Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner last. Three years have not passed: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner completed his divorce

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner last. Three years have not passed: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner completed his divorce
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner last. Three years have not passed: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner completed his divorce

The couple announced his divorce announced three years ago. As it turned out, the reason for the gap was treason to Affale with the housekeeper Christine Ouzunyan. Lovers tried to work on relationships and even visited the psychologist to get out of the family crisis. However, the spouses could not make it possible.

The other day in the house Garner held a formal divorce procedure. The signing of papers took place in the presence of lawyers and judges. Despite the difficult situation, the actors emphasize that they will communicate, will retain friendly relations and will remain loving parents for their children.

Recall that Ben and Jennifer bind common children: 12-year-old Vaolet, 9-year-old Seraphim and 5-year-old Samuel. Most likely, children will live with her mom, as it was before the divorce. Moreover, in the life of Ben Afflec, it was often quite often the periods when his condition was concerned about his friends and loved ones. Jennifer often admitted that the actor often behaves like her fourth child and is inclined to dependencies. At one time, the actor needed serious treatment from gaming addiction. Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas even forbidden to play Hollywood artist in blackjack. The owners of the institution considered that Ben played too successfully, and, moreover, he was engaged in counting cards.

Now in the life of the Hollywood actor came the black band: Affleck was addicted to alcoholic beverages. The case has acquired such a serious turnover that because of the harmful habit of Ben can lose their careers. Affleck fell into a narcological clinic for the second time. Because of this, the Warner Brothers film company employees seriously consider breaking the contract with the actor to the role in the film about Batman, as its treatment can cost much.

Nevertheless, Garner does not get tired to tell everyone that Affleck is a wonderful dad for his children. So, recently, on the day of the Father, in his microblog, the actress wrote an ex-husband touching message: "Our children are lucky that they have a dad who looks at them as you look at them, and loves them as you love them "

Many stars are sining to a short-term novels, but there are those celebrities whose pairs seem to personify the ideal relationships. That is, flawlessly and touching, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner looked. Their novel, who caused the endless lunizing fans and even journalists, soon led to marriage. But unexpectedly, the tabloids stirred up the news that the long-term union was crashing. Why did Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner broke up?

Love is not at first sight

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were charged with fate in 2001. It happened on the filming pattern of Pearl Harbor. But then the actors were not up to pay attention to each other. Ben heal the heart wounds after the gap with Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jennifer was not married to the actor of the Scott Foli.

Rest of the heavenly forces have reduced future lovers in 2003. They twisted the novel on the screen in the movie "Sorvigolov" and even became candidates for a reward from MTV for the "Best Kiss". However, this time, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner in real life were just friends, because Ben with his head plunged into a passionate novel with a sexy Jennifer Lopez. Garner was saddened with the crisis in her marriage.

Through thorn to each other

It seemed that Lopez and Affale relations would inevitably ends with a wedding. Bennifer, as they nicknamed this pair, even woke up. However, in 2004, the Singer agent officially notified the press and the public that the engagement was canceled. In pursuit of PR celebrations lost their love.

The paparazzi from each smallest detail of their novel inflated the scandalous sensation to put it on the first pages of the tabloid. Lopez later mentioned that her ex-beloved adores everything to complicate everything, and Ben sighlessly stated that the fatal Roman with Jay Lo had a negative impact not only on his emotional state, but also on his career. For some time, he stopped being an independent creative unit, but was mentioned in the press only as a boyfriend pop diva.

Perhaps Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner now especially finely began to feel each other because of their relative failures in his personal life. Marriage Garner has become a bowl that could not be glued. At about the moment, when Jay Lo and Ben broke up, the actress divorced with

Career failure as a way to happiness

For the third time, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner collided at the filming of the film "Electra" in 2004. Then they looked at each other what was looking for a long time. "Elektra" did not become a kin-roller hit and received negative feedback from critics, and the scene with Ben's participation was completely cut out of the final version of the film. However, this minor career failure did not worry this minor career failure. Affleck realized that before that, mistakenly fell in love with that Jennifer. Garner did not try to drag the blanket for himself, was a pretty, sincere and kind, the one that any man could see his wife subconsciously.

So long, the brewing novel began to develop quite rapidly. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, whose photo did not leave doubts in their mutual tenderness, did not postpone the wedding in a long box and secretly got married in 2005. The celebration passed on the legendary island of Parrhto Kay, which became the place of marriage not one celebrity. Only relatives and close friends were invited to the ceremony. Ben, tired of omnipresent reporters in relationships with Jay Lo, Bereg New Roman as Zenitsa Oka. In addition, Garner already needed double care - she was pregnant with firstborn. Most soon a daughter of actors appeared to the world, which was given a feminine name Vaolett.

