How to draw something beautiful and easy. How to draw a pencil phased for beginners

How to draw something beautiful and easy. How to draw a pencil phased for beginners

Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction in artistic creativity, which are well owned and owns such masters like Vrubel or Brian Duey. They perfectly performed drawings with a simple pencil. And these works are worried, please and bring pleasure. Is it possible to take their equipment and learn to draw a similar method? Sure you may! But, how and what is necessary for this?

  1. To begin with, let's talk, why it is worth paying attention to this area.
  2. The next important question we will stop are - the secrets of drawing.
  3. And finished this excursion to the world, where black and white images reign small, but a pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking of the greatness and genius of all simple, it is impossible not to remember about the usual pencil. Which of us is not familiar with him and kept him in his hands. We all speak well since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny kids, it seems that it is so easy to take a pencil in the hands and start to "create" kalyaki-staks.

But the child grows, and he sees that the spectrum of the use of a pencil is huge, and it can be used in different ways. Someone cities, bridges and houses build them on paper. The other is paving them on the map the route of the World Travel. And the third writes poems or draws a portrait of his beloved.

So easily and just a pencil entered our life and became our assistant and friend. And pictures drawn by a pencil are a whole direction, stylish and having its unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely versatile. Therefore, their possibilities are endless. Drawn by a simple pencil, they:

  • Suitable for any age. And little kids are interesting to consider them, and adults like it to use them in their entries in social networks.
  • No limiting criteria for use. Girls and guys wonderfully will set such beautiful pictures such as status or give them to their friend.
  • They can be copied or easy to learn to execute themselves (sripe).
  • Different character character. This may be cute pictures with nyashnye fluffy, can be fun and funny, or, have similarity with photos.

And most importantly, the pencil drawing is incredibly attractive and convincingly looks. It can decorate not only your profile on a page in social networks, but also morning, and all day with pleasant memories.

Simple image drawing options

The most basic secret, why drawings with a pencil cool, original and draw attention, is that they look like alive. Drawn everything is so real and exactly what it seems that people are about to speak or laugh, pay, and items can be taken and use them.

Why are they so cool and everything looks like this? What do they live? Consider, through the light touches noticeably that the master thought out not only the accuracy of lines transmitting the image and silhouette, he paid particular attention to one tiny nuance, thanks to which images are not only beautiful, but also almost material. What is it? Light and shadow.

Workshops working on lightness, the artist seeks the apparent volume. Before us, as was, simple black and white pictures for drawing. But when the shadow appeared, for example, from the curl falling on the face, or on the table from the vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Do you want your acquisition realistic look? Then you looked up correctly!

Phased master classes

Easy to say: "Draw", and how can you really do this if it never studied it and it seems that there is no talent? The team of our site gives all his friends an amazing opportunity to learn to perform pencil drawings in stages. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your favorite your work. How? If you accept our prompts for which you can master the drawing, the technique of repetition. It is absolutely not difficult. Yes, and the result will delight.

The basis of artistic art - drawing with a pencil, and to be more accurate - sketching with a pencil. After the main exercises with a pencil (for example, on the touch) you need to take it precisely for drawing to acquire drawing technique, put your hand and understand how certain things are drawn. How lighting and shadow drawn, how to create a "skeleton" of the drawing and hang the detail on it. We offer you Pictures for drawing a pencil: Beautiful and easy images that will help develop all of the above. The pictures are collected throughout the Internet both Russian and foreign.

The author of the selection was engaged in drawing at the initial level. I was not easy to draw drawing, but zeal brought my fruits. The pictures presented in this selection are suitable for both beginners and advanced beginners. Get ready to scroll down long, because in a selection of more than 60 pictures!You will surely find yourself something like and by skills.

Big selection of beautiful and light pictures for drawing with a pencil

Simple desert ship-ship circuit for painting with pencil sketch.

Beautiful and simple for drawing silhouette of a cat.

Kawai hamster with glare in front. But they do not make it much more difficult in sriska. Beautiful and simple drawing!

The contours of anime cats for drawing, accessible to drawing even a newcomer.

Frog - small animal, with a small amount of bends. Try to work the shadow as much as possible to the original, and you will have a great sketch.

Another frog with a more detailed eye and muscles. But you have already trained on the previous frog?

Simple and surprised volume. Surprise him even more, drawing it well!

Cat draws this muzzle is very simple, the main thing is to immediately estimate the symmetry lines, place the ovals. In the image itself there is nothing complicated (except if the eyes), so just make it symmetrical.

Elementary drawing of a bird with a pencil. You can not stop on this and continue to detail it by adding feathers, shadows.

