The personal driver of the Friske family told the whole truth about Shepelev's duplicity. Where does Dmitry Shepelev live with his son now? Lump married Shepelev after death

The personal driver of the Friske family told the whole truth about Shepelev's duplicity.  Where does Dmitry Shepelev live with his son now? Lump married Shepelev after death
The personal driver of the Friske family told the whole truth about Shepelev's duplicity. Where does Dmitry Shepelev live with his son now? Lump married Shepelev after death

Dmitry Shepelev was born on May 25, 1983 in Minsk. Today, the personal life of an actor, television and radio host is a subject of discussion for many. Dmitry Shepelev and his new girlfriend are constantly in the center of attention of scandalous stories that have no end after the death of the singer Zhanna Friske.


Dmitry's family has never had anything to do with the world of show business. The boy grew up taking a great interest in sports, like any normal child, periodically visiting different sections. Loved tennis and pool. Over time, he achieved some success in sports, entering the top ten juniors in Belarus. The self-confident young man was very ambitious, and after the 9th grade he firmly decided to enter the Faculty of Journalism.

We must pay tribute to Dmitry, he did it. Moreover, it was held on a state basis. Shepelev perfectly managed to combine study and work. He was taken as a presenter on the TV channel and at the same time, he began to conduct radio broadcasting trying himself as a DJ. For some time, the young man managed to combine work on television, and he had to act in different countries.

Dmitry Shepelev in his youth

Since 2008, Shepelev finally moved to Kiev. The decisive factor was the invitation to play the leading role in the "Star Factory-2" project.

Then job offers came one after another. And in 2009, he was invited to Moscow as a presenter. So he finally moved to Russia.

His creativity and talent were not in vain. A vivid confirmation of this is the program "Actually", which he hosts on the first channel. Today Dmitry Shepelev is not only recognizable, he is so popular that his personal life has become a universal subject of discussion.

A short marriage is a mistake of youth

Despite his attractive appearance and the fact that Dmitry was not deprived of female attention, he does not belong to those who can be called Casanova. He had a girlfriend with whom he dated for 7 years, and then married her. But the marriage only lasted about a month.

The first wife of a famous TV presenter

The couple divorced, as Dmitry says, they rushed to get married, it was a mistake of youth. Then Zhanna Friske appeared in his life.

The romantic story of Dmitry and Zhanna

At that time, the charming Zhanna Friske did not leave the TV screens. However, the star did not particularly spread about his personal life. For the first time, information that Zhanna and a young promising presenter are together appeared in 2011, when journalists managed to capture them together in a photo. They themselves did not give any comments on this matter, but, as they say, there is no smoke without fire.

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

After some time, they stopped hiding their relationship from others. Their romance developed rapidly. Six months after meeting Shepelev, Zhanna breaks off a lucrative contract and goes with her lover to rest in Italy. And in April 2013, Plato, the son of Jeanne and Dmitry, was born. But even despite this, the matter never came to the registry office. Dmitry made an offer to his beloved, but they did not have time to sign. Soon Jeanne was gone.

The reason for the conflict with the relatives of Zhanna Friske

Dmitry and Zhanna were not officially married, even during her lifetime, when she was sick, he went abroad, taking their joint son with him. He explained his act by the fact that the baby did not need to look at the suffering of the mother and wanted only one thing, to protect his son from unnecessary worries.

The relatives of the famous singer considered his actions beyond the bounds of morality, which was the beginning of a serious conflict between them, which lasts more than a year even after Jeanne's death.

The famous TV presenter cannot make peace with the parents of Zhanna Friske

Dmitry himself does not share this position, saying that he acted within the framework of the law and fulfilled the will of his common-law wife, who herself asked him to do just that. Dmitry was also accused of embezzling funds for personal needs, which were collected for Zhanna's treatment of cancer. But this information was not confirmed and remained just speculation and nothing more.

