The distribution of the heroes of the Cherry Garden. List of acting persons and character system Chekhov drama

The distribution of the heroes of the Cherry Garden. List of acting persons and character system Chekhov drama
The distribution of the heroes of the Cherry Garden. List of acting persons and character system Chekhov drama

Chekhov innovation is noticeable in the outcome of the characters. Unlike traditional drama, it is quite clear and more straightforward than in the epic, outlined characters, the heroes of Chekhov's plays - personalities complex and ambiguous.

Ranevskaya.Each heroes have a cherry garden, their own Russia. The cherry garden for Ranevskaya is her youth, memories of the closest and most beloved people - Mother, the deceased son. Nobody like Ranevskaya, does not feel the spirituality and beauty of the Cherry Garden: "What amazing garden! White masses of colors, blue sky! About my garden, Heaven Angels did not leave you. " The cherry garden became for love Andreevna her happiness, life, destroy the garden - it means to destroy himself. Throughout the platform, we feel how the feeling of anxiety increases in the Ranevskaya. She is frantically trying to keep the uncomfortable, feeling the joy of meeting with the cherry garden, immediately remembers that there is a trading soon. The peak of the voltage is the third action when she rushes, pray for salvation, says: "I definitely lost sight, I see nothing. Take pity on me. Today it is hard for my soul ... tremble the soul from every sound, and I can not go to myself, I'm alone in silence. " And all this - on the background of a ridiculous ball, so the next way to the Ranevskaya itself. The tears in her eyes are adjacent to laughter, though he is awesome, nervous. She is like lost: what to do, how to live, what to rely? None of these questions at Ranevskaya there is no answer. The heroine Chekhov lives with the feeling of the inevitable ambulance catastrophe: "I'm still waiting for something as if the house should work on us."

Chekhov's heroes are ordinary people, there is no ideality and in love Andreevna: she is delicate, good, but her kindness does not bring happiness to herself, neither to those who surround it. Hasteful intervention, she breaks the fate of Wi, leaves to Paris, forgetting to make sure that her request to arrange a fours to the hospital really performed, as a result of a sick old man remains abandoned. In Ranevskaya, bright and sinful and sinful. There is an artistic truth that Chekhov shows how time passes through the fate of the most ordinary people, as a spill of two eras, it is reflected in each.

Gaev.Gaev is a "extra person" of the late 19th century, he himself calls himself a "man of the eighties." He really delayed in the past, the present it is incomprehensible and painfully. Faced with something new and unusual, Gaev in childish is perplexed: for some reason I have to endure the presence of a leopard, his intervention in their life, you need to decide something, while he is not able to do any decision. All Garden Rescue projects are naive and impracticable: "It would be nice to get from someone inheritance, it would be nice to give Any for a very rich man, it would be nice to go to Yaroslavl and try the happiness of the aunt Countess." In the imagination of Gaeva, some general appears, which can give a "under the bill", to which Ranevskaya immediately responds: "It's a mischief, there are no generals." The only thing that Gaev is able to speak extensive speeches in front of the "durable cabinet" yes to play billiards. However, a constant anxiety lives in it, the feeling of mental discomfort does not leave him. The state "ends on the lollipops", life passes, ahead of the unimportant service in the bank, so it is not by chance that his last replica accompanies the remark "in despair".

Lopakhin."Lighthouse" is noticeable in the mental state of a blades, which seemed to be protected from the ruthlessness of time, on the contrary, time helps him. In the shovel, the "predator" and "gentle soul" are combined. Petya Trofimov will say: "I, Yermolai Alekseych, I understand: you are a rich man, will soon be a millionaire. This is how in the sense of metabolism you need a predatory beast, which eats everything that comes across to him, so you need it, "but the same Petya will notice later:" You have thin, tender fingers, like an artist, you have a thin, gentle soul".

Russia Lopakhina is the kingdom of "Dachnik", Russia of the entrepreneur, but Lopahin does not feel full spiritual harmony in such Russia. He hurts, dreams of people-giakany, which should live in Russian expanses, after buying a cherry garden with bitterness, Ranenevskaya says: "Oh, rather, all this passed, would rather have changed somehow our awkward, unhappy life." It is not surprising that his words: "There is a new landowner, the owner of the Cherry Garden," - accompanies the remark "with irony". Lopahin - Hero of the New Epoch, however, and this time does not give a man of all the completeness of happiness.

