How the three main branches of Buddhism in Asia are distributed. How many percent of the world will be confessing Buddhism

How the three main branches of Buddhism in Asia are distributed. How many percent of the world will be confessing Buddhism
How the three main branches of Buddhism in Asia are distributed. How many percent of the world will be confessing Buddhism

the history of Buddhism is not one thousand years old. Followers of Buddhism are not determined by ethnic sign. Anyone, regardless of nationality, race, place of residence, can confess Buddhism.

The history of the emergence and distribution of Buddhism

To begin with, I will answer the question - how old is Buddhism? Buddhism is an ancient religion, originated in the middle of the first millennium BC. Christianity appeared later on almost five hundred years, and Islam - for a thousand. Buddhism's homeland is the northeastern part of modern India, there were ancient states on the territory. No accurate scientific data on what a society in those times is not. There are only assumptions, which was the causes of the foundation and was the prerequisites for the development of Buddhism in ancient Indian society. One of the reasons is that at this time in ancient India, a sharp cultural, economic and religious crisis, which caused the emergence of new alternative teachings, which created the wandering philosophers. One of these philosophers - Asketov was Siddhartha Gautam, he is considered the founder of Buddhism, the history of the religion Buddhism is inextricably linked with his name. At the same time, the process of strengthening the authorities was carried out, the establishment of class relations, which, in turn, demanded an increase in the authority of the supreme rulers and warriors. Buddhism as an opposition for brahmine was chosen by the "tsarist religion", the history of the development of Buddhism as a single religion is closely related to the development of the supreme power.

Briefly about what is brahmanism. The basis of the exercise is the rebirth of a person, on the basis of karma (for sins or virtues of the past life). According to this teaching, in ancient India it was believed that a virtuous person is reborn in a person who occupies a high position, and sometimes - is a celestial. In Brahmin, special attention was paid to rituals, rites and sacrifice.

Let's return to the history of Buddhism. Buddha Siddhartha Gautama was born in 560 g to our era, in the south of the territory of modern Nepal. He belonged to the family of Shakya, he called Shakyamuni (sage). Buddha lived in the luxurious palace of his father, however, faced with a harsh reality, he concluded that in reality in life a lot of suffering and grief. As a result, it decided to abandon life in the palace and began to live the life of the wandering hermit-Asklet, trying to understand the truth of being, engaged in, including the practices of torment and bodily kill. Buddha met with sages, engaged in yoga, applied different techniques and concluded that the tough forms of asceticism do not exempt from suffering that are associated with birth and death, he also concluded that a certain intermediate compromise between sensual pleasures should be found. The desire for the abandonment of life benefits. The most effective Buddha considered reflections and prayers. At the age of thirty-five, during the next meditation of Gautam Siddhartha, he reached enlightenment, after that it began to call Buddha Gautam or just a Buddha, which means "enlightened, awaken". After that, the Buddha lived for another forty-five years, all the time traveling through the territory of Central India and teaching his students and followers.

Buddha died, the body of the teacher, according to custom, cremated. The messengers from different states were sent with a request to give them at least a part of the remains. However, the remains were divided into eight parts and placed them in stupas - special conesoid structures in the capitals of some ancient states. One of the parts of the remains was found (in 1898) in the Indian village, where they found a patch from the ancient city of Capilarvath. The remains found were placed in the Indian National Museum in New Delhi.

Later in such stupas put sutras (records of the word Buddha). This is Dharma-- the set of norms and rules that are necessary for the "space" order. The word "Dharma" is literally translated as something, "what holds or supports".

Followers of the Buddha for four hundred years have formed several different schools of early Buddhism with numerous branches. Schools and flows differ from each other sometimes not significantly, and sometimes have discrepancies on very significant issues. Basic goal of Buddhism is to achieve enlightenment, it is a way to Nirvana, the state of the soul, which can be achieved by self-denial and refusal of comfortable living conditions. Buddha preached the view that in life you need to look for the very "middle" that gives a balance between saturation and asceticism. Buddhism is often called not only religion, but also by philosophy, which directs a person on the path of self-development.

