Her my daughter embroidered. "Your daughter is my wife, I gave me a whirling."

Baba Yaga lives very close to the goal, the tangle from threads is small, almost not visible, and yet the goal is even further, outside the usual world.

- "Ah, son-in-law beloved, what I have to swee?" Here Baba Yaga gathered dinner, put all sorts of Kushanyev and Honey. Andrei is not digging - sat down at the table, let's fly away. Baba Yaga sat nearby. He eats, she asked: how he married Marya-Tsarevna, do they live well? Andrei said everything: how he married and how the king sent him there - I do not know where to get it - I do not know what. - "That's what you would help me, grandmother!"

Oh, a son-in-law, because about this was a wondrous even I did not hear. He knows about this one old frog, she lives in a swamp of three hundred years ... well, nothing, go to bed, morning in the evening wisen.

Old frog is a shadow. The shadow is the same ancient, apparently, like reptiles and lives in the swamp of feelings.

Andrei went to sleep, and Baba Yaga took two Golitsa (Golik - a birch broom without leaves), flew to the swamp and began to call: - "Grandma, a frog-champ, is alive?" - "Live".

- "Out to me from the swamp." The old frog came out of the swamp, Baba Yaga asks her

- "Do you know, somewhere - I don't know what?" - "I know. - "Point, make mercy. My son-in-law is given a service: go there - I do not know where, I don't know what. " Frog replies:

- "I used it, it hurts the old one, I do not surcharge there. Returns your son-in-law in pair milk to the fiery river, then I will say. " Baba Yaga took a frog-a chamchable, flew home, left the milk into a pot, planted a frog and in the morning Andrey woke out early: - "Well, son-in-law, dress, take a pot with pair milk, in milk - frog, yes sitting on my horse He will take you to the fiery river. There I leave the horse and take a frog from the pot, she will tell you. " Andrei dressed, took a pot, sat on the horse Baba Yaga. How long is it briefly, the horse burned him to the fiery river. Through it, neither the beast will flock, no bird will turn.

The fiery river here, through which animals and birds and people live to move can not - apparently the border with the world of the gods, it became, the mind - the quality of the divine if it in the world of the gods find.

Andrei tears from the horse, the frog says to him: - "Take me, kind well done, from the pot, we need to cross it across the river." Andrei took out a frog from the pot and let it last.

"Well, kind well done, now sit on my back." - "What are you, grandmother, ecid little, tea, I will crush you." - "Do not be afraid, do not ask. Sit down and keep stronger. "

Andrei sat on the frog-champ. She began to breed. I swore, it was brewing - it was like a shock of the village. - "Do you keep hard?" - "Hard, grandmother."

Again, the frog breeded, sulled - became above the dark forest, but how to park - and he jumped over the fiery river, he moved Andrei to the shore and became a little again. - "Go, kind well done, on this path, you will see Terem - do not, the hut is not a hut, the barn are not a barn, come in there and become behind the oven. There you will find something - I do not know what. "

The shadow has access to another world, everything knows, but not everything realizes.

Andrei went along the path, sees: the old hut is not a hollow, the tick is observed, without windows, without a porch. He entered and hid behind the oven. Here's a little climbing, drunk in the forest, and a peasant with marigolds, a beard with a lochot, but how to cry:

- "Hey, Swat Naum, I want!" Just shouted - where neither take, the table covered, the beer barrel and a bog baked, the knife is sharp in the side. A peasant with a marigold, a beard from the lobster, sat near the bull, took out the knife sharp, began to cut the meat, wash it into garlic, pecking and praise. Processed bull until the last bone, drank a whole beer barrel. - "Hey, Swat Naum, remove uncle!"

A peasant with marigolds is instincts and bodily needs, ancient deeply hidden, as well as an image of a person with disabilities.

And suddenly the table disappeared, as it did not happen, - no bones, nor a barrel ... Andrei waited, when a peasant leaves with his marigold, came out of the stove, gained courage and called:

- "Swat Naum, fed me" ... just called, from where neither take, the table appeared, there was various dishes, snacks and snacks on it, and honey. Andrei sat at the table and says:

- "Swat Naum, sit, brother, with me, will eat to drink together." Invisible voice answers him: - "Thank you, good man! A hundred years I serve here, did not see the burner crust, and you planted me at the table. " Andrei looks at: no one can see anyone, and the dishes from the table seems to whom the blizzard sweeps, beer and honey themselves are poured into the bucket - and the tube, and the scough. Andrei asks: - "Swat Naum, show me!" "No, no one can see me, I don't know what." - "Swat Naum, do you want to serve me?"

- "Why not want? You, I see, a good man. " Here they caught. Andrei and says:

"Well, take everything let's go with me." Andrei went from the election, looked around:

- "Swat Naum, are you here?" - "Here. Do not be afraid, I will not leave you. "

The mind itself is not visible, and it can be determined, apparently, only in the footsteps, according to the results of his activity, and he, reason, is more willing to serve a person with a variety of requests. It is boring only to satisfy the instincts, it has a self-consciousness and is able to determine kindness, evaluate the owner, although it is designed to serve and serves. Here, the divine self-visual nature of the mind is also brilliantly.

Andrei reached the fiery river, there he was waiting for a frog: - "Good well done, I found something - I don't know what?" - "Found, grandmother." - "Sit down on me." Andrew again sat on her, the frog began to swell, swollen, pulled out and moved it through the fiery river.

Here he is a frog-acopecan thanked and went through the road to his kingdom. Going, goes, will turn: - "Swat Naum, are you here?" - "Here. Do not be afraid, I will not leave you. " She walked, she walked Andrew, the road was far away - his sharp legs were born, his white hands sank.

- "Eh," says, "what I worried about!" And Swat Naum to him: - "What did you say for a long time? I would deliver you to the place. " She picked up Andrei Brown Vorki and carried the mountains and forests, cities and villages so below and flashed. Andrei flies over the deep sea, and it became scary. - "Swat Naum, to stay!" Immediately the wind is weakened, and Andrei began to descend the sea. Looks - where the blue waves were noisy, an island appeared, there is a palace on the island with a golden roof, the garden is beautiful ...

