Real superheroes. Superheroes in real life

Real superheroes. Superheroes in real life

As you probably guess, the appearance in our country of real superheroes like the Avenger from Chelyabinsk, undeservedly ridiculed by his fellow citizens, is a reflection of the global trend. Because the police cut funding everywhere, which leads to corruption, lawlessness and trivial robberies in order to take away phones. Those who cannot put up with this - registered superheroes - are also in Africa. In America, masked vigilantes generally walk in large groups and unite in associations. The Avengers movie is rapidly becoming a reality.

Superheroes have a busy life, also due to their media popularity. Trailer dedicated to several of them documentary you saw above, but superheroes simply do not crawl out of television news. For example, the wearer of a rubber suit Phoenix Jones (real name Ben Fodor), who proclaimed himself the "Defender of the City of Seattle", pleases viewers with idiotic stories, which he regularly falls into. In January, Phoenix, who intervened in a street fight, had his nose broken. Last week, in a similar situation, a superhero sprayed the fighters with a gas can, and he had to flee from an angry lady, and then the police arrested Jones.

Of course, among the real life superheroes (RLSH; every decent subculture should have an acronym) there is also a more serious audience. Those who denounce "self-prostituting narcissists and liars" set their colleagues as an example of Mister Extreme. A real superhero from San Diego saved a woman from robbery and rape in a dark alley, and detained a serial criminal whom the police could not catch for a long time. The robber-rapist was given 34 years. Another serious character, the Dark Guardian from New York, is not afraid to go to Washington Park at night and chase drug dealers.

Interestingly, many people start to get involved in RLSH for the same reasons as many invented superheroes. As a child, Mister Extreme suffered no less mental trauma than Rorschach from The Avengers. A person who works as a security guard during the day calls night patrolling of the streets "therapy" and admits that caring for fellow citizens keeps him from drinking.

The Super Hero (simply and intelligibly) from Orlando is more like (in spirit) more like Tony Stark: he has a girlfriend (Lady Hero), there is Sports car(Supermobile), but there is not enough additional space for self-realization (or what the "Guardians" lacked in Owl-2 and Silk Ghost-2). A former wrestler who served in the army and graduated from the police academy, he is calm about the fact that he has not yet performed great feats. He only greatly frightened the man who was going to squeeze the mobile phones from the teenagers, and took home a very drunk disabled person who was rolling in a wheelchair along the roadway.

Not all serious superheroes are siloviki. Master Legend, Super Hero's partner, although able to break pieces of wood with an armored arm, mainly specializes in foreseeing the future and distributing toys to poor children. The Lionheart from Liberia is also involved in charity work, who wants to provide his compatriots with clean drinking water... Some superheroes alternate light scuffle with philanthropy: for example, helping the homeless, like the Dark Guardian.

Indeed, you can and should take care of your near and far in different ways. The Czech superhero Super-Vaclav from Prague, whom you may already know, is fighting an evil that has taken the form of dog owners who do not remove feces from the lawns.

In general, if you decided to try yourself in RLSH, then decide: a) with a specialization (do not go to the "strength class" if you have not been engaged in a barbell or at least parkour for several years), b) the field of activity (fight against drugs by force or propaganda - or transporting old women across the street in your arms or arm), c) decide whether you will work anonymously or in public, d) study the Criminal Code (the Russian police treat RLSH much worse than the American one). And then already think about the image, technical means, costume and how to lure friends and girlfriends into the henchmen. Yes, girls are dating in the RLSH environment. Look at Nyx.

Few have not heard of such fictional characters as Superman, or Batman. But as it turned out, there are real "superheroes" who cling to a variety of silly costumes, and go out into the street to help those who need help. The truth is to call this help a superhero language does not turn, well, what they can, so they help. 10 real superheroes in real life! At the end you will find a story about real heroes.

Knight Warrior

Personality: Roger Hayhurst

City: Salford, Greater Manchester, UK

"Gardener by day and crime fighter by night" is the slogan of the Knight Warrior. 19-year-old resident of Great Britain proclaimed himself the head of the self-proclaimed superpower of people whose goal is to make the world a better place. Its main target is drunks, who are often too noisy on the city's night streets, especially after they leave the pubs. He appears when they start to interfere with civilians, start fights ...