The history of the emergence of Buddhism in Russia

Given the huge territory and the number of ethnic groups and peoples living in modern Russia, various religions of the West and the East are represented in our country. are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Buddhism is a difficult religion with various schools and currents, almost all confessions of Buddhism are represented in Russia. But, the main development has a traditional religion of Tibet.

Because of the geographical reasons and cultural contacts, Buddhism first opened among Tuvintsev and Kalmykov, in the XVI century. Then these lands were part of the Mongolian state. After a hundred years, the ideas of Buddhism began to penetrate Buryatia, and immediately compete with the main local religion - shamanism. Buryatia due to geography has close connections with Mongolia and further with Tibet. Today, most followers of Buddhism are concentrated in Buryatia. It is in Buryatia that the Sangha of Russia is located - the center of Buddhists of Russia, there are also cult structures, shrines and the residence of the spiritual leader of Buddhist Russia.

In the Republic of Tuva Buddhists profess the same philosophical course as Buryats. There is another region, where the population professing Buddhism prevails, is Kalmykia.

Buddhism in the USSR

At first there were attempts to combine Buddhism and Marxism (it is difficult to imagine that it could work out of this). Then they abandoned this direction, the repression began: the temples were closed, the Supreme Priests were persecuted. So it was until the "post-war thaw" began. Now in Russia there is a single unifying center - Buddhist Sangha Russia, and Buddhism in our country is represented mainly by three regions - Tuwa, Kalmykia and Buryatia. In recent years, observers notice the spread of Buddhism religion in other regions of Russia, in the environment of youth and intelligentsia. One of the reasons for this can be considered a pan-European passion for the culture and history of the East.

The public card of development of Buddhism, everything is rather understandable there.

Buddhism is the first of the world's religions, which arose in the VI century. BC e. In the future, he won millions of followers in different countries of the world and first of all Asia.

The emergence of Buddhism is associated with the name of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha).

He was born about 560 BC. e. The place of his birth is considered to be the Northeast of India near the border of Nepal. Prince Gautama was the son of the chapter of the Shakyev tribe. At 29, he broke up with a carefree, luxurious life, left the house, left his wife with her son and went to wander ...

Since the teaching of the Buddha is the way of liberation, its sole purpose is the experience of Nirvana. Buddha did not strive to develop a consistent philosophical system. He did not try to satisfy intellectual curiosity wishing to receive verbal explanations of the final reality.

When Nirvana, about the origin of the world or reality, "I", were taken to him, about the origin of the world or reality, and demanded a response, Buddha kept "noble silence" - he believed that these questions are inappropriate and do not lead to ...

The doctrine of Clean Earth is one of the popular traditions of Buddhism Mahayana, who received the greatest distribution in China and Japan, although the roots of this teaching, like Buddhism as a whole, are in India.

The central figure of Buddhism of a clean land is the Buddha Amitabha (Amitaius, Kit.

Amitofo, Yap. Amida) and the western country of extreme joy (Sukhavati, Keith Jingtu, Yap. Dzode - "Clean Earth"). // It should be noted that each Buddha has its pure land in which it lives in the body of bliss - one of ...

Faith forms our consciousness and, accordingly, attitude towards the environment. But it also affects the connection of our consciousness with energy information fields almost everything, with which we come into contact in life.

Vera carries a lot of positive qualities, especially all that.

As for personal transformations, such as spiritual development, the achievement of the goal, the strength of the Spirit is, but it can also limit the worldview, close a person on the energies of a limited circle and fully deprive of what ...

Buddhism is ancient world religion, rising to the teachings of the Indian ascetic Shakyamuni, nicknamed Buddha ("enlightened", "awakened"). Buddhists themselves lead the chores of their religion from the death of the Buddha, but among them there is no complete agreement regarding the dating of his life time (according to the tradition of the Tharavad school.

Buddha lived from 624 to 544 BC.; According to the scientific version, taking into account the Greek evidence of the date of coronation of Ashoki, from 566 to 486 BC; According to the latest ...

Buddhism is the name given by religious movement, the origins of which are in the life and teaching of the Great Buddha. But, speaking more strictly, Buddhism means constant teachings or dharma, which lies after all that is transient.

In the center of Buddhism - the doctrine of "4 noble truths": there are suffering, his reason, the state of liberation and the path to it.