Mind creates images and ways to solve problems. Travel in the world of consciousness.

Swat Naum tells Andrei: - "Rest, eat, drink and take a look at the sea. They will swim past the three merchant ships. You are merchants to call yes, you do not care about it - they have three wickers. You practice me on these wonder; Do not be afraid, I will return to you back. " How long, briefly, from the west side three ship sails. Shippers saw the island, on it the palace with a golden roof and a wonderful garden circle.

- "What a miracle?" - They say. - "How many times we swam here, nothing but the blue sea did not see. Let's marry! " Three ships threw anchors, three merchant-warehouses sat down on a light boat, floated to the island. And Andrei-arrows meet them: - "Sick, dear guests." Museum-Woods go to die: on the rubble, the roof is like a heat burning, on the woods of birds sing, the wonderful beasts are jumping along the paths. - "Tell me, a kind person who built this miracle here?" "My servant, Swat Naum, built on one night." Andrei led the guests in Terem: - "Hey, Swat Naum, bring us a drink, eat!"

From nowhere to take, appeared at the bottom of the table, on it - the kushan, which the soul wants. Museum-ships only ahaut. "Come on," say, "a kind person, change: I will give us a servant, Schata Nauma, we have any wonder for him."

- "Why not change? And what will be your wonder? " One merchant takes out a baton from the sinuses. She just says: "Well, a club, a broom of a sides of this man!" "The baton itself will begin to quoy, what do you want a strongy breaks the sides."

Another merchant takes out an ax from under the floors, turned it with a volat to the top - the ax began to praise: Trep yes Lyap - the ship came out; Treape Yes Lyap - more ship. With sails, with guns, with brave sailors. The ships float, the guns are pourable, the braivers of the seafarers are asked.

I turned the ax with a turn down - immediately the ships were disappeared, as if they were not.

The third merchant took out his drawing out of his pocket, he thought - the army appeared: and cavalry, and infantry, with guns, with guns. The troops go, music rattles, banners fluttering, riders will jump, the order is asked. The merchant blend from the other end to the dull - there is nothing, everything is gone. Andrei-Arrows says: - "Your woundings are good, so mine is more expensive. Want to change - give me for my servant, the matchmaker Nauma, all three winkings. " - "Will there be many?" - "As you know, I will not change otherwise."

Awareness of the forces of the mind, interacting with the world and its forces. Mind as a whole thing. And from the realized it - it's not going anywhere.

The merchants thought, thought: "What do we have a club, an ax and a twin? Better to change, with the wool Naum, we will be without any care of the day and night and full and drunk. "

Issued merchants-shippers Andrei Dubyokka, an ax and a doodie and shout:

- "Hey, Swat Naum, we take you with you! Will you serve us faith-truth? " Replies to them an invisible voice: - "Why not serve? I don't care anyone else. "

The merchants warehors returned to their ships and let's ship - drink, eat, know the knight: - "Swat Naum, turn, let's do it!"

All add-on, where they sat, they fell to sleep there.

And the shooter sits alone in the terme, hurt. "Oh," thinks - somewhere now my faithful servant, Swat Naum? " - "I'm here, what is needed?"

Andrey was glad: - "Wat Naum, whether to us to our native category, to a young wife?" Take me home. Again picked up Andrei Vorki and carried in his kingdom, to the native side. And the merchants woke up, and wanted to dreamed them: - "Hey, Swat Naum, collect us to drink - eat, vividly turn!" No matter how much called, neither shouted, everything is no sense. Looks, and there is no Islands: there is some blue waves on the spot.

Pupils checkers got sick: "Eh, an unkind man inflated!" - Yes, there is nothing to do, raised the sails and floated where they were needed.

The strength of the images of creative intelligence captures captures, fascinates people especially absorbed by their own goals, such as the same Marxism-Leninism.

Andrei-shooter flew to his downtime, sank near his house, looks: instead of the burnt pipe, the burnt tube sticks out. He hung his head lower shoulders and went from the city to the blue sea, on an empty place. Selo and sits. Suddenly, from where, neither take, the sisaya of the Gorrice arrives, hit the land and turned him into his young wife, Maria-Princess. They hugged, greeted, began to ask each other, tell each other. Marya-Tsarevna told: - "Since then, as you left the house, I fly in the nurses in the forests in the groves. The king was sent for me three times, but I did not find me and the domishko burned. "

The last decisive inner crisis of the student before final reunion in perfect holistic form.

Andrei says: - "Wat Naum, can we not put the palace from the blue palace from the blue sea?" - "Why not? Now will be executed. " They did not have time to look around - and the palace slept, and so glorious, better than royal, the green garden, on the bird trees sing, the wonderful beasts will jump along the tracks. Andrei-arrows came up with Marya-Tsarevna to the palace, sat down at the window and talk to each other admire. Live, grief do not know, and the day, and the other, and the third. And the king at that time went to the hunt, on the blue sea, and sees - on the place where nothing was, there is a palace. - "What kind of misfortune without demand did you build on my land?" The deaths ran, all grew and report the king that the palace was delivered to Andrei-shooter and he lives in him with a young wife, Maria-Princess. The king was also angry the way, sends to find out if Andrei went there - I do not know where, I brought it - I do not know what. We ran the messengers, grew and report: - "Andrei-Sagittarius went there - I don't know where I got it - I don't know what." Then the king was completely stuck, ordered a collapse of the army, to go to the seaside, the palace to ruin the dotley, and the Andrei-Arrow himself and Marju-Tsarevna to betray her death.

The ego for the sake of maintaining power is the bank and is ready to even destroy the spirit and soul for this. Full manifestation of the nature of the ego.

He saw Andrei that he was going on a strong army, rather grabbed the ax, turned him with a turn up. The ax Tip Yes Lyap - stands on the sea the ship, again Trep da Lyap - stands another ship. Put a hundred times, one hundred ships swam in the blue sea. Andrei took out his den, he thought - an army appeared: and cavalry, and infantry, with guns, with banners.

