Ksenia Merz. Stars before and after plastics: The best photos of Russian and foreign celebrities Singer Ksenia Merz

Ksenia Merz. Stars before and after plastics: The best photos of Russian and foreign celebrities Singer Ksenia Merz

TV presenter, businesswoman and secular lioness.

Ksenia Merz. Biography

Details of your biography Ksenia Merz. Prefers to hide from the public and the media. So, for example, nothing is known about her childhood and youth, her parents, where she studied and leaned out at all. Presumably Ksenia was born in 1972 in Moscow. The real surname of Ksenia is also not mentioned anywhere.

Ksenia married the owner of a large construction company, and her spouse allowed her to work on the MUZ-TV TV channel. However, when Ksenia began to give work more time than the family, it did not like her second half. The ex- the TV presenter then said that it was the spouse that did it so that she was fired from all teleprojects.Ksenia Merz managed without scandals to divorce his spouse, retaining friendly relations with him.

After the divorce of Ksenia Merz tried to appear as much as possible in various talk shows, where she soon began to represent as a secular lioness from ruble. Merz - the owner of the beauty salon. Ksenia loudly declared himself in television fleet, sharply expressed his opinion on a particular topic, attracting the attention of the public with outfits and makeup; Often, Merz participation in the TV project ended with a scuffle.

In 2008-2009, Ksenia Merz appeared in the TV series "Mobile Blondes" and participated in a talk show as a commentator.

During the program, "let them say" in 2016, where the fate of the secular lioness Alena Kravets was discussed, the glamorous diva pounced with his fists on the photographer. On a talk show dedicated to the divorce of Hollywood stars of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Merz said that her house on the Cote d'Azur is next to Jolie and Pitt mansion.

In October, the same, 2016 of Merz arranged a beat of Sberbank to employees, having considered that they were serving elite customers, and on ordinary mortals do not pay attention.

In the fall of 2017, the lioness appeared on the ether of the show "In fact," where Mary Maksakova called himself and expressed an opinion on the crossing of the singer and Denis Voronenkov to Ukraine. Almost immediately after the release dedicated to Maksakova, Ksenia Merz was already the main character of the Talk Show Dmitry Shepelev. This time, the secular lioness presented claims to his former boyfriend Fitness-coach Alexander Zdasyuku: she wanted to receive from a 23-year-old guy, which is more than a couple of dozen years younger than her, five million rubles spent on gifts to him, clothes and a joint holiday.

"He first seemed intelligent me. I am very impressed by smart people. We met a month and a half to the maximum, on the second week it became clear that this is not the person who gives out of herself, "said Ksenia in the studio" in fact. "

Also in the studio of the current show "In fact" came the former housekeeper Merz Zul. The maid provided an exclusive video, on which the ex-wife of the oligarch shouts and obscenely expressed in her address.

On November 22, 2017, Ksenia Merz reappeared in the studio "in fact." This speech was about who is the father of her 14-year-old daughter. The lioness said: it does not exclude that the child gave birth to a singer of Mitya Fomin. The artist was also invited to the program and did not refuse to undergo a lie detector, but he himself completely excluded the option that could be the father of the daughter of Ksenia Merz. The DNA test confirmed that the kinship between Fomin and the Merz daughter is not.

In January 2018, the Talk show "In fact," Ksenia Merz met with another scandalously famous secular lioness - Alena Kravkets. The fact is that the video hit the network on which the former friends of Alena and Ksenia were cluttered into each other, and the fights did not happen only thanks to the intervention of the guard.

In Talk Show, Merz stated that the ex-husband of Alena Ruslan Kravets was in love with her. A man allegedly provides her signs of attention and writes SMS. The Kravets appeared in the studio said that these fantasies are simply nasty and promised to sue Merz. By the way, the polygraph showed that Ksenia Lgal out about the courtius of Ruslan Kravets. In addition, Ksenia Merz was caught on lies and in the fact that it shows all the luxurious interiors not at all their home, but mansions of their friend. The businesswoman explained that it simply led comes to maintain their status.

Ksenia Merz. Personal life

Former spouse Ksenia Merz - Valery Demichev, Owner of the construction company "Russian Monolith". When the daughter of Stephenia was born in the family, they moved to the elite suburban village Zhukovka. After the appearance of Valeria's young mistress, marriage collapsed. Valery takes care of his daughter and gives money to the gear content. Former spouses communicate, Stefania meets with her father.

After the divorce, Ksenia Merz broke out a novel with Milde Fomin. There were rumors about the emergency marriage of the couple, but the novel ended with parting and scandalous recognition of Oksana that Mitya changed her with men.

