Optical illusions. Dual images. Singing Mexicans or old men

Optical illusions. Dual images.  Singing Mexicans or old men
Optical illusions. Dual images. Singing Mexicans or old men

Vishnyakova Anna

The work "Dual images" was submitted to the competition of the Small Academy of Sciences (MAS) in our gymnasium. The work is a summary and presentation on a given topic and can be presented to students to broaden their horizons, to develop spatial imagination both in the classroom and outside the classroom.



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Slides captions:

Dual images Completed by: Vishnyakova Anna, student of the 5th "c" class of the Gymnasium No. 1 in Yaroslavl Head: Rozhkova N. V. 2009

Look at the pictures What kind of strange cube is shown in the picture? From which side are we looking at this wireframe cube? How many cubes do you see in the picture? What is it?

Problematic question Are there other images containing more than one meaning and will the study of these pictures help me in the study of geometry?

Purpose: To get acquainted with the concept of dual images. Consider different representations of dual images. Find out how consideration of dual pictures in geometry can help.

Plan 1. Duality in images 2. Groups of dual pictures Upside-Down Paintings Double portraits Ghostly silhouettes Tracing pictures Disappearing images Deceptive figures Visual distortions

Duality in images Duality is inconsistency, ambiguity, declination in one direction and the other. Dual images are images that contain two, and sometimes three plots or objects, but at the same time we do not perceive them.

Groups of ambivalent paintings Flip paintings Double portraits Ghostly silhouettes Trailing paintings Disappearing images Deceptive figures Visual distortions

Upside-Down Paintings Upside-Down Paintings are pictures of different images which can be seen by turning the picture 45, 90 or 180 degrees.

Portrait of the Pope

"Old Man or Princess?"

"Girl or old woman?"

"A regular visitor and his favorite dish"

"Young nurse or old woman?"

"Mountain landscape with praying mother and child"

"Frog or horse?"

"Hare or duck?"

Double portraits The secret of double portraits lies in the fact that in one you can see images of two or three people at once.

"A young girl or an old woman in a cap?"

"The Old Woman and the Lady"

"Mom, Dad and Daughter"

Ghostly silhouettes In these paintings, in addition to the main plot, there is one more - hidden. Main artistic technique, used by artists to create a double plot - the contours of several figures or objects create a new image.

"Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire"

"Love in a Rose"

"The secret between autumn leaves»

"Loving Clown"

"Lady in front of a mirror"

"Gossip and Satan"

"Landscape with a baby"

Trailing Pictures The mystery of Trailing Pictures is that no matter how you look at it, the characters seem to be staring straight into your eyes.

"Did you sign up as a volunteer?"

"Motherland is calling"

"Scarf of Saint Veronica"

Disappearing images The mystery of the paintings "disappearing images" is explained by the play of chiaroscuro. When you look close, you see only rows of dots or lines, but when you move away, silhouettes appear, and the further you move away from the picture, the clearer the image appears.

"Face of Jesus Christ"

"Portrait of Marilyn Monroe"

Visual distortion Dual patterns consisting of geometric shapes and their various combinations give amazing “visual distortions”: straight lines seem to be curved, parallel lines seem to diverge, rectangles seem to be arbitrary quadrangles.

"Goering Illusion"

"Illusion in the cafe" Wall ""

"Erenstein Illusion"


While working on the project, I learned about the concept of dual images and looked at their various representations. Since ancient times, people have tried voluminous bodies depict on a plane so that they can be immediately distinguished from flat ones, so that the depth of space is felt. And peering into dualistic pictures, one can learn to see three-dimensional figures, depicted on a plane, which is especially useful when studying stereometry. Conclusion:

1. A. Kalinin "Invisible - visible", "Science and Life", 2005, No. 2 2. A. Kalinin "Pictures - werewolves", "Science and Life", 2005, No. 3 3. A. Kalinin " Mysterious paintings: two-eyes and three-eyes”, “Science and Life”, 2005, №4 4. www.aladyshek.beon.ru 5. www.biohacker.boom.ru/nisha Literature

Thank you for your attention


Municipal educational institution Gymnasium No. 1




student 5 "B" class

Vishnyakova Anna


Rozhkova N.V.


year 2009


Introduction. General concept of duality

1. Duality in images. A bit from the history of "pictures with a secret"

2. Groups of dual pictures according to the method of finding a hidden plot

1) pictures - upside down

2) double portraits

3) ghostly silhouettes

4) follow pictures

5) disappearing images

6) deceptive figures

7) visual distortion





In our life we ​​often encounter the concept of "duality". In the explanatory dictionaries of Ozhegov, Ushakov and others, approximately the same interpretation of the word “duality” is given: inconsistency, ambiguity, declination in one direction and the other.

The theme of the duality of images attracted me because the search for a second meaning in a picture, something secret that does not catch the eye at first glance, is a very interesting and exciting activity that develops attention and the ability to concentrate, requiring the inclusion of imagination and creative search. You feel great joy when you manage to unravel the “mystery” of the picture, and with even greater interest you return again to the drawings, the “secret” of which has not yet been revealed.

And, of course, you are amazed at the skill and imagination of the artists who created dual paintings. Many of them remained unknown, others, on the contrary, are great and famous all over the world.


