Why, according to Kudryash Kuligin Antik Cudak. Characters of the heroes of the play

Why, according to Kudryash Kuligin Antik Cudak. Characters of the heroes of the play
Why, according to Kudryash Kuligin Antik Cudak. Characters of the heroes of the play

The drama "Thunderstorm" is based on the collision of powerless and oppressed with merchants-self-director. This conflict is compiled from a number of private conflicts (the collision of Katerina and Kabanihi, Boris and Wild, Kuligina and Wild, etc.). However, the leading in the development of action is the collision of Katerina with the "Dark Kingdom". It is related to him, the rest of the conflicts are subordinate to him that she gives all the play slimity and completeness.

Obviously, when analyzing the text, we must focus the attention of students on the struggle of Katerina for their rights.


The conflict of the play lies in the fact that along with the collision of Katerina with self-director, the author shows a deep inner drama of Katerina: a passionate gust of the heroine to freedom and happiness faces her own ideas about the morality, which has developed under the influence of the same "Dark Kingdom" against which she " Related. " Without examining this internal conflict, it is impossible to understand the nature of Katerina, nor the ideological content of the socio-psychological drama of Ostrovsky. We offer the teacher one of the possible options for analyzing drama.

1. The main conflict of drama. The life positions of the heroes (commented reading of the first - sixth phenomena of the first action of the drama). - 1 hour.

2. Catherine's spiritual tragedy (conversation with students in the seventh - the ninth phenomena of the first action). - 1 hour.

3. Katerina in the struggle for his human rights (analysis of leading scenes of the second - fourth actions). - 2 hours.

4. Katerina's suicide - a challenge of Samoga. Resolution of other private conflicts of drama (fifth analysis). -1 hour.

5. Katerina - a ray of light in the dark kingdom. Genre peculiarity of the play. - 1 hour.

6. Dark kingdom in the drama "Thunderstorm". "Thunderstorm" on stage. - 1 hour.

With the main provisions of the Dobrolyubov article "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom" of students, it is advisable to introduce in the process of studying the text of the drama. At the final lessons, students will consolidate and systematize this information. Introducing students to work on the text, the teacher will offer them to call the main heroes of the play, indicate their social position, to establish where and when events are deployed.

To cause visual images from students, you can show them the picture I. I. Levitan "Evening. Golden Ples. " Of course, it is impossible to consider the picture as an illustration for a play, moreover, in his style it is far from the genre painting of Ostrovsky, but in this case we do not put our task to introduce students with the features of the style of playwright. Our goal is to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Volga landscapes, look at them with the eyes of a person far from Kalovens.

This is what he would see, being on the banks of the Volga, in those places where the play was taken.

Pupils turn. ATTENTION on the color of the paintings. Juicy, filled with rays of the setting sun greens of shrubs, orange, golden paints of water and sky. Above the river - the fog rises. The opposite coast lies in a grayish blue haze.

From the picture buys quiet peace. It wonderfully passed the poetry of Russian Nature.

We include the magneton record of the first phenomenon in the execution of Moscow artists, the Mayakovsky Theater. From somewhere from afar, the song "Far away, far to the Volga left ..." The song is the same soft sadness, the same poetry of the Russian soul, as in the painting of Levitan.

Instead of the sound record of the play of the Mayakovsky teacher's theater, can take advantage of the recording of the small theater.

Against this background, Kuligin's words are particularly expressive: "Wonders! True need to say that miracles! Kudryash!

Here, the brother you are mine, fifty years I look for the Volga every day and I can not gladly look. " Kuligin not only admires the charm of the Volga landscapes, but also to others seeks to show, "What a beauty in nature is spilled." After all, in his opinion, the pleasure of nature could mitigate the cruel morals of the residents of Kalinov.

Immediately, through the attitude towards nature, the author reveals the difference in the worldview of residents of the city. In response to the enthusiastic words of Kuligin, a rough-prose replica Kudryash "Net!" The poetry of nature is curly, and Kuligin himself for him is not from the world of this, blissful: "Well, let's be with you to interpret! Are you a pass antique, chemist! "

The continuation of the dialogue introduces us to the main conflict of drama. What do we know from the dialogue about wild and kabani? How do you relate to self-self-self-kudryash, chapkin, kuligin and what is the difference between their life positions? - We ask students.

Understand the disciples that Kuligin and Kudryash converge in the condemnation of self-masses, but if Kudryash is ready to defend his independence ("No, I will not work in front of him"), then Kuligin prefers to conquer the strength of wild ("from him that Example to take! It is better to delete! ") So in the play there are two ways for the people of the "oppressed party": to fight with self-directions or to conquer.

Then we become directly witnessed by the collision of self-masses and their victims. Conducting a conversation on the second and third phenomena, the teacher will offer students to draw a portrait of Wild, to tell about its attitude towards households and residents of the city, give it a speech characteristic.

In the presentation of students of the wild - a dozen, an attendant check in the volatile beard, he is in the rustling, lubricant boots, it costs to occupy, speaks low voice. However, the student A. Drew a different portrait of wild. According to his description, the wild - small, dry old man with a rare beard and restlessly running eyes. This description has its own logic.

It indicates a complete insignificance of the Wild Personality, puts the question, why is such a patient in essence, a person is able to lead to the thrill of the people around him. True, with such interpretation of the image of the wild, the gloomy flavor of the dark kingdom soften, and it is not by chance that the stage tradition does not know such an embodiment of the image.

With the commercial activities of merchants, the disciples have already met with a survey study of the comedy "their people - to tear." In the "thunderstorm", the attention of the Ostrovsky focuses on family relations, but here the painting of coarse arbitrariness, robbery and compassionage is made here from individual replicas of heroes. Wildly frankly accounts for men, when they are complaining about him in love, cynically declares: "Is it worth it, your highlags, we p about such trifles to talk!

I have a lot in a year, the people go over; You understand: I do not surcharge on some kind of a penny on a person, and I have from this thousand are drawn up, so it is good for me! " - And at the same time, the familiarly pats in the shoulder.

The appeal of wild to the publicity testifies to the fact that Wildly aware of its strength is the strength of a money bag. Therefore, it costs every penny so much, so it is so annoying his meetings with Boris, who claims part of the inheritance.

The fifth phenomenon that has exceptional importance to clarify the morals of the Dark Kingdom.

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For Teacher: One of the possible options for analyzing the drama "Thunderstorm"

A.N. Ostrovsky in the play "Thunderstorm", written in 1859, showed life and morals of the Russian provincial society of that time. He revealed the problems of morality and the disadvantages of this society, showing the main features of the samotor.

In his play, Ostrovsky issued an action outside the family life in a wide sphere of publicity: to the city street, to the square, to the public garden and surrounded the main characters by representatives of different segments of the population. One of the "representative" is Kuligin - a tradesman, a self-taught mechanic, which in social terms is opposed to wilderness, and boa, because the cruel morals of Kalinova and, according to Dobrolyubov, Kuligin, like Katerina, personifies in the "Dark Kingdom" Other life, with other principles. " True, Kuligin, unlike Katerina, softens the relationship between the "Dark Kingdom" and his victims. He preaches more patience and humility. So, for example, when Kudryash gives a fight against a wilderness, Kuligin objects: "It's better to delete," and on the threat of wild, says: "There is nothing to do, you need to conquer!" And Wildly calls Kuligin "Worm". "Tatarin", "Robber", he wants to send this modest inventor "To Governing" and wants to refute the knowledge of the wild superstition. Kuligin is not a fighter, he protects his human dignity to timidly, naively referring to the authority of Lomonosov and Derzhavin. It also naively believes in Perpetm Mobile, which will help the scored people ease their fate. Kuligin is happy "for the general benefit," he is experiencing for the boring fears of citizens, he himself is deprived of any superstitions. It hurts the darkness and ignorance of Kalinovtsev, the morals of this city. Wested Kuligin pronounces: "Brutal morals, sir, in our root, cruel!. In the mesh, the sir, you do not see anything but rudeness. "

Kuligin is a good and delicate man, he dreams of changing the life of Kalinovsky poor, having received a reward for the opening of the eternal engine, but all its technical ideas are an anachronism for the XIX century. The sundial of which he dreams came from ancient times, Perpetm-Mobile - a medieval idea, a threshold - the technical discovery of the 18th century. He often looks ridiculous, eccentric. For Kalinovsev, Kuligin is something like a local yurody.