Family Dreams

Ben and Jennifer did not try to overtake each other in the acting success. Garner, as an exemplary wife, gladly began to live in the shadow of the famous spouse, focusing on careful care about him and children. Ben and Jennifer became parents three times: in 2009, their second daughter was born - Seraphin, and in 2012, Garner gave her happiness to her hairstyle of Chemuel.

It seemed that in flawlessness, the couple could compete except with the legendary Branjelina. But in 2013, the first signals appeared that in the relationship of Affleck and Garner is not all far away. At the Oscar ceremony, Ben, becoming the owner of the cherished statuette, instead of punching the speech on the tears of love quite dryly thanked his wife for the "care of their marriage." The complex nature of the actor could not long be hidden under a blessing Hollywood smile - Affleck returned to a long-time passion for alcohol and gambling. The one whom the audience considered the impeccable spouse, often spent the night outside the house and spent not one evening in the bars, and not with his family.

Last drop patience

Garner tolerated the husband's tricks for a long time and reassured himself that no one was perfect. She appealed for advice to numerous family psychologists, but her limitless patience had reached the limit. In June 2015, it became known that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner bred. The reason for such rotation of the events also began to outward details about the shameless treason of Affale. His secret passion was not a colleague on the workshop, but nanny them with Jennifer children!

Nevertheless, after a while, star spouses again withdrawn documents about divorce. It is not known what kind of "second chance" relationship with her husband decided to re-give a long-seeking Garner, which it was fit to be counted for the saints. She persuadously waited until her husband aware of his mistakes, but it was not destined to come true. In April 2017, Afflecks and Garner still began a marriage process due to "irreconcilable disagreements".

The children supported Jennifer Garner at the opening of her nominal star on the Alley of Glory. But Bena Affleck in the support team was not!

Photo: Getty. Jennifer Garner with children

Despite the fact that after the divorce Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck retained friendly relations, they still celebrate personal victories separately. So, yesterday, the actress received a registered star on the Alley of Glory in Hollywood, and among those who supported it on this day were all relatives - two daughters, son, parents and sisters with husbands and children, as well as colleagues Steve Karel, Brian Cranston and Judy Greer, and Here Affleck did not come.

Perhaps he was busy with his new love - a young model Playboy Sean Sexton? Over the past few days, the actor and his passion (with a teleproducer Lindsay Shukus, obviously, he broke up) several times photographed on dates.

Be that as it may, and the celebration and without Affale passed wonderful.

But the most curious was the other. Although Garner and children often fall into the lenses of the paparazzi, so close mother and her older daughter Violet, we seem to have seen for a long time. And we have the opportunity to consider how much they look like - the girl grew literally a copy of the actress! And the youngest, which is curious, on the contrary, is very similar to his father.

Recall that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck lived in marriage for 10 years and announced their parting just in the last anniversary. True, after that, they lived together for another two years, as nothing had happened, while the head of the family finally did not leave a common house and began to meet with Lindsay Shukus.

Famous American actress Jennifer Garner, who survived with the Hollywood star Ben Affleck, reports, turns a novel with a handsome man ..

Who is a new beloved Jennifer Garner?

Recently, the star of the film "out of 13 in 30" smiles a lot. Despite the sadly ended romantic relations with Ben Affleck, the divorce with which was held in early October, Garner blooms and smells. What is the reason?

The fact is that the 46-year-old actress is in love. The chosen character was the man for six years of her younger - a 40-year-old businessman John Miller. Their novel is reportedly last six months.

Relationship news Jennifer surfaced in just two weeks after she and her ex-husband signed documents on divorce.

Miller is the general director of Caligroup, which owns the MISO Robotics and a network of 50 Caliburger restaurants.

According to insider, the couple together for six months and their relationship every day is becoming more serious. "Jen reveals the best in John, which makes it very happy. They have healthy and loving relationships," the insider added.

It is known that the businessman also survived the divorce in the past.

New Life Jennifer Garner

After the divorce, the sources reported that the actress "is ready to start the next stage in his life."

With Affleck, she has a long history of relationships. The couple was combined with a marriage in 2005. They had three beautiful children - Violet, which is now 12 years old, Serafina - 9 years old and Samuel - 6 years. They broke up ten years of living together, and the divorce filed in April 2017. Officially, their marriage collapsed on October 4, 2018, when they signed documents on divorce.

Meanwhile, the couple is trying to support excellent relations. They support each other for children. This is evidenced by one of the recent cases when the star "Batman". Jennifer personally took the former husband to the rehabilitation center.