Suffering and liberation Subjective states and at the same time some space reality: suffering the condition of anxiety, tension ...

The Buddhism of the Russian East has a very rich history. Among the ancestors of Kalmykov - Oratov - the teaching was distributed in three waves. For the first time, Orata received knowledge of Buddhism from Uigur: most likely, it was the teachings of Mahayana. During the second wave, which accounted for the beginning of the XII century, various directions of the Tibetan school of Kague were distributed. In the middle of the XII century, the most famous face in Tibet was the second karma karma Pakshi - the head of the tradition of Karma Kagyu. He was even invited to the Mongolian yard ...

Buddhism is the most ancient of the three world religions. He is "older" Christianity for five centuries, and Islam "younger" for the whole twelve centuries. In public life, culture, the art of many Asian countries, Buddhism played a role not less than Christianity in Europe and America.

Ask a Buddhist about how a religion arose, which he should, and you will receive an answer that more than two and a half thousand years ago, it was announced by the Buddha people (which translated from Sanskrit means "enlightened"). IN...

In our world, more than 7 billion people, in each of which there are various thoughts, feelings, faith. Therefore, a sufficiently large number of religions appeared in the world, in connection with this, people choose different religions, most of them have faith in God, but some nations do not believe in it.

When we think about the word "religion", there are some thoughts in our consciousness, as some gesticulation, as a conviction, a vision of humanity throughout the world and a religious system to various religious cultures. Interesting is the fact that according to various research and the book of Records Guinness, Islam is the fastest growing religion of the world due to the large number of appeal to Islam every year.

That is why, here we have gathered the most popular religions in the world for 2016.

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Judaism is one of the oldest religions of the world, which was founded about 3,500 years ago in Khanaan (now, this is Israel), in the Middle East and Egypt. According to estimates, Judaism has about 14.5 million followers worldwide. Judaism is also mentioned in the Holy Book of the Bible: Abraham, who gave birth and Moses, who liberated Jewish prisoners from Egypt - the founders of this faith, therefore, this most ancient monotheistic religion in the world.

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Sikhism is one of the most popular religions of the world, which appeared in the South Asian region - Punjab is about 500 years ago in the 15th century. The convictions of Sichisms are described in the Holy Scripture Gurut Grantha Sakhib and called the youngest religion of the world. Guru Nanak - the founder of this religious culture - is now resting in the area of \u200b\u200bPakistan - Nankana-Sahib. As an assessment, around the world, there are from 25 to 28 million followers of this religion, and in Punjab in India, about 90 million Sikhs follow the teachings of the Guru Nanak and ten guru's replacing each other.

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Religion Anglicism is included in the Church of England and all other churches that are traditionally tied to her or confess such worship and church structure. Thus, the Anglicanism is based on Christianity and their holy book - the Bible, as well as the Anglican creed based on the scriptures, the traditions of the Apostolic Church, the historical bishop, the first four Ecumenical cathedrals and the teachings of the early fathers of the Church. This religion adhere to about 85.5 million people around the world, which also gives her the right to be in our list.

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Atheism in the true sense is faith of people who have no fabulous. In a broader sense, this religion lies in the rejection of faith in the existence of gods, spirits, afterlife, other consumers, etc. Atheism is based on the conviction of self-sufficiency of the natural world and not in the supernatural origin of all religions.

According to statistics, this religion grows every year. On the emergence of atheism, as her homeland, we can talk about America, however, in 2015, more than 61% of the followers of this religion from China. For the first time, this religion was recognized in the 16th century in France and today has more than 150 million followers worldwide.

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Buddhism is another historic religion of the world, based on about 2500 years ago in India, the followers of which are based on the teachings of the Buddha. Initially, Buddhism has spread throughout Asia, but after a few years, after the arrival of Islam, most of them spread only in India.

According to reports, Buddhism is about 7% of the total population of the world, and this is more than 500 million followers, including most of the most part - in Burma, Japan, China and Sri Lanka. The founder of Buddhism is Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) and his teachings.

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Agnosticism is a special religion, because its true beliefs are philosophical. Followers of agnosticism are constantly in search of a response to the question: "Is God the Divine or Supernatural Being?". That is why it is a religion of philosophers. Her followers are always in search of God, and the roots of this religion go far in the past - about 5 c. BC, so now there are about 640 million religious philosophers worldwide.