Kuligin very feels in nature, in this sense he is a subtle man. His soul rejoices unusually beautiful landscapes, he is ready to cut the nature of the hymns. He, for example, to give the crowd his feeling of beauty and harmony, speaks about nature with the words of Lomonovsov6 "Well, what are you afraid, tell me for mercy! Each now herb, every flower is rejoicing, and we hide, we are afraid, exactly what is your attack! .. Northern radiance will light up - you would like to admire the wisdom to admire: "From the midnight countries, the dawn rises"! And you are terrifying, yes, invent, to war or to the sea ... "

Despite the weak protest of Kuligin against the "Dark Kingdom", the meaning of his replica and monologues is an ideological comment of what is happening, he is still a moral judge of wild, kabani and all that they personify themselves. No wonder in the last act of the play, it was Kuligin who puts the body of Katerina ashore ashore and utters full ukrorisa words:

Here is your Katerina. Her shower is no longer yours: she is now before the court who is mercifully!

Kuligin is a moral judge of the "Dark Kingdom", perhaps because some critics called the "Light Light" of him.

The city of Kalinov in the play of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is a city that deny the interference in his life of innovations, progress, anything that disgusting a measured leisure time in it. There's everything in the old way: the younger generation is afraid of the older, the wives are conquered by the husbands, the main entertainment are hiking to the church and to the market with someone from the accompanying senior. There were never cars here, everything or swear, or afraid, they sing here only at night, because the eldest will not approve the will. And even more so, here you will never want to help a person who wants to change it.

The changes are unacceptable, they intervene that the Lord God himself gave Kalinov's blessed city. Large cities have long been kept under control by the unclean, plunging into sin and offering their devil institutions. That is the attitude of all residents of Kalinov to science and technology. All that is incomprehensible - from the devil, everything that challenges a quiet existence is to destroy or simply do not give the go.

Kuligina was not lucky here. He is a gifted inventor, as they say, "from God", and not Corywn, ready to work as a task, just to people were good, just to show that you can live better. No wonder his surname is consonant with the name of the famous Russian mechanic - Kulibin, by the way, who, too, was not fully understood, and many of his projects were not fully implemented, ahead of time. Kulibin, for the most part, was forced to create what is in demand: automata, toys with a secret, fireworks for large techniques. By the way, Kulibin wrote poems, like his literary double.

Kuligin also beat the time that it would not move from a place in this small Volzhsky town. His desire to help Kalinovtsy stumble upon an obstacle - he was poor and forced to ask for its financial assistance projects from wealthy merchants, but to whom it turns out - everyone drives him. Why would someone facilitate life, pay for the general good? Dickly regrets even ten rubles to threshing, although he simply did not pay for some of the same rubles to someone.

Kuligin wants to find a perpetuum mobile, an eternal engine, and sell the invention for ten million to become independent and helping the native city. He wants to be needed, wants to help, change the life of Kalinovans for the better, but his creations are not needed, like himself. Who are Kalinovtsy in their bulk? Believers living in Domostroevsky Rules People whose lives consists of a deception in trading, taking home, hiking to the church and to the market. No one expresses the desire to change the existing order of things.

Kuligin, self-taught scientist - the only person in the city of Kalinov, who wants to change. He sees everything and understands everything. Somehow he does not fit into the total course of the life of Kalinov - he sings the song Day, looking at his beloved Volga, and his soul is fully aware of the beauty of nature, a picturesque place in which he lives. But, however, his fate is to fight with a well-established mechanism of merchant Kalinovian life - and constantly be ridiculous and rejected. He has long come true with reproaches and swearing, but from day to day, having met a possible patient, patiently explains the value of the proposed innovations.

He is an eternal aspirator, and his patience is a kind of protest against the current life. Apparently, he adheres to the opinion that the "drop stone is hammered", and day after day, not disappointed from the next failure, refers to merchants, again and again explaining the advantages of the new invention.

He is an optimist, and believes that it will ever come an hour; Wild, maybe he will rise with that very leg itself, his first invention will see the light, and everything will go like on the rolled out.

He is very clever, everything notices and understands everything. Perhaps he is alone who fully understood and justified the act of Katerina. He is confident that only God can judge her, in no way Kabaniha, wild and others. Kuligin advised Tikhon to forgive Katerina, but Katerina decided everything herself - and committed suicide.

Katerina does not know, he wants his search for this led her to Boris, and then pushed out of the cliff. Kuligin, unlike her, knows that there is no way out. Only one rare patience, luck and luck. However, he is a patriot. He could find benefactors in a big city, and there would be exactly in demand - and understands it. But he is not leaving. Standing for him is admiring native places, he breathes fresh air from the Volga and is waiting for changes that feels with a thunderstorm approach.

Maybe on its century in Kalinov and there will be change. He is waiting. And he only has moral right to condemn those who blame Katerina. This drama is not only one of the drama of the trait that cut out of shame. This is a drama of all thinking of the time of the time, the desire to change the world around themselves led them to sad consequences.

Maybe Kuligin and the rains of his happy day and it will be able to change the life of Kalinovans for the better. But the play ends with the death of Katerina, who tried to change his life. Perhaps Ostrovsky makes it clear that you need a lot of patience - progress will come even in Kalinov. And then Kuligin wins. He too longly fought with ignorance and greed for too long, to miss his chance. But Ostrovsky gives only a hint of it. And we can only assume.

Kuligin - character characteristics

Kuligin - a character, partially performing the functions of an author's point of view and therefore sometimes attributed to the type of hero-resonance, which, however, is incorrect, since in general this hero is definitely distinguished from the author, it is quite removal, as a unusual person, even somewhat dicked. In the list of actors, it is said: "The traders, a wurster self-taught, looking for perpetum mobile." The surname of the Hero transparably hints at the real face - I. P. Kulibin (1755-1818), whose biography was published in the Journal of the M. P. P. Moskvatik, where the Ostrovsky collaborated.

Like Katerina, K. - Natura Poetic and dreamy (so, it is he who admires the beauty of the Valvian landscape, complains that Kalinov-Tsy is indifferent to it). He appears, whining "among the valley of the flat ...", the popular song of literary origin (for the words A. F. Merzlyakov). This immediately emphasizes the difference from K. from other characters associated with the folklore culture, he is a man of book, albeit a rather archaic book: Boris, he says that he writes the poems "in an old ... Had Lomonosov, Derzhavina ... The sage was Lomonosov, a nature test ... ". Even the characteristic of Lomonosov testifies to the readiness of K. It is in old books: not a "scientist", but "Sage", "Testor of Nature". "You have an antique, chemist," Kudryash tells him. "Self-taught mechanic," C. The technical ideas of K. also explicit anachronism. The sundial, which he dreams to install on Kalinovsky Boulevard, came from antiquity. Gromotka - Technical discovery of XVIII "SC. If K. writes in the spirit of the classics XVIII "SC., Then his oral stories are withstanding in even earlier stylistic traditions and resemble an old moral story and apocryphas (" and they will begin with them, sir, the court is of the case, and carry the end of the torment. They are right here, but they will go to the province, and there they are waiting for them, but from joy of their hands should have "- the picture of the judicial Volokhate, vividly described by K., resembles stories about the torment of sinners and the joy of demons). All these features of the hero, of course, are granted by the author in order to show his deep connection with the world of Kali-Nova: it can certainly differ from Kalinovans, it can be said that he is "new" man, but only novelty it has developed him here, inside this world , generating not only of his passionate and poetic dreamers, like Katerina, but also its "rationalists" -ders, their special, home-grown scientists and humanists.

The main thing of the life of K. - Dream of the invention "Putting Mobile" and getting a million from the British for it. Million, this he intends to spend on Kalinovskoe society - "Work should be given by the meshness." Listening to this story, Boris, who received modern education in the commercial academy, notes: "It's a pity to disappoint something! What a good man! Dreams - and happy. " However, he is hardly right. K. Indeed a good man: kind, disinterested, delicate and meek. But hardly he is happy: his dream constantly forces him to pour money on his inventions, conceived for the benefit of society, and does not occur to society that there may be any benefit from them, for them K. - a harmless eccentric, which It seems to be a urban oar. And the main possible "pattering" - wild and at all is attacked by the inventor with Brandy, once again confirming both the overall opinion, and its own recognition of the Kabanchi is that it is not capable of parting with money. Kuligin-Skye passion for creativity remains unattheless; He regrets his countrymen, seeing in their vices the result of ignorance and poverty, but cannot help them. So, the advice that he gives (forgive Katerina, but so that you never remember about her sin), knowingly imparting in the house of Kabanov, and hardly K. does not understand it. The advice is good, humane, because it comes from humane considerations, but does not take into account the real participants of the drama, their characters and beliefs.