Although he has no combat training, weapons, or even protective equipment, he does have a garish suit, which is sometimes enough to get people's attention. As Roger himself says: "When people see me, they tend to calm down ..." Although the Warrior Knight himself lives with his mother ....

Mr. Extreme

Personality: Unknown

City: San Diego, California

Honestly, if you want to know which American city really needs superheroes, it is San Diego, especially after the police was cut in half in 2012. This led to a sharp increase in crime. Mr. Extreme, as he writes in a blog, is a security guard during the day and puts on a suit at night and goes to defend his city from crime.

Mr. Extreme is armed with a stun gun, handcuffs, three cans of pepper spray and a conviction that the law must be respected. He is not remembered for his great successes, like Batman, but he has several arrests on his account.

Unlocking man

Personality: Unknown

City: Perth, Australia

For some, heroes are enemies, but for others, they are helpers. Superheroes often help the police, but this superhero helps ordinary residents of Perth avoid parking tickets by cutting off the blockers that the police put on the wheels of violators with a grinder. To remove the blocker, a motorist must pay $ 135 ... Or, if he is lucky, the "Unblocker Man" will help him

Dark keeper

Personality: Chris Pollack

City: Manhattan, New York

People who love superheroes and people who look like superheroes usually sit on opposite sides of the table. But Chris Pollack combines both of these extremes. His costume is similar to that of a biker, and he himself is a master of martial arts. His the main objective- drug dealers.

He also stops fights and helps stop robbers. But mostly, he's waging a war on drug dealers. He usually tracks down a dealer going to a meeting and appears in front of him when he does not expect

Captain Australia

Personality: Unknown

City: Brisbane, Australia

Captain Australia in Everyday life a father of two, he says he works during the day and patrols the streets of his city at night. Captain Australia is engaged in crime prevention, believing that his appearance scares off criminals. Oddly enough, it really works ...


Personality: Ken Andre

City: Somerset, UK

Having abandoned the colorful superhero costumes, 33-year-old Ken Andre embarked on the path of the ninja. He calls himself "The Shadow" and patrols the area where he lives up to four times a week to rid him of drug trafficking as well as prevent other possible crimes.

Ken studied martial arts from the very childhood and with him the criminal is better not to joke. One day he caught a drug dealer, tied him to a pole and called the police. Such a simple and correct superman.


Personality: unknown

City: Vancouver, Canada

IN Greek mythology Thanatos was the personification of death, so the choice of a name is very strange for a person who is going to help people. But it was he who already three times in last year did things worthy of a superhero.

Dressed in a black coat, black hat with a green mask with a skull, Thanatos takes part in solving the problems of lynching, distributes food and clothing to homeless people on the street, and tries to stop crimes that he notices.

Phoenix Jones

Personality: Benjamin Fodor

City: Seattle, Washington, USA

Of all the real-life superheroes described, the life of a superhero named Phoenix Jones has probably received the most media coverage. He patrols the area around Seattle and says that he decided to wear a mask and raincoat after his car was in an accident and no one bystander tried to help him. Also, 22-year-old Phoenix Jones is a professional MMA wrestler.

Also, unlike many other people who claim to be superheroes, the Phoenix costume is actually nothing more than a disguised body armor.

Blazing Blade

Personality: unknown

City: South Shields, UK

Blazing Blade - appeared only once and made a lot of noise. A gang armed with chains and knives attacked two detectives in South Shields in 2007. The detectives were unarmed, but a man appeared out of nowhere and, waving his katana, rushed to the aid of the detectives, shouting: "Leave them alone, they are policemen!" He wounded one bandit in the arm, and the rest rushed into the loose.

After the detectives were safe, the man with the katana disappeared. There is only a description left. It was 40 years old white man with a mustache ... No one ever saw him again ...

Chinese Cercis Girl

Personality: unknown

City: Beijing, China

This masked and cloaked girl has been spotted several times in Beijing. She distributed food and clothing to homeless people on the streets.

Her personality is already legendary ... But no one can deny her beauty, especially in this form-fitting superhero costume ...