The chiefs of order are waiting. Andrei ordered the battle to start. Music began, the drums hit, the shelves moved. The infantry lomits the soldier, the cavalry jumps, captures captures. And from a hundred ships, the guns are both beaten through the capital's city.

The king sees, his army runs, rushed himself to the army - stop. Here Andrey took out the baton: - "Well, a double, broom of the sides of this king!" The baton itself went with the wheel, from the end to the end it turns into a clean field; The king caught up and hit him in his forehead, killed to death. Here and the battle came the end. Powed the people from the city and began to ask Andrei-arrow to become king. Andrei agreed and became king, and his wife is a queen.

The spirit and soul are fully armed and in complete awareness by the help of the mind, the ego-person is defeated. Man is manifested - God is a complete owner - king.

Shadow initiates the path of man to himself, the knowledge of the whole world on this path and ensures the motivation of almost all the heroes of the fairy tale! Here you and the shadow! This fairy tale is just a treasure by the amount of accuracy in the depth and strength of knowledge in it laid. I wonder who should be to create such a fairy tale? This is a question of further work ...

The fairy tale on a whitewashing handle is not loved by one generation of readers. Children, becoming adults, told her to their children. The fairy tale attracts readers to kindness, humor, comic main character, over which everyone funned, and he embarrassed in the kings. The opinion about the fairy tale is controversial. The fairy tale puts into a deadlock of many too "correct" readers who see only its superficial meaning. How? Tale praises lazy people? Teaches idlers? First, do not forget that this is a humorous fairy tale. Secondly, you need to think about its inner meaning. We recommend a fairy tale for online reading with children.

Tale on a whiteway

Who is the author of fairy tales

The fairy tale on a whining velin is a folk product, which displays the dreams of the Russian people about the best life. For children, the fairy tale has been published in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy.

Lazy and fool of Emelya do nothing wants at a time when his older work brothers are busy. Barely persuaded the fool of daughter-in-law in the water to the river go. And in the corner of Emelya caught a pike. Lazy - and caught. Repeated that you can fry the pike. Until I was convinced that the pike magic was not released from her hands. Smart was a fool! Well, then, any desires of Emeli Pike performed: the buckets went home, the firewood swear themselves, Sani without horses went, and that Sani, a fool on the furnace to the very king he went to the guests and wanted to marry the royal daughter. And the princess could not live without Emelia. She ordered the king of the young in the barrel to plant, scramble and throw it into the sea - from the eye, one, away from sin. On the deserted bank of the Emel for his beloved Palace built (Tsarevna was not spoiled, she asked her hut). The king was very surprised when he saw what kind of horrors live young. And Emel from the fool in good well done turned. What is not son-in-law for the king? Ended all the happy wedding. You can read a fairy tale on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale on a whitewash

The humorous fairy tale of lazy and fool of Ever, who, maybe not at all fool and lazy, pushes into philosophical reflections: how to get well-being and happiness. Hard work? Mind? Luck? Coincidence? Agree, the fool of a sensible reason is not deprived of the fool. For his happiness, the hero "caught good luck (in our case Pike) for the tail." Well, who does not dream of such a gift for fate? Well, then the fool acted quite logical. Did not work, but did not forced others to work instead of himself. No one is deceiving, not offended, he found a way to get the desired: life benefits, comfort, beauty-princess. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tales - every person - the blacksmith of his happiness. A fairy tale on a whitewash tear teaches to dream, believe and seek success.

Moral tales on a whiteway

If fate sends you good luck, we must use it. It is the image of Emeli that can be given to adolescents as an example of the hero, who was looking for and found his place in life. Let modern "Emeli" go to the fabulous hero of rationalism and will find their way to success and well-being.

Proverbs, sayings and fairy tales

  • Without experiencing, you will not know.
  • The expression on a voluntary extension is used in a humorous or ironic context in the value "immediately".

Hello, blog readers "Russian Word"!

In my distant childhood I loved fairy Tale "By whining kettling".

Despite the fact that I knew her by heart, the book reread the book often with great pleasure! And then I had a plate with a musical version of this fairy tale. And I did not get tired of listening to several times!

Now it is not clear to me why I liked this tale so much!?

After all the main character of the fairy tale Fool Emel - Lazy still that! Lies on his ovens, does nothing. And yet he has been fine in his life: both wealth, and house-palace, and beautiful wife!

Similarly, foreign students thought, listening fairy Tale "By whining kettling". This was told by Dr. Philological Sciences, Researcher of the Department of Russian Philology of the Faculty of MSU Dmitry Gudkov :

"Once in the classroom, I read the fairy tale" By whining kettle "first, Japanese students, and then American. Their perception of the fairy tale was different as the sky and the Earth, but in the assessment of Emeli their opinions coincided. Both those and others found the fairy tale of immoral: the pathological slacker receives any deserved award. And the Japanese who learned that this fairy tale is very popular in Russia, in general there were doubts about the fullness of the Russian national nature. The Americans said that children brought up on such fairy tales would grow lazy people ... "

Is it really all so hard to love this fairy tale in their childhood, grew by immoral lazy hairs and terrible idlers? And was it a fool?

Let's try to answer this question. But first I reread a fairy tale.

Fairy tale "By whining kettling" in Resection A.N. Tolstoy.

(This is the most famous fairy tale option! Illustration of the artist Hermann Ogorodnikov.)

He lived was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya. Those brothers work, and Emel lies all day on the stove, does not want to know anything.

Once the brothers left for the bazaar, and women, daughter-in-law, let's send it:

Go, Emelya, water.

And he from the stoves:


Go, Emelya, and then the brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.

Okay. Tears of Emel from the stove, shoved, dressed, took the buckets and the ax and went to the river. Drove the ice, burned the bucket and put them, and himself looks into the hole. And he saw Emelya in the corruption pike. I was illuminated and grabbed the pike in my hand:

Here the ear will be sweet!

Suddenly, Pike tells him a human voice:

Emelya, let me go to the water, I come to you.

