Tatyana Vasilyeva: Young lovers call me Maternal Instinct & NBSP. Distribution of the director (Valentin Plek) Plek and Mironov

Tatyana Vasilyeva: Young lovers call me Maternal Instinct & NBSP. Distribution of the director (Valentin Plek) Plek and Mironov
Tatyana Vasilyeva: Young lovers call me Maternal Instinct & NBSP. Distribution of the director (Valentin Plek) Plek and Mironov

"... a lot of loyal artists who promised the golden mountains of roles, career was formed around him! Careers! If ...

Taking advantage of the artists, coincidence, intriguer and exhausted mind, the check was floating on the surface - he managed to head the theater of satire. He got into the arms of power. Power began to poison him imperceptibly as damp gas. A handful of loyal artists turned into subjects. Snaps are the root of the word tribute, it means to tribute.

Now instead of friendship in the Cabinet of the main director, who carried the service, who had their own body, who ring with emerald, a piece of chicken, gold earrings, cake, herring. We took everything with the wife of green-eyed zina - beads, a bore of Leningrad, brandy, bed linen, dumplings, cuts for dresses, vases, vases, saucepans, chest skiing sausage, a kettle with a whistle, rare books (after all, he is so intelligent, read!), Cheese Roquefort, Cheddar, bay leaf, pickles marinated, soap, mushrooms and to all this, of course, vodka. All this brought to get a role for all this! Roller! Roller! Roller!

The power destroyed the check every hour, every year, how compensation came material well-being: a huge three-room apartment, carpets, ancient furniture - a red tree, Karelian Birch, mirrors, chandeliers - all this replaced the mind-go out-goes and soul.

The check was developed a whole system of manipulation by people. The power crushed him, and he was a shame that he was spreading, and the rest were not! And in order not to feel alone, he settled all those who were near. So it was more comfortable. For each artist, its tactic plant was created: everyone had a sore place. Plustion by denunciations, when she crawled to him into the office and confused, who slept with who, who shown, who says. The plant is subduous - humanote, when they came, bent in the bow slightly not to the ground, smiling to the ears, "Lizali Ass", according to Maria Vladimirovna. "Well, and have been tapering you to us on the stand." It means red and black caviar. The plant gifts - recognition of him as a deity in the act of sacrifice. Planting by Blud - hint on the role, and artists, pushing elbows, rush to the office, on the fourth floor, squinting the shirinka, until the sofa did not have time to get to the sofa.

In the barn book of memory, who was brought to, who would give, who have something to take away. I brought an artist tribute, and she needs to be a role in a spectacular performance instead of another actress. Gave. Played. On joy, banquet. Broke out, won! And the check screams in the "righteous anger" so that everyone heard:
- I trusted you, I did more than he could! You did not cope! I remove you!
The role was selected, a subject with the "interrupted wings" copied strength and money for the next case - the next time he will certainly cope!

And already, pushing each other with the elbows, acrobat and galosha, new theater actors, rapidly fled to the fourth floor to the Cabinet Khuduk - who first break down, spreads the zipper in the shirinka and swelling the fact that the telebook has nothing to do. And for this they will get a role! role! Oh, the role! - This is the most important thing on that segment of life, which is stretched from people from childhood to old age ... if it is stretched ... "

(Tatyana Egorova "Andrei Mironov and I")

In an exclusive interview with the friend Olga Arospea Nadezhda Karataeva told interesting details from the life of the star of cinema and theater.

"At the meeting, the troupes said:" Olga Aleksandrovna! Here you were actors yesterday that I should not lead the theater ... Well, I can not dismiss you from the theater. But you will not play anything else. " And Olga has almost no new roles for about ten years, "the hands of the Arosic actress Nadezhda Karataeva recalls.

We got acquainted with Olga more than half a century ago, when almost simultaneously at the Satira Theater settled down Arrow, my husband Anatoly Papanov and me. Olya was already an experienced artist, she worked for four years in the Leningrad Comedy Theater in Nikolai Akimov. And Arrowieva got there an unusual way. She still studied at the Theater School in Moscow, when the Leningrad Theater arrived in the capital on tour. Ole liked the Akimovsky performances so much - she went to everything. As a result, Arosov decided that it would work in this theater, whatever it was worth it. She took a diploma of his older sister Elena, who graduated from theatrical earlier, and presented in the personnel department at Akimov. Only later, already in Leningrad, Aroshev admitted his life, and she forgave him.

Ole was generally characterized by risk and adventurism. Where didn't take her life! There was a time, Aroshev worked as a simulator - posing with artists. She even managed to learn in the Circus School. The ability to move, flexibility and graziness remained with her before old years ... Olya lasted four years in Leningrad. After Akimov was removed, the Arospea of \u200b\u200bthe theater had to go. Arriving to Moscow, Olya entered our company.

Olga's second husband, artist Yuri Khlestan

"What do you look at this pink in your mouth?"

In 1957, Valentin Plek, whom the youth acted quite favorably became the leader of the Satira Theater, which young people took it. And I did not notice that the Arospea with the pilot there were some conflicts. But, probably, Oli had some inner discontent with some inner disconnect, because there was a scandal on tour in Saratov, the beginning of which she put it. One evening in the room of Olga, the company gathered - I, Tole Papanov, Evgeny Vesterger ... As usual, drank, despite my constant reminders: "Maybe enough? Let's already turn around! " My hard care in those years was tool somewhere not to get drunk, because it was not easy to stop him.

Once, with Evgeny Mestern, in search of a round-the-clock restaurant, which was then not in Moscow, invented to sit in the train Moscow - Leningrad and walked there in the restaurant car all night. Then we bought a ticket for a return train - and again fun! At this time, I called the detox and morgues, looking for a husband. There were a lot of such stories, so I watched the evening that evening. For Arosyev I was calm: Olga loved the feast, but he always knew the measure. But here she for some reason was separated and began to persuade the wife of the Vesgra to think about occupying the position higher than just the actor of the Satira theater. "Zhenka! You are so talented! She said. - What are you sitting? You need to be a kind of our theater! What do you all look at this pole in your mouth? " And everything in such a spirit. We did not know that at this moment the hotel in the yard-well, as in the loudspeaker, was broadcast all that was happening in our room. Moreover, Valentin Nikolayevich himself, who lived below, stood at the window and heard every word. He responded instantly - the next day collected the troupe.

With actor Boris Runge, they lived together for several years. In "Zabachka" 13 chairs ". 1970s.

At the meeting got up and said Arospea: "Olga Aleksandrovna! Here yesterday they told me about me that I should not be the artistic director of the theater, what you want to be a muster ... So. I can not dismiss you from the theater. But you will not play anything here! " Silence hung ... Zhenka Vesterger immediately retired from the room, and then put an application on the poleside table, quit and after some time settled in the Small Theater. When we tried it to draw into some conversations about this story, he waved his hands and answered: "Yes, you for a hell! Send yourself! "

Papanov was very sad that such a situation was created, whose witness he involuntarily became. Practically before each actor after that, the question arose: to greet now with acoser or not? But for us with Tolley, this question was not standing, we still remained friends. And she really was hard. As I promised the pilot, in the following years she had almost no introduction to new performances, and from some old it simply brought it out! And very long arosev in Satire only was listed. Of course, she tried to somehow change his destiny, asked to other theaters. But she was not taken.

