Space in the literary work. Space in artwork

Space in the literary work. Space in artwork

The world of heroes (reality of the literary work by the eyes of his characters, in their horizons \u003d told event) in the theory of literature is described in the category system: chronotope, event, plot, motif, type of plot. Chronotope -literally "time-space" \u003d the work of art is a "small universe". The concept of chronotope is characterized common features (Characteristics) depicted in the work of the world. From the side of the hero (characters) - These are the inalienable conditions for its (their) existence, the action of the hero and is its reaction to the state of the art world. From the author Chronotope is the author's value reaction to the world depicted, actions and the words of the hero. Spatial and temporal characteristics in exist is not isolated from each other, in the picture of the world of space and time categories - basic, determine other characteristics of this world \u003d the nature of the ties in the artistic world follows from the space-time organization of the work \u003d from the chronotope. "The space is comprehended and measured. Time "\u003d The reality of the art world looks differently in the author, contemplating it from outside and from another time and hero, acting and thinking within this reality. The artistic space is not measured in universal calculus units (meters or minutes). Artistic space and time is a symbolic reality.

Therefore, artistic time for participants of the event (hero, narrator and characters surrounding the hero) can flow with different speed: The hero can be generally excluded from the current time. IN magic fairy tale Long time interval. But despite this, the heroes remain the same young as they were at the beginning of a fairy tale. Time B. artistic work It can be inverted - events occur not in the "natural" sequence, but in a special space here and time are perceived as forms of consciousness, i.e. The form of understanding by the person of being, and not his "objective" reproduction. (For example, the story of the Tolstoy "Death of Ivan Ilich" begins with an image of how the familiar hero, having learned about his death, come to say goodbye to the deceased. And only after that the reader is deployed all the life of the hero, since childhood. The space of any artistic work is organized as A number of value oppositions: Opposition "Closedness - openness".

In the novel "Crime and Punishment" Images of closed space are directly associated with death and a crime (Kamorka, where the "idea" of Raskolnikov ripens "coffin", and he himself is correlated with the Gospel Lazar, which "is for three days already").

Raskolnikov wanders around the city, leaving the farther from his camork-coffin \u003d instinctively strives to break the closed circle of St. Petersburg, which in this respect is associated with the coffin chamber. It is no coincidence that the renunciation of Skolnikov from his "idea" takes place on the shore of Irtysh, from where a look at the endless steppes.Opposite value orientation. For example, idyll as literary genre organized by opposition opening open space « big World"How the world of antigen of the world of closed space as the world of genuine values \u200b\u200bin which they only can exist and the yield of the hero beyond this world is the beginning of his spiritual or physical death.Vertical organized space. Example - " The Divine Comedy»Dante with his hierarchically ordered picture of the world.Horizontal organizedness artistic space. The ratio of center and periphery: landscape or portrait, with focus on the details that go to the center of the image. For example, focus on the eyes of the hero (Pechorina), or "Red Hands" of Bazarov. When the same thing historical event occupied miscellaneous place In the picture of the world: in the poem of Mayakovsky "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin", Lenin's death is a center of artistic space, and in the novel of the Nabokov "Dar" about the same event said by a passion "Somehow Lenin suffers."Opposition "Right" and "Left".For example, in a magic fairy tale, the world of people is located consistently on the right, and the world is located in the left, including the opposite one, including the opposite. The same patterns can be detected when analyzing artistic time. The nature of the art time is manifested in the artwork, the time of illumination of events and the time of events practically never coincide. Because such a slowdown and time lifting is the form of assessment (self-esteem) of the Hero's life as a whole. Events that hugging a long time can be given by one line, or not even mentioned, but simply meant, while events occupying moments can be depicted extremely detailed (Prakhahina's death thoughts in " sevastopol stories») . Opposition of cyclic, reversible and linear, irreversible time:Time can move in a circle, passing through the same items. For example, natural cycles (semeractions of the time), age cycles, sacral time, when all events occurring in time are realized by some invariant, i.e. changing only outwardly situations \u003d For a variety of events, in it occurring, there is one and the same recurring situation that reveals their true and unchanged, the repeating meaning of the "lamb on a hot day went to the creek to get drunk." When did this event happen? In the world of Basni, this question does not make sense, TC in the world of fables it is repeated in any time . While in the world of historical or realistic novel, this question is of fundamental importance. Historical time can act as an antigen, it can act as time destructive, then cyclic time acts as a positive value. For example, in the book of the Russian Writer 20 V. Ivan Shmeleva "Summer Lord": here life organized by church calendar, from one sacred holiday to another - the key to the preservation of genuine spiritual values,

and the admission to the historical time is the key to the spiritual catastrophe as a separate human personality and the human community as a whole.The option is distributed in the literature when in the value hierarchy, the open time is valuely supplied higher than the cyclic time, for example, in the Russian realistic novel, the degree of admission of the hero to the forces of historical update is provided by the measure of his spiritual value.Chronotope, being one, nevertheless internally heterogeneous. Inside the total chronotope stand out private.For example, inside the total chronotope " Dead souls»Gogol can be allocated separate chronotopes roads, "place", swe start in the work of the chronotop city, the country. Thus, in the general Chronotope of Russia, this in the "Eugene Onegin" significantly division of the spaces of the village and the capital. Chronotopes are historically changeable, the spatial-temporal organization of literature as a whole historical era It differs significantly from the space-time organization of literature as a whole other historical era. Chronotopes also possess genre variability. \u003d All the real variety of chronotopes of one and that genre can be reduced to one model, one type.

Mikhailova Ekaterina Romanovna

Presentation on the topic "Time in Artwork"



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Time in artwork

Time (in philosophy) is an irreversible flow that occurs only in one direction - from the past, through the present to the future, within which all the existing processes that exist in Genesis are facts. Time (in literature) - time series in various aspects The incarnations, functioning and perception of it in the works of fiction as an art phenomenon.