The younger generation is Petya and Anya.It would seem, happiness sees Petya Trofimov, enthusiastically says Anna: "I am anticipating happiness, Anya, I already see it." He equally enthusiastically speaks of a "bright star, which is burning there" and on the way to which you just need to get around "all the petty and ghostly, which prevents the person to be free and happy."

Petya and Anya asked for the future, they are without regrets forgive with the former Russia: "We will put a new garden, luxuriously." However, Petya is a dreamer who still knows life very little, according to Ranevskaya, he has not yet managed to "reneak" his beliefs. He has no distinct program, how to walk to this "bright star", he knows how to talk beautifully to her. The only life program that Petya Anna offers: "Be free as the wind!"

The only thing I was able to do Petya was, in the soul of Ani sympathy, the desire of a new life. However, Chekhov emphasizes that Anya "First of all, a child, without knowing and not understanding life." It is not known what the desire of Ani will change their lives, to forever leave the "cherry garden", so it is unlikely to argue that it is in Anna Chekhov a possible future of Russia shows.

For whom the future of Russia - this question remained in the play without a response, because the time of the turn does not give the final knowledge of the future, only the assumptions about how it will and who will become his hero will be possible.

"Cherry Garden" - the top of the Russian playwright of the early 20th century, lyrical comedy, play, marking the beginning of the new era of the development of the Russian theater.

The main topic of the fleet of autobiographical is the bankrupt family of the nobles sells his generic estate from the auction. The author, as a person who has passed through a similar life situation, describes the mental state of people forced to leave their home soon. An innovation of the play is the lack of dividing heroes on positive and negative, on top and minor. All of them are divided into three categories:

  • people of the past are noble aristocrats (Ranevskaya, Gaev and their Firs Laki);
  • the people of the present are their bright representative of the owner entrepreneur Lopahin;
  • people of the future are the progressive youth of that time (Peter Trofimov and Anya).

History of creation

Chekhov began work on the play in 1901. In connection with serious health problems, the writing process was rather difficult, but nevertheless, in 1903 the work was completed. The first theatrical layout of the play took place in a year on the scene of the Moscow Art Theater, becoming the top of Czech's creativity as a playwright and the textual classics of the theater repertoire.

Analysis of the play

Description of the work

The action takes place in the childbirth estate of Lyubov Andreyevna Ranevskaya, who returned from France with her young daughter Anha. In the railway station, they are met by Gaev (Brother Ranevskaya) and cooking (her receptional daughter).

The financial situation of the Ranevsky family is nearing full collapse. Entrepreneur Lopahin offers its version of solving the problem - break the land plot on the PAI and give them to the use of dachensons for a specific fee. The lady is in this proposal, because for this you will have to say goodbye to her beloved cherry garden, with a lot of warm memories of youth. Adds tragism the fact that her beloved son Grisha was killed in this garden. Gaev, imbued with the experiences of the sister, encourages her promise that their generic estate will not be put up for sale.

The action of the second part occurs on the street, in the yard of the estate. Lopakhin, with his characteristic pragmaticity, continues to insist on its plan to save the estate, but no one pays attention to him. Everyone switches to Peter Trofimova's Teacher who appeared. He utters an agitated speech dedicated to the fate of Russia, its future and affects the topic of happiness in the philosophical context. Materialist Lopakhin skeptically perceives the young teacher, and it turns out that only one Anya can penetrate him with sublime ideas.

The third action begins the fact that Ranevskaya for the last money invites the orchestra and suits the dance evening. Gaev and Lopakhin are absent - they left for the city for trading, where the Ranevian estate should go from the hammer. After a vast expectation, the love of Andreevna learns that her estate was bought at the bidding with a blades, which does not hide joy from his acquisition. The Ranevskaya family comes into despair.

