Pavel Point program for presentations. Installing PowerPoint

Pavel Point program for presentations. Installing PowerPoint
Pavel Point program for presentations. Installing PowerPoint

Description: Microsoft Excel 2013 business tool with new ways to work with information and more intuitive data analysis .. Microsoft Word 2013 new version of the text processor with advanced features to create documents. Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Powerful Presentation Program.

Microsoft Excel 2013. - A dynamic business tool that allows you to make the right solutions based on the results of the analysis of the available data using improved tools and functions. First of all, a new appearance of Excel stands out. It is delivered from unnecessary details, but also designed to quickly achieve professional results. Added many functions that help navigate in a large number of numbers and create convincing data images leading to more reasonable solutions. The new Excel 2013 enhanced interface allows you to focus on the main and reach maximum professional results. Many new features and tools that the latest version of Excel offers, will help freely navigate in a large number of data and numbers.

Microsoft Word 2013. - A new version of the text processor with advanced features to create documents. Word 2013 provides additional features with documents. Insert video from the Internet, open PDF files and edit their contents, as well as align images and schemes have become much easier. The new reading mode has become more convenient and does not distract your attention, and also works fine on tablets. In addition, the collaboration features are improved: direct connections with web storage facilities have been added and the review functions are simplified, in particular corrections and add notes. Using Word 2013, you can create attractive and exciting documents, as well as work with additional file types, such as videos and images from the Internet. You can even open PDF files. Make more: Include video from the Internet, open PDF files and edit the document content, align the charts and images with minimal effort. Clear and convenient new reading mode - and it works great on tablet PC.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013. - A powerful presentation creation program, including portable, with advanced transition capabilities, support for animation, audio and video - even in high resolution. Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 has a more intuitive interface adapted to tablet PCs and touch screen phones. The Rapporteur mode is automatically configured in accordance with the projector parameters, and it can even be used on one monitor. The topics now have several options, which simplifies design development, and when working together, you can add comments to ask a question or request a review.

This is a program for developing and preparing presentations.
It is part of Office and is an obligatory application.
Here you can download Microsoft PowerPoint for free or buy a license.

At the moment, PowerPoint 2010 is considered the latest versions.
The main difference from the programs of 2003-2007 is a more advanced interface, a rich set of options and graphic features.

The most useful feature is the ability to copy and write a presentation on a CD / DVD disc or flash media. You can also publish the created materials on the Internet and reproduce them in the browser.

On our site you can download free PowerPoint. Works without registration. Account activation is not required. The product is ready at work immediately after installation.
All data can be viewed through a special application - Viewer. The size of the supplement is 60 MB.

Main features and what's new?

  • Creating super presentations using a designer. Simple solutions are made in a few seconds using ready-made templates and design.
  • In addition to static presentations, you can now create animated. To do this, an option called "Transformation" has been added.
  • For lovers, working from the smartphone was specially developed by the mobile version of the application supporting iOS and Android.
  • If you are used to working as a team, you have good news for you. Now you can access the file remotely. Thus, PowerPoint can use several people at once.
  • Added many new features taking into account the wishes of users. For example: availing, rehearsal of impressions, simplified navigation and much more.

In one of the versions of the official Microsoft Office package, the PowerPoint program entered. And if you want to download PowerPoint on your computer, then you can do it only with the package. However, this does not diminish the advantages of the utility that allows you to prepare visual materials for reports, presentations and thematic lectures.

This electronic assistant has a wide functionality and flexible tools that can be customized under its requirements.

So, it is not in vain that any information is well perceived by rumor if it is accompanied by a visual material. Moreover, it is the latter that allows the main points to entrenched in memory. After all, there are a number of people who have auditory memory, but the percentage and those who have more developed visual memory.

Therefore, many try to make various presentations. And if earlier I had to draw posters or the highlights of the chalk on the board, then it is enough to refer to this software. Especially the result obtained is mobility and it can be easily displayed on a large screen.


With the help of the program you can:

  • create and view created presentations,
  • print the file completely or only separate slides.

The utility can work in full screen mode, supports many formats, among which.potx, .ppt, .pps, .pot, .ppsx, .pptm, .potm, .pptx, .potx.

Despite the wide functionality, you can expand it if you decide to buy a Freeware license.