A Tale of Real Superheroes:

In June last year, the Russian media reported the appearance in the city of Khimki near Moscow ... Batman! More precisely, a person who allegedly fights crime under the guise of a superhero in disguise. Naturally, the news became a sensation. Moreover, the Khimki avenger sent a letter to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, where he said that his name was Reaper (Reaper), he had been voluntarily fighting crime for six months and had already helped the police to detain about fifty offenders. He also called himself "the first superhero of humanity." But is it?

It is difficult to say whether the Khimki Reaper really fights crime or is it just a practical joke, a publicity stunt. But here's what is known for sure: even if the activities of the Reaper are real, he is far from "the first superhero of mankind." Costumed heroes have long gone from the pages of comics to the real world and fight evil here and now. Well, or pretend.

Superhero ABC

They even made a documentary about American RLSH

Naive teenager Dave Liesewski, the main character film and comic "Kick-Ass", wondered: "Why are there no superheroes in real life?" Those who, under the influence of comics and films, in disguise, are fighting evil. Well, or at least removes kittens from trees. It's funny, but our reality surrounded Dave's fictional world, because those who, with varying degrees of convention, can be considered "superheroes" modern society full. This phenomenon has even received the label Real-life superheroes (RLSH), which is used by the global media.

It is clear that RLSH has no extraordinary abilities. However, among the heroes of the comics were Batman, Punisher or Arrow - ordinary, albeit trained people, using different realistic gadgets. So our "supers" have someone to look up to. However, when you start to study their activities, you understand that there are not so many of those who really fit the definition of "superhero".

Seven essential signs of a "real superhero"

1. Costume and mask.

2. An effective pseudonym.

3. Anonymity (optional).

4. Autonomy (lack of direct links with the authorities).

5. Extraordinary actions for the layman.

6. Willingness to take risks (optional).

7. Availability of special skills or special gadgets (optional).

Real superheroes of the first type:
activists and concerned citizens

Most RLSHs that do something useful fall into this category. They do not save the world, but simply try to fix it "in little ways." For example, they are engaged in education. Helping homeless and lonely people. They try to induce philanthropy in the townsfolk. Their main difference from ordinary civic activists is that RLSH wear costumes and masks, hiding under the names, stylized in the spirit of comics. For the most part, this is a marketing ploy - after all, "real superheroes" attract media attention, which means "good deeds" get additional PR. The anonymity of such RLSH is conditional - the authorities know their identities, and as long as the "superheroes" do not cause problems, they have nothing to fear. True, in some countries even the most innocuous initiative of citizens is perceived by the authorities with hostility. And the local "real superheroes" hide their identities - just in case.

Super-Vaclav hooligan in the name of justice

Superhero treats from Life

Helping the homeless native of New York Life (Life) who distributes food and hygiene products to them. Italian Entomo(Entomo - Insect Man) acts as an environmental activist, patrolling the streets of Naples to prevent illegal dumping and petty vandalism. Extravagantly dressed (or rather undressed) finn Dex Laserskater while rollerblading through the streets of Helsinki, he helps lost tourists, finds lost objects and signals the police about minor offenses. BUT Super Vaclav from Prague in a very hooligan way he fights antisocial behavior: he pours water on smokers, and throws these poop on the owners of dogs who do not clean the excrement of their pets.

Des Lazerskater's outfit evokes indecent thoughts, but this does not prevent him from being popular in Helsinki

Top 5 Idealists in Disguise


Mexican wrestler Marco Rascon Cordoba, who, after completing sports career became a political activist. Superbarrio first appeared in 1987 when he sided with the poor in Mexico City against property owners who had unfairly raised rents. In the future, he repeatedly became the leader of civil protests, which earned him enormous popular popularity. Despite the appearance “ tough guy", Superbarrio does not use violence, preferring the role of organizer and propagandist. He became the founder of the luchadoros movement (costumed fighters for justice), who oppose poverty, corruption, pollution the environment, for the observance of civil rights or for the protection of animals.