Olya tried to get to Eprosu in the theater on a small armor, played something, but for some reason did not stay there. Perhaps they were heard about this story, believed that Olya is complex. It was really difficult for her. In communication, she strongly pressed on a person. He loved to insist on her so that everything was just as she wants. In the theater, many of her were afraid. The Arospea had a sharp tongue, and she could all the fact that others only think to say to a person in his face. To this, it is necessary to add that in those years Arossev and in the movies did not play anything serious, she was invited only to episodes. Olya sometimes even desperate. It seemed that youth passed, and the creative life did not work out.

Changed her fate Eldar Ryazanov, inviting Olga to the role of the main character in the film "Beware of the car". This painting was not only for her, but also for my husband, who also received not so many roles before in the theater, and it was rarely invited to the movie because of a noncainted appearance. Tolya still did not know that ahead of his starry hour and the birth of the famous tandem with Andrei Mironov.

The driver of the trolleybus was truly

At that moment, when Olya passed samples from Ryazanov, there was a complete confusion with candidates for the main roles. It was believed that the role of a dealer would perform Nikulin, but he later refused. The investigator was supposed to play Yuri Yakovlev, but he was busy on other filming, and Ryazanov invited Oleg Efremov. Olya liked Eldar Alexandrovich immediately, but only he put her a harsh condition: "You must learn to led trolleybus truly!" And Aroseva attended special courses for several months, she was given real driver's licensions and a diploma. But this did not mean that she can immediately sit down and eat public transport! Experience was little. And Olya was terribly worried when the real passengers were put in the cabin. The famous scene was shot, when the excited deck sees her beloved driving and rushes to her trolleybus.

Smoktunovsky artist nervous, impulsive, he rushed to the trolleybus, jumping directly on the windshield, that Ole had to brake sharply, so as not to specify the partner. This scene was moved many times ... did not ask at first work and Oleg Efremov. Leaving the movie Ryazanov in the beloved "contemporary", he, however, used any free minute to read the plays in search of a new repertoire for his theater. The frame was entered by postponing the next book.

When half of the film was already removed, Ryazanov, wondering the material, realized that the work of Efremov was not good anywhere. And honestly said Oleg: "You will have to postpone your plays so far and stop halted." And I stopped all scenes with Efremov! With Mironov and Papanov was easier. In Toli, jokes were born on the go, which then went to the people. This is: "Put the bird!" Or "I am a traded shaker grown with his own hands!" "Papanov, it all came up with himself, and Ryazanov was delighted. When the film went to the screens, for most artists it was a happy ticket to a big movie. And for Olga, first of all. The black stripe in her life seemed ended.

With such masters, like Smoktunovsky, Evstigneev, Nikulin, Aroseva converged in work easily, acting intuitively. You know how the self-taught musician comes to the exam and plays as if by the Nativity. Recently, no one else has known Arosov sprout with recognized stars in unison, although "notes" did not know. It seems to me that Olga was not akin to know even with the Stanislavsky system, because in the theater school she did not die. Aroseva hated formalism, did not like to drive himself into some systems.

What did she take the public? Yes, just felt it. And then, she was "his own." This face people loved, recognized in her a close man, understandable to them. Ryazanov also appreciated Olga for patience and conscientiousness. He, after all, the director is extremely demanding, meticulous. For example, Olga told how in the film "Old Magnifiers" filmed the stage, where the heroes of Nikulina and Arospee walk down the street and talk, and a dog runs next to. For some reason, this dog was needed by the director in the frame. "We looked out with Nikulin, created a touching mood, even the tears were in front of our eyes," Olya recalled. - And here the director's director: "Stop!" - "Well, how?" - "Very bad ... Tanned a dog!"

Of course, when the peek closed for Olga almost the entire repertoire of the theater, he could not assume that at one time she would not only become a certain part of the Satira, but also would take the good part of the actors to television in the program "Zucchini" 13 chairs ". Pleek and in a terrible dream could not imagine that these "Panov", this, as he was expressed, "Haltury", will be more popular than his theater performances. It all began with the fact that the director Georgia Zelinsky was invited to make a program from humorous numbers.

Olya, which was then important to any appearance on the television screen, he convinced him that it would be very interesting. And unexpectedly the first release had a huge success! Moreover, the heroes of even names were not given. There was no Olyas Pani Monica, her character is a woman who went everywhere with a bag. And the actors among themselves called it and called "a woman with a bag." After joining the project of new authors, a foreign motive was decided to make a program. Naturally, the "zucchini" could only be in a socialist country - Poland or Czechoslovakia.

So "a woman with a bag" turned into a proud pan Monica, Pan Athlete and Pan director appeared. And these are "Pany" and captured the imagination of the whole country! Olga pulled a number of ten from our theater in the "Kucchini" 13 chairs, and they all instantly became famous and popular. She called several times in the program and Papanov. But he refused, told her: "Yes, I will devour the scarred!" Mironov was agreed, but after two releases escaped, after all, it was appreciated in the theater and it was what to lose. And the viewer now came to Satira, including in order to "live" to look at the popular "Panov". And although acoseric frequencies still let's play only some minor episodes, it was applauded for a long time, as an example.

Interestingly, Olga from all the inhabitants of "zucchini" loved the most - bouquets, edible, gifts, postcards with confessions in love ... I remember, long laughed by the whole theater over the letter of the collective farmers who wrote Ole that the eggs carry eggs under her voice. So, without the help of Valentine's pilot, Aroshev became the All-Union Star, and it was impossible to dismiss this fact. When my husband came to the pilot with a proposal to remove with the Aroshess Multi-Lental "Opalu", he probably was already morally ready for this. Tolya said: "Valentin Nikolaevich, give the main female role in the new spectacle of Arospea. There was a lot of time, it's time to forget the old resentment. Sorry her! " And the pilot answered: "Yes, I do not mind ..." In the soul he was not an evil person ...
Stalin presented acoser flowers and kissed

After Aroshev began to receive large roles in the theater, naturally entered the view of her by the title of at least deserved artist. But every time this question was frozen. I understood what it was ... Olya hid his past all. And then somehow her guests looked old photos. Olya gives me one, on it a parade, in the stands of Stalin and his comrades. Next to the leader, a girl in her hands is a bouquet. "It's me! - said Olya. "These flowers gave me Joseph Vissarionovich, hugged me and kissed me." Then I learned that in the twenties, her father was a diplomat, worked for several years in Europe. Early childhood Olga and her sisters passed in such cities as Paris, Prague, Stockholm ... In 1933, the family returned to the USSR.

The tale of a happy childhood ended in 1937 - the Father was arrested. Olga, remembering the good Usatoy Uncle Stalin, decided that he would definitely help and figure out everything. The girl wrote the leader's leader. Olga told that she even answered, promising to revise the case. But her father did not save it, he was shot. And at school, the enemy of the people demanded "to be cleaned before comrades" - publicly renounce the repressed relative. But Olya from the Father did not reject, and in her case a "black mark" appeared. Of course, when she went to the Satira Theater, she had to fill out questionnaires. And indicate that her father was repressed that she lived abroad that her mother from Polish nobles ...

All this did not contribute to the promotion of a career in the USSR. So, Olga's first title received only for his fiftieth anniversary, and at the same time she was given and the diploma of the theater school, which she threw in 1946. Prior to this, an acoser single evidence of education, except for high school certificate, there was only a trolley driver certificate!

"I was married several times, but remained lonely"

I remember her very young: well folded, sociable, cheerful, Olya enveloped men by some instant charm. And she had such a principle: at first she began to be friends with a man (the girlfriends of Women Aroseva did not recognize, I was a rare exception, and only because I was a wife of Papanova). But then somehow imperceptibly a man-friend became a close man. Her first husband, a musician, lasted at all long. The second is the artist of our theater Yuri Khlestan - a little longer.