Not all the wives of the oligarchs part with the husbands with a scandal

After the release of the material "Children's surprise of the oligarchs" ("EG" №33, 2010), in which the ex-wife owner of the Russian Standard Bank Rustam Tariko Tatiana told that husband after a divorce does not give her to communicate with his daughters, the former spouse owner called us The construction company "Russian Monolith" Valery Demicheva - Ksenia Merz. Today, this billionaire is also known as the director of the model agency "Fashion" Veronica Girba. But at the initial stage, his business career near him was exactly Ksenia.

I sympathize with former wives Rustam Tariko, Viktor Baturin and senator Vladimir Slutskerwho cannot pick up their children from wealthy husbands - immediately began Ksenia Merz.. "However, I want to say that not all the former wives of the oligarchs are so sad forces fate. The main thing is to correctly build relationships, and you can find enemies on the staircase.

In the past - TV presenter Muz TV, and today is just a beautiful housewife, Ksenia Merz alone Growing the daughter of Stephanie, which gave birth to oligarch Valeria Demicheva. In contrast to the above, the ladies are lucky.

The husband allowed a woman to take a child under his care. About how to divorce with a millionaire, we talked.

Started with CD disks

- Ksenia, tell me how Valery became a construction oligarch?

My ex-husband is a very educated person, Wunderkind, Mathematics. He writes with errors, but thinks well. He can sit at computer games all day and smoke a cigar. But at the same time it works - thinks. Probably, therefore, I have been in my 38 years. 12 years ago, when we met, Valery was not yet an oligarch. He was engaged in all than just possible. In the end, came to the construction business, although he does not have the necessary special education.

- How did you understand that this is your man?

After all, I chose a long time between the future husband and another person. But Demichev conquered my heart with gallant actions. We met like this: on the way home I broke the car. I could not start it, in addition, the headlight was broken on it. Valery stopped helping. There, from somewhere, a basket of roses appeared. He said: "Tomorrow my driver will arrive, take the car and replen the head." At that moment I understood how important a man's care for a woman.

- Demichev was already rich?

No, i guess. I never knew how much money he had. We first lived on the apartment in Chertanovo, Valery was engaged in the manufacture of CDs. Then he had a plant for the production of sleepers. We moved to live in a removable mansion in Zhukovka and began to build our own home. Our couple has always surprised people abroad: I am so thin, and he is in the body. Valery is not at all Alain Delon. And it was very quiet, modest.

- Why did your relationship end?

Because everyone began to develop in their direction. I went to television leading. At first I liked Valery. But when I began to spend more time at work than at home, he said, "either a career or family." He did so that I was removed from all television projects. I began to sit at home and prepare him all sorts of goodies, but I realized that it was not appreciated. Valery began to say such things because of which, in fact, I left. Although we are peers, constantly told: "Ksyusha, you are old. You need to fly to Switzerland and make a light suspender.

You are not engaged in sports, behind life. " It was worth to wear a short barbell, immediately followed: "You have cellulite, everything hangs." And this is all despite the fact that I constantly received compliments from other men.

Solded diamonds

- Who first spoke about parting?

He had a girl - a model - 90 - 60 - 90. I left twice. The first time Valery returned to me, and I forgave him. Then he had a novel with a young Lolita. When the situation was repeated and I realized that the holidays had a husband with another woman, I quickly gathered things and left. Since we have a common child, I wanted to keep a good relationship. Leaving ruble choirs and do not regret. To buy your apartment, sold all the jewels and expensive watches "Rolex" with diamonds.

- Is that all you have left from her husband?

Valery has always been generous for gifts. And gave only big stones. Recording, I received the bulk of the amount of the apartment. Now I have no pebble left. More than anything from Demichev left me, but he regularly gives money to the maintenance of our daughter.

- The husband did not try to take the child?

He asked me to leave her with him. Even some degrees threatened. But I knew for sure that my daughter had to bring up herself. No model that will change the other will not do that. Since I am a resident more and Monaco, I had to hint that I would go to another country and take away the child with me. Now, when we have settled the relationship, I can say that I am grateful to Valery for everything: that he helps, is a good and loving father. Six months after parting, we began to communicate again. I do without any problems I give him a daughter for the weekend: now he is just teaches the girl to play chess.

- It comes out, the former ruble wives can only envy you.

I know many "lolish" who try to quickly give birth to a child in the hope that a rich husband will then provide her all life. This is their only goal, and no love there does not smell. And if they are "flying" with a dream, I do not feel sorry for such girls at all.

Today, the heroine of Dmitry Shepelev became Ksenia Merz. The wife of the former oligarch was suspected of love with the driver of Artem. However, the secular lioness first argued that it was not true.

Photo: Instagram.com.

