View classes on visual activities. Analysis of children's work on visual art in the preparatory group

View classes on visual activities. Analysis of children's work on visual art in the preparatory group
View classes on visual activities. Analysis of children's work on visual art in the preparatory group

Pedagogical assessment in its content is closely related to the educational and educational task, which was solved at a particular occupation.

Children's drawings, crafts are necessarily evaluated from the point of view of the solution of fine tasks - their expressiveness must be marked, originality. The teacher puts questions that help children see it in the cradle.

When work is carried out in the system, children at the suggestion of the teacher or independently find the differences in their crafts and willingly talk about them. The teacher is important for his behavior, an emotional speech to show that he is interested in the works of children. Then the children begin to strive for originality, expressiveness in work.

It is important to consider questions to help children to realize what they have learned what mistakes allowed ("not very learned"), that you need to take into account so that these mistakes are not allowed in the future. And immediately it is proposed to make possible corrections.

It is important to encourage children to actions that help them to detect a mistake, inaccuracy in work. Even the younger preschooler can do it. For example, a teacher proposes to close the card made by folding its pages, and see whether the parties coincide. Children will see the result if the teacher gave them paper with one color side. "Belennye is visible," they say if the parties do not match.

The educator has the ability to once again establish the relationship between the method of action and the result obtained. If it is thus analyzing the results, then children begin to independently use controlling and corrective actions to improve their work.

At the older age, the educator aims children to analyze the applied methods of action and asks questions: "Does all the parties of a cube fit tightly to the table? Why?" Children put a cube (each one) first on the hollow side. If the cuts are made exactly along the line and to the point of intersection of lines, then all four sides relate to the table. Then the children put a cube on the closed sides. If the sides (folds) are stroked clearly, the corners and side are tightly adjacent to the table. Doing such controlling actions, children detect the shortcomings where possible, corrected.

Each child can so. To establish what errors he made, and conclude to the subsequent work, namely: the child reveals ways to further improve their activities, self-esteem and self-control is formed, which is very important for independent activities.

It is very important to comply with the following evaluation requirements.:

The assessment must be built so that the children are most active in it, starting with younger age.

The verbal methods and techniques of training in the process of leading the visual activities are inseparable from visual and gaming.

In cases where children have ideas about the depicted subject, the phenomenon formed in advance, preschoolers own the corresponding skills, the verbal methods in the classroom occupy a greater place. For example, teachers more often uses questions, explanations in order to form a visual representation.

15. List the requirements for evaluating the results of children in classes on fine activity. Expand the need to view and analyze children's work. Describe the methodology for analyzing the results of children's activities in the occupation in different age groups.

On pedagogical practice, students were able to see several options for the same application on the applique on the topic "Winter Landscape".

In one case, the results of children's work were evaluated as follows: the teacher posted all the work on the overall stand, and the children were compared, who had work better.

In another group of children, the children were also posted for the general review, and the teacher estimated the result of each child something like this: "You're today, Alyosha, really tried, it was already better cut different forms and beautifully placed on a sheet." And the light of the teacher said: "Something I did not notice the same diligence today as last time you performed gluing forms on the sheet."

Another option to summarize the results was like this: the children waved work in the form of an exhibition, loved by landscapes, and in the summary time the teacher talked with separate children, discussing whether they were satisfied with the results themselves.

Analyze the proposed situation. Design your actions to assess the results of children's activities in the application on appliqués on the topic "Winter Landscape".

Pedagogical assessment and analysis of children's work -a verbal description of the results of activity, developing analytical thinking, as a result of which appears critical attitude To the perceived result. Allows you to teach children objectively to evaluate your work, and the work performed by other people (at the preschooler to 5 years).

IN junior Aged child cannot fully control and evaluate its actions and their results. If the work process delivered him pleasure, he will be satisfied and the result, waiting for the approval caregiver. In the "babies", the tutor at the end of the classes shows some well-performed work without analyzing them. The purpose of the show is to attract the attention of children to the results of their activities. The teacher approves the work of the rest of children, their positive assessment contributes to the preservation of interest in the visual activity.