The final is devoted to the departure of the Ranevskaya family from their home home. The parting scene is shown with all the inherent in Chekhov deep psychologism. The play ends with a surprisingly deep in the content of the monologue of the company, which the owners in the hurry forgot in the estate. The final chord sounds a knock of the ax. Chop the cherry garden.

main characters

Sentimental features, the owner of the estate. Having lived several years abroad, she got used to a luxurious life and inertia continues to allow much that with the deplorable state of its finance according to the logic of common sense should be inaccessible to her. Being a frivolous special, very helpless in everyday matters, Ranevskaya does not want to change anything in themselves, while she completely gives itself a report in their weaknesses and disadvantages.

A succeeding merchant, many of the Ranevskaya family. Its image is ambiguous - it combines hardworking, calcality, enterprise, and rudeness, "Menietic" beginning. In the final of the play, Lopahin does not share the feelings of Ranevskaya, he is happy that despite the peasant origin, he was able to allow buying the owners of his late father.

Like its sister, very sensitive and sentimental. Being an idealist and romantic, for the consolation of Ranevskaya, inventy fantastic plans to save the generic estate. It is emotional, verbally, but at the same time completely lackless.

Peter Trofimov

Eternal student, nihilist, an eloquent representative of the Russian intelligentsia, taking advantage of Russia's development only in words. In the pursuit of "Higher True", he denies love, considering it a small and ghostly feeling than immensely upset his daughter's daughter Ranevskaya Anya.

Romantic 17-year-old young lady, which fell under the influence of populist Peter Trofimov. It is furiously believing in the best life after the sale of the parental estate, Anya is ready for any difficulties for the sake of joint happiness next to the beloved.

87-year-old old man, lacquer in the Ranevsky's house. The type of servant of the old time surrounds the deceing care of their owners. It remained to serve his gentlemen even after the cancellation of serfdom.

Young lacquer, with contempt relating to Russia, dreaming of going abroad. A cynical and cruel man, Hamit, an old Fours, is irrevocably belonging to his native mother.

Structure of the work

The structure of the play is pretty simple - 4 actions without division into separate scenes. Time actions - a few months, from the end of the spring through the middle of the autumn. In the first action there is an exposition and the tie, in the second - the increase in the voltage, in the third - the climax (selling of the estate), in the fourth - the omission. A characteristic feature of the play is the lack of genuine external conflict, dynamism, unpredictable turns of the storyline. Author's remarks, monologues, pauses and some innovation give the play in a unique atmosphere of exquisite Lorism. Artistic realism of the play is achieved due to the alternation of dramatic and comic scenes.

(Scene from modern production)

The play is dominated by the development of an emotional and psychological plan, the main engine of the action is the internal experiences of the heroes. The author expands the artwork of the work through the introduction of a large number of characters that will not appear on the scene. Also, the effect of expanding spatial boundaries gives a symmetrical emerging the theme of France, which gives the archer form of the play.

Final output

The last play of Chekhov, can be said - his "swan song". The novelty of her dramatic language is a direct expression of a special Chekhov life concept, which is characterized by extraordinary attention to small, at first glance, minor details, focusing on the internal experiences of heroes.

In the play "Cherry Garden" the author captured the state of the critical disunity of the Russian society of its time, this sad factor is often present in the scenes, where the characters hear only themselves, creating only the visibility of interaction.

A.P.hehkhova as a Russian writer and the Russian intellectual worried the fate of the birthplace on the eve of a social change in society. The shape of the "Cherry Garden" play reflects the writer's opinion on the past, present and future of Russia.

Figure System "Cherry Garden" - Author's features

It is, in particular, the fact that in his works is almost impossible to single out one main character. Important to understand the issues that raises the playwright in the play.

So, images of heroes in the "Cherry Garden" represent

  • on the one hand, Social Layers of Russia on the eve of the fracture (nobility, merchants, the discharge intelligentsia, partly the peasantry),
  • on the other hand, these groups peculiarly reflect the past, present and future of the country.

Russia itself is represented by a large garden, to whom all heroes are with delicate love.