And Emelya laughs:

What are you useful for me?

No, I will carry you home, I drove into the daughter-in-mind of the ear to cook. There will be a sweet ear.

Pike prayed again:

Emelya, Emelya, let me go to the water, I will do you all that you wish.

Okay, only show first that you do not cheat me, then I will let go.

Pike asks him: -

Emelya, Emely, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home and water would not have splash ...

Pike him says:

I remember my words: when you want - tell me only: " By whining the vein, in my opinion

Emelya and says:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

coming, buckets, home ...

Just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went beams himself. Give buckets in the village, the people are divided, and Emelya goes from behind, laughs ... Bucked buckets in the hut and became a shop themselves, and Emelya got to the oven.

Was a lot of whether the time - the daughter-in-law tell him:

Emelya, what are you lying? Would go to the firewood.


Do not disturb firewood, brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.

Ever reluctance to sink from the furnace. He remembered about Pike and Slowly says:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion

I look, the ax, the shaking of firewood, and the firewood - go to the hut and put in the oven ...

The ax jumped out from under the shop - and on the courtyard, and let's do the firewood, and the firewood themselves go to the hut and climb the oven.

Many, if there was no time - daughter-in-law say again:

Emely, we no longer have firewood. Congress in the forest, violaby.

And he from the stoves:

Yes, what?

How are we on what? ..

Is our business in the forest for firewood ride?

I'm reluctant ...

Well, there will be no gifts.

Nothing to do. Tears of Emel from the furnace, shoved, dressed. I took the rope and ax, went to the yard and sat down in Sani:

Baba, revole the gate!

The daughter-in-law says:

What are you, foolish, sat down in Sani, and the horse is not ground?

I do not need a horse.

The daughters took the gate, and Emel speaks slowly:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

Go, Sani, in the forest ...

Sani went to the gate themselves, and so quickly - do not catch up with the horse. And in the forest it was necessary to go through the city, and then he remembered a lot of people, suppressed. The people scream "Hold him! Catch it! " And he knows Sani chasing. Arrived in the forest:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

The ax, the violas of firewood, and you, the firewood, ride yourself in Sani, fade apart ...

The ax began to chop, prick a dry tree, and the firewoods themselves are lying in the sleigh and knit rope. Then Emelya ordered the topor to cut off his battlefield - such a raise to raise. Feed on WHO:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

go, Sani, home ...

Sanya rushed home. Again, he drives Emelya for the city, where the divecha remembered, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are waiting for him. Calculated Emel and drags with WHO, scold and beat. He sees that a bad thing, and slowly:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

well, a double, broke the sides ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother. The people rushed away, and Emel came home and climbed into the oven.

How long, briefly - he heard the king about the emesteen tries and sends an officer after him: to find it and bring him to the palace. The officer arrives in that village, he enters that hut, where the Emel lives, and asks:

Are you a fool of Emel?

And he from the stove:

What are you talking about?

Dress Rather, I'll take you to the king.

And I reluctance ...

An officer became angry and hit him on his cheek. And Emelya speaks slowly:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

dubinka, Broke the Boc ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother the officer, he feet abandoned. The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with the Emers, and sends his most random items:

Bring to me to the Palace of Fool Emel, and then I will take my head off my shoulders.

Bucked up the wideline Izyumu, prune, gingerbread, came to that village, entered the hut and began to ask the daughter of the daughter, which loves Emel.

Our Emelya loves when he is affectionately asked yes red caftan ascend, "then he will do everything that will not ask.

Missed Welheck gave Emeyle Iisma, prune, gingerbread and says:

Emelya, Emelya, what are you lying on the furnace? Let's go to the king.

I am warm here ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king will be well feed-to drink, please go.

And I reluctance ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king you red caftan will give, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought-thought:

Well, okay, go ahead, and I will be behind you. I left the venel, and Emel was still saying:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

well, the oven, go to the king ...

Here in the hives, the corners were glanced, the roof was stupid, the wall flew out, and the oven itself went down the street, on the road, straight to the king. The king looks out the window, is divided:

What is this miracle?

Differ Welcome to him:

And this is the Emel on the furnace goes to you.

The king came out on the porch:

Something, Emel, for you a lot of complaints! You suppressed a lot of people.

Why did they climb under Sani?

At this time, the royal daughter was glared on him the window - Marya-Tsarevna. Emelya saw her in the window and speaks slowly:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

let the royal daughter love me ...

And said again:

Stay, oven, home ...

The oven turned and went home, went to the hut and became for the previous place. Emelya again lying-lie down. And the king in the palace cry and tears. Marya-Tsarevna is bored by Ever, can't live without him, asks her father, so that he gave her for the Emel to marry. Then the king worn, shouting and says again as many nobles:

Stay to bring me a living or dead emeel, and I will take off my head with my shoulders.

Bucked scalid wedlan's wines of sweet and different snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to sweat emeel. Emelya got drunk, ate, Zahmel, and went to bed. And the nobleman put it in the wagon and brought to the king. The king immediately ordered to order a big barrel with iron hoops. It was planted by Emel and Mariu-Tsarevna, scratched and the barrel was thrown into the sea. How long is it briefly - Yemel woke up; sees - dark, closely:

Where is me?

And he is answered:

Bored and nausea, Ememyushka! We were scrambled in a barrel, threw in the blue sea.

And who are you?

I am Marya-Tsarevna.

Emel says:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

Wasy winds, roll off the barrel on the dry coast, on the yellow sand ...

Warm winds poured. The sea was excited, barrel thrown into a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of it.

Emeyelushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut.

And I reluctance ...

Here she began to ask him to ask him, he says:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

Stone Stone Palace with Golden Roof ...

Only he said - a stone palace appeared with a golden roof. Circle - Green Garden: Flowers flower and birds sing. Marya-Tsarevna from Emers entered the palace, got from the window.

Emeyelyushka, and you can not become a handsome to you?

Here Emel thought for a short time:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

become a good one to me, writing a handsome ...