Yura began drinking hard, and Olya could not stand fucked. She at all in this regard was not lucky on his beloved men. Actor Boria Runge, Pan Professor from Zabachka, with whom they were together for several years, also drank very much. Yes, and the actor Vladimir Soshalsky, with whom she had a novel, loved to walk. Olga leaving his men always first. If I said that forgives "last time", the word will hold back! Perhaps if she had children, Olga would have formed a different life. But she could not have children ...

Still in the youth Ole was not lucky. Then she got pregnant from the drain, but he did not dare to leave the child. At that moment, Olya still did not know that this step would change all her life. In his youth, everything seems easy - now is not time, there is no worthy housing, little money. So someday then ... But this "then" she did not have. I remember when we came to her to her hospital and went to the chamber, she lay on the bed with a stone face. It turned out that the doctors immediately reported to her: the operation was unsuccessful and she would never have children anymore.

Another reason for the unusualness of her personal life was the fact that the ideal of a man she chose his father from the very beginning. Having lost it as a schoolgirl, Arossev was looking for a father's papin all the time in other men, but never found. Her last novel passed in front of the whole theater. Ole then was already more than fifty years, and Tolya Guzenko, actor of our theater, was twenty years old for her younger. The young man, in my opinion, did not imagine anything special, but he reached out sincerely. Still: Favorite actress from religious films, popular to the whole country. Its attention to her, of course, stolen, but Olga could not deceive himself for a long time. After completing his last novel, she said: "I had a lot of civil marriages ... But I lived my whole life alone." Probably, Olga simply never met a man who would accept her, what it is, and loved her so much as she dreamed ...

And life, and tears, and love ...

Tatyana Egorova: "Tanka Vasilyeva his 45th size in the theater at all came, no one could say anything to her. All she, all her ... Pregnant in the ninth month in the "grief from the mind" Sophia played - it's at all incomprehensible "

Part IV.

"I know many whom Shirvindt clap, but why should it shake underwear? All old grandmas ... "

- It so happened that the fate of Papanov and Mironov, who together on theatrical stage played and were filmed into the cinema, life was tragically intertwined, but was the character of Anatoly Dmitrievich was difficult?

- It seems to me that he was a difficult man, but the actor is great. Only one phrase: "Well, hare, wait!" What is worth - eh?

- He did not have jealousy to Andrei Mironov? Still, it seems to me that there are more than two such actors with beautiful having, more Mironova allocated, some kind of delicious concern for him was ...

"Yes, this is true, but ... somehow on television with Lena, Papanova's daughter, we met, and she appeased: after all, not to compare, as many roles Andrei received how much dad roles. I am: "Lena, you work in the theater, and I have to understand: Andrei - a hero, and your dad is characteristic, and they cannot play equally." She agreed: "Yes, it is so!".

- What do you think, the Mironovaya Maryron Mironovna experienced to Maryrova at one time was experiencing?

- No, what passion? Not!

- And nothing have them?

- With Maria Vladimirovna? No, absolutely.

- People's Artist of the Soviet Union Georgy Menglet has played many roles in the theater, but filming the movie, which all-union glory would bring him in every way. He was a strong artist?

- Stunning! An outstanding, completely unique, charm of inhuman, and what a voice formulation! He is at the end of the scene (we have a huge scene, you know) the curtain of his back to the hall stood ...

- ... And every word was well heard ...

- All 1200 spectators heard him, and now even on TV sometimes they say, and I do not understand: what do they fight there? Menglet is a school, responsibility (the same as Andrei). Here the military honor has a uniform, and he has the honor of the talent - not everyone has it.

- To the current artistic director of the Satira Theater Alexand-Ru Shirvindt go ...

(Applauds shown).

- Bravo Talent? Bravo What?

- Yes, I'm so ironic.

- Alexander Anatolyevich for all hands Master: and director, and screenwriter, and TV presenter, what about him as about the actor you say?

- Shura - good entertainer - stunningly witty ... was! For the first time I saw him at the Institute - when he came, we all opening the mouth, looked at him and thought: where did the beauty come from?

- Beautiful man was?

- Oh, unusually! You read my book - remember how gorgeous I described it? A copy of David Michelangelo, and about the rest ... His catchy appearance spoiled - he looked at himself all the time: here, there, so the forehead wrinkled - he knew that it was beautiful, and in all respects it used. On the radio, on television tyr-poy, and Andryushka what? Here is such nose (Shows - Extracted), these eyes are his silk, wrists are wide - healthy, like mom. It would seem, is he so much?

- Roman with the wife of the screck of Shirvindt was?

- Yes you! - In my opinion, the word "novel" does not combine with him.

- But something, nevertheless, was it?

- Alexander Anatolyevich could just hold it somewhere for business - and all: for business! Well, who he won't you want, so to speak, if the interests of the case required. I know many whom he clapped, but why is it already underwear here to shake out? All old grandmas are already - what are their poor to compromise?

"To the music of Mozart, a black-haired graph - Charmer(Alexander Shirvindt. -D. G.) It was dared into a brocade fruke, white stockings were tightened by his thin legs, on the head - a white wig with a bow in the tail. Of course, the eyes are linked, the cilia is smeared, whipped nose. He is on stage. After three hours, at the end of the action, everyone understood: Shamera - the graph in the play "Figaro" fell with a crash.

- Failure! Failure! He is heartless! Is it possible to compare with a gaft? This is some kind of snot on the Pletney! - I shouted all those who recently, reaching the degree of madness, enthusiastically and rubbed sideways about him like in the blue blazer torso.

On stage, in contrast to the rapid, daring, smart gafta, he was lazy, badly, uttered the text as if she did someone's favor. What to compare! Cryovet led by check(Valentina Polekom. -D. G.) silent. The check rank with the keys, and the decision to remove Shameran with this role hung in the air, but if the Shamer did not look very cleverly on stage, in his life he took a revenge.

After the performance, he immediately invited to his home to the High-alone Stalinist House (Vampire style) on the Kotelnicheskoe embankment of the Favorites from the theater. Banquet Retained, pressed the ring (to all he turned to you - I see some complexes, and the wife of the main director, green-eyed Zina, from the first minute turned into a ring) in a dark corner, rolled her skirt, holding her chest with one hand , the other began to paint with her panties. Zinka was flattered, discouraged, giggled, like a fool, and then it raised the panties back, until someone entered and did not invite them to the table. Both, satisfied with such a progress of the case, corrected their panties and hairstyles, and inspired Zina scamps, starting to dessert, the unstuck thought: "Why do I need this dessert? I am ready to change everything, even this dessert on Chambers and get a job on this table in front of everyone with him in the form of sandwich. "

Her desire could immediately materialize, as temperament and hooliganism were buried in it: one day, the trolleybus, being still young, was still young, she overturned the Bidon with a sour cream, which he had just acquired, on the head of the alleged rival.

But the Charmer, to the Grand Regret, it was necessary only to raise his failure, and the removal and lifting of the underwear from the ring was served him only to the means of rehabilitation. What cynical men, however!

In the evening, everyone fell asleep to the dump, His Mata was heard, Zinka felt two more times desired, and so that there was a gum in shorts, and the next day it sounded in the theater: "Introduce Shamera to the role of the graph is great! He is a real graph - in life, and on stage. " He was even given a cash premium.