Images of the heroes of the past

The personnel of the past are the heroes of Ranevskaya and Gaeva. This is the past of noble nests from the historic arena. In Gayev and Ranevskaya, there is no mercenary calculation: so completely alien to them to sell the cherry garden under the land of dachensons. They delicately feel the beauty of nature

("To the right, on the turn of the arbor, the white tree bent, similar to a woman" ...).

It is characteristic of some childhood of perception: Ranevskaya in childish refers to money, does not consider them. But this is not only childhood, but the habit of living, not believing with expenses. And Gaev and Ranevskaya kind. Lopahin remembers how in ancient times Ranevskaya regretted him. Ranevskaya and Petya Trofimova, with his unsettless, and Any, who remained without the bold, and passerby.

But the time of Gig and Ranevskaya passed. Their intelligence, inability to live, carefit is turned around to worry and egoism.

Ranenevskaya squals the state, leaving her daughter on the care of the adopted daughter Vari, leaves to Paris with her lover, receiving money from the Yaroslavl grandmother, intended for Ani, she decides to return to Paris to a person who practically absorbed her, while she doesn't think how it will Ani's life further. It takes care of a sick fours, asking whether it was sent to the hospital, but she could not check this and does not want to check this (Ranevskaya - a man of words, but not affairs) - Firsa remains in the encircling house.

The result of the life of the nobility is a consequence of life in debt, life based on the oppression of others.

Images of the future

New Russia is Ermolai Lopakhin, merchant. In it, the author emphasizes an active start: he gets up at five o'clock in the morning and works until the evening, labor brings him not capital, but also joy. Yermolai Lopakhin - a man who made himself (his grandfather was serf, father - a benchmark). In the activities of the blades, a practical calculation is visible: squeezed the fields of the poppy seeds - and the benefit, and beautifully. Lopahin offers a way to save a cherry garden, which should benefit. Lopahin appreciates and remembers good, such is his touching attitude to Ranevskaya. He has a "thin, tender soul", according to Petit Trofimova. But the fineness of feelings is combined with his advantage of the owner. I could not resist the lopahin and bought a cherry garden at auction. He rushes before Ranevskaya comfort, and immediately declares:

"There is a new owner of the Cherry Garden!".

But in the blades there is some obscure, otherwise, where to take a melancholy on another life. At the end of the play he says:

"I would rather have changed ... Our awkward, unhappy life!"

Images of the future - Petya Trofimov and Anya. Petya Trofimov -Exted student, he is full of optimism, in his speeches there are conviction that he, it is he who knows how to make life beautiful

(Humanity goes to the highest truth, to the highest happiness, which is possible on earth, and I am in the forefront! ").

It is he says ane:

"All Russia is our garden!"

But his image is ambiguous. Petya Trofimov in the play rather, too, a person's word, and not affairs. In a practical life, he is a not suitable, like the other heroes of the play. The image of Ani is perhaps the only image of the play, in which there is a lot of feeling of light. Anya is similar to Turgenev Girls who are ready to go to a new life and give them all themselves without a balance, so there is no regret about the loss of the cherry garden.

Secondary images

The minor characters of the play shall with the fate of Gayev and Ranenevskaya. Simeon-Poshibr - a landowner, ready to adapt to life than different from Ranevskaya and Gaeva. But he lives almost in debt. The image of Charlotte emphasizes the unpleasution, the practical homelessness of the Ranevskaya.

The patriarchal peasantry is represented by the paintings of the servants. This is a fours, in which the main feature of old servants is preserved - the devotion of Barina. How a small child is caught by Firs for Guaev. The fate of him is tragic and symbolic: they forget, in general, they are thrown by those who talked about love for him and did so little for him. Dunyash and Yasha - servants of the new generation. Dunyasha repeats the "fineness of feelings", exaggerating his lady. Yasha absorbed the egoism of the Lord.

Image of a cherry garden

As already mentioned, the role of a cherry garden in the shaft of the play is huge. It is around the cherry garden that the external conflict is tied, all the heroes of the play will express their attitude towards the garden. Therefore, the viewer and reader of his fate also sensitly tragically:

"... and only hear how far in the garden the tree is knocking on the tree."