Mexican Luchador, also a former wrestler. After privatizing the largest state-owned energy company where he worked in 2009, the new owners laid off about forty thousand employees. Some of them began to fight for their rights, and Superlus-CME ("superlight" in Spanish plus the abbreviation of the Mexican energy workers union) became one of the leaders of the protests. The disguised energetic hides his identity and does not shy away from violence - he has repeatedly fought with strikebreakers and the police. Nowadays Superlus is considered a symbol of ultra-left workers' organizations and participates in their actions.

The Mexican police do not like Superlus-CME, but ordinary people are delighted with him

Master Legend

The hero from the town of Winter Park, a suburb of Orlando (Florida), is one of the most popular American RLSH. He hides his identity from the media, but the authorities know it - Master Legend cooperates with the police, even has permission from the local sheriff to conduct patrols. In the subculture, RLSH is considered one of the pioneers - he put on a superhero mask back in the mid-1980s. But he became famous only in 2009 after an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. Wears a steel plate body armor and a metal helmet, and is armed with a high-voltage stun gun. Despite the aggressive image, the Legend Master's field of activity is helping veterans, the elderly and lonely people, the homeless and children to whom he distributes food, water, clothes, medicines, toys. For this purpose, he founded the non-profit humanitarian organization Team Justice, which collects donations to help those in need.

Lion Heart

A native of the African state of Sierra Leone, he lives in neighboring Liberia. Acts as an educator: walks through the villages, explaining to people the rules of hygiene and providing first medical care... He also teaches residents how to avoid falling victim to local traffickers. Bandits and corrupt authorities don't like this, because Lionheart hides his identity. Wears normal clothing, but face is completely covered by a primitive mask.

The Vancouverian, also known as the Dark Avenger, is Canada's most famous "real-life superhero". Despite the formidable name (Thanatos - the ancient Greek personification of Death), he is engaged in charity work - he distributes food and clothing to the homeless, protects them from violence and serves as a kind of arbiter for them, resolving conflicts. Wears a black coat, black hat and green skull mask, hiding his identity.

Real superheroes of the second type:
showmen and freaks

There are those for whom the creation of such an image is just a reason to become famous. Make-up-a-hero-put-on-suit-take-a-selfie! Upload the video to YouTube! Collect more likes! And if some media press a note about you - that's it, life is good!

Clamp and Grinder: Heroes or Hooligans?

Among RLSH there are a couple of freaks balancing on the brink of crime. So, a resident of the Australian city of Perth, who was nicknamed by the media Wheel Clamp Man, frees cars blocked by the police. The anonymous avenger said that once his car was unfairly blocked and he paid a fine, after which he vowed to fight police brutality. Engaged in similar activities and Angle Grinder Man from London.

In 2011, a video of a man in a ninja costume appeared on Runet, who called himself “ Chelyabinsk Avenger". However, apart from a loud statement about the fight against hooligans and a page on social networks, the Avenger did not show himself in any way. Also engaged exclusively in self-promotion Chernobyl from Ulyanovsk and Foil man from Ufa ("he cares about your safety"). In the same year, a group of St. Petersburg students created a collective superhero named, which was supposed to protect people from rudeness. A young man in a raincoat with the city's flag and the emblem of St. Petersburg on his chest went out into the streets to collect cigarette butts and teach courtesy to passers-by. But the movement did not receive development and quickly died out.

TOP-5 "superheroic" freaks

British comic fan Roger Hayhurst, a young gardener from Salford, a suburb of Manchester. At night he dispersed the rowdy drunks, and with only one appearance - ordinary people, even when drunk, did not risk getting involved with a psycho in tights. However, after the Warrior Knight became a media hero, the local punks severely beat Roger, after which his mother asked for the police protection for her son.

Bank employee Scott Cook, who wanders the streets of his native Birmingham at night, dressed in the colors of the British flag. Theoretically, he can stand up for himself - in his youth he was engaged in boxing. But mostly he gives interviews to the media, promotes traditional values ​​and takes pictures with tourists.

Financial advisor Will from English resort town Torby, Devon, who created the Justice Union superhero squad. He became famous for his spectacular costume, which is why he repeatedly attracted the attention of the media. Together with friends, he patrols the evening streets and entertains tourists.

Former wrestler from Clearwater, Florida, owner of a fitness store. After the army he graduated from the police academy, but his career in the authorities did not work out. One of the main promoters of the American RLSH movement, created the superhero group Team Justice.