IN middle and senior The teacher group uses the display and analysis of children's work as a reception that helps children understand the achievements and errors in the image. The ability to see how correctly the subject is depicted, it helps the development of a conscious attitude towards the choice of funds and techniques for the intensification of all creative activities.

To consider error in the work of one child With all children should not be, as the awareness of it will be important only for this child. Causes of errors and ways to eliminate it is better analyzed in an individual conversation.

IN senior The analysis group should attract all children. However, sometimes the educator itself gives an assessment. For example, wanting to encourage a poorly drawing child and anticipating the criticism of his work by other children, the teacher first indicates positive sides drawing.

Analysis of children's work can be conducted in various plans, but must be necessary mark as solved the tasks set at the beginning of the class - that they managed to perform correctly. Most often for economy-time, the teacher selectively takes several works for analysis. It should be avoided at every work of the work of the same child, even if they really stand out among others. As a result of the constant praise, he can develop unjustified self-confidence, a sense of superiority over other children. With gifted children should lead individual work Taking into account their abilities and visual skills.

Sometimes choice of work for analysis The educator entrusts children. In these cases, all works are laid out on the same table (or attached to the stand) and the guys are invited to choose the most likely. Then the educator analyzes in detail the selected work with children.

The discussion of the work of each child is possible in the preparatory group, children are already interested in the results of the work of comrades. But such an analysis should be carried out in the free time, as 2-3 minutes at the end of the classes are not enough.

Children 6 years old can be invited to analyze their work, comparing them with kind, sample. This brings up in children a critical attitude not only to the works of comrades, but also to their own.

It is very important to observe the following requirements for evaluation:

Only the result is evaluated, which is achieved by the efforts of the child himself;

As the child develops, the assessment is becoming increasingly differentiated;

It is impossible to compare the result of the child's activities with the successes of other children, it is necessary to assess its achievements;

Evaluation It is necessary to build so that the children are most active in it, starting with younger age

The third part of the classes.Analysis of the results of children's activities or pedagogical assessment of children's work . Analysis of children's work is included in the method of holding a classes as one of its most important components and in different forms We are needed at each lesson. Viewing images created by children has a great educational and learning value. For proper analysis, it is necessary to exhibit all the work on the stand for drawing and appliqué or on the bench for modeling. Figures are installed on a special board-bench, divided into cells for each product. In this case, the children consider the stand, gathering around it. If the group has a shelves with cells at the board for viewing work, then children can stay in their places at the table.

The organization of discussion may be different, but the main form is as follows: remaining in its places, children consider work placed on the stand. Educator thanks children for the performance of work and reminiscent taskswho put before the occupation. Based on these tasks, it builds his analysis. As a result of the analysis, children should understand as correct perform work I. what errors they allowed. Critical comments are benevolent, in recommendative form. Very careful should be taken to creative idea The child even in the case when he did not succeed at all.

Since the youngest age you need to attract to the analysis of children themselves. The teacher asks, children must draw conclusions themselves - the knowledge gained is fixed. When analyzing you can use gaming situation: for example, comes " ambulance"And he takes a sampling bear to the hospital to Aibolit to treat the paw. At the table in the "hospital", one of the children is sitting in a medical hat and in glasses and treats a bear in front of all children. It is also a consolidation of knowledge, but in a game form.

If the lesson lasted longer than the usual, Children are tired, it's time to walk, the educator is limited to a common approval rating: "Today everyone worked well, many have turned out to be very interesting picturesLater (before lunch, after sleep) we will look at them in detail. "

Before lunch or after day sleep, the work of children hang onto the stand and discussed the entire group. In younger groups it is not recommended to postpone the assessment for a long time, because Children will lose interest in the results of their labor, and the purpose of the analysis - to teach children to objectively assess the results of their work, creatively working on the decision of the topic.

Forms of analysis May be different:

· The tutor shows the drawing and proposes to evaluate whether everything is right in it, as the task is made that the child came up with;

· One of the children is instructed to choose the best, in his opinion, work and justify your choice;

· The child analyzes the drawing, comparing it with nature, the sample, evaluates it;

· Children, together with the educator, consider one work for the other and give them an assessment.

· Sometimes in order to educate the ability to objectively evaluate your work, it offers children to post the most successful booth in the first row, in the second one where small errors are allowed, and in the third row are less successful.