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Another of the most ancient religions of the world is Hinduism. According to history, this religion has no beginning, and it exists mainly in India and Nepal. The main for Hinduism can be called such religious provisions such as Karma, Dharma, Sansara, Maya, Moksha and Yoga. Around the world there are about 1 billion followers of Hinduism, most of the world are located in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Malaysia, and this is 15% of the entire population of the world.

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Catholicism is also one of the most popular and largest religions of the world, is characterized by organizational centralization and the greatest number of adherents among Christian churches. The head of the Catholic Church is Pope, which is headed by the Holy See and the city of Vatican in Rome. Catholicism is a rather old religious, so there are a large number of followers of this religion around the world - 1.2 billion Catholics.

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Christianity is the largest monotheistic religion of the world, based on the teaching of Jesus Christ. It has more than 2.4 billion followers worldwide, who name themselves Christians. According to Christianity, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, as well as the Savior of all mankind. The Holy Scripture of Christianity - the Bible, but despite this, Christianity is the most ancient religion of the world, which is followed by many countries - Europe, North America and Oceania, and she quickly spread in India, Syria, Ethiopia and even Asia, due to which Hinduism is rapidly declining .

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Islam is another largest religion of the world, and, in accordance with the Book of World Records Guinness, Islam is the most dynamically developing religion of the world. Islam is based about 1,500 years ago, and Muslims worldwide follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet Mohammed, which is called Sunna, and the Holy Book is the Quran.

According to statistics about 23% of the total population of the earthly ball, Islam is confirmed, and this is about 1.7 billion people. Muslims believe that God is One, and Mohammed is the last prophets of Allah (God). Most Muslims are concentrated in Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and 20% in the countries of the Middle East, Europe, Russia, America and China. Despite this, Islam has small communities in every country of the world. We can safely say that Islam is the most popular religion of the beginning of the 21st century.

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It was about the most popular religions in the world. We hope that you were interested. Thanks for attention!

World religions: 32% of the world's population are Christians, 23% - Muslims, 15% - Hindus, 7% - Buddhists

Eight of the ten inhabitants of the planet now identify themselves with any religious confession or a group.

The demographic study conducted by the Pew Research Center in more than 230 states and territories showed that the believers consider themselves about 5.8 billion from 6.9 billion residents of the Earth. This study was based on the analysis of the results of more than 2, 5 thousand censuses and surveys.

Approximately 2.2 billion people (32% of the total number of humanity) profess Christianity, 1.6 billion (respectively, 23%) - Islam, 1 billion (15%) - Hinduism, 500 million (7%) - Buddhism, and 14 million (0.2%) - Judaism.

Approximately 400 million ...


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Grand Mechanisms created by the hands of a person who differ in their parameters, purpose, sizes. Here you can also find a description and photo of ships, airplanes and army techniques.

Live world

The living world of the planet is diverse and is not thoroughly studied. Among the fish, animals, birds and insects there are individuals, which are not known about anyone. Thanks to national parks, animals still survive on our planet

Economy countries

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The territory of the spread of Buddhism

The number of Buddhists in the world

According to the largest specialist in the field of confessional statistics, D. B. Barrett, Buddhists in 1996 there were 325 million people in the world (6% of the world's population). This statistics did not take into account people who adhere to both Buddhism and other religions. According to other estimates, Buddhists in the modern world about 500 million in the assessment of Barrett, in Asia lived 322 million Buddhists (9% of the population of this part of the world), in America - 1.5 million, Europe - 1.6 million, Australia and Oceania - 200 thousand, Africa - 38 thousand in Japan Buddhists - 72 million, Thailand - 52 million, Myanmar - 37 million, Vietnam - 35 million, China - 34 million, Sri Lanka - 12 million, Republic of Korea - 12 million, Cambodia - 7 million, India - 6 million (for other information - 10 million), Laos - 2.4 million, Nepal - 1.3 million, Malaysia - 1.2 million (according to other data - 3 million), Bangladesh - 0.7 M Mongolia - 0.6 million, Bhutan - 0.4 million, DPRK - 0.4 million in China also ...