With all its diligence, the creative beginning of their personality K. - a contemplative nature, devoid of all siblings. Probably, only therefore Kalinovtsy will be laid with him, despite the fact that he is different from them. It seems that for the same reason it turned out to be brought to him the author's assessment of the act of Katerina. "Here is your Katerina. Make with her what you want! Her body here, take it; And the soul is no longer yours: she is now before the judgment, which is merciful than you! "

In 1859, A.N. Ostrovsky wrote a "Thunderstorm"'s play, in which he raised the problem of the fracture of public life, the problem of changing social oblats, penetrated into the most essence of the contradictions of his time, painted coloric images of self-rods, their life and morals. Two images - Katerina and Kuligin are opposed to self-confidence. This essay is dedicated to the second.

Kuligin is a tradesman, self-taught mechanic. In the first action, in a conversation with Kudryash, he appears before us by a poetic connoisseur of nature, Kuligin admires the Volga, calls an extraordinary kind of miracle. The dreamer of nature, he, however, understands the injustice of the building, in which everything solves the rude power of power and money: "Brutal morals, sir, in our city, cruel!" - He says Boris Grigorievich: "And who has money, sir, he tries to hardarly rolling up, so that there is even more money to find out the gift of the gift." Kuligin himself is not at all like that, he is virtuous and dreams of the well-being of the people: "If only I, sir, perpetuum-mobile to find! .., I would have all the money for society and used ..."

The next time Boris meets Kuligina in the third action on the evening walk. Kulugin is admired by nature, air, silence. At the same time, it is upset that the boulevard did in the city, and people do not walk, he says that everyone has long been locked and not from thieves: "... and so that people did not see how they eat their home eaten. And what, sir, behind these locks debauchery dark and drunkenness! " Kuligin seems to be outraged by all the standards of the "Dark Kingdom", but immediately after his angry speech, he says: "Well, God with them!" As if retreating from her former words. It is almost a silent protest, and is expressed only in objections, it is not ready, like Katerina, to an open call. On the offer of Boris to write poems Kuligin immediately exclaims: "As you can, sir! We will eat, alive swallowd. I'm so sir for my chatter gets. " However, it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bhim due, for what persistence and at the same time courtesy, he asks wild money for the materials for sunny clock on the Boulevard: "... for the general benefit, your degree. Well, it means for society some rubles ten! God is with you, Savel Prokofich! No I rude to you, sir, I do not do; Forces you, your degree, a lot; Was only the will on a good deed. "

Unfortunately, Kuligin stones only on rudeness and ignorance from the wild. Then he tries to persuade the Sovelius of Prokofych at least for thunderwood, as the thunderstorms in their city are frequent phenomenon. But without achieving any success, Kuligina remains nothing, except to leave, waving his hand. dreamer protest Samoram Society

Kuligin is a man of science who relates to nature with respect, deliciously feels her beauty. In the fourth action, he turns to the crowd with a monologue, trying to explain to people in it that it is not necessary to fear thunderstorms and other natural phenomena, on the other "But people and do not want to listen to him, they are all, according to old customs, continue to believe that all this is to the trouble, that this is God's Kara.

Kuligin is well versed in humans, is capable of empathy and can give the right, delta tips - all these qualities he showed well in conversation with Tikhon: "You would have forgiven her, but never remembered ... she would be you, sir, there was a good wife; Look - it's better for everyone ... It's time for you, sir, to live by my mind ... I need to forgive enemies, sir! "

It was Kuligin who pulled out dead Katerina from the water and brought her to Kabanov: "Here is your Katerina. Do it you want! The body is here, take it; and the soul is no longer yours; she is now before the judgment that is mercifully!". After these words, Kuligin escapes, he is experiencing this grief in his own way and unable to share it with people who are the perpetrators of the suicide of the poor girl.

Personally, I am very sympathetic to the image of Kuligin. He is like a kind of white crow in the city of Kalinov, is sharply different from other people's thoughts, reasoning, values, aspirations. Kuligin is aware of the injustice of the Ustiva "Dark Kingdom", trying to fight them, dreams of improving the life of ordinary people. He thinks about the social reorganization of the city. And maybe find Kuligin at least a few like-minded people and material support, he would have been able to significantly change Kalinov for the better. That is what I like in Kuligin most of all - his desire for the well-being of the people.

In the literature of the classic period, each character of a particular work performs a special function, the image is not just so. This applies to both the main and secondary characters. In dramatic works there are the same principles. For example, through the image of Molchalin in the Griboedovskaya comedy "Mount from the mind" shows the false and nonsense of the nobility society of the XIX century. But the island image of Kuligina in the "Thunderstorm" play performs several other functions. When analyzing the characters "Thunderstorm" this hero should pay special attention. The playwright Kuligina from the "thunderstorm" characteristic gave more than memorable.

Kuligin is not at all such a simple character as it may seem at first glance. The characteristic of Kuligina in the "thunderstorm" a little resembles a characteristic of the master from Roman Bulgakov. This is a dreamy nature for which the end result will not be happiness. Happiness for them is the path to this result.

Kuligin is different from Wild and Kabani, from Boris and Tikhon, even from Katerina. The role of Kuligina in the "Thunderstorm" play is somewhat different. From the author's definition in the list of actors, the reader learns that Kuligin is self-taught mechanic. That is, everything learned himself. The image and characteristic of Kuligin in the "Thunderstorm" is complemented by phrases from the replica of other actors. Kuligina 50 years old. In addition to his passion, mechanics can safely talk with confidence about the high level of overall erudition. He quotes Derzhavin and Lomonosov, which means that they read their works, in addition, you can talk about everyday wisdom: it is Kuligin that advises Tikhon to live his mind, getting rid of the influence of the mother. In Kuligin, many positive qualities. He is conscientious, as he shows his desire to earn honest labor; His selflessness and sincerity are manifested in conversations with Tikhon and Boris. By the way, his manner of communication differs from the habits of other residents Kalinov. Kuligin gives advice, and not orders. In it, there is at all that unfortunate animal cruelty and anger, which has wild with the boa. And hypocrisy, like Boris, there is no in Kuligin too. From Tikhon Mechanics is distinguished by the desire to do something, and from Katerina - the lack of active protest.

We encounter Kuligin on the banks of the Volga, it is fascinated by the uniqueness of nature. Kuligin admires how everything breathes life and beauty: "Miracles, it is truly necessary to say that miracles! Kudryash! Here, the brother you are my, fifty years I look for the Volga every day and I can not gladly look. " In this phrase, the lyricism is slipped, which is full of the soul of Kuligin. But what's next?

In the following actions, Kuligin talks about the "cruel nrules" of the city of Kalinov. As if he says a guide: "Look to the left, there, behind closed doors, many examples of family tyranny. But here, a little further, you can see how the greedy merchant is deceiving ordinary people and rudely rude. " After all, in fact, if you abstract from high-tech words and expressions, Kuligin spends something like a tour of the life and the nrules of the city. At the same time, Kuligin himself behaves somewhat disgraced. A man knows how people live, he does not like this image of existence, but at the same time he himself is not going to change anything. Kuligin is unable to an active protest, which is capable of Katerina. To adapt and lie like Barbara, Culigin can also not. It seems that Kuligin does not completely worry rudeness and the threat of wild. The episode with the beginning of the thunderstorm is a clear confirmation. The Kuligina is incomprehensible to the fear of ordinary natural phenomenon, so it proposes to establish a gross loss:

"Savel Prokofyich, because from this, your degree, for all general people in general.
Wild Look you away! What is the benefit! Who needs this benefit?
Kuligin. Yes, at least for you, your degree, Savel Prokofich. "

Kuligin continues to insist on his even after the words of the merchant that Kuligina can be "crushed as a worm."

What sides of the nature reveals this dialogue? First, Kuligin advocates for the common benefit. The threshing will be useful to residents of the city, but from another point of view, it will allow to implement the mechanics some of their ideas. Secondly, to convince the merchant in the benefits of such a structure, Kuligin Lebesitis and behaves the same way as those who came to ask for wild money.

Another feature is important for the characteristics of Kuligina from the Pieza "Thunderstorm": his dreaminess. After a conversation with Kuligin, Boris understands that all the dreams of the mechanic about perpetuum-mobile and other inventions are destined to remain only with dreams. Kuligina needs to be constantly in the search, fantasize about chimerers and the benefits that mechanisms will be able to bring society. This character is difficult to imagine a great or recognized inventor at least because Kuligina is already 50 years old. That is, all this time, all his life, he independently studied the mechanics, but still nothing has achieved anything special. The image of Kuligina in the "thunderstorm" cannot exist out of connection with the inventions and dreams of them. That is, without all these thoughts, Kuligin simply will lose an internal originality.
It turned out that his work is not needed by people, Kalinovtsy do not see in the inventions no practical benefit. On the situation with the threshing and electricity, you can look like otherwise. Kuligin wants to bring light into the "Dark Kingdom", but its inhabitants deliberately refuse to enlighten and progress.

