Fluffy tree drawing. How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step

Fluffy tree drawing.  How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step
Fluffy tree drawing. How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step

    What could be easier than drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, probably just a snowman or an icicle :)

    Here is a simple step-by-step diagram for drawing an elegant Christmas tree for the new year.

    This video master class shows in detail how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, even if this tree is not quite real, but also very beautiful :)

    Christmas tree with gifts

    Another video lesson in drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, as well as an idea of ​​how you can paint a Christmas tree with colored pencils:

    The image below shows a diagram of how to draw a Christmas tree for junior and middle children. school age... The drawing looks simple, but it requires accuracy, the smoother the needles are, the more beautiful the drawing will be.

    Draw slightly curved lines from the vertical base line that represents the tree pillar.

    At the top we draw small ones, towards the middle we draw longer and the lowest ones are long.

    Draw small needles on each branch. On the branches, you can add balls, stars, the lower plan can be decorated with beads.

    The video shows another option for how to draw a Christmas tree.

    There are many options for how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step. You can start with skeleton skeleton trees, and then finish painting the branches, which become wider and more luxuriant towards the base.

    You can start as the tree looks like - a triangle, gradually adding branches, making the tree more and more lush, and then christmas garlands, toys, gifts under the tree, as it appears.

    The first way. Starting with the skeleton and then finishing the tree:

    Second way.

    First, imagine a triangle that will become a tree.

    Then we draw cloves on the sides and bottom of the tree.

    Let's outline it more clearly with a pencil (marker, pen).

    Then decorations appear on the tree. At first, draw only the outlines. We also draw gifts under the tree arbitrarily as much as you like, as you like, of any shape and quantity, as you like.

    We outline the contours of jewelry and gifts with a pencil (marker, pen).

    Coloring the Christmas tree in green drawing the needles in one direction. Let a small unpainted space remain under the toys on the tree, and also depict the backlight.

    Add a little dark green color to the whole tree. This helps to achieve volume. Let the white space be clearer under the toys on the tree. The toys on the tree are decorated with different colors.

    Gifts in different colors.

    A fluffy forest guest, who pleases us with her appearance every year in our homes, seems to be easy to draw if there are detailed step-by-step sketches. First, we determine the size of the Christmas tree on a piece of paper. Then how lush it will be, how many levels, for this we draw parallel lines on both sides along the trunk. To make it easier, you can imagine the Christmas tree in the form of a triangle, just ignore the very top of the tree, leave it for the star:

    I think what to draw a New Year's bow, following the one below step by step diagram, alone or together with the child will be quite easy.

    So let's get started:

    Step 1:

    Step 2:

    Step 3:

    Step 4:

    The result is this New Year's tree... Now e can be colored, for example:

    New Year is the most favorite holiday of the majority. And what a holiday without Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and, of course, a Christmas tree.

    It is not so difficult to draw a mandatory attribute of the New Year's holiday - a Christmas tree. The main thing is to follow the tips in the pictures below.

    For example, as an option

    well, the third version of the Christmas tree.

    Well, the option is more complicated:

    Drawing a Christmas tree is not difficult. V fine arts many objects are depicted by the initial schematic drawing. For a Christmas tree, a simple geometric triangle shape is suitable. As you know, the branches of the Christmas tree look down, they are shorter at the crown, much longer at the base, which gives the tree a triangular shape.

    Taking this as a basis, we draw our Christmas tree:

    It remains to add decorations (balls, bumps, lanterns, bows, etc.) and our tree is ready. even a child can handle such a pattern:

    you can try to draw a Christmas tree in a different way. Namely, to depict the trunk and branches of a tree diverging in different directions:

    If you add New Year's toys to such a Christmas tree, you get a real festive beauty.

    The most requested pattern in winter time of the year is a Christmas tree. It is a pleasure to draw it, since during the drawing process, as soon as the imagination does not play. The Christmas tree can be drawn with paints, as well as with a pencil. The most important thing is to find a drawing for inspiration.