Time passed, on stage as a graph, Shamers stumbled, and this arrogance in combination with the Michelangean beauty began to be taken as a viewer. So, with the help of zincons and breasts, he fits into the role of the leader's leading artist.

Sideways fit out, but something strange was happening in it, what he was not waiting for. He never refused a single woman, he was always the first, the best and most beautiful, but it was in another theater, and here on stage next to him fished in self-esteem, disrupting the applause almost every phrase, not so beautiful, white, with strong peasant hands and legs, with a long nose and scolded with the eyes of Andrei Mironov. Shamery felt like a woman feels, that he does not love, do not like this, like this whiteobry Andryushka.

Poor Shamerars ached at the nervous soil, and in the souls, in the evening dress, in golden gloves, was born and immediately declared himself envy. In the evening, because her parent in darkness is not visible and one can pretend that it is not, and gold gloves so that in the attachment of the envy of the gold color of the rival, without leaving traces.

... I was again sitting in the bathroom in Andrei's room, he was engaged in his favorite thing - Terch me with a washcloth, I washed my head shampoo and wipe it dry, and then we changed places - I was rubbed by a washcloth and poured the shampoo on his luxurious hair. I went out into the room, completely naked, behind the towel - it remained on the chair - and slapted "Intelligence": outside the window of the room, dropping at the same time from the human appearance and from the territory of his balcony, loomed the face of Kornishon(Mikhail Derzhavina. -D. G.). He focused focused and peered into everything that was happening in Mironov.

- Andryushenka! Bunin! Bunin! You must immediately read the riot!

And we read "Lika".

- What's the matter? He asked me, seeing how the cloud suddenly rolls. From Bunin I was transferred to my life, I started crying, then sob and talk through tears:

- I can not forget anything! I can't forget this story with the child ... as I lay on this table ... And you ... then I betrayed me ... I can't ... and now you betrayed me ...

- Tune, I do not know what to think ... You yourself all the time you run from me ...

- Because I'm afraid I already have a Dog's reflex Pavlov ...

- Tubyka, you threw me myself, and if we are together, you wave me and leave again ... I can't suffer much more ... We still love each other ... Who we take us ...

Sounded a long-distance phone. Pevunya.(Larisa Golubina. - D. G.).

- Not yet! - Abruptly and Hamovato answered her Andrei.

And we again dug in the book. Leaving, I said:

"You shouldn't talk to a woman with whom you live." Call back.

The next day, he approached me and reported: "I called back." After the performances, we drove into mountain restaurants, in Auly, bathed in the pool at the "Medeo" at night, batted in the bath and completely disconnected from Moscow life. Shamer(Alexander Shirvindt. -D. G.) All this noticed, sniffed and tried to drive the wedge into our relationship. It was a typical Swabrin from the "Captain's Daughter" Pushkin.

- Tanya, - once the pale Andrei approached me, - so can not be done and it is impossible to say.

I quickly found out what was the matter, and I realized that this is a low intrigue of envious chambers.

On the corridor of the hotel walks on heels subtitle(Lilia Sharapova. -D. G.), I take her hand and say:

- Now you go with me!

- Where to?

- See you!

We enter the Charamber number. He lies under the white sheet. Evening. On the bedside table - a bottle of brandy and glasses. Inside me raging tornado tornado. I sit next to the chair in the headboard. Subtitle - near the wall in the chair, at the end of the bed. In the legs.

"You're a dishonest person," I start calm. "Although you also hit myself a good mask - the horns are overlooked." Oh, not pregnant you! Beloved your envy, and what scary actions she pushes you! You are at the same time asshole, yago and scoundrel.

He lies under the white sheet, as a wrapped dead man, and none lived on his face.

- You are not only a scoundrel - you are moral shoeler. How are you Andrei hate, envy! It is also clear - you solder it, they are heading. You have a bunch of ears on your head.

The subtitle on the nervous soil is continuously blinking with her eyes - she has a tick.

- In general, the diagnosis, - I continue, - the brassy barrel!

Shamer does not move. I walk down to the table, I take a large vase with flowers from him and throw the outdoor balcony door to the street. I sit on the chair. He does not react. Knock on the door. Janitor:

- This is from your Vase number now flew out?

- Yes, what? - I answer. We have a patient here, we visiting it.

The janitor leaves. I suggest:

- Let's drink! For Dr R-R-R-Uzhuba, by Agnaschka! You love cognac! - And I pour us on the half of the brandy.

- Let's be choke! - He takes a glass, I continue. - When you swing, you need to look into the eyes, nothingness! - And the brandy splashed to him.

He jumped off the bed completely naked with a cry: "I got into my eyes! Eyes!" - And run into the bathroom to wash your cold water spattered with cognac.

A minute later, he, as the wounded Wear, jumped into the room, grabbed me, threw me on the bed and began to choke. Rooms in the hotel are tiny, so, hitting and grabbing me for the neck, he involuntarily drove his bare ass on the nose subtitle.

Completely unwanted, I lay on the bed, laughed and said:

- You can't even smoke! What are your hands weak!

He, of course, all robbing, silent on my neck, broke, I barely gathered the remnants and, leaving, carelessly noticed:

- By the way, why did I come for? I completely forgot ... I should not spoil my life and nasty to do. With me it is dangerous - I have nothing to lose.

We went out. The subtitle leaned against the wall of the corridor completely dumbfounded. "

"When Andrei was very bad, he turned to a friend Zakharov:" Mark, I can no longer - take me to my theater. " He: "Well, come on," and after two months it was sorry: "everything is canceled." The wife influenced him ... "

- What about the inheritant partner of Shir-Wind-Tu Mikhail Derzhavin say?

- Misha - a good actor and a person cute. Yes!

- Riding the names of your colleagues, whom the entire Soviet Union knew, cannot be spartacked Mishulin not to mention, why did his fate in the theater did not work out?

"He (I don't want to say that, but I'm talking to my understanding of my understanding, I can not be the right to be) an appearance of some kind of special type, but he was brilliantly played in the" baby and Carlsone ". In the role of Carlson, an outstanding simply, and everything else ... When only the Triumph "Figaro" began, and the voice was disappeared, and Mironov's voice scared: "I will replace you with Mishulin!". Well, anecdote! I respect all, but I do not understand Spartacus - there is no type there, between some chairs man.

Tatiana Vasilyeva (Mary Antonovna) and Andrei Mironov (Khleklakov) in the performance of the Satire Theater "Auditor"

- Your classmate Natalia Seleznev has a very successful film engineer ...

- ... yes, well, of course! ..

- ... But was she in demand in the theater?

- Also with great difficulty. Natasha - witty, enterprising: charming creation. Despite the fact that it can also be different, like all of us ... I adore her - we rarely call up, but when it happens, she says: "Tanyulka, I love you." - "And I, Natolik," - answer.

"You are very interested in Mark Zakharov told, which in his book a master was respectfully dyeing." When he "Lenk" headed, Andrei Mironov probably wanted to go to him to him - why didn't you do some oncoming traffic from Zakharov? They were close friends ...

"We were shocked that Mark Anatolyevich did not make anyone on the oncoming movement, we left all of us on this" Ice Bare. " We were his actors, for which the scrapets were then Glodal, but Andrew, when he became very bad when Isykovich ( maiden name Vasilyeva.Approx. ed.) Your 45th size in the theater has come ...

- Tatyana Vasilyeva, in the sense of?

- Yes, Tanka Vasilyeva! No one played anything, no one could say anything to her - everyone was afraid.