It is believed that in the image of Kuligina from the Piez "Thunderstorm", the Ostrovsky wanted to show the sad position of the people of the XIX century, forced to live and survive in the atmosphere of obsolete patriarchal orders.

Test on the work

Piece "Thunderst" became the top of the creativity of the great Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky. The action of the tragedy described in the play is happening in a small town of Kalinov, who rained the Volga treasured on the banks. The main characters live in a state of conflict, the old order has been shaken, protest is brewing in society.
With Kuligin, we get acquainted at the very beginning of the plays. He is not a major hero, but the author will lead him a very important role. This self-taught mechanic is a realist, but at the same time, he is a dreamer and romantic. For the first time we see it sitting on the bench on the banks of the Volga. He soul admires the beauty of nature and sings. "Delight! Miracles, beauty! Soul rejoices!" - says Kuligin strolling kudryash and Shapkin. But they do not share his joy and immersed in everyday problems.
In the "Dark Kingdom" Kalina Kuligin appears a good person. He is outraged by the foundations and morals of the city, he disagrees with reigning injustice. Kuligin says about it, turning to Boris: "Brutal morals, sir, in our city, cruel! Who has money, he tries to rolled up the poor. Trade from each other is undermined ... you will be entrusted to each other ..." But on the offer of Boris openly, Kalinovsky Morals, Kuligin replies: "As you can, sir! Will eaten, Live swallowd." In this, his indecision is manifested: "I'm so so, sir, for my chatter gets." He avoids a loud and decisive protest, and maybe even afraid. Understanding that it would not be possible to change anything, Kuligin advises to "please somehow."
On the other hand, Kuligin is a noble dreamer and a romantic. He delicately feels the beauty of nature, reads poems, sings, seeks to make the life of people better, expand their horizons. Kuligin dreams of inventing a perpetuum mobile and get a million million for him, which would spend to give work to the mesh. "And then there is hands, but there is nothing to work."
He wants to do a sunny clock in the city park, for this he needs ten rubles and he asks them from wild, but meets complete misunderstanding. Do not leave Kulin's care of the city's safety: "We have frequent thunderstorms, and we do not earn thunderous taps!". What the wilderness is responsible for him: "Thunderstorms are sent to us in punishment, so that we feel, and you want to defend the sixtes ...". Only one Kuligina we see clear goals in life, but, unfortunately, it can change life in the city.
In the final of the play, when the dead Katerina get from the Volga, Kuligin first speaks Kabani: "Here is your Katerina. Do it with her, what you want! Her body here, take it; and the soul is no longer yours; she is now before the judgment that is more than you ! " After these words, he leaves because it can no longer be near these people.

In 1859, A.N. Ostrovsky wrote a "Thunderstorm"'s play, in which he raised the problem of the fracture of public life, the problem of changing social oblats, penetrated into the most essence of the contradictions of his time, painted coloric images of self-rods, their life and morals. Two images - Katerina and Kuligin are opposed to self-confidence. This essay is dedicated to the second.

Kuligin is a tradesman, self-taught mechanic. In the first action, in a conversation with Kudryash, he appears before us by a poetic connoisseur of nature, Kuligin admires the Volga, calls an extraordinary kind of miracle. The dreamer of nature, he, however, understands the injustice of the building, in which everything solves the rude power of power and money: "Brutal morals, sir, in our city, cruel!" - He says Boris Grigorievich: "And who has money, sir, he tries to hardarly rolling up, so that there is even more money to find out the gift of the gift." Kuligin himself is not at all like that, he is virtuous and dreams of the well-being of the people: "If only I, sir, perpetuum-mobile to find! .., I would have all the money for society and used ..."

The next time Boris meets Kuligina in the third action on the evening walk. Kulugin is admired by nature, air, silence. At the same time, it is upset that the boulevard did in the city, and people do not walk, he says that everyone has long been locked and not from thieves: "... and so that people did not see how they eat their home eaten. And what, sir, behind these locks debauchery dark and drunkenness! " Kuligin seems to be outraged by all the standards of the "Dark Kingdom", but immediately after his angry speech, he says: "Well, God with them!" As if retreating from her former words. It is almost a silent protest, and is expressed only in objections, it is not ready, like Katerina, to an open call. On the offer of Boris to write poems Kuligin immediately exclaims: "As you can, sir! We will eat, alive swallowd. I'm so sir for my chatter gets. " However, it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bhim due, for what persistence and at the same time courtesy, he asks wild money for the materials for sunny clock on the Boulevard: "... for the general benefit, your degree. Well, it means for society some rubles ten! God is with you, Savel Prokofich! No I rude to you, sir, I do not do; Forces you, your degree, a lot; Was only the will on a good deed. "

Unfortunately, Kuligin stones only on rudeness and ignorance from the wild. Then he tries to persuade the Sovelius of Prokofych at least for thunderwood, as the thunderstorms in their city are frequent phenomenon. But without achieving any success, Kuligina remains nothing, except to leave, waving his hand. dreamer protest Samoram Society

Kuligin is a man of science who relates to nature with respect, deliciously feels her beauty. In the fourth action, he turns to the crowd with a monologue, trying to explain to people in it that it is not necessary to fear thunderstorms and other natural phenomena, on the other "But people and do not want to listen to him, they are all, according to old customs, continue to believe that all this is to the trouble, that this is God's Kara.

Kuligin is well versed in humans, is capable of empathy and can give the right, delta tips - all these qualities he showed well in conversation with Tikhon: "You would have forgiven her, but never remembered ... she would be you, sir, there was a good wife; Look - it's better for everyone ... It's time for you, sir, to live by my mind ... I need to forgive enemies, sir! "

It was Kuligin who pulled out dead Katerina from the water and brought her to Kabanov: "Here is your Katerina. Do it you want! The body is here, take it; and the soul is no longer yours; she is now before the judgment that is mercifully!". After these words, Kuligin escapes, he is experiencing this grief in his own way and unable to share it with people who are the perpetrators of the suicide of the poor girl.

Personally, I am very sympathetic to the image of Kuligin. He is like a kind of white crow in the city of Kalinov, is sharply different from other people's thoughts, reasoning, values, aspirations. Kuligin is aware of the injustice of the Ustiva "Dark Kingdom", trying to fight them, dreams of improving the life of ordinary people. He thinks about the social reorganization of the city. And maybe find Kuligin at least a few like-minded people and material support, he would have been able to significantly change Kalinov for the better. That is what I like in Kuligin most of all - his desire for the well-being of the people.

Kuligin - a character who partially performing the functions of the author's point of view and therefore sometimes attributable to the type of hero-resonance, which, however, it seems wrong, since this hero is definitely distinguished from the author, depicted quite detached, as an unusual person, Even somewhat dicked. In the list of actors, it is said: "The traders, a wurster self-taught, looking for perpetum mobile." The surname of the Hero transparably hints at the real face - I. P. Kulibin (1755-1818), whose biography was published in the journal of the historian M. P. Pogodina "Moskvatik", where Ostrovsky collaborated.

Like Katerina, K. - Natura Poetic and dreamy (so, it is he who admires the beauty of the Valvian landscape, complains that Kalinovtsy is indifferent to him). He appears, whining "among the valley of the flat ...", the popular song of literary origin (for the words A. F. Merzlyakov). This immediately emphasizes the difference from K. from other characters associated with the folklore culture, he is a man of book, albeit a rather archaic book: Boris, he says that he writes the poems "in an old ... Had Lomonosov, Derzhavina ... The sage was Lomonosov, a nature test ... ". Even the characteristic of Lomonosov testifies to the readiness of K. It is in old books: not a "scientist", but "Sage", "Testor of Nature". "You have an antique, chemist," Kudryash tells him. "Self-taught mechanic," C. The technical ideas of K. also explicit anachronism. The sundial, which he dreams to install on Kalinovsky Boulevard, came from antiquity. Thunderwrites - technical discovery of the XVIII century. If K. writes in the spirit of the classics of the XVIII century, then his oral stories are withstanding in even earlier stylistic traditions and resemble an old moral story and apocryphal ("And they will begin, sir, the court is yes, and to bear the end of the torment. Here, yes, they will go to the province, and there they are waiting for them, but from joy with their hands, the painting of the judiciary, vividly described by K., resembles stories about the torment of sinners and the joy of demons). All these features of the hero, of course, are granted by the author in order to show his deep connection with the world of Kalinov: it can certainly differ from Kalinovans, it can be said that he is "new" man, but only novelty it has developed him here, inside this world, generating it Not only of their passionate and poetic dreamers, like Katerina, but also their "rationalists" -ders, their special, home-grown scientists and humanists.