    The smallest can use this scheme:

    More experienced ones can try to sketch such variants of Christmas trees with a pencil. The main thing here is to draw the frame of the Christmas tree, the base (trunk and branches), and then finish drawing the needles, Christmas decorations, gifts under the Christmas tree.

    Draw New Year's bow in stages will not be difficult if you follow the instructions below. First we draw a large triangle, this will be the basis of the tree itself and the square is Bottom part trunk of the loch. Next, we draw three levels of branches, an asterisk at the very top of the loch and begin to gradually draw toys. After that, we color the line and the drawing is ready.

    Here on this site you can not only look at pictures of how to draw a Christmas tree in stages, but even watch several videos, where everything is explained in a very accessible form, after which even a child will be able to draw a festive tree on their own.

    And here is also a completely uncomplicated image of a Christmas tree, which we will draw in stages.

Not all people are born with the talent of an artist, but sometimes situations arise when you need to draw something urgently. For example, on New Year's Eve, many are wondering how to draw a Christmas tree. After all, this evergreen tree becomes the center of the holiday, and often it is the drawings of Christmas trees that decorate interiors, children's albums, postcards.

In the proposed article, consider different options images of this coniferous tree. We will learn how to draw a winter beauty not only for an adult, but also for a child.

The easiest way

The version of drawing a Christmas tree described below is more suitable for adults than for children. Although it is quite simple. It consists of five stages:

  1. The first thing to do is draw the axis of the tree. To do this, draw a vertical line with a pencil. It will be the basis on which the entire drawing will be formed.
  2. At the next stage, it is necessary to designate the triangular shape of the tree. It is not necessary to draw a triangle for this. You can mentally imagine it and further focus on it.
  3. Then, from the top of the axis, we begin to draw with light strokes, taking into account the triangular shape of the tree, branches. They should point slightly downward. Left side should mirror the right one.
  4. Next, we will designate the branches in more detail. The top of the Christmas tree, as in nature, should always be sharp. On the contrary, we make the lower branches more lush and wide. At the very bottom, you should definitely provide a gap for the trunk. It is better to portray it wider.
  5. So, the tree is almost drawn. Now it remains to refine it. Using your imagination, you can decorate the Christmas tree by drawing balls, garlands, toys. The upper part is traditionally decorated with a red star or dome.

Draw with a toddler under 3 years old

In young children under the age of 3, the perception of the surrounding reality, as a rule, is sensual. They see the world in holistic pictures, without distinguishing any nuances. Therefore, when drawing a Christmas tree with a small child, it is worth focusing on its shape. In this age period, children are just beginning to comprehend various geometric shapes. The kid with pleasure, together with his mother, will draw a green triangle with paints, and on it small circles. It is better to use gouache paints. They are bright, saturated, they fit perfectly in several layers.

So, at the beginning we draw a green triangle representing the crown and needles. Then, when the paint is dry, we begin to draw balls or beads. It is easier to paint them with cotton swabs rather than paint brushes. Plus, it's very exciting. Having dipped a cotton swab in gouache, put multi-colored round prints on top Green colour... To make the tree look even brighter, you can circle it along the contour with some contrasting felt-tip pen or pencil. Finally, using an old toothbrush, by sprinkling white paint, you can create the effect of a snow coating. The kid will be delighted with such actions.

It will be no less exciting to draw the whole tree together with the kid with colored pencils or felt-tip pens. To do this, we first draw an axis. And multi-colored strokes around the dark trunk and branches will create the effect of needles.

We draw with children over 3 years old

Draw a fir tree with children who already go to Kindergarten, on the one hand, it is easier, since they already understand a lot and themselves can offer any ideas. On the other hand, it is more difficult, since a too simple version of the execution is unlikely to suit them.