And Emely became such that in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe. And at that time the king went to hunt and sees - it is worth the palace, where there was nothing before.

Is it for the unfortunate without my permission on my land put the palace?

And sent to learn-ask: "Who are these?" The ambassadors ran, steel under the window, asked. Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I'll tell him himself. The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, planting at the table. Start they to appear. The king eats, drinks and not put pressure:

Who are you, kind well done?

And remember the fool by Emel - how came to you on the stove, and you told him with her daughter in a barrel to scramble, throw in the sea? I am the same Emel. I want - all your kingdom of fire and ruin.

The king was very frightened, it became forgivers to ask:

Marry my daughter, Emeyelushka, take my kingdom, just do not goubi me!

There was a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya-Tsarevne and began to rule the kingdom.

Here and the fairy tale is the end, and who listened - well done.

Watch wonderful illustrations to fairy Tale "By Schuchye Telle" Artist Hermann Gorodnikova.

The fairy tale "By whining kettle" can be heard.

This is a musical version of the fairy tales. Extremely like on a record from my childhood !!!

Let's reflect ...

Two brothers went to the bazaar. Why didn't you take with me? So he is fool!..

But why is it right - fool?! Maybe just because he was not taken with him to the bazaar that he was still inexperienced. So let him do not prevent in a serious case, let it be better at home ...

The case in the fairy tale is happening in winter. When the older left, the daunures are fussy, hurt, bread bake, and what to do in the peasant hut?! Lying on a warm stove yes dream!

The daughter-in-law gives Emela ordinary orders: bring water, throwing firewood, go to the forest along the firewood.


Emele laziness to perform an ordinary boring job. And when he still went to the river, he burned the water, he did not go home right away. What makes fool-emel? He looks into the hole. He is interested, and what is there, in the hole!? Smart, maybe I would not look into the hole, he knew everything for a long time ...

Lucky Emele Alpassed, "fools are lucky"! He came across a magic pike, performing any desires. Guess what you want. All will be!

How did Yemel behaved, what did she ask for a pike?!

To make the shoulder for themselves to go home, so that the ax will cut the ax that Sani themselves ride, without horses!

In a fool! Pike, she can fulfill any desire !!! But no! Not such an Emel. He does not need mountains of gold and terme-choirs. He asks what, he was most likely to think about the furnaces for a long time.

Emelya wants the water to go to the house (and maybe this is a prototype of a water supply?) So that the axifore himself cut (chainsaw?). And the silent cart, and then the oven that goes herself - this ... car?!

If you have a pretty thoughts, so all the human inventions were born out of such "Emeline"Lene!

Emeley didn't just have a midwives mind, he has an inventor head! What is he fool? !!

But how do not remember the qualities of Emeli, as resourcefulness, seducker, wit, kindness, kindness !?

As you wish, I always liked Emely!

There is another famous version of the fairy tale "by whining kettle",

recorded in the collection of A.N. Afanasyeva "People's Russian Fairy Tales". We argue that you do not remember this fairy tale?! You can read it here:

Tale about Emel in processing A. Afanasyev

There was a poor peasant; How much he worked, how much he worked - everything is nothing!

"Eh," he thinks with himself, "my grandfather's share! All the days are killing for the farm, and then look - you will have to die with the hunger; But my neighbor is my whole life on my side lies, and what? The farm is large, the ladies themselves swim in the pocket. I can see, I did not please God; From morning to evening I will pray, maybe the Lord and goes away. "

Click to open the full text of the fairy tales

He began to pray to God; For all day, starving, and everything prays. A bright holiday has come, hit the Sautren.

Poor thinks: "All people will become stripped, and I have no pieces! I will go at least to the water I will bring - so instead of hike. "

He took a bucket, went to the well and just threw into the water - suddenly he fell into a crucial pike in a bucket. A man was delighted: "So I am with a holiday! I will give my oaks and lunch. " He tells him a pussy with a human voice: "Let me go, a kind man, to the will; I will do you happy: what your soul will wish, everything will be! Just say: on a whimstanding handle, according to God's blessing, there is something and that now - now it will appear! "

The poor threw a pike to the well, came to the hut, sat down at the table and says: "By whining the vein, in God's blessing, be the table covers and lunch is ready!" Suddenly, from where what came - all sorts of eats and drinks appeared on the table; Although the king is treating, so it will not be ashamed! The poor crossed: "Glory to you Lord! There is something to warn. " I went to the church, defended and lunch, grown and began to stripping; Doodle drank, went out for the gate and sat on a shop.

At that time, the princess acted on the streets along the streets, goes with his nanacles and mothers and for the sake of the festive Christ, he distributes to the poor alms; He filed everyone, but about this peasant and forgot. So he says to himself: "According to the blessing of God, for God's blessing, let the princess be a fruit and give birth to a son!"

For the word of the princess in the one minute a minute of the inheritant and nine months gave birth to a son. He began to interrogate her king. "Convent," says, "who sinned?" And Tsarevna cries and swear in every way that he did not sin with anyone: "And herself does not know, for which the Lord punished me!" How many king was prevented, did not recognize anything. Meanwhile, the boy is not by day, but the clock is growing; A week later I began to talk. The king convened from all over the kingdom of boyars and spiritual people, shows their boys: does he not recognize anyone for his father? No, the boy is silent, no one calls for a father. Ordered the king of nanacians and moms to carry it in all the courtyards, on all the streets and show all the ranks of people and married and idle. Nanniki and mothers suffered a child for all the yards, on all the streets; Walked, went, he is silent. Finally came to the hut of a poor man; As soon as he saw the boy's boy, he now reached into his handms and shouted: "Tamper, toy!"

Reported about the sovereign, led to the palace of the wretched; The king began to interrogate it: "Consite the clean conscience - is your child?" - "No, God!" The king was angry, married the wretched on the princess, and after the crown ordered them to put them together with the child in a large barrel, glorifying my bed and put into the open sea.