How to draw an elephant: step-by-step instructions.

Figure for drawing a pencil for advanced beginners. Lion's muzzle from Disney cartoon.

Zebra is the perfect animal to draw it with a simple pencil. We suggest to draw this zebra, in which there is no difficult detail. Light and beautiful image!

Big teddy bear. The main thing here is to follow the rhythm and direction of the stroke. The bear should be hairstyle, as on the original. If it turns out to draw the same cool income, like the original, then you are no longer bad in drawing!

Figure without detail, but which will require a confident hand and a clear distinction of space. You may first draw a cup more freely, causing a lot of extra strokes, and then remove them with an eraser.

Owl under the plaid with a cup of hot drink. Excellent autumn drawing will be able to develop it and detail. But for this you need to draw at least such! You know what to do.

Cute kitten plays. Fully from the point of view of anatomy and shadows drawing, although the minimum of the strokes is used. Cat as a living! You also get to convey it in the picture, try it!

Ballerina with a minimum of detail and a very abstract figure, and even with closed eyes. A real gift for the srinker.

Panda looks out of the cup. You can make shadows better than in the original, but you have the basis for sripet.

Cat-scrabblers in the original rice style. Large eyes, on which you will be very convenient to work out glare. The shadow and rhythm of the stroke are also very important here. Pay attention to how the barcode is expelled where the shadow is thickened, and how it is rare in a lit place.

The foxes from the zlyoshopolis depicted in the style of light negligence. You can first depict it in harsh carelessness, and then remove unnecessary.

Beautiful drawing for drawing with a pencil: a pretty girl on the shoulder sits picamach. But he has a minus: he is not so simple. We will have to try to draw qualitatively. But the detail is not so much, so forward!

Easy way to draw a horse.

A simple way to draw Winnie Pooh into Russian manner.

Winnie to the overseas, Disney manner. Both options are pretty and simple in sketching with a simple pencil.

Cute kitten is almost without detail, simple in sketch.

Boots with lacing on heels. Try to start syrolate only one shoe.

Sad, but funny sits in the branch and waits when you start it to sink by a simple pencil.

Simple landscape, without unnecessary detail. But there is, on what to practice in the application of the shadows, and in the hardness of the hand.

Little penguin under the sketch.

Belchonok with potions in hand. Eyebrows - the final touch in the transfer of emotions, like the Mimic wrinkles at the bottom of the picture.

Stylish, beautiful street pattern. His drawing pencil will be the first step to portray something similar to the paints in the city.

Pretty girl's face in a profile that does not burden you excessive detail. Only contours, only the basics.

Waist and feet ballerina. There must be very subtle work with shadows. Make everything in your power: eraser, fingers, barely touching a sheet of paper movement.

Snegir sits on a branch.

Another bird on the branch. Here you have to try to shake the bird as it should. Please note where and how the lines become denser and darker.

Great picture for drawing, which will develop your skills. No special detail, only a game with strokes, dimming.

Writing for painting bird feathers. Perfect angle for these purposes.

Key with; Vermarka does not hurt drawing with this picture.

Landscape with two boats, trees, silhouettes of mountains in the background. Light picture, but requiring initial training

Half detailed house. Try to syrove it at least half. Pay attention to how the roof tile is made. Stones are a smaller problem here.

Cute parrots communicate, and you draw them, because they are really light and beautiful.

Funny pattern with abstract girl silhouette with shapes.

Landscape with trees, stones, bridge and mountains in the background. The picture is lightning, which does not require any super technical skills, but checking your diligence and preceptability.

Buds flowers for drawing

Drawing lessons with pencil stages - these are classes that will help learn drawing technique, regardless of your abilities or age. Draw - it's really easy!


Do not believe that you can draw beautifully? Of course, the magnificent oil portrait will really write a real artist, but even a small child will soon be able to repeat the hero of his beloved cartoon on paper, if drawing lessons for children on our website will be held.

You just think about how your krook will be delighted when you tell her that from today we learn to draw a pencil! Why a pencil? You need to start with simple. And the easiest way to start with the light paintings with a pencil. Gradually, you will comprehend more and more complex skills. And in the end, you can go to work with paints. Drawing for children will be a favorite activity, gradually introduce kids into the amazing world of bright images and favorite heroes.

Basics of pencil graphics who are taught in an art school, you and your child will comprehend much faster, if you go through the lessons drawing a pencil phased on our site. We managed to create classes with which even kids will cope! We are just and exciting to study with us, step by step you will understand what to draw is very interesting.

