How to write about places. How to make a description interesting

How to write about places. How to make a description interesting
How to write about places. How to make a description interesting

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In the previous article you have learned about. Now it's time to learn how to write about the places, because each event occurs somewhere. The reader always wants to know what it looks like and what is "somewhere". Sometimes for the description of the terrain, there are plenty of several paragraphs, and sometimes to recreate the atmosphere of the city there may be several pages. In this case, do not do without knowing some nuances of how to write about places. And what if you need to write a whole article on tourist topics?

Write about places is not as easy as it seems

... And the reason is that you can talk about your travels for hours - because it is interesting for us. On the other hand, try to imagine yourself on the site of the interlocutor: how boring to listen to the endless speech of the tourist, who is trying to tell you absolutely all the details of the trip. Agree, neither the listener nor the reader wants to know everything, but only some of the most lack of details.

No need to communicate the reader apparent. Everyone knows that there are channels in Venice, and the big canyon looks simply amazing. But if an attraction broke in Disneyland - this is probably interested in the reader. Details must be interesting, but not well known.

In addition, many authors who write about the places use too much banal and too artificial epithets. Remember when for the last time in real life you used the words "amazing", "amented", "adorable"? Little not all beautiful places look "bizarre", and the town must be "lying" to the slope or foot of the mountain. In the villages you will find a lot of "quiet corners", usually "half-thousand", etc. All this is nothing more than standard phrases and banal associations that will only worsen your material.


Carefully choose words that will describe the area. It happens that one or another turnover is asking for the text - it means it is worth thinking, perhaps this is one of those pests that only litter an article.

There is nothing worse than artificial or pompous phrases. Having written something, read it out loud and appreciate how easy it is to sound. If you want to describe a special place, look for fresh, original metaphors and epithets. Do not use popular speech structures in the press - they are most often empty, banal and lifeless.

Puture the fact that you write. Do not tell the reader well-known or uninteresting details. Describing the seashore, do not mention that he was littered with stones, and the seagulls died over him. At least for the simple reason that most authors do this. Look for details that give the text a new meaning, or just funny, curious facts. Try to feel the place that write.

Practice, write articles about several places. For this, it is not necessary to go on the journey - just go to the nearest shopping center or sports complex. Before writing, it is important to understand the place: what is his feature, what is its atmosphere. Look for an answer in people who live here or come. Include in your material fragments interviews: talk people, and perhaps their story will become the culmination of an article or essay.

Anyone came across accumulated fatigue from everyday life, problems and other negativity. Holy places will help to get rid of it and fill their lives with new forces and positive emotions. You can find soulful harmony if you go through the holy places of Russia. Among them are highlighted monuments of heritage and spiritual and cultural centers: Solovki, Kizhi, Optina Desert, Diveevo, Pskovo-Pechersk Resident, Trinity-Sergiyev Lava, Nilova Desert.

№1. Solovki.

Arkhangelsk region, archipelago in the White Sea at the entrance to the Onega's lip.

Solovki. Photo: aminpro.

Solovki is put on their mystical land, as they were founded in the XV century. Solovki absorbed a group of 6 islands, which are located at the entrance of the Onega Lips in the White Sea (Arkhangelsk region). Among this group of the islands, the largest - Solovetsky stands out (more than 240 square meters. Km).

Labires were built here. Once in this monastery there were troops that defended their enemies from attack. The room also served as a place of reference. And only in the 90s religious activity was revived.

The main celebrity and religious and cultural focus is the Solovtsky Stavropiygial Male Skit, or simply - Solovetsky monastery. Originated in the 1420-1430s. From the XVI and to the beginning of the 20th century, the monastery was considered one of the most "famous" political and church prisons in Russia. Under the Soviet power in the territory of the monastery, the country's first camp in the country (elephant) was operating.

To truly feel the spirituality and holiness of this place, you need to spend at least a week here. And be sure to visit the Botanical Garden. There are plants planted with monks in the 1870-1920, as well as landing of the Solovetsky camp prisoners.

The nature of the Solovetsky archipelago fascinates and helps to merge with the purity of these places, becoming part of it.

It is interesting:

- Solovetsky monastery, as one of the shrines of Russia is depicted on the reverse side of 500 ruble bills.

- Of the 50 existing stone labyrinths in Russia 35 are located in the territory of the Solovetsky Islands. Their age is more than 2000 years.

№2. Kizhi.

Republic of Karelia

Kizhi. Photo:

The famous Kizhi graveyard consists of the Transfiguration and Pokrovsk churches, between which the bell tower was built. The churches were erected in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

The Transfiguration Church is known for the fact that it was built entirely of wood without a single nail and alone only. Her founder was a joiner Nestor, who after completion threw off his ax to the river so that no one could copy his creation.

But still, in this church, there are 37 meters high in the domes.

In 1993, Kizhi were called one of the particularly significant monuments of the developed heritage of Russia. In more detail about the Kizhsky, we wrote.

It is interesting:

UNESCO recognized Kizhi by the World Heritage Heritage at three criteria at once: as a masterpiece of human creative genius, a construction in harmony with the surrounding landscape and the top of carpenter skill.

Number 3. Optina desert

Kozelsk, Kaluga region

Optina desert. Photo:

The next holy place is the Optina desert, which was named after the renounced Ataman Bandits - Wholesale (in Macarium Monastic).

The monastery consists of the introduced Cathedral, the cruciform from which the Church of Maria Egypt, Kazan and Vladimir. This monastery was established in the XIV century and famous for the history of the ministry of elders, whose founder was Archbishop Leonid. To this day, many believers people come to touch the relics of an elder Amvrosia.

In Optio, the deserts loved to come Gogol, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. After finding Dostoevsky in this holy place was written by the Roman "Brothers Karamazov".

It is interesting:

In 1931, on the territory of the monastery of Optina, the desert was opened by Gorky Rest. In November 1939, after the partition of Poland, by order of Lawrence Beria NKVD, the USSR transformed a holiday home to Kozelsk-1 concentration camp, which placed about 5,000 Polish officers, OK. 4400 of them later sent to Katyn to the shooting.

During the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the Optio Desert, the hospital was first, in 1944-1945, the Soviet officers of the NKVD of the USSR for those returned from the captivity of the Soviet officers, and after the war until 1949, the military unit was posted.

№4. Diveevo

Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region

Diveevo. Photo:

It is worth visiting the women's monastery in Diveevo, which was founded in the 2nd half of the XVIII century. This monastery is under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin. According to legend, she was holy and pointed to the place where the church should be built. The first became Kazan, then the church of the Nativity of Christ and the Nativity of the Virgin.

In the middle of the monastery, a Trinity Cathedral was erected, which is the main chapel. It is in this temple to this day, the power of the father of Seraphim and his remaining things are stored. Many people, coming here, worship him and believe that his power helps to clean the soul and even healed.

Cancer in which the relics of the PRP were placed. Seraphim, made by the type of old coffin-deck in the Zosimo-Savaevsky Church. Diveevo

Not far from the Trinity Cathedral is the Preobrazhensky Cathedral, which was built on donated money parishioners. Among the shrines of the Diveyev Lava, you can highlight the holy groove, the icon of the Mother of God and Cancer with the remains of the elders of the Mlinsky desert. The groove is considered the heart of the Virgin. After spending the night in the monastery, you can get the blessing of God's Mother.

It is interesting:

№5. Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery

Pechora, Pskov region

Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery. Photo: Albert Motsar

One of the oldest abode is Pskovo-Pechersk. The history of this male monastery began with the XV century, from the dug and consecrated churcher in the cave. The founder is considered Rev. John, who consecrated the abode of the Assumption Church.

Today, the preserved caves, 8 churches and the Mikhailovsky Cathedral are posted on the territory of the monastery. There are also 2 sources with holy water in honor of St. Cornelius and in the good name of the Virgin Mary. The main shrines are the "Tempence" icons and the "Assumption" of God's Mother of God, as well as the icon of St. Nicholas.

Pskovo-Pechora monastery. Photo: OrthodoxKarevia.rf.

It is interesting:

- Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery is one of the largest and most famous men's monasteries in Russia with a centuries-old history. The name of the monastery is connected with the caves located in it (in the Old Russian - Pechoras), called the "god of the god" (that is, God created).

- The monastery never closed for all his history. In the interwar period (from February 1920 before January 1945) was within Estonia, therefore was not affected by anti-church and anti-religious activities of Soviet power.

- Representatives of the ancient kind of symansky, from which the Patriarch of the Moscow and All Russia took place in the caves, the ancestors A. S. Pushkin, M. I. Kutuzov, M. P. Mussorgsky, were buried among the laity in the caves, A. N. Plescheyev, V.N. Tatishchev and others.