So what are dual pictures or images? These are those pictures that contain two, and sometimes three plots or objects, but at the same time we do not perceive them. We look at one object, and everything that surrounds it fades into the background, becomes a "background". But it’s worth looking closely at what just served as a “background”, as you can see a completely different image. It becomes visible when you turn the picture or place it at a certain angle, approach it or move away from it, or look at one point for a long time or On the contrary, you disperse your eyes from the details to the general plan.

In the languages ​​of different countries, these paintings are also called: “werewolves”, “shifters”, “pictures with a secret”, “double-eyes”, “amazing art”, etc. But the meaning of these names is the same - “duality of plots”, “ambiguity” .

Art critics find it difficult to determine exactly when the first dual paintings appeared. It is believed that the time of their occurrence is the XVI century. Most of the paintings had a satirical content and ridiculed their heroes. In the Middle Ages, when any free thought was suppressed and destroyed, with the help of a hidden plot, artists ridiculed the vices of kings, emperors, people in power. An example is one of the first dual paintings known to us from 1600 years - portrait Pope unknown author(Slide number 1). If turned over, the profile of the main Catholic turns into the head of the devil. At that time, ordinary people considered the Pope of Rome to be the embodiment of evil for violating Christian commandments, absolution for a fee, money-grubbing.

The first book, consisting of seventeen dual pictures, was published at the end of 1890. german artist Otto Bromberger.

With late XIX centuries, ambiguous pictures are widely distributed in Europe, including Russia. They are depicted not only in paintings, but also on postage stamps, postcards, coins, services, ashtrays, etc. In the middle of the 20th century, the great Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali revived the genre of dual paintings.


The research part of my work was to search for a variety of dual images and systematize them according to the method of recognizing the hidden plot.

I. The first large group of “pictures with a secret” are flippers. Miscellaneous images can be seen by flipping the painting 180 degrees.

Slide number 2 "Old man or princess?" In Europe, this picture also has a second name: “Up to 6 mugs of beer and after”

Slide number 3 "Girl or old woman?" It was invented and painted by an unknown artist back in the 19th century, after which the picture was repeatedly redrawn and published. This is a modern version of the painting by the artist L.V. Volkov, jokingly called by him “The Wife at Work and at Home”.

Slide number 4 "A regular visitor and his favorite dish" This postcard was published in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. When the card is turned, the roasted pig on the platter turns into a fat gentleman.

Slide number 5 "Young nurse or old woman?"

Sometimes it is enough to rotate the image not by 180, but by 90 or even 45 degrees:

Slide number 6 "Mountain landscape with mother and child praying"

Slide number 7 "Frog or horse?"

Slide number 8 "Hare or duck?"

II. I would call the second group of pictures “double portraits”. As a rule, the "secret" lies in the presence in one portrait of the image of two people: "back to us" or in the "face" we see one person, in the "profile" - another.

Slide number 9 "A young girl or an old woman in a cap?" The author is often referred to as an American cartoonist W. Hill, who published the work in 1915 in the Pak magazine. Sometimes the image is attributed to the psychiatrist E. Boring. In fact, back in the early years of the 20th century, a postcard was put into circulation in Russia with the same picture and the inscription: "My wife and my mother-in-law." The German postcard of 1880 served as a prototype for it (the author is unknown).

Slide number 10 The same theme in a slightly different version

Slide No. 11 “Mom, dad and daughter” Author G. Fisher, 1968 The drawing can be called not a “double”, but a “triple” portrait, however, in my opinion, the drawing is not too virtuoso and thought out: the perception of the face of one is somewhat interfered with by large four faces of another.

3) I would call the next group of paintings “ghostly silhouettes”. Here, in addition to the main plot, there is another hidden one. The main artistic technique used by artists to create a double plot - the contours of several figures or objects create a new image.

slide number 12 A classic example is a painting by the Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali "Slave market with the disappearing bust of Voltaire", 1940. With a general look at the picture, we see two women in black and white clothes, a man in a turban leads them into the gallery, other people. Looking closely, we see how a contour is formed from the arch of the gallery human head- an image of a sculptural portrait of one of the greatest philosophers of the XVIII century Voltaire by Houdon. Women's heads form Voltaire's eyes, dresses - cheeks, mouth and neck.

Slide number 14 Another work by Sandro Del Prete "The Secret Between Autumn Leaves" 1991. This is not only the name of the picture, but also the key that reveals the artist's intention. His name is known all over the world today. And he started out as an amateur. In his youth, Del Prete studied drawing for only six months, until the age of 44 he did not consider himself a professional artist and worked in an insurance company in his native Swiss city of Bern, where he still lives. Extraordinarily beautiful drawing. The contours of the leaves create the silhouette of a beautiful naked girl. The painting is exhibited in the gallery of the city of Bern in Switzerland.

Slides No. 15 "Clown in love" and No. 16 "Lady in front of a mirror" belong to the same type of images. These are pictures of the end XIX-beginning of the 20th century, when the theme of life and death becomes a common theme among artists. The silhouettes of people upon closer examination become the outlines of the skull.

Slide number 17 "Gossip girls and Satan" The silhouettes of two ladies in hats form a portrait of Satan.

Slide No. 18 “Landscape with a baby” Tree branches and the shore of a reservoir form a figure small child lying on his back.

4)In separate group I would single out the so-called "tracking pictures". Their mystery is that no matter which side you look at, it seems that the characters look you straight in the eye.

Slide number 19 The most famous poster of the era of the civil war in Russia "" Did you sign up as a volunteer?", 1920.The poster is also remarkable in that the author, poster artist Dmitry Moor, actually left us his self-portrait in the form of a determined Budyonnovite.