Dmitry's son Platon Shepelev

Today's personal life of Dmitry Shepelev still haunts Jeanne's relatives. They cannot agree peacefully among themselves. Each of them defends his right to educate Plato.

Who is she the new darling of Dmitry Shepelev?

She was Ksenia Stepanova, who was friends with Zhanna and was included in her house with Dmitry. The girl worked as a make-up artist in the "Brilliant" group and was responsible for how the band members look during filming and at concerts.

When Zhanna Friske left the "Brilliant" group and began her solo career, Ksenia became her personal cosmetologist and soon their relationship from the category of just business, grew into a strong friendship, erasing all boundaries. Ksenia almost always accompanied the singer on tour. So the doors of the house of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev became open for Ksenia Stepanova.

Zhanna Friske and Ksenia Stepanova

The singer trusted her friend unconditionally, as herself. Perhaps this is why Zhanna's relatives cannot forgive her for this, considering their relationship with Shepelev to be a betrayal of Zhanna Friske.

Having learned about the illness, the singer's touring life came to naught, but Ksenia continued to visit her friend and she still treated her confidentially.

The news of the illness of the common-law spouse knocked down Dmitry, all his thoughts were occupied only by this and, of course, he did not pay any attention to Xenia, despite her constant presence in their house. He stopped appearing in public and giving interviews.

Zhanna Friske's departure

The relationship between Dmitry and Xenia began after the death of Jeanne. Until that moment, the young man tried to spend as much time as possible with Jeanne and their joint son. A terrible diagnosis, it sounded like a bolt from the blue. This became known to the public in 2014. Then Shepelev turned from the TV screen to everyone with the only request to pray for the health of his common-law wife.

The singer herself learned that she was sick while pregnant. But this did not stop her, and she made a firm decision to give birth. Despite the prohibitions of doctors. The singer has repeatedly said in her interviews that she dreams of having a child.

Zhanna Friske with her parents

Friends, relatives and doctors believed to the last that the disease would recede and Zhanna would defeat this terrible ailment, but, unfortunately, the miracle did not happen.

As soon as she gave birth to a son, whom she and Dmitry gave the name Plato, Zhanna left, accompanied by Shepelev, to the States for treatment.

Oksana Stepanova was there at every opportunity, taking care of Zhanna and her son. Since by that time it was difficult for the singer to cope with everything without outside help.

In June 2015, Dmitry Shepelev's personal life changed. Jeanne was gone. At that moment he was not with her. He did not come to the funeral, staying with his son abroad. Today, as Zhanna Friske's father suggests, Shepelev lives with her friend, the same Ksenia Stepanova, and brings up the son of Plato. Rumor has it that in fact the romance between Shepelev and Stepanova began before the death of Zhanna Friske. Whether this is really so, only they themselves know.

Today they do not really hide their relationship, periodically uploading joint photos to the network. Ksenia is raising her son Jeanne, and they all live together in Plato's house, whose guardian is his father, Dmitry Shepelev. According to Zhanna Friske's father, Dmitry refused the services of a nanny who followed the boy, since now Ksenia, Dmitry's new darling, is helping to raise the child.

Dmitry with his son

Today, not only the personal life of Dmitry Shepelev is developing successfully, but also his career. He became the host of one popular talk show on Channel One. Dmitry works hard to provide his son with a comfortable life and so that the boy does not need anything. In addition, not so long ago he released a book called "Jeanne", in which he shares with readers how he lived a year without his beloved Jeanne, who left so early.

And he says words of gratitude to all those who provided support not only financial, but also simply with a kind word. Before the book's release, Shepelev, for the first time in a year and a half, decided to give an interview and dot the i's. Friske's relatives were not at the presentation for obvious reasons. The flared up conflict does not subside, to this day, despite the fact that two years have passed since Jeanne's death.