No Muslims ...

How not?

sunnis - 799.93 - 527.95
shiites and Shiite sects - 141,16 - 93,17

Therefore, Muslims are the sum of these two lines.

There are no Bahai in statistics. And therefore, the statistics are incorrect.

In statistics there are many people. But there is an excellent item "Other". If you know about the number of Bahai, or Pastafarians, or Cthulites, or halochnikov, or telemites, you can subtract it from "others" and add a separate item.

When the survey was conducted among the Orthodox, it turned out that 45% of them do not believe in God. It is understandable, in infancy plunged into the font, that this baby, naturally, does not remember, becoming an adult, but he passes in church lists as the believer Orthodox. Did you try to figure out? Here the statistics are clearly overestimated.

I know what is overestimated, from here in this table and the item "non-religious and undeveloped", and the reservation about children, at least somehow brings the results to ...

The religiosity index represents the percentage of the population, which recognizes "religious" in independence from whether he visits the place of worship or not, "non-religious" or convinced atheist.

During the study, some interesting observations were made:

1. Poor people are more religious than rich. Low income people are 17% more religious than high-income people.

2. In the world, the number of recognizable religious decreased by 9% from 2005 to 2011, while the number of people identifying themselves atheists rose by 3%.

3. Four countries experienced a drop in religiosity among the population, which increased more than 20% in the period between 2005 and 2012. In France and Switzerland, the number of religious decreased by 21%, in Ireland by 22%, in Vietnam by 23%.

Ghana - 96% of religious

According to the 2000 census, 68.8% of Christians live in Ghana, 15.9% ...

If you define briefly, religion is a worldview based on faith in something supernatural (for example, in God). Regardless of which religions exist, all of them are inherent in certain qualities. it

- faith that the forces of heavenly powerful of human forces;
- believers are afraid of heavenly forces and at the same time extol them, pray for them and bring them sacrifices;
- For praying and sacrifices, special places or buildings are distinguished, and they are held according to specially invented ceremonies;
- significant in the history of religion and religious places are declared sacred;
- There is an unshakable faith in the fact that living according to the rules of religion, a person can make his terrestrial life and the life of Heaven, which will definitely take place after his death;
- Only the correct behavior in terms of religion leads a person to a better life.

For his centuries-old history, humanity refused many religions, according to the rules of which they lived ...

Buddhism (English. Buddhism) is the most ancient of the three world religions. Christianity is younger than five of him, and Islam - for the whole twelve centuries. The main number of his followers lives in the countries of South, Southeast and East Asia: Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bhutan, China (as well as the Chinese population of Singapore and Malaysia), Mongolia, Korea (DPRK and the Republic of Korea), Vietnam, Japan , Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos. Buddhism in Russia traditionally profess residents of Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva, and in recent years, Buddhist communities arose in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the cities of the Baltic. From the end of the XIX - early XX century. Followers of Buddhism appeared in Europe and in the United States: today there are almost any significant areas and schools that exist in the East. The total number of Buddhists in the world is difficult to determine: this kind of census was not carried out anywhere, but they contradict the ethical and legal norms of many countries. However, it is quite approximately approximately ...

Christianity is the largest world religion in the number of adherents (about 2.1 billion people all over the world), in Russia, Europe, North and South America, as well as in many Africa countries, it is the dominant religion. Christian communities are practically in all countries of the world.
In terms of their followers and believers, Christianity The largest religion of the world, how many Christians in the world, you ask - according to statistics about 2, 355 million people, or 32% of the entire population of the world.
Experts argue that over the past 11 years in the world has become 2.7 million less "non-believers" (not belonging to any religious organization) and by 1.37 million less absolute atheists.

Among Christian denominations, the most rapid growth is celebrated ...

Buddhism is one of the most ancient world religions. Christianity is younger than five of him, and Islam - for the whole twelve centuries.
Arriving more than two and a half thousand years ago in India as a religious and philosophical teaching, Buddhism created a unique scale and a variety of canonical literature, numerous religious institutions, art, education system - in other words, a whole civilization. Buddhism can be considered both religion, and as a philosophy, and as an ideology, as a cultural complex, and as a lifestyle, and as a path of spiritual development.