Slide number 20 Poster of the era of the Great patriotic war"The Motherland is calling!", 1941. Author I.M.Toidze.

Slide No. 21 "Handkerchief of St. Veronica" by Gabriel von Max, Germany, 1870. The unusual picture is also in the fact that the viewer sees the eyes of Jesus either open or closed. This effect is achieved by the play of the shadow cast by the brow ridges on the eyelid of Jesus.

5) I think that the mystery of the paintings “disappearing images” is also explained by the play of chiaroscuro. When you look close, you see only rows of dots or lines, but when you move away, silhouettes appear, and the further you move away from the picture, the clearer the image appears.

Slide number 22 "The face of Jesus Christ"

Slide number 23 "Wipe Marilyn Monroe"

6) dual drawings consisting of geometric figures can be distinguished into a separate group. Various combinations these figures - lines of different thicknesses, circles, angles - give amazing "visual distortions": straight lines seem to be curved, parallel - running away, squares - polygons.

Slide number 24 "Goering's Illusion". Named after its creator. Two broad lines foreground appear curved when in fact they are parallel. The illusion is created due to rays scattering from one point on the background. They seem to push apart parallel lines, creating the effect of "curvature".

Slide #25 Illusion at the Wall Cafe in Bristol The horizontal lines are actually parallel. The illusion is created by rows of squares shifting along the vertical axis, painted in contrast white background black color.

Slide number 26 "Erenstein Illusion" The sides of the square are not perceived as straight lines. Distortion is created by concentric circles in the background.

Slide No. 27 In one image, we can see both a staircase leading from bottom to top from right to left, and a niche descending in steps from left to right. And which side is the folded sheet of paper facing us - short or long? And how are the glasses located: towards us with temples or glasses? All these questions can be answered in two ways.

There are many examples of visual distortions. Some are built on color contrast, others by combination various shapes and figures, others create the illusion of movement. I think that this group can be the subject of a separate study.


Thus, considering various examples dualistic pictures, we can conclude that they are based on the features of human vision, perception and recognition of various images. People see and recognize dual plots depending on individual features perception: some pay their first glance at the general plan of the picture, which acts as a “background”, others begin to consider the image from the largest details, and the background seems to merge, fade into the background. Therefore, initially someone sees one plot, someone else.

The appearance of dual pictures would not have been possible without the general progress of science, culture and art, during which new technical possibilities and new techniques were created that are used to obtain a dual image: the appearance in Europe in the 15th century oil paints, allowing you to convey the "depth" and "transparency" of the image and achieve various color effects, the development of the theory of chiaroscuro - the distribution of light on an object, the brightness of colors, which allows you to perceive an object as voluminous and embossed, the use of perspective - one of the techniques for depicting volumetric objects on a plane, which helps us see the location of an object in its surroundings.

And in our time, interest in dualistic pictures does not fade away. In confirmation of this, there are many Internet sites that not only exhibit already known pictures, but also hold competitions among contemporary artists to create dual images.


1.A.Kalinin "Invisible-visible", "Science and Life", 2005, No. 2

2.A. Kalinin "Pictures-werewolfs and their heroes", "Science and Life", 2005 No. 3

3.A. Kalinin "Mysterious catrina: two-eyes and three-eyes", "Science and Life", 2005, No. 4

4. www.aladyshek.beon.ru






Jastrow's Illusion (Jastrow, 1899)

Who do you see here? Hare or duck?

Ehrenstein illusion. Schematic modification. (Ehrenstein, 1930)

Hare-duck in full growth.

Ehrenstein, W. Untersuchungen uber Figur-Grund-Fragen. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie 117, 1930. P. 339-412 (Fig. 3, p. 369).

Wife or mother-in-law (two versions of the picture).

Who do you see here?
A young girl or a sad old woman?

How many people are there?

One? Two? Or maybe three?

Who do you see? Sad old man or cowboy?

J. Botwinick "Husband and Father-in-Low", 1961

Illusion with the face of the pharaoh.

Is that a donkey or a seal?

Who is it?

American Indian or Eskimo?

Old man or lovers?

Is it just a rose?

Sandro del Prete "Life In The Rose"

What is it?

Face profile? What if you take a closer look? Still don't see it?
Did you see the inscription "Liar" (liar, deceiver)?

Mysterious portrait general.

The picture shows 9 people. Can you find them all?

Don Quixote.
How many people do you see here?

What is Einstein thinking?

Find a donkey.

G.A. Wotherspoon "Society, A Portrait"

Illusions with a skull.

clown in love

L "amour de Pierrot" A Clown "s Love", 1905

Salvador Dali. Slave Market with Vanishing Bust of Voltaire, 1940.

Gossip and Satan

G.A. Wotherspoon "Gossip, and Satan Came Also"


(English) ambiguous figures,reversible figures) - images that allow different ratios of "figure" and "background" depending on the subject's ideas. The selected object () becomes the object of perception, and everything that surrounds it goes to the background of perception. Yes, Fig. 2a can be perceived either as an image of a black vase on a white background, or as two profiles of a person's face on a black background. More meaningful images are also possible. For example, when continuously examining the figure ("Schroeder's figure") in Fig. 2b, its appearance changes, while one can observe: 1) a staircase; 2) a paper strip folded like an accordion; 3) overhanging cornice. Dual or ambiguous images are explained by the fact that when perceiving such drawings, a person has different ideas that equally correspond to the image. Therefore, it suffices to isolate the c.-l. a characteristic detail corresponding to a certain idea, in order to then immediately see a certain object.