Dmitry Shepelev now

The singer's father believes that it is Ksenia, Dmitry's current girlfriend, who prevents Plato from meeting with them. Dmitry himself tries not to comment on this in any way, preferring to resolve all issues regarding this topic in court.

The media found out that the ex-husband of Friske Shepelev secretly works on Ukrainian TV and meets with an ex-member of the VIA Gra group.

Secrets of the Friske family, news for today, June 2, 2016: the ex-husband of the singer Shepelev hid Plato for six months, despite the court decision

TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev violated the decree obliging him to give the family of Zhanna Friske the opportunity to see the three-year-old Plato, according to the decision of the commission on custody. This was stated to Life by the lawyer of the Friske family, who participated in the proceedings. According to the lawyer, the decision came into force on November 15, 2015, but the child's father ignored it until April 2016, preventing the family from meeting with Plato.

According to him, initially, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the Presnensky district of Moscow established that relatives can see Platon 4 times a month. At the same time, the grandmother has the right to communicate with her grandson on the first and fourth Monday of the month for four hours. Every second Friday evening for two hours Plato should spend time in the company of Olga and Vladimir Friske, and every fourth Friday - with his grandmother and aunt Natalia Friske.

On weekends, namely on the first and third Saturday, every morning Plato should begin with communication with his grandparents, who should look after him until lunchtime. Also, every fourth Sunday, the whole Friske family has the right to spend leisure time with the child, having previously discussed the place and time with Shepelev.

The lawyer of the Friske family stressed that due to the fact that Dmitry Shepelev refused to follow the decision of the commission on guardianship and trusteeship of the Presnensky district of Moscow, the relatives were forced to apply to the Khamovnichesky District Court, from where they were redirected to the Khamovnikov department of social protection of the population. On December 16, 2015, the commission made a new decision, according to which Vladimir Borisovich Friske was allowed to communicate with his grandson only once a month - every 3rd Monday from 10 am to 1 pm in the presence of security guards and a child psychologist.

With regard to the mother of the late singer and sister, the situation has not changed. Nevertheless, even after the second consideration of the case, Friske's relatives did not wait for the long-awaited meeting.

Shepelev allowed them to do this only eight months later, in April 2016, on the child's birthday. The meeting took place in the presence of a guard and a child psychologist, although this was not at all necessary. “Shepelev was constantly rude to Natalya and Olga Vladimirovna, so the meeting did not last long. He also insisted that he would not allow his grandfather to see Plato,“ until he changes. ”I don’t know what kind of changes he wants to see, apparently he wants the family knelt in front of him and begged to let them see Plato, "- said the lawyer.

Vladimir Friske himself told Life that he would achieve punishment for Shepelev. The 57-year-old father of the late singer said that he had filed a new lawsuit against his son-in-law - for non-compliance with the decision of the commission on custody.

Media: Shepelev secretly meets with Meikher in Ukraine (photo)

Meanwhile, the Belarusian TV presenter, Zhanna Friske's common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev, after a long lull, appeared on Ukrainian television, REN-TV reports.

After Shepelev's common-law wife Friske began the fight against oncology, Dmitry spent all the time with her. After the death of the singer, he disappeared from the screens, and now he is secretly filmed in a Ukrainian TV show.

The media report that in order to keep the shooting of the new project with Shepelev a secret, its participants donate mobile communications and cameras at the entrance to the shooting pavilion. Such a requirement was put forward by the host himself. The film crew was banned from entering Dmitry's dressing room without warning.

Famous Russian TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev secretly meets with ex-member of the group "VIA Gra" Nadezhda Meikher in Kiev on the set of the "Super Intuition" project.

Shepelev willingly agreed to become the host of the program, but forbade viewers from taking photographs during the broadcast and demanded increased security measures at the site, reports

Be that as it may, Shepelev was spotted on the set of a show in the capital of Ukraine. They took place in the Dovzhenko pavilion. New work was offered to Dmitry by Novy Channel, which paid Dmitry a small fee (about five thousand dollars).