After classes, pupils provide the opportunity to read the work again, talk about them. The educator appeals to those who are not very active during the analysis, who, in his opinion, needs an individual discussion of the drawing, appliqués, etc.

After classes, all the drawings, crafts and toys, preferably beautify and demonstrate to parents in the locker room. The educator attracts their attention to achievements all Children, not just their child. This weekly exhibition For parents stimulates the desire of children to perform their work beautifully. The exhibition of children's work is valid until the next occupation, and then the drawings are replaced with new ones.

The design of works may be different, but aesthetically thoughtful. On a small stand for 6-8 works, the most interesting drawings, appliqués are exhibited. The rest of the work (1-2 last lessons) are stored in the folder in files or other works at the exhibition can be issued in the passe gray With large fields, so that the work looks more attractive. On a separate label to the right, specify the name of the work and the name of the author.

On the back side Works must specify the date of classes, the topic, the author of the work.

Where there is no way to organize exhibitions, children's drawings, appliqués are made in the album. For each child, the file is discharged into which the drawing is investing. Indicates the name of the author. After class, the educator takes out the previous work and invests new.

Self top works every child is exhibiting on permanent exhibition of work. These works are preserved for a long timeThey constantly replenish them, replace, seeking all the children to be participants in this exhibition.

Personal exhibition - One of the forms of promoting children with an extraordinary fantasy. On a separate shelf you need to collect all the works of one child, it is beautiful to arrange them, write his name and surname, show parents.

The organization of exhibitions gives great results: attracts children to visual activities, increases the aesthetic level of their work, activates creativity. Each exhibition should have its own name - figurative, artistic.

Analysis of children's work

The development of analytical thinking, as a result of which a critical attitude towards perceived, allows children to objectively evaluate the work performed by comrades, and their work. But this level of development, the child reaches the five years.

IN younger aged The child cannot fully control and evaluate its actions and their results. If the work process delivered him pleasure, he will be satisfied and the result, waiting for the approval caregiver.

IN junior group The tutor at the end of the classes shows some well-performed work without analyzing them. The purpose of the show is to attract the attention of children to the results of their activities. The teacher approves the work of the rest of children, their positive assessment contributes to the preservation of interest in the visual activity.

In the middle and older groups, the educator. He will use the show and analysis of children's work as a reception, helping children to understand the achievements and errors in the image. The ability to see how correctly the subject is depicted, it helps the development of a conscious attitude towards the choice of funds and techniques for the intensification of all creative activities.

After completing the task, the teacher shows one of the works and notes its positive sides: "How good, neatly covered the house", "How beautiful colors are chosen in the pattern - dark and blonde, they can be seen good," how interesting the skier is wondered, "and t. d.

If there are similar errors in many works, you should pay attention to them, ask: how can I fix them?

To consider a mistake in the work of one child with all children should not, since it will be aware of it only for this child. Causes of errors and ways to eliminate it is better analyzed in an individual conversation.

IN senior group All children should be involved in the analysis. However, sometimes the educator itself gives an assessment. For example, wanting to encourage a poorly drawing child and anticipating the criticism of his work with other children, the first teacher indicates the positive aspects of the picture.

16. Name the purpose of the application of gaming techniques in teaching preschoolers of visual activities. Expand the features of the use of gaming techniques, depending on the age of children. Describe the gaming techniques used in the guidance of the visual activity of preschoolers.

Decide the pedagogical task:

With kids middle group The educator conducts an exercise of design from building material. Mishutka brought me from the forest to the bear, but they can't move to children, because the rivers of different widths spread on the way. Offering kids to think about how to move cubs through the rivers, the educator brings them to the need to build bridges of different lengths. Children choose the desired length of planking, cubes, build bridges with steps, along which the bearings will be comfortable to pass. After that, each child translates his bear on the other side, plays with him, and when Mishutka calls his sons home, children again spend a toy on the bridge again. Then, as directed by the teacher, the children fold a plate in size - long with long, short with short, fold cubes in the box and, saying goodbye to the teddy bear, go to walk.

Pregnancy the efficiency of using gaming techniques as an educator in the proposed situation. Offer your version of the gaming situation on the proposed subject of classes.