Learning to draw a pencil

The first drawing lessons for children are designed for adults. Help the baby correctly take a pencil, support his handle, spending the very first lines. Little artist should better feel the power with which you need to push to get the line of the right thickness. Then let him draw simple segments in different directions. After you can go to simple figures, such as a circle, rectangle, etc.

Gradually, drawing skills in the child will be fixed, he will be able to invent more complex plots, fantasy and embody his fantasies on paper. But you need to start with the baby with the simplest objects or well-known characters. Buying everything you need, note that for the first classes, the young artist will need a thick soft griffel, which leaves a bright trail almost without push.

Drawing lessons with pencil stages for children

Talent is given to each person from nature, only to develop any ability to start from early childhood. Helping children to learn to make out images in the image, you provide them with a big service. Drawing with pencil stages not only interesting, but also very useful for young children. The influence of the development of small motility of hands on mental abilities and a psycho-emotional sphere at her earlier age has already been proven. Working a marker or pencil, the baby becomes more calm, balanced, he has a beautiful aesthetic taste, develops a feeling of harmony against the world around. This is true for adults: when we learn to draw a pencil - our nervous system is resting. Is it not the best medicine from endless stress?

Why is it important that parents also have drawing lessons for children? Help your child! Your baby, most likely, will not cope with the first tasks of himself, he is completely small and, most likely, has not mastered many skills. It is difficult for him to hold a pencil in the handle, he has not yet learned to calculate the power of pressure on paper, correctly navigate within the boundaries of the paper sheet. The picture started can not fit on paper, and the baby will begin to be nervous. It is important not to miss this moment, but to help the child skillfully organize classes, then drawing will become a favorite entertainment.

The drawing lessons with pencil stages are selected in such a way that the child sees only familiar objects. They systematize the experience of a small little man and gradually expand its worldview, acquaintance with new phenomena of nature and life. Perhaps it is now that the baby will look at the world around the world in a new way, and you will help him.

Welcome to the site "School of drawing", our slogan "Learn to draw easily". On our site are collected best drawing lessons, oil painting, graphics, drawing lessons with a pencil, drawing by temperaEasy to easily quickly learn how to draw still life, landscape, and just beautiful paintings Our art school for adults and children also offers to start learning remotely, right at home. We carry out the most interesting courses on drawing with pencil, paints and other materials.

Artists of the Site.

Our drawing lessons Describe the best artists World. Lessons clearly, in pictures explain How to learn to draw Even complex pictures.. Our teachers are highly qualified designers, illustrators and just experienced artists.

Site multiformation

In any of these sections, you will find interesting information about how to quickly learn to draw different material, such as oil paints, watercolor, pencil (color, simple), temperatures, pastel, mascara .... Draw with joy and pleasure, and let you accompany inspiration. And our art school will do everything necessary for maximum convenience in teaching painting with pencil, paints and other materials.

Drawing is an artistic skill, having mastered that, you will get a lot of pleasure, over time, he can even turn into a stunning hobby. You may seem that in order to learn how to draw well, it is necessary to attend professional lessons, but it is not. Simple drawing for their own pleasure you can save money and improve your skills. To learn how to draw without visiting lessons, make outline short strokes, overlay shadows, select individual figures in objects of various shapes and practice as much as possible.


Part 1

Primary sketches

    Select an object for drawing from nature. If possible, find something significant for yourself, for example, your favorite flower or your dog. At the initial stage, you will most likely be easier to draw from nature than in memory or from imagination. Therefore, if you draw something like that you like, it will help you concentrate.

    • If you are just trying to draw, you still do not need special artistic materials. Any pen or pencil is suitable for work and the paper is suitable.
  1. Draw a common sketch with short strokes. Easy pushing a pencil on paper. Concentrate on the line that draw, forgetting about the object itself. If you draw a dog, forget about it. Instead, start drawing its contours. They are boundaries between the body of the dog and the surrounding environment. Draw these contours short strokes.

    • The shorter your strokes will be, the more neat the outline will turn out.
    • Do not criticize your work. Move your touches quickly and along the way.
  2. Draw parts. As soon as the outline of the object is ready, start drawing its details. Try to identify distinctive features or tags on the subject, for example, the chill on a cup or a stuff of a dog in a dog, focusing on which you can arrange the rest of the nearby parts in the drawing.

    Verify the shadows. Applying shadows will be a bit harder, but they allow you to reflect the game of lighting in the picture, and also create a volume. Look, from which side the object is illuminated by the sun. Then take sharply sharpened pencil and evenly stitch seventeent sections. As soon as the tip of the pencil fits, go to the hatching of darker plots. So that the pencil leaves darker strokes, press it stronger.