It is worth noting the user-friendly interface. Not surprisingly, many users think about how to download PowerPoint for Windows 10, 8, 7.


The program is part of the Microsoft Office software package. You need to download the Microsoft Office package and select PowerPoint when installing.


The latest versions of the program have a number of features that improve its performance and efficiency.

Among them:

  • adaptation for gadgets having a touch screen,
  • new tools that allow you to issue a slide design,
  • improved video and sound settings,
  • imported data from other programs that are part of the Microsoft Office office package,
  • saving the obtained project in the cloud storage,
  • the availability of the ONEDRIVE service, which allows you to work on a project together with friends, even if you are in different places.

The advantage of the latter option was rated by those who are used to working with the Internet. However, if you have to show a presentation in places where there is no network, it is better to use the usual removable media, flash drives.

In addition, this version of the program allows speakers on the work computer to see notes to materials. Moreover, the notes themselves will not be visible to the audience.

It is also worth noting that you can download PowerPoint for free if you have a Microsoft office package. This program is optimized with Windows 7 and Windows XP.


With the fact that there is a free version of the program and paid, then in the first version there are several trimmed functionality.

Thus, in the program you can only create, view and print presentations. So if you have created a document in this format, then it will not be fixed there. Therefore, carefully check everything before clicking on the corresponding icon.


The central part of the screen is a work area. Here you will be offered to enter the header of the slide.

All control buttons are located in the right corner. Here you can roll, restore, close the program window. Just below, you will detect the program menu bar and the toolbar buttons. The list of slides will be placed on the left side of the window. Thus, you can literally move the slides, create new or remove those that you do not need.

Also available in the program tools to change the appearance of the slide. For example, you can put a picture as a background or pour it in color. Text elements, animation effects are edited.

At the bottom of the window there is a field to compile notes to the slide. It is noteworthy that these notes when starting the slide display mode are not demonstrated, but the speaker can use them as prompts.

In addition, the program proposes to choose one of the modes of operation. Among them: normal mode, structure mode, slide, slide sorter and slide display mode.

Slide mode is convenient if you need that each slide has a unique design. Thus, you will have to create separately each slide, exposing for it those or other settings.

The structure mode allows you to study the presentation structure. In this mode, it is convenient to navigate with a large number of slides.

The sorter mode is useful if you need to set the duration of finding a particular frame on the screen, as well as if you want to adjust the transitions.

The slide show mode is already designed to demonstrate the viewers of the final document.

All of the above presentations and slideshow programs are useful in their own way. The most common PowerPoint program among users meets all the requirements for efficient work with slides. It is represented in a Russian-language format and has integration with the Internet network, so that you can edit and save the created presentation directly in the cloud, create a slideshow remotely multiple users.

Promolence has the ease of use, a huge amount of effects in a set and transition settings. Three-dimensional effects are also supported. The application implements the creation of video presentations at a professional level, but does not require specific appeal skills. It is extremely recommended to those who do not know how to make a presentation, but does not want to spend a long time for training materials.

To prepare the materials of the project, we recommend using the SmartDraw multifunction package. It is functionally overshadowing all competitors, because it helps to make really cool schemes for the presentation, but does not please the cost and lack of localization.

The IMPRESS program is a component of the OpenOffice office program set, which is less common than the Microsoft package. But those who decided to download the entire package, mark the user-friendly application wizard, an understandable interface and a variety of editing elements.

To create interactive presentations, the Kingsoft Presentation program can be actively used to those who create a lot of slideshow. The program allows you to simultaneously work with multiple projects in one window. An insignificant minus is an English-speaking application interface is decisive in choosing.

The PROSHOW PRODUCER program can be considered the best among those specified to create an inected presentations based on Microsoft Office. The application is equipped with a large set of special effects, 3D components and templates. Ease of use and Russian-speaking interface will appreciate newcomers in creating presentations.

Also in recent times, online platforms are becoming increasingly popular, which allow you to create a presentation for the forces of several users at the same time. The most popular solutions are available absolutely free Google presentations, a convenient Prezi Slides tool and really cross-platform Haiku Deck. The program allows you to quickly prepare visual support in the web version and edit, add slides, or broadcast it on Android, iOS (iPhone iPad). Client applications for working with presentations are available on Google Play and App Store. Of the disadvantages of software, it is worth highlighting except distribution by a paid subscription.