Rice. 2. Examples of dual images.

Addendum: The classic figure with reversible perspective is ; this is D. and. named after the Swiss mathematician and physicist Louis Albert Necker (1730-1804), who reported that crystals and their patterns during scientific observations seem to spontaneously revolve in depth (which, of course, makes it very difficult for them to visual study). aforementioned reversible vase published in 1915 by the Danish philosopher Edgar Rubin (1886-1951); this vase very popularly illustrates the reversibility of figure and ground. D. i. often seen in pictures famous artists, an example of which is Salvador Dali’s painting “The Slave Market with the Appearance of an Inconspicuous Bust of Voltaire” (when viewed from a close distance, the figures of people dominate, with an increase in the observation distance, the bust of Voltaire becomes noticeable). Dr. an example of a striking competition between figure and background is M. Escher's engraving "Concentric Limit IV (Heaven and Hell)": here the spontaneous alternation of devils and angels, which has no end, is symbolic and has a deep philosophical meaning. theoretical value D. i. in the psychology of perception is that they convincingly prove the well-known thesis gestalt psychology about the relative independence of the perceptual whole from sensory elements. The method of proof is simple: on the same sensory basis, with the same stimulation, completely different percepts can arise. T. o., D. and. prove the same thesis as transposition effect(which consists in demonstrating the constancy, stability of the perceptual whole with a complete change in the sensory basis), but directly against it. way. (B. M.)

Big psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

See what "DUAL IMAGES" is in other dictionaries:

    PSYCHOLOGY- the science of psychic reality, about how an individual feels, perceives, feels, thinks and acts. For a deeper understanding of the human psyche, psychologists are exploring the mental regulation of animal behavior and the functioning of such ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

    See dual images. Big psychological dictionary. Moscow: Prime EUROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    GYMNASTICS- (from the Greek gymnos naked) in the modern sense of the word represents one or another system of specially selected bodily exercises that have a specific target setting and a specific effect on the body. Depending on this…… Big Medical Encyclopedia

    CAPITALISM- a way of social organization, established in the countries of the West. Europe in the 17th century and later extended to the North. America and other regions. The concept of "K." is both obscure and inaccurate: its content is rather vague; class of countries, ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    TRUTH AND METHOD. MAIN FEATURES OF PHILOSOPHICAL HERMENEUTICS- 'TRUTH AND METHOD. The main features of philosophical hermeneutics' work of Gadamer (1960), which was at the center of heated discussions for several decades and influenced the formation of modern German literary criticism, psychoanalysis ... - the work of Gadamer (1960), which was at the center of heated discussions for several decades and influenced the formation modern German literary criticism, psychoanalysis and neo-Marxism, as well as theorizing in the field of ... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

    Irish mythology- the mythology of Ireland, which is part of the corpus of Celtic mythology. The surviving sources make it possible to divide the corpus of texts of Irish mythology into four main cycles: mythological, Ulad, Finn (or Ossian) and royal, or ... ... Wikipedia

(English ambiguous figures, reversible figures)- images that allow different ratios of "figure" and "background" depending on the subject's ideas. The selected object (figure) becomes the object of perception, and everything that surrounds it goes to the background of perception. Yes, Fig. 2a can be perceived either as an image of a black vase on a white background, or as two profiles of a person's face on a black background. More meaningful images are also possible. For example, when continuously examining the figure ("Schroeder's figure") in Fig. 2b, its appearance changes, while one can observe: 1) a staircase; 2) a paper strip folded like an accordion; 3) overhanging cornice.

Dual or ambiguous images are explained by the fact that when perceiving such drawings, a person has different ideas that equally correspond to the image. Therefore, it suffices to isolate the c.-l. a characteristic detail corresponding to a certain idea, in order to then immediately see a certain object.

Rice. 2. Examples of dual images.

Addendum : The classic figure with reversible perspective is the Necker cube; this is D. and. named after the Swiss mathematician and physicist Louis Albert Necker (1730-1804), who reported that crystals and their patterns during scientific observations seem to spontaneously revolve in depth (which, of course, makes them very difficult to visualize). The reversible vase mentioned above was published in 1915 by the Danish philosopher Edgar Rubin (1886-1951); this vase very popularly illustrates the reversibility of figure and ground. Dual images are often found in the paintings of famous artists, an example of which is Salvador Dali’s painting “The Slave Market with the Appearance of an Inconspicuous Bust of Voltaire” (when viewed from a close distance, the figures of people dominate, with an increase in the observation distance, the bust of Voltaire becomes noticeable).

Another example of a striking competition between figure and background is M. Escher's engraving "Concentric Limit IV (Heaven and Hell)": here the spontaneous alternation of devils and angels, which has no end, is symbolic and has a deep philosophical meaning.

The theoretical significance of dual images in the psychology of perception lies in the fact that they convincingly prove the well-known thesis of Gestalt psychology about the relative independence of the perceptual whole from sensory elements. The method of proof is simple: on the same sensory basis, with the same stimulation, completely different percepts can arise. T. o., D. and. prove the same thesis as the effect of transposition (which consists in demonstrating the constancy, stability of the perceptual whole with a complete change in the sensory basis), but directly against. way. (B. M.)