At this age, it is already more interesting to draw a Christmas tree with a more detailed drawing of its parts and using a wider color palette. It is better to choose watercolor paints for such creativity, their texture allows you to get large quantity shades and halftones.

To create a composition you will need:

  • a sheet of A4 paper (preferably for watercolors);
  • watercolor paints;
  • brushes (preferably columns);
  • container with water;
  • napkins.

The process of drawing a spruce is as follows:

  1. With the help of broad strokes, we begin to form the tree from top to bottom. We draw branches around the proposed trunk in semicircular rows. The trunk itself is not worth portraying. Moreover, black or brown... In this case, the spruce will look too pretentious. For the branches, we use mainly colors from emerald green to light green. To create the effect of volume, it is worth adding blue and ocher colors to indicate the needles. The main thing is that the Christmas tree does not look monotonous.
  2. After the tree dries up, you can start decorating: draw a five-pointed red star, draw beads with gouache or felt-tip pens, put boxes with gifts under the tree.
  3. In the end, if desired, the work can be cut out and glued to a piece of colored cardboard or paper.

Draw with a pencil

For an adult who lacks artistic skills, drawing a Christmas tree is a little problematic, so you shouldn't grab the paint right away. For a start, it is better to do everything with a pencil, while working with an eraser and removing unnecessary or missing points.

We present a small master class on how to do it in stages:

  1. The first thing to do: draw a triangle on a piece of paper. Instead of a base at this triangle, draw a semicircle. It turned out to be a cone.
  2. Then, along the entire contour of this figure, which still only resembles a Christmas tree, draw twigs. Inside the triangle, we also depict the elements of the branches, the lines of future hanging beads.
  3. After that, we begin to draw in more detail the rest of the remaining elements: balls, beads, toys, an asterisk on the top of the head.
  4. With the help of an eraser, delete unnecessary pencil lines.
  5. You can paint the spruce with paints, for example, watercolors, crayons, pastels. But even if you just give it volume by applying shading simple pencil, then it will look quite beautiful. It is better to hatch the shading according to the rules of light and shadow: somewhere to press the pencil harder, in some cases to weaken the pressure.

We draw with paints

Exists great amount options for the image of a Christmas tree with paints. Let's get acquainted with a few of them. They cannot be called complex, and they all have one thing in common: the image is based on the triangular shape of the Christmas tree. For example, the drawing turns out to be very original if you paint with paints a tree in the form of a cone, inside which there are balls different color and magnitudes. At the top of the composition, depict an asterisk. Draw such simple drawings you can even without preliminary sketches with a pencil, applying it to a sheet of paint immediately with a brush.

If you replace the balls with multi-colored strokes, the effect will be no less interesting. Also, if you draw diagonally multi-colored lines inside the cone, the New Year's beauty will look beautiful and festive.

If the artist chose watercolor for drawing, then the spruce should turn out to be delicate and airy. This is due to the effect of such paints, since it is always desirable to dilute watercolor with plenty of water and create a feeling of airiness. Do not forget about this.

We draw with gouache

Gouache has a number of irreplaceable advantages. For example, it is so dense that it can be applied in several layers. This quality allows you to create very juicy and colorful new year drawings.

Using gouache, you can depict a fabulous fir tree in a night landscape. To do this, create a suitable background with dark colors. We draw the stars and the month. Then, in light tones, we depict a festive beauty, on which we draw various toys with contrasting colors.

You can come up with an infinite number of such compositions. A cone-shaped image of a Christmas tree, created by repeatedly pressing a stencil that has been dipped in gouache, will look very creative. As a stencil, you can use cotton buds, a rectangular piece of potatoes, a small piece of sponge, even small children's hands.

Currently, there are various variations on the theme of "how to draw a Christmas tree." On the Internet, you can find many different examples of such works. The mirroring technique allows you to create different trees. It is enough just to draw an axis, from which various figured images will depart in different directions: lines, ovals, curls, circles, triangles.