- That is, the favorite, in essence, the theater was led?

- Yes: All she, all her ... Pregnant on the ninth month in the "grief from the mind" Sophia played - this is at all the mind is incomprehensible, but this was, and Andrei to a friend with a request appealed: "Mark, I can no longer - take Me to my theater. " TOT: "Well, come on!". We sat, thought: "New plays about Cromwell will do." Andrei immediately lit, his eyes caught fire ... He came up with Mark every day, and after two months Zakharov sorrified him: "I'm calm, I do not take you to the theater - everything is canceled."

- Do not explain the reasons?

(Shakes negatively head).

- You yourself guess why he gave rear move?

"Nina, a wife, influenced him, as always ( in August 2014, Nina Lapshina died. — D. G.), she tells him what to do, what not to do, and he listens to her. So I said: "Why do you need it? He is famous, there will be the right to download, and then you will not be the main thing - you have a drooping will begin. " I think everything was like that.

From the book Tatyana Egorova "Andrei Mironov and I".

"Began rehearsals of the" profitable place "- from the first day we immediately became very important and significant. master (Mark Zakharov. D. G.) pristively remember our names and applied to all by name and patronymic: Tatyana Nikolaevna, Andrei Aleksandrovich, Natalia Vladimirovna - He supported us the generic strength of our fathers. On the first rehearsal, he brought a pack of drawings on Watman. These were sketches of Misaneszen on every piece of performance. Without losing time, since the beginning of the rehearsal, he clearly determined who is worthwhile in which position, where it goes and what is the meaning of the scene.

He did not repeat twice, late for the rehearsal punished with strict measures. Secretary of the Patorganization of Tatiana Ivanovna Peltzer, who performs the role of Cukushkaya, People's Artist, was known for a bad character and the fact that he never came on time. On the third of her late, the Master got up and calmly said:

- Tatyana Ivanovna, you are late for the third time ... I ask you to leave the rehearsal.

No one has not spoken to her yet, and she, banging, slammed the door and went to drive on a young director with a locomotive: immediately wrote a statement in a party that Master puts the anti-Soviet play and that maybe he is an agent of foreign intelligence. "SOS! Take measures! For the sake of salvation of the fatherland! ".

All this mental damage to Master Cool declared:

- The present is given with blood!

After 10 years, the creator of the "profitable place" of Peltzer will have already forever forever will rehearse the "grief from the mind" with Check (Valentin Plekhek). Check, sitting in the hall, not without sadistic considerations asks it to dance. She will say: "On another time, I feel bad." - "Not another time, and now," will require a check from the old woman with anger. On stage, not far from Tatiana Ivanovna, there was a microphone. She approached him, took a pause and loudly, on the whole theater, glaked:

- You went to x ... old depravant!

In the hall sat a new favorite of the once-pointer. The theater was informed, and for all the dressing room, in accounting, in the buffet, the Directorate was separated by a powerful echo: "You went to x ... Old depressurizer!". Two days later, she will call me home, will change hooliganism for pity:

- Tan, what should I do? Go to Magist in the theater or not?

Master's time had his own theater by this time.

- And takes? - I ask.

- takes!

- Then run, and not go! You will save my life!

And she gone. And he lived there a happy long life. In love.

... Opposite the Satira Theater stood the building of the Contemporary theater. Between the theaters, a tightened competition, who has more spectators. In the "contemporary" with Andre-Rehey looked many performances with Oleg Tobakov, and he constantly dropped me:

- I'm not worse than the artist than tobacco? Well, tell me, say! - Childish asked for a compliment.

"Well, of course, it is better - it's also a hens," I sincerely said. "You look at our" income "for the first time in the history of the theater - horse police, and they have an ordinary crowd.

Finally, the performance passed. Receipt (Valentine Pleek. — D. G.) he asked all the artis-com, not undressing and not smoothed into the hall. He was shocked.

- Today was born a brilliant director. master (Mark Zakharov. D. G.), run behind champagne.

On this day, we could not even come together for a long time and before the evening we went through the floors of the theater with glasses and with bottles of champagne. We are with engineering (Natalia Protepina. — D. G.) they sat in the dressing room, recalled bows at the end of the performance. They went out to bow to the forefront, holding hands: In the middle of Zhorik Menglet, I, on the left, on the right engineer and on the chain of the remaining actors. The moment of Poklonov is a bright emotional experience: in the temples knocking, all veins are filled with pathos from involvement in the Great Target. Moving in the direction of Advancen, Zhorik (Georgy Menglet.. — D. G.) firmly squeezed our hands with an engineering hand and on a blinding smile facing the audience, smuggled to us verses:

Girls, whibs, I am your uncle,

You are my nieces.

Come, girls, in a bath

Soar eggs!

master (Mark Zakharov.D. G.) and I could not imagine to whom he "revenue" threw the arrow, - from the wound, applied to him, had a white-green liquid at the check. He was hurt! Hurts, hurts, hurt! Get rid of the master and his damned performance, otherwise he will get rid of me and will take my place! And here the Peltzer itself, not wanting that the move suggested: the anti-Soviet play! This statement in Partburo lies, and although she trembles now from love to Magist, it's done, it is necessary to finish it - copy the letter and sent by instances. Instances such letters love, they are called to inform, and the instances were informed.

Two weeks in the third row on the "profitable place", the chain of monsters led by Furtsev - the minister of culture came: they sat with the opened plays of Ostrovsky and the text was twisted.

- Well, it can not be that because of the Krestomtny Island people "hung on the chandelier"? The misties of anti-Soversists: see something attributed to themselves, - realized censors.

And on the stage, artists, looking at the delegation in the slice of the rush, read verses:

I'm not afraid of Khrushchev

i'm getting married to furser.

I will suck tits i

the most Marxist!

Without finding a single uniform word in the play, Furtseva left completely puzzled with Marxist boobs. "

"We are now happy with Shirvindom at the meeting, he tries to kiss with me. FINE..."

- Your sensational book "Andrei Mironov and I" with a circulation of three million copies came out - fantastic success for any, even outstanding, writer. I confess to you: when I read it, at some moments we were just tears in my eyes - it was written so sincerely and so literaryly talented that even your ill-wishers cannot do this ...

- Thank you.

- I completely frankly said it and Shirvindt, and Arospea, and Selezneva, and two Vasilyev - faith Kuzmichnina and Tatiana. Tell me, and when the book has already come out, joy, relief in thought, that the cargo memories dropped, did you feel?

- First, it must emphasize: these are not memories, they are not written. Here you read the book - I realized that it was not a memoir in style?

- Of course, an artwork ...

"Roman - can be a documentary, somehow something else ... The name" Andrei Mironov and I "is not mine - his my publisher came up with me in the apartment of my girlfriend Irina Nikolaevna Sakharov, the cousin Andrei Dmitrievich, found. I dinner came to her in the evening - we loved to chat and, so that I would not go anywhere at night, often spent the night together. And here we sit calmly, suddenly the phone calls. It is suitable. "Egorov," ask, "you can?" I was told that she had "- imagine? How did he find me? Then in Moscow it was possible to find out where a person is located.

This is the 97th year, and he just fell from the sky - gave me a task to write one chapter. When she was ready, I read 300 dollars and said: "Go work!". That's all. This book, maybe naively, I "rehearsal love" called - theater is still ...

- Unreliable name ...

- Yes? And the publishing house should be earned. Further. All characters I have given a nickname - the same brains can be broken, so that they will come up with the nicknames, and the publisher took and decipher them. And I did it right, actually, - why it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto guess who is who?