Lives in Portland (Oregon), real name Ilya King - popularizer of the American movement RLSH. He acted on the Internet - he ran his own online channel, where he showed stories about the adventures of "real superheroes". Claims to own aikido, but never put it into practice. Not so long ago "resigned" because of his marriage.

Real superheroes of the third type:
crime fighters and vigilantes

Finally, there are those who can really be compared with Batman or the Punisher - albeit a few of them. They are costumed vigilantes.

Lynching- the extrajudicial reprisals practiced in America in the 19th century, which was carried out by a crowd of "concerned citizens", sometimes united in voluntary "committees of vigilance." Members of such committees tried to be anonymous, so they wore masks or robes.

Strictly speaking, any superhero who, in disguise, administers justice of his own accord, is a vigilante. After all, guided by even good intentions, you can break such a firewood that supervillains will be jealous. Therefore, people who actually engage in lynching evoke a contradictory reaction in society. However, some of the vigilantes cooperate with the police (by analogy with the Soviet people's vigilantes) and do not hide their personalities.

TOP 5 legal vigilantes

The most famous "real superhero" in the United States. Real name - Benjamin Fodor. Armed with a stun gun and gas cans, in a suit with built-in body armor, patrols the streets of Seattle, Washington. His targets are hooligans, robbers, hijackers, in the fight against which combat skills help the superhero - he is a professional MMA wrestler. Since 2010, Phoenix Jones has made more than fifty police-confirmed arrests.

"Night patrol" from the California city of San Diego. His identity is known to the police, but he does not give his name to journalists. He is fluent in jiu-jitsu, works as a security guard during the day. While on patrol, he wears a suit with body armor, helmet, glasses, uses a gas canister and a taser (stun gun). He made several arrests, the loudest was the detention of a serial rapist, who as a result received more than thirty years in prison.

New Yorker Chris Pollack. He never hid his identity, so he does not wear a mask. A martial arts instructor, his usual field of activity is New York parks, where he disperses drug dealers. Recently opened his own Superhero Academy.

Oriental martial arts expert Ken Andre from small English city Yeovil (Somerset County). Patrols the streets without a mask, in a black ninja suit, uses nunchucks and a wooden katana. Locals he has no support and no complaints, so the police have nothing to complain about, although Shadow uses violence to disperse drug dealers and hooligans. During the day he works as a security guard.

Former Argentine police officer Oscar Lefosse from Buenos Aires. Since 2010, he has been patrolling the night streets of his neighborhood on a motorcycle, dispersing local punks. In 2013, he opened fire from an unregistered pistol at the car of the alleged criminals, after which he was prosecuted.

In addition to the volunteer patrolmen, there are vigilantes who are considered offenders by the authorities. Naturally, such "real superheroes" hide their identities and try not to communicate with journalists. Therefore, little is known about them, and only from the words of casual witnesses.

TOP 3 secret vigilantes

Bromley Batman

An anonymous English vigilante named by journalists after the London suburb where he first appeared. This is a man in a black suit and mask, from under which you can see a beard (possibly glued on). He saves people from attacks by robbers, rapists and hooligans. According to eyewitnesses, he owns martial arts. Now operates in the English province, last time spotted in March 2016.

Italian superhero from the city of Mantua (Lombardy province), has been active since the spring of 2014. He is dressed in an armored suit and helmet, uses shurikens and a telescopic baton, and is engaged in kickboxing. He attacks drug dealers and rapists and brutally beat them, but his main target is pedophiles. Due to the fact that law enforcement cannot catch the vigilante, and he often targets well-known criminals, Italian journalists suggest that Seven has connections among law enforcement officers or may even be a policeman himself.

The Flashing Blade

Received his nickname from journalists in honor of the hero of the old television series about the avenger with a sword. It appeared only once, in the summer of 2007 in the English town of South Shields (Devon). A street gang with chains, knives and hammers surrounded two police officers who do not carry firearms on patrols in England. Suddenly the bandits were attacked by an unknown man in a hood and with a real katana at the ready. He wounded one of the bandits, the rest fled. Despite the help of the police, Blade was tried to be prosecuted for the armed attack, but was never found.