- Currently, the laity in the caves do not bury; Monks are buried on the fifth and sixth streets. They are buried in coffins placed in the walls of the caves, not falling asleep ground. At the same time in the caves there is no smell of damage to the deceased. The total number of burial is about 10 thousand people.

№6. Holy Trinity Sergiev Lavra

Sergiev Posad, Moscow region

Holy Trinity Sergiev Lava. Photo:

Holy Trinity Sergiev Lava is considered the largest among Russian monasteries. Back in 1337, she founded Sergius Radonezh. This great male monastery once consisted only from the wooden church of the Holy Trinity and several keys. Now there are 2 cathedrals, bell tower, a chapel and 7 churches on the territory of the monastery. The shrines are the remains of Saints Starters, including the power of S. Radonezhsky, to which believers tende.

It is interesting:

- The date of the founding of the Holy Trinity Desert is considered to be the settlement of St. Sergius of Radonezh (worldly name of warfolomes) on Makovets Hill (70 km north-east of Moscow) in 1337.

- The famous Russian icon paints Andrei Rublev and Daniel Black worked on the iconostasis of the Holy Trinity Cathedral; For this, the iconostasis was written by the ruble icon "Holy Trinity", which today is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery.

- From the time of the construction of the temple, about 40 icons have survived.

- In 1993, the architectural ensemble of Lavra entered the List of UNESCO World Heritage Site in Russia.

№7. Nilova Desert

Coast of Lake Seliger, Tver region

Nelo-Councilian desert. Photo Source:

The latter, but not by its significance, is Nilova Desert. The history of this place originates from the beginning of the XVIV, the founder is the Rev. Nile. According to legend, when robbers attacked his cell, Neil came out with the icon of the Blessed Virgin. Starting to read Molub, the robbers seemed to be surrounded by a large number of armed people, and then in fright they knelt in front of the Nile and began to push forgiveness.

After his death on the island of a striolous, where he lived his last 27 years, Nilo-Council Male Monastery was erected. At this time, the monastery consists of the Epiphany Cathedral (the remains of the Holy Nile), the Cross-Promotional and All Holy Temples, the Church of St. John and the Intercession of the Virgin Mary.

It is interesting:

During the Soviet authorities, Nilo-Columnian desert managed to "transform" in:

1927-1939 - Labor Communication, colony for young criminals;
1939-1940 - camp for Polish prisoners of war;
1941-1945 - Hospital;
1945-1960 - again the colony;
1960-1971 - nursing home;
1971-1990 - Tools.

In 1990, the complex of the Nilo-Council Desert was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1995, the relics of the Recent Nile returned to the monastery.

In archaeological excavations on the territory of the monastery, it was found that in the XVIII century, the largest workshop for the production of native crosses at that time was worked.

In Soviet times, the remains of Leonty of the Magnitsky - the author of the first Russian textbook of arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry and earlings of algebra, scientist and associate of Peter I.

Go to the monasteries with a clean heart and soul, and spend at least a day in each of these places.

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Acquaintance is an important stage of people's relations. It is often said that already at the first meeting you can make a lot of conclusions that this person represents. In this article, consider several options as you can tell about yourself with humor.


Each normal acquaintance begins with the presentation. However, just to say: "Hello, I am Anya (Petya, Sasha)," is not particularly interesting and original. So, you can try more skillfully. The first option is a poetic form. Here you need to pick up rhyme to your own name and use it if you need to be recompresented. As an option - Tanya-Pumpshushka (if Natasha's person is a joy of yours (if a person radiates a positive) and so on. However, this phrase should at least be truthful. By the same principle, it is recommended to be accomplished in prose, simply putting something to your name It is characteristic that it defines the identity of a person. This is if you need to tell you about yourself with humor. So, for example, you can tell about your profession: "Hi, I'm Sasha, I love torture children" (if you are a teacher). It should be noted that even if Such an acquaintance will not end in friendship, it will definitely be remembered for a person forever.

A little bit about yourself

If the acquaintance is not limited to the representation of people, but goes on in a warm friendly atmosphere, you can also talk about yourself. So, not always it should be true. Why not just try to laugh a surroundings, slightly patting? So, you can come up with a story about yourself, which will be like the truth, and in such a way to cheer the company. However, the original and truth about yourself with humor. Interesting phrases that will help this: "Born) I'm secretly from my parents ...", "Childhood passed just wonderful, to whom will not like to twist tails cow?" etc. The main thing in this matter is to look at the reaction of people, because it is not always that this attitude to the company may please all those present. In a joking tone, you can simply say a pair of phrases or even make a whole story and tell it others.


Much can be told about yourself with humor. So, for example, why not tell about your hobby? Very fun phrase: "My hobby is anomalous squint." It seems to answer the question of a man, but also try to understand what he wanted to say. By the same principle you can answer: "I love music. Favorite singer - Lenin. " And the people will change, and the new comrade will remember for a long time. It must be said that there may be a huge amount of such trifles. About favorite matters - "I love the game in snowballs for undressing," about life position - "I believe in all the colors of the rainbow", etc.


What else can you tell about yourself with humor? So why not describe your appearance? This will be suitable if a person gets blindly: via the Internet or by phone. You can highlight your special features and file them fun. For example, if you are too high or small, promise a person to grow or decrease. In the event that someone has big ears, it can be said that it is to better hear others (like in a fairy tale "Red Cap"), etc. It is important to just show fantasy and not be afraid to joke a little over himself.


What else can tell a girl about himself with humor? For example, if she knows how to drive a car, it can be said that she does it better than a monkey costs a grenade (it is about saying, which is known to everyone). By the same principle, it is easy to allocate your achievements. After all, some people have such information very important, and immediately disclose all the cards at the first acquaintance few people want. You can try to joke on this topic. For example, to say that life, like all - zebra striped, happens and lightness, and difficulties. If we are talking about work or study, you can naphantize something ("I am the President of the Big International Bank" or "I am a Secret Security Service Agent") and serve everything with a serious view.


Talking a little about yourself with humor, why not stay on your shortcomings? So, we can say that they all have already lined up to the correction, but not yet wait. At the same time you need to smile multibing. This will, as they say, "in the topic." If we consider something separately, why not note the most common characteristics? It is fun to tell about your laziness (especially if a person is a workaholic) or increment (especially this story will pour out of the limesticks weighing 50 kg).


Very often, today a person, if he wants to register on a specific site, must fill out a small form. In such a situation, you can also joke. A little cheerful or even funny can be a questionnaire. About myself with humor easy to tell and here. However, you must first think if a person will understand correctly, because you can not always joke. For example, if you register on a dating site, you only need to hint on what is inherent. After all, a completely humorous questionnaire can take potential cavaliers or brides just for mockery, and the real goal is to find their half - reached, alas, will not. However, a person who can laugh at himself or cause a smile among others, always like people, because with such persons it is most often easily and easy to communicate. Without restrictions with humor, it is possible to fill small annotations about yourself on various interest sites, where this information has no importance.

Fundamental rules

Before telling something about yourself with the share of humor, you need to learn a few simple rules. The first one: you can talk, and even need, not always the truth. In such a situation, bring a cute business. Why not, the main thing is that the interlocutor was fun. Next advice: you need to know where you can joke with. Talking about yourself with humor during an interview for a serious position in a large company - the top of Levity. In addition, such a person will be treated, most likely, as a clown and tactfully asked to leave. You can joke at parties, with people of your circle and with friends. However, it should be remembered that inconvenient situations happen here. So, of this floats the following rule: look at the reaction of the interlocutor. If a person decided to tell about himself in a merry tone, you need to start with something easy and simple. And look at the reaction of others. If the joke went - you can continue in the same vein. If not, it is better to leave this idea, the company most likely came across more seriously than expected. What do you need to remember yet? So, one should not openly make fun of their or other disadvantages. This is not a little like, and gives a person who is not particularly confident and is trying to hide behind such behavior. Humor must be easy, but not mocking. And, probably, one of the main rules: to speak a beautiful clean speech, not to use at the same time or such behavior will give a person a low level of culture and general development, and this is not enough who will like it.

What to talk about, and what to avoid?