In the process of creating a drawing, it is always worth considering the age and initial skills of the artist. You cannot learn to draw a highly artistic work of art the first time. Secondly, when using certain materials, you always need to know about their qualities and assume what effect they can produce. It is better to take those paints with which you have already worked. If this was not possible, then it is better to first learn about their properties.

Approaching the process with desire and interest, doing everything with pleasure, you can even come up with your own distinctive idea even in the absence of experience. This is especially true for children. They really like to try and invent something new. Do not limit them in this.

Whatever method those who wish to draw a New Year's tree choose, the main thing is to show maximum imagination and skill during the process itself. Any materials and paints are suitable for this purpose. However, do not forget that the effect of different colors will also be different. The tips suggested in the article will help to significantly reduce the time for drawing a Christmas tree.

Already painted +3 I want to draw +3 Thank you + 153

V new year holidays it is customary to decorate their homes. In addition, you can see christmas decor in various shops, cafes and restaurants. Thus, every person wants to create festive mood not only for yourself, but also for those around you. The main decoration on this holiday is considered to be a New Year tree. She is adorned different toys, colored ribbons and bright garlands.
Now we will teach you how to draw a New Year tree with a pencil in stages, our lessons are simple, therefore it is suitable for both novice artists and children. Choose a lesson to your liking and move on to drawing a Christmas tree.

How to draw a Christmas tree with toys in pencil step by step

Video: how to draw a Christmas tree

How easy it is to draw a Christmas tree

How to draw a Christmas tree with gifts

Hey! Now I will tell you how to draw a Christmas tree with gifts for the New Year! We need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • pencils
  • corrector
  • pen or marker

How to easily draw a Christmas tree in winter

For this tutorial, you will need:

  • Plain, green and blue pencils
  • Green or black helium pen
  • Erasing

How to draw a Christmas tree with a star and toys

Greetings! Now I will tell you how to draw christmas tree... For this we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • pencils or markers
  • pen or marker
  • corrector

How to draw a Christmas tree with bells with a pencil step by step

In this tutorial we are going to draw a Christmas tree with bells! For this we need: HB pencil, black the gel pen, eraser and colored pencils!

  • Step 1

    Draw a long line as shown in the picture.

  • Step 2

    Then we draw lines in different directions, as in the picture.

  • Step 3

    We draw some of the branches on the Christmas tree.

  • Step 4

    We draw the second part of the branches on the Christmas tree!

  • Step 5

    We draw ribbons.

  • Step 6

    How to draw bells and bows on the Christmas tree!

  • Step 7

    Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen, except for the branches of the Christmas tree!

  • Step 8

    We buy for coloring. We take a green pencil and decorate the branches of the Christmas tree with it!

  • Step 9

    We take a dark green pencil and paint the branches of the Christmas tree with it again, making shadows!

  • Step 10

    Then we take a yellow pencil and decorate the ribbons with it.

  • Step 11

    We take an orange pencil and decorate the bells with it.

  • Step 12

    At the final stage, we take a red pencil and decorate the bows with it! And that's it !!!)))) our Christmas tree with bells is ready !!))))) good luck to everyone)))

How to draw a Christmas tree in a fabulous cartoon style

Hey! Today we will draw a Christmas tree in a fabulous cartoon style. For work we need:

  • HB pencil
  • Eraser
  • Pencils
  • Corrector

How to draw a Christmas tree in a blanket with a cup of coffee

Hey! Today we will draw a Christmas tree in a blanket with a cup of hot coffee. Why are you surprised ?! Christmas trees also have weekends! And so we need:

  • HB pencil
  • Eraser
  • Black gel pen or marker
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Corrector

How to draw a Christmas tree with handles and legs

Hey! Today I will tell you how to draw a cute Christmas tree with arms and legs. For this we need:

  • HB pencil
  • Eraser
  • Black gel pen or marker
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Corrector

How to draw a Christmas tree with toys for children for the new year

In that step by step lesson we will draw a Christmas tree with toys for children for the new year. We need:

  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils;
  • orange, pink, blue. green and black handles.
Let's get started!
  • Step 1

    First, draw a triangle-like shape.