TV presenter and the secular lioness Ksenia Merz have more than once became the heroine of various television shows. At the beginning of the year, she told that she was the attention of a former husband Alena Kravets. However, later it turned out that Merz was just offended by a girlfriend and therefore decided to investigate her reputation with the help of its ex-beloved. Also, Ksenia stated that from Mitya Fomin, but the DNA test showed that the singer was not the father of the kid.

more on the topic

Driver Volochkova wanted to divorce his wife because of the ballerinaToday, the former worker of the famous ballerina again became the hero of the transfer "Direct Ether" and answered questions from experts. Alexander Skirtach stated that Anastasia Volochkova owed him a large amount. And also revealed new facts about his personal life.

Today, the girl again became the heroine of Dmitry Shepelev "in fact." The former wife of the oligarch caused the check on the detector of Lie her personal cosmetologist Nadezhda Gavrilova. She suspected his client in an intimate relationship with her bridegroom Artem Ivanov, who works at the secular lioness by the driver. Merz was outraged by what was happening. "When we started to cooperate with Ksenia, I already had a young man Artem. He did not have a permanent job, so I turned to Xenia so that she would help him with work. She offered him the position of the driver, but with a small fee, since he was young - he was 20 years old, "Nadezhda told. After that, Merz noted that she needed not a driver, but an assistant who would perform small orders.

Merz began to deny the accusations that she had a driver's relationship / photo:

The first time of the cosmetologist alerted that her beloved month after it got to work for a secular lioness, came home with a pack of money and a gift - a golden pendant on a chain. "Two months later, he already brought about 200 thousand rubles. Artem himself said that he had earned this money using programming, but I didn't believe it, "Gavrilova shared. Now she suspects Merz consists in an intimate connection with her fiance. Experts asked several questions of hope. They found out that the girl envies the secular lioness.

After that, Artem himself appeared in the studio. He assured that he was not going to marry Gavrilov. A young man believes that the girl will disgrace him with his behavior. "What makes you think that I change you? I told you about how I took the money. With my quarrels and scandals, you achieved that I stopped giving you money, "Artem spoke. He explained that he earned money, selling sites. The young man stated that he did not change his beloved. After that, Dmitry Shepelev voiced the testimony, which Merz gave before the filming, communicating with the editors of the show: "In the car, he suggested to sit forward once, because he wanted to include relaxing music. And then he put his hand on his knee. I immediately gave him a slap. After that, he long put out forgiveness. " The silent lioness began to deny what such words said.

Hope admitted that she has a child who has hidden from the lover / photo: a frame from transfer

Experts asked Artem, whether his state of Ksenia was delivered. He replied that no, but it turned out to be a lie. The young man also assured that he did not care for his employer, but it turned out to be untrue. It turned out that Merz's herself flirted with his driver.

Later it became clear that hope was also not quite frank. She admitted that she had two children, she hid one of them from her beloved. The girl explained that their relationship was not so serious, so she chose not to talk about her daughter Artem. All this time, a girl lived with his grandmother. "I was afraid to scare it," Gavrilova shared. At the end of the transfer, experts asked Ivanov about whether he had an intimate relationship with a secular lioness, he gave a negative answer. Merez was asked a similar question, "yes" answered him. The polygraph showed that the woman is not lying.

Artem assured that he did not enter into an intimate connection with Merz / photo: a frame from transfer

The name of Ksenia Merz today has a hearing of millions of people, but it is not at all surprising. After all, the girl was able to get wide popularity due to its scandalous character and loud statements.

Ksenia Merz: biography

You can dig in the biography of the girl for a long time, but not to find the necessary information. After all, there is a solid black spot. Slebny lioness carefully hides its past from prying eyes. Information about her childhood, youth, parents remains a mystery.

It is known that Ksenia Merz was born in 1972 in Moscow. Although it is accurate to answer difficult, the press is even unknown by the surname of Beauty.

Ksenia Merz, whose photo is a little in the network of many leaves it alone. The audience, wanting to know about it as much as possible, just until it is possible. Although the woman is not used to sit down on the side. She is an active participant in the most diverse television show. Getting into an attractive, the star world of Ksenia was able to thanks to the troubles of her ex-husband. A man wanting to satisfy the requests of Passia, allowed her to work leading on the TV channel. But the consequences of such an act turned out to be unpredictable.

Ksenia Merz before and after its active activity - these are two different characters.
She entered the role so much that she completely forgot about family responsibilities. Of course, this was unacceptable, and the spouse put it before the choice - work or family. After a short fluctuations, Merz announced his decision. Being a housewife preparing constantly food was not included in plans, so the application for divorce was filed.

To huge happiness, she managed to keep friendly relationships with a businessman. The man continues to communicate with the ex with a spouse and actively helps in raising her daughter. After that, the beauties began to their active promotion. Numerous shows, transmission, ethers, thanks to them, only glory increased.

She even starred in the series - "Mobile blondes". Special fame, a secular lioness received thanks to his explosive character. Often, transmission with her participation ended with fights, which is just more initiated by the public that thirsty of the spectacle. Special attention was paid to the appearance of diva, because Ksenia Merz to plastics and now two completely different characters. But the star itself does not comment on rumors.