A barrel floated over the sea, they suffered her buoy winds and knocked back to the distant coast. Hears the poor, that the water under them does not pegs, and says that the word: "By whining the velinist, on God's blessing, breakdown, barrel, on a dry place!" The barrel was splashing; They got out to dry place and went where the eyes look. They went, went, went, went, there is nothing to drink, the princess completely extinguished, barely stops. "What," asks poor, "you know now, what is thirst and hunger?" - "I know!" - answers Tsarevna. "That's the poor suffer; And you didn't want to file the day and alms on Christ! "

Then he says the poor: "By whining the vein, in God's blessing, it becomes a rich palace here - so it was better in the whole world, and with gardens, and with ponds, and with all sorts of extensions!" Only stepped up - a rich palace appeared; Reliered from the palace of servants faithful, take them under his arms, lead in the chambers of white and plant over the tables of oak, the tablecloths are married. Wonderful whalers are removed, it is On the tables everything is prepared: both wines, and sloant, and a kushan. The poor and princess got drunk, a mellow, rested and went to the garden to walk. "Everyone here is good," says Tsarevna, "only a pity that there is no bird on our ponds." - "Wait, there will be a bird!" - answered the poor and immediately walked: "By whining the vein, according to God's blessing, let the twelve ducks swim on this pond, the thirteenth spleen - all of them would have one feather was golden, the other silver; Yes, there would be a decement of a chub on a diamond head! " Looks - twelve ducks and spleen floating water - one feather golden, the other silver; On the head at the spleen of Chub diamond.

So the princess lives with her husband without grief, without sadness, and her son grows yes grows; Rose big, I worked in myself the great strength and became at the father, the mother can ask for a white light yes to look for a bride. They let him go: "Stay, son, with God!"

He saddled the Bogatyr horse, sat down and drove into the road. It comes across towards the old old woman: "Hello, Russian Tsarevich! Where to drive? " - "Food, grandmother, a bride to look for, and where to look for - and I do not know." - "Wait, I will tell you, Dietyatko! Go for the sea in the thirtie kingdom; There is a queen - such a beauty that all the world will be, and it is better not to get it anywhere! "

Good well done thanked the old woman, came to the pier, hired the ship and swam in the thirtieth kingdom. How long is it in short on the sea, soon the fairy tale affects, it does not soon be done - comes to the kingdom, came to the local king and began to wove in his daughter. Tells him the king: "You're not one for my daughter; We still have the bridegroom - the strong boys; If he refuse him, he will defuse everything my state. " - "I will refuse me - I will break!" - "What are you! It is better to fumble with him: which of you will win, for the daughter I will give. " - "Okay! Conscribe all the kings and Tsarevichi, Kings and Korolevichy on an honest battle to look at the wedding. "

Immediately sent the messengers in different directions, and the year did not pass, as the kings and Tsarevichi, Kings and Kingii gathered from all the surrounding lands; He arrived and the king that his native daughter was scratching his native daughter yes in the sea sheed. On the appointed day, warriors came to the death fight; Beggat, beat, from their blows the earth moaning, the forests were abandoned, the rivers were worried; The son of Tsarevna caught his opponent - she was driving his violent head. Royal boyars ran here, they took good well done under the arms and led to the palace; The next day he was married with the Korolevoy, and how they wrote off the wedding, began to call all the kings and Tsarevichi, kings and kingdom to visit her father, to the mother.

We rose all at once, ships shit and floated through the sea. Tsarevna and his husband met guests with detection, and began again peirs and fun. Tsari and Tsarevichi, Kings and Koroleichi look at the palace, in the gardens and are distinguished: this wealth is not seen anywhere, and most of all the ducks and spleen seemed to them - in one duck it is possible to give POLUTION!

Unlocked guests and attended home to go; They did not have time to get to the pier, how soon messengers run behind them: "Our de master asks you back to breys, he wants to hold the secret advice with you." Tsari and Tsarevichi, Kings and Koroleichi returned back; The owner spoke to them and began to say: "Does the so good people do? After all, my duck disappeared! Oaking you no one to take! " - "What do you share in vain? - Tsari and Tsarevichi, Kings and Korolei answers him. - This is a matter of naughty! Now the usual are all! If you find some kind of duck, do with him that you yourself know; And if you do not find, your head is one! " - "Ok, I agree!" - the owner said, went on a number and began to search them; How soon did the line reached the Tsarevnina Father, he slowly and walked: "By whining the vein, according to God's blessing, let the king be tied under the hollow caftana!" He took, lifted him caftan, and under the hollow as there is a duck is tied - one feather is golden, the other silver.

Here all the other kings and Tsarevichi, Kings and Korolei laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha! That's what! I began to steal the kings! " Tsarevnin Father all the holy swarms are to steal - he also did not have on thoughts; And as a duck hit him - he does not know himself. "Tell me! You found, it became, you are alone and guilty. "

The princess came out, rushed to his father and admitted that she was the one of his daughter, which he gave out for the wretched marriage and planted into the resin barrel: "Patty! You didn't believe with my words then, but now I have read what you can be guilty without guilt. " Told him how and what happened, and after that they began to live together, waiting for good, to find out, but to hang out.

As you can see, a completely different fairy tale!

There is no father nor brothers nor daughter-in-law. And the name of the hero is not. Called it "Safety"... Wu-Bogue .. God.?! Loves of God?! Under the protection of God?!

And the magic words are also different: not "at a prominent class, in my desire", but "by whining belane, God's blessing»…

This fairy tale is closest to folk version. And the people believed that God would definitely help weak and poorly ...

So in this fairy tale, the hero is far not an idiot! And the smart, honest, hardworking, fair, prudent man who is with God's help (well, and from whose else!) It became a wonderful ruler, such as ordinary Russian people always dreamed.

In conclusion, I want to say that "By whining kettles" - wonderful, cheerful, kind tale. And she also did not harm anyone.

And Emelya is not a fool at all.