For Chekhov and writer, and characteristic of a sensitive listening in the eve of everyday life, the ability to find in this life the most important social problems and build their work so that these problems become the property of compatriots.

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Arguments to the final essay of the play "Cherry Garden" A.P. Chekhov In the directions: "fathers and children" (the struggle of the old and new, attitude towards parents), "dream and reality", "kindness and cruelty" (close).

Dream and reality

The dreamers:
Gaev, Ranevskaya, Firs (dream of the past)
Trofimov, Anya (dream of the future)

Lopakhin (lives in the present), man "his" time.

Gaev, Ranenevskaya, Firs, stuck in the past, all their thoughts are fixed in the past, remember childhood, they are not able to live in reality, solve problems, do not accept new, in particular, solving a problem with ruin.

Ranevskaya - the nobleman, dreams of returning to the former times when the cherry garden flourished, but it is not able to do anything that it is.
Gaev - nobleman, lazy, also dreams of past, sentimental and sensitive, not capable of actions, does not get along with reality, says a lot, but nothing does, idealist and romantic, dreams of salvation of the Cherry Garden, builds unrealistic plans, dreams of fantastic resolution of the problem, lazy.

Firs - dreams of the past, it is not capable of taking a new one, even refuses freedom after the cancellation of serfdom, he has nothing personal, including dreams, his desires are always connected with the desires of the owners. He is forgotten by the patient in the estate, where he dies.

Lopakhin is a representative of a new generation, merchant. His father was serfdom at Ranevsky, but he adapted to reality, quickly rich. Lained nostalgic feelings, lives real, realist, trying to solve the problem here and now, does not allow himself to dream and think about the meaning of life, "scoring all the time" work. Purchase of the Cherry Garden is not a realization of a dream, but a profitable investment of money
Trofimov and Anya: Dreamers, thoughts are directed to the future.Anya - Radane's daughter, dreams of going out of the house, start a new life with Petei Trofimov, in love, believes in happiness and to another life, thoughts are directed to the future
"We will put a new garden, luxuriously."

Petya Trofimov - an eternal student, can not sit in one place for a long time, he throws out of extreme to extreme, believes in the best future, does not work, does not seek a job, does not like the intelligentsia, naable ideologous, believes in happiness, feels his approach, does not understand whether there will be something for this or not, lazy, but in befell the dream of the future, preaches the need for labor for the benefit of a happy future, but attempts to do something.

Fathers and children (attitude to parents)

Yasha - the attitude towards parents (to the mother) was a reasonable, ungrateful, mercenary type, believes that he should all.

"... cooking (ich). Your mother came from the village, from yesterday sits in Human, wants to see ... Yasha. God is completely! .." "... Yasha. It's very necessary. Could and come true tomorrow. (Goes out.) .. "

Separation of the System of Pieces

Traditionally, the system of images in the "Cherry Garden" play is divided into three groups, symbolizing the present, future and past, which include all the actors. In the process of performing the play of Chekhov, the exact instructions and recommendations made actors, how to play each character, for him it was very important to convey the characters of actors to the viewer, because it was through their images of Chekhov to show the comedy of what is happening. In addition, each acting person is entrusted with a certain social and historical role. The author as if he says that it is possible to adjust his identity, relations with the outside world and the surrounding people, but they cannot change his place in general history.

The heroes of the past include Ranevskaya with a brother and an old servant Firs: they were so stronger in their memories, which are unable to evaluate adequately, nor the future. Lopakhin is a bright representative of today's day, a person. Well, Petya is an idealist, an eternal student, reflecting on the general good, which, undoubtedly, is waiting in the future. It can be seen that the images in the "Cherry Garden" of Chekhov built in his favorite principle of "bad good people."

And in fact, in fact, it is impossible to allocate someone from the heroes as a villain, sacrifice, or absolutely perfect. Everyone has its own truth, and the viewer only needs to be solved whose of them is closer.