Today the singer and former lead singer of the "Brilliant" group Zhanna Friske would have turned 44 years old. And for three years now she has not been with us. We tell how her family has been living all this time.

Vladimir Friske vs. Dmitry Shepelev

The conflict between Zhanna's common-law spouse Dmitry Shepelev (35) and the singer's family began immediately after her death. Vladimir Friske (66) walked from one Ostankino pavilion to another and gave interviews to all possible talk shows, in which he stated: Shepelev does not allow the family to see Plato, the son of Dima and Zhanna.

Dmitry Shepelev and Plato

In particular, he accused Shepelev of not bringing Jeanne Plato to the funeral. Dmitry later explained that a few days before his wife's death he took his son to Bulgaria: “It is not his fault that my mother got sick. Should he see his mother die? Should he see the tragedy in the eyes of Jeanne's parents, in mine? Should he see my tears? Who can answer this question? We did not plan our lives for the future. I knew the main thing: a child must have a childhood, a child must have a summer. Nobody knew when the last goodbye day would come. We talked for a long time, planned for a long time, and a month before that tickets were bought so that the boy could go to the sea. "

Vladimir friske

At first, Shepelev did not comment in any way on the statements of Vladimir Borisovich that Plato was limited in communication with his family. He made the first official statement after Friske was at the entrance of his house. “On Monday, at three o'clock in the afternoon, an attack was made on me and my son Platon Shepelev at the address of our residence,” Shepelev told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - The attackers were about six people, most of them are representatives of the Caucasian nationality. These people were accompanied by Jeanne's father. The purpose of these people was to injure me physically. And the most important and harsh thing - they wanted to kidnap the child. "

And in an interview with Andrei Malakhov (46), he still dotted the i: “I said to my grandparents:“ Don't leave your grandson. You know my phone, you know where we live and where the playground is. " “We will not go, bring it to us,” they said. And instead of going to their grandson, they went to court so that the court would determine the order of communication. The court appointed: an hour and a half a month. Is this normal for a family? This is not normal. But the court assessed the actions of the grandparents: threats, meetings and the amount of attention they paid to their grandson. "

Vladimir Friske vs. Rusfond

When Zhanna fell ill, Channel One organized a fundraiser for her treatment together with Rusfond - a little more than 25 million rubles came out. Only four were spent on Friske's treatment (and this is officially documented), but the rest are simple.

Dmitry Shepelev and Plato

The singer's family claims: Shepelev built a house in an elite area of ​​the Moscow region with the money of Rusfond. But Dima has a different version: “By the time of Jeanne's death, 21 million should have remained on the account. The news that they weren’t there came as a shock to me as it was to the whole country. I did not manage the accounts. And there is also nothing to say about why the unclaimed amount was not returned to the account of the charitable foundation. I am not the Investigative Committee and I cannot influence its work in any way. For my part, I think: the investigation should be completed and an end should be put. You are right, people who donated money for treatment have the right to know the fate of this money. I continue to insist and say that Vladimir withdrew the money, - said Dmitry. - This money is the equivalent of love for Jeanne. With this money, people from all over the country supported a seriously ill girl. Therefore, you need to account for every penny. Just imagine how many seriously ill children could be saved with these 20 million. 10 days before Jeanne's death, her mother withdrew the entire amount from the account. In addition, not only Rusfond's money was withdrawn, but also Zhanna's personal funds. All accounts were emptied. I don’t understand how it was possible, seeing a dying daughter, to think about money and leave the grandson without the lion’s share of the inheritance, ”Dmitry said and showed an official document from the bank confirming that Zhanna’s mother had withdrawn funds from Rusfond.

The singer's younger sister told the details of the scandal with her ex-son-in-law

Today, information appeared in the media about a grand scandal between the family of Zhanna Friske and her common-law spouse Dmitry Shepelev. It was reported that Jeanne's father did not allow him to see his grandson Plato. We spoke with the sister of the singer Natalya, who died of cancer. She told us that Dmitry more than once allowed himself insults to his sick wife, and to her parents, and Natalia herself.