As for the personal life of beauty, then after the divorce with Valery Demich, she met with the famous singer of Milda Fomin. That's just the relationship went to a dead end, after which the couple broke up. Today there are a lot of rumors about the presence of a guy, but they did not receive the submission.

If Ksenia Merz to plastics, not too attracted attention, then after her everything changed. The number of women's subscribers in the instogram is more than 100,000 people. And the star of the show business is actively sharing with them his life, regular photos are excellent proof of this.

The fan is not just watching what is happening, but also asking exciting questions. The main of which are the number of transferred operations. That's just the scandalist itself bypassing millions of the topic. However, looking at the photo to guess about quantity is not difficult. What is only worth an increase in the lips Botoks, which took place exactly several times. Blafernoplasty also takes place. Thanks to her, the surgeon changed the eye cut, got rid of hated bags and fat deposits. The woman even managed to light up in scandalous.

Photo before and after pointing to the operation on the cheekbones, the nose. The staff of the TV presenter has acquired an oval shape, and the nose has become much thinner. One thing can be said for sure, on this woman to stop, does not intend, because there are still so many events and incidents ahead.

Mitya Fomin and Ksenia Merz. Frame from the transfer "In fact"

45-year-old TV host and beauty salon owner Ksenia Merz. Often appears in various television talk shows.

Recently, the secular lioness became the main character of the program of Dmitry Shepelev "in fact." Ksenia announced that she needed to repent of the sins of his past. During the transfer, the former housekeeper Merz reported that the ex-husband of the TV presenter is not the parent of her 14-year-old daughter Stefania. Zulu called the name of the present Father - according to her, this is a singer Mitya Fomin.

The housekeeper explained the motives of his act: "After the previous transfer, in which I told about Ksenia, the truth began to threaten me. She deceives everyone, she is a fraud, she deceived her husband. She always demanded a lot of money from him. And I can say he Not a real father of her daughter, it is 100 percent. "

Announcement of the program "In fact" in the blog of Ksenia Merz

Ksenia confirmed that Zulu tells the truth and supplemented that she really met the artist for about four years:

"Yes, I had a relationship, I had a novel with him very long. I left my husband my husband twice, and he returned me. My mother led me always. She convinced me to return to my spouse. "

Merz told that he met Fomin at a party, and their sympathy quickly turned into a passionate novel. Nevertheless, Ksenia was not going to finally divorce her husband and go to the artist.

Announcement of the program "In fact" in Mitya Fomina's blog

After the scandalous recognition of the secular lioness, Dmitry Shepelev invited 43-year-old Mitu Fomin to the studio. The singer confirmed the audience that he loved Ksenia, and they had a long novel. The expert said that the polygraph showed the truth of the words of the artist:

"Yes, I was in relationship with Ksyusha. She was then in a civil marriage. I was at that time alone. This novel happened in mutual sympathy. "

Nevertheless, Fomin abandoned the likely paternity and explained that at the time when Ksenia became pregnant, they had no close relationship. The singer remembered that Ksenia did abortion from him, and admitted that he was very regretted: "I probably didn't seem to raise the child. I regret it, I could be a father and not once. "

A POST Shared by Mitya Fomin | Mitya Fomin (@mf_Agent) on Nov 21, 2017 at 9:33 am PST

Mitya Fomin

The artist without hesitation agreed to go through the DNA test for paternity. Dmitry Shepelev's leading program opened the envelope with the results of the study and announced them. It turned out that Fomin spoke to the clean truth: paternity was practically excluded.

At the end of the issue of Ksenia concluded that the father of Stephanie is still her former husband - the owner of the construction company "Russian Monolith" Valery Demichev. All the years after the divorce, the businessman kept her daughter and communicated with her regularly.

Recall that Ksenia Merz is not the first time becoming a participant in the talk show "in fact." The secular lioness was filmed in the issue of Maria Maksakova, and later he had publicly found relationships with his 23-year-old Kavaler Alexander Zdasyuk.

Ksenia Merz.

Some fans of both media persons negatively reacted to their participation in the program "In fact": "Personal life, it is also personal to hide!", "What a horror ... shame. Mitya, I did not expect from you "(the spelling and punctuation of the authors here and then preserved. - Approx. Ed.).

Others supported Fomin and Merz: "Mitya, God for you happiness. I hope you will be fine in the future, there will be a family and children, "" Mitya, I'm for you and I believe you! "," Mit, let you always have everything good! "," Ksenia you are a very decent woman and excellent Mom "," Ksenia you are the high-hearted woman! Umnichka in every word! ".

Part of the subscribers noted that he believed at the show aimed at PR, since Ksenia, and the Mitya published the announcements of the program, did not show any resentment or aggression to each other and did not speak out in their blogs after the transfer.