It is also important to know what to talk about at the first acquaintance, and what's better to keep quiet and not joke. So, you can tell everything about yourself and your life, starting even from childhood. Moreover, such narratives will be really fun, because while a person is new to the soul, he has a lot of interesting, unforgettable and just funny events and situations. You can also tell a lot about your closest surroundings. But what to talk about not even in a joking tone, so it's about the secrets and secrets of loved ones. No need to descend to the level of the "yellow press". It is better to teach about it. It is most likely to others, it will most likely be interesting, but afterwards a person will leave an unpleasant "aftertaste." Something must hide and women. You can talk about yourself with humor, but at the first time you have to get acquainted with the best of all about the intimate side of life. It is advisable not to confess even a joke. This, by the way, concerns men, because it is better if personal life remains with a person and does not become public. And people who immediately reveal all the cards will seem most simply frivolous.

Acquaintance is the mandatory stage of communication with the surrounding people. Of course, contact with old buddies is easier: these people are informed of your character, habits and other individual features. And the new one has to talk again. Well still, if we are talking about a relaxed conversation in the company of friends! But it often has to tell about yourself in writing, sometimes even in official documents. All sorts of questionnaires, summaries, accounts and clubs for interest are waiting for no reason when you inform them of information about yourself. For some, this is a judicial formality limited by a pair-triple standard offers. But it happens that much depends on your description. In this case, you need to write about yourself not just honestly and competently, but it is more interesting that your story is not lost among other similar autobiographies.

A story about yourself, oral or written, not everyone is given easy. There are people for whom self-presentation - the case is familiar and even pleasant, they willingly share the facts of their biography and are fascinating them as a literary work. But for most, it is necessary to write about yourself, and even in a special, non-standard style, is a serious test of their natural impactivity, creative fantasy, and just a writer talent. For such people, we have prepared a kind of "crib" with prompts and small advice on how to start, build and arrange our work so that readers it was interesting to read about you even if there were no outstanding events in your life, the description of which can Become the basis of the adventure novel. In fact, everything is much easier: even the biography of the average person leading the most calm and peaceful life can be read, if it is written interesting.

Story about yourself: Rules, nuances and advice
An interesting feature of the autobiography as a genre is that the same person can have any descriptions of his life. Moreover, life also remains one, and all the events that happened in it, truthful. But, depending on style, destination, the conditions of writing these works are obtained completely different. As in any text, with the preservation of one fabul, almost an infinite number of options for the development of the plot is possible, where the narrative will be chronologically consistent or artistically distorted, logically correct or creatively adapted. As they say, everything has its place and time, and autobiography when taking work has little common with self-sustained when entering the theater school. The only unifying factor is you, or rather, the actual events of your life. Therefore, let's first decide why and for what purpose you needed to write about yourself. The most common options are:

  1. When taking to work, admission to study or service. This is the brief, essentially formal and therefore the easiest option. It is easy to cope with it and without special tips, especially since in such cases autobiography, as a rule, is written by, right up to filling the Count questionnaire. But even if you are a clean sheet of paper, you are only required to set out the basic information about the time and place of your appearance of education, educational, professional experience and in short, marital status. More formal autobiographies do not require. The exception can be biographies of representatives of creative professions: journalists, copywriters, editors. They make more requirements in terms of the vocabulary used and, possibly, examples of work. But the portfolio is a separate task and it is also formed by its own, independent of autobiography, standards.
  2. Upon joining the thematic organization / circle / section More detailed information about the candidate may be required. Depending on the direction of the institution, turn on the corresponding data into the list of data. For example, tell about the conquered sports awards, diplomas, medals and diplomas for participation and victories in the Olympiads, intellectual games and contests. If we are talking about a creative workshop, it will not be superfluous to tell about its preferences and tastes, favorite genres and techniques, idols and images for imitation. The task of your lives in this case is to reveal its own character in front of people who still do not know anything about you, and to join their formed team. Therefore, the more friendly and open will be your written story, the sooner he will find a response, and you are more likely to receive an invitation to a personal interview.
  3. When registering on a social network / on a dating site No, there can be no hard rules. But there are certain techniques with which you can make your story about yourself interesting and attractive to other users. For example, many fine-sex representatives use verses, texts of favorite songs or quotes from literary works, which, in their opinion, correspond to their nature and worldview. This tactic should be recognized quite witty, because, in the absence of confidence in his own literary talent, you can take advantage of the win-win creation of a recognized genius. One way or another, your task is to create strangers in the eyes, and even invisible to you, the people you need. And for this not necessarily adhere to documentary accuracy. Allow yourself a little fiction, Dorisite in the imagination your own image so that you like it - then it will appeal and the rest, whose tastes coincide with yours. But do not be fond of fantasy - you write it all about yourself, and do not create a fictional image of the perfect, but, alas, a non-existent person.
  4. When creating your own blog and / or literary work It is interesting to write about yourself easily and difficult at the same time. On the one hand, for a professional writer, a story about himself is not even a job, but a pleasant rest, bordering a subtle intellectual pleasure. And, since you dare to become an independent "parent" of the whole book or the media (and the blog can be fully equity to the information publication), then writing the original and fascinating autobiography should not be a problem for you. On the other hand, it is a story about himself and finds many professionals by surprise. Because one thing is to analyze and express information within the framework of well-studied and the topic of interest. And quite another - to reveal to readers as a person, to demonstrate them not only their fundamental knowledge, erudition and talent, but also features characteristic of simple mortals, sometimes far from the qualities of the perfect creator. Plus, not all creative personalities are the same in their desire to speak publicly. And in writers, unlike actors and musicians, it causes a lot of internal obstacles: constraints, fear of excessive frankness, etc. In this case, you can advise to call for help a sense of humor. A successful joke is able to carry out unsightly facts and even turn them into advantage, and it can simply fill in a pause or fill the content to an unexpected meaning.
These recommendations were invented not yesterday and not even last week, according to such canons, their lives were created at all times, starting with the most ancient events in the history of mankind. Depending on the incidents and cultural values \u200b\u200bof that time, not only and not so much the facts of personal life were documented as social achievements. Thus, the Eastern Tsari recorded the narratives about their military victories, the antique military leaders took the relay, and Julius Caesar later created the "notes about the Gallic War", which are simultaneously a benefit on an increasing case and an exciting story about the events of those times.

Medieval philosophers, travelers and even skillful artisans described their lives for students and descendants. The genre of autobiography then acquired such popularity that even became an independent literary direction, a classic and ingenious parody of which, for example, the "Adventures of Baron Münhgausen" Rudolph is remained. It is difficult to remember at least one writer, who in his books did not publish a description of his own life. Even the most mysterious personalities managed to learn a lot of details with their personal diaries and correspondence. By the way, the epistolary genre is an inexhaustible source of inspiration when writing a story about himself. After all, in letters, people try to be sincere, trust the addressees a lot of intimate. For you it can serve as a good school and a storehouse of ideas. Therefore, do not be lazy to read the biographies of famous people, feel free to borrow interesting techniques and speech turns.

An example of an interesting story about yourself
So, with the theoretical aspect of writing a story about myself, we figured out, it's time to go to practice. Because no one, besides you, will not write about you a biography so as to reveal the readers all the faces of your character and bright personality. Do not forget that the most difficult thing is to start, overcome the resistance of the empty sheet of paper. And then the word for the word, the story is poured by itself if you make yourself surrender to creativity. It is possible to find such a relationship and gradually, to do this, start with simple: write a formal autobiography first, then expand it at the expense of introductory phrases and artistic vocabulary, and then bloody beautiful images and literary techniques altogether. And save each other option separately, it will be useful to you with the appropriate situation. Thus, you will get a blank at once several stories about yourself and you can use and refine them as needed.

Example of a formal autobiography:

"I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, was born on June 13, 1980 in Kiev. In 1987 he was adopted in the first class SS No. 13, which he graduated in 1997 with a red diploma. In the same year he entered the Kiev National University. T.G. Shevchenko at the Faculty of Philosophy with the specialty "Political Science". During the training in the university, a full preparation of the program of training officers was held, received the title "Junior Lieutenant". He graduated from the university in 2002, received a diploma of a political science specialist. Immediately after graduation, began working in the information agency as an analyst and consultant of the editor-in-chief. In 2008, he took the position of editor of the Policy Department, which takes to this day.