Psychological dictionary. A.V. Petrovsky M.G. Yaroshevsky

Dictionary of psychiatric terms. V.M. Bleikher, I.V. Crook

there is no meaning and interpretation of the word

Neurology. Full dictionary. Nikiforov A.S.

there is no meaning and interpretation of the word

Oxford Dictionary of Psychology

there is no meaning and interpretation of the word

subject area of ​​the term

Information about the external world comes to a person mainly through the visual sense organs, which include the eyes, optic nerves and the visual center in the brain. For brevity, in the following chapters, we will refer to all these organs with the same word EYE (In cases where the word eye is written in lower case, the eye is meant as an optical instrument.)

As noted in the previous chapter, the visual process begins with a projected image of the surrounding world, which has passed through the lens, onto the retina. The information received from the retina is extremely complex. For our purposes, we distinguish two categories of information: image information based on pictographic elements that reproduce the represented objects, and spatial information composed of stereographic elements that reproduces the spatial relationships between objects.

Basically, these two types of information appear together, which is illustrated by a simple example. In the drawing with two fishermen on the bank of a canal (Fig. 1), the pictographic elements show us two human figures and a canal (or ditch). Stereographic elements tell us the following: one figure is larger than the other and partially obscures it, the figures are partially light and partially dark, two shadows fall behind dark parts figures, the banks of the channel converge to each other.

Picture 1.

The EYE transforms both types of information, pictographic and stereographic, into a meaningful interpretation. In our usual environment, this does not cause any difficulties, and the whole process takes a fraction of a second. But sometimes there are deviations and this process comes to a standstill, which allows us to find out the features of the functioning of the EYE.

Perhaps you have also experienced a phenomenon similar to what happened to me. Lying one day on the bed and examining the objects standing on the bedside table, I noticed something completely extraneous: a small frame with a metallic glare only on its left side. I knew for sure that I did not have such an object, and it could not possibly be there. I did not move and continued to carefully examine the unusual object, hoping to comprehend the riddle. Suddenly, I recognized my lighter on the left, standing upright, and on the right, a glass partially blocked by a postcard. This made much more sense, and subsequently it was difficult for me to reproduce the initial impression and frame in my brain.

There are other cases when the EYE offers us two (and in some cases even more) equally correct interpretations for the same configuration of objects. Note that such interpretations do not come from our mental conclusions about what we see, but directly from the EYE. We become aware of the ambiguity because we first see one interpretation, then another, and a few seconds later the first again, and so on. Here we are dealing with a process that we can neither control nor stop, since it proceeds automatically. In these cases we are talking about dual images of the retina, and dual figures if the switch is due to some graphic figure. By its nature, duality can be pictographic and stereographic. Since this book deals primarily with stereographic (spatial) duality, I would not like to deprive the reader of some of the particularly interesting ambiguities that arise in the pictographic realm. Therefore, to clarify the difference between these two areas, a few examples are added below.

Pictographic duality

Figure 2. W.E. Hill, "My wife and stepmother"

Almost every one of us has experienced the phenomenon of pictographic duality, especially in the form of "Freudian" paintings. A good example is the image "My wife and my mother-in-law" (Fig. 2), published in 1915 by the cartoonist W.E. Hill, which presents a well-balanced selection of interpretations to the exclusion of extraneous details. See who you see first - this can be a daunting task, even for psychologists. A few years later, Jack Botwinick created an image to match the previous one - "My father and stepfather" (My husband and my father-in-law) (Fig. 3). Many similar paintings were created in subsequent years, among which the Eskimo-Indian (Fig. 4) and Duck-Rabbit (Fig. 5) are also widely known.

Figure 3. Jack Botwinick, "My father and stepfather"
Figure 4. Eskimo Indian
Figure 5. Duck-rabbit

There are also dual figures, whose interpretation depends on the angle from which we look at them. A remarkable example is the series of cartoons by Gustave Verbeek that appeared in the New York Herald from 1903 to 1905.

Figure 6. Gustave Verbeek, Upside Down cartoon

Each picture must first be considered in its normal position, and then turned upside down. Figure 6 shows a little girl, Lady Lovekins, caught by a giant Rock bird. The painting, turned upside down, shows a large fish tipping over old man Muffaroo's canoe with its tail. Also very famous are "double images" in which the purpose and function of the objects and the background change with each other. At first glance, Sandro del Prete's painting "The Window Opposite" (Fig. 7) will probably see more than just a vase of flowers, a glass and a pair of stockings hanging to dry.

Figure 7. Sandro del Prete, "Opposite the Window", pencil drawing

Stereographic duality

The images formed on our retina are two-dimensional. An important task of the EYE is to reconstruct three-dimensional reality from these two-dimensional images. When we look with two eyes, the two images on the retinas of our eyes contain slight differences. The independent EYE program uses these differences to calculate (with a high degree of accuracy for objects that are no more than 50 meters away) the spatial relationships between objects and our body, providing us with a direct representation of the surrounding space. But even an image from the retina of one eye is enough to create a believable three-dimensional picture of the world around us. The transformation of three-dimensionality into two-dimensionality forms the basis of duality, which is illustrated simple example. Segment AB in fig. 8a can be interpreted by the EYE in several ways. For example, it can be viewed simply as a line drawn in ink on paper, or as a straight line in space, but we cannot tell which of the points A and B is closer to us. As soon as we provide the EYE with a little more information, for example, by placing the line segment AB inside the cube drawing, the positions of points A and B will be determined in space. On fig. 8b point A looks closer than point B, and also point B looks lower than point A. In figure 8c, these relationships are reversed. On fig. 8d, the same segment AB is horizontal in the direction from the trees in the foreground to the horizon.