    • Practicing in the imposition of shadows can be done by drawing a smooth scale of the shadows. Start drawing the scale from the edge of the sheet. During operation, move the pencil there and here. In the course of the work, begin to put the pencil stronger to the pencil, to gradually make the strokes of darker.
    • It is also helpful to practice drawing a scale of achromatic colors. Enter the elongated rectangle for five sections. Leave the first section white. The last section fresk so dark color as possible. In the intervals between these two sections (in three central sections), distribute your strokes in such a way as to obtain passing (from light to dark) shades of gray.
  3. Connect various geometric shapes into the shapes. Learn to compile individual blocks from which the contours of the subject are formed. For example, the table can be represented as a set of rectangles and cylinders, and the snake - in the form of a series of circles. As soon as you learn to allocate individual geometric blocks in items, you can draw them even by memory (without nature).

    • Spend some time to carefully consider items and try to enter them into separate geometric shapes.
  4. Perform an outline of the subject in different angles. Collect a drawn object from various forms. In the course of work on the sketch of erase the extra and daughters, the necessary lines so that the object in the figure has acquired the necessary form. Having finished drawing this sketch, try drawing the same item from other angles. For example, in the profile of the horse's head can consist of a square of the nose, a circle of the cheek and a triangle of the ears, but the same head can be painted in many other angles.

    • Subsequently, come back to these sketches to improve the rest of your drawings.
  5. Draw a selected object again. Next time, fixing various errors on sketches in different angles, draw the object again. At first, it is even possible to rely on the prepared sketches. Make an object from basic geometric shapes, then draw its parts and correct possible errors. As soon as you have a certain experience, you can draw this object in various postures even by memory.

    • It is quite acceptable to do some simplifications in the figure, they may even become your individual style. For example, memorizing the location of each individual muscle on the body can take too much time.

Part 3.

Studying drawing technology
  1. Explore information about various drawing techniques. The local library should have books about various drawing styles from realism to Japanese manga. Such books can also be purchased at bookstores. To familiarize yourself with free writing ideas and demonstration reference lessons, set the search query in the search engine or on YouTube by phrase "how to draw (object)."

    • Anatomy books can also serve as a good source of information for realistic drawings. Learn to schematically draw skeleton and muscles.
  2. Start working with additional materials. It is usually better to use something in one before you accumulate experience, such as pencil and paper. Then you can find alternatives that you will enjoy more and help develop your own style, for example, start working with colored pencils or with coal. In addition, even simple pencils are of different hardness, which allows you to expand the possibilities in the overlapping of the shadows.

    • Standard are considered TM pencils (HB). T-categories (H) pencils are solid and suitable for drawing bright lines. Pencils of M-categories (B) are softer and suitable for drawing darker lines.
    • The degree of hardness and softness of the pencils is expressed by the number. In hard pencils (T or H), the highest hardness is expressed by nine, and the soft pencils (m or c) nine denotes the highest softness.
    • Vinyl erasers and klyachki do not damage the paper, unlike ordinary rubber erases, but they do not erase colored pencils. Thanks to the plasticity of such erases (they have a tough consistency), they can be given any form to accurately remove individual small parts of the pencil sketch.
  3. Learn to imagine the drawing process itself. When you do not occupy directly drawing, look around around. Think how it would be possible to reflect the surrounding situation in the picture. For example, imagine how you impose shadows around the eye, draw pupils and rainbow shells. Such a move of thinking will allow you to think over the work on the lines and the creation of your own style.

    • The goal is to learn how to see the details, and not just common forms. Instead of thinking about the actor, think about lines and colors that will allow you to draw this eye.
  4. Practice. Drawing is largely similar to skills like a game on a musical instrument or cycling. As soon as you have free time, sit down and draw outline. Exercise in the overlapping of shadows and using various drawing techniques. Work on sketches of objects in various angles. In the intervals between the class painting, simply spend time with objects you are interested in to learn more about them and do not worry.

  • Enter yourself in habit to draw every day. With such a habit you will be easier to make yourself practicing, and you will quickly improve your skills.
  • Do not be discouraged due to the awareness of perfect errors. Such perception stops many novice artists. Remember, even experienced artists continue to learn during their creativity.
  • To master the exact coordination of the movements of the hand, it will take time. Continue practicing, apply short strokes on basic geometric shapes, and over time, the results will improve.
  • There is no need to acquire expensive artistic materials. For study will be quite enough notepad and simple pencils.
  • Development of skills to allocate separate geometric shapes in objects also takes time, but it helps perform more accurate sketches.


  • Someone or even you yourself can try to dissuade yourself from this venture. But do not listen to those who say that you have no talent. Drawing must be learned, and if you like to do it, just keep working on yourself.