Married, bring up a son of 7 years and daughter for 2 years. Wife, Ivanova Anna Valentinovna, born in 1986, on education journalist, works in a monthly edition. I fond of photo art and painting, I love to travel. I lead a healthy lifestyle, we regularly attend the gym and make a ride by bike. There are no harmful habits, I prefer to spend your free time with your family and on an active holiday. "

And now let's imagine that this, already a little familiar to us, a person decided to enter into the ranks of the club photo-corporate travelers. The club is virtual, the main communication between its participants occurs on its own forum on the Internet. And now our friend will have to register and greet the old-timers of the club, at the same time explaining them who he, why and why came to the forum. The text of the story about yourself will be significantly different from the above. It may be, for example, such:

An example of an interesting autobiography:

"Dear friends, let me introduce yourself! My name may seem like you at first glance, but believe me: it is present. That is how, thanks to their sense of humor, parents called me, and it was written in my passport - and this is, by the way, the official document! In general, my name is Vanya, My last name - Ivanov. You can begin to make fun. But it's even easier to remember me j

I am fond of photography for a long time, seven years have already been. But I learned about your collaboration, unfortunately, recently. I really hope that the grandfathers you do not have, and the entrance to the club is not ordered. Because your work and accumulated experience was extremely interested in me. I had a courage to view the photo gallery presented on the site, and is ready to remove the hat to the authors of these pictures. Very impressive and accuracy of reports, and the quality of the pictures, and the artistic sense of photographers. For our part, I promise that I will make every effort to fit this high level and worthy to present your creativity.

As for me personally, I am the most ordinary person and practically nothing outstanding. I earn up for life in that I love most and best I know: build hypotheses and make forecasts about the political situation in our country and beyond. The case is troublesome and ungrateful, but someone must do it J But at home there is almost an adult son-first grader, a sweetheart-daughter and, of course, the beloved and the only wife of Anya. They are all three, by the way, also know a lot about travel and beautiful pictures.

In general, if I have not yet tired you with my life way and can be at least something is useful to the respected community, I will be very happy to be adopted in his ranks. I promise to be disciplined, polite and obedient to fulfill all the rules of the club. All Kievans are a separate hello and invitation to Sunday cycardes. All the rest - just my immeasurable location and best wishes J »

Do you feel the difference between the first and second text? It is fully justified and caused by the specifics of communicating and appointing a story about himself. Analysis of the features of these texts will help to deal with the nuances of information feeding and in the future you can be used by writing your own biography:

  1. In both cases, the author did not surveal against the truth and informed the truthful information about himself. But in the second story, he deliberately lowered those facts that are not related to the case. But carried in the first paragraphs what could be interesting directly to this team of readers. Very correct tactics from the point of view of self-presentation - it takes into account the interests and features of the perception of the audience.
  2. The same applies to the style of presentation and vocabulary. In the first case, it is dry and official, as required by documents. In the second - replete with integral expressions, figurative turns and other means of language, invalid in business correspondence. But for the company of buddies for interests, this language will be the most understandable and pleasant.
  3. Unlike the first, strict text, in the second story the author uses Humor and personal charm, expressed by the means of language. It verbally draws the image of a kind of pugenura and a light man who has placed before readers. This is a great way to make a story about yourself interesting, because he grows the roughness of the written speech due to the ease of the friendly chatter.
  4. In the second story the author constantly supports communication with readers. Talking about themselves, he managed not to buy her beloved on himself, and all the time turn to the audience. Use this technique to interest the reader, because each person is nice when he is paying special attention.
  5. The author even learned that his story about himself would be perceived not on rumor, but visually, and at the site intended for interactive communication. That is why he allowed himself to use graphic symbols, invalid in printing or writing from hand. You can do the same: if you need to write about yourself on the Internet, then boldly apply emoticons and symbols of Unicode. But use them dosed, do not overload the text, because the excessive number of pictures annoys the reader.
As you can see, with the right setting and preliminary theoretical preparation, it is not difficult to write about yourself and is not dry at all. Finally, let me give you another, final advice. Before the start of your story, make a list for yourself in which list several of your most vivid and characteristic features. It may be characteristics of character, outstanding achievements or just funny facts of the past. Describing each of them, you are passionate about the memories and involuntarily make the text fascinating and expressive. Yes, and readers will be much more interesting to learn about non-standard situations, rather than the average "born / studied / worked." In general, write so that you are very interested to read about yourself, as if you had a biography of some other, unfamiliar, but witty, cheerful and friendly man.

More and fewer people are reading books in our time, especially, this concerns the younger generation. Many people think it's easier to watch the film, which is removed based on a particular work of literature, maybe easier, but definitely not more interesting. Books are so fascinating that they are reading, forgetting about the time, so it is worthwhile to give the will of their fantasy and read books from the next list of the most exciting works.

"And dawns here are quiet" - Boris Vasilyev

The 171th commander of the Vaskov is urged a guidance on the transfer of non-drinking fighters to him. Command, satisfying the request, sends him a detachment consisting of five girls. One day one of his wards notices the enemy squad, she informs the commander, and he is solved on the interception. As it turned out to be the Germans three times more, so one of the girls worst sends a reinforcement.

"Hitchhiker for the Galaxy" - Douglas Adams

An Englishman Arthur Dent, along with his friend Ford (a native of a small planet), is hardly run away from the ground, which was destroyed by an alien race, so that in its place to build a hyper-spatial highway. The president of the Galaxy Bibbbrox galaxy president, with which friends travel on the stolen ship in search of the legendary Planet Magrata, saves them from their imminent death. In addition to them, Marvin is located on the ship, forever depressing Robot and Trisha, one of the few surviving earthlings.

"Alice in Wonderland" - Lewis Carroll

The girl named Alice enters the country where strange events and various miracles occur. Shooting behind the rabbit, Alice loses its balance and falls in Nora, after which it turns out in the room with a large number of doors. The girl under the influence of magic items is constantly growing, then decreases to unimaginable sizes. In a miracle country, she meets many interesting, friendly and dangerous characters, some of whom help her, and the second trying to execute.

"Diamond Sword, Wooden Sword" - Nick Permov

Power in Melin Empire is captured by the orders of the rainbow. The ancient prophecy states that soon the Danan and Dwarves will have a powerful weapon, which they will guide against people - diamond and wooden swords. Having enlisted with the support of the gray league, the young emperor in the hope of getting rid of the guardianship of the rainbow heads the bloody rebellion, but an attempt to destroy all the magic orders is provoked by much more sinister and powerful forces. If diamond and wooden swords fall into battle, then the Mellen is threatened with an imminent death.

"Alchemist" - Paulo Coelho

The plot of the books unfolds around the young shepherd of Santiago, who was dreamed of a prophetic dream about the treasures. The guy is being solved on an unprecedented trip to Africa, but he has a lot of tests to go through: to lose all the money, become an assistant to the trader Crystal, meet alchemists and even fall in love. As a result, he again returns home to Sunny Spain.

"Scarlet Sails" - Alexander Green

Longren did not complain in his hometown due to the fact that he did not help the impeding innocent, but few people knew that it was he was guilty of the death of his former sailor's wife, who was left alone with her daughter. Assol grew and dreamed that the ship was suitable for the shore with Alay sails and his handsome prince will take her. Responsive Guy Arthur, having heard about this story, decides to fulfill the girl's dream.

"American Psychopath" - Bret Easton Ellis

Patrick Bateman held a citizen, the guy graduated from a prestigious university and received a decent job. For incomprehensible reasons, the guy begins to be undetectable to kill people. Police with legs are confused in search of a cruel killer, since they are not understood by the motive of this serial. At this time, Baitman is enraged, enjoyed the coming of new creepy crimes.

"Anna Karenina" - Lion Tolstoy

Anna comes from St. Petersburg to convince the girlfriend not to throw her husband who changed her, at the station the girl meets Alexei Vronsky. Despite the marriage of Anna, they are tied relations about which her husband will know. All attempts to save the family are not triggered.

"White Guard" - Mikhail Bulgakov

The plot of books unfolds around the family of turbine living in the city in 1918. Citizens of the occupied city are trying to protect against the army of Petlyura with their voluntary forces, since the German troops are preparing for retreat. Commanders of the Poons partially dismiss the fighters, understanding the hopelessness of the position, while others organize active resistance and are tragically die.

"Battle of Iron Chancellors" - Valentin Pikul

The plot of the novel is based on the history of intra-European relations, which are actively developing for 50-70 years of the XIX century. The centered figures are Gorchakov and Bismarck - Chancellors of Russia and Germany, countries that have found themselves in the arena of world politics in an unquesting place. With the help of various tricks, under which diplomacy is understood, countries are trying to achieve their goals.

"God of little things" - Arundati Roy

The actions of the novel occur in 1969, in 1993 in India, the city of Aymenhem. The book tells about the difficult life of a simple Indian family, in which the relaxes of Rahel and Esta were born. The novel affects many topics that concerned the Society: the caste system, the role of women, the position of untouchables and others.

"Hoping Hope" - Charles Dickens

In the novel, the author describes the life and cultivation of the Pipa boy, which fate threw a lot of tests. He was honored to turn from a simple blacksmith to a gentleman, as it turned out it was made possible by helping the secret benefactor, to whom he once helped. Despite all the peripetics, the guy does not leave hope for the response feelings of the girl in love with.