The name Buddhism comes on behalf of, or rather from the honorable title, its founder of the Buddha (Buddha Shakyamuni * (sage from the Shakyev tribe) who lived in India in the V-IV centuries. BC), which means "enlightened".
Buddhism has absorbed a variety of traditions of the peoples of those countries that have fallen into the sphere of his influence, and also determined the lifestyle and thought of millions of people of these countries ....

In fact, there is no unambiguous opinion on this issue. The difference between these opinions is due to various approaches in assessing the results of sociological research.

At first glance, this is Christianity. According to the latest data, this religion profess about 2.4 billion people. The second place occupies Islam - 1.3 billion believers. Buddhism closes the top three leaders with a semi-millionth number of followers.

Some look at this issue with a slightly different side. After all, they say, Christianity is far from being monolithic, not one. There are Catholicism, Protestantism, as well as less numerous denominations - Greco-Eastern Orthodoxy, Monophizite, etc. Inside Christianity, the palm of championship in the number of believers, of course, belongs to Catholicism - in the world of 1.13 billion Catholics. Protestantism - in second place. So, on the basis of a comparison of the number of educated Islam and Catholicism, it states that the most common religion in the world is Islam. Such a point of view clearly gives bias, which can ...

Of the total population of the world, 4495 million in 1981. 998 million confessed Christianity, 592 million - Islam, 481 million - Hinduism, 256 million - Buddhism, 154 million - Confucianism, 58 million - Sintoism (by Official Japanese data, the number of syntoisists is much more), 30 million - Taoism, 15 million - Judaism (all Jews are incorrectly included, regardless of whether they are religious or not), 276 thousand - Zoroastrianism; About 1.9 billion people, according to these data, adhered to other forms of beliefs or did not belong to any church organization.

Catholics are the most numerous Catholics (more than 600 million, including UNIATs - 11 million (among the uniats, the largest group - Greek Catholics, breakdown from various Orthodox churches. There are also separated from Nestorian Haldo Catholics (2.5 million. ), Maronites (1.5 million), separated from the monophysites of the Siro Catholics (0.3 million), Copolics (0.1 million), Ethiopian Catholics (0.1 million) and Armena-but -Catrolles (0.1 million).)), Next ...

The number of believers in the world is constantly growing, the number of atheists - falls
In the XXI century The world continues to grow the number of believers and decrease the number of atheists, according to the AICA ON LINE Catholics portal with reference to the annual study of the "state of the global mission", reports

Experts argue that over the past 11 years in the world has become 2.7 million less "non-believers" (not belonging to any religious organization) and by 1.37 million less absolute atheists.

According to the study, Islam takes 79 thousand people every day, Hinduism is 37 thousand people. Confessions Buddhism becomes more at 13.8 thousand people per day, Confucianism and Taoism - by 9.3 thousand, ethnic religions - by 9 thousand people.

Among the Christian denominations, the most rapid growth is celebrated by Charismat-Pentecostals - 37 thousand people per day around the world. On the 2nd place - the Catholic Church, which adds 34 thousand per day. It follows traditional ...

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In 1996, there were more than 320 million Buddhists in the world. But this figure only speaks of the so-called "clean" Buddhists, which simultaneously do not profess other religions (which in Buddhism is possible). If we take into account "clean" and "unclean", then Buddhists are about 500 million people.

Buddhism arose in India in the VI century. BC. Buddhism founder had four names. First: Gautama. The second name: Siddhartha. With Sanskrit, it translates as "fulfilling its destination." The third name: Shakyamuni ("Sage from the Shakya tribe"). And his fourth name: Buddha ("enlightened by the highest knowledge"). Since in the future in Buddhism the word "Buddha" ...

The American research center Pew Research has conducted a social research on the topic of belonging the population to a particular religion. It turned out that 8 out of 10 respondents rank themselves to any confession. One of the oldest and mysterious religions in the world is Buddhism.

How many Buddhists in the world for 2017, statistics leads the following figures: more than 500 million people officially confess Buddhism. This is about 7% of the population of the Earth. This is not a lot. But it should be noted that it was the Buddhists who are most clearly followed by canons, were always an example of humility and following religious tradition.