Figure 8

A cube in which all twelve edges are depicted by the same straight lines (Fig. 9) is called a Necker cube in honor of professor of mineralogy L.A. Necker from Germany, who was the first to study the stereographic duality c scientific point vision.

Necker cube

Figure 9. Necker box

On May 24, 1832, Professor Necker wrote a letter to Sir David Brewster, whom he had recently visited in London. He devoted the second half of the letter to what has since become known as the Necker Cube. This letter is important not only because it is the first case when a scientist described the phenomenon of optical inversion, but also because this phenomenon surprised the author himself. It also sheds light on the typical scientific practice of the time, when neither the use of a test sample of participants nor the creation of special scientific instruments was still common. Instead, the researcher recorded his own observations and tried, often in a very general way, to guess what was behind the external manifestation in the hope of reaching a conclusion within the limits of his knowledge.

"The subject to which I would like to draw your attention relates to a phenomenon of perception in the field of optics, a phenomenon that I have observed many times when studying images of crystal lattices. I am talking about a sudden inadvertent change in the apparent position of a crystal or other three-dimensional body depicted on two-dimensional surface. What I mean is easier to explain with the help of the illustrations attached to the letter. Line segment AX is drawn in such a way that point A is closer to the viewer and point X is farther away. Thus, ABCD represents the frontal plane, and triangle XDC is on the plane behind.If you look at the figure longer, you will see that the apparent orientation of the figure sometimes changes so that the X point looks like the nearest point, and the point A is the farthest, and the ABCD plane moves back beyond the XDC plane, giving the whole figure a perfect another orientation.

For a long time it was not clear to me how to explain this random and unintentional change, which I regularly encounter in various forms in books on crystallography. The only thing I could fix was an unusual sensation in the eyes at the moment of the change. It determined for me that there was an optical effect, and not just a mental one (as it seemed to me at first). Having analyzed the phenomenon, it seems to me that it is connected with the focusing of the eye. For example, when the focal point on the retina (i.e., the macula) points to an angle with its apex at point A, that angle has a sharper focus than the other angles. This naturally suggests that the corner is closer, that is, in the foreground, while the other corners are less clearly visible, giving the feeling that they are further away.

The "switch" occurs when the focus point shifts to point X. When I opened this solution, I was able to find three different proofs of its correctness. First, I can see the object in the desired orientation of my choice by moving the focus between points A and X.

Second, by concentrating on point A and seeing the figure in the correct position with point A in the foreground, without moving either the eyes or the figure, slowly moving the concave lens between the eyes and the figure from bottom to top, the switch occurs at the moment when the figure becomes visible through the lens. Thus, an orientation is assumed in which point X is seen even farther away. This only happened because the X point replaced the A point in the focus point without any spatial adjustment of the latter.

In conclusion, when I look at a figure through a hole made in a piece of cardboard with a needle, so that either point A or point X is not visible, the orientation of the figure is determined by the angle that is currently visible, since this angle is always nearest. In this case, the figure cannot be seen in any other way, and the switch does not occur.

What I said about corners is also true for individual sides. Planes that are in the line of sight (or opposite the macula lutea) always appear to lie in the foreground. It became clear to me that this small, and at first glance mysterious phenomenon, is based on the law of focusing the eyes.

No doubt you can draw your own conclusions from the observations I have described here, which I, in my ignorance, cannot predict. You can use these observations as you see fit."

Many people who have done the same experiment as Necker have come to the conclusion that switching occurs spontaneously and independently of the focus point. However, Necker's original assumption that this phenomenon occurs in the processing of retinal images in the brain is correct. In the Necker cube, the EYE cannot determine which of the points (or planes) is closer or further away. Figure 10 shows the Necker cube as solid lines ABCD-A"B"C"D" between two other illustrations of two possible interpretations. When we look at the Necker Cube, we see first the figure in the center, then the figure on the right, and a little later the figure on the left, and so on. Switching from "A is closer than A" to "A is further than A" is called perceptual inversion: the central cube inverts the representation of the cube on the right to the cube on the left and vice versa.

Figure 10.

However, the alternation of relative distances ABCD and A"B"C"D" is not the strongest impression for the viewer. Most notable is the fact that both cubes have a completely different orientation, as Necker pointed out in his letter. Thus, segments AD and AD" appear to intersect, although they are shown in parallel in the figure. One can describe the phenomenon of perceptual inversion more precisely: all lines have the same orientation on the retinal image, but as soon as the interpretation of the figure changes to inverse, all lines (in space) look as if they have changed orientation. As we can see, such orientation changes can be very unexpected. The perceptual inversion in the top pair of dice in Figure 11 is caused by choosing the angle at which the dice is drawn. These figures are based on two photographs of one and the same configuration of dice made at different angles.The left dice is located next to the wall.The wall and floor are marked with squares that match the size of the face of the dice.The bottom drawing forms different orientations of the dice more clearly.

Figure 11.