The main thing of the life of K. - Dream of the invention "Moto-Mo Bile" and obtaining a million from the British. Million, this he intends to spend on Kalinovskoe society - "Work should be given by the meshness." Listening to this story, Boris, who received modern education in the commercial academy, notes: "It's a pity to disappoint something! What a good man! Dreams - and happy. " However, he is hardly right. K. Indeed a good man: kind, disinterested, delicate and meek. But hardly he is happy: his dream constantly forces him to pour money on his inventions, conceived for the benefit of society, and does not occur to society that there may be any benefit from them, for them K. - a harmless eccentric, which It seems to be a urban oar. And the main one of the possible "phecks" - wild and at all is attacked by the Branwie, once again confirming the general opinion, and its own recognition of the Kabanchi is that it is not capable of parting with money. The Kuliginsky passion for creativity remains unfulfilled; He regrets his countrymen, seeing in their vices the result of ignorance and poverty, but cannot help them. So, the advice that he gives (forgive Katerina, but so that you never remember about her sin), knowingly imparting in the house of Kabanov, and hardly K. does not understand it. The advice is good, humane, because it comes from humane considerations, but does not take into account the real participants of the drama, their characters and beliefs.

With all its diligence, the creative beginning of their personality K. - a contemplative nature, devoid of all siblings. Probably, only therefore Kalinovtsy will be laid with him, despite the fact that he is different from them. It seems that for the same reason it turned out to be brought to him the author's assessment of the act of Katerina. "Here is your Katerina. Make with her what you want! Her body here, take it; And the soul is no longer yours: she is now before the judgment, which is merciful than you! "

Piece "Thunderstorm" is a significant work of A. N. Ostrovsky. In it, he raises the most vastly trembling questions of his time, puts on the reading court the colorful characters.

The list of active persons "Thunderstorm" is small. These are the boars and the inhabitants of their home: the family of Wild Vanya Kudryash, Shapkin, Kuligin and several second-powerful characters.

A special place among the heroes is Culigin. With him the reader meets at the very beginning of the play. Once Kuligina immediately attracts reading attention.

Kuligin is a tradesman, wurster self-taught, but he knows how to feel beauty, he is poetic. Looking at the Volga, the hero of Eustice exclaims: "The view of the unusual and Venny! Beauty! ", And the fact that the Volga he contemplates every day for the past fifty years, does not prevent him from enjoying her beauties. Kudryash calls Kouli-Gina Antiques, that is, a rare, extraordinary person. For the city of Kalina, this hero, action, is exceptional phenomenon. It is not profitable from many characters of the play, which the same pre-lasty of the Volzhsky landscape is hardly evaluated.

Of great importance for the disclosure of the character of Kuli-Gin have its monologues. Angrily collapses Ku-Lagin to Kalinovsky orders. The bitterness filled with his words about neglecting to poor people, about the gesture-com deception of honest workers, about the grain of merchants between merchants who seek to harm the competitor with any means. The hero is brutally ridiculed the inferiority of the inner world of Kalinovsky dodge, leaving the boulevard only with one goal: "Dresses to show." Does not spare Culigin and Selflov: "They eat their home eaten a family of Ti-Women." According to the Hero, the main goal of the life of the Kalinovsky self-director is to "rob the orphans, relatives, nephews, to climb their homework so that there is something that he is doing there, torture not dare."

There is a poetic talent in Kuligina. For him, the non-doubted authority - Lomonosov, who left the simple people and the labor and effort to carry his way to great discoveries. Kuligin is read. He can clothe his thoughts in the poetic shape. That's just the courage to him lack. "Will eaten, lively swallowed," he says.

The great potential sees Kuligin in the people. He appreciates his crackerness and regrets that the Mu-screamement "Hands is, and there is nothing to work."

The hero is looking for a perpetuum mobile, only to anyone in Kalinov, his aspirations are not clear, no one supports him wants. Kuligin passionately paints the di to whom all the benefits that his custo can bring. He is trying to inspire to someone who fights the last penny from his workers, the need to sacrifice the annony sum "for society." The hero does not see that for wild it is all "nonsense", and Kuligin himself is no more than a worm that can be pardoned, but you can crush. Kuligin believes in achieving its goals, he hopes for a miracle, that in the "Dark Tsarster" there is still at least one "live" soul.

Whereby Kuligina turns out to be Boris, who in response to the words of the hero only sighs: "It's a pity to disappoint something!"

In vain, the hero is trying to express "dark" Kalinovtsy and the "grace" of thunderstorms, and the charm of the north shine, and the beauty of moving comets. He quotes them Lomonosov, mosques in all directions a precious Bi-Serge, not realizing that all this wasted.

Tikhon, the son of Kabanova, Kuligin says that his mammy "hurts steepness", and Katerina "is better than anything," and that at his age he "his mind will live."

Kuligina is a good heart. Frustrated quietly, well, he says that the enemies need to forgive, and finding the Merret Katerina, throws the words of their mercies to her in the face of Kabanov.

According to N. Dobrolyubov, nevertheless it was impossible to act on Kuligin, who believed in the educational path of reorganization of life and trying to influence on self-masrass. These people only logically understood the absurdity of the Samoram, but were powerless in the fight against him.

A.N. Ostrovsky created in 1859 the play "Thunderstorm" - a work in which the difficult issues of the fracture of public life were touched upon, the change of social oblasts. Alexander Nikolaevich penetrated the essence of the contradictions of his time. He created the colorful characters of self-timers, described their morals and life. Two images appear in counterweight to Samoram, this is Kuligin and Katerina. Our article is devoted to the first one. "The image of Kuligina in the play" Thunderstorm "is the topic that interests us. Portrait of A.N. Ostrovsky is presented below.

Quick characteristic Kuligina

Kuligin - self-taught mechanic, tradesman. In a conversation with Kudryash (first action), he appears in front of the reader by a poetic connoisseur of nature. Admires the Volga, miraculously calls him an extraordinary look. The image of Kuligina in the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" can be complemented by the following details. Dreamer by nature, nevertheless, this hero understands the injustice of an existing building, in which the rude power of money and strength decides everything. He tells Boris Grigorievich that in this city "cruel morals." After all, who has money, he seeks to rolling the poor in order to even more nor the capital on his writings. Hero himself is not like that. Characteristics of the image of Kulinig in the opposite. He dreams of well-being for all people, seeks to do good deeds. Imagine now in more detail the image of Kuligina in the "Thunderstorm" play.

Conversation Kuligina with Boris

Boris meets the character you are interested in on an evening walk in the third action. Kuligin is admired by nature, silence, air. However, at the same time, the boulevard has not been made in the city, and people in Kalinov do not walk: all the gates are locked. But not at all from thieves, but in order for others to see how they are tyranny family. Many of these castles, as Kuligin says, "Drunkenness" and "Dark Demand". The hero is outraged by the stands of the "Dark Kingdom", but immediately utters after angry speech: "Well, God with them!", As if retreating from the words said.

Almost dumb remains his protest, it is expressed only in objections. The image of Kuligin in the play is characterized by the fact that this character is not ready for an open call, like Katerina. Kuligin exclaims the offer to write poems that Boris makes him that his "live swallowed", and complains that he is so coming for his speech.

Request faithful to the wilderness

It is worth paying Kuligin due to the fact that he is persistent and at the same time courtesy asks Wildly to give money for materials. He needs them to install a sundial "for general use" on the boulevard.

Kuligin, unfortunately, stumbles only on ignorance and rudeness from this person. Then the hero is trying to persuade the Sovelius Prokofych at at least thunder, since thunderstorms are frequent phenomenon in the city. Without achieving success in this matter, Kuligin can no longer do anything, except, having waved his hand, leave.

Kuligin - Man Science

The hero you are interested in is a man of science, respecting to nature, feeling thinly her beauty. He draws in the fourth action with a monologue to the crowd, trying to explain to people in it that the thunderstorms should not be afraid and any others need to admire them. However, residents of the city do not want to listen to him. They live on old customs, continue to believe that this is God's Kara, that thunderstorm is certainly a badge.

Knowledge of people who exhibits Kuligin

The image of Kuligina in the "Thunderstorm" is characterized by the fact that this hero is well versed in humans. It is able to empathize and give akin, the correct advice. These qualities of the hero showed, in particular, in a conversation with the Tikhon. He tells him that the enemies need to forgive, and should also live by his mind.