"Karamazov Brothers" - Fedor Dostoevsky

In a wealthy family of Karamazov, there is a constant flour of passions and experiences. Father and brothers are quarreling because of the money, they compete because of the girl, while taking a nasty and sometimes rampant deeds. Events lead the heroes of the novel to the tragic junction, after which they sincerely repent and try to find forgiveness for the sins perfect.

"On the road" - Jack Keruac

The autobiographical novel tells about the adventures of the author himself when he traveled around the country with a friend. Moderate quiet life of Sala and Dina constantly replaced by travel, which brought guys a lot of new impressions. But from the last journey, Dean is returning one, leaving in Mexico a patient with a dysentery of a friend. As a result, Sal finds true love and refuses the next trip with Din.

"Departed from the distraught crowd" - Thomas Hardy

After the young girl of the Bashtheda inherited a profitable large farming of her noticed and began to seek three workers at once. Among them, Gabriel, Managing Farm, Francis, Military Sergeant for the title and William, a successful farmer and a gentleman. Rivals fiercely fight for love while the girl is trying to understand who is closer to her heart.

"Witcher" Angey Sapkovsky

A young man named Heralt gets great strength and responsibility. The guy earns for the fact that it destroys monsters dangerous for humanity. Trying to bypass all sorts of political intrigues, he still gets involved in one of them, because it should protect the girl designed to him by fate.

"Witches abroad" - Terry Pratchett

Humorous fantasy-novel about a young witch, who was bequeathed to become a fairy creep. Before Magrat set a goal - to prevent the marriage of a girl with a prince-usurpator. The allies of the young fairies became senior witches, who together are forced to resist the powerful wizard, which opposite the power of mirrors and fairy tales against them.

"Witches" - ROALD Dal

Witch exist and they are freely roaming among ordinary people. But grandmother of the main character knows a lot about witches and even learned to distinguish them from people. The trouble is that these nasty beings hate children and therefore represent a greater danger to them. And the boy with his grandmother just falls into the smallest events for the annual Shabash Witch, who is undergoing the usual meeting of a small society.

"Great Gatsby" - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Nick Carrageway is a ravend author of the Roman, in which he tells about his life and about meeting the rich Jebe Gatsby. Mysterious Mr. Gatsby constantly sat down in his huge estate loud parties who collected the village of the people. But despite this popularity, he still fails to lure into his house uniquely important guest - a girl from the past.

"Wind in Iwah" - Kenneth Graham

Various animals are becoming the heroes of the fabulous story. The author with the help of these characters shows the reader a completely realistic picture of the morals of the English society of the beginning of the twentieth century. The fairy tale of the life and adventures of the beast teaches to forgive, understand and help each other.

"Party with overnight" - Jacqueline Wilson

In this work, it is told about five girlfriends, which in turn on their birthday invited the rest of girls to a party with overnight stay. After the celebration of the girls danced, trying various outfits, swam in the pool and simply fond. But one of the girlfriends is afraid to invite girls to such a party, because her sister is very different from ordinary people.

"Winnie Pooh and All-All-All" - Alan Miln

The fairy tale tells about the plush bear by the name of Winnie Pooh, which is the closest friend of the crystal boy. The guys constantly fall into some awkward situations due to the fact that Winnie loves Honey very much if he climbed into the bees, then the boy has to save him. In addition to them, there are such characters such as rabbit, donkey, owl and piglets.

"The Lord of the Rings" - John R. R. Tolkin

A group of 9 characters, among which there is an elf, gnome, a wizard, hobbits and people try to put the end of the bloody war. For this, they should destroy the magic ring by any means, giving great power to its owner. Going to the goal, the heroes are forced to divide into several groups, but this is just the first test on their difficult way. The enemies come on the heels and for each turn of volunteers can wait for another danger.

"Return to Braidshead" - Ivlin in

The protagonist of Roman Captain Rider on the prescription of the command transfers his platoon to a new place. How was he surprised when it turned out that they arrived in the Manor Brydshead. The fact is that the guy spent here quite a lot of time in his youth, when she still studied, so Charles covers memories of carefree time and old Sebastian, with whom he was very long.

"War and World" - Lion Tolstoy

The author quite subtly describes the life of Russian nobility before the start of the war with Napoleon and during the fighting. The plot captures not only the weekdays of the intelligentsia, but also conducting hostilities. The works described the characters of many of the main characters, which, despite the hard time, continue to love and hate, they will give new acquaintances and arrange a personal life.

"War of the Worlds" - Herbert Wells

The events of the novel occur in England at the beginning of the twentieth century. Astronomers notice the celestial bodies approaching land that resemble ordinary meteorites. But soon it becomes clear that the aliens from Mars make an invasion of the planet. All guns are useless against the invaders, so the sinister-tripods roaming on the ground, destroying everyone around.

"Wolfhound" - Maria Semenova

The plot is spinning around the young barbarian named wolfhound, the guy from the family of Gray Psa as a child witnessed the death of his settlement. The Malts himself was intentionally left alive, but sent to the genuine mountains to work in the mines. Long the way awaits him from a slave to the warrior, from thoughts to revenge.

"Volkhv" - John Falez

The main character of Nicholas is a bright representative of the English intelligentsia. Touching the relationship with the girl, the guy suddenly runs away to a distant Greek island, where he is looking for adventures and new sensations. It seems that for Nicholas, the fictional world is much more valuable for the real, but the owner of the villa, where the guy began to live, Mr. Concix has his views on the guy.

"Mindemarines" (trilogy) - Nina Sorotokina

The main characters of the novel become three guys who became inseparable friends. Young midmars are honest, brave and ready to enter into battle, defending their honor and interests of their native country. The guys are forced to be involved in the whirlpool of political intrigues and events. Now they are waiting for real adventures, fighting contractions and love dramas, and only each other can trust comrades.

"Harry Potter ..." (all parts) - Joan Rowling

The story of the boy, which in the tragic circumstances was orphaned in childhood. And many years later, Harry enters the school of magic and, like his friends, is trying to become a real wizard. But the misfortunes constantly commit an attempt on the life of a boy, because there is a prophecy that he is the only one who can overcome the powerful magic ward of Voldemort, trying to capture power over the magical world.

"Hero of our time" - Mikhail Lermontov

Grigory Pechorin is a young military man who is trying to understand what the meaning of life is. A lot of tests fell on his destiny, the guy went on a duel, he was sent to the link, he became a witness to smuggling activity, fell in love, was loved and rejected love. But despite all the adventures, Grigory is constantly looking for himself.

"Pride and Prejudice" - Jane Osten

In the Bennet family, five daughters, but, unfortunately, it does not have a great fortune, and therefore, to give at least one of the girls for a decent and wealthy person - it would be a huge happiness for the Father. And so lucky to them smiled and two rich and unmarried young people arrive in the city, who become a good prospect for Bennet's sisters. Intrigue is tied on the first time in the evening during the dating girls with young people.

"GORNEGAST" - Mervin Peak

The main hero of the novel is the young man named Titus, who was born by the ruler of a huge fantastic castle of Great. This event has become the beginning of big changes that threaten to destroy a rather old dynasty. Young Titus has to fight for what belongs to him rightly, but despite the fragility, the guy has a persistent character.

"City like Alice" - Nevil Schuy

Young British named Jane met a young man during World War II. And at its end, the search for a beloved throw a girl in a distant Australia, where she thanks to a large state that he inherited is trying to contribute to the economic prosperity of a small town.

"Pomegranate bracelet" - Alexander Kurin

Princess Vera on his birthday receives a beautiful bracelet, decorated with rare green grenades. As it turned out, he was sent to her a fan, who for several years unrequitedly in love with the girl. And soon after that, faith recognizes the terrible news that the guy committed suicide and perhaps it is an insurmountable feelings to her pushed him to such an unproval step.

"Count Monte Cristo" - Alexander Duma

The novel tells the reader about a young sailor, who will be a "scapegoat" by the will in an attempt to marry his beloved girl, which she also wanted to take his wife and her cousin. The unprincipled judge sentenced the guy to imprisonment. But it is in this place that he meets a magnificent man who becomes an example for him.

"Breaks of Angel" - John Steinbeck

The novel describes events taking place during the Great Depression. Family of poor farmers because of economic difficulties and a long drought are forced to leave their own home. Once in a hopeless situation, together with thousands of other people, they decide to keep the path to California, where they hope to find work for themselves and provide seven means for existence.