Gaming techniques used in the guidance of fine activitieseffective I.

imperceptible to the child the way of learning an amusement careful preservation Children's feelings, mood.

Gaming techniques are selected by the teacher with regard to

features Games of children, the logic of its development,

features Fine activities.

All gaming techniques can be divided into two large groups:

· Plot-gaming situations Director games

· Plot-gaming situations with role-playing behavior of children and adults.

Fine activity is one of the first and most affordable means of self-expression of a child, in which the originality of many sides of the children's psyche is manifested. The drawing is a powerful means of knowledge and display of reality, the features of thinking, imagination, emotional-volitional sphere are revealed in the figure. Just like the game, it allows you to more deeply comprehend the following child's stories.

Thus, drawing classes contribute to the optimal and intensive development of all mental processes And functions, teach the child to think and analyze, measure and compare, compose and imagine.

Stages of regulatory development pattern

Difficult period - This is the period of "doodles", "Marajan", which, starting at the age of 1.5-2 years, lasts up to 3-3.5 years. This stage is continuous and non-uniform.

They distinguish the stage of "Maragia", the stage of rhythmic doodles, an associative stage.

The third and last stage of the drawing period occurs when the image of the subject involuntarily arises from the doodles and suggested only by the imagination of the child. That is, the child first draws, and then, "seeing" the image of the subject - calls it.

This path is from the initial strokes to the first images, which occupied at the primitive man, tens of thousands of years, the child has a very short segment: in 3-3.5 years it proceeds to the next period - fine. Its beginning conditionally, it is possible to consider the moment when the child first arises "the plan" (that is, arbitrary intention, goaling, beginning of targeted activity) to draw something. And only then the drawing itself is produced.

First stage fine period Compile drawings S. primitive expressiveness (3-5 years). The child is trying through the line to express emotions and movements (for example, the girl's jump is depicted in the form of a zigzag line). These drawings, according to researchers, "Mimiche", and not "Graphic". True, children after a while they forget that they were portrayed (for them Zigzag can be associated, for example, with a fence).

Thus, the first doodle of the child do not refer to the region imagesrather to the area representation. At this stage of the development of children's drawings, there is still no connection between expressive and visual functions. At the next (second) stage of the visual period (6-7 years)children's drawings are becoming even more schematic. The child distinguishes movement, emotions and facial expressions.

In the future, as the picture will develop (on a kind of Third stage), In orphanages there is a feeling of shape and line. The child needs a need not only to list specific signs of the described item, but also to transmit formal relationships.

Final stage The fine period is plausible images. Figures are becoming increasingly proportional and detailed. Expands the theme of the drawings.

Of course, the theme of children's drawings is caused by affiliates to a specific floor and appropriate identification. So, the boys most often draw cars, airplanes, ships, war, and girls - family, princesses, flowers, small animals, bead patterns, fabrics.

Extremely important is the knowledge of the laws of development of children's drawing. They can be generalized as follows:

1) clarity;

2) the vision of the horizontally depicted;

3) transparency (for example, when the roundness of the body remains under the dress);

4) Later, the emergence of perspective.

So, the smallest children (4-5-year-old) have pictures next to each other, without connecting them with any idea. This is the so-called phase juxtaposition.

Then the central plot appears (after 5 years). Here, images are already combined with a plot, and the child distributes objects, drawing more distant over being closer. This phase of development prospects in the figure is called a phase superposition.

Only later (in the norm no earlier than 7 years), the child begins to portray more distant items as items in size smaller than the objects are close. So in the image arises true perspective.

Similarly, the regulatory emergence can be considered in stages "Color" Children's drawing.

The child emotionally perceives colors and often paint the beloved color, which may not be peculiar to this. At the same time, not only the color, but also the care of the drawing will express the child's attitude to the content of the pattern.

During this period, everything is cleaned in saturated colors and "Pestro" paint: houses and roofs, flowers and animals, cars and fences. In this case, a special place to actualize the color belongs to the clothes of the people depicted.

Such a separation of children in groups allows, to a certain extent, to carry out an individual approach to the development of creative abilities. It should be emphasized that at the same time it is important not to impose the pictures of the image stereotypes, but to support his creative impulses, rejoice with the child even the most insignificant manifestations of his individuality.