  • Step 2

    Now draw another shape like this.

  • Step 3

    And the last one. Please note that the last figure is different from the others.

  • Step 4

    Then draw the trunk of our tree and the pot.

  • Step 5

    Draw the most important thing on the trees - an asterisk.

  • Step 6
  • Step 7

    Draw New Year's toys - these can be stars, candies, or just balls. In general, whatever you want!

  • Step 8

    Now circle the tree with a green handle, the New Year's toys with an orange, blue and pink handle, and the pot and trunk with a black one.

  • Step 9

    Now take the lightest green pencil you have and color the tree with it a little.

  • Step 10

    Then take a darker pencil and paint the tree with it a little more ...

  • Step 11

    And so walk through the entire tree, from light to dark.

  • Step 12

    Now take a light brown and dark brown pencil. Color the tree trunk with light brown, and the pot with dark brown. Also paint the star at the top of the tree with yellow, and blue for the New Year's toys.

  • Step 13

    And color the candies with pink, the stars with orange, add barely visible shadows and the drawing is ready!

How to draw a Christmas tree with garlands

In this tutorial, we will understand how to draw a Christmas tree with garlands on the eve of the holiday.
Tools and materials:

  • Simple pencil;
  • Black pen;
  • Eraser;
  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Colored pencils (yellow, green, light green, lilac, brown, red, cyan, blue)
  • Black marker.

How easy it is to draw a Christmas tree for kids

This wonderful lesson will prepare us for the holiday and tell you how to draw a Christmas tree just for children.
Tools and materials:

  • Simple pencil;
  • Black pen;
  • Eraser;
  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Colored pencils (yellow, light green, green, dark green, brown)
  • Black marker.

How to draw a Christmas tree for children

We will need:

  • black felt-tip pen,
  • wax pencils (green, yellow, brown, others to your taste)

We draw a Christmas tree with a marker for children video

Christmas tree drawings for sketching

Here you will find 8 different drawings Christmas tree for sketching.

Take a piece of paper or sketchbook, pencil and eraser. Ask your child how he will decorate the hedgehog and prepare pencils, felt-tip pens or paints with a brush.

Tell your child the rules for how to work with paints.

  1. Prepare and moisten the paints with clean water;
  2. mix paints on a palette (white paper) without forgetting to rinse the brushes;
  3. smoothly cover the surface of the background and characters in the composition;
  4. at the end of work, wash the brush, do not leave it in a jar of water, but wipe it with a cloth;
  5. at the end of the paint work, put the pencil in boxes or in a pencil case.

How to draw a Christmas tree

Step-by-step instruction "Step by step" how to draw a Christmas tree.

1. Draw a triangle. Now draw a star at the top of the triangle. Leave enough space to add the rest of the tree.

2. Draw the upper part of the tree, which consists of three branches, as it shown on the picture. Don't try to draw too precisely, not quite straight lines will look better. The ends of the branch lines should be attached to the star.

3. Now add two more rows of fir branches. Moreover, in each subsequent row of branches, one more is added. Thus, 1 row - three branches, 2 row - four branches, 3 row - five branches.

4. Then just draw a bucket under the tree and attach it to the tree using two lines that will be the trunk of the spruce. Add two lines down the center of the ribbon bucket as shown. Erase all construction lines.

5. Draw a bow on the ribbon and draw a ball on each branch. Give the star on top of the tree a sparkling effect. Our Christmas tree is ready! You are great!

6. Now you can start coloring.

Whatever your child draws, be sure to praise him and hang the resulting masterpiece on the wall so that the child feels like a real artist.

How to draw a Christmas tree

We offer a version of the Christmas tree, which you can decorate as you wish.