- Maria Vladimirovna Mironova, by that time, was already gone from life, and how would she, in your opinion, would it be supplied to this book?

"I think amazingly - I am sure that she would be satisfied." They are all satisfied there and help me very much - they took my husband, her husband, sent here. And here sent you - everything goes from them.

- How did the colleague on the theater responded to the release of the book?

- Who is like ...

- Shirvindt, for example?

- He shouted: "Do not read it - she is so bad! Oh, horror! Do not read, do not read! ", And now we greet him at the meeting, he tries to kiss with me. Normally ... I'm not angry at him, I have a philosophically to this - I repeat, in the tower from ivory.

- And the 90-year-old at that time did your work read your work?

- Yes. He was then in the sanatorium "Pine", so not only the book immediately sent, but all the places relating to him were emphasized.

- That is, someone was not too lazy?

- Well, you yourself understand who - to the one who most importantly wanted to become. I thought, probably: Maybe the shaggy of the scan of something. Valentin Nikolayevich then did not go, but here - about a miracle! About the great power of art! "They called me and said:" Plek read everything and came to the theater with his feet. Without a stick ... ".

- He did not say anything about your revelations?

"I do not, but the actor with whom rehearsed, said." There, they had a small break, they sat down with him, and the pilot issued: "And all that Tanya Egorova wrote, - True."

- Actors, especially actresses, Bestseller Discussed your share? Do you have any waves before you?

"I don't like everyone, because ... My God God, the reason alone and the same: the role got - they envy, play well - envy, I wrote the book - envy, I bought a furious thing - they jealous. Well, what can you do? I do not react to this.

- Have you ever regretted that this confession wrote?

- No, I request Andrei. He said: "Tanya, write all the truth - you know how to", and in the 1980s I had such a thought. With my friend's girlfriend Titov ...

- ... the former wife of Vladimir Basova ...

- ... And the operator Georgy Reerberg, we somehow decided to bury two champagne bottles in the ground for 2000 (for some reason I thought that by this time would not be life - everything will disappear, it will disappear, and so on). And then, in the 80s, when everyone was buried ...

- ... I buried everything! ..

- No, only champagne - in general, imagined that let's drink it and die. Why there was such a gloomy mood we had ...

- How strange two actresses are beautiful entertained ...

- Yes, mischievous! - And then I thought: it is necessary to write a book by the end of the century. The century he asks me about this - I walked such thoughts in my head. As you can see, wrote ...

- And champagne dug up?

- One bottle is only - the second, it can be seen, very far left somewhere.

"I said Mary Vladimirovna:" Let the cottage of Masha leave, because nothing for her did nothing. You are on a terrible court to answer - then you say? "

- Andrei Alexandrovich's daughter, Maria Mironova, remained ...

- And the second is Masha Golubina.

- Both Masha, native and reception, - actresses: Do you think Talented?

- Oh, you know, it is difficult to say. Masha Mironov I saw in the theater from Mark Zakharov, I liked it, but the director is needed, and so, alone, what can actress?

- The memory of his father is she honored?

- Another generation of honor, then also, and this ... You see, there Moms influence: and Andrei such a fucking, and Maria Vladimirovna was bad - she also judges, as they were treated. My daughter and saw little with his father - this is also Mary Vladimirovna wine. I told her: "Leave Masha's cottage, because nothing for her did nothing. You will answer in a terrible court - what do you say? "I went to the scene all the time - for me the most important thing was it"? ".

From the book Tatyana Egorova "Andrei Mironov and I".

"- Masha called! Granddaughter! - Mary Vladimirovna mysteriously says. - Now comes.

On the fearless face of her face, the paint of fright - did not see his granddaughter for several years.

Doorbell. It includes a spectacular thin lady with long white hair. Smiled - Copy Andrei! In Mink Swingers, jeans are tightened beautiful long legs. He immediately rotted two years from the genus and great-grandfather Mary Vladimirovna - Andrei Mironov. During his lack, Masha managed to give birth to a son, he gave him the name and surname, married, is about to graduate from the Institute of Cinematography, it will be an artist.

Undressed. Marya sits "in books", as usual, with a mesh on the head, in Stegan coat and all in red spots from excitement. I closely looks at the baby as an x-ray, and he immediately rushed to her and put her hand. Kissed, also, and more, and again. Looking at it, I thought that Marya would now really fly into some pipe. Then the baby began to run around the apartment, with pleasure fell on the carpet near the great-grandmother, began to lie on it, and seeing a huge mirror to the floor in the hallway, began to lick his tongue. Mary Vladimirovna's winding eyebrows began to resemble the Mannerheim's line.

- Ah! - exclaimed Masha. - I need to call.

Grandmother nodded with his eyes on the phone standing near, but Masha approached the locker room, pulled the radio from his pocket, began to call.

"No, demaging," she said, immediately took out another phone from another pocket, pressed, pressed the buttons, threw two or three words and stuck the phone again in the pocket of the fur coat. Sat on the chair. Grandmother and great-grandmother looked at the generation of "young strangers" with great amazement.

- We have a repair in the apartment now, "Masha told, not paying attention to the son, who has already licked two square meters of the mirror.

- What is your bathroom? - I asked Masha to support the conversation.

"I have a jacuzzi," Masha replied.

Maria Vladimirovna shuddered. And suddenly asked to stop:

- Why did you come to me? Better immediately tell me, what do you need from me?

Masha removed the tension, pulled out the hill of the food, gifts, laid out everything on the table and said:

- Grandma, I'll call and I'll go.

- How will you go? I asked her, because I also needed to leave.

- I? On "BMW", like Pope!

Movie Swinger put on, and they dug out the door with And-Ryushka.

- Have you seen? - it became violently commenting by the arrival of granddaughter of Marya. - Phone pocket! In the ass phone! And this all mirror licked! I never had ever seen this. You heard, what is her bathroom there?

- Jacuzzi.

- Gopus! - reinforced Marya, daring to the arrival of relatives, and faded firmly.

- Tanya, who can I leave the cottage, an apartment? If I died, you imagine what will be here? Everything will go with the hammer! On rags and handbags. I can't see these wives! She continued fiercely.

She always had invisible informants, and she, as a scout, knew everything about everyone, especially about the wives hated by her.

Mermaid (Ekaterina Gradova.D. G.) i sold my mother's apartment, she continued. - For this money I bought a fur coat, married this mother - so she needs! - In the nursing home shoved. BUT? Good daughter! And now repainted to the mantist. Scary people. Out-in And Pevunya. (Larisa Golubina.D. G.)? Have you seen a thumb on her hand? Do you know what it means?

"I saw and know," I told and internally abun. Where did she, Marya, is about the thumb? This is all the books on the chiromantia lasts, and she? Well, partisans!

She sits the whole red, her pressure rose, and she is in confusion: how to dispose of your property?

- So, Maria Vladimirovna, so that you do not suffer, I offer you: Leave this apartment to the museum. You already have a plate on the door. There will be a memory, and this memory will be protected. And you do not need to give anything to anyone "warm hands" - live in your life calmly in your home, and then there will be a museum.

Her eyes slate: Oh, how she liked this idea!

- Did the cottage? She thundered. - Who? Let me leave you.

It would be very by the way. I would sell it, because I can not pull it out, and in old age years for all my moths, I would have money. And I would go to Thailand, to India, to South America to Aztecs, in Greece. I would buy my brushes, canvas, would pull them on the subframes and would have become paintings to write! And most importantly - all year round is strawberries! - swept in my head, and my friend Seneca appeared on the stage of my fantasies:

- How many times do you talk? - He was offended at me. - Life is necessary to live correctly, not long.