"Thunderstorm Pass" - Emily Bronte

Mr Lockwood, trying to escape from the fussy city, moves from London to a provincial estate. A friendly visit to the neighboring estate was very interested in his uneasy relationships of residents. Despite all the stealth, Lockwood still finds a person who opens the whole truth about the hardest destinies of the inhabitants of the estate thunderstorm pass.

"Two Captain" - Veniamin Caveryin

Roman tells the reader the story of an amazing young man who grew up in a provincial town, remained without parents, but despite the blows of fate, moved to the big city. In Moscow, love forced Sasha to go to the feats to justify before his beloved, he became a real pilot and goes in search of information about the missing expedition of the father of the girl.

"Twelve chairs" - Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov

Having learned from the targets about the treasures that she hid in the living room chair headset, Ippolit Sparobyaninov goes to their search, and to help it is adjacent to Ostap Bender. As it turned out, they are not the only ones who want to take possession of diamonds, their competitor is a priest who confessed the old woman. On the way to the desired treasures are faced with many difficulties and obstacles.

"Doubles" - Jacqueline Wilson

Easy ironic work that tells about the life of the sisters twins. Girls are similar outwardly, their inner worlds are very different, Garnet naive trusting Tikhonya, and Ruby Desperate Sorvigolov, who is not afraid to risk. Their life is full of adventures and difficulties, they learn to build relationships with a stepmother and are trying to find their own way in life.

"Triffid Day" - John Wyndem

The plot twists around Bill Mason's biochemistry, which is one of the few people who have not lost sight during an unusual phenomenon. In addition, the majority of the world's population of the planet is blinded to the will of the predatory plants of triffids, which were divorced specifically to obtain valuable oil. Like many other Bill trying to survive the world of blind people and murderers.

"Jackal Day" - Frederick Forsight

The criminal under the pseudonym Shakaal agrees to customs the murder of President France. Having learned about the preparing attempt, employees of the special services are trying to convince the commander-in-chief to abandon public speeches. In response to the presidential refusal, they entrust to find out who is the killer with a better country detective, which begins to carefully cut off candidates and seems to be a thread leading to the elusive Snayper.

"Children of midnight" - Salman Rushdi

The author of the story is the guy named Salem, who was born at midnight, on the very day when India finally became an independent country. He tells the reader with the history of his family, ranging from his grandfather and ending with his son, while not forgets to mention significant events that occurred in the country during this time.

"Jane Eir" - Charlotte Bronte

Jane is an orphaned girl, who constantly mocks her aunt, who has become a guardian. Life changes dramatically when Jane is sent to school for girls, where she finds friends and feels comfortable. Having matured, the girl is satisfied with the governess in the estate of Tornfield and falls in love with his owner, which greatly complicates her life, especially when she learns the news that he is going to marry.

"Bridget Jones Diary" - Helen Fielding

Bridget is an alarm of middle age, which leads a diary, where carefully describes all the events of his life. The girl is constantly trying to quit smoking, reset overweight and limit alcohol, but it does not work well because it constantly falls into stupid situations, after which it removes stress with the help of a sweet or glass of a strong drink.

"Dr. Zhivago" - Boris Pasternak

The novel tells the history of a military doctor who left the family and went to the front. There he met a girl in which he fell in love. Together they survived a lot of difficulties, but they had to part. Yuri is trying to return to his family, but fate disposes differently, and Arrow Amur falls into it for the third time.

"A house in which ..." Mariam Petrosyan

The author introduces the reader with pupils of the boarding school for children with disabilities. All the inhabitants know only with nicknames, soon the next release, which graduates are very afraid, or rather they are afraid of the unknowns outside the familiar walls. The author makes it clear that there is a parallel world of the house, in which his tenants often disappear.

"House of Leaf" - Mark Danilevski

A book with an unusual plot-labyrinth in which it is easy to get lost. At first it seems that the plot is spinning around the family, which moved to an unusual home. Then the story refers to the reader to the old man, for many years to study a certain "film Nightson", and then to the guy, who from this old man got a manuscript-study of a strange house.

"Dracula" - Bram Stroker

Count Dracula is not a simple rich aristocrat, he is a monster, more precisely the vampire that feeds on human blood. After the strange incidents began to the shore of America, a strange incident began to occur in the town of Whitby, the girl gradually loses blood and dies, after which he rises from the dead. And all this is the tricks of a cunning villain, which is opposed to Professor Van Helsing.

"Danny - World Champion" - ROALD Dal

Dennie has the best dad in the world, he does not scold his son, constantly tells him interesting stories and tends him to any craft. But soon the baby learns the truth that his father is one of the many poachers, which is rampant in the forest of Mr. Hazel, is still a bastard. Denny from the world fairy tales suddenly falls into the real world.

"Evgeny Onegin" - Alexander Pushkin

Eugene is a young and educated nobleman who has already exhausted from fresh life and is in finding new sensations. His dying uncle leaves the nephew all estates and land. And Onegin goes to the village where he meets Lena and Larina sisters. And soon he provokes his new acquaintance for a duel.

"Woman in white" - William Wirki Collins

Walter is a young artist from London, who was offered a good job in a large estate. On the night before leaving on the road, the guy meets the girl closed in white, he decides to help her, and she, in turn, broadcasts some incomplete proposals. In a new place, he talks about the strange girl Maryan one of the inhabitants of the estate and finds out that she is the content of a crazy house.

"Caster caster" - Nicholas Evans

Grace is 13 years old, the girl has not been recovering from the tragedy for a long time, which happened to her on an ordinary riding walk. Her horse nicknamed Pilgrim after that case became like wild. Therefore, the mother of the girl decides to turn to the Booker, a person who can understand horses. Annie hopes that he will help the pilgrim to gain peace of mind, like her daughter.

"Hunter's Notes" - Ivan Turgenev

The author who tells the reader various stories is the experienced hunter. He talks about his adventures taking place with him during the hunt, about people who met him on the way, describes their lives and life. And sometimes their stories seem at all incredible.

"Note of the young doctor" - Mikhail Bulgakov

The stories tell about the life of a young doctor who behaves in a small village. During his stay, he faces complex hisft, conducts difficult operations and fights the illiteracy and superstitions of the villagers.

"Green Mile" - Stephen King

Paul Eckeck, being in a nursing home, tells about his work as a warden in a federal prison, where he had to hold executions of prisoners. Soon the unusual prisoner is translated into the block, which has supernatural ability, it is able to heal and the floor was able to make sure.

"Idiot" - Fedor Dostoevsky

Lev Nikolayevich reaches home to Russia from distant Switzerland, where he was in the sanatorium. Suddenly, the prince falls into the circulation of events, he is involved in the proceedings to whom and for whom to marry Nastasya Barashkova, which they want to see in their wives at once several Mr. Some strive for marriage because of hobbies, the second - striving for enrichment.

"Rose Name" - Umberto Eco

A detective novel tells about the investigation of the murder series, which occur against the background of church disagreements generated by the proposal of Francis of Assisi to abandon worldly wealth. Wilhelm Baskervilsky and his comrade Adson Melksky take to unravel this tangle secrets.

"Atonement" - Ian Maluen

Cecilia and Robbie are in love, but she is a daughter politician, and he is a son of a gardener. They are not afraid of publicity of their relationship, but everything changes at the moment when Sisia's sister declares that she witnessed how Robbie raped the girl. The guy is sentenced to imprisonment, but soon he and Cecilia find themselves in the war.

"The history of one city" - Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

A satiristic novel in which the author tells the story of the fictional city of silly and shifting his power. Mostly, the city holders captured power with the help of sales soldiers and each of them was peculiar. One introduced reforms, during the reign of the second citizens had to starve, but there was such that two settler at once were destroyed.

"Caucasian captive" - \u200b\u200bLion Tolstoy

Officer Zhilin serves in the Caucasus, when the guy goes to visit Muslims Muslims take him in captivity. The guy does not sit back, marser dolls to attract the owner's daughter, hoping to get out of captivity with it. He almost managed to escape, but because of his comrade-captive, they are returned back and now freedom seems impossible to dream.

"Captain's daughter" - Alexander Pushkin

Peter Grinev - a landowner is not young years old, who tells about the events taking place in his youth. About how a powerful father sent him to serve in the army and how he met his future wife, and then another daughter of a simple captain. On the way to their happiness was a military rebellion, the Father's refusal to bless the Union and the desire of another officer to marry a girl.

"Kotlovan" - Andrei Platonov

The beginning of the twentieth century, the formation of red power. There is talking about the construction of a shared house for workers, which was never completed, only the pit for the foundation remained instead. In the second plan of the plot, the story of a homeless girl, which never finds his happiness. The antiutopic work is trying to describe the meaninglessness and cruelty of the totalitarian system.