It was this hero that pulled out from Katerina and brought her to her Kabanov, saying that they could pick it up, but the soul belongs not to them. She now appeared before the judge, which is much more than kabanov. Kuligin after these words runs away. This hero in its own way is experiencing the happening of the mountain and cannot divide him with people who are the perpetrators of the suicide of this girl.

White crow

In Kalinov, the hero is interested in the hero - a white crow. The image of Kuligina in the play of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is characterized by the fact that this character thinks significantly different from the image of the thoughts of the rest of the inhabitants. Others and aspirations, and values. Kuligin is aware that the foundations of the "Dark Kingdom" are unfair, trying to fight with them, seeks to make the life of ordinary people better.

The hero you are interested in dreaming of the social reorganization of Kalinov. And probably, find it material support and like-minded people, he would have managed to significantly improve this city. The desire for the well-being of the people is perhaps the most pretty feature, together with others, the image of Kuligina in the "Thunderstorm" play.

Test tasks on the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

The correct answer is marked with +

1. To which genre of literature refers to the play A.N. Island "Thunderstorm"?

A) tragedy

B) drama

C) comedy

2. What type of problematics determines the feature of the play A.N. Island "Thunderstorm"?

A) National

B) adventure

C) ideological moral

D) philosophical

3. What was the name of the boa?

A) Marfa Ignatievna

B) Maria Ivanovna

C) Martha Kirillovna

D) Anastasia Pavlovna

4. What descriptions are suitable as a kabanova?

A) calm, balanced, judgment

B) hysterical, unbalanced, scandalous

C) rude, despotic, ignorant

D) silent, thoughtful, uncommunicative

5. Whose nephew was Boris?

A) Kabanova

B) wild

C) Kuligina

D) Shapkin

6. Which critics called Katerina "Ray of Sun in the Dark Kingdom"?

A) A.N. Dobrolyubov

B) V.G. Belinsky

C) N.G. Chernyshevsky

D) D.I. Pisarev

7. What the bulk problem was raised by A.N. Ostrovsky in his play?

A) the problem of poverty and wealth

B) the problem of upbringing and education

C) the problem of fathers and children

D) the problem of "little man

8. How did Katerina relate to her husband?

A) loved very much, just succumbed to gusting new feelings

B) respected him and regretted, but married not for love

C) loved at the beginning of relations, over time the feelings disappeared

D) always despised, got married to another

9. What event is the culmination of the work?

A) the first date of Katerina with Boris

B) treason Katerina

C) Katerina Suicide

D) recognition of Katerina with her husband and kabanis about her sin

test 10. How do Kalinov residents relate to such a natural phenomenon like a thunderstorm?

A) no one pays attention to it

B) causes wild horror because it is sent over the punishment

C) fear flood after rain

D) rejoice in future rain after a long drought

11. How did Kabanov belonged to his daughter-in-law?

A) disliked, but did not climb into the family life of his son

B) loved like her mother's daughter

C) often quarreled, but appreciated her opinion

D) humiliated, insulted, in every way mocked her

12. Which residents of the city of Kalinov was not afraid of thunderstorms?

B) Kuligin

D) Shapkin

13. Who was the young girl of Varvara?

A) the girl in the house of Kabanov

B) wild daughter

C) sister Boris

D) sister Tikhon, kabani daughter

14. What river proceeds near the city of Kalinov?

A) Volga

C) Yenisei

15. How did Tikhon kabanov belonged to his mother?

A) a little communicated, did not agree with her life principles

B) often quarreled because he did not want to put up with her orders

C) loved but lived independently

D) heard her all over, was afraid to first

16. Which of the heroes play the following words: "How why to be afraid! How why to be afraid! Yes, you crushed, or what? You will not be afraid of, and I am suppressed. What kind of order in the house will be? "

A) wilderness

B) Tikhonu

C) Kabani

D) Boris.

17. What question bothered Katerina?

A) why not everyone married love

B) why people do not fly like birds

C) how to get rich

D) why a person can not be always happy

18. What did Kuligin dream of?

A) invent an eternal engine

B) marry Katerina

C) expand their farm

D) leave Kalinov

19. Why did Katerina decide to commit suicide?

A) could not live without Boris

B) was very shameful before Tikhon

C) could not forgive himself

D) did not stand the cheeking jockers

test-20. The main theme of the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm":

A) family theme and marriage

B) the topic of education of the new nobility

C) the topic of grows of human nature

D) the topic of the relationship of man and nature

21. Which of the heroes of the play belongs to the following words: "Like a girl, not afraid! Everyone must be afraid. It's not scary that kills you, but the fact that death will suddenly find you, as you are, with all your sins, with all the thoughts of Lukavi "?

A) Kabanova

B) Borisu

C) Varvaré

D) Katerina

22. Boris in everything heard and obeyed his uncle wild, because:

A) loved him and respected

B) considered the best example to imitate

C) dependent on him financially

D) didn't want to upset uncle

23. Which of the heroes of the play own the following words: "You're praise that you love your husband; I see now your love is. Another good wife, having done her husband, the hour and a half hundred and a half, lies on the porch; And you see nothing. "?

A) Katerina

B) Kabani

C) wilderness

D) Boris.

24. Who was the beloved barbarians?

A) Kudryash

C) Shapkin

D) Kuligin

25. What punishment for Katerina for treason suggested the son of Kabaniha?

A) close in the basement

B) leave for a week without food

C) Shutter

D) buried living in the ground

26. Which of the heroes of the play belongs to the following words: "You are listening! That's what stories have been with me. About the post somehow, about great, I gove, and here is not easy and drowning a man; For money came, the firewood drove. And he brought him to sin something at such a time! I was sinless: Izrupal, so Izrupal, that it is impossible to demand better, I almost nailed. Here it is, what heart I have! After forgiveness, he asked, bowed to her legs, right, so. True telling you, the peasant on the legs bowed. That's what my heart brings me: here on the yard, in the mud and bowed; With all he bowed "?

A) Kabanova

B) wilderness

C) Kuligina

D) Tikhonu

27. What does female beauty lead from the words of Baryni?

A) to the wedding

B) to unrequited love

C) to loneliness

D) killed

28. How ended the last meeting of Katerina with Boris?

A) Boris leaves Katerina one and leaves, praying God, so that she died as soon as

B) promises to pick up with time Katerina to himself in Siberia

C) refuses to go to Siberia, despite the fact that uncle will leave him without money

D) Boris promises to make money and return to Kalinovo

29. What does the husband of Katerina Tikhon regret at the end of the play?

A) that his beloved died

B) that Katerina found late

C) yourself because he stayed to live in the world and suffer

D) that he could not affect his mother

test_30. Than enemy pies A.N. Island "Thunderstorm"?

A) Wedding Barvara and Kudryash

B) Katerina's destruction

C) the return of Boris

D) reconciliation of Katerina and Tikhon

Test 10 class thunderstorm with answers - 4.0 Out of 5 Based on 2 Votes

Open lesson in contextual learning technology

Topic: "The city of Kalinov and its inhabitants" in the play of A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

Class: 10.

Type of lesson: Working with artistic text.

View of the lesson - workshop using contextual learning technology with access to creative work.

The purpose of the lesson: using the speech characteristic of heroes, consider how "cruel morals" of the city's inhabitants destroy the fate of the heroes.

Tasks of the lesson: give a characteristic of the city of Kalinov;

Trace the system of social relations of people "Dark Kingdom"

Promote the development of analytical, communicative and reflexive culture, monologic and dialogical speech students, disclosure of their creative abilities

Equipment: Drama A.N.ostrovsky "Thunderstorm",

Presentation "City of Kalinov and its inhabitants";

Group work cards

Principle: "As much as possible student and as little teacher as possible."

Epigraph: Life Some Transight

In the sultry air spills.

F.I. Tyutchev.

Stages / lesson methods

Estimated teacher's activities

Estimated student's activities

The word of the teacher.

2-3 min

Class 2-3 min


Reception "Guide

5 minutes

Formation of skills and skills.

Work in groups.

20 minutes

Problematic question

2-3 min

Dear friends. I take a special excitement in the hands of A.N. play Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" .. which I.S. Turgenev called "the most magnificent, talented work of Russian mighty talent." More than a year and a half years have passed, and readers are still arguing about the issues raised by the writer: the strength and weakness of Katerina, the approval of Kuligin about "brutal nravakh" sounds up to the strength and weakness.

You read the text ... The relationship between people is the most difficult ...

Setting the question of the lesson and formulating the goal.