1. Arnheim R. Art and visual perception. Per. from English V.N. Selfish. Society. ed. and entry Article V.P. Shestakova. - M.: Progress, 1974.

2. Zenkovsky V.V. Childhood psychology. - Leipzig: employee, 1924.

3.Nignites E.I. Psychological features of the visual activity of the younger schoolboy // Psychology of the younger schoolboy. - M., 1960.

4.Mikhalova O.Yu. Development of the creativity of children in leisure conditions (on the example of visual activities). Diss. On the title of Cand. Ped. science M., 2003.

5.Muhukina V.S. Children's Psychology: Tutorial for Students Ped. In-Tov / Ed. L.A. Hanger. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

6. Mukhina V.S. Fine activity of a child as a form of assimilation of social experience. - M.: Pedagogy, 1981.

7.Obukhova L.F. Children's (age) Psychology: Textbook. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1996.

Consultation for
parents I.
consider children
Consultation prepared
according to activities
Rusakova N.V.
Everyone knows that children love to draw. Draw everything -
houses, flowers, cars, birds, animals, their loved ones. Pictures
these are very different. The world of children is different from the world of adults.
Therefore, adults often seem to be in children's drawings.
that is not correct. Depicting something on paper, baby
invested in it not only your thoughts, but also feelings,

Unfortunately, often parents considering
children's drawings, see only shortcomings, celebrate
unsuccessful. And the baby tried. Hearing a negative rating
his drawing, he loses interest in drawing. Some
children begin to be afraid to draw.
When analyzing children's drawing, it is necessary
consider the child's age. In age
four years old baby has no
sufficient representations O.
the material world, besides yet
gave a sufficient
skills work with pencils and
flomasters. But the years from four - from five can already be with
using drawings to evaluate mental development kid.
Those people who occupy the main place in the soul of the kid,

on the
stand out
significant size
on the
"Above all."


If the baby "forgets" to draw the Kogolibo from members
families (including themselves and herself), or paints it tiny,
faded, inexpressive, in the distance from others, many times
corrects the image either is erased at all ("not
it turned out! ") - This is an alarm, about which causes
it is necessary to think.
So, having considered children's drawings, you can a lot
say that the baby cares about what he thinks is if
his kakieto.
Color drawing
Choice I.
a color scheme. When small children
paint, they should be used
bright, multicolored palette - not
calm down until all the paints do not
try. This is perfect

experiments with color trigs
him to
taste "," to the touch ".
Later, by 57 years, the child feels more freely
yourself with color, choosing and using exactly those of them that in
this moment reflect it independent state. It is important

only the use of one or another color, but also their combinations -
for example, a combination of bright-color and black will call
feeling of aggressiveness, and blue and green - calm and
equilibrium. In fact, each color is deeply connected with
certain themes carrying a certain semantic
Does the child use the whole palette - either his color
gamma is usually poor and it is limited to the passage
flowers? If so, then you can talk about asthenia, fatigue,
passivity or even depression.
Pay attention to the colors that the child chooses.
The abundance of black, gray, brown and other sad
colors in children's drawings says that child is something
deproed and upset, it oppresses it. If you notice that
your baby often chooses similar colors, talk to him.
Just do not blame him or directly ask the question:
"Why do you choose such colors? You something
upset? ". Be tactful, try carefully
take away from the baby that he worries him. If as
color Gamma The child uses cheerful colors -
yellow, red, green, it means he is experiencing more

positive emotions than negative and reasons for
there is no concern.
Press on
This is an indicator of a psychomotor tone of a child. If a
push weak, light, uncertain - it says about
timidity, passivity, asthenia (psyche exhaustion)
If lines permanently

instantness, anxiety. And when the strokes are made like
sketch - first with light strokes, then they jump
fatter is an attempt to control your alarm, take yourself
in hand.