"Lion, witch and wardrobe" - Clive Staiplz Lewis

Four children of the Pavency family are sent from London to a friend of families because of frequent bombing. Playing a hide and seek, one of the girls hiding in the closet suddenly falls into the country of eternal winter, which Favn Tumenus calls the Narray, and it's cold there because of the evil sorcerer, which proclaimed himself as a queen. The baby returns back, but the rest of the children do not believe in her story, but soon they all turn out to be in the magical kingdom.

"Left hand of darkness" - Ursula Le Guin

The Messenger of the League of the Worlds arrives at the Planet of Gotten to enter into an Agreement on the entry of the planet in the Interplanetary Union. But warmth is not met, the inhabitants are incredulous and configured hostile. Soon on Ai and his like-minded Estraneen begin to be frank trail and they have to flee, but their adventures are just beginning.

"Lefty" - Nikolay Leskov

Left -shest is a nickname of a good workshop, which the Cossack of the Boards asked to do something unusual to overlook the tested British. The latter in the past times gave them to the ruler a tiny flea flea made of steel, besides she could dance. The current emperor Nicholas I decided in response to such a wonder to demonstrate to foreign craftsmen, which are capable of Russian.

"Treatment of George Marvelus" - Roald Dal

The eight-year-old boy George decides that he can cure the grumpy character of her grandmother, prepare a special potion. To make sure that the recipe is chosen correctly the kid is experiencing a mixture on animals, which together with him and parents also live on their small farm. Potion tests lead to the fact that the pets grow several times, and for parents, such amateurities seem to be a good chance to work out.

Lola Rosa - Jacqueline Wilson

Janie and her mother often beat a cruel father, but a sudden lottery gain allows them to escape from home and move to London. To completely get rid of the past life, they changed their names, and Janes now became Lola Rosa, which she her herself chose. Soon, nothing left of the winning state and the girl had to grow quickly.

Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov

Humbert has already long enough for a strong attraction to the girls of young years, this condition he connects with children's love. Soon he married, but his marriage lasted not long. And now there was a rock meeting, he became the guest of the widow named Charlotte, who had a daughter of 12 years. Later they played a wedding, did she wear happiness?

"Love during the plague" - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Having rejected the proposal of a childhood friend, Fermin wonders for a successful doctor who is passionate about the fight against Chuma. Soon, the girl learns about his intrigue on the side, which grips her dreams about the perfect family. After the death of her husband, no young Fermin and Florentino again occur and tie relations. They decide to go to the cruise, and in order to avoid customs checks, the flag hangs, which marks the presence of a terrible disease on the ship.

"Little Women" - Louise May Okott

A large family of March lives during the Civil War. Their father is at the front as a military doctor. There was a misfortune, confederates passed through their hometown, burned all the dotla, including their home. Now four sisters and mother are forced to go to another city in the hope that their relative will help them start life from a new page.

"Little Prince" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The little prince arrived on Earth with another planet, having met in the desert of the Sugar Pilot, who made a forced landing. He told about his life and adventures that had happened to him on Earth and on the native planet. The prince decides to tell both other corners of the universe, but soon, following the advice of the geographer, again returns to the green planet.

"Master and Margarita" - Mikhail Bulgakov

Roman describes the events of how the devil himself arrives in Moscow with the nearest environment. They arrange several mystical sabotage as entertainment. Ivan Homeless after a meeting with Satan falls into a mental hospital, where he meets the master who tells him his story.

"Dead Souls" - Nikolay Gogol

In the town called NN, Mr. Chichikov arrives, who sobs the local landowners with a strange desire to buy their dead souls (souls of dead not registered peasants), with their help he wishes to increase his lands. Despite several successful deals of Chichikov, it stumbles on a very unreliable person who can give it and then his undertaking fell with a crash.

"World of Sofia" - Yoschin Cord

This novel is a novel-matryoshka, in which the reader meets the girl Sophia, who studies the story of philosophy on letters of Professor Noks. In addition to her, Hilda is present in the novel, which tells the reader about Sophia and its discoveries in philosophy.

Mobi Dick - Herman Melville

Ahab - the captain of the whaling vessel, obsessed with revenge. Once because of the huge white whale, he lost his leg and now. Collected a new team, he is going to overtake Mobi Dick and defeat it. Shortly after the ship came out into the sea with crew members begin to be misfortune. Despite this, the hunt for whale giant continues, and here Moby Dick is shown on the horizon.

"More, a student of death" - Terry Pratchett

The sixteen-year-old young man named MIR by coincidence becomes assistants of the death itself. From time to time she shifts his duties to him to take the day off. Everything goes on the planned plan until the mora do not give a task to translate to that light a cute girl in which the guy has already managed to fall in love. The student is going to violate the rules of his mentor.

"Moth" - Henri Sharin

Roman is autobiographical. A convict for the murder of man Henri Sharin on nicknamed Moth receives a life sentence. Being in the French Guiana, he repeatedly attempted escape, but every time, bumping into various difficulties, again turned out for bars. Despite this, he did not lose the desire for freedom.

"We" - Evgeny Zamyatin

On Earth, a single state of totalitarian regime was created. People here have no names only one letter denoting sexuality and number that follows it. The government fully controls citizens, up to the intimate sphere of their lives. Citizen D-503 describes the established system in the message to residents of other worlds, which should be conveyed to the future crew of a spacecraft who preparing to leave the planet.

"On the Western Front without Change" - Erich Maria Remarque

The novel tells about the young soldier named Paul and his front-line comrades, who studied with him in the same class. The guys voluntarily entered into the army, but during the conduct of the First World War they received such deep psychological injuries that survived the war, being in a citizen, and could not adapt to a peaceful life.

"Above the abyss in rye" - Jerome Sallinger

Holden is a sixteen-year-old teenager who, being in the hospital, tells the reader a story that happened to him in the winter last year. It all started with the fact that the guy was expelled from the school closed type, but he is in no hurry home. He settled in the hotel and invites his girlfriend to the theater. Soon he confesses Sally, that the world around him and all right to the smallest things he was tired, the guy cannot understand the meaning of life.

"Night" - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Dick Diver is a talented and young doctor, being in Europe, falls in love with his patient and soon she goes to marry him. Nicole behind his back is a good dowry, they build their own dwelling and lead a very alienated lifestyle. Everything changes on the day when the hotel is located close to their house, the young and charismatic actress is inhabited, in which Dick falls in love immediately.

Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens

Little boy Oliver was orphaned in early childhood and became a pupil of a orphan shelter. For bad behavior from there, he was sent to work at the local arter. But for a long time to endure the mockery of the older subset, the guy did not, he fled and headed to London, where it was under the wing of a small pocket. After a long unsuccessful attempts to teach the boy with a criminal craft Oliver falls into the house of a good-natured gentleman.

"It" - Stephen King

Seven children understand that the cruel killings of kids in the city of Derry makes a terrible monster, which has the ability to take various forms. Close, the guys are decided to fight the monster, they descend into the sewage and wounded the monster, which soon disappears. But after 27 years, they again have to feel a long-forgotten children's fear.

"Canceled" - Victor Hugo

The events of the novel occur at the beginning of the XIX century, when the conviction came out of prison completely changes its worldview thanks to the help of a good-natured bishop. By changing the name, the guy bases the factory and thus raises the welfare of the city, in which then becomes the mayor. But clutching, he is again forced to hide from the police, which considers his capture of honor.

"P.S. I love you "- Cecilia Ahern

Married, Jerry and Holly lived in the soul, but their fairy tale came an end when Jerry died suddenly from severe illness. Holly, killed by grief, could not cope with the loss, she became closed and alienated. But one day the girl receives a news from his beloved, who in advance wrote her a few letters, thanks to which she should learn to live anew.

"Perfume" - Patrick Zyuskind

Roman tells the history of the guy who was born with a magnificent sense of smell. People struggled him because he was not like the rest, but this gift is the only hero in the cruel world. Soon the guy meets the Matra Baldini, who wants to learn the craft of perfumery. He is ready to create a magnificent smell even at the cost of human life.

"Peter I" - Alexey Tolstoy

The historical novel, who tells the reader about the great All-Russian Emperor, who tried to create a strong and powerful power with all their might. Being still young, he understood the whole importance of reforms, but to embody the outlined plans, he had to compete for the throne with his own sister.

"Picnic on the side of the road" - Brothers Strugatsky

The plot of the novel unfolds around Radrika Shuhhart, a man who is pierced into closed and abnormal zones and takes out valuable artifacts from there. These zones consider scientists, were formed due to the visit to the planet in alien race. People cannot live in these sites and their visit also implies serious negative consequences.