- Maria Vladimirovna, - I started, - leave the cottage Masha, because she is the daughter of Andrei. This is a generic estate, and Andrew so I would like. After all, he loved her very much - I know, and I wondered so much, I lived in another family. She suffered so much, because her whole life in my eyes was held in the theater, I even saw him from the hospital. And you like it! You didn't do anything for her, for you, only the theater was always important. Thank God, Menacher met - he gave you his life ...

- Yes, he was the main artistic director of my life. Ah, Sasha, Sasha! .. - and tears appeared in her eyes.

- What about me? I have my own cottage. I built her myself - why should I someone else? It so far it turns out that all its hump itself, and the Gospel says: enter narrow gates, close. Why do you think?

Maria Vladimirovna thought and answered:

- So that no one with me has passed so that only one I entered! - she interpreted the Gospel parable in his own way.

... In the Kremlin, President Yeltsin awarded it with the Order "For Services to Fatherland" - she cheerfully went to the stands and said:

"I share this award on three - on myself, on my husband and son!".

- Who as a result of Mironov dacha left?

- Masha, but she sold it.

- At the grave of his father's daughter comes?

- Once I saw her there, but in general, they rarely happen. There are few people walk - we are with my husband we will call ( his spouse of his ro-journalist Sergey She-leshov died in 2014. — Approx. ed.).

- Few goes?

- The people visit, but these, from among, so to speak closest, who are allegedly loved and read ... The great, the best, the best, do not appear there. Yes, listen, I have all the time the artists of the theater tell me that the Vagankovsky cemetery is going on. Here I am on the grave at Mary Vladimirovna on November 13, was the grave of the pilot, and there - a mountain of mesmen, rotten colors (it was noted 100th anniversary, and then it was raining). It was all so terrible - and I went with a bucket and with a rag - what, forgetting about everything, garbage in a bucket, folded in containers. Could not pass by passing by? Kornienko said: "He did a career to you - for what, you herself know, but I do not - well, at least once a month, go to the grave."

In general, this theater should do - some person should be hired, and he will look after the grave. It is very inexpensive, but no, they do not consider it necessary, and for Andryushina grave, too, the theater could also take care. Never that you! You would see what kind of flowers on the day of the 25th anniversary of his fly in another life brought. Oh (laughs), do not be so sad!

- Well, this, I will tell you, sad ...

- But other good flowers bring, and "Friends" from the theater will answer for this: they will pay for their actions, and I - for your own. Previously, it was not realized that I do a bad act, but the further, the more clearly I understand that it was not good done, that's, that is, the process goes, something in the soul occurs.

"From Andrew I am a huge way after his death passed. Of the year, probably, two or three every day saw him ... "

- You in 25 films starred, playing a lot on stage, and today what do you do?

- Now, in front of your arrival, in one project was invited and days, probably, 10 thoughtfully, and yesterday I refused - not mine! Well, and so, actually write. I have a very beautiful house that I adore, apartment and cottage, all in colors. I myself did everything there and pray every day: "Oh, my roses! Lord, help, just not frozen. "

- Are you married happy?

- Yes. Rare case...

- Husband to the fact that Andrei Mironov is still in your heart, with understanding refers, to him, is already dead, not jealous?

- No - he also has some events, there were meetings. It is impossible to harm it, it is impossible to exist with Kalenny hardware - let everyone be for their past.

- Some things are Andrei you have preserved?

- Well, yes, I have his Lokonchik Children - Maria Vladimirovna Dala. Somehow gets out of the box. "Here," says, Andryushin: He was so white. " I checked: "Mar Vladimirovna, give." There is his letters, sweater, and also - a permanent feeling of care for me (Looks like a tear). Oh, I laugh, I cry - that's crazy!

- You confessed repeatedly that your life is a mysticism is shrouded, - What is this expressed?

- Here I am today Katya Gradova with two some little girls dreamed - I still do not understand what it is what. She told her: "One look like you, and the other for someone else." Mysticism is a premonition: here I, for example, know that I never need to break into the door. It happens, you do something, and nothing happens - it means I'm saying myself, I don't need there. It will come on the other side - you need to study yourself and, so to speak, your place in this world: why I am here that it affects me, and what is not, how to act.

With Andryusha, a huge way I passed after his death. The year, probably, two or three every day I saw him in a dream, and he came to me in a shirty to me - a pretty, clean, in a leather jacket: absolutely not as much as it was. I just have a feeling that there was it from somewhere, it was, and he asked: "And you brought me the book?". Can you imagine? Like this! - And then I think: maybe it's a book for a terrible court? There all the book of life is sitting.

- Andrei Mironov, I know, said: "God will punish me for Tanechka" - what did he mean?

- You see, he was such a man. From Him, I first heard: "We are with my mother today on the removal of the shroud." Lord, in thought, what is it? Well, nor the Bible, nor the Gospel - did not know anything, dark people - how can you live like that? Only plant everyone, plant and plant ... to the wall, right?

- This is holy! ..

- And Maria Vladimirovna was born in 1910, and her parents were very believers, strong, wealthy were. She got used to it, in such an atmosphere grew, and then a civil war, NEP, repression, war, and so on. Her different people surrounded people: believers, unbelievers, although that they are brought up in atheism, they knew about faith? No one did anything, and here the removal of the shroud, passionate Friday ...

At the Easter house, they always have a cake, painted eggs were - at least burn here everything is a blue flame! In the year of departure from the life of Maria Vladimirovna asked me: "Well, let's go with you to Church for Easter?". I ran in the afternoon - I was looking for, what's the closer there, because I had to choose from the distance, and so we went. She simply hung on me - I did not know how to keep it, and if it were not my power of will ... The last Easter Maria Vladimirovna met, and where at this time were all the others, I do not know (this is my own).

- After the death of Andrei Mironov, so many years have passed ...

- In August 28 turned out.

- What is today, from the height of the years, with a distance of such a temporary, do you think about him? What is love for him in your life?

- You know, it was mysticism - as if some forces in this theater were specifically pushed to me, so that both Andryusha meet and some kind of enchanting, surprisingly gentle life lived. For the other, it may, there would be an episode, and for us ... Happiness even one word was, attention, phone call, Sharcot shower ...

- ... hit in the nose ...

- And the blow to the nose too. Many things were: cutlets of 17 kopecks, reading "Dr. Zhivago" ... I taught his poems to love: he did not know them very much, and I, creating a stoy-shaped, is very. I had my own verses. Andrei said: "Tanya, read me," and then I started reading myself. And Pushkin: "My angel, I don't stand love! But pretend! .. ", and Pasternaka - all this dedicated to me.

We in the house of Tanya and Igor Kvashi were going - there were a lot of people there, all something was told, express themselves. Youth, I wonder, and I read poems: I was in such a delight of life - as in the pictures of Shagal, flew.

- And now you are delighted with your life - no wonder your eyes are beautiful open and shine ...

- Oh, well, too listen. Somehow Andrews awkwardly became that I read poems, but he is not. In the nature, he was competitive, and suddenly he sits down: "I'm to you, tune, I composed a song." Plays and sings: "... We will take our bitch and each other for a handle and go ...", And I sit and cry from happiness. I - I constantly said - tears close, and Maria Vladimirovna immediately picked up: "I'm far away." I then told her about this song and broke everything: "How didn't it write down?". I usually write down, and then it did not bother - well, why, Lord? I know that it is impossible to hope for memory, it is necessary to keep everything on a pencil, and suddenly Maria Vladimirovna says: "Tanya, Vertinsky came out, a very good book. Run to the metro "Kropotkinskaya" - and buy me, and buy yourself. I resort - here is near, she sits down, I, too, and suddenly turn around ... Do you already understand?