In contact with

Russian folk fairy tale "By whiteway

Genre: Folk Magic Tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "by whining velin" and their characteristics

  1. Emely, Lazy and Lodio, who was lucky to catch the pike and since then he did not have to do anything at all.
  2. The king, not very smart, did not understand right away how to use Emel, and that such a son-in-law is useful in the farm.
  3. Marya-Tsarevna, fell in love with Emel at a prominent velin, but apparently understood that he was not a handsome man. Girl sensible and practical.
  4. Pike, magical creature.
Plan of recovery of the fairy tale "By whining the velenia"
  1. Emelya-fool
  2. Drub and Schuk
  3. Buckets are coming for themselves
  4. Firewood chops themselves
  5. Sani ride themselves
  6. City and Dubinka
  7. an officer
  8. Welject and red caftan
  9. Loving Tsarevna
  10. Barrel in the sea
  11. Palace on the bank
  12. Wedding.
The shortest content of the fairy tales "by a whitening velin" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Lazy Emely lived, who went for the water to the hole and caught Pike, who promised all his desires to perform
  2. Droin's emelya, I went to the sledding to the forest, suppressed the people in the city, but the baton was fighting
  3. He learned about Emel, the king demanded that the officer was broken by Emel, and he came to the furnace.
  4. The king of Emele was surprised, and he saw Tsarevna in the window and ordered her to fall in love with him.
  5. Tsarevna fell in love, the king stood, caught Emel, together with the princess in the barrel planted and released into the sea.
  6. Emelya came out with Marya ashore, the palace was built, Emelya became a handsome man, so the king wondered him to marry Marya-Tsarevna.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "By whining the velenia"
Sometimes you don't need to do anything yourself, everything will be in the best way.

What teacher teacher teaches "
It can be said that this fairy tale teaches nothing to do and wait for everything to succeed. But it is not so. This tale teaches a practical surrender, which Tsarevna showed, and Emelya himself, when he returned through the city, assumed that he would be hit and took care of the baton.

Feedback on the fairy tale "by whiteway
It is rather a cheerful fairy tale, almost an unprecedented, in which the protagonist is a lodrier and a lazy. However, he let go of Pike and she began to help him. And as a result of Emel, Tsarevich became married to Marya-Tsarevna. Read this fairy tale is interesting, the plot is dynamic. With many ridiculous moments.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "By whiteway
He is lazy to lazy. And not only to move.
One luck goes, the other leads.
The case should be caught by the hair - will slip away, you can't catch.

Summary, short retelling fairy tales "at a prominent courage"
It was the old man and the old women three sons. The older sons of workers, and the younger Emel lay on the oven lay, but did not do anything.
Here we went to the eldest sons to the bazaar, and the daughter-in-law asking Emel by water to go. And Ever reluctance. Then the daughter-in-law of gifts from the city will be brought. Emel went on a hole for water. Water burst burned down, but sees pike in the water floats. Emelya was illuminated, grabbed the pike, he wants to go to the ear.
And the pike promises Emela every wishes to fulfill. It is necessary only to say the words "by whining the vein, in my opinion."
Emely wished that the buckets themselves went to the house, buckets and went. The people are surprised. I let the pike Emelya, returned home, lies on the furnace.
Asked daughters of firewood to extort. Emely said the words cherished, the ax for firewood himself, and those in the lamps were met. They said daughter-in-law in the forest for firewood to go, Emelya came out sat down in Sani, and everyone laughs - Fool, they say, she wants to drive without a horse.
And Emelya said his words and Sani themselves went to the forest. Yes, through the city, the people were made a lot, all Emel scolded.
Sanya arrived in the forest, Emely said the words again, the fir tree was disturbed, and the baton would laugh much.
Rides Emely back through the city, pulled it out, wanted to beat. And Emelya said his words, and the baton all the Boca broke.
I learned about the king, the officer sent. The officer orders Emele to appear to the palace, and Everle reluctance. Emel's officer struck, and the words said the baton of the officer department.
The king was surprised. Veneling sent. That Emel is a prune, raisin treats, the Kaftan red promises, agreed by Emely to go to the king.
I ordered the stove, that it is to the king and took away. The king is surprised by this miracle, and Emelya Mari-Tsarevna saw and ordered her to fall in love with him. And home left home.
Crying Marya-Tsarevna, Emel loves. Heaven the king, sent a nobleman. That Emel drowned, tied up and delivered to the king. Tsar Emel and Marwa Tsarevna in the barrel ordered to plant, scratched and released in the sea.
I learned Emelya that he was sitting in a barrel with a princess. Ordered a barrel as shore to float. Emelya and Marya came to the shore. I became Marya to ask the palace to build. Built Emele Palace. He asked for Marya, so that Emelya, he had become a handsome - became Emele by his handsome.
Then the king learned about the palace and became angry that he built on his land. Came to visit, asks who are.
And Emelya and says: "Remember Emel-fool. So I will want it all the kingdom of your ruin."
The king was frightened, asked Emel on Marya-Tsarevna to marry. They got married young and began to live happily.

Signs of a magical fairy tale in a fairy tale "by whining the vein"

  1. Magic assistant - pike, executing.
Figures and illustrations for a fairy tale "By whiteway

The name of the work: "By whining omen, in my opinion."

Number of pages: 5.

Genre of the work: Russian folk fairy tale.

Main characters: Emelya-fools, daughter-in-law, pike, king, Tsarevna.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Emelya - simple guy.

Lazy, but kind.

I spared the pike and released it into the river.

Sly and clever.

He studied the king.

King - demanding and capricious.

I wanted to go with the light of my native daughter and Emel.

In time recognized his wrong.

Marya-Tsarevna - Beautiful and faithful girl.

Together with Emers, it remained to live and build a new kingdom.

The summary of the Russian folk fairy tale "by whining kettling" for the reader's diary

Three brothers lived in the village.

Senior workers were, and the younger all on the ovens were lying on.

Somehow sent the daughter-in-law by Emel by water to the lake, and the boyfriend saw her pike and asked her.

Pike requested, so that Emel let her go, and she instead will fulfill all his desires.

It was only worth it to say "to whining the classroom, in my desiment," as the buckets themselves were entered into the house, and the topor himself cut the firewood and sent them immediately to the oven, and Sani shoved in the forest.