Features of the Pieces Images

One of the features of the images of Chekhov is a combination of positive and negative properties. Thus, Ranenskaya is characteristic of impracticality and egoism, but at the same time she is able to sincerely love, has a broad soul and generosity, it is beautiful and externally, and internally. Gaev, despite his infantilism and sentimentality, very kind. Brother and sister are peculiar to those moral and cultural principles of the hereditary nobility, which have already become an echo of the outgoing past. The "Eternal Student" Petya Trofimov argues very correctly and beautiful, but, like the old owners of the garden, absolutely cut off from reality and is not adapted to life. His speeches, he fascinates and Any, who embodied the symbol of youth and hope for the best future, but absolutely helpless in independent life. Its opposite is cooking, the landiness of which may prevent their happiness.

Undoubtedly, in the play "Cherry Garden" The image of the image is headed by Lopakhin. Chekhov insisted that Stanislavsky himself, and the playwright tried to convey to the performer to the performer of this character. Perhaps he is the only one who inner beliefs are as close as possible to action. Another bright feature of all the characters in this play is inability and not the desire to hear each other, everyone is so busy with their personal experiences, which is simply unable to imbued in other people's eyes. And instead of passing through the testing test - deprivation of the house - they live with ideas about their future, in which everyone will be in itself. This is especially seen in the first action: Ranevskaya is immersed in his memories so much that it absolutely broke away from what is happening, Anya is also busy with his thoughts, although Varya is trying to tell about what is happening in her house in her absence.

Brief characteristics of the heroes of the play "Cherry Garden"

The characteristic of the images of the "Cherry Garden" shows how different people are assembled in one place. It is especially visible according to the current characters. The Ranev's love of Andreevna is one of the central walls of the play, it is from her decision that the fate of all estates depends, his beloved tactic for solving all problems is escape. This happened after the tragic death of her younger son, coincided with a detrimental passion for a unworthy man "and I left abroad, completely left to never return." After an unsuccessful suicide attempt because of the victims of her love "... Suddenly suddenly in Russia," and after the sale of the estate, the love of Andreevna returns to Paris, leaving his daughters to choose their own way. Anya - dreams of getting an education, which will help get a job, but at the receiving daughter, there are perspectives less iris. The weak attempts of Ranenevskaya sucks it with a blades were not crowned with success, and to allocate funds for the execution of the dreams of a dream - to devote themselves to God, Ranevskaya simply did not guessed, since the interests of others were not very careful and worried. But in the meantime, she does not refuse to make money to his familiar food, gives the last money to a random passing, although perfectly aware of his distressive position. Another female the play is the maid of Dunyasha, a peasant girl who is accustomed to life in a balm house, seeking to demonstrate its "thin" nature, but not actions, but by constant voice. She dreams of love and marriage, but repels the Epodsov who made her an offer.

Her brother Gaev Leonid Andreevich is in many ways to sister. But he is tricky, and maybe that's why no one perceives him seriously (even Lackey Yasha is extremely disrespectful to him) and openly consider unacceptable for life. This is especially visible when he tells the sister that he was offered a place in the bank "Where! Sit ... ", but meanwhile everyone is waiting that he will find money to repay debts. It naively believes that fifteen thousand sent by the aunt is enough to save the estate.

The only sensible play of the play is a lopahin offering a real way to save the estate, but he is perceived by the owners as "vulgarity." Although the neighbor Ranevskaya Simeon-Pisch, who is in the same position, constantly looking for money for paying interest on debts, at the end of the play tells that she has passed his land for rent in the British for the extraction of rare clay. Thereby showing that it is not so scary to use its land for income. It was Lopakhin that is a representative of the new era. Petya compares him with a predator: "That's how you need a predatory beast, ... so you need." He struggled sincerely trying to help Ranenevskaya, but her misunderstanding of obvious things is angry with His: "Hired with you." It is the whores to the old life in the old estate.

But, perhaps, only the cherry garden in the system of images of the Chekhov play occupies a truly central place. Through the attitude towards him and his perception, the author shows the internal content of each of the main actors reflecting their time and its historical era, and the garden itself becomes a way and symbol of all Russia.

The article was analyzed by an analysis of the schoo playing system and a brief description of the main characters of the comedy was given. The main task of this article is to help 10 classes when writing an essay on the topic "System of images in the" Cherry Sad "play."

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