- Yes!

- In general, I have tears, like a clown, splash. She asks: "Are you abnormal?", And I: "Maria Vladimirovna, how he deceived me! He said that I wrote this song, and she is Vertinsky. " Andryusha's dad in notes rummaged and stole her: I sang to me ... and never admitted.

- I will ask you the last question: Andrei Alexandrovich you still love?

- Well, what about - where it all goes, is it possible to forget it? But I live fun - not the fact that in the first years without it. Previously, you go to the cemetery - you are 46 years old, and back - 82 or 92 years old, the legs are not carried, and now it is already used to. There is my own human people, some poets read poems ... Anyway, my eyes are always wet: and Maria Vladimirovna is native, and Andryusha. Well, what do you do? - It is necessary to clean the grave. Maria Vladimirovna was abolished - and went to Menacra, and to Andrei, there was not the case that they buried and forgot, "she had everything under control.

Scandals of the Soviet era of Razzakov Fedor

Distribution of the director (Valentine Plek)

Breaking director

(Valentine Plek)

It is known that directors are nervous people, easily excitable. On this basis, many of them became the heroes of various types of scandals. So it is today, so it was many years ago. One such directorial breakdown I mentioned - with Ivan Pyrieval autumn of the 64th. Caught a year and a half, as another famous director, but already theatrical - Valentin Peshek from the Satira Theater - was at the epicenter of at least a loud scandal.

This story began at the end 1965.When the premiere of the play Mark Zakharov "Beyderman and Porizers" was held on the scene of the Satira Theater. In this anti-fascist play, Satire's star composition was played: Menglet (Biderman), O. Aroshev (his wife Bestta), E. Kuznetsov (Slot), V. Rautbart (Aisenring), etc. However, the criticism took this performance in the bayonets. January 4, 1966 In the newspaper "Soviet culture" there was a review of N. Rumyantsevoy called "Piez Frisch and theater", in which the performance was pretty severe criticism. Quote:

"Evaluation of events, facts, creative analysis of the analogies of the analogies and associations in the play explicitly do not correspond to the scale of drama. All that, to express the journalistic thought, Frosh must, the theater prevents. Most of the "choir" of firefighters, the "collective image" of which was not found, and an extremely important ironic commentary for the author's plan (firefighters utter their text in unison, the rate, in the size of the hexameter) is poorly listened; The theater of episodic persons interfere, prevents, it would seem unexpected, but absolutely necessary to the author of an epilogue, very accurate in a satirical address ...

The exposing the power of the play is reduced to almost a minimum. The performance lacks that civilian wrath, civilian interest, which is imbued with the work of Frisch.

It seems that an extremely modern and timely in content and brilliant on the drama-forming form of Satira Frysh found the Moscow Satira Theater surmoved.

Performance "Biderman and Militers" - creative failure ... "

This review was very painfully perceived by the team of the theater. Especially she traveled to the main director of Satira Valentine Polek, who perceived any criticism as an attempt on him personally. In the end, the scandal hit, about which the same "Soviet culture" reported in the room from February 5thBy posting two letters on its pages. The first belonged to Peru of Engineer of the Moscow Plant named after Vladimir Ilyich K. Wastin. This is what he reported:

"On January 30, I was at the Moscow Theater of Satira at the performance of M. Frisha" Biderman and Militers ". I was struck that many viewers left the hall after the first action and during the second. Speaking frankly, I also wanted to leave: boring, the first action is stretched, the choir is almost not heard. It does not save the provisions of the actors or the work of the artist, nor musical accompaniment.

All this prompted me to discuss the performance by the WTO viewers section. I stated in advance that I would talk about the lack of performance. However, only laudatory performances were allowed.

One critique remembered the review of your newspaper to this performance and complained that there is no reviewer in the hall.

"I'm here and ask me to give me a word," N. Rumyantseva said.

Following him asked the words critic-art historian. Having assured that he will behave decently, he spent in the address of the reviewer in the "polite" form at least naughty.

Other speakers in their speeches only turned out to the director and actors, as well as critics. The discussion was completed complacently: the dissatisfied performance was not given to speak out. All this looked frank protection "Honor Mundir".

I wanted, I need, I had to say all this. And not only in defense of Rumyantsev - it may be somewhat in a newspaper (this is not in an offensive sense), not deeply, but without low-planness illuminated its point of view, mostly properly. I, and not only me alone, was insulting for a reviewer, ashamed of the director and art historian critic. "

The second letter belonged to the master of the same plant Y. Maister. That's what he wrote:

"On January 31 of this year, I was able to attend the discussion of the play of the Moscow Theater of Satira on the play M. Frisha" Beyderman and Porizers ". The discussion took place in the WTO actor house.

Among those who were on the discussion were Tov. Rumyantseva - author of the player in the newspaper "Soviet culture".

During the discussion, the main director of the Moscow Theater Satira Tov. Pleek, which in an unacceptable sharp tone, bordering the dirty, disassembled rudeness, collapsed on the reviewer of Tov. Rumyantsev.

Being largely on the side of the theater, I do not agree with many provisions of the article in "Soviet Culture", nevertheless, in protest against such methods, the premises led to the place of critics, where the performance was discussed.

Special bewilderment causes the behavior of those present at the discussion of the actors of the Moscow Theater Satira TT. Menglet, Kuznetsova, etc., who did not stop the sidewalous servant of the muse.

I am not against discussions, but categorically against "intellectual hooliganism" and believe that theatrical and journalistic public will tell the word, its condemning word about this. " In conclusion, this publication was a comment by the very editorial office of Soviet Culture. It was reported as follows: "We fully share the indignation of the authors of letters about the unworthy behavior of V. Polek during the discussion of the play" Biderman and Athibodies ". The case is really ugly. No one is permitted to violate the ethics, adopted in the socialist society and replace the normal creative discussion of Branj.

It would seem unnecessarily to repeat the well-known truths like those that "Brand is not an argument" that "politeness is a mandatory sign of decency" that "the rejection of criticism is the expression of zassdation, cvitry and yalism." We are confident that V. Pleek knows these truths. And, however, repeat them, apparently, it is necessary, since such facts "non-making" use of the creative tribune recently had a repeatedly, in particular, in events organized by the WTO.

According to the editorial office, each such fact is an emergency. People, whether critics or theater workers seeking to replace the creative discussion by scandal and squabble, deserve public censure. If we seriously think and talk about the educational role of the theater, whether we may not have the right to demand the master of the theater, which is also the leader of a large creative team, so that he himself was a model of pupil or at least skillfully lead a creative dispute without the use of Brass and Ululukanya.

The editors believes that the Presidium of the All-Russian Theater Society will immediately discuss the unethical, unworthy of the Soviet artist, the behavior of V. Polek at the WTO viewers section and will make the appropriate conclusions from this fact. "

It is difficult to say whether the meeting of the WTO Presidium was held, since no information about it was not held in the press. It was probably not enough, since V. Plek did not consider himself to be guilty in this situation and the journalist's public apologies never brought. As for the performance of "Biderman and Militers", his life was short - soon the pilot removed him from the repertoire.

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