The angle at which the cube is drawn also determines the angle at which its sides will be seen after perceptual inversion. The left pair of cubes in figure 12 has a very small angle, while the right pair has a maximum angle (which corresponds to the top image of figure 11)

Figure 12.
Figure 13. Monika Buch, "Intersecting Bars", acrylic on cardboard, 60x60 cm, 1983. The feeling of intersecting bars is enhanced here by the fact that the bars appear to be grouped at a slight angle relative to each other. This impression is emphasized by the regular arrangement of twenty-four small diamonds that form the ends of the bars.

Convexity and concavity

Although the Necker cube offers two different geometric shapes, the terms "convexity" and "concavity" cannot be applied to them. We can always see both the inside and the outside of the cube. The situation changes when we remove from the picture three planes that meet near the center of the cube, as shown in the figure above with dice. Now we have a figure that again suggests two opposite spatial bodies, but now these bodies have a different nature: one is convex, as we see the cube from the outside, and the other is concave, in which we perceive three planes inside the cube. Most people recognize the convexity immediately, but have some difficulty in perceiving the concave shape until minor auxiliary lines are added to the drawing.

On the lithograph "Concavity and Convexity" (Fig. 14) by M.K. Escher demonstrates how, through specific geometric techniques, the viewer is forced to interpret the left side of the picture as convex, and the right side as concave. In particular, the transition between the two parts of the picture is interesting. At first glance, the building looks symmetrical. The left part is more or less a mirror image of the right part, and the transition in the center of the picture is not rough, but smooth and natural. But when we look over the center, we find ourselves sinking into something worse than a bottomless abyss: everything is literally turned inside out. The top becomes the bottom, the front becomes the back. Only figures of people, lizards and flower pots resist this inversion. We continue to perceive them as real because we do not know their "inside-out" form. Yet they, too, have to pay a price to cross over: they are forced to inhabit a world in which upside-down interconnections make the viewer dizzy. Take the man who is climbing the stairs in the lower left corner: he has almost reached the platform in front of the small temple. He may wonder why the jagged pool in the center is empty. Then he could try to put the ladder on the right. And now he faces a dilemma: what he took for a flight of stairs is actually Bottom part arches. He will suddenly realize that the ground is much lower than his feet and has become a ceiling to which he is strangely glued against the laws of gravity. The woman with the basket will find something similar happening to her if she goes down the stairs and crosses the center. However, if she stays on the left side of the picture, they will be safe.

Figure 14. M.K. Escher, "Convex and Concave", lithograph, 27.5x33.5 cm, 1955. "You can imagine I spent over a month thinking about this painting, as my initial sketches were too difficult to understand." (M.C. Escher)

The greatest discomfort is caused by two trumpeters located on opposite sides of the vertical line passing through the center of the picture. The upper trumpeter, on the left, looks out the window over the vaulted roof of the small temple. From his position, he could well have climbed out (or in?) through the window, climbed down to the roof, and then jumped to the ground. On the other hand, the music played by the bottom trumpeter on the right will flow upward to the vault above his head. This trumpeter had better put aside all thoughts of climbing out of his window, because there is nothing under his window. In his part of the picture, the ground is inverted and lies below him out of his field of vision. The emblem on the flag in the upper right corner of the picture deftly sums up the content of this composition.

By allowing our eyes to slowly move from the left side of the picture to the right side, it is possible to see that the vault on the right side is like a flight of stairs, in which case the flag looks completely implausible ... But let me leave you to explore for yourself the many other jumbled dimensions of this intriguing picture.

We often experience geometric duality in our retinal images, even where it was not intended. For example, when studying a photograph of the moon, after a while we may find that the craters have transformed into hills of their own accord, despite the fact that we know they are craters. In nature, the interpretation of an image as "concave" or "convex" is highly dependent on the angle of incidence of the light. When light hits from the left, the crater on the left will have a bright outer surface and a dark inner surface.

When we study a photograph of the moon, we assume some certain angle light incidence to be able to recognize craters. If next to the first photograph of the moon we put the same photograph, but turned upside down, the lighting conditions that we assumed for the first photograph will be used to perceive the second, and it will be very difficult to resist the "inverted" interpretation. Almost all of the crater depressions in the first photo will appear bulging in the second.

Figure 15. A photograph of the moon (left) and the same photograph upside down (right).

The same phenomenon can sometimes be observed simply by flipping a normal photograph upside down. This effect is illustrated here by a Belgian village postcard (Fig. 16) and a fragment of an Escher painting (Fig. 17), which are printed upside down.

Figure 16. Photograph of a Belgian village, printed upside down.
Figure 17. Fragment of a painting by M.K. Escher "City in southern Italy", 1929, printed upside down.

Even perfectly normal everyday objects can suddenly assume ambivalent perception, particularly if we view them in silhouette or near-silhouette.

Mach illusion

The Mach illusion is a phenomenon observed when viewing three-dimensional objects, and is not reproducible in the form of two-dimensional reproductions. Can be demonstrated by a simple and entertaining experiment. Take a rectangular sheet of paper about 7x4 cm in size and fold it in half lengthwise. Open the sheet so that it forms a V-shape (Figure 18) and hold it upright with the corner pointing away. Now look at it with only one eye. After a few seconds, the vertical sheet is inverted into a shape similar to a horizontal roof. Now, if you turn your head left, right, up and down, you will see the "roof" of the rotating roof in the still background. Two things are striking: first, this rotational movement occurs contrary to our expectations; secondly, the inverse form remains stable as long as the movement continues. (Of course, the experiment can also be done with paper laid out horizontally with the fold pointing up. In this case, the inverted shape will be vertical.)