The fact that Emelya suppressed his miracle to his miracle to the city in the city, learned the king and sent to it Welject.

But the first in the hut was broken, and the second brought the hotel and was still able to convince the fool to the king to come.

When Emelya arrived at the palace, he saw the daughter of the king and wished that the girl fell in love with him.

The king was angry, planted both in the barrel and thrown into the sea.

And here the desires of pike were useful.

Emelya is chosen from the princess ashore, builds a beautiful and high castle, and he changes her appearance and becomes a real handsome.

The king at the meeting does not recognize Emel, but the guy reminds itself.

With fear, the king asks fools to marry his daughter.

Emelya played a wedding and began to rule the whole kingdom.

Plan of Recaulating Tales "by torture

1. Three brothers lived.

2. Rigeon and Emelya-fools.

3. Emel goes for water.

4. Pike in the hole.

5. The fish asks for mercy, and instead the desires of Emelia.

6. The ax sent firewood itself to chop.

7. The daughters send Emel into the forest.

8. Sanya Topchut and pressing people in the city.

9. Emeyl is catching, but his bit of all rods.

10. The king learns about the tricks of the fool.

11. Welcome beats the bits of Emelie.

12. Welject gives the living room.

13. Emel on the furnace comes to the palace.

14. Tsarevna falls in love with the guy.

15. Order of the king to close them in a barrel.

16. Emelya and Tsarevna are selected ashore.

17. High castle and email-handsome.

18. Hunt the king.

19. Conversation of the king with Emes.

20. Wedding fool with princess.

Figure drawing of a fairy tale "By whining kettling"

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work "By whining kettling"

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale lies in the fact that the man is the blacksmith itself of his happiness.

Everyone is able to catch good luck for the tail, but not everyone knows how to properly dispose of its desires.

The tale shows us that in order to achieve something, not enough to lie on the furnace, but also you need to do something, so that the dream has become a reality.

What does the Russian folk fairy tale teach "to whiteway

Tale teaches us to many things:

1. Be careful and kind.

2. obey the elders and not to be lazy to fulfill their requests.

3. Be hardworking, and not break pants in one place.

4. Believe in miracles and dreams, but also to do something for their implementation.

5. Be clever and resourceful.

6. With the mind to use your desires.

Short review about the fairy tale "by whining kettling" for the reader's diary

The fairy tale "By whining kettle" I really liked.

It describes the history of a simple and lazy guy named Emel, who had all the desires.

At first, I was in confusion why it was Lyzhakok and a lazyman Emeyale was lucky enough in life?

But in fact, Emelya is a kind and responsive guy who just retained the life of a magic pike and received his gratitude in return.

In the fairy tale, real wonders work: Sani goes themselves, the oven goes out of the hut and rides Emel, and at the end the guy and completely makes his handsome.

And all this thanks to one magic pike.

Emely managed to receive not only beautiful princess in his wife, but also all the kingdom.

Of course, there are no such miracles in the life.

And so that dreams are fulfilled, you need to do something.

However, it is necessary to dream and you need to do everything so that dreams become reality.

That is what I understood from the fairy tale "by whining kettling."

An excerpt or episode that struck you most:

The king eats, drinks and not put pressure:

Who are you, kind well done?

And remember the fool by Emel - how came to you on the stove, and you told him with her daughter in a barrel to scramble, throw in the sea?

I am the same Emel.

I want - all your kingdom of fire and ruin.

What proverbs are suitable for a fairy tale "by whining kettle"

"At the Lodio, that a day, then laziness."

"The trick will even catch a lion, you can't catch a cricket with force."

"Do not be lazy, and work."

"One good luck goes, the other leads."

"Everything is stupid will be able."

Unknown words and their meanings

Drub - a hole in the ice.

Welject - a noble officer.

Amuses - surprised.

Livecha - recently.

Kaftan - Men's long cape.

and many others

Diary of the reader (kerokhin) in the Russian folk fairy tale "by torture

1. List the main characters of the fairy tale "by whining omen."

The main characters of the fairy tale "by whining kettle": Emel, Pike.

Another Tsar, Marya-Tsarevna, two brothers Emelie, an old man, daughter-in-law, officer, noble, are involved in the fairy tale.

2. Wrong from the text one sentence that you liked. Write to reader diary.

The ax began to chop, prick dry firewood, and the firewoods themselves are lying in the sleigh and rope.

3. Where are the brothers once? Mark the correct answer in the reader's diary.

Correct answer: to the bazaar.

4. What requests to Emele got the daughter-in-law in the fairy tale "by torture kettle"? Restore the sequence of requests. Pass the numbers in the desired order.

Proper sequence of requests:

1) go to the water river;

2) to seize firewood;

3) Go to the forest and bring firewood.

5. Where was Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna? Check in the reader's diary.

Correct answer: on the seashore.

6. Insert the missed words in the proposal. Determined the number of syllables in each Word recorded by you. Write to reader diary.

Missed words: ax, shop, courtyard, firewood, hut, stove.

Word 1 - 2 syllables;

Word 2 - 2 syllables;

Word 3 - 1 syllable;

Word 4 - 2 syllables;

Word 5 - 2 syllables;

Word 6 - 1 syllable.

7. What was Emelya? List the features of his character.

Emelya was lazy, tricky, smart.

8. Who could not cope with Emes, when the king ordered him to bring him to the palace? Mark the correct answer.

Correct answer: Officer.

9. Why did Yemel agreed to go to the king? Write down the answer.

At first, the grandee found out the daughter-in-law that Emelya loves.

And then promised that the king he will receive it.

Emelya could not refuse red caftan, caps and boots.

10. Pick up the word reluctance words close in meaning.

Reluctance - laziness, unwillingness, do not want, does not pull.

11. Did you like the fairy tale "at whitewashing"? Than? Why? Write your answer to the reader's diary.

I liked the fairy tale "by whining kettling."

It has a very exciting plot, easy to read and causes a smile.

In addition, there are many unexpected turns in a fairy tale.

They are all interesting in their own way.