Literature is more than any other art, becomes the art of time. Time - its object, subject and instrument of the image.

Approaches to the study of time in the literature: you can learn grammatical time in the literature. And this approach is very fruitful, especially in relation to lyrical poetry (R. O. Jacobson); You can analyze the manifestations of the understanding of time in the literature and science, to establish a gradual increase in interest in the problem of time in modern literature and build assumptions about the value of the problem of time in the literature, in science, in philosophy, etc. (pool and maergooff); But the most significant for studying the literature study of the artistic time study: time as it is reproduced in literary works, time as an artistic factor of literature.

Features of art time 1) Artistic time - the phenomenon of the most artistic fabric of the literary work subordinating to his artistic tasks and grammatical time, and his philosophical understanding of the writer;

2) Artistic time, in contrast to time objectively, uses the diversity of subjective perception of time. Scene time, performing the function of the accelerator / retarder of the stroke of the narrative, is characterized by speed and sequence. The poetic time is faster than real in the narration, synchronously with it in the dialogue, slowed down compared to it in the description. The artwork makes it a subjective time perception of one form of the image of reality. However, an objective time is both an objective time: then complying with the rule of unity of the time and reader-viewer in French classic drama, refusing to this unity, emphasizing the differences, conducting a story in the advantage in the subjective aspect of time;

3) The time is actual and time shown - the essential sides of the artistic whole work. Their options are infinitely diverse. They are combined with the artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, are in a state of continuous conditionality by their artistic whole work; 4) time in artistic literature Perceived due to the connection of events - causal or psychological, associative. Time in the artistic work is not only not so much calendar references as the correlation of events;

5) The time of the work can be "closed", closed in itself, performed only within the plot, not related to events committed outside the work, with the time historical time, as well as the time of work can be "open", included in a wider time stream , developing against the background of a certain historical era. "Open" work time, which does not exclude a clear frame, excluding it from reality, assumes the presence of other events that are performed simultaneously outside the work, its plot.

6) Scene time may decline and slow down. Scene time can fall into a number of individual forms inherent in time consciousness. Very often, the time of action in the work evenly slows down or speeds its pace. All the work can have several forms of time developing at various rates, move out of one stream of time to another, back and forth; 7) The image of time may be illusrictistic (especially in the works of sentimental direction) or enter the reader into your unreal, conditional circle. It depends on artistic design The author, but it may depend on the natural, ordinary ideas for their era on the movement of time.

Artistic time - time as the "fourth coordinate" artistic Mira: reality of the hero (conceptual time - an objective background of artistic events, modeling of external reality in adequate for the recipient of forms) and the reality of the subject's subject (perceptual time - the formulation of real objects in other relationship systems, the elements acquire features inherent in real world Objects of completely different nature, for example, landscape - mood features, animals - Rights and properties features human character). In the first case, the temporal characteristic (pilot time, the time of action is historical, biographical, natural, social and domestic, event (adventure) acts as a condition for making diverse actions (actions, reactions, soul Movements, gestures and facial expressions).

Timetime I. literary rhodation Lyrics, which presents a relevant experience, and drama playing in front of the audience, showing the incident at the time of its overthrow, usually use the present time, while the epic is basically a story about what has passed, and therefore last time.

Classification of time forms taking into account folklore and literary tradition Folklore time does not know clear differentiation to the present, past and future (it implies individuality). The life of a person and the life of nature is perceived in a single complex, all the elements of which are equodern. A single event of life is revealed in various sides and moments. Time B. heroic Epos - fenced off from all subsequent times, closed and completed time of the national legend, memory time. The world and real validity of the singer and listeners are separated by an epic distance. The absolute past is the value-temporal category of the epic world. It contains such categories as ideal, justice, perfection, harmony.

Wonderful time knight Romana - the world for the knight exists only under the sign of the wonderful "suddenly", this is the normal state of the world, unlike the Greek novel, where random event - a sign of disturbed patterns of the temporary chain of being. This time is inherent in fabulous hyperbolism: then the clock is stretched, then the days before the moment, the time can be encouraged until the disappearance of entire events. Medieval eschatological time, which corresponds to a spatial vertical, vertical chronotope. All that on Earth is divided by time, in eternity converges in clean simultaneity of coexistence. To understand the world, you need to compare everything in one time (timeless plan).

Corrective, productive, renewable time of revival (Ecumenical chronotope created by Rabl), destruction of the historical concept of the Middle Ages in which real time It was implanted and dissolved in the timely categories. The formation of an individual person is not separated from historical growth and cultural progress. The time of the "horizons" of the hero, the time of ignorance ( classic Roman) - This principal is not fully completed, requires continuation in the future. The temporary model of the world changes in the root: there is no first word, and the latter has not yet been said. Time and world first become historical. The concept of the medium contributes to the emergence of a chronicle-domestic timing receiving a special design: the amount of circumstances repeatedly affecting a person is carried out beyond the action framework.

Memory time, "Consciousness Flow" - the active work of the memory of the narrator, the detailing of the reminder mechanism, in which the images of the past suffer one on the other, are interpenetrating, peculiarly transforming in the consciousness of the hero. S. Bocharov On the psychology of the process of remember: "... the reality is shown, it acts as separate sink objects ... which the consciousness of arbitrarily removed and approached ..." (time in the works of M. Prosta, V.Vulfa, V. Besikova, Y.Triforov). Time and sleep space - distortion of real perspectives (for example, dreams in Dostoevsky's works). Artistic time - the most important characteristic An artistic image that provides a holistic perception of the author created by the author in the work of the "poetic reality" (V.Fedorov).