* * *

The existence of "real superheroes" is a fact that cannot be dismissed. Of course, the vast majority of RLSHs are harmless, sometimes even helpful. If people help the weak or feed the homeless while pretending to be heroes of mass culture, what is wrong with that? But if enthusiasts take up arms because they do not believe in the state's ability to solve urgent problems, this is already an alarming signal for society. And whether they put on a mask of Robin Hood, Zorro or Batman, it does not matter at all.

Real superheroes exist, this is true and we are not talking about firefighters, rescuers or other people of heroic professions, but about those who wear superhero costumes, hiding their faces, people who fight crime, environmental pollution and other vices prevailing in our society, in their personal time at their own peril and risk and they like such an extreme lifestyle (well, really cool people!).

Many of them patrol the city streets at night and are ready to intervene if they see any violations of the law or other problems. We have already written about one such American extreme from the city of Milwaukee, we have not heard anything about such real superheroes in Russia, but in the states this movement has already become widespread. Well, if such superheroes exist in reality, then it goes without saying that they must also have technical “gadgets” that allow them to fulfill their mission.

There is such a community: RLSH (Real Superhero Life), which includes the acting superheroes of America. First of all, they are popular with ordinary household and household items that can be purchased in any supermarket: cameras, flashlights, Cell phones, first aid kits, they buy nylon and nylon cords to use instead of handcuffs.

You may be interested in: “10 Most Interesting Sports Gadgets” - a post in the topic.

When it comes about a possible collision with hooligans, some especially zealous crime fighters wear kevlar body armor, take pepper spray cans and telescopic batons with them on night patrols. And some carry stun guns by tying them to their wrists so that they can also serve as brass knuckles.

Just as Spider-Man is known for his spider webs that helped him navigate high-rise buildings, these real-life superheroes each have their own technological gadgets. One of them calls himself “The Eye” and dresses in the style of Dick Tracy, patrolling the night streets of Mountain View, California.

The formidable hero "The Eye"

He was born and raised in the famous Silicon Valley, works as a computer scientist in the creation of various electronic technology projects. Here are the gadgets that help him in the fight against the irresponsible elements of society:

The wrist blaster

This thing is wrist-mounted, has multiple LED lights built into it, and the device allows you to blind the attacker at night.

The nightmare cane

A walking stick that also houses an LED, neodymium rare earth magnets (to pick up metal objects), a grip and mount for a mini video camera to view the terrain through obstacles.

Laser Wand

An upgraded laser pointer, with which he shows the police officers who arrived at the scene of the incident, the direction where the bully ran.

And in the southeastern United States, the threat of local bandits is real superhero"Mister Legend" patrolling the streets of Orlando, Florida.

Mister Legend with her "scary" gun

His main gadget is a portable cannon that he calls the “Master Blaster”. It is not clear how she shoots and the principle of her work, but according to the superhero, with her help, you can break through a wooden door. He also wears a bulletproof vest of his own manufacture made of steel-coated plates and a metal cylinder that moves freely along the runners along the hand and forearm (well, so that you can crack on the abuser's forehead).

Another real superhero nicknamed "Artisteroi"

He does not make such gadgets for his own use. He himself has a degree in mechanical engineering and is also involved in the development of software, and became the person to whom other superheroes turn, who need to develop some new device.

This is the future "hand" of the Iron Man suit.

At the moment, he and several other members from the RLSH community are working on creating a real costume. iron man... One of the group's wealthy fans is funding the project well. According to Artisteroi, this suit will include ballistic protection against light firearms while being lightweight with built-in non-lethal weapons. Maybe they can do something.

Of course, these people have an interesting life. real superheroes, the question remains, but if on night street instead of some bully, they will come across a bandyugan with a 45-caliber colt, can the technological heroes do anything to help? And isn't it easier to buy a stun gun, which is much more convenient and reliable in operation than all these incomprehensible gadgets? And if you are seriously concerned about your own safety, we advise you to visit the online store “”. Here is the largest assortment of stun guns in Runet. When buying a shocker, the store carries out free delivery of goods in Moscow, any purchased products are provided with a 2-year warranty and free service... And that is not all! Each buyer can choose a discount or a gift to choose from.