Send us the resulting picture by e-mail. Indicate I.F. child, age, city, country where you live and your baby will become a little famous! We wish you every success!

The drawing of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus is the most new year theme children's drawings. You can draw a Christmas tree in different ways, the main thing is to correctly draw the proportions of the branches of the Christmas tree and needles, needles. Christmas tree should be "slim" and beautiful with "fluffy" and dense needles. It is not difficult to draw a Christmas tree, but to make the Christmas tree even and beautiful, I offer my own version of the lesson " How to draw a Christmas tree"with a pencil, as usual in stages. the last stage It is easy to color the drawing with colored pencils.
To draw a beautiful tree, the top of the crown must be decorated with an asterisk and draw many bright toys on the branches. To create the mood of the upcoming holiday - New Year in the picture with the Christmas tree - draw Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden next to it. There are such lessons on the site.

1. Drawing of a Christmas tree. General outline

The drawing of the Christmas tree will be of the correct shape if you first draw general outline in the form of such an uncomplicated geometric shape... The shape of the tree will be even and neat if you draw exactly in the center dividing line, which will serve as the trunk of the Christmas tree and at the same time as a reference point for the entire drawing. To create the volume of spruce branches in the drawing, it is imperative to draw an angle at the bottom of the contour protruding to the viewer.

2. Approximate contours of needles and branches

Since the tree is covered with needles, it is not necessary to draw branches for it. But still, to christmas tree drawing was beautiful and correct, you need to make a simple markup that will allow you to break the drawing into sections of the intended branches.

3. Spruce branches in detail

The real tree that will stand in your home is not quite like this spruce drawing. But the main thing for us is to draw a beautiful and symmetrical Christmas tree, and then decorate it with toys and draw a suitable interior. Therefore, we will draw the Christmas tree schematically, making symmetrical sharp edges of the branches on both sides of the tree. From center line draw sharp edges of the branches on the trunk, thanks to this the Christmas tree in your drawing will be fluffy and beautiful.

4. Detailing the drawing of the Christmas tree

Fill in any remaining gaps between the edges and the middle of the tree. Try to make them symmetrical on both sides. Do not press hard on the pencil, because we are planning to paint the Christmas tree at the last stage with colored pencils.

5. Finish drawing the Christmas tree

At this stage, you need to make the drawing of the tree more "clear". Use a sharp, hard pencil to draw as many basic contour lines as possible. To make the tree look pretty, try to draw symmetrical branches on both sides. Now we can say that the drawing of the Christmas tree is completely finished. All that remains is to decorate it Christmas toys and an asterisk at the top of the crown.

6. Decorations for the Christmas tree

What a Christmas tree without decorations! Of course, you need to draw a lot of bright toys and, most importantly, paint the needles. green pencil... Next to the tree, you can draw boxes with gifts and, if necessary, the interior surrounding it, including the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. If you need to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, a deer and other forest animals, then on our website you will find such lessons.

The Snow Maiden's drawing is made on graphics tablet in stages. You can use this tutorial to draw a Snow Maiden with a regular, simple pencil.

On New Year's Eve, many children want to draw Santa Claus and a New Year tree. The drawing of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will be needed both for the New Year's wall newspaper and for the original, "handmade" greeting card.

If you need to draw a New Year's card with a picture of a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, then a reindeer may well complement such a drawing.

Drawing brown bear requires some preparation, practice of drawing animals. You need to be able to reflect the character of a fierce and dangerous beast in the drawing. Of course, if you are drawing a childish illustration for new year card with a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, then the bear should have a good-natured look.

It is not easy to draw a kitten. Firstly, the kittens are small, and secondly, they are very mobile. Drawing will take a long time, and it is impossible to make the kitten sit motionless for even a minute.

If you need to draw a Christmas tree in the forest, you can draw several forest "inhabitants" near the tree, for example a fox.

All children love to make snowmen in winter. Try drawing a snowman, capturing your impressions on a piece of paper.