Religious map of land. How many percent of Buddhists in the world

Most of the believers of the planet make up Christians. For 2016, their number amounted to 32% of the population of the Earth (about 2.2 billion inhabitants). Muslims - 23% (1.6 billion people). However, according to forecasts, Islam soon can become the most numerous religion. Hindus in the world - 15% (1 billion), Buddhists - 7% (500 million) and 0.2% (14 million) Jews.

It should be noted that only official numbers are presented above. In fact, it is impossible to say exactly how many Buddhists in the world. The population sometimes ignores the census and does not participate in the preparation of statistics. Following fashion trends, many carry out various Buddhist practices and share the Buddhist ideology.

About 400 million people profess relatively young denominations, such as syntoism, sikhism and others. None of the denominations are counting in 16% of the population, it is 1.1 billion people.

Buddhism is one of the oldest religions

Today, the eastern religions appears more and more followers. For some, this is a tribute to fashion, for others - life path. How many Buddhists in the world? This is an urgent question related to the popularity of Sjhartha's teachings.

Buddhism is called "Bodhi", which means "the doctrine of awakening". He emerged in the 1st Millennium BC. e. In fact, Buddhism is a complex religious philosophical teaching. The followers call it "Dharma", which in translation means "law", or "Budddadharma", referring to the founder - Tsarevich Sikharthu Gautam, subsequently to this day, called Buddha Shakjamuni.

How many Buddhists in the world? How many branches and schools of Buddhism? Highlight 3 main directions: Tharavada, Mahayana and Vajrayana.


The most ancient school has been preserved in an original form since the beginning of the preaching of the Buddha. Initially, Buddhism was not a religion, but a philosophical teaching.

The main feature of Theravada is the absence of an object of universal worship, with the exception of the Buddha. This causes the simplicity of rituals and external attributes of religion. Initial Buddhism is not a religion, but a philosophical or ethical teaching. Buddha taught that it equates to the denial of his own responsibility for the deed. According to Adepts, Theravada, a person must respond independently for his actions, and therefore does not need a large number of controlling laws.

For the same reason, Theravad does not imply his pantheon of the gods, so in places of distribution, religion exists in symbiosis with a local faith, in case of needed for help from local gods.

The followers of Therravada live on Sri Lanka, Myanmar, in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.


The most numerous branch among all Buddhists in the world. No matter how much Buddhist schools, Mahayana still remain the main one. The teachings of the Great Chariot can be called a full religion. Her adepts live in Vietnam, Korea, Japan, China and Taiwan. About how many Buddhists in the world can be judged by the population of these countries.

Buddha is perceived by Mahayana's followers as a divine figure and a primer capable of taking various forms.

One of the main postulates of Mahayana is the doctrine of Bodhisatat. So called the saints, which Nirvana preferred endless rebirth in the image of divine personalities or missions. So, for example, Bodhisatva consider all Catherine II patronized Buddhists Buryatia, for which it was counted to Bodhisatat.

The Mahayana Pantheon includes many deities and entities. It is about them that a large number of fairy tales and myths are written.

Vajrayana or Tantrana

The teaching, called the diamond chariot, originated on Tibet under the influence of Mahayana and Indian tantricism. In essence, it is an independent religion. The direction contains complex tantric practices that can lead to enlightenment for one earth's life. The cults of fertility and erotic practices are revered. Vajrayana has a close connection with Esoteric. The basis of the teachings are transferred by Teachers - Lama to the student.

Tanthanyan practices in Mongolia, Bhutan and the East of Russia.

Buddhism in Russia

Traditional adepts live today in the eastern regions of the country, such as the Republic of Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva. In addition, Buddhist associations can be found in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. The percentage of Buddhists living in Russia is approximately 1% of the total population of Buddhists in the world. How many followers of Sikhartha's teachings live in Russia, it is impossible to say for sure. This is explained by the fact that Buddhism is not an official religion, and many of his adepts officially did not officially declare their religious affiliation.

Buddhism is one of the most peaceful religions. The followers of Bodhi call for peace and love. Recently, the number of adepts is slow, but it is right. Statistical data on how many Buddhists in the world for 2017, suggests that each year their number increases by about 1.5%.