To learn life from the inside, let's get closer to the city in which our heroes live. The classic example is remembered. Chichiki to ... What is the city of Kalinov? Acquaintance with the city

Imagine yourself as a guide, which allowed us to visually see myself is the city of Kalinov,drowning in greenery as he is painted in a play.

Excellent ex.

So, let's enter the city of Kalinov from the public garden. For a minute, we will take a minute, look at the Volga, on the shore of which the garden spread. Handsomely! Eye-catching! So Kuligin says too: "The kind of extraordinary! Beauty! Soul rejoices! " People probably live here peaceful, calm, measured and kind. Is it so?

Let us turn to the main reception of the disclosure of the character of heroes - speech characteristic, listening to people about the nrules of the city.

Coordinates the work of groups, helps to draw conclusions.

Guys, why not included in the conversation of Boris and Katerina?

I don't know anything here, but the orders of yours nor the customs .. (Boris)

Why do people fly like birds?

I do not understand you what you say. (Varvara)

Acquaintance completed. What is the conclusion with the heroes of the play?

And as a result of the actions of Kabanova and Wild:

The results of these heroes:
- Talented Kuligin is considered an eccentric and says: "There is nothing to do, it is necessary to conquer!";
- Good, but the brown Tikhon drinks and dreams of breaking out of the house: "... And with a so-old brother from what kind of beautiful wife you want to run"; He is completely subordinate to the mother;
- Barbara adapted to this world and began to deceive: "And I used to be not a deception, but I learned when it was necessary";
- Educated Boris is forced to adapt to the wild-mindedness of wild to get the inheritance.
So breaks the "Dark Kingdom" of good people, forcing them to endure and silent.

The city of Kalinov is contradictory, ignorant

Life in the city is a reflection of the situation when the old one does not want to give up its positions and seeks to keep power to the suppression of the will around others. Money gives "owners of life" the right to dictate their will "victims". In truthful show of such a lifetime, the position of the author calling for it.

Register entries in notebook

Comment the topic of the lesson and put goals.

Presentation of students - excursions.

Uch-Xia listened and complement.

1-2 uch

(We see its high fences, and the gate with strong constipation, and wooden houses with patterned stavents and color curtains of windows forced by geraniums and balsamines. We see and restaurants, where in a drunken fierce kuty such as wild and quiet. We see dust kalinovsky streets where in front of the houses on the benches are talking by the orders, merchants and a stranger and where the song for the accompaniment of the guitar comes from afar, and behind the wickets of houses begins the descent to the ravine, where young people have fun. Our galende opens gallery with vaults of dilapidated buildings; Public garden with arbors, Pink bells and ancient gilded churches, where "noble families" are sharply walking and where the social life of this little merchant town is deployed. Finally, we see the Volga Omut, in the punching of which is destined to find your last shelter Katerina.

Working with text, filling the table:

Uch-Xia speaks.

They are both strangers here. - Educated Boris is forced to adapt to the wild-mindedness of wild to get the inheritance.
For Katerina, the main thing - to live according to your soul

Kabaniha is terrible wild, since her behavior is hypocritically. Wild - scratcher, Samodor, but all his actions are open. Kabaniha, hiding behind the religion and care for others, suppresses the will. She is most afraid that someone will live in his own way, his will.

Ostrovsky showed the city fictional, but it looks extremely reliable. The author with pain saw how early in political, economic, cultural relations was Russia, how dark was the population of the country, especially in the province.

Final reflection

2 minutes

What feelings, emotions caused your conversation about the city of Kalinov and his inhabitants?

Output on the subject of the lesson

2 minutes

Poetic and prosaic, elevated and landed, human and animal - these principles were united in the life of the provincial Russian town, but prevails in this life, unfortunately, the darkness and the oppressive longing, which is not better described by N.A. Dobrolyubov, calling this world the "dark kingdom". This phraseologist - fabulous origin, but the merchant world "Thunderstorms", we were convinced of this, deprived of that poetic, mysterious and captivating, which is usually typical of the fairy tale. "Brutal Morals" reign in this city, cruel, destroying all living things on its path.

"Nothing saint, nothing clean

nothing right in this dark

world: dominant over him

samodoria, wild, mad,

wrong, drove out of it any

consciousness of honor and law ... "(N.Dobrubov)

Organization of homework.2 min

Continuing our conversation at home and getting ready for the next lesson, reflecting how to protest against the cruel morals of Katerina?




About him:
"Rugator"; "As the chain fell out"

About her:
"Everything under the guise of piety"; "Khunzha, beggars wondering, and home leisurely at all"; "Brewing"; "Sharp as RJ iron"

He himself:
"Darmot"; "damn"; "You have fallen"; "silly man"; "I look away"; "What am I - smooth you, or"; "With a snout and climbs talking"; "Robber"; "ASPID"; "Fool" and others.

She herself:
"I see that you want will"; "You will not be afraid of, I am suppressed"; "Want to live your will"; "fool"; "Order Whether"; "I must execute that the mother says"; "Where the will is leading," etc.

Output. Wild - the scorer, Grubian, Samodor; Feels his power over people

Output. Kabaniha - Hange, does not tolerate will and irregularity, acts in fear. hiding behind religion and care for others, suppresses the will

- It is afraid that it, he is! I got to him for a sacrifice Boris Grigorich, here he is on him and goes ... (Kudryash)
- This is a crossover, like our Savel Prokofich, look back! For nothing man will break through. (Shapkin)
- Piercing man. (Kudryash)
- I have some kind of it, so he is fighting ... (Shapkin)
- How not to scold! He can't breathe without it ... (Kudryash)
- He first wakes up hell with us, will overthrow in every way, as his soul, but he will finish after all that means nothing ... (Boris)
- He has such an institution. We have no one and do not see a dare about the salary, scolds on what the light stands. (Kudryash)
- You can not please yourself for him, and where I ... (Boris)
- Who cares him, if his whole life is based on curses? And the rest of all because of the money. Not a single calculation without crucia does not cost. Another is happy to retreat, just enough. And the trouble, as in the morning someone will hesitate! All day to all quit. (Kudryash)
- One word: warrior! (Shapkin)
- But the trouble is when he offends his such person whom he does not dare to wrap, there's a homemade house here! (Boris)
- And the honor is not great, because you are fighting and all your life with women ... (Kabanova)
"Muzhu a lot I'm aiming at you: how much people have people in the house, but you can not please one please. (Kabanova)
- No senior over you, so you kill ... (Kabanova)

(Wildlife - a dozen, an attendant check in the salary beard, he is in the rushing, lubricated boots, it is worth the occupancy, says low, bass voice ... I will hear in the city of a rough and cruel person. Samodor. Samodoria is based on the power of money, material addiction and traditional followerness of Kalinovsev . Frankly compends the men. It is aware of its strength - this is the strength of a money bag. Valuates every penny and annoys when meeting with Boris, applying for a part of the inheritance. Material addiction is the basis of the relationship of the heroes of the play. Wilde is "hero" only before subordinates: in fact, he Uncooked and cowardly. Speech of wild rude rich, rich in a rough spacious vocabulary and abundance of curses: "Darmot! Loads, you are a propaganda! ... Ugh you, damn! What a pillar is worth something! ... you got! I am with you and talk I do not want with Jesuit!)
-Good, too, and Kabani! ... Well, yes, even though, in extremes, everything under the guise of piety ... (Kudryash)
-Haneg, sir! The beggars will dwell, and home leisure lies at all. (Kuligin)
- Do you respect you, how ... (barbarian)
- ... that I am for the unfortunate such person on the light born that I can not please you (Tikhon)
- ... Eat eats, the passage does not give ... (Tikhon)
"She is His (Tikhon) now, like a rye iron ... She has a heart all worn out that he walks on his will. Here it now gives him orders, one of the other is terrible, but then to the image - the silence will force that everything is so accurate, as ordered. (Varvara)
- Mama sends, how I can't go. (Tikhon)
-Well, I'll pray to God, do not interfere with me ... (Kabanova)
"The youth is what it means ... It's funny even on them! ... I don't know anything, no order ... Well, who else has the older house, they have a house, while they are still alive. (Kabanova)
-Not very much more older respect ... (Kabanova)
- What is not a mother-in-law! .. she crushed me ... From her and the house was appealing; The walls are even disappeared ... (Katerina)
- ... Many people, even if you would take you, virtues, how flowers are decorated: because everything is done cool and apart ... (Feclusha)
-Wehkew rush to us, honey, we live well ... (Kabanova)
-Yes find cheaper me! And I'm the road! (Kabanova Dick)
-Read, she at least her husband and fool, and the mother-in-law hurts Luta ... (Kudryash)
- Moveless, you have a steep hurt. (Kuligin)
- Mama says: it should be buried alive in the ground so that she collapses! (Tikhon)
"Move it eats it, and she, like a shadow, walks unrequited ... (Tikhon)
- I would have anything, and Mama something ... Does you agree with her ... (Tikhon)
"It's necessary to say it to say that from Mama (Barbar ran out of the house), therefore it became tyry and lock it on the castle ... (Tikhon)
- Sweets tormented me, locks ... Everyone laughs me straight in the eye, on every Word you stop ... (Katerina)
-Mine, you killed her, you, you, you ... (Tikhon)
Exemplary characteristics performed by students:
(High rapid old woman, wears an old-fashioned dress; It holds straight, with dignity, walks slowly, stepwise, says Vesko, significantly. Haste, despotic kabanich continuously sharpens homemade. The basis of the Kabaniha family sees Domostroevsky, consecrated by the old laws of life. Kabaniha is convinced that if you do not comply with these laws, there will be no order. She speaks from the face of a whole generation, constantly using moral phrases. Her image grows up to the patriarchal antique symbol. Based on the authority of the antiquity, Kabaniha is widely used in the speech of the folk phraseology, the proverbs: "What are you looking at the orphans? What did you disappel a nurse? "," Alien soul - Potmon. " Dimensional, monotonous character gives the speeches of the Kabani, the repeats of words and phrases: "If I didn't see anyone with my own eyes," "... that the mother grumbled, that the mother does not give a pass, with the light lies ...".Durability dependent on Kabani belongs to its teachings.)

Feclusha and other residents of the city.
-Yes what to say! In the promised land you live! And merchants are all the people of pious, virtues of many decorated! Generosity and alays by many! (Feclusha)
- Everything will be on fire on fire! Everyone in the resin will boil the unatolya! (Lady)
"He hurts, I love, a cute girl, listen, if one is well how much." (Feclusha)
-Who will discern you, you are all rivet on each other ... everyone fell away, but they can be elapsed. (Head)
-And, a cute girl, not discarding, no sin for me. One sin is behind me ... I love to eat sweetly. (Feclusha)
-I'm ... did not go far, but heard - he had heard a lot ... (feclesha)
-And there is still an earth, where all people are with leafy heads ... for infidelity. (Feclusha)
- It is good that good people are: no, no yes and you hear that on white light is done; And that would be so fools and died. (Head)
-The last times, Mother Marfa Ignatievna, the last, for all the signs the last ... You have ... Rarely, who will come out for the gate ... And in Moscow, the streets of Gulbec and playing, Indo moan stands ... and what, the fiery sniped began to bargain ... (Feclusha)
-Wellime times ... and the time it became in the derivation of coming ... the time is shorter it becomes ... For our sins, everything is shorter and shorter ... (Feclusha)
-What is Lithuania? - So she is Lithuania. - And they say, the brother you are mine, she fell from the sky ... - I do not know how to tell you, from the sky, so from the sky .. (townspeople)
Exemplary characteristics performed by students:
(The world of the city is stationary and closed: His inhabitants have a vague idea of \u200b\u200btheir past and do not know anything about what is happening outside Kalinov. Relight stories of FEKLUSS create a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bthe world from Kalinovans, inspire fear in their souls. She carries in society. , ignorance. Together with Kabanova, she grieves about the end of good old time, condemns new orders. A new power is in life, undermines the foundations of Domostroevsky orders. Symbolically, the words of Fercushi about the "recent times" sound. The patriarchal world of bounical and wild lives the last days. Life position Feclushi predetermines and the features of her speech. She strives to arrange the surrounding, so the tone of her speech is inspired, flattering. The plenty of the fecuschi is emphasized and will be "cute".

Tikhon Kabanov.
- Yes, how can I, mammy, disobey you. (Kabanov)
- I seem to mamma, from your will no one step ... (Kabanov)
- ... that I am for the unfortunate such person on the light born that I can not please you ... (Kabanov)
-What are you kinder than you pretend? What did you dismissed the nurse? Well, what is your husband? Look at yourself! Will your wife be afraid after that. (Kabanova)
Yes, I, Mama and I don't want to live my will. Where can I live your will! (Kabanov)
-Fool! What's with a fool and talk, only one sin ... (Kabanova)
- "Her attacks it, and you too. And you say that you love my wife. Bored me to look at you. (Varvara)
- know your business - silent, if you can't do anything ... (Varvara)
-You drove me at all here! I do not teach how to break out something, and you still impose with me. (Kabanov)
"With a story, there is a brother from what kind of handsaws you want to run ... What is me, I'm still a man ... All my life there is a so much to live ... So you kill my wife. Yes, as I know Terecherich, that the weeks two no thunderstorms should not be, the shackles of these on the legs are not, so to my wife? (Kabanov)
-And I love her, I'm sorry to touch her with my finger. He broke a little, and then Mama ordered .... That I am killing, looking at her. (Kabanov)
- I would have you, sir, to live with my mind. (Kuligin)
-No, they say his mind. And, it means, live the eyelids. (Tikhon)
Exemplary characteristics performed by students:
(Tikhon thinks only to please the mother, strive to convince her in his obedience. Appeal in the form of a plural, the repeated word "Mama" gives his speech a derogatory character. He understands that, by fulfilling the will of his mother, he humiliates his wife. But Tikhon is a blessing man who is humble with the larger of the mother.)

- We still look at the Volga every day, but I can't look ... I looked like you or do not understand what beauty is spilled ... (Kuligin)
- We have antique, chemist ... (Kudryash)
-Melicker, self-taught mechanic ... (Kuligin)
-This is that (Dikova), an example take. It is better to delete. (Kuligin)
-What do something, sir. We must try to please somehow. (Kuligin)
-Aspacked Lomonosov, Derzhavina ... (Kuligin)
"I am so so, sir, for my chatter gets; Yes, I can not, I love the conversation to scatter! (Kuligin)
"It's only to me, sir, perpetuum-mobile to find ... After all, the British million give. I would have all money for society and used to support. Work must be given by the boss. And then there are hands, but there is nothing to work. (Kuligin)
- to do from this ... for all general people in general ... (Kuligin)
"Yes, you climb me with every nonsense ... What am I - even what? (Wild)
- I want to put my works in the gift ... yes everyone knows me here, no one badly says about me ... (Kuligin)
-I, sir, a small person, to offend me for a short ... "And in the rubish of the reinforcement." (Kuligin)
- Actually do, you need to conquer. (Kuligin)
-Good it is disappointing something! What a good man! Dreams - and happy. (Boris)
Exemplary characteristics performed by students:
(Kulign with pain speaks of the "cruel nravakh" of the city, but advises to "please somehow" self-director. He is not a wrestler, but a dreamer; his projects are not feasible. He spends his hand for the invention of the eternal engine. With the life position of Kuligina and its features Old-fashioned speech. He often uses the old Slavonic words and phraseological units, quotes from the "Holy Scriptures": "The urgency of bread", "carry the end of the torment" and others. He is faithful to Lomonosov and Derzhavin.)
Varvara and Kudryash.
- I had a guy on my place, and then we would disappear him ... (Kudryash)
"He cares about his nose, that I can't sell my head cheaply ... It's hard for you, and I can talk to him." (Kudryash)
"I'm buggy, I'm not afraid ... I'm not afraid of him, and I am afraid of me." (Kudryash)
Yes, I do not descend: he is the word, and I do not even worry before him. (Kudryash)
- Little Lych on the girls ... (Kudryash)
- What should I judge you, I have my sins ... (barbarian)
-And what kind of hunting to dry something! Although you are dying with melancholy, they will regret that you, you! ... so what kind of invalor to torment him! (Varvara)
"I didn't know that you were afraid of thunderstorms." I'm not afraid. (Varvara)
-And I was not a deception, but I learned when I needed ... (Varvara)
-And do you think that you want, just wait it, it was. (Varvara)
- Gully, while your time comes. Still doubt. (Kabanova)
Saver Mama sharpened, but she did not squeeze, and it was like that, she took and left ... They spoke with Kudryash, the Vanka ran away, and he would not find anywhere else ... From Mama, therefore she began to clarit her and lock it on the castle. "Do not lock," says it will be worse. " That's how it happened. (Kabanov)
Exemplary characteristics performed by students:
(Varbara is convinced that you will not live here without pretense. She is raised over his mother, condemns her. In the love of Varvara and Kudryash, there are no true poetry, their relationship is limited. Varvara does not love, but only "walks." The author depicts "free" youth behavior. )