If the contours of the images are fat, greatly pushing
paper, it may be evidence emotional
intensity, impulsivity. Well, if the pencil breaks the sheet
- this is a sign of possible conflict, aggressiveness, or
just excited state or hyperreactivity.
Figure size
Normally, the largest object of the drawing occupies about
2/3 sheet format A4. If the drawing of a person or an animal
very large, takes the whole sheet or even goes
limits - this can alarming or
stressful condition of the baby at the moment. And here
tiny drawing often speaks of low self-esteem or
depression. If the size of the drawings is inconsistent - a child
emotionally unstable. Drawing at the top of the sheet
specifies O. high self-esteem (or on the tendency to
"Vitania in the clouds"), but a small size in combination with
the location "below" can talk about emotional
Story about Figure
A lot of important information can be learned from
talk about the figure, but it is important to build it correctly.

Remember Rule: No direct questions leading in
dialogue is a child. Intonation must be soft and
no critical
so it goes without saying

need to
behind the child the right is not
respond to them.
How would you call your drawing? Tell me about your
picture. Or: What happens in the picture? How they feel
people or animals in the picture? Any part of the drawing, figure
or subject, reflect those or other experiences of the baby. Everything,
what is experiencing the characters of the drawings, it is likely to experience and
child himself.
That the figures in the picture feel in relation to each
friend? If they can talk, what would they say friend
friend? Such questions help the child express the words
the feelings that he tried to pass in the picture.
Giving a child the opportunity to answer your questions for
heroes of the drawing, you can clarify and clarify incomprehensible
moments, figure out what experiences or fears are going

Analysis of children's drawing

Most children like to draw. They use for this as traditional materials: paints, pencils, markers, so, sometimes, and the most unexpected, for example, mother's mumina. And as an easel, a wardrobe, furniture, wallpaper can be selected. Much of the fact that the child can not yet express in words - it is reflected in the children's drawing.

Analysis of children's drawing Allows you to identify the characteristics of the child's character, "see" his inner world.

Kids up to three years old draw mostly circles, lines, points. In such drawings, it is difficult to catch the meaning. After a four years of age, the characters recognizable by adults already appear in children's drawings. Mother and dad, the child itself become the first heroes of the drawing of the kid, the child himself. It's believed that analysis of children's drawing You can spend from five years old. Then the children are already drawing everything they see around - people, animals, trees, at home.

If you want to analyze the drawing of your child - give him a task to draw something. At the same time, do not correct the child while working, do not say how to draw correctly, just watch. Give the child a varied color set of markers, and better pencils. So you will see which colors will prefer the baby for its drawing, and the use of pencils will allow you to see the power of push. The stronger the push - the more impulsive your child.

So, if your child drew a person in the center of the sheet of paper, then he is confident. Conversely - the drawing at the bottom of the sheet means that he has been understated self-esteem. If the drawn hero has big head, it says good mental abilities Baby, small, that the child is not developed enough for its age.

Big ears mean that an important way to perceive information is hearing. Mouth with protruding teeth testifies to aggression, whipped eyes can talk about such a phenomenon as fears in children

Large long hands It indicates that the child is well developed physically, and on the contrary, a weak child will draw short hands. Carefully drawn fingers point to aggression. The longer the leg in the drawn man, the more your child strives to become independent. If the legs are widely placed - it means that the baby is confident. The boys, unlike girls, often draw angular square torso - a sign of masculinity. A child who feels humiliated, which has a very understated self-esteem, draws a disproportionately small compared to the other parts of the body of the body.

The drawn house without doors and windows speaks about the closetness of the child, small windows indicate his shy. A tree with splashing, stretching to the top branches, a thick trunk and painted roots says that the child is cheerful and confident.

Conducting analysis of children's drawing, Note which colors use your child. The more colors in his picture, the more emotional and sensitive. In the main drawings of the child there are 5- 6 colors. The abundance of yellow testifies to curious optimism. Blue colour, on the contrary, talks about internal problems. Green - about the desire for safety and stubbornness. Red symbolizes aggression, eccentricity. If black prevails in the picture - your child is suppressed, pay attention to its internal psychological state.

When your baby draws his family - the first one who plays the family will appear in the picture main role For a child, whose authority is most important for him. If all family members in the drawing are holding hands - the kid is sure that it loves him. I forgot to draw someone - it means that this man is unpleasant to him. If, when depicting your family, the child does not draw himself - this is a sign of loneliness, lack of attention. Sibling rivalry A brother or sister may be expressed in the reluctance to draw a particular family member. Such an option is possible: "The artist" will draw them, but separately from the rest.