Figure 18.

We can come up with many models to demonstrate this illusory movement. Paolo Barreto came up with a simple but very effective inversion model in his Holocube (Fig. 19), a composition of three concave cubes. However, the inverse shape of the figure (convex) is more stable than its actual concave shape. Thus, viewed from a distance, the figure appears as three convex cubes that strangely float in space when we turn our heads. This phenomenon, first described by Ernst Mach, also spontaneously appears in the images of concave figures. We see such images as convex, since the concave shape seems implausible to us (Fig. 20 and 21). As we move, the inverted image follows us. This is especially surprising when the image in question is someone's face!

Figure 19. Paolo Barreto, Holocube
Figure 20. Photograph of a small sheet metal staircase donated by Prof. Schouten to M.K. Escher. This model was the inspiration for Escher's lithograph Convex and Concave. In the form of a drawing, this figure is known as "Schroeder's steps".
Figure 21. Two photographs of a concave painting by Sandro del Prete. The EYE, however, prefers a convex interpretation.
Figure 22. Monika Buch, "Thieri Figure 2", acrylic on board, 60x60 cm, 1983. The vertical stripes that make up the painting are elongated to fill the entire surface.


In connection with the "Convexity and Concavity" painting, Escher told me that although he could see many objects inverted with one eye, he was unable to do so with a cat. Around the same time, I introduced him to the phenomenon of pseudoscopy, in which this kind of "inside-out" vision is formed in the EYE. We can get our 3D vision program to go the wrong way by giving the left eye an image intended for the right eye, and vice versa. The same effect could be achieved a little more simply by using two prisms showing mirror images to both eyes.

Escher became fascinated with these prisms and carried them around with him for a long time to look at various three-dimensional objects in their pseudoscopic form. He wrote to me: "Your prisms are the easiest means of experiencing the same type of inversion that I was trying to achieve in the painting Convexity and Concavity. The little white sheet steel staircase given to me by mathematics professor Schouten is inverted as soon as you look at it through the prisms, as in the picture "Convexity and Concavity". I fastened the prisms between two pieces of cardboard and secured with an elastic band. It turned out something similar to "binoculars". On a walk, this device entertained me. So, some leaves that fell into the pond, suddenly rose, the water level became lower than the air level, but there was no "falling" of the water! It is also interesting to change where is left and where is right. If you look at your legs in motion, moving your right foot will seem like your left foot is moving. "

You can use Figures 23 and 24 to create your own pseudoscope to experience the illusory movement yourself.

Figure 23 and 23. Views of the pseudoscope from the side and top.

Thiéry's figure (Thiery's figure)

Figure 25. An illustration of Mitsumasa Anno that can be flipped upside down. Several houses have a common roof and are a variant of Thierry's figure.

In 1895, Armand Thiéry published a detailed article about his research in a specific area optical illusions. It mentions for the first time the figure that bears his name today, and which has been used in countless variations by op art artists. Most famous variant the figure consists of five rhombuses with angles of 60 and 120 degrees (Fig. 26). To many people, this figure seems to be very dual, in which two cubes are sequentially presented in either a convex or a concave form. Thierry carefully carried out all the experiments under the same conditions. He recruited several test subjects "to make the observations more reliable." However, he was far from the methods of modern statistics, since he did not calculate the arithmetic mean for his results, and, moreover, he selected participants for tests from specialists in related fields, such as experimental psychology, applied graphics, aesthetics, etc., which, in particular, modern explorer should avoid.

Figure 26. Thierry's figure.

Thierry writes: "All perspective drawings reflect a certain position taken by the eye of the artist and the observer. Depending on the distance at which we perceive this position, the drawings can be interpreted in different ways. Figure (27) is an illustration of a prism observed from below, figure ( 28) is a prism viewed from above. But these drawings become dual when the two figures are combined so that both prisms share one common side (Fig. 29). Viewed from right to left, the drawing appears as a wrapped screen viewed from above."

Figure 27, 28, 29

Oddly, Thierry does not mention the second interpretation, but emphasizes that the figure bears a resemblance to the Schroeder ladder (a drawing of the same ladder that the processor Prof. Schouten gave to Escher) and notes: "Here, too, there are two possible interpretations." He comes to the conclusion that we can see the figure in two versions - as a prism from figure 27 and as a prism from figure 28, each of which has a peculiar extension.

Less well known is the fact that the symmetrical figure of Thierry (Fig. 26) can be represented as a completely non-dual figure. One day, Professor J.B. Deregowski brought me a block of wood that had exactly the same shape. For those who saw this object, Thierry's figure ceases to be dual. If you transfer the "drawing" of the unfolded figure (Fig. 30) to another sheet of paper, cut along the lines and glue, you will immediately see how this illusion works. Viewing the paper model from above, you will see Thierry's figure, and then it will be difficult to ever see it again as a dual one. EYE prefers simple solutions!

Figure 30. "Sweep" of Thierry's figure.

When geometrically dual figures are presented to the EYE, it spontaneously offers us two spatial solutions in turn. Something is either concave or convex, depending on whether we are looking up at the bottom side or looking down at the top side. The obvious question arises whether it is possible to confront the EYE with a situation where the alternatives "either-or" become simultaneous "both/and". Such a situation may produce an impossible object, since two interpretations cannot be true at the same time. In Chapter 4 we will meet figures in whom this extraordinary situation arises.