This is what happens when you read too many comics, or take superhero movies too seriously. This post introduces ordinary people in not-so-ordinary costumes and not-so-ordinary situations. Real Batmen, Spidermen and ninjas who wanted to fight for good and justice and protect ordinary people, more than once found themselves on the other side of the law.

(13 photos total)

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1. Mysterious Batman literally by the scruff of his neck brought a wanted person to the police station with the words: "I caught him for you." A hero in a Batman costume (which looked more like one bought at a flea market) came into view of the camera in a Yorkshire police station. (WEST YORKSHIRE POLICE)

2.Michael Balderstone, 45, has always wanted to be the hero of his beloved Spider-Man comic. Incidentally, Michael owns a comic book store in Adelaide, Australia. It just so happened that that day Michael was in a Spider-Man suit, because the store was on International Comic Book Day. Noticing a suspicious man at the back of his store, Michael walked over to him and saw that he had hidden a $ 160 X-Men Omnibus comic in his backpack. The attacker was just trying to escape when Spider-Man ... that is, Michael Bolderstone decided to restore justice. (Rex Features)

3. A man wearing a Batman suit and sweating armpits was arrested after police found him at the edge of a building in Petoskey, Michigan, early in the morning. Mark Williams - this is the name of our "hero" - had a belt with tools, a club and pepper gas. Plus, he was wearing leaded gloves. The police arrested him for carrying dangerous items. Mark is 31 years old. (Emmet County / Rex Features)

4. He desperately wanted to be like his favorite superheroes. However, Tanis Baker's attempts to fight crime were more like a farce than a comic strip. Patrolling the streets of Newport, South Wales, in the guise of a ninja, Tanis himself found himself on the other side of the law - he was arrested for wearing wooden sword... (Wales News Service)

5. Self-proclaimed superheroes - the Dark Spartan and his faithful assistant Black Vacuum - have vowed to fight crime and bring justice in the resort town of Torbay, Devon. However, despite months of searches for criminals on the streets hometown, this couple (in real life - a financial advisor and a store owner) - never found a single villain. (Ken McKay / Rex Features)

6. Superheroes are captured by a Google Street View camera outside a bar in Wow, Shetland. (Google / Rex Features)

7. A superhero in real life nicknamed "The Politician" silently stares at the bright lights of Birmingham, listening to the night - what if someone calls for help? A "politician" in real life is a banker. (LAURENTIU GAROFEANU / BARCROFT MEDIA)

8. A crusader in a green suit with striped socks and a helmet ... ah, and in black swimming trunks ... became a real hero for drivers in Perth, Australia. This mysterious barbel uses a hand sander to remove wheel locks from improperly parked cars, saving drivers from a $ 135 fine. In exchange, he asks for a small reward, which, according to him, he gives to the homeless. But the police consider this hero a villain. (Newspix / Rex Features)

9. Nicole Abramovich as his heroine during a night patrol in Brooklyn, New York. This real catwoman (31 years old) is always ready to help the weak. (Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft USA)

10. A masked superhero named Phoenix Jones decided to defend the streets of the American town of Jones. He wears a black and gold suit and defends the streets of Lynnwood, a 35,000-strong town near Seattle. He is wearing a bulletproof vest, and his weapons are pepper gas and a stun gun. He does not have a Batmobile, he drives a regular Kia, but he has an assistant and part-time personal driver that never gets out of the car. (Peter Brooker / Rex Features)

11. Andre Luis Pignero, 50, stands ready to fight crime in the streets of Taubate, Brazil. This retired military officer paid quite a round sum of money for his Batman costume. (Thiago Leon / Barcroft USA)

12. In Buenos Aires, the peace of the residents is guarded by Menganno - this superhero who rides through the streets on a motorcycle. (Maxi Failla / AFP)

13. Meet Captain Beanie. In this photo, he goes to the constituency to apply for the position of councilor in Port Talbot, Wales. Captain Beanie has long been famous in the UK, and now he decided to go to new level and try to put things in order in the government. Apparently, he realized that voters are fed up with ordinary politicians. (ADRIAN DENNIS / AFP / Getty Images)