Take children's drawing In hand and ask yourself the question of which emotions it causes you - positive or negative. If in the figure is bright colors, smiles on the faces of the pictured people, the sun shines - most likely your child is happy, feels parental love, Friendly.

Dull dull paints, sad faces indicate the experiences of the child, perhaps about some issues in the family. Therefore, try, as often as possible, interested in what draws your dear little man. Perhaps it will help you avoid many problems in the future.

Consultation for teachers: "Analysis of children's work on the visual activity."

Prepared and held a senior educator

January 2015 year

Analysis of children's work is a very important part of the immediate educational activities of children in visual activities. The analysis should be based on the implementation of software content, the implementation of its main goals.

During the immediate educational activities The tutor puts the task before children not only to accurately follow this pattern, but mainly to show independence when performing work. For example, in class decorative drawing The teacher proposes to portray one of the patterns of this sample, or make a combination of two to three patterns, or on the basis of the same elements, come up with a new pattern.

By the end of the work, the teacher already knows about what work it will be necessary to pay attention to. When analyzing, it will show and execute exactly according to the sample, and combined, and made independently.

The teacher's work should be placed on a predetermined place. Before proceeding with the analysis, the educator should give children the opportunity to consider work, discuss them. The statements of the guys will help the teacher in the assessment children's creativity. Questions that will ask the teacher must be diverse and aiming children to a specific answer.

In some cases, the teacher offers children to talk in detail about the content of the work, about its composition, about the use certain techniquesIt offers to critically evaluate the work, choose the appropriate epithets, strokes from poems.

It is not recommended, of course, to analyze the work of the same children to analyze the work of the same children, as this can lead to grabbing, convince children that they always make it better. The tutor should find in every work something worthy of attention so that every child is confident: and he can do not get worse than others.

When analyzing it is important not easy to note, correctly or not the right child fulfilled the task, but to emphasize the expressiveness of the solution, beauty color combinations, Mark the character of the composition, pay attention to the drawing technique.

If, for example, before children, the goal is to transfer the similarity from nature, the analysis will be comparative. The educators' questions must push the children to compare work from nature, help find out whether the structure of the subject, its painting is proportionally transmitted, is proportionally depicts its components.

When evaluating subject patterns, the educator draws attention to the correctness of the image (form, size of parts, structure, color), imagery, the ability to transmit a variety of poses, movement.

In the plot works, the teacher draws attention to the composition, on expressiveness of images, notes the taste, a feeling of color, rhythm, the ability to act independently.

An analysis of work on the plan should be started with the question "What is depicted?", And then pay attention to the content, execution technique, finishing, design. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the variety of designs.

IN decorative work It is important to note their brightness, colorfulness, the ability to combine colors, a variety of compositions.

Collective work analysis should be started with a general assessment: to say how children coped with work, emphasize the ability of individual guys to act coordinated, help each other, the ability to independently distribute the work among themselves. Then you should consider individual, most interesting works.

In all cases, it is important to pay attention to the purity and accuracy of the work, the ability to complete it at the specified time.

Depending on the type of visual activity, the following forms of analysis can be used:

1. Give a general assessment of children's activities.

2. Among the selected works, allocate two - Tori the best and explain why they are selected.

3. Arrange all the work in a certain sequence in accordance with the content of the topic. For example, drawing a fairy tale "Kolobok".

4. Suggest telling about any work you like.

5. Talk about the work of the tutor.

6. Suggest find a job like a sample.

7. Compare sample work.

8. Find two different works.

9. Find similar work.

10. Find a job with an error.

11. Find a job in which creativity is shown.

12. Find unfinished work.

13. To talk about your work (self-analysis).

14. Suggest two children to tell about the work of each other.

15. Suggest one of the children to take in the hands of nature, consider and find work by nature.

16. Suggest finding nature for work.

17 Allocate two - three most accurate work.

18. Find the most interesting picture.

19. Select work with beautiful color fare.

20. Find work with the most expressive images.

This is not the entire list of possible forms of analysis. To each specific activity, based on software content, you can come up with new analysis options, diversified already tested.