"Lord Muh" - William Golding

A group of children is on a uninhabited island as a result of a plane crash. Among adolescents are clearly allocated by two boys who are taken to the place of the group leader. The guys spend fair elections and first the winner still has the ability to dispose of resources and distribute work. But over time, the group splits in two, since the second boy does not agree to be subordinate.

"Tale of two cities" - Charles Dickens

Lucy recently also found a father, which was long imprisoned due to the authority Marquis of Eurmond. And soon the girl meets Charles Evermond, for which he is ready to marry and even gets a blessing from his father. Suddenly, misfortunes are collapsed on their family and it turns out that there is a woman who wants to take revenge on all the relatives of the Marquis.

"Monday begins on Saturday" - Brothers Strugatsky

The author of the humorous story protrudes the simple programmer from Leningrad Alexander Privalov. During vacation, the guy had to spend the night in the local museum, where he saw many wonders, which for local residents are common. Soon after, Alexander offering work at the Magic Institute and he agrees.

"Portrait of Dorian Gray" - Oscar Wilde

Young and very attractive guy Dorian Gray becomes a muse for an artist who draws his portrait. Once upon a negative impact, the guy is reincarnated in the depraved and vicious hang, and all his "rotten" acts are reflected only in the portrait, which is aging instead of Dorian. The guy likes it, but after many years he understands that it cannot continue forever.

"The last of the Mogican" - James Fenimore Cooper

The historic novel tells about the Franco-Indian War and about the three Indians who decided to make a noble thing and save the daughters of one British commander. Chingachguk and his son Unshas The last representative of the Mogican tribe, along with their friend Natty Bampo, they went to a dangerous adventure.

"Singing in the thorn" - Colin McCallow

New horizons are opening up before a large family of the clearing, when their rich relative invited her father to a quite worthy post. They move to Australia and then their only daughter falls in love with the priest, who also meets the riserly girl with reciprocity. Their relationship is hampered by Mrs. estates, because she herself has plans for Ralph.

"Adventures of Erast Fandorin" - Boris Akunin

A series of book-detectives tells the reader about Fandorina Erass, he is attractive, the smart has good manners, thanks to which there is a huge success in women. For his life, he changed many titles and places of work, but ERAST has an incredible ability to disperse even the most mysterious things. Despite the luck and career growth in his personal life, he is not so farting, his first wife is killed while trying to attempt to his life.

"Torture Master" - Jean Wolfe

A fantastic novel tells about the young student of the Palaley Guild, who makes a difficult misconduct, but avoids a death sentence. Instead, the North is sent to the remote city of TRACK to the post of executioner. The hero is waiting for a long and hard way, he will have to meet with many unusual people and mysterious creatures.

"Stories" - Anton Chekhov

The short stories of the author affect many topics they relate to a "little man", his life and small problems, also the writer affects and all other parties to life: love, hatred, envy, friendship, childhood, and so on. Each story also has the essence, and meaning, and moraling, which can be found between the lines.

Rebecca - Daphne Daju

A young maid of a rich lady suddenly meets the widower and Aristocrat Maximilian de Winter. Their relationship is developing and affecting the wedding. Soon, the girl understands that everything and all in their estate is impregnated with the memories of his previous wife Rebecca, even the servants are opposed to her. But the truth about Rebecca, which her husband opened, soothes, only the adversity in their family does not end.

"Shine" - Stephen King

Jack is experiencing some difficulties with self-control, so the teacher's work for him remains a closed topic. But setting a job in a mountain hotel, he transports there and his family. The son of Jack owns the gift of telepathy and clairvoyance, the boy understands that the hotel owns a terrible otherworldly power, which is trying to take possession of the will of his father to commit terrible affairs.

"Old Man and Sea" - Ernest Hemingway

Santiago is an old fisherman who goes to the sea every day in the hope of catching at least 84 days he is not lucky. And at 85, a huge marlin is hooked on the hook, but to cope with her one is not easy. For a few days, Santiago fights his catch and now, when he almost won, Marlin's blood licks a flock shark to the boat.

Taras Bulba - Nikolay Gogol

Sons come to the Cossack and Colonel in the resignation of Taras Bouobube, who ended their studies. Together with them, the father is heading for the section to boast of the young people before comrade. And soon, along with the rest of the Cossacks go to the people's liberation war. Only now the thoughts of the younger Andria are not about the battle with the enemies, but about the Polish Panna, which he met shortly before returning home.

"Silent Don" - Mikhail Sholokhov

Roman tells about the tragic destiny Gregory Melekhova and his family, which had to survive all the horrors of the first world and trace of civil wars. The hero of the book is an exemplary Cossack who served before the General post, but at the turning point of the Cossacks, he was torn and does not know on whose side to stick red or white. Also in the personal life of Grigory bursts between two women.

"Three age Okini-San" Valentin Pikul

Vladimir Kokovtsev Young Michman, whose service begins on the sailing clip of "Rider". After a few weeks in the port of Japan, the guy returns to his homeland, children marries and the spouses are born by children, and soon he learns that his Japanese mistress also gave birth to his son. For more than two decades, Vladimir already in the rank of captain is forced to return to Japan, but during the war.

"Three in the boat, not counting the dogs" - Jerome K. Jerome

Three friends during the next meeting decide that they need urgent rest of the soul and body. Guys do not want to go to the village or sea cruise, someone comes to the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling on a boat on the Thames and the rest support it. At the scheduled time, the guys get to the hired boat and go to the road. Their journey involves being very cheerful.

"Tess from the family d'Erberville" - Thomas Hardy

TESS is forced to stick all the concerns about the family on their own shoulders, as their father began to drink hard, learning about their belonging to once the famous family d'Erberville. The family lives in Bezechta to correct the situation The girl goes to a rich relative, but there she cares only her son, which turns out to be an impostor. He scores her head with romance and seduces, and an offended girl is forced to return home in an interesting position.

"Gone by the Wind" - Margaret Mitchell

The events of the novel occur during the times of the civil war between the States of America. Young Scarlett learns that her beloved marries another, she gets married before him, but her husband dies suicide in war. The girl has to move to her husband's relatives, and she hopes that he will be closer to Ashley, her first love. Meanwhile, she is trying to charm Mr. Butler, who has bad fame.

"Ural Skazy" - Pavel Bazhov

Based on the various stories of miners and folklore of the Urals, the writer created a fairy tale about labor, the life and life of master people. Spirits of mountains, rivers, land and forests, precious stones and factory workers become the main characters of bright and instructive stories.

"French lessons" - Valentin Rasputin

The boy's mother of 11 years old is trying to send the son to the city to study, because he considers it very clever and wants the guy to get something in life. In heavy post-war times, the guy has to have it is not easy. The teacher of French, who the boy is not easy to show kindness to him, but one of the pride does not take food from her. Frequent trips of a boy to the teacher, the director of the school perceives as an inappropriate attitude of her work.

"Walking Castle" Diana Jones

Of the three sisters of Sophie's most eldest, the girl has already resigned with his boring life as the owner of a hat shop. Having accepted Sophie for another sister, the evil witch turns it into an old woman. The girl leaves the house and after a long road to stay in the castle of Hole's wizard, which is considered a ruthless heart. While in the magic estate Sophie hopes to remove the spell, and the master of the castle turns out to be a cute and charming guy who also wants to return her youth.

"Seagull named Jonathan Livingston" - Richard Bach

Jonathan Livingston is a seagull who cannot accept such a meaningless life as a constant search for food. He decides to devote life to the study of the art of flight and for it was expelled from the flock. Loneliness does not scare him, one day he opens another reality, the perfect world, it turned out to be all the seagulls who were self-improvement studying. From the elder of this world, he learns that this is not the last stage of perfection.

"Chaika" - Anton Chekhov

Konstantin has long been in love with Nina, he creates for a girl from a rich family play, in which she should play the main and only role. The public the work and a new actress is perceived cold, therefore Konstantin and believes that Nina cooled to him due to failure. But the girl is now covered by Forky feelings to another man who is a beloved sister bone of the famous actress.

"Strank" Diana Gabdon

Claire is a simple nurse, and outside the windows of World War II. By tracking incomprehensible circumstances, the girl suddenly comes in time and turns out to be in 1743. Over time, she understands where it is, but does not understand how it turned out to be. Without the possibility of changing the girl to adapt to a new time.

Sherlock Holmes (stories) - Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock is a little eccentric, but the best private detective London, along with a friend and friend Dr. Watson, he is taken to investigate only the most confusing cases that are not on the teeth of the police. Holmes does not try to get rich, he just loves to solve complex riddles. Thanks to this lifestyle, the famous detective gave a lot of enemies.