The first time I heard him shout at Zhanna back in Jurmala, - says Natalia. “You are terrible and no one needs you but me. You’ll die without me at all, ”he shouted to her. I asked Jeanne then, he often allows himself this. She said yes, it happens. But then she began to take the blame on herself: “Maybe I said or did something wrong. I brought him. "

Natalia is in tears. The family has not yet recovered from the death of their beloved Jeanne. The singer's son Plato is the only outlet for everyone. After all, the boy grew up in the arms of Jeanne's mother and Natalia. Until the last day of Jeanne's life, he lived in the Friske family.

Mom did not leave a single step either from Plato, or from her sister. Yes, during this time she has aged 10 years from experiences, - Natalya cries. - And now this too! He constantly informs our dad. He deliberately provoked this whole conversation, made a recording and immediately sold it to journalists. We did not expect such meanness from him. Although he is not as white and fluffy as he wants to appear. We understood this immediately.

According to the singer's sister, Dmitry more than once allowed himself insults to his sick wife, and to her parents and Natalia herself.

The first time I heard him shout at Zhanna, back in Jurmala, says Natalia. - “You are terrible and no one needs me anymore. You’ll die without me at all, ”he shouted to her. I then asked Jeanne if he often allows himself this. She said yes, it happens. But then she began to take the blame on herself: “Maybe I said or did something wrong. I brought him. " Jeanne's friends also told me that Dima often allows himself this.

The son of Jeanne Plato was raised by the Friske family until his mother died. Natalia herself, who still does not have children of her own, constantly bathed him, read bedtime stories and put him to bed. Shepelev's parents rarely came to the house of their daughter-in-law. And when they were, they didn't even take care of the child.

Now he does not let me near the boy for a cannon shot, - sobs Natalya. - He says that I do not care about the boy and I am PR at his expense. And it seems to me that he is afraid that Plato will mistake me for Jeanne. We are very similar to her. The only thing is that he summoned our mother to Bulgaria to sit with the baby while his parents left somewhere. And not out of pity for her, but because it was so convenient for him. And then he strictly forbade her to be photographed with Platosha. So many conditions put forward, just a nightmare. And he sold photos with his son right and left.

It turns out that the villa on the Bulgarian coast, where Shepelev rested and recovered after the death of his wife, belongs.

Philip Bedrosovich actually invited my parents to rest there, who miraculously survived the death of Jeanne. But we gave way to Dima and Plato.

And Jeanne herself did not leave any instructions about her son? Who did she want him to stay with?

Before her death, Jeanne could no longer speak, but only blinked "yes" or "no" with her eyes. We asked her: do you want Plato to live with Shepelev? She said nothing. And when asked if she wanted the boy to stay with us, she blinked. But this, of course, is not proof for anyone now. We thought that we would agree on everything peacefully with Dima. That Plato will visit us and them. But you see how he behaves now. Although in vain we hoped for his decency. Yes, his last words were when he left us two days before Zhanna's death: “I would rather have died, I would take my son and never see you all again!” Now, according to the Friske family, Dima lives alone. The child is looked after by his parents.

Do you know what he asked the priest at the commemoration? He asked when he could already live with another woman. I hope that everything will return to this person.

It is clear that Natalia said a lot on emotions. In the heat of family scandals, they do not choose expressions and do not go into their pockets for words. But, if we leave careless accusations outside the parentheses, is it really a man to denounce the grief-stricken father-in-law to the whole world? Even if he went beyond the bounds of decency ... "MK" is ready to give the platform to Dmitry Shepelev and present his position to the readers. I would only very much like to hope that both sides of the conflict will find the strength to settle the problems peacefully. For the memory of Jeanne and for the sake of her future son.