If none of the options approached, and the dynamic sites for a presentation or a report to prepare should be prepared, try Sliderocket and Projeqt web applications. They are less popular described above, but also have all the necessary features as setting the starting page time and other slides, the integration of audio, video, adding the transition effects, the exchange of information through cloud services, etc. Projects are still developing, so there may be problems with work.

Installing any program looks like a fairly simple occupation due to automation and complete simplistic process. However, this does not quite relate to the installation of the parts of Microsoft Office. Here everything needs to be done fine and clearly.

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that there is no possibility to download a separate MS PowerPoint application. It is absolutely always only as part of Microsoft Office, and the maximum that a person can make is to install only this component, refusing others. So if you want to install only this program, then the paths are two:

  • Install only the selected component from the entire package;
  • Use PowerPoint analogs.

An attempt to find and extract on the Internet separately this program most often can be crowned with specific success in the form of an infection of the system.

Separately, it is worth saying about the Microsoft Office Package itself. It is important to enjoy the licensed version of this product, since it is more stable and more reliable than most hacked. The problem of using a pirate office is not even that it is illegally that the corporation loses money, but that this software is simply unstable and can deliver a lot of trouble.

Program installation

As mentioned earlier, a complete installation of MS Office will be required. Considered will be the most relevant package from 2016.

After some time, the installation will be completed and Office will be ready to use.

Adding PowerPoint.

You should also consider the case when Microsoft Office is already installed, but POWERPOINT is not selected in the list of selected components. This does not mean that you need to reinstall the entire program - the installer, fortunately, provides for the opportunity to add previously installed segments.

The further procedure does not differ from the past version.

Famous problems

As a rule, the installation of the Microsoft Office license package passes without lining. However, there may be exceptions. You should consider a brief list.

  1. Failure of installation procedures

    The most often dealing problem. By itself, the work of the installer is shot very rarely. Most often, the perpetrators are third-party factors - viruses, a strong memory load, the instability of the OS, emergency shutdown, and so on.

    It is necessary to solve each option individually. The best option will be reinstalled with a reboot of the computer before each step.

  2. Fragmentation

    In some cases, the performance of the program may be disturbed due to its fragmentation on different clusters. In this case, the system can lose any critical components and refuse to work.

  3. Lack of components in the section "Create"

    The most popular way to use MS Office documents - right-click in the right place and choose the option "Create", and there already the desired item. It may happen that after installing the program set, the new options do not appear in this menu.

    As a rule, the banal reboot of the computer helps.

  4. Activation failure

    After some updates or errors in the operation of the system, the program can lose records that the activation was successfully manufactured. The result is one - Office again begins to require activation.

    It is usually solved by trite re-activation every time it will be required. If it is impossible to do this, you should completely reinstall Microsoft Office.

  5. Violation of preservation protocols

    Also related to the first item is the problem. Sometimes the installed office refuses to correctly save documents by any paths. There are two reasons for that, or a failure occurred during the installation process, or the technical folder where the application holds cache and related materials is not available or function is incorrect.

    In the first case will help reinstall Microsoft Office.

    In the second, it also can help, but you should first check the folders at:

    C: \\ Users \\ [Username] \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft

    Here you should make sure that all folders for the package programs (they wear the appropriate names - "PowerPoint", "Word" and so on) have standard settings (not "Hidden", not "Only for reading" etc.). To do this, click right-click on each of them and select the option of the property. Here you should explore these settings for the folder.

    You should also check the technical directory if it is not located for any reason at the specified address. For this you need from any document to enter the tab "File".

    Here to choose "Parameters".

    In the window that opens, go to the section "Preservation". Here we are interested in item "Data Catalog for Auto Standling". At the specified address, this section is located specifically, but the other operating folders must also be there. It should be found and verified by the method specified above.


At the end I would like to say that to reduce the threat of the integrity of documents, it is always worth using the licensed version of Microsoft. Hacked options absolutely have certain disorders of the structure, breakage and all kinds of disadvantages, which, even if not visible from the